Strength of Interest


I had a couple of questions from the SoSuave Forum‘s (yes, I’m still a mod there) Judge Nismo I thought I’d take a crack at:

G’ morning Rollo. I got a couple questions for you that I don’t think you touched on in your book…or I may have overlooked.

1. What is your opinion on the Celebrity Maxim?

That is, I know you see it a lot in your Rational Male comments and on this board (i.e. Would she flake out on Brad Pitt? Would she make George Clooney wait for sex? She wouldn’t confuse Channing Tatum, etc.) I’ve even used it a lot on here, usually saying you wouldn’t fall asleep if you had a date with Katy Perry, and you wouldn’t pull a last minute flake text with Kate Upton, and you wouldn’t have to babysit if you had Shakira ready to bang!

If there’s three things I’ve learned from writing in the Manosphere for the past 12 years it’s this; no matter how apt, never use an allegory to illustrate a point, never try to relate a fictional story, movie or character to a real world dynamic and never hold up famous celebrities as common reference examples of broader, mundane dynamics.

The temptation to do so stems from a want for a common point of reference. However, appealing to a highly recognizable exemplar of a dynamic only makes picking apart the known particulars about that individual a priority – not on really grasping the dynamic itself.

I see this in the ‘sphere occasionally, and I’d be lying if I said I’d never committed these sins myself. For the most part, and certainly as far as my own readership goes, I think many of the best writers and the commentariat of the ‘sphere are very intelligent men. That’s not to account for the occasional troll, but I’ve found that even an OCD troll still needs to be clever in the ‘sphere.

That said, it’s just this preponderance of intelligence that makes men take illustrative examples as face value facts. Using celebrities as examples of commonality in purpose just smacks of the Apex Fallacy.

“….the Apex fallacy is the idea that we assign the characteristics of the highest visibility members of a group to all members of that group.”

If you’re at all familiar with the controversy surrounding the Apex Fallacy, feminists and manginas alike decided to commandeer wikipedia to paste this as a Men’s Rights misappropriation of the definition, but in actuality the true definition cuts both ways. So while women misappropriate the highest visibility men to associate a totality of the “patriarchy”, men, on the other hand, misappropriate the highest echelon men with examples of common inference of a dynamic.

In English, those celebs aren’t you or me or any layperson you deal with daily. I get the inference of course, and the message is usually one about incentives being strong enough to prompt behaviors. However, what Nismo is getting at is really less about the validity of those illustrations and more about genuine desire:

I ask since it’s quite a big trope in the manosphere…

2. What is your take on the one strike rule?

You do have a 3 strikes article on Rational Male, and I did read it. On this board, it’s quite common to see situations with chicks go like this:

– She flaked on me, she is deleted.
– She stopped responding to my texts and calls, automatic out.
– She wants to bring some friends along, sorry this is one on one.

I could go on and on, most of these situations often get read by red pill men as low interest, thus move on or become a beta orbiter. Yes, I do online dating and work 2 jobs, but I do have a one strike policy.

Sure, sometimes life will truly get in the way, but most men who are red pill will likely move on if there’s low interest. We all know not to waste time with uninterested chicks because they won’t put out. Heck, the sick excuse is often times a blow off, and lately, death in the family has been disguised as blowing someone off.

Zero Tolerance

The problem most men have with a Zero Tolerance policy is that you’re not George Clooney and you’re not Brad Pitt, but moreover, most men still cling to Blue Pill idealisms and the conditioned hope that women will see the “real” men they think women have a magical sensitivity to detect. Thus, they play by the script and hold out for the real desire they believe women should have a capacity for with them.

This is why Blue Pill men get angry at the 3-Strikes rule; that scarcity mentality colors their interaction with women to the point that anything counter to playing the patient, devoted, “prove-my-quality” white knightery role invalidates everything they’ve sacrificed and waited so patiently for up to that point.

They’re afraid of throwing the baby out with the bath water, and damn it, if you suggest doing anything other than what makes their patience worthwhile you’re a misogynistic prick.

If these men could pause with any insight they’d understand that any threshold – one strike, three strikes – suggested by myself or the manosphere isn’t about punishing a woman’s indecisiveness, but rather a pragmatic vetting meant to be efficient for men. That tolerance policy is about conservation of resources and time, not so much retribution (though I’me sure some men entertain that).

  • She flakes on you with no counter offer or marginal reframe? –
    Message: Insufficient interest
  • Stops responding to communications (and possibly resumes after a period)? – The Medium is the Message
  • Wants to bring friends along to a date? –
    Message: you are a rich resource to be exploited, or her interest is so low that she foresees a need to bring friends along to make her date with you entertaining.

