

In 2015 women were offered workplace benefits that would allow them to freeze their eggs in order to grant them a promise of a future family irrespective of the personal or career choices they make in life. Granted, this benefit is only reserved for higher up positions in select tech firms that can afford to make a showing of concern for women’s professional and family aspirations (as a PR effort), but the message of even having an option to reserve giving birth at a later phase in life is clear:

Women want an assurance of Hypergamous optimization.

Whether it’s on the personal scale of socially engineering generations of men to accommodate this, or on the larger, more direct scale of legislating those assurances into common law, the underlying imperative is making that optimization as certain as possible for the largest number of women.

It’s important to remember that Hypergamy is rooted in doubt; doubt that any one man might serve to optimally satisfy the dual nature of women’s sexual strategy – optimal sexual agency for optimal genetic selection, and then optimal provisioning for optimal parental investment in offspring – Alpha Fucks / Beta Bucks. This doubt of optimization defines the subconscious hindbrain experience for women throughout all phases of their lives.

I covered these phases in Preventive Medicine the book, but to keep things brief, it’s a necessary review when we consider how this doubt extrapolates from the biological level, to the neurological level, on to the personal experiential level, to the interpersonal/intersexual, and on to the great societal and political level. Ensuring Hypergamy is optimized for a majority of women, irrespective of their own suitability for a majority of men, (and at the complete abdication of men’s sexual strategies) is at the root of all feminine empowerment, all socialization of feminine primacy, all cultural efforts to normalize it, and all legislation determined to enforce it.

The latent purpose of developing technology to freeze a woman’s eggs, for instance, is to cheat (or give the impression of being able to cheat) the otherwise naturalistic process of fertility that women are beholden to.

The latent purpose of every pop-cultural trend that contributes to the perception that women can realistically exceed the window of their fertility is offered as an assurance that women have more time than would be naturalistically expected to optimize Hypergamy.

Ostensibly the message for women is the cliché of ‘having it all’ – reassuring women that they can have a rewarding career and make a significant difference in their lives and the lives of others as well as realistically having a meaningful family experience later in life. The unspoken hindbrain message is that a woman has more time to optimize Hypergamy.

If this doubt ensuring requires men’s sacrifices or special dispensations in order to accommodate women’s naturalistic realities or individual deficiencies, those requirements are simply means to an end.

Furthermore, the Feminine Imperative makes exhaustive effort in social, personal and political spheres to assure women that even when their Hypergamous choices prove debilitating or damaging that they have the prerogative to reset their chances at optimization proactively or retroactively.

Whether this is realistic or not is irrelevant to the messaging. This messaging is couched in the social expectation that men are required to afford women this forgiveness of past indiscretions (single motherhood, Alpha Widows, etc.), but again, the purpose of this reset is to provide women with the maximum amount of leeway in consolidating on an optimized Hypergamy.

In Nursing Power I outlined the power dynamic behind women’s drive to maintain the primacy of a feminine defined social order, but it’s too easy to simply think that women’s ultimate end of attaining power is for the sake of power alone. That want for power is driven by the obsessive hindbrain need to quell the doubt that Hypergamy instills in women. All we need do is look at the societal changes women will push to legislate for once they have even marginal degrees of power.

Margins of Power

Serendipitously commenter Not Born This Morning took me to task on this idea in the last comment thread:

@ Rollo – “The new, post-sexual revolution order is a model ostensibly based on ‘sexual freedom’, but what this really represents is a return to that naturalistic sexual order based on pre-agrarian, evolutionarily incentivized hypergamy.”

This is not true.

The naturalistic sexual social order of pre-agrarian human existence expressed BOTH genders natural sexuality without preference of one over the other or the perversion of both that we see today. Today’s laws and social conventions prevent men from returning to THEIR natural sexuality. We are not returning to the naturalistic sexual social order and there is no indication that we will any time soon.

Many of todays “betas” are restrained “alphas”. Law and social convention restrains them.

As a point of order here, I wasn’t suggesting that ‘societally’ western culture is returning to anything like a pre-agrarian sexual paradigm, but rather that pre-agrarian evolved paradigm of Hypergamy is informing the social narrative. Both pre and post agrarian, Hypergamy still influenced and determined our socio-sexual direction – men performed, women chose.

It is not idealism, intellectualism, mental masturbation or “cultural changes” that determine human behavior. We like to pretend that emotional idealism steers history but it never has and never will. We think women are “liberated” by laws and social conventions but they are not. The laws and social conventions that we think make it possible for women to “enjoy” new “freedom” are not the cause, they are only ideals and “paradigms” that result from the real cause.

