The Truth About Standards

Most men never vet women for anything like long term acceptability. A lot of guys would have you believe they have high standards for the women they self-righteously allow into their lives, but for the most part this is internet posturing from Trad-Cons and ‘spergs‘ who’d like their circle of virtual friends to believe they have more options, or more learn-ed wisdom, than other men. After-the-fact rationalizations about how discerning a guy was in choosing his wife or girlfriend are a necessary insulation for men’s egos when they come into the Red Pill community. They get uncomfortable when the Red Pill Lens forces them to take a better look at their own choices.

The flip side to this are the guys who’ve already been burned by a woman, and by association the totality of Gynocentrism. They also tend to reverse engineering their lack of vetting. A wife who was once his Quality Woman becomes the bitch who turned on him – the living example of all women and their Hypergamous nature. Likewise, these guys never truly vetted their ex. In someways they may have been as equally naive about the nature of women as the guy still married and self-convinced that he’s done his due diligence in selecting the perfect mate.

Now add to all this a religious belief-set that is founded on marriages staying solid foundations of family formation and resistant to divorce (thus ensuring contentment and righteous living). Here we add another layer of self-blinding on top of men’s haphazard long-term mating strategy founded on his necessitousness. Surely a man’s true religion is the key to a loving and happy wife, appreciative children, strong family ties and quality of life? Men will always seek validation in the choices they invested their lives in – particularly in the face of realities that contradict them.

All of this is related to men’s long term mating strategy. I’ve written extensively on men’s innate mating strategy and the existential importance of men ensuring their own paternity. But just as women’s Hypergamy is a manifestation of their biological nature, so too are men’s imperatives in their own mating strategies. However, a distinction needs to be made with respect to Alpha Fucks/Beta Bucks equalist comparisons with women’s strategies. Men and women’s mating imperatives are both antagonistic and complementary depending on the nature of the men and women coming together to reproduce.

Men’s innate, unconditioned, biological imperative is unlimited access to unlimited sexuality. Left to his own volition, and unimpaired by women’s Hypergamous filtering strategies, men’s innate drive is to opt for variety of sexual experience.

Critics will counter with “Well, women look for variety too dontcha think?”

While there is some truth in this, women’s desire for broader sexual experience is motivated by a search for better quality in the men she has sex with, not quantity per se. Monogamy (as we know it) is really a tool for low SMV men to socially ensure reproduction and paternity (at least in theory).

For men the motivation is about quantity. Yes, men love variety in women. Yes, men would rather there be no hindrance to getting to that sexual experience with that variety. This is why pornography is ubiquitous today, and has always been a motivator for men – unlimited access to unlimited sexuality. There’s a reason why young Muslim men are promised 70 virgins in paradise if they martyr themselves. Variety and ensured paternity, even if it has to be in the afterlife, is clearly a strong motivator for men. Rockstars and religious zealots all strive for the same goal, they just come to it in different ways.


Men are so motivated by sexual experience that it supersedes the need for food. Research shows brain cells specific to men fire up when mates are present and override the need to eat. Take this as you will, but it does reinforce the idea that for men, sex is in fact a biological need.

Left unhindered human (Alpha) males will opt for securing multiple breeding partners; in some cases sequestering them for his long-term use. Locking away harems in secured compounds is something powerful men have done since our tribalistic past. Secure mates – secure paternity with them. There’s a reason why eunuchs guarded harems. The notion that men and women were ever naturally monogamous is an idealistic social convention. True monogamy in the animal kingdom is an extreme outlier. It’s just this prioritization of sexual opportunity that makes vetting women for monogamy compete with reproductive opportunism.

Strategic Pluralism

Most men are not Alpha males. The vast majority of men in this life and in eras past only had sexual access to a precious few women in their lives – if at all. Even in social conditions that rewarded monogamy and punished infidelity men and women have always found ways to manifest their antagonistic mating strategies. As few as 8,000 years ago (post agrarianism) 1 male reproduced for every 17 females. And as few as 4,000 years ago women were out-reproducing men. Again, read and make your own conclusions, but the point is human mating strategies find ways to circumvent social conventions.

On paper, monogamy is not a bad idea. As a social convention monogamy has been a stabilizing force in human evolution, but it in no way aligns with our innate sexual proclivities. Monogamy is a sexual strategy that primarily benefits low SMV men because most men will never experience (relatively) unlimited access to unlimited sexuality outside of pornography.

In Red Pill spheres we encourage men to consider themselves the prize. I personally believe that the most important step in unplugging a guy from his Blue Pill conditioning starts by internalizing the concept of Mental Point of Origin, but why is this often the most difficult step for men? It’s hard to think of oneself as a ‘winner’ when all a guy has done is lose for most of his life. The numbers don’t add up, and all the pep rallies a guy can pay for wont account for much until the day a girl actually responds to the “new you“. Feeling good about yourself is great, but most men want a solution to their sexlessness. Remember, sex really is that important to your male hindbrain. Food < Sex, got it?

According to Strategic Pluralism Theory (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000), men have evolved to pursue reproductive strategies that are contingent on their value on the mating market. More attractive men accrue reproductive benefits from spending more time seeking multiple mating partners and relatively less time investing in offspring. In contrast, the reproductive effort of less attractive men, who do not have the same mating opportunities, is better allocated to investing heavily in their mates and offspring and spending relatively less time seeking additional mates.