The Prince with Interest

What Nismo is comparing here is really an evaluation of interest a woman has in you. I’ve gone into this in the past:

Women with high interest level (IL) wont confuse you. When a woman wants to fuck you she’ll find a way to fuck you. If she’s fluctuating between being into you and then not, put her away for a while and spin other plates. If she sorts it out for herself and pursues you, then you are still playing in your frame and you maintain the value of your attention to her. It’s when you patiently while away your time wondering what the magic formula is that’ll bring her around, that’s when you lean over into her frame. You need her more than she needs you and she will dictate the terms of her attentions.

From an evolutionary perspective Hypergamy can’t afford to wait once a woman’s filtering mechanism is satisfied that a man passes for an Alpha. Women will break rules for Alpha men and create more rules for Beta men to have access to her. Keep in mind that first part; women will make access easy for a man she perceives as an SMV superior. Hypergamy always seeks a better-than deserved SMV benefit.

So to use the apex example, no, a woman can’t afford to confuse Channing Tatum. Mix in the behavioral influences a woman’s ovulatory chemistry predisposes her to with that SMV+ benefit perception and you’ve got dilated pupils, seductive ornamentation, lower vocal intonations and an elevated heart rate – Estrus.

As you might guess, this poses a problem for most guys because, lets face it, most of us aren’t examples of this apex. Even when we make dramatic leaps in self-improvement and physical transformation it’s hard to shake our former self-impressions and our previous degrees of self-confidence.

Back in the early days of SoSuave there was a concept we’d use that I think had a lot of merit – the concept of the Prince. For many men just coming into a Red Pill awareness meant re-imagining oneself in a new, more intrinsically valued light.

For instance, after you understand the basic psychology of why a technique like Cocky & Funny or Amused Mastery works with women, personally applying those dynamics requires a man to view himself in a more valuable context.

As I said, Hypergamy always seeks a better-than deserved SMV benefit, so it follows that a man should at least reconsider himself as that “better-than her SMV” prospect. Irrespective of that being a reality or not, the idea is a sound one. In fact it’s a law of power:

Law 25 – Re-Create Yourself

Do not accept the roles that society foists on you.  Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience.  Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define if for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures and actions – your power will be enhanced and your character will seem larger than life.

And also:

Law 34 – Be Royal in your Own Fashion:  Act like a King to be treated like one

The way you carry yourself will often determine how you are treated; In the long run, appearing vulgar or common will make people disrespect you.  For a king respects himself and inspires the same sentiment in others.  By acting regally and confident of your powers, you make yourself seem destined to wear a crown.

In Amused Mastery, it helps to actually have some context of mastery to source as amusement.

Needless to say, asking a former Blue Pill Beta to simultaneously digest a new Red Pill awareness and revalue his self-worth is a pretty tall order. As I mention in Rejection & Revenge as a man, your existence will be defined by how you deal with rejection, so for a majority of men who’ve been hammered flat for the better part of a lifetime by women’s rejection telling him to adopt the mindset of a Prince is alien to him.

Furthermore, much of his feminine-conditioned self-perception has always taught him to be self-conscious and respectful of women’s default authority. It’s part of men’s previous Beta Game to want to identify with the feminine in order to prove how alike a man is with a woman. This conditioning is really a plan to force compliance to women’s sexual strategy from men, but it’s sold on the belief that being more feminine-like, feminine-sensitive, will set a Beta man apart from other brutish men who aren’t.

When you consider his previous degree of ego-investment in his conditioning, you can get a real appreciation of the unlearning a Red Pill man must do. It’s very difficult for most guys to consider themselves a Prince when they’ve been taught reverent deference to women all their lives.

Qualities of The Prince(ss)

A Prince’s time is valuable. His efforts and attention are gifts he bestows on the woman he’s interested in, and as such that woman’s esteem should be validated by it. She is envied by other women because of the Prince’s interest in her; it confirms there is something about her that sets her apart from other women. Her role becomes one of both humbling gratitude and excited, almost childlike, anticipations of him.

If that comes off like a pipe dream or a fake-it-till-you-make-it motivational screed, it’s because most men are so inured by a lifetime conditioning designed to hold them in the role of expectant, reverent, and deferring lover if they can perform to a woman’s standards. So ingrained is that subservience that a Princess’ acceptance of a man is exalted to an appreciation of spiritual, metaphysical, significance. God ordained her acceptance of him, the fates conspired or he “just got lucky”.

