

In 2015 women were offered workplace benefits that would allow them to freeze their eggs in order to grant them a promise of a future family irrespective of the personal or career choices they make in life. Granted, this benefit is only reserved for higher up positions in select tech firms that can afford to make a showing of concern for women’s professional and family aspirations (as a PR effort), but the message of even having an option to reserve giving birth at a later phase in life is clear:

Women want an assurance of Hypergamous optimization.

Whether it’s on the personal scale of socially engineering generations of men to accommodate this, or on the larger, more direct scale of legislating those assurances into common law, the underlying imperative is making that optimization as certain as possible for the largest number of women.

It’s important to remember that Hypergamy is rooted in doubt; doubt that any one man might serve to optimally satisfy the dual nature of women’s sexual strategy – optimal sexual agency for optimal genetic selection, and then optimal provisioning for optimal parental investment in offspring – Alpha Fucks / Beta Bucks. This doubt of optimization defines the subconscious hindbrain experience for women throughout all phases of their lives.

I covered these phases in Preventive Medicine the book, but to keep things brief, it’s a necessary review when we consider how this doubt extrapolates from the biological level, to the neurological level, on to the personal experiential level, to the interpersonal/intersexual, and on to the great societal and political level. Ensuring Hypergamy is optimized for a majority of women, irrespective of their own suitability for a majority of men, (and at the complete abdication of men’s sexual strategies) is at the root of all feminine empowerment, all socialization of feminine primacy, all cultural efforts to normalize it, and all legislation determined to enforce it.

The latent purpose of developing technology to freeze a woman’s eggs, for instance, is to cheat (or give the impression of being able to cheat) the otherwise naturalistic process of fertility that women are beholden to.

The latent purpose of every pop-cultural trend that contributes to the perception that women can realistically exceed the window of their fertility is offered as an assurance that women have more time than would be naturalistically expected to optimize Hypergamy.

Ostensibly the message for women is the cliché of ‘having it all’ – reassuring women that they can have a rewarding career and make a significant difference in their lives and the lives of others as well as realistically having a meaningful family experience later in life. The unspoken hindbrain message is that a woman has more time to optimize Hypergamy.

If this doubt ensuring requires men’s sacrifices or special dispensations in order to accommodate women’s naturalistic realities or individual deficiencies, those requirements are simply means to an end.

Furthermore, the Feminine Imperative makes exhaustive effort in social, personal and political spheres to assure women that even when their Hypergamous choices prove debilitating or damaging that they have the prerogative to reset their chances at optimization proactively or retroactively.

Whether this is realistic or not is irrelevant to the messaging. This messaging is couched in the social expectation that men are required to afford women this forgiveness of past indiscretions (single motherhood, Alpha Widows, etc.), but again, the purpose of this reset is to provide women with the maximum amount of leeway in consolidating on an optimized Hypergamy.

In Nursing Power I outlined the power dynamic behind women’s drive to maintain the primacy of a feminine defined social order, but it’s too easy to simply think that women’s ultimate end of attaining power is for the sake of power alone. That want for power is driven by the obsessive hindbrain need to quell the doubt that Hypergamy instills in women. All we need do is look at the societal changes women will push to legislate for once they have even marginal degrees of power.

Margins of Power

Serendipitously commenter Not Born This Morning took me to task on this idea in the last comment thread:

@ Rollo – “The new, post-sexual revolution order is a model ostensibly based on ‘sexual freedom’, but what this really represents is a return to that naturalistic sexual order based on pre-agrarian, evolutionarily incentivized hypergamy.”

This is not true.

The naturalistic sexual social order of pre-agrarian human existence expressed BOTH genders natural sexuality without preference of one over the other or the perversion of both that we see today. Today’s laws and social conventions prevent men from returning to THEIR natural sexuality. We are not returning to the naturalistic sexual social order and there is no indication that we will any time soon.

Many of todays “betas” are restrained “alphas”. Law and social convention restrains them.

As a point of order here, I wasn’t suggesting that ‘societally’ western culture is returning to anything like a pre-agrarian sexual paradigm, but rather that pre-agrarian evolved paradigm of Hypergamy is informing the social narrative. Both pre and post agrarian, Hypergamy still influenced and determined our socio-sexual direction – men performed, women chose.

It is not idealism, intellectualism, mental masturbation or “cultural changes” that determine human behavior. We like to pretend that emotional idealism steers history but it never has and never will. We think women are “liberated” by laws and social conventions but they are not. The laws and social conventions that we think make it possible for women to “enjoy” new “freedom” are not the cause, they are only ideals and “paradigms” that result from the real cause.

These laws and social conventions are only thoughts, documents and behavioral practices that confirm what has already happened and been accepted. Women have been liberated from responsibilities and hardships they faced prior to agriculture.

Technology and industrialization were the real enablers of female “liberation” and “freedom”. Today, because of technology, we are relatively safe from predators, famine, disease, and tribes of other humans, etc. We are intellectually advanced (maybe) but definitely physically and mentally weaker. Today’s human female does not need the superior strength, tenacity, strategic intelligence and initiative possessed by surviving males in pre-agrarian tribal groups. Back then, she and her children could not have survived without it him. Today we breed mostly wanna be hyenas and betas and they are voting accordingly.

While we may have a greater mastery over our environment and women may not need strength, tenacity, etc. women’s sexual nature is still informed by an evolved Hypergamy that responds to, and is aroused by, these cues in men.