These laws and social conventions are only thoughts, documents and behavioral practices that confirm what has already happened and been accepted. Women have been liberated from responsibilities and hardships they faced prior to agriculture.

Technology and industrialization were the real enablers of female “liberation” and “freedom”. Today, because of technology, we are relatively safe from predators, famine, disease, and tribes of other humans, etc. We are intellectually advanced (maybe) but definitely physically and mentally weaker. Today’s human female does not need the superior strength, tenacity, strategic intelligence and initiative possessed by surviving males in pre-agrarian tribal groups. Back then, she and her children could not have survived without it him. Today we breed mostly wanna be hyenas and betas and they are voting accordingly.

While we may have a greater mastery over our environment and women may not need strength, tenacity, etc. women’s sexual nature is still informed by an evolved Hypergamy that responds to, and is aroused by, these cues in men.

However, NBTM has a point. Perhaps I should revise that idea, but I will say that post-Sex Rev, the paradigm has favored women’s sexual strategy as the one to define our predominant social order (i.e. unfettered Hypergamy).

Given that freedom and preferential deference to women’s imperatives in a social context, women use both to optimize on a Hypergamy that evolved from pre-agrarian physical and social environments.

Thus, with all the Beta security/provisioning aspects of Hypergamy being met by men (either directly or indirectly) the Alpha sexuality/breeding aspect of Hypergamy is the only thing not directly or immediately available to women without their own qualification for it.

And even this is progressively being accounted for both socially and legislatively with regard to sexual consent law ambiguities, ubiquitous abortion, divorce concessions and curbing every trivial expression of male sexuality from men not ‘worthy’ of expressing it. In fact virtually every socially mandated convention that limits men’s sexual expression or his most marginal want of qualification in women is really an effort in forcing men to comply with women’s need for optimizing Hypergamy.

That’s an important footnote in a social order that’s primarily focused on women’s Hypergamy as the predominant one, and then one that is primarily focused on men’s Alpha side sexual suitability. Beta provisioning needs being relatively assured, women demand satisfaction, qualified and verified satisfaction, of men’s suitability in an Alpha breeding context.

For example:

You’ll have to forgive me for using this video of Gronk (the first has been making the rounds on Twitter), but his nature, attitude and behavior are illustrative of a Hypergamous social order that forgives the excesses of a confirmed Alpha.

I stated in a prior essay that women will break rules for Alphas, but create and impose more rules on Betas while expecting compliance from them. This can be extended to the greater whole of a society based on the Feminine Imperative; feminine social mores forgive the Alpha while punishing the impotent Beta for daring to qualify himself as an Alpha.

One reason women despise the undeniable efficacy of Game is because it devises to bypass women’s innate, evolved filters for determining men’s Alpha suitability. Game depends on triggering women’s emotional states, bad or good, so in addition to intentionally working around her filters, Game also creates an emotional impact.

Bypassing women’s filters, and misrepresenting (or impersonating) a genuine Alpha article is a capitol offense to Hypergamous doubt. So it should come as no surprise that the most egregious laws and social mandates with regards to men’s “appropriate” sexual conduct center on women’s qualifying men and verifying his value to her optimization.

Example: Assemblyman Troy Singleton wants to introduce a bill that would make misrepresenting oneself as a means to sex to be equatable to rape-by-fraud:.

And thus we come to NBTM’s assertion that,…

Today’s laws and social conventions prevent men from returning to THEIR natural sexuality. We are not returning to the naturalistic sexual social order and there is no indication that we will any time soon.

Through cultural, religious or physical means Hypergamy has always had contingencies to keep it in check. These contingencies (rape included unfortunately) are all efforts for men’s assurances of paternity and fidelity in a long term mate, and ultimately (hopefully) constitute men’s exercising an influence on the direction of his culture and species.

From Martie Hasslton on Sexual Pluralism and Mating Strategies:

According to strategic pluralism theory (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000), men have evolved to pursue reproductive strategies that are contingent on their value on the mating market. More attractive men accrue reproductive benefits from spending more time seeking multiple mating partners and relatively less time investing in offspring. In contrast, the reproductive effort of less attractive men, who do not have the same mating opportunities, is better allocated to investing heavily in their mates and offspring and spending relatively less time seeking additional mates.

