
Back in the summer of 2014 I wrote two essays outlining the minds of Incels. The first was The Severing and the second was Owed Sex. I wrote these essays in the wake of the Eliot Rodger shooting and the sudden emergence of the term ‘red pill’ into the popular lexicon. Eliot had a lot of manifesto style youtube videos as well as a fairly detailed written manifesto he published online just prior to his shooting. His frustration was palpable in these videos. Here was a kid who fit the profile of an AFC, an average frustrated chump. AFC is an old school PUA term used to describe average guys who were confused by intersexual dynamics, usually as a result of their life long Blue Pill conditioning. I used to unironically use AFC to describe a guy who I’d probably refer to as a Blue Pill Beta in my work today, but in light of the most recent “Incel attack” in Toronto last month I’m wondering if AFC isn’t a better descriptor for these guys.

I’m doing a bit of review here because I want to put the perspective on time in these incidents. Alek Minnasian, the Toronto truck driving killer, another AFC, reportedly idolized Eliot Rodger. In and of itself this is probably to be expected from a self-avowed Incel, but what motivates these guys. That’s what the mainstream media wants to know, right? And literally hundreds of bloggers and social pundits seem to all have an expert knowledge about the motives of Incels. Weeks after the Toronto killings there are people I’ve never read before who are convinced that they know all about these “losers”. For the most part, the mainstream media (and I include online pundits in this category now) want ‘crazy’. Even the guys who are ostensibly part of the manosphere know that crazy gets eyeballs on the screen, and nothing is crazier than a ‘killer Incell’.

Incels are the low hanging fruit for pretty much anyone on either side of the ideological spectrum. I can read any number of feminists wanting to link Incels to ‘red pill radicalization’ and how they are ‘gender terrorists’ (this is genuinely laughable considering the natures of most of these kids), to the Red Pill guys who want to carve out their own trad-con niche in the ‘sphere using Incles as a negative example to prove their version of whatever qualifies as masculinity. Lets face it, Incels are easy targets. They’re universally described as “the losers you used to know in high school who couldn’t get laid”. This makes them easy to dismiss most of the time, until one of them shoots up a university or mows down random women with a panel truck.

Incel is short for involuntary celibate, but there’s a lot more contributing to these guy’s condition than just an inability to get laid. Back in 2014 the term Incel wasn’t used to define Eliot Rodger. He was an Incel for sure, but very few people trying to analyze him made this connection. Again, they wanted crazy, and what’s better than crazy? More crazy. So all the efforts used to pick Eliot apart back then were really pointing to bigger motives, nefarious groups of ‘misogynists’ and more craziness.

Back then, Eliot belonged to an online forum called PUA Hate; literally a group formed by these guys’ collective dislike of the Pick Up Artist set that virtually all of them had once been hopeful would end their involuntary celibacy. For whatever reason the promised magic formula that would end their loneliness and sexlessness didn’t work for them. They were all understandably mad. Ironically, Rational Male articles I had written got link-backs to various posts on the forum and most of them were appreciative of them, however, that may’ve also been part of the problem. Fast forward four years and today the deleted PUA Hate forum is replaced by, another forum with a similar charter (and also one I get good link-backs to).

I think one of the most pressing problems in Red Pill awareness today is that awareness itself. Not every guy is ready to be unplugged. One of the inherent risks I take in writing what I do is presuming every man I make aware has the presence of mind to accept it and work it out for himself. If you look at the profiles of the past 6 school shooters, include Eliot Rodger and Alek Minassian, you find a lot of similarities. Most were the products of a fatherless home, most were diagnosed with autism or Asperger’s syndrome, and all of them were the ‘Forever Alone’ types triggered by the rejection of a girl. These young men are the product of a generation that has removed the man from their upbringing and taught them to emote before they think.

Today we’re just starting to acknowledge this generation of ‘lost boys‘; the young men who drift rudderless in life, are socially retarded to varying degrees and a demographic that is looking outside themselves for solutions to problems that are the result of the social order that created them. Is it any surprise we have such a rise in popularity of any speaker or organization that might be able provide them some direction?

Many of these guys are simply not ready to be made Red Pill aware. It is a risk to their egos, but also, it’s often a crushing disillusionment of the Blue Pill ideals they’d hoped would be a reality for them if they could just play the Blue Pill’s game correctly. For a lot of them it was their Blue Pill hopes that formed the basis of their existence. Now add the harsh truths of the Red Pill to a lost boy, one who is socially maladapted or has a genuine psychological disorder, and take that (misguided) ‘hope’ away from him. What does that kid do when the Red Pill shows him the reality of the game he’s involved in?