However, NBTM has a point. Perhaps I should revise that idea, but I will say that post-Sex Rev, the paradigm has favored women’s sexual strategy as the one to define our predominant social order (i.e. unfettered Hypergamy).

Given that freedom and preferential deference to women’s imperatives in a social context, women use both to optimize on a Hypergamy that evolved from pre-agrarian physical and social environments.

Thus, with all the Beta security/provisioning aspects of Hypergamy being met by men (either directly or indirectly) the Alpha sexuality/breeding aspect of Hypergamy is the only thing not directly or immediately available to women without their own qualification for it.

And even this is progressively being accounted for both socially and legislatively with regard to sexual consent law ambiguities, ubiquitous abortion, divorce concessions and curbing every trivial expression of male sexuality from men not ‘worthy’ of expressing it. In fact virtually every socially mandated convention that limits men’s sexual expression or his most marginal want of qualification in women is really an effort in forcing men to comply with women’s need for optimizing Hypergamy.

That’s an important footnote in a social order that’s primarily focused on women’s Hypergamy as the predominant one, and then one that is primarily focused on men’s Alpha side sexual suitability. Beta provisioning needs being relatively assured, women demand satisfaction, qualified and verified satisfaction, of men’s suitability in an Alpha breeding context.

For example:

You’ll have to forgive me for using this video of Gronk (the first has been making the rounds on Twitter), but his nature, attitude and behavior are illustrative of a Hypergamous social order that forgives the excesses of a confirmed Alpha.

I stated in a prior essay that women will break rules for Alphas, but create and impose more rules on Betas while expecting compliance from them. This can be extended to the greater whole of a society based on the Feminine Imperative; feminine social mores forgive the Alpha while punishing the impotent Beta for daring to qualify himself as an Alpha.

One reason women despise the undeniable efficacy of Game is because it devises to bypass women’s innate, evolved filters for determining men’s Alpha suitability. Game depends on triggering women’s emotional states, bad or good, so in addition to intentionally working around her filters, Game also creates an emotional impact.

Bypassing women’s filters, and misrepresenting (or impersonating) a genuine Alpha article is a capitol offense to Hypergamous doubt. So it should come as no surprise that the most egregious laws and social mandates with regards to men’s “appropriate” sexual conduct center on women’s qualifying men and verifying his value to her optimization.

Example: Assemblyman Troy Singleton wants to introduce a bill that would make misrepresenting oneself as a means to sex to be equatable to rape-by-fraud:.

And thus we come to NBTM’s assertion that,…

Today’s laws and social conventions prevent men from returning to THEIR natural sexuality. We are not returning to the naturalistic sexual social order and there is no indication that we will any time soon.

Through cultural, religious or physical means Hypergamy has always had contingencies to keep it in check. These contingencies (rape included unfortunately) are all efforts for men’s assurances of paternity and fidelity in a long term mate, and ultimately (hopefully) constitute men’s exercising an influence on the direction of his culture and species.

From Martie Hasslton on Sexual Pluralism and Mating Strategies:

According to strategic pluralism theory (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000), men have evolved to pursue reproductive strategies that are contingent on their value on the mating market. More attractive men accrue reproductive benefits from spending more time seeking multiple mating partners and relatively less time investing in offspring. In contrast, the reproductive effort of less attractive men, who do not have the same mating opportunities, is better allocated to investing heavily in their mates and offspring and spending relatively less time seeking additional mates.

I’ve emphasized the last bit here because it’s important to consider that the reproductive efforts of lower SMV men necessitate the institution of social structures that also (potentially) ensure his narrowly invested efforts in fewer (or one) mate and his offspring. That man cannot afford to be caught on the losing end of polyandry or cuckoldry. Thus the 80% of men with the most investment and most to lose in the conflict of women’s sexual strategy (Hypergamy) establish social conventions to develop assurances of their own.

Those social structures, religions doctrines and various cultural norms are contingent insurances against the results of a society based on unfettered Hypergamy. In essence those structures were established as buffers against the lack of influence men would have in a society that unilaterally empowers women’s Hypergamy and removes any decision making influence.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

Short FR Was on a flight today next to a just turned 18 HB6 (after the dude between us moved to sit with his wife) and decided to game a bit despite running on two hours of sleep. I can only give one description: like shooting fish in a barrel. Now that I’ve read a bunch, worked on Game, and can read people better it was super easy to get her hooked. I fed her fantasies (that are my actual life and plans), teased her mercilessly, would get her mad then show her something amazing again… she was preening, biting… Read more »

Chump No More
Chump No More
8 years ago

@Newton, You’re experiencing separation anxiety, coming down from the oxytocin. This is absolutely normal. As Rollo, said you need to detox. This could have been orders of magnitude worse if you had acceded to her ultimatum, married, and became her beta bitch… with the her inevitably fucking the Chad next door. Now that would have been painful! Dude, you dodged a bullet. Take some time to grieve the passing of an old paradigm and then get fucking busy. How can I make it sound so easy? It’s not. It’s hard, slogging in the mud, work, but everyday gets easier. Been… Read more »