Beta men, in their Blue Pill expectations of women being rational agents, are often dumbfounded by the woman who compulsively returns over and over again to the Alpha ‘asshole’ who doesn’t respect, appreciate and love her like she deserves – like he would if she’d just come to her senses. We call that guy the emotional tampon, but what he doesn’t get is that the woman he’s orbiting is locked in a cycle that only a man with an SMV above her own can induce.

Even if that valuation is just perceptual, a woman’s Hypergamous optimization efforts will predispose her to wanting to lock that man down. This is the danger of relying on apex examples of a dynamic – women must still operate within their respective frames and within their capacity to accurately evaluate the SMV of the men she can realistically attract.

That semi-abusive Jerk boyfriend she loves so much? He’s not Channing Tatum or Brad Pitt, but contextually he’s the guy with the strength of her interest.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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8 years ago

“I’m pro game.”

“Any man that earns $100,000 per year, has a respectable physique and good personality can lock down an HB8 – HB10. That’s the blueprint. It’s that simple.”

“But if you took away his money, fame and physical strength what use would he be to his wife?”

You fundamentally don’t understand what game is.

8 years ago

ok troll pounding over for today, enjoy the vids all there are some good ones in mod at the moment

8 years ago

@ YaReally

Until you learn to read life is going to be difficult for you. I see that now.

8 years ago

@ YaReally
You fundamentally don’t understand what game is.

Of course I understand what game is. It’s job is to entertain women and at the same time confirm to them that you possess abundance. If you don’t have abundance you’re simply tricking their instincts into thinking you do.

8 years ago

@ YaReally – Great breakdown. I re read parts of MM before I went out Gaming last Saturday night. You’re right, it is the golden bible of game. Each time I brush up on MM I always get a new nugget of gold. This time it was “What most people do wrong when approaching” by Style. The bit about entering a set with slightly higher ‘energy levels’ works a treat in the field.

@ sales discussion thread –

Read ‘Pitch Anything’ by Oren Klaff. It’s a brilliant red pill book about sales. I found it via the Chateau.

8 years ago

Zdro1dz – “For whatever it may be worth, she also had a degree with honors from one of the top rated, exclusive private colleges in New England…”

And we all know what that’s worth ( hint: MYG).

8 years ago
Reply to  Badpainter

@Badpainter “Wear the costumes, claim the status, take the names and titles and wonder why the result don’t automatically manifest. Then blame the men for not being supportive.” So that’s weird because here in DC that happens a lot… My biology doesn’t respect your made up status. @zdr01dz “So for that I’m eternally grateful to the universe.” Me to buddy @Forge the sky “unrepentant, unbound masculinity” That is Rugby… Least a good game of it… @sjfrellc “I spent 25 years not knowing what it took to bring a woman to me. Instead of me lean into her. I one day… Read more »

8 years ago

Painful. Jesus.

8 years ago

@All – Guys, stop feeding the troll. It will not go away if you respond to it or mention it. You guys seem very sophisticated socially so I’m kind of stunned why you can’t get this – ignore the troll. We want it gone and that’s what will do it. @Tilikum, The Diplomat and many others on this thread – Re: Sales, game etc . Fuck. Wow, the things that have opened up for me recently make me realize several things. Perhaps some older guys here can relate. Amused Mastery – I keep saying that I’m in a “high flake… Read more »

8 years ago

I have been thinking of a succinct word or phrase to describe the obvious (to me) link in female behavior, politics, markets, and some of this threads commenters more (ahem) robust defense of their observationally broken worldviews and I found it:

Speculative Distortion

8 years ago

@Tilikum – How about passive/aggressive defensive panic? Not that I don’t like Speculative Distortion but what’s really at work is that they are panicked and desperately casting about for anything that might work, but don’t know what it might be so they just keep pushing. I have been guilty of that for sure, in my own way. It’s like a sea creature that stirs up a cloud of silt to confuse a predator. I’ve always had a reservation about game due to the underlying social dynamics that it implies. Part of me wanted to see a Julien as an asshole… Read more »

8 years ago

@ YaReally 12:56 AM You are quite correct, as always RE: my style not being for everyone. I am a natural and came from a long, long, long line of them so I was taught on that modeled behavior (both the positives like having a dynamic personality, and the negatives like the desire of those around me who would try and control that via socialization, thanks mom). The sphere helped me put words around concepts I internally understood and let me triple my already high social IQ by giving me new brain food. Rollo’s best post to lend to this… Read more »

8 years ago

Hypergamy case study:

8 years ago

sorry, should be this: Joan Crawford

8 years ago

Try it again…Joan Crawford a case study in Hypergamy. This little documentary talks at length about how she was a “Showgirl” who constantly married up…first with Hollywood royalty Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Then banged Clark Gable, then ploughed through a series of marriages each of very powerful rich betas from whom she derived wealth and status.

