Memento Mori

sjfrellc hit me with this question from Monday’s post:

Rollo, what are your real “feelings” about this blue pill guy. Are you surprised that you couldn’t peer counsel him to come around to your perspective? Or are you frustrated that the Blue Pill Feminine Imperative and social conventions are like a black hole and sucked him in and wouldn’t let go?

Lets just be clear about something I’m not sure I’ve ever addressed before, I never expect any guy to come to a Red Pill perspective. I’m thankful guys find this blog, I’m glad I can help and my book and writing here is accessible, but I don’t expect men to accept any of it. If I expect anything it’s that the vast majority of men will resist even a passing reference to anything counter to their Blue Pill conditioning like a cornered animal. Most men are completely inured and dependent on an intergender social system and a set of rules they’ve been raised to believe is fair (if not grossly weighted in their own favor) and women are abiding by. They believe that contenting and satisfying a woman’s sexual strategy is a realizable life success.

I’ve always said unplugging guys from the Matrix is like triage, but this man was like reading last rites to a guy 10 years ago only to find out he hasn’t died yet. It’s no secret that I’ve personally known a man who hung himself and two more who swallowed bullets as a direct result of their inability to come to terms with their shattered hopes of an ideal Blue Pill life. It’s one thing to have men commit suicide because their ONEitis fears of losing “the best girl they’d ever get” leave them, but it’s quite another to watch a similar man waste away to the end of his life still grasping for the hope that in the last half hour of his life that Blue Pill goal might be realized if he’s only good enough.

I never expected him to unplug even then, but to see the guy still grasping at Blue Pill ideals because he utterly has no other frame of reference put the totality of a Blue Pill existence into perspective for me. I’m all about guys spinning plates, enjoying more and better sex with them or their wives, and certainly about adopting an Alpha mindset and behaviors that facilitate doing that, but it’s important to also remember that the importance of a Red Pill awareness has much broader implications. It can literally save your life.

Anyone wondering why I have a problem with purple pill advocates pandering to the sensibilities of their majority female readership (i.e. clients) by encouraging Blue Pill half-measures to men’s lives should keep that in mind.

When you become Red Pill aware you become more conscious of how the conditioning of a Blue Pill mindset predisposes men to frustration because Blue Pill idealism is really unattainable by design. You also become aware of how dangerous that frustration has the potential to be for men who can neither handle the Red Pill truth nor the constant measuring and failure to achieve Blue Pill goal-states he’s been conditioned to believe are attainable, and other men have.

That frustration can be dangerous to both himself and others, but that’s in the now. Precious few men in the ‘sphere consider the long-term consequences of the life of a man immersed in Blue Pill idealism, responsibility and promises that keep him grinding on until he’s reached the end of his usefulness to the Feminine Imperative.

“He was never much of a man…”

Since I started writing on SoSuave, and especially more now that I’ve detailed Open Hypergamy, I’ve had many guys relate a similar story about how their grandmother, mother or mother-in-law had just openly told him or his wife that her husband was never “much of a man”.

These women are all in their late 70s to early 80s and it’s like at that point all bets are off and what do they really have to lose by letting their daughters and granddaughters in on grandma’s words of warning about “settling” on a man? I’ve even had women readers relate how their own mothers confessed that there was a “just part of her she just could never share with a man like her father.”

These Alpha Widow confessions usually came after her husband was in the ground or had been delivered to the assisted living facility and too far gone to really register the gravity of her real estimate of him after living the better part of her life with him. The guys who relate these stories to me are Red Pill aware so their jaws dropping came with a little knowing expectation, but imagine how the Blue Pill husband of the daughter of one of these elderly women must process that confession. What mental contortions does a man need to do to fit that information into a Blue Pill mindset?

I think when a woman has nothing to really lose by copping to it is when they’re most comfortable with Open Hypergamy. This same comfort is becoming more common for younger women due to the social and personal security they’re ‘entitled’ to now, but for women who don’t really feel that security has solidified until their golden years this admonition and confession of Open Hypergamy almost seems like a relief to them. A relief in the hope that they’ve warned their daughters or granddaughters to opt for monogamy with an exciting Alpha lover/husband (no matter how perceptual) rather than regretting the ‘safe bet’ she made by settling on her Plan B man, her Beta-dependable husband she conveniently ‘found’ in her Epiphany Phase.

As women age towards their later years the urgency to warn younger generations of the sisterhood about the results of their hypergamous life decisions becomes more pressing. To be sure there’s a degree of desire to live vicariously through their daughter’s and granddaughter’s experiences, but more so this confession is for their own need of closure – a final coming clean about what was really influencing those past decisions and living (or not) with them. There comes a point when admitting the ugly truth feels better than worrying over keeping up the pretense of concern.

Far too many Blue Pill men (even young men) are terrified of living the life of the lonely old man. They imagine that if they don’t comply with the Feminine Imperative’s preset relational context of women that they’ll live lives of quiet desperation. I outlined this in the Myth of the Lonely Old Man – the threat point is one where men are encouraged to believe that if they don’t comply with women’s relational primacy they’ll endure a life of decaying loneliness into old age, unloved and devoid of children who’ll comfort them bedside as they peacefully pass into the next life.