There is no ‘Black Pill’

I’ve heard Roosh and a few other commenters in the ‘sphere describe the “Black Pill” – the idea that the social order of the Blue Pill, the Feminine Imperative, or the ‘gynocracy’ if you like, is so rigged against men that they accept their role in it and give up on trying to make themselves or their circumstance better. What these guys are describing is what I’ve referred to in the past as the Abyss. This Abyss is the psychological / existential gulf a man needs to cross when he becomes Red Pill aware. He realizes that the person he carved himself out to be in a Blue Pill conditioned ideal was based on a the same falsehoods. This stage of unplugging has difficulties unique to men at various stages of their lives and according to the decisions they made for themselves throughout their lives in accordance with those Blue Pill ideals. It’s one thing for a young man of 25 to unplug and turn his life around in a Red Pill aware paradigm, but it’s quite another for a man of 70 to become aware and look back on his life, marriage(s), family dysfunction and the long term impact his blindness to the Blue Pill game he was a part of for so long.

There is a necessary state of nihilism, or at the very least a prolonged doubt, that occurs when men realize that they’re cut away from that Blue Pill conditioned life. This is why I compare it to mourning in The Five Stages of Unplugging, men are literally mourning the loss of their investments in that paradigm; they’re morning the loss of Killing the Beta they used to be.

Understand this, there is no Black Pill – there is only the Abyss of accepting the truth that comes with Red Pill awareness and a man’s capacity to make this awareness work in his best interests.

Incels, if nothing else, want to find ways to make this awareness work for them, but most are too damaged to deal with the realities that Red Pill awareness reveals to them. They’re not ready for the truth, but it’s unavoidable today.

A lot of femosphere critics want to lay the blame for Incels at the feet of the Red Pill. They think there’s some nefarious plot to radicalize young men to be killers in some misogyny fueled gender-jihad against women. This presumption also comes on the heels of the #MeToo / Future is Female movement so it fits in perfectly with the ‘resistance’ narrative. As I said, it’s easy to hate on Incels. They fit another profile too; that of the basement dwelling 30 year old who refuses to leave his parents house. For the Man Up crowd Incels are easy to AMOG, for the lathered up militant feminist they’re the perfect foil needed to legitimize their own ego investments in gender dystopia.

The truth of the matter is Incels have always been with us. They were the losers, the nerds (before they were told they were cool) and the guys who were Darwin’s dead ends. I knew dozens of them when I was growing up. I know many now, all of them building a life-theme around their life long confusion and misery of not figuring out women. I know a lot of married men today who are technically Incels in their marriages. We like to say they’re ‘unlucky’ in love or we’ll say “Don’t worry, you’re a great guy. Any girl would be lucky to have you. You’re just meeting the wrong kind of girls, just be yourself and it’ll happen for you.” Then we hope they don’t fixate on one of our girlfriend’s girlfriends and they go off to figure out how the real world works.

AFCs in 2018

So what’s different now? Well, to start, we have a generation of lost boys who’ve been acculturated to think that even asking a girl out is a form of sexual misconduct. The Village has raised boys as if they’re defective girls, devoid of any of the masculine discipline necessary to teach these young men how to cope with real rejection from a girl, how to deal with defeat or how to come back stronger as a result. As we’ve feminized these boys so to have we embedded the same feminine victimhood narrative that women rely on into their collective psyche. Except these boys are still beholden to the old social contract that women believe incumbent upon men. This puts these boy-men into a very precarious position: they are educated like defective girls and as such adopt the same frail sensibilities and are subject to the same entitlement narrative as most women are, but they are also male and therefore are expected to suck it up, take it on the chin and carry on. They are told to express their feelings and in the next moment are told to check their male privilege.

Most of the lost boys generation are not ready for the disillusionment that the Red Pill brings to them, but it’s not the manosphere that’s opening their eyes so much as they are having it thrust in front of them by a communication age steeped in the Feminine Imperative. Today, Red Pill truths are harder and harder to get away from as Open Hypergamy and all of the unflattering truths about the female nature are triumphantly lauded by women themselves. Every swipe left on Tinder is one more confirmation of exactly the harsh truths that push Incels to their limit.

Of every article I’ve read on Incels since the Toronto killings not one author has analyzed the problem correctly, but also none have any actionable idea about how to solve the problem of Incels snapping. There are no longer the same outlets that ‘losers’ had back in my day to channel that sexual frustration to more productive ends. Many a frustrated high school boy became his generation’s iconic artist or musician. I think it’s the height of irony that Mark Zuckerberg essentially created Facebook to stalk his ex girlfriend. There are no longer the creative ways to deal with the discontent that comes from sexual rejection. Some will say to me there are, it’s just these guys are too unmotivated to apply themselves. And while that may be true, there are much easier outlets that further stunt that boys development. Rather than redirecting that sexual angst to something creative, it’s much easier to lose themselves in online porn or immersive escapisms facilitated by this age’s technology.