I’ve emphasized the last bit here because it’s important to consider that the reproductive efforts of lower SMV men necessitate the institution of social structures that also (potentially) ensure his narrowly invested efforts in fewer (or one) mate and his offspring. That man cannot afford to be caught on the losing end of polyandry or cuckoldry. Thus the 80% of men with the most investment and most to lose in the conflict of women’s sexual strategy (Hypergamy) establish social conventions to develop assurances of their own.

Those social structures, religions doctrines and various cultural norms are contingent insurances against the results of a society based on unfettered Hypergamy. In essence those structures were established as buffers against the lack of influence men would have in a society that unilaterally empowers women’s Hypergamy and removes any decision making influence.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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8 years ago

@ liz

Hey now. Don’t make me pick at your pancreas with a darning needle.

Don’t look now, but there’s a mouse near your computer.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago


feminism is ultimately about rent-seeking,

Interesting thought. How does it expand out?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Stay frosty.

True enough, Rollo. Hmm….Dutchman, what kind of contraception does she use? Just asking.

8 years ago

@anon reader

They went to a friend’s. She may have maneuvered them, but I think they went of their own accord. She’s on the pill and we use condoms.

8 years ago

@Dutch & Rollo, Dutch, listen to Rollo. He’s smart. Had sex with my wife recently, so on the surface, that would appear to be a good thing. Thing is, we didn’t kiss once. The next day I noticed that the car insurance card that I gave her two weeks prior was still on the counter. I grabbed it and said, “You need to put this in your purse.” She said, “Yeah, I know, I know.” So I walked away with the card and said, “I’ll just put it in your purse so you don’t forget again.” She actually replied, “I’ll… Read more »

8 years ago

Cheap seats hell theye’r home-made.

Thanks for your inspiration, going back out and see if I’m over this anger shit yet.

Later dude I’m outa here.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

She’s on the pill and we use condoms.

Huh? Why the redundancy?

Agent P
Agent P
8 years ago

Why the redundancy?

You’re kidding right?

8 years ago

@Stuffin – Way to go, mano. For me the anger is all about me being stuck in the idealism and how I feel about myself. Turns out I’m my own worst enemy, but then again I was at least as fucked in the head as Tyler was. Worse? I had social skills of a sort so I thought I was a baller…Or at least had to keep pretending I was to keep me from killing myself.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Agent P, I want to know his reasoning. There’s a diff between “we use” and “I use” for a start.

Oh, and Dutchman – have you always done redundancy or is it recent?

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Scribblerg – well I might be making up the even-hand perspective in my head, but I think there is a natural human predisposition to do this – I know lots of people like this – and they aren’t always successful in maintaining this even-hand perspective, and neither am I, but the point being there are many many people who see the value of it, and have a want to turn to it as their default as much as they are able. I appreciate everyone much much more, when viewing from this perspective, and so it is only natural that I… Read more »

8 years ago

culum Typing on some kind of tablet so duck any typos… etc. As you know field reports are valuable for many reasons and perhaps the most valuable to allow review and optimizing your interactions… so with that in mind and my own recent experience how could you have optimized this interaction? Since you intend to tear it up I’ll throw it out there – sexualize. So a cool comment (what you said) is forced into something more, and immediately. Example – laser eye… Depends who is going to be disturbing me. You? What did you have in mind? Smirk. How… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
8 years ago

@digireaper People who care about you are some of the most dangerous people you will meet. Those that hate you will make fun of your shortcomings, but at least they will let you know what your shortcomings are. Those that care about you will try and distract you from your weaknesses in order to “make you feel better about yourself.” This, however, prevents you from developing as a person. There is also a certain selfishness in caring for people. Most relatives and friends want you to stay the same. This is because most people hate change. They want things to… Read more »

8 years ago

My wife is on the pill and I put on a condom before finishing the vast majority of times. Unless she forgot to take the pill, in which case condom from start to finish, as it is possible for pregnancies to arise without ejaculation. This was prior to the Red Pill. I started worrying more about “unplanned” pregnancies more recently since discovering the Red Pill, but haven’t changed the birth control procedure too much. I just check more carefully if she has “forgotten”, although I know full well she could throw it out without me knowing that she didn’t take… Read more »

8 years ago
8 years ago

@anonymous reader

We’ve always done it that way. We’re pretty cautious lol.


Any idea what she was up to?

