The Creep – Part 2

Just so we’re clear here, yes, I get that there are a lot of ways to take the term ‘creepy’. In last week’s essay I wanted to dig into what women claim is ‘creepy’ and how this term is really another illustration of ambiguous fem-speak rooted in how a guy makes a woman feel. Furthermore, this feeling is modified by where that man is stationed in her perception of his sexual market value (SMV).

Last week I got linked a Tweet about ‘creeps’ by Roosh (he still hates me). He had a good point, and I paraphrase,

“Creeps are just guys that go from 0-100 in sexualizing a conversation with a woman way too fast. A good PUA knows that slow and steady sexualization works best.”

Take that how you want, but I think this is definitely part of the creep dynamic. There’s a bit more to being creepy than overly fast sexualization (or presumed familiarity); we’ve got to account for a Blue Pill / Beta guy’s lack of social intelligence to understand that taking it slow should be something he knows already. And still, how can we presume this slow and steady sexualization is a proficient form of seduction when we see more Alpha, more immediately arousing men, go from 0-100 themselves and get a same night lay? I’ve done this myself more than a few times back in a time when there was no formal Game to be had. Right guy, right place, right time, and 0-100 is what a woman is hoping will happen. Hypergamy is nothing if not pragmatic.

That said, I am convinced that this over-investment, too quick, too soon is definitely part of the creepy dynamic. I’ve made the call in several prior posts that it’s part of the Beta mindset to want to bypass the arousal and attraction phases of seduction to go directly to rapport. Thus, you get a guy who shares too much way too soon and this itself is creepy for women. It’s a huge telegraphing of that guy’s state of desperation and optionlessness. There’s no mystery left about the guy (assuming the girl even had an initial attraction) and nothing left to figure out. This over-sharing is also a huge red flag to women’s Hypergamous filters; it’s an indication that a guy ‘doesn’t get it’ with regard to how to play the Game with her.

You see, this rush to get to comfort and rapport is usually because that ‘creep’ is anxious to get past the arousal phase, the sexual tension, because he has no clue what to do in that phase. It’s a real source of anxiety for him, and besides, every woman he’s ever asked has said she needed to be comfortable with a guy before she has sex with him (false). Comfort, rapport, familiarity (all of which are anti-seductive) should be where the sex begins to his way of thinking, so again, male deductive logic would follow that getting there quickly would be pragmatic.

When a more Alpha, natural, moves quickly it’s almost always because he’s working with a receptive (proceptive) woman. As I mentioned before, arousal covers for a lot of men’s deficits in Game or feelings of creepery.

The Creeps

As most readers will have probably guessed I’ve timed the release of this series to address the current Hysteria of sexual assault / harassment / rape charges that are  moving like wildfire through Hollywood first, and now through the rest of our pop-culture social strata. While it may be satisfying to see mealy-mouth self-righteous actors and moguls take a fall, it’s important to see the larger social mechanics in play here.

I wrote that essay over a year ago and I’ll say now that I’d never dreamed how prophetic that post would turn out. Criticizing this #MeToo sexual assault hysteria is next to impossible. For the same reasons no one wanted to question the veracity of the UVA fraternity rape hoax that Rolling Stone and Sabrina Erdley perpetrated – no one now wants to question the accusations leveled at the various personalities being conveniently outed for sexual assault/harassment that in some cases occurred 30-40 years ago. We are expected to believe the testimonies of women without question.

This isn’t to say that the celebrities involved didn’t do what their accusers are saying they did, it’s that we are expected to accept that this behavior is endemic in all men, and based on the same principle of believing whatever a woman has to say about it with no afterthought given to its truth or her motives. It’s one thing to presume that whenever a woman comes forward with a rape or assault claim we are expected to presume the man guilty until proven innocent, but we’re rapidly reaching a point where any claim a woman has about a man bears that same weight. When it comes down to ‘he said, she said’, what she said will hold the full weight of the law.

Our Feminine-primary social order is now repurposing this ironclad believability of women – and presumed guilt of men – for every crime a woman ‘feels’ she’s been a victim of at the hands of a man. At the same time we see sexual harassment being defined as something that even a wink from a man can convey, we also see the rapid criminalization of men  who would dare to talk to a woman they don’t already know.

When we combine this overarching presumption of male guilt with the potential crime of men dealing with a woman with the intent of establish intimacy, and then add to it the ever changing definition of what can constitute sexual assault or harassment (and with a uniquely endless statute of limitations), we begin to get a clearer picture of the direction the Feminine Imperative has for men.

I’m sure this all seems very reactionary, but so was the questioning of Sabrina Erdley’s story about a nameless girl who was violently raped on the shattered glass of a broken coffee table by fraternity boys. Once again, I’m not saying sexual assault doesn’t happen, I’m saying that the direction gynocentrism is taking is one in which men ought to lose rights and liberties that only women ought to be the judges of.

