The Political is Personal


Dalrock had an interesting post this morning – Black Fathers Don’t Matter – that mends nicely with a topic I was poking at in Obesity Culture:

While HHS (Health and Human Services) says any man currently shacking up with mom counts as the father, the Census says any man currently shacking up with mom counts as the father so long as mom says so.  Either way, fathers clearly can’t matter that much to the US government if distinguishing between the actual father and the man currently banging mom isn’t important.

There are other ways we can tell that fathers don’t matter (and therefore Black fathers don’t matter).  Under our current family system fathers are a sort of deputy parent. Just like a sheriff’s deputy serves at the pleasure of the sheriff, a father in an intact family serves at the pleasure of the mother.  Our entire family court structure is designed to facilitate the removal of the father should the mother decide she no longer wants him to be part of the family unit.  How important can fathers really be, when we have a massive and brutal bureaucracy devoted to helping mothers kick them out of the house?

What Dal is pointing out here has a far broader implication than simply how various governments define fatherhood. Many critics of my defining the Feminine Imperative like to think it’s a work in conspiracy. However, as I’ve explained before, there really is no need for a conspiracy; the Feminine Imperative has no centralized power base because feminine-primacy is so ensaturated into our collective social consciousness. It needs no centralization because feminine social primacy is literally part of women’s self-understanding – and by extension men’s understanding of women and what women expect of them.

Thus, on a Hypergamous social scale we see that Protein World’s male focused ad gets no such vandalism. The message is clear – It is Men who must perform, Men who need to change themselves, optimize themselves and strive for the highest physical ideal to be granted female sexual approval. Women should be accepted, respected and expected to inspire genuine desire irrespective of men’s physical ideals.


On more than a few occasions I’ve made the connection that what we see in a feminine-primary societal order is really a reflection of the female sexual strategy writ large. When we see a culture of obesity, a culture of body fat acceptance and a culture that presumes a natural evolved order of innate differences between the sexes should be trumped by self-impressions of female personal worth, we’re viewing a society beholden to the insecurities inherent in women’s Hypergamy.

A feminized, feminist, ordered social structure is one founded on ensuring the most undeserving women, by virtue of being women, are entitled to, and assured of, the best Hypergamous options by conscripting and conditioning men to comply with Hypergamy’s dictates.

I’m quoting this again here because, in light of Dalrock’s observations, it’s important for men to really understand that the power struggle women claim to be engaged in with men has already been settled on a meta, social scale. When a father is whomever a woman says he is, that’s a very powerful tool of social power leveraging.

  • A father is anyone a woman/mother claims he is
  • A father is legally bound to children he didn’t sire
  • A father is prevented at great legal and social effort from access to DNA testing of children he suspects aren’t his own
  • A father is legally responsible for the children resulting from his wife/girlfriend cuckolding him
  • A father is financially obligated to the support of children that he didn’t sire or he had no power in deciding to sire

These aren’t just examples relating to men’s lack of power in parenting; these are examples of determining the degree of control a man can exercise over the direction of his entire life. From Truth to Power:

Real Power is the degree to which a person has control over their own circumstances. Real Power is the degree to which we control the directions of our lives.

The inherent insecurity that optimizing Hypergamy poses to women is so imperative, so all-consuming, to their psychological wellbeing that establishing complex social orders to facilitate that optimization were the first things women collectively constructed when they were (nominally) emancipated from men’s provisioning around the time of the sexual revolution.

Ensuring the optimization of women’s biologically prompted Hypergamy is literally the basis of our current social order. On a socio-political scale what we’re experiencing is legislation and cultural mandates that better facilitate Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks.

Driver had a good comment from the last post that illustrates another aspect of this feminine-power consolidation (emphasis mine):

“All the “feeling good about your body” that a fat woman can muster is NEVER going to be an aphrodisiac or a substitute for having a great body that men are aroused by.”

It’s funny how women are very attracted to a guy who works out, eats rights and takes care of his body but they fully expect men to love them (or be attracted to them) for “who they are” – thin or big. You would think that these overweight women would get the memo by now but women (and more of them) keep getting bigger each year.

Feminine-Primary Social Doctrine is the Extension of Women’s Hypergamy

In a feminine-primary social order women presume, without an afterthought, that they are entitled to an attractive guy who works out and meets or exceeds women’s very stringent and static physical ideal. At the same time they expect an entitlement to absolute control of that attraction/arousal process regardless of, and to the exception of, any influence or difference in men’s control of that process. And they expect this without any thought to meriting it beyond appeals to a nebulous and inflated concept of their personal self-worth.

When we consider the present, ambiguous state of sexual consent laws we begin to understand the latent Hypergamous purpose those laws serve – absolute consolidation of women’s Hypergamous strategies as the motivator of any sexual encounter.

Furthermore, they expect an entitlement, either directly or indirectly, to the material support and provisioning of men for no other reason than they were born female.

Any deviation from this is on the part of  men is met with a cultural reprisal designed to convince or coerce men to accept their inevitable role in providing those entitlements to women. When those social contingencies fail, or become played out, the Feminine Imperative then appeals to legal legislation to mandate men’s compliance to what amounts to women’s social entitlement to optimized Hypergamy.

Legislating Hypergamy

From the Alpha Fucks side of Hypergamy this amounts to socially shaming men’s sexual imperatives while simultaneously empowering women’s short-term sexual strategies and fomenting men’s societal acceptance of it (i.e. the Sandberg plan for Open Hypergamy). This is further enforced from a legal perspective through consent laws and vague “anti-harassment” legislation to, ideally, optimize women’s hypergamous prospects.

When we read about instances of the conveniently fluid definitions of rape and harassment (not to mention the pseudo-victimhood of not being harassed), this then turns into proposed “rape-by fraud” legislation. Hypergamy wants absolute certainty, absolute veracity, that it will be secured in its optimization. And in an era when the only restraint on Hypergamy depends on an individual woman’s capacity for being self-aware of it, that Hypergamy necessitates men be held legally responsible for optimizing it.

Even the right for women to have safe and legal abortions finds its root in women’s want to mandate an insurance of their Hypergamous impulses. Nothing says “he wasn’t the right guy” like the unilateral power to abort a man’s genetic legacy in utero.

Feminist boilerplate would convince us that expanding definitions of rape is an effort to limit men’s control of women’s bodies – however, the latent purpose of expanding the definition is to consolidate on the insecurity all women experience with regard to optimizing Hypergamy.

The Beta Bucks insurance aspect of Hypergamy is evidenced by cultural expectations of male deference to wives’ authority in all decision making aspects of a marriage or relationship. And once again this expectation of deference is a grasping for assurances of control should a woman’s Hypergamous choosing of a man not meet her expectations. This is actualized covertly under the auspices of egalitarian equalism and the dubious presumptions of support and feminine identification on the part of men.

