Of Ego and Choice


Last week I ran across a thread on the ‘Purple Pill Debate’ sub on Reddit that called into question the Red Pill idea that women’s egos have become overblown. This “debate” sub is essentially a forum dedicated to Blue Pill hacks expressing their dubious confusion about various topics discussed on the Red Pill sub so I wont grace the forum with a link here. That said, it is an interesting forum to peruse when looking for examples of how a lot of the fundamentals of Red Pill awareness are deliberately misconstrued. The Blue Pill mindset will make great efforts to insulate itself from unignorable Red Pill truths that threaten to break comforting ego-investments. Those efforts begin with a willful misunderstanding (and later denial) of Red Pill premises.

I’ve explored the topic of women’s ego inflation in various post on this blog, but truth be told I’ve had this more thorough examination sitting in my drafts folder for a while now. The idea that women’s sense of self-worth has been grossly overblown is something I think the Red Pill community often takes for granted. It’s fairly easy to see both online and in real life. I resisted fleshing this post out for a while because it presents the risk of being perceived as some gratuitous attack on all-women-being-like-that in their ego aggrandizements, so I’ve been content to just allude to this phenomenon in my posts.

It’s easy to throw red meat to the manosphere in this respect since women’s inflated egos are something most factions of the ‘sphere almost unanimously agree on. And of course, simply doing so makes the man pointing it out, by default, a misogynist. Then, either the mud gets slung by indignant tumblrinasor his points are perfunctorily dismissed and the conversation ends.

The Purple Pill “Debate” thread was simple enough, but such misguidance needs to be:

A narrative that is constantly pushed is the notion that the female ego is inflated from a constant barrage of male attention, thus leading women to have an inflated sense of value.

Attention and offers of sex from random strange males is not validating in most cases. Male attention and offers for sex are so easy to come by, they hold next to or even absolutely no value. To put it into a more crude term “dick is cheap”. Being offered free sex from a man that is not attractive to you is the equivalent of being offered a free bag of feces. It is free and it still might have some value, but I am not going to take it.

The whole idea that any of this is extremely validating is farcical and incorrect.

This premise is misguided in two respects. The first is defining exactly what is contributing to women’s ego inflation. The second is how a woman is validated by the attention that contributes to it. I’ve written extensively on the psychological effects attention has on women. Attention is the coin of the realm in girl-world. Women use attention as a form of currency with other women, which in turn establishes peer status among women’s social groupings:

The capacity to attract and hold attention denotes social rank within the peer clutch. The more attractive the girl, the more popular she becomes and the more influence she wields. This isn’t to say that any particular female is cognizant of this. However, when ostracized from the collective, this capacity for attracting attention in a high degree makes her despised. The attention can still be beneficial for affirmation (i.e. realized jealousy), it’s just that the intent that has changed.

Thus, women use attention not only for their own affirmation, individually and collectively, but also to do combat with each other. Far more damaging than physical fighting is the long term psychological impact of denying this reinforcement, or better still, delegitimizing or disqualifying a girl/woman’s capacity to attract this attention. Combine this with a woman’s natural, and innately higher agency to communicate both verbally and non-verbally (i.e covert communications) and you can see the potential this has in damaging a rival. This might explain a woman’s natural propensity to gossip. When a woman attacks the respectability and character of another (“she’s such a slut”), in essence, she is assaulting the woman’s agency for garnering attention by delegitimizing it.

The first misdirection in this thread is that attention only comes in one form that is ‘validating’ for women. It is a mistake to assume that male attention is all that contributes to women’s validation. My guess is that the original poster was male and trying to wrap his head around what form of attention ought to be validating from a male perspective. I say this because this mistake is also a common one amongst recovering Betas considering MGTOW. They often think their case is hopeless because women are so far removed from them due to all the “incredible amount of male attention” they receive online and in real life.

From this respect I can understand the OP’s point. Attention and ‘offers’ of sex – tacit or direct – from random strange males is not validating in most cases. With the proper incentive, male attention and offers for sex are so easy to come by, they hold next to or even absolutely no value. From the perspective of male attention, the (I think accurate) presumption is that unless a man is perceived as Hypergamously optimal his attention is worthless in ‘validating’ a woman’s ego.

The term “validation” is easy to mold to whatever definition a man or woman might find convenient with regard to affirming one’s ego. In a Red Pill aware sense this validation needs to translate into some sort of reinforcing of a person’s self-perception of their sexual market value (SMV). On the ‘Man Up’ side of things the perception is one that men ought to find some esoteric source of inner strength and purpose to find ‘validation’ for their egos, while avoiding the idea that how many women he sleeps with or the ‘quality’ of the woman he’s banging might contribute to ‘validation’.

It’s funny how Blue Pill (and a few Red Pill) critics will foster the idea that the only reason men learn Game is because they’re “validation seeking“, but yet they resist the idea that women’s egos would be similarly validated by the “incredible amount of male attention” they believe even the most mundane of women is capable of generating.

However, the OP is asking the wrong question. Women’s egos are not inflated by the value of men’s attention, but rather the perception of an unending abundance of prospective men. An abundance of male attention contributes to a sense of security for women’s SMV. A lot gets made about the influence of “thirsty” guys on women, but the only value they represent is a Buffer against women ever having any personal insight about their ego valuation. Thirsty guys only serve to convince a girl she has options and therefore leisure to demand a better-than-merited Hypergamous option (i.e. apex fallacy Alphas).