What these Blue Pill men fail to realize is this is simply one more part of the feminine-primary fantasy they’re condition for. Do a Google image search for “end of life issues”, see all of those pictures of grandpa holding hands with wife and family in a clean comforting hospice bed saying his last goodbyes before he passes on? That advertising is the Blue Pill fantasy. In all likelihood you’ll die in an elderly care home, from lung fluid buildup, in the middle of the night with no one around or a complete stranger in the bed next to you. I understand that’s a depressing thought, but the truth of it is you’ll really have no influence in deciding how you’re going out at that stage, and hopefully that wakes you up about living a Blue Pill existence based on fear, compliance and appeasement till death do you part.

Put that into perspective with a man who wakes up to his conditions.

Die Alpha

Now before I get the predictable “not with my grandpa” stories, let me just say that you’ve got to put the generational differences into perspective.

When I published Empathy I figured I’d get some backlash from women in the oversimplified binaries I’ve come to expect. So before those same sputterings arise let me unequivocally footnote here that women are absolutely capable of a learned empathy and sympathy for men. However those sympathies, like genuine desire, cannot be negotiated for. Whatever your misguided concept is about how Relational Equity should merit a woman’s sympathy or respect, those are only valid and genuine when a woman freely gives them to a man she perceives as Alpha, never as something he’s due.

In every story you’ll hear about how the wife, kids and grandkids gathered around the family patriarch in the hours before he passed, understand that he was in all likelihood a respected dominant Alpha for most of his life. I want to add a bit of balance to the Blue Pill elderly I described this week, so let me also say I’ve known a handful of Men who died Alpha. These are the Men for whom a widow and his kids honor his memory once a year. They go to the gravesite because he was worth the cost of putting him in the ground instead of a cheap cremation.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@anon Girl game requires at most 4-5 things: Don’t be an out of shape landwhale or single mom, don’t be a bitch, do be aware of your true RMV (and don’t be unrealistic about your expectations), do show up whether for a scheduled date or just being out on the town and available, and don’t wait till past 25 to find a dude to settle down with. It’s really really fucking simple and not all that hard compared to the game we as men must learn. Your entire problem can be summed up by two things: 1) Any woman single… Read more »

9 years ago

@ anon

You really are very confused. You say that the problem is NFD and also that the problem happened in the last 20 years. Problem is, NFD was passed in California in ’69–lots more than 20 years ago.

You are obviously very angry and looking for a scapegoat. You need to process with your cortex instead of your amygdala. Chill, bro. People here understand your pain.

Go ahead and vent about your pain, but don’t point fingers.

9 years ago

@ anon

Even boomer women are a big problem. I have to next mine. She has the Entitled Princess mentality just like Gen X women. Boomers are going through a surge in divorces.

9 years ago

sun wokong, great comment. totally agree. did that–deleted all online dating apps. complete waste of time.

95% in the real world will be the future failures you describe, however, as they too are filled with FI lies they have bought into.

MGTOW is the only option, except now I have to pay 40% of my income to the government (to pay for welfare babies) and then pay 50% of what I have leftover after that to my ex wife (seen as child support, not alimony, by IRS — not tax deductible)

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@theasdgamer Ah, those numbers have gotten worse than what I found when I last looked them up, definitely. On @anon’s whining about Boomers, it really always has been a curious situation to me. Boomers did raise the worst generation of men ever. There’s no real denying that. I am part of a group that is more pussified and disconnected from the reality we’re living in than any before. But I do find myself asking “Why?” My father was definitely a frustrated beta nerd with no game. However, he and my (very good looking but psychologically broken) mother got married at… Read more »

Tam the Bam
Tam the Bam
9 years ago

“you retarded boomers freeing women to destroy themselves and civilization ..”
Problem, officer?
There comes a point when it’s simply not cost effective or even decent to “save” a crumbling four-hundred-year-old building, or a 103-y-o dementia patient.
No tears from me, I could make my own fairly satisfactory culture, from assorted crap rattling around in my ageing skull. Wouldn’t be very “nice” though …

Our Boomer powers are limitless, I tell you, limitless!!
with all our love,
Your Shitty Parents xxxx

9 years ago

@ Sun

Boomers did raise the worst generation of men ever.

Boomers were propagandized as parents just like generations since then were propagandized as children.

9 years ago

@ Sun

I didn’t raise any pussified men, but I did raise some Entitled Princesses ™.

9 years ago

@ anon

Yeah, my life kinda sucks right now, just like yours.

9 years ago

lol. what about women? boomers raised THE WORST GENERATION OF WOMEN!!!!

oh I forgot: everything is a man’s fault. jesus.

9 years ago

all 3 of us are on the same page. I realize this now.

yes, the boomers were also victims of YKW propagandizing that Henry Ford tried to warn us about in 1915. we are all victims.

feminism was created and continues to be pushed by Jewish women (not a debatable point)

feminism is primarily an attack ON WOMEN who don’t need it, leaving them confused CC riding sluts who will be alone with cats from age 38 until death.

meanwhile hmmmmmm jews still only marry jews. but every super bowl commercial shows miscegenation.

zlozlzlzlo it’s all so obvious now.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

I suppose that’s true. And obviously when they were dating and getting married they could use the old set of books, so obviously they assumed those books were fine in the new reality too. They grew up in a time when those rules were fine. They agreed to a new social reality that sounded good without knowing what they needed to tell their children to live in it.