Beyond this there are of course the ubiquitous divorce, support, child support and domestic violence legalities that grossly favor women’s interests – which should be pointed out are rooted in exactly the same Hypergamous insecurity that her short-term Alpha Fucks mating strategies demand legislation for.

As Open Hypergamy becomes more institutionalized and made a societal norm by the Feminine Imperative, and as more men become Red Pill aware (by effort or consequences) because of it, the more necessary it will become for a feminine-primary social order to legislate and mandate men comply with it.

Going Mainstream

I’ve addressed this before, but I’ve never done politics on TRM. I will never do screeds on race or multi-culturalism or religion on TRM for a very good reason – it pollutes the message.

We now are seeing the results of this pollution as the manosphere is attacked from both sides of the political spectrum.

I’ve given this example before, but if you put Gretchen Carlson and Rachel Maddow on the same show and confronted them with red pill truths and Game-awareness they would eagerly close ranks, reserve their political differences and cooperatively fight for the Feminine Imperative.

This is the degree to which the Feminine Imperative has been saturated into our western social fabric. Catholic women in the Vatican may have very little in common with Mormon women in Utah, but let a Mormon woman insist the church alter its fundamental foundational articles of faith with regard to women in favor of a doctrine substituted by the Feminine Imperative and those disparate women have a common purpose.

That is the depth of the Feminine Imperative – that female primacy should rewrite articles of faith to prioritize women’s interests.

Religious doctrine, legal and political legislation, cultural norms, labor and economic issues; all are trumped by the Feminine Imperative. All have been subverted to defer to the Feminine Imperative while maintaining a default status of victimhood and oppression of women and women’s interests necessary to perpetuate that covert decentralized power base.

It doesn’t matter what world view, ideology or political stripe the opposition holds; men, masculinity and anything contrary to the feminine-primary social narrative will always be a common enemy of the Feminine Imperative, and both liberal and conservative will climb over one another to throw the first punch if it means defending women and defending the feminine social order by proxy.

This is why anything even marginally pro-masculine is vilified in mainstream society. Anything pro-masculine is always an easy, preferred target because it’s so hated, so incorrect, in a feminine-primary context that it can unite people of hostilely opposed political and ideological differences.

It’s my opinion that red pill awareness needs to remain fundamentally apolitical, non-racial and non-religious because the moment the Red Pill is associated with any social or religious movement, you co-brand it with an ideology, and the validity of it will be written off along with any preconceptions associated with that specific ideology.

Furthermore, any co-branding will still be violently disowned by whatever ideology it’s paired with because the Feminine Imperative has already co-opted and trumps the fundaments of that ideology. The fundamental truth is that the manosphere, pro-masculine thought, Red Pill awareness or its issues are an entity of its own.

This is what scares the shit out of critics who attempt to define, contain and compartmentalize the manosphere / Red Pill awareness; it’s bigger than social, racial, political or religious strictures can contain. It crosses all of those constructs just as the Feminine Imperative has co-opted all of those cultural constructs. The feminized infrastructure of the MSM that’s just beginning to take the manosphere seriously enough to be critical are discovering this and trying to put the genie back into a bottle defined by their feminine-primary conditioning.

The idea that one of their own, whether in a liberal or conservative context, is genuinely Red Pill aware and educating others of that awareness is unnerving for the Feminine Imperative that’s already established strong footholds in either ideology.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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9 years ago


” Bye, go back to your PUA.”

Whatever man. I’d like to catch up to you in 10 years or so and see how the whole prostitute life works out for you.

Not that words penetrate your brain or anything, but I’m not a PUA. Don’t think I ever claimed that. I hear you discussing pussy, and since I’ve had more ( non-prostitute pussy ) than you’ve had oxygen in your lifetime, I just figured I’d try to help you out.

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago


When I need your help I will let you know.

Let me ask you.

What have you achieved in life?

9 years ago

…Btw, if you notice, Bill keeps referring to ” whores “. Just sayin’.

9 years ago

Dang … Rollo, I can see why you try to keep politics out of the discussion. I usually read from start to end before commenting but just plain ran out of steam. Long, boring treaties … blah, blah, blah. Glenn, I like you man but just dial it back a bit, ok ? And Lone Survivor clearly is a RP rookie who should do the work before opening his mouth AND he clearly is basing much of his experience on things that happened outside the US; so his perspective is different. People here have tried to point that out to… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Rocket

You are correct brother be careful NSA put a bit search on Google for torpeoject that than saved your IP address.
By the way look at death row as well 1.88 percent are women. Out of around 3 thousand males. For Tor use a proxy before you access it.
I already get banned for bringing up red pill truths. So if that’s taken away from the Internet I am going to become a farmer and live away from the city.
Off the grid and off the land.
It’s all I have left. It’s their ever was.

9 years ago


LOL. Well, from reading what you’ve written, I’ve achieved more than you have even thought of.

If you don’t want help or understanding, GTFOH. What is your purpose here? You little snot nosed euro-brat. Go back to the bars to get turned down by Portuguese women or whateverthefuck you were saying.

You come here whining and crying about money and whores. We’re having adult conversations. Why don’t you go to the nearest ATM so you can get laid and loosen up a little.

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago

Would you be so kind of illustrating your great and infinite achievements to an insignificant eathworm such as me?

9 years ago

There’s no point. Go to work. Money to be made.

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago

Please, your majesty, enlighten me with your great accomplishments in life.

Tell me how many companies have you founded and sold, in how many different countries have you lived, how many lives have you saved doing heart surgery in the hospital, how many taliban soldiers you killed during Op. Iraqi Freedom, how many olympic medals you have won in the Olympics.

I am pretty sure that a man like you has achieved great things in his life, and that such man does not boils his value down to feminine approval manifested as sexual intercourse.

9 years ago

You’re a silly asshole man. But you’re funny. I don’t feel I should tell you anything. Your validation I give less than zero fucks about. Heart surgery? Taliban? I will tell you this much. I’m much older than you. I know more about real life than you. You will never found a company or win an Olympic medal ( sorry, but it’s true ) And you will have to learn lessons the hard way. That’s cool, it’s your life. I don’t worry about money anymore. I’m financially in a place that it will take you another 20-30 years to reach.… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
9 years ago

“Religious doctrine, legal and political legislation, cultural norms, labor and economic issues; all are trumped by the Feminine Imperative”

They are all in fact agents of the Feminine Imperative and have always been as intended by design from the inception of each.

Men were conscripted into monogamy (including serial monogamy) by the Feminine Imperative to at least mitigate the masculine sexual imperative and women now attempt to mandate elimination of the masculine sexual imperative.