Feeding the Beast

Recently Petapixel had a not-so-funny photo exposé of the dutiful Betas behind the ego-validating shots of girls on Instagram. The complicity of the average Beta male in the feeding of the female ego is never to be underestimated. Not the least of which because they are unaware of their active participation in creating a generation of woman who will have nothing to do with him while she enjoys her peak SMV years, but also to complain about his inadequacies of meeting the requirements her ego demands of men when she finds it necessary to lock down a ‘marriageable’ man. He is the architect of his own failings, but it seemed like she’d like him better if he took the Instagram shots of her at the time – the ones she would use to advertise her SMV to the Alphas who she knew were the only men worth taking a picture for.

At no other time in the history of humanity has it been easier for a woman to validate her ego or (falsely) evaluate her SMV. But that validation isn’t based on quality, but rather perceived quantity. It’s not just male attention that contributes to this. A constant chorus of ‘go grrrl’ supporters, endless Fempowerment memes and special social dispensations since before a girl enters preschool make up a far greater influences for ego-inflation than male attention. If anything girls are taught from a very early age not to value male attention (in abundance or lack) as a source of validation or confidence. This returns us to the nebulous ‘inner strength and purpose’ meme, albeit with the Strong Independent Woman® branding.

In contemporary society women’s attention and indignation needs are as ubiquitously satisfied as men’s need for sexual release (i.e. internet porn) is . This, of course, leads the larger whole of women to perceive their social and SMV status to be far greater than it actually is – and when that inflated SMV is challenged by the real world there are countless social conventions already established to insulate women and simultaneously convince men that women’s perceived status should be the fantasy they believe it is.

It’s important to keep this in mind because men’s adaptive sexual strategies key on women’s self-impressions of their SMV (and often personal worth). This then forms a cycle wherein men’s attentions for women’s inflated sense of self-worth become the benchmark for future validation of it.

Hypergamy predisposes women to evaluate male attention on various levels. The attention of random strangers offering sex to her (even if this is her imagined state) is still attention, and while not as validating as the genuine sexual interests of a guy she perceives as Alpha, it’s still contributing to her overall sense of self. The quantity of attention skews the perception of her own desirability. Women rarely complain about the attentions of ‘friend zoned’ Beta orbiters – even when they know these men are playing what they think is a worthwhile ‘long game’. What women bemoan is a lack of Alpha, Hypergamously acceptable, men’s attentions. What we hear are complaints of quality, not quantity.

Why is it that women are distressed over a deficit of “marriageable” men?

Have a read of this Brookings Institute study

This data is nothing new. Compare this to Newsweek’s 1986 survey of women’s “chances” of marrying a suitable man.

As I’ve stated many times over, Hypergamy is founded on an evolved, biological-level doubt. Doubt that a woman will ever consolidate on an optimized (better-than-SMV-merited) attachment with a Hypergamously ideal male. Doubt that the male she consolidated on is in fact the ‘best she could do’.

The primary reason the anxiety of finding a ‘marriageable man’ is persistent in women is because they believe that their due is to marry a man of “equitable” value to what they perceive themselves to be. That self-perception of value is the result of a woman’s conditioned beliefs over the course of her lifetime. The popular response to this is that women have “made themselves better than ever and it’s listless men who aren’t keeping pace” in respect to education, career advancement, etc. The evaluation of self-worth for women (at least in the sense popularized by the Feminine Imperative) is ostensibly meant to be founded on criteria for attraction which has conventionally been a standard for male to female attraction. But notice that it is once again men who must shoulder a greater burden of performance to even be considered “equitable” in self-worth to make him ‘marriageable’ for women.

The truth is that Hypergamy always seeks a better-than-deserved arrangement when it comes to the men women want to breed with and share parental investment with. The anxiety is one born of women’s doubt in their capacity to optimize Hypergamy as contrasted to what their socially-inflated egos lead them to believe they’re entitled to with men. As women’s egos and self-aggrandizement expand, so too does the expectation of entitlement to an even more aggrandized male expand. The dearth of ‘marriageable’ men is both a reflection of men’s unwillingness to participate in their own indenturing and women’s unrealistic expectations of men prompted by an unrealistically exaggerated sense of personal worth.

Again, as a solution, we have a plea from the Blue Pill world for men to Man Up and accommodate this exaggeration. Women’s ego-aggrandizement is nothing that can’t be solved by Blue Pill men’s more invested efforts in appeasing it. Almost 7 years ago Roosh wrote an essay on what he expected from women (and it’s Game implications) in the future. It turned out to be quite prophetic, but in this essay he made this prediction:

Game Plus Fame Will Be More Important Than Anything

It doesn’t have to be national fame, but you must be known for something with a reputation that precedes you. You must have a YouTube channel with millions of views. You must be a proprietor of a hipster butcher shop. You must be a popular writer, artist, or musician. You must be nightclub promoter or DJ. You must be a competitive skateboarder. Your must be the notorious editor of a cupcake newsletter. In a culture where a million people are “famous,” you’ll have to work your ass off for scraps if you’re not. Nurture your own style and niche and then leverage that to get pussy. Game will always have its use, but game plus fame will be the qualities that tomorrow’s Casanova possess. Otherwise you’ll be approaching all day and night to fuck a 6 who stops calling you after a couple bangs. You must have the complete package to get the hottest girls, with game being only the first ability of a multi-level game warrior. Guys without game will simply not get laid, not even with ugly girls.

While I would disagree with the assessment that ‘fame’ is a prerequisite element to get the lay today, I do agree with the idea that the social proof that comes with genuine ‘fame’ status is now a vital part of what makes for male attention that women perceive as validating of their egos. As Roosh implies here, that fame need not be anything more than the contextual variety, and I’d also add that the perception of fame, or even the perception of a potential for fame, is now a required element for a man women would consider ‘marriageable’.

From an Alpha Fucks, short-term, ovulatory phase Hypergamy perspective, a man can get by on Game, looks, confidence, etc., but for anything more than this men are in a competition. This is not a competition with other men per se, but with the expected entitlements women’s egos and an entire feminine social order has convinced them is men’s duty to embody for them.