8 years ago

” I can only give one description: like shooting fish in a barrel” first, mad props on talking to her, and it seems like you were positive and generally in a gaming mood. “she was preening, biting her lower lip, turning sideways in the seat to face me, and displaying a huge grin even when tremendously offended.” k…. well if it was like shooting fish in a barrel and she was super interested why no makeout? or anything? “if her parents hadn’t been sitting like 3 or 4 rows back I’d have had her making out with me before touchdown”… Read more »

Chump No More
Chump No More
8 years ago

@scrib “All of life is a competition. For food, shelter, money, friends, jobs – pussy. The man who resents this or finds this “wrong” is merely erecting an ego buffer to protect him from experiencing his failure. This is the burden of performance Rollo talks about – and the powerful, competent man shoulders this burden gladly and loves the game. In fact, one could say becoming a man is not only about developing mastery but also about playing all the games of life joyfully – win, lose or draw.” Excellent words, brother… Classical stoicism. Men are built for struggle &… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@Newton Just one problem: IT HURTS. IT FUCKING HURTS. OH MY FUCKING GOD NOTHING COULD HAVE PREPARED ME FOR THIS. that’s the FI pushing on you…and its had a LONG time to develop effective control strategies…and in addition to THAT you have cognitive dissonance happening too… BUT…this is a great opportunity for you…and it’s something you can do RIGHT NOW…it’s called state control, so here’s what you do. you put on some ‘upbeat music’ and just listen to it…easy peasy…lol…THEN, you just notice how your mood (state) changes…it wouldn’t hurt you to journal about this either… Full disclosure: this is… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago


if she’s rubbing her thigh, you need to bounce her RIGHT NOW…lol…

don’t even think… just get up, go over to her and say ‘let’s go…’ then see what happens…

good luck!

8 years ago

mfriedrich2012, the next thing (since women are always compensated for perceived “loss”) will be, 10 years from now, some OTHER Erin Brokovich type lawyer claiming, “they sold our clients shitty egg-freezing technology, taking it to the lowest bidder to save the company money when provided this necessary benefit” Picture in 2025, that semi-fat, 40-something gal testifying before the House Subcommittee on Women getting Shit Taken Care of that they Want/Need, crying that she could not BELIEVE that after her company paid for her eggs to be frozen, and also for a donor off some Alpha sperm registry, that she STILL… Read more »

8 years ago

@kfg “I have lost fucking years of my life to that hurt.” If you don´t mind me asking, why did it take so long? Is it always the case? I don´t know if I could handle a month of what I´m feeling right now, let alone years. Sounds insane. “Grab the rope and hang on as long as you need to. You aren’t “being a bother,” Brother.” Thanks, man. That means a lot. @Eon56 “But just like you, I was always thinking bout the girl. I went back to her. No matter what you do, do not do this. You… Read more »

8 years ago

@Newton: not criticizing you. At 28 she still has a very solid shot at getting at the very least a BB “provider” and having kids (with him or with someone else’s genes). And she could have left earlier of her own volition.

As I said, my wife is mid-30s. Although I only recently figured out she really does want kids. She used to say she didn’t know until fairly recently. Of course had I known about RP earlier maybe I’d have interpreted that more correctly.

8 years ago

Sun Wukong An Oct FR to inspire your cold Approach hunt mission tonight… Get after it with gusto! (oh and you should have made out with that plane girl….!!!) “Noel – I’ll leave this here since your an SFO dude… and yes mods this may be the longest post this year… OK so post Chinese hot girl I’m thinking about some game and moving on… It’s twilight, after work, so I hit the streets and try and “run some game” and shake off the memory of Lotus Flower. I actually hate my whole mindset of “running game” and actively doing… Read more »

8 years ago

@Newton: “If you don´t mind me asking, why did it take so long?”

Well, for starters, I married her.

8 years ago

@ Sentient FR I was at a bar and saw a hottie alone at a table. I asked her if there was someone around whose permission I needed to ask in order to ask her to dance. She said that her bf was out smoking, but she’d like to dance with me. Cool. We connected very well on the dance floor. She really wanted to dance with me. There were two other girls at her table, one hot and one not. I dance once with not and later the NB said that I was a good dancer and “scary”, lol.… Read more »

8 years ago

@Pinelero: “I told her in the wild, the new male lion taking over the pride will kill the cubs of the vanquished male. Oh… some light bulbs came on then.” Well played… Now if most men could just show this in action and not just words. I see too many men bow to gynocentry and the F.I. with their thirst…always trying to reassure women…too often when they’re not even fucking or, are married/in an arrangement with, them… There’s something I always saw…learned from a young age when my mom used to scold me, and/or try to beat me once in… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Sentient

Excellent FR. Props.

8 years ago

@capt6: “when all the rules are stacked against you, the only way to win is not to play (MGTOW, for example).”

