Divorce Incorporated

What I’m going to get into today is going to be kind of dark. I’m doing this not to exacerbate any guy’s negative feelings, but to shed some light on the reality of how divorce operates in the United States as well as many other western societies. A lot of guys tend to focus on the logistics, the laws, the process of how a divorce proceeds. Much of what I see coming from Men’s Rights advocates about divorce centers on the need for legal and institutional reform of the process in their misguided hopes of creating a more ‘equal’ state between men and women. From what I understand, MRA’s primary hope (for most every issue they address) is that this reform can come from a top-down approach – changing the system to be more fair – rather than confronting the fact that these laws, divorce and others, are manifestations of an endemic social dynamic that is based on a fundamentally unfair, unequal interrelation between the sexes.

What I’m going to focus on here is dissecting this process, but doing so from a Red Pill aware perspective. While it may be the purview of the MRM that this process is fundamentally corrupt and in need of reform (I agree), what they willingly ignore is the root level inequalities that are part of men and women’s evolved differences that are the source of this process. This isn’t meant to be some take-down of the MRM; I find their causes worthy enough, but I believe their approach to solving them to be fundamentally flawed due to a refusal to accept the core, evolved differences in men and women and a stubborn refusal to reject the ideals of egalitarian equalism that the feminism they claim to hate is ostensibly founded on.

This system is designed to create conflict, but that conflict is rooted in the presumption that men are always at fault in it. This is why there can never be an equalist solution to correcting the endemic problems of modern divorce procedures.

At present I have a personal friend I’m counseling who is in the opening phases of this process. He and his soon to be Ex are also in ‘marriage therapy’. First thing I ask, “is it a man or woman therapist?” He says woman. I say, you’re fucked; start planning your exit now.

He agrees, but still has that Blue Pill hope he’s not wasting his money (she’s a SAHM) and they’ll be able to negotiate some mutually amicable feigning of her desire for him. When we invest ourselves in something we’ve accepted is supposed to be effective we’ll hold on to hope that it will because there’s a part of us (especially in idealistic men) that doesn’t like to think we are able to be conned. This is a very well studied psych phenomenon. We convince ourselves that we ‘got something out of’ an experience regardless of it being a provably bad investment. We like to believe that in all labor there is profit, but reality shows us, quite often, that this simply isn’t true.

I gave him a list of things to keep in his head as he was going to these counseling sessions, but I also told him the truth that marriage counseling is almost always ‘last stop before toll’ and that he needs to be careful now because his wife will eagerly use this therapist’s testimony to destroy his character at a later date. That’s the profit model for therapists in divorce proceedings. They’re getting paid when you’re coming and going.

I told him she will turn into someone he never thought she could become and most of it will be at the prodding of their therapist and her attorney (who he’ll also be paying). It’s in all of their best interests that they create a monster of him. The male anger bias I write about here will be the primary basis for his character assassination.

Anything even remotely, positively masculine or Alpha is still a ‘man being a man’ and this can always be reinterpreted as potentially aggressive or violent. In a feminine-primary social order where feminized men and women are taught that men are inherently evil and prone to anger and violence (the “culture” of masculinity) there’s an army of women and White Knight sympathizing men who want nothing more than to stick it to the ‘man’ symbolically. And when they draw a paycheck from doing so they’re all the more eager. Add to this that they feel a sense of moral justification in “making the world a better place” by burning him in an effigy of all men and you get to where we are now. We presently live in a social order that presumes any masculinity is “toxic” or “hyper” masculinity. So disassociated from anything positive has society become with regard to conventional masculinity that just the term is now masculinity is a negative connotation.

Needless to say this will be the starting point from which a soon-to-be-divorced man will have his undoing begin. So prevalent is the presumption of abuse on a man’s part that even the most saintly father can be remade into a secret monster. It’s just ‘how guys are’ and this presumption also serves as a point of justification for women, and Blue Pill male sympathizers, to feel okay about pillorying him.

Yes, I understand that there is at least a reportedly higher incidence of men being the abuser in domestic cases, but we also have to understand that the definition of “abuse” has been rendered so ambiguous that most men don’t realize virtually anything they do in a domestic confrontation can fit the definition of “abuse”. Just raising one’s voice is enough to qualify as psychological abuse. Denying a woman access to money also fits a new definition of abuse. I once counseled a guy who had been taken to jail for snatching the car keys away from his drunk wife so as to prevent her from driving drunk. She called the police and, as you likely know, the man is always the party removed from the home by police. Snatching the keys was enough to qualify his removal. 5 months later he’s living with his parents (at 43) and paying rent on a home and car payments on a car only his now ex is allowed to occupy and drive.