From Why Is Muscularity Sexy? Tests Of The Fitness Indicator Hypothesis

A lot of men get confused about the masculine imperative, but for the most part I think Strategic Pluralism Theory outlines most of mens’ mating strategies. In the Pareto Principle I delved into how women separate men into different sub-groups. The popularized oversimplification of this goes something like this:

“20% of men are fucking 80% of women.”

This is a misnomer. Granted, it used to have the good intention of getting men to believe that a small percentage of guys are having sex with a majority of women, and well, it might as well be them, right?

I’m sure that was meant to be a kind of motivational encouragement for guys learning Game, but it’s effectively wrong. The reality is 100% of women are interested in fucking about 20% of guys. We can see this repeatedly illustrated in various online dating stats and the realities of what Tinder has done to the SMP. But that’s the principle, not the practice. Just because a woman wants to get with a twentieth percentile man in no way means she will be getting with that guy. The issue here is the want not the get.

The Scarcity Mentality

Most men live in a state of sexual scarcity. So to implore a man to believe he’s actually the prize, or he should consider himself the prize, is an alien thought to him. Whether he acknowledges it consciously, his hindbrain understands the realities of his present-state sexual market value and it understands the reproductive equation it’s tasked with solving in (hopefully) a prosocial way.

Any time a woman actually shows an intimate interest in a low SMV man he will instinctively overlook the “deal breakers” his rational mind would otherwise give him pause to consider. Remember, sex supersedes hunger in the evolved scope of things for men. There are no considerations for ‘red flags’ with a woman when reproduction is of more strategic importance to his hindbrain.

When I’m listening to shows like Before the Train Wreck I hear the same predictable problems voiced by young men over and over again. There are consistent red flags these man should’ve seen before committing to a woman. And as a third party to this, we’re always dumbfounded by how the guy couldn’t have seen the signs before acting or committing to a woman’s mating strategy in order to facilitate a compromised version of his own strategy. Men’s rational process (particularly young men’s) are bypassed by sexual instinct and the hindbrain realization that his breeding opportunities are few and far between.

75% of college men would agree to have sex with a (semi-attractive) female they just met on campus while 0% of women would do the same with an unfamiliar male. Most men simply do not vet women for long term compatibility. The nature of our biology and our access to reproductive opportunities makes vetting a hindrance to solving a reproductive equation. In short, most men can’t afford to miss out on breeding opportunities.

As I outlined in Instinct, Emotion and Reason, our rational process requires time to be fully useful to us. The Instinct and Emotional processes are far quicker in their assessments and immediate effect on us. While men may innately prioritize reason before emotion, Instinct beats all other processes in speed and efficiency – if not accuracy. In our feminine-primary social order we further complicate (and disadvantage) men today by teaching them that their emotional response is the “correct” one to base decisions on. We conditions men to prioritize the Emotional process from a very early age. Again, all this makes actually vetting a woman for intimate acceptability almost offensive to the average (Beta) man today.

And this discomfort with holding any standards for women to receive his intimate approval also serves women’s sexual strategy.

You Just Got Lucky

There is a social aspect that comes into play with respect to men pairing up with women. As western societies have become more gynocentric the need to establish limitations on men’s mating strategies, and the simultaneous unfettering of women’s strategies, becomes apparent. In short, men simply aren’t allowed to hold standards for women to follow. And it’s offensive for men (not women) to even suggest the criteria women might need to ‘live up to‘ for men’s consideration of commitment.

Rich Cooper’s engagement on this one Tweet should illustrate what I’m getting into here. I’ve seen other variations of this message serve as outrage fodder for local news programs. The point is that a man making even marginal requirements for a man’s investment in a woman is met with extreme hostility. If your goal is getting social engagement there’s no better way to get it than by having the audacity to tell women they should qualify to a man – in any context. The idea that there is a man somewhere on planet earth who would voice his conditions for intimacy with women is unconscionable in gynocentric society.

But why? Why do women and their ‘allies‘ become so incensed by this? Because it commits the cardinal sin of the female power structure; it removes a degree of control away from women’s Hypergamous choice. If a woman must qualify to a man – in any context – it also sins against the maxim of the Strong Independent Woman®:

Never do anything for the express purpose of pleasing a man.

Notice how hostile women become when any man would place conditions on his terms for intimacy/commitment. This is a challenge to women’s unilateral control of Hypergamy in the social order. But more so, it is an affront to women’s Existential Fear:

The Existential Fear in women is that their innate Hypergamous Filter, their Feminine Intuition, might be fooled, and by being fooled she may either die or have her reproductive potential compromised for her lifetime by bearing and raising the child of man who is a suboptimal Hypergamous choice for her – a man who exerted his will over her Hypergamous choosing filters.

That a Beta male would ever hold conditions for his commitment triggers indignation in women.

Even Alpha men must never put terms on their commitment; men should feel blessed that any woman would have them. When Beta men reflexively default to social self-deprecation around their wives or LTR we see this social convention confirmed. We are conditioned to feel “lucky” that a woman lowered her standards to accept a man as her mate.