8 years ago

@ Wild Man,

… you killing me man.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Wild Person, you are keyboard jockeying. Dorm-room BS sessioning. Dragging your “oughta be” around like it was an albatross. You can read and read and read, and still know very little about Red Pill reality. What you need is obvious: approaches. Give us Field Reports. Doesn’t have to be fancy. Could just be talking to a barrista. But as long as you are hiding behind the keyboard, afraid to actually take any action at all that would prove or disprove Red Pilll truth’s, you’re just keyboard jockeying. You’re like a paper trader trying to talk stocks with real traders. No… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

Hey kfg – thanks for the Raging Golden Eagle vid. I listened to it. I agree with pretty much everything he says, except for one subtle point. Quoting from the vid he says: “Nobody has any inherent value whatsoever. People have the exact same value that objects do. Your value is entirely subjective and in the eye of the beholder. Your value varies depending on the perspective of who it is doing the valuation.” The point I have been making is that though the above is generally true (or more precisely true wrt to metaphysical universals), people may still have… Read more »

Chump No More
Chump No More
8 years ago


Dude, the ‘Man in the Arena’ speech is inspirational and can not be quoted too often here, IMO.

While the RP & TRM are focused on inter-gender dynamics, they’re strongly woven into the narrative and philosophy of self improvement. I think the Homeric period Greeks had it right with the concept of ‘Arete’, the act of living to one’s fullest potential.

8 years ago

@Dutch: “Any idea what she was up to?” Yeah, she was up to her prime directive. All women are. Just place a hidden recorded under the seat next time your wife goes on a girl’s night out and you all will know firsthand that they are ALL the same.

8 years ago


LOL at the fucking tough guy talk in this thread. It sounds REALLY gay to threaten to beat someone up on the internet.

What if they threaten to kill somebody on the internet, and then actually find out where they live; and go over and stab them in the neck…

is that gay too?

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Blaximus – ya I am pretty dense about some things. I am admitting I don’t know about alot of things. You seem like someone who has particular life experiences that provide you with a particular window in on the woman’s mindset. It comes through loud and clear in what you write here. You are getting something I am not getting. I am seriously asking you to help me out.

“…..If you understand some things that they need you to understand.”

What do women need you to understand?

8 years ago

@ Wild Man – ” Mmmm, … never heard it said quite that way. Blaximus – I’m hoping you can help me out on this. I’m just fine being me but wouldn’t mind being a little less mystified by the ladies. This redpill stuff just keeps going around and around in endless loops for me (not the man part – I know who I am, but I mean the woman part). I want to pull the trigger and kill the target already (wrt my perspective on women I mean). I just can’t bring myself to be angry at women, or… Read more »

8 years ago

@Dutchman “Any idea what she was up to?” A shot of morphine for the pain she is putting you through. It is not your completion in life. It is only the beginning of having real power. She is just being kind for once in a long while. (You are a victim. But you don’t need to act like one. She is mean in denying sex for her own sexual strategy. But you are the problem and you have the solutions–red pill awareness and married man game). Now that you see that married man game works, you need to not retreat.… Read more »

8 years ago
8 years ago

“How many HS girls have crushes on their teachers?” unknowable, but probably at lot fewer than most think. teachers that “sneak peeks” or pay too much attention to the early developers are ridiculed by those girls and their friends in perpetuity. what is knowable though is that one or two teachers a year that make the move end up either in jail or in the national news with their lives ruined. the female teachers that do it are of course given a pass or at most a slap on their slutty wrist. despite the you go girl attitude these days,… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Blaximus – OK thanks for your response. I agree with everything you say, except maybe I tend to give people, men and women alike, alot of the benefit of the doubt, if they are fuck-ups, as to not judge too harshly – because in the whole scheme of things – what the fuck do I know – I just have an opinion like everybody else – I only know what is good for me (after a lifetime of experimenting with that) – and I agree there are plenty of people I don’t want around me – and I can usually… Read more »

8 years ago

This is my first field report: Met up with some friends in the hometown bar. My main focus has been on being relaxed and enjoying myself, self-amusing. Staying in the moment and pushing interactions further. We stay put for a bit, chit chat with the bartender and bounce to another watering hole. HB5 bartender here is locking eyes as soon as i enter. Seen her before, heard a bit about her and none too flattering. She is dq’d for anything but sex. perfect for practice. nothing too out of the ordinary with this interaction, just being playful and watching the… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Wild Man ” You said – “Men are not superior to women at all, but the standards of judgment are vastly different”. Yes. Not jaded (as long as you are not too regimented as to who, if anyone, gets to be the final arbiter of the “standards of judgement”). I’m going with you on that (but with the no final arbiter twist) – not sure why you can say that here but I get shot down for that – but I’m very glad you are saying that. Thanks.” What I said there, is what I’ve heard agreement on very… Read more »

8 years ago


I don’t know, have you ever done that?

