Male Control

Back in October, 2016 I wrote an essay called Sexual Zoning. In that post I explored the social inconsistencies and potential for (sometimes catastrophic) consequences for men in misunderstanding what were, and what have become, particular zones in which men and women covertly acknowledge the potential for an intersexual connection.

In the bygone Western social system, young people were expected to regularly interact with one another in controlled, regulated environments, in a way that fostered productive, long-term, monogamous, assortative relationships. This was a sort of “holistic” milieu, so to speak, where young people treated one another as potential future partners, sexual and otherwise, in a socially regulated manner, in all cases when they were permitted to interact. This was even the norm in workplaces where both men and women were present. The average man found a girlfriend through his extended family or social circle, because families and social circles were normally large.

What we have today is the complete opposite: “sexual zoning”. Some mixed-sex environments, like the workplace, schools and campuses, are made completely asexual – sterile, so to speak. No sexualized interactions are permitted to take place. This is demanded by law and expected by society. In such environments, you’re supposed to treat members of the opposite sex strictly as colleagues or professionals, non-sexual beings. (Hot men are allowed to get away with more, of course, but that’s another issue.) Other mixed-sex environments, on the other hand, like nightclubs, are expected to be full-on sexual. Everybody there knows that all interactions entail the future possibility of casual sex. It’s basically a meat market. You’re expected to hit on girls, and girls expect to be hit on by attractive men. Socializing in these environments requires action, engagement. If you want to find a partner, either just for sex or something more, you have to go there, you have to have Game etc.

The video I’ve chosen to dissect here is a prime example of how generations of men have been raised to deliberately misunderstand intersexual dynamics and at the same time demonize the conventional masculinity that so much of western culture has been founded upon. To be thorough though, really every culture throughout history has been primarily founded on conventional masculinity and the aspects that contribute to maleness.

Jonathan McIntosh finds an easy mark in the archetypal masculine characters of Harrison Ford, but there’s a very important reason the 80’s icon is so egregious to the men of McIntosh’s generation. Han Solo, Indiana Jones, etc. are all the Alpha male rogues this generation has been taught to love in terms of bravado, but to hate because they ‘always get the girl’; and they get her in such a way that it grates against all that their feminine-primary upbringing led them to believe was just this side of sexual assault.

McIntosh relates that he was part of a generation that idealized Harrison Ford’s most iconic characters, yet now he feels pangs of regret and resentment for having looked up the characters’ archetype. This is a perfect illustration of how conventional masculinity has been reverse engineered by our feminine-primary social order since the Sexual Revolution. I’ve mentioned in many prior essays that while overt masculinity is vilified as the cause of all social evils, it still remains the most arousing aspect of men for women. Boys like McIntosh saw this archetype and made that connection to female attraction, but it took generations of Blue Pill reconditioning to make them feel bad for ever attempting to adopt that bravado into their own personalities.

While growing up the message was the same Blue Pill identifying with the feminine (in fact Beta Game depends on that identification). Play nice, play equal, respect all women by default and never assert yourself too overtly or too crudely lest you risk offending her sensibilities. These are the boys who were raised by family, media and their schooling to expect a rationality that women could be expected to say what they mean and then do what they said. Yet that never seemed to gel when they would deductively see the girls they wanted, the ones who told them they wanted a ‘nice guy’ who respected them, consistently reward the asshole jerk with the intimacy and sex they thought would come to them if they followed what they were told.

In the end, Han Solo and Indiana Jones get the girl and she genuinely desires him – not because this is some odd fantasy of the writer’s imagination, but because this is (was) a standard aspect of women’s genuine attraction to men. The aberration is the idea that the attraction and affair would go any other way. Only in this feminized generation does thousands of years of male-female interaction seem at all unsettling.

So, here we have conventionally masculine archetypes – sometimes rakish, sometimes bold and dutiful – following their own path, making themselves their Mental Point of Origin, and making their mission (not their woman) their priority. Whether it was Captain Kirk, Han Solo or Conan the Barbarian the mental order was always firmly focused on the individual man and his action. Between the time of the Sexual Revolution and 2017, the Feminine Imperative has systematically erased the conventionally masculine archetype; so much so that the gender-loathing men of this generation are either appalled at displays of masculinity or they simply have no frame of reference with which to contrast it with the distorted and blurred ideas of what masculinity should mean to them.

For some ‘men’ the notion of conventional masculinity itself is rejected altogether. It doesn’t mean anything to be a man for this generation, so conventional archetypes of men are offensive.

As a result of these four to five generations of progressively more feminized men we now see the confusion and disgust at conventional masculinity coming from this generation of men. We see a generation of males who have no positive association with their own gender. They become increasingly more isolated because they are convinced that anything that might be gender-exclusive to men alone is, by default, a form of misogyny. There is nothing ‘positive’ about being a man, yet for all of the misconceptions about gender being social constructs, exclusively female organizing of women and fempowerment is still viewed as beneficial; a sign of society ‘evolving’.