Eventually the wall caught up with her…sad…everything in this blog is featured in this vignette

8 years ago

@Tilikum – Don’t stop pressing your view here, coming from a place of mastery. I bet there are many guys like me who have been somewhat natural who can learn greatly from your high level advice – I know I do. Thanks for the share on the Medium is the Message post as one of the things I’m trying to figure out is how to maintain this frame of mind and what resources and daily practices I could put in place to do so. I’m all about improvement – those who aren’t, well, there will always be those guys, right?… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Tilikum This specific post is one I mentally refer to EVERY SINGLE DAY as I move through the world harvesting from the meek. I’m glad you wrote that because it explains why we don’t see eye to eye. Your stated daily goal is to extract resources from people that are weaker than you are. In other words (I write this without judgement) your niche in the social ecosystem is that of an opportunistic parasite. So when I write that it’s critical to focus on the tangible benefits a guy brings to the table it sounds crazy or out of… Read more »

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
8 years ago

What about that RSD “in field” video where there go into an empty park in California, and two 20 year old girls *just happen* to be sitting alone at picnic table in this otherwise empty park?

I’ve a sand castle on Venice beach. Its for sale.


Of course I understand what game is. It’s job is to entertain women and at the same time confirm to them that you possess abundance. If you don’t have abundance you’re simply tricking their instincts into thinking you do.”

Abundance of attitude.

Mad Yale Grad
Mad Yale Grad
8 years ago

“This specific post is one I mentally refer to EVERY SINGLE DAY as I move through the world harvesting from the meek.”

Like Sea World harvests from Tilikum?

8 years ago

@Tilikum – What galls those here freaking out is that they are the meek you have been harvesting from. I used to harvest from the meek and then became one of the meek you were harvesting from.

Not any longer though…

@Zdroidz – Denial isn’t a river in Egypt…

8 years ago

@Zdroidz – Have you ever noticed how women enjoy male dominance, particularly in bed? Is that parasitic – cuz the more I focus on using a women for my pleasure and stop thinking about how she is perceiving it, the more she cums. If you think that’s “parasitic”, what on earth are you doing here? And why does everyone in my life keep coming back for more when I behave that way? These same people reject me when I’m being the “good man” you seem to be criticizing Tilikum for not being. You are shaming the entire basis for this… Read more »

8 years ago

And now I’m going to breach my own “don’t feed the troll” protocol. @MYG – It’s not that you don’t “understand” what’s going on here at some intellectual level, it’s that you are alienated from your own identity so utterly that you haven’t internalized it. That’s okay. I’ve been through my own version of it, we all have. But just get that you are not doing the kind of work that will get you beyond your blindspot, instead you are a digging deeper ditch for you to die in. If you are a woman, oh well, it doesn’t matter to… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Glenn
Have you ever noticed how women enjoy male dominance, particularly in bed?
Any man that focuses on technique instead of dominance isn’t doing it right. Dominance communicates to her that you’re worth having. Since her self worth is attached to yours this attitude charges her up.

If you go back and re-read the thread you’ll see my points of disagreement are a lot more subtle that what some of the dummies that lack reading comprehension and went full cardiac might think.

8 years ago

Not referring to you btw.

8 years ago

@ Glenn
Without spending 10 pages I can boil this conflict down to 1 schism.

This is what I find tiring.
1) I’m a big fat loser with no current or future prospects and I’m regularly pursued by hot models that possess cones of beauty that stop traffic.

Same guy 5 posts later
2) Girls dramatically overvalue themselves.

8 years ago

So where is this guy getting feedback that girls overvalue themselves? It’s not from the squad of Playboy Bunnies that can’t get enough of him because of his A game.

8 years ago

zdro1dz – “So where is this guy getting feedback that girls overvalue themselves?”

ummm…observations of actual people in real life?

8 years ago

I still feel the right people find each other,like attracts like. Yes we can improve ourselves and red pill teck is good understanding. However,where does the full spyche/soul understanding reach through it all to give us a real picture. Yes we can become panty sniffers,poonani chasers or like they like to say here in France, shasseur de jupe. If you really know your essence and full extention then life becomes different, still wine,women and song but deeper. Everyone has their traits,their predispositions/propensities , so let us not confuse teck in all forms with natural abilities,and know that psy teck,in all… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Badpainter
ummm…observations of actual people in real life?

That’s one possibility. There are others you may want to consider.

