Plan B


Non-Exclusive Exclusives

I got a link back this week from another backwater blogger who was critical of my, or really a Red Pill, take on an abundance vs. scarcity mentality. I haven’t really felt a need to review Plate Theory for a while now, but ever since Holistic Game’s coffee house protests went down it seems that picking and pulling various bits from my Plate Theory series is some novelty.

I’ve been writing in the manosphere for so long now that the same predictable straw men arguments and out of context quotes have become de rigueur now. Any objective observation of women’s sexual strategy by a man is always synonymous with misogyny.

What I’ve always found entertaining about Blue Pill critics of Plate Theory is that the concept of non-exclusivity always borders on the criminal when a man suggests men ought to pursue a non-exclusive dating (and sex), yet we hold women up as empowered, prudent and/or exemplary of bucking the repression of an imaginary patriarchy when they suggest the same.

Of course the quick retort to this is that women are ‘slut shamed’ for being non-exclusive, but this is simply an old, convenient, sidestep to shame men while distracting from women’s practical sexual strategy.

As Open Hypergamy becomes more embraced among women the usefulness of drawing attention to ‘slut shaming’ actually becomes a hinderance to justifying women’s Hypergamous priorities (AFBB). When a high profile woman like Sheryl Sandberg suggests,…

“When looking for a life partner, my advice to women is date all of them: the bad boys, the cool boys, the commitment-phobic boys, the crazy boys. But do not marry them. The things that make the bad boys sexy do not make them good husbands. When it comes time to settle down, find someone who wants an equal partner. Someone who thinks women should be smart, opinionated and ambitious. Someone who values fairness and expects or, even better, wants to do his share in the home. These men exist and, trust me, over time, nothing is sexier.”

Sandberg’s epitaph here is every bit as “objectifying” as anything you’ll find in the ‘sphere, but the difference is we are expected to find her advice for assuming a state of sexual abundance practical as well as refreshingly progressive. I’ve stated this before, but it bears repeating that as women more proudly, openly, embrace the uglier aspects of Hypergamy it will be women who will prove the validity of Red Pill awareness far better than men could. Sample from the largest available pool of prospective sexual experience (Alpha Fucks) and presume that an ‘equal partner’ (Beta Bucks) provisioner will make himself readily available to you when can no longer reliably attract the men who represent your sexual priorities.

I covered this in Plate Theory V: Lady’s Game; the natural extension of women’s sexual strategy is, at least practically, best served from a presumption of abundance. And as such we also find that the vast majority of feminine-primary social conventions center on facilitating this presumption of abundance for women. Pop culture, social media and a feminine-primary social narrative fosters an over-inflated SMV and an exaggerated sense of self-worth for women, but functionally it convinces women that they can perpetuate a condition of abundance with regard to their sexual viability almost indefinitely.

Even in a condition of committed monogamy that background sense of sexual abundance simmers in women’s subconscious. We laud women with the guts to pursue that abundance after divorce or even reward them with popularity and movie opportunities when they write books about pursuing it while married. Either that or we pat them on the back for their ability to continually move the goalposts and convince themselves and others that spinsterhood is a goal state they sought to achieve their entire lives.

In all of these instances, whether legitimate or not, there is an impression that women can perpetuate a condition of abundance for themselves – and often far past their true sexual market viability. One reason I draw the ire of many a Blue Pill male and women is because my breakdown of the predictable schedule women follow throughout their lives with regards to their SMV and their dualistic sexual strategy is that it directly confronts the doubt that they can perpetuate a condition of abundance in spite of their personal choices in life.

And that’s the crux of women’s self-affirming social and psychological conventions; to avoid any accountability for the fallout that may be caused by the choices Hypergamy has led them to make. Roissy came up with the maxim that the end goal of feminism is to maximally enable women’s sexuality while maximally restricting men’s – and of course the consolidation of that enabling of women’s sexual strategy must also account for absolving them of misgivings and mistakes made in enacting it.


In Betas in Waiting I explored how a majority of boys have, for several generations now, been conditioned to be serviceable providers for women once they enter a phase of life when they find themselves becoming less able to compete intrasexually. Anyone familiar with Preventive Medicine understands this (Epiphany Phase) period as the point during which a woman’s Hypergamous priorities shift from short term Alpha Fucks to long term Beta Bucks.

I also outlined the underlying plan involved in ensuring this strategy in This is now.

That was then. Now at 30 and (hopefully) with a learned and earned degree of merit, success, developed judgement, character and a reasonably well kept physique, a man finds himself in a position like no other – his options and agency to enjoy the attentions of women seem to suddenly be at an apex.

The planning women had at 19 when they told him to “wait for me at 30” now becomes more urgent as she becomes more viscerally aware of the Wall.

She knew this day would come when she was just entering into her peak SMV years.


