Obesity Culture


In the almost 4 years I’ve had The Rational Male up and running I have neither monetized nor commercialized the blog. I began with the explicit intent of making everything I do accessible and in the past year and a half since the first book published I’ve turned down at least seven different (lucrative) requests to put ads or promos on the blog.

I’m happy to say I’ll still never monetize this blog, but if I were to offer ad space my first spot would be reserved for Protein World. I can’t vouch for the quality of their products beyond what I know in general of protein supplements from years of bodybuilding, but that’s not the point. The point is that these guys had the balls not only to stick to their guns, but to double down when social justice warriors and body fat acceptance “activists” took it upon themselves to systematically vandalize their most recent ad campaign.

Protein_World_2 Protein_World_1

I’ve made my living in brand development for over 20 years now, these guys deserve some respect. Granted, at this point they have no option but to go on offense, but in today’s fem-centric social order this is an anomaly.

I’m drawing attention to this selective vandalism to illustrate a larger point; in a feminine-primary, feminine-dominant social order any reminder of how that order might be challenged (especially on a visceral level) must be met with a selectively sexist countermeasure.

You see, what Protein World’s campaign does is remind less than physically ideal women that despite all social efforts to convince them otherwise, men still evaluate a woman’s sexual market value based on her physical appeal. No amount ‘personal acceptance’ or clinging to internal worth and validation will change the sexual response men evolved to optimize over a hundred thousand years.

I covered this briefly when I explained the misconceptions of Robin Korth in Separating Values:

Conflating Values

One of the major problems women have, and more than even some Red Pill men have, is the conflation of sexual market value with their intrinsic personal value as a human being.

It needs to be emphasized that while personal value is influential in sexual market value, SMV is distinct from your value as a human being. I’m stressing this because, in the age Disney Princess empowerment, this conflation of the two has become a go-to social convention; and not just for women.

What Korth suffers from is presuming her personal value is her sexual market value.

It’s disruptive to her self-perceptions and ego-investments when that presumption is challenged by a man who doesn’t want to fuck her for reasons based on the intrinsic value she believes she’s entitled to by virtue of maturity and imaginings of self-sufficiency. Just as women aren’t aroused by men’s own self-concepts of virtuousness and aspirations of higher purpose, men aren’t aroused by whatever ephemeral self-perceptions a woman may have.


Feminist ‘equalism’ is always shocked that evolved human biology and its feral predispositions won’t cooperate with it, but such is the frustration with any social order or ideology which fails to account for the realities of human being’s natural states and biological imperatives. There is a conceived, higher-order expectation that, through freewill, conviction or some other learned, reasoned means, people will rise above the influence of their base nature and comply with what they believe will make for an idealized existence.

What egalitarian equalisim, struggles against is basic human instinct, nature and impulse.

This refusal of understanding base motivations is at the heart of these “activists” outrage. Feminized egalitarian equalism fosters the idea that men and women are essentially equal beings with different genitalia and a co-equal capacity for rational agency. Under those auspices men and women should be able to bypass their inherent, evolved, sexual prompts and make the conscious rational effort to focus their arousal and attraction on the more intrinsic personal worth of the opposite sex.

In the egalitarian plan Hypergamy should be as self-consciously sublimated for women as men’s should be for repressing any expression of being sexually aroused by a woman for anything other than her intrinsic personal worth. Any man with a baseline awareness of female behavior knows how effective this plan is.

But that’s not to stop women from simultaneously being offended by visceral expressions of men’s sexual ideals while holding a double standard for their own physically ideal men.


You see Protein World applies an equal standard across their ad campaigns, and the message, when paired like so, is one of encouraging a physical ideal for both sexes. To my knowledge there was no initial outrage over the male version of the ad on the right. There was no outcry or messages scrawled on these ads stating “Contrary to popular opinion, men’s bodies do not need to be changed for the beach or anywhere else.”

It’s easy to get caught up in the indignation of yet one more female double standard, so lets back up for a moment and examine why this is.

The most common refrain you’ll hear from Blue Pill trained men and less than physically ideal women is that men have a predilection to sexually objectify women, to see them as objects rather than their esoteric notion of “human beings”. What they fail to understand is that this objectification is exactly what the male brain evolved for.

Objectification Your Honor

In our tribal beginnings men’s sexual response, his very reproductive survival, depended on his capacity for sexual immediacy. While women may require foreplay and pre-coital stimulation, men had to be ready to fuck and go at a moment’s notice. Survival, mate poaching, even the uncertainty of women’s ovulatory/estrus phase of her menstrual cycle, all these factors and more predicated a need for instant sexual reflexiveness for men.

That reflexiveness required a capacity for a man to see a woman, evaluate her sexual/fertility value to him (the boner test) and take action accordingly. About two years ago on another forum, I’d gotten involved in a discussion regarding this sexual evaluation reflex and how women were literally dumbfounded that men would “size up” a woman sexually within the space of a few short seconds. Even men who were only peripherally aware of women outside of their visual focus would make SMV assessments of those women.

In order for this assessment to take place the mental construct of perceiving women as objects was a necessary evolutionary step. The simple truth is that it’s part of men’s neurological firmware to see women’s bodies as objects. It’s a well studied fact that when men see an arousing woman’s semi-nude body it triggers the same area of our brains associated with tool use. Sexual objectification is a survival feature for men, not a bug.

On a limbic level women understand this aspect of male nature. In a very visceral way women know that men put a primary value on their bodies and sexual availability. Ads like this only remind women of, and highlight the fact, that despite all of its concentrated social effort the Feminine Imperative simply cannot undo thousands of years of men evolving that physical objectification – and successfully reproducing as a result of it.