I recently read an article in the Boston Globe about middle aged men’s increasing social isolation. I would argue that for all of the raising of awareness about this phenomenon it is primarily generations of men’s inability to interact with other men that is at the root of this isolation. For decades now men have been discouraged from meeting with other men in any formalized fashion. Men are either suspect of misogyny or homosexuality if they get together for the sake of being men. What were seeing now is generations of men who no longer understand how to socially interact with other men.

Furthermore, when this isolation becomes a concern of women, those men are again berated for not interacting with other men in the ways that women do. Women talk, men do, but a feminine-primary social order only approves of one way for men to associate with one another – in the way that women do. Thus, we see the confusion of women that men don’t call each other up to schedule a coffee date for the express reason of conversation. Men and women have different forms of communication, but the socially approved form is only ever from the feminine context. Men interacting “as men do” – in a conventionally masculine way – is always misogynistic. Thus, we see overseers in the locker room, if only symbolically, to regulate what and how men communicate with each other.

The End of Toxic Masculinity

Dalrock had a great quick-hit post recently about how Michael Moore was suggesting that men be required by law to seek their wife or long-term girlfriend’s (or most recent Ex) signed permission to purchase a firearm in the wake of last week’s mass shooting in Vegas.

That this idea would ever be a serious consideration speaks volumes about how masculine gender-loathing has become endemic in western culture. I get that Michael Moore is a self-inflicted cuck, but all I’m seeing in the wake of the Vegas shooting is less about gun control and more about male control.

It’s no longer about categorizing masculinity as “toxic” or “hyper” – that narrative is officially dropped after this shooting. Now, any masculinity is a threat, any expression of conventional masculinity is the true problem. Suggesting that a woman’s oversight and discernment should be necessary for a man to have access to a civil right only further reinforces what I’ve been saying for some time now – only the feminine is ‘correct’ in any social discourse. Only the feminine is legitimate in exercising judgement, educating new generations and deciding which man will breed and which will not.

Think about this; what’s being suggested is that men be denied a civil right that apparently only women should legitimately have. For all the fallacious blathering of women in pink pussy hats about how they think they’re losing rights today, here we have an actual right of men being denied by women, by the Feminine Imperative.

The ‘toxic’ masculinity narrative made a qualitative distinction between a feminine-acceptable form of masculinity and a potentially dangerous form. Needless to say the accepted form always consisted of whatever aspects of masculinity that was immediately beneficial to womankind. ‘Toxic’ masculinity was always characterized as Man Up or Shut Up masculinity:

Man Up or Shut Up – The Male Catch 22

One of the primary way’s Honor is used against men is in the feminized perpetuation of traditionally masculine expectations when it’s convenient, while simultaneously expecting egalitarian gender parity when it’s convenient.

For the past 60 years feminization has built in the perfect Catch 22 social convention for anything masculine; The expectation to assume the responsibilities of being a man (Man Up) while at the same time denigrating asserting masculinity as a positive (Shut Up). What ever aspect of maleness that serves the feminine purpose is a man’s masculine responsibility, yet any aspect that disagrees with feminine primacy is labeled Patriarchy and Misogyny.

Essentially, this convention keeps beta males in a perpetual state of chasing their own tails. Over the course of a lifetime they’re conditioned to believe that they’re cursed with masculinity (Patriarchy) yet are still responsible to ‘Man Up’ when it suits a feminine imperative. So it’s therefore unsurprising to see that half the men in western society believe women dominate the world (male powerlessness) while at the same time women complain of a lingering Patriarchy (female powerlessness) or at least sentiments of it. This is the Catch 22 writ large. The guy who does in fact Man Up is a chauvinist, misogynist, patriarch, but he still needs to man up when it’s convenient to meet the needs of a female imperative.

Now, in the Feminine Imperative’s unceasing efforts to Remove the Man a distinction between a useful masculinity and a dangerous masculinity is no longer something that resonates. All masculinity, all aspects, beneficial or detrimental, are to be considered the problem:

That the problem might just be masculinity, plain and simple, is not something we’re eager to countenance. While we might be prepared to apply a little structural analysis to the situation – yes, there is something about men and the way they are conditioned that leads us to this place – we’re unwilling to draw any final conclusions. Masculinity doesn’t kill people; it’s those mysterious toxins that are to blame.

[…]But strip away the so-called toxic aspects of masculinity: the aggression, the violence, the hate, the guns, and what are you left with? Strength, endurance, a woody-scented perfume, a liking for the colour blue? Certainly nothing that need be associated with manhood or maleness. These are simply individual qualities. The only reason to code them as “masculine” is to preserve a social hierarchy that ought to be destroyed.

[…]What would be so terrible about a world in which boys were treated no differently to girls from the day they were born? In which there are no pink/blue codifications to hide behind? In which a man’s anger and aggression were considered every bit as aberrant and unnatural as a woman’s?

The problem we’re facing isn’t toxic masculinity; it’s that masculinity is toxic. It’s time we questioned even its most subtle manifestations.

Going forward this will be the narrative. There will be no distinction between misogyny, masculinity and maleness. What this author, perhaps deliberately, doesn’t want to address is that masculinity and all the associated ways our thinking and our behaviors that manifest from the biological side of our nature aren’t something that can be dissociated from us without killing us or erasing what we were evolved to be. There are no truly positive or negative aspects of masculinity, just as there are no positive or negative aspects of Hypergamy. They just are, and what makes them beneficial or detrimental all depends on the context in which they are applied. That may seem strange coming from the author of a book titled Positive Masculinity but understand that what is positive about masculinity is made so by need and by circumstance.