Dr. Jeremy
8 years ago

@ zdro1ds This is what I find tiring. 1) I’m a big fat loser with no current or future prospects and I’m regularly pursued by hot models that possess cones of beauty that stop traffic. Same guy 5 posts later 2) Girls dramatically overvalue themselves. From a certain perspective, both of these things can be true…with a few paradigm refinements. For the connection, begin by looking at Sun’s OK Cupid graphs on page one of this discussion. As we can see, women are not overvaluing themselves, or being overvalued by men…women are undervaluing men. This undervaluation comes from two sources:… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@ Tilikum

I don’t mean to be critical of your style. It’s just frustrating for me, I read them and sometimes it feels like I’m so close to breaking into some new mindset but I’m not quite there yet. I don’t think you’re being intentionally enigmatic, it’s just a bit beyond me yet.

8 years ago

@ Dr. Jeremy

I understand your point and on some level you are exactly right. If men can’t offer something tangible at least they can offer game (i.e. entertainment and the appearance of abundance).

However if a product loses it’s utility that product is doomed. You’ll never trade your car in for a horse no matter how big and cute it’s eyes are.

Since the earliest humans men have been valued for their output. That’s engrained in our DNA. It’s why men are larger than women. Without output we’re only useful for the occasional hookup.

8 years ago

zdro1ds – “That’s one possibility. There are others you may want to consider.”

I did, but wanted an explanation that would:

1.apply to everyone
2.allow both of your statements to be true but not create contradictions testable by those of us not involved directly in the debate

If what you’re actually trying to say is that those you’re arguing with are “full of shit” then I suggest you risk harming your credibility by pussyfooting around the issue with a debate that ultimately goes nowhere.

8 years ago

@ Dr. Jeremy

I should add that women haven’t been devalued by technology or society. This may be expressed in different ways but ultimately men are looking for companionship.

So we’ve got a situation where if a man has good output he can find a good companion. The men in the top 20% are doing great because they still offer utility. The rest of the male population is struggling.

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
8 years ago

@Dr. Jeremy “This undervaluation comes from two sources: 1) On a practical level, as I said above, women need men less for survival due to laws, social supports, careers, etc. 2) On an emotional level, social programming teaches women that men and masculinity are a joke – e.g. see every sitcom.” Women’s hypergamy is hard wired. They cannot escape their innate drive that their DNA mandates no matter what the current social cultural construct seems to be. They ardently desire a physically fit masculine self confident male regardless and they will break all the social rules or promises they make… Read more »

Dr. Jeremy
8 years ago

@ zdro1dz However if a product loses it’s utility that product is doomed… Without output we’re only useful for the occasional hookup. Agreed…and the long-term product is indeed doomed right now in many ways. That is why fewer and fewer people are getting or staying married. As social engineering strips men of more and more utility, it will get worse too. That is also why the manosphere seems to collect three types of men: 1) Men who want to have high utility in relationships, find a woman who still has a need for him, and have a long-term mutual exchange.… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Not Born This Morning
They ardently desire a physically fit masculine self confident male regardless and they will break all the social rules or promises they make for themselves to fuck one given the opportunity.

I might change “fuck” to “lock down”.

Any middle aged, fat-skinny, HB4 woman can set up a free account on Ashley Madison and guzzle alpha semen by the gallon every night of the week. If a woman is interested in NSA sex she won’t encounter so much as a speed bump.

For reference.

8 years ago
Reply to  Rollo Tomassi

“Speculative Distortion”
Yeah that apply’s to me
Still have blue an me and more with red.

“That given half a chance, they and I would jump at the chance to be beta.”
Don’t want that ever again.

@Not born this morning
“They cannot and will not undervalue a sexually high value male.”
First threesome I messed up was because I didn’t maintain frame and I think was directly related to this.

@SFC Ton
My main workout with the redpill

8 years ago

“I’m a big fat loser . . .”, etc.

Nice straw man ya got there. Make it yourself?

8 years ago

@ Dr. Jeremy As social engineering strips men of more and more utility, it will get worse too. Yep. When my wife was a little girl (not sure which grade) the teacher asked all the kids what they wanted to be when they grew up. She said “I want to be a mom.” The teacher corrected her and made her come up with a different answer. That wasn’t an acceptable response. An honestly I think motherhood is the single factor that can save men’s utility. Women need a man that can support a family so they can stay at home… Read more »

Dr. Jeremy
8 years ago

@ Not Born This Morning While women certainly do have evolved sexual preferences, their sexual behavior is also more easily influenced by social factors than men too. It is called Sexual Plasticity. Thus, while women do look for a +1 hypergamous fit, how they appraise male fitness is influenced by situational, social, cultural, and psychological factors. Given that, while I would agree that social devaluing may have less of an impact on higher sexual value males, they are still being devalued to a significant degree. After all, that is one of the points of the FI – to devalue high… Read more »

