Blue Pill Conditioning and Equalism

Rational reader Playdontpay had a very poignant comment in last week’s thread:

I’ll stick with the “boner test”. Women are only playthings anyway!
Do I enjoy fucking her? After sex is she good feminine company? This is all I need to know, if shit goes sideways I’ll just get another one.

She’s only going to lie and present a fictional version of herself based on what she thinks you’re looking for anyways. Women don’t do real self improvement they just convince themselves that they already are “better” because if she can’t convince herself it will be more difficult for her to sell it to you.

She will rewrite her sexual history and “because she’s a different person now”, well, that’s the way she has always been. Stop taking them so seriously, how are you going to vet a Machiavellian liar that’s been learning game from the age of 12?

His perspective on women is exactly why I tell men to avoid marriage altogether even though I’ve had a fantastic marriage myself for over 20 years. A lot of my haters, and more than a few supporters often get hung up on this.

Most of the criticism I get for writing what I do and still maintaining a good relationship with Mrs. T comes from men who cannot wrap their heads around the very simple, accepted truths described in this approach towards women. They think there must be something more to it. They think in their preconditioned equalist mindset that women are wired for the same introspection and development that men are. So, naturally, the easy presumption is that any self respecting woman would never put up with a Red Pill man’s outlook and approach, because they believe the blank slate lie.

If an egalitarian ideal between men and women were tenable I’d completely agree, but it isn’t. So, in order to protect their ego investments, the rationale follows that any woman who falls for a Red Pill man must, by definition, be lacking in self esteem, self respect, low quality, etc. They believe that because anything else destroys their equalist fantasy world. This stems from a much deeper, root level, ego-investment in egalitarianism and I think this is a perspective a lot of Red Pill aware men have a tough time with to say nothing of men still plugged into the Blue Pill world view.

If you’ve read me for any length of time you’ll know I’m rarely prescriptive in my writing. I’ve always been of the belief that men need to find ways to utilize Red Pill awareness of intersexual dynamics for themselves on an individual basis. However, I will say that there are certain general aspects of that awareness and how to put it into something applicable in a man’s life that seem self-evident to me. First and foremost among these generalities is that in killing your inner Beta and disabusing oneself of his Blue Pill conditioning, a man needs to understand that the foundational belief that informed and defined his Blue Pill existence is equalism. The presumption that an idealized, blank-slate egalitarian state between the sexes is both possible and desirable informs all Blue Pill beliefs that follow it.

This equalist presumption often forms the mental point of origin for most Blue Pill men. Ostensibly, this mental prioritization of some equal state between the sexes is what most Blue Pill guys will tell you attracts women. This notion is also fundamental to Blue Pill guys’ drive for identifying their own psyches with the feminine and forms the basis of Beta Game.

Transitioning this early equalist ideology to a sexual strategy is a simple, deductive process for men. Little boys are raised on feminine primacy memes and the narrative of Fempowerment, all the while being conditioned to believe that, beyond some insignificant biology, boys and girls are identical beings with the same potential and proficiencies. It’s gotten to the point where this process is normalized and pushed to the backgrounds of most people’s consciousness. We’ll raise boys in feminine-primary educational standards, we’ll teach them they’re the same as girls, but we’ll also teach them they’re defective for not aligning themselves with girls, for not getting in touch with their feminine sides.

I’m fleshing this process out a bit here because unlearning this equalist’s mental point of origin is a key transition in a man’s unplugging. Often the hardest part of killing the Beta and accepting Red Pill awareness is replacing equalism with oneself as a mental point of origin. This is a hard step for most guys because it requires he shift his opinion of himself and risk being called a selfish asshole. Remember, anything that would disagree with or challenge the idea of intersexual egalitarianism will always be equated with misogyny, intolerance, tyranny, etc. Questioning the validity of equalism (however it’s applied) will always be countered with a  binary extreme.

This is exactly why Playdontpay’s comment appears so outrageous and self-indulgent to anyone not Red Pill aware. HIs pragmatism will be conflated with anger.


Anonymous Reader posits:

…men who cannot wrap their heads around the very simple, accepted truths you describe about your approach towards women. They think there must be something more to it.

Often because they’ve been told since they were toddlers that there is “more to it”, also known as the Blue Pill.

They think in their preconditioned equalist mindset that women are wired for the same introspection and development that men are.

Exactly so and very important. The feminist fallacy of “interchangeable” leads to this. The mental habit some men have of projecting themselves onto others, believing “Well, I’m like this, so everyone else must be also” leads to this. It is extremely frustrating to encounter female behavior that is so obviously stupid it is like catching someone peeing in the kitchen sink.

Many betaized men will put up with bad behavior for far too long, then have a major blowout of anger and expect behavioral change. That doesn’t work with toddlers or dogs or women. Constant, low key, correction does work. Neuroplasticity points to a “why”; daily reiteration of a desired habit works better than once per week, etc.

It’s important to recognize the difference between real introspection and brooding or ruminating, too. Some women will brood over wrongs done but not connect that up with their own behavior. That’s not introspection. That’s not “failure analysis”. That’s rewiring neural pathways to perpetual resentment.

