Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] The Awareness […]

7 years ago

Great post. This Red Pill awareness is something I stop to think about in every interaction. I just texted a girl I banged: “I have a surprise for you…” Her reaction was: “Looking forward to it…” I had to then analyze, and re-analyze….”Was I being beta?” “Was I trying too hard?” “Is this too much of a people pleasing text???” The point is I may in fact be over-thinking it because that whole Red Pill transition even after 7 years is still not yet complete. The years of Blue Pill conditioning, the co-dependency, the anxiety are still challenges. I still… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

A good read generally but the end about how to keep fortune is funny:

7 years ago

I will never watch a movie about men’s rights made by a woman. And I call anyone who donated money to it instead of men who are in actual need a piece of shit. How many fathers are going without dental work because they’re paying ridiculous amounts of child support. How many dads didn’t vote this election to stay off the grid? How many are living in dumps while their children feel poor unless they have the latest smart phone? The money that “men” donated to that self-promoting hag could probably have settled countless custody cases. Or, hey, given men… Read more »

Joe K
Joe K
7 years ago

The lady in red is unattainable. The loyal wife is a fiction. The ride or die woman will hop off the bitch-seat at the next gas station. Because the gas in your tank will run out. You will need to refuel. And other thirsty men will await you there- with hungry eyes, muscles bulging, out numbering you. The war bride is also a lot lizard. The lot lizard is also your bride, in your human moment. Don’t be imperfect, ever. If your BOP falters for a nano second, it’ll mean it was all your fault anyway. But try living this… Read more »

7 years ago

@Rollo “The Red Pill was always about intersexual dynamics from as far back as I’ve been familiar with it.” Thanks I thought I was the only one. A lot of people confuse it with a mix of a mens rights movement , MGTOW and “masculine self improvement” . “A popular misconception about the Red Pill – the popularized notion of it, not the actual praxeology – is that it makes men misogynists or it’s inherently negative, or it’s function is ‘truthful anger’.” The confusion about what red pill conveniently allows this obscured view of it. Since most popular Manosphere and… Read more »

Ang Aamer
7 years ago

I have thought long and hard about the “Red Pill but not Jerk” issue. Ultimately I have realized that Red Pill is only placing the man’s needs first. AND centering his actions around his needs. As a father of both boys and girls I want to be nice and say that females have an existence outside of men’s needs for procreation. BUT… BUT the reality is that women are here for the purpose of birthing babies. The other activities a woman has in her life are merely anecdotes to that reality. A man is not a Jerk to realize he… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Joe K, read this article and see if you can locate yourself.

ShanksNes (@ShanksNes)

Various rebranding attempts that i’ve observed :-

1. Alt Right / Trump Supporter
2. Christian Conservatism / Family values / Traditional Patriachy
3. Red pill women (oxymoronic?)
4. Men’s rights
5. Misogynist

The red flags that i watch out for are moralizing and game-denialism.

7 years ago

Once again that’s why I’ll say I like the rational male because its a look into the red pill that’s not* biased towards misogyny.

Huehuehue earlier typo……….. I should proof read one of these days

dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

@JoeK – My mom found a wild half-starved kitten once and brought it in. Thus far, its life had obviously been hardscrabble and cutthroat because even at about 8 weeks old the little fucker was always bowed up, hissing, fangs and claws at anything and everything. When we tried to feed it, it was very aggressive and didn’t hesitate to claim and take every bit even from the much larger adult cats. Two pieces of food fall about 8 inches apart on the floor. The kitten rushes over and places one paw on each piece so that its arms are… Read more »

7 years ago

As long as we have people like you,the core meaning of TRP philosophy will remain untainted.
But unfortunately,i can see how ‘re-branding’/trademark could stray away many potential individuals from TRP.
Blue pilled men,can now hamster and excuse their way out of a hard but potentially beneficial truth,with the help and comfort of a dilluted but easier to digest RP.
The difference now is that BP man have to smash their face one more time and go deeper.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Rollo ” Anyone versed in The Red Pill praxeology understands just how Blue Pill Todd’s assertions here are (get a pre nup). ” mersonia I mean if you want kids that seems to be the idea. No. Just no. Prenups can’t say anything about child custody, as has been explained by multiple men including at least one lawyer. Furthermore, prenups can protect wealth but not income. So a billionaire could make sure his Sun Valley house is in his name, while allowing a different house in his bride’s name. Joe Accountant can’t do that, because he only has one house,… Read more »

7 years ago

The loyal wife is a fiction.