Generation Hypergamy

In a social order that follows the dictates of female sexual strategy it’s unsurprising that women would seek to eliminate that aspect of the male sexual response. Only by controlling that response can women completely enforce Hypergamy as the predominant socio-sexual strategy. These ads offend that desire for control. They remind a woman that her Hypergamous sexual selectivity is (at least presumptively) still mitigated by men being aroused by their physicality, objectifying them and desiring them for reproduction.

Women’s innate solipsism prevents them from ever truly attaining the egalitarian equalist fantasy they ride in order to consolidate that control. Women’s hindbrains want a better-than deal with regards to Hypergamy. Hypergamy doesn’t seek its own level, it wants, it expects a better than deserved exchange for its investment with a man, and it desperately wants assurances that its getting it.

Thus, on a Hypergamous social scale we see that Protein World’s male focused ad gets no such vandalism. The message is clear – It is Men who must perform, Men who need to change themselves, optimize themselves and strive for the highest physical ideal to be granted female sexual approval. Women should be accepted, respected and expected to inspire genuine desire irrespective of men’s physical ideals.

In 2011 I wrote Women’s Physical Standards and I think it bears quoting here:

This may come as a shock to the “men have impossibly high beauty standards” gnashing of feminist teeth, but it is in fact women who have a much higher standard for an idealized male physique. For all the endless kvetching from women about men wanting “living barbie dolls”, it’s men who’ve historically displayed much broader interests in female body habitus than women ever have.

You see, men will very readily cater their physical sexual “preferences” in accordance with what has proven sexually successful for them in past experiences. In other words, men tend to return to the same watering hole they found to be plentiful in the past. These preferences of convenience manifest themselves as ‘fetishes’ for men. And you don’t even need all that extensive research to prove this.  All one need do is search the vast variety of porn available catering to the physical attributes that men will fetishize. Big boobs, small boobs, big ass, small ass, every hair color of the rainbow, shaved snatch, hairy snatch, teen girls to MILFs and older, tan, pale, ultra-thin to the ubiquitous BBWs (Big Beautiful women). Ladies, name the physical attribute(s), and there’s a fan-group just waiting to bang you. Rule 34 was never more provable than in men’s willingness to fuck damn near any physical demographic of women – just ask the female midgets catering to that fetish of porn.

On the other hand, from a purely physical perspective, it’s women’s idealized masculine form that hasn’t changed in millennia. While there may have been a rubenesque period when men loved the fatties of the 1600′s, no such era ever existed for women’s physical preferences. The classic broad chest, wide shoulders, six-pack abs and squared jaws of greco-roman athleticism are still the idealized male form that has graced EVERY romance novel cover in existence. I’m still waiting for someone to post me a link for a dating site that caters exclusively to women’s fetish of BBMs – average to good looking, fit women specifically looking overweight men. Executive Introductions caters to women seeking affluent, influential men, but women just looking for overweight men, that site doesn’t exist.

On more than a few occasions I’ve made the connection that what we see in a feminine-primary societal order is really a reflection of the female sexual strategy writ large. When we see a culture of obesity, a culture of body fat acceptance and a culture that presumes a natural evolved order of innate differences between the sexes should be trumped by self-impressions of female personal worth, we’re viewing a society beholden to the insecurities inherent in women’s Hypergamy.

A feminized, feminist, ordered social structure is one founded on ensuring the most undeserving women, by virtue of being women, are entitled to, and assured of, the best Hypergamous options by conscripting and conditioning men to comply with Hypergamy’s dictates.

End Note

It’s been brought to my attention that Roosh will be appearing on the Dr. Oz show tomorrow.

I’ll admit I’m a bit apprehensive of this “interview” as it smacks of red meat for Dr. Oz’s largely overweight viewing demographic (not to mention his obese wife). That said, this interview came at a good time since it should give readers a first hand look at exactly the rationales and social conventions I illustrated in today’s post. Keep this material fresh in your mind while you watch.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Chump No More
Chump No More
9 years ago

@kfg “Eat less overall, but do not eat less protein.” Totally agree, but I would argue that if people would just cut out sugar & processed crap, and be generally more active, they would make huge gains in reversing their obesity. About three years ago, I took the red pill, went clean/paleo and started running and lifting. I dropped 100 lbs and reversed my type 2 diabetes in 6 months… regaining my self-respect and dumping a cheating wife didn’t hurt either. Maintaining this lifestyle at 54 yo is a no-brainer and transcends the physical… I’m literally in the best shape… Read more »

9 years ago

” . . . if people would just cut out sugar & processed crap . . .”

The most significant change in the food environment over the past century has been the introduction of factory foods, particularly those that require chemical processing. Corn Flakes were introduced in 1906 and It was 10 years from the introduction of Crisco to the first heart attack recorded in the US.

9 years ago

“Science has a long way to go as far as obesity is concerned.” I don’t know…Gary Taubes made a very convincing argument with Why We Get Fat, investigating research on the danger of carbohydrates which was somehow ‘lost’. I tried a low carb diet, and was amazed by A) how much more energy I had, B) how I no longer felt bloated, C) the weight I lost and the amount of time I lost it in. I dropped 30 pounds, and I was not doing heavy exercise, just being more active. When I went back to my old ways, the… Read more »

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

Roosh needs to take on this simp;

9 years ago

@ Seraph I’ll just re-recommend “Forever Fat Loss” by Ari Whitten. I’d go on about my own experiences, but if I start I’ll never stop. It’s really an excellent book and I think anyone interested in the topic of obesity would do well to read it. If this was a nutrition/health blog I’d definitely put my two cents in, but like I said before, if I start I’ll never stop. I wish Roosh would’ve pandered to the emotions of those women and asked them why there aren’t any male plus size models, and/or if they would rather sleep with a… Read more »

9 years ago

The puerile SJW hand-wringing over the Protein World ad. is even more deliciously ironic given the FULL FRONTAL male nudes that Bulk Powders used in their “RevealYouself” London Underground ad. campaign just a few months ago. Adverse commentary on that one? Crickets – indeed no articles on The Guardian AT ALL. The only commentary coming from the lascivious drooling from any number of women and gay men on twitter. As one Hannah S S opined: “Hannah S S ‏@HanSavSmythe Jan 20 Last week this guy made me blush all over the @TfL and now shows on my feed! #RevealYourself #canthelpmyself… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


Apparently I won’t see Roosh doing it either. They took down that video link already with a copyright claim.