For men entertaining women embroiled in their Epiphany Phase inner conflicts, not only is this a very confusing phase for the uninitiated Beta, but it is also an equally precarious period with regard (once again) to the consequences of his life’s decisions with her. Most men find themselves players in women’s meta-sexual strategy at this time because they believe that their perseverance has finally paid off. All of that sacrifice and personal achievement has finally merited him the genuine interest of a “quality woman”.

For the men who never learn a Red Pill awareness what they fail to understand is that it’s at this point they’re are expected to abandon their own sexual strategy in order to complete that of the (now Epiphany Phase) woman they’re considering a pairing with. Whether they were literally asked to wait for a woman until she was 30, the effect is the same, they have waited their turn, they have waited to be of service, they have waited to fulfill a feminine primary sexual imperative.

Now I’ll ask you to draw your attention to the statistics in the picture I’ve included as today’s post image. These were sourced from this study. There are actually several more just like it, but what it illustrates is an example of how women’s subconscious will prepare failsafes in the event that the Alpha lover they hope to convert to a Beta provider doesn’t comply with her sexual strategy.

Whether he’s the one that got away, the office husband, or a gym partner, chances are he is the “Plan B” man you fantasize about running away with. Like an insurance policy, this man is the handpicked boyfriend or husband replacement you have on standby once “plan A” starts to break down on you. According to a survey conducted by, an online market research company, half of women who are married or in relationships have a Plan B man on standby who is “ready and waiting” because of “unfinished business.”

It’s important to pick this apart from the get go here because, like most female written articles that describe unflattering facts about female nature, the narrative must be shifted to be the burden of men. You’ll notice the presumption here is that the ‘Plan A’ lover is always a woman’s preferred choice – thus pre-confirming women’s blamelessness from the outset – and that a ‘Plan B’ should only ever be considered if the ‘Plan A’ man somehow screws up in contenting a woman’s sexual strategy.

The entire article is founded on the principle of Dread – remember, the sort that when men use it are considered evil manipulators? However it should be noted that dread is always an element of any relationship, it’s just that since women’s imperatives are the socially correct ones today, only women can be held blameless in instituting it.

When there’s trouble in paradise, and eventually a break-up, women are left at the starting line again. This means there’s more ladies’ night, late-night rom-com marathons, and wine — lots of wine. However, to avoid playing the field and going through all the bases, women have taken a shortcut to get back to the finish line with a Plan B man. “The saying that ‘the grass isn’t always greener’ clearly isn’t deterring women of today. They understand that anything can happen and are ensuring they have a solid back-up plan should things go sour with their current man,” a spokesman for told the Daily Mail.

As has been mentioned before the makings of an Alpha Widow generally begin in a woman’s Party Years; during the period during which she is at her SMV peak. And as was mentioned before, Hypergamy is always pragmatic. This Plan B insurance policy strategy is only further evidence of Hypergamy, but it is also pragmatic. Women’s hindbrains know that their SMV is a rapidly decaying asset, so yes that back up plan makes sense. What’s not so obvious in this study is that women also cling to the hope that the Plan B man with whom they consolidated long term security with might someday be replaced by the fantasy of an Alpha she’s widowed herself over.

I think the latter is not only a far more practical reasoning, but since it’s unflattering and exposing of the machinations of Hypergamy, the far more likely use of a ‘Plan B’ alternate.

You can read the rest of the article and pick up on the blatantly entitled male-qualification perspective and a bit more “you better not fuck things up” dread signaling, however, I think the last three stats are the most salient here. At least half of the men involved knew of the Plan B man, 1 in 5 was a friend of his, and 1 in 10 of the Plan B’s had already made an attempt to jump ladders to be intimate with her.

A couple of things make themselves apparent here: in a social order that is made of at least 80% Beta men women can get an ego boost in real time from the default dread they can inspire without really trying. And second, in generation Beta a default form of soft Beta cuckolding is not just known to them, but apparently it’s become normalized for them.

All of this really comes back to, once again, quelling the constant state of internal doubt that Hypergamy instills in women. The Plan B dynamic, and the normalization of it in a feminine centric social order, is yet another play for assurances of security in both the sexual and provisioning aspects of Hypergamy.

Now, so as not to leave you hanging here, I have to end this essay with a bit of actionable advice. I get criticized for outlining the problems very well, but leaving out what a man ought to do with this information.

As always, your first order of business is to be aware that this dynamic is in play. Understand that this Plan B insurance tactic is not just reserved for married men with dead bedrooms. You will likely see variations of it in your dealings with women while you’re single. Any man who’s sexed a girl who depends on a bevy of male orbiters to bolster her self-esteem knows the utility of them. In the next post I’ll be going into detail of how you can leverage the Betaness of most men to elevate your SMV.

Finally, if you are a married man experiencing this Plan B dynamic, you need to do some serious reassessing of your relationship and the status your wife holds you in. Are you one of the 50% of men who know who their wife’s Plan B is? Is he even a friend of yours?