I know how my friend’s story is going to end. I’m doing what I can to give him fair warning – it’d be better for him to completely pull up stakes and remove himself from the situation than stick around and ‘try to make it work’ because the longer he lingers the more ammunition she and the therapist potentially get. I think this is also the profit model; keep the Blue Pill chump husband around the house for as long as it takes to build him up as a stereotypical ‘man’ and then escalate the most marginal conflict as a ‘typical’ domestic violence incident and he’s gone. If you watch the above documentary on the divorce industry you’ll see how many lucrative profit opportunities there are at every stage of divorce; and there is no incentive to dissuade divorce profiteers from doing anything different. And, as I stated earlier, there are many ready-made social and moral conventions available to help them justify their profits.

Old Books and New Books

‘No one cares how mean your ex was, how unfair she was to you and so on … at the end of the day, the system can’t right wrongs, they only process your case’

The above and following  quote was from an article in the National Post, Family court advice for men, from one who’s made it through;

I’ve had hundreds and hundreds of notes; on a gender breakdown, probably 80 percent are from men, 20 percent from women.

I’ve heard from family court lawyers, some of whom are angry at my suggestions that fathers get the tough end of the stick in child custody cases (though the actual evidence is reasonably clear that they do), some of whom say “the whole system is B.S … one of the first things out of my mouth when I see someone is, ‘What’s your budget and how much does he/she dislike you?’” I’ve heard from judges and former judges and psychologists and counsellors.

Without exception, they agree that the system is beyond broken.

What we have, fundamentally, in the state of modern divorce is a conflict between old books social contracts serving as the ethical basis of a new books resource transfer from men to women (Thomas Ball even described it as such). Really this conflict is at the root of much of what Red Pill awareness (from the social perspective of intersexual dynamics) describes, but in this instance there’s an entire social complex that influences policy and profit. Judges, attorneys, psychologists and counselors all make a very good living from this fundamental conflict; and if you watch the Divorce Incorporated documentary I linked you’ll see that there’s no incentive to ever change that profitable conflict at any stage.

However, all of the people involved in even a typical western divorce are all subject to the belief sets that the Feminine Imperative has predisposed them to about men and women. We presume a default state of victimhood is to be applied to a woman and the benefit of that victimhood doubt runs deep. We see it evolve into the kangaroo court systems that govern what we’re told to believe is an endemic ‘rape culture’ on college campuses – up to and beyond denying a man his civil rights.

We’re taught that any slight appearance of abuse towards a woman is an opportunity to teach any man doing so a lesson, but should a man be the victim of the same abuse? Well, he probably had it coming. The Feminine Imperative has (and still is in some senses) prepared women and Blue Pill men to believe that women are untouchable; always to be believed, by default, in their victim status no matter the circumstance.

Now we can expand this presumption to every party involved in a divorce proceeding. We get female therapists whose livelihoods depend on following the victimhood of women and demonization of men (and masculinity) script the Feminine Imperative has laid out for them for most of their lives. We get Blue Pill Alphas eager to prove their authority by punishing any man who might remind them of their asshole fathers or who fits their idea of what the imperative has taught him is a “misogynist”. The imperative plays to the natural ‘protector’ impulse of these men. We get well-conditioned attorneys, counsellors and judges ready to follow that same script by legally enacting the retribution and restitution upon which feminism has always been based.

But underneath all of this we have the fundamental inequalities in ideology between what the old books social contract expects of men while the divorce industry enforces, almost unilaterally male, punishment based on a new books social paradigm to better empower women – presumably to right the past wrongs they believe were endemic in that old books paradigm. What we have today are new books divorce and marital laws based on those old books presumptions of men’s evils, indiscretions and addressing the toll it allegedly took on women. The result is a system that is designed to psychologically, financially and personally ruin any man whose idealism led him to believe that men and women share some mutually recognized concept of love; enough to compel him to a lifetime commitment in modern marriage. It is a system calculated to destroy the same Blue Pill conditioned men who will eagerly stand up to defend their ego-investments in it.

The common refrain to this is always “just don’t get married”, and it is precisely this system’s goal to disincentivize long term commitment between the sexes so that this response is the only logical one. Thus, we get women spending small fortunes to freeze their eggs in the hopes that one day some man will be foolishly idealistic enough to look past all the inherent life-threatening risks marriage and divorce uniquely disposes men to. Thus, we get old books moralists berating men for wanting to prolong their adolescence (never mind women doing so is considered empowerment) by avoiding the dangers of marriage that they’ve been smart enough to understand, or have been a party to in one way or another.