8 years ago

@Rollo, I know this type of garbage is the new paradigm, but it still makes me gnash my teeth when I read/see examples of it. Hoes man, hoes. ” Her views on gender relations are of a modified-traditionalist strain. “In the workplace, it should be equal,” she says. “But in the house, the only way it works is if there’s a strong masculine and feminine component. You need to give your husband a blow job every day. He should feel like a king. Seeking it out in my sexual life is to make up for it in my real life.… Read more »

8 years ago

yareally origin revealed in stream of consciousness post:

“How “yes” IS that “yes” REALLY?”


8 years ago

…Knowledge and understanding will save my brothers. Come over to the Red side!!!!

8 years ago

Rollo: “Well,…yeah.“ Wow. That was quite a read. “I really can’t show you my apartment,” I tell Laura as I hail her a taxi. Tomorrow she’ll e-mail me that she wrote an essay about our encounter on the ride home; a week later, that she’s left her husband and that “I bet the next time that I do have mind-blowing sex it will not be with someone who is married.” Then, a few weeks after, that she’s quit her job. She wants to be a writer, and asks me for advice.” I wonder if this journalist has a different… Read more »

Random Angeleno
Random Angeleno
8 years ago

When you get solid eye-contact with a girl, often the surface level conversation dies off to just half-sentences that trail off and you both feel crazy intense chemistry. You can purposely spark this (YouTube Liam McRae Rapid Escalation and check my archive for the related Gambler and Robbie Williams videos on laser eye-contact). But what’s happening here is that you both switch to subcommunications…My way of describing it is it’s like you two are sitting at a table talking to eachother but having a secret text message conversation on your phones below the table that other people can’t read. So… Read more »

8 years ago

“@All – Guys, stop feeding the troll. It will not go away if you respond to it or mention it. You guys seem very sophisticated socially so I’m kind of stunned why you can’t get this – ignore the troll. We want it gone and that’s what will do it.” lol just wanted to mention that I don’t post rebuttals for the sake of convincing the troll themselves. They’re a lost cause, they have no interest or reason to change their views and I don’t really care about them. When I post stuff like that it’s for the guys who… Read more »

8 years ago

I go out to do some work for a few hours and you guys can’t get this thread to 500! C’mon!

8 years ago

“When I post stuff like that it’s for the guys who are lurking and who will see this archived a month or a year or 5 years from now when they’re looking for answers.”


8 years ago

@ YaReally

I’m sure you’re a good guy and you mean well. Some of your ideas like focusing on game have merit.

But you’re worldview is fundamentally wrong.

Poor neighborhood = no hot women
Middle class neighborhood = a sprinkling of hot women
Upper class = many hot women

That’s not an accident.

Is hs/college different? yes
Is hookup culture different? yes
Is game important? yes
But over the long run fundamentals rule any marketplace.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


Poor neighborhood = no hot women

Gonna call unequivocal bullshit here. Two of the hottest chicks I’ve ever dated came from the hood. One black, one hispanic. Meanwhile the middle-upper middle class neighborhoods I’ve lived in most of my life have been teeming with fat to average women.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot more bottom basement straight up ugly fat chicks in the hood, but hot chicks occur at about the same rates as other places. That is to say not very often, but they’re there.

8 years ago

@ Sun Wukong
Attractive girls in the lower class that grow up and marry out.

8 years ago

Speaking of Deida…. Back in 2010, my now ex girlfriend gave me a copy of the The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida. Mind you, this was in my solid blue-pill days, where I believed in all of those tropes – She’s The One, Make Her Your Princess, etc. – so I went along with flow, thinking that if I read and internalized the book’s teachings, I’d be solidly set up in a relationship with a complete babe who would be completely into me. Looking back, her giving me the book (and me accepting it) was the biggest… Read more »

8 years ago

Didn’t come out right.

Attractive girls in the lower class grow up and marry out.

In fact I just drove through the hood a couple of hours ago. As always not one good looking woman in sight.

8 years ago

@Glenn “I’ve always had a reservation about game due to the underlying social dynamics that it implies. Part of me wanted to see a Julien as an asshole who’s level I wouldn’t sink to, lol. Why the LOL? Because at times in my life I’ve done similar things and they worked. ” Like Fight Club says: You have to give up. You have to accept that your view of the world was socially conditioned into you by people who had good intentions but were socially conditioned themselves. They put chains and locks on you and learning pickup is the process… Read more »

8 years ago

The pedestalization aspect of finding ” hot women ” in ” upper class ” neighborhoods is troubling and patently false.