Tam the Bam
Tam the Bam
9 years ago

By a curious coincidence, this morning I was pointed to Vox Day’s reading of the Riot Act to (his definition of) Gammas.
And I thought of you, dear.

anon (not to be confused with anon, of course), you really ought to take a butcher’s at it. Before you have a stroke.

There’s shedloads of it, he’s still banging on about it half-a-dozen consecutive posts later. Obviously a bit of a sore nerve, to some.

9 years ago

but gamer you are being naive and are still in the matrix if you think “voting” has anything to do with the laws and social mores that have been pushed on us since the 1970s. lzlozlzlozlozlzolz seriously… look deeper. I don’t care if boomers haven’t voted democratic since whenever. fuck dude. the POTUS is a teleprompter reader. the rothschild private jewish bank (fed reserve) controls all. the media, which is supposed to be the “fourth estate” protecting us against a left-leaning communist government, of course, is now the exact opposite, constantly pushing leftism at an extreme level to the point… Read more »

9 years ago

Tam, the problem is if you have already brought innocent children into this world. In my case, two daughters who I love more than any non-father can comprehend. And I fear for THEM. Feminism has been an attack on women. Men catching on is bad for women. The backlash is coming. I fear there will be NO marriage and family in 20 years when my kids should be getting married and having babies. It takes two to tango. Some stupid woman tried to tell me I could teach my kids right the other day despite nonstop leftist brainwashing from the… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@anon Quit obsessing so much about fault. And lay off the whining about “TEH JOOOOOOOS!” It’s not some kind of Jewish conspiracy, despite all the racist whining by conspiracy theorist whackos that consider the ‘sphere a place to peddle their bullshit. Fuck’s sake, that does nothing to further the discussion. The reason I mention men is not because it’s men’s fault. It’s because we’re the ones who will clean it up. Women will not. That much is very, very clear. It is our job now that we’re aware of the problem to fix it at what levels we can. The… Read more »

9 years ago

Top Post Sun Wukong!

9 years ago

Sun, I agree with that. I fear it is too far gone. It’s not 1787 anymore. The government-media-leftist-feminist-education industrial complex is all-powerful, and has weapons we cannot match except in a fever dream. The government does not line up in red coats and fight with rifles and bayonets anymore. The Constitutional right to bear arms has been allowed to technically stand only because it does not really help us protect ourselves from the government anymore–which, of course, was its original intent. The government need not fear our Glocks. There will be no rebellion. Our only ammo is individual acts of… Read more »

9 years ago

“Therefore you can reasonably expect that the more men who fall out of the mating game or spend their lives hanging on by the bottom rung, the far greater the likelihood of political instability, self perpetuating decline, criminality, social dysfunction and collapse. A lot of guys won’t just shuffle off to a field quietly as evolutionary duds, they will in fact support hardline ideologues and demagogues who will give them the excuse they need to smash a failed society to which they have no meaningful relationship. Either way, everybody loses.” And that is “everyone losing” exactly how? I don’t want… Read more »

9 years ago

Addendum: PUA/TRP solves the problem of getting sex (at a horrendous cost in time, opportunity and society-wide morals – I know how my productivity sank as soon as game worked for me) – but that makes nothing better in the long run.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


On the contrary I think it does. If more guys came to the biological reality of female behavior through personal experience thanks to PUA/TRP, then do you think Open Hypergamy would fly once they decided to get married? Me neither.

9 years ago

While I don’t think the entire tail of the fucked-upness of our society can be pinned on one donkey alone, I think @anon’s disdain for the MO of the boomers over the last 3 decades is spot on, although incomplete. The great experiment perpetuated on us GenX’ers actually runs much deeper from a psychological warfare perspective, and while most boomers are not guilty (most are good people who just want to, and do, live the American dream), the media, corporate marketeers, organized labor, civil servants, schools, and especially lawyers and the courts, are all guilty to the point of criminality… Read more »

9 years ago

As Yareally said, after you put in the initial investment in not being socially retarded, game is really a very low-cost affair. No reason for productivity to tank.

Since going to clubs dancing merges well into my writing about social dancing, my productivity increases.

9 years ago

@ anon

Re: revolution

I would note the US has never won a counter insurgency war. I would further note that historically insurgencies almost always succeed in the long run. Those that falter do so because of lack of will, or failure to keep the majority of the population sufficiently disinterested.

9 years ago

When the Whites are gone black is will suffer. Pretty clear that’s the case with any State or city blacks have taken over

9 years ago

@Quint “Look at this list of losers who didn’t procreate:” I think my only issue about this would be that while those were great men that did great things, a lot of MGTOW don’t seem to want to do much beyond just barely survive. I listen to Sandman regularly and from what I can piece together of his life he basically just makes his videos daily and takes enough jobs barely interacting with people to get by and I think there was a point he talked about where for a few years he lived on the absolute bare minimum off… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Anon – “Boomers” – you dingbat. You have the understanding of politics and social change that I’d expect from a Youtube “expert” MGTOW. Get a grip on yourself. If you’d like to understand how we got here, you have to start back with Hobbes, Burke, Bentham, Godwin and Mills, to name a few relevant political philosophers. The current insanity is coming from a radical egalitarianism, far out of step with our classical liberal values. It’s also driven by a radical idea about how man can be shaped by social forces. Broadly speaking, the U.S. got off the “liberal” bandwagon… Read more »

