
Back in the summer of 2014 I wrote two essays outlining the minds of Incels. The first was The Severing and the second was Owed Sex. I wrote these essays in the wake of the Eliot Rodger shooting and the sudden emergence of the term ‘red pill’ into the popular lexicon. Eliot had a lot of manifesto style youtube videos as well as a fairly detailed written manifesto he published online just prior to his shooting. His frustration was palpable in these videos. Here was a kid who fit the profile of an AFC, an average frustrated chump. AFC is an old school PUA term used to describe average guys who were confused by intersexual dynamics, usually as a result of their life long Blue Pill conditioning. I used to unironically use AFC to describe a guy who I’d probably refer to as a Blue Pill Beta in my work today, but in light of the most recent “Incel attack” in Toronto last month I’m wondering if AFC isn’t a better descriptor for these guys.

I’m doing a bit of review here because I want to put the perspective on time in these incidents. Alek Minnasian, the Toronto truck driving killer, another AFC, reportedly idolized Eliot Rodger. In and of itself this is probably to be expected from a self-avowed Incel, but what motivates these guys. That’s what the mainstream media wants to know, right? And literally hundreds of bloggers and social pundits seem to all have an expert knowledge about the motives of Incels. Weeks after the Toronto killings there are people I’ve never read before who are convinced that they know all about these “losers”. For the most part, the mainstream media (and I include online pundits in this category now) want ‘crazy’. Even the guys who are ostensibly part of the manosphere know that crazy gets eyeballs on the screen, and nothing is crazier than a ‘killer Incell’.

Incels are the low hanging fruit for pretty much anyone on either side of the ideological spectrum. I can read any number of feminists wanting to link Incels to ‘red pill radicalization’ and how they are ‘gender terrorists’ (this is genuinely laughable considering the natures of most of these kids), to the Red Pill guys who want to carve out their own trad-con niche in the ‘sphere using Incles as a negative example to prove their version of whatever qualifies as masculinity. Lets face it, Incels are easy targets. They’re universally described as “the losers you used to know in high school who couldn’t get laid”. This makes them easy to dismiss most of the time, until one of them shoots up a university or mows down random women with a panel truck.

Incel is short for involuntary celibate, but there’s a lot more contributing to these guy’s condition than just an inability to get laid. Back in 2014 the term Incel wasn’t used to define Eliot Rodger. He was an Incel for sure, but very few people trying to analyze him made this connection. Again, they wanted crazy, and what’s better than crazy? More crazy. So all the efforts used to pick Eliot apart back then were really pointing to bigger motives, nefarious groups of ‘misogynists’ and more craziness.

Back then, Eliot belonged to an online forum called PUA Hate; literally a group formed by these guys’ collective dislike of the Pick Up Artist set that virtually all of them had once been hopeful would end their involuntary celibacy. For whatever reason the promised magic formula that would end their loneliness and sexlessness didn’t work for them. They were all understandably mad. Ironically, Rational Male articles I had written got link-backs to various posts on the forum and most of them were appreciative of them, however, that may’ve also been part of the problem. Fast forward four years and today the deleted PUA Hate forum is replaced by, another forum with a similar charter (and also one I get good link-backs to).

I think one of the most pressing problems in Red Pill awareness today is that awareness itself. Not every guy is ready to be unplugged. One of the inherent risks I take in writing what I do is presuming every man I make aware has the presence of mind to accept it and work it out for himself. If you look at the profiles of the past 6 school shooters, include Eliot Rodger and Alek Minassian, you find a lot of similarities. Most were the products of a fatherless home, most were diagnosed with autism or Asperger’s syndrome, and all of them were the ‘Forever Alone’ types triggered by the rejection of a girl. These young men are the product of a generation that has removed the man from their upbringing and taught them to emote before they think.

Today we’re just starting to acknowledge this generation of ‘lost boys‘; the young men who drift rudderless in life, are socially retarded to varying degrees and a demographic that is looking outside themselves for solutions to problems that are the result of the social order that created them. Is it any surprise we have such a rise in popularity of any speaker or organization that might be able provide them some direction?

Many of these guys are simply not ready to be made Red Pill aware. It is a risk to their egos, but also, it’s often a crushing disillusionment of the Blue Pill ideals they’d hoped would be a reality for them if they could just play the Blue Pill’s game correctly. For a lot of them it was their Blue Pill hopes that formed the basis of their existence. Now add the harsh truths of the Red Pill to a lost boy, one who is socially maladapted or has a genuine psychological disorder, and take that (misguided) ‘hope’ away from him. What does that kid do when the Red Pill shows him the reality of the game he’s involved in?

