Teaching Slaves to Read

Ehintellect had a very enlightening comment in last week’s thread. I’ve edited it for relevant content, but you can read the whole thing here. This touched on an essay topic I’ve been considering since my conversation with Ed Latimore and Mark Baxter:

[I] was at a home party a few years back. Highly successful surgeons, wives, husbands; quickly devolved into quarters, college games. 

My wife loves the parties as she gets compliments and conversation she’d otherwise not get. She’s not plugged into that crowd, and I assume doesn’t want to. In a way, that’s fortunate. There is tremendous value in my marriage, parenting. I’m astonished at the change.

Mrs. Eh’s shit tests continue, but are a whole different breed. Comfort, mostly, and usually because I don’t calibrate enough. Easily dealt with, I’m astonished at the dynamic. I was bar rail with wife, and my erstwhile suicidal, now RP, TRM acquaintance called asking me to celebrate his 2 (!) plate spinning / back at school / ”I know your trick, EhIntellect!” / ”Now I understand the true nature of women.” / “My life has never been better.” life. I was celebrating on the phone with him. Well, yeah, after the 5-10 minute chat, Mrs. Eh. wasn’t too pleased. She started to test about me treating her as a “whore” and my daughter shabbily.

Still upbeat, I kissed her forehead and whispered, “You’re no whore. You’re MY whore.” Well, that didn’t work as intended, she sulked, I got up and said let’s go. Nope she sat and I, dropping her jacket on my chair, wordlessly left out the back. The bar waitress walked her out by the arm 3 minutes later.

I’d have never been able to do that without you guys.

I had a karaoke night planned, for me, so kept on. In a way I “bounced” her to another venue, ran with her happily sprinting with me to the new pub. It’s like the dust up never happened, she was crazy sexual for the rest of the night. That’s what we’re to do right? Spike that test! I wanted to sing, and raised the roof that night. Did I reinforce bad behavior? IMO, no. The test is to be passed, my burden of performance, she holds me tighter, begs me for affection as never before. Sex is plentiful. More frame for me, no snark, much laughter.

Reader SJF comments next:

Your wife’s response to overhearing your conversation is normal operating procedure for women. I’ve been through this scenario and could shed some more light on it.

Sure it is a shit test. Sure it is a comfort test. Doesn’t matter. It’s not about passing a shit test. It’s about using it to your advantage. “You’re no whore. You’re MY whore” was an Agree and Amplify response to the test. Not the best way to accomplish your goals. Your goals here were to mentor your buddy. Not to game your wife–you already have that in hand 

What this situation calls for is to conduct your discussions with men in fight club in private.

What’s going on with your wife in this situation is and INDIGNATION of the SISTERHOOD scenario. (How fucking dare you help another man to implement his strategy to compromise the strategy of the Sisterhood? The Sisterhood’s Social Conventions and their Feminine Imperatives to implement their strategy are more important in a Feminine Supreme Society than you buddy gaining agency).

Your wife on behalf of her and your daughter is affronted by you giving him tactics. (She figures on your part this is you giving her and your daughter and indignity because you are giving this: insult, offend, mortify, provoke, pique, wound, hurt to the Sisterhood Strategy and Imperatives.) You are poking the mother of your children in the ribs with riposte. She protests. She figures it’s not fucking fair.

So this talking red pill to red pill with guys is best kept off the grid and out of sight and earshot.
Now keep in mind this is not abdicating frame any more than a Machiavellian strategist is embarrassed by his tactics being kept secret.

Tyler Durden in fight club would not agree about using overt, rather than covert discussions about blowing up the edifices (buildings, social conventions and imperatives) in society to achieve ends.

And finally Novaseeker adds this most salient comment:

“You should know this stuff, but you shouldn’t know this stuff, if it were up to the Sisterhood. You guys are taking away OUR POWER and I’m going to shit test you about that with some INDIGNATION.”

Yes, it’s because it violates the “Just Get It” principle. It’s fine if a man “just gets it”. It’s not fine if a man has to learn it in order to get it, because in the latter case there is a concern that he doesn’t actually really “get it”, because he isn’t a man who “just gets it”.

More fundamentally, they do not trust themselves to be able to tell the difference between a man who “just gets it” and man who has learned from other men how to “get it”, and they fundamentally do want to distinguish between the two types of men because that is a critical Alpha filter. What you’re doing is sabotaging their filter, which of course will be unwelcome, never mind that they will generally be just as satisfied with a man who learns to get it as they would with a man who just gets it, in practice (as long as the former guy maintains frame and so on properly). So, yes, don’t talk about fight club outside fight club and all that.

Women want a man who ‘just gets it’ but they despise a man who has to be told how to ‘get it’.

This is the first law of the Sisterhood, a man who must be told how to be a man, how to be dominant in his dealings with women, or fluidly, naturally be the Alpha who is in control of his environment(s) isn’t the man for her. If masculinity or the value of social dominance had to be explained to him, he had to make a conscious effort to act contrary to what his ‘true’ nature would otherwise be for women.

Hypergamy always seeks the better-than-deserved situation with men. In the past I’ve discussed how the nature of Hypergamy is such that it cannot wait for a man to realize his potential. Hypergamy looks for the ‘sure thing’. This is why women prefer the romantic attentions (at least as far as long term prospects go) of men who are 5 – 7 years or older than themselves. On a limbic level, women are aware that men’s accrual of sexual market value takes much longer than for women. Men who would be intimately acceptable are the men who are already made-men. There is no (or certainly less) uncertainty for her Hypergamous doubt to resolve for her when that man possesses SMP equity that time has made of him. This is also the root reason women are attracted to men who naturally, effortlessly, display higher value and Amused Mastery, as well as men for whom social proof is socially and organically confirmed for her.