What can you do to reinforce your Alpha dominance in this situation? Or maybe a better question is, is it worth your effort to do so? There will undoubtedly be the predictable comments about how marriage is never worth the effort, and I’ll acknowledge that here first, but are you a victim of endlessly rooting through garbage to reestablish an Alpha impression for your wife that she’s reserved for her Plan B alternate?

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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8 years ago

I like that more visual depiction of the reality of how woman operate.

8 years ago

[…] By Rollo Tomassi […]

8 years ago

I was surprised that there was no link to the backwater blogger.


[…] Plan B […]

8 years ago

Wow, that Sandberg quote is basically encouraging women to embrace AF/BB.

Thank God that NAWALT.

8 years ago

Is alpha exhibiting the best of the burden of performance?

8 years ago

legitimate or not, there is an impression that women can perpetuate a condition of abundance for themselves – and often far past their true sexual market viability. This is both legitimate and not legitimate, depending on which side of the wall the woman is on and whether the observer is male of female. There are enough hungry betas that even truly disgusting and horrifying women can find *someone* to be with and take care of them. The difference pre-wall and post-wall is simply a difference of the level of man they can attract. So from the (beta) man’s POV, women… Read more »

8 years ago

I still believe that redpill-thinking men will have a major bias if they plan on getting married during her ephiphany phase. They will have the assumption that they are now the apex alpha after building up their smv, but could just as easily be her beta bucks. I believe you either marry a young girl with ignorance of your future smv, or you play the game of betting on your potential and hoping you can out alpha every lover the girl had in her 20s.

Of course, not getting married makes this all much simpler.

8 years ago

The more I read the more I agree with Patrice O’Neal: ‘We don’t hate you like we want to throw you in a river. The hatred is before that happens, before you put an anchor around her neck and throw her in the muthafuckin lake…Women make me sick…look at you, you fucking bleed for a whole damn week every month, and the week before that you’re a bitch. You goofy fucking bitches aint shit. Your fucking emotions are all over the place and you never know what the fuck you are even feeling until we tell you…you women disgust me.’… Read more »

8 years ago

The solution, of course, like associative dating/mating, is associative exchange. That is to say, never trade your own resources for lesser resources. If you are not going to gain (exclusive) access to a woman’s best years, then don’t give her (exclusive) access to yours. Likewise with next best years, next-next best years, and so on.

David Mendoza
8 years ago

Long time lurker, first time poster. Rollo asks what a man can do if he finds himself in the Plan B dynamic. This is what Has worked for me. It’s all about SMV, plain and simple. In convinced all women have Plan B to some extent, but it’s a matter of degree. If your woman has a sufficiently active Plan B that you are aware of, and she is investing in Plan B, it’s because she’s not confident about the ROI on Plan A. If your SMV is sufficiently high, or her perception of it is sufficiently high (contextual alpha,… Read more »

8 years ago

Rollo…it is time. May I be the first to introduce you to the Cosmic Awareness.

8 years ago

I think the best way to fight against your woman having a Plan B is to have a Plan B yourself. Fight fire with fire. In past relationships, I was not only aware of many of my GF’s plan B’s, but would verbally complain to my GFs about how I was worried about them acting on their Plan B’s. Terrible, I know. Now, I have much better understanding of how to quell my fears. I am fortunate enough to have a career in the hospitality industry where I am permitted to hire whoever I desire. As an informed Red Pill… Read more »

8 years ago

I’ve already read that one Rollo! 😀 🙂 Btw, fyi, I totes agree with this article. If your wife or gf has a plan b, then that is a massive red flag. I can’t imagine that mindset… “Welll, he’s my MAIN choice, but I still have this OTHER cute guy I like almost equally, just in case this all doesn’t work out.” And the thing is, it usually doesn’t work out. And then over time that plan B will seem more and more attractive as your LTR goes on and likely becomes more dull. It’s a terrible way to approach… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@Rollo Linking to Ladder Theory gave me a hardy laugh. As for your link to “Not All Women Aren’t Like That” to our resident idiot marrying her Plan B (but she’d never do that!), a-fucking-men. Specifically on the subject of Not All Women Aren’t, men have to learn to play the odds and not count on the exceptions. The reason to slam AWALT out there is to remind you to expect the norm, not the exception. Our resident example also shows us vividly why the ones proclaiming “NAWALT” the loudest are the ones most likely to be exactly Like That… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


Currently recording for the next Man Table is planned for March 26 @ 3PM Central (assuming myself or Rollo have no changes). I’ll try to get a page up this week with links to previous sessions and instructions on how to join.

8 years ago

Great post and since I am one of those who “criticize” you for not providing actionable advice, let me first thank you and also clarify why I asked for this advice.
I (and perhaps others) asked for your advice not because I (we) are too stupid to put A & B together to conclude C and D are warranted, but because to more clearly understand the points you are making a conclusion ties it all together. One can reverse engineer the conclusion to the earlier points to clarify meaning. This is very helpful.

