Blue Pill Conditioning and Equalism

Rational reader Playdontpay had a very poignant comment in last week’s thread:

I’ll stick with the “boner test”. Women are only playthings anyway!
Do I enjoy fucking her? After sex is she good feminine company? This is all I need to know, if shit goes sideways I’ll just get another one.

She’s only going to lie and present a fictional version of herself based on what she thinks you’re looking for anyways. Women don’t do real self improvement they just convince themselves that they already are “better” because if she can’t convince herself it will be more difficult for her to sell it to you.

She will rewrite her sexual history and “because she’s a different person now”, well, that’s the way she has always been. Stop taking them so seriously, how are you going to vet a Machiavellian liar that’s been learning game from the age of 12?

His perspective on women is exactly why I tell men to avoid marriage altogether even though I’ve had a fantastic marriage myself for over 20 years. A lot of my haters, and more than a few supporters often get hung up on this.

Most of the criticism I get for writing what I do and still maintaining a good relationship with Mrs. T comes from men who cannot wrap their heads around the very simple, accepted truths described in this approach towards women. They think there must be something more to it. They think in their preconditioned equalist mindset that women are wired for the same introspection and development that men are. So, naturally, the easy presumption is that any self respecting woman would never put up with a Red Pill man’s outlook and approach, because they believe the blank slate lie.

If an egalitarian ideal between men and women were tenable I’d completely agree, but it isn’t. So, in order to protect their ego investments, the rationale follows that any woman who falls for a Red Pill man must, by definition, be lacking in self esteem, self respect, low quality, etc. They believe that because anything else destroys their equalist fantasy world. This stems from a much deeper, root level, ego-investment in egalitarianism and I think this is a perspective a lot of Red Pill aware men have a tough time with to say nothing of men still plugged into the Blue Pill world view.

If you’ve read me for any length of time you’ll know I’m rarely prescriptive in my writing. I’ve always been of the belief that men need to find ways to utilize Red Pill awareness of intersexual dynamics for themselves on an individual basis. However, I will say that there are certain general aspects of that awareness and how to put it into something applicable in a man’s life that seem self-evident to me. First and foremost among these generalities is that in killing your inner Beta and disabusing oneself of his Blue Pill conditioning, a man needs to understand that the foundational belief that informed and defined his Blue Pill existence is equalism. The presumption that an idealized, blank-slate egalitarian state between the sexes is both possible and desirable informs all Blue Pill beliefs that follow it.

This equalist presumption often forms the mental point of origin for most Blue Pill men. Ostensibly, this mental prioritization of some equal state between the sexes is what most Blue Pill guys will tell you attracts women. This notion is also fundamental to Blue Pill guys’ drive for identifying their own psyches with the feminine and forms the basis of Beta Game.

Transitioning this early equalist ideology to a sexual strategy is a simple, deductive process for men. Little boys are raised on feminine primacy memes and the narrative of Fempowerment, all the while being conditioned to believe that, beyond some insignificant biology, boys and girls are identical beings with the same potential and proficiencies. It’s gotten to the point where this process is normalized and pushed to the backgrounds of most people’s consciousness. We’ll raise boys in feminine-primary educational standards, we’ll teach them they’re the same as girls, but we’ll also teach them they’re defective for not aligning themselves with girls, for not getting in touch with their feminine sides.

I’m fleshing this process out a bit here because unlearning this equalist’s mental point of origin is a key transition in a man’s unplugging. Often the hardest part of killing the Beta and accepting Red Pill awareness is replacing equalism with oneself as a mental point of origin. This is a hard step for most guys because it requires he shift his opinion of himself and risk being called a selfish asshole. Remember, anything that would disagree with or challenge the idea of intersexual egalitarianism will always be equated with misogyny, intolerance, tyranny, etc. Questioning the validity of equalism (however it’s applied) will always be countered with a  binary extreme.

This is exactly why Playdontpay’s comment appears so outrageous and self-indulgent to anyone not Red Pill aware. HIs pragmatism will be conflated with anger.


Anonymous Reader posits:

…men who cannot wrap their heads around the very simple, accepted truths you describe about your approach towards women. They think there must be something more to it.

Often because they’ve been told since they were toddlers that there is “more to it”, also known as the Blue Pill.

They think in their preconditioned equalist mindset that women are wired for the same introspection and development that men are.

Exactly so and very important. The feminist fallacy of “interchangeable” leads to this. The mental habit some men have of projecting themselves onto others, believing “Well, I’m like this, so everyone else must be also” leads to this. It is extremely frustrating to encounter female behavior that is so obviously stupid it is like catching someone peeing in the kitchen sink.

