Male Control

Back in October, 2016 I wrote an essay called Sexual Zoning. In that post I explored the social inconsistencies and potential for (sometimes catastrophic) consequences for men in misunderstanding what were, and what have become, particular zones in which men and women covertly acknowledge the potential for an intersexual connection.

In the bygone Western social system, young people were expected to regularly interact with one another in controlled, regulated environments, in a way that fostered productive, long-term, monogamous, assortative relationships. This was a sort of “holistic” milieu, so to speak, where young people treated one another as potential future partners, sexual and otherwise, in a socially regulated manner, in all cases when they were permitted to interact. This was even the norm in workplaces where both men and women were present. The average man found a girlfriend through his extended family or social circle, because families and social circles were normally large.

What we have today is the complete opposite: “sexual zoning”. Some mixed-sex environments, like the workplace, schools and campuses, are made completely asexual – sterile, so to speak. No sexualized interactions are permitted to take place. This is demanded by law and expected by society. In such environments, you’re supposed to treat members of the opposite sex strictly as colleagues or professionals, non-sexual beings. (Hot men are allowed to get away with more, of course, but that’s another issue.) Other mixed-sex environments, on the other hand, like nightclubs, are expected to be full-on sexual. Everybody there knows that all interactions entail the future possibility of casual sex. It’s basically a meat market. You’re expected to hit on girls, and girls expect to be hit on by attractive men. Socializing in these environments requires action, engagement. If you want to find a partner, either just for sex or something more, you have to go there, you have to have Game etc.

The video I’ve chosen to dissect here is a prime example of how generations of men have been raised to deliberately misunderstand intersexual dynamics and at the same time demonize the conventional masculinity that so much of western culture has been founded upon. To be thorough though, really every culture throughout history has been primarily founded on conventional masculinity and the aspects that contribute to maleness.

Jonathan McIntosh finds an easy mark in the archetypal masculine characters of Harrison Ford, but there’s a very important reason the 80’s icon is so egregious to the men of McIntosh’s generation. Han Solo, Indiana Jones, etc. are all the Alpha male rogues this generation has been taught to love in terms of bravado, but to hate because they ‘always get the girl’; and they get her in such a way that it grates against all that their feminine-primary upbringing led them to believe was just this side of sexual assault.

McIntosh relates that he was part of a generation that idealized Harrison Ford’s most iconic characters, yet now he feels pangs of regret and resentment for having looked up the characters’ archetype. This is a perfect illustration of how conventional masculinity has been reverse engineered by our feminine-primary social order since the Sexual Revolution. I’ve mentioned in many prior essays that while overt masculinity is vilified as the cause of all social evils, it still remains the most arousing aspect of men for women. Boys like McIntosh saw this archetype and made that connection to female attraction, but it took generations of Blue Pill reconditioning to make them feel bad for ever attempting to adopt that bravado into their own personalities.

While growing up the message was the same Blue Pill identifying with the feminine (in fact Beta Game depends on that identification). Play nice, play equal, respect all women by default and never assert yourself too overtly or too crudely lest you risk offending her sensibilities. These are the boys who were raised by family, media and their schooling to expect a rationality that women could be expected to say what they mean and then do what they said. Yet that never seemed to gel when they would deductively see the girls they wanted, the ones who told them they wanted a ‘nice guy’ who respected them, consistently reward the asshole jerk with the intimacy and sex they thought would come to them if they followed what they were told.

In the end, Han Solo and Indiana Jones get the girl and she genuinely desires him – not because this is some odd fantasy of the writer’s imagination, but because this is (was) a standard aspect of women’s genuine attraction to men. The aberration is the idea that the attraction and affair would go any other way. Only in this feminized generation does thousands of years of male-female interaction seem at all unsettling.

So, here we have conventionally masculine archetypes – sometimes rakish, sometimes bold and dutiful – following their own path, making themselves their Mental Point of Origin, and making their mission (not their woman) their priority. Whether it was Captain Kirk, Han Solo or Conan the Barbarian the mental order was always firmly focused on the individual man and his action. Between the time of the Sexual Revolution and 2017, the Feminine Imperative has systematically erased the conventionally masculine archetype; so much so that the gender-loathing men of this generation are either appalled at displays of masculinity or they simply have no frame of reference with which to contrast it with the distorted and blurred ideas of what masculinity should mean to them.

For some ‘men’ the notion of conventional masculinity itself is rejected altogether. It doesn’t mean anything to be a man for this generation, so conventional archetypes of men are offensive.

As a result of these four to five generations of progressively more feminized men we now see the confusion and disgust at conventional masculinity coming from this generation of men. We see a generation of males who have no positive association with their own gender. They become increasingly more isolated because they are convinced that anything that might be gender-exclusive to men alone is, by default, a form of misogyny. There is nothing ‘positive’ about being a man, yet for all of the misconceptions about gender being social constructs, exclusively female organizing of women and fempowerment is still viewed as beneficial; a sign of society ‘evolving’.