9 years ago

” . . . they exceed the weight limit for the table.” ”

I bet it was designed by, ya know . . . MEN.
Eat Krispy Kreme – Smash the patriarchy’s equipment.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

Ah, thanks for updating the link. Yeah, they pretty much shit edited and counted on Roosh’s courtesy in letting them talk to turn it in to a hack job on him and a “U GO GRRRRL” segment for the core audience. Roosh wound up playing the role of Emmanuel Goldstein for that herd of cows. Two things I can note: 1) First the complete evasion of Roosh’s “300lb or 125lb” chick question. Not a straight answer to be seen there… because we all know the truth. Betcha Oz has a bunch of thin pieces on the side. It only goes… Read more »

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

“They took down that video link already with a copyright claim.”

Dang. I really wanted to see the two Turks go at it. Khan style.

“I knew my portrayal in this segment would be mostly negative, but that didn’t bother me since she was offering a platform to get the word out. I reviewed many clips of Dr. Oz on Youtube and he seemed like a sensible Turkish man who would let some of the truth shine through.”

Pass the baklava!

9 years ago

” I really wanted to see the two Turks go at it.”

If I want to watch Roosh, I know where to find his YT page.
If I want to watch Dr. Oz, I know where to find a sturdy rope.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

Actually now that I think about it, the conflation of self worth and SMV isn’t all that happens now. There’s also a conflating of physical health and self-worth. They think they can move the goal posts on physical health by just saying “If I love my body as it is then it’s healthy!”

Yeah, tell a real doctor that one and watch them howl.

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

I’m not buying Daryush Valizadeh’s shock and awe response to the show. The fact is he continuously writes offensive and inflammatory content on his blogs to get views and hits and make money, as he himself openly admits. So he knows you can’t say those types of things without being called on it and getting back as good as you give. That’s the game, he knows it. His pity party stance on that “reaction” video is not sincere. Its just for more hits and views and money because that’s how he makes his living. Its professional trolling and that’s why… Read more »

9 years ago

@MYG Please. Pray tell. Enlighten us all with these ” extremely intelligent men with serious, incisive commentary on today’s issues out there “. What is Roosh saying that he has to be called out on? Mangina opines don’t truly count. MYG, do you know a fat bit..er.. woman when you see one? Do you have an opinion formed when you see a 300 pound chick in yoga pants? Do you find the cellulite ripples showing through the fabric appealing? Here’s the dumbest question for you, have you ever read any of Roosh’s stuff? What is your definition of a ”… Read more »

9 years ago

@ChumpNoMore – Woohoo! Nice work man. I’ve been inconsistent with the workout but this week I’ve already been twice and am on a good bead with it again. Being sedentary over 40 will make you wish you were dead by 50 if you are a man. The difference is so profound at our age. Your story is just so inspiring, especially about dumping the cheating wife. You must feel great about yourself. I have a date with a 19 year spinner old college student this Saturday night. A 6 on Rollo’s scale (those pour girls have jaded him, I thought… Read more »

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

In the preview Roosh says the outer state reflects the inner state. Oz disagrees. But here Oz says the exact same thing with even more fiery passion than Roosh mustered up, along with “medical science” to back it up.

9 years ago

Dr. Oz can eat a bag of dicks. I live in an urban setting and I spend way too much time having to avert my gaze from some gargantuan female wart hog festooned with tats and giant, gaudy jewelry blocking out the sun from the regular sized citizenry. On more than one occasion I have been accused of ” looking at me ” by one of these sumo wanna-bes. Every so often I will spit some venom their way. Sometimes, one of the super heavyweights will threaten physical violence, but I forewarn that anyone weighing more than me is fair… Read more »

9 years ago

I like your style sir. Proteinworld’s defiance is inspiring. There is a market out there for any company that doesn’t cave in and acquiesce to SJW demands.

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

The Manosphere’s own Genghis Khan should’ve done some Oz research before he went on. Shit man, Oz says in the video above that we are “hard wired” to find someone attractive or not in a split second but we’ve forgotten our instincts! Had Roosh prepared a bit he could’ve preached Oz’s own words back to him. Roosh operates too much in punk ’em out and troll ’em mode to represent Men in a serious manner in intellectual debate. I guess that’s what blogging and tweet tweet twittering does to people. Its a shame though because we really could use a… Read more »

9 years ago

“Not the discourse for those of us above a certain age or IQ.”

And you are above a certain age and IQ?

Tell us about it. We. Don’t think so.

You annoy. And stop linking to worthless youtube videos.

Please stop. It.

9 years ago


I was gonna call him a name, but I fear for my IQ. I got the age thing down pat.

9 years ago

I have been powerlifting for 3 plus decades now, not to mention strongman, been nationally ranked etc and got my ass handed to me in High Land games… Most fat dudes at Gold’s etc who say they are powerlifters are really just fat dudes who have never pulled up a squat suit. Sort of like the body builder who never gets past the bulking phase. There are a number of down sides to being a muscled amercian. It’s a semi frequent topic of conversation among my peers but let’s face it, most dudes have no desire or need to push… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  SFC Ton

@SFC Ton It’s why I got Rugby man. The violent pissed off male child in me enjoys getting his ass handed to him and getting back up. I can’t find that outside of martial arts. @Glenn “Thank you Rollo, just thank you. If I’m balls deep in teen poon on Sat night, it’s all your fault.” I’ve been laughing at how much of a compliment that comes off as. Holy hell that would grand news indeed. I can see picture something I my head where everything works out and some how you yell “Rollo!” Kinda like a spartan call. Ahahaha… Read more »

9 years ago

I am surprised that Roosh expected anything other than the treatment he received by Oz. That’s amazing.