In our brave new world of instant global communication, social media and the ego aggrandizing influence it has on women is exactly what anyone should expect it would be. When we look at the progress of the social and legislative repercussions that the influence of unfettered Hypergamy has had on our social order should we really be surprised that women would use social media as a vehicle for expressing and advancing their sexual strategy?

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] Of Ego and Choice […]

Augustus West
Augustus West
7 years ago

Maybe this is why I choke every new bitch a little longer than the last bitch. Ego exterminator.

BPD+work+life= broken man

7 years ago

Apropos of entitlement, one of the most common phrases on a local female-dominated bulletin board is “you deserve”. This is most commonly employed to support, encourage, and justify a female decision to divorce, break up with, or cheat on an unsatisfactory man:

“You deserve happiness! You deserve great sex! You deserve better!”

Nobody ever asks why a stranger on the internet “deserves” anything.

7 years ago

“But notice that it is once again men who must shoulder a greater burden of performance to even be considered “equitable” in self-worth to make him ‘marriageable’ for women.”

Fuck – somehow it always comes down to men’s burden of performance.

7 years ago

Some of you may think that I’m not going out and having a fun time because I don’t post too many field reports. Last Sat. I danced all night with a nursing student—early 20s and pretty. She was there with her bf and he was a chill dude. I told her about my history with nurses as soon as she told me that she was a nursing student. Droit du seigneur…the lord has rights over women I also danced with an early 20s redhead–average looks. Lots of others, too. One of the guys asked me why so many young girls… Read more »

7 years ago

Social media has turned a millennial 4 or 5 into a 7 or 8, courtesy of filters and endless photo opportunities to present an artificially-enhanced, carefully-curated online existence; bolstered by the vacuous in-group cheerleading and sassy FI bullshit courtesy of the likes of Jezebel. The 9’s and up are now social media famous for doing almost nothing, yet society rewards them via sponsorships and all manner of perk purely because of their (real or not) proportions. Of course it’s not new, as attractive women have always been privileged, but the scale and speed with which more and more women can… Read more »

7 years ago

@Fuck – somehow it always comes down to men’s burden of performance.

Good Grief, that’s A Tell about you.

Care to explain your denial, anger, bargaining or depressive attitude? And how we can help you with that?

Don’t worry, you are among empathizers and/or sympathizers.

7 years ago

Fuck, this post describes perfectly why I terminated my Facebook account. It’s just incredible how vapid the average American woman has become. What’s even more astonishing is how the GO GRRRRLs are surrounded by enabling men, often their own husbands. These men are simply cucks to their attention whoring wives and girlfriends.

Turn all that shit off, focus on your own mission, and enjoy the decline.

7 years ago

@SJF, I agree this comment by cyber is telling, but I drifted into this mindset from time to time for about 8 months last year. For me, discarding this “drudgery of performance” mindset was part of swallowing red pill- the way Rollo put it (or the way I read it) made it a challenge for me to frame what is really self improvement correctly. It takes a while to internalize that getting better is what life is all about, not just drudgery required to game girls. Being pleased by women is one of the benefits of self improvement, like spice… Read more »

Fred Flange, Stuck on the Metro
Fred Flange, Stuck on the Metro
7 years ago

The best way to take a long view of all this is to think of the internutz and all the sociable media as amplifications of what is happening in real life, in meat-world, as they say. Which doesn’t portend well for the Yugo grrlz. All this ego validation is in the service of the average coll-grad gal signaling her availability and demand for a diminishing pool of the Alpha men who are rightfully hers. In meat-world, more and more men will not be making the cut. They can’t or don’t want to. Not going all out for those big ticket… Read more »

7 years ago

When I discovered she is the most selfish egotistical woman I had ever met,and pointed out her selfish nature,this threat to her ego brought out her violent side,this was when her fragile physical self couldn’t back up her attitude,this is where the mouth overloaded the ass.

What saved the marriage was a combination of AWALT so why fantasize on a QW,at 57 why try to save another million after getting cut in half and as big as her ego is most women I meet these days have an even bigger one that is even less deserved.

7 years ago


Lolz. Strong independent women… it all comes back to sex and validation.

7 years ago

From observing all the late-30’s single women nowadays, it’s clear that women’s overblown sense of entitlement is in conflict with their subconscious mind that knows they need a man to have an exciting life (more exciting than they could ever achieve on their own). Their complaining and attention-whoring become rituals for covering up this reality.

7 years ago

If anything girls are taught from a very early age not to value male attention (in abundance or lack) as a source of validation or confidence.

If they have to be taught “not-it”, then “it” is the biological default.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

In the hunter gatherer world, especially during the last ice age, for a woman “attention” from a man meant “protein”; lack of “attention” therefore meant “hunger” and quite possibly much worse. The desire and need for attention is arguably part of the hypergamy module and so it’s wired deep into the brain. In internet world, attention is as easy to obtain as porn. Both Likes and porn provide an illusion a simulation of something desired in the real world, in meat-space, but the hindbrain has a difficult time telling the difference. It’s not quite like running a low voltage wire… Read more »

7 years ago

“It’s easy to throw red meat to the manosphere in this respect since women’s inflated egos are something most factions of the ‘sphere almost unanimously agree on….” The real tragedy Tomassi, is that what you and the others see as ego inflation is actually insecurity, fear,and weakness. The same is true of arrogant men with inflated egos, they’re weak,insecure, often bullies. You don’t fix insecurity by trying to tear women down. You also don’t fix men by trying to force women into being more submissive, because a woman cannot make herself small enough to fix a man’s broken ego. So… Read more »

Sparks Liner High
Sparks Liner High
7 years ago

If I understand this correctly, the idea is that a woman’s valuation of her SMV is dictated in large part by her perception of the number of options she believes she has in terms of mate choice. These perceived options, and not necessarily the attention she might receive on a day-to-day basis constitute a woman’s (inflated) estimation of her value. When a woman has thousands of followers on social media, what provides the ego boost is knowledge that she has a base of admirers that could potentially fulfill some aspect of her hypergamy (whether AF or BB), and not the… Read more »

7 years ago

Personally, I only mock and ridicule women in the privacy of my bedroom.

