The War Brides of Europe

(h/t to greyghost for today’s video)

Comment from Kaminsky on Dalrock’s thread:

What I find with that video of the Danish feminist. If there were such a thing as a Master’s Degree in the manosphere, you could show the candidate that video and have him break down all the elements of the female mind displayed. Point by point;

  • Let’s you and him fight
  • Shit-testing
  • Extraordinary lack of accountability
  • Collectivism to the depths of her soul
  • A form of AF/BB…In that men have to be both ends of behavior to meet females’ changing needs. Meek and placid during the forty years of feminist play-acting fun-time, now all of a sudden a different kind of man is needed.
  • Victim/victim convenient duality. Victorious feminists imposed their will and opened borders, now they’re victims and it’s up to men to clean it all up.
  • Equalist/androgynous when it suits whatever need, strong gender roles when it suits whatever need.

So amazing.

“Intractable solipsism” belongs in that list as well.

I apologize in advance if this post comes off as overly dramatic or kicking a hornets’ nest. It’s not my intent to wax poetic, but it will serve a purpose.

I was asked about my take on the current ‘migrant crisis’ in Europe by several Red Pill friends (both online and in person I should add), and how I thought it played into what I’ve written in the past about the War Brides dynamic. As my readers know I never delve into issues of politics, race or religion on this blog unless those issues are directly related to intersexual social and personal dynamics.

So it was with this in mind that I considered connecting the dots between Hypergamy and the War Brides dynamic and what I believe we’re beginning to see now in Europe. However, before I get too deep I thought I’d pick Ms. Thranholm’s interview apart first.

A Schism in the Feminine Imperative

I’ll agree with Kaminsky on his take for the most part; the degree of default entitlement women feel they have to men’s physical protection is glaringly evident, especially coming from ardent feminists, but the side-glance vitriol for European men wearing skirts in protest to the rash of ‘migrants’ raping/harassing European women only highlights feminist duplicity.

Is this rash as widespread as these women are making it? Hard for me to say, but not a day’s gone by since this migration that several ‘incidents’ of these migrant’s sexual assault (assault that would land the average European male in jail or make an American man a sex offender overnight) has been in my Twitter feed. I’ll leave that interpretation up to my readers, however what’s glaringly evident is the duplicity in the reaction strong independent® feminists are having to these assaults.

In the video Thranholm at last drops the feminist boilerplate and makes the concession all feminists (and Red Pill deniers) are loathe to hear – our society has become feminized. I’ve been making this point since the days of my writing on SoSuave; western society has become founded on a feminine social primacy that prioritizes women’s imperatives (Hypergamy) above all other considerations (lead photo NSFW). The fabric of western society from our religions, to our work cultures, to our personal relations, to our educational institutions, to the foundations of our parenting, have been progressively and systematically feminized over the course of 60+ short years.

To have a woman like Thranholm voice this from a visceral, fear based necessity is an indictment of how unignorable this feminization as become. In a similar fashion to how Open Hypergamy and soon Open Cuckoldry are becoming too socially evident to ignore, so too is the fact that an increasing majority of western(ized) men believe that touchy-feely feminized solutions to conflict are their first best alternative to violent, physical, in-your-face conflict resolution.

“This militant feminism that has been going on for decades, now we see the consequences that many men here are brought up to be like women, and to think like women, and be soft-minded.”

Iben explains in no uncertain terms that a lack of conventional, complementary masculine strength is so lacking in Europe that even feminist women are beginning to feel uneasy in the uncertainty that their safety could be insured by average European men. Underneath all of the posturing of strength, feminism still needs “muscle” for its physical defense. When feminism looks to its loyal White Knights for that muscle it finds them dressed in mini-skirts and high heels.

Without missing a beat, scowling feminist interviewer, Anissa Naouai, presents the complete obliviousness of the gravity of the situation women are facing…

“But that is what Europe is about, that is part of the European qualities that the European Union promotes.

[…] “These refugees are coming to Europe, shouldn’t they adapt to that?”

This is a glaring example of the degree of cognitive dissonance that has been cultivated in our feminine-primary social order. The idea that men who wouldn’t recognize that feminine social primacy exist, much less who would entirely ignore it, is so alien a thought that it never enters Anissa’s mind.

An Appeal to Honor

Iben continues and answers Anissa’s question without really realizing it.

“Now we see that these post modern values are just a construction.”

I thought this was interesting when we consider how long we’ve been told the opposite – that the popular concepts of conventional, evolved gender roles are the social construction. However once these ‘post modern values’ are slammed into the harsh conditions of a reality that diametrically contradicts it, then, then it becomes a question of “where have all the cowboys gone?” Now the truth is revealed that it is in fact this post modern, feminized interpretation of gender that is the social construct – and one with potentially disastrous consequences.

“…and now we see that we don’t have any male that can stand up, that can fight, who can fight back those male aggressions that we are feeling. So the vacuum that feminism has created means that women are the victims of those male aggressions”

And now we come to the standard appeal to the Male Catch 22 I described in The Honor System many years ago:

Man Up or Shut Up – The Male Catch 22

One of the primary way’s Honor is used against men is in the feminized perpetuation of traditionally masculine expectations when it’s convenient, while simultaneously expecting egalitarian gender parity when it’s convenient.

For the past 60 years feminization has built in the perfect Catch 22 social convention for anything masculine; The expectation to assume the responsibilities of being a man (Man Up) while at the same time denigrating asserting masculinity as a positive (Shut Up). What ever aspect of maleness that serves the feminine purpose is a man’s masculine responsibility, yet any aspect that disagrees with feminine primacy is labeled Patriarchy and Misogyny.