Women’s sexual agency –their only true commodity value to men – is perishable. This then is the nature of women’s very intimate relationship with the Wall; they know on a hindbrain, limbic level and from a very early age that their sexual agency rises quickly and burns out fast. Their peak competitive years in the sexual marketplace (SMP) spans only 10-12 years at best before their younger sisters replace them in the SMP. They know that there will come a point that their capacity to compete in the SMP will diminish.

Every cosmetic ever created, every plastic surgery or implant devised (by men) every fashion trend or clothing style for women has been created with the express purpose of both making a woman appear younger than her actual age and/or to convince her that her sexual agency has an indefinite shelf life. Every social convention for women the Feminine Imperative has ever devised is rooted in the latent purpose of convincing women that their sexual market value ought to be based on some esoteric or intrinsic quality (rather than the biological and evolutionary reality) once they’ve moved past the age of being able to effectively compete intrasexually with their sisters.

They are conditioned to believe the fault in ‘unrealistic beauty standards’ is due to the horrific sexual objectification of men’s base (biological) natures and/or the social constructivist narrative that would have them believe it’s a nebulous ‘society’s’ fault that they are unable to consolidate their Hypergamy once the expiration date for their sexual market value has passed and their younger sisters outcompete them.

Id vs. Ego

On a subconscious level this is the internal conflict women fight within themselves. The desires of their Ids war with the dictates of what Hypergamy demands of them, knowing all the while that their capacity to consolidate on it is limited to a very short window in their lifetimes. Women’s Egos are then fed on the narrative of the Feminine Imperative that the worries of their Ids, and the crushing doubts that Hypergamy biologically wires into women, are unfounded and they have an almost indefinite timeframe in which to consolidate on the ‘perfect guy’ ; The guy who will satisfy both the Alpha Fucks sexual excitement of Hypergamy with the stable, comforting, dependable security the Beta Bucks side of Hypergamy needs for her long term security. A woman’s Id knows this is a lie, but her Ego is convinced she can wait out her Party Years at least to sample as many ‘bad boys, wrong boys, commitment-phobic boys’ as the Sheryl Sandberg plan for Hypergamy has convinced her Ego she has the time to work her way through.

A woman’s Id is having none of it, beyond enjoying the sexual pleasures of the Alpha men she prefers in her peak sexual market value (SMV) years. Hypergamy demands the complete package, the already-made man. The guy for whom she’s so certain will be the best of both worlds (despite the unbeliveability of it) that it quells her Hypergamous doubt. On a rudimentary level a woman’s Id knows she deserves a better-than-warranted situation with regard to her Hypergamy; it’s the only situation that will ever be truly satisfying to her. Only a man who rates 1-2 degrees above what she feels her own SMV merits (however unrealistic that’s become to her) will be the man she can truly submit herself to.

This is what her Id knows. On some level of consciousness it knows she is choosing a life in which she can either submit herself and entrust her life, body and soul to the long term security of a deserving man (one who rates a full to two steps above her own self-impression), or she will resign herself to her own ‘independence’ and self-reliance with respect to long term security in a life with a man who doesn’t “deserve her” and who she will never submit herself to.

There are many variables that interfere with a woman making this consolidation in her younger years, but the fact remains, the longer a woman delays consolidating on the guy she could comfortably submit herself to the less likely she is to actually do so; and the more likely she is to resign herself to insisting on her own Frame to supply the security she would otherwise get from a man she could’ve submitted herself to.

This is why we see a majority of older women – women who’ve cycled out of the SMP – falling back on the tropes of the Strong Independent Woman® narrative. The truth is they are unlikely to ever lockdown the perfect guy with whom they could comfortably submit to. This is also compounded by her Hypergamous doubt and long term security having to be self-provisioned for a longer and longer period of time. A never-married 40 year old woman will likely have been so necessitous in her own provisioning that she will never allow herself to submit to any man’s Frames for the remainder of her life.

All of this interpersonal back and forth revolves around women’s capacity to attract a suitable man while simultaneously filtering for men’s requisite qualities to satisfy the dual nature of Hypergamy. From an evolutionary perspective, women’s breeding potential cannot afford to be tricked or deceived into her consolidating on a less than optimal man. That’s the paradox of Hypergamy and the prime reason women seek pre-made man (or a man with such overwhelming potential it satisfies Hypergamy). So important is this filtering mechanism that it evolved to be a part of women’s neurological firmware – it’s baked in.

In a larger respect, this filtering is part of the prime directive amongst the collective social influence of the Sisterhood. Women want, and expect, a default, and completely honest, evaluation of a man’s intimate potential in satisfying Hypergamy from her peers as well as the larger social collective of women. Anything that confounds or deliberately confuses the veracity of this Hypergamous assessment about a guy is equitable with deliberately attempting to sabotage a woman’s life. Accurate evaluation of a man’s Hypergamous potential is the highest order for the Sisterhood.

Teaching Slaves to Read

In my interview with Ed Latimore we discussed exactly this dynamic and what Ed said was profound. I paraphrase him here, but the sentiment was, “Men learning Game, men teaching men about the intrinsic psychological and biological natures of women, men making other men Red Pill aware, is like teaching slaves to read in the time of slavery.”