Or they can seek out a forum of similarly disaffected young men and commiserate about the truth of a world that has no place for them. I read that Dr. Jordan Peterson suggested that a social order based on ‘enforced monogamy’ might be a cure for Incels. I get what he was trying to say, but it’s just one more flippant redirection away from the real causes of this rise in Incels. I can remember reading a post that Roissy had made about a knife wielding man in China who had gone to a day care center to specifically kill women and children. As horrifying as that is what had prompted the guy was the understanding that he’d essentially been selected out of the reproductive game because there was a huge imbalance in the ratio of men to women in China as a result of their one-child policy for so long. Roissy went on to suggest that as more and more men are disaffected by a feminine-primary social order, one that bases all its legislation and social doctrine on optimizing Hypergamy, the men disenfranchised by it will become either more violent (in their effort or angst to reproduce) or more suicidal – which we also see in men killing themselves at 5 times the rate of women.

Incels are the canary in the coal mine that is a gynocentric social order. They are what results when a society prioritizes and incentivizes Alpha Fucks (enthusiastic consent) while Beta Bucks is more or less assured by direct and indirect resource transfer to women. When 80%+ of men are evaluated as ‘unattractive’ to women fed on a steady diet of ego inflating social media, you get Incels. I made a case for this in Dangerous Times, but Incels are a byproduct of a feminine-primary form of polyandry. Incels are a result of shifting from a social contract based on marriage to one based on a sustained child support. The old social order was founded on giving a guy a decent shot at marriage and reproduction by way of being a good provider, this contract is gone today. When a woman’s primary incentive is no longer provisioning all that’s left is a socio-sexual contract based on the most available Alpha seed to meet a need that a woman cannot provide for herself.

As we move into the next decade I believe we will see even more narrowing of this socio-sexual contract. This is why some countries are legislating that anything less than an enduring enthusiastic consent for a woman is rape. This is an effort in insuring a woman is never again inconvenienced by having transactional sex for resources, nor should she be bothered by men who will know not to approach her. Incels are the natural expression of the frustration that comes from this truth becoming more and more blatant and accepted in society. Incels have it right; they more than any guy understand the brutal truths of a social order founded on mandating Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks. Where they go wrong is in their way (or non way) of coping with that truth. They accept their Black Pill and never cross the Abyss to a better life because they don’t know how to evolve with it.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago

Removal of patriarchy may have removed their purpose and rewards… they are “lost” until they find their own mission, as the BP feminzi mission they are rejecting. If they reject the feminzis are they really lost then or setting their own pace? MGTOW and even an Incel movement are men’s own path independent of the FI.

6 years ago

Their misson? Women’s sports. If you can’t join ’em, beat ’em:

Welcome to the sausage fest, Ladies.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Women’s sports. If you can’t join ’em, beat ’em:

Makes perfect sense. If 18th century French Ancien’ Regime peasants could have become nobility just by putting on a dress I’m sure some of them would have done it.

Now for the kicker: what is going to happen when these Girl Athletes apply to a university and claim Title IX privileges? GirlPower!! GirlPower! GirlPOWer!!!

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

There is a great quote at the end of the article kfg linked to:

Selina Soule of Glastonbury High, who finished sixth in the 100 and has studied the literature about Title IX and competitive sports, said of the rule allowing transgender athletes to compete against persons of the opposite biological sex, “Of course, it should be that way for math and science and chorus. Sports are set up for fairness. Biologically male and female are different. The great majority is being sacrificed for the minority.”

6 years ago

“Are they really lost? Or were they jettisoned, thrown away, caged, etc.? They are the product of the K – 12 brainwashing system and the larger society.” Yes, they are lost. And it’s not for us to get bogged down in how they got there. Although: “Who decided that so many male humans were essentially disposable, like toilet tissue?” A cogent answer was found here written by Illimitable Man: Besides how he wrote about who decided, which he does (The FI and Feminism…), he had some salient points about why they are at risk, after the fact, and what… Read more »

6 years ago

As for reading, a lost boy can start but not end here:

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
6 years ago

To use heroin is to fall in love with the beauty of death. Bourdain’s suicide was the wedding.

6 years ago

@ANON – yes indeed. Unplugging, working on yourself, but also having some rock solid mentorship. Someone who can push you in the right direction, call out your BS and show you how to believe in yourself. Not easy to find in all the noise.

6 years ago

@Lex. The problem now is guys seeking mentorship actually want Blue Pill dating advice. Unplugging means seeing things as they are and people as they are and women as they are.