Sun Wukong
9 years ago


If your belief is “Make money, buy sex from prostitutes” then really you don’t need a lot of what’s written here. Just know about hypergamy and AF/BB and you’re done. Don’t think anymore about it.

No need to engage in insult matches with guys who’ve figured out how to enjoy the game you don’t enjoy.

9 years ago


Leave it to you to sum things up so succinctly.

Sun Wukong
9 years ago


Fun fact I thought I’d mention: I studied video editing in college under the guy that directed that Prodigy video.

9 years ago

It’s really remarkable how efficient the AF/BB System is working. It doesnt matter if someone likes PUA and things like that, but every man should know what he is dealing with in terms of women and their “Game”. And for us men there are only 2 possibilities: 1) Play our way of “Game” to win it 2) to go MGTOW ( thats the way Mr. Lone Survivor is going) Speaking for myself, iam stucked in between these 2 points! A new era has begun, gentlemen. @ Rollo: I understand that you dont like to “pollute” the discussion with politics. But… Read more »

Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@Blaximus Law #4 Always say less than necessary When you are trying to impress people with words, the more you say, the more common you appear, and the less in control. Even if you are saying something banal, it will seem original if you make it vague, open-ended, and sphinx-like. Powerful people impress and intimidate by saying less. The more you say, the more likely you are to say something foolish. I’ve been reading the 48 Laws of Power and trying to put it in to practice more lately. Law #4 also happens to line up nicely with Stoicism in… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Sun

Cool (<– One word )

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago

@Blaximus Actually, it is you who is being swept off his feet. If you read my comments, at all times I have addressed you respectfully. It is you who started ranting and insulting. In terms of learning lessons, yes, I have learned things the hard way. And yes, I am ok with that, learning things the hard way offers knowledge and an increase in stamina. What, is there an “easy” way to learn things in life? Are you old enough to realize that everything in life requires effort and hard work? I am simply stating that physical attractiveness is only… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Lone Survivor

@Sun Wukong
Jonas akurland? The guy loves fast cuts. The end of tha always meant something to me. Because it was a real punch in your face about people’s perception of violence.

Not Born This Morning
9 years ago Beautiful? Priceless? The outcome is 90% likely to be quite ugly and very expensive. Every relationship should be considered a risk and an offer to marry should be considered an extreme long term risk. Based on statistical reality there is about a 95% chance that she will become obese after the contract is executed and before but certainly during the first pregnancy. Chronic obesity will be dishonestly attributed to “difficulty loosing pregnancy fat”. There is no amount of protein or “directorship”, that will even slightly curb the pervasive and ubiquitous tendency toward this most certain outcome. In fact the… Read more »

9 years ago

Check this project a buddy of mine name James Lewis is working on

Not Born This Morning
9 years ago

@Rollo –

“women being the most environmentally at-risk sex needed a social collective to support each other (tribalism), nurture young and cooperatively sustain each other.”

It can be argued that men experientially receive the shittiest end of the environmental risk stick. Not women.

Men are more likely to die in combat, receive far less support, die on average 7 years younger, make the greater sacrifices, provide the greatest effort and receive the least consideration & the most hatred.

9 years ago

@Not born this morning
“the least consideration & the most hatred.”
Good that brings sheviers to my core…

Fredrick Welfare
9 years ago

Lineage in western societies is mostly parallel, as distinct from tribes which were either matriarchal or patriarchal. But, the competition and hatred is mostly between males: derogation of competitors. Western society does not accept the in-laws as allies, does not accept the brother-in-law as a helper, therefore, the man often does not return to his family space after marriage and finds a new living space. Today, however, women remain attached to their family and the man moves to the matriarch’s geographical space, with exceptions.

9 years ago

@Not born …

Ran across this awhile back … reinforces what Rollo said and just plain makes sense. I booked marked it

Not Born This Morning
9 years ago

Rollo –

It can be argued that men experientially receive the shittiest end of the environmental risk stick. Not women.

It can also be argued that this has ALWAYS been the case because in ancient tribal cultures, it was the male who conducted most of the hunting, and tribal warfare, etc. Men have always been at greater risk than women. The male was subject to the greatest environmental risks and often in defense of the female.

9 years ago

“It can be argued that men experientially receive the shittiest end of the environmental risk stick.”

Because men provide the first line of defense for the more vulnerable women.

The front passenger seat of a car became know as the Suicide Seat, because a disproportionate number of fatalities occur to its occupants. Engineers spent years examining the designs of their cars trying to figure out why before the reason was found:

The seat is disproportionately occupied by women. Women are disproportionately frail.

Not Born This Morning
9 years ago

Interesting read, but nothing new.

Not so long ago, women who behaved like feminists and “sluts” do today were burnt at the stake, branded with such marks as “The Scarlet Letter”, banished, etc.

Fredrick Welfare
9 years ago

Males are often excluded from the family at some point, or excluded from females by all male institutions and by mate/daughter guarding. Today the exclusions persist in the form of age restrictions, social class restrictions, status restrictions, etc. Some males do inherit social capital and cultural capital along with their attractiveness or neotany and family wealth all of which mitigate social exclusion. Neglect may therefore be a form of benign abuse to which conditioning modifies their disgust.

9 years ago

Sun Wukong, If you’re going to assert that basic biology and evolution prove that basic biology and evolution are not responsible for psychological and social structures, then you’d damn well better back it up I back it up with simple facts that I thought was obvious to even a casual observer. Feminists are going extinct. This is not theory, this is fact. Look at the children being born in the West. They are not being born to feminsts. As is you’re asserting that the effect is the cause. I’m gonna call unconditional bullshit until you can give me some proof.… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
9 years ago

A fundamental and crucial aspect of my red pill awareness transition (which seems to be endless) involved a perspective shift. My perspective shifted from forward thinking to looking back. Looking back did not involve nostalgia or regret very much. I mostly discarded hopes and dreams while seeking better understanding of how my life conditions came to be. There was much more to be gained by understanding WHAT IS rather than what I hoped to be or what I thought “should” be. I became “forensic” and in doing so, I realized that outcomes point backwards directly to real conditions and actions… Read more »

9 years ago

@Not born this morning
Never deny death
That was a gilft a remerber learning awhile ago.
This book really hit me harder than fight club.
Alpha state of mind
Blue pill accept your conditions

Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@mdavid You’re not disproving shit about the relation of underlying biological factors to femcentric behavior. You’re just going on about your personal fantasy of the death of feminists. Here, let me make it a bit clearer: femcentric behavior is a result of female biology coupled with male:female ratios in a population approaching or exceeding 1:1. It will always be carried latently within females as part of their innate biology, and will be unleashed any time there are any times of extended peace where male:female ratios become favorable to hypergamy. You’re not speaking to biological reality at all. You’re speaking in… Read more »

9 years ago

I’ve seen this theory floated in the manosphere before and it has some merit. Demographic trends indicate that Muslims and Mexicans are overtaking white populations. What you are ignoring is that second generation immigrants often assume the dominant values of their nation. The second generation may not adhere to the family values that served the prior generations so well. A new generation of progressives may be born!
Nobody here is myopic about the power of feminism. Feminism is an idea which has upturned ancient patriarchal societies in the span of a few generations. Respect your enemy.