There is no ‘Black Pill’

I’ve heard Roosh and a few other commenters in the ‘sphere describe the “Black Pill” – the idea that the social order of the Blue Pill, the Feminine Imperative, or the ‘gynocracy’ if you like, is so rigged against men that they accept their role in it and give up on trying to make themselves or their circumstance better. What these guys are describing is what I’ve referred to in the past as the Abyss. This Abyss is the psychological / existential gulf a man needs to cross when he becomes Red Pill aware. He realizes that the person he carved himself out to be in a Blue Pill conditioned ideal was based on a the same falsehoods. This stage of unplugging has difficulties unique to men at various stages of their lives and according to the decisions they made for themselves throughout their lives in accordance with those Blue Pill ideals. It’s one thing for a young man of 25 to unplug and turn his life around in a Red Pill aware paradigm, but it’s quite another for a man of 70 to become aware and look back on his life, marriage(s), family dysfunction and the long term impact his blindness to the Blue Pill game he was a part of for so long.

There is a necessary state of nihilism, or at the very least a prolonged doubt, that occurs when men realize that they’re cut away from that Blue Pill conditioned life. This is why I compare it to mourning in The Five Stages of Unplugging, men are literally mourning the loss of their investments in that paradigm; they’re morning the loss of Killing the Beta they used to be.

Understand this, there is no Black Pill – there is only the Abyss of accepting the truth that comes with Red Pill awareness and a man’s capacity to make this awareness work in his best interests.

Incels, if nothing else, want to find ways to make this awareness work for them, but most are too damaged to deal with the realities that Red Pill awareness reveals to them. They’re not ready for the truth, but it’s unavoidable today.

A lot of femosphere critics want to lay the blame for Incels at the feet of the Red Pill. They think there’s some nefarious plot to radicalize young men to be killers in some misogyny fueled gender-jihad against women. This presumption also comes on the heels of the #MeToo / Future is Female movement so it fits in perfectly with the ‘resistance’ narrative. As I said, it’s easy to hate on Incels. They fit another profile too; that of the basement dwelling 30 year old who refuses to leave his parents house. For the Man Up crowd Incels are easy to AMOG, for the lathered up militant feminist they’re the perfect foil needed to legitimize their own ego investments in gender dystopia.

The truth of the matter is Incels have always been with us. They were the losers, the nerds (before they were told they were cool) and the guys who were Darwin’s dead ends. I knew dozens of them when I was growing up. I know many now, all of them building a life-theme around their life long confusion and misery of not figuring out women. I know a lot of married men today who are technically Incels in their marriages. We like to say they’re ‘unlucky’ in love or we’ll say “Don’t worry, you’re a great guy. Any girl would be lucky to have you. You’re just meeting the wrong kind of girls, just be yourself and it’ll happen for you.” Then we hope they don’t fixate on one of our girlfriend’s girlfriends and they go off to figure out how the real world works.

AFCs in 2018

So what’s different now? Well, to start, we have a generation of lost boys who’ve been acculturated to think that even asking a girl out is a form of sexual misconduct. The Village has raised boys as if they’re defective girls, devoid of any of the masculine discipline necessary to teach these young men how to cope with real rejection from a girl, how to deal with defeat or how to come back stronger as a result. As we’ve feminized these boys so to have we embedded the same feminine victimhood narrative that women rely on into their collective psyche. Except these boys are still beholden to the old social contract that women believe incumbent upon men. This puts these boy-men into a very precarious position: they are educated like defective girls and as such adopt the same frail sensibilities and are subject to the same entitlement narrative as most women are, but they are also male and therefore are expected to suck it up, take it on the chin and carry on. They are told to express their feelings and in the next moment are told to check their male privilege.

Most of the lost boys generation are not ready for the disillusionment that the Red Pill brings to them, but it’s not the manosphere that’s opening their eyes so much as they are having it thrust in front of them by a communication age steeped in the Feminine Imperative. Today, Red Pill truths are harder and harder to get away from as Open Hypergamy and all of the unflattering truths about the female nature are triumphantly lauded by women themselves. Every swipe left on Tinder is one more confirmation of exactly the harsh truths that push Incels to their limit.

Of every article I’ve read on Incels since the Toronto killings not one author has analyzed the problem correctly, but also none have any actionable idea about how to solve the problem of Incels snapping. There are no longer the same outlets that ‘losers’ had back in my day to channel that sexual frustration to more productive ends. Many a frustrated high school boy became his generation’s iconic artist or musician. I think it’s the height of irony that Mark Zuckerberg essentially created Facebook to stalk his ex girlfriend. There are no longer the creative ways to deal with the discontent that comes from sexual rejection. Some will say to me there are, it’s just these guys are too unmotivated to apply themselves. And while that may be true, there are much easier outlets that further stunt that boys development. Rather than redirecting that sexual angst to something creative, it’s much easier to lose themselves in online porn or immersive escapisms facilitated by this age’s technology.