All bow before @Joe K, the Omniscient. lol

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Ang Amer What purple pill men REALLY want is to be men but still have women give them good press (good press without shaming by older women). I believe that ultimately a man must DECIDE which constituency he wants to court – Fertile Jerk loving young women, or Infertile Wimp loving older women. That’s interesting. For sure, the purple pill is an attempt to have the Red PIll cake and still appease women. This is why it must always fail, obviously. However, I dunno about that older women / younger women dichotomy, women’s ingroup preference applies across age ranges. Of… Read more »

7 years ago

@Anon Read “No. Just no. Prenups can’t say anything about child custody, as has been explained by multiple men including at least one lawyer. Furthermore, prenups can protect wealth but not income. So a billionaire could make sure his Sun Valley house is in his name, while allowing a different house in his bride’s name. Joe Accountant can’t do that, because he only has one house, and it’s most likely going to be part of the joint assets depending on state.” Prenup better than no Prenup bud bud. There be more joes than just joe accountant and joe plumber buddy.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

mersonia Prenup better than no Prenup bud bud. Prove it. Or even demonstrate it. There be more joes than just joe accountant and joe plumber buddy. It’s like a broken condom better than nothing lol How? Explain in detail how a prenup will do anything for an ordinary middle class man, whose total wealth consists of a 401K, maybe a pension plan, a mortgaged house with stuff inside it, and a couple of cars. “I can agree with Rollo that for RSD Todd to just casually drop “Have a prenup” into a video is ignorant. Furthermore it’s really, horribly ignorant,… Read more »

7 years ago

Anonymous Reader

Give me one reason a man whos going to do walk into a marriage ( why lol) shouldn’t get a prenup.

Explain in detail how getting an prenup will be detrimental for an ordinary middle class man, whose total wealth consists of a 401K, maybe a pension plan, a mortgaged house with stuff inside it, and a couple of cars.

“Furthermore it’s really, horribly ignorant, because it sends men down the AFC path.”


7 years ago

But try living this way ‘forever’ with a hot white western chick currently under 28-29 years old. I. Does she do GNO? Is there any ancient wisdom that speaks to this? And behold, a woman comes to meet him, Dressed as a harlot and cunning of heart. She is boisterous and rebellious, Her feet do not remain at home; [GNO, anyone?] She is now in the streets, now in the squares, And lurks by every corner. Prov. 7:10-12, New American Standard Bible Ditch a girl who does GNO. II. Women entice men on facebook and cell phones. Again, we ask,… Read more »

7 years ago


7 years ago

@Joe K(er) You are confused, angry and unobservant. Your exhortations about red pill guys (like me) being purple pill are just trolling. You don’t actually read Rollo do you. If you did you can see this original post is a synthesis of over 500 essays and fifteen years of his writing. And it is actually not designed to be negative. Just truth by deduction. “The need of man to have a mission is a pre fab construct. ” Damn right its a pre-fab construct. By 50,000 years of the evolution of the firmware that makes up males. That is how… Read more »

7 years ago

Nice perspective Rollo. What I’ve witnessed is that not only will women try and abscond with Red Pill, but that many men ( outside of marketeers ) either do one of two things: they take The red Pill like a shotgun blast to the head, or they go overboard into misogyny and/or nihilism. The stages or unplugging for some appear to go on and on and on….for an inordinate amount of time. This stuff is hard enough for many to grasp and deal with, and it’d be a real shame if any group of men only saw it as a… Read more »

7 years ago

“No one’s wasting time. They are only for apex red pill men. Move along on that thought.”

comment image

Tell me more about this apex red pill man who engages in an LTR .