Chicks are chicks all over. If they reside in the U.S., and are not heavy cruisers ( fat ), because they can afford spa treatments, plastic surgery and expensive makeup and hair do’s ( *cough* extentions ) doesn’t truly make her ” hot “. In fact, I’d argue the more fakeness a woman displays, the bigger the CAUTION sign should be.

8 years ago

@MikePhil “Rollo uses the term “purple pill” to describe red pill truths that have been neutered and rendered safe for women, and Deida is purple all the way through.” That was the impression I got from the little bit that I read lol Couldn’t stomach it. @zdroidz “Attractive girls in the lower class grow up and marry out.” I had one fuckbuddy (HB8, also she had an office job and I was unemployed lol) who came over weekly to fuck who was engaged to a well-off dude the entire time. She called it off because the wedding was approaching and… Read more »

8 years ago

@ YaReally Those upper class women are cheating on the upper class guys they lock down for provision. I know this because they cheat with guys like me. I know they cheat with guys like me because I go out and fuck them. I take it, “them” is plural for multiple guy’s wives. Assuming that’s even true it’s not a roadmap for personal success. I encourage you to purchase an affordable set of body armor and carry a safe bag in case you need to leave town fast. Doesn’t sound like you have men’s best interest at heart…sounds like you’re… Read more »

8 years ago

I’ve lived in very affluent neighborhoods (I’m in one now) and also in very poor neighborhoods. I can tell you from first hand observation that women in affluent neighborhoods are on average far better looking. Yes, there are anomalies, but modeling agencies don’t exactly tour the hood…and if pickings were abundant, they would. As it is, pickins are really slim for good looking indigent girls in the US. You can see it in the high schools…but 18 those girls in the “hood” are really looking long in the tooth, many are moms. Hood women are skankier, and fatter (or extremely… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
8 years ago

@Dr. J- “Given that, while I would agree that social devaluing may have less of an impact on higher sexual value males, they are still being devalued to a significant degree. After all, that is one of the points of the FI – to devalue high SMV men and put them within at least sexual hookup reach of low SMV women. Yes, the top 20% SMV males in that skewed tail on Sun’s graphs are glutting themselves on low SMV women now…but they are not where they should be on a natural curve in the true mating market. Not to… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@zdr01dz Attractive girls in the lower class grow up and marry out. Neither one did. The one I dated in high school ballooned 50 lbs overweight a couple years after I left and eventually cranked out 3 kids by 3 different daddies. Became a walking stereotype even though she could have gotten out when I came back after my first year at college and asked her to stick with me for life. Her loss. The other is BPD as fuck and will never get out of the hood. Her chance to swing out came along and she couldn’t curb her… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Liz
I store equipment in an industrial area and I have to drive through the hood to get to it. I can state in no uncertain terms that there are no pretty women in the hood.

Even among younger girls there aren’t many. And by the time they hit their 20s they are out.

8 years ago

” . . . if your read Deida . . .”

Read him? Just look at him. He’s got that Gamma Face that stirs something inside making you want to just slap it off of him while yelling, “You’re a man goddam it, an apex predator, not some fucking rabbit.”

What is he going to teach me, how to mow the lawn . . . with my teeth?

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
8 years ago


“They “got the dream girl” but she’d turn into a nightmare and their Beta feminine pretenses of “treating a woman right” destroyed them from the inside out.”

Yup. You can go to bed with a centerfold and wake up with a vampire bat attached to your dick. Every rose has its thorn. Success has consequences. Learn to pick the roses without getting stabbed.

8 years ago

@Liz, I straddle both worlds quite frequently. Daily, in fact. for decades. I’m in one of the most affluent areas of my state at this very moment. Maybe because I’ve trained myself to see through makeup and expensive clothes, I do not see an abundance of ” hot ” women versus the poorer areas. What I do see, for the past 30 or so years, is a Disneyland-like portrayal of the facts on the ground. People seem to want to believe. In my experience, in the ” hood “, ugly chicks can be horrifyingly ugly. They stand out and suck… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
8 years ago

Deida –

Those who buy the shit he is selling deserve to eat it.

Dr. Jeremy
8 years ago

@ Not Born This Morning Self denigration involves an inaccurate distorted self perception to begin with and we all tend to automatically act in ways (driven subconsciously) to create conditions that will reinforce what we think of ourselves. What happens to us is mostly within our control but we tend to blame outside systems, institutions, statistics, etc. Once a man realizes this, it is much easier for him to discard negative self perceptions, improve himself and game effectively. I generally agree with this assessment. While I think it is ultimately each man’s responsibility to discard negative self-perceptions, however, I do… Read more »

8 years ago


” In fact I just drove through the hood a couple of hours ago. As always not one good looking woman in sight.