In a world created in the image of the Feminine Imperative masculinity itself is a horrible evil, until it’s needed to save women from rising floodwaters.

You see, for as much as the imperative would like to remove the ‘man’ from our language, our cultural consciousness, that man will always be needed in spite of the hate directed towards masculinity. This is what a feminine-primary society would have us redefine as some other term, something not unique to a male human being. But conventional, evolved, masculine strength and purpose will always manifest in men who unapologetically embrace it without an afterthought.

In my interview with Craig James we discussed men’s higher order thinking and purpose as well as our vital animal nature. You don’t separate one from the other. This is what the Feminine Imperative would have from men; a unilaterally female controlled utility-based masculinity that saves them from the worst consequences of both their environments and their decisions and simultaneously disappears when inconvenient. We hear women bleating about a lack of Real Men and the disappearance of true grit, and in the next article linked we see efforts to erase men entirely from social influence.

As I told Craig, when I’m in the squat rack I’m glad I have a feral, animal nature. It’s a survival aspect of human evolution. I’m not suggesting with this essay that men will become extinct; on the contrary I think what will help define our new conventional masculinity will largely be determined by how we express it in spite of a world arrayed against Man-kind. An equalist culture based on blank-slate equalism doesn’t see that you don’t separate the animal side of the human being from the high-order side. It is unwilling to accept that we need both; that we benefit and sometimes suffer from both.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago

“I’m actually growing very, very tired of the constant parade of weak, non-masculine men being paraded before me….It’s invasive”

Illegal Swedish fag immigrants…

comment image&sp=74e25a24ff432fe15e1189eb67d4d489

6 years ago

Rollo once again brings his insight to the table for us. Question is, what do we do with it? Blax, damn fine posts. Thanks for the reminder about the creepy post and the daft beta who is clueless about masculinity. I was a bit grossed out by his lame perspective. Yes, lots of anger towards the feminine imperative. It’s all over the manosphere. Arguing with women, white knights and blue pill males doesn’t amount to much. Perhaps applying amused mastery to the FI is something to,consider. Having gone through multiple anger phases I know too much energy is wasted fuming… Read more »

6 years ago


I hope you do a post on Weinstein…

From what I can gather, all of these naive and delicate young things were able to shrug off the advances of the most powerful Hollyweird Svengali of our age AND deliver devestating put downs on exit…

Zero sucked his cock it seems.


6 years ago

Rollo, I enjoy reading you because of how full of sense and thoughtful your posts are. About alpha males, that terminology is complete bullshit. The main difference between a so called ‘alpha’ and ‘beta’ male, is simply in how socially competent one is. It’s like using fancy words to explain simple processes/concepts. For example, ADD/ADHD, It’s a fictitious disease (ref., while the true reason for that might be the lack of discipline. I could’ve been diagnosed with ADD, the things I would do in school. However, my dad raised me into discipline, my life is around discipline, and nowadays,… Read more »

6 years ago

Men should NOT give up on college, that would just lead to further imbalance.
An alpha father would set his daughter straight if she was misbehaving. The same for feminists. Just play the Game better.

6 years ago

@Rollo Tomassi It appears to be a mistake,studying the fuckups and what went wrong,when we should spend more time studying the successes and what lent to them. But in the wake of the Vegas shooting here we go again again speculating as the best underinformed society on the planet.. There is the distinct possibility that the shooter was isolated by feminism,raised to equate masculinity with Pschopathy,”Blue pill”, a mental break from his innate biology. His apparent financial success did nothing to alleviate any form of superiority complex over his fellowman,while precluding the need for target practice or a need for… Read more »

Oscar C.
6 years ago


I kinda lol’ed at the Richard Spencer reference. While there is some overlap between the alt-right and the manosphere, both are often at odds.

It is easy to see why. Reading all this stuff has made me more empathetic to men throughout the world, regardless of ethnicity.

6 years ago

Harvey Weinstein was a rich and ( by Hollywood standards) powerful man. Lol, a fat assed dude with power, money and influence, but ZERO game. He used begging and intimidation. Tsk, tsk, tsk. The recording of him whining and pleading, and the eventually threatening that chick makes me want to knock Weinstein the fuck out. Not to save a maiden in distress, but because his lack of game/calibration makes me nauseous. With his position in Hollywood, he could have gotten tons of ass without regret on the part of women, if he only had some game understanding. What’s at the… Read more »

6 years ago

Oh, and the Vegas shooter is just a guy that decided to do something reprehensible. It happens. And every single man is fully capable of doing something similar, though 99.9% won’t. Law enforcement trying to discover a motive is commendable and it’s what they do. But this guy just decided in his head that shooting people is something he wanted to do. He planed it and purchased the weapons and figured out the logistics. Then the bastard executed his plan. Men are capable of great good or great evil. Most will only ever reach great mediocrity. There is no ”… Read more »

6 years ago

I just heard a transcript of HW trying to get a girl into his room. This guy was whiney, bitchy, pleading, and subtly playing his influence in Hollywood card to try to get his way. Granted the woman recording this didn’t want to go into his room, but still he has zero game.