In my next essay I’ll be addressing the misguided opinion of some ‘stand up’ Purple Pill moralists that the Red Pill is “just for guys who are obsessed with sex and make getting laid their life’s mission”. I’ll elaborate on why this is simply a distraction from the much larger meta-scope of Red Pill awareness and intersexual dynamics. However, understanding how the divorce industry is based on the same dynamics the Red Pill has described for a decade and a half is a good illustration of why the Red Pill isn’t just about men basing their lives on getting laid. This system is fundamentally unegalitarian and unequal, and the designed imbalances are entirely founded in Red Pill intersexual principles. This is why the MRM will never be successful in their hopes of a top down institution of social change. The laws and the social imperatives that crush men are symptoms of a deeper problem that requires a bottom up changing of men’s minds about women and themselves.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago

@Roused: I laughed at the “UMC” packet (I’m guessing it is ammo, but Upper Middle Class is often mentioned here by some posters).

6 years ago

Yeah. UMC ammo. No shit. Dont touch this shit if you LMC or whatever. I thoughtt I was the only one who was thinking that UMC thing. I couldnt hold back the chuckle.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

I’m glad Ton said it first. Bud Light at a venue for men…Oh well, if it’s manual labor outdoors you can use that stuff for hydration.

6 years ago

TON, I expected nothing less from you about the wimpy Berreta. That I own up to. LOL. The beer was SJF’s. I downgraded my beverage as I would have gone beyond my limits shooting and climbing deer stands had I drank all of what I brought which was this: https://flic.kr/p/XfB5Hz 9.1 abv. I usually go for strong, hoppy IPAs. SJF clearly outclassed me with his arsenal of weaponry and skills shooting, but he can go into the details if he wants to share. And yeah, he made a comment about the toy Beretta also. All in good fun. Don’t underestimate… Read more »

6 years ago

About the UMC ammo..it was SJF’s. Laughed when I first saw it too. Hey man, he lives upper middle class and is very proud of it so it seemed coincidentally congruent.

6 years ago

“,,,Oh well, if it’s manual labor outdoors you can use that stuff for hydration. I didn’t get prior approval on that photo. Yes the 9mm round in my estimation is pretty feminine. I prefer .45 Auto and .357 Magnum relvolvers and the occasional ..357 SIG ( handloads with Blue Dot powder). And the one bud light we each drank was strictly to avoid dehydration and sobriety checkpoints in between the Two Hearted ales and bourbon. I hope I was able to beat every pretty little Blue Pill thought out of the recesses of Roused mindsets yesterday. Awesome in real life… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

Awesome in real life get together with him.

Rare and valuable to find a Positive Masculinity compatriot in real life.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

9.1 abv. I usually go for strong, hoppy IPAs.

Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.

6 years ago

And for what it’s worth…after the wife moved out I removed the TV from the bedroom. Bedrooms are for fucking and sleeping. I vigorously excel at both.

6 years ago

Around here folks don’t much cotton to Berettas because their exposure to them through the military isn’t all that great. Few seem to have experience with a newer and well maintained Beretta, which is a fine gun, and just as few don’t seem to be able to do the math on the shitty side arm issued vs your own, well cared for gun. When I was tier one, and contrary to marketing, we carried the same standard issue Beretta in 9mm everyone else carried. Only difference being ours weren’t ratty ass piecies of shit retards had abused for years. If… Read more »

6 years ago

I did a little reading before I bought the gun. Part of the reason I chose the Berreta was I figured if it was good enough for the military it was good enough for me.

6 years ago

I think a comment made last year around this time is important to re-post in regards to the OP and Married Red Pill https://therationalmale.com/2016/07/18/are-you-experienced/comment-page-9/#comment-164864 bluepillprofessor July 29, 2016 at 9:52 am “Big Al- I am happy you are participating in MRP but you may have missed the point and inadvertently given support to many “anti-MRP” Red Pillers. One of the main objections to MRP from Red Pill Guys is that it gives young men the idea that it can work so why not? Married Red Pill provides an excuse to get married and ignore the entire thrust of the Red… Read more »

6 years ago

The berreta I had back in the 80’s must have been manufactured by Smucker’s as it jammed so frequently.

Cosign Ton about maintenance and cleaning. I got mine used, and it was already nickel plated. Looked nice and shiny though, lol.