There is no current media platform ( outside of blogs and maybe a few radio shows ) where issues we discuss quite often, can take place. Equalism is the rule of the mainstream day gentlemen.

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

Blaximus. It was your people who first mainstreamed fat acceptance in the Americas, along with many other dysfunctions once kept to a minimum in certain corners and communities, now allowed to proliferate everywhere because of that “equalism” you mentioned above.

9 years ago

What’s this ” your people ” shit? Go easy on that will ya? Stay on topic. Use your huge IQ and focus. But just for shits and giggles, let me indulge you. My people don’t have the power to truly mainstream anything. We never had fat acceptance as it’s known today. We had too many horny simps boning Orcas. Fat acceptance today is driven by feminazi’s who strike fear into the hearts of weak men and corporations. I know you watch black guys on youtube, but trust me, you are missing a lot of the message son. This essay about… Read more »

9 years ago

Fat loss…. most guys don’t work out very much or very hard…. it’s not like an hour a day actually offsets soft living and desk work. Given that, diet becomes more important then most folks give credit. Personally I don’t diet beyond not eating shit food but my life is centered of various levels of physical activity/ spend most of my day outdoors and moving around

9 years ago

I’ve thought that Roosh has always been honest with his audience, yet bombastic and hardline. It doesn’t bother me, but it certainly doesn’t resonate in a Fem Centric society. In this instance, I think he never cared or had time to watch Dr. Ox’s (sic) actual show, which anyone like Rollo can instantly judge as a charlatan. I have always admired his mission statement for ROK. “ROK aims to usher the return of the masculine man in a world where masculinity is being increasingly punished and shamed in favor of creating an androgynous and politically-correct society that allows women to… Read more »

9 years ago

lol Rugby… high land games was humbling. The skill level involved is insane. Watching it on the you tube gave me the impression strength would count for enough to give me a decent showing but I was wrong, it requiring more speed and skill then I bargained for. Still had a blast, learned a thing or two and gained much respect for throwers of all sorts. One guy could overhead squat 315 for 10. Damn impressive

9 years ago
Reply to  SFC Ton

@SFC Ton
Weird that you mentioned that just went a short burst run through the Denver airport and I am out of shape. This is not good news.
Going to gym in morning.

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

“They don’t tout these T-Rex’s as ” Beautiful ” or ” special “. Tariq Nasheed says otherwise. “My people don’t have the power to truly mainstream anything. ” Don’t even try. You know damn well that American popular culture has always been based on what African Americans were doing 20-30 years prior. Black people always brag about that so stop frontin’. Thanks to thirsty brothers back in the 80’s poppin’ their collars and telling Precious she’s “thick” we’ve now got above average white dudes, dudes much better looking than Roosh by the way, like GAINZ Bonville, on Youtube describing in… Read more »

9 years ago

Okay, I’m done. You win. Keep listening to Tarid Nasheed… I’m old enough to know that fat chicks were just lonely fat chicks in my youth. Now, they are riding the coattails of the ( fem-enforced ) fat acceptance, not the other way around.

I conclude that you are a woman, a troll, an idiot, or some unholy alliance of the three.

I shall take this opportunity to ” stop frontin’ ” and bid you farewell. Your particular brand of fuckery is no longer amusing.

9 years ago

“If this thing with Roosh ends up being nothing more than cannon fodder for the FI, it’s just going to be backing the bus up over the manosphere for the umpteenth time.” Softek, the FI has been throwing that bus in reverse so often the transmission is about to give out. Tho, it makes me wonder if Rollo would want to write a post “The Manosphere doesn’t care” in the same vein he wrote ‘Hypergamy doesn’t care’ just a nuanced trout slap across the face of all those who think anyone in here gives a shit about the mainstream.. we… Read more »

9 years ago

Mad Yale Grad

April 28th, 2015 at 10:15 pm

Beyond the pale–Unacceptable behavior.

Just because you are lonely and unlovable. That is no reason to annoy some of us and not entertain or resonate with any of us.

9 years ago

Roosh goes on TV and says ‘NO FAT WOMEN’

*BOOOOO* *HISSSSS* *throws jar of mayonaise* *A TSUNAMI OF CRISCO ATTACKS*

TLC pens a song about a bullet list of criteria about men they would reject outright implicitly stating they don’t deserve love from them…




This shit just writes itself

Emily L
Emily L
9 years ago

I asked my size 0 mom (who works out 5x a week) to watch the Oz/Roosh segment to get her opinion. She declined (adding that obesity is unhealthy and that so many obese people are too pampered and don’t seem to care about their health). She knows nothing about Roosh/manosphere/, other than my mentioning he was going on the show to talk about fat being unattractive, and she predicted the outcome. As for gyms, I’d guess it has a lot to do with the gym, and city the gym is in. I work out at a gym where I’d guess… Read more »

Signor Farfalla
Signor Farfalla
9 years ago

@SFCTON and sjrellfc, Thanks for the help in get myself sorted. You make a nice duo for info; a doctor and an elite strength trainer. I’ve decided to be more strategical about what I do. If I want to eat less, then I have to drop those cool Rippetoe mental schemas about ‘being strong’, that cool ritual with the barbell, the form etc. I am a fan of those guys; Starr, Rip, Doug Young etc. I mean via YT. but it’s an interesting game but I think a guy simply has to eat. I haven’t been. I was corresponding with… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@All who have asked Tomorrow evening at 19:00 Central Time I’ll be doing the very informal test of the voice server along with kind of a meet and greet so we can put voices with names. I’ve got a few ideas of what I’d like to do with the discussions, but since I want it to be a roundtable I’d like to get suggestions tomorrow evening as to what you guys think would be useful or relevant as well. If you want to participate, make sure you’ve got and mic and headphones for your PC or Mac (no speakers please;… Read more »

9 years ago

Roosh’s story doesn’t fit what I estimate of his intelligence. Then again, attention from those we deem valuable is quite destructive to critical thought. I’ve seen the promise of a stage make people do stupid things. It still doesn’t matter. Roosh getting blasted by the “feelings” of fatties is just more fuel on the fire illuminating the stupidity of the fat acceptance movement. Roosh should just avoid the appearance of internal contradiction, because their hatchet job won’t hurt him, can’t hurt him. Rollo’s stories of what Mrs Tomassi said about fatties is proof enough of that to me. Let the… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Jeremy….Yup, like Cypher said, ‘ingnorance is bliss’.