6 years ago

“Oh, and the Vegas shooter is just a guy that decided to do something reprehensible. It happens. And every single man is fully capable of doing something similar, though 99.9% won’t.” ^This is a childish way of rationalizing what happened. “But for those that must have answers to everything broken down to the last particle, how bout this: Paddock’s dad was a criminal. A bank robber. He was on the FBI’s most wanted list. Although the Vegas shooter had no criminal record over 6 decades, he evidently had the gene from his father that expresses itself in criminal behaviors. Because… Read more »

6 years ago

It’s not a rationalization at all. Men are fully capably of doing horrible shit and paddock was a man.

It’s fantasy to think that people are somehow magically insulated from the nature of men and the possibility of absolute horror that could ensue. It’s not a negative for masculinity at all if you look at it for what it is. The FI will couch it a a masculinity problem, but the FI is always going to FI.

6 years ago

Btw, ” personal responsibility ” is a social construct at the end of the day. Current society pays a lot of lip service to personal responsibility, but actions always speak louder than words.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

No worries for Weinstein, he’s off to a clinic in Europe to treat his “sex addiction”. Then when he’s “cured” he’ll probably go on some big apology tour – hit The View, Ellen, etc. If he’d been an ordinary, middle class man at some company he’d have been fired years ago.

Oscar C.
6 years ago

I am with Blaximus all the way here.

I have always thought that you don’t have to be crazy to be a mass killer. Just bitter or angry.

6 years ago

Europe’s Amsterdam’s Old Centre is recommended for sex addiction — stuffed full of “clinics” .

6 years ago

@ Oscar I don’t believe that what the Vegas shooter did had very much to do with masculinity beyond his possessing an X and Y chromosome. But let’s just go with the masculinity thing for the sake of argument. There is negative masculinity and positive masculinity ( somebody should write a book about the positive…. Lol ). As I’ve said before, I’m all about the Yin and Yang. All things have meaning through the existence of their opposite. Light/dark, hot/cold, male/female. So attributing paddock’s actions to ” masculinity ” requires the clarified of ” negative “. And the only answer… Read more »

6 years ago

Where is that strongrrrrl who will step forward and say she touched Harvey’s pee pee?

It’s conceivable he went 0 for 10,000…

6 years ago

I think a shitload of women touched Harvey’s penis without complaint. It’s the nature of the environment. Casting couches were an real thing back when Harvey was a svelte 300 pounds.

His insulation from real life came back to bite him hard. Now a lot of this rage will be in search of a payday and 15 minutes of fame.

6 years ago

Read the New Yorker story. One of the women who claims she’d be raped or abused actually started going out with him and became his kind of girl-friend.

6 years ago

“Men should NOT give up on college, that would just lead to further imbalance.”

Do not confuse college with education.

6 years ago

“So vague as to be indecipherable. Use your words Mersonia. What is your point? I’m never trying to be vague, sometimes you have to be depending on the topic. And some places aren’t the correct venue for discussing certain “topics” . Alot of people have a lot to lose “Aging baby boomers will soon change their mind about Trump, and this matters why? Because no one will be able to turn away from the truth “We can be sure the man was a byproduct of feminism,as we all are. None go unscathed in the modern world. We may never know… Read more »

6 years ago

Harvey Weinstein isn’t worth mention.

Suppose you don’t blame either positive or negative masculinity for Padocks psychotic episode,then leave guns out.Couldn’t his problem be like Weinstein he was a blue pill bitch?

In that light it is femeninity or viewing the masculine in a negative light that caused both of their problems.

Might as well admit it Blax you have no more idea what it is to have a blood father for a bad example than Padock did of having to live up to a blood fathers strong example!

6 years ago


“I am with Blaximus all the way here.

I have always thought that you don’t have to be crazy to be a mass killer. Just bitter or angry.”

This is dangerously antisocial behavior,guarantee you or Blax get caught and you will plead insanity.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Europe’s Amsterdam’s Old Centre is recommended for sex addiction — stuffed full of “clinics” .

You mean the clinics with the big windows? Hey, he’s got the bucks…

6 years ago

“The FI counts on one’s laziness and apathy. It counts on distractions. It counts on manipulating popular culture into something warped and twisted and anti-male. And all of this is made possible by other men giving no fucks and going with the flow. Easy can be deadly. Easy isn’t the way of men.”

Family in a nutshell

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

“Aging baby boomers will soon change their mind about Trump, and this matters why?

Because no one will be able to turn away from the truth

Yeah, right. Sure.

“Man is not a rational animal. Man is a rationalizing animal” – Robert A. Heinlein.

6 years ago

“Suppose you don’t blame either positive or negative masculinity for Padocks psychotic episode,then leave guns out.Couldn’t his problem be like Weinstein he was a blue pill bitch?

Do you believe every narrative your given. Hook line and sinker.

“Yeah, right. Sure.