Perhaps we haven’t reached it quite yet, but we are approaching a social tipping point where the physical necessity of conventional masculinity will outweigh the liability to women in ceding the power that feminine social primacy represents. The need for ‘Man Up’ will outweigh the need for ‘Shut Up‘.

This need for women’s defense predictably gets couched in men’s Burden of Performance, and now that shit’s gotten real we see this dynamic laid bare in women’s shaming of men for not putting themselves bodily between them and an attacker. This is where Iben’s premise, and the sham of the Feminine Imperative’s social engineering, breaks down. And ironically the very idea of a new “male revolution” or supporting conventional masculinity on a social scale is even more appalling to Anissa than the reality of rising potential sexual assaults on women:

“It means that men need to take responsibility to go back to the old male virtues, to defend the women, the children and the culture. Because now this post modern project is dead, it doesn’t work…”

Iben goes on for a bit repeating the same men need to take responsibility for defending women trope in various ways and tries to explain to Anissa in as black and white a way that reality necessitates this. However the real disconnect, the most poignant illustration of feminisms denial of reality comes from Anissa after all of this:

“But the mass rapes shouldn’t be happening in the first place.”

“I’m sorry, uh, what?”

“The mass rape, the violence shouldn’t be happening in the first place. These are guests essentially who Europe has welcomed.

[…] should (women) have to protect themselves against mass rape on their streets at home?”

The utter cognitive dissonance of Anissa with her inability to grasp that these male ‘guests’ (who should be beholden to the Male Catch 22 by default) wouldn’t honor the dictates of feminine primacy is staggering. So much so it even fazes Iben for a moment. However, this disconnect is a textbook example of the sociological and psychological schism that is (or will soon) taking place for European women given their present reality.

I’ll stop here because Iben goes on to reiterate most of her points, and gets in another about the need for complementarity in conventional gender roles, but do watch the whole clip. The point I’m making with this is that there is a coming reckoning that a feminine primary society is beginning to face; post modern feminized gender constructs have fundamentally compromised the security of western culture.

Real Solutions

This then begs the question, what comes as a response to this? As I mention, the typical go-to strategy of the Feminine Imperative is to lean on men’s shame for not taking the masculine responsibility for women’s (and children’s) defense. However the same characteristics that make a conventionally masculine man a good defender are also a liability to women’s sphere of control once all her would-be attackers have been subdued. These are the same characteristic that have been ridiculed, marginalized, denigrated and punished by feminine-centric society for going on 7 decades now.

So what’s the proper response here? No doubt there will be the scorched earth factions who’ll quote us the following:

This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout “Save us!”… and I’ll whisper “no.”
– Rorschach, Watchmen 2009

If men need to take responsibility to go back to the old male virtues, to defend the women, the children and the culture it needs to come with a reciprocal incentive for men in doing so. Relying on men’s sense of duty to honor only works insofar as women are appreciative and rewarding of it. As it stands now, the average man either blindly believes his honorable action is to be more “soft-minded” in his approach to honor or has absolutely no motivation to risk himself for women who’ve told him they don’t need his “macho bullshit masculinity” for the past 60 years – right up until she’s assaulted or raped in 2016.

For a complementary gender restructuring of society it implies a reciprocal incentive on the part of women; one I don’t see forthcoming even in the desperate tones of Iben and Anissa.

It may be all well and good to let women such as Anissa to burn along with the rest of feminized Europe, however, Iben does make a valid point; if (European) men don’t do something by reassuming conventional masculinity they stand to find themselves in precisely the position I outline in War Brides:

Evolution has largely selected-for human females with a capacity to form psychological schemas that preserve an ego-investment that would otherwise afflict them with debilitating anxiety, guilt, and the stresses that result from being continuously, consciously aware of their own behavioral incongruities. Evolution selects-for solipsistic women who are blissfully unaware of their solipsism.

[…]women’s peripheral environment dictated the need to develop psychological mechanisms to help them survive. It was the women who could make that emotional disconnect when the circumstances necessitated it who survived and lived to breed when their tribe was decimated by a superior force. This is also known as the War Bride dynamic; women develop an empathy with their conquerors by necessity.

Men are the disposable sex, women, the preserved sex. Men would simply die in favor of a superior aggressor, but women would be reserved for breeding. So it served a feminine imperative to evolve an ability to cut former emotional ties more readily (in favor of her new captor) and focus on a more self-important psychology – solipsism.

Now, here is where I’ll step off the diving board and into the theoretical. It’s my purview that a lot of what men would complain are duplicitous acts of indifference towards them are really rooted in this innate feminine solipsism. That’s a bold statement, I realize, but I’d argue that what men take for inconsiderate indifference in a break up or in ruthless shit tests is really a woman tapping into this innate, self-preserving solipsism. Combine hypergamy with the chronically hostile environments of the past and you end up with a modern day feminine solipsism. Add to this an acculturated sense of female entitlement, social conventions that excuse this ‘duplicity’, and a constant misdirection of intent by women themselves, and you come to where we are now. As if that weren’t enough, throw in the element of hypergamy and the countdown in terms of fertility and long term provisioning that a woman must deal with before hitting the imminent Wall, and now you have a fuller picture of the conditions and stresses that necessitate this solipsistic nature.

It seems clear to me that women who align with Anissa’s feminine-primary mindset exhibit exactly this self-preserving solipsism in the subconscious knowledge that the men of their ‘tribe’ have become acculturated into becoming more like women and unable to defend them from a stronger, more conventionally masculine tribe.