9 years ago

“I think the hardest part of unplugging and the thing that most men struggle with is learning to live for yourself. After a lifetime of serving others: your country, your parents, your kids, your wife, your boss, your church; it’s hard to figure out what you want. There is no plan. Everything you’ve been “trained” for is gone.” BING! BING! BING! We have a winner! Robert Greene, in Ted Talk, talked about people become strangers to themselves because they are following other scripts in their lives, and not listening to themselves. I can vouch for the fact that the most… Read more »

9 years ago

To be fair to the boomers, everything destroying the usa was in place before they gained power. Progressives won th usa in 1865 when the South surrendered. Everything since then has been consolidation of power and mopping up political operations Feminism is another gift from the uptioa chasing yankees. It’s un fair to blame this all on the jew since yankees where pushing for .most of this crap way before the jews showed up in any number. Not that I am a fan of the jews. My kids turned out on point because I took the time and the hard… Read more »

Jack LeBear
Jack LeBear
9 years ago

@ theasdgamer

You have been getting mighty shrill with the anti BP and anti-anti PUA rhetoric lately.
Me was thinking thou protesteth too much. You’re married aren’t you?


February 23rd, 2015 at 10:52 am

@ anon

Even boomer women are a big problem. I have to next mine. She has the Entitled Princess mentality just like Gen X women. Boomers are going through a surge in divorces.”

Bingo. You were talking to your own self.

9 years ago

Wow Glenn what a weird comment. The first part about international leftist Jews is spot on, but then you go pro-black, not realizing that is part of the same thing??? Really weird comment. The first part, yes, I know all of that. I guess I’m saying Boomers (if anyone) had the “last clear chance” to literally prevent no-fault divorce and the extreme turn to women having all power that’s happened since 1980. Perhaps they could not have stopped it, but it was a collective failure, as a whole. Yes, I know that communism is an International Jew problem. Or an… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@YaReally You are probably too good for a TON of women. To be fair, going by American weight standards that’s like 3 or 4 women tops. @Glenn Also, what is your issue with race? For real. Hottest chick I ever dated was a black chick I dated in high school. Constantly had other dudes coming up to me and saying “You know I normally don’t notice black chicks at all but… goddamn.” People are people. I don’t pretend there’s no cultural differences or anything, but I do know in the end that the basic psychology for all humans is pretty… Read more »

9 years ago

@yareally thanks. Some of the stuff there you’ve told me before, and I’ve internalized it and I’m doing better than you think, in some respects. Last two dates were at a bar, drinking, and only got dinner because I got hungry at 9:30 or in the last case almost 10 and needed food. Beta mistake last time was that I picked her up, so I could not just leave her. I came “this close” to ending it early and saying “I’m taking you home now,” at like 9. I had that instinct. I’m getting closer to having a break-through. I… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


Your obsession with ranting about Jews is stupid.

9 years ago

look at the executive producer of every single movie and every single thing that appears on a TV screen. (I don’t watch TV, but the gullible women who have the power to destroy families do.)

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@anon No seriously, I know every point you’re going to make but let me spell this out for you: there is no fucking Jewish conspiracy. None. No really. None. Where you see conspiracies is only your human brain trying to see a fucking pattern. Add a bit of racism in and you magically have an entire race you try to blame for your fucking problems. Every goddamn community I’ve ever seen on the internet that deals with any social issues eventually has this anti-Semitic bullshit show up. It contributes absolutely nothing useful to the discussion. Nothing. Not a goddamn thing.… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Anon – And now we know who Anon is. Fuck you, you racist, anti-semitic scumbag. You probably don’t even realize how stupid you sound, but that of course is not the worst of it. Stupid can be dealt with, but hate-filled, pseudo-intellectual asswipes like you? You need is to be eliminated from the gene pool much more so than any particular race or creed does. The “history” you think you know is nothing of the sort, and the way you bootstrapped your way to raging at “boomers” so ignorantly could be a case study in how the internet is… Read more »

9 years ago

I find it bizarre how so many men can’t handle a red pill world. I don’t think I’ve ever been blue pill, I’m 30, when I was 20 I read the game and that just cemented beliefs I already had about women. Incidentally I’m now married and have two children. If it turned out my wife doesn’t care about me one bit it wouldn’t really bother me much. Life is great, there’s so much fun and joy to experience. Chill and enjoy life.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@Ben I find it bizarre how so many men can’t handle a red pill world. I don’t think I’ve ever been blue pill, I’m 30, when I was 20 I read the game and that just cemented beliefs I already had about women. You just answered your own quandary right there. You were fortunate enough to have the resources available and consume them at just the right age. I’d say 16-20 is about when a man really needs to get the truth in his head. For many of us the resources simply weren’t there when we hit the age where… Read more »

Th' Wolf
Th' Wolf
9 years ago

To the Boomer and Gen-Xer bashers: Read up a little on the generational theory stuff that is out there. In short, there are 4 archetypes of 20 years that repeat every 80 years or so. Since the 1600’s the “Boomer” archetype messes things up in society. The next generation is the “Gen-X” archetype. They have to deal with the mess. There is way too much to detail here but suffice to say that The American Revolution, The US Civil War, WW2 and the current world situation are “boomer” events. The “Gen-Xers” are left with the mess. They clean it up… Read more »

9 years ago

LOL what’s the issue with race? Detroit? South Africa? The black on white crime rate? The list is pretty darn long but it amuses me when folks will only swallow a part of the red pill. Or cannot respond rationally when race orthodoxy is questioned.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@SFC Ton

My issue is with whiners that see conspiracies where there are none. There are racial differences, absolutely. However, believing that one race has some conspiratorial control over all that goes on in the world is the product of two things: plain old racism and/or paranoid delusions.