Or to not play “fair”…😎

8 years ago

@kfg: On Bjorn – I was about to say the same thing that that point of view seemed like egalitarian-avoid-burden-of-performance thinking…in the end this is folly.
I think it also reeks of underpinnings relating to negotiating desire….
Hypergamy cannot be overstated enough, especially in our time…

8 years ago

@Rollo I don’t think your point about the PR was lost on anyone. That is the reason BEHIND the mask. But, again, I doubt this reasoning is a conscious effort to actually perpetuate the feminine imperative. It’s simply a good business decision for them and they don’t care what the implications are. My point here is that, whether it’s freezing eggs or hiring women during WWII, business is looking out for itself. It has no ulterior motive or social agenda beyond its own profit. Adding a value to any decision they make, besides profitable, seems more like paranoid conspiracy theory.… Read more »

8 years ago

@Newton The “Oneitis” you feel could be “shame”–a powerful negative emotion stemming from some childhood trauma. You feel “shame” for leaving what you were told was what you “should” be striving for. The transition from the Blue Pill to the Red Pill is requires a complete change of mindset. From the pages of this blog you can see we live in a feminized world where media and governments and institutions bombard men with messages that effectively demand we follow a script that puts women on a pedestal. When you don’t, white knights, betas jump in to accuse you of every… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
8 years ago

@culum I am listening to PIMP, but he talks about opening everyone in that as well. That’s what I do ALL the time at work. And I sometime stay after my shift and keep opening everyone, lol. I just can’t mke myself game girls that I’m not into. And like I said, its mostly because girls here are the worst of the worst. I’d happily game asian/latina 5s, and some black and white 5s. I also can’t make myself go out very much anymore since I hate this area. Its like pulling teeth to go out since I am physiclly… Read more »

8 years ago

@Newton: I know it hurts brother….that pain is what brings most of us here. It why Rollo does this work, and we are greatful to sensei every fucking day. So keep the pain flowing, we’re here…even if we disagree with each other sometimes 😎… Time…as men…being the real romantics & idealists we put energy, and most of all, time, into everything we do. So when we have oneitis the women we love embed themselves into our lives, our being… I think the best thing now to do is invest time in yourself, your hobbies, cut her off completely…it will be… Read more »

8 years ago

@HABD and Newton – Spot on. Newton, we are here exactly for guys like you. Try this on for size: Without this pain you would not be willing to fully unplug. My hope is that you get through the process quicker than I did.

Pain is necessary, misery is optional and self-imposed.

8 years ago

I attend a large church (one of the largest in the country) that leans toward red pill. But then they really blow it like they did a couple weeks ago, when the lead pastor tells a story about his wife where he places her on the “she can do no wrong” pedestal, while he makes himself out to be so fallen compared to her. Am half-tempted to email him and say, “Stop positioning yourself as one-down to your wife!” But hey, 5-6 years ago, before I came across the manosphere, I wouldn’t have even been bothered by this. So I… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Newton The “I” was accidental, sorry lol I don’t think there’s an edit option on here so couldn’t fix it. To elaborate, the girl I dumped replaced me within a month. I was actually pleased with this, as I wanted it to be as painless for her as possible. However, it only reaffirmed that she was just like any other woman. I may have been the best she’d ever had, but I was still little more than a thing to be replaced. When I decided to hit her up again, it was initially for sex. She was good, and… Read more »

8 years ago

Yhufir February 29th, 2016 at 3:28 pm Your description of this blog doesn’t fit my impression of The Rational Male. Perhaps you haven’t read much of it. It goes without saying that Rollo is descriptive and rarely get prescriptive (for good reason, everyone’s station and life experiences are different). The comment section is rife with promoting men’s self improvement. And men giving advice to other men on how to improve their lot in their station in life. If that is not enough for you, welcome to peruse the rest of the manosphere instead of being critical here. You said “But,… Read more »

8 years ago

FR. My first night out after swallowing TRP in my mid 30s. I am in an LTR with a young kid and I did not do it to get laid. My main goal was to have fun, but the long term goal is to improve my internals and understanding of the human nature – which goes beyond pickup. ————— I meet new people at a restaurant in a city I visit. We have fun, the vibe is good, I notice one of them is a natural/player. I push for a club night, they agree to show me places and a… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Newton “Perhaps “puke it out” would be better advice.” English is not my first language. Is there a joke in there? Not joking. That would be rude. Instead of keeping it all in and “sucking it up” (which you noticed no one recommended) just let it all out. Let it bleed. Another word for “puke” is vomit, or throw up. (Lol,…….sorry for the original term I used, you may have been confused by an alternative American definition: ” a person who is not pleasant or agreeable.”) I meant get the bad shit out. Feel bad, but then vomit out… Read more »

8 years ago

@EON – Cosign. My ex cheated with me on the guy she left me for, lol, and the sex was some of the best we ever had. Of course I was blue pill as shit back then so I didn’t understand, I thought she still loved me. Nope, she was just optimizing her hypergamous desires. Rollo notes in this something crucial essay . That hypergamy places doubt in a woman’s mind about her choices of mate. Whether she chooses an alpha dog or a beta provider. As men, we fall into the trap of thinking women experience sexual desire and… Read more »

8 years ago

Heh, ScribblerG If I can amend that. And I know this might be tax Newton’s non-English as first language skills. Seems I’ve probably devolved in my ability to write concisely for non English-first guys by reading your writing. You are doing the right thing. You also will not get over your Oneitis Addiction for her and Detox until you fuck other women have multiple other Dopamine inputs including fucking other women. This is the only cure for Oneitis Addiction. You can’t think your way out of Oneitis any addiction – you fuck substitute other things (Dopamine inputs) for your way… Read more »

8 years ago

One of the troubling concepts we all have to face is that Hypergamy is a fixed , immutable basis of all female reproductive decisions and feelings. That sounds easy, but really internalizing this also means facing some staggering and troubling implications. If Most Women are Like That , and society is dedicated to the optimization of female Hypergamy, then male concepts upon which modern society was built have no social relevance. Honor, Justice & commitment become empty words carved on a government building wall, words ignored by the women and betaized men passing by them. The only law that matters… Read more »