Or they can seek out a forum of similarly disaffected young men and commiserate about the truth of a world that has no place for them. I read that Dr. Jordan Peterson suggested that a social order based on ‘enforced monogamy’ might be a cure for Incels. I get what he was trying to say, but it’s just one more flippant redirection away from the real causes of this rise in Incels. I can remember reading a post that Roissy had made about a knife wielding man in China who had gone to a day care center to specifically kill women and children. As horrifying as that is what had prompted the guy was the understanding that he’d essentially been selected out of the reproductive game because there was a huge imbalance in the ratio of men to women in China as a result of their one-child policy for so long. Roissy went on to suggest that as more and more men are disaffected by a feminine-primary social order, one that bases all its legislation and social doctrine on optimizing Hypergamy, the men disenfranchised by it will become either more violent (in their effort or angst to reproduce) or more suicidal – which we also see in men killing themselves at 5 times the rate of women.

Incels are the canary in the coal mine that is a gynocentric social order. They are what results when a society prioritizes and incentivizes Alpha Fucks (enthusiastic consent) while Beta Bucks is more or less assured by direct and indirect resource transfer to women. When 80%+ of men are evaluated as ‘unattractive’ to women fed on a steady diet of ego inflating social media, you get Incels. I made a case for this in Dangerous Times, but Incels are a byproduct of a feminine-primary form of polyandry. Incels are a result of shifting from a social contract based on marriage to one based on a sustained child support. The old social order was founded on giving a guy a decent shot at marriage and reproduction by way of being a good provider, this contract is gone today. When a woman’s primary incentive is no longer provisioning all that’s left is a socio-sexual contract based on the most available Alpha seed to meet a need that a woman cannot provide for herself.

As we move into the next decade I believe we will see even more narrowing of this socio-sexual contract. This is why some countries are legislating that anything less than an enduring enthusiastic consent for a woman is rape. This is an effort in insuring a woman is never again inconvenienced by having transactional sex for resources, nor should she be bothered by men who will know not to approach her. Incels are the natural expression of the frustration that comes from this truth becoming more and more blatant and accepted in society. Incels have it right; they more than any guy understand the brutal truths of a social order founded on mandating Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks. Where they go wrong is in their way (or non way) of coping with that truth. They accept their Black Pill and never cross the Abyss to a better life because they don’t know how to evolve with it.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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5 years ago

[…] Incels […]

Big faggot
Big faggot
5 years ago

Leave it to Rollos to never mention the one key thing that explains it all – genetics.

Your DNA determines your genetic worth – your looks, your intelligence, your charisma. Yes, these can be improved slighty with a lot of work, but a 2/10 doesn’t turn into a slayer from reading blog posts by Tomassi.

Why do you never discuss this?

Mahmut Abi
3 years ago
Reply to  Big faggot

Your genetics usually contribute 50% to your intelligence and personality traits. Ask Duckduckgo. Your assumption of overwhelming genetic influence is not factual.

5 years ago

Wonder if any of your readers have some thoughts on the first post in my series about the latest snake oil salesman attempting to sell repackaged ‘traditionalism’ to disaffected males.. u know .. Jordan Peterson.

5 years ago

Excellent insight, excellent read

Mr. Roboto
Mr. Roboto
5 years ago
5 years ago

I’ve seen the word “incel” used as a perjorative in print lately and it bothers me. I have actually caught myself limiting my normal way of interacting with women for fear of an allegation if I happen to catch one who has been activated by the media. I recently hard-next two women who ramped up the shit tests to an extreme level who were, I felt, caught up in the dysphoria of #metoo and 2nd. wave feminism. Both of these women were triggered by me asking, “Where were these boy’s fathers?”, in response to news coverage of recent school shootings.… Read more »

5 years ago

So my buddy was out at a party. He meets a girl, who came with her bf. Gives her a lift-hug, like a figure skater kinda move. Bf is scrawny, doesn’t lift weights, can’t pick up his thicc girl. Later that night, buddy fucks the girl. Why? She told my buddy he made her “feel something” she hadn’t felt in a long time. Incel life is really hard coz shit like the above happens out in the field. A guy who believes that romance and egalitarianism are the road to a happy life (with a girl who lurvs him) could… Read more »

5 years ago

Excellent post, and one that has not been explored in depth. How to make a successful transition into a Red Pill aware lifestyle. Most guys will move into a purple pill mindset, some will look inthe the Abyss and go all way in, some will just not be able to cope with it all, such as Incels.

5 years ago

Gives her a lift-hug, like a figure skater kinda move. Bf is scrawny, doesn’t lift weights, can’t pick up his thicc girl. Later that night, buddy fucks the girl. Why? She told my buddy he made her “feel something” she hadn’t felt in a long time. I’m divorced about 6 months now, and I’m finally back in the game, and hooking up with a girl I went to high school with (we are both 44). Anyhow, women just respond viscerally to displays of male physical strength. This woman has told me I am the most built guy she has ever… Read more »

5 years ago

Especially that part about channeling sexual frustration into creativity hit home. It’s the only thing that kept me from going into permanent incel rage mode in my dark abyss days.