This is the intersexual poker game women play with men on whole. Entitlement, solipsism, anxiety over optimizing Hypergamy, all that competes with the foreknowledge that her attractiveness will decay over time. Women’s hindbrains know that their sex appeal, their agency in achieving that optimization, is ultimately perishable. Now add to this the anxiety that a Beta male might ‘trick’ her into choosing him as a mate and you can see why the Sisterhood will rally against men holding any demands for their interest in a woman.

Men often acquiesce to the mindset that they ought to feel fortunate that a woman would ever have them. They also foster this necessitousness in other men, usually as a form of Beta Game.

This endemic sense of metaphysical gratitude is what prevents men from even considering having standards for women. It also polices other men from holding standards themselves. How dare you be so arrogant as to expect a woman to live up to your demands? Just be glad the gods took pity on you and granted you a wife when so many Incels are at home with dick in hand. Tsk, tsk.

When a man ever has the temerity to evaluate women’s worth he’s made into a pariah. Today we expel boys from school for making lists rating the girls in their classes. Meanwhile women develop apps to do exactly the same for the men they’ve dated to inform other women. In a fem-centric social order only women are allowed to hold standards. This fact is a manifestation of a larger power dynamic between the sexes today.

A list of qualities a woman should have to please a man, to hold his long-term interests, goes viral and makes the evening news. Those men then become the easy, chauvinistic, villain to hate – “Can you believe that men like this still exist?!”

Eligible Bachelors

In my last post I made mention of how women were in crisis mode about the lack of ‘economically attractive’ men today. The articles about this crisis center on the idea of “eligible” men. Even the wildly popular show The Bachelor is built around the idea of men’s ‘eligibility’ to be considered for women’s approval. Qualify. Prove your quality. Be worthy of a woman’s love. Be ‘eligible’.

A female-primary social order – an order dedicated to maintaining feminine social control – needs to ruthlessly control which man is eligible for women’s consideration. It’s never the other way around. ‘Eligible’ is a way of psychologically maintaining a superior station of value for women.

Always bear in mind, women break rules for Alpha men and make rules for Beta men. But on a social scale it helps maintain the power imbalance if even Alpha men believe the same mythologies as Beta men.

This essay is the first in a series meant to establish a hierarchy of relationship needs that men might consider to help them accurately vet the women they allow into their lives and to enact these standards.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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4 years ago

Well I’m with Sammy.

One thing I do know is that it’s not really a science when it comes to shtf. Difficult to predict because there’s always a wildcard.

4 years ago

“. . . guns are for pikers…”
comment image

“it will begin in the Rohan”

4 years ago

“Tell me again why I would wanna pay for pussy? Or why Quaid would?” i’ll tell you why i would legal contract on legal premises means i have full rights. she tries any shit and i serve her on breach, negligence, nied, iied (we touched lol), any other tort and contract stuff i can think of to bind her up and dry up all her liquid cash. much harder with a college bar slut in a home residence setting with a he said/she said fact pattern… fucking sjw shit for some fuckhead feminst judge up the ass there bringing my… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Aeon is a bot.


I am shocked, shocked to find there are bots in Rollo’s comments.

4 years ago

Dennis Quaid’s mistake is proposing – good on him for having a 26 year old girlfriend – but WTF is the point of that a fourth marriage FFS at 65 no less

4 years ago

“your MAIN goal in your ‘own backyard’… IF (when) it does heat up… is to avoid being on some local non-state actor’s ‘local list’… ”


having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago


that charge by the Rohirrim always gets to me… likely some race memory type sh*t going on…lol…

but that’s more like trump leading the charge against the deep state in his second term…lol

the local boys have to get him through his first term at helm’s deep… first…lol

good luck!

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

that charge by the Rohirrim always gets to me… likely some race memory type sh*t going on…lol…

IMO Tolkhein based the siege loosely on the 1683 siege of Vienna, and possibly the largest cav charge in history by the Poles, led by winged Hussars. Except that in the movie they are carrying spears, not lances, and stuff.

There’s an actor in there on horseback, wearing scale mail and carrying a hand axe….

4 years ago


Beware the lion’s mouth. Even if you aren’t known as a bad person, one of your enemies may intrigue against you and you end up on a list. Hence, have your own list which requires preemptive strikes.when tshtf.

Also, it helps to be popular in your neighborhood, but not envied. Envy may lead to the lion’s mouth.

4 years ago

“– but WTF is the point of that a fourth marriage FFS at 65 no less”

My guess is that Quaid knows more about marriage and divorce – and cocaine – than anybody here. I don’t expect that he will come poasting about being divorce raped or monkey branched or whatever… I suspect the amount of fucks he is giving on this topic are near zero…

Actually having a MPoO requires you to actually do stuff. Some folks might find that stuff scary or caution against.

Honey badgers will keep on honey badgering.

4 years ago

Lol, there are at least two fucktards downvoting my last post. Amazing. I didn’t realize people could be so stupid. smh

4 years ago

“My guess is that Quaid knows more about marriage and divorce “

than you, lol

4 years ago

” Lol, there are at least two fucktards downvoting my last post. Amazing. I didn’t realize people could be so stupid. smh”


Different perspective. Different fear level. Different experiences.