8 years ago

Although, note that 57% won’t admit, either to others or to themselves, that they have a plan B. Yet.

Fixed that for you.

8 years ago

What can you do to re enforce your alpha dominance to avoid being dumped for plan B? The thing I’ve turned to is having at least three of four women on the go at any time. One of my plates banged my friend…she chased him and he went for it….I didn’t really care what he did…but I was insulted at the blatant lack of respect on her part. I soft Nexted her….invited another hotter girl to San event I knew she’d be at and stopped responding to all her texts. If I didn’t have abundance or had allowed myself to… Read more »

8 years ago

Several thoughts came to mind as I read this post. 1. Many of us have some alpha qualities in us even though we (most of us) were taught to behave like betas from childhood. While I was fully indoctrinated by my single mother, who slandered my semi-alpha dad after the divorce for decades, I never fully became a beta. The specific thought was that I always, without exception, would walk from a woman instead of live without a large degree of respect from her. I dated a HB8 high earning sales rep and just when I might have been about… Read more »

8 years ago


anytime a survey like this is done, its under reported.

“How many men have you been with””
“I have only had 3 dicks in my life”
Real answer is at least 9.


BC got to my comment/answer first

Merciless Times
8 years ago

When I look on Tinder, or any datingapp/site I only get the idea that most women want to: get a social or medical degree, party, travel to a warm country, make a thousand selfies (building a school for poor African children), work for 5 years and then in their late twenties get serious on their terms. She wants to wear the pants in the relationship presuming she is still that hot 21 y.o that can monkeybranch to whoever she wants. Young women think we men are stupid. First you are mostly being ignored regarding being a viable date/boyfriend in your… Read more »

8 years ago

“Although, note that 57% won’t admit, either to others or to themselves, that they have a plan B. Yet.” Fixed that for you. I doubt that an obese, purple-haired woman who shops with her matching purple dog has a plan b. There are an awful lot of people out there, probably 35 percent too ugly for a plan B. If a woman is good looking and nice, she’s going to have orbitors. Good looking successful men do to. I’d avoid any and all women with “party years”. Even if she punched the clock earlier than most. ESPECIALLY if she punched… Read more »

8 years ago

an aspect of game that is never really spoken of is the utility of these 27-33 year old women who are having their epiphany to 40+ year old men who can pull a bait and switch ; )

8 years ago

Very droll title, Rollo. Where would the FI be without its foundation of the absolute and unequivocal right for a female to abort whatever she wishes?
Q. Where have all the good women gone?
A. Their mothers killed them.

8 years ago

” . . . the utility of these 27-33 year old women . . .”

Find me one who can strip, repack and properly preload a loose ball bottom bracket, properly patch a natural latex inner tube and true a wheel with even spoke tension – or at least cook and clean as well as I can while I do those things – and then we’ll talk about their utility.

8 years ago

– to all young men, save 3000 and sit on it until you want to have children and get married
– get a fucking prenup
– she will hate it during a valley in the relationship, which is exactly when you will realize that was the best mi why you ever spent
– my house, my pension, no alimony, 50/50 with the kids
– if I am not appreciated, goodbye
– unless you are a complete fucktard, the divorce battle will already be on YOUR terms

8 years ago

@PUA guys

What % of your girls would you say end up alpha widows?

8 years ago

@Diomede – Yep, those epiphany babes will throw down the pussy and go full porn star for the first few monthsn and be as sweet as can b. Just watch the shift. I had several GFs like this and I noted when they changed and dumped them. They would go from bubbly and fun to judgmental and bitchy. A high value man is like catnip to them at first, but it doesn’t last.

8 years ago

Absolutely all women have a plan b. women are survivors and the death of a mate or him leaving can’t effect her life cycle. The solution is the same as always maintain frame and keep yourself as mental point of origin. We men like to think individually ‘what can I do’ but women have a semi group awareness “what can people do, what do people think? ‘ I went for a meal at the weekend. Waiting to be seated and a young women shamelessly checked me out. Immediately my gf came closer and started with the sweet talk. Does this… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Emily Silly girl, you’re the poster child for AF/BB. @ Liz I doubt that an obese, purple-haired woman who shops with her matching purple dog has a plan b. There are an awful lot of people out there, probably 35 percent too ugly for a plan B. If a woman is good looking and nice, she’s going to have orbitors. Good looking successful men do to. I’d avoid any and all women with “party years”. Even if she punched the clock earlier than most. ESPECIALLY if she punched the clock earlier than most (example: “Sex before you’re 16 doesn’t… Read more »

8 years ago

@scribblerg – well you can’t forget the ‘switch’ part of the bait and switch. they’re good for about 4-6 months in my experience. and as for utility, I meant sex but I find they’ll do all manner of things for a high value male. I had one even younger, mowing my lawn for a while.