The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
5 years ago

As a red pilled guy struggling to close at the moment i really do feel for the Incel guys who can’t even get to flirt with any desirable women. Whilst i’m currently in a bit of a slump and need to work on my closing game (Sentient is giving me a deserved arse kicking for my whinging in FR’s), i’ve at least got lots of scores on the board over the years, and know that women are into me. Something just isn’t quite gelling at the moment, but that will be rectified. So yeah, the Incels are everywhere.I just returned… Read more »

5 years ago

@Big faggot: a man can build himself out of really bad genetics situations.
Someone sure have bad genes,but don’t use this like an excuse to not better yourself

5 years ago

@ Morpheus
Yeah, muscles get tingles? And buddy isn’t even buff/chiselled. Him being able to pick her up and twirl her in the air = “You get to fuck me tonight, even though I have a boyfriend, who is here at this party”
Us men can’t stay angry at women. Learn the rules, swallow the Red Pill, and punch through your opponent. No panel van required.

5 years ago

@big faggot (lol)

Genetics did not make you choose this sad-sack screen name. That’s all your choosing.

Your journey to a better life starts with choosing a more positive screen name.

5 years ago

Even though I don’t like the guy very much, “Bill Maher” was actually one of the first mainstream media personalities who put the finger in the right spot after the mass shooting incidents: And Rollo, I have to tell you that every time you refer to “Roosh” for whatever reason, I just can’t help but cringe man. The guy is a phony and we all know it. I mean he actually used photos of models he found online and put them in his book to lie about his “colorful” sex life. Is this really what we are gonna relate ourselves… Read more »

5 years ago

These young men lack the foundation of values that is a minimum requirement of weatering the storm or abyss.

The sad part is they have been taught to disrespect the men that have this foundation,further insuring their inability to recover.

5 years ago

1) “When 80%+ of men are evaluated as ‘unattractive’ to women fed on a steady diet of ego inflating social media”. I know those numbers are real but still cannot believe that those numbers exist. Wow. Talk about an overly inflated sense of self. Social media is poison. 2) Game or applied charisma or whatever you want to call it is the same thing as going to the gym. If you are weak and frail and want to change it you come up with a diet and exercise plan and go to the gym. If you stick with it long… Read more »

5 years ago

EXCELLENT post! Thank you very much! I was an Incel myself until I was 32. When I was approaching 30, I went insane, tried to kill myself and afterwards spent many months in mental hospital. In fact, I was one of these guys you speak of, except that I didn’t try to kill others, but myself. And the reason was exactly that: Raised by a single mother who condemned my father, having totally irrational Blue Pill beliefs of how to get a girlfriend. When “just be yourself, every pot gets a fitting lid” totally didn’t work and I approached 30,… Read more »

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
5 years ago

You can recognize that some men simply don’t have the genetic material needed to enter the game without identifying as one of those men. MGTOW is the only sane solution for such men. As was made clear above, 80% of men are now judged as unattractive to women. The guys at the bottom of that pile have no realistic chance at lifting their way out of that, especially if they have obvious cognitive deficits. The best they can do is maintain their self respect, take the pussy of the pedestal, and retain control of their own resources. Above all else,… Read more »

5 years ago

“Not every guy is ready to be unplugged. One of the inherent risks I take in writing what I do is presuming every man I make aware has the presence of mind to accept it and work it out for himself.”

Because it’s easier to blame your environment, the world, the media, soy products instead of accepting that you’re not making a move…

5 years ago

@Rollo: nice post.

I want to point out one noteworthy thing about The Rational Male…

I don’t remember a single time where you were disrespectful of the Blue Pilled men, the AFCs, or the Incels. As you write here, it would be easy to do so, and many do it.

I remember when I arrived here many months ago that was part of what made me stay.

Possibly it is because of one of you motivations (I’m referring here specifically to your brother-in-law suicide which you mentioned several times across the years in your posts).

5 years ago

Brilliant header art Rollo. The poor guy is even fig-leafing.

On one hand, the abyss is wide and deep. Men attempt to throw themselves across, climb down to clamber up the other side, or just despair at the thing. On the other hand, the abyss is just an illusion, a Zen koan to be worked.

To those men who did not make the crossing: rest in peace.

5 years ago

Its common for not only unattractive males, but even average males to be incels. Average women only like top tier males on dating apps, being content to wait in line for their chance to get used for pump and dump, rather than relationship with average beta male. While single moms who don’t workout feel entitled to date men without kids who stay in shape. So average males have to date down or become volcels. Just read that angry hillary voters have taken over the miss america pageant and are eliminating the swimsuit competition. American culture is approaching peak beta.

some anonymous dude
some anonymous dude
5 years ago

Interesting and timely post. I was just looking at “incel” stuff yesterday. I think the media is deliberately misreporting what it is and trying to conflate it with the red pill and the manosphere. Sites like this one, however, are the cure for incels. The mainstream media is reporting that incels hate women because they believe they are owed sex and are too unattractive to get it. This site and other red pill sites do not claim men are “owed” sex. Indeed, the premise of this site and other manosphere sites is essentially: “If you’re not getting sex, you’re not… Read more »

5 years ago

Reporters painting incels as a cultish group confirmed the nature of journalism nowadays.
As if being excluded of the party of life was a badge of honour to be bandied about. The relentless idiocy of almost all mainstream voices is staggering.