Men becoming aware of the nature of women is a Threat; and that threat is primarily dangerous because it deliberately confounds women’s accurate assessment of a man’s true value in satisfying her Hypergamous doubt. Educating men about Game, about Red Pill awareness, must be prevented on both a personal level and a sociological level if women are to maintain a feminine-primary, feminine-correct and feminine-dominant social order. Thus, we encounter the social situations that Ehintellect and SJF describe in the above comments.

This reminds me of a story I read on the Red Pill Reddit forum about a guy who’s girlfriend discovered my book he’d been reading. She began picking through various sections and, expectedly, got really pissed off at the chapters on SMV (the chart in particular). They both discussed the parts she’d read and she admitted she wanted to read the whole thing, but from what they talked about she confessed that there wasn’t really anything she disagreed with. Her words were, “You men shouldn’t know this stuff!

It wasn’t that she was irritated by the truth in those sections of the book, but rather, her concern was that men might become aware of women’s sexual strategies as laid bare by the SMV sections and chart. Essentially, men teaching men to become Red Pill aware, to unplug them from the Matrix is anathema to women’s long term sexual strategy. Teaching men to Just Get It is a deliberate effort to bypass women’s subconscious and overt filtering processes to evaluate a man’s Hypergamous value.

Furthermore, Red Pill aware men represent an existential threat to women unilaterally making Hypergamous decisions for their lives – a unilateral power women have taken for granted since the unfettering of Hypergamy in the Sexual Revolution – and thus represent a threat to their making a less than optimal choice. Men becoming Red Pill aware, in effect, prioritizes men’s control over the Hypergamous process. That may be only by order of degree, and subjective to men’s real grasp of the Red Pill and their capacity to implement it, but the fear remains. Even a nominal control or increase in control of men over the Hypergamous process must be criminalized, marginalized or shamed to eliminate the threat that a man might convincingly misrepresent himself for a woman’s Hypergamous approval.

This is interesting in light of women’s hubris of embracing Open Hypergamy on a societal, cultural level. It’s not that men would be aware of women’s Hypergamous sexual strategies – this they triumphantly flaunt in very public ways – it’s that men would collude together to deliberately exploit that knowledge to wrest some marginal control over women’s sexual selection process.

Novaseeker’s assessment is correct, this convincing deception centers on men teaching men to passably appear to, if not actually, Just Get It. There’s a maxim in the manosphere that states women are not interested in how a man becomes a man. They are uninterested in the process of a man becoming anything, just that he is. If there is one thing Hypergamy demands to satisfy its inherent doubts is that men be genuine. How they became ‘genuine’ is irrelevant to women, just that they are genuine is enough. This is the conflict between women’s Ids and Egos – that a man might appear to be genuine in his quality is enough, yet not enough. 

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

Reposted from last thread- All women have 2 sides. All of them, even my mom. It’s a feature, not a bug. Side #1 is a loving, caring side. It’s often heavily maternal in nature, and when it’s focused on a man, it is highly desirous. Sex is just one component of the desire under these circumstances. The woman will have a strong desire to please in multiple ways, and she will go about the task of pleasing with a sense of happiness and purpose. The man will not need to instruct her in how to do this, yet the woman… Read more »


[…] Teaching Slaves to Read […]

7 years ago

“How they became ‘genuine’ is irrelevant to women, just that they are genuine is enough. This is the conflict between women’s Ids and Egos – that a man might appear to be genuine in his quality is enough, yet not enough.”

This is why members of the Sisterhood continue to ply what is possibly the worst advice to give any blue-pilled AFC: “just be yourself”. (The FI thanks you for self-selecting yourself out of the running.)

7 years ago

I regards to the last three paragraphs in the original essay, and Blax’s comment: “Our job…. is to encourage our fellow men to develop something better, something real. I’m struck with the thought and have to keep reminding other red pill buddies (who at some point get conflicted in their striving to change, and in their new-found enlightened self interest) is that collaborating on Red Pill awareness and Game (including masculine self-improvement) frequently leads to a paradox for men’s subsequent actions and an irony for women’s feelings (indignation) (at least in LTR Game, but I daresay PUA Game also) in… Read more »

7 years ago

Profound line about red pill theory being the equivalent of teaching the slaves to read.

@Blaximus: with side #1 women are only capable of that special kind of unconditional love for their children. In the current era women consider husbands to be replaceable. I’ve dated single mothers who have told me that direct to my face while I was dating them. Its common beta male mistake to expect that kind of unconditional love that his mother gave him, to be provided to him by his wife.

Roy Hobbs
Roy Hobbs
7 years ago

In case nobody else does- thank you for that repost Blax- superb

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

When this epiphany phase SIW, or she will resign herself to her own ‘independence’ and self-reliance with respect to long term security in a life with a man who doesn’t “deserve her” and who she will never submit herself to. resigns herself to this Steady Eddie from the previous post, Betas like to wave around the idea that eventually they win out because if they’re persistent the used up woman who’d have nothing to do with them prior will now start a family with him. yet another iteration of the saddest story ever told ensues, and we can take bets… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

What an an excellent post. Really connected with me. Thanks to all who contributed.

7 years ago

@Lost Patrol

Empathy and brotherly love.