“They don’t work for 1st marriages. Paradoxically, the better the marriage (length, child rearing and financial success) the less they are worth anything.

They are designed for third marriages.”

…..That’s the point.

7 years ago

“Explain in detail how getting an prenup will be detrimental for an ordinary middle class man, whose total wealth consists of a 401K, maybe a pension plan, a mortgaged house with stuff inside it, and a couple of cars.” Honest question: If the daughter of Rollo Tomassi, SJF, Blaximus, or Sentient came home one day and said: “Dad, I want to marry this guy and he asked me to sign a Pre-Nuptual agreement.” What message does that say about the prospective son-in-law. Does that sound legit to the wives of any of these fathers. Fucking weak-assed non-committed loser–that’s what. My… Read more »

7 years ago

Joe K is still in the anger stages of unplugging.

“Unattainable” is not in a Red Pill guys vocabulary because his frame is always about him being the prize.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Give me one reason a man whos going to do walk into a marriage ( why lol) shouldn’t get a prenup.

No problem, it’s a waste of money unless he’s got serious wealth. Done.

Now your turn, I asked you to prove or demonstrate something, can’t you do it?

7 years ago

“Tell me more about this apex red pill man who engages in an LTR .” You don’t read the (frequent) OMG commenters over the last two years much, right? How unhappy are those guys consistently and authentically sounding? How much whining are these guys doing about Red Pill realities? Is Red Pill Awareness a positive or negative thing? Are you happy? Do you have agency and real power? If not what are you going to do about it? It has nothing to do with prescribing a platform for another man’s sexual strategy, his relationship strategy, or his child bearing strategy.… Read more »

7 years ago

@SJF “Honest question: If the daughter of Rollo Tomassi, SJF, Blaximus, or Sentient came home one day and said: “Dad, I want to marry this guy and he asked me to sign a Pre-Nuptual agreement.” “What message does that say about the prospective son-in-law. Does that sound legit to the wives of any of these fathers. Fucking weak-assed non-committed loser–that’s what. My answer would be thank you for having one foot out the door, but no thank you.” Its going to be a sad day when she says ” Dad I respect your decision but I “LOVE” him and I’m… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Joe K… The lady in red is unattainable. The loyal wife is a fiction. The ride or die woman will hop off the bitch-seat at the next gas station. Because the gas in your tank will run out. You will need to refuel. And other thirsty men will await you there- with hungry eyes, muscles bulging, out numbering you. The war bride is also a lot lizard. The lot lizard is also your bride, in your human moment. Don’t be imperfect, ever. If your BOP falters for a nano second, it’ll mean it was all your fault anyway. But… Read more »

7 years ago

Praxeology? Wow, that means that the Red Pill is the second branch of praxeology to be developed! What took so long? 🙂

7 years ago

@SJF “You don’t read the (frequent) OMG commenters over the last two years much, right? How unhappy are those guys consistently and authentically sounding? How much whining are these guys doing about Red Pill realities?” Don’t consider anyone here a Apex Red Pill individual “Is Red Pill Awareness a positive or negative thing?” Depends on the individual . Understanding Objective Reality is Amazing in my opinion. Ignoring it also amazing in my opinion. “It has nothing to do with prescribing a platform for another man’s sexual strategy, his relationship strategy, or his child bearing strategy. What do you not understand… Read more »

7 years ago

“Prenup better than no Prenup bud bud.”

Having a prenup is pretty much useless. Having a prenup and thinking it actually means shit is pretty much a disaster.