Both Iben and Anissa are on either side of this War Brides dynamic, but both also illustrated the other’s solipsistic approach to dealing with it. I don’t claim to have the solution to this circumstance, and perhaps that should be the focus of discussion, but this is exactly the War Brides dynamic I laid out.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] The War Brides of Europe […]

The Question
8 years ago

“If men need to take responsibility to go back to the old male virtues, to defend the women, the children and the culture it needs to come with a reciprocal incentive for men in doing so.”

Give them authority over that which they are expected to have responsibility. The former must come first.

The question is this: Will the culture do this, or will it perish still screaming for someone to save it while clinging stubbornly to its illegitimate power just as Gollum perished clutching the One Ring?

8 years ago

I understand the inner conflict a lot of men face, especially when we consider that saving women from the third world invasion will require actors to engage in counter-revolutionary warfare. Women are the architects of this disaster that they have brought upon themselves and indeed the majority of them are not worth saving. However, without European women, Europe dies. Some MGTOWs say that women should repent and change their ways before they would do anything dangerous to save them. But to wait until women ask to be saved, and only then charge in is textbook white knight faggotry. Men, in… Read more »

André Marques
8 years ago

“Men, in the role of conqueror, should remove the problem using whatever means necessary, and then demand obedience from the survivors while blood is still running in the street.”

damn SimonWolfe, that was awesomely written

8 years ago

Nietzsche respected Islam as a masculine religion, and despised Judaism and Christianity as feminizing religions. He was correct. The future of Europe belongs to Islam. And it will be because of this “War Brides” dynamic — European women will embrace the aggressive, masculine Muslim immigrants and choose them for reproduction over their own simpering eunuchs. A few neo-Nazi thugs may try to ignite a race war to counter this trend, but most European men are simply too weak and brainwashed by feminism to join their crusade. And so nature will deliver its final judgment on Europe.

Testosterone always wins.

Ergo Slugg
Ergo Slugg
8 years ago

I’m reminded of The Walking Dead, Season 6…Alexandria is overrun. The fragility of the civilized veneer falls away quickly – – in one scene, a female character (Carol) is verbally sparring for dominance with another resident over baking issue, but in the next scene, when the other woman is bitten and infected, the first woman (Carol) executes the coup de grace to ensure that the infection doesn’t progress. We are only one tiny step from the madness of the jungle… “Please come back and save us from the evil!” the women demand, then cry, then beg, then weep. To them… Read more »

8 years ago

“Without missing a beat, scowling feminist interviewer, Anissa Naouai, presents the complete obliviousness of the gravity of the situation women are facing… “But that is what Europe is about, that is part of the European qualities that the European Union promotes. […] “These refugees are coming to Europe, shouldn’t they adapt to that?” This is a glaring example of the degree of cognitive dissonance …” Rollo, I would not read it in such way – I’d rather think it is a straightforward “trolling” on Anissa Naouai’s part. You see, this is a Russia Today’s show, and RT is a propaganda… Read more »


[…] The War Brides of Europe […]

Rami Hiltunen
8 years ago

Greetings from Scandinavia again Rollo. Great post! Yeah, Ive been repeating this stuff for two years now. Basically our ingroup females are competiting us against outgroup men like straight from some evolution psychology book. Now that we got shitload of aggressive low IQ third worlders raping the females they want us to “man up”.

8 years ago

There are a lot of other aspects to Europe’s problems with migrants at the moment as well. Their society is far more “secular” than the U.S. is, and as such, far far far fewer Europeans have direct contact with religious extremism. They don’t know it, can’t understand it. The idea that humans can be singlemindedly opposed to their societies basic foundations does not compute in their minds. I say that, but I agree very much with what Rollo says in this post. I laughed out loud at many of the youtube videos where German women were complaining about the migrants…… Read more »

8 years ago

Europe cannot be conquered by some ragtag band of bandits from the SandDunopia. Testosterone may deal the first blow but technology returns with a very nasty back hand. The future of Homo sapiens belongs to Mr Geek Mcbrain I tell you. I do not see any inter tribal war in which the white tribe is losing, ever. If a white tribe loses, it will be losing to another white tribe. In case anyone think I am some deluded honky dancing for home team, I am not white.

8 years ago

“Give them authority over that which they are expected to have responsibility. The former must come first.”


Rami Hiltunen
8 years ago

Basically if we look at the voting statistics; Women vote the pro-asylum seeker parties whom the muslims then rape. Men vote patriotic parties. The difference is 80% male votes for patriots/nationalists. 80% female vote to socialists/pro-muslim asylum seeker parties. (Greens, Social democrats, Far-left)

8 years ago

While this is an interesting topic for theoretical discussion, the manosphere seems to miss some facts about “what is going on in Europe”: The mainstream is indeed too feminized to protect anything. Last week there was a column in “Die Zeit”, a big leftwing German newspaper, where the commenter openly declared how men “gendered” after feminist wishes cannot and will not protect women. It was by far the most active topic on their site that day. And most seem to agree todays women simply do not deserve protection by men. On the other hand there are “militias” founding everywhere who… Read more »

8 years ago

Question: Who is going to save these European women?
Answer: Their sons would … if these women actually had kids.

Oh, the irony!

Yo Momma
Yo Momma
8 years ago

#WhyWomenShouldNitVote is trending on Twitter. How apt.

Bitches getting what they deserve. Always them who want to help rapefugees to Europe and promote a multikulti shithole. I laugh at them getting a taste of reality. Agree to withdraw your suffrage – to which every harmful degeneracy can be traced – then I MIGHT consider helping you. Like that sjw whore raped in Haiti still managing to blame White men. I piss on y’all!