Creepiness is a feeling women get from men who lack the social skills to ‘just get it’ that they are or aren’t into them. What this distills down to on a root level is women’s presuming that men should know better than to approach them when they are beneath their Hypergamous attraction floor. It is the criminalization of men not understanding how they fit into women’s sexual strategies. I made a case for this in The Political is Personal. The more men resist the social intents of Hypergamy, the more it will become necessary to legislate men to comply with it.

Feminine-primary social doctrine is an extension of  women’s Hypergamy.

Any deviation from this is on the part of  men is met with a cultural reprisal designed to convince or coerce men to accept their inevitable role in providing those entitlements to women. When those social contingencies fail, or become played out, the Feminine Imperative then appeals to legal legislation to mandate men’s compliance to what amounts to women’s social entitlement to optimized Hypergamy.

We’re rapidly reaching this peak Hypergamous state. As I mentioned in Male Control, since the Las Vegas shooting the narrative of masculinity has shifted. There is no more “toxic” masculinity – it’s masculinity on-whole that is toxic. As Open Hypergamy becomes more institutionalized and made a societal norm by the Feminine Imperative, and as more men become Red Pill aware (by effort or consequences) because of it, the more necessary it will become for a feminine-primary social order to legislate and mandate men comply with it.

In the Zone

Morpheus had a great comment last week that hit on what I went into in Sexual Zoning:

The term “creep” can really lead in a bunch of different directions discussion wise, but I think a really big one is “sexual zones” vs “non-sexual zones”. Increasingly, there are all sorts of places where the default presumption is that women should be “free from” male advances. Work, school, etc. In these zones, the margin for error is very small. Unless you are an objectively visually attractive man with super tight game, the odds of you being perceived as a “creep” are much, much higher. In sexual zones, such as the Friday night bar, your margin for error is higher. The default presumption is men are there to meet women. You still need to have the right social vibe and not come across as a weirdo but you have a little more room to play with.

And from that post:

I would argue that a large majority of men accused of sexual harassment or even just suspected of impropriety are men who’ve found themselves in an environment they believed was an acceptable sexual zone. We are fast approaching a time when all zones will be so arbitrary and ambiguous that every environment with sexual potential will be avoided. This will have the effect of putting women into unilateral control of their own Hypergamy. It will be a state of Sadie Hawkins world – only women will make approaches on men and only those who match her Hypergamous ideal, an ideal fostered and reinforced by a steady diet of social media ego inflation.

A while ago I read this piece about Mike Pence:

“In 2002, Mike Pence told The Hill that he never eats alone with a woman other than his wife and that he won’t attend events featuring alcohol without her by his side, either.”

Naturally the media wants to pass this off as some masculine insecurity on Pence’s part. Certainly there’s a religious reason for Pence not wanting to present any perception of impropriety – I’ve know pastor who will never have closed door meetings with women or do counseling for women without their wives present – but there is a practical side to this habit. It prevents the accusations and opportunity for anything like what we’re seeing in the accusation cycling through Hollywood today. But still, shaming the masculine is the first reflex for the mainstream media.

This Atlantic article is an exercise in deliberately not seeing the intersexual writing on the wall. This is the practical contingency for a social order bent on removing men via accusations of sexual misconduct. Yet still, for all of the inherent dangers of a frivolous sexual harassment suit at the disposal of any and every western woman, men are supposed to leave themselves vulnerable to them:

Pence is not the only powerful man in Washington who goes to great lengths to avoid the appearance of impropriety with the opposite sex. An anonymous survey of female Capitol Hill staffers conducted by National Journal in 2015 found that “several female aides reported that they have been barred from staffing their male bosses at evening events, driving alone with their congressman or senator, or even sitting down one-on-one in his office for fear that others would get the wrong impression.” One told the reporter Sarah Mimms that in 12 years working for her previous boss, he “never took a closed door meeting with me. … This made sensitive and strategic discussions extremely difficult.”

This is the social environment feminism and our gynocentric social order has chosen to establish for men and women. Men pragmatically look for ways to guard themselves against allegation, and yet are shamed for that sensibility. It’s gotten (or will get) to the point where old books “decent” behavior is too risky to engage in in the modern workplace. Powerful men must hide behind open doors, and still those men are shamed for being prudent. Why?

We live in a new era where marriage has become disincentivized for men by the risks of capital loss in divorce that overwhelmingly favors women with cash & prizes. Now add to this the increasing ego entitlements of women to high value men. As the prospect of marriage looks less and less like a good deal for men wanting to protect themselves there comes a need for women to create ways to bypass the requirement for marriage to access men’s capital. Enter the era of increasingly more nebulous, acrimonious, accusations of sexual harassment or assault and de facto believability of women’s testimony. Exit the era of frivolous divorce (okay maybe not entirely) and enter the era of more easily accessible capital via frivolous sexual assault lawsuits.

More to come in part 3.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago

The only way to win is not to play.


[…] The Creep – Part 2 […]

6 years ago

Children push boundaries until their parents say ENOUGH.

Western women are like a classroom full of kids without a teacher.

Patriarchal societies evolved to do just that. With the absence of this in the west there is now a power vacuum.

A strong patriarchal society that gives women discipline, rules, order etc will take over. It has to. Kids are craving a firm leader. Chaotic classrooms don’t survive.