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago


Harvey Weinstein isn’t worth mention.

Oh yes he is. He is part of the feminist machine, a big pal of the Clintons and donor to all the right causes. Miramax is a part of the feminist propaganda machine. Holding a feminist pet like Weinstein to the standards used on the rest of us is completely just.

As for the Vegas shooter, the more you look into the story the stranger it gets. It’s like something out of a movie. I have no opinion worth mentioning. There’s too many strange loose ends.

6 years ago

” . . . the Vegas shooter . . . It’s like something out of a movie.”

Even a crappy movie would have something pretending to be a plot. Right now we don’t even have a sequence of events.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Oh, Mersonia, there you go again refuting yourself. You want to Matrix? Cool. How many people did they unplug? How many people were “overage” to unplug? Ooops. Watergate is history book stuff to anyone under 50. Might as well refer to Teapot Dome. Trump doesn’t even matter in the context of the OP. Men being brainwashed into self-hate? That matters a lot. As we see in the video that Rollo linked, one boys and young men are brainwashed that way, they will rationalize that brainwashing into other aspects of life. It is more important to unplug men around us than… Read more »

6 years ago

“How many people did they unplug? How many people were “overage” to unplug? Ooops. Watergate is history book stuff to anyone under 50. Might as well refer to Teapot Dome. No idea what your talking about because you often get emotional and talk out of your ass. “Trump doesn’t even matter in the context of the OP.” The reply you replied to was to your reply to my reply to your reply of my reply to blax comment ( I know you can keep up). You’ll see soon lol Men being brainwashed into self-hate? That matters a lot. This is… Read more »

6 years ago

For your consideration

Success Comes Most Swifty and Completely Not To The Greatest or Perhaps Even To The Ablest Men, But To Those Whose Gifts Are Most Completely In Harmony With The Taste Of Their Times.
Vox day

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Me Watergate is history book stuff to anyone under 50. Might as well refer to Teapot Dome. Mersonia No idea what your talking about because you often get emotional and talk out of your ass. LOL! You need to keep track of your own words, mersonia. First you wrote this: Eh people will change their mind about trump soon… especially people who stopped believing in the goverment after nixon. Then I asked the obvious question: Aging baby boomers will soon change their mind about Trump, and this matters why? This was your answer, mersonia: Because no one will be able… Read more »

6 years ago

“So to recap, you babbled some nonsense about how “people who stopped believing in the government after nixon”, i.e. Boomers who were disillusioned by Watergate, will “change their mind about trump soon”. I asked logical questions, you babbled more.

Go read the comment thread.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Everyone brainwashed person has to unplug.

They do? Why? Because you say so?

A lot of people will be forced…soon.

Yeah, sure. How and why?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Go read the comment thread.

LOL, I just did that. You can’t even keep track of your own words, you go re-read the comments and get yourself back up to speed.

You don’t troll well at all. Try harder on that, or join the discussion like a man. Right now you’re whining like an attention-whore little girl.

6 years ago

I dont understand this sex addiction clinic thing. PUA Style of Hollywood Project fame did go for it too when he was caught doing the natural style with some girl behind his wife’s back. Is it a PR stunt of sorts?

6 years ago

I forgot how strong the autism is here ….. Can’t really be vague here…. Can’t not be vague though🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃.

You’ll see

6 years ago

Power fame and fortune
Being tall and scary with a mad passion for art with rage.
Down and Dirty Pictures: Miramax, Sundance and the Rise of Independent Film

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
6 years ago
6 years ago

Down and Dirty Pictures: Miramax, Sundance and the Rise of Independent Film
Hollywood money+power=fame…
Art and control

6 years ago

Mersonia you are a byproduct of feminism get used to it that is part of unpluging.

6 years ago

AR you may be right I just don’t have time or patience to even look or listen to the likes of Weinstein.

Mr. Roboto
Mr. Roboto
6 years ago
Culum Struan
Culum Struan
6 years ago

Good analysis of the Weinstein business by West Indian Archie – powerful guy with no Game facing the backlash of the consequences of no Game, even though there were no doubt lots of women it worked well on.. Assuming all the allegations are true (which is an if – personally I suspect they run the gamut from total BS to totally true), they appear to run from actual rape to “clumsy advance that was rejected” The guy was the literal definition of being a creep in terms of his advances and some of what he’s getting is undoubtedly deserved,… Read more »

Mr. Roboto
Mr. Roboto
6 years ago


Most articles from this woman are textbook examples of hypergamy, hammstering, AF/BB and blaming men.