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@theasdgamer @habd Beware the lion’s mouth. lol… that f*ker’s big enough for everybody… and you don’t get to hide just bc you are ‘good’… bc we are ALL already there… and the only way out is through… Even if you aren’t known as a bad person, one of your enemies may intrigue against you and you end up on a list. Hence, have your own list which requires preemptive strikes.when tshtf. THAT’S the spirit!!!…lol… hot civil wars are not REALLY all that interesting without a couple dozen local factions all going off at the same time…lol but since we are… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Different perspective. Different fear level. Different experiences.


4 years ago

Hivemind “opinion” article. with a very muddled opinion. TL,DR: “Yeah sure but!” [stamps foot] “Grrrrrrrrr. EEEE QUALLLLL EHHHH TEEEE!!!!” … Authoress Lily Burana – carousel to “i don’t do that anymore” backgrounder here At 17, I dropped out of high school and moved to New York City’s East Village, where the closest I got to a church was throwing on my thrift-store leopard trench coat and meeting my friends on the benches of Tompkins Square Park to swill shared 40-ouncers and hunt for half-smoked cigarettes on the ground before going to a midnight show. Chestnuts from Opinion: “The… Read more »

4 years ago

Re: upthread… Description provides a prescription, that is, if you know what you’re describing. Y’all use yourself how you will or choose. That’s not at issue. At issue is this: Some do life better than others, in the now and posthumously. Why is that? The best move is the right move. The next best move is the wrong move. Better than no move, I suppose. Here some claim any move is the best move as long as it passes a RP litmus-linguistics test of social acceptability, to hell with literal meaning. There’s nothing lost anonymously posturing, so all the wrong… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

v Description provides a prescription, that is, if you know what you’re describing.

Lol. That’s really dumb.

4 years ago

“see above… we are ALL already there…” Do you do 48LOP? There are effective strategies to mitigate envy. I don’t see much way to wargame against more than potential individual threats. Don’t be one of the taller blades of grass. Use camouflage (in a virtual sense) so that people don’t see you as either a direct threat or as prey. You want lots of people who will run to help you and think of you as a fellow tribesman or chief. Don’t rely solely on your own guns. And occasionally beg food so that people will think that you don’t… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Hivemind “opinion” article. with a very muddled opinion.

Well, of course it is. The cognitive dissonance is audible even from here.

Female hindbrain: “Look, a slut snagged a millionaire, maybe we can too!”
Female forebrain: “What? Teh inequality! Teh patraiarchy! Snort!”
Female hindbrain: “Yeah, but the Benjamins, what about them?”
Female forebrain: “But romance novel cliche, but strong independent You Go Girl!”
Female hindbrain: “Benjamins! Whole big stacks of them, and he’s got good pecs!”


4 years ago

“Lol. That’s really dumb.”


4 years ago

“My guess is that Quaid knows more about marriage and divorce – and cocaine – than anybody here. I don’t expect that he will come poasting about being divorce raped or monkey branched or whatever… I suspect the amount of fucks he is giving on this topic are near zero…” but… “You could say that, in the final analysis, what draws two adults to each other is nobody else’s business — but when such developments are featured as news because one of the principals went on an infotainment program to share his joy about his engagement as part of the… Read more »

4 years ago

“that lily bitch can’t write for shit. who did she blow to get her job” Back when bosses had dicks… all of them I guess. and any poozy since then. While on the road, she recalls her start in the peep shows of Times Square and her groundbreaking legal battle for strippers’ rights, waged against one of the most notorious strip club owners in the country. With the benefit of her independence and experience, she’s shocked to learn how much, yet how little, the world of striptease has changed. Insightful and reflective, Burana describes the clubs and bars, the… Read more »

4 years ago

“But it’s all over now… ???”

She’s staring down 50. Right on schedule.

4 years ago

“Do you do 48LOP? There are effective strategies to mitigate envy. I don’t see much way to wargame against more than potential individual threats. Don’t be one of the taller blades of grass. Use camouflage (in a virtual sense) so that people don’t see you as either a direct threat or as prey. You want lots of people who will run to help you and think of you as a fellow tribesman or chief. Don’t rely solely on your own guns. And occasionally beg food so that people will think that you don’t have enough to bother stealing from. Never… Read more »

4 years ago

Defining the issue correctly is dumb as having a correct diagnosis before treatment. Look fellas. I’m not butthurt about AR not groking simple if-then. He’s generally out of public commission anyways so there’s no loss to his ignorance or ego or reality getting any of this wrong. Others have more at stake as I did and do. DPA is the best advice I’ve been given here as it is universal and infinite. It works every time for good reason. If you don’t know who you are then recreating yourself into someone else is a lot less authentic than reducing yourself… Read more »

4 years ago

I averred that it would heat up, not turn into Damnation Alley.

4 years ago

Blax, There are lots of people, you included, upon whom I couldn’t rely–in fact, you’d probably be on the other side. However, there are enough people upon whom I could call upon who would help me escape…and once I escape, I will return and snipe and blow shit up and lead people into my trap zones etc. I’d do “punisher” shit and I thought about that shit before I ever saw Tom Jane’s movie. But that’s only if I’m stupid and get surprised. So if I’m surprised, I run and hit back later when I have surprise. That’s just smart… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

EhIntellect Defining the issue correctly is dumb as having a correct diagnosis before treatment. Lol, whut? Here are your own words: Description provides a prescription, that is, if you know what you’re describing. Here is a description for “water”. a transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid, a compound of hydrogen and oxygen, H2O, freezing at 32°F or 0°C and boiling at 212°F or 100°C, that in a more or less impure state constitutes rain, oceans, lakes, rivers, etc.: it contains 11.188 percent hydrogen and 88.812 percent oxygen, by weight. That’s a definition for “water”, water “is” all around us. Now, Eh, where’s… Read more »

4 years ago


“There are lots of people, you included, upon whom I couldn’t rely–in fact, you’d probably be on the other side. “

See, that’s that bullshit right there.