Whether you like it or not, that is the reason Islam will dominate. It doesn’t tolerate this gigantic female shit test.

6 years ago

This last sentiment hit me especially hard. Long story short: I moved recently and have been trolling the web for fresh meat. Found out about “seeking arrangements” – every girl in my new town in on this site. Every girl I’ve hooked up with. Every woman I work with. Every girl I’ve ever been introduced to through friends. And all the girls online that I never scored with, but still recognize, are on this site. Plus thousands of others from the surrounding areas (my town is isolated so it’s relatively easy to filter for). I can’t stop thinking about it.… Read more »

6 years ago

Search your hearts…

“Jim McGrath, a spokesman for Bush, issued an apology on the former president’s behalf in the wake of this latest allegation.

“George Bush simply does not have it in his heart to knowingly cause anyone distress, and he again apologizes to anyone he offended during a photo op,” McGrath told CNN.”

6 years ago

“What else am I to think?”

That you are a pimp perhaps?

6 years ago

Los Angeles is the bellwether for American culture.

Young women there commonly date Instagram celebrities, rappers, artists — men with exaggerated status due to their talents or looks.

They are commonly underemployed, or unemployed.

And, if they do not have generous parents subsidizing their lifestyle, they have sugar daddies on the side.

See: Louis CK. The war is over; the everyday man has been redefined as a creepy perv,

Sugar daddy-ism will be the next step, and the only way for the beta male to access female sexuality.

6 years ago

This is actually a really good post Rollo. You hit the over-investment issue on the head.

Proud of you son

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

Now a question to which I do not know the answer. Assuming sexual zoning as stated here becomes “legislated” to keep women safe from us Beta creeps, how do women overall expect to find mates in such a highly constricted SMP? And how will they “legislate” men (other than DGAF Alphas) to approach when all approaches are subject to criminalization or firing or severe social shaming? When HR departments even more strictly ban employees’ hooking up or trying to? When approaches in public spaces by the wrong man can be D.P. Arrests or cellphone videoed into Twit Shame threads? Seems… Read more »

6 years ago


“how do women overall expect to find mates in such a highly constricted SMP?”

That’s what the Alpha Farms of 2035 are for.

6 years ago

That said, I am convinced that this over-investment, too quick, too soon is definitely part of the creepy dynamic. I can see your point, @Rollo. Betas fail to demonstrate high value (A1), get attraction from the girl (A2) before they show their own interest. But I think the problem goes deeper. Betas fail to calibrate women’s level of interest. Betas return IOIs when a girl gives off IODs. Oops, they should return IODs for IODs. NB: Now I don’t calibrate so well real time, because autism, so I do things a little differently…I do lots of IODs and only a… Read more »

6 years ago

“The more men resist the social intents of Hypergamy, the more it will become necessary to legislate men to comply with it.

Feminine-primary social doctrine is an extension of women’s Hypergamy.”

I am waiting for the mandate that all Alpha males must be single and govt. subsidized for dating purposes. Where’s my company card?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Fred Flange
Assuming sexual zoning as stated here becomes “legislated” to keep women safe from us Beta creeps, how do women overall expect to find mates in such a highly constricted SMP?

Why, men will “just get it”, of course. It willl “just happen”.
Women aren’t very good at cause and effect, remember?

6 years ago

I’ve know pastor who will never have closed door meetings with women or do counseling for women without their wives present

I know professors who do that, too.

6 years ago

@Yhufir I can’t stop the tape in my head from replaying, “every woman is a whore.” It’s a little sickening but with evidence like this… I mean… What else am I to think? You can deal with your Grief stages by trolling the manosphere in search of how to deal with the Madonna/Whore complex. That complex is merely a sentiment. A sentiment is: a view of or attitude toward a situation or event; an opinion. a feeling or emotion. It is OK to have sentiments, it is not manly to make them detriments to your purpose. That’s where strength and… Read more »

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
6 years ago

In sadie hawkins world if it comes, what’s the fallout from all the women being turned down by the attractive men they feel they deserve?

Not Born This Morning
6 years ago

Although it isn’t apparent given the current state of things, and that it is highly probable that things will get worse before they improve, I believe we are witnessing the beginning of the end of feminism. The human species, nature, simply will not sustain it. Maybe not in our lifetimes, but sooner than many more generations it will end. I just don’t see what will replace it,

6 years ago

“In sadie hawkins world if it comes, what’s the fallout from all the women being turned down by the attractive men they feel they deserve?” Why do you ask what women want? Who cares? What are you doing about that? Why do you ask what a top down approach would look like? The inter-sexual relationship game is in decline. From a bottoms up approach to your purpose, you should enjoy the decline. Not to think how things ought to be, but how They IS. BTW Andy Capp was the inventor of Sadie Hawkins Day. And he was Harvey Weinsteined back… Read more »

6 years ago

In sadie hawkins world if it comes, what’s the fallout from all the women being turned down by the attractive men they feel they deserve?

If you apply Occam’s razor? They won’t get the attractive men they feel they deserve.