Many betaized men will put up with bad behavior for far too long, then have a major blowout of anger and expect behavioral change. That doesn’t work with toddlers or dogs or women. Constant, low key, correction does work. Neuroplasticity points to a “why”; daily reiteration of a desired habit works better than once per week, etc.

It’s important to recognize the difference between real introspection and brooding or ruminating, too. Some women will brood over wrongs done but not connect that up with their own behavior. That’s not introspection. That’s not “failure analysis”. That’s rewiring neural pathways to perpetual resentment.

It is extremely difficult for an equalist, betaized man to accept the fact that women want and need to be dominated, because they for sure would hate and resent that. It is even worse for the churchgoing men, because the equalist chant from the conservative feminists in churches is almost always slathered with a layer of “sisterly love”.

What Anon is driving at here is my second point in Blue Pill and Red Pill men understanding the depth of their conditioning. Equalism and feminism depend on interchangeability. In order for little girls to grow up to be anything they want to be there must be an agreed upon “level playing field” from a socio-sexual point of view. This means that if little girls want to grow up to become football players and little boys want to grow up to be prima ballerinas there (at least ostensibly) must be an agreed upon equalist environment in which this can happen.

The egalitarian ideal the Blue Pill conditions us to believe is possible presumes there is a mutually agreeable state of intersexual equality. In reality this state is entirely contradictory to our evolved sexual strategies and our biological realities, but in theory, an egalitarian ideal can only exist in an environment that is deemed equal by both men and women. If such a state were possible, if evolved influences of our biological realities for both sexes were non-factors, then this state would also presume a mutual interchangeability between the sexes.

The combination of our equalist conditioning and this interchangeability is the root of much of the dysfunction we see between men and women today. Because we are taught all-is-one, because we presume we’re all the same except for the plumbing, there is also a presumption of uniformity of purpose between the sexes. Equalism is really just the religion of the Feminine Imperative, but it hides behind this feminine-primary advertising that men and women are playing by a mutually agreed upon set of rules, striving for mutually agreed (Blue Pill) goals and all in spite of our natural predilection or any competitiveness. No other social condition in the history of mankind could place women in a more socially controlling position than Hypergamy excused by equalism.

In such a state women can mandate their unilateral control over Hypergamy, but there is one downside – men expect a mutual interchangeability. Blue Pill men actually expect women to play by that mutuality of purpose. That’s the interchange. Women will still ensure that optimizing Hypergamy is the prime directive, and they’ll hide behind equalism to keep men in check and absolve themselves of the worst of their predations in doing so, but men still expect women to feel as men do. Blue Pill men believe that women can and will love them in an idealized way that runs contrary to their Hypergamous opportunism. Why? Because they were conditioned to believe, from a very early age, that interchangeability exists between men and women.

The difference between men and women’s concepts of love is a prime example of this equalist interchangeability fallacy. Men’s concept of love is rooted in idealism; love for the sake of love. This is a result of men’s outward looking idealism and existential experience being male. Women’s concept of love is rooted in opportunism. This is a result of natural solipsism and the need to optimize Hypergamy. It is intrinsic and inward looking and based on security and ensuring survival. When we introduce a condition of egalitarian equalism to men and women only one of these concepts can be the mutually correct concept. Both can exist in a natural state of complementarity between the sexes, but if all-is-one, there can only be one concept of love that decides for both sexes.

The confusion Blue Pill men have is presuming that men’s idealistic concept is the mutually accepted one. This then wars with women’s natural opportunistic concept; and by extension her intrinsic need to optimize Hypergamy. Of course, I’m under no illusion that equalism is anything more than a social utility to ensure a feminine-primary social order, but this is one illustration of how deeply conditioned equalism is what a majority of men base their intersexual understandings on.

I see this conditioning persist even amongst men I would otherwise think had a firm grasp of Red Pill awareness. As I said, they think in their preconditioned equalist mindset that women are wired for the same introspection and development that men are. They still want to hope in that Blue Pill goal of interchangeability. For all of the Red Pill and self awareness I could credit men of the MRM with, they still cling to this equalist mindset. This Blue Pill ideal of true equality between the sexes ultimately works against their best intentions since it is women who are more perfectly placed to take advantage of this ‘equality’. Once again, you will never achieve Blue Pill idealistic goals with Red Pill awareness. Most men are taught that those Blue Pill goals are worthwhile, but they are carrots proffered by the same builders of the cart who hope to get the mule to pull it.