I recently read an article in the Boston Globe about middle aged men’s increasing social isolation. I would argue that for all of the raising of awareness about this phenomenon it is primarily generations of men’s inability to interact with other men that is at the root of this isolation. For decades now men have been discouraged from meeting with other men in any formalized fashion. Men are either suspect of misogyny or homosexuality if they get together for the sake of being men. What were seeing now is generations of men who no longer understand how to socially interact with other men.

Furthermore, when this isolation becomes a concern of women, those men are again berated for not interacting with other men in the ways that women do. Women talk, men do, but a feminine-primary social order only approves of one way for men to associate with one another – in the way that women do. Thus, we see the confusion of women that men don’t call each other up to schedule a coffee date for the express reason of conversation. Men and women have different forms of communication, but the socially approved form is only ever from the feminine context. Men interacting “as men do” – in a conventionally masculine way – is always misogynistic. Thus, we see overseers in the locker room, if only symbolically, to regulate what and how men communicate with each other.

The End of Toxic Masculinity

Dalrock had a great quick-hit post recently about how Michael Moore was suggesting that men be required by law to seek their wife or long-term girlfriend’s (or most recent Ex) signed permission to purchase a firearm in the wake of last week’s mass shooting in Vegas.

That this idea would ever be a serious consideration speaks volumes about how masculine gender-loathing has become endemic in western culture. I get that Michael Moore is a self-inflicted cuck, but all I’m seeing in the wake of the Vegas shooting is less about gun control and more about male control.

It’s no longer about categorizing masculinity as “toxic” or “hyper” – that narrative is officially dropped after this shooting. Now, any masculinity is a threat, any expression of conventional masculinity is the true problem. Suggesting that a woman’s oversight and discernment should be necessary for a man to have access to a civil right only further reinforces what I’ve been saying for some time now – only the feminine is ‘correct’ in any social discourse. Only the feminine is legitimate in exercising judgement, educating new generations and deciding which man will breed and which will not.

Think about this; what’s being suggested is that men be denied a civil right that apparently only women should legitimately have. For all the fallacious blathering of women in pink pussy hats about how they think they’re losing rights today, here we have an actual right of men being denied by women, by the Feminine Imperative.

The ‘toxic’ masculinity narrative made a qualitative distinction between a feminine-acceptable form of masculinity and a potentially dangerous form. Needless to say the accepted form always consisted of whatever aspects of masculinity that was immediately beneficial to womankind. ‘Toxic’ masculinity was always characterized as Man Up or Shut Up masculinity:

Man Up or Shut Up – The Male Catch 22

One of the primary way’s Honor is used against men is in the feminized perpetuation of traditionally masculine expectations when it’s convenient, while simultaneously expecting egalitarian gender parity when it’s convenient.

For the past 60 years feminization has built in the perfect Catch 22 social convention for anything masculine; The expectation to assume the responsibilities of being a man (Man Up) while at the same time denigrating asserting masculinity as a positive (Shut Up). What ever aspect of maleness that serves the feminine purpose is a man’s masculine responsibility, yet any aspect that disagrees with feminine primacy is labeled Patriarchy and Misogyny.

Essentially, this convention keeps beta males in a perpetual state of chasing their own tails. Over the course of a lifetime they’re conditioned to believe that they’re cursed with masculinity (Patriarchy) yet are still responsible to ‘Man Up’ when it suits a feminine imperative. So it’s therefore unsurprising to see that half the men in western society believe women dominate the world (male powerlessness) while at the same time women complain of a lingering Patriarchy (female powerlessness) or at least sentiments of it. This is the Catch 22 writ large. The guy who does in fact Man Up is a chauvinist, misogynist, patriarch, but he still needs to man up when it’s convenient to meet the needs of a female imperative.

Now, in the Feminine Imperative’s unceasing efforts to Remove the Man a distinction between a useful masculinity and a dangerous masculinity is no longer something that resonates. All masculinity, all aspects, beneficial or detrimental, are to be considered the problem:

That the problem might just be masculinity, plain and simple, is not something we’re eager to countenance. While we might be prepared to apply a little structural analysis to the situation – yes, there is something about men and the way they are conditioned that leads us to this place – we’re unwilling to draw any final conclusions. Masculinity doesn’t kill people; it’s those mysterious toxins that are to blame.

[…]But strip away the so-called toxic aspects of masculinity: the aggression, the violence, the hate, the guns, and what are you left with? Strength, endurance, a woody-scented perfume, a liking for the colour blue? Certainly nothing that need be associated with manhood or maleness. These are simply individual qualities. The only reason to code them as “masculine” is to preserve a social hierarchy that ought to be destroyed.

[…]What would be so terrible about a world in which boys were treated no differently to girls from the day they were born? In which there are no pink/blue codifications to hide behind? In which a man’s anger and aggression were considered every bit as aberrant and unnatural as a woman’s?

The problem we’re facing isn’t toxic masculinity; it’s that masculinity is toxic. It’s time we questioned even its most subtle manifestations.