Where’s that leave you? Be attractive, don’t be unattractive. OK?

6 years ago

This post is completely on point. Now I understand why I had a reputation for being creepy back in middle and high school. It’s really just an easy way for women to weed out the betas for the Alphas. As for the betas, they get slapped with sexual harassment charges or have HR called on them

6 years ago

We got to get Yufir a woman. Leroy, boy, is that you? I thought your post-hangin’ days were through, Sunk-in eyes and full of sighs, Tell no lies, you get wise, I tell you now we’re gonna pull you through, There’s only one thing left that we can do We gotta get you a woman, It’s like nothin’ else to make you feel sure you’re alive We gotta get you a woman, We better get walkin’, we’re wastin’ time talkin’ now Leroy, boy, you’re my friend You say how and I’ll say when Come and meet me down the street… Read more »

Alpha Jedi
6 years ago

I had a recent experience relating to this topic in the field. A guy wrote a note on a napkin and give it to a girl at a restaurant i was at. I wound up approaching her and talking to her and when I noticed the napkin, she responded by saying “this creepy guy gave it to me.” After some conversation and a bit of mischief I was able to setup a date for the following week, but more on topic, 2 guys approached this girl. One guy was written of as entirely creepy while the other was accepted. For… Read more »

6 years ago
6 years ago

Despite the undeniable “success ” of the Feminist movement I have read that many studies show that female happiness levels are at a generational low. Women have never had so much freedom, attention never been so pandered to and spoilt emotionally and materialistically never been so protected from the harsh realities of life, yet they are less happy than their pre feminism counterparts! Could it be that women have no fucking idea what they really need to be content? Or is simply that they do know what they ALL want and DESERVE? The answer being The Best! No matter how… Read more »

6 years ago

I can easily see variants of the Pence Rule being put into place across many businesses in the wake of this current scandal. But I believe the main advantage of such rules will be to instill an unconscious discipline that, around female co-workers, men must always be on guard and carefully watch what they do and say. Always having to be careful not to be alone with a female co-worker, if at all possible, would act to constantly reinforce this discipline.

6 years ago

“In sadie hawkins world if it comes, what’s the fallout from all the women being turned down by the attractive men they feel they deserve?”
Feminism IS Sadie Hawkins world.
Feminism is wallflower females getting back at the men that reject them.
Why else would ugly women be so interested in placing such big hammers in the hands of pretty girls?

6 years ago

At my work, I have my own office (not a cubicle, an actual office with real walls). But I’m normally only there 1-2 x a week. The CEO recently asked if I would consider sharing my office with a female co-worker, who is normally onsite 4 days a week. I vetoed it, saying it would affect our productivity to share an office that is too small to share anyway. What I didn’t tell him was there is no way in hell I’m going to be alone with an attractive female co-worker. The possibility of a false accusation from her was… Read more »

6 years ago

Combining: When a more Alpha, natural, moves quickly it’s almost always because he’s working with a receptive (proceptive) woman. And [The Pence Rule] prevents the accusations and opportunity for anything like what we’re seeing in the accusation cycling through Hollywood today. Yields: It’s a mistake (and sometimes a fatal one) to ignore what you know is just under the surface. It’s comforting to believe that you’ve got a special connection, and while the conditions are right, you’ll preserve a relationship based on mutual trust and shared affinity. The flaw is in believing that trust, and kinship is unconditional; that the… Read more »

6 years ago

“I can easily see variants of the Pence Rule being put into place across many businesses in the wake of this current scandal. ”

LOL. By who? The FI???

You realize the complaints about the Pence Rule are it limits women’s access to power… And unsaid “Alpha Seed”.

You realize they want it both ways right? Use their feminity and looks for either alpha seed or more bux.

Where are the women who did massage Wei stein and advanced their careers? Quietly cashing checks.

6 years ago

Calibration is key…reading a woman’s body language and knowing your own subcomms. Body language never lies. If a woman is truly backing away, you back off. If she’s leaning in, looking at you with the doggie dinner bowl eyes…you move closer. The problem with “creeps” or “creepiness” is the pushiness that goes with it. Ask a girl for drinks and she’s flattered. Then she tells a few friends who say “Wow, he just wants to sleep with you, he’s so creepy…” I’ve been faced with this situation. I think if I gamed the girl correctly sparking attraction and then moved… Read more »

Personlig coach
6 years ago

I remember watching a movie with Stallone many years ago where he was some sort of cop in the future. One of the themes in this movie was that nobody had regular sex anymore. It was illegal or at least, people looked down on it and refrained from having it. All future life was secured by incimination. As I recall it. As far as I remember, the movie was ok, but I remember wondering why someone would come up with such an idea of people not having sex in the future. Sex between a man and a woman is beatiful… Read more »

6 years ago

@Personlig coach: the movie you are thinking of is Demolition Man. They also got tickets for using bad language.


6 years ago

“One of the themes in this movie was that nobody had regular sex anymore.”

Demolition Man lifted that from Woody Allen’s Sleeper.

6 years ago

Demolition Man was set in a society where the FI was dominant and men were de-masculinized.