9 years ago

@Sun Wukong
I agree that there is an evolutionary basis to feminism’s rise. Womens’ innate hypergamy and collectivist nature will express itself in one form or another. It may be feminism, chivalry or some other nonsense. Whatever shape it takes, the guiding principle is to compel men to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of a woman.

Sun Wukong
9 years ago

One does not need to be born feminist to be socialized in to femcentric behavior. There is no part of society immune to that influence anymore. Whether “feminists” have children or not does not matter. Girls are born with hypergamic tendencies which society increasingly celebrates and encourages, and boys are socialized to accept femcentric thinking.

9 years ago

Tom – “second generation immigrants often assume the dominant values of their nation.”

Except the Muslims. It seems the generations born outside of Muslim dominated regions are more easily radicalized and likely to reject the culture of the host country.

Where you see assimilation in the West is either other westerners, which includes Latin America, or some Asian groups as Western values and social structures, although different, aren’t anti-thetical to the culture left behind.

9 years ago
Reply to  Badpainter

“compel men to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of a woman.”
The echoes some serious torments in my dreams in a blue pill state.
“Respect your enemy”
In rugby the small guys like me can do some serious damage when people underestimate are size.

Sun Wukong
9 years ago


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. But I’m betting you knew that before you did.

9 years ago

Blaximus, you don’t need to qualify yourself to Lone Survivor (and apt handle as he is barely surviving his attempt to qualify himself to us the commentariat). And you didn’t. Only a few more 48 laws of power could apply in addition to Law #4. Sun Wukong well moderated your comments to Lone. Carry on in a tone that doesn’t lean toward Lone’s exhortations. I personally, despite NBTM’s protestations about how hard it is to be a male today, continue to be in the top 5% of males despite my genes. No excuses for female hardwiring will color my best… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  sjfrellc

I missed you
“Learn something here and be a better man. Be a better father to your children. Be a better spouse to your mate. Be a better plate spinner if single , be a better alpha male if needed and a better beta provider to your LTR if needed. Be better and more skillful. In the end it is your outcome that matters, not some debate won online. (And Lack of having game skills or denying their value can get you in a serious world of hurt in today’s declining civilization).”

9 years ago

“When looking for a life partner, my advice to women is date of all of them: the bad boys, the cools boys, the commitment-phobic boys, the crazy boys. But do not marry them. The things that make the bad boys sexy do not make them good husbands. When it comes to settle down, find someone who wants an equal partner. Someone who thinks women should be smart, opinionated and ambitious. Someone who values fairness and expects or, even better, wants to do his share in the home. These men exist and, trust me, over time, nothing is sexier.” Famous last… Read more »

9 years ago

By the way, this Clyde Mays Alabama whisky I’m drinking is a good product at about $40. Seems to be smooth with an adulterant that tastes like Coca Cola. I won’t be buying any more but I will be giving the thumbs up to my purveyor to keep it in stock for those who are unsophisticated and say smooth is their modus operandi for bourbon. Rather that character and sophistication.

9 years ago

Hopefully, I can not screw up the google news like I did when I thought Dr. Oz had his radio show cancelled and I thought it was his TV show.

Perhaps I’m not wrong when Ms. Sandberg’s husband was cancelled rather than her job.

Sorry for my reportage. Did I mention that I’m the least empathetic person ever?

9 years ago

I like the idea of saying things in a amoral fashion. It serves the manosphere better.

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago

@sjfrellc Lone S’s investing in whores, while being a short term strategy to expend less energy, will leave him without an investment that pays dividends when he is 54 years old. He will wake up one day and still have the problem of always having to qualify. Always having to perform and having nothing but term insurance. Nope, my friend. Rollo says in one of his articles that “men are always to perform”, and (Rollo, correct me if I am wrong) we men must constantly strive towards excellence in all aspects of our life. And I agree on that, it… Read more »

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago
9 years ago

@seraph: “They really don’t CARE about those issues themselves. They wish to be in a position by which they can control others. If you are of the ‘party’ (A true believer) you can get away with almost anything, despite the rhetoric.” Absolutely true. To anyone who pays any attention to the actual behavior of Leftists, your statement above is the overwhelming, and only logical, conclusion. As far as Rollo’s “which came first the chicken or the egg” idea with regards to feminism vis-à-vis socialism; it’s an interesting question, but avoids the fact that modern feminism (1st, 2nd and 3rd wave)… Read more »

9 years ago

@Rollo Tomassi: “Where is Siirtyrion when I need him?” . . . Hopefully, working on improving his convoluted, borderline incoherent writing style.

9 years ago

@MacBeth – I find Foucault fascinating and deep, but haven’t looked at him in a long time. Your comment is a good reminder to circle around to read him again. I don’t use the term “fag” and don’t care how much cock he gobbled. This is another thing about the manosphere that pisses me off. I’m not okay with bashing gays, and in fact feel more solidarity with male homosexuals than I do with women. I’m no academic, I’m just an armchair student of all this who got sick of the horseshit being shoved at me even in the supposedly… Read more »

9 years ago

@SunWukong – Listen, you are clearly about as ignorant of politics as Rollo is – okay, fair enough. Then just don’t talk about about politics here, yeah? I won’t correct you dingbats if you stay off the topic? But this isn’t a female locker room – you guys have little idea what the fuck you are talking about and make breezy, asinine statements which are mostly laughable. I don’t have to sidestep that shit here. In fact, I’m just the guy to cut you down to size so you may realize that you don’t really know what you are talking… Read more »

9 years ago

I hope Rollo was quoting someone else. I don’t think Rollo is a pussy, I just think he’s a got a blind spot a mile wide when it comes to politics – he mostly doesn’t know the history of our politics actually. I agree, he shouldn’t talk about politics, it’s not his forte. I also think his dismissal of the politics is ignorant and arrogant. I’ve backed up my assertions with dozens of facts, citations, people, places and things. And yes, I’m not nice about it – I’m not here to be nice to you guys. I also think that… Read more »

9 years ago

@Blaximus – You need to be in the next SunWuGong Show for sure. You have some great ideas and stories. Putting a women on the hood of your car and gunning it, I love it?