7 years ago

“You don’t fix insecurity by trying to tear women down.”

You don’t fix insecurity in women. Period. Insecurity is hard-wired into the psyche of women.

7 years ago
7 years ago

Yes, women’s ego’s are inflated and their expectations are off the charts. Especially considering what they really offer and what it costs. The cost is the issue and what must be – will be, solved. I associate with a woman….I choose to leave/she chooses to leave…l owe her nothing. Marriage. Marriage ends I am entitled to 50% custody of the children. No alimony. No child support – CS is what I spend on my children when they are with me. I keep what is mine. The future is not the past. The past is a ‘Leave it to Beaver’ world… Read more »

Robert Kozanis
Robert Kozanis
7 years ago

For guys it all boils down to 3 basic components: 1- self-improvement, ( gym time, career, nice clothes/good grooming, education/training/reading, etc), 2- Game, ( read as many of the manosphere authors as you can),and finally, put yourself out there and, 3- Approach-approach-approach!! Do this every day for 1-2 years. You WILL be successful. That is the key to pussy in 3 simple steps!

7 years ago


WTF can’t I edit a post?

7 years ago

“That is the key to pussy in 3 simple steps!”

Getting laid is easy peasy. If this is just a PUA site, then I apologize.

7 years ago

“The real tragedy Tomassi, is that what you and the others see as ego inflation is actually insecurity, fear,and weakness. The same is true of arrogant men with inflated egos, they’re weak,insecure, often bullies. You don’t fix insecurity by trying to tear women down. You also don’t fix men by trying to force women into being more submissive, because a woman cannot make herself small enough to fix a man’s broken ego. So what happens in the ‘sphere is often this dark, ugly thing, where the only way men know to try and feel better about themselves is to spend… Read more »

Sparks Liner High
Sparks Liner High
7 years ago

If I understand this correctly, the idea is that a woman’s valuation of her SMV is dictated in large part by her perception of the number of options she believes she has in terms of mate choice. These perceived options, and not necessarily the attention she might receive on a day-to-day basis constitute a woman’s (inflated) estimation of her value. When a woman has thousands of followers on social media, what provides the ego boost is knowledge that she has a base of admirers that could potentially fulfill some aspect of her hypergamy (whether AF or BB), and not the… Read more »

7 years ago

@SJF I realise the comment comes off as me still being in anger mode, and I will admit that there is probably a tiny bit of that. What I didn’t say in my flippant remark was that linking the theme of the article, the overabundance of ego amongst young women, with the Burden of Performance was such a brilliant connection for Rollo to make. I never would have thought about it from that angle. First (now second) comment to the blog after reading for a couple of years now. You guys rock, and the comments here are so interesting to… Read more »

7 years ago

“The closer you get to the truth,…”

What truth would that be, Tomassi? This truth? “Maybe this is why I choke every new bitch a little longer than the last bitch.”

Bitch thinks too highly of herself, just choke the crap out of her. If her ego investments get you down, just leave her in a shallow grave somewhere. Women aren’t worth crap, just parasites out to harvest your organs. Use them and throw them away like the trash they are.

That’s the fruit of your “truth,” Tomassi.

7 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

“You know, after a certain age the DMV suspends driving privileges for the elderly. I think something similar might be in order for the Internet.” LOL! Well Tomassi, I’m only a few years older than you, so you might want to rethink that. Getting older is delightful or at least it is in my case. I have a husband, children, grand children, and the power to still turn a few heads… at least in the nursing home. That’s not ego Tomassi, it’s part of the Divine tango between men and women, one of life’s great joys. Not something one should… Read more »

Fred Flange, In livid stereo
Fred Flange, In livid stereo
7 years ago

Oh jeez we in deep shit now, it’s time for us all to be put in internutz jail because of that first troll comment from an entity calling itself Augustus West. What’s his provenance? Or should I say hers? 4chan troll school 101: plant an offensive comment which is then used to show AMALT and that every reader is a hater Looozer. Who would do such a thing?

Come on back “Augustus.” Show yourself. Or are you really Dr. Dre? “Bitches ain’t shit but ho’s and tricks”?

(That’s a quote from The Chronic if you’re playing at home).

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
7 years ago

That’s true. Attention from men women deem undesirable is still attention that is desired. It’s if the man actually tries approaching is when the attention becomes undesirable.
All the tights and yoga pants girls are wearing now, if they can get head turns and looks from the least desirable man they’ve accomplished their mission. Long as he doesn’t actually say anything to her.

7 years ago

@CyberChutney The burden of performance is very anger producing, but it doesn’t have to be. The best way I can describe Burden of Performance is to find Mastery in lowering hurdles to performance. If you perceive the hurdle to be high, it will be. If your perceive the hurdle to be low, it will be. The trick is to practice and get talent. I’m amazed at hobbies I’ve done before used to be so ritualized and approached like I was walking up to an alter in church. Ten fifteen years ago I used to make homemade soap. You know, like… Read more »

7 years ago

The only post out of 27 or so that she’s addressing directly
and still thinking about (pant, pant) is noteworthy.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Rollo posts on ego, and choice, and attention whoring.
Soon an aging, post menopausal, 2nd stage, bitter, misandric, hate-filled, lying feminist shows up and demands attention.