@ SFCTON ; sjrellfc ; Signor ; rugby…….This is a great read http://www.oldtimestrongman.com/strength-articles/iron-henry-rollins

@ Rollo….I read each and every post – keep up the great work.

@ Sun….I hope the ’roundtable’ is a success. Would be great to put voices to handles…..would love to contribute but our timezones are impractical. Is GWTDT invited?

Hail the mighty Roosh – big balls IMO

9 years ago

Yea man that eassy by Rollins is worth reading and he is an interesting writer in general.

9 years ago

Rollo: ”Yeah, it’s ugly…” Ouch. I stopped watching at the nine-minute mark. Well, Roosh is right on this. The mind controls the body so it’s no accident that fat acceptance (like the acceptance of divorce, and so forth) has led to a population of fatter and fatter people now that obesity is so common and mainstream. I think you asked (somewhere…not sure if it was this thread or the other) about Nevada gyms and other states? I’m not much of a gym person myself. I don’t think there is too much coorelation between fatness and gym attendance. I’ve been to… Read more »

9 years ago

Thanks for the Henry Rollins article link Stuttie. You just made my day start off a lot better. “I prefer to work out alone. It enables me to concentrate on the lessons that the Iron has for me. Learning about what you’re made of is always time well spent, and I have found no better teacher. The Iron had taught me how to live. Life is capable of driving you out of your mind. The way it all comes down these days, it’s some kind of miracle if you’re not insane. People have become separated from their bodies. They are… Read more »

9 years ago

The roundtable sounds cool, 7:00 PM CT would be 8:00 PM ET for me, I will be most likely finishing up at the gym but might join in somewhere between depending on how long it will run for.

9 years ago

@Rugby – I will scream “Rollo” at the moment of truth on Saturday night should the stars align. And I’ve read The Red Queen, hence the motivation for the song. It’s a work in progress and I may rename it “The Very Start” actually. My creative process is long and unfettered by deadlines or anything external as I do music purely for pleasure. Usually a new song takes about a year to really become final. I also play jam-band style, with another amazing guitarist (i’m not an amazing guitarist, i’m a hack who likes to write and sing songs) so… Read more »

9 years ago

If there is a God, Dr. Oz should have to answer for this shit. This is a man who has clearly sold his soul. He knows better than anyone the extreme health problems obesity creates, most of his fanbase are obese women! Any advertisements I have seen for his program are for weight loss! The predictable bullying tactics used on Roosh were sickening to watch, that is real bullying not internet shit. He made no logical points and just worked his audience into a frenzy of hate. He used the insecurity of the overweight women to make them hate the… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@stuttie I hope the ’roundtable’ is a success. Would be great to put voices to handles…..would love to contribute but our timezones are impractical. Yeah, I know we have a few Eurozone folks. Once we get things rolling and get it smoothed out, we might schedule a couple on like a weekend morning here so we could get you guys involved too. For now my weekend mornings are kind of booked, but we’ll be recording things and distributing as a podcast so you will be able to listen at the very least. Is GWTDT invited? I’m intending for it to… Read more »

9 years ago

Rollo Tomasi >>>> I’ll withhold judgement until after the show, but if that trailer is any precursor, they got the indignation rush they wanted from him. Any publicity is not always good publicity. But all appearance fees are money in the bank. Dr Oz doesn’t hire controversial assholes like Roosh, because he wants to be a W for SJ. Oz does it because it makes him money. Roosh also does it because it makes him money. And more power to him. >>> Any publicity is not good publicity Rollo doesn’t ask the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, how to ramp up… Read more »

9 years ago


We still get wild as fuck on the golf course and make no apologies.

If women want to invade the male space, then they can get the full monte.. way I see it.

9 years ago

Anyone who thinks the mainstream media are going to give a fair shake to those that hold different viewpoints or tell the truth are deluding themselves. You’re deemed “the bad guy” and nothing you say or do will change that.

They have a narrative to sell and aren’t going to waver from it.

9 years ago


Sounds like your testosterone levels are being suppressed by excessive fatigue. Like the guys commenting here, your CNS needs more rest and more protein/glycogen.

Anyone here ever check out bodyrecomposition.com? That site was like discovering the manosphere of bodybuilding. His books are top notch.

9 years ago

I always saw roosh as a panyweight. He has no charisma. It was a deer in the head lights interview. And his excuse? Yeah right. Dropped him from my reading list a few years ago, and now remember why.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

I think Roosh had the right idea with not giving them foaming at the mouth angry guy, but I think giving them a mostly passive target to rage at wasn’t much better. Best play, of course, would have been to avoid the show. But if he was just bound and determined to do it, smirking amused mastery reactions to all the vitriol would have been best. Yes, it’s hard to hold that kind of frame against the energy of an entire studio full of hate, but really it’s the only way I could see to play it. You’re there to… Read more »

9 years ago

… wanting “living barbie dolls”…

here’s the doll for today’s FI world:


Chump No More
Chump No More
9 years ago

@Glenn Thanks for the kind words, brother. When folks here say that Rollo and The Red Pill saves lives, they are truth tellers… and I could be a poster child. My journey started about three years after my 2nd marriage was reeling from an infidelity (again). It forced me to ask the hard question… “Am I the common denominator?!?” My searching for answers led me to Kay, Rollo, Dalrock, Roissey, etc. I will unashamedly admit that I originally took the Red Pill to ‘get my wife back’, but once on the path I regained my health, my confidence, my self-respect,… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Rollo – Okay, I’m gonna scream “Take it bitch, take it” then…

9 years ago

Wait, that’s what I always say!