I have read and heard the words of many otherwise brilliant, otherwise Red Pill aware men who simply cannot unlearn the falsehoods of egalitarian equalism. Nothing’s more frustrating to me than to hear a guy I have a deep respect for parrot back some meme or catchphrase of a feminine-operative social convention, or what he thinks is a funny, gender-deprecating quip that belies his ego-investment in the same equalism he just spent a book’s worth of research to debunk. I see brilliant men like Dr. Jordan Peterson, Dr. Warren Farrell or Steven Pinker, who I would hold up as guys who have a lot figured out, still rattle off the same memes I would expect to see from equalists on Facebook. I find it the height of irony that the same men who would systematically destroy the idea of the blank slate still pander to the hopes and goals of the equalists who built those goals based on a blank slate ideology.

Understanding how your prison is constructed, how it works, who your jailers are, is not the same as understanding how to escape it. It’s interesting how refined our Red Pill Lenses can become yet we still never drill down to the root beliefs that still keep us ignorantly hopeful. It’s time we embrace an ideology of true complementarity between men and women. It’s time we accept that we are not equal and in some circumstances that puts men and women at respective advantages and disadvantages based on what any challenge poses to us. It’s time we threw away the Blue Pill goals that equalism has taught us are ‘correct’ and replace them with realistic ones founded on Red Pill awareness.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

…girls use a man’s ability to approach and handle rejection to test a man’s fitness

…here, girls are testing for emotional castration…Game Theory says that a man can improve himself and grow a new set of emotional balls.

7 years ago

“So i’m wondering lol what ethical system you are using to justify the idea that female empowerment is not somehow wrong. Clearly from most standard and common ethical systems, it absolutely is lol.”

I’ll note that biology doesn’t care about ethical systems. I have pointed out before that the decline in birth rate didn’t surprise me, I expected it. As I expected the normal biological mechanisms of decreasing population growth.

Rising “female empowerment,” infanticide, homosexuality, herbivore men; these are all observable in animal populations.

Strictly speaking overpopulation isn’t a problem, because what can’t be sustained – won’t be.

Ajax Parallax
Ajax Parallax
7 years ago

@Nathan wrote “Perhaps one can take this to the logical conclusion of our society becoming a copy of the Biblical Sodom. Pedophilia is the next to be normalized or perhaps bestiality. Definitely polygamy.” Be careful when you are constructing this future societal image derived from your Biblical-based ‘logical conclusion.’ “Copying” will be next to impossible, given current culture. Also, while monogamy was condoned, polygamy was not a perversion. Genesis 4:19: And “And Lamech took two wives. The name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah.” 1 Kings 11:1-4: “King Solomon loved many foreign women, along… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

ASDgamer to Ollie

…if you have been emotionally castrated, genetic stock isn’t shit…proven by experience in the field

Yup. You can see this just about anywhere by looking with clear eyes and The Glasses. Military men or traditional-conservative men who have all the genetic fitness Ollie is using as a buffer, but who are blue-pill to the core so they grovel before women horribly.

Looks & fitness are useful in developing leadership skills, but not necessary.

7 years ago

“Call this vision beehive society, where queens are tended to by their faithful, FI-or-die drones and society is designed and built from the sweat of the workers.”

Welcome to The Model.

7 years ago

I’ve been thinking about equality and how it relates to male female relationships for the last few weeks now. You could take two random people and one would be better at somethings than the other. Hell, you could take two random objects and one would be better for some tasks than others. It’s a silly example but beef jerky would make a better bookmark than say, a grapefruit. So we have an equalist society driven by the feminine imperative so what happens as a result of this? Well, as a society we’re not allowed to say that men are better… Read more »

7 years ago

“Here’s why I think female players get paid less than men: men are bigger, faster, stronger than women and when placed on an ‘equal’ playing field the women cannot beat the men.” Wrong. Female players get less than men because no one really wants to watch a bunch of women running around competing with each other to kick a ball into a goal. So they don’t pay to watch it. Probably because they aren’t as big, fast or whatever…but ultimately the interest just isn’t there. Regardless of wishes (“gee if only people would like to watch this shit we do…”)… Read more »

7 years ago

Humans dolphins and bonobos none sexual estrus

7 years ago


I’ve had similar arguments with family members and friends. There were actually a few friends that were receptive, ultimately admitting “you know what safespace, i gotta say i agree.” But for the most part, most will instinctively disagree and will latch on to the egalitarian narrative because thats all they have and know.

It’s like debating with someone who thinks the world is flat.

After a certain point the best you can do is nod your head and say “yep yep, i gotcha man.”

7 years ago

“Probably because they aren’t as big, fast or whatever…but ultimately the interest just isn’t there.”

Why do you suppose that there’s any interest in kicking a ball into a goal at all?