This type of news reporting used to be called “yellow press”. Now, it’s fully mainstream and adopted by “supposedly” serious newspapers and TV news divisions.

“When someone points at the moon, the idiots look at the finger”

Amy McSween
Amy McSween
5 years ago

It will only get worse, and then, demographics will shift, and the west will be Islamic.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Used to be the ‘mean girls club” was at its most effective in high school. A nerdy loser guy could leave that stuff behind when he went to work / college / the military. Now it is society wide, online, embedded into social media, staffs the HR department at work, is in charge of student services in college, controls the military. The feminization of society from kindergarten on up guarantees the creation of InCel men. Because the judging of men by women is society wide from top to bottom and there’s precious few places to escape from it. Some years… Read more »

5 years ago

Lol. I’m 55, 5’7″ 3/4’s of an inch, have spent a good chunk of my life 20 lbs overweight. And yet, I have fucked many women for my entire life. Update on my former HB9 – her best girlfriend who I haven’t met told her she wants to come up with her to my place by the lake and fuck me next time. By her pics, she’s a hard body HB8, and a cock carousel rider, nice!! The 31yo HB9 is building the harem for me – I’m 55. And I’m just now not broke anymore. I don’t spend money… Read more »

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
5 years ago

I’m not the first to note the irony that the “incel” terms was coined by a feminist for a different purpose, an L or B or T who’d hit a dry spell but was learning to live with it for consciousness-raising purposes. Veteran visitors will also remember the somewhat infamous essay by Mike of M3 from Toronto called “12 Years An Incel.” Besides the soul crushing history he went through before he broke out of it, he encapsulates perfectly that rage when you learn the blue pill social contract you fulfilled was a covert contract, and you were the flunkie.… Read more »

5 years ago

“The Red Pill is the only way out.”


the red pill is the only way in

“man is a superman stretched across the abyss” = old thinking

“man is the abyss”

swim around in it. cross back and forth from one shore to the other often. set up camp on both sides and get comfortable playing in the middle of the rushing stream

resistance is suffering. do not resist. adapt

remember: great camps aren’t made, they’re found and exploited

5 years ago

@Fred Flange – You are white knighting for men who need a serious ass-kicking, not more sympathy. I get it, once you get the Red Pill, it’s hard. The Blue Pill social conditioning and arising femcentric social order (not completely femcentric if you actually pay attention) deal men mistruths, but it’s also true the conservative, traditional order did the same thing to them. Yet you ignore all the BS that comes from traditionalism cuz why? Cuz you are so empathetic? It’s really simple for betas/incels. You don’t like being on the losing end of society’s competitions and games? Be a… Read more »

5 years ago

“I’m not sure I could comprehend and conquer the bleak landscape that is the collegiate SMP today, and remain sane and happy about it.”

this is literally the opposite of my mindset

all these girls want to do is make hot memories

it’s the sanest thing i’ve ever heard from girls

how can you not be happy about that?

5 years ago


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Scribblerg However there is a solution. Legalize prostitution. We should make it clear that is a valid route for the losers in today’s mating games in the Western world The 20th century called, they want your ideas back. In the 21st century, the Female Imperative doesn’t want losers to have any outlet at all except for fapping to porn. That is why in Sweden and possibly Canada it is now a crime for a man to solicit sex-for-money from a woman, but not really a crime for a woman to stand on the street corner offering sex-for-money. “John” gets busted… Read more »

5 years ago

@Fleeze – You see guys, he gets it. Are you really going to lament that super hot sub-25yos like fucking many guys and hooking up like crazy? And it’s a perfectly sane position for women to take. What’s insane is for men to keep showing up and playing gentlemen etc. Trying to win with Blue Pill rules.

Adapt. Thrive. And stop fucking whining, for fuck’s sake.

5 years ago

Leave it to Rollos to never mention the one key thing that explains it all – genetics. Your DNA determines your genetic worth – your looks, your intelligence, your charisma. Yes, these can be improved slighty with a lot of work, but a 2/10 doesn’t turn into a slayer from reading blog posts by Tomassi. Why do you never discuss this? Because it’s a lie, you Big Fat Faggot, lol. You obviously haven’t kept up to date with modern genetics research–specifically, about how your environment can literally modify your genetics. You’re obviously a misandrist since you oppose men practicing self-improvement.… Read more »

5 years ago

@ scribblerg

“I’ve been shitting down the throats of such losers for my entire life”

Rational Male isn’t about beta male shaming. Maybe take the PUA trolling to the Cracked Magazine version of the manosphere at Return of Kings.