Question: What do you attribute your transition to the Blue Pill/Good Man worldview to? Was it really as simple as just deciding to be monogamous? I I think that marriage and monogamy is a program designed to give a man a permanent case of “oneitis”. We also seem to voluntarily de-nut ourselves this way. Would love to hear more from you on this.

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
9 years ago

Maybe I missed something, but I don’t think Rollo was dismissing politics was he? He just stated why his blog stays away from it, and said he felt the manosphere should resist binding itself to a political ideology. Red pill men are certainly free to take up the political cause of there choice, but certainly one can see the danger of being dismissed as another “John Birch Society” guy or some other political fringe group. We loose a lot of voice if the media can successfully pigeon hole us.

Forge the Sky
9 years ago

@Glenn “On the @SunWuGong Show the other night, I learned that some here doubt my exploits and escapades….” I think that was me. Also, I apologize for not communicating my thought clearly, that wasn’t what I meant. I’ve never doubted your stories, it’s always been pretty clear to me that you were being up-front and genuine. And I have no reason to think others doubt either. What I was trying to say was that, upon first entering the redpill arena, I had difficulty imagining the sorts of things you (and other men with advanced experience with women, like Xplat) were… Read more »

9 years ago

The threshold issue in the political discussion, apart from the various digressions on specific political philosophers, is the relative degree of importance of politics as compared with the underlying biologically-driven imperatives. There are many points of view one could imagine about this, but for purposes of this thread it seems that the two main points of view are: (1) the biological imperatives are “a priori” to everything else, and therefore the politics of any era is mostly an epiphenomenon which emerges from these imperatives and takes its shape based on contextual factors (time, place, economics, technology, philosophy, etc.); and (2)… Read more »

Forge the Sky
9 years ago

@Divided Line Lol’d at your reply to me. Well done. Good comments, as well. This is a great thread. The sort that makes me wish I were an expert in more fields. But I already think I tend to balance my life a bit too far in the abstract realm, I’m trying to experience more… Sigh. @Glenn I think I’m gonna have to call uncle on this one. My intuition is still that political ideologies are little more than playthings for people’s collective and complex self-interests, but it’s little more than that – an intuition. I agree that there’s certainly… Read more »

Forge the Sky
9 years ago


Yeah, what you said.

Can I say this? This site is one of the few places capable of making me feel stupid occasionally. It’s fucking great.

9 years ago

Lone Survivor is the perfect example to men reading here to internalize Law 48 and assume formlessness.

Such rigid and cocksure thinking is a huge, brightly painted target of opportunity for the enlightened man to ad to either his harem or his pocketbook.

You are attacked successfully in the traits you model. (money, physique, on and on).

The enlightened player merely needs to plant the seed of doubt, and when you give something to compare/contrast, you ARE losing.

9 years ago

I mean, seriously, how many of you here know that Fourier was an early 19th century French philosopher who is credited with co-inventing the term soclalism and in some circles (yet another topic of debate in the woolly environs of academia) is also credited with first coining the term feminist as well? Or that the interactions and relationships between say a Mary Wolstencroft and other early feminists with early socialists like Fourier were quite common. Feminists from the start saw themselves as part of the tradition of say a John Stuart Mills, or Bentham or Condorcet or others, which is… Read more »

9 years ago

Do you think ideologies have any value apart from the rhetorical today?

9 years ago

Thought this was appropriate to post…

Free Speech on Campus: ‘F*ck Masculinity’, ‘Fight the Straightness’, ‘Fuck America’

“At the street intersection and on the band stage, protesters took turns delivering short speeches and tirades covering a range of topics, including, but not limited to, the following: systematic racism, sexism, rape culture, the riots in Baltimore, microaggressions, Cornell administrators and trustees, Cornell’s occupation of formerly indigenous lands, capitalism, Israel, the NYPD, oil companies, patriarchy, whiteness, masculinity, and straightness.”

Masculinity, says one blonde chick on the video at the link, is ‘dehumanizing’.

9 years ago

@ Lone Survivor—“I don’t perform for them anymore, and I don’t play by their rules anymore. I perform for myself, if they want to follow that is great, if not then so be it. And the fun thing is that women who interact with me at work are starting to become attracted to me, to which I simply let it slide as my career has a higher priority than having sex now (like I said, I am in one of the largest Pharma Companies of the world).” Aaron Cleary describes in your video that an excellent girl comes along approx.… Read more »

9 years ago

Tom, I’ve seen this theory floated in the manosphere before and it has some merit. Demographic trends indicate that Muslims and Mexicans are overtaking white populations. What you are ignoring is that second generation immigrants often assume the dominant values of their nation. Look, what’s myopic about fearing feminists is that they are parasites, and so they eat their host. Men won’t play this game. Force doesn’t work to raise families, never has. Commies tried it, the Roman Empire tried it, now feminsts and liberals are trying it. Never works. Just like the Soviets “We will bury you!” in 1950… Read more »

Fredrick Welfare
9 years ago
Reply to  mdavid

It’s a leap to suppose that demographic change is intentional or even ideological. There are 2 key reproductive strategies that all species follow: r/K selection theory. R-selection posits that a species or population will simply reproduce as many offspring as possible which is what we see in certain human populations: Chinese, Indian, African, Catholics, Conservatives, etc. K-selection is more investment oriented and slows down population growth to focus on supporting each individual. Fast growth and slow growth. What has happened in the 20th century after the population explosion, is depopulation, which actually started in the West in the 19th century.… Read more »

Fredrick Welfare
9 years ago
Reply to  mdavid

It’s a leap to suppose that demographic change is intentional or even ideological. There are 2 key reproductive strategies that all species follow: r/K selection theory. R-selection posits that a species or population will simply reproduce as many offspring as possible which is what we see in certain human populations: Chinese, Indian, African, Catholics, Conservatives, etc. K-selection is more investment oriented and slows down population growth to focus on supporting each individual. Fast growth and slow growth. What has happened in the 20th century after the population explosion, is depopulation, which actually started in the West in the 19th century.… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
9 years ago

sjfrellc- Your comments posted about your “quality woman” and that you “didn’t fuck up” and that you “kept your eye on the ball” etc, etc, etc… All that reflects and dovetails perfectly into oneitis, a misconception of scarcity, fear of rejection, fear of intimacy, etc. In my early days of becoming aware of the truths written about here, I struggled with a contradiction. That contradiction involved clinging to the same monogamy – quality woman – achievement struggle that you describe for your self vs the reality of how women really behave and the reality honestly of what my real impulses… Read more »

Sun Wukong
9 years ago


SunWuGong Show? I’m gonna have to add a gong in now just for you. Start banging it when you run too long on a topic hahaha

You get your teen poon? Or did her lack of in depth political dialectic leave you too limp?