7 years ago
7 years ago

“Why do you suppose that there’s any interest in kicking a ball into a goal at all?” I think we have discussed this thing before. And don’t get me started. Or we’ll start another war. Last time I checked it is a masculine realm thing. The reason male soccer players get paid more is that they put more real things into the game. Females just sort of dabble in it. BTW soccer is boring as shit. I actually was a varsity soccer player in high school. I was good, Real good. But it actually bored me. I discouraged my son… Read more »

Ajax Parallax
Ajax Parallax
7 years ago

@anon wrote “Female players get less than men because no one really wants to watch a bunch of women running around competing with each other to kick a ball into a goal. So they don’t pay to watch it.” @kfg to anon: “Why do you suppose that there’s any interest in kicking a ball into a goal at all?” Dammit, kfg. I see you. The finals of all finals. Combine the Stanley Cup, Super Bowl, World Series, NBA Finals, Masters, grand slam et cetera and multiply by +/- 300 million driven athletes who want to stand on the top of… Read more »

7 years ago

“Last time I checked it is a masculine realm thing.” Or, in the modern colloquial, “A guy thing.” I have played ball in a court made for league team play more than two thousand years ago, shit’s been around a long time. Men watch sports to see it done well. Ideally at the apex of human ability. Women watch sports the way men watch soap operas. Men won’t watch women playing men’s sports because they don’t do it well. Women, on the whole, would rather watch women’s sports, i.e. social competition. In any case, we’re entering a new era in… Read more »

7 years ago


You are correct that the men being bigger, faster, stronger isn’t not the only factor. After all, no one would be surprised if the women’s volleyball team outsold the men and made more money via advertising. We certainly wouldn’t entertain complaints if the men said that it was sexist. At that point they would be called crybabies, told that they hated ‘equality’ and besides, that’s just the free market at work.

7 years ago

Yep. The most damning piece of evidence concerning the “gender pay gap” is the marketplace. If employers could truly get the same labor output for only 73% of the cost, the only folks you’d see in the unemployment lines would be men. It can be argued that Individuals might be sexist, but the labor market as a whole doesn’t care..
It simply wants the best labor at the lowest price, and when women provide that, they get the jobs, and when men provide it, they get the jobs.

7 years ago

“In any case, we’re entering a new era in sports, the one where women get shut out of women’s competition by low T chicks with kickstands.”

It will be interesting to see how the market responds to that in the long run. I think the interest in “women’s sports” will decline as transgendered “women” take over the field and folks who were born women won’t be able to compete with that. The “women” will probably stop watching at that point, and I doubt the men will be interested in watching transgender sports, even if they perform better by comparison.

7 years ago

Poc spock Yah ha I don’t want be be stupid enough to argue this heated discussion w/ anyone that needs it. The work place is a competition sport all the way through,the market demands it. This is beginning to get twisted by HR,equalists and just downright low performers with little to no skill as the older men lose respect due to social pressure. As much fun as it is to piss a WK dude off when I know I am just playing and can kick his ass up the mountain and down the other side,there is a consensus reality that… Read more »

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
7 years ago

@Sentient Not white knightng. Saying she should know how to act so if she doesn’t want to get caught in the mix she won’t. She doesn’t know and she doesn’t know not to go in acting like you want to fight and then think I’m a girl is going to help. Like stay out a bad neighborhood if you don’t know how to act in a bad neighborhood. Besides, her comments about what she wanted to do to nazis came to me after I saw the video. She wanted to fight, she got in a fight. Case closed. Don’t be… Read more »

7 years ago

Understanding how your prison is constructed, how it works, who your jailers are, is not the same as understanding how to escape it.

There is a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path.

7 years ago


7 years ago

It’s not a prostitute because it’s a call girl, not a streetwalker. OOOOOOOOOK.

7 years ago


Twist this in the wind.I was getting judgmental on the sugar daddy WTF,then it occurred to me he is paying for feminine company and what could be more feminine in this age group than a boy that wants to be a girl and acts like one. Not that I agree no homo just sayin.

I wonder if it’s mother was so disgusted by masculine baby that baby caught on and never being properly sepperated (weened) it took on mommys disgust as an internalized self loathing.

7 years ago

lmao, top and bottom surgery and jaw shaved down.

” Anastasia ” talks about his mom, but I heard nothing about ” Dad “. He was confused because he wasn’t developing like his mom? Oh dear.

7 years ago

I’m going to get eagle wings surgically attached to my back to I can be a raptor. I just need a surgeon that’s familiar with Talon adaptation for my feet.

7 years ago

Now in the military it’s obligatory for tax dollars to pay for sex changes. And the corresponding mental health treatments (transgendered people have higher than average rates of mental health issues, particularly following surgery). So sugar baby up there could’ve enlisted, and then got his tits and wedding tackle taken care of for free. If it complained loudly and proudly enough, often enough, to ostracize people it could’ve even avoided working with others. So Blax, your idea isn’t so far off the mark. What if you self identified as a raptor and your self concept required you to look like… Read more »

7 years ago

@ anon

That’s right, because ‘ species ‘ is an outdated concept. It’s fluid. I always knew I was some kind of bird, every since I got my first parakeet.