7 years ago

@ Lost Patrol Very germane to the original post about teaching other men red pill and your comments about having an inbred desire to mentor, Robert Greene covered the aspects of getting a proper mentor in Mastery. If a Mentor is properly motivated he has a desire to be a mentor. Especially if he raised children to the age of 21 or so. Raising children who develop desire for mastery and develop agency and sovereignty over aspects of their life is very rewarding for a father. Being a mentor and caring about other red pill men is a surrogate good… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

The fundamental issue here is power. Shit tests are nothing more than games of bluff. The current social battle is a real one. Women’s real advantage stems from birth control, legalization of abortion and criminalization of masculine biology. But, it is still all nothing but bluff. Every ternate of the FI is wielded with a dare. A rational man can objectively play his cards and manipulate the women in his life, manage them, using their own nature to control them. This is far easier to do than the average joe perceives because average joes mind is distracted by his delusional… Read more »

7 years ago


7 years ago

@Rugby In regards to your Family Alpha Day #22 link: I could go on and on, but the point is proven here; people are probably not meeting the new standard you’ve set and you’re overlooking it. By giving your time and attention to an individual, free of charge, you are saying that you are a man who has no value. By not enforcing consequences and boundaries you are saying that their performance is acceptable. If there is something wrong in your life, you need to fucking address it; conflict aversion is weak. Failure to do so is weak and completely… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago


7 years ago

These resonated like two power E chord in my brain: “Red Pill aware men represent an existential threat to women unilaterally making Hypergamous decisions for their lives – a unilateral power women have taken for granted since the unfettering of Hypergamy in the Sexual Revolution – and thus represent a threat to their making a less than optimal choice.” and “….the fear remains. Even a nominal control or increase in control of men over the Hypergamous process must be criminalized, marginalized or shamed to eliminate the threat that a man might convincingly misrepresent himself for a woman’s Hypergamous approval.” Initially… Read more »

7 years ago

Powerful. That girl had a point. Men should not know this shit. I remember reading fleezer comment in the last post and he was waxing sentimental about how this stuff has spoilt it for him. Now that the empress has no clothes he can’t bear to look. It was better when he believed in Love. Heheheee… May be men should not get it. Any woman can depend on that (in the literal sense). A man getting it is interesting but useless. A colourful but not edible bird. A dull fat chicken, but edible. That we can keep. Fat and dull,… Read more »

7 years ago

Blaximus “Side #2 is something very different. This side is the cold, uncaring and mean spirited side. When a woman has gone to this dark side, she will do unthinkable things, but these unthinkables are usually the things that her target/man will imagine as unthinkable in the first place. Under most circumstances, she can’t physically beat the hell out of you or seriously verbally threaten your safety, so in her weakness she will find other ways to hurt and destroy you. The woman that is best at this is the one who has been close enough to you long enough… Read more »

7 years ago

Been having some stark realizations lately about how fucked this all is. The “teaching slaves how to read” thing just further illustrated the starkness of this to me. Gaslighting of Men = Feminine Imperative The objective has been to systematically dismantle men’s self-perception as men. To deconstruct and reorganize it into something that fits the Feminine Imperative. It’s basically a brainwashing experiment and the effects can be seen far and wide. Dystopian futures aren’t just fiction. The only scary part about the Red Pill is when you realize that you’ve been fucked with your whole life and not knowing who… Read more »

7 years ago

This also plays out in the lame “be a man” chorus that feminists and angry women spout out when a guy walks away from a needless fight…as though engaging in a pointless aeguementbwith her is the Manly thing to do…

But when you say “be more feminine” they freak out and call you mysoginist….

This ridiculous chick logic compels men to keep a strong frame.

I made a New Years resolution to kill the beta….it’s a lot harder than I thoughtt especially after getting baited into needless confrontations with shaming language like that.

7 years ago

“Dystopian futures aren’t just fiction. The only scary part about the Red Pill is when you realize that you’ve been fucked with your whole life and not knowing who you are or what to do when you’re waking up from the bad dream.”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

If there is one thing Hypergamy demands to satisfy its inherent doubts is that men be genuine. How they became ‘genuine’ is irrelevant to women, just that they are appear genuine is enough.


Fake sincerity and that’s good enough.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

I made a New Years resolution to kill the beta….it’s a lot harder than I thoughtt especially after getting baited into needless confrontations with shaming language like that.

“Bait” is what is placed in a trap. You know how to recognize bait. You know how to avoid it, deflect it, reject it, etc. Stay in frame around bait and it has no effect.

7 years ago

This ridiculous chick logic compels men to keep a strong frame. I made a New Years resolution to kill the beta….it’s a lot harder than I thoughtt especially after getting baited into needless confrontations with shaming language like that. Lol, just playing in my earbuds, trying to sleep after my three consult stints and a biopsy on a skeptical patient with pyoderma gangrenosum I had to distract from The Pain necessary from my lidocaine with stingy epinephrine. : Positively 4th Street Bob Dylan, Nobel Laureate: You’ve got a lotta nerve to say you are my friend When I was down… Read more »

7 years ago

https://youtu.be/t5KguVurMW8?list=PLHOXPMs_WbCG6v1d3SEtvo5FT-tLL77sT Revolution The Beatles You say you want a revolution Well, you know We all want to change the world You tell me that it’s evolution Well, you know We all want to change the world But when you talk about destruction Don’t you know that you can count me out Don’t you know it’s gonna be All right, all right, all right You say you got a real solution Well, you know We’d all love to see the plan You ask me for a contribution Well, you know We’re doing what we can But if you want money for… Read more »

7 years ago

“They are conditioned to believe the fault in ‘unrealistic beauty standards’ is due to the horrific sexual objectification of men’s base (biological) natures and/or the social constructivist narrative that would have them believe it’s a nebulous ‘society’s’ fault that they are unable to consolidate their Hypergamy once the expiration date for their sexual market value has passed and their younger sisters outcompete them.” This is also a huge disservice to women. Women are developing mental disorders based on these beliefs. Instead of being able to accept the natural aging process and the decline in SMV that follows, they’re conditioned to… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

This is pairing up well with Dalrock’s ongoing mining into the vein of Courtly Love, which was not a thing in ancient Greece or Rome, but appears to be an invention in high middle ages France. Sir Galahad? He wasn’t in any of the English Arthurian legends. All that M’Lady stuff? An invention of French upper crust females.