6 years ago

LOL Sounds like the cheap shit they were making in…. Maryland I think.

I was a .357 guys in the 80’s. Easier to conceal and as a nation, we didn’t have good, affordable auto-mags to choose feeom outside of 1911’s and those weren’t exctaly affordable to a teenager/ e4

6 years ago

” . . . if it was good enough for the military it was good enough for me.” Bearing in mind that the military chooses gear to equip an army on different grounds than you ought to use to equip yourself and it is not exactly unheard of for military personal to buy their own equipment from civilian sources because of their displeasure with what they were issued. The long rifle of the Revolution, civilian gear. A squirrel piece. The lever action carbine that Southrons complained allowed the Blue Boys to load on Sunday and shoot all week, never issued.… Read more »

6 years ago

It is comeplety unheard of for modern 1st world militaries to allow you to carry a weapon that wasn’t issued but we ended up with the Beretta over some NATO reasons I can’t rightly recall in full

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

Appropriate for a place that calls out the FI in all its forms is the case of the very Beretta under discussion. The smoke screen for dropping the 1911 that your ancestors carried in war since the first war to end all wars, was that 9mm is NATO standard and why aren’t we playing nice with our allies? All of a sudden we’re worried about ammo resupply and interchangeability. The facts as understood by the rank and file were a little different. The word on the street in the early 80’s was simply that we needed a weapon women could… Read more »

6 years ago

Do. Not. Get. Married. Do. Not. Get. Married If she moves into your home do not put her name on the deed. If you do she will own half of your home and half of any equity you have in it even if you are not married. If you marry her and she divorces you she can gain ownership of your business, your retirement accounts, investments, stocks, and half of everything you own. If you were going to college during the marriage a court can award her interest in your degree especially if it is something like a medical degree.… Read more »

6 years ago

We went with Berettas to get Italy’s support for something, though i can’t recall what. It was a scratch your back/ you scratch mine deal and to make it more confusing, I think it had to with Turkey and our end of the deal didn’t come due for like 10-15 years after we got what ever we wanted from the Italians

I have this rather large book that covers all the stuff that went on for every standard issue weapon the American military every purchased. Talk about some dirty dealing….. though certainly the boom isn’t 100% accurate either

6 years ago

According to the latest thread on theredpill, Rollo’s writing (spin plates) is wrong, while Rollo’s lifestyle (sex and companionship from one woman) is right


6 years ago

@ Bach

If you never get married you never have to worry about your list.

6 years ago

“It is comeplety unheard of for modern 1st world militaries to allow you to carry a weapon that wasn’t issued . . .” Right, and there are good, equipping an army reasons for that. My examples from previous times were simply illustrative that military issue is not necessarily the best, sometimes even for military purposes. We’re going through a spell right now of Special Forces Chic. Even assuming that the SF actually uses the best gear, it is the best gear in context of the sort of missions they perform and who they perform them for. Civilians are not operating… Read more »

6 years ago

@Lost Patrol Me: “Awesome in real life get together with him.” You: “Rare and valuable to find a Positive Masculinity compatriot in real life.” Despite the Sunday morning banter about getting together for a meet up, there was another very important dynamic going on. I heartily recommend every reader go back and read Rollo’s essay May 15, 2016 called Tribes. (And perhaps re-read it every couple months until it sinks in–what it really means to be good at being a man and having a core group of guys that you can be in a male space with. It’s not about… Read more »

6 years ago

RE: Blaximus 08/03 7:03 pm on Vetting Great advice! One advantage to listening to the comments, instead of reading, is hearing words repeated. In Blax’s comment he used the word “kind” 5 times to mean “what quantity” or “how so”. One thing I kept re-discovering in the vetting of my wife while dating, then living together a total of about 7 years, was her kindness. By this I mean actionable kindness, in a “walking the walk” not just “talking the talk”. She would perform acts of kindness for people who would not or could not reciprocate, in situations where the… Read more »

M Simon
6 years ago

The old order is starting to break up.


6 years ago

Some of you all will find this interesting…I was shocked!

Officials in College Park are weighing a plan that would make their city the largest in Maryland to give undocumented immigrants a right to vote in local elections, a long-standing practice elsewhere in the state that has drawn new scrutiny amid the simmering national debate over immigration.