Random Angeleno
Random Angeleno
9 years ago

@Mrs Tommasi’s remarks on the land whales who can’t fit in an MRI bore: … s.m.h. I’ve been in there a couple of times, while it’s cramped and sometimes claustrophobic, it’s nothing a man cannot master for as long as it takes to get the scan done. But to be so fat one cannot fit in there… intellectually I know it happens, but I just find it so incomprehensible, if not outright ludicrous. But that incomprehensibility does a number on explaining the reaction to the Protein World ad. Re Roosh … time comes for us all. There is always an… Read more »

Random Angeleno
Random Angeleno
9 years ago

Along the lines of that last paragraph, from the long term perspective, it is probably a good thing Rollo decided not to monetize his blog. Sure better income awaits, but this is about the long game, the future time orientation where one sees a day down the road so many years on, what is life going to be like then?

Something women don’t do as well. Often not even close in that respect. Think cause and effect.

9 years ago

@Sun Wukong – I too would be interested to get involved however possible.

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

redlight, I’ve never in my entire several decades long life heard any man or boy even talk about Barbie, what to speak of verbalize a desire to have a “living Barbie doll”. I don’t think I’ve ever even thought about that toy until right now.

Women get themselves worked up over nothing.

9 years ago

Holy cow … watched the Oz hatchet job on Roosh and it was U-G-L-Y. I couldn’t even finish it. He shoulda known better. Or maybe was well paid. I also recall something (don’t know the details and don’t care) the Dr. Oz is under huge pressure as well. Like his show might get cancelled or something. I think some real physicians were trying to discredit him, get his medical license revoked or something. Oz is a quack and prays on his demographic and sells “fake cures”. So he was under pressure to do something sensational and I think he probably… Read more »

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

“I wonder, can I get to the point where I explain to the older ones that they have to work a lot harder to get me off because they are older?” If you have to ask, you can’t. “Can I dominate one of them enough to get her to compete?” Nope. Again, you’re asking. “Giving zero fucks is truly a gift…” You give a lot of fucks, that’s why you’re asking. You see, men who can don’t ask, we just DO. Someone give me a link where I can watch the entire Roosh-Oz showdown. Oz’s website only gives the 3… Read more »

9 years ago

@softek ” If I’m supposed to love and accept myself, why should I hate myself for preferring thin women? I don’t morally judge fat women as being bad or lazy. It’s just a matter of sexual preference. I prefer thinner women. ” That, exaxtly, is the difference between you as a generous and acceptant man of moral integrity and wimminz. Wimminz degrade men that do not meet their standards in any possible way: emotional, intellectual, morally, social and personally. They call them pigs, retards, dopes, rate them to be morally or intellectual inferior, emotionally and sexually handicapped, or whatevers comes… Read more »

9 years ago


“barbie dolls” is in Rollo’s post, the thing you need to read before foaming your comments (and that’s not a typo)

btw your “open marriage is … being open with spouse” redefines asinine

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

Chump No More, “My journey started about three years after my 2nd marriage was reeling from an infidelity (again). It forced me to ask the hard question… “Am I the common denominator?!?” Its not you, its the system. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Humans have not evolved for lifelong monogamy. When your wives “cheated” they merely transitioned the marriage from a closed one to an open one. But because our society brainwashes us into thinking lifelong monogamy is the cat’s meow, people who want poly go along with mono and then “cheat” to get what they naturally want.… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@zip Wimminz degrade men that do not meet their standards in any possible way: emotional, intellectual, morally, social and personally. They call them pigs, retards, dopes, rate them to be morally or intellectual inferior, emotionally and sexually handicapped, or whatevers comes to their crazy and so little minds. They will seize any opportunity to ruin their social reputation and rip them off financially. And society just stands around and applauds to them. Conflation of SMV and self-worth on the part of women is because a man’s SMV to them is determined by components of self-worth. The projection on their part… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Sun Wukong

“Men like Rollo and Dalrock will come through fine because they are in stable situations that are not dependent on the manosphere for their income.”
That is exactly why this is trustworthy
Most guys my age not sure how old Roosh is but its to damn hard to get passed and make an income.
@Mad Yale grad
Hey I’m very thin you wanna star directing that observation somewhere productive? (Yourself maybe)
You can always say “Spartans assemble” when that moment comes.

9 years ago

link to oz show: http://www.doctoroz.com/episode/dr-oz-faces-notorious-online-fat-shamer-bullying-women-all-over-world

Won’t run if you got an Ad Blocker installed. At least wouldn’t for me under my normal environment under Chrome; had to use IE. Be prepared to be spammed with Ads you don’t want.

My 2cts on Kay. He used to be good and offered a diff perspective (cap/mate). Monetized it and in about a yr it went to shit. Props to Rollo for not doing so here.

9 years ago


““Don’t judge a book by its cover” is a shitty dodge to the fact that some covers tell you everything you need to know about the book.”

Some do and some definitely do not.

Immanuel Kant, one of the most influential philosophers ever, the considerations of whom led to modern theory of science and epistemology, was wifeless for his whole life.

Women of his time did rated him for his ‘cover’ as an ugly pair of shoes and were so wrong they could be.

9 years ago

Well when you are a one trick pony like Roosh, eventually, people get tired of seeing the same trick. So if he is going to expand and start doing live pubic appearances, he should hire a coach and learn some public speaking (paging TFH), and body language moves, like looking directly into camera’s and the eyes of the people you are talking to.