It is extremely difficult for an equalist, betaized man to accept the fact that women want and need to be dominated, because they for sure would hate and resent that. It is even worse for the churchgoing men, because the equalist chant from the conservative feminists in churches is almost always slathered with a layer of “sisterly love”.

What Anon is driving at here is my second point in Blue Pill and Red Pill men understanding the depth of their conditioning. Equalism and feminism depend on interchangeability. In order for little girls to grow up to be anything they want to be there must be an agreed upon “level playing field” from a socio-sexual point of view. This means that if little girls want to grow up to become football players and little boys want to grow up to be prima ballerinas there (at least ostensibly) must be an agreed upon equalist environment in which this can happen.

The egalitarian ideal the Blue Pill conditions us to believe is possible presumes there is a mutually agreeable state of intersexual equality. In reality this state is entirely contradictory to our evolved sexual strategies and our biological realities, but in theory, an egalitarian ideal can only exist in an environment that is deemed equal by both men and women. If such a state were possible, if evolved influences of our biological realities for both sexes were non-factors, then this state would also presume a mutual interchangeability between the sexes.

The combination of our equalist conditioning and this interchangeability is the root of much of the dysfunction we see between men and women today. Because we are taught all-is-one, because we presume we’re all the same except for the plumbing, there is also a presumption of uniformity of purpose between the sexes. Equalism is really just the religion of the Feminine Imperative, but it hides behind this feminine-primary advertising that men and women are playing by a mutually agreed upon set of rules, striving for mutually agreed (Blue Pill) goals and all in spite of our natural predilection or any competitiveness. No other social condition in the history of mankind could place women in a more socially controlling position than Hypergamy excused by equalism.

In such a state women can mandate their unilateral control over Hypergamy, but there is one downside – men expect a mutual interchangeability. Blue Pill men actually expect women to play by that mutuality of purpose. That’s the interchange. Women will still ensure that optimizing Hypergamy is the prime directive, and they’ll hide behind equalism to keep men in check and absolve themselves of the worst of their predations in doing so, but men still expect women to feel as men do. Blue Pill men believe that women can and will love them in an idealized way that runs contrary to their Hypergamous opportunism. Why? Because they were conditioned to believe, from a very early age, that interchangeability exists between men and women.

The difference between men and women’s concepts of love is a prime example of this equalist interchangeability fallacy. Men’s concept of love is rooted in idealism; love for the sake of love. This is a result of men’s outward looking idealism and existential experience being male. Women’s concept of love is rooted in opportunism. This is a result of natural solipsism and the need to optimize Hypergamy. It is intrinsic and inward looking and based on security and ensuring survival. When we introduce a condition of egalitarian equalism to men and women only one of these concepts can be the mutually correct concept. Both can exist in a natural state of complementarity between the sexes, but if all-is-one, there can only be one concept of love that decides for both sexes.

The confusion Blue Pill men have is presuming that men’s idealistic concept is the mutually accepted one. This then wars with women’s natural opportunistic concept; and by extension her intrinsic need to optimize Hypergamy. Of course, I’m under no illusion that equalism is anything more than a social utility to ensure a feminine-primary social order, but this is one illustration of how deeply conditioned equalism is what a majority of men base their intersexual understandings on.

I see this conditioning persist even amongst men I would otherwise think had a firm grasp of Red Pill awareness. As I said, they think in their preconditioned equalist mindset that women are wired for the same introspection and development that men are. They still want to hope in that Blue Pill goal of interchangeability. For all of the Red Pill and self awareness I could credit men of the MRM with, they still cling to this equalist mindset. This Blue Pill ideal of true equality between the sexes ultimately works against their best intentions since it is women who are more perfectly placed to take advantage of this ‘equality’. Once again, you will never achieve Blue Pill idealistic goals with Red Pill awareness. Most men are taught that those Blue Pill goals are worthwhile, but they are carrots proffered by the same builders of the cart who hope to get the mule to pull it.

I have read and heard the words of many otherwise brilliant, otherwise Red Pill aware men who simply cannot unlearn the falsehoods of egalitarian equalism. Nothing’s more frustrating to me than to hear a guy I have a deep respect for parrot back some meme or catchphrase of a feminine-operative social convention, or what he thinks is a funny, gender-deprecating quip that belies his ego-investment in the same equalism he just spent a book’s worth of research to debunk. I see brilliant men like Dr. Jordan Peterson, Dr. Warren Farrell or Steven Pinker, who I would hold up as guys who have a lot figured out, still rattle off the same memes I would expect to see from equalists on Facebook. I find it the height of irony that the same men who would systematically destroy the idea of the blank slate still pander to the hopes and goals of the equalists who built those goals based on a blank slate ideology.