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
5 years ago

Scribs: No, no read what I wrote again. I white knight for no one. Thanks for shaming. I got across the chasm, everything works, brain doesn’t hurt. But like our sensei, I am just putting in two cents, explicating the mindset and the horrors of what that “just be yourself” mating paradigm felt like way back then (e.g,, 1980s and then another 20 odd years or so). I acknowledge their pain. I spare a thought. But like you, I then bark: Get up! Get on your feet! If they don’t, that’s on them. As a scholar of Marxist horsehit, do… Read more »

5 years ago

I’ll comment on autists. Lots of them are incel. Otoh, if they are clued in, which some are, they can become massive slayers of poon. Autism seems to push men to extremes.

Autism gives men the ability to focus exceptionally well and this can seem like a super power which compensates for other defects.

Magyar MGTOW
5 years ago
Reply to  theasdgamer

@theasdgamer Most of them aren’t as highly functioning as you are, and even a simple conversation is near impossible for them because their brain lacks the wiring necessary to automatically detect nonverbal cues. For an analogy, think of color blindness: most people have proper vision, some have different kinds of dichromacy and there’s the rare guy who’s monochromatic, so it’s also like a spectrum. Another I can think of is running a video game on GPU vs CPU, rendering speed and correctness of image (think of different effects). Sure, some of you can learn some parts of body language and… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

scribblerg I’m 55, 5’7″ 3/4’s of an inch, have spent a good chunk of my life 20 lbs overweight. And yet, I have fucked many women for my entire life. You grew up in a different country and have zero idea what the average high school / college man has to deal with. Your aggressive cluelessness is funny to look at, like some old drunk talking about how great the draft was in “his day”. fleezer all these girls want to do is make hot memories The hunger from 20-something women is almost tangible. No question, they want a man… Read more »

5 years ago

@Fact – Stay in your lane, son. You are just a commenter here and don’t set the rules. You don’t like what I have to say, try to prove I’m wrong…But you can’t, cuz I’m dishing truth.

You don’t like the truth? I can’t imagine caring less about what you like and don’t like.

5 years ago

If they reach the level where they start attracting female attention, then they can worry about the game.

Doh! Trump needs to stop being charming and politically clever and hit the gym ASAP.

Blue Pill guys think that women care much about a man’s looks. The Blue Pill is deadly and lots of incel MGTOWs are still very Blue Pill.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

@Fact scribblerg likes to posture as the Only Real Man In The Room since he’s gotten his life a bit more together. But not that many years ago he was borderline suicidal and his “game” consisted of paying Sugar Babies for attention. So his tough guy pose is pretty funny if you know the back story. I’m still indebted to him for his mention of the book Biology of Desire which is about more than just addiction (pills, heroin, booze, meth) it’s about how the neuroplasticity of the brain really works. It’s a great book that I need to re-read.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Fred Flange to scribblerg
No, no read what I wrote again.

He can’t. There’s no point in asking.

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
5 years ago

Oh yeah explaining jokes to idiots part 10:

If I was 19 again today, knowing what I know now or what fleez knows, yeah it would be bang city there on campus, good times.

But if I was the ignint blinkered nimrod I was at that age, and tried to navigate through that, I would be slit up a treat.

5 years ago

Its common for not only unattractive males, but even average males to be incels.

Average is unattractive because most men are now girly. They’d rather be typing on keyboards (heh) than lifting weights/hunting/riding motorcycles/archery/target shooting/working outside/manual labor of any kind/doing masculine shit.

(I injured my shoulder because I tried to twirl Mrs. Gamer early a.m. when I wasn’t warmed up so now I’m reduced to being a kj.)

Women care about charm much more than looks.

5 years ago

@ scribblerg

Troll harder.

5 years ago


You’re young. Scribs has come a long way and should be applauded for putting in the work to fix his shit. Yeah, he tries to AMOG, and I find it amusing. NBD

Scribs is worth 100 MGTOW incels who won’t put in the work.

5 years ago


5 years ago

I remember from a few years ago that I was the only man here who had the balls to call out scribs on his shit and tell him to fix it. Now he has fixed a lot of it and I applaud his work. He’s not done yet, of course.

(Boy, did he ever throw shit at me in the past, lol.)

5 years ago


… I learned to tie my left shoe after 50 years of not knowing how to do so, and you know what? It’s funny to me now, and I throat shit all the loafers wearing assholes. I have a glock and I’ll shoot em because that’s what a whorefucking dominant alpha male does. It’s funny to me.

5 years ago

Lol. This dumb shit is never going to change.

5 years ago

Blax, I might take your comment seriously if you had backed me up when I called out scribs.

5 years ago

Scribs cannot’s obvious…his daughter now loves him because he has never changed when before she couldn’t stand to be around him.