Hell if he works hard enough in the process, he may one day become good enough to become a Springer Lite Clone!

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

“Women of his time did rated him for his ‘cover’ as an ugly pair of shoes and were so wrong they could be.”

Conflation of SMV and self-worth. No doubt some women found him brilliant. So what? That doesn’t mean they found him sexy. We all try to go for the whole package but even when we can’t, it doesn’t mean we want to bed a fugly just because he or she is smart, or even “kind”.

9 years ago
Reply to  Mad Yale Grad

Guys check out some self surgery I’m doing on myself. It’s hard stuff but it’s worth it in the long run. This goes with a lot of Bruce perrys work and Rollos work maladaptive fashion The traumatized child frequently has significant impairment in social and emotional functioning. these children are really smart but struggle to learn. can sit in a classroom and not learn. requires a state of attentive calm. A state the traumatized child rarely achieves. The behavior of the child reflects their attempts to adapt and respond to a perceived (or misperceived) threat. will have an altered baseline… Read more »

9 years ago


You do not understand, you must be a woman.

Kant was not simply “smart”. He was one of the pivots in human civilization, facilitating the fact that u tip in ur dam computer.

9 years ago

signor, I am a dr. and I did time in the community. The younger men and to a degree middle aged men can recover quickly. The older you get, the longer it takes to recover. Being middle aged myself I have just recently stopped doing extreme endurance events such as adventure racing ultras and ironmans. I concentrate on my recovery more than what to do, as most of us know what to do. After tens of tens thousand body squats, burpees (military), pushups and hitting the bar (pull up bar) I am quite strong, but not big at all. I… Read more »

9 years ago

corrigendum: type in ur computer. i am not a native speaker.

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

“Well when you are a one trick pony like Roosh, eventually, people get tired of seeing the same trick. So if he is going to expand and start doing live pubic appearances…” Roosh recently announced his world tour. This summer he’ll be speaking in Berlin, London, Toronto and New York. All he had to do to prepare for Oz was watch a few youtube videos and use Oz’s own content to back his (Roosh’s) own claims. The one I posted above would have been enough. Oz says right there that humans used to judge mate-worthiness in a split second and… Read more »

9 years ago

Mad Yale Grad is PJ.
A female sphere troll.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


The dynamic you’re looking at there would probably be covered by Rollo’s recent article on Idealism.

TL;DR: Women only care about your works and interests only in as much as she benefits from the wealth and status they bring you. Clearly they did not see that in Kant (or Tesla or Newton), despite his incredible contribution to society.

9 years ago

Roosh will recover or benefit from this. He’s designed his life to be antifragile and shocks only seem to grow his business. However, the manosphere does need more voices to represent its diverse constituents. Mike Cernovich does a commendable job on social media. Rollo does an outstanding job in print. We need a telegenic personality to represent us on youtube and the talk show circuit. We need a male version of Dr. Helen Smith.

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago


April 29th, 2015 at 4:06 pm


You do not understand, you must be a woman.

Kant was not simply “smart”. He was one of the pivots in human civilization, facilitating the fact that u tip in ur dam computer.

That’s great. But it doesn’t mean tingles. If philosophy or intellectual brilliance meant tingles this world would probably be a better, smarter, kinder place to live.

9 years ago

@MadYaleGrad – You miss that your approach here, posing as some arbiter of the validity of the comments when most of what you say is idiocy, and deigning to respond to my rhetorical questions at all reveals how superfluous and ego driven you are. You don’t make a difference here. None at all. You take away from the space, you don’t contribute to it. How sad that this is what you are reduced to. My guess is that you don’t matter anywhere in this world and that this is all compensation. You see, my engagement here is real and authentic.… Read more »

9 years ago


Has anyone actually seen Roosh as a PUA? Can he just play one on….. the internet?

I mean watching that I can’t imagine a beta with balls dealing with that crap. Alpha would have taken over that show and had the crowd ending in agreement. He just bent over and cries that he didn’t get a reach around. Dr. Oz is gamma. The only thing he has is that show. Roosh could have flip the whole thing with amused mastery a crowd kino.

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

Where can I watch the whole baklava fight? All links lead to a 3 min preview only.

9 years ago

@ rugby

Top comment. Thank you for the link (was new to me). Lots of papers of Dr. Bruce Perry are available in the web and worth a read.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


You seriously didn’t see the fucking link that Rollo fixed on the previous page of this very comment thread?

You have all the situational awareness of Helen Keller in a sensory deprivation tank. Seriously.

9 years ago


Thanks man, but trust and believe Mad Blah, blah isn’t driving me anywhere. No female troll can move me.

I’m always here soaking up the commentary.

I’ll just bypass MYG’s trollishness and stick with the other commenters here who have insight and are interested in actually helping one another.

Fred Flange, MansLaughter
Fred Flange, MansLaughter
9 years ago

Thus far I have not responded to our special guest commentaterer Sen. Ted Cruz, I mean, isn’t that who MYG really is? (Oh wait sorry Cruz was Harvard)

Like it or not, some of the audience here is or was married, and for what we call reasons, are willing or feel compelled to be/remain so. You don’t like ’em, fine, but I don’t see much difference between mocking the married men employing RP tools to cope vs.the usual SJW intersectionalismist transgender transsexual trans* trans@#$%^ transport-of-delight shaming.

9 years ago

@ Liz

I think you’re right MadYaleGrad is PJ. All the signs are there including a an axe to grind with black men. Good catch!

@ Glenn

MadYaleGrad is a halfwitted angry, anti-western, misandrist, woman who does little but offer anecdotal support to the notion that women are both stupid and dishonest. She is a waste of your time, and Rollo’s bandwidth.