8 years ago

That 10% isn’t the percent that have tried to get intimate with her; it is the percent that have proposed. Only some of the plan B’s are ‘guys I might trade plan A in for’; some are ‘if plan A dumps me’.

8 years ago

If a woman has optimized her Hypergamy, will she have a Plan B? Andy was getting at this with his reference to alpha widows.

If a woman has been well trained, she might not cuckold her husband, but she may withhold sex constantly. Plan B is B.O.B. (battery operated boyfriend).

8 years ago

” . . . they’re good for about 4-6 months . . .” Yes, six months seems to be about the limit they’ll put in on a provider hunt. “I meant sex . . .” Yes, I knew what you meant, that’s why my comment took the form it did. “I had one even younger, mowing my lawn for a while.” Oh yes, they’ll do all sorts of things, but I hold that what they do is utile only if it doesn’t require me to spend more time doing it over correctly than if I had just done it myself… Read more »

8 years ago

A high SMV women will always have options. @Liz – I cosign completely. And this is the point I want to make to all the guys here who think they can “alpha through” this. – There is always a higher SMV man than you. Repeat that if you can’t get that. At some point she will actually be propositioned by a higher SMV guy. No matter how much of an alpha dog you are. – A high SMV woman doesn’t just have one Plan B. She has a multitude of options thrown at her all the time. Mystery tries to… Read more »

Adam W
Adam W
8 years ago

A couple of adverts to add to the “evidence for Open Hypergamy” file:


(You’ll need to wait until the final couple of seconds of that last one.)

8 years ago

I found this comment from the linked post by Daisy interesting. “Signalling high status through strategic low-key rejections is a tactic that also works on men. In fact given that women have historically had much higher stakes in acquiring a partner, it was women who invented the strategy. – “play hard to get” /”no thanks, I’m washing my hair” only regendered and with a boatload of contempt for the target gender added in. -“be more physically attractive and confident”– amazingly, this strategy also works when women use it on men.” On a macro level we are seeing a tectonic shift… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
8 years ago

The key to this is knowing that your sexual fulfillment and sense of personal security can only emanate from you controlling your life, never from any particular woman. Exclusive dependance can only occur after eleminating other options. Options provide manuverability which covers your ass. Becoming exclusively dependent on a relationship with any particular woman for any reason creates a condition of insecurity. This is why marriage is ostensibly secure but in reality is insecure as it compulsively demands “commitment”. Why sacrifice power for a false sense of security? The best security is your own power.

8 years ago

Gamer: “You’re preemptively disqualifying your competition as “sluts”. So typically feminine. Silly girl.”

I’m not disqualifying them as competition in the sexual marketplace. That’s just risk management advice. If you place a premium on loyalty, don’t get hitched to a party girl (an anytime party girl, it’s a character assessment thing).

8 years ago

If a woman has optimized her Hypergamy, will she have a Plan B?

If he doesn’t make it clear that he can do just fine without her, then she might. People think that a man inducing dread is cruel because it hurts her feelings. All it does is make clear in her mind is what it at stake.

What people find cruel about it is that the dread, when it works, limits her options.

8 years ago

I think it is relevant to note that Plan B doesn’t even need to be strictly another man, and could be (for a specific example) family. I think that when we talk about plan B we are mostly discussing women having a lined up option for covering provider roles, more so than lover roles, so whatever falls in the BB side of hypergamy. I suspect that is at least partly behind certain changes of behavior from wives after having a kid (or more) – they get the attention and validation there, at least for a few years, automatic plan B.… Read more »

8 years ago

Liz, women of just about any appearance/condition can reliably get men 1 to 2 SMV points above them to given them attention and/or a relationship. In contrast, men (minus game, i.e. betas) are generally unable to date/mate equality, and usually end up settling for 1 to 2 SMV points below their own. This is due to the 80-20 rule of attraction (80% of women are acceptable to most men, but only the top 20% of men are attractive to women), and is a large part of the difference in abundance outlook. Even if the ” obese, purple-haired woman who shops… Read more »

8 years ago

And @NBTM deigns to explain “abundance mentality” with one of his usual word salads, lol. Zzzzz…

8 years ago

@Not Born This Morning “Becoming exclusively dependent on a relationship with any particular woman for any reason creates a condition of insecurity. This is why marriage is ostensibly secure but in reality is insecure as it compulsively demands “commitment”. Why sacrifice power for a false sense of security? The best security is your own power.” This is why it’s so dangerous for guys to get married at a young age or enter into a monogamous LTR before they reach an age where they have some kind of status and emotional security. Almost every one of my close male friends when… Read more »

8 years ago

@ scribberg There is always a higher SMV man than you. Lol, indeed. At some point she will actually be propositioned by a higher SMV guy Mrs. Gamer reports, “No.” In theory, if a woman doesn’t mateguard herself, she might be propositioned by a higher SMV man. Girls who have been well-trained will run away from these odd opportunities before problems arise. He claims the average hottie is approached by 10-15 guys a day if she’s out in public for the day. HB7-8, sure. HB9, maybe 1-2 approaches. HB10 almost never. My ex became increasingly bitchy and less interested in… Read more »

8 years ago

And then there’s this. Completely off-topic and two weeks old. Gavin McInnes is one of my favorite commentators and comedians on earth right now. Not because I always agree with him, but because he’s an unabashed alpha dog wilding through society. Check out his takedown of that gaping Mangina, Ezra Klein. It’s epic. He defines ZFG.