The Prince George’s County city, home of the flagship University of Maryland campus and some 30,000 residents, is considering a measure to let noncitizens cast ballots for mayor and City Council


6 years ago

@ theasdgamer

I can’t say I am shocked—and that’s rather sad. They don’t call it “The Peoples Republic of Maryland” for nothing. They also have a program in Maryland, funded by taxpayers, to assist illegal immigrants evade the law and obtain government services called Casa De Maryland.

6 years ago

Speaking of books, anybody ever read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance? Cliff’s Notes?

6 years ago


“Speaking of books, anybody ever read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance? Cliff’s Notes?”

Don’t get SJF revved up

6 years ago

Hello to all, hope life is treating you all well. My two cents: Marriage is like anything else, it can be gamed. So can the legal system. You have to understand the institutions, how they work and what drives the individuals. Sure, the deck is staked against you but it is in many things in my life that I triumph over. Everything Rollo says here is accurate, I just want to focus on mindset and POV. You may be able to make your marriage work. You may be able to not get screwed in divorce court. Example: When I was… Read more »

6 years ago

@M. Simon – How you, man? Social order and culture do not have “bubbles” – that is an economic concept, the guy you linked to uses a vid that calls for the popping of the SJW bubble, lol. Meanwhile, back in reality, the leftists are running the table. Even when the right wins an election, it doesn’t matter. This should signal that rot that post-modern, neo-marxism has wrought on our society. Today, we are no longer the America of our folklore. Most people cannot handle this simple, and obvious truth. I actually grew up in the sunset of it, my… Read more »

6 years ago

“Speaking of books, anybody ever read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance?”

Why do you inquire about it?

“Cliff’s Notes?


6 years ago

, I was a comment about this book on Goldmund’s blog.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Ton Women only want one thing. That one thing is……. what ever they currently don’t have It’s always fun to read RM in a coffee joint, when I start laughing out loud it makes everyone around me wonder how I’m having such fun. Reading Ton sometimes brings my lolz right out. Two years ago I bought this book in a somewhat foo-foo upscale-wannabe bookshop: https://www.amazon.com/What-Do-Women-Want-Adventures/dp/0061906093 It’s worth reading, especially for the blue to purple pill, because there’s references to the Waterloo, Canada research on women’s sexual triggers, women’s pattern of lying about N, as well as a lot of other… Read more »

6 years ago

Question, will women ever realize that marriage equity is in women’s ultimate best interest? We’ve seen how women (and white knights) have pushed in one direction, and obtained absolute reproductive security for women. The result is the destruction of the institution of marriage, the breaking of families, and the social chaos that only a legion of single mom’s can unleash. In about a generation, single moms can turn the most productive city on the planet to a place where politicians can seriously consider goats as a cost effective means of weed control. My sense is the vast majority of women… Read more »

6 years ago


Bottom line: You got really, really lucky with Mrs. Blax. And you started with your frame. Your current wife has never known you as a beta bitchboy.

That’s how you do it. Your frame, and luck. Frame because that’s alpha, and luck because you married a single mom. I would never ever recommend anyone ever do what you did, even with alpha and even with rock solid Frame.

6 years ago

Luck? Hmmmmm….the general belief about what luck is would then imply Blax didn’t use skill, mastery, frame, game etc…to allow her into his wife. That it was all chance. I’ve had a few friends comment on my girl’s ass in the summer when she is wearing a too small bikini bottom. They say shit like “you’re so lucky, how did you end up with her?” My respsonse are “what the fuck you talking about, she is the lucky one.” These guys really supplicate to hot women like they can’t imagine ever how they could fuck one of them. I always… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

thedeti – and that’s a big factor in anyone’s situation… call it luck or factor-X or bad breaks it’s basically true in all facets of life — you could do everything right with tight frame/game, a good girl, etc. and it might *still* blow up now we all know this, it’s fairly obvious, but it’s also a great excuse to buffer against taking action; it’s real easy for us men to get stuck in ‘research/fact finding’ mode and not ever take the product to market because “it’s not ready” so I would suggest to those lurkers I know read TRM… Read more »

6 years ago

@Scribblerg, welcome back!

6 years ago

My wife was going to counseling at a “Christian” counseling center for something not directly related to marital issues. Ultimately, they both “befriended” each other, made a monster out if me, and proceeded to divorce their husbands and are now living one door down from each other. A year before this I started marriage counseling (through a church) when the issues started to get bad but with my Red Pill personality I went in with the mind set that I would counsel the counselor. I knew what they had planned and was 100% correct. The whole thing was a fiasco… Read more »

6 years ago

The harder you work (at mastery… Skill development) the “luckier” you appear to the unskilled.