8 years ago

What’s the actual conversion rate on internet death threats?

8 years ago

I meant what was newly’s wife up to, not mine.

8 years ago


Got it.

Otherwise how do you reflect on my last post? I want the best for you.

8 years ago


” What’s the actual conversion rate on internet death threats?”

The latest Virtual FBI stats for Virtual 2015 says that 21,000 Virtual deaths occurred related to internet death threats. A 100% conversion ( virtual ) rate. There is a virtual spike around Valentines Day every year. A vast majority of these are driven by Facebook and Instagram.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Blaximus: “What I said there, is what I’ve heard agreement on very consistently here in the comments.”. Well that did not occur wrt to any of the comments directed towards me when I have discussed the various possibilities for the framework of mutuality (or what ever word other than “mutuality” that you want too use to connote non-superiority). As far as I can tell, there is no consensus here wrt to what that framework of gender-mutuality (or even non-mutuality that some here believe) actually looks like either (maybe because there is no appropriate one size fits all because of the… Read more »

8 years ago

@Wild – Your ideas threatening to something within me? Lol. And for the record my ideas are not hard to understand at all. Strange that you can’t understand them. Perhaps you should read back on Rollo’s commentaries on ego buffers and how Blue Pill men are so ego invested in their idealism that they see any challenge to it as a threat so they shame it. Seems like you to a tee. And no matter how many times I or others say it, you ignore that we are not suggesting demonizing women. You hang onto this delusion and it’s companion,… Read more »

8 years ago

“You are right – it is all about balance – hitting the right balance between action and forbearance, between the even-hand and dominance, and everybody in a person’s circle is going to respond well to a different balance of this, and that obviously complicates matters. For me personally, it is much better for me to hang with people that can muster alot of forbearance though.” Wild Man. WTF is it that you don’t understand that the FI and social conventions (that it engenders) is to have you embrace forbearance? To resign as a man, your masculinity? Your forbearance is you… Read more »

8 years ago


agree completely

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Scribblerg – “Your ideas threatening to something within me”. You see – playing the guessing game, isn’t helpful is it? That was my point (and I said so – so why did you miss that?) Scrib – you often don’t play fair wrt to the rules of the exchange you prescribe to, and I point that out to you by way of example, and you miss the point – why? My point is stupid because your point was stupid in the same way – get it? I am understanding you just fine. Like I said on the PUA overview you… Read more »

8 years ago

I don’t believe in ” even hands “. I don’t subscribe to very much in life at all being ” even/equal “. Trust and cooperation are basically agreements at the core. Motivations for red pill behavior. Let’s say you live perilously close to the Atlantic Ocean. If you are wise, you’d make sure that your swimming skills are up to snuff, or you’d learn to swim if you lacked that skill. If not, you could just wing it and try not to fall in, and hope that at the moment you did fall in, ” skills ” would magically appear… Read more »

8 years ago

And scrib ain’t stupid. That’s my bro you’re attempting to insult.

8 years ago



I seem to lack much forbearance. I’m a fan of self control, but resignation is not my forte. Patience is a skill, a gift given to me by children. Mine and others.

The fact that so many can’t recognize the FI is proof of it’s omnipresence.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

Blaximus – yes – trust and cooperation are agreements. The even-hand approach provides an environment for which those agreements can flourish. Why don’t you think fostering an environment where the agreement to trust and cooperate could flourish, is a good thing? (If you don’t want to discuss, I’m good with just agreeing to disagree then). Blaximus – I already had a lengthly exchange with Scrib on the trust and cooperation thing, two posts ago. If he still calls these a delusion after all that – then yes – he is stupid, and the evol psych community would agree that calling… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@SJF – for godsake you are agreeing with me (except that forbearance doesn’t automatically mean betatization, but yes, can cause that, like I said): “And you have to be very very careful with this – you can make too much forbearance a habit that then defeats the purpose of the forbearance in the first place” SJF – you seem like a reasonable fellow. So perhaps you can tell me – why the annoyance continually directed my way here by you and others. It has been vehement disagreeing with pretty much everything I say from start to finish of my time… Read more »

8 years ago

“What the fuck is going on here?” You are too thoughtful. You are too in your head. You do not resonate with the praxeology of red pill awareness and game (which is what this blog is about). Nothing you have ever said has ever resonated with any other commenters. You are swimming upstream. It is much easier to go with the flow downstream. You are in your own head. That is fine if it is new, original and authentic. But your thoughts are pipe dreams. A fantasy. Mental and verbal masturbation. Go fuck a woman and don’t tell us about… Read more »

8 years ago


I need to do what is right for me. I need to use redpill knowledge in a way that is right for me. … maybe this is only important to me personally and not so important to the other guys here.