Going forward this will be the narrative. There will be no distinction between misogyny, masculinity and maleness. What this author, perhaps deliberately, doesn’t want to address is that masculinity and all the associated ways our thinking and our behaviors that manifest from the biological side of our nature aren’t something that can be dissociated from us without killing us or erasing what we were evolved to be. There are no truly positive or negative aspects of masculinity, just as there are no positive or negative aspects of Hypergamy. They just are, and what makes them beneficial or detrimental all depends on the context in which they are applied. That may seem strange coming from the author of a book titled Positive Masculinity but understand that what is positive about masculinity is made so by need and by circumstance.

In a world created in the image of the Feminine Imperative masculinity itself is a horrible evil, until it’s needed to save women from rising floodwaters.

You see, for as much as the imperative would like to remove the ‘man’ from our language, our cultural consciousness, that man will always be needed in spite of the hate directed towards masculinity. This is what a feminine-primary society would have us redefine as some other term, something not unique to a male human being. But conventional, evolved, masculine strength and purpose will always manifest in men who unapologetically embrace it without an afterthought.

In my interview with Craig James we discussed men’s higher order thinking and purpose as well as our vital animal nature. You don’t separate one from the other. This is what the Feminine Imperative would have from men; a unilaterally female controlled utility-based masculinity that saves them from the worst consequences of both their environments and their decisions and simultaneously disappears when inconvenient. We hear women bleating about a lack of Real Men and the disappearance of true grit, and in the next article linked we see efforts to erase men entirely from social influence.

As I told Craig, when I’m in the squat rack I’m glad I have a feral, animal nature. It’s a survival aspect of human evolution. I’m not suggesting with this essay that men will become extinct; on the contrary I think what will help define our new conventional masculinity will largely be determined by how we express it in spite of a world arrayed against Man-kind. An equalist culture based on blank-slate equalism doesn’t see that you don’t separate the animal side of the human being from the high-order side. It is unwilling to accept that we need both; that we benefit and sometimes suffer from both.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago


I’m so glad that Laurie Penny is in a safe zone where she can’t be verbally abused by commenters.

6 years ago

Thanks to those of you who responded. It clarified some things for me. I understand it’s all one big shit test by the FI still it didn’t absolve a man of status like Harvey Weinstein from the consequences. You also have guys like Tiger Woods who carried on their game and paid dearly for it. So, when guys here say, “It’s a shit test. Ignore what women say and carry on.” There can still be consequences to that. It is not all about being Alpha, all it takes for is for a butt hurt woman to make a false allegation… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

@Fred That bullshit was written to be read by other pussyhats of course. Must be tough being utterly worthless to the opposite sex, horrifying a man she likes with her interest, and hamstering away the rejection. “It’s impossible to “win” sex. The fascist erotics of today’s frustrated man-children imagine sexuality as a battle fought over women’s bodies, as an act of dominance and conquest in which they will one day emerge as kings. But just as consent is not a thing, sexuality itself is not the kind of war anyone can win or lose. The idea of a battle of… Read more »

6 years ago

Oh Lord Jesus Christ Have Mercy! I just saw the HORRIBLE bluepill video. It was like watching MSNBC and I could only take the commentary in 25 second bits. What the Hell is wrong with guys who think like this? Did I think like this before discovering the Red Pill? The absolute inability to read female signals is what stands out.It is obvious and apparent that each of the women were creaming their pants talking to the hero. Each had their body oriented to the man, vaginas literally aimed at him. Each maintained soft and deep eye contact with the… Read more »

6 years ago

“Furthermore, when this isolation becomes a concern of women, those men are again berated for not interacting with other men in the ways that women do.” Very true. Women change themselves to go right where their feelings take them. Here’s a video where the editor of the Huffington post puts up a blanket statement that “the entire world is created by men, and it’s not working”, conveniently ignoring not only the fact that women have always had their own part in it more than they’d like to admit, but also the fact that many things we have now are… Read more »

6 years ago

Lots of women I’ve been with, and even just been around as friends have complained numerous times that their boyfriends or husbands can. not, fuck.

They cannot fuck them, to be more precise. Then again, most women cannot fuck either.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

jafyk I understand it’s all one big shit test by the FI still it didn’t absolve a man of status like Harvey Weinstein from the consequences. “Status” and “game” are not the same thing. Weinstein has money and had status, it appears he had minimal social skills. He substituted money and position for those skills. This is not a failure of Game, this is an absence of it. . You also have guys like Tiger Woods who carried on their game and paid dearly for it. Far as I can tell Tiger Woods doesn’t have much game. For years he… Read more »

6 years ago

We are saying women can eat you up alive and move on as if nothing happened. Fact. Bringing this up is not ok because? Men are tough and can take a beating like a “man” and not get butt hurt. Bull to the shite. Hehehee… The fact that the “butt hurt” shaming tactic (yes, it is a shaming tactic) is coming from men who are apparently also “red pill aware” can only mean that the pink pill’s out look is not neutral towards the red pill. It is antagonistic. Something that I think Sensei has hinted to several times before.… Read more »

6 years ago

Feminism is a classic example where women hate both the dominant boys and despise the wimps.