7 years ago


“Having a prenup is pretty much useless. Having a prenup and thinking it actually means shit is pretty much a disaster.”

sums up marriage

7 years ago

@mersonia Though Disgruntled earthling disagrees with me and believes that Red Pill is just the knowledge of the red pill and that the individuals don’t use the knowledge. I’m not so disgruntled anymore – I just like the name… Wasn’t aware I disagreed with you (maybe I did but my short term memory isn’t what it used to be – and I’m not here for the conflict), but I do remember saying something about knowledge – or what Rollo terms as praxeology. What individuals do with the knowledge is up to them. Hopefully they have the maturity to get by… Read more »

7 years ago

Now comes Mersonia… to waddle and quack…

All wet and KJ’ing his heart out…

and this Joe K is a troll…


7 years ago


It was a misunderstanding I guess/

” What individuals do with the knowledge is up to them. Hopefully they have the maturity to get by the anger phase and start developing as a new unplugged person in their own way. I know I did.”

comment image

Good stuff mate

7 years ago


We cool

7 years ago

“The loyal wife is a fiction.

All bow before @Joe K, the Omniscient. lol”

Just basic human psych. Joe K is probably as likely (in his circle of influence/understanding), to come across a woman (or perhaps anyone else, just basing this analysis on his posting style) who places a premium on loyalty, as he is to come across a two dollar bill. It’s so rare it’s pretty much a myth. Kind of like the average Sanders/Nader/insert whomever voter couldn’t imagine anyone was voting for anyone else.

7 years ago


“This awareness makes men sensitive to others around him who, like he was, are caught in the same Blue Pill conditioned way of interpreting his personal and social existence.”
The Oracle: Because you didn’t come here to make the choice, you’ve already made it. You’re here to try to understand *why* you made it. I thought you’d have figured that out by now.

Kyfho Myoba
Kyfho Myoba
7 years ago

Rollo, do/have you read von Mises or Rothbard?

7 years ago


Kind of like the average Sanders/Nader/insert whomever voter couldn’t imagine anyone was voting for anyone else.

lol, blinders firmly secured

7 years ago

Great post. I’ve been a reader of this blog for about a year; red pill aware about two years ago from a difficult breakup with my (pretty much) fiancé and I couldn’t agree more with this article, specifically: “There is a lot to be very positive about in Red Pill awareness, but the ugly truth is that your Blue Pill existence, and the idealism it used to promise you, is now dead. As I’ve stated before, the truth will set you free, but it doesn’t make that truth pretty, nor does it absolve you of accepting it. Red Pill awareness… Read more »

7 years ago


•”But what … is it good for?” — Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, commenting on the microchip.

Making keyboard jockeying possible, you Ninny! 😉

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

sums up marriage

Have you told anyone at RSD this? Like RSD “have a prenup” Todd?

7 years ago

“Don’t consider anyone here a Apex Red Pill individual” That is definitely a problem. When you want to get agency and have real power, you should look to individuals that do and not be so skeptical. Do you at least have any fleeting mentors for your own mission? Purpose and mission is actually a thing for males (firmware). Ignore your true nature and the nature of women at your own risk. Do you actually have an aversion for you as a man to have strength, courage, mastery and honor (among men)? Do you actually not like and derive energy from… Read more »

7 years ago

“Waiting for Godot?”

A fool’s mission. When Rosencrantz and Guildenstern get back nobody’s going to give a crap about Godot.

7 years ago

You would think these RSD guys with their “mastery” of game would take the time and actually research more into what TRP actually is. Or like Rollo alluded to, they in fact know it but are just marketers rebranding it to make bank, I wouldn’t be surprised.

That’s probably the first RSD video I have seen that actually attempts to discuss TRP in any detail and its terrible, then again I stopped watching this crap a while ago.

Btw, where’s YaReally? His great RSD educators just embarrassed themselves lol

7 years ago

The big problem I have with all of the men’s rights movements is that their existence implies that men be treated and treat themselves as victims. Women go on journeys of self-discovery. Men make themselves – period. You can’t forge a male identity by being a victim and you cannot get someone else to do it for you by proxy. Which is why I like Rollo’s assertion that men need to make themselves better men. Anyone who tells you that they can change your life is trying to sell you something. The only person who can change your life is… Read more »

7 years ago

Also, anyone seen videos of RSD Luke? Its the fat guy that is “flipping” everything on its head and basically reversing game tactics like saying you should be needy, you shouldn’t isolate, etc. LOL there no end to this stuff.