I wrote recently that I’d hit a wall. I’ve just kept finding ways around over or under it but push to keep going.

JT McMahon
JT McMahon
6 years ago

j June 9, 2018 at 10:42 am “If I (former incel) spent my days complaining about Stacy this Stacy that, all day on forums and not doing anything about it, instead of working on myself despite not hitting the “genetic lottery”, I’d still be an incel.” ===================================== Spot on – yet wonder if many of the incels have The Right Stuff. An intelligent hypothesis in this essay is that – with no man and the femcentric “educational system” – perhaps these have been inculcated also with female victimhood/entitlement mentality. Not my fault. Someone else doing it to me. You owe… Read more »

6 years ago

Rollo, For lack of a better contact, at the very bottom of this post, could you please someday address alcoholism in men of all ages. Of any single behavior/dysfunction, alcohol us is the most devastating for the good men I have known. Knowing your career in alcohol promotion, it may be of some conflict to address this objectively. I refuse to accept the common theme that alcohol can be used responsibly, and shrug off the “few” that can’t hold their liquor. Maybe alcohol can be used responsibly, but I see more irresponsible behavior in my life of observation. But in… Read more »

JT McMahon
JT McMahon
6 years ago

Anonymous Reader
June 9, 2018 at 11:11 am

“Who decided that so many male humans were essentially disposable, like toilet tissue?”

Oh, our feminist luminaries, to wit:

“The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race.”
— Sally Miller Gearhart

“If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males.”
— Mary Daly

Higgs Boson
Higgs Boson
6 years ago
Reply to  JT McMahon


Mary Daly’s hypothesis is destined for the circular file. She has apparently never heard of a country called China.

JT McMahon
JT McMahon
6 years ago

P.S. – But then again, consider trench warfare, World War One, etc.
Men have always been disposable- enforced by your friendly government.

Always wanted to ask Jordan of Peterson, Mr. Duty and Sacrifice himself, if he thinks Gallipoli was a Good Deal.

JT McMahon
JT McMahon
6 years ago

Higgs Boson
June 10, 2018 at 8:48 am

“Mary Daly’s hypothesis is destined for the circular file. She has apparently never heard of a country called China.”

She lives in her head. Scary place.

6 years ago

Any word for this Incel? I have killing thoughts in my head

6 years ago


Do you want to change? Do you want to transform yourself into something else besides what you are now?

What do you think about Red Pill Awareness and Red Pill Wisdom?

What killing thoughts do you have in your head?

How do you imagine things could be different for you? What can you do about that?

JT McMahon
JT McMahon
6 years ago

EsCher June 10, 2018 at 9:28 am Any word for this Incel? I have killing thoughts in my head” ===================================== Not worth it. ‘Tis mighty fine to a man unsaddled be. Getting down to brass tacks — even considering professional and active-types — women are dull, boring, vexsome, and chronically unhappy. Can’t help it, just how they are wired. And they blame YOU. Gets old fast, dude. Find something challenging and fun to do. Even something like becoming extremely proficient in motorcycles is quite rewarding. And there is no endpoint. In something as dynamic and complex as that, can always… Read more »

6 years ago

A real player won’t give away his secrets.

…says a moron to no one in particular…if you don’t wanna share your secrets with other men in order to help them, then that’s your prerogative. But don’t piss down the neck of men who are trying to help…

6 years ago

Cult I Beta

“It would seem a natural challenge to any self respecting alpha to maintain sharpness, agility, strength, health, awareness, etc.”

yes yes boyo… Better to pull that plough…

Unplug. Do what you want to do when you want to. Yeah it may shorten your life, create a host of additional issues etc.

But is your life you are living, not someone else’s idea.

6 years ago


PS – clean your god damn room too!!

6 years ago

“Spot on – yet wonder if many of the incels have The Right Stuff.”

They don’t. That’s the point.

Behild the Legend of the Baby Zebra upthread…

Life is not a tidy room for all…

But you can ask yourself which side of things you want to be on and at least make a run…

6 years ago

The World : “I’d wish you good luck but you wouldn’t know what to do with it if you got it. And to answer your question, pal, why am I here? I came here because Mitch and Murray asked me to. They asked me for a favor. I said the real favor, follow my advice and fire your fucking ass, because a loser is a loser.”

6 years ago

“I’ve just kept finding ways around over or under it but push to keep going.” What I’ve seen in a variety of contexts over the years… The guy, less skilled say, who makes a real effort at something is embraced by other better guys… The guy who has “issues” or excuses is a) ignored to fail out or b) hazed to fail out. It’s in our nature. This “Brotherhood of Man” – everyone can win – is pure Equalist bullshit. We are not taking those fuckups on The Hunt or The Raid. Ever. Because if WE do we might not… Read more »

6 years ago

“Rudy” captures the ethos… You can probably be a Rudy if you try.