8 years ago

My live in girlfriend has pulled the whole I can leave you blah blah. I simply told her that if she wanted to date down that was her choice. I would be sad but I’m sure a few woman would tend my broken wing lol. The punch in the arm I received established that I’m man of abundance. If she wants to leave she ll leave, your only trump card is that you will be swimming in younger tighter vagina. Women are like money,both don’t care about the morals of who owns them. Both come and go. Just cause you… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Liz, Stingray

My answer to both of you is the same. A woman who has optimized her Hypergamy will be chasing a man. She will limit her own options in her own mind. Such a woman will be too busy chasing the man to worry about other men. Other men will be unwelcome distractions from her mission. This is just as true of party girls as of well-trained girls.

Not Born This Morning
8 years ago

Those who maintain control of themselves to the disappointment of others who wish to control them are often accused of “dominating” in negative ways. One simple example of this strategy is the common “If you don’t do such and such, give this or that, then you are selfish” claim. “Guys who aren’t willing to make a commitment are being selfish”. Those of us who maintain control of ourselves do dominate what happens to us and what we decide to do or not do. We are often attacked with accusations of being too dominate when we are not as we are… Read more »

8 years ago

While it’s true thirty-something guys (honestly I’d even put it past 25) without wives ,divorces , or child support have it good, the flip side is they must be hyper vigilant against the Matriarchial System. One; expect friends to shame you for being single even as their wives hand you a metric ton of IOIs. A sociopathic redpill man can make quite a harem out of his buddies’ wives . An event of note; a pal I was drinking with lectured me about being “alone and unhappy” while both his long term girlfriend and the waitress visibly checked me out.… Read more »

8 years ago

Wow, that Sandberg quote is basically encouraging women to embrace AF/BB @emily Rollo has only used that quote about a hundred times before, only somebody who couldn’t be bothered to read the site would be wow’ed Speaking of husband snaring, here’s the plot of the romantic novel The Husband Quest Jilly Hart has been called any number of things… gold-digger, trophy wife, etc. She had lived a hard life as a child and refuses to ever succumb to that again. In her world, there is no such thing as love or magic, only money and assets. When her latest in… Read more »

8 years ago


NBTM’s path may have been a bit circuitous, but in this case he did actually manage to arrive at the correct destination.

Go figure.

8 years ago

@scribblerg That’s a fantastic post, thank you for sharing. I wish I could get my Dad to sit down and read it, some areas would line up well for him. He’s currently going through his third divorce, but is still deliberating on whether he wants to get back together with her. She of course went from no sex to them fucking on the reg since the divorce. I would consider both very high SMV (more so for his success and personality than any looks). I’ve talked to him and he agrees with me on red pill points regarding the relationship,… Read more »

8 years ago

@All – Point of order. Any analysis of my comment should be accompanied by whether the man commenting has managed to marry a combo homecoming queen/prom queen. And has fucked and had as GFs a significant number of HB8-9s. If not, he’s LARPing. Merely dancing and flirting with them doesn’t count,. Only P in V and the HBs having social proof that they were high value – like my ex, who’s ass got a half page photo in her high school yearbook, labeled “Best Butt” will suffice as qualification to comment. If you haven’t been with women like that, well,… Read more »

8 years ago

“This game playing afterwards just comes across as an excercise in regaining control to me, and maybe a slight paincked realisation that her SMV isn’t what it was before the marriage.”

Well yeah, but only because that’s exactly what it is. I’ve been there, done that and realized that she was yanking my chain just to prove that she could about half way through the first time I complied with the yank.

I didn’t let it happen again.

I note that I left her when she was 29 . . . and 1/2. Her hamster damned near exploded.

8 years ago

@Scribbler: ” . . . Merely dancing and flirting with them doesn’t count”

Owwww, that’s gonna leave a mark.

8 years ago

A woman who has optimized her Hypergamy will be chasing a man. She will limit her own options in her own mind.

A woman won’t do this without said training once she’s married. Because her whole life has taught her otherwise.

Hence dread. It is the ultimate trainer.