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago


That is a great book!

9 years ago

@mdavid “What gives Fems so much power today? The strong and stable men from the families of yesterday. And that’s the key word: YESTERDAY. Every year there are less and less strong and stable men who support feminsm merely because of the decline of the family. Look at male participation in the workforce and in college. And the few stable families today that still take marriage seriously are hyper-religious, really hate feminists, and propogandize their daughers this way. Feminsm won’t die with a bang, but a wimper, and far sooner that most expect.” I agree with some of what you… Read more »

9 years ago

@mdavid: “I have no enemy.”

Do your enemies know that?

Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@Glenn On the more serious note, you didn’t really give an answer to my question of how the Left/Right national politics are going to help a guy make his individualist decisions on a day to day basis. MRAs have shown that the political game is pretty much a wash for men I my opinion, and I feel Rollo’s view of bottom up change through individual men learning positive masculinity is a valid counter. “Demonstrate, do not explicate” at the personal level that done widely enough would change society in a positive way. I don’t see national politics mattering in that… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Sun Wukong

Was thinking about the tension being built… Here The Other Language (male = female) Three days after I was born, as I lay in my silken cradle, gazing with astonished dismay on the new world round about me, my mother spoke to the wet-nurse, saying, “How does my child?” And the wet-nurse answered, “He does well, Madame, I have fed him three times; and never before have I seen a babe so young yet so gay.” And I was indignant; and I cried, “It is not true, mother; for my bed is hard, and the milk I have sucked is… Read more »

9 years ago

What I disagree about is that where Leftists get the majority of their power. I believe that most of their power is gained thru the media and their absolute control of it. @Rocket — That’s a part, but it’s also the culture creators (TV/movies/music/pop culture) and the educational establishment. Taken together, these three elements (media, culture creators, educational controllers) form a powerful trifecta to sway opinion however it wishes to, and all three are thoroughly and systematically dominated by the left. The advent of the new internet technologies of 2.0 as well have augmented this influence by providing more “always… Read more »

9 years ago

@novaseeker “That’s a part, but it’s also the culture creators (TV/movies/music/pop culture) and the educational establishment.” I actually consider “media” to include pop culture and even “social media” which is a powerful force among the young. And you are correct about the “educational establishment” the FI takeover of public schools and driving out male teachers was a huge undertaking and total success. I don’t know how many male teachers there are any more, percentage wise, but not very many and I do know that given the false accusations there is not a chance in hell that I would want to… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Rocket

“Little boys today have essentially no chance of growing up with a Normal male perspective; unless they are home schooled.”
It’s in part why learning anything about the red pill came from observation. I really love learning. Just not feeling guilt and shamed for it not being someone’s version of the world I grew up with.
Homeschool is great if you got the resources for it.
I try to teach myself along the way but The information here really helped me out an a grand scale.

9 years ago

@Not Born This Morning May 3rd, 2015 at 11:49 am “All that reflects and dovetails perfectly into oneitis, a misconception of scarcity, fear of rejection, fear of intimacy, etc.” I agree entirely that it may reflect one-itis, it may mis-conceive scarcity, it may be a fear of rejection, I may fear intimacy, etc. Except when it doesn’t. It may but it doesn’t. If that statement is true, then my reflection on my station in life is satisfactory to me. Sure I have ego investment in the choices I’ve made. But I also have the wisdom to know the difference of… Read more »

9 years ago

@Sun Wukong

To Glenn “On the more serious note, you didn’t really give an answer to my question of how the Left/Right national politics are going to help a guy make his individualist decisions on a day to day basis.”

As you typed that I was passing a sentence in “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. I’m re-reading it after having read it in 1980. The sentence on p. 314 says ” I think metaphysics is good if it improves everyday life; otherwise forget it.


Fredrick Welfare
9 years ago
Reply to  sjfrellc

You mentioned metaphysics dismissively. Metaphysics is often derided because it is nothing but beliefs and/or religion. Philosophically, however, metaphysics is the analysis of statements about reality which are possible, impossible and necessary. So, metaphysics is a part of everyday life related to what people believe about what is impossible, what is possible and what is necessary. Science plays a key role here is being skeptical of ordinary language use and everyday life. This blog is itself skeptical of the practices and claims of our culture and thus addresses metaphysics.

9 years ago

….And the author was reflecting on how is old self that went crazy (literally) thinking about metaphysics and his new self lets it’s quandaries roll off his back.

Don’t go crazy Glenn. Show us how to use your knowledge for everyday life.

9 years ago
Reply to  sjfrellc

Create like a god, command like a king, work like a slave.

Constantin Brancusi


Are you depressed?

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago

I would like to ask those who look down to paying for sex to give the reasons why paying for sex is unacceptable.

9 years ago

To Love Survivor: I don’t have the time right now to answer in full but will try later this evening. I believe I am in a position to set things straight because I don’t think you understand the majority of opinions here. In case you are wondering, I’ve essentially gone MGTOW and see “Escorts” as you do. I do not refer to them as prostitutes, that is degrading. And I’m doing it for the right reasons and even then, I probably am not doing what is best for me, long term. I know that and choose to do it anyway.… Read more »

9 years ago

@Glenn, I’ve read probably every single word Marx put to pen: all of Das Kapital (yes, all), The Manifesto, The Paris Manuscripts, Grundrisse, most of his correspondences, et al. I’ve also read Marxists or Marxian philosophers from Gramsci to Fromm, and lots in between. I am also as much a RPer as you’ll ever meet, and Tomassi’s blog is by far the most insightful of all of them, but make no mistake when I tell you in the most explicit language you’ll ever read here or elsewhere: Karl Marx is probably the smartest human that ever walked on this rock… Read more »

9 years ago

@RPmuststophating A babe in the woods. Your lack of simple understanding of human nature and/or hierarchy like all taxonomical hierarchies is right there with Uncle Karl. I don’t say this as a capitalist but as a predator. Poor boy, slavery is the preferred and default preference of all but a few men whom are most definitely your betters. Your need for it drips from your words as the smell of it likely drips from your pores. Just look around this site! Men, set free, fighting to let the chains lay on them, as you do. I used to find it… Read more »

Tam the Bam
Tam the Bam
9 years ago

Go on then, convince me that Lone is not Professor Wossname, sidekick or mere minion of S(i)irTyrion.
Short. Check
Dago. Check.
Has some kind of incomprehensible beef, barely distinguishable from passion, with harmless and unaware northern Euros (of either or any gender, all of whom are much much larger, wealthier and generally more socially adept than “him”). Checkmeister.