Roy Hobbs
Roy Hobbs
8 years ago

@IAS & Newton I can’t remember the comedian, but the line is something like: You’re dating for a while… Things are ok- I guess we’ll get married. Then you’re married and things have gone downhill and you’re thinking “damn- I’m married now… When we were dating, all I had to do was dump her” But then you try to “fix” things by having kids… Only a year later you’re thinking “shit! You mean all I had to do was divorce her?!?” If you do not have a true partner on your personal mission and you’re not happy- pull the ripcord… Read more »

8 years ago

@Roy Hobbs:

I appear to be the oldest guy in the room at the moment, but I’m not the oldest guy in the house so that could change at any moment. We’ve got guys well into their 70s who comment here.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
8 years ago

@hank holiday A better analogy is that you want to learn to drive but you insist on driving only Ferraris. Unless you happen to be rich, you’re going to have a long wait to learn, and if you do get a lucky opportunity to drive a Ferrari, you won’t drive very well because you have no idea how to drive any car, much less a Ferrari. It’s great that you open and talk to everyone – you get lots of practice at the early stages of seduction (and this is the reason why you get such good reactions socially and… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
8 years ago

YaReally HABD Sentient Forge scribblerg and gang After a long break, I signed back in to my old sugar daddy website to check out the lie of the land (don’t worry I’m not going back to it). It’s changed a lot even in the last few months since I was last active (and vastly changed since the golden days of 2013/14): -Quality of girls unchanged – still THE place to go online for the hottest girls (for obvious reasons) -As I already noted, in the course of 2015 the proportion of active gold diggers wanting an allowance (vs young girls… Read more »

8 years ago

“And I tend to very much not like white girls” — hank holiday

can i have them?

8 years ago


> I recently watched a very long video by Tyler (Owen) Durden and in it he makes the point I’ve been trying to hammer home on TRM for years about internalizing Red Pill awareness and applying it in Game

Is the video on YouTube? Could you post a link? Would like to see it muchly.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

Culum Struan

But what interests me is why the number of girls saying platonic-only has increased so much in just late 2015/early 2016 – could it be what YaReally was talking about, with the old 80/20 AF/BB split becoming more extreme – 90/10 or 95/5?

It isn’t just Alphas getting pussy without commitment saying, “Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?”

We’re just talking about a different kind of milk here.

8 years ago

@Culum: “Do they really have losers pastby them cash just to have coffee with them or whatever??”

The commentariat presents ‘exhibit A’:

8 years ago

*losers paying

8 years ago

@ All Still trying to get things into perspective here,so bear with me and some more metaphor. When fighting wildfire in rough terrain it is advisable to place a lookout in a position of max oversight view w/ clear line of sight communications capability on all fronts. This man should be experienced in all aspects of fire fighting,in top physical condition ,w/ good vision and focus also able to stay alert and communicate clearly. Enter Rollo Tomassi. Down on the fire line,we have our initial attack teams,hot shot crews, hand crews,engine crews,and mop up teams w/ sweat and smoke in… Read more »

8 years ago

God asked Adam, how’s it going? Adam was lonely,and God offered the perfect mate to share in all responsibilities.Adam says at what cost? God replied an arm and a leg. Adam said what can I get for a rib?

8 years ago

– Brilliant, as usual. But I’m not quite sure the other dopamine inputs suffice to cure Oneitis, not sure it doesn’t either. But for married men who want to stay monogamous your explication is genius. I still think your wife should be open to bringing a young hottie into your bed though…

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@Sentient at 2:24pm

i remember that field report… it was awesome…lol…i think that was your breakthrough…

good luck!

8 years ago

@Newton “Can you elaborate on this? I could use the reference.” ExGF would not stop trying to get back w me after 6 months apart. Weakend and nostalgic for “the way we were”, i relented. Laying in bed one night, i hear her phone go off around 1 am. The knots in my stomach convince me to check. It’s from a guy: “what if i said i was into a relationship?” Fuck. Well, im already looking, let’s see what else i dont want to know… Messaging w ex bf’s, conversations with one of her orbiters about how she’s into a… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@Culum -But in the last few months (since I was last on there), I’ve noticed a DRAMATIC increase in the number of girls who say “non-sexual companionship only” or “platonic only”, but still want to be paid cold hard cash. Like these girls aren’t even hookers, but they want to be paid. You always used to see a few girls saying this, but even back in 2014 you could dismiss them as the occasional girl with delusional expectations – but now it seems like every other girl is saying this, just in the last 6 months. all i saw was… Read more »

8 years ago

@Culum – It is evolving rapidly and the wise man places himself “where the puck is going to be” as Wayne Gretzky said about his success as a hockey player. One way to see all this (after the death of Blue Pill idealism) is that men can act on their true sexual natures. Specifically wrt single guys, we can now get what we actually want. Given that the 20syo are the most attractive and the most libidinous, could we not see this as pussy lotto? Seriously – I say the chances are never better for men in a wide age… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago


…and?…lol (thigh rubbing girl…)

good luck!

Agent P
Agent P
8 years ago

If you are going to mention Gretzky you have to lay down his ultimate quote for PUA’s etc which no doubt @YaReally will appreciate.