8 years ago
Reply to  Stingray

@Merciless times “Talking about this with women scares them and makes them angry, because they know it is true and you are conscious of it.” My anger came from being humiliated as a child pointing out every experience of a red pill man who works with the world as it is as opposed to how you want it to be. Women’s anger comes from what I can see as something you as a male should get over. It’s harsh and raw. I don’t see things getting any better but the humiliation is something that discourages dialogue. No one ever taught… Read more »

8 years ago

Asdgamer scribblerg

Lol. I think asd’s breakdown was spot on. Shit tests a plenty. Men would be wise to pay careful attention. All women shit test and are hypergamous. Objective reality has nothing to do with it.

Learn your lessons from others experiences.

8 years ago


When you gave her an ultimatum the first time it worked because it was authentic and alpha. When you reverted you proved to her you arent alpha. When you gave your adult sized child the power to decide the fate of the marriage you confirmed beyond doubt you were not alpha.

So she monkey branched. To a lower smv guy as well, who was actually alpha to her. It had nothing to do with her looks. This story plays out the same for 3s as 9s.

8 years ago

The plan b shit is something you’ve no choice to accept if you are going to date a woman who is even remotely attractive. This is why I can’t date anymore. I can’t accept that. And you can’t keep her from jumping ship. It’s not even a matter of being alpha enough. Regardless of how alpha you are, she’s going to get bored. And boredom is simply all it takes. The next man need not even be as good as you are. Last couple women I’ve been with: First girl is getting married in like two months. The fiancee is… Read more »

8 years ago

@scribblerg: ZFG about your high school yearbook.

8 years ago

Gamer: “@ Liz, Stingray My answer to both of you is the same. A woman who has optimized her Hypergamy will be chasing a man. She will limit her own options in her own mind. Such a woman will be too busy chasing the man to worry about other men. Other men will be unwelcome distractions from her mission. This is just as true of party girls as of well-trained girls.” I’m not going to argue the above isn’t true in theory, but I have NEVER seen a party girl who purposely “limited her own options” for any real period… Read more »

8 years ago

@Eon Same age and very similar experiences lately. Girl I was seeing who had just accepted her boyfriends proposal made an embarrassing hail mary play the day after. Proclaimed her undying love and begged me to commit and start dating her seriously. This was a couple of months ago and I stopped it after that, way beyond my moral code by that point. Another girl who I actually fell for, had a fantastic time whenever we were together but always played the your so much better than me card. Of course that was just to get me to beta up… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@NBTM – “Who has the right to control who’s will?” Nailed it. Next question is “Who is you?”. Best to define that unencumbered, as much as as possible, by undue outside influence, but yes the “due” outside influence impinging upon oneself must be taken into consideration, but in no way does it wholly define who a person is, unless they decide that is the way it is for themselves, (which in that eventuality is usually decided rather unconsciously), which is hollow as fuck (not providing a psychic space for a deep level of self-respect) and is therefore probably gonna cause… Read more »

8 years ago

whoever you’re with should have a plan B, lol. i don’t want to be with a chick no one else wants to fuck. no one gives a shit if you make some frumpy dumpy chick no one is chasing into your personal domestic goddess. they care when you take a hottie off the market in that way. and ya there won’t be one plan B. there will be several orbiters. just this weekend i had to deal with some dude staring daggers into a girl i was out with, another dude literally coming and sitting down in my seat after… Read more »

8 years ago

A quote from commenter “SD”

A sociopath red-pill man can make quite a harem out of his buddies’ wives .

Quote of the year – so far.

8 years ago

“Party girls (former, current, aspiring and whatnot) are always working it. And there are practical limitations on how long a guy can try to balance that one to keep him in the perpetual “optimized hypergamy” state of being. Especially in the real world with work obligations and travel and so forth.” party girls are the easiest. they get attached pretty fast if you demonstrate any kindness or idk, any hint of ‘nice’ traits after laying it down well. good sex + egg mcmuffin = they get super attached. it’s kind of annoying sometimes, mainly because of their attitudes on the… Read more »

8 years ago

Scray and Emily sittin’ in a tree…

8 years ago


haven’t really read any of your comments but the last one.

only real point is that IME there isn’t much of a difference between ‘party girls’ and uh ‘normal’ girls.

8 years ago
8 years ago

I’m just teasing you, Scray. 😛

8 years ago


Amen brother.. my exact experience with the 28 year old I mentioned some months ago.. what a fun gal, and complete slave in the sack.. but then shit got serious as fuck, like a lightswitch.. not much fun, had to cut and run.

8 years ago

Forgot to add: Just don’t marry one.
There is a vast difference there.

8 years ago

You know what this makes me think of? Meghan Trainor’s new song No. Ugh I can’t even listen to it all the way because it’s so gross, but it IS all about creating this illusion of security and abundance, even for fat, old, unattractive women.

She’s the feminine imperative’s hench(wo)man

8 years ago

Could you be more specific, Lee lee? I’d never heard of this person, but when I copied and pasted, “Meghan Trainor’s new song” it gave me this one. I like it a lot.