9 years ago

Dang Rollo, talking this political stuff must really rub you the wrong way (pun intended). I promised Lone a more extensive update and don’t have lots of time but will try to bang out an response. So, I don’t harbor the animosity that other do for Mr Lone. I believe he is legit. A young member of the RP society. Too eager and to impatient as the young tend to be. Most importantly he thinks he has shit figured out and doesn’t and isn’t shy about shooting his mouth off. Sounds harsh but I don’t mean it that way; he… Read more »

9 years ago

OK, Mr. Lone … part II If you follow Rollo’s teaching you will find some very important truths. First is the “N Count” that is very important. I believe (and may be in the minority) that the more sexual partners a woman has the harder it is for her to eventually bond with her mate. Brain chemistry is altered, Alpha widow, whatever you want to call it. Over centuries and centuries and even today in some societies (muslim) there is a distinct preference for marrying a virgin. The reason is that marrying a virgin is the best predictor that a… Read more »

9 years ago

Lone … part III Avoiding working your issues and improving as man is an important point and I want to follow up that. There was some recent discussion here about all the preaching to become Alpha, look like Alpha, act like Alpha … blah, blah, blah. I’m against that because I think that most men cannot and will never become the Alpha they want to be. But there was an important point that was made. There are lots of recommendations to “get to the gym” or “lift” or “workout and get in shape” the discussion centered around “are you doing… Read more »

9 years ago

@Lone Survivor “Do you really think women women will privilege a guy with the body of Charles Atlas over an average joe with a BMW m318?” Let me guess . . . you drive a BMW m318? There is absolutely tons of this on the manosphere . . . dudes having random, one-off experiences, then taking to the Internet to describe those experiences as universal gospel. A favorite example is Return of Kings’ series of “How to Date X Type of Girl” posts. They always read suspiciously like a lightly fictionalized account of that one time this guy slept with… Read more »

9 years ago

Let me repeat a comment I made over at Dalrock on the infiltration of cultural Marxists into our social institutions.

Feminism and equality or whatever was NEVER the goal and the feminists were nothing but “Useful Idiots.” The goal was a “Scorched Earth Policy” to institute the “Long March” through our social institutions all the way to “Year 0.”

Power to the people, Comrades!

TLDR: Communism was not defeated. It morphed into an equalitarianism mindset that dominates our culture.

9 years ago

@Glenn Haha. Glenn is just manic. Sounds like you’re on a lot of coffee, and maybe something else. “Feminists from the start saw themselves as part of the tradition of say a John Stuart Mills, or Bentham or Condorcet or others, which is where socialism emanated.” A learned discourse though. I don’t know much concrete about the origins of feminism, though that’s an area I hope to work more in. But I think the basic connection you’re pointing out is clear for all to see, in the world we live in just as much as in intellectual history. I think… Read more »

9 years ago

@Glenn It’s no accident, the relationship between Mill and Wollstonecraft. Everything good, and everything bad, about conventional liberal ideas today stems from Millian ideas. What I called hedonism is not too far off from utilitarianism; and the connection to socialism is hinted at by the idea of “materialism.” Another interesting connection is Rousseau. I actually haven’t read some of the works that would speak directly to this, but at some higher level of abstraction, Rousseau’s entire idea about the inherent goodness in human nature is a lynchpin of modern political liberalism. It’s not hard to see the connection. If people… Read more »

9 years ago

@ rocket re Lone … part III “Avoiding working your issues and improving as man is an important point and I want to follow up that. There was some recent discussion here about all the preaching to become Alpha, look like Alpha, act like Alpha … blah, blah, blah. I’m against that because I think that most men cannot and will never become the Alpha they want to be.” Sounds like you’re contradicting yourself there and I disagree with that last sentence. If Men improve on their game (keep fit/strong, and learning simple Gaming/PUA techniques) they can and will become… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Divided Line
May 2nd, 2015 at 1:12 am

Dude, I dig your commentary. You are expressing many things (better than I could) that have been bubbling up in my consciousness of late. Thanks.

9 years ago

“Generate positive emotions in your female ABOUT HOW SHE RELATES TO YOU.” How? Pretty simple, actually, though it does require work. You must work on yourself, to become a better spiritual being. That sounds nebulous… what does it mean? It means that when you lay down at night to go to sleep and your inner self speaks to you, that you must learn to abide the desires of that inner voice, and then work HARD to make them real. Maybe you want to be an artist, or a business owner, or a family man, or a scientist, or an academic,… Read more »

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago

@ Rocket Hey, thanks for the answer. Allow me first to state that in fact I am in favor of marriage. My current age is 34, a decade older than you state. My vision of things is congruent with yours in several aspects: 1. women get damaged over time: simply because the longer the number of relations the higher the letdowns/pain. 2. “Civilization as we know it is based as men and women working as team to construction a family unit which is optimal for raising children. That model has been destroyed by Feminism”. 100% agreed. 3. ” The motivation… Read more »

Lone Survivor
Lone Survivor
9 years ago


Because I like touching and sucking tits, touching hips and ass. And porn/fapping does not give me that.

Can I ask you what do you think that playing to the rules of feminine imperative in clubs/bars? Isn’t the “AMOG” an approval-seeking behavior? (“hey, look my attitude and car and money, I am woth it… come have sex with me)

9 years ago

“The thing is that we men do not have to perform to women, we have to perform to society and to ourselves. I perform at the gym, at sports, at my job… but not at women anymore. ”

You don’t perform for women, you perform for money . . . for women. Got it.

9 years ago

“Most of the people who hit the gym compulsively are guys who never get laid.”

In order to meet women, a man needs to put himself in a social environment where their are women for him to meet in the first place – gyms can be good places to meet many women. Actually, men that go to gym most likely get with women more often than men that don’t.

9 years ago

“47-year-old SurveyMonkey CEO and husband of Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg ‘passed away suddenly’ while on vacation abroad with his family”

It was said that Sandberg “returned” to Washington DC after the death, but others have noted that she was already in Washington at the time of death. The death has raised questions, such as in this comment:

“Sheryl Sandberg has spent the last few years proclaiming women can ‘have it all,’ as long as they had a supportive, devoted spouse like Dave Sandberg.

If Dave Sandberg killed himself, that’s news.”

9 years ago

Well, well…Carly Fiorina wants to be prez. She’s the former chief executive wench of Hewlett Packard who was ranked as one the worst tech CEOs ever. It’s scary folks. Not because she’ll win. But because this type of unbridled narcissism among today’s women is just the tip of the iceberg.