If your objective is to help yourself, then you don’t need to keeping posting so much, you just need to read lots. If you plan to keep posting lots, you have to work on making sense to others, by focusing on reading lots to align yourself with the objectives of this site and participants.

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@Wild man

this might help…


think bell curve distros across multiple independent variables in the same girl

finding your unicorn = matching 2SD up on many traits…which ones and how many are up to you

good luck!

8 years ago

“Why can’t I seem to have any normal discussion here. I have normal discussion irl all the time. People respect my thoughtfulness. I see quite a high level of involved exchange here so it isn’t weird for me to expect I could have normal discussion here too. But I mostly can’t. Why? ”


8 years ago

@having a bad day,

That’s a fucking brilliant TLDR!

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
8 years ago

Sentient – thank you, I hadn’t thought of sexualizing. I just literally said the first thing that popped into my head, but sexualizing interactions more is one of the key things I’m going to be working on.

As for your interaction – it’s too bad you didn’t get her to come up but overall it was textbook – you had a great interaction AND you learnt something..good going.

8 years ago

feminism is ultimately about rent-seeking,
Interesting thought. How does it expand out?

Do you seriously not now? Does “affirmative action” ring a bell, for example?

8 years ago

not *know*

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
8 years ago

Oh and PS – Sentient – I reopened the late 30s Tinder MILF who gave me a HJ and then got ASD from a few weeks ago: she replied in 5 mins to my non-sequitur text and was like “I’m a lady..I like gentlemanly behavior..I’m not into dating now”. I plowed and told her to come over and hang out and she’s like “no thanks, don’t contact me again”.

Yup..clear ASD/hunting for marriage. Interesting to see the strength of the emotional reaction though…

8 years ago

@Wild Man: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Or in your case, your sanity. ” I need to use redpill knowledge in a way that is right for me. Why are you criticizing me for that?” Because your need to maintain the illusion of an egalitarian mindset to maintain your sanity means that you are pretending to a red pill mindset. You wear a red pill mask over your egalitarian face. You are not congruent. People do not understand you because you are not coherent and your… Read more »

8 years ago

SJF wrote: “Spend 15 seconds every morning thinking “what am I going to do today to make my wife glad she is married to me without being a pussy and leaning into her Betatization of me in the past and in the future?” Yes, simple and sound advice. I find when I don’t do that I run into trouble. Most often if I am not being cognizant of that is why I “feel” butthurt for her shit tests. That leash to stupid arguments and a fail. The advice on comfort tests, attention and affection was excellent. I worked that this… Read more »

8 years ago

“Why can’t I seem to have any normal discussion here. I have normal discussion irl all the time. People respect my thoughtfulness. I see quite a high level of involved exchange here so it isn’t weird for me to expect I could have normal discussion here too. But I mostly can’t. Why? ” Wild man is trying to pull us into his Frame. It is not working. Roused: “Yesterday she tries talking me into going to a yoga class with her after work today. She just assumes I want that without even asking.” She is trying to assume her Frame… Read more »

8 years ago

@Dutchman and Roused Since Rollo put up a new post I’m going to reiterate a cut-and-paste that I put up before from Joseph W. South’s “Practical Female Psychology”. It is TL;DR but I am not going to apologize for posting it is an invaluable way to understand the process of Betatization. And I’m not going to apologize for cutting and pasting. Even artists acknowledge it is sometimes better to trace rather than draw from scratch (somebody can say it much better than I can and it is well written and spot on in the real of inter-sexual dynamics). Everyone else… Read more »

8 years ago

@SJF Took me a while to get to your post. “She is just being kind for once in a long while. (You are a victim. But you don’t need to act like one. She is mean in denying sex for her own sexual strategy. But you are the problem and you have the solutions–red pill awareness and married man game).” I don’t really feel like I’m a victim. “You need to focus on rebuilding you, use some ego-distancing and always be adding value and sexual polarity to your marriage. You have to be fun and never be butt-hurt.” I’ve been… Read more »

8 years ago

@Dutchman I’m not trying to dog you here. Merely trying to help in understanding and awareness. Your field reports are just as valuable a tool as PUA field reports. And there are lurkers that perhaps can resonate with the ideas we are discussing and working on. “Think back on what you did to create this desire in her and keep doing it.” What I did was tell her how I had super high standards for what I was willing to go along with in a relationship and didn’t want to be in a relationship with anybody who wasn’t enthusiastic about… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Wild person

“Why can’t I seem to have any normal discussion here. I have normal discussion irl all the time. People respect my thoughtfulness. I see quite a high level of involved exchange here so it isn’t weird for me to expect I could have normal discussion here too. But I mostly can’t. Why? ”


Both of you don’t know what you are talking about, but keep going on about it.