“You miss 100% of the shots you never take”

8 years ago

@Scray – Thanks for the comment on my realtime FR yesterday. What stopped me is that the hottie was there studying with a lower smv friend. I didn’t know how to isolate and got stopped there. Also could not do kino or get closer than the next table, they were sitting next table over from me and there was no way to get close. As I reviewed, I realized that isolating is a real challenge for me. Cool, more to learn. This is also what a wing is for. But please, any insight on isolating and escalating would be great.… Read more »

8 years ago

As I already noted, in the course of 2015 the proportion of active gold diggers wanting an allowance (vs young girls who want to date successful older men but not specifically looking for cash) shot up – it’s much rarer to find girls who don’t want money now. That’s hardly surprising in a prolonged economic stagnation. But in the last few months (since I was last on there), I’ve noticed a DRAMATIC increase in the number of girls who say “non-sexual companionship only” or “platonic only”, but still want to be paid cold hard cash. Like these girls aren’t even… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@scribblerg And while I didn’t fuck her or get a number close, I took that set much farther than I would have a week ago. I negged at the right moment, did a takeaway when I got the shit test – and it all worked exactly as promised. It’s all due to Mystery Method and having a sense of where I’m at in-set. great job!…it’s all a process, just keep pushing it… It’s interesting being a “recovering natural” – my natural shit was so all over the place, miscalibrated, and really just incoherent. It’s a wonder I managed to fuck… Read more »

8 years ago

@Culum et al – The phenomena has been formalized in the U.K. – it’s called “Rinsing”. There as was a TV special on it a year or two back that featured professional rinsers, women who merely date guys for presents and cash etc without any sex. It was so disgusting to watch. Here you go – Beta chodes of epic proportion on display and female behavior that we Red Pill men understand.


Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
8 years ago


Hey I have a question. If you please. What does “wrt” mean? Also. Good to hear you are doing well.

8 years ago

“What stopped me is that the hottie was there studying with a lower smv friend. I didn’t know how to isolate and got stopped there. ” endear yourself to the friend. pretend she’s higher value than the target. more importantly, just get the number and make plans for later. if there’s no way to iso now, then make plans for later. always always always. ” But please, any insight on isolating and escalating would be great.” The best advice is to just do it. I hammer this home over and over again because the other stuff, i.e. ‘the ‘right’ time… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
8 years ago


Le-GASP! Thank you Senpai!!

8 years ago
Chump No More
Chump No More
8 years ago

@Eon “To elaborate, the girl I dumped replaced me within a month. I was actually pleased with this, as I wanted it to be as painless for her as possible. However, it only reaffirmed that she was just like any other woman. I may have been the best she’d ever had, but I was still little more than a thing to be replaced.” Rollo, linked this one in the recent past… Explains in stark terms why women are adept at branch swinging and being cold heartless bitches vs guys struggling to detox from even shitty relationships. I can see… Read more »

8 years ago

“If this doubt ensuring requires men’s sacrifices or special dispensations in order to accommodate women’s naturalistic realities or individual deficiencies, those requirements are simply means to an end.” This made me think about Ageism of today. Today’s society is very Ageist in favoring younger people. From old people the ones that truly lose are Men. In traditional societies just like there is a social contract between men and women, there’s also a social contract between a young generation and the old one. The elders take raise the new generation, and they are supported and given a place of respect in… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
8 years ago

@thwak sure, you can take all the white girls. but you’ve got lots of competition. still dont understand the obsession with white girls. its like someone says “i love licking hairy man ass”. if that’s really your thing that’s okay i guess. but i can’t help but think deep down there’s something seriously wrong with you lol. i’m sure you feel the same way about guys like me though, lol. @culum I read more about pleasure of sex/thrill of hunt, and I think I am equally PoS and ToH. I am perfectly content with any 5-10 girl that is exotic,… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
8 years ago

@culum Your point is taken, but we seem to be misunderstanding one another. You refer to waiting out for “ferraris”. I’m not refusing to game anything but hot chicks. She just needs to be average looking. That’s it. When I talk about “type”, I don’t mean “ideal woman”. Like I said, a 5 asian or latina is just fine. But for me gaming a white girl is generally a stretch. To hit on a white girl, and particularly the ones where I live, is almost like hitting on a dude. That’s how unappealing they are. To game them is 100%… Read more »

8 years ago

@Yollo – Thanks for the good vibes and wrt means “with respect to”.

8 years ago
8 years ago

@Scray – Ah, i should have sexualized it and escalated from there. I did try and focus on the HB4 and the hb7 was reacting to that nicely but I didn’t hold it. Got confused. I am in touch with the id more than ever but I get your point. I need to sexualize this shit and escalate. I know you’ll yell at me more for this but I’ll share it anyway, lol. When I was out at the dance club a weeke ago with the table full of hotties, i had the impulse to just slap the table and… Read more »

8 years ago

@Yufhir: “I’ve been pretty frustrated with TRM and most of the manosphere recently because of this clear lack of solution.” The solution is not talked about much because it is going to require a wholesale social breakdown ala “The Walking Dead.” We need to subjugate the women, take away the franchise from all of them and return it to the family unit, imprison the feminists, enforce traditional CAPITAL CRIMES against women such as adultery in the same way Capital Crimes (like murder) are enforced against men, dismiss all so called ‘marital rape’ laws and presume sexual consent when you say… Read more »

8 years ago

Tyler is autistic? Makes sense with some of the stuff I have seen from him, but is still pretty funny to think about it in context.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
8 years ago

@hank holiday – okay I understand now. It’s what I’d call the Boner Test – you can’t even get it up for most of the girls near you. If that is the case, then fair enough – you can’t be expected to game them to a lay but you can open them and be social (which you’re doing). Solution: you have to move. Doesn’t sound like you have anything tying you to your location – so I’m sure you can figure out a way. Lots of places in the country with a high Latino population.. (And I believe there are… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
8 years ago

@scribblerg @kobayashi et al – I saw some of that documentary and it was just rage inducing.