6 years ago


Ha, ha

Ive got a few years and a tad bit more life adventure under my belt than you assume by your yammerings.

Go ahead, live like there’s no tomorrow. Ill be smashing younger babes every year into my next century. Why?, because I chose to live life’s pleasures, not indulgences. Big difference.

Now go study for your learners permit. I hear training wheels are quite effective.

JT McMahon
JT McMahon
6 years ago

June 10, 2018 at 1:09 pm

“It’s in our nature. This “Brotherhood of Man” – everyone can win – is pure Equalist bullshit.”

Ah, —– I disagree.

Seems the guys who most loudly proclaim a need to “cull” are the least secure in themselves and their own capabilities.

See – I can take these lesser wing-men on raids or (whatever) and come back Every Time. Got room to spare. I’m that good.

And I know it.

6 years ago


“Got room to spare. I’m that good.”

No you’re not. You’ve just not been tested.

Cult I Beta

You bring them back to a very clean room no doubt…

6 years ago

The “BETA TELL” is revealed by exactly this careless self destruction. Daddy issues, self loathing, phony lack of empathy….hardly strong alpha action. All the early suicide alpha casualties were actually moping in Beta worthlessness, despite their outward alpha personas that drove success in entertainment, sports, politics, business… Alcohol plays a role in phony alpha carousing and blowharding. Dying young from suicide, DUI, or total physical burnout before 50 reveals far less of a man. Only a few have the health preservation to hit the golden years of naturally endless erection at will, easy access to the youngest women for sake… Read more »

6 years ago

My room is a shack in the mountains. Stacked with tools and hardware. Anyway I brought a serious subject to Rollo, no time to devolve into trollish badminton with the local skirts

6 years ago

“Getting down to brass tacks — even considering professional and active-types — women are dull, boring, vexsome, and chronically unhappy. Can’t help it, just how they are wired. And they blame YOU. Gets old fast, dude.” Wait, what the hell is that that I just read? Not Hardly. Shit, you should go read some Zan Perrion or some David Deida to get your bearings. If you can find something feminine you can find energy in that there thing. (If you are masculine that is…) The feminine is a complement to the masculine. If you are depolarized, then yeah, you can’t… Read more »

6 years ago

Mrs. Gamer and I went out of town to a family wedding reception. I figured it was just being a dutiful cousin and maintaining good relations with the extended family. Not expecting much. Had a flat, but didn’t let it bother me or affect my attitude. Just chillin’ the whole time. Went to the reception. Met a friend of the bride’s parents (my side) and chatted with him, each of us sharing stories. Said hi to a bunch of relatives and chatted with them. Good feelz and rapport. Free booze. Good food. Chatted with my sister-in-law…she’s a peach…too good for… Read more »

6 years ago

Cult I Beta

“Anyway I brought a serious subject to Rollo”

You came with your dangerously false notion of Alpha… A false prophet.

Is your mountain shack in Utah?

6 years ago


6 years ago

@Cult -I-Troll

Well done. You’ve been here 5 minutes and already everyone hates you—very alpha.

Preaching about temperance, then getting defensive when challenged about what drinking has to do with the alpha/beta dichotomy—very alpha.

I’m taking notes here…please…continue.

6 years ago

Found this interested on ways to not get into Incel territory

6 years ago
Expression and the state of MGTOW and human relationships

6 years ago

in the cupboard sits my bottle

like a dwarf waiting to scratch out my prayers.

I drink and cough like some idiot at a symphony,

sunlight and maddened birds are everywhere,

the phone rings gamboling its sound

against the odds of the crooked sea;

I drink deeply and evenly now,

I drink to paradise

and death

and the lie of love.

—Charles Bukowski

6 years ago

Hurt Johnny Cash I hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain The only thing that’s real The needle tears a hole The old familiar sting Try to kill it all away But I remember everything What have I become My sweetest friend Everyone I know Goes away in the end And you could have it all My empire of dirt I will let you down I will make you hurt I wear this crown of thorns Upon my liars chair Full of broken thoughts I cannot repair Beneath the stains of time The… Read more »

6 years ago

Scrib, some of us _are_ in the businesses of trying to build a better civilization. Selfish boomer cunts like you are the reason why we’re all in this mess. You fucking a couple of sluts might be a zero sum game for whatever crackhead they didn’t screw that night, but it’s negative-sum for civilization you’re suppose to be maintaining. The little Zyklons are coming and as far as i’m aware they don’t look very kindly on your stewardship. Go back to fucking your whores and patting yourself on the back you useless old geezer.