6 years ago

Ok guys…spot the creep—and describe why…

Agent P
Agent P
6 years ago

“In sadie hawkins world if it comes, what’s the fallout from all the women being turned down by the attractive men they feel they deserve?

If you apply Occam’s razor? They won’t get the attractive men they feel they deserve.
Where’s that leave you? Be attractive, don’t be unattractive. OK?”

Rule number 1 in Zombie Land, Cardio.

You don’t have to outrun the bear, just be faster than the other guy right?

6 years ago

“I can easily see variants of the Pence Rule being put into place across many businesses in the wake of this current scandal. ”

“LOL. By who? The FI???”

Who else? Try to look at the cause and effect. In women’s quest for equality, they have created an environment with an overbearing climate of depravity. This was done by their own manipulation, as has been pointed out many times, women don’t really get the cause and effect of even basic mechanics. The future may hold the end of coed altogether,for a time.

6 years ago

Are bicycle wheel spokes spindly support sticks that miraculously hold up the weight?

Or are they oppositional prestressed single strand cables that do their job?

6 years ago

Isn’t #metoo the greatest societal shit test ever conceived?

Creation of outrage on a hyper-scale

Obvious beta tell spotting as a campaign through #whatchoogonnadonowifyouseeacreepcreepingonawoman

Obfuscation of the term “sexual harassment”

Obvious attempts to control male’s sexual agency with calls to redefine laws to make a broader definition of sexual harrassment (don’t startle a woman by sneezing loudly next to her, or else…)

Shame,Shame, Shame blame meme/posts on all men for being men: “Hey, penises are like guns so men=BAD”

6 years ago

“As far as I remember, the movie was ok, but I remember wondering why someone would come up with such an idea of people not having sex in the future. Sex between a man and a woman is beatiful or at least, it’s good, right?” Welcome to the Monkey House Vonnegut suggests here that fake, strict morality denies human nature, and hence cannot be tolerated. Though the story does feel dated in some ways, it remains extremely relevant considering how many forces in America – both in politics and in everyday life – continue to demean open sexuality as… Read more »

6 years ago

Assuming sexual zoning as stated here becomes “legislated” to keep women safe from us Beta creeps, how do women overall expect to find mates in such a highly constricted SMP? Fred — In the sexual zones. They still exist. Bars, clubs, concerts, venues, clubs, activities, Tinder/Bumble, etc. The main push is to de-sexualize (other than for true apex arousal men) places that aren’t specifically tuned to be “places where people go to meet other people” — so, the workplace, the classroom, the grocery store, the apartment building corridor, the street and so on. These are “neutral zones” or de-sexed zones… Read more »

6 years ago

@ wala

Lol, that Hitch clip is me and my current wife before we started dating. I was always watching dudes approach her and flame completely out. She had a reputation of being a stuck up, evil bitch ( not my words ). Because she was drowning in a sea of lameness, initially I couldn’t even get a ” hello ” out of her.

Hitch and Boomerang are my favorite movies dealing with man and woman and dating and pickup. Somewhat instructive ( for a movie ) and also cautionary.

6 years ago

Some of what is “creepy” has to be defined in correct social context. I went to a lingerie party at a nightclub one day. There was this girl I was talking to and she had on just a pair of bra and panties. And I had just met her for the first time ever in life. Well, while I was talking to her, I felt up her tits. She acted offended for a minute, but then she gave me her number and we got together later on. Now if I was at Wal Mart and met the same girl in… Read more »

6 years ago

The PUA community recognised that the game based approaching strategy will fail the majority of the time. And they recommend, correctly, that the man approaching should not be fazed by these rejections. In this sense, nothing has changed. Men should understand that pursuing women inevitably will make you a creep in some cases and men should not internalise this negative judgement of them. It is probably a good idea to be careful when initiating physical contact. Avoid touching a woman below the waist until having generated some rapport, for example. But overall, don’t be fazed by this campaign. Don’t let… Read more »

6 years ago

The unwanted beta attention has always struck me as a central to all of this creepy business. Women want fried ice sure enough, but in their protracted efforts to reduce any and all risk and personal responsibility (anything approaching actual “equality”), they’ve employed a variant of socialism to manage the SMP, outsourcing a massive amount of their responsibility for filtering potential mates to the State and other armed factions of the cultural overlords. So they end up creating the kind of disparity, chaos, and despair that one would expect. Under this regime, women desire to categorically control/limit the unwanted beta… Read more »

6 years ago

A socially uncalibrated autistic kid was expelled for giving a hug. But most of these thirsty creeps are habitual offenders (or rapists) who know what they are doing. They get exposed with multiple accusations. Normal guys are unaware of the extent of the problem, and don’t understand why women are so provoked that they want to regulate innocent male behavior.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

KL A socially uncalibrated autistic kid was expelled for giving a hug. We know. So? But most of these thirsty creeps are habitual offenders (or rapists) who know what they are doing. They get exposed with multiple accusations. Are you referring to the Hollyweird crowd? Politicians? What? Normal guys are unaware of the extent of the problem, and don’t understand why women are so provoked that they want to regulate innocent male behavior. Normal men are blinded by pretty lies, and so they don’t see the real nature of women. Especially the AF-BB aspect of hypergamy. Women want to regulate… Read more »

6 years ago

This reminds me of the unintended consequence of a Chinese law designed to make a motorist pay for any accident victim.. now if the accident is bad enough, the victim gets offed.