Lurkers, Rollo lets some women post here because they prove his points so very well.

7 years ago

“Bitch thinks too highly of herself, just choke the crap out of her. If her ego investments get you down, just leave her in a shallow grave somewhere. Women aren’t worth crap, just parasites out to harvest your organs. Use them and throw them away like the trash they are.”

@insanitybytes22 you are jumping to some conclusions there… nobody on this blog advocates for what you are positing. Those ideas are yours.

7 years ago

“Oh jeez we in deep shit now, it’s time for us all to be put in internutz jail because of that first troll comment from an entity calling itself Augustus West. Priceless comment which is funny because it tells of truth: She has her head so far up her sisterhood non-feminist churchian movement (in truth she only advocates for herself) that she will swear upon her last box of whine (she claims she doesn’t drink or like wine, so it must be vodka) that Augustus’ comment wasn’t drive by trolling. Or AMOGing Fleezer style (no offense fleezer I like you… Read more »

7 years ago

Ego is the enemy

7 years ago

Be the guy who defies the temptation to feed her ego…women want to earn your attention and don’t value what comes easily…they want to be lead but want the feeling of chosing…. I’m having a very tough time dealing with a betrayal. Publicly I’m happy go lucky but inside the last few weeks have been tough. I learned one of my plates was triangulating our relationship by hitting on my friends and not telling them about us. It’s impacted my friendships with these guys because I don’t want TL appear to be mateguarding and besides if a girl hits on… Read more »

7 years ago

I believe there are parallels between this essay and Rollos essay “the invisibles” being that girls only notice the top 10-20% of men, the rest literally don’t exist in the dating market. It’s why you will hear them scream ” but everybody was doing it ( hooking up in hs/college) because everybody “that mattered” WAS doing it. The 80% of guys and 20% of girls that didn’t /or rarely hooked up (the invisibles) are just that, she believes “everybody” was doing it because she doesn’t even see them or their suffering. She sees Chads getting lots of attention ( more… Read more »

7 years ago

The thing about entitlement that gets my goat is that post wall women expect the same level of commitment and provisioning as a virgin wife or a lifelong partner with a shared life and children. There’s an intrinsic psychology of law of diminishing returns in men concerning sexing up post wall women. There’s just no desire to put in the effort for used goods. Why should I pay full price for bruised fruit? There’s a reason pounds give away mature animals for free or why retreads don’t cost full price. And yet the entitlement remains, they’re ‘at their best’, they… Read more »

7 years ago

@ johnycomelately You are of course correct post wall sluts with baggage mistakenly believe that they should be valued in the dating market like chaste virgins for her “other qualities”. Many women end up single bitter and alone because they believe that the men that they can fuck and the ones they can marry are one and the same, and if they didn’t get commitment from the Alpha of their dreams then it’s somebody else’s fault. I’m 49 and i will plate the occasional over 40’s cougar if she still looks good and passes the boner test. About 4 years… Read more »

7 years ago

A few thoughts… 1. Ya, the girls are getting themselves fluffed up, but as Rollo points out this is largely for intra-sexual competition. Social media opens up a completely new front in the crab bucket battles. Now you get it all in writing and preserved for public display. In the past a girl would have to orchestrate real people etc to have it heard and gain cred. Now she can be lying in her bed in smelly sweatpants, eating Cheetos and still get the social proof and leverage. She has the evidence now… 2. But also remember how ephemeral and… Read more »

7 years ago

Re: @SJF and other’s comments on the burden of performance. Get this: If the “burden of performance” shows up as a downer or a problem, you are likely still Blue Pilling a bit. You aren’t trying to get anywhere as where you are right now if just fine – if you fully digest the Red Pill. You aren’t trying to win for status or ego payoffs, rather, you do what pleases you now, not what you are supposed to be doing. As I’ve finally become my own MPO, a lot is changing for me. I ran away to the woods… Read more »

7 years ago

scribblerg “Get this: If the “burden of performance” shows up as a downer or a problem, you are likely still Blue Pilling a bit. You aren’t trying to get anywhere as where you are right now if just fine – if you fully digest the Red Pill. You aren’t trying to win for status or ego payoffs, rather, you do what pleases you now, not what you are supposed to be doing. As I’ve finally become my own MPO, a lot is changing for me. I ran away to the woods of NH for reasons that I didn’t fully understand.… Read more »

Augustus West
Augustus West
7 years ago

Shallow grave insanitybytes? Organ harvesting? How can anyone be in a grave when they keep ringing my bell for the same medicine. You’re sick, but if you’re cute then I’ll let you come over and show you what it’s all about. Hater loozer Fred? You don’t understand, but your woman probably wants you to. Trolling, not trolling.. should I have spent 8 years studying philosophy and laying down articulate arguments to comment on a blog. At least I’m not writing self congratulatory “game reports”. Does anyone want to hear about a guy dancing with a nurse, or sitting in a… Read more »

7 years ago

So it would seem logical to deduct that attention is valuable only when received from Chad/Alpha/lesser Alphas and the rest (Beta downwards) attention is just background noise and annoying. To today’s hb5+ women, Beta attention is like space trash you are the equivalent of an old satellite orbiting the earth with its batteries down to 5%, your signals will never penetrate HER Atmosphere. @Play — Yes, on an individual basis this is certainly true. However, when it comes to social media, I think it’s a bit different due to the scaling effect. So, say, an instragram hottie. Would she prefer… Read more »

7 years ago
7 years ago

Hmmm something seems amiss — looks like a comment got dropped or is in moderation for some reason.