Explain what ” side ” I’d be on.

4 years ago

“However, there are enough people upon whom I could call upon who would help me escape…and once I escape, I will return and snipe and blow shit up and lead people into my trap zones etc. I’d do “punisher” shit and I thought about that shit before I ever saw Tom Jane’s movie. But that’s only if I’m stupid and get surprised. So if I’m surprised, I run and hit back later when I have surprise. That’s just smart tactics. It’s not about massive firepower or any of that shit. It’s about having people you can rely on who will… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

I averred that it would heat up, not turn into Damnation Alley.

I fear that I’ve been trolled into something. Something dangerous. Something like…

“Killa cockroaches…repeat…killa cockroaches..

4 years ago

I first saw that movie maybe ten miles from where the final scene is set, except they subbed Montana for upstate NY, which totally blew the realism of the film for me.

4 years ago

“DPA is the best advice I’ve been given here as it is universal and infinite. It works every time for good reason. If you don’t know who you are then recreating yourself into someone else is a lot less authentic than reducing yourself into your original constituents and starting there. How one gets a woman to hold their drink is then immaterial. They do it willingly. Ask me how I know. Less is more. I owe Sentient a debt of gratitude for that, if years late. Rugby posted up a video the other day from #CharismaOnCommand. I was just at… Read more »

4 years ago

“Pitifully misinformed. You have to find men to Bond with. I’ve been bonding with real dudes for 50 years, while you were busy fleeing. But, keep dreaming.” That’s some spectacular shit in your bong. Can I get some? Bonding, lol. You don’t know the strengths of bonds until they’re actually tested by going through nasty shit together. Fleeing works. Until you stop fleeing and attack. Then the tactics work spectacularly. Been there, done that. If I flee, you really don’t wanna chase. lol (I’m not into ego.) ““There are lots of people, you included, upon whom I couldn’t rely–in fact,… Read more »

4 years ago

“There are some who would lynch me as a “race traitor” for having Eurasian kids.” Sounds like those would be your homeboys. Damn, watch your back. Asd, you fantasize about the collapse ( whatever that actually is ) and people ” coming for you “, because it’s a mental exercise for you. No hate, just spittin’ a little realism into your fantasy. I won’t bore you with the shit I’ve been through, with and without my friends, but I will say that just reading what you type tells me that you haven’t really been through very much. Hey, that’s good… Read more »

4 years ago

trolling with Granddaughter Gamer…

I was in a public place with her…she was pushing the stroller around…noisy and spunky and opinionated as she is wont to be…50 to 100 people stared and smiled at her or said that she was “so cute” etc. within the space of one hour…even a fair no. of men…some pretty girls, too, of course…

…better than a puppy…

4 years ago

“Asd, you fantasize about the collapse ( whatever that actually is ) and people ” coming for you “, because it’s a mental exercise for you. No hate, just spittin’ a little realism into your fantasy.”

Lol, hell no, you are so far off. But Antifa is a wake up call. Similar to the role of John Brown and the start of the War of Northern Aggression. Provocateurs.

Antifa will keep upping the ante of violence until there is push back. Then the left will want open war. Because history. (I think that you confuse fantasy and history.)

4 years ago


You’re nuttier than squirrel shit, so I’m finished with this.

Take it easy and watch out for anita…er…antifa.

4 years ago

Awesome post but what do you mean with: Anxiety over optimizing Hypergamy? Very stoked for this series

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

He means that hypergamy implies that women are constantly looking for a man who is “above” them and it is a basic drive of female nature to wonder if they’ve done that successfully and whether the man they have is “good enough” or if he’s a fake, or if they can do better, etc. That worry never stops.

4 years ago

“You’re nuttier than squirrel shit”


4 years ago

Keep hitting that bong, Blax. You’ll feel better. Until you don’t.

4 years ago


“I owe Sentient a debt of gratitude for that, if years late.”

Glad it worked for you. Authenticity is the bedrock and hardest place to reach.

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@theasdgamer You don’t have to have a history of being a progressive for an enemy to accuse you of being a progressive and you end up being lynched. That was my point to HABD. i understood your point just fine… it just didn’t make sense to me…lol… bc i was stuck in my pedantic world view…lol… (i should have realized you were spinning and addressed that)… the ‘dudes with a local list’ that we were discussing are not part of ‘the establishment’… nobody is going to ‘intrigue’ against you with them… bc nobody is going to know who they are…… Read more »

4 years ago
4 years ago

@HABD Almost all the protests that you see on teevee aren’t right wing saxons, but left wing socialists…yellow vests who are anti-capitalist…Antifa…chileans…iraqis… …saxons aren’t anywhere near willing to risk what they have…but someone with some money is willing to spend a few million to fund protests worldwide… …as far as ‘people with lists’ goes, it’s probably going to be drug gangs moving into middle class neighborhoods in the burbs…I’ve seen some of this already…gang leaders are well known…if you have read Chris Kyle’s book, you should know that The Lion’s Mouth ™ was used heavily in Iraq…now the drug gangs… Read more »

4 years ago


You live in a border town or something?