Either way, whether it’s showing churchgoing men that the FI’s influence on their church doesn’t come from any part of the Bible, or showing other men that AWALT, it’s counter culturual.

Ang Aamer
7 years ago

@ Rollo There’s a maxim in the manosphere that states women are not interested in how a man becomes a man. They are uninterested in the process of a man becoming anything, just that he is. —————————- It’s all a Game I completely agree with the quote. It has always confused me why Game works. In the Red Pill community we say the in field results speak more than volumes of psych studies about true nature of women. And as the Sisterhood continues it’s disinformation campaign against Red Pill concepts it’s more confusing than ever. It’s almost as if there… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

All women have 2 sides. All of them, even my mom. It’s a feature, not a bug.

Can confirm. Used to be women were taught men have at least 2 sides also.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Ang Amer And after seeing this drama play out with dumb women and smart women. I’m thinking that women may be incapable of changing their hardwired irrational male fitness test. All she can do is rationally suppress it for a time until eventually leaving the Beta (in Frivorce). “He was never much of a man” = he never won the woman’s frame game. She can suppress it if she’s not an Alpha widow, as you note. She can suppress it if there’s no other option: stay married to the beta or suffer very badly with no ca$h & prizes waiting… Read more »

7 years ago

How do you measure success? By the results. “I discovered the red pill and now I feel like shit and nothing matters to me! But that’s keepin’ it real, bro!” Isn’t success. Nor is it “real”. Humans aren’t capable of seeing reality. Human all build their own illusions. We aren’t actually living in a (crappy) Keanu Reeve’s motion picture. If you’ve chosen one that makes you miserable, you might want to choose again (unless you define “success” as misery…in which case, misery makes you happy, which is an odd choice but if so you should stop bitching about how success… Read more »

7 years ago

@ blaximus Regarding the second side of women that allows them to do things that are “unthinkable” . That just doesn’t exist for me anymore after 4 years of red pill I literally expect them to be capable of anything if it suits her wants/needs. Here is a true example for you all, this would have shocked me back in the day but not now. I worked as a freelance lighting electrician on film and tv projects (still do occasionally). About 3-4 years ago we were filming in HMP Leeds a very old prison that had closed a few years… Read more »

7 years ago

Great post Mr Rollo, Im a first time commenter, learned about trp a couple months ago, bought both Rollos books. Its been eye opening and its essential knowledge for a young man in todays world. I’ve noticed that Rollo likes to bash Carl Jung a little, I find the critique unjust. I used to be a huge beta, an excuse for myself to the point of it being neurotic, was raised by my mother to become basicly a girl. Studying jungian psychology in my early 20s is what saved me. It taught me to study my dreams, and your dreams… Read more »

7 years ago

Re: Softek’s “Gaslighting of Men = Feminine Imperative” But how can they get away with the gaslighting? Trump is being PUBLICLY gaslighted right now over being subjected to electronic surveillance, for which “wiretapping” is an accepted euphemism. The left, on the one hand, is going crazy about leaked transcripts – which had to be the result of elint (electronic intel) while claiming that there was no surveillance. And most people are convinced Trump is crazy – when the plain facts are supportive of his POV (which Nunes confirmed yesterday). I’m not trying to drag us into politics, rather this is… Read more »

7 years ago

Powerful post, Rollo. Recently read both your books and am frequenting your blog a lot lately. Keep being the threat to the FI you are, and please keep writing on. We are listening, learning, and applying.

7 years ago

@ scribblerg

Fuck all that are you still banging that 19 year old hb9?

Sounds like you need TRT it will give you another 10 years at least!

Try it it will change your life.

7 years ago

https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/11/08/us/politics/election-exit-polls.html A demographic break down of who voted for Trump, and who voted for Hillary. I’m of the opinion that social media is going to reach a point of critical mass where people are just so overloaded by expectation (in Asia some companies even cater toward the aspiring professionals who want/need to look popular…they’ll bring “friends” over to pose and improve your Facebook posts) it will be dump en masse. But that’s just me. I do know some high school boys who were forced by social pressure (including the mothers) into “prom-posals” so their girlfriends could post on Facebook. Well….lo… Read more »

7 years ago

” . . . The Closing of the American Mind (read it in the ’80s, none of this is new folks . . .”


7 years ago

Fleezer part of me wishes I could go back and unlearn all this shit and just go at it like I used to, from the gut. I’ve got more control of my game than ever, but that took away all the romance for me. I liked the idea of “getting lucky”. now it’s just applying the formula, adjusting for variables and pushing to close. I don’t feel lucky anymore. I feel fucking sick. I’ve felt the same way at times. It is worse within the day to day of an LTR… constantly barraged with inputs… HABD how have you felt?… Read more »

7 years ago

Lol, prog Marxist yet again.