6 years ago

“The Village has raised boys as if they’re defective girls, devoid of any of the masculine discipline necessary to teach these young men how to cope with real rejection from a girl, how to deal with defeat or how to come back stronger as a result” This here. Women generally lack foresight or never give it priority. Maybe this is a hard wired hold off from evolved solipsism for survival. For the past 4-5 decades they’ve been ostensibly “weakening” men, removing men from the family, creating societies that advantage them over men economically and thus in the SMV & SMP, trying to… Read more »

6 years ago


A lot of men here read TRM at work during breaks. Hence, kindly refrain from posting nude images.

6 years ago


The site has a professional look. And browsing internet during lunch break is not frowned upon in my office. I don’t have people sitting close enough to read the text on screen. As long as there are no nude images, it is fine.

6 years ago

Conclusion to an old story.

I have no sympathy for the blue pilled moron who got caught up in this. But the sinister aspect of the case is that SHE was not even required to be present at the hearing and the defence did not get enough opportunity to cross examine her even though there are a number of red flags in her story.

He went to jail and she moved to LA. Still a better love story than “Twilight”.

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

@boulderhead Unsolicited Musicology Bloviation pt. 237: Johnny Cash in a way does own the song “Hurt” originally written and blasted out by emo-noise maven Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails. Rick Rubin suggested it to Cash for his last record. Trent was nervous about Cash’s version, he considered the song his “girlfriend”, as it had been the cathartic whisper-to-a-scream coda to “The Downward Spiral.” When he heard Cash’s version and saw the video, Trent joked: “I just lost my girlfriend. It’s his song now”. Rubin and Cash changed the first line in the second verse, in the original it’s “I… Read more »

6 years ago


You are right. I should resist the urge to login here during my work breaks.

Thanks for the advise and watching our back. Much appreciated!

6 years ago


Hard work is the great equalizer.

6 years ago

Who decided that so many male humans were essentially disposable, like toilet tissue?

This sounds like a whiny girl.

6 years ago

“Who decided that so many male humans were essentially disposable, like toilet tissue?”

This sounds like a whiny girl.

On the other hand, so does: “Anthony Bourdain’s Suicide Mourned By Rose McGowan In New Letter”

6 years ago


“Hard work is the great equalizer.”

Not really. It’s useful up to a point.

6 years ago
6 years ago

Also, the differences between the smart and the not-so-smart shrink quite a bit if they both work hard. That means that talent still counts, but hard work puts you right up there.

People who are exceptionally talented are quite rare. People who are exceptionally talented and work hard are unicorns.

My point stands.

6 years ago

…And just as I suspected: It was an Open relationship. She wasn’t cheating on him. Bourdain knew what kind of relationship he was getting himself into: “the pair “loved without borders of traditional relationships, and they established the parameters of their relationship early on. Asia is a free bird, and so was Anthony. Was. Such a terrible word to write. I’ve heard from many that the past two years they were together were some of his happiest and that should give us all solace.”” He knew she didn’t want a traditional relationship (Bourdain wasn’t exactly a traditional guy himself:… Read more »

6 years ago

“It’s just Darwinism clearing down the bullshit.” There’s something more there though. Rose McGooans (sic) letter is laying on more bullshit. Women and the FI are frankly baffled on what is going on with Bourdain’s suicide. (The can’t fathom what is going on here…) Rollo laid out what the Red Pill narrative probably was on his on air Pat Campbell interview and his last Saturday Red Man Group youtube video. (Blue Pill Alpha. Couldn’t take it any more. We all know what is going on here….) Women are sitting around baffled. Look at any of Bourdain’s work (videos). He wasn’t… Read more »

6 years ago


“My point stands.”

The one on your head? Yes.

Otherwise… No.

6 years ago


What? If he was in a so called “open” relationship those photos couldn’t have “crushed his depressed soul”…

“Open Relationship” is just Cuckspeak…

6 years ago

Bourdain was not his persona… He was not Authentic. He was a seeker, he was trying to find what was missing in his soul.

Christ just look at the chicks he married or got into relationships with…

And I’ve met him. BP core…

6 years ago

He was a depressed blue pill man with severe oneitis…not exactly the kind of man that can handle this kind of relationship

6 years ago

if someone sent me photos of my main girl “hugging and holding hands” with another dude, I’d lol and soft next her immediately…then either downgrade her to Fuckbuddy status or Hard Next. No fucks given

6 years ago

Exactly… He was a cuck and he knew it. So not Open. At least on his terms…

6 years ago

Her: I think it would be cool if we both saw other people, ya know? Like just when we aren’t in the same city?

Him: [testes shriveling] Ahhh…. Ah. Uh… Yeahhhh…? Sure.