5 years ago

Blax, there’s a time to kick a man in the ass and tell him to fix his shit and there’s a time to compliment him for a job well done or even when there’s good progress.

5 years ago

WHO: scribblerg

WHAT: “King of the Hill” is a PUA (pick up artist) drill that can be played safely at home with your wingmen and female friends. Test both your AMOG Defense and AMOG Offense in the face of increasingly more difficult cockblocks, douchebags, and AMOGs.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Zero-tolerance plays a role in this. “One strike and you’re out” can make a lot of things that men used to do routinely 30 years ago just a bit more challenging now. Given the level of misandry that K – 12 dumps onto boys and young men, it should not be a surprise that 20-something men often are tentative around women.

Again, the choice is pretty simple for older men: be the “Hah! Sucks to be you! LOL!” type, or actually try to help other men. Good thing Rollo has chosen the second path.

5 years ago


Jump-starting men by giving them a swift kick in the ass still works.

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
5 years ago

The old books rules that’s gone that provided the beta at least a shot, has also taken away the low smv women’s chances at a shot. Although she doesn’t see it because the new books are telling her, her smv is a lot higher than it is.
Polyandry has a limit.The incels that women want shut out to the point of no longer having to be bothered with them trying, will find themselves attention bankrupt because the removed their only feasible candidates.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
5 years ago

@ Fred Flange

Great comment and synopsis. “Ignorance is Bliss”. I don’t know where that originated but it might have been coined specifically in reference to keeping men in a deep blue pill state.

But when the lie was revealed, and “the light” came on, the rage vanished.

Same here. I was actually surprised how fast I got through the anger phase, considering how much of my life had already been used up serving the FI to little profit. It was just a relief to finally know what had been, and was still, going on.

5 years ago

@fleezer: remember: great camps aren’t made, they’re found and exploited

Great summation in a succinct comment.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Water Cannon Boy

Good to see you.

The old books rules that’s gone that provided the beta at least a shot, has also taken away the low smv women’s chances at a shot.

It takes away their chances later on, after the years of carousel riding / watching. Most women don’t understand cause & effect.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago



Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
5 years ago

In every group of 7s there’s always one that thinks he’s a 10 and one that thinks he’s a 3. Cuz they’re all fucking average and both shit themselves laughing or crying whenever a real 10 or 3 comes into their periphery.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

How should a man go about trying to help one of the deep-blue InCels? At a pure guess, the first step might be to get them away from other InCels – get them off of the doomer-spiral “We Hate Chad & Stacy” sites, because rolling in that stuff just strengthens the neural pathways they already have. I don’t know where to go after that, though. I’d send churchgoing incels to Dalrock’s, but try to keep them out of the comments. Too much truth too fast, dumped into the head of a young man who has been brainwashed by the matriarchy… Read more »

5 years ago

@Rollo: Beautiful pic for the post. I have read the post three times now and I keep going back to the pic. Fits in very well with the topic. I get everything in the pic, the shy guy with the cross in his pocket, the Succubus representing the modern women. But I don’t get the guy down the hallway…. what does he represent? Maybe I am reading too much into it. Before Red Pill I was like this guy in the pic. Taking the Red Pill made me realise that all women are like this … like a Succubus, hence… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
5 years ago


The guy down the hallway represents the human male mind becoming aware of his sexual lot in life. He’s looking deep within and becoming aware of the mutually predatory nature of sex between men and women. Specifically his relationship to women.

He’s also becoming aware that he’s been losing on every trade he’s ever made. Having been vulnerable where he believed he was strong.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
5 years ago

@Anonymous Reader

“It takes away their chances later on, after the years of carousel riding / watching. Most women don’t understand cause & effect.”

The upside to this is that whenever one of us fucks an “ACTUAL HB(6)10” we feel like Gods around our grenade-fucking compatriots.

5 years ago


Thanks for the reply. That was deep …. completes the picture.

I hope guys who identify as Incels read this post and save themselves.

Time for gym.

Good day Gentlemen !!

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

A lot of femosphere critics want to lay the blame for Incels at the feet of the Red Pill.

Well, sure.
#1 Nothing is ever the fault of women.
#2 Everything is the fault of men.
#3 If there is any doubt see #1.

The femosphere is just one facet of the Female Imperative, they must suppress red pill reality whenever and wherever possible. The femosphere is like the mass media in Venezuela…there is a party line, and they will stick to it no matter what.

The Lone Planet
The Lone Planet
5 years ago

The light at the end of the tunnel is a train.

5 years ago

@ AR ” Blax, you’re dealing with some of this. How are you approaching it?” Hooo boy, I’m a novice and I’m learning on the job. What seems to be working for me ( until it doesn’t ) is 1) Saying the exact same thing 3 different ways, so that it seems like I’m not repeating myself, and 2) Humor.Light Heartedness interspersed with terseness. What scares me is that many of the young men seem so thirsty for some direction and knowledge, that I eventually won’t be up to the task. My well will runeth dry. I did not fully… Read more »

5 years ago

When the booing starts, I’ll know I’ve gone as far as my ability can take me.