8 years ago

The bigger problem here are the white knights sitting in govt and impeding anything that a right-hearted man would do. Personally I’m not afraid to go after mushleems, who are manly only when not met with opposition, but of the traitorous “authorities”, who’d put me in jail for even thinking about cleaning up.

On another note, I noticed that here as well as at RoK, Chateau … the influx of enraged girls babbling nonsense appearso to have stopped.

8 years ago

And we should ask these European feminists this … 93% of the Muslim immigrants coming to Europe are MALE. By the numbers alone, the FI is decreasing the representative value of each European female voter. These immigrants will end up voting for anti FI measures. Since these 93% immigrant males are going to need to fuck somebody (and the 7% females they brought are not enough and already have kids), these European females are getting fucked either way.

8 years ago

@Rhett – It terrifies me when I realize how many things Nietzsche was correct about, particularly when he mused on the ramifications of the “masculinization” of women. Indeed, you are correct, women are flocking to these Islamic migrants. One of the things not discussed openly about the “grooming gangs” in the UK and elsewhere is how many teen girls willingly participate even as it’s technically rape due to their ages. Notice also those pics of hot young Euro women offering “refugees” kisses of welcome. And of course, the much higher birth rates and polygamy of Islamists (not all Muslims) will… Read more »

8 years ago

White Nationalists say: Fuck you leftist cucks, we need to save OUR women.

Well, if they’re OUR women, then I want to fuck 1 HB 10 each time I save some broad’s ass. Otherwise gtfo and stfu.

Looking for Zion
Looking for Zion
8 years ago

Only a mass red pill awareness awakening in the western world can change the tide. At some point, doesn’t the pendulum have to swing back? The feminine imperative has to break down at some point, right?

8 years ago

Off on a bit of a tangent but here’s HOW TO SOLVE THE MIGRANT CRISIS.
Accept these migrants into the Uk, Germany etc and enlist them into the military for combat training.
Form units consisting of their countrymen arm and deploy them back to their homeland to fight to regain control of Their countfy from Is, Isis, whoever.
If they refuse deport them, if they won’t fight for their country/freedom then they don’t deseve refuge, protection or any other kind of help or support.
FUCK THEM and the Camel they rode in on.

8 years ago

Calling Thranholm a Danish femmist is a silly as calling Ann Coulter an American femmist

8 years ago

@Playdontpay: let’s see if your logic makes sense in a different context:

Accept burglars into your house and train them to kill. If they don’t agree to kill and rob your neighbor down the road instead of you, (after you’ve fed and clothed them for a few years at your expense), kick them out of your house at further expense.

8 years ago

Hmmmm…. I can sense the comments taking on a nasty CH vibe with this piece. Think, it ain’t illegal yet. I have a cousin that was in Afghanistan for 6 years. He told me that he didn’t even see women that often there because they were not allowed to go out alone, usually being accompanied by a male relative or a larger group of women. I’ve heard the same said about Iraq, so I asked a dude I know from Syria and he said it was the same there but women violated the ” rule ” often and the more… Read more »

Darwinian Arminian
Darwinian Arminian
8 years ago

. . . So a European feminist wants to enjoy the benefits of “egalitarianism” in a time of peace and prosperity, but then be able to call upon traditional male duty and responsibility when her own security is suddenly on the line. If that’s the case, then there’s no reason why men can’t — and shouldn’t — respond in kind. So I myself will be happy to let the muslim mob do with Iben Thranholm as they please, while proceeding to dutifully whisk away her younger and hotter daughters to a place of safety in my personal bunker, with the… Read more »

8 years ago


Rollo, I would not read it in such way – I’d rather think it is a straightforward “trolling” on Anissa Naouai’s part. You see, this is a Russia Today’s show, and RT is a propaganda project of Mr. Putin and K…


People, do a little fucking research before you assume there are any feminists in this interview

In American terms, this is Fox News interviewing Ann Coulter about the Muslims raping women

Charlie Foxtrot
Charlie Foxtrot
8 years ago

Look, it’s pretty simple. I’m in my forties. I’ve served my country honorably. I’ve earned a bachelor’s degree from a high end private university. I’ve been a devout churchgoer. I’ve never been locked up. I’ve worked in a respectable field, where I showed up for work on time and worked faithfully for decades. I’ve always been there when someone needed help, especially my women friends. I’ve changed tires. I’ve helped people move. I’ve fixed toilets. I’ve loaned my friends money so they wouldn’t get kicked out of their house. I have nothing to show for any of this. I’ve been… Read more »

john smith
john smith
8 years ago

The only logical, sensible response to a rigged game is not to play. There can no longer be any doubt that the game is rigged, particularly and most devastatingly in the area of law. MGTOW is going to be a mainstream choice for men in the near future. The tyrants will respond by doubling down on their tyranny. The feminized West is too far down the slippery slope. There is no going back. Cultural collapse will begin with Europe in the next decade. A blind man can see it coming.

8 years ago

@Darwinian: standing ovation for you.

@Foxtrot: You have a penis, so you have “inherited” (no need to “earn”) the right to have a wife and family. Don’t give up warrior! How long have you read the red pill?

8 years ago

@Rollo: “I had to really consider that even most non-feminist identifying women still hold the same belief set that feminism has instilled in the past 5 generations of women.”

Considering that most masculine men do, I think that’s a reasonable bet.

8 years ago

X@Rollo I knew something was bothering me about this post and, only after watching the video, did it strike me: The War Bride dynamic you outlined is not entirely cogent. I’m gonna write this short hand because I believe you’ll understand and perhaps you can address it. Simply because a person or persons are unhappy does not mean their genes won’t be passed on. The ability to procreate is not necessarily impacted by the cognitive dissonance they might experience from, as the example text illustrated, being culturally usurped by a more successfully aggressive tribe. Therefore, it’s not reasonable to assume… Read more »

8 years ago

Women are strong enough to demand and receive combat roles in the military, but not strong enough to defend themselves against rapists.