Understanding how your prison is constructed, how it works, who your jailers are, is not the same as understanding how to escape it. It’s interesting how refined our Red Pill Lenses can become yet we still never drill down to the root beliefs that still keep us ignorantly hopeful. It’s time we embrace an ideology of true complementarity between men and women. It’s time we accept that we are not equal and in some circumstances that puts men and women at respective advantages and disadvantages based on what any challenge poses to us. It’s time we threw away the Blue Pill goals that equalism has taught us are ‘correct’ and replace them with realistic ones founded on Red Pill awareness.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

@IAS: I mean protein powder in general. “I’ve been using the whey one to help with protein intake (instead of just eating chicken breast all the time . . .” Why is eating some powder less offensive to you than eating food? If nothing else, food staves off feelings of hunger much better than powder. It tends to taste better as well. If you feel like you need a higher concentration of protein you can eat turkey breast, but I note that fat is an essential nutrient. It’s not dirty, it’s life. Assuming you aren’t eating a Graham/Kellogg diet of… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
7 years ago

rugby, I’ve decided to just accept your postings as cryptic, enigmatic and not meant for me to understand. Not the first time for me lol

Here’s what I think when I see a rugby post

comment image

7 years ago

@ kfg People have been given information that makes losing or gaining weight/muscle akin to black magic. Since January I dropped 20 pounds without an appreciable increase in ‘ exercise ‘ ( due to a nagging shoulder issue ) and when people ask what I’m eating, they refuse to grasp the concept that fats are good for you. Eggs, bacon, sausage, steak, make a healthy and satisfying breakfast. No breads, grains or overconsumption of starchy vegetation, and as close to zero carbs as I an reasonably labs say cholesterol levels are perfect, thyroid is nicely balanced, testosterone comes in… Read more »

7 years ago


That is the poster was banned in London, right?

7 years ago

Further note: there was a market for whey before Weider came along to mark it up a few thousand percent – farmers.

As a base for pig slop.

Feed the pig food to the pigs. Eat the pigs.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

rugby is posting thoughtcatalog videos to reinforce why we don’t get our life advice from women.

7 years ago


Lol! Oh you got me good.
I can’t even think of a retort…

All this talking about rods will do it to a girl.

Hi, I’m Rod…another euphemism for “tee tee”. Oui, oui? P

I’ll use “Rod” as my nom d’amour next weekend…

Rod, over and out

7 years ago

In all things fitness related always remember it’s 1st and foremost a buiness. They pimp what’s is easy to sell not what is effective. Way less money in beef, eggs, cheese and deadlifts then all the Nancy pants equipment in the gym

Pick an athlete physique you like, train/ eat like that and you will sort of look like that. Add gear, glorious, life enhancing gear and there you go

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

In all things fitness related always remember it’s 1st and foremost a buiness.

Gyms make their money off of people who sign up for a contract then hardly ever show up.
The equipment lasts longer when it’s not used.

7 years ago

Thoughts an society

Ilijas Jung
7 years ago

“They still want to hope in that Blue Pill goal of interchangeability.” Big problem. It’s exactly this illusion of equally perceived love that has to be resolved in the male individual. It’s a matter of Opportunism =/= Idealism manifested in the male psyche which can only be separated by soul work I believe. Might sound cheesy but Analytical Psychology can help with pinning down your Mother Complex/ Anima Projection you project on all other women, making it clearly visible and distinct in your psyche. This way you will be able to psychologically feel and see your ideal unreal perception of… Read more »

7 years ago

@KFG: sorry I had forgotten about the protein question and had to google for it as I didn’t even remember under which post it was. I like real food but not as much as most people, I don’t like cooking, and protein is the most expensive macro nutrient. Also, eating real food is more filling (as you state) and my issue is more on the under-eating side than on the over-eating side, although I think I could still benefit aesthetically from lowering my body fat % a bit more. Basically, it is easier and cheaper for me to attain my… Read more »

7 years ago

” . . . it is . . . cheaper . . .”

I pay $1.00 USD/70g chicken protein if I buy by the pound. $1.00/100g if I buy 10 lb. bags. And about the same for eggs. A boiled egg is the best protein “bar” you can get. Throw a few dozen at a time into a stock pot.

Apologies for the mishmash of units.

6 years ago

As you state Equalism is both the crux of Feminism and of your work also. Nearly all the problems non-Alphas have stem from this. I was good-looking, well dressed and “nice” as teenager. I was explicitly commented on this by numerous women. But the girls who were good-looking, well dressed and nice did very well in their sexual endeavour – so why wasn’t I? I could have easily transitioned from friend of a female who was polite, kind and interested in me to boyfriend – so why couldn’t she? Red pill acceptance (which I’ve reached after around 6-8 months, thank… Read more »

6 years ago

” . . . the utter amorality of attraction.”

Consider the possibility that if reality seems incongruent with morality that it isn’t reality that’s doing it wrong.


[…] On April 17, 2017, Ton wrote in the comments at The Rational Male: […]


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[…] Here’s a comment from Ton about women, abortion, and divorce: […]

3 years ago

I think here is some confusion about “the blue pill” and equality. Equality is the problem, if (male)standards are destroyed in the name of equality. Equality is not the problem, if it is freely exchanged on the social field of a family etc. Unfortunetly family structures are getting destroyed, so many more women same as men take the lower quality approach, live a lie, produce problems, because they need less to invest. That accelerates cultural decline. The problem of cultural decline is only to be faced IN the culture, not in misleading and appreciating other cultures with half-truths. The tremendous… Read more »

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