7 years ago

“You can’t forge a male identity by being a victim . . .”

. . . nor can you do so without standing up for your rights.

7 years ago


Are you saying that you feel the need to have “rights” for the sole reason that you have a penis?

7 years ago


Nope. I am saying that having rights is a consequence of having balls.

What I have said previously is that there is only one actual natural right, the others all being dependent corollaries to that one.

The 300 and the 10,000 were all men.

7 years ago

Just watched the entire Todd Valentine video. Talk about painful, particularly the bearded freak that shows up and starts talking at the speed of a teenage girl. One thing spiked my interest as he used some poker terminology. I’ve been in the poker world for a fairly long time so I did a little search on Todd. Came up with a thread on the 2+2 poker forum where a poster challenges Todd’s claim that he was a winning player at 600/1200 limit hold em. That is a huge game requiring a bankroll of around 400 grand. I might do some… Read more »

7 years ago


Having respect is a consequence of having balls. Not rights. Don’t conflate the two. A real man does not require rights to be a man. Rights are bestowed by someone else.

7 years ago

“You would think these RSD guys with their “mastery” of game would take the time and actually research more into what TRP actually is. Or like Rollo alluded to, they in fact know it but are just marketers rebranding it to make bank, I wouldn’t be surprised.” Tyler and Julien have actually synthesized it, but they have have a $broader$ mission. “Btw, where’s YaReally? His great RSD educators just embarrassed themselves lol” They have not embarrassed themselves at all. Because the are true to form. And YaReally is just taking a well deserved sabbatical to find himself after a great… Read more »

7 years ago

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are sycophants who are really serving as spies. They don’t actually get back (in Hamlet). They are pawns in the Matrix. Good luck with that lack of agency. Mersonia and Joe K are them. (Vladimir and Estragon) Just Pawns waiting for Godot. Which is existential nihilistic bathos, Blah, Blah, Blah. Nothing to live for. Everything to claw down, whining, biting and taking everything they can down with their worldview. But they can’t actually define their worldview. That would take effort and a slight bit of pain because of lack of power and agency. My take: They can’t… Read more »

7 years ago

After reading this and watching the clips,I will forego buying a ticket to the red pill movie and instead buy another copy of “Iron Joe Bob” the “real founder of the men’s movement”.
Just watching the clip pisses me off,and Joe Bob Briggs is always good for some laughs.

Can’t waste time being mad about what can or can’t be changed.

7 years ago

@Adam: “Having respect is a consequence of having balls. Not rights.” I meant balls literally, although the metaphorical follows from that. Having respect comes from invoking your single real right. “Rights are bestowed by someone else.” And there is your misconception. I would have thought that invoking the 300 and the 10,000 (both of the 10,000 for that matter) would have been sufficient clue. Let me quote the leader of of the 300: “Molon Labe.” And of the 10,000: “But if any other course, in any one’s opinion, be better than this, let him, even though he be a private… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Blax You saved me tonight with all those quotes. Those are really inspiring. And a perfect demonstration of why not to give in to cynicism/depression. Long story short: naysayers are full of shit. @ Rollo Read through the OP and only watched a few minutes of each video. I don’t know how you have the patience for dissecting all that stuff, but I’m glad you do, because your rebuttals are so well constructed that they’re irrefutable. Bastardization for profit is quite an ugly thing. And only serves to stunt the growth of men who need the *real* unprocessed truth,… Read more »

7 years ago

Also, I’ve said this before, but it’s worth repeating: I love my male friends. And more so than ever since TRP. I used to be so distracted by being incel that I was bearing a grudge against all my friends for having sex with women regularly. I felt so fucked up and angry and alienated. Now that I’ve gotten some experience, and more importantly, RP awareness to go with it…I am truly enjoying my time with my friends like I never thought possible. I used to fantasize about a blue pill relationship with a woman, and felt listless and empty… Read more »