Mostly, feminists are men. Some feminists are ugly harpy women, but they are few. Feminism is mostly advocated by betas. And it mostly fucks up betas. And most men are feminists because they don’t “get it.”

Red pillers are few and far between. But we should charge into the Valley of Death like the 600, BITRTTD.

6 years ago

“Höllenhund October 12, 2017 at 10:43 am Lots of women I’ve been with, and even just been around as friends have complained numerous times that their boyfriends or husbands can. not, fuck.” That’s their own creation. They spent years of shaming boys and men for being men and now complain their men aren’t men anymore. If that’s any more proof that a woman can never understand how a man’s mind works (and if they do find out, they’ll get scared and classify every man out there as a potential rapist) and cannot help in maturing the boy’s mind into a… Read more »

6 years ago

I’m taking back my claim that most men are feminists…that may be somewhat true of younger men.

That’s their own creation. They spent years of shaming boys and men for being men and now complain their men aren’t men anymore.

Not entirely. About 40% of women are not feminists and about 33% of men are feminists. A large number of men did this to other men.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Then again, most women cannot fuck either.

A lot of women apparently suffer from “magic vagina”, the belief that their part in any sex is to allow a man near that thing by laying back and looking at the ceiling. Perhaps that accounts for the growing interest in robot-doll whores. The robots can be programmed to do more than just lie there.

Sort of like the Turing test, only in reverse.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

About 40% of women are not feminists

How do you know that to be true?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

jafyk, not everyone has a Faceberg account. How about posting a screenshot or a synopsis?

Have you read Rollo’s posts on “open hypergamy” and “war brides” yet? If not, you should do so ASAP.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

@Yolo Comanche

Thanks for that vid. Ms. Penny’s voice is close to what I expected, except she seems to have inhaled some helium right before speaking. She plays the bold, strong woman until it blows up, then it’s time for “Don’t hit me, I’m just a girl!” as is usual with women. Likes to dish it out, but can’t take it.

“Violence inherent in, in, …” LOL little Laurie is channelling Monty Python’s Holy Grail.

6 years ago

@ Anonymous Reader. So, what I’m getting from what you’re saying then is that if a man doesn’t have game he shouldn’t bother trying to get with women in the case of Tiger and him being publicly destroyed it’s ok because he didn’t have game? The other option then for the men whose game suck is to play by FI rules or go their own way. By your assertion game is a 100% insurance against some disgruntled woman or women as a group because a man didn’t play by their rules. Sorry, I don’t buy that. You say that men… Read more »

6 years ago

“war brides” Asia Argento, an actress born in Rome, played the role of a glamorous thief named Beatrice in the crime drama “B. Monkey,” which was released in the U.S. in 1999. The distributor was Miramax. In a series of long and often emotional interviews, Argento told me that Weinstein assaulted her while they worked together. At the time, Argento was twenty-one and a rising actress who had twice won the Italian equivalent of the Oscar. Argento said that, in 1997, one of Weinstein’s producers invited her to what she understood to be a party thrown by Miramax at… Read more »

6 years ago

Restore balance???

6 years ago

” A large number of men did this to other men.”

6 years ago

By your assertion game is a 100% insurance against some disgruntled woman or women as a group because a man didn’t play by their rules. Sorry, I don’t buy that.

Hey but be happy that Weinstein avoided a one sided legal contract with no benefit AND a divorce court raping, amirite?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

jayfk @ Anonymous Reader. So, what I’m getting from what you’re saying then is that if a man doesn’t have game he shouldn’t bother trying to get with women in the case of Tiger and him being publicly destroyed it’s ok because he didn’t have game? Ahhh…no. Not saying any of that. By your assertion game is a 100% insurance against some disgruntled woman or women as a group because a man didn’t play by their rules. Nope. Didn’t say that either. Do you understand what “probabilities” means? Have you ever studied the odds of rolling dice? Which is more… Read more »

6 years ago

@Jafyk: “So, what I’m getting from what you’re saying then is that if a man doesn’t have game he shouldn’t bother trying to get with women in the case of Tiger and him being publicly destroyed it’s ok because he didn’t have game?” So, what I’m getting from what you are asking is that if a man is incompetent he shouldn’t suffer a negative outcome, that there shouldn’t be any need for excellence? “Do you think your blog and the manosphere knowledge sharing is enough to restore balance or tip the scale back men’s way?” Do you even read TRM,… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
6 years ago

“By your assertion game is a 100% insurance against some disgruntled woman or women as a group because a man didn’t play by their rules. Sorry, I don’t buy that.” It’s not 100% insurance, rather it’s a very effective containment strategy. It’s not foolproof by any means but it tilts the odds way back into one’s favor. Men with game, deployed properly and with regularity can almost rise above the rules that are set for others. there are the “social’ rules and there are the legal rules. These days legal rule are being changed to ensure that women face almost… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
6 years ago

@Mr. Roboto
Hahah, that vid. “It can’t be me! It’s gotta be something wrong with men. Or the apps. But most likely the men. Definitely not me though.”