One needs to fuck right off back to whatever hole they crawled out of, and the other needs a good shrink. Neither need to be taken seriously during a discussion.

9 years ago

Major problem with fakking black women is the STDs. It’s even a problem when they’re bougies.

Not Born This Morning
9 years ago

@Tony232, “Alpha male = who is the first among slaves”….and the video dialog. When we learned to ride bikes, we fell, we got skinned up, we picked up our bikes, we got back on our bikes, we kept riding. Most of us did not go home and hide from everyone. In relationships with women, you face and positively negotiate the realities involved or suffer undesirable consequences. This site, PUA sites and other discussions about managing yourself and your relationships with women (and others) concern the social and psychological dynamics involved. Far better to engage and control, than run away. We… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

I’ve not dated many black women in a while as they have an even higher rate of obesity than other races, particularly in the south. The STD rate is something I’m aware of as well, but winds up being a factor I don’t even have to consider simply due to the incredible rate of obesity ruling them out right off. It’s unfortunate, as their genetics often make for simply incredible ass, hips, and tits on an in shape black chick.

9 years ago

@ SFC Ton – Are you a racist scumbag too?

9 years ago

Thank for your nice work, Yareally !!

9 years ago

@ theasdgamer Thanks for getting back to me. You are arguing NAMGTOWALT. I understand your point now and actually I concede and agree. Where my argument fails here is that I can only point to the potential of making one’s ideas and actions a form of ‘progeny’, by not allowing women to acheive ‘dream killer’ status in one’s life. I guess it’s the optimist in me saying “If one’s dreams aren’t killed, what is one truly capable of, the ‘progeny’ of the guys on that list are truly immortal!” [As a joking aside, a study suggested that men are less… Read more »

Mr T
Mr T
9 years ago

you are such an ignorant angry beast.

did you know that even jewish men are complaining about hyperhamy ?
(i know jewish women who lives with cats)for fuck sake go and re read Rollo`s hypergamy.
it has nothing to do with race you ignorant angry racist.

i bet you , you would love to fuck a beautiful sexy jewish or black woman if they give you a hint they want to .

9 years ago

@ Quint I understand your point now and actually I concede and agree. Props. As a joking aside, a study suggested that men are less cognitively capable around women: I resemble that remark around one particular woman. I bonded to her through dancing and I get a drip of oxytocin every time I look at her. Can’t think straight around her. It ain’t fun. Hiding from her now until the bonding goes away. Not sure why the bonding happened with her; I danced a lot more with another woman. Maybe the fact that the bonded woman was ferally attracted to… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Sun

I know two bougies who have great bodies and attractive faces. A white man who has dated them long term is now seeing a white woman I know. Before that, the white woman was desirable. Not any more.

I don’t have anything against dating black women other than the STD thing.

9 years ago

MGTOW does not necessarily mean avoiding women entirely. MGTOW guys can still socialize and date women, but just don’t marry or cohabitate with women. At least that is my understanding.

9 years ago

@YaReally Thanks for the response and yes you made some very valid points there how can a guy say “well look at THOSE amazing guys who didn’t reproduce but built this civilization!! I’m just like THEM!!” It’s like, ehhh I can’t really agree with that. You are quite right, it was my exuberance for the potential of what could happen that I tripped up on. I love science and the arts and dream of a Star Trek-esque world where we are all progressing together BUT I didn’t think it through fully – i.e. it doesn’t mean that that potential will… Read more »

9 years ago

@Seraph << what that man said!

9 years ago

@Tony232 “MGTOW does not necessarily mean avoiding women entirely. MGTOW guys can still socialize and date women, but just don’t marry or cohabitate with women. At least that is my understanding.” That’s even MORE reason to learn some basic PUA to learn how to avoid marriage and cohabitation and oxytocin and keep them at a distance while letting them close enough to have a long-term casual relationship where you can see other girls drama free etc. instead of rejecting it all as pussy-begging. This is basically saying “well I don’t want to learn how to TRAIN a dog, those guys… Read more »

9 years ago
9 years ago

Or read up on how jewz drove the genocide of Russian Whites during the Soviet era.