7 years ago

Re: Augustus – Typical pseudo-intellectual, saying mostly nothing, his commentary more focused on style than substance. And the faux pose of being above us all, and not possessing the time or inclination to show we are all just acting out of something he sees that we are not aware of is just so precious. Great content for us to work with, Augustus – thanks/no thanks. Buffers are just funny to me now. It was a huge blind spot for me for a long time. I didn’t realize how they operated to preserve my identity by protecting my ego. And certainly,… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  scribblerg

@Scribblerg: Looks to me like Augustus is struggling with the ‘blue pill dreams-red pill reality’ part of his existence😁

Augustus West
Augustus West
7 years ago

Scribbles- I see you as douchebag. Nice fancy words though, gives me a big big boner.

7 years ago

“Typical pseudo-intellectual, saying mostly nothing, his commentary more focused on style than substance.”

This must’ve been the deleted piece?
‘Hater looser” “attention faggots” and so forth aren’t exactly liquid prose.

7 years ago

@ ScribblerG Good call on Augustus. His screed about the other commenters is analogous to wanting to punch one of us in the face in real life. That would give him a temporary “release” “And certainly, playing the world weary, philosopher-king is a large bore buffer.” And This! This is so important. Last October I was cruising along very well just before the holiday season. Then I had a little mental setback when I had to have a rather significant surgery (which after time and distance was no big deal at all, and I’m no worse for the wear). But… Read more »

7 years ago

“4chan troll school 101: plant an offensive comment which is then used to show AMALT and that every reader is a hater Looozer….” No, that comment is pretty consistent with what I often read here. I’m not jumping to any conclusions,the dark and ugly is alive and well at Tomassi’s. I often want to say the same thing to you guys that I say to fems, “Are you ever going to get over your man issues and start enjoying life? Laugh a little, have some fun?” Life is short and all that negativity just robs you of your joy. A… Read more »

7 years ago

Most women will s-test you in some way within 24 hours of meeting you, regardless of situation, dating or otherwise. Key = don’t put up with it from the get go. Either she falls in line or you cut her loose. Women need game too…to deal with other women.

You miss me 😏

7 years ago


Bitch thinks too highly of herself, just choke the crap out of her.

Choking is about sexual pleasure during sex. What scrib wrote had nothing to do with what you said.

You are projecting your solipsistic experience from abuse shelters onto scrib’s comment.

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
7 years ago

Cool title picture. Guy’s website has some nice graphics.
But just had idea of tile picture should’ve been a girl, face buried in cell phone while eating a bowl full of likes.

7 years ago

@insanity I’m not jumping to any conclusions,the dark and ugly is alive and well at Tomassi’s. Well, you’re here, soooo… You really set yourself up for that one, lol. No doubt that a few men here have flirted with being a little bit over the line. However, men tend to protect women, so even those men likely protect women far more than they injure them (e.g., a bitch slap that leaves a bruise which quickly heals). Lots of women have also been a little bit way over the line as well (e.g., using the authorities to bully their men 50%… Read more »

7 years ago

— those good-looking bucks in your freezer?

7 years ago

@Kate You’re a dear Shit tests don’t bother me…they just indicate women’s acknowledgment that I’m a man and they want to test my mettle…men throw dominance tests at me as well…it’s part of being a man…you get tested. Of course, when women do it, sex is in view, no matter how remote or camouflaged. @Cyber If you get a woman doctor or any female medical professional to act inappropriately at the work place, you risk their employment…be VERY careful doing that shit…it must be well camouflaged with plenty of room for plausible denial and must be open to public scrutiny… Read more »

7 years ago

So it would seem logical to deduct that attention is valuable only when received from Chad/Alpha/lesser Alphas and the rest (Beta downwards) attention is just background noise and annoying. @Play — Yes, on an individual basis this is certainly true. However, when it comes to social media, I think it’s a bit different due to the scaling effect. So, say, an instragram hottie. Would she prefer to have 10,000 likes, knowing most of those are from worthless, thirsty betas, or 5 likes, knowing those are from alphas, the rest of whom aren’t wasting their time looking at girls on IG?… Read more »

7 years ago

I’ve noticed that I get more casual attention/IOIs from pretty girls in their late teens and early twenties than I do from mediocre looking late twenties/thirties/forties women. I’m late forties myself and find it curious that women that could be my daughters are more likely to be checking me out in the gym, or lingering at my table after dropping off drinks/food, than women who are supposedly age-appropriate for me. Is it because those older women are suffering from false ego boosts and consider me unworthy, or do they realize they’re not able to compete with the younger girls where… Read more »

7 years ago

@SJB In nine years I have only harvested seven antler-less deer. I passed on a beautiful 2 1/2 year old six point once at 40 yards with a firearm because I didn’t want to settle for less than a 3 1/2 year old eight point. And I have what I call a doe sink. The habitat is too good. With cover food, water and bedding surrounded by Ag(riculture) Land. I saw 40 deer one year (in one morning, and 30 were within shooting distance) while on stand hunting for bucks with a firearm, but there were no shooters. But my… Read more »

7 years ago

“You don’t fix insecurity by trying to tear women down. You also don’t fix men by trying to force women into being more submissive, because a woman cannot make herself small enough to fix a man’s broken ego.” This isn’t men vs. women. You’re taking this personally, because IB ego is getting in the way. Female ego is miles wide but an inch deep. Any decent level of game can discombobulate any woman, she wants the whipsaw, too. Stasis is uncomfortable for any woman. Female insecurity is a protective mechanism, a security blanket, a feature. She gets off on it,… Read more »

7 years ago

“You don’t fix insecurity by trying to tear women down. You also don’t fix men by trying to force women into being more submissive, because a woman cannot make herself small enough to fix a man’s broken ego.” This isn’t men vs. women. You’re taking this personally, because IB ego is getting in the way. Female ego is miles wide but an inch deep. Any decent level of game can discombobulate any woman, she wants the whipsaw, too. Stasis is uncomfortable for any woman. Female insecurity is a protective mechanism, a security blanket, a feature. She gets off on it,… Read more »

7 years ago

@Leiff: ” . . . women who are supposedly age-appropriate for me.”