Mr. Roboto
Mr. Roboto
6 years ago

This man needs to take the red pill ASAP. He’s a textbook example of a blue pill life. He got oneitis, tries open communication with his wife, negotiates desire, lacks game, etc.

6 years ago

“I’m open to all questions/ideas/advice at this point because I just feel numb. I’m terrified by the idea of losing the only woman I’ve ever loved (and feeling like I’ve failed at my idea of the ideal life) but I don’t know if I can handle feeling like this for another 5 years. So far I’ve tried open communication, date nights, spontaneous gifts, improving all of the things she doesnt like about me and a few tries to get her to be more intimate with me (not even sex yet) but nothing seems to be working.” Oh Sweet Jesus!!!!!! RUN… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

domo arigato – some of that was me… somewhere along his happy life something changed that he didn’t notice until too late and he’s trying to do the best he can using everything he knows to get it back; of course he’s reading from the wrong manual; thank god no kids, which simplifies the fuck out it; he might be ready for the RP/BP choice

it’s like watching that nature show where the prey is still trying to run away even when it’s half swallowed by the python; poor fucker is already dead but doesn’t know it yet

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

oops, pythons don’t eat their prey live, but gators will!!

lol, I just saw that show last night

6 years ago

How do you know that to be true?

I believe that it’s true:

6 years ago

@ Anonymous Reader That was how I perceived what you were saying hence throwing it back at you to clarify. “Because men don’t like to fight women.” Why exactly is that? I know some of the men here at TRM are divorced. So, when they went to court that wasn’t fighting a woman? My question about fighting the system isn’t even directed to blue pill men but us red pillers. You also make it seem like I’m suggesting we physically fight women. The FI is a system that also includes brainwashed men in high position screwing us men over as… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Oh, well, a poll reported by the Washington Post. There’s something we can believe in. Plus you actually expect me to pay attention to what women say vs. what they do? Really? Seriously? It all comes down to definitions; what is a “feminist”, what is “feminism”, and every time I get into that kind of discussion it devolves to “No True Scotsman” sooner or later. Usually sooner. Look, I know plenty of conservative women who insist they are not feminists. Asked to prove this, they point to their opposition to abortion and lesbian marriage. Because that’s what they believe “feminism”… Read more »

6 years ago

Not quite what I said (and bearing in mind that I’m divorced), but I’ll let it go: “By your rationale then all the divorced men in this blog were simply incompetent . . .” What the voices in your head told I said. ” . . . and got everything they deserved…” But yeah, If I got into a cage with Colin McGregor without doing any training, or even knowing that I was going to be in a fight, a good beating is what I would be in for. I might not “deserve” it, but I’d have it coming. “If… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago


“I’d love to know too ” Which is more likely with two fair dice, a 7 or a 12?”. I’m gonna lean towards 12. What’s the answer?”

The answer is 7. Throw two dice and both have to come up 6 in order for you to get 12. That’s 1/36 combinations. Whereas you can get 7 out of 6 of the 36 combinations.

What’s fairer to YOU? 1/36 or 6/36?

When nobody’s trying to get 12 anymore, dice becomes misogynist.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Jafyk @ Anonymous Reader That was how I perceived what you were saying hence throwing it back at you to clarify. Ok. You are making a lot of assumptions that aren’t based on fact in your reply. “Because men don’t like to fight women.” Why exactly is that? Short answer: biology. Longer answer: evolutionary psychology. I know some of the men here at TRM are divorced. So, when they went to court that wasn’t fighting a woman? Generally that’s fighting her attorney. My question about fighting the system isn’t even directed to blue pill men but us red pillers. Ok.… Read more »

6 years ago

Rollo, thanks for the essay, which I haven’t read yet. I watched and was triggered by the attached video, and by comparison to the narrator, I feel like the Incredible Hulk with my balls ripping out of my underwear and slapping against my thighs as I walk in heavy bowlegged steps. Money Quote: “And it should go without saying that coercion and manipulation have absolutely no place in romantic or sexual relationships.” I have developed more respect for subcomms through my reading here. This guy seems to not understand what they are. He says that Leia is rejecting Han’s sexual… Read more »

6 years ago

“If you don’t have even a bit of a feel for probabilities, then you cannot really evaluate risk. Understanding risk even at just a basic level is part of Game, in my opinion (others may disagree, I don’t know).” You are correct and you do know AR, you do know. Red Pill and Game is geared toward Probabalistic, not Deterministic. And don’t stop remembering that you get to choose. And you do get to mold and shape your reality via Game, Mastery and Power. Jayfyk is wanting Determinism. And help for his own Agency with it. All these factors… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

pythons don’t eat their prey live, but gators will!!