1 trick pony. Play is right. Get some T and shock therapy.

And lift a weight or something instead of being so comfortable iin your massive angry bitch behavior.

55? Lol. I’m 56. Will you ever get your shit wired tight?

Fucking sky is falling / woe is me / I’m so smart bullshit is tired. Give it a fucking rest.

7 years ago

Ha you youngsters! I’m 58. Started Cialis though. MDs here in Canada think T is poison or something.

7 years ago

Blax is right about making improvements until you can’t any more.

Scrib is right that the prog Marxists have a lock on national culture and politics…but you CAN affect its impact in your social circle by pushing back against the national culture among your friends…and create your own culture for your social circle to enjoy.

I’m older than you other old farts.

7 years ago

Scribbler Comeonnnn..

This is the destiny of the human race since the harnessing of fire,we don’t need so many words and labels to describe it.

Somebody always is stronger,got there first,has a bigger gun or bomb,just learn to walk through the fire without getting burnt and in the meantime enjoy the warmth and watch the show.

Power shmower,these blue pill psudointelectuals all believing in their own brand of lies,LOL they are barely smart enough to read,fucking stupid bastards are their own worst enemies.

7 years ago

@ disgruntled

They are right T is toxic to the femenine imperative! Bitches love it tho, they can smell it, best cologne money can buy! It must be hard for them to be so conflicted.

7 years ago

comment image

7 years ago

Great topic. Days ago my oldest states at dinner: Him: “Dad, my teacher is about to take 4 days of class to show us a SJW-leftist panoply video. She’s made it clear the Pope Francis believes in it too and if we don’t accept its premises, we’re not Christians. This crap has been going on all semester. If I walk out, will you stand by me?” Me: “I’ll stand by you, but not as you might think. The fight you pick is yours to win. You deal with the fallout at school. You’re up to that. You may even like… Read more »

7 years ago

Not on topic, but it reminds me of this:

comment image

7 years ago

A bit closer to topic by the same artist:


7 years ago

Never have tried TRT or ED drugs…One thing I have noticed is the tombstone eyes and the macho atitude of women is a dick wilter.

Seems to me testosterone is key,as it causes women to act more feminine,and this in itself seems to bring on more testosterone?

ED drugs on the other hand,would seem to make a guy hard at the wrong time and thereby reward her macho actions with undeserved hard dick?

7 years ago

ED drugs on the other hand,would seem to make a guy hard at the wrong time and thereby reward her macho actions with undeserved hard dick? No, ED drugs work by blocking whatever is released that enlarges blood vessels in order to empty the penis out. It still has to get full the old-fashion way – arousal. In the case of the current girl I’m banging (19yo black Coed HB8?+) it’s probably overkill. She’s young, funny, eager, and sexy. There’s a SD/SB thing going on but at my age I don’t give a shit anymore. It’s a reasonable arrangement. My… Read more »

7 years ago

Yes familiar with the vasodialators and the indicators and contras.
Still seems like if it doesn’t come natural for her I don’t want her and thats it,personaly.

SD/SB thing?

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

Im also surprised that no one seems to talk about race in here.

Everything in here is about race. The Human Race.

7 years ago
Reply to  Lost Patrol

Run give learn

7 years ago

@ Lost Patrol

Only a true racist would say that…and don’t take my word for it:


“The list includes statements that you shouldn’t say, such as, “I don’t believe in race,” or “There’s only one race, the human race.” Apparently refusing to acknowledge so-called “race” is offensive because it denies the individual “races” of people.”

7 years ago

@ disgruntled.

Same here in the UK my T was around 560 @49 I drink too much and that lowers T. I have to self medicate and now I keep my levels around 1100-1200 basically the top end levels of a healthy, fit 21 year old.

Only negative is it sometimes lowers your standards as to what you will fuck. I can live with that!

7 years ago

@ Lost Patrol

I forgots…:)

7 years ago

“My Urologist . . . Told me he’s a professional and treats sick people.”

Sounds suspiciously like the practice of medicine. I thought we were all about “Healthcare” these days. Did I miss a memo?

“Apparently refusing to acknowledge so-called “race” is offensive because it denies the individual “races” of people.”

War is peace, Brother.

7 years ago

@Scrib Hi big bro. This reeks of conspiracy theory; We are interchangeable to them. If we don’t reproduce, they’ll go get some desperate peasants from the third world who are amazed to have power 24/7. They are easy to control and impress. And remember, what our new intellectual aristocracy need most of all is to be worshipped There is more to a population than head count. Peasants from the third world cannot maintain a first world infrastructure. Even the peasants from the first world cannot maintain it. I have heard of cities in the US that have become completely delapidated… Read more »

7 years ago

“Peasants from the third world cannot maintain a first world infrastructure.”

They are not expected to. They are expected to destroy it and live on Carbon Credits.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

@EhIntellect Thanks for highlighting my latest transgression. One of my favorite hobbies is making “statements that you shouldn’t say”. Also, I’ve taken to looking for opportunities to launch “microaggressions” far and wide. It’s laughably easy to do, and in fact some of my best micros are fired off inadvertently. Negligent Discharge, as it were. Good stories on your oldest man-in-training. My oldest son has also decided to take the more difficult road, and does not sit still at his university for the “approved narrative” on anything. He resists, and tries to sway his indoctrinated friends over to the more war-like… Read more »

7 years ago


Hahahaaa.. wow. Carbon credits! That’s a new one. I like this place.