6 years ago


233 checks in two years? What did you do at 3, 5, 10 and 20 bounced checks???

6 years ago

Malcom Butler’s “lucky” interception to win the Super Bowl…


6 years ago

“Lucky” play call… And the hotel banquet room practice the night before…


6 years ago

People still believe in luck and overnight success…

6 years ago

1) There is luck. (hence, the adage “I’d rather be lucky than good”)
2) Luck favors the prepared.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

If the ERA had been passed it would have been a huge victory for men’s rights.

Nah. Read the last sentence in the legislation as proposed: “Congress shall have the power…” and recall that VAWA was enacted less than 20 years after the ERA failed. Paul Elam’s “Men’s Human Rights Movement” is feminist, it’s the FI with a drape over it.

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

Sent – Scott probably did the same goddamn things I did… – believe it was an accident or oversight (x233 lol) – he should have put enough in the account, it’s his fault – let it ride because she’s an equal and perfectly capable of adding and subtracting, mostly subtracting – after a busy day of not working, she is too exhausted to handle finances, so we’ll talk later about it (but never do) – she seems so remorseful, I’d be an ogre to not let it slide; one more fucking chance I never had to courage to add it… Read more »

6 years ago

Speaking of books, anybody ever read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance? Cliff’s Notes?
Ain’t read it. Lived it so why read It?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Question, will women ever realize that marriage equity is in women’s ultimate best interest?

Individually? Some, some of the time. Collectively? Not ever. Women are not all that good at cause and effect above a certain level. They don’t have to be.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

My wife was going to counseling at a “Christian” counseling center for something not directly related to marital issues. Ultimately, they both “befriended” each other, made a monster out if me, and proceeded to divorce their husbands and are now living one door down from each other. Women are herd animals, their social circle matters a lot. Friend of mine who got frivorced a little over 2 years ago told a similar story, his psych-major wife (who dropped out of college) got involved with some local “wymmin’s crisis center” about a year or two before the frivorce. Dalrock has a… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

This thread has been great. First, men sharing their own divorce stories helps other men reading; it’s not “just you”, you’re not the only one. Second there’s been some “old home week” with Scribblerg, Deti and Greenlander dropping by. If Anonymous Aged 70 showed up it would be even better, but I don’t think he ever read here, he was a Spearhead / Dalrock commenter.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

dr. zipper
– let it ride because she’s an equal and perfectly capable of adding and subtracting, mostly subtracting


I never had to courage to add it up in my situation, I *knew* ignorance was the way to go

ignorance, weakness and fear: the trifecta for predicting failure and at the root of why we delude ourselves and/or have trouble discarding BP brainwashing

True, and not just in relationships.

Not Born This Morning
6 years ago


Critical theory…critical thinking…

All ideologies are obstacles to human liberation including this one.

6 years ago

Luck’s got nothin to do with anything,cept I’m lucky I found TRM blog before my brain was so totaly confused by gender misinformation that I couldn’t even get it. As it was I barely understood half of Rollos writing through a fog of what the f.. anger after reading and rereading,till the bell of truth started ringing. She isn;t a low quality woman AWALT she will take full advantage,bad checks and all,I have to be the one to call her on her shit,she will never ever self correct as long as she can get away with it there is nothing… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
6 years ago

“Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”

Read it. Didn’t get the meaning, unless it was discovering that meaning in meaninglessness is itself meaningless.

6 years ago

Republicans are red,Democrats are blue,nary a one of them cares about you.

Not Born This Morning
6 years ago

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Pirsig attempted to rationalize the romanticizing of rationality.

6 years ago

@Sent What did I do? Discussed at first. Turned into ass chewing or “abuse”. Ultimately I had to take the money away (abuse). I should have had my own bank account. Not to be an asshole but let me ask you a question. What can I do? That is the problem. We know there is no accountability. Of course the counselors played it as I should have been managing the money. I could have had my own account but that would mean she would have her own bank account. In reality that is what they are really after. They want… Read more »

6 years ago

“.Every word she says is game,this is the honesty of the relationship.”


And the only truth to a woman is emotion.

6 years ago

Stuff that is a killer opening line to a novel…

6 years ago

Scott ” What can I do? That is the problem. We know there is no accountability.” Since you asked… What would you do with an employee who behaved this way? Counsel, remove authority, increase oversight… If it keeps up fire them… Look man, been there with the whole “well you’re a smart college grad SAHM with time to handle the household bills” and ended up with a frantic, stressed wife and budget overruns… Took control of the finances and gave her a monthly allowance for food, gas, a little extra… She has to come for more money (not cum) and… Read more »

6 years ago

Oh and Scott… She doesnt have her own account… She just knows there is a boundary and it will be questioned. Like a cat trained to not leave the property or get shocked… Take the shocker off the lesson stays.