I just drove through my upper middle class white neighborhood at lunch and not a single hot woman was in sight either. It’s pretty much always the case. I suppose there’s no hot chicks living in upper middle class neighborhoods by that logic.”

The city I live in has various ” hoods “. I guarantee if you drive through the Brazilian section, you won’t drive far before seeing a hot chick or two.

8 years ago
Reply to  Blaximus

@Random Angeleno “YaReally worded this just gave me a new insight about surface communication not being as important as the subcommunications already taking place, just needs to be at least minimally congruent.” @Yareally “you need to get the fuck out there and meet a shitload of girls.” So damn true “by people who had good intentions but were socially conditioned themselves.” Family in a nutshell “Let go. Give up. Accept reality. THAT’S when you can really own your shit.” Being male @zdr01dz “Your bragging about cheating with several men’s wives and you think you’ve got men’s best interests at heart?”… Read more »

A Definite Beta Guy
8 years ago

I really enjoy YaReally’s posts. They read like solid id. Don’t know how else to describe it. Just a spew of consciousness.

8 years ago

@zdroidz “Your bragging about cheating with several men’s wives and you think you’ve got men’s best interests at heart?” In an ideal world those men wouldn’t be participating in what’s basically legalized slavery in the first place, but guys like you keep luring them into it by promoting “just be rich and handsome and you won’t have to worry, you’ll get your 10 wife and live happily ever after, I’m married so everyone else should be who cares about statistics and divorce rate and family court biases! C’mon guys, work hard so you can throw that noose around your neck,… Read more »

8 years ago

“WHY do their women cheat with a piece of shit like me when they have a rich good-looking husband at home? ”

Because castles and cocaine are entirely different orders of product whose quality is measured to entirely different standards.

And yes, in the real world people really will risk a paid for castle that could serve their family for generations for a hit of really good quality cocaine today.

Emily L
Emily L
8 years ago

I recently read this HBR article about decision-making that maps out ways to understand how/why errors in decision-making occur. It examines the automatic/instinctive/emotional response compared with the slow/logical/deliberative thought process, and discusses how the two need to operate in a balanced way in order to better solve problems. It’s a mix of business, economics and maybe psychology that maps out an interesting approach that could probably be applied to everyday decision-making (maybe not????): (1) understand how decisions are made, (2) define the problem, (3) diagnose the underlying causes, (4) design the solution, (5) test the solution.

8 years ago

@ YaReally
Like a thousand other guys you’re all talk. Save your spittle for someone who falls for those sorts of stories. Or alternately learn to tell the same stories in a more convincing manner.


8 years ago
Reply to  zdr01dz

“How deep can you bury your head in the sand to hold onto your idea of how you think the world should work?”

Well hell you already have done the work.

@Emily L
Thank you

8 years ago

“The city I live in has various ” hoods “. I guarantee if you drive through the Brazilian section, you won’t drive far before seeing a hot chick or two.”

I agree Brazilian women are pretty. I’m not sure how many Brazilian “hoods” exist in the US (or Eastern European “hoods” which would also have beautiful women). Most of our “hoods” just aren’t all that (but, I’ll agree middle class and even upper middle don’t look so great either).

8 years ago

I guess, from my perspective, I don’t really understand that there’s such a vast difference between the essence of what YaReally (and others) are espousing, and what zdr01dz is saying. Attractiveness, assertive body language, social intelligence are all ‘success markers’. Social intelligence is among the most important indicators, and there have been body language studies where people practiced assertive, ‘strong’ postures for just a few minutes before job interviews and it increased their chances for success enormously…about tenfold. Women are attracted to potential as much as reality (IMO), so it stands to reason that the sort of things that would… Read more »

8 years ago

I have a small problem with the three strikes rule when it comes to texting/arranging a date. I would consider myself lesser alpha (although after reading Alpha game I am likely more a Sigma male cause I play by my own rules and have never really given a shit about being accepted by other men..kind of a loner) I have slept with somewhere near 40 women by age 33..but didn’t get laid till 18. Was never a natural and missed out on countless opportunities in college looking back due to blue pill conditioning. Most of my mating is short… Read more »


[…] even if not every member of that group actually enjoys the privileges of that group (known as the Apex Fallacy). Think poor white boy from Appalachia … not every white male is the CEO of a Fortune 500 […]


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