7 years ago

” That’s right, because ‘ species ‘ is an outdated concept. It’s fluid. I always knew I was some kind of bird, every since I got my first parakeet.”

Exactly so!
I myself have always believed that I should look like Kate Beckinsale.
When I first saw her in Cold Comfort Farm I just knew.
“Hey, Bitch! You are wearing my face.”

That’s not even a different species.
Just the same species and exactly like Kate.
I’ll let the tax payers know when I feel satisfied.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

That whole Anastasia vid … mouse utopia at work. The friend Jonathon? Beta orbiter, looks and sounds gay but I hear 20-something men like that who are straight, so can’t tell. The pic of mother and son with nobody else, that’s not a surprise.

Rollo already posted a link to “transitioning” up the thread, so no need to do that here.

Last Saturday I saw a female college student with a chin much like “Anastasia”, in a study group at a coffee place. She was the head mare of that group, for sure.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Huff Po finds a new trend, NY Post reports. You decide. Isn’t this sort of what got Assange accused of rape in Sweden?

7 years ago


I’ll let the tax payers know when I feel satisfied.

Only your therapist will know for sure. Of course, being both hypergamous and a woman, you can never be completely satisfied. Could you have done better? Even as Kate Beckinsale? These questions can keep girls awake nights.

7 years ago

Stealthing: Assault with a lively weapon.

Can be felt by both nonconsentual parties and remedied post haste.

Sure to line the pockets of many lawyers.

7 years ago

“Only your therapist will know for sure. Of course, being both hypergamous and a woman, you can never be completely satisfied. Could you have done better? Even as Kate Beckinsale? These questions can keep girls awake nights.”

True. But none of that negates the fact that I should be entitled to hundreds of thousands in taxpayer resources to try to fix my particular problem, so I can have the chance to contribute. And none of this should be disqualifying.

7 years ago

Best beta moment in film: Quadrophenia: Steph and Jimmy…Jimmy bangs Steph in a back alley during a crazy weekend. He gets arrested, Steph runs off with one of Jimmy’s friends….

Jimmy returns to London aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand this:

Check out hypergamy brilliantly illustrated, the lack of loyalty or even empathy on the part of women and the concept of “Just Get It….” all in one clip:

7 years ago

As for all you Trump fans here, how do you like watching him be led around by his liberal, princess daughter and her Jewish, Manhattanite .1 pcercenter Progressive husband Kushner? Lol, it’s just so unbelievable. Ivanka over in Germany meeting with radical feminists, claiming that Trump is very focused on women in STEM and the rest… ACA repeal? Immigration sanity? Tax reform? Lol. He’s an amateur as a politician. He has no idea how to deal with congress. He has no idea how the executive branch works. He doesn’t even know how to use the bully pulpit beyond Twitter or… Read more »

7 years ago


You crack me up…

He will lose congress and the senate in 18 and will be crippled for the rest of his presidency.

He doesn’t have either now… btw… see “Freedom Caucus”…

As to Ivanka… who cares what she is doing… it’s a show. Don’t believe everything you see on the Tee Vee…

7 years ago

@scribbs @sentient

As to Ivanka… who cares what she is doing… it’s a show. Don’t believe everything you see on the Tee Vee…

Cosign. Ivanka is the smokescreen. She knows her job. Her husband is cover.

I’ve said it before…Trump is a wrench in the liberal machine…and no more. I don’t believe that he can accomplish all he sets out to do, but he has done more than I expected, so I see Trump as a tactical victory–not a strategic victory.

7 years ago Of course, it’s just a show. But it’s not business as usual. (quoting someone else here:) The wise thing for North Korea to do is halt nuclear and missile testing and use the next four (or eight?) years to go on a propaganda offensive to court American liberals and other assorted snowflakes… the same ones who swear Venezuela is a Socialist paradise and voted for Hillary while whacking off to Bernie. North Korea can tout free education, free medical care, free abortion on demand, strict gun control, constitutionally protected women’s rights, no evidence of racism or racial profiling, a… Read more »

7 years ago

“In religion and politics people’s beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing.”
– Autobiographical dictation, 10 July 1908. Published in Autobiography of Mark Twain, Volume 3 (University of California Press, 2015)

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

As for all you Trump fans here, how do you like watching him be led around by his liberal, princess daughter and her Jewish, Manhattanite

Frankly, your political diatribes are just as boring as Ollies 1970’s style doom-rants.
Got a Field Report?

7 years ago

I see Trump as a tactical victory–not a strategic victory.