Both of you refuse to learn, but presume to teach.

That’s why.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

feminism is ultimately about rent-seeking,

Interesting thought. How does it expand out?

Do you seriously not know? Does “affirmative action” ring a bell, for example?

Just asking questions to see how you answer; my mindreading hat is broken. Few people in the androsphere use the term “rent seeking” at all, and some of them don’t use it correctly.

FWIW I agree, and would add Title IX & other things to the category.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

Hey SJF: Hope you appreciate this (it’s funny to me but I don’t mean to poke fun at you, but just to find a way to poke fun at the circumstances we all share in a way you might appreciate): Frames: “And the frame says “Long-haired freaky people need not apply” So I put my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why He said you look like a fine outstanding young man, I think you’ll do So I took off my hat, I said “Imagine that, huh, me working for you” Frames, frames, everywhere… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Wild Person
“And the frame says “Long-haired freaky people need not apply”

The 70’s are over. Have been for a long time, for most people.

You’re stuck in the “ought”.

8 years ago

“I hope you are getting my meaning.”

Imagine your “meaning” is a stick. And you say:

“If you say this stick is real, I will beat you. If you say this stick is not real, I will beat you. If you say nothing, I will beat you.”

You are giving a Double Bind Dynamic. I found a solution by changing the level of communication. I walk up to you and break your stick.

I’m all for collaborating, but not when you wield your ideas like a stick.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@SJF – I want to talk about how the conflicted innate nature of the human condition implies things about the nature of collaboration itself and how this dynamic interfaces with some of the human conflicts – namely those outlined by redpill – and try to say this in perhaps 20 different ways since beginning here – and it’s no go always – because it is: – WM don’t understand redpill – WM didn’t read – WM is intellectually weak-minded – WM is insane – WM is an airy-fairy idealist – WM want to live in fairy land with pretty unicorns… Read more »

8 years ago

“Why can’t I seem to have any normal discussion here” — emily

What color are you?

8 years ago

@YaReally > “It sounds like your current situation involves a lot of coddling yourself and avoiding risking experiencing bad emotions…playing to “not lose” instead of to “win”.” I’ve been thinking a lot of what you said here and you are right. Most of my life I´ve been coddled: by my parents (I don’t fault them, they are great people) and by myself, and at 27 years old is embarrassing and painful to admit this shit. > “Consider getting a more social job that forces you to interact with strangers regularly…a year of bartending or sales or customer service hell working… Read more »

8 years ago

Sorry for the delayed responses: @Blaximus I’m not sure why I have to spell this out but I’ll try to keep it brief: Anyone in corporate business can tell you that satisfied employees make better and more productive employees. This business is calculating that if the TOTAL cost of freezing eggs per employee is around $X USD, then the benefits of advertising this new policy, hiring career motivated women, and satisfying their employees will net them approximately $X+Y USD. Even if Y = $1, as long as the total cost is recaptured and they gain a better public profile AND… Read more »

8 years ago

@Scribblerg Since you seem to be the only one have trouble I guess I’m sorry for your reading disability (whatever it is). Perhaps, if you continue to practice your writing skills, you’ll get better at comprehension. No, this is not my point in a nutshell. It’s not about criticizing males. It’s about giving them just as much attention as females. Take this new article on “Gamer Girls” why couldn’t we have an in-depth analysis on “Gamer Guys” (not really a thing in the same sense but I think even you can understand). Some dissection of the male personality into its… Read more »

8 years ago

@SJF “I’ve been trying to come up with something over the past year and a half. But I got nothing. No ammunition in that regard. Why is that?” Lol I dunno dude. Probably because you’re not a very original thinker and couldn’t come up with a decent manosphere argument if your life depended on it. No wonder your friend wasn’t convinced lol. I’m teasing obviously dude but … damn that was too easy. Ya, amorality is fine. Non-objective amorality is suspicious and likely to be misconstrued at the best of times. Is more likely to be used as a brainwashing… Read more »

8 years ago

@Rollo No one is arguing that companies are not reacting to society. There’s a difference between reacting to a market and setting an agenda. What you’re suggesting is that they KNOW what they’re doing and it’s sinister. What I’m suggesting is that this is less about the big scary FI sending its mind-control tentacles out and more about intelligent business decisions made in the context of FI-centric culture. Business has no stake in who “wins” the gender war. They just want to make money. Whatever makes them look good makes them more money. The simplest answer, usually being the correct… Read more »

8 years ago

“Lol I dunno dude. Probably because you’re not a very original thinker and couldn’t come up with a decent manosphere argument if your life depended on it.”