I thought they took them down for the death roll first, like is happening to that AFC right now. “Nothing seems to be working…”

That Story is giving me an out of body experience. I can still read that poor guy’s lament the way I would have before I got a TRM education – and now I can also read it from the vantage point of what I’ve learned here. I can do both those things at once, and it’s weirdman.

hank holiday
hank holiday
6 years ago


I sent you an email at your address. Please read it when you are able.


6 years ago

Back to the OP, I saw Star Wars when I was 14 (those formative years) and immediately liked Han Solo’s attitude. I guess most 14 year old boys did. He was reckless and confident, too bad there wasn’t more pussy in the universe for him to slay, unlike Capt. Kirk. What a fucking hero always got the chicks. I think for that reason alone I really didn’t care much for the other Star Trek shows that followed. It lost its cache for me. So since Star Wars (and Marvel for that matter) is owned by Disney, there will never be… Read more »

6 years ago

The new Jack Ryan:

comment image

having a bad day
having a bad day
6 years ago

“Let’s talk about what happens in a society where women’s bodies are contested commodities for men to fight over.”

“you take her…”

“wtf!!… (((I))) don’t want her… YOU take her…”

“that old slag?.. not bloody likely… ((You)) need to ‘man up’…”

“NO WAY!!!!…”

“hey!… let’s stop fighting… I’ve got a brilliant idea!!! and we can ALL win…”


good luck!

6 years ago

I heard a report that Disney scrapped a Han Solo movie because he was portrayed as being too heroic and not a self-centered, rogue, loser.

6 years ago

Hypergamy has entered mainstream articles –

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago


Search on the term “open hypergamy” and ther are other articles by Rollo to be found.

6 years ago

Well, this just in. Roy Price of Amazon suspended. Yea, he’s gonna be fired and done. So, what if all this is a systematic way for the FI to remove all the men in power. All the structure has already been built by men and now all they have to do is simply take it over.

6 years ago

In the light of the intro video that Rollo shared in this blog. I suppose the next step for the FI is to have all movies that show their definition of sexual assault pulled and follow it up with rescinding the Emmys and Grammys won by those male actors, directors. Next would be all the rap/hip-hop videos. Next would be the church. It will be called sexist to ask women to submit to their husbands. While we are it paint the Apostle Paul a misogynist for suggesting that. Bending a girl over in the clubs and grinding on her will… Read more »

6 years ago

These aging hags are in this just to spoil it for the younger girls, just because they are now used up and cannot bear to see the new stars take their place. When they were in their prime, they did not hesitate to use their beauty and allure to get ahead. Now that they have made it, they look back and see the new sparkling cock sucking team, invincible and bubbling with youth and vitality….and they cant bear to watch.


6 years ago

I have yet not found one woman who (a) claims to be “not feminist” who (b) supports repeal of Title IX. Affirmative Action for women ? Might as well ask them if they have the right to vote. Which they insist they desrerve. Probably I’m skewed by women in my family who would remove women’s suffrage and Title IX. Phyllis Schlafly, founder of Eagle Forum which defeated the Equal Rights Amendment, opposed women’s suffrage. Some of us Boomers fought the good fight against feminist incursions, but feminists had a lot of money backing them and all we could do is… Read more »

6 years ago

@jafyk I’ve read in these blogs a lot that as more men go their way or become red pill aware things will swing back our way. I haven’t read anything like this on this blog. Maybe you misunderstand. I read things on here that sound like self-consoling, such as “the women are all asking “where have all the good men gone?” as an indicator that we’re actually having an effect. Sounds that way to you maybe, but not to most commenters. This is where I’m gonna have to ask for stats to back up these insinuations that we are affecting… Read more »

6 years ago

Well, that was a damn fine article cited by PigglyWiggly It goes to the motivations of Hypergamy and is very enlightening for married Red Pill and anyone I would encourage Rollo and any of the participants from MRP reddit to look it over. It fits right into a Reconstruction process of LTR game. It gives underlying credence to the motto of a red pill man self-improving and not merely trying to operantly condition his mate. The end result being that the spouse has desire and motivation to invest in the man. Especially because of her Welfare Trade Off ratio. A… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
6 years ago

@jafyk My verdict is that the red pill will only serve the few select men fortunate a blog like this but there won’t be any real change to swing things back. If anyone disagrees please fill me in as to why and do supply data backing up your claim. any stats you want/need are just a google search away… the trend is inline with Rollo’s predictions… it’s all in here: hxxps:// (replace all the ‘xx’ with ‘tt’ in the links… so this comment doesn’t end up in comment jail…lol) look around a bit, but a good ref is (note… Read more »

6 years ago

“Shortly before World War I, the German Kaiser was the guest of the
Swiss government to observe military maneuvers. The Kaiser asked a
Swiss militiaman: ‘You are 500,000 and you shoot well, but if we
attack with 1,000,000 men what will you do?’ The soldier replied: ‘We
will shoot twice and go home.'”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

My verdict is that the red pill will only serve the few select men fortunate a blog like this but there won’t be any real change to swing things back.