I assume this logic makes sense inside lady brains?

8 years ago

@Yhufir: ” . . . back then they didn’t have much of a say in the matter . . .”

@HowlingManTodd: “I assume this logic makes sense inside lady brains?”

Yes, that’s the problem.

8 years ago

@Charlie Foxtrot You were doing fine up until your last two bitter sentences. Welcome here (I think?) Your narrative pretty much sums up the idea of The Matrix (from the movie) and the fact that you were force fed an illusion your whole life. If you have really hit rock bottom in your sentiment towards living a masculine life in a feminized society, perhaps some reading is in order. Are you very new here and are you familiar with what The Rational Male blog is all about? If so, then tell us your understanding of red pill awareness. If not,… Read more »

8 years ago

@John Smith Welcome to the sixth stage of the Five Stages of Unplugging linked above 6. Jaded* – MGTOW Permutations: “Fuck learning all these rules. Sex isn’t worth it and women aren’t that fun anyway. The last thing I want to do is learn routines or the 5 stages of pickup. There’s too many websites, too much to read, I can’t remember it all much less sort it all out. Who has all that time to go out and chat up women anyway? It’s not like I see any women under 40 at work at my engineering job to practice… Read more »

8 years ago

While the ability to procreate is not impacted by cognitive dissonance,the ability to miscarry or kill the offspring or the chances of this gene surviving is impacted.Women have always been societal influences in some shape or form not just breeders.It has just been uncommon for them to have the influence that they have in modern civilization.

This reminds me of Robin Williams spoof on the Bobbys w/ no guns
“stop or I will say stop again”

Chump No More
Chump No More
8 years ago

The irony here is hilarious. The feminists/FI have been conditioning men for decades in their attempt to build a better beta. Now that they’ve done so, they’re not only repulsed by their ‘works’ but have unwittingly created a path for their own demise… and they’re scared shit-less.

I have no doubt, that if men save them and this blows over, they’ll go right back to the belief that they can make men ‘better’.

8 years ago

It’s a problem that the majority of the people coming to Europe are male. There’s gonna be an imbalance. But one must reflect on what else is feared here. Why do which people think that it’s bad that the “white population” will be reduced in the upcoming decades. Greek and British people also look different. Why is it a priori an issue that the kid who goes to school, university and becomes an electrical engineer has a mother from Germany and a father from Syria? I do very much agree that a culture clash is problematic and nobody wants to… Read more »

8 years ago

@John Smith: Consider that your choice is to convert to Islam or die in a pool of your own blood and entrails. Going MGTOW won’t save you from that choice. @Rollo: If there is a core of western civilization men still capable of resisting the invaders, it must also cull women dispassionately as well. I am reminded of the phrase “Men may lay their lives down for their country, but as women we can talk about just lying down.” If it is desired that western civilization continue, and that women will use solipsism to rationalize the choice to accept the… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

@Rollo: And as usual women look at the mess they’ve made and go, “Man up and help me! You let this happen!”

Hypergamy may be pragmatic but many times is very short-sighted…and of course women are clueless.

But to see the concern on the Danish journalist’s face…Classic!

8 years ago

@Chump No More

Is Forbidden Planet actually worth watching? Or is just reading the plotline on Wikipedia sufficient to get the idea of modern society is worse off having killed the “id”? I actually had seen a reference to this movie the other day and was wondering if it was worth the time investment to see the drama and the actors.

8 years ago

“a lot of people would argue that Angela Merkel is a much stronger leader in a sense then Francois Hollande”

That’s exactly the problem you twat.

Fred Flange, Kylo Ren and Stimpy
Fred Flange, Kylo Ren and Stimpy
8 years ago

Knowing the vid is from Vlad the Impala’s Russia Today channel, the point of the show is to embarrass the West, and show that Russia with all its grashny vonny bastards and chellovecks is immune from such problems [cough] Chechniya [cough]. Viewed thusly Lady in Red Annisa is just doing her job, which is to parrot back SJW tropes like “victim blaming” to trip up the Great Dane. To use an old Fox News trope, there are “some who say” that Russia is a bastion of radical feminism. Do tell? Ask Pussy Riot.

8 years ago

“Is Forbidden Planet actually worth watching?”

It’s the very best of the cheap ass 50’s science fiction movies. If that sort of thing can row your boat, watch it.

8 years ago

Rollo Tomassi

February 3rd, 2016 at 1:20 pm
“@redlight, I had to really consider that even most non-feminist identifying women still hold the same belief set that feminism has instilled in the past 5 generations of women.”

100%. I see this in my own family. Most if not al females swear they aren’t feminist. But most sound, act and behave like one.

8 years ago
Reply to  ace

It’s Orwellian….

8 years ago

@ Rollo “I don’t claim to have the solution to this circumstance…” I do, and it’s actually quite simple: men need to organize themselves into tribes committed to the defense of themselves and the women they deem worthy, and the plight of all other women outside that sphere needs to be met with utter indifference. It really is just that simple. Any allegiance to the United State as a sociopolitical entity needs to dissolve. Your only allegiance should be toward men who share your ideology and women who know the score. Given the war brides dynamic here, declining to resist… Read more »

8 years ago


February 3rd, 2016 at 11:56 am

“If any religion had the chance of ruling over England, nay Europe within the next hundred years, it could be Islam.”

George Bernard Shaw

8 years ago

“It’s the very best of the cheap ass 50’s science fiction movies. If that sort of thing can row your boat, watch it.”