Understandable..but rage inducing.

8 years ago

@Newton: IMHO you are an idiot if you let this 28 year old unicorn go. Is the deal you just don’t want kids? Ever? That would be a reason to release a unicorn back into the wild, I guess but you didn’t give that as the reason.

8 years ago

@BPP: seriously? Did you miss the part that she started mercilessly shit testing him (because he is not giving her what she wants, in this case, kids which is a pretty big deal)? That is not a unicorn.

8 years ago

There are no unicorns… There is only hand.
You have it or not.

Eubie Week
Eubie Week
8 years ago

Uh oh?

looks like thoowack has been banned?

Oh well, thats alright Rollo, its your blog… but you know you gonna hafta come with more than wordpress if I see you on the street?

8 years ago

“Game may work but being a hunk obviates the need for it.” this. up to a certain point. My impressions from the front lines. Under 18: in many ways “game” does not apply here. from what I see in real life guys getting the highest quality girls are chosen by; height/physique/athleticism (none are even close to jacked) and looks. these guys, like gronk, can make beta moves all day (they do, I see it, so funny) and still score the prime poon. they can have zero personality and still score the prime poon. they are broke, have zero real world… Read more »

8 years ago

I haven’t banned anyone. Even Wildman is off the list now.

Thanks for the warning! [My kingdom for a twit filter!]

8 years ago

” a 30s game dude . . . if he’s lucky. most likely he’s going to jail.”

My luck ran out, she moved in with me instead.

8 years ago

@ Rollo – ” Notice how there’s not a moment’s hesitation in him when he goes for the ‘insta-date’ with the reporter on the beach – it’s his first, reflexive response. I recently watched a very long video by Tyler (Owen) Durden and in it he makes the point I’ve been trying to hammer home on TRM for years about internalizing Red Pill awareness and applying it in Game; while it’s important to demonstrate higher value (DHV) that demonstration should stem from assuming higher value. That higher value should be an internal component from which you manifest it in your… Read more »

8 years ago

@ yhufir – ” I’m not arguing that this byproduct isn’t exactly what you say it is (a way to make certain women happy about potentially optimizing hypergamy in their lives). But I have to question whether anyone would think this is, in reality, a bad thing. The hypergamy aside, it seems prudent for the company, at least, to offer incentives for women who want to work there and give them the ability to focus on their career. You appear to be offering a black or white problem: Should we outlaw women freezing their eggs? Even if that were a… Read more »

8 years ago

Fleezer says “this leads me to agree with the idea that women want babies and they want them to be as healthy as possible and that in many ways the things that a man learns (social graces, game, etc) play no part in her early/primal calculations/best fertility window. she just wants good physical genetic material and a good complement to her immune system, hence her choosing one particular hunk over another.” I will never, ever accept this idea. Ever. Look around you and reality will show the falseness. Women do want what the consider ” hawt ” at any given… Read more »

8 years ago

Imagine if the rolls were reversed and it was three black women on a college team (who were gay or not gay, either way)

Btw, what do they mean “extremely graphic”? Isn’t most sex? Is it because it was two men enjoying one woman (who was enjoying two men?).

8 years ago

I haven’t banned anyone. Even Wildman is off the list now. — Rollo

Hmmm…? Thats kinda what i figured?

So what happened to my reply to hank?

was it the sooJ?

8 years ago

Thwack –

“was it the sooJ?”

showing his ass, making every post about race… Same shit that got him banned at CH.


8 years ago

“they are broke, have zero real world accomplishments, zero social capital and still score the prime poon.”

Dynamic, passionate and authentic. Those traits will always score prime poon.

“no balding, potbellied 30s game dude has access to these girls and even if he did they wouldn’t give him a second thought no matter how many “emotional rollercoasters” he took them on. ”

Erm…. How many HS girls have crushes on their teachers?

8 years ago

Blax said: ” That’s using male rationality and attributing the same line of thinking to the female.”

I’ve come to the conclusion, despite the abundant evidence, despite Yareally’s 100k words and 500 hours of videos, despite all the FR’s, despite all the infields and even despite their OWN personal experience (that one time) – guys are just programmed not to get it. Seriously it never sinks in for the 90%, and THAT is the reason for the 10%.

Wake up boyos! [but I know you wont]

8 years ago

“Tyler is autistic? ” YES! and ugly, and was very poor for much of his career…

So what’s holding you back? Just every single thing you think about men and women…. Lolz…

8 years ago

Seen a few older, ” fatter ” guys game younger chicks. Anecdotal, but I witnessed all the same. Dude = mid 40’s car salesman. 30…40 pounds overweight. Talked like..well…a car salesman. Chick = 20 year old. Wealthy family. Tall and standardly gorgeous ( blue eyes, blonde, thin, blah..blah ). I won’t speak too ill of her because she’s now Godmother to my oldest daughter, but she was CRAZY for this guy. All of her acquaintances grilled her as to why. I had no opinion because it had nothing to do with me, and I figured that HE would break it… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Sentient-

Women are pragmatic. Always.