Of course to my wife a simple hushed No is “yelling at her” and she will refer back to it for days… Vet!

PS – i have several of my own accounts she has no info on and a couple of investment accounts.

6 years ago

Upthread kfg notes that men can win this whole war by simply saying no. I agree.

At the end of the day I am bigger stronger more durable and utterly obstinate… What can she do?

6 years ago

Reading Ton sometimes brings my lolz right out.

Maybe I missed my true calling

Fact Comment
Fact Comment
6 years ago

How do men here feel about dating women whose divorce is “not yet finalized”? I’ve run across these types with online dating. They are single are their profile and then they tell you at the first date they are :technically” not single.

6 years ago

” dating ” or ” fucking “?

6 years ago


Who cares… A girl worth boning has some dude on the hook somewhere… She might not even know ot. Lol.

6 years ago

Like another set of books,it would appear as if the time frame in modern economy when women’s learned responsibility for personal finances was a narrow occurance lasting maybe 50yrs tops. These days they are no more responsible than the failed system. They(women) can be taught financial responsibility,the trouble is men are not the recognized authority in a fem prime society,and there are few responsible women left to teach them. So yes seperate finances,and game her to put her money where her mouth is,tell her the reality of expenses,and let her help with them she can be as proud of her… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

FC – no differently than anything else they say, like “I’m helping cure cancer” doesn’t mean at work she’s wearing a lab coat surrounded by beakers and microscopes, you must also consider the likelihood that she’s the cleaning lady making sure the biohazard boxes are emptied and wiped each night (kinda changes the handjob dynamics lol)

verify everything if you must, but it’s probably best to just not give a shit and do whatever you want

6 years ago


BP ocon divorcing 2 year older wife…

CH always said options = instability…

Have more options.

6 years ago


Noncommital boning,and a flack jacket.

I used to do this woman,her old man worked the night shift at the smelter,she liked to sit at adjoining tables her with her huby and me with whoever just to see if I could hold frame.He was a rather large man with strong frame,nothing ever came of it just all in fun right.

Maybe you can contact her soon to be ex and let his pi take some photos if it would help his case.LOL

6 years ago

The 1st appointment with a female relationship cuntselor the ex said “I don’t want to give him all blame and make him feel guilty…” to which the cuntselor (despite knowing I was pretty much the sole financial provider of a good life) interrupted with something like “No it’s ok! This is your time to put all the blame and guilt onto him and relieve you from that burden…” I got up and left immediately never to return leaving the hag (definitely a crazy old cat lady) open-mouthed. The follow up male counselor was more “fun” and balanced but couldn’t “save”… Read more »

6 years ago
6 years ago

Rugby,thanks for the scary movie just before bedtime dude.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

Cat morals.

That is a good one. We once got a kid a cat from the animal orphanage. Watching that damn thing around the house, I now totally get this. Permanently self-justified and lives by a golden rule – save the cat first, at all costs, in any circumstance. Very apt.

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

LP – doesn’t sound so bad when I do it, MPO and all

Sentient would upgrade it to platinum

6 years ago

Hypothetical Married Red Pill Game with Divorce Inc. in the background: I have a “friend” who is happily married and has two adult children. He has a 1.25 million dollar retirement fund as well as a fair amount of assets and $1 mill life insurance (75% of it is ‘permanent’ non term). His mother has a net worth at least $5 million and four heirs. She’s 85 and kept incredibly good care of her body. Her life expectancy is 95. He’s 55 and his wife is 50, charming and attractive. As attractive as Barbara Felman in her Agent 99 prime.… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

stuffinbox – by far the scariest shit I’ve seen in a long time:


dude is legit

not wanting to comment about it here or start anything, this is just for those here that follow this type of stuff and is for info distribution purposes only

6 years ago


Not a lawyer,buut she is already at the age of rewriting the story and changing the facts with a bio clock at half past midnight.While at the same time your “friend” will be 65 when he stands to inherit and not much changed biologicaly just a little slower to the draw. Game never becomes unnecessary regardless of financials the burden of performance goes on to the bitter end.

6 years ago


“Game never becomes unnecessary regardless of financials the burden of performance goes on to the bitter end.”

My friend is in total acceptance of that. Always and forevermore.