9 years ago

You guys. I change the subject. Last night’s Academy Awards Ceremony was a Blue Pill train wreck like none I have ever seen on TV. Totally stripped of any masculine traits whatsoever . No admiration for Clint or Bradley’s tale. Apologetic to not having blacks in the nominees. I’m the least racist person I know, but I do judge people on the content of their character. I like people with good character or if they act well. I’m a wildlife habitat farmer. One of the best books I’ve read in the last couple years was about G. Washington Carver trying… Read more »

9 years ago

@ YaReally Off topic here: I am laughing my ass off so hard right now. I was reading your article on ‘Kissing and ASD.’ I was thinking of the two girls I’ve hooked up with and I made out with them/fingered them, one of them blew me. But I never ‘sealed the deal,’ and I never heard from them again. And another girl who gave me her fucking full name and number and was all “make sure you call me soon” and I fucked that up too. And the whole time I was reading your article….ASD means anti-slut defense right?… Read more »

9 years ago

lotta naïve brainwashed millenials here, I see. go all the way, boys. racism is realism. period. escape your YKW-education brainwashing chains. if you claim to think the races are equal, then you are delusional or evil. some of you complain about anon’s points and then go on to complain about the Oscars. duh. fuck dudes. you’re talking about the same thing. Oscars, Grammy’s, super bowl, etc is all part of the same MSM mass leftist social control. women have power. they are the gatekeepers of both sex and LTRs and marriage (and children) and they are gullible herd animals (as… Read more »

9 years ago

Sun, read carefully and stop being at the level of a 20 year old college student. I did not say any group has “conspiratorial CONTROL” like they absolutely control things like a wizard behind the curtain with godlike powers like they make things happen with a remote control. No. But it is indisputable that YKW controls the message that gets put out in all MSM media, TV, and Hollywood. they brag about it themselves. this message influences how women think, and look at them today. It matters. One should not have to have YaReally-level skills to have a sex life… Read more »

9 years ago

“The federal reserve act happened in 1913, then what? oh…. hmm world war 1 the next year.”

You gotta be fucking kidding.

9 years ago

@Sun Wukong: re. Hypergamy vs. game “On the contrary I think it does. If more guys came to the biological reality of female behavior through personal experience thanks to PUA/TRP, then do you think Open Hypergamy would fly once they decided to get married? Me neither.” I agree that it most definitly wouldn’t fly. I am not and never will be married, but see it working right now. But the reason why it wouldn’t fly . I think that’s where we differ- wouldn’t be game, IMHO. As soon as even a relativly small majority of regular, functioning, solid men (=beta)… Read more »

9 years ago

@ “It is indisputable that YKW women constitute about 90 of the top 91 writers who originally created modern feminism, and they continue to push it today. Look at all the crap women read on jezebel, slate, etc and in wash post, NYT, and even Wall st Journal (lol a conservative alternative).. Every single time you will see it is a YKW woman author pushing ridiculous beta/feminist ideas.” Actually that is not surprising. Since ancient times, jews as a collective have been stomped, although their culture/religion tells them they are the chosen ones. As a result of their history,… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

You know what I love about anti-Semites? They’re the first ones to complain about the Jews claiming victim status, yet they enable those claims by attacking them constantly. Great strategy there. Bravo. I guess being “masculine” means hating Jews now, right? I gotta believe in a worldwide banking conspiracy and vote Ron Paul next? Christ al-fucking-mighty. This is part of TRP people have trouble taking seriously. I’m all for having frank and honest discussions about racial issues, but a retread of the hate for Jews game is just fucking ridiculous. This shit gloms on to every community that’s the least… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@badpainter You gotta be fucking kidding. It’s fucked up watching paranoid delusionals get riled up, isn’t it? Shit doesn’t even make sense. It’s like you couldn’t write “CORRELATION IS NOT CAUSATION” big enough to get it through their fucking heads. He’s either delusional or a goddamn troll. @447 they could just resort to something very simple: DIsciplining, on a individual and society-wide level. They had that before. It was the social ostracism a woman suffered for not curbing her hypergamy. Divorce for cheating basically doomed her to poverty. While I don’t think dooming her to poverty is right, socially shaming… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

I dunno what the fuck happened to this place today, but it’s like the fucking crazy came out of the goddamn wood work. Y’all need to go re-up on your anti-psychotics, maybe talk to the doc about increasing the dosage.

Mr T.
Mr T.
9 years ago

Scarlett Johansson
.Natalie Portman
Jennifer Connelly
Kerry Washington
Zoe Saldana
Halle Berry
Beyoncé Knowles

Anon the nut said :

No, I would not have sex with a jew or black woman. Sorry. That’s not even “racist,” just my preference or what I’m attracted to.
Women from the above list would rather fuck a dog than be with a nut like you.

Here is your sad pathetic truth, ,
If one of those woman got mad or something and asked you to fuck her, ALL your sad miserable principles would go strait into the toilet ((where they belong)).

9 years ago

@ Sun Wukong

I’m waiting with nervous anticipation for him start in on the Freemasons.

Seriously do these people ever study history? The idea of the Fed being a proximate cause of WWI is so stupid that it mocks itself. The last thing a group of inbred royals needed to start that mess was an isolationist mid-power nation to create a national bank.

Mr T.
Mr T.
9 years ago

One last thought!

Reading some of the nuts here remind me of the(hidden) resentment of American women towards George Clooney marrying an A-rab.
Her hypergamy over ran all the all American girl hypergamy.

You racists pigs, don’t you see?

Hypergamy doesn’t care about you racist pigs.

9 years ago

First time comment. As a rock solid INFP Myers-Briggs personality I will never ever be a native alpha. Not even going to try to pretend. Having said that – nothing much I’ve read here has surprised me all that much. I admire Rollo’s fine ability to package up the concepts coherently – and I enjoy reading the threads. But challenging and revolutionary – not so much. By the time you have reached 60 you should have lived through most of this and be able to recognise it all when plainly expressed. The big value red-pill value for me has been… Read more »

9 years ago

Being masculine includes preserving your clan and wanting to see your people prosper, thrive and grow and does not include watching the academy awards.