6 years ago

Yes, before anyone accuses me of being angry. I am indeed writing angry. Don’t get me wrong I value everything that Rollo has opened our eyes too but when is enough going to be enough? When are we going to stop playing defense and hiding out in a blog website while the feminist imperative just tears down everything men worked their socks off to build just because of sexual allegations? When do we go on the counter-attack and taking women to the task (especially those in places of position)? Yes, Harvey acted inappropriately and should be punished. However, the punishment… Read more »

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

The whiny white knight video up in the OP (“oh now I growed up my fave movies are EVIL EVIL ‘cos Harrison Ford is a seximalist”) reminds me of the 80’s churchian “music analysts” doing christ-y christ radio shows where they heard backwards Satanic messages in every classic rock song. Here’s an example folded into a track by the Scots bank Mogwai. Sounds like the same whiny little bitch doesn’t it? The joke here is a funny one if you know your Zep history. Robert Plant was still scribbling the lyrics when they finished the “Stairway” backing track and… Read more »

Oscar C.
6 years ago

@ Mr. Roboto Totally agree. Thanks for the link. The best line is the following: “familiarity breeds lust” Sure it does, lol. @stuffinbox I simply have a hard time believing that mass murderers are ALWAYS mentally ill. They are of course evil, but so are bullies. Some people like to inflict pain on others for the sake of it. You see, this is a problem with the RP in my opinion. We are told to embrace the caveman, go dark triad, told about the depravity of women, etc. But at the last moment, BANG! some dude pops ups and says… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

I dont understand this sex addiction clinic thing. PUA Style of Hollywood Project fame did go for it too when he was caught doing the natural style with some girl behind his wife’s back. Is it a PR stunt of sorts? Of course it’s PR. It’s the modern equivalent of a pilgrimage, or something like that. Symbolic action intended to deflect shame or absolve guilt. That’s what Weinstein is doing. Unless it gets so bad in the US that he decides to go hang out with Polanski. Or suddenly rediscover his deep Jewish roots and run to Isreal. Getting out… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

I forgot how strong the autism is here


….. Can’t really be vague here…. Can’t not be vague though

Getting enough attention yet?

you’ll see…

I’ll make a note, Nostradamus.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

I just don’t have time or patience to even look or listen to the likes of Weinstein.

Just look at his picture. He’s definitely wearing his life on his face. That’s all you need to know.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Oscar C.
Or maybe I am somewhat autistic and I can not do nuance. I don’t know anymore.

Your partly unplugged. Purplish pill. Your eyes still hurt some. It’s normal. Don’t overthink it.

Keep reading the androsphere, keep approaching in real life, play with women, play with women. Channel your inner Blaximus / Sentient / Fleezer / Scray / West Indian Archie / Ton. Get a regular gym schedule and keep it. Cut anything estrogenic out – you aren’t eating or drinking anything soy, are you?

Don’t overthink.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Fred Flange on the 80’s Radio
80’s churchian “music analysts” doing christ-y christ radio shows where they heard backwards Satanic messages in every classic rock song.

“Backward masking” a classic example of groupthink. I don’t believe any real psych type ever confirmed that idea but it didn’t matter, the churchlady mob (both sexes included) was just so sure that words said backwards would be reversed in the subconscious and hypnotize young people. Mrs. Al Gore was one of them…

Which reminds me of a CLEAR and OBVIOUS CASE of BACKWARD MASKING! Yes!
Claymation added for more Hozna.

6 years ago

” Well, what was seen can not be unseen. If you tell me that degenerate shit like BDSM is fine, that choking your sexual partner is par for the course… then frankly I don’t understand the shock over raw violence.” Oscar, lol. BDSM is fine in measures. choking is as well. I’ll let you in on a small secret. Don’t tell anybody else, okay? Women aren’t depraved, but many of them, many, many of them, like certain things. A lot of them don’t want to talk about these things, but like them or are at least curious about them none… Read more »

6 years ago

Damn, if it’s not spellcheck fucking me up, it’s my slow assed keyboard.

” but tey are in greater anger of banging someone, anyone else to get something ” different “.

Should read in English – ” but THEY are in greater DANGER of banging someone, anyone else to get something different “.

6 years ago

😂😂😂😂😂 Switched to YouTube to watch the vid…had a feeling this was your typical modern man, who is ‘woke’!
The blatant white knighting and pedestalization is vomit inducing.
What the fuck was that, men “force women to give consent”😁😁😁 that dude is either a cock it ‘leaning in’ in an open relationship no doubt.😉😉😆😆😆😆
Jeezuss couldn’t even watch the whole way through…skipped to the end and saw the dude…and I was like “of course he’s that guy!”
Now back to the post…

6 years ago

The eye’s of a child…. Look closer Look closer Look closer Look Blaximus “Sex is not dirty between a man and a woman that are just having a good time. Not many women go for the 5 minute missionary hump as standard operating procedure. All men need to come to grips with sex because I can’t fuck all the women…. lol… I’m kidding. But men do need to get their sex game on point and if sexual things bother and disgust you, maybe some deep thought needs to be given to proceeding with any number of females. They will… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

FBI opens an investigation into Weinstein, apparently because Trump doesn’t want him to be able to “pull a Polanski”.

This could get really interesting, because until just a week ago Weinstein had absolute feminist bronie points. He’s tied in with a lot of feminist orgs, as well as the Clintons. He’s part of the uniparty. What could be discovered in his files and financials?

6 years ago

OK, as far as this post goes. So, I just watched the intro movie with the Harrison Ford scenes. Then I went to Youtube to read the comment section, pretty much 95% of the comments were in agreement that those scenes were sexual assaults. So, if this is how women feel then 1. Doesn’t this change the dynamic of the game? How many women are as enthusiastic? To verbally ask a man to kiss or bang them without the guy making the move? Referencing the Disney movie Frozen….doesnot the having to ask for permission kill the seduction for the woman… Read more »

6 years ago

“that dude is either a cock it ‘leaning in’ in an open relationship no doubt.”