The state doesn’t have enough minions to keep the peace once every interaction between male and female is that of the ‘Hugh Mungus’ YouTube video type.
Snap, crackle, pop. The state says enough, or it gets swept away in the backlash

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
6 years ago
Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Razorwire It’s sexual market anarcho-tyranny. AKA Laws are for betas. Of course. The big problem for women is how to filter out the Betas. As women’s expectations grow without bound, they need to slam down the Betas harder. Because of the 80/20 rule, soon to be the 90/10 rule. It doesn’t matter that this means the majority of women won’t get to ride their Alpha pony at all and for sure will wind up lonely with cats, because each one of them is a Special Snowflake who will get away with her cup of fried ice. One alternative for women… Read more »

6 years ago

Anonymous briefly touched on it: the media as usual has chosen sides and they are all in for the FI. The males in that profession have failed one shit test after another and so here we are.

The funny thing is that media is a highly incestuous social world — reporters and editors hook up and mate with each other, or sometimes with the figures they are covering. We don’t play well with normal people and there are not many alphas in the ranks. So what happens when the media workplace becomes utterly desexualized?

6 years ago

And then there’s the social media. As Razorwire nails it, the FI can now be everywhere at once, watching and listening for your fatal error. Oh, but don’t worry … people with nothing to hide have nothing to fear.

6 years ago

“people with nothing to hide have nothing to fear.”

I’ve heard this meme before from a young man, trouble is nobody’s perfect,we all get wise from making mistakes. The world has gotten smaller and like small town people one can be fitted in a slot for the duration of their existence.

6 years ago


PRO comment. Hits every note. Required reading.

6 years ago

People in totalitarian societies hear that meme all the time. Societies based on fear. We’re heading that way very quickly now

6 years ago

“people with nothing to hide have nothing to fear.”

Law 1: You must mow your lawn.
Law 2: You cannot mow your lawn.

6 years ago

Fear is a useless thing that serves no purpose for men. At all. Ever.

6 years ago

#MeToo is just another iteration of the same old same old. Because they don’t want to be chained to a Beta, women are willing to take the risk of “no man at all”.

Women did not take a vote about this…lots of women see #Metoo as a problem…just like lots of men see #Metoo as a good thing. Did men take a vote about it?

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

“Fear is a useless thing that serves no purpose for men. At all. Ever.”

blax – haven’t seen you trolling before, that would explain your first one’s low quality

6 years ago

I’m just so glad I was around to enjoy the ’70s and ’80s. Hope that doesn’t make me a Creepy Old Guy

6 years ago

“Fear is a useless thing that serves no purpose for men. At all. Ever.”

Fear is what will be instilled in a man that is lacking in healthy respect.

6 years ago

“Women have never had so much freedom, attention never been so pandered to and spoilt emotionally and materialistically” christmas used to be good. back when the entire season, at least at my house, lasted only two to three weeks. now it’s two fucking months and I’m tired of it long before the day arrives we all get desensitized. that’s why we have to do shit like cycle drugs when they stop having an effect when she’s been showered with attention every waking hour, the baseline level changes and she has to kick it up a notch to get another hit… Read more »

6 years ago

“Hope that doesn’t make me a Creepy Old Guy”

Here we go again with the meme’s, ‘ Creepy Old Guy” is just another myth created by PUA’s to cut competition and the FI in order to halt the spread of knowledge passed down to younger men by their elders. This has also become a hindrance to apprenticeship in the trades. Seriously who is going to listen to homer or the family guy.

6 years ago

“Fear is what will be instilled in a man that is lacking in healthy respect.”

grateful for this. if I wasn’t terrified of the old man growing up, I’d be in prison

if you love your son, and he happens to be a little wild, the best thing you can do is scare him into compliance. he will thank you later when he realizes what you’ve done for him

6 years ago

Well said. But I say Creepy Old Guy (and People with nothing to hide …) with mordantly ironic tongue firmly planted in cheek

6 years ago

Media & FI:

1970-77: The Mary Tyler Moore Show
1988-98: Murphy Brown

Strong, independent [fictional] women felt true; fiction became reality but reality has no background music.

@O.B.I.T.: 70’s & 80’s were a gas. But I did not pull the weeds when they were tender-rooted. Husbandman fail on my part but slowly correcting.