9 years ago

@SFC Ton.

When a man reaches the age of maturity he needs to invest his wealth in himself, his family and the community around him. In that order.

In that order…..

9 years ago

Haha, dude – check this one out. It’s almost laughably precise as a confirmation of “manosphere” ideas. It’s only funny to me because I was just before reading some feminist anti-manosphere rants, which are really like looking through the wrong end of the telescope.

9 years ago

“Being masculine includes preserving your clan and wanting to see your people prosper, thrive and grow and does not include watching the academy awards.” I agree wholeheartedly. It is by no means masculine. Watching TV for the most part is feminine. (Except for watching shows like Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy.) But sometimes one has done well to preserve their clan and the family is in a good place, his father just went MEMENTO MORI (knew how to die on time) on him (knew how to die on time)and he needs to relax, kick back and sip some Dickel… Read more »

9 years ago

@ All – Let me make something clear. If you racist, anti-semitic morons don’t shut the fuck up, I’m going to burn this thread down and keep doing so until nobody comments anymore. Last warning. Take your bigoted ignorance and shove it up your asses. And don’t even try to lecture me about the economics or history – I know it far better than you ignorant boors ever will. What is true that there are differences between races and ethnic groups that have both biological and cultural bases. Innate intelligence, physical abilities and many behavioral traits do vary across race.… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

“Preserving your clan”? I believe you failed to spell it with a k.

These rationalizations for racism within the ‘sphere will kill it. And yeah, I know you’re thinking SJW because I dared call it out, but I know the difference between a frank discussion of race and bigoted hatred along racial lines. This shit falls in the latter.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago


No shit, bro. These motherfuckers are the whole reason I don’t bother to comment over at RoK. Every thread devolves in to Jew-hating within 10 posts.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

I don’t know if it’s the racism or the lunatic conspiracy theories that leave me the most disgusted. Regardless, I don’t think they’re plants. I’ve watched these nutjobs move in to every subculture that sounds willing to accept alternative views for the last 20 years. Every time they sound exactly the same.

I think it’s genuine cases of paranoid delusionals thinking they’ve found kindred souls when they haven’t.

9 years ago

@ Rollo – Uhh, no. In fact, racist commentary is quite common on Return of Kings and Chateau Heartsite and it’s permitted so they earn the reputation of being a cesspit of racist hate. It’s accurate to call those sites that. People who frequent it and comment there do so at peril to their own reputations. I stopped going there once it became clear what is allowed. You continue to do so to the detriment of your own standing in the world, Rollo. I denigrate and face down bigots every time they show up in my world, where ever they… Read more »

9 years ago

Glenn: Threatening to ruin Rollo’s great site. Who’s to be taken seriously here? There should be an age requirement to comment. Is David Stockman YKW? lzolzolzozlolz. And which publishing house published that book? And who controlled said publishing house? Dig deeper. Glenn, you need to chill the fuck out before Rollo bans us both. I’m am simply stating my opinions in a respectful manner. Don’t come here and threaten to ruin Rollo’s great blog with spam. You sound like a leftist YKW by the way. They love to impose censorship and throw a hissyfit instead of simply debating calmly when… Read more »

9 years ago

Glenn decides his views based on solipsism and personal anecdote, just like a woman. He just freely admitted it. Exceptions prove the rule. If you have read the Bell Curve, you know that the authors went out of their way, bent over backwards, to try to not reach the conclusions they were forced to reach. They tried to address the question with which we are all struggling: knowing that 20% of the population has an average IQ of 80, what social policies should we have to create the best and safest life possible for all? The left wants to deny… Read more »

9 years ago

@ Anon – Arguing with you would be like discussing particle physics with my 5 year old nephew. I don’t bother. The funniest bit is that you persist in trying to inform me. What’s clear is that you are operating at such a lower level of intellect that there is no point engaging you. Just take central banking, monetary systems and the economy, douche bag, I could school you for the next 5 years on that topic and have real experience and knowledge in that world. What do you have? Ideas you’ve picked up by other idiots and haters from… Read more »

9 years ago

These jew accusations are absurd. And especially all this race talk!

Why don’t we come back to the original topic, gentlemen?

9 years ago

Glenn, I’m a lawyer and have been one for nearly 2 decades. I have inside knowledge too. You seem to have a huge spergish ego about being in finance and banking. I dropped that topic 5 comments ago. I’m talking about who controls publishing houses and every single thing that is presented on a TV screen and in movies, which women rely on for 99.5% of their “knowledge.” But anyway… I’m going to stop replying on this topic, because I enjoy Rollo’s blog very much and I don’t want to get banned. Rollo, thanks for not doing that already. I’m… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

“The left! The Jews! The left! The Jews!” It’s like listening to a broken record. If it’s not about the Jews it’s about the right/left dichotomy. Anyone not agreeing with your bigoted view of the world is shouted down as a “leftist”. Seriously, crawl the fuck back in whichever hole you came from and shut the fuck up. People come here for a more intellectual take on TRP, but this tripe just muddies the water with blithe ignorance. Take it elsewhere. CH, RoK, and Roosh will be just fine with this shit as they’ve already shown. Go make them your… Read more »