6 years ago

“…not exactly the kind of man that can handle this kind of relationship”

And thus exactly the kind of man to get in to one. That’s the sad and pathetic irony of it.

“I’d lol and soft next her immediately…then either downgrade her to Fuckbuddy status or Hard Next.”


6 years ago

Of course the White Rabbit crowd have their own theories…

6 years ago


I have experience with this, mr. keyboard jockey, lol

6 years ago


Pointyheadedness? Undoubtedly.

What about “rare” means “equal” to you?

6 years ago

Wtf is wrong with your mind, Sentient…you’re so far off you’ve reached the Big Red Candy Mountain in the Land of the Sugar Plum Fairy.

Hard work always beats talent and no hard work. For anything that affects anybody on TRM, that’s the sweet spot. You’re off in a whoooole nother land of bullshit that nobody gives a flying fuck about.

Your “pointy humor” is cute.

6 years ago

Plus.. there isn’t a man on the planet no matter how blue pill who isn’t looking at that situation and waking up … even just a little bit..

You underestimate the strength of most men’s ego investment in the BP. The BP is dominant only because men are capable of extreme rationalization.

6 years ago

Palmasailor at 1:38 pm Exactly, well said. I didn’t talk fight club with my wife, but I can read her Catonese bafflement watching the Bourdain saga. Also the pretty talking-head newswomens. They think Bourdain was a squandered resource. He was attractive to post wall women. Not just in looks but in words, as dull as they were, often. His product: a gift of gab and storytelling. How can you not have a story to tell, crawling all over the globe for a decade or more? And I can believe Sentient: “Bourdain was not his persona… He was not Authentic.” He… Read more »

6 years ago

Seem to have struck a nerve ASD.

“Hard work always beats talent and no hard work. ”

Simply not true. Hard work can only make up for so much…

Are you at the top of your field? Why not? Is it the lack of effort?

It is interesting that at a purported Red Pill stronghold there is a strong Equalist, BP underbelly?

6 years ago

“You underestimate the strength of most men’s ego investment in the BP. The BP is dominant only because men are capable of extreme rationalization.”

now this is ironic…

6 years ago

“Hard work always beats talent and no hard work.”

Add that to the Famous Last Words File, right after Hold My Beer.

6 years ago

Let’s look at science instead of bullshit

I’ve done leading edge physics. Likely you are smarter than I am, but you haven’t put in the work and published your results.

I thought that you were pushing DPA…what is that but hard work doing what you love?

Did you forget to put your brain in this morning?

6 years ago

Once upon a time, draft “experts” considered these 6 Quarterbacks, taken ahead of Brady, as far more talented than him:

6 years ago

I had the hardest time doing physics word problems, but I kept at it and eventually trained my brain to think so I could solve the problems.

6 years ago

Autists have an exceptional ability to focus and that’s why so many autists can do amazing things. Hard work. Now, likely some of us have unusual brains as well which enable us to be idiot savants.

Neurotypicals are idiot savants to us autists when it comes to social perception.

The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
6 years ago

@ palma

“How shit must the game be? Ergo how shit must they be?”

Agreed on both counts. I’m seeing the flaky blonde this afternoon. Will report results in FR’s…

6 years ago

ASD I thought that you were pushing DPA…what is that but hard work doing what you love? Lol no. There is a time and place for “hard work”… to develop a skill you want… BUT that is going to be limited by your ability, by your talent. I mean this is fucking obvious if you spent any time in the classroom, the field, the weight room… Tom Brady HAD the talent, which is why the greatest coach of all time chose him… because HE HAD the talent… Regardless, they all look up to Dan Marino… I had the hardest time… Read more »

6 years ago
6 years ago

“He was attractive to post wall women.”

And younger… women were crawling all over him. Non stop.

But Palma said it “paper Alpha”… He had it all on the surface. But look at his SECOND almost ex wife… She may have cucked him too…

Rebel Yells
Rebel Yells
6 years ago

@ Rollo – Please take another swipe at Anthony Bourdain when you get a chance! Rose McGowan was been talking all day. Anthony and this Asia chick were “free birds” when it came to dating other people. How convenient to find out now that he cannot verify. Turns out that Anthony never finalized the divorce for some reason so “ex-wife” is still next of kin and probably now going to get half his estate and is responsible for the funeral. His mother has to coordinate thru his “ex-wife”. Finally, “ex-wife” sends out picture of Tony”s (hopefully) “strong and brave” 11… Read more »