But seriously, a dilapidated first world means a stone age third world. No more cash prizes for the FI. Collapse of the security and military establishment, replaced by militia, or gangs/other similar ragtag outfits? What is to be had by the women in such a setting?

7 years ago

“What is to be had by the women in such a setting?”

Who cares?

7 years ago

cheupez the trouble is you have already thought this through in 5 mins. more than the “intelectual elite” have in 50 years. The lack of respect for the men that make this modern world function is astounding,it may stem from the unrealistic atitude that workers are simple and uneducated,anyone could do that and so on. This is all good and fine till someone gets a blister,splinter,afraid of heights,don’t like to get dirty or breaks a sweat,then all bets are off.And we havn’t even begun to cover the technical side of things,I would bet good “money” ninety percent of them don’t… Read more »

7 years ago

“And we haven’t even begun to cover the technical side of things…” from on offline mcclean article: “Mechanically challenged” “Remarkably, most of his Grade 11 students arrive not knowing which way to turn a screwdriver to tighten a screw. If he introduces a nut threaded counterclockwise, they have trouble conceptualizing the need to turn the screwdriver the opposite way. That’s because, he says, “They are texting non-stop; they don’t care about anything else. It’s like they’re possessed.”” Parents excuse themselves from culpability here. They’ve swallowed the universal college degree meme, or blame lack of shop classes. This affords them not… Read more »

7 years ago

“Remarkably, most of his Grade 11 students arrive not knowing which way to turn a screwdriver to tighten a screw.”

I’ve told this one before, but I’m sure if I’ve done it here:

Guy across the street, 20ish, knocked on my door and asked if he could borrow a screwdriver.
“Sure,” I said. “What kind and size?”

“I don’t know. Come out and I’ll show you the screw so you can tell what I need.”

The screw was a hex head bolt.

7 years ago

…. oh shit.

7 years ago

Get the fuck outta here!

7 years ago


Technically, the hex head bolt is a screw if it’s threaded. A screw doesn’t have to have a pointy end to be a screw. But the convention is to not call a bolt a “screw”.

Growing up, I avoided skills because of physical development issues due to autism. I sucked at spatial reasoning as a result. I’ve recovered somewhat. I posted pics of a bar I built on my website recently.

NB: I can go days without sending a text.

7 years ago

“But the convention is to not call a bolt a “screw”.” Except where the convention is to call it a machine screw. And the convention is to not call a wrench (or hex socket, or nut driver) a screwdriver. Kid knew he needed a tool but didn’t have a clue what tools are called by convention or otherwise. And, to complete the story, the bolt wasn’t threaded. It was a pass through secured by a circlip to allow a part intended to be attached by a threaded bolt to a bracket adapting it to an unthreaded flange, the bolt serving… Read more »

7 years ago


Very pretty, did you tongue and groove the paneling yourself?

7 years ago


screw v. bolt for the spergically inclined (heh)


Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

So this is what it has come to – the 20 year old “kid knew he needed a tool”. The FI begins to cement its legacy.

7 years ago


Very pretty, did you tongue and groove the paneling yourself?

Thanks. I didn’t think of tongue and groove. Nothing has moved much in 9 years, so I think that the result is acceptable.

7 years ago

My 2 cents: My last house. First time homeowner lesbians move in next door. Super shy. I’m a skeeery man. They can’t even say hello standing next to me on the lot line. Anyhow, week two they come over to the lot line and stand, staring, and the, well, feminine one in front of the other. The butchier one is goofily hopping-peeking over the shoulder of her lover. I found it highly entertaining. They say they need a tool, want to exchange a shower head, need help and could I help? Me: Yeah! Happily! Now listen carefully, girls. Looong pause.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago


The screw was a hex head bolt.

Gave him a standard flat bladed screwdriver and a file, did you?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

They say they need a tool, want to exchange a shower head, need help and could I help?

You could have asked them what they wanted in exchange for that shower head.

7 years ago

I asked a blonde if she knew the difference between a nail, a bolt and a screw. Blank look, then said she’d never been bolted.
Ba boom tish!

7 years ago

Funny how women say they don’t need men. Until they do.
My wife’s divorced friend asked me for help to move some furniture into her new house. I said I would send the missus over asap. No, she wanted me to come. I pointed out that she apparently had a boyfriend. Yes, he was there with her. What, can’t he handle it?
I’m sick of my male privilege, always expected to help at any woman’s beckon call.

7 years ago

Might do this stripper job thing……

Just had to give you guys a daily update since I know you’ve been looking for me

7 years ago

@AR: “Gave him a standard flat bladed screwdriver and a file, did you?” It would have been interesting to see if he could have worked out the principle. I’m sure he also thinks he’s a cutting edge technologist, because he can post to Instagram from his smartphone. The word comes from the Greek; tekton* – one who is skilled at making things. *The word actually used to describe Jesus’s profession in the Bible. Not a carpenter as we think of it, but an all around designer and craftsman. More like the British meaning of “engineer.” Odysseus was also noted as… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Lost Patrol Has your son incorporated/accepted RP? How did you approach it? I’ve been thinking how most effectively to introduce the subject to different people. It easiest when the subject is at their rope’s end. A colleague seems close, but I’m not sticking my neck out with him just yet. That’d be too easy as I know his wife well enough, oh yeah AWALT. Two other colleagues who’ve claimed the exact same desire to revive their dead bedrooms, quickly reversed course with the mildest of prompting. I think I said something like “You’re underestimating your skill set, your leverage,… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