The glory in Trump is energizing the bottom… He can’t top down the entire establishment… He can blow on the spark at the bottom… and let’s see where that goes… Already things that were unthinkable 12 months ago are happening… such as the appropriately violent counter response to antifa protesting. And the continued unmasking of the allowed oppo is going to pay off down the road… 2018 will be interesting.

7 years ago

Just the fact that Hillary didn’t get to place her three thousand closest associates (she doubtlessly established over the course of two decades) into all the key positions in government right away, and yeah…she’d have gotten things done in a big way…is a victory. Just the fact that the Clinton Foundation isn’t determining our foreign policy decisions is a victory. That was the alternative. Sitting on one’s has with that at stake should be no point of pride whatsoever.

I don’t read tabloids so I have no idea what Ivanka is doing nor do I care.

7 years ago

“Sitting on one’s has with that at stake..”

Meant to say “hands” there but I guess Freudian slipped a hands/ass combo there.

7 years ago

“The glory in Trump is energizing the bottom…”

As the kids (under 40) these days are wont to say, “Trump isn’t the last hope of the right. He’s the last hope of the left.”

7 years ago

@Scribblerg, Sentient:


7 years ago

Trump is getting an education as of now. See all of his recent reversals? He’s learning a tough lesson, especially since the GOP is not acting as if they are fully with him. But he is issuing a RECORD number of Executive Orders, so he is trying to push his agenda where he can. [youtube This is very concerning imo, especially the particulars of some of the orders he’s signed. This from the man who campaigned that executive orders were no way to govern. I believe Trump will wind up being a disaster for the nation long term, but… Read more »

7 years ago

“Trump is getting an education as of now.”
The main thing he is learning ,who his enemies are…Now we will learn how he deals with them.

7 years ago


I only wait for congress to wake up, take their collective thumbs out of their asses, and get involved.

hahaha haha ha ha…. You cannot be serious? Let me know when they mandate term limits to start with…

7 years ago


He’s learning a tough lesson, especially since the GOP is not acting as if they are fully with him.

The GOP not being with him – oh you mean the same #NeverTrump folks who campaigned against him through the entire election? Those folks? Think he knows what he has there already… Freedom Caucucks??? Seems very familiar.

7 years ago

@ Sentient Man, I’m old school. ( Which means I’m pretty much fucked in 2017…). I expect the elected Legislative branch to do their fucking jobs of be run out of office. All of the pre-election stuff has to be excised, an business has to be gotten down to now. I didn’t want Hellery or the Donald, but if elections mean any fucking thing, he is the President for at minimum 4 years. If he fails, it may take us a long ass time to recover. Whether they are for him or not, the office means something, to us, and… Read more »

7 years ago

“To think these idiots would stand idle while we have battlegroups from 3 countries assembling off the coast of Korea is madness.”

We have military exercises off the coast of the ROK pretty much every year around this time.

7 years ago

@ anon

Yeah I know, it’s the Chinese and Russians that concern me this time around. Both are shadowing U.S. carriers, and that’s how ‘accidents ‘ happen, not to mention the aircraft.

This might be routine if Trump wasn’t consistently using veiled threats towards N. Korea, and if Kim Jong Un and company wasn’t issuing unveiled threats daily.


7 years ago

Btw, CNN sucks but the info is useful.

7 years ago

“To think these idiots would stand idle while we have battlegroups from 3 countries assembling off the coast of Korea is madness.”

It is Trump who is taking the initiative here:

7 years ago

@Blaximus If you recall last year, the red pill issue was whether Hillary would win and start in on trying to stamp out toxic masculinity for feminism once and for all. Hillary is a fake INTJ (Myers-Briggs) because she goes against the INTJ Ayn Rand type of native female Natural INTJ operating procedure. She sold her soul and her personality out to pander for electoral votes the last couple decades. A true INTJ (as Hillary is) does not abdicate judgmental-ism. They call out bullshit when they see it. She didn’t have that liberty to call out feminism and feminist supremacism… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Ok, so politics. Politics. Not blue pill conditioning, politics. Fine.
On that topic, I offer this light reading:

7 years ago

“The idea came from the need to take advantage of animal dung in an ecological way.”

My forehead hurts and it seems my keyboard is fragile.

7 years ago

@ AR

That was a shitty article.

7 years ago

@ SJF The main problem I have with Trump is that he’s not who he appears to be, making him a loose cannon/ wild card. I’m noticing that he’s settling down somewhat and I assume that he’s finally recognizing the gravity of the office. Hillary wasn’t who she appeared to be either, but she was much more practiced at deception than Trump ever could dream of being. When Reagan went toe-to-toe with Gorbachev, it was much more measured and calculated. We didn’t hear threats of ” We will bury you ” or anything, Reagan just started talking about the Star… Read more »

7 years ago

@ AR

Sorry about the politics. But this is one of the few places where the readers are informed mostly.