You forget. I was booed loudly by a large number of commenters here when I kicked scribs in the pants to get him to fix his shit. I took a break for a few weeks to wash off the vitriol and let emotions here simmer down.

The naysayers/enablers were wrong and I was right. It’s not easy to go against the crowd. Are you up to the task?

5 years ago

Still being slick…

5 years ago

In Vox’s heirarchy, Delta is the Beta.

5 years ago

Scribblerg is auditioning to get the role of the asshole drill instructor if they ever do a remake of Full Metal Jacket.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

combine that intellect with Blue Pill conditioning and a guy who’s a Beta and you get a recipe for a self destructive Incel.

Many intelligent men overthink things. They construct elaborate rationalization mazes in their head because as painful as that is, it’s less painful than seeing clearly for the first time.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
5 years ago
5 years ago

What is that Private Scribblerg? Is that a jelly donut you worthless piece of shit? If I EVER find a jelly donut in your turbo charged audi again, I’ll rip your head off and shit down your throat before breakfast!

5 years ago

The drill sergeant in Full Metal Jacket was the real deal.

comment image

R. Lee Ermey wasn’t faking it in that role. Unless and actor was some kind of theatrical genius, that role would not have been what it wound up being had some dude with no real experience taken it.

It takes much, much more to be a ” tough guy ” than insulting and name calling. Especially if one ” calls names ” like a woman or 16 year old girl would.

L. O. L.

5 years ago

God Bless Him and rest in peace forever.

5 years ago


5 years ago

Rollo: “Most Blue Pill guys are smart and interesting dudes, they just haven’t been unplugged to realize the game they’re involved in. Most Incels are highly intelligent, but that intelligence is what limits them; then combine that intellect with Blue Pill conditioning and a guy who’s a Beta and you get a recipe for a self destructive Incel.” Rian Stone (Stone Pt on the sidebar) had a excellent essay on Turn Off Your Brain in his blog: Turn Off your Brain Chad….. Man, there’s some asinine questions in AskMRP lately, reminds me of the old adage I was told… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
5 years ago

@ Blaximus

I did not fully understand what I was getting into, but I won’t turn back.

The thoughts of every true leader of men, ever. Nothing but admiration for what you are doing, it is no small thing.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

IMO the best R. Lee Ermey movie Siege of Firebase Gloria.


[…] Tomassi offers some insights into the movement [emphasis […]

5 years ago

@asd “his daughter now loves him because he has never changed when before she couldn’t stand to be around him.” this is strange as 3 years ago he told me: “My daughter could see pictures of me buff, hanging with hot blondes, climbing Mt. Everest and it will have absolutely no effect. … Dominance and value don’t matter …” This was in reply to me saying: “You want to be the alpha, that people naturally want to be with. Then in some years, something may happen, and I rate those chances higher than being eaten by a polar bear.” Now… Read more »

Paul Murray
5 years ago

Whores. The solution to having these men snap and go postal is safe, legal prostitution. Oh sure, it doesn’t solve the real problem, whatever that may be. But it’s a final safety barrier. Cheap government cheese may have a lot of downsides, but it will halt the food riots.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Paul Murray
Whores. The solution to having these men snap and go postal is safe, legal prostitution.

Check your calendar. What century is it?

5 years ago

Flange – I live a life you only dream of, buddy. I’m not living in yesteryear, I’m firmly planted in today. I lead a team of millennials and I’m turning them into men by kicking their asses, but they take it because I’m also turning them into winners. To assert my advice is “clueless” is based on what exactly? The young college hotties I make cum? The young guys I play music with? They young team I lead? The youth obsessed industry I lead in and have a huge brand in? Listen, I get it. You sympathize. Me – I… Read more »

The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
5 years ago

Just an accusation from some groupie chick of a possible “sexual assault” years ago and an artists tour is instantly cancelled, no questions asked. Now this RiffRaff looks like a real tool, but that’s beside the point. As a male these days, you are 100% guilty when accused by a woman of anything she doesn’t like, and still remain guilty if proven innocent. Time to really start pushing back against this bullshit, gentlemen…

5 years ago


Your magnum opus… Tremendous.

Now use your state to guide the misguided. You don’t need to beat them to death.

Or not, as guided by the Platinum Rule.

Some payback is gratifying though.

5 years ago

comment image

…. same shit, different year.

The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
5 years ago

Brilliant post above, btw, scribb. I will comment on it more shortly…

5 years ago

Fox, hang out for a few months. The story will change and angst and anger will abound.

Shit’s cyclical.

Or go up a ways in the comments and read the shit spewed about incels.

Or roll back in any comment section under any Op by Rollo.

5 years ago

…. it’s funny to me.

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