8 years ago

@ Sentient Asdgamer scribblerg Lol. I think asd’s breakdown was spot on. Shit tests a plenty. Men would be wise to pay careful attention. Lol, just a sperg spergin. Nothing to see here, move along, move along. I think that scrib has a point about Dread. It can be overdone and comfort will have to be given at times–holding a girl while she sobs and cuddling. I’ve trained Mrs. Gamer to not expect a lot of comfort, but she still needs some from time to time. Married women can get an ASD spike after sex, so rapport is often essential… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Before reading the OP I secured a cup of caffeine. Then I went to Youtube and got the club / EXP mix of this classic by Destiny6.

Perfect background music….perfect.

Bonus: This vid from the early 1980’s is easy to explain, if yer Scray, YaReally, Roissy, RSD, and so forth, while leaving bluepillers totally confused, but fascinated.

8 years ago


Well, at least you know you’re one of the gang, because we all know exactly who he was taking a swing at without needing to be told.

8 years ago

Meghan Trainor’s new song THAT IS CALLED No.

fixed for the pop challenged

8 years ago

@Liz, can you seriously imagine any party girl I married cuckolding me? Lol, I won’t even tolerate a woman to flake on me or a woman with whom I’m dancing to flirt with another man. And a wife of mine must mateguard herself. That’s what the engagement period will expose. To be sure, I did have a fling with an engaged woman on the down low, so it’s possible that I might get cucked. She wasn’t a party girl from what I could tell, though she did come to a party to which I invited her. That girl was very… Read more »

8 years ago

Nasty Girl is of course written by Prince

from Wikipedia:

Lead singer Vanity, who later became a Christian preacher, subsequently denounced the song and told members of her congregation who listened to the song to “keep praying for the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Emily”

8 years ago

OH! The name is “No”? Lol.
Okay, I got about 50 seconds into the song and stopped.
I got it now. Yes, it sucks.
Thanks. 🙂

8 years ago

If a plan B is her failsafe, I’ll keep my self esteem and sense of abundance as a failsafe. Funny how that game buffers against her even needing a plan B…

P.S. Did SJF change his name to SJB or did I miss something?

8 years ago

Vanity was a party girl. Didn’t go well for her.

8 years ago

@ kfg

You’re Ok.

8 years ago

“@Liz, can you seriously imagine any party girl I married cuckolding me?

No, but I don’t have to.
You didn’t marry a party girl.

People are the products of their values and habits. A person who is a train wreck, habitually, is going to be a train wreck in marriage. Yes, there are things a guy can do to cure that, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


Just looked up the lyrics. I honestly can’t believe women will sing along with that tune and celebrate their GRRL POWER, then turn around and lament about where all the good men have gone. I’m all for women being selective, but songs that celebrate being an unapologetic cunt about it are like songs celebrating being a shitty winner.

I’ll tell you exactly where all the good men went sweetheart: they’re out looking for women who genuinely find lyrics and sentiments like that revolting. It’s just yet another case of first world women completely lacking Girl Game.

8 years ago


@scribblerg: ZFG about your high school yearbook.

@scribblerg: ZFG about your high school wankbook.

There. Corrected it.

8 years ago

Training a girl should be done by her father beginning at adolescence.

I’d argue as a toddler, but that’s beside the point.

As to your point, sure. “Should” being the operative word.

8 years ago

I honestly can’t believe women will sing along with that tune and celebrate their GRRL POWER, then turn around and lament about where all the good men have gone.

Then they’ll order fried ice. The Hamster is truly amazing.

8 years ago

@Big-Al: SJF and SJB are independent and unique commenters despite two coincidences.

8 years ago

“I’d argue as a toddler . . .”

I’ve said it before, so I guess this will make saying it again, but a girl who doesn’t know how to play the game by the time she’s six (even if she doesn’t know why yet) is retarded and you should start to worry about her.

8 years ago


Six year olds are better at it than the vast majority of women today.

Not Born This Morning
8 years ago

@Wild Man -“Next question is “Who is you?”. Best to define that unencumbered, as much as as possible, by undue outside influence, but yes the “due” outside influence impinging upon oneself must be taken into consideration, but in no way does it wholly define who a person is, unless they decide that is the way it is for themselves, (which in that eventuality is usually decided rather unconsciously), which is hollow as fuck (not providing a psychic space for a deep level of self-respect) and is therefore probably gonna cause some bad feelings for the person. What a person does… Read more »

8 years ago

How Can You Be in Two Places at Once When You’re Not Anywhere at All?

8 years ago

: Didn’t open it–wouldn’t know pages are stuck together.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Nasty Girl is of course written by Prince

Yup. And LOL at your edit of Wiki.

Vanity was a party girl.


Didn’t go well for her.


Still perfect background music for this thread. Perfect…

…my own little nasty world…


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