I never saw one. But that does answer my question. I think I’ll have a cigar or two and talk with my red pill buddies IRL tonight instead.

8 years ago

@ Charlie Foxtrot

You’ve given a lot to society and it hasn’t given you back anything that you actually care about. It’s time to withdraw your investment in society—financial, emotional, everything—and invest in a tribe of like-minded men brought together for their common good and, if necessary, common defense.

Keep your eyes peeled and find these guys. They’re out there. One man at a time withdrawing and investing in male-dominated tribes/gangs/whatever is what will make difference.

8 years ago

@dragnet February 3rd, 2016 at 3:08 pm

Do you own an unruly (or not well-trained) pitbull?

(Hope this doesn’t get me in trouble with any dog owning blog authors)

The Question
8 years ago

The confusion with the term feminist might arise from the fact that the definition changes as the Overton Window shifts. Our society has absorbed feminist beliefs so much that they aren’t considered distinctly feminist anymore. As a result, the parameters of what ideas constitute “feminism” is different from 50 years ago. What is feminism mean today? (Roissy’s definition is by far the best but it’s not universally accepted) Dalrock has highlighted this situation repeatedly when Christian pastors regarded as fighting the good fight against feminism will peddle it themselves because they don’t realize their doctrine is soaked in the FI… Read more »

8 years ago


“Do you own an unruly (or not well-trained) pitbull?”


8 years ago

You don’t?

8 years ago

“The utter cognitive dissonance of Anissa with her inability to grasp that these male ‘guests’ (who should be beholden to the Male Catch 22 by default) wouldn’t honor the dictates of feminine primacy is staggering. So much so it even fazes Iben for a moment. However, this disconnect is a textbook example of the sociological and psychological schism that is (or will soon) taking place for European women given their present reality.”

The funny thing, Rollo, is that Anissa Naouai is an Arab. So she should be able to understand the mentality.

8 years ago



Question: How many of you guys really buy into the ” Tribe ” mentality in 2016? I’m curious.

As for the Gang thing, I have decades of experience in that arena. It starts out as one thing, but always morphs into something else. Best scenario is that it will morph into ” government “, just the thing the gang was rebelling against. You know, the establishment and enforcement of rules.

Yollo "Detritus" Comanche
Yollo "Detritus" Comanche
8 years ago


So you think the only problem with this for you is that whites are trying to protect their futures(White women) out of “irrational” fears?

8 years ago

@ Blaximus All fair points. But we’re a long way from small groups of men somehow morphing into gov’t or central authority or anything like that. The broader point is that men need to disinvest from a sociopolitical order that is determined to exploit them without providing anything whatsoever of value. It’s my view that organizing into smaller groups enables men to strike the balance between fighting to protect and preserve something they believe in and have control over, and effecting a meaningful and material withdrawal of support and allegiance from a gynocentric social order. I’m open to other suggestions… Read more »

Yollo "Intractable" Comanche
Yollo "Intractable" Comanche
8 years ago


Man what you do works like gang busters.

I am always finding myself reaching for my dictionary around you.

In fact, here’s my NEW name.

8 years ago

@ dragnet

” The broader point is that men need to disinvest from a sociopolitical order that is determined to exploit them without providing anything whatsoever of value.”

Can’t argue with that one bit.

I’m a huge supporter of men being wary of and weaning themselves away from any large and exploitive social structure. I’m just not sure what’s the best means to accomplish this on a mass scale.

Yollo "Intractable" Comanche
Yollo "Intractable" Comanche
8 years ago

@SJF “The way of Men” Hmm, interesting title. Is it reliable from a Red Pill perspective in being the sort of masculine that generates “gina” tingles? I am currently reading and researching plenty of other materials looking for the cure to loneliness. So far, So good. But I currently doubt ANY work has gone to Publication without it being contorted to suit female Imperatives. Thanks to reading “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People(not completely yet)” and “The Rational Male” I now know that NOTHING gets through without female vetting and Beta editing. Of course I have my own filter… Read more »

The Question
8 years ago

@dragnet I’ve been in situations like that myself where I had a group of friends (a tribe if you will) I would definitely rely on if things got bad – one of them was a retired Marine and Iraq veteran and we actually discussed SHTF scenarios a few times. The biggest problem I see with the idea of a tribe is that people end up going where life takes them and it’s not always in the same direction as the others. They get married, they have kids – those two have them gravitate to similar couples. Or they take jobs… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Charlie Foxtrot Welcome here. Vent as needed. We listen. You’ve gone through the Baptism By Fire. Millions, nay tens of millions of men have gone before you on this path, and sadly millions more will follow. It’s time to cut the cord on the past. Let yesterday float out to sea. You’ve seen that things are not what they are supposed to be for everyone. You have found this out the hard way. No harm, No foul. These were/are harsh life lessons, please learn from them moving FORWARD. I’ve learned: 1) No one, not even parents, owe a man… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Blaximus “I’m a huge supporter of men being wary of and weaning themselves away from any large and exploitive social structure. I’m just not sure what’s the best means to accomplish this on a mass scale.” I think a retreat into smaller group allegiances is the first step. Forget the financial and physical investment—most men are still too emotionally invested in the current socio-political order. The process of transferring your allegiances from that order and to your tribe–whether held together by blood, ideology or whatever—will go a long way toward breaking that emotional tie. When increasing numbers of men… Read more »

8 years ago

@Rollo: I agree. This is where @Dragnet and I have arrived, in that if men wish to retain their civilization then there must be purge and violence, both to the invader, and to the native women who are feminist and will not submit. This is most likely to be in the form of a deliberate failure to defend, or an expulsion into the arms of the invader. Regardless of who or what religion the invader is, the equivalent enemy of western civilized man is the women who have weakened him. Both must be dealt with or western civilization is a… Read more »

8 years ago

“with this for you”?
Anyway, I explicitly wrote several times in that short post that this isn’t the problem.