7 years ago

” Bomb the Shit out of Them ” is not a foreign policy. Trump needs guidance on this. A.S.A.P.”

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
7 years ago

Blax – “Trump is getting an education as of now. See all of his recent reversals?” At least he is getting an education. anon – “Just the fact that Hillary didn’t get to place her three thousand closest associates (she doubtlessly established over the course of two decades) into all the key positions in government right away” This. Her Royal Highness needed no education. Her program was ready to go. SJF – “If you recall last year, the red pill issue was whether Hillary would win and start in on trying to stamp out toxic masculinity for feminism once and… Read more »

7 years ago

I lived in Korea. Got the tee shirt, got the gas mask. “Which brings us back around to equalism. All nuclear armed nations are not equal. We were powerless to stop Kim from developing nukes and he’s too insane to understand the consequences.” We weren’t powerless to stop Kim from developing nukes. We sat and watched. The ROK decided on a “sunshine policy” and we took out our nukes that were facing the DPRK in the early 90s in exchange for a nuke free Korea peninsula agreement with the North. Should we sit and watch while the DPRK builds ICBMs… Read more »

7 years ago

Hey, Blaximus I agree with you on the North Korea stuff and I don’t think Trump is out to blow shit up. I think he is just posturing. He may be a rookie in world politics at AMOGing or not. He is just drawing lines in the sand. Which is the first chapter in a book of Negotiating 101. The sky is not going to fall or rain nukes. I like the Trump win for the red pill idea of positive masculinity shading the feminist take on politics for a while. Trump has his faults, but Hillary was faultier for… Read more »

7 years ago

On the bright side, at present with a CEP measured in kilometers the safest place to be in the event of a DPRK missile attack, is at the target area.

7 years ago

Blax Whether they are for him or not, the office means something, to us, and the rest of the world. Oh Blax…. I lurv you (no homo) but this is so outdated… the “Office” means something to Soros and the Globalists… it is not a seat of power. The nukes are power, the Fed is power, the oil is power. Witness all the EO’s getting stymied by federal judges, the cival war in the Alphabet Soup (CIA, NSA, FBI, DoJ, DoD etc)… Trump is a fly in the ointment… a free man, difficult to control. The most dangerous man in… Read more »

7 years ago

Funny how this cat got “paired” with Reagan… LBJ with JFK… Pence with Trump…?

We will see…

7 years ago

“I’ve said for a year now this must be what circa 1850 or so felt like… Clouds getting heavy on the horizon.. all signs pointing to a heavy rain.”

7 years ago

I thought the great outdoors had always been open to everyone,not as equals just to enjoy.

7 years ago

Gender equity in the outdoors – I tell ya, this shit knows no fucking bounds! ” Force of Nature is a public-facing effort that builds on nearly eight decades of REI work to create more access to the outdoors for women. The co-op has a balanced leadership team. Women hold more than 40 percent of senior leadership roles, including the current chief financial officer, chief information officer, and the heads of human resources, merchandising and strategy. One third of the REI board of directors are women.” More access???? Wtf does that even mean? Who stops chicks from going in the… Read more »

7 years ago

FINALLY, the natural colors ceiling has been broken and women have access to fly fishing:

7 years ago

@Blax Hillary wasn’t who she appeared to be either, but she was much more practiced at deception than Trump ever could dream of being. Trump has a whole lot more tools in his toolbox than HRC ever did. He is much more likeable, like Reagan, and this works in our favor, because Trump can use it to manipulate people, as he has a long track record of doing. Reagan did the same thing. I think that Trump is committed to the welfare of the U.S., unlike Obama. I think that Trump uses Ivanka to deceive and he used the “100… Read more »

7 years ago


The only way they can level the outdoor playing field is with dynamite and dozer.Then there still won’t be gender equality.The sad part is not people buying the products,first and foremost they are selling a bogus idea,that there is some type of gender discrimination in mountaineering besides the fact that the girls don’t like bugs and killing things and such as much as the boys do! GTFOOH


So that’s what that pink string was in that trouts belly,to a fish that looks more tasty than a may fly hatch.She musta lost her fly in a bush.

7 years ago

@KFG Thanks. I had a peak experience day this past Sunday. Had five other guys out to my farm (including Forge the Sky and my daughter’s boyfriend of two years) cutting down trees and inoculating them with shiitake and oyster mushroom spawn. We inoculated about a hundred logs. A great time. My buddy sent me this picture of his take: Your post/comment gave me a chance to ruminate on this: The Peak Experiences I’m talking about here aren’t planned, or are just loosely planned by necessity. Some of the most memorable events you’ll ever experience wont be ones… Read more »

7 years ago

For a limited supply of outdoor gear.