7 years ago


Play this on your smartphone through earbuds while fucking your girlfriend:

And then this:

Fred Flange, Xisself
Fred Flange, Xisself
7 years ago

A professor of mine coined a phrase which amply best reviews the Red Pill Movie: It fills a useful void. The vid may be a fetching chick’s journey to fitter us sad sacks our and maybe become some MRA’s dream Red Dress Woman. Sure, it’s useless as a first look at the red pill. But a whole lotta SJW’s and special snowflake hipsters pitched quite the hissy fit that it was even proposed, let alone made. There was much twit-warring to kill it and it’s funders. Jezebelians made it a crusade. They didn’t want any man to even know it… Read more »

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
7 years ago

The one spot I can’t recall Rollo ever addressing is the societal impact of the red pill. As I’ve come to understand it, Western Civilization was built on the backs of happy beta males doing what they needed to do to make their “woman” happy. Feminism came in and took an axe to the old rules and the mostly church enforced social constructs are now all but gone. The TRM version of the red pill excels at saving the individual male, but I’m not sure how it saves society. The AVM branch of the red pill simply hasn’t given up… Read more »

7 years ago

@Mersonia and Joe K(er) You guys remind me of this: trying to kick you off our pant legs with you scratching at the hull of the red pill. Like trying to shake a booger off after picking a nose. Clawingly relentless of of you. “Nautical Disaster” I had this dream where I relished the fray And the screaming filled my head all day It was as though I’d been spit here Settled in, into the pocket Of a lighthouse on some rocky socket Off the coast of France, dear One afternoon four thousand men died in the water here… Read more »

7 years ago

” How does one fully embrace the TRM version of the red pill without becoming nihilistic with respect to society?”

Society is the purview of women.

7 years ago

This thing is on for real. Big time. “The TRM version of the red pill excels at saving the individual male, but I’m not sure how it saves society.” It doesn’t. Why do you think Frame is Power? “I think when civilizations reach this point collapse is inevitable.” A reasonable assumption. What are you going to do about that for you? “Eventually a new society will rise up from the ashes and it will be patriarchal out of necessity and it all starts over.” Oh Really You have those forecasting abilities? “How does one fully embrace the TRM version of… Read more »

7 years ago

@Anon “Have you told anyone at RSD this? Like RSD “have a prenup” Todd?” I have never been an advocate of RSD ,and only watched their videos yareally linked due to the fact that they had good infields and some good material on social conditioning. If you feel so strongly about it you should be and active apex red pill male and reach out to them and show them the error of their ways though. I have told you before I rarely have time to even bless you with my comments on here honey. @SJF “That is definitely a problem.… Read more »

7 years ago

“Society is the purview of women.”

Yes it most certainly is. What does a guy do about it?

So get up off your ass as a man and make the scope of the influence or concerns of something be in your frame.

? Make your range of experience or thought your own mental point of origin?

You guys are fighting, rather than embracing Rollo’s Red Pill praxeology and not understanding the ideology of the Feminine Imperative..

7 years ago

How to be a nihilist and not become a depressive or do nothing apathetic:

comment image

Michael Day
7 years ago

the water fountain behind the girl in red dress is from martin place, sydney, australia 😉

7 years ago

@Michael Day:

That equation is commutative.

M Simon
7 years ago

Blue Pill idealism is to some extent realizable if the female will totally surrender to the man of her choice. No exceptions. The man she chooses is her boss.

It also means she is paying attention to her responses so she understands herself. And she has to accept her responses as valid.

The odds are against it.

But it is a very old concept. So old it is mentioned in the Old Testament. Which makes it well over 2,000 years old.

7 years ago
Reply to  M Simon

What is sexism?