But my understanding that he has a binary option that he may want to take. I could be wrong, but am mostly ignorant of how each binary works legally in the face of Divorce, Inc.

I’m curious.

6 years ago

Dr Zipper Not to boast rather to make a point,I have been scrutinized by the state bureau of investigation for private use of explosives, emergency medical licensing board and their PI for the responsibility of your person and belongings male female or child,while incapacitated,the TSA for the transportation of hazardous material and the sheriffs dept for fire fighting in jurisdiction. I am sure the NSA has my number over and over. What is scary is if I tell my grand daughter that I am not sisgender just a normal man,then she repeats this to her counselor,or I tell one of… Read more »

6 years ago


Can’t help you there and not interested enough to look it up.

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

stuff – opening the eyes and seeing truth that cannot be unseen goes far deeper than just BP vs RP; RP awakening is just one shard and can be the gateway to a larger, holistic understanding

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”
– von Goethe

6 years ago

” First I was free. Then I realized I was bound. Now I am free. ”

– Blaximus.

6 years ago

I used to have an inferiority complex then I came to the realization that I truly am inferior,now it is no longer so complex.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

@dr z

“MPO and all” – Yes, you have to give them that. Also very like a woman. All children are born with self as MPO. Boys socialized out of it, girls (and cats) not so much.

Does this mean that women’s factory setting is platinum? Women operating under platinum rule by default, whilst men have to re-learn this somehow? Men working to attain that which women already have without working (bestowed at birth by the FI), in order to avoid having their lives revolve around women. Esoteric.

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

LP, sounds about right… men are encouraged to downgrade their masculinity to the feminine and women are encouraged to downgrade their femininity to their base animal side

curiously, men’s masculine and animal sides might be the same thing

6 years ago

Lost Patrol

Cats dont logic. So the Golden Rule makes no sense to them from the get go. But to logical dogs it makes all the sense in the world…

6 years ago

“curiously, men’s masculine and animal sides might be the same thing”

The theory is that men can be more easily trained to overcome their basest instinct for the betterment of the tribe,while women’s basest instinct is the betterment of the tribes reproduction.

And by some form of default they (women) are not currently being trained,rather encouraged to follow base instinct.

6 years ago

Even more to the theory,that masculine men are able to operate as a team by instinct naturaly,while feminized men are at a loss to function naturaly at a basic level and default to social conditioning to the point of :”curiously, men’s masculine and animal sides might be the same thing” Being at a loss for natural masculine role models.

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

lol, thanks stuffin for taking it to the next level, I was just talking out my ass trying to sound smart; I let the smart dudes fill in the actual smart parts

6 years ago

@ stuff I just came back from a killer and much deserved vacation in S. V.A., right on the border of N.C.. I went partly to celebrate my dad’s 79th birthday, and my 56th. All of my girls wanted to come down, and my parents said ” no problem “. 12 girls 18-23 showed up with 2 boyfriends, one being my youngest daughter’s beau. Lmao. The 2 young men were 18 and 23. Neither had ever been South before. Neither had ever been fishing or hunting or had fired a gun or driven an insanely fast hot rod. I tried,… Read more »

6 years ago


That’s it,going in a boat over dark water with hungry fish big enough to eat ya,shooting a weapon capable of lethal destruction,harnessing the power to move 100tons in a vehicle tht weighs 1.5 tons and feeling this power the quickening is all natural masculinity.

You made an effort it will take more time.

Where did the competition go of the I double dare you to jump or ride the natural competition get off?

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

sheesh blax, I’d like to be your daughter’s bf just to get to hang with your set for a while lol

6 years ago

@Dr Z

That basic is there in everyone and under some conditions comes to the surface,this is what scares us if we are capable of that it must be doused.

6 years ago

Animal side? Man, I don’t know about that. Natural masculinity? I’m still looking.”

False bullshit. You demonstrate. That’s enough. If anything. You demonstrate an Apex Premise and Presence. Which is enough to confuse a guys objectives. Which are move toward it. Even if you cannot achieve it. Do it.

6 years ago
6 years ago

@Blax You got me thinking,my first son in law showed up at the door first meet with a bag of technical climbing gear.Cool. This kid was raised by a single mom,various step dads and father figures,one of which turned him on to technical climbing as therapy for add,believe me you will learn to focus while climbing rocks or die. He would call me up and say I got this wanabe tough guy that wants to learn climbing,are you in? Me I’m up for damn near anything so ya i’m always in at 220lbs and an ability to pay attention I… Read more »

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