7 years ago

I nominate Stuffinbox to come help me burn my switchgrass field in a year or two from now. As soon as I get my burn breaks of clover in order. I got 85% of the burn breaks established.

7 years ago

@SJF “In ten years, my wife has been out to my farm only about 2 1/2 or 3 1/2 times. I cant actually remember. (That male space feels heavenly this time of year.)” When I started out looking at property at 27yo and was sent to this spot by a realator-customer,It was 22 miles of dirt road to a two track jeep trail with trees blown down cross.I recognized the place from his description,very accurate.She sat in the truck while I hiked it,I fell in love with the land right off.When I asked her what she thought [blue pill duh]… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Rollo Well, thank God ( and any other deity ) that we’ve been spared an HRC presidency. I’m waiting for the ‘ pussy hat ‘ chicks to fade into the background and I hope that eventually, all of these pimps of the Strong Women klan will dissolve. My resonator is broken for the time being, so the future will never be female. And pink fishing gear won’t make it so. This shit, it’s gotta jump the damn shark very soon. REI is proud of their 80 year history of blah, blah, blah….. 80 years of habitual line stepping (… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

@Blax, REI’s publicity is just another example of a company that thought Hillary would be in office right now and wanted to capitalize on the “future is female” narrative we were all supposed to resonate with by now

Bingo. Somehow this fits as well.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

It will be interesting to see how the REI campaign plays out. Some other similar efforts by corps have fallen flat, but REI really is a co-op with at least nominal member ownership.

7 years ago

This is an ad that is attempting to attract females to a traditionally male market.
Protein powder:

7 years ago

I don’t recall that one bothering anyone. Quite the contrary.
The market speaks. It makes sense to try and tap a marginal market.
Pink fishing rod is silly to me, but if it helps out the ailing charter fishing business…they need all the help they can get. And time on the boat (or hiking in the mountains, or whatever) is time away from the chow table.

7 years ago

SHould’ve said I don’t recall that one bothering any red blooded, straight men. LOL It bothered a lot of fat women.

7 years ago

You have an advertisement budget limit and two potential buyers:
1) Guy that has 15 different fishing rods and when he wants a new one knows exactly what to get (or asks his fishing buddies).

2) Girl, looking at rods, “I don’t know anything about rods but this one is pink. Tee tee!”

Second one is probably easier to persuade. Certainly worth a shot.

7 years ago


There is something wrong with her eyes and stance,as if her fingers [not shown] have puke on them from inducing omit.The stance is unhealthy,as if she is drugged.These alone make her unhealthy looking and not attractive.

7 years ago

It isn’t designed to attract you.
It’s designed to get women to buy protein powder so they can look (more) like that.

7 years ago

If it were designed to attract you she’d be staring up, the camera would be angled downward and she’d have a doe-eyed look. Her posture would be different.

7 years ago

@SJF Thanks for the nomination.You will need to check with your local fire district in regards to permit and scheduling. Uplands switch grass at a height of over 7′ may produce a flame in excess of 20′ tall,this is a ten minute fuel so once ignited the whole thing will go up within 30 min. per acre. The probability of ignition or PIG will need to be monitored as anything below 3 would be ineffective and above 7 would blow up and spread out of control. They may use your patch as a training exercise,this may cost you a small… Read more »

7 years ago

I’m torn. I love the way the company stood up to its detractors, but protein powder outside of certain medical uses is for the gullible.

Stop trying to live on fiber, dextrose and salad and just eat some damned food already.

7 years ago


Just the opinion of a “red blooded straight man”,anything that would make her look that sick I am not drinking it. Of course I also don’t read cosmo or whatever.

7 years ago

“I’m torn. I love the way the company stood up to its detractors, but protein powder outside of certain medical uses is for the gullible.”

True. But advertisements are generally designed for the gullible too. So…again, the vast female market is where it’s at. There’s a lot of truth to this humorous video:

Okay, Stuffinbox…noted. I said I didn’t recall it bothering any red blooded straight males at the time. Perhaps you were an exception.

7 years ago


2) Girl, looking at rods, “I don’t know anything about rods but this one is pink. Tee tee!”

Freudian slip

7 years ago

Lol! Oh you got me good.
I can’t even think of a retort…
When I get nervous I talk with my hands.
(Unfortunately that’s the best I can do as I’ve been lobotomized by viewing this here video. I’m hoping the damage is only temporary…)

7 years ago

@Kfg: you mean protein powder to make you think, or protein powder in general (like whey protein, which is about 80% protein from milk source)? Because I’ve been using the whey one to help with protein intake (instead of just eating chicken breast all the time, which I also been doing pretty regularly).

7 years ago

Bill nye is right. That was very special. In a short bus way.

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