He was dumped by . . . Anita Sarkeesian.

6 years ago
Reply to  kfg

@kfg:😂😂😂😂😂 Nuff said!!!!

(Btw in that post I meant ‘cuck or leaning in’….fucking spellcheck)

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Damn, if it’s not spellcheck fucking me up, it’s my slow assed keyboard.

LOL, it works either way.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

OK, as far as this post goes. So, I just watched the intro movie with the Harrison Ford scenes. Then I went to Youtube to read the comment section, pretty much 95% of the comments were in agreement that those scenes were sexual assaults. So, if this is how women feel then

BZZZZT! The comments there are pure Blue Pill pedestalizing. If there’s any women commenting that falls into the category of “watch what they DO, not what they SAY”.

That comment section is poisoned.

6 years ago

“Soon, we’ll have a call for all these classic movies to be banned to appease feminists.”

They’re already being digitally modified, although smoking is the entry.

“Seriously, what’s the guide here to seduction in a feminist world? Seduce at your own risk?”

Sex isn’t supposed to be safe.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Referencing the Disney movie Frozen

Disney is the FI and has been since Mulan or earlier. So what you are seeing is amped up Female Imperative shit testing.

6 years ago

What interests me about the Weinstein thing isn’t how many actresses are coming forward to accuse him, but how many are coming forward to say, “OK, he did shit like that, but I never.”

Speculation is beginning that he may Arkancide.

6 years ago

@ Jafyk Breathe bruh.. deep breaths. You’ll be just fine. ” 1. Doesn’t this change the dynamic of the game? How many women are as enthusiastic? To verbally ask a man to kiss or bang them without the guy making the move? Referencing the Disney movie Frozen….doesnot the having to ask for permission kill the seduction for the woman ( a man who doesn’t get it.) I am actually starting to find game and date a bit stressful, to be honest. If this is what most women believe now doesn’t that change man’s approach to seduction. So, basic dating rituals… Read more »

6 years ago

“That this idea would ever be a serious consideration speaks volumes about how masculine gender-loathing has become endemic in western culture.”

Truer words….

This should also include westernized or westernizing(?) cultures.

Mr. Roboto
Mr. Roboto
6 years ago

Bitches be crazy…..

6 years ago

@Jayfyk So, I just watched the intro movie with the Harrison Ford scenes. Then I went to Youtube to read the comment section, pretty much 95% of the comments were in agreement that those scenes were sexual assaults. So, if this is how women feel then… Seriously, what’s the guide here to seduction in a feminist world? Feminism is a big shit test. In order to develop mastery in passing shit tests–or better yet– using them to your advantage, you have to see (perceive them) for what they are. Then develop and action plan for the shit test. Whether in… Read more »

6 years ago

Recognize feminism, Understand feminism, don’t avoid feminist.

Masculinity doesn’t avoid.

You don’t have to confront ( unless you want to, but they are looking for confrontation ), but you also never have to avoid. Men cannot dodge what they find uncomfortable once they are older than 12. Understand that you have as much right to exist as a feminist or anyone else. ** Don’t cede.

** Unless they happen to be heavily armed and you find yourself weaponless.

6 years ago


Good point. I don’t disagree.

I meant more: choose feminine girls (and masculine men). Avoid feminist girls (and feminist men) if your time is valuable. IOW, don’t subscribe to the ideology of Feminism. A more precise verb I could have use might be: beware Feminsim (be cautious of and alert to potential dangers or risks).

Indeed, Jafyk’s questions and his reference to the Youtube comments on the video shows a relative intimidation by the FI.

6 years ago


pretty much 95% of the comments were in agreement that those scenes were sexual assaults. So, if this is how women feel…

…now…in a feminist politically correct forum…but when it’s dark and women are with a hawt guy, then all bets are off…

…women would be so insanely angry if all men acted like the snotty poz who posted that youtube video said they should

6 years ago

“Women aren’t depraved”

“Depravity” is a a dog only concept, like honour and love.

Once you understand cats never think this way, things start to click.

6 years ago

“What interests me about the Weinstein thing isn’t how many actresses are coming forward to accuse him, but how many are coming forward to say, “OK, he did shit like that, but I never.”

Speculation is beginning that he may Arkancide.”

Uh yeah. The dude was a fat Schlub with no game and talked like a pussy. Of course they aren’t gong to admit anything. Would be different if it were the purple/blue Pitt or Clooney.

6 years ago

Regarding Vegas. If you know what Fiat money is then you should know about MK Ultra. If you don’t then you should.

6 years ago

“** Unless they happen to be heavily armed and you find yourself weaponless”

That is when you use Voice.

Reference Frank Herbert.

6 years ago

@Mr. R. The bitches be crazy U-tube. She is obviously post wall and maybe not realizing her diminishing influence with men. Also she doesn’t really understand internet/social media dating apps.