4 years ago

““Lol. That’s really dumb.”



Exactly. Funny too.

You know, ASD, how defensive some become holding up RP for critical comparison to something else. Its like they become TRMs own Javert demanding state order above all.

This isn’t about Rollo. Funny how AR finds meaning in arguing for Rollo though. The only one really….heh. One way to spend his finality.

Have a good day.

4 years ago

IOW these certain guys become exactly what they claim to reject….ideologues.

Hm. Ironiic considering…..

4 years ago

“I don’t know if you’ve heard about Barcelona over there as a lot of news is being suppressed.”

Catalan independence, French maillot jaune, British exit, Italian Salvini rallies – I am aware of them and can get updates no more than a few hours old anytime I want, because I don’t watch “the news.”

You can’t stop the signal, Mal.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

There’s Ideas and then there’s the real world. The next big idea regarding this subject is already brewing away in some skull closer to home than you might admit.

One things for sure, all sides have shown their treachery. New hierarchies are being decided even as the desperate idealists claw to hang on, not to the world, but to their time in their world.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago
4 years ago

“You have to go looking though don’t you..” It’s more a matter of where I usually look. Going back to the 60s I got the majority of my world news by listening to BBC Radio and Radio Prague on the shortwave and picking up a copy of The Times now and again when I could. That was pretty unconventional for upstate NY/southern Vermont where I lived, but it was just convention for me. “It’s not presented to the masses as part of the daily brainwashing” But things are changing. Outside of incidental viewing in public places like airports Styxhexenhammer666 might… Read more »

4 years ago

Of course there’s a huge demographic divide in that. Over 60s still tend to go to the TV to get the news. Under 30’s tend to go to YT on their “phones.”

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@Palmasailor @HABD I don’t know if you’ve heard about Barcelona over there as a lot of news is being suppressed. Basically they locked up 10 or so politicians for 10 + years each for having the damn audacity to hold an “unauthorised” election that had the support of 90 odd % of the population.. There’s also the yellow vests in France – there must be a D notice or something on that because it’s not being reported over here. Damn these peasants who won’t do as they’re told… ya, i knew about those…lol… things are popping all over… but… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@Palmasailor @HABD It’s not functioning for China either. it is for their elite… at least for now… although THOSE guys tend to be killed if they screw up… or say the wrong thing…lol A few minutes after getting out of the airport and going to Shanghai I concluded we’re fucked. yes, dark ages are ahead… bc all of our consumer sh*t is made over there… and THAT is the only thing keeping the lid on over there… but if you make it to the other side, it should get better… “IF”… and speaking of ‘if’… if trump really wanted to… Read more »

4 years ago


“Best I can describe is how my different old friends son described them “sub human””

Coming to a metro near you…

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago



“Best I can describe is how my different old friends son described them “sub human””

Coming to a metro near you…

you think that’s worse than a mom forcing her son to be transgender at 7?…AFTER a jury trial?…lol

good luck!

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago


and it gets even better… mom is not even ‘mom’…

at least the chinese kid only had a truck roll over him a couple times… he didn’t have to suffer his ‘mom’ f*king him up… with society’s encouragement…

good luck!

4 years ago

“if trump really wanted to f*k with china (and the democrats/deep state…lol)… he would start pushing for a new law that granted ‘equivalency’ (as a tariff) for an adjusted $15/hour ‘living wage’ for all chinese workers… for any product they make that is imported into the US…lol”

…or just have the CIA set up some unions over there…and weapons caches…lol, but not kidding…if the CIA wasn’t a bunch of brain dead leftists, they’d do sh*t like this…

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago


on second thought, i think both situs are pretty horrific…

good luck!

4 years ago

“Catalan independence, French maillot jaune, British exit, Italian Salvini rallies “ From World Games Tonight: Loons have been pushing indep for centuries channeling Johnny Carson, “that’s ‘yellow vests’ for those of you in Rio Linda” Salvini rallies are the Italian version of Trump rallies–normal politics–“Make Rome Great Again” Brexit is currently just a wet dream and a source for civil irritation in Britain, from what I can tell–maybe Britain will do a Brexit in stages or pieces…Londonistan will be last, of course… Germans are probably squashing any nonsense that Soros is trying to cause, but their leftists are capable of… Read more »

4 years ago

“Salvini rallies are the Italian version of Trump rallies”

With the exception that Salvini has actually been ousted, adding a layer or three of tension to the affairs. More like a Trump rally if they manage to impeach and remove Trump before the election but he continues to run and campaign for re-election.