Women who are age appropriate for you are 20 +/-4, with whatever necessary adjustments for local law. However much women may push a different agenda to realize their long term sexual strategy, women know this.

7 years ago


Is it because those older women are suffering from false ego boosts and consider me unworthy, or do they realize they’re not able to compete with the younger girls where I’m concerned.

It’s the latter… women have buffers too…

7 years ago

Organized patriarchal civilization is based on a foundational contract between the genders. Man offers woman and future offspring resources in exchange for sex,while woman gets money and providorship both financial and social in trade of offering sex. In the modern matriarchy this is totally void.Women get resources in exchange for literally existing. I remember a college plate bragging about receiving three free tires and complimentary alignment when a random dude stopped to fix her flat on the roadside. He towed her to a shop for fixing the first tire and then offered the deal on the other three. On and… Read more »

7 years ago


Wala – re “rivals”…^^^^ You might try an experiment… demonstrate your mastery over the guys and this girl… have her chase you… bring her to heel… then toss her aside.

7 years ago

“What’s wrong with warming a few hearts? . . . I don’t see much of that here . . .”

Heisenberg Effect.

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
7 years ago

IB injects this odd concept. She seems to think that a rabid ego and massive insecurity can’t exist at the same time inside of the same crazy little marble.

7 years ago

“IB injects this odd concept. She seems to think that a rabid ego and massive insecurity can’t exist at the same time inside of the same crazy little marble.”

No, I totally believe they go hand in hand. That is the very nature of bullies, rabid ego masking deep seated insecurities.

Fred Flange, sporting travel ray-bans
Fred Flange, sporting travel ray-bans
7 years ago

@Augustus Thanks for the troll-tell, Ms. West. Or is it Mz. West in zis/zir altered flesh? Or is it the return of Vanir #6SJ7GT? Most obvious troll-tell: Joke ’em if they can’t take a fuck. Flail about with a pitcher full of haterade to try and get a rise. Yes I am a gentleman of leisure, that’s why I’m posting on an all-male-cast message board. Here’s proof, look at my beret and my snifter of amber liquid. Time to make a withdrawal out of that baby’s ATM holding an apple. (my mistype of “baby’s arm holding an apple”) “I got… Read more »

7 years ago

This was funny, Tomassi, “If anything girls are taught from a very early age not to value male attention (in abundance or lack) as a source of validation or confidence.” No, not really. Biology is powerful stuff. You can’t really unteach it. The world is a harsh place for girls, and the world of women is far uglier still, so without fail women and girls are going to turn towards male attention for validation and confidence. Even the most rabid feminist, what is she doing? Seeking male attention, resenting male attention, trying to punish men for male attention. If she… Read more »

7 years ago

Grandkids at daycare? Water aerobics over so soon?

Mrs. EhIntellect understands this: TRM is by and for men. She doesn’t try to understand it as a man. Why must you? Oh, right. Solipsism.


“That is the very nature of bullies…”

Don’t hit me, I’m a girl! Now bow down to the inexorable FI…


7 years ago

“What is it with Tomassi and Amazonian tree frogs?”

Indeed, I’m terribly interested in your opinion of Amazonian tree frogs, Tomassi. You should take that as a great compliment. Not everyone is worthy of my blog stalking abilities, you know. There are several people I completely dismiss as having no redeeming qualities at all.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

I believe there are parallels between this essay and Rollos essay “the invisibles” being that girls only notice the top 10-20% of men, the rest literally don’t exist in the dating market.

Apex fallacy, in short.

The 80/20 rule is documented thanks to the founders of OKCupid and their big data. This reality is why I scoff at little “Marko”, who claimed in an earlier thread some nonsense about what 20-something men do in the way of sex. Women make the most astoundingly false statements because of the warped view of the world they live inside of.

7 years ago

“There are several people I completely dismiss as having no redeeming qualities at all.”

How Christian of you. Peace be with you too.

7 years ago

@ Novaseeker Great analysis of social media attention whoreing. I hadn’t thought about it in that way but it makes perfect sense. For IG hotties like Jen Selter ( I remember Joe Rogan podcast saying 8M guys a day look at pics of her ass) there is the obvious financialisation of it, rare as it may be at that level. Down to girls in high school using likes to compete with each other in the social hierarchy. It’s different than getting attention from a man that she perceives to be high SMV for dating purposes but for girl-world infighting you… Read more »

Fred Flange, in livid stereo
Fred Flange, in livid stereo
7 years ago

Some obvious troll-tells from Mz. Augustus West in all zis/zir glory: Spot the catty references to dick size and me not having a special gal. Ohh noes, poor me. Poor me. POUR ME ANOTHER DRINK! Yeah that’ll get a “Rise” out of us. Or make us do a withdrawal out of the Baby’s ATM Holding An Apple. (my mistype of baby’s arm holding an apple) “No it never had a nickname. But I did measure it once…or twice…” – The Wild Seeds, “I Can’t Rock You All Night Long” Is this the return of Vanir #6SJ7GT? Other troll-tell: joke ‘em… Read more »

7 years ago


7 years ago

@Rollo, Shit’s getting old! Ban that bitch! Let her complain at the bingo hall.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Bites Even the most rabid feminist, what is she doing? Seeking male attention, resenting male attention, trying to punish men for male attention. If she wasn’t absolutely starved for male attention, she’d simply withdraw somewhere. Oh, the irony. Attention whore writes about attention whoring with zero self awareness in an attention whoring, “loook at ME” manner; once again illustrating exactly what Rollo is writing about. Girls gonna girl, even the old, dried up, aging, post-menopausal, hate-filled ones. Lurkers take note how Bites keeps running her Rolodex here; “Oh, violence! Ah’m gonna faint!” and “you bad boys better mind or you’ll… Read more »

7 years ago

There are several people I completely dismiss as having no redeeming qualities at all.