7 years ago

My red pill conversion led me to the conclusion that to be able live life on the terms that I want I would need to make some changes that most men would consider dangerous. I decided that I would derive my income from the black economy . I decided that I needed the ability to prosper in this economy independent of my location. I’m no longer prepared to pay taxes to support what society has become, the only taxes that I will pay are the unavoidable indirect taxes that are built-in to my expenditure. I refuse to endure corporate life… Read more »

7 years ago

@Play don’t pay
Thanks for the morning pep talk!

@Fred flange

Busted a gut reading your comment thanks man!

7 years ago

> Their want is to find some way to achieve a Blue Pill idealistic goal with the very harsh reality a Red Pill awareness brings to them. They want to be reinserted back into the Matrix, but with just enough Red Pill awareness to make their Blue Pill hopes a reality. They don’t believe The Lady in Red is real, but they do believe that she’s attainable and can be made real because they have the Red Pill awareness to effect it. If the Blue Pill goal is marriage and 2.5 kids, what is the Red Pill goal? King of… Read more »

7 years ago

To me, the red pill is a verb, not a noun. The RSD Cyphers try to treat it like a proper noun, but they are wrong. You can’t trademark a verb.

@Rollo, I believe this is the best post I’ve ever read from you.

7 years ago


“If the Blue Pill goal is marriage and 2.5 kids, what is the Red Pill goal? King of my world, harem ready for my needs? Or MGTOW? Or marriage, but on the man’s terms?”

The Red Pill goal is what you want

7 years ago

“If the Blue Pill goal is marriage and 2.5 kids, what is the Red Pill goal? King of my world, harem ready for my needs? Or MGTOW? Or marriage, but on the man’s terms?”


Red Pill is descriptive, not prescriptive. It frees a man to define his own goals. Hence the issue of dealing with nihilism.

7 years ago

“@Rollo, I believe this is the best post I’ve ever read from you.”

I was thinking the same thing. And presuming it is a cornerstone of his third book.

I was also thinking it must be confusing for someone that is un-initiated to read. (Do those new to red pill read the 12 nested links in the essay and then read those other 12 essays?)

Like @TheRedGuest with a false premise.

7 years ago

So Rollo, is Dalrock blue pill? The term “blue pill goals” keeps getting thrown around but what about those that hold to literal God given objective standards of morality and social order. Was Moses blue pill in 13th century BC?

It seems like “in favor of Patriarchal Monogamous Marriage” is equated with blue pill when those societies beat out other cultures in history. You can recognize that it is illegal in the current climate but I don’t see how wanting it to return is blue pill, if society breaks down it will make a comeback like it always had.

7 years ago

RSD Todd probably comes across a lot of bitter dudes that he associates with the red pill.

7 years ago

That director’s boyfriend gives off a weird vibe. Maybe because he is not used to being in front of the camera.

7 years ago

“With that unplugging comes a drive for self-improvement once a formerly Blue Pill guy has his moment of clarity and begins to see the influences that have shaped his life and his beliefs up to that stage.” it’s that time of year when “self-improvement” pops up. diet, gym, blah, whatever. and none of it ever sticks. why? because the idea of self-improvement is cash cow bs. the hopi have been living continuously on black mesa for longer than anyone else has been living in the same spot in north america. their life sucks. but it was good enough to stay… Read more »

7 years ago

rock art

rock music backatcha…[picture a cave man pounding two rocks together and chanting, “Ook, ook!” over and over]

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago
7 years ago

Married Dread Field Report I told Mrs. Gamer that a woman had invited me to her party. Mrs. Gamer: How do you know her? Gamer: We both go to the same meetup. Mrs. Gamer: Does she know that you’re a married man? [Disparagingly] What kind of woman is she? She must not think that you’re happily married, if you even are. Ta-dum. Dread strikes again. I smile at Mrs. Gamer and go do my stuff. Mrs. Gamer goes upstairs to work. After a couple of hours, I go see Mrs. Gamer at her keyboard. She turns to me when I… Read more »

7 years ago

” . . . picture a cave man pounding two rocks together . . . ”

Better yet, try it. You will likely find yourself, after only a fairly short span of time, seeking better rocks for the purpose and experimenting with better banging technique.