6 years ago


You can learn a lot from betas and creeps–in terms of how NOT to act.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
6 years ago

@Blax – was it in this thread or the last one you talked about your FWB calling you creepy and everything that followed? Keep in mind that even though you were AF for her, *and* you handled the situation perfectly, in 2017 (unlike when it happened), there’s still a risk that in those couple of days when she was mad at you, she could post on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/whatever that you sexually assaulted her and name and shame you. Sure, she’ll do it in a moment of anger on her emotional rollercoaster and she’ll regret it and weep and apologize to you… Read more »

6 years ago

Rollo what’s Roosh’s problem with you? I stopped following him awhile back just because he was getting to “trad-con” for my liking. You’ve kept your blog and books on point and continue to enjoy your stuff. You were my gateway drug the red pill and I appreciate it always!

6 years ago

“People with nothing to hide …” Like overexposed film.

6 years ago

Lol –

comment image

6 years ago

The Pence rule is old news in the education world. My father, now retired, was a high school teacher in the midwest back in the 60s-70s-80s where the job was Union and a man could make a good enough living to raise a family, etc without undue stress. At that time the male teachers were concentrated in the upper grades, with the High school being about 60% male teachers. Back then it was relatively safe for a man to teach a coed high school class, without the fear of false accusations that is the norm now, and yes some teachers… Read more »

6 years ago

@A.R. “Western men as a group have failed the shit test of feminism big time. #MeToo is just another iteration of the same old same old. Because they don’t want to be chained to a Beta, women are willing to take the risk of “no man at all”.” Yes. And if they do manage to get through the AF/BB transition, the marriage ends up pregnant with divorce. I’ve also seen the pivot to scissor town play out in IRL too. It’s the pseudo-sexual extension of cat lady. But what I’m seeing more of is the shift in how they value… Read more »

6 years ago

Murphy Brown was especially crucial because it championed single motherhood. And also in the TRM context, because actor Jay Thomas was TV’s ultimate good-guy beta-bux white-knighter, romancing various strong sitcom women.

6 years ago

@ Culum ” Sure, she’ll do it in a moment of anger on her emotional rollercoaster and she’ll regret it and weep and apologize to you later (because you are AF after all), but that won’t stop you being fired from your job with not even a hint of due process or change the fact that story will always be the top hit on google for you, for the rest of your life..” Good thing I’m closer to the end than I am to the beginning of my life.. lol(?). I kid. But you know what? I’m pretty sure I’d… Read more »

6 years ago

Blaximus “That’s why nobody’s talking about him except you. You in love with her man or something? You’re mighty concerned with his feelings.” Great call for a cockblocker. Stopped for gas today, the pump took my card and said reciept inside,tried to pump and nothing happened. Reinserted card then it asked for zip, everything worked. While it was filling went in to drain the main vein and get a drink. The clerk an early twenties brunet 7 gave me a big smile, and I asked her about the pump,she said it is a com glitch with the computer in the… Read more »

6 years ago

@ boulderhead I’d love to tell guys that they should just say whatever they want to, because that’s what I do, but I get that this could be very deadly in today’s climate, and if ” saying whatever ” isn’t congruent with who you are or your personality, skip it totally to be safe – or practice it on friendly people you know. I’ve always been encouraged to speak my mind and say what I mean, even as a kid, so maybe what I believe and think is just anachronistic. It’s awful because it dulls society’s ability to engage with… Read more »


[…] Diese Männer lassen sich leicht kontrollieren, und man kann sie immer wieder leicht zur Kasse bitte. Rollo Tomassi vermutet, dass hinter der #MeToo Kampagne auch steckt, dass man aus Männern immer mehr Zahlungen für sexuelle Belästigung herauspressen will, er schreibt in seinem neuesten Artikel: […]

6 years ago


“so maybe what I believe and think is just anachronistic.”

No most folks have either forgotten how to interact in person or never learned. The preferred method of communication is through buffers. When people make a living interacting with the public, it is refreshing to meet someone that knows how to socialize with light banter.

Original material is presented with authenticity and taken well if presented well. People need people to survive, this will never be outdated.

6 years ago

“Btw, the nosey teller was maybe a 6 under the makeup that camouflaged her into a possible 7. Her eyelashes though… they looked like tarantulas glued to her eyelids.”

Funny it seems the homely ones are more apt to cockblock even when not warranted. It is as if, if she’s not getting it nobody else is going to either.

6 years ago
6 years ago


Phenomenonal comments. Do you have a blog? Just curious, did you used to post under a username that started with T. Your colorful prose with economic references reminds me of one of my favorite commenters from years past.

6 years ago


I loved reading that exchange. That is absolute top notch cocky funny banter. I’m working to get back to that. I feel like a guy who stopped working out for several years after 20 years of consistent workouts. The muscle memory is still there but it is going to take time to get back into condition. Right now, my mind simply doesn’t think that fast regarding banter.

6 years ago

Last week I got linked a Tweet about ‘creeps’ by Roosh (he still hates me). He had a good point, and I paraphrase, “Creeps are just guys that go from 0-100 in sexualizing a conversation with a woman way too fast. A good PUA knows that slow and steady sexualization works best.” Ahhh Roosh. I kinda like the guy. He tries so hard. But clueless, and he doesn’t seem to have the ability to think outside his tiny mental box. He definitely has the “geek” mindset … the kind of guy with a compulsion to break everything in like down… Read more »

6 years ago

Tom been listening to too much RSD

6 years ago


A thoroughly summation of a thoroughly horrible situation. Who’d be a beta? (many of us growing up)

It’s getting increasing ridiculous the amount of newbies who are using these debates to hand out advice (bless em) on “how not to be a creep” – thanks but this is The Rational Male, we “get it” these days at least.