C’mon, don’t get all black pill. There’s a whole world between “surrender to the FI Borg because resistance is futile” and some hypothetical golden age of patriarchy. Binary thinking is useful in binary situations, but dealing with the FI isn’t binary.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

habd where you don’t HAVE to directly help EVERY man, you can reach a point at which the process itself is self-sustaining… and the system changes VERY rapidly… Right, the preference cascade is not at all linear, it is more like an avalanche. After the first hole was punched in the Berlin wall, a lot of East Germans started talking in a cautious but honest fashion for the first time in their lives. The conversations went like this: “I never believed the Party anymore. This is crap”. “Yeah, it is crap. I never believed the Party either, but I thought… Read more »

6 years ago

“Well, that was a damn fine article cited by PigglyWiggly”

And quite a few interesting references too. Another Friday afternoon of interesting reading at work coming up.

AlphaPandaArt (@A1pha_Panda)

Wanted to get you guy’s opinion on this:


6 years ago

My opinions on the 8-yr old drag queen.

1) Women with cleavage tattoos are just weird and realllly seeking attention
2) sexualizing children (irrespective of orientation) is just wrong
3)Solipsistic mom trying to live her fantasy life through her child. She needed a girl to do that now she has one.
4) This is child abuse

6 years ago Sri “Women seem to have a strange strategy (if one leaves it on their terms) of closing all possible doors you’ve got (or the damned if you do, damned if you don’t) and creating a scenario where both the options they try to give you are lose-lose — they end up making themselves miserable in the process. Feminism is a classic example where women hate both the dominant boys and despise the wimps. If men play to this game and lose their frame, soon they won’t know what is it that they ought to be. Of course, if you… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
6 years ago

“if you understand the RP… and help only 2 other men ‘get it’… and then THEY help only 2 other men…etc… do that cycle about 28 times and EVERY man in the US will have been DIRECTLY helped… at least once…lol” You want a powerful one out of two? Have a son, and teach him well. There, now you are two. Hell, have a daughter and teach her to be red pill, now you are a squad of three. Have a good sorted out wife, not you are four. Lead them, teach them, guide them. They’ll come along. Up-thread I… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago


comment image

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

That’s what I meant. build a nice little RP family as an example to those around you.

Good advice. This is what young men need to hear and see, especially those in the church beta factories.

Not for everyone, though. One of my frivorced friends is showing some signs of seeing more clearly. Both his kids are now out of high school. He’s borderline MGTOW. But better late than never, even so.

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

sjf – October 13, 2017 at 6:37 am – one of your best

agent p (perry) – your bottoms up solution to just about all the world’s ills… well done and well said

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

“7 Reasons Why Millennial Men Are Reinventing Masculinity”

Cuz it’s TOUGH to be a pussy.

6 years ago

Did you read the article? It was more along the lines of how men can best fit into the FI. Per the article it says they were in Nicaragua when the topic of modern masculinity came up. They were foreigners in Nica, as Nica men are not those guys in the article.

6 years ago

@ Having a bad day My frustration with the responses you and some others are putting out are (1.) That my goal in asking these questions are with regard to my own personal life or one on one interaction with a chick. I don’t care about that stuff. I get the mechanics: work out, build your word, be my own mental point of origin, learn game and apply those things to my own situation since every man’s situation and since Rollo is not here trying to create mini Rollo bots yada yada. I get all that. What bothers me is… Read more »

6 years ago

Self surgery Take on life that is both empowering and fortunate. Channeling you process of unplugging from the matrix is something that a friend who is male is important to have around. If your not able to find a male who can teach you the internet is the next best space. Realized how much the red pill means to me in response to male loathing and the destruction of play for the sake of discourse or dictation. Goldmund brought this book to my attention Part of why reading is essential for me is because books have always been their… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
6 years ago

@Jafyk ok, i can’t sleep (too much coffee today…lol), so i’ll take a shot at this tonight… @ Having a bad day My frustration with the responses you and some others are putting out are (1.) That my goal in asking these questions are with regard to my own personal life or one on one interaction with a chick. I don’t care about that stuff. you should…lol… bc THAT is how the ‘change’ that you are asking about is going to occur…or not… RP is a praxeology (see what works and then do more of that…lol)… a bottom up effect…… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago


I wonder how much Spanish Rollo knows and how much he thinks Telemundo teaches the average Hispanic Queef to simp it up and cuck himself.

6 years ago

The FI seems to be bringing less happiness to the women though.

If the red pill is understanding how women tend to optimize their “best options” in the real world (vs how men tend to optimize theirs), men MUST surrender for women to win, and vice versa. But it appears many women eventually find this to be an empty victory.

6 years ago

Exhibit 1: ” I get all that.”

Exhibit 2: “. . . marriage also existed before the FI . . .”

Exhibit 2 falsifies exhibit 1.

6 years ago


Never surrender.