8 years ago

“The only solution is a return to the way of the gang a la Jack Donovan. ”

Think Fireteam Militia. Find just three other men good at being men.

“How many of you guys really buy into the ” Tribe ” mentality in 2016?”

It’s as wired in in men as hypergamy is for women.

“It starts out as one thing, but always morphs into something else. Best scenario is that it will morph into ” government “ . . .”

Of course, but then so does anarchy. Let’s just hope there’s no guillotine this time.

8 years ago

@ dragnet ” Forget the financial and physical investment—most men are still too emotionally invested in the current socio-political order ” Cosign +1 Okay, I’m sold. I’ve been a part of small ” movements ” similar to what we discuss, but as The Question alludes to in the comment above, these things seem to inevitably fall apart. The pull of the status quo is strong. Maybe in time, and not too much longer, things will get to a point where enough men will stop and think. I’m surprised that we aren’t at that tipping point currently, but as you say… Read more »

8 years ago

The War Bride dynamic is, I think for many men, a rather terrifying thing to discover at first. The idea that women have the ability to immediately cut emotional ties to the men of their country and assume the role of loving wife/partner to the hated invader (provided they win) is an extraordinarily unsettling prospect – especially to the man who still entertains some blue pill notions of feminine nobility, loyalty and character. A lot of men who fall into protective roles, especially in western society, are driven by the idea that they are fighting on behalf of people who… Read more »

8 years ago

@ The Question I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, only that it’s worth the effort to do what you can with what you have. Sure, solid decent guys come and go…so always be looking for other guys who are ideologically similar or ready to be unplugged and could be worthy of your tribe. Always be willing to lend a hand to those kind of men. Trust your intuition, experience, and you understanding of social dynamics (Game) to find and connect with these men as you go through life. And when/if you’re ready to settle down yourself you can… Read more »

8 years ago

Just a comment about the TV station that broadcast this interview:

RT is Russia Today, a pro-Russian, pro-Kremlin, anti-EU broadcaster financed by Putin’s propaganda money.

(I’m not making a value judgment here, just stating facts)

So when the interviewer appears oblivious or solipsistic, she isn’t being feminist. Feminism is not even the issue here – her questions are just jabs at EU’s ideology and current internal weakness.

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
8 years ago
Gunner Q
8 years ago

The immigration crisis feels very artificial to me. There’s no way Merkel woke up one morning and decided Germany needed millions of Muslim Arabs as quickly as possible at the same time the rest of Eastern Europe’s leaders did. Feminism is playing its part in preventing the crisis’ correction but I keep wanting to find out who is orchestrating this. Meanwhile, the feminists blame the Betas for the crimes of the Alphas. Same as it ever was and I can predict the ending: either the Muslims submit to the FI when their time comes or they’ll suffer the same fate… Read more »

Yollo "Intractable" Comanche
Yollo "Intractable" Comanche
8 years ago


You’ve answered your own question. You can’t have a culture clash without people disliking the idea of marrying together, or in this case, of Women being pillaged from one culture by men from another.

Methinks, youthinks your political life happens in a vacuum.

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
8 years ago

I don’t remember who or where, but somewhere in the manosphere, feminism was described as a society wide shit test and that men were failing it. This picture is worth a 1000 words and says just that. SJWs and feminists are actually embracing the influx of these “animals” because they collectively pass the shit test.

bob bitchin
bob bitchin
8 years ago

Rollo’s assessment is bang-on. Merkel paid Turkey to keep Syrian refugees in Turkey. She deviated from the Washington consensus re:isolating Russia. The refugees were cut loose along with Libyans, Iraqis, etc. The rape of Europe is punishment and a warning: German-Russian rapprochement-they are natural allies-will not be tolerated. Merkel is a failure; 2017 elections will see her expunged. That wont end the tide. Another million or more will come in 2016. The lugenpresse and German establishment will spin n spin n spin. The country will plunge into crisis. This is a country that will jail you, destroy your career and… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Gunner Q ” Same as it ever was and I can predict the ending: either the Muslims submit to the FI when their time comes or they’ll suffer the same fate as the natives. ” One of the ” reasons ” radical versions of Islam has a hard on for the West can be distilled down to Women having ” power ” over men/government. The view is that the West will force Islamic regions into submission and transplant or impose Western culture on the people. The idea of their submission is mostly a moot point. Better that they are… Read more »

Yollo "Intractable" Comanche
Yollo "Intractable" Comanche
8 years ago

@Is This thing On?

Nice to see that guy doing well. Maybe the e-book was the way to go after all.

8 years ago

Aaron Clarey is the nicest misguided guy on the web.

He banned me from his comment section.

I’ll skip his vid, thanks.