7 years ago

Never mind Tomassi, I’ll just go with my first instinct. You have no redeeming qualities. You really are nothing more than an insecure, broken man, who advocates and validates abuse because you’re trapped in sister in law rage, impotent, powerless, unable to reconcile her hyper religiosity with her cruel behavior.

And misery does just love it’s own company. Carry on gentlemen.

7 years ago

Exactly Spot-On.

One knows so because of the rabidity of counter-response generated, so that:
Insanitybytes here precisely demonstrates the Tomassi Hypothesis of over self-valuation.


7 years ago

@ IB

How so? This is a successful man who gives his time here for free and refuses to monetise a very successful blog.

He has helped pull back many men from despair and potential suicide and produces books that have helped many others that are at a price point that suggests profit is not a motive.

He also rescues greyhounds.

How exactly does such a man have no redeeming qualities?

Can you list your redeeming qualities? What have you done/achieved ?

7 years ago

“Maybe this is why I choke every new bitch a little longer than the last bitch. Ego exterminator.” bs for two reasons. 1. choking times are decided on a woman by woman basis. awalt, but no two fucks are the same. 2. good sex isn’t an ego exterminator. it’s an ego validator. she knows she’s worth a good hard fuck and that you’re enjoying it. she’s getting the most valuable things you have – your time and attention and your seed my screening process is becoming more and more direct. a few things I’ve noticed regarding attractive women playing the… Read more »

7 years ago

OP on the IB

“As women’s egos and self-aggrandizement expand, so too does the expectation of entitlement…”

“…as a solution, we have a plea from the Blue Pill world for men to Man Up and accommodate this exaggeration.”

Nothing Rollo, TRM or men satisfies the IB hatred. She labors for Feminism; All else is ornamental, a ruse, lame rhetoric.

What has she done? Create a persona of permanent indignation.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

Indeed, I’m terribly interested in your opinion of Amazonian tree frogs, Tomassi. You should take that as a great compliment. Not everyone is worthy of my blog stalking abilities, you know. There are several people I completely dismiss as having no redeeming qualities at all.

2.5 hours later…

Never mind Tomassi, I’ll just go with my first instinct. You have no redeeming qualities.

The betting window is now open…

7 years ago

“We both go back through five and a half years of comments here. You pull as many ‘evil women’ comments as you can and I’ll pull as many “thank God for Rollo’s work, it saved my life!” comments as I can, then we’ll see which outweighs the other. Deal?” There’s a heroin dealer not far from here, you wouldn’t believe how many lives he saves,how grateful people are to see him, how he’s their man. No deal Tomassi, because you’ve got men right here,right now, talking about the choking women, as if that is the most natural thing in the… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

Show me you have the same love for your sisters that I have for my brothers, Tomassi. All else is just a feeble attempt at distraction.

7 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

“I show them love by holding up a mirror. I can’t make them look, I can’t make them feel good about it….” Should I do the same for my brothers? Should I hold a mirror up for the pedophiles, the batterers, the child abusers? No Tomassi, that’s not love. Love is when you can look at people and see them as they really are, and love them anyway, warts and all. Love is when you can see their higher selves, their potential, and you treat them as if they were already there. Love is when you hold up that mirror… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Lost Patrol

The betting window is now open…

Difficult to come up with odds. Sometimes a Bites “I am leaving!” flounce lasts for a day, sometimes longer. I think it depends on how much of a tounge bath she’s getting from her orbiters on her site plus whatever validation she gets in real life.

She’s oscillated between sticky-sweet churchianism and doom-on-you feminism in only a few hours, so maybe she’s just not getting It in real life right now.

I’d say she’ll be back before midnight. Thus proving once again how right Red Pill thinking is.

7 years ago

IB clearly wants you to choke her Rollo.

7 years ago

She’s been fantasising about if for so long now!

Can’t you ask the wife for a hall pass Rollo?

Do us all a big favour. Sometimes you need to take one for the team.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Show me you have the same love for your sisters that I do for my brothers

The brothers slowly converting to a bad smell in the attic? Those brothers, dearie?
By the way, didn’t you just flounce your petticoats out of here less than 30 min. ago?

They can’t stay away Rollo. They just can’t stay away.

7 years ago


Show me you have the same love for your sisters that I have for my brothers, Tomassi. All else is just a feeble attempt at distraction.

Show me how your comment will save the starving children in Ethiopia.

7 years ago


To be fair, for 4 years I have kept an email box dedicated for saving personal emails from guys who’ve told me (in great detail) how they’ve turned their lives around because of my two books and blog, so I may be at an advantage to start with.

I want insanity to stay on topic and quit distracting.

I doubt very much that insanity has more than one or two emails from the sistahs thanking her for saving their lives with her blog.

7 years ago

@Rollo, imagine the image for this post slightly altered as follows:

The box is a TRM box. The hands holding the TRM box are IB’s wrinkled hands, and the things coming out of them are thumbs down bits. Imagine one male dog named Rollo that DECIDES he must eat his ego bits and bark disapprovingly so that maybe IB will feed him something different one day. But the dog forgets he owns the house and could bite the hand that feeds him.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

I want insanity to stay on topic and quit distracting.

Sure, with a plate of fried ice on the side?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago


Obviously she’s not only a quality woman Quality Woman but also a lady M’Lady

Fixed that right up for you.

I have no opinion on the word “poo”, however.

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