6 years ago

Blax: “…after we have coffee, I’m going to burp her.”

Nearly spit my coffee on my iPad. I’m 54…just might have to steal that line.

6 years ago

The High Court of Australia last week essentially ruled that binding prenuptial agreements aren’t binding if there’s some sort of leverage or pressure involved. The rich, old (65+) geezer flew in a young, poor, Eastern European woman (<25) from the Middle East. After a few months, they're engaged to marry. Two weeks before the wedding, he asks her to sign a prenup (pretty shitty deal by all accounts). She gets independent legal advice; her lawyer tells her the deal is shit. She signs anyway. They get married. He asks her to sign the same deal a couple of months later.… Read more »

6 years ago

It is going to be interesting to see what the true consequences of this sexual misconduct hysteria and more draconian anti-Beta laws does to American society. Rollo mentioned that one of the outcomes is a sexless Beta majority moving forward. My thought is the top 20% of the male population are Alphas/Sigmas. 60% Betas 10%Omegas 10% Gammas The evidence is piling up to back Rollo’s assertion, not one Hollywood sex icon/natural alpha has been accused of rape, groping, or sexual harassment. Its been betas, omegas, and gammas who hide in plain sight as ‘male feminists’ that are receiving their comeuppance.… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
6 years ago

Ah the world of unintended consequences, not only are women denied mentorship due to the potential for sexual harassment claims behind closed doors but now they can be denied life saving hands on experiences. Synopsis for those that don’t want to read it. Women are less likely to be given CPR by strangers than men in emergency situations. Subtext, you got what you want feminists, you said don’t touch you without your permission, well there ya go. Of course they want it both ways, “please touch me if I am dying, we’ll sort out if you’re a creep after… Read more »

6 years ago


“Right now, my mind simply doesn’t think that fast regarding banter.”

I’m pretty happy go lucky,get the IOI start to socialize, then just as she is getting into it and wanting more I decide the juice isn’t worth the squeeze and shut it down. Leaving them standing there wondering what is wrong.

6 years ago

Rollo said: We live in a new era where marriage has become disincentivized for men by the risks of capital loss in divorce that overwhelmingly favors women with cash & prizes. Now add to this the increasing ego entitlements of women to high-value men. As the prospect of marriage looks less and less like a good deal for men wanting to protect themselves there comes a need for women to create ways to bypass the requirement for marriage to access men’s capital. One of the things that I tell young men when they talk about moving in with a girl… Read more »

6 years ago

” . . . not one Hollywood sex icon/natural alpha has been accused of rape, groping, or sexual harassment.”

You’re so vain, you probably think this song is about you.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
6 years ago

3 things of note to me: 1) Nobody I’ve seen accused publicly thus far has impressed me as the kind who’d be regarded as an alpha without their celebrity status or power. Seeing Louis CK, Weinstein, and even Spacey get attacked has been utterly unsurprising. Now if RDJ or somebody like that shows up on the list I’d be surprised. Clearly a lot of this looks like the “regret is rape” dynamic. 2) Speaking of public accusations, where are the police reports? Not to say I stand behind Hollywood’s sleazy elite, but as always I give people who go to… Read more »

6 years ago

The #metoo bullshit is just so precious. My step daughter was a huge cock hound when she was a teenager. I had to nail her bedroom window shut so she wouldn’t sneak out to fuck her boyfriends. When the #metoo shit started up, she was front and center on her FB page, blaming everyone but herself for her lack of sexual self control when she was a teenager. She had inappropriate relationships with older men that we put a stop to when we found out. I threatened more than one over age boy/man with jail to chase them off and… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Morpheus Right now, my mind simply doesn’t think that fast regarding banter. For some, banter comes naturally. For others it’s a learned skill. I know a high-performing autist and talking with him sometimes is like interacting with a rule-based AI: there’s a definite “processing…” pause between a casual joke and his laughter (“That is a joke! Jaha!”). For the rest of us, we get better at bantering by bantering. Engage everyone you meet. Be self amusing. This is stuff that used to be taught by example: “Uncle Joe tells the best stories”. Not so much in modern disconnecto-world. Doubly so… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago


Hey, “it just happened to her”, right?

I sympathize with you, because I’ve heard and seen similar stories from former co-workers.
Some folks are just born a bit wilder than the rest of us.

6 years ago

“When people make a living interacting with the public, it is refreshing to meet someone that knows how to socialize with light banter.” and that’s why guys learning/working/refining game need to understand NOT to fucking cross the line with women who are paid to interact with you… like bank tellers. Blax’s exchange would be welcomed by my wife, because he knows what he’s doing and he’s making her day a little bit more fun and most importantly she can fucking RELAX around dialed in guys like him. when my wife was public facing for work, a day didn’t go by… Read more »

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