4 years ago

I knew someone (American) who stopped for help a couple of children who had been hit by a car years back, in the ROK. When the cops came everyone accused him of hitting the children with his car. They actually said they observed it. The children explained that he didn’t hit them, and they ignored them. He was taken to the police station. Fortunately he spoke Hangul and knew a lot of Koreans who vouched for him. I have no doubt he would have gone to prison otherwise. Everyone assumes if you stop to help, you’re guilty….otherwise why would you… Read more »

4 years ago

I think your embarking on the most important set of articles you have yet written. I look forward to reading them and deciding how much of what you suggest I can or should apply to my own life and pursuits. I am a beta, but thanks to you I am at least redpill and alpha aware. I would still like to get married and have a a family with in the context of a strong and mutually beneficial marrage. BUT, I am not willing to marry a womam (or father children) under just any conditions. Although, I experience lonelyness in… Read more »

4 years ago

“Salvini has actually been ousted”

ousted, lol…Italy isn’t like the U.S. or the U.K. where you know who holds the reins of power based on title and position…in Italy, posts are shuffled like cards from time to time…you might need to add some Italian news sources to your current sources…

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

HABD – have you read a writer and blogger called John Michael Greer? It’s uncanny Interesting that you mention Mexico – he has a theory that the gang culture there (I assume you’re talking about the Sinaloa shoot out between the army and El Chapo’s gang last week that ended in the army breaking and running away) is the very early stages of “warband culture” – that is to say, like the barbarian hordes that the Roman Empire kept beyond its borders as long as the Roman Army was capable of it. Once the Empire declined, the barbarians swarmed in… Read more »

4 years ago

Banana republic with nuclear weapons.

4 years ago

@ASD: “…you might need to add some Italian news sources to your current sources…”

“Chi ama il continente africano per davvero evita il traffico di esseri umani. Anche perché più ne partono, più ne muoiono. Meglio spendere qualche soldino là piuttosto che farne sbarcare a migliaia in” — The words of the man himself just hours ago.

I’ve got La Repubblica on the telly where Conte is denying having contact with Barr.

It’s called the World Wide Web. You should try it. It’s neat.

4 years ago

kfg, unfortunately when I cut and pasted your “quotation” into my browser, I got no hits.

I did find an article from Brookings about salvini:

“Matteo Salvini is out but not down”

Italians like wild swings in their govts.–probably for entertainment because the corruption over there is so overwhelming. Garbage strikes! P

The funny thing is, the current Italian govt. might have to swing farther right than even salvini if they want to take the wind from his sails.

4 years ago

” . . . when I cut and pasted your “quotation” into my browser, I got no hits.”

You might want to add Salvini to your sources.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Palmasailor Until about 3 years ago I used to read the weekend FT and The Economist. Then they all wet the bed over BREXIT and i saw the light. It’s always something, for those who can think. There’s some event where [official opinion] vs. [what can be seen out the fracking window] are so disparate that one has to be utterly wrong. Imagine if Muslims were protesting in Paris every day for months – headlines. Middle class Frenchies? Yawn, nothing to see, move along citizen. Barcelona. Hong kong. France. Brexit. The top-down globalhomo system is fracturing, but Do Not Look!… Read more »

4 years ago

” It’s always something, for those who can think. There’s some event where [official opinion] vs. [what can be seen out the fracking window] are so disparate that one has to be utterly wrong.”


4 years ago

kfg, you’re about as useful as tits on a boar.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago
4 years ago

@HABD: stock up on ammo and food. Food I already usually stock some non-perishables. And for us without guns in countries where it is very hard to legally obtain guns, what do you suggest?

4 years ago


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago



Also LARP. Lotsa LARPing ’round the web.

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@Culum HABD – have you read a writer and blogger called John Michael Greer? never heard of him…lol… so i looked him up… he seems like a reasonable dude… for an east coast lefty…lol… as far as i can tell, he doesn’t make the next logical leap to ‘what happens in society when things break down like i’m saying they will’…lol… i wonder if he can even build a fire with a bic… much less a bottle of water…lol It’s uncanny lol… why?… this sh*t’s not actually all that hard to SEE…lol… and that’s especially true if some east coast… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@Palmasailor @Culum “That is one possiblity but more likely is a slower decline over generations punctuated by partial recoveries etc.” Unfortunately I don’t think so, the demand on societal resources is gathering steam exponentially by those contributing nothing / very little. I think we are in the same psychology as bubble theory. And they don’t gently deflate. “It’s all fantastic, nothing to see here move along, it’s all fantastic, It’s all fantastic, it’s all fantastic, It’s all fantastic, it’s all fantastic, It’s all fantastic, it’s all fantastic, It’s all fantastic, it’s all fantastic, It’s all fantastic, it’s all fantastic” It’s… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@IAS @HABD: stock up on ammo and food. Food I already usually stock some non-perishables. And for us without guns in countries where it is very hard to legally obtain guns, very hard… or impossible?… what do you suggest? do the work…lol… what else?… if ‘impossible’… a machete, for the garden work you do on the weekends… or a combat quality sword for that new martial art you have taken up… and then practice… so you don’t cut off your leg…lol… but not kidding… at the very least, (and for just walking around in society (if you can’t carry a… Read more »

4 years ago

“very hard… or impossible?”

Why do Estonians water their flower beds with motor oil?
To keep their guns from rusting.

I’ll note that I didn’t post the picture of the Swiss Guard for nothing. Got a mop? A chef’s knife and a ball of twine? Swords are sidearms, not battle weapons. The wives of samurai who might have to defend the home were trained with naginata, not katana.

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@kfg IAS

“very hard… or impossible?”

Why do Estonians water their flower beds with motor oil?
To keep their guns from rusting.