9 years ago

I’m not GBFM. He’s far better read and educated than I. But I believe his views were spot on, even if written in code. I believe it is scary that his blog was disappeared against his will, and it proves many of my points. I’m not even talking about race. It is simply clear that mainstream internet (wordpress, google, twitter) are firmly in the hands of leftist “narrative control.” Last December the official twitter offices had #blacklivesmatter painted on the walls, and bragged about it. Also it is indisputable that the left is in favor of censorship, and tries to… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

Glenn, in my opinion, nobody who uses the word “racism” as a slur can be taken seriously as, frankly, even a red pill person. That is straight up blue pill MSM narrative control. Bull. Fucking. Shit. That’s just YOUR excuse to have irrational hate for a group of people then put yourself above argument. News flash: just because your view is different doesn’t mean it’s true. Just because we’re having rational discussions here without placing typical societal restrictions on them doesn’t mean blatant racial hate-mongering stated as fact is now A-OK. A simple application of Occam’s Razor disproves your entire… Read more »

9 years ago

Rollo is arguing NAMSALT (Not All Manosphere Sites Are Like That). Weak. The manosphere is far more open to discussion than feminist sites.

9 years ago


Generally, anon’s point about Blue Pill usage of “racism” is correct. Most usage of “racism” is the Blue Pill narrative. You are definitely way too emotional about this. anon is very rational by comparison.

Otoh, I don’t see any discussion of racism here or the Juice as helpful.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
9 years ago

@theasdgamer Were I calling it only out for racism, I would agree with you. But I’m calling out the whole of what I’m seeing here because I’ve seen it over and over and over again. There’s a bunch of racist horseshit wrapped up in a bunch of conspiracy theorist horseshit, just like it’s always been. He’s not rational. He’s a fucking conspiracy theorist nutjob peddling racist horseshit as though it were truth. Twenty fucking years I’ve watched assholes like this show up and try to ruin communities with their horse shit. Fuck that. Pound them back in the rathole they… Read more »

9 years ago

anon – “Glenn, I’m a lawyer…”

That explains it.

9 years ago

This is going way too far.

Who cares if the lefties are all marxist nutters? Who care if there is a juicy conspiracy to rule the world?

None of this matters. Even if these things were true (and they are not) you could not change or influence any of this one tiny jot by bleating about it in a comment thread.

Breath through your nose and clean up your own life. Invest your time, your energy and your wealth in yourself first. Only then will you be able to make any kind of difference to the work whatsoever.

9 years ago

@ Anon – Shut the fuck up you moronic racist scumbag lawyer. It’s laughable for you to claim that using the term “racist” is blue pill. You are a racist in a Blue Pill world or a Red Pill one. And of course, you totally ignored my deeper comments on political philosophy which actually point out your errors in reasoning. Remember, you are the drooling moron blaming the current situation on Baby Boomers – my entry point in trying to correct your ignorant blather. Btw, what is it that’s ruining our society – Baby Boomers or Blacks or Jews? Hard… Read more »

9 years ago

Here I go with my two cents again…

The question is discourse not censorship.
When a conversation pertaining to a topic becomes hijacked to expound a completely different idea….
Should Rollo intervene and re-direct the conversation? I say “Fuck yes!”
Are all the subjects intertwined at some level? I say “Fuck yes!” again.
I’m already obfuscated. Thank you lads.

9 years ago

And oh yeah, I’m not open minded about discussing racism. That doesn’t make me intolerant of dialog, it makes me a civil, moral human being. There is no discussion to be had with racists and anti-semites, the only appropriate response is shaming, denigration and shutting them down. Anon – Listen to Rollo and go back to whatever rock you crawled out from under and keep posting on ROK or CH or Stormfront or Tom Woods or Ron Paul or Lew Rockwell or the zillion other places where cockroaches like you are allowed to wander free. Here? I stomp them. @… Read more »

9 years ago


“Most forums have two rules. 1 – No racism/bigotry.”

You forgot sexism.

9 years ago

@ Yossarian – “Are all the subjects intertwined at some level? I say “Fuck yes!” again” Uhh, no. Racism has nothing to do with any of the subject matter discussed here. It’s not “intertwined”. As for keeping the dialog on track and it being hijacked here, that happens all the time on this site and it’s quite interesting usually. It’s really a free forum in which you can go on tangents if you like. The community deals with that via feedback or just ignoring commentary that isn’t interesting. Discourse isn’t the issue. Racism and bigotry is. Even though SJWs have… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Glenn


I think all things discussed here can be intertwined at a certain level. I was only trying to express my ambiguity pertaining subject matter on such a blog. What is not related? What should be banned? What is. ..? I have no clear answers.

I do think that racism is vile. I agree with you 100%. I was taken back by how easily things escalate on this and many other blogs. It is incredulous.

9 years ago

@ TAnon – And what’s your point then? That this should be a place where racists and bigots spray there hate just because radfems have gone off the deep end calling everyone a sexist or a racist or a bigot?

Wow, I wonder how many guys here are actual racists and anti-semites? Some crowd you’ve got here, Rollo, my opinion of this site is falling by the minute.

9 years ago


And, I am speaking about ideology. How certain conversations on “red pill” truths somehow get quickly involved in bigoted and racist concepts. The concepts that come up all the time…You know them so well.

I read the other blogs. I respect Rollo the most. It hurts me to see the blog get ugly.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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