@EhIntellect I would love to share some tactics here, but my then 22 year old son introduced me to RP. How’s that for a plot twist? I used to grumble about the endless anti-man, women are god message that permeates all of modern life; but I didn’t really know what was behind it. I was prepared to let the women become men and just leave me out of it. But of course as I know now, they categorically WILL NOT leave me out of it, or any of us. My son meanwhile had found the men’s sphere on his own,… Read more »

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
7 years ago

This made me think of all the tweets I see from girls about hoping boys will one day have a daughter that has a boy treat her they way they treated a girl back in the day.
The sisterhood’s protection network wouldn’t care to explain anything their sons are confused about what girls in their future would do out of their hypergamous nature.
You really don’t hear it outwardly said from fathers who have sons.

7 years ago

Keep posting Scrib beats the shit out of the boasters here that use this place as a mirror to inflate their egos.

7 years ago

@EhIntellect March 23, 2017 at 9:24 am Fast forward to the previous comment thread re: “not talking fight club” “just getting it” (thank you Nova and SJF). I take it seriously, in spite of my devil-may-care attitude. Thus I institute a new DL RP policy yesterday. Let’s be tactful here. FFS, EhIntellect, stop being purposely stupid. Aye-aye. Kids all around, Mrs. Eh picking up, chores, she fixed me a drink. Happiness. I decide to broach the beta bait conversation, discuss Chateau’s common beta bait post, but opt to email my boy. I write him RP isn’t a toad slime, easing… Read more »

Roy Hobbs
Roy Hobbs
7 years ago

@LostPatrol Re: “ropes end… Willing” I’ve had less than a dozen such conversations. But short of a “…gonna end it all…” statement, who’s to say where another man’s rope ends? As I’m not a trained psyhrink, I’m certainly not a gauge. But I can recognize when someone is where I was. Guy next to you at the bar, maybe drinking like he can numb the pain… at least for the night. Mediocre girls happen by… You turn him into your impromptu wing…. They wander off & he goes darker. He’s angry and sad but mostly confused & you get his… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@Sentient Fleezer “part of me wishes I could go back and unlearn all this shit and just go at it like I used to, from the gut. I’ve got more control of my game than ever, but that took away all the romance for me. I liked the idea of “getting lucky”. now it’s just applying the formula, adjusting for variables and pushing to close. I don’t feel lucky anymore. I feel fucking sick.” I’ve felt the same way at times. It is worse within the day to day of an LTR… constantly barraged with inputs… HABD how have you… Read more »

7 years ago

“They are uninterested in the process of a man becoming anything, just that he is. If there is one thing Hypergamy demands to satisfy its inherent doubts is that men be genuine. How they became ‘genuine’ is irrelevant to women, just that they are genuine is enough. This is the conflict between women’s Ids and Egos – that a man might appear to be genuine in his quality is enough, yet not enough.” Authentic= not false or copied; genuine; real. Using the Dynamic, Passionate, Authentic model (about as subjective as any measure could be, but so is human communication, overall)… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  anon


7 years ago

What does Murphy know about LTRs? Has he been in one past 7 years?

7 years ago


If you carried your thinking machine in your pants, you might have a basis for speaking about a man’s authenticity. XD

7 years ago

@fleezer, Sentient, Habd That discussion reminds me of different features of Identity. I can see Fleezer and Sentient falling in one camp and HABD and myself falling in a different camp. Neither is better, they are what they are. The first camp would be the artistic type. (A lot like my son’s ISFP type.) Pushing for Adventure, using “aesthetics, design and even their choices and actions to push the limits of social convention. ISFPs enjoy upsetting traditional expectations with experiments in beauty and behavior – chances are, they’ve expressed more than once the phrase “Don’t box me in!” The artist… Read more »

7 years ago

“……to achieve our goals with competence and competence confidence.”

7 years ago

“If you carried your thinking machine in your pants, you might have a basis for speaking about a man’s authenticity.”

I can’t vouch for a man’s authenticity, only a woman’s interpretation of a man’s authenticity.
(which is the matter at *cough* hand)

7 years ago

Hey Blax, do you have a son-in-law?

7 years ago

Salaire de la peur, Le (The Wages of Fear) (1953)

dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

@rugby – some feedback…. sometimes when I go watch your links, I have no idea what they have to do with the topic or comments, though I try

if there is some connection, might have to spell it out for some of us slower folks

7 years ago

@anon People are mimics…that is how they learn. Yes and no. I read a Playboy article where the author advised men to attempt to instigate for sex if we wanted it. Well, I guess you could say that I learned that suggestion, but I didn’t believe it worked until I tried it. I didn’t really see it, so there was no visual data for me to use. “Copy” seems to imply visual data. When I tried the suggestion and it worked, my experience was a big part of my learning, so it became authentic for me. HOW I instigated was… Read more »

7 years ago

“part of me wishes I could go back and unlearn all this shit and just go at it like I used to, from the gut. I’ve got more control of my game than ever, but that took away all the romance for me.” Such a huge topic. I’d like to share my thoughts and recent experiences. If you’ve read any of my comments, you know the RP came to me out of a quest for answers and a place of turmoil and pain.. If you look at my earliest, you’ll see I actually found TRP 3-4 months before my marriage… Read more »

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