Brutal pragmatism.

8 years ago

Btw, what do they mean “extremely graphic”?

It probably means that it included stuff like ass-slapping, hair-pulling, mouth-fucking, calling the chick names, jizzing on parts of her body or into her mouth etc.

8 years ago

“I’ve been pretty frustrated with TRM and most of the manosphere recently because of this clear lack of solution.”


They can’t even pass a bill to make it mandatory to nominate a father on the birth certificate which is ostensibly to identify the fathers to pay child support.

The whole purpose of the bill is to get men on the hook for child support, sounds reasonable, right?

Well the problem is women are up in arms about it, I wonder if alpha fucks has anything to do with it….

8 years ago

Currently I’m watching a shit show evolve in my social circle ( if you wanna call it that..). Divorce pending. Man with small penis ( ouch ) not satisfying wife. 1 child. Female friends have been aware of the situation for over a year. Decision to divorce has been made after wife has had numerous affairs. Women forming a ” Go Girl ” circle around her. Hubby has absolutely no clue, yet. Unbeknownst to him, at this point it is a done deal. There will be no negotiations. She. Is. Out. I just learned of this a few days ago.… Read more »

8 years ago

“making every post about race… Same shit that got him banned at CH.” — Pissient

Are you saying the racist CH banned me for talking about race on his racist blog?

The same racist blog where YOU, a member in good standing, continues to participate in the hate filled white supremacist pep rally?

That blog?

sit down and shut up before i make you eat that sheet you wearin.

Whine cooler.

8 years ago


The above is in no way meant to denigrate women.

8 years ago

Don’t bring your tap dance over here Thwack…

8 years ago

@ hoellen

” It probably means that it included stuff like ass-slapping, hair-pulling, mouth-fucking, calling the chick names, jizzing on parts of her body or into her mouth etc.”

Lol. that used to called ” Weekends “.

8 years ago

@Blaximus: I think you need to re-read what I said. We’re not in disagreement on the first point at all. The question I’m posing is, “is this really indicative of society or is it indicative of these businesses?” Even if it were ALL businesses, they don’t have an agenda. They’re not “secretly controlled by the FI.” The logical conclusion here does not appear to be that all business is controlled by culture and therefore their business practices are aimed toward FI primacy. They fit within a culture that appears to be FI-centric but the execs are NOT making decisions which… Read more »

8 years ago

@SJF Read about 100% of this site. Bought the book when it came out (as this was about the time I came on board) and continued to keep up with the writing as it came out. I haven’t missed one and I may have skipped over a couple older readings but very few if any. Thanks for giving me a reason to qualify. “Too bad” lol I think this whole thing might be above your head dude. Only an idiot would think I’m arguing for equality in the sexes or anything of the sort. I know what I wrote. Rollo,… Read more »

8 years ago

@Rollo I attempted not bringing high school philosophy class fallacy name-calling into this; I would have hoped you could do the same. I’m wondering if you use additional writers sometimes. If you do, that would better explain this response. I am not arguing semantics. And you’re copping out here. I thought I made it clear, I understand the context of the word being vital but it would be stupid of anyone not to read a bias in the choice of words used repeatedly and unilaterally. I think you’re a fantastic writer and really insightful. But I’m under no illusions that… Read more »

8 years ago

“Tyler is autistic? ” YES! and he can pronounce “Aus-burgers” less well than Rollo can pronounce Hyper-gamey. Lol. That video was pretty good. Raise a toast to the brain cell re-organization that Tyler went through. Any one can do it. The brain is neuroplastic, but you have to change who you are and how your mind is working if you don’t have agency now. I didn’t go through much desperation and frustration in improving myself the last 35 years, but his elevation to congruence and authentic behaviors because he worked to improve his game for himself resonates with me. I’ve… Read more »

8 years ago

It’s hard being a coder. Edited the Deida to sound less gay new-agey

……loving masculine surrender strength, courage mastery and honor…..

8 years ago

“Well they say the, more intelligent someone is, the more developed their sense of morality becomes and they often become more ideological.”

Wait. What? Who they said that?

I think women can be pretty cool too. And men can be absolutely selfish and unbalanced.”

No shit, Sherlock. Somethings do go without saying here. If they are assumed. Your comment is basically a non sequitur.

I think you got some psychological projection going on Yuhfir. I’m 90% objective, but my other half is subjective. (And and very judgmental.)

8 years ago

@ Yhufir I don’t think business only do that which makes financial sense. Financial sense would be not covering frozen eggs. It has nothing to do with the daily ops of the company. It is, in a liberal ( I hate that word, but it fits in the example ) leaning society that is decidedly femcentric, it is only a matter of PR. It is an example of cooperation with women’s hypergamy, at it’s roots. Would companies considered such a thing 20 years ago? 30? The FI poses these things as ” evolved “. Okay, so where’s mine? Society couches… Read more »

8 years ago


Thanx for posting the link.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

The question I’m posing is, “is this really indicative of society or is it indicative of these businesses?”


That’s pretty much the point of Rollo’s OP.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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