9 years ago
Reply to  Badpainter

@Zip More self surgery Outdoors included on new Frame Cody Lundin Safe environments are preventive medicine https://childtrauma.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Bonding-and-Attachment.pdf http://www.ou.edu/cwtraining/assets/pdf/handouts/2010/Altered%20brain%20development%20following%20global%20neglect.pdf https://childtrauma.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/MacKinnon_AusNZJFamTher_2013.pdf http://www.lfcc.on.ca/mccain/perry.pdf Dissociation http://www.mentalhealthconnection.org/pdfs/perry-handout-effects-of-trauma.pdf Human family biologically https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2rpfd_H4euU Structures in brain development Blue vs red = human https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uOsgDkeH52o Outdoor male interest self reliance and danger https://m.facebook.com/cody.lundin.1?refsrc=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fcody.lundin.1 Over the years, Americans in particular have been all too willing to squander their hard-earned independence and freedom for the illusion of feeling safe under someone else’s authority. The concept of self-sufficiency has been undermined in value over a scant few generations. The vast majority of the population seems to look down their noses upon self-reliance… Read more »

9 years ago

I seem to be the only one that thinks Rollo should make some cash from tRM. He won’t sell out, he won’t be beholden, he won’t be Roosh making an Internet living. I’m not talking about RoK with the annoying Verizon survey that pops up. Just a simple banner. Look at Drudge’s small ad at the top that 10’s of millions see. Rollo, do it, bank it for years and give your daughter 70k for her wedding (kidding).

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
9 years ago

rugby, followed your attachment disorder link. “Now: take the radical changes since 1996 in how we relate, after the rise of cell phones, texting, the internet and social networking. There’s nothing social about it. Well-developed human beings can self-regulate their emotional state by being with other humans,” said top neuroscientist Dr. Stephen Porges recently. “But what about people who regulate their emotional state with objects?…We’re in a world now being literally pushed on us, by people who are challenged in their own social and emotional regulation, and we’re calling this ‘social networking.’ We’re using computers, we’re texting — we’re stripping… Read more »

9 years ago

Jeff, good spot on the roosh alphalpha issue. Anything to learn from that?

9 years ago

@Mad Yale Grad Interesting page 8 http://www.mentalhealthconnection.org/pdfs/perry-handout-effects-of-trauma.pdf I grew up and people would keep telling me that speaking with was like pulling teeth out of a tiger. I used to run away from loins screams when people would yell at each other around me. Their is a lot of violence that my body has internally firected at myself and to some extent trying to build something new. Such as a family eventually not even close into the red to get into a relationship. But my brain isn’t able to cope with basic truths about the red. First of all I… Read more »

9 years ago

Ha! If you do, hook a brother up and have them throw in the girl for me.

9 years ago
Reply to  Atticus

@Atticus ahaha
Hey @Mad Yale Grad
This is why I would end up getting a family going with a wife. Closes thing I can find in a visual way about it.

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
9 years ago

Roosh handled it exceptionally well; I highly doubt Dr. Oz viewers agree. They are not watching for mentally healthy reasons or to gain truthful insight. Their agenda is quite the opposite. Dr. Oz is just another disgusting fraudulent quack scam artist feeding off the stupidity of weaklings. He is one of many modern day snake oil salesmen slithering in the cesspool wake of those who recently began to plow the sewer before him like Opera, Dr. Phil-O-Shit, and Geraldo. This scene from Outlaw Josie Wales accurately depicts the fundamental persona of Dr. Oz by the character in the white suite…… Read more »

9 years ago

@Glenn: ” I want STRENGTH not just muscles. ” Weight work stimulates muscle growth, but it does not control it. Mass is controlled by diet. Eat 2000 Cal/day and you can use any training routine you want and you won’t add mass. That means that any strength gains you make will be neuromuscular adaptation. Making the most out what you have. There will, however, come a time when you max out what you can do with what you have and the only way forward will be to add muscle. Strength, although not equal to muscle mass, is proportional to it.… Read more »

9 years ago

Rollo I found this http://www.npr.org/blogs/13.7/2015/04/16/400075715/is-it-sexist-to-say-that-women-are-superior-to-mens?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20150424, it’s quite interesting. I know it’s not directly related to this post, but it shows the contrdicting behaviours of feminists and manginas which, judging by the twitter feed of ozbodypositive will soon start contradicting each other.

9 years ago

@DeNihilist Dropped him from my reading list a few years ago, and now remember why. Roosh still has insight, and he still self-analyzes. His (personal blog) writing (not necessarily his satellite sites) is still worth reading, imo. This latest episode with Dr Oz is the only thing that would make me question his motivations. I can’t imagine Roosh wanting a 9-5 in the states. However, planning for a financial future with the quite unique flavor of expertise he has put himself in could seem like quite a pickle. From my ignorant perspective I think that’s more because it’s an unpaved… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
9 years ago


Rollo making cash off TRM poses a danger to the open integrity of this forum. Rollo is strong obviously and maintains far more integrity than most. However, no one is completely immune to the dangers of outside influence in marketing. That influence will exercise great control potential if commerce is involved here. It is impossible to provide advertising space here without relinquishing some control. The advertisers will not allow a completely open forum as Rollo does now. They cannot afford to due to competition unless they seek a very limited market.

9 years ago

I had mixed feelings about Roosh before the Dr. Oz show. Some of his stuff is really good, some of it is really out there. No biggie – same can be said about other manosphere writers too. But with the Dr. Oz debacle and Roosh’s subsequent YouTube video explaining how horribly abused he was on the show, I now take Roosh with a massive grain of salt. Anyone with half a brain knows these shows are rigged to make the host look good, sometimes at the expense of the guest. It’s mostly chicks who watch these shows, so it’s beyond… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


Gotta agree there. Whether he was genuinely broadsided or not, the whiny tone he takes in the video is a big DLV. Better to just laugh it off like a prank that got you, take it in stride, assess your own mistakes, then move on.

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