6 years ago

I had a discussion with Mrs. Gamer about Harvey Weinstein…she thinks that he is a despicable human being for using his power to obtain sex. I replied that the girls could always have refused his advances…in essence, they were whoring themselves to him and Weinstein is the real victim. I also pointed out that these accusations coming forward all at the same time are a coordinated attack on Weinstein by feminists which we also saw at Fox News.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

“I had a discussion with Mrs. Gamer about Harvey Weinstein…she thinks that he is a despicable human being for using his power to obtain sex. I replied that the girls could always have refused his advances…in essence, they were whoring themselves to him and Weinstein is the real victim.”

What did she say back to that?

6 years ago


Mrs. Gamer agreed that the women were whoring themselves, but she still felt like Weinstein wasn’t a victim–that he had it coming.

Mr. Roboto
Mr. Roboto
6 years ago

White knight killed in a bar trying to defend a woman that he didn’t know!!!

6 years ago
Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Frankly, I’m skeptical that Canada is the home of hatchet throwing.

But who could argue with a name like “Stumpy’s”?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

The FI seems to be bringing less happiness to the women though.

It’s almost as though women don’t make very good long term plans, tending to think about what is right in front of them in the moment, or they don’t really get that “cause and effect” idea. Or they shouldn’t always get what they want. Or something like that.

Just Saying
Just Saying
6 years ago

Utter non-sense – women like to play hard-to-get as a way of excusing themselves from what happens. It’s like the Japanese have a protocol – they will deny something offered three times before accepting. The reason is simple, it is to ensure that the offer is truly meant, and not just out of being “nice”. It’s part of their culture – just like for women, playing hard to get is part of their “act”. Women do the same thing – they put up a fight so as not to be “easy”. Even the word used acknowledges this simple act that… Read more »

6 years ago

Weinstein? Is that you??

I thought you were in therapy.

6 years ago
Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

I don’t think he was a victim either, but I do think that whores like the ones he managed to bang know the fastest way up the ladder.

I like Turd Flinging Monkey’s take on this.

6 years ago
6 years ago

No props or respect given to a fat begging pleading intimidating threatening asshole jerking off in front of random chicks. This is not a man, but he will now be held up as an example of what’s wrong with ” men “. To me he is a perfect example of why I say that men can’t chase and rely on power and status, because in a majority of cases, it is conferred by others. It can just as easily be taken away. This dude is nothing without his false façade. Lol, now he’s a radioactive pariah. He Woulda benefitted greatly… Read more »

6 years ago

Excellent article, as usual. One sentence particulary stuck out to me: “The way mens honor…” etc. There is one thing that cucks/femine imperative guys AND girls do not seem to get and do not WANT to get: A growing number of men (me included) are asking themselves (and have been asking themselves for quite some time), even FAR AWAY from any red pill blogs or PUA sites. Normies just use different words to express that: “If male honour fucks you over and presents you with the choice of either being a cuck/slave to anything with a vagina or those who… Read more »

6 years ago

Changing times for Europe, I think, as Austria goes right…

6 years ago

Define ” honor ” please.

6 years ago

Right, left, doesn’t matter. It’s the extremes in either direction that are the problem.

I ask my far/alt right acquaintances all the time if their end game is puritanism or all out fascism. Folks that I know that openly trumpet their liberalism, I ask whether it stops at anarchy and chaos or just the establishment of an ” Amazon ” state.

Extremes for certain individuals can be quite a good thing. Extremes as a way of life for the masses is absolutely disastrous because humans in captivity experiencing abundance can be quite stupid.

* see: feminism, FI.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

@Blaximus “This is not a man, but he will now be held up as an example of what’s wrong with ” men “.” Fuck “Masculinity”, I gots cash! And if da bitch dun wanna fuck me cuz I’m not Hawt, ah gots cash! And if stupid dickheads dun wanna be my friend cuz I’m fat and stupid looking, take me out, and think they gots game but I gots fame and then dey wanna kill meh cuz bitches be tryna get da best of both worlds, ah don’tz care cuz ah gots cash!!! Maybe he IS an example of what’s… Read more »

6 years ago

“No props or respect given to a fat begging pleading intimidating threatening asshole jerking off in front of random chicks. This is not a man, but he will now be held up as an example of what’s wrong with ” men “. try to imagine you have the youngest juiciest pussy in la slobbing your knob for years…. and then your career continues for another two decades with nothing but more of the same…. it’s not about sex. and it’s not about the girl. it’s about him. and I don’t think any of them were “random” girls. this guy wasn’t… Read more »

6 years ago

Listen to that tape again closely and tell me again that’s a pimp. Money and power has always been a reliable shortcut to trim. Sometimes it’s a reliable shortcut to prison when the worm turns. This guy was no pimp, nor playa, nor Casanova. He was a fat, ugly game less bitch that took advantage of the fact that women that want something from you will fuck you. Lol, and that’s allllll goooodddd until it goes allllllll baaaadddd. Power conferred by others – revoked. And there is no ” money ” as its an illusion from jump. Disneyland closing up… Read more »

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