And so we go from this:

To this:

To these:×500.jpg

7 years ago

C&P fail. The repeated bow and arrows was supposed to be this:

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

Here is a parody about “sensitive” boys by SNL recently.

I think this is great, as it makes fun of the mantra that boys should get in touch with their “sensitive side”……

Good to see main a stream television program is laughing at males who are “sensitive”.

7 years ago

@Rollo Good post (I’m realizing I don’t actually say that often enough) Some nuances I want to pick on:  It is not founded in pessimism, cynicism or misogyny, but rather, honest, unvarnished assessments and correlated experiences of men.  I don’t see “cynicism” and ” honest, unvarnished assessment” as mutually exclusive. A quick Google search yields me the following result: an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest; skepticism. This, to me, seems like it’s mostly an accurate assessment. From an evolutionary perspective, and a personal one, unfettered altruism is unsustainable. Acting without regard for one’s self-interest, in… Read more »

Falcon Elaris
Falcon Elaris
7 years ago

Please make a video of your own, Mr. Tomassi! The world needs to know the RATIONAL approach.

7 years ago

The SNL “Wells for boys” vid is interesting. On the one hand, it was just someone’s funny idea. That’s probably all it is. But I’m surprised they would brush up so close to gay shaming. The boy is clearly going to disappoint his father by becoming an art-fag, so it doesn’t seem like SNL would get that close to that. This is the cultural peak moment for sensitivity to homos so there had to be something more urgent behind that skit. So, is this the next brilliant FI move? Start shaming males right now for any attempts at self-awareness? It’s… Read more »

7 years ago

It would help if you would once and for all define the red pill more specifically than “praxeology”. As you illustrated, a vague “insight into gender relations” definition invites abuse of the red pill metaphor. I think you mean some very specific truths that contradict the conventional feminine-primary narrative. On an interpersonal level, I think you mean womens’ self-interested mating behavior to empower their hypergamy. On a societal level, I think you mean the gynocentric legal and social engineering that serve the Feminine Imperative. The Red Pill Reddit says: “The recognition and awareness of the way that feminism, feminists and… Read more »

7 years ago

“I think you mean some very specific truths . . .”

“Truth” will do.

“The recognition and awareness of the way that feminism, feminists and their white-knight enablers affect society.”

And this specific truth is sufficiently far from truth as to make it disingenuously false, thus dangerous.

Hue Jass
Hue Jass
7 years ago

The Red pill according to the MRM is about the MRM. When they ask each other, when did you first take the red pill? It means when did you realise that men are actually disadvantaged in the world today. It’s about men’s rights. Not about male and female dating and relationships.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

I have never been an advocate of RSD

Dude, posting like a girl doesn’t do you any good. You are obviously not tall enough for this ride.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Is This Thing On The AVM branch of the red pill simply hasn’t given up on society. They will always embrace a more equalist frame because they are as concerned about saving Western Civilization as they are with saving individual men. That’s quite a stretch. AVfM is mainly concerned about “fairness”, defined in terms from the past. That’s how they can accept 1970’s and 1980’s feminism. By embracing equalism AVfM is self limiting – they will not, they can not say anything that would upset the girlies. So they push back against 3rd stage Feminism with its gynocentric reading of… Read more »

7 years ago

@Hue Jass, who does look fat in those pants

The Red pill according to the MRM is about the MRM. When they ask each other, when did you first take the red pill? It means when did you realise that men are actually disadvantaged in the world today. It’s about men’s rights. Not about male and female dating and relationships.

The MRM is just another group trying to gain credibility by appropriating Rollo’s term “Red Pill,” while changing the meaning.

Rollo, your work keeps getting appropriated by others. Can you trademark “Red Pill”, or is it too late?

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