Aside from all of that her major complaint was men not having a plan, not setting a date/time, and not being considerate. In other words she wants masculine leadership in her life, but she doesn’t know it.

6 years ago

Self Mastery is a deep appreciation for the internal red pill male

Solitude and silence

Story’s of the Male

having abad day
having abad day
6 years ago

@Jafyk When are we going to stop playing defense and hiding out in a blog website while the feminist imperative just tears down everything men worked their socks off to build just because of sexual allegations? When do we go on the counter-attack and taking women to the task (especially those in places of position)? When was the last approach/open you made on that hb7 at the coffee shop?…lol… but not kidding… RP = bottom up approach (praxeology)… sooo, get those bottoms in the air, yo!…lol OK, as far as this post goes. So, I just watched the intro movie… Read more »

6 years ago
6 years ago

Oh how neat is that. The NY Times hired a “gender editor.”

Even better, masculinity will be one of the topics to “report” or direct other “journalists” to report on.

“The NYT won’t have a section specifically devoted to “gender” but will strive to focus on how gender impacts reader’s everyday lives, an editorial director said. Bennett told Teen Vogue that she plans to help The NYT cover stories on race, masculinity and national affairs through the “lens of gender.”

6 years ago

Surprise surprise….the blue pillers that run the Boy Scouts voted to allow girls in.

Gee, I think Rollo might have wrote a thing or two about stuff like this.

6 years ago

Male control is hitting your target.

6 years ago

An important article by Andrew McCarthy on the Supreme Court vacating lower court rulings (8-1) against the travel ban:

John Doe
John Doe
6 years ago

Fascinated to hear what your opinions are about the Boy Scouts allowing girls to join.

6 years ago


having abad day

The space bar can be a bitch for kj’s.

6 years ago

@Agent P: Upthread somewhere Rugby posted a video of Jordan Peterson and Camille Paglia talking to each other. Start watching that video at minute 40. Paglia talks about her own “lived experience” growing up, making the point that I have made here any number of times: Men and women have always led essentially separate lives. Even married couples spent relatively little time together. This whole joined at the hip, a man without a woman attached is by definition alone, couples culture has only arisen during my lifetime. And it has not only destroyed men’s culture, but as Camille (and I)… Read more »

6 years ago

I’m nitpicking just a tad, Rollo, about your Sexual Zoning post. Sorry it’s not timely, but I lacked enough understanding back then to put forward this comment. In the bygone Western social system, young people were expected to regularly interact with one another in controlled, regulated environments, in a way that fostered productive, long-term, monogamous, assortative relationships. This was a sort of “holistic” milieu, so to speak, where young people treated one another as potential future partners, sexual and otherwise, in a socially regulated manner, in all cases when they were permitted to interact. This was even the norm in… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
6 years ago

@KFG i agree entirely. For the record, I love Camile Paglia, her writing gets a bit dense at times but broadly speaking I think she has fantastic insights and is pretty fearless about entering the scrum. She’s happy to cut down post-modernist feminists on sight. Early on in Uni I ended up diving into sexual personae, one of her books, and it did far more to explain art and culture than just about anything else I ever got exposed to at school. She is a true pragmatist / realist about the nature of men and women and the subsequent effects… Read more »

6 years ago

Maybe RSD can offer rehab for ex-PUAs and ex-players and Harvey-Weinstein-type sex fiends who need to show contrition in order for RSD to increase their revenue, completing the circle all the way back to Blue Pill, because Blue Pill is where the money is.

Live Red Pill, but sell Blue Pill. It’s very Nietzschean.

6 years ago

“Disney is the FI and has been since Mulan or earlier. ”

‘Lady and the Tramp’ was the last good one. Good PUA flick

6 years ago

“Depravity” is a a dog only concept, like honour and love.
Once you understand cats never think this way, things start to click.

Sentient has a knack for distilling concepts to their simplest form.

And yes, choking and whipping my 20yo gf’s ass does wonders. Not all the time – you always got to mix it up.

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

Well speaking of asexual zoning, and all cishet men must be sent off for regrooving, everyone’s favorite Brit fourth-wver, Laurie Penny, writes to remind everyone that #YesAllMen:

TL;DR: Oh yes, there is a way for men to approach women that isn’t rape culture, really there is, don’t you know it? But if you question her or try to learn what she thinks the protocol is you’re part of rape culture and therefore POTRZEBIE.

6 years ago

“I’ve got this friend . . .”

Right off the bat Laurie drops a Penny that strains credulity.

“Let’s talk about what happens in a society where women’s bodies are contested commodities for men to fight over.”

You just turned 31, sugar britches, and not exactly a looker to begin with, you haven’t aged well either.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

I read it all. It’s a rehash of stuff from the 1970’s and 1980’s with a dab of the current alphabet thrown in. Snort! Internet nanocelebrity and feminist Laurie Penny is 31 years old. In 10 years or so many of her problems with consent & men will be solved. Then she’ll wonder “where have all the good ones gone?” Worth noting the motte and bailey game; the usual equating of violent physical assault or “rape” with a wife of 20+ years playing hide-the-vagina enough to frustrate her husband. That’s not new either, of course. She needs some fried ice.… Read more »

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