9 years ago

* Just a side note…a little off topic: I saw the trailer for the new Mad Max movie and (as usual) they are inserting a female co-lead character into the film. Mad Max is a lone (road warrior) movie. He does (or did in the originals) run into other female characters during his travels but he (alone) was the driving force behind the success of the past movies. This movie will probably be a good action flick but Hollywood has tainted yet another good film (of the past) by trying to insert the “politically correct” – female character – into… Read more »

9 years ago

@TheLastCoyote “Well, well…Carly Fiorina wants to be prez. She’s the former chief executive wench of Hewlett Packard who was ranked as one the worst tech CEOs ever….” But you’ll never hear those words (worst CEOs ever) coming from women. All they will say is that she is qualified because she was a “leader” (CEO) of a large corporation. She may have been in charge but she was a pretty shitty leader. It will take men bringing up why she is “not qualified” to lead this country into the ground (just like HP while she was in charge). Men will need… Read more »

9 years ago

My last to try and wake you guys up to the centrality of the politics in all of this. The very title of Rollo’s post is a version of a left wing idea. “Make the political personal” is a left wing cry, and is part of why we are where we are at. You see, this forces them to internalize their political ideology and actualize it in their actions and lives. It also means that they have to drop all reservations and doubts, which is very handy when trying to create an activist block that can be easily controlled. The… Read more »

9 years ago

Or wait, Rollo, are you going to try and tell me that the “make the personal political” arises from the FI too? Not from Marxist agitators? I mean, gosh, what doesn’t arise from the FI than? It’s starting to sound strangely like that magical pixie world controlling fairy dust the feminists use, “patriarchy” doesn’t it?

9 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

@Rollo why not save more money and just jerk off to porn? If you’re all about pragmatism why not just rub one out instead of paying an escort? Sounds like a blue pill 16yr old me. @Lucien It needs no argument to show that the hardest, most austere way of life is also the manliest. But why is that? Now that’s something I can apply today in a new frame of reference. “All the guys I interact with are pussies, because they are so used to seeking the approval of women.” That’s why I love going through hell and not… Read more »

9 years ago

@LoneSurvivor, you make some very good points (although I don’t fully agree with you) – I always felt TRP had only a partial view of things and to some extent the tradcon/PUA hybrids on the TRP reddit, Roosh forum etc. had to an element a sour-grapes mentality when they realised that a girl wanted them only for sex (talk about role reversal from 50-60 years ago thanks to Birth Control) while for relationships specifically and quite opportunistically wanted men with resources and status (with height and race i.e. caucasian being the main ‘looks’ component for LTRs). So the ‘Beta-Bux’ phrase… Read more »

9 years ago

Hey Rollo, I wanted to personally and publicly thank you for all of your elucidations. I found you through Roissy via an article, (The New Dating Game by Charlotte Allen), that I read a few years ago in the Weekly Standard. I was looking for some sort of explanation, after suing a few wild oats as a result of my divorce from my 15 year marriage as to what I was experiencing in the dating market and wanting to get back into a serious relationship again. Needless to say I found women’s behavior to be a real head scratcher. I… Read more »

9 years ago

@Lone Survivor May 4th, 2015 at 2:06 am “The thing is that we men do not have to perform to women, we have to perform to society and to ourselves. I perform at the gym, at sports, at my job… but not at women anymore. Performing for women is putting them in a pedestal and assuming that they are the prize (isn’t that the feminine imperative?). And the truth is that as time goes on, I am becoming more and more a better catch, so I don’t perform to them because I KNOW that.” I’m not saying this to be… Read more »

9 years ago

FWIW, I definitely prefer the Fleshlight to using my hand. Although it’s kind of inconvenient, so I actually end up almost never using it at all. I suppose it speaks volumes about sex vs. masturbation that I wouldn’t hesitate to go out of my way to drive to a party just for a chance to meet some girls, while I have the Fleshlight sitting in my drawer but having to use lubrication and clean it up after, which takes all of several minutes, seems like it’s more trouble than it’s worth. Even though physically it feels infinitely better than using… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Softek

@Softek Yeah your correct from life experience an all of what you said. Reminds me of getting into kundalini yoga. Got me into acroyoga You know in rugby everyone knows how well you play based on what you DO not what you say. Even men require a performance. We just not may be as open in public about it. For me if I stay away from porn These things happen I become more social I laugh at myself which makes me happy. I admit I am out of shape I tend to hit on girls more often. I treat… Read more »

9 years ago

@Lone Survivor – the personal attacks you are facing here shows that despite not reading all trp concepts on this blog, you have singlehandedly nuked the ego investments and worldview of your assailants who have spent years learning game and working out in the gym thinking the only sexthat counts is if she ‘truly’ desires you physically. The fact is that with money as a levaraging tool you still can get a heckuva BJ even if you are fat ugly etc as long as she knows your wallet will pay for those diamond earrings that she has been wanting for… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  TheRedBaron


“The american men have a more incomplete world view than their european counterparts when it comes to this.”

Such seems to be the case…
It’s a very powerful boon to travel.

Shiva H. P.
Shiva H. P.
9 years ago

I am seeing many commentators mixing the decisions and lifestyle choices taken subsequent to “The Red Pill(TRP)” with TRP itself. TRP remains the same irrespective of whether you PUA, MRA, MGTOW or Frame Oriented (TRM) Just as the treatments may wary but the diagnosis of the issue remains the same. TRP is the diagnosis of the problem. From TRP point of view, both Rollo as well as Lone Survivor are TRPers. But both of them differ in subsequent approaches to what to do about it. TRP is just that apolitical, minimally biased diagnosis of the issue at hand. The unique… Read more »

9 years ago

@Glenn Question: What do you attribute your transition to the Blue Pill/Good Man worldview to? Was it really as simple as just deciding to be monogamous? I I think that marriage and monogamy is a program designed to give a man a permanent case of “oneitis”. We also seem to voluntarily de-nut ourselves this way. Would love to hear more from you on this. Interesting question. For me, I think the bluepill transition was like a pre-programming that automatically kicked in. I had been pre-conditioned to believe that once I decided to get serious in relationships, and married and started… Read more »

Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@TheRedBaron “the personal attacks you are facing here shows that despite not reading all trp concepts on this blog, you have singlehandedly nuked the ego investments and worldview of your assailants who have spent years learning game and working out in the gym thinking the only sexthat counts is if she ‘truly’ desires you physically.” Heh, no. All he’s done is show a lack of experience and an inability to apply Game. His choices are valid for him, but do not invalidate those of men who choose instead to develop their own Game. Statements to the effect that his views… Read more »

9 years ago

I’m pretty certain that I would never, ever go back to that mindset, but I am smart enough to know that once you’ve sacrificed yourself, you could slip back into that mindset if you experience a certain amount of comfort. I’m like a recovering drug addict in that sense. At first I felt that I was being immature for my age (38 at divorce, 54 years old this year..).My behavior reverted to a pre-marital stage of life because that’s where my happy zone is. I started banging Brazilian strippers to get my sexual confidence back, and then I started banging… Read more »

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