6 years ago
6 years ago


Get on that pianeee tonight

6 years ago

@Sentient “Tom Brady HAD the talent, which is why the greatest coach of all time chose him… because HE HAD the talent…” …in the 6th round lol If everyone thought Tom Brady “HAD the talent”, why did these 140+ career wins coaches pass on him: – Mike Shanahan (2X SB Champion,170 career wins) with the Denver Broncos could have drafted Brady to backup the aging Brian Griese…nope – Tom Coughlin (2X SB Champion, 170 career wins) with the Jacksonville Jaguars could have drafted Brady to backup the aging Mark Brunell….nope – Bill Cowher (2005 SB Champion, 150 career wins) with… Read more »

6 years ago

“You want to come back in a year or two of Hard Work and play one on one with LeBron?”

lol LeBron’s a unicorn. Exceptionally gifted athlete + incredible work ethic

“He’s a machine” – Kyle Korver

6 years ago


Come on man…

“If everyone thought Tom Brady “HAD the talent”, why did these 140+ career wins coaches pass on him”

Same reason all the draft experts did.

They all lacked the talent of Belichick.

On Bourdain – to be fair he himself never thought he was something he wasn’t. He didn’t believe his hype. I doubt he would ever say he was Alpha at all..

Not Born This Morning
6 years ago So, here we have Rose McGowan’s unsolicited public pubic blathering about Anthony Bourdain killing himself. Literally WTF? What motivates this whore? More specifically, why is this slut concerned in the slightest about what the public may or may not think about it and why is she “defending” Asia and specifically from what? How did Anthony Bourdain’s suicide activate Rose McGowan’s yeast? Delusional or not, McGowan apparently assumes (or wants others to assume) that Asia is blamed for Bourdain’s depression and suicide. Or does she? Is she alluding to blame or assigning power? McGowan’s defense of Asia can only be… Read more »

6 years ago

From Anders Ericsson’s Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise On Mozart’s “natural talent”: “The claims of Mozart composing at six and eight years old are almost certainly overstated. First, we know that the early compositions Wolfgang supposedly wrote are actually in Leopold’s handwriting. Leopold claimed that he was just cleaning up young Wolfgang’s work, but we have no way of knowing how much of a given composition was Wolfgang’s work and how much was that of Leopold—who, remember, was a composer himself and, furthermore, a frustrated musician and composer who had never gotten all of the acclaim he… Read more »

6 years ago


The Quarterbacks “QB expert” Belichick drafted since Brady:

Rohan Davey
Matt Cassel
Brian Hoyer
Ryan Mallett
Jacoby Brissett

Jimmy Garoppolo – looked good so far with the 49ers at the end of the season, but too early to tell

6 years ago

Leopold Mozart wrote a violin method that was well regarded in his day. By all accounts he was a mediocre musician, a bad father, but a very good trainer.

Amadeus put in his decade of very hard work under his father before he became a “prodigy,” but he worked under smart direction and (enforced) discipline.

The point is that it’s awfully easy to work very, very hard and very, very stupid. Which will tend to leave you rather worse off than if you hadn’t worked at all.

6 years ago


Brady was drafted in 2000… He’s been starter since 2001. How much work did he put in in between?

Garapolo was so good Brady had to get rid of him…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Add that to the Famous Last Words File, right after Hold My Beer.

Well, I was thinking of George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” myself. But this works well. In fact, it must work harder…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

How did Anthony Bourdain’s suicide activate Rose McGowan’s yeast?

Perhaps there are other factors or issues that aren’t obvious. I haven’t seen this much emotion pouring out of certain Twitter accounts since Hillary lost in 2016. Very interesting.

6 years ago


It’s not logical.

It’s Feelings, nothing more than Feelings. And a parapraxis, an error of thought revealing unconscious wishes or attitudes. Her subconscious knows the score because she is privy to insider information and she’s at bat for The Sisterhood.

6 years ago

There are places with herds of “unicorns”…

6 years ago

“How much work did he put in in between?”

Yes so it was hard work (“under smart direction and (enforced) discipline” – aka Belichick and the “Patriots way”) that helped this guy

comment image

become this guy

comment image

not “Natural talent” (otherwise he’d been taken 1st overall back in 2000 NFL draft like LeBron was taken 1st overall in the 2003 NBA draft)

6 years ago

@Sentient As far as weights go, something that kfg said clicked and all of a sudden my lifting started producing results. Harder work. As far as the classroom goes, I was top in my physics sub-specialty as a grad student for a couple of years. My profs wanted to recommend me to the U. of Chicago, which was tops in physics. They thought that my research was super cool. Mrs. Gamer refused to go to Chicago. I should have dumped her. As far as socials skills go, as soon as I started putting in the work, I saw solid results.… Read more »

6 years ago

The point is that it’s awfully easy to work very, very hard and very, very stupid. Which will tend to leave you rather worse off than if you hadn’t worked at all.

“Practice makes permanent; focused practiced makes perfect.”

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