+1… if you can… and accept the risk…

I’ll note that I didn’t post the picture of the Swiss Guard for nothing. Got a mop? A chef’s knife and a ball of twine? Swords are sidearms, not battle weapons. The wives of samurai who might have to defend the home were trained with naginata, not katana.


people been killing each other with sharpened sticks for a loooong time…

good luck!

4 years ago

This conversation is fascinating on multiple levels, and I’m enjoying reading along because informative. One of the things I find interesting is the ” what do ” portion. Most men have never had weapons of any meaningful sort, or engaged in serious hand to hand under uncontrolled conditions. They are, unbeknownst to them, engaging in uninformed conjecture. Having gone through mini disasters ( Newark riots, 911, hurricane Sandy ), in the short term most people won’t react the ways being outlined here, particularly in the United States. A decent into barbarism would take a very long time even if it… Read more »

4 years ago

An actual advantage of pointy sticks over firearms:

They don’t go “BANG!”

While surveying your property and home for optimum firing lines, also make note of any places you can stand with a pointy stick that negates the advantage of ranged weapons while still allowing you to deploy it effectively.

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@Blaximus This conversation is fascinating on multiple levels, and I’m enjoying reading along because informative. i’m glad you’re enjoying it…lol… but that sh*t with the chinese kid and the forced ‘trans’ kid in texas just made me sad… One of the things I find interesting is the ” what do ” portion. Most men have never had weapons of any meaningful sort, or engaged in serious hand to hand under uncontrolled conditions. They are, unbeknownst to them, engaging in uninformed conjecture. most likely…lol… except for those ‘non-state actors’ with those local lists… who have been through robin sage or similar…… Read more »

4 years ago

i’m glad you’re enjoying it…lol… but that sh*t with the chinese kid and the forced ‘trans’ kid in texas just made me sad… It didn’t phase me in the least. I’ve learned that many people, and Americans particularly can be massively non-plussed by the death and suffering of most other people, or at least they don’t do what they can to change or stop it. Death? Of young people? Maybe I’ll tweet about it. This too is a part of the Great Unravelling, and imo, it’s well deserved. 2 years ago, a guy killed 50+ people and wounded 400+ more… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@Blaximus “i’m glad you’re enjoying it…lol… but that sh*t with the chinese kid and the forced ‘trans’ kid in texas just made me sad…” It didn’t phase me in the least. I’ve learned that many people, and Americans particularly can be massively non-plussed by the death and suffering of most other people, or at least they don’t do what they can to change or stop it. ya, usually i’m pretty un-phased about most sh*t…lol… and mostly nothing really ever surprises me about the depth of human apathy… but i think what hit me was a sadness about what we’ve lost… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago



Interesting real time observation on the delta between PC think and real grassroots think / actions.

My go to weekend organised event has a had tranny participant for the last two weeks (tonight is the second).

Except no one wants to know.

People turn up, take one look at the group event and leave.

Participation has halved.

ya, most people hate that shit…lol

good luck!

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago



Here you go.

I told you there was fury in the grass roots.

yep… everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth…lol

and it always surprises most folks when violence happens… that’s part of that normalcy bias…

good luck!

4 years ago

@HABD lol @ ‘Saxons’ They are dumb fuckers who will soon be lost in the sands of time. If you don’t reproduce, you eventually become irrelevant to anybody. As long as your genes continue, you have biological relevance. What was the most popular name in Britain last year? Slow decline of western civ and slow decline of ‘Saxons’ as a percentage of the U.S. population is what’s projected based on trends. So talking about ‘Saxons’ going on a rampage is like screaming in the wankatorium. Gotta reproduce. The racists at Heartiste weren’t wrong about everything. Rollo should probably hit the… Read more »

4 years ago

“Oh, yeah, what’s up with Fox allowing blacks to own the term ‘lynch’? Lots and lots of white and oriental and native American people were lynched. Fuck that race-hustling PC shit.”

…. Not sure if this is autism or ignorance or a shitty education.

I’d love to sit with asd and talk for days, just to wrap my head around all of the shit he doesn’t know, or has an alternative deduction for.

Go read a ( few dozen ) books asd.

4 years ago

(((( The following is only posted for asd, as he’s the only one spouting …whatever it is ))))

Now, let’s watch him rebut.

The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
4 years ago

Just saw ‘Joker’ whilst in the city a few days ago, and everyone left the cinema (in a leafy, more affluent suburb) rather quietly, perhaps contemplating the obvious messages in the film and the bleak future of the West. I think what is presented in Joker could become quite a prophetic harbinger of the not too distant future, as the gap between the ‘haves’ and increasingly growing ‘have nots’ continues to undermine society. The head honcho of Qantas for instance (who is more interested in LGBQRSTXXX>>> issues than running an airline anyways), is paid (not earns) $500,000 per week (per… Read more »

4 years ago

“yep… everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”

experience…gotta learn to get up after you’ve been knocked down

“it always surprises most folks when violence happens”

I got sucker punched exactly once…

…optics and intel…oh, wait, sorry, I should have said guns, guns, guns! lol

4 years ago

lol @ Blax and his race-hustling bullsh*t

4 years ago

Yup. You just ignored the link, right?


“Ignorance is a lack of knowledge and information. The word “ignorant” is an adjective that describes a person in the state of being unaware, and can describe individuals who deliberately ignore or disregard important information or facts, or individuals who are unaware of important information or facts”

Done with you.

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