Lol. Ha hah, HeeHee, he heeh.


Great artists know tracing rather than drawing is legit.

I’ve never heard something more far fetched here in the last 2 years. You don’t get around much, do you?

Heheh, frame is not power. Good luck with traction here.

Stop digging.

I don’t have any push back on red pill ideas and game because I totally fucking endorse it.

Count me as an enthusiast.

8 years ago

@YaReally > “Fucking Brony lol Awesome. Man did you take a sharp right turn to end up in the red pill from THAT subculture lol “ Yeah man, most guys have their red pill awakening by having nightmare relationships or being divorce raped, etc. Me? Fucking My Little Pony, I don’t know what to feel about this lol > “the next step will be taking action and trying to fix it, slowly but surely. That’s pretty decent mental progress alone dude. “ So far it’s my biggest problem; I’m very inconsistent when I take action, I have to find a… Read more »

8 years ago

Son of a bitch… I posted in the wrong thread! lol

8 years ago

@SJF “Great artists know tracing rather than drawing is legit.” Oh don’t be so modest! The greats trace YOU! “Stop digging.” Maybe when I’m dead. I suppose not everyone can be as great and unflinching in their obsequiousness. “I don’t have any push back on red pill ideas and game because I totally fucking endorse it.” This reminds me of something a great philosopher once said: “Instead of questioning and scrutinizing ideas… I totally fucking endorse them.” =P All in good fun. I know they’re good ideas. I wouldn’t be reading them if they weren’t. But I don’t believe everything… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Yhufir – I have read your recent commenting here (within the thread of this post) with interest. I do appreciate the quality of your objective perspective (as belied by the quality of the questions you ask). I’m not sure if you are interested in my particular recent line of inquiry – which is using the redpill knowledge base (or more precisely the evol psych knowledge base that implies redpill) to get at something deeper about humanity, – particularly wrt my intuition that the redpill-implied gender differences around personal agency is an area of exploration that is potentially ripe for obtaining… Read more »

8 years ago

@Wild Man Thanks for your inquiry. To answer your question right away: No, there’s no other online discussions I’m currently participating in which I would recommend as discussion points that seem to be associated with the personal agency theme. However, I could point you to some interesting podcasts and discussions on some very specific topics which do, peripherally, deal with personal agency. Unfortunately, as I mentioned, they’re VERY specific topics which might not suit your needs and, in my experience, require some background in the fields in order to jump into. Also, none of them are informed or based on… Read more »

8 years ago

slightly OT…
I didn’t realize Janet Bloomfield was making such videos:

Janet’s understanding of human sexual interaction seems to be growing in wisdom/complexity. It’s almost as if she reads here.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Yhufir – thank-you for your response. You are indicating that the field of psychological trauma research may yield insights into the nature of personal agency (I take it that you have a career in psychology focusing on trauma? Are you involved in research in this respect?). I think I would find interface of ideas trauma/personal-agency-wise, interesting, it there is anything you may fancy directing me to. I do know just a bit about the field, wrt to Gabor Mate’s work (out of Vancouver B.C.) and his idea as to how the natural extreme malleability of brain circuitry remapping occurring during… Read more »

8 years ago

” . . . a woman’s egalitarian viewpoint?””

Misogynist: A man who hates women as much as women hate one another.

“And redpill-aware women (or other women) will not engage in any meaningful way around this issue . . .”

See above.

” . . .but neither will redpill-aware men).”

Red Pill is not a philosophy. If you wish to discuss philosophy, the obvious thing to do would be to go to a philosophy forum.

8 years ago

[…] B dynamic, and the normalization of it in a feminine centric social order, is yet another play for assurances of security in both the sexual and provisioning aspects of […]

7 years ago

[…] this year I wrote an essay entitled Assurances in which I argue that women will demand that society and science accommodate and insure their […]

6 years ago

comment image

6 years ago

^ An example of failed reverse psychology manipulation.


[…] outward perception, and those women have little to no incentive to change a society in which assurances of their entire sexual strategy is codified into norms at every level and their degree of personal freedom devoid of consequences […]

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