: )

8 years ago

@CharlieFoxtrot – Wow, man, have you been through the wringer. At least you didn’t get married and lose your family etc. (small victory, I know). A few thoughts for you: – A man has to be able to sustain himself and have his own “castle” – even if it’s shit. Living with parents and not being able to sustain yourself is so grinding and denigrating. So, question: Have you opened up to all possibilities? Moving? Getting a merchant marine ticket? Two shitty part time jobs? Old friends from military/school or other parts of your social network who could throw you… Read more »

8 years ago

@Ollie: That’s a good summary. It’s also why TRP is such a tough thing to swallow, but it’s the best antidote. One of the focus changes TRP brings about is to improving yourself; living for your own goals and purposes. Such a focus change allows you to deal with women from your proper position as leader and head – she’s along for the ride as long as she enhances you, and not when she’s a liability. Always remember that the invader does not fail the shit test of feminism. Feminists (all women) that do not submit, and submit totally, get… Read more »

8 years ago

With both my previous post, and the War Bride dynamic in mind, I want to share a few ideas on where the men of the European right should go next. 1. Masculine values and leadership I am convinced that masculine leadership must be a plank of both conservative politics and metapolitics. In the upcoming conflict, there is simply no room for the the pathological altruism that all too often serves as the lodestone of feminine primacy based politics. There must be a strong and compelling masculine figures guiding politics, coupled with the remaking of society according to a more masculine… Read more »

8 years ago

@bnon On why “race mixing, is a bad thing in principle” A racist can give you 100 detailed reasons (some valid, some not) why it’s a bad thing, but the main principle is bad because it’s simply not good either, on any level. On the political side, a nation stands strong when its people are united – and race-mixing undermines that. You can’t have racism without diversity, and having it creates a whole class of people that have their own inequality issues that political groups may find themselves catering to. Essentially, minority groups, feeling victimized, vote Left for the handouts… Read more »

The Question
8 years ago

@ dragnet

Fully agree. Good advice.

8 years ago

“I am convinced that masculine leadership must be a plank of both conservative politics and metapolitics.”

Masculine leadership is what politics is. Otherwise it’s just another women’s circle.

Yollo "Intractable" Comanche
Yollo "Intractable" Comanche
8 years ago


If I read the Way of Men. Will you tell ME the punchline?

Yollo "Intractable" Comanche
Yollo "Intractable" Comanche
8 years ago


Thank you for that. I keep forgetting American’s don’t expect Spic Trash like me to be able to appreciate the Right.

8 years ago

TR Your bowl of dicks is served. ” On the political side, a nation stands strong when its people are united – and race-mixing undermines that. You can’t have racism without diversity, and having it creates a whole class of people that have their own inequality issues that political groups may find themselves catering to. Essentially, minority groups, feeling victimized, vote Left for the handouts and the interest of the nation takes the backseat. You must be European, because if you were an intelligent American this would be obvious to you.” “….You must be European, because if you were an… Read more »

8 years ago

Hey YaReally, does TR deserve a devastating body blow, of nah??

*kidding* ..mostly.

The Question
8 years ago

Think of this mess within the context of the whole ROK meetup blowup, which regardless of how we feel about its practicality or usefulness is really just like-minded men who want to meet in person and have drinks and chat. The MSM calls them “legal rape meetings,” and people go absolutely insane and call for “border controls” to keep Roosh out of a country. Prior to this, their governments imported millions of people from Third World regions that have wholly separate cultural values when it comes to women (and closer to neomasculinity than to feminism)……and the ladies are greeting them… Read more »

8 years ago

Something Linked at TRP: I have been following TRP for almost two years now and it has positively improved my life and my relationships. The discussion of sexual strategy and the sexual marketplace here has opened my eyes on so many things. However there is one sexual strategy that is only mentioned in the past tense in the manosphere (that of pillaging your enemy and raping their women). For us living in our sheltered first world nations where we discuss the downfall of male/female relations (the masculinization of women and the feminization of men) this ancient sexual strategy seems alien… Read more »

Yollo "Intractable" Comanche
Yollo "Intractable" Comanche
8 years ago


Ever ask yourself how many people SHARE TR’s “twisted” opinion? If it’s only ONE other person, even then, it couldn’t be for nothing.

The Question
8 years ago

Speaking of ROK meetup, looks like Roosh backed down.

Somehow talk him out of it, perhaps? (cough, cough)

8 years ago

@ Yollo

People are entitled to believe whatever the hell they want to believe. People believe a lot of stupid shit as long as it doesn’t affect them or makes them feel ” intelligent ” because they know some shit.

I wonder what is it inside of a person that drives them to commit these ” facts ” to memory. I’m sure TR could explain to Michael Phelps how to swim faster, because he just ” knows ‘.

His opinion is ” for nothing “. He’s entitled to his nothing. I’m not.

Yollo "Intractable" Comanche
Yollo "Intractable" Comanche
8 years ago

@The Question

Isn’t Roosh Arab? Maybe if he promised to rape the attendees the gates would swing open?

8 years ago

@ Yollo

Oh, I forgot… The ” Right ” is not synonymous with ” Racist “.

8 years ago

@ The Question

Actually, I think Roosh had exactly the right idea with these meetups. Not a smart move to post the meeting locations weeks in advance, though.


[…] Hot tip to Rollo for that link. […]

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
8 years ago

A lot of you guys recommend banding together with other like minded men. I’ll let you know if I ever meet another one in real life. Perhaps it’s just where I live, but I have yet to meet a red pill aware man in person. I thought I met one for a while. He was kind of a mans man. Very capable individual. I brought up some red pill topics to see if they would resonate. I got the biggest blue pill lecture I’ve ever heard. He actually attributes 90% of the success of society to the contributions of women.… Read more »

Yollo "Intractable" Comanche
Yollo "Intractable" Comanche
8 years ago


“I wonder what it is inside a person that drives them to commit these “facts” to memory.”

Well The Red Pill tells me that “irrational” beliefs have their substance in our own genetic imperatives. Substantiated by our environment or not, these things are there as fall backs if civilization fails to shelter my lineage.

So I can empathize with TR’s statement. Though I admit I’m doing myself, few practical favors by being this type of perturb-able, those people in Europe wouldn’t have this happening to them if their men got pissed at the first sign of this shit.

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