Spare the Rod,…


Two weeks ago in A Woman’s Prerogative I explored the possible social changes that a male-controlled birth control might mean to our feminine-centric social order. I think it’s important to bear in mind that the primary reason something like Vasalgel would be in any way controversial is because we’re considering it from a social state where women are already allowed a unilateral control of birth, and by extension a virtually unilateral control over their Hypergamous choices. More importantly though is the fact the both women’s hormonal birth control and (prospectively) men’s Vasalgel birth control are both concealed forms of contraception. In other words there is always a certain degree of trust or an acknowledgement that a woman will faithfully take her pill, while a man’s word that he is or isn’t on Vasalgel would be the card he plays close to his chest.

I don’t want the discussion to be lost on the mechanics or the semantics of how Vasalgel would or wouldn’t change the intersexual landscape in this post. Rather, I think it’s important to keep in mind just how one-sided the process of Hypergamy is for women today. In all of the post-sexual revolution generations we simply take for granted things like sperm banks, safe and legal abortion, and unilaterally female-controlled birth control that is for all intents a trust-contract for men.

I use the term feminine-primary social order quite a bit in my essays. What I mean in this respect is that we tend to take women’s imperatives as the correct ones in virtually all arenas of westernized societies, and women’s benefits, real or imagined, will always come before any man’s imperatives are considered, if at all. The more we progress socially the more the feminine base of control becomes more evident. Case in point, we don’t really consider the gravity of women’s power in a concealed form of birth control in which women are the only arbiters and only they know the truth of until something like Vasalgel is invented to give men a similar degree of control.

All social mandates revolve around satisfying the insecurities and doubts inspired by women’s Hypergamy, or allaying fears and justifying the fears of having to live with the consequences that result from it.

I coined the term feminine-primary social order because there comes a lot of confusion with other terms like Gynocracy or Matriarchy, also not to be confused with Matrilinear. It’s important to delineate these ideas because Matriarchy implies a direct and overt form of social control while Gynocracy is a self-perpetuating form of indirect or covert social control enforced with the aid of both sexes but neither acknowledging the feminine-primary focus. Men aid in Gynocracy willingly because men (the majority Beta) see a deference to women as an expectation and a benefit to their own sexual strategy.

A feminine-primary social order is a manifestation of a Gynocentric pre-understanding on the part of both sexes, but neither sex considers, overtly, the power imbalance because common understanding is that women are always the victims of male oppression. This is a self-perpetuating status that will never be appeased because in so doing women lose a default form of power.

It’s ironic how, in an egalitarian perspective, women are supposed to be independent, rational free-agents right up until the consequences of their actions begin to impact their lives. Then it’s either men’s fault for their state, men are held accountable for those decisions and behaviors, or they are expected to forgive those consequences and solve the problems women created for themselves.

Self Improvement

One reason I don’t think Vasalgel will be legalized for mass consumption (or will eventually meet stiff legislative resistance) is because it puts a measure of Hypergamous control in the hands of men. We’ve already seen attempts to make ‘sex by deception’ equitable with rape. And we’ve already seen the legislation that makes even approaching a woman on the street equitable with a hate crime. My guess is that not disclosing a guy is on Vasalgel or he’s had a vasectomy could easily be construed as such too.

But what’s really at issue is the presumption of control a woman ought to have over men in this respect. There is no reason a woman would ever consider improving herself to be a more acceptable candidate for an LTR when it is all supply and no demand for her.

I touched on this dynamic in Sexy:

Show Up Naked, Bring Beer

Another great irony of our age is that we still cling to the idea that it’s women who are the best seducers of humanity. In the same misdirection that women would like to believe that they are the more romantic gender, so too would they like to believe they are the most effective seducers. Both of these are far from the truth. It’s Men with the greatest art that have gone down in history as the greatest seducers of the genders. So much more is required of Men to be effective seducers than women.

In this age female seduction amounts to show up naked, bring beer.

Men are stimulated primarily by the physical, but there’s a lot more a woman can do to be seductive. Quite honestly I think seduction is a lost art for women. Very few women know how to be sexy, much less seductive. Even fewer ever feel a need to be seductive. This is due to an environment that, for the past 50 years, has simplified sexual exchange for women to the point that all she need do is stay somewhat fit and wear a thong occasionally. So many men have become so acclimated to just these visual prompts as sexual cues that women don’t really need to learn seduction. There is no greater reward for being sexy or seductive beyond what she’s already capable of prompting in a man, so seduction practices aren’t reinforced for her.

Now add to this the feminine priority westernized culture has placed on women’s sexuality. Any woman feeling a need to be seductive for a man is cast in the role of putting his sexual value above her own. Remember, according to Cosmo and Oprah it is he who needs to be sensitive to her needs. Her sexuality is a GIFT he qualifies for, not something she should ever feel a need to sell to him by means of seduction.

Women don’t need to seduce men anymore. The feminine-priority dynamic has put a default value on women’s sexuality. Those hot enough to simply wear something revealing never need seduction, and those not hot enough can’t sell it anyway. And the girls who’re in between – the one’s who’d benefit most – are discouraged from learning seduction since it’s denigrating to women who should already be on a pedestal to begin with.

Ever since the sexual revolution there’s been less and less motivation for women to develop seduction skills. If anything there’s a resentment for ever having needed them in the past. I’d argue that feminine seduction skills have been replaced with emotional and psychological manipulations (see BPD) in order to make men comply with their imperatives as a result of having abandoned those seduction behaviors.

It’s Men who are learning seduction skills now. How many men do you suppose have read the Art of Seduction by Robert Greene in comparison to women? It’s men who’ve created a global community dedicated to seduction techniques. Perhaps this is the best evidence of the gender reversal the community discusses so often? Women’s sexuality has been elevated to such a degree that it’s men who find it necessary to collectively study seduction.

In the manosphere men are constantly working at self-improvement. For most, self-improvement is their only imperative. Not a day goes by that I don’t read some Red Pill guy talking about how he’s changed his life for the better with his new found Red Pill awareness. Of course, it’ll be argued that this is for our own benefit apart from what women would like as the better of him. Be that what it is, that improvement still raises his SMV and still improves his prospects even its a ‘peripheral’ reward to him.

At present there is no need for women to be anything more than arousing and sexually available. There are no ‘femospheres’ dedicated to women’s self-improvement that parallel that of men’s. Even “Red Pill Women’s” forums would be hard pressed to explain how they planned to improve their selves.

Women no longer have any real incentive to dedicate themselves to self-improvement, to seduction or to embracing femininity for a prospective man. This harkens back to my post Crisis of Motive, why do you do what you do? However, what motivation does even an average woman (HB5-6) have to learn to cook, clean or make a home today? Even when women do, it’s never for men. The criticism is always not wanting to be a man’s mother and this is an interesting feminist oxymoron – literally any act of domesticity is construed not just as servitude on the part of a woman, but the necessity of it on the part of a man, or for men, reinforces the idea that men are all innately children in need of mommy’s services.

Correcting Women

In the last post I mentioned a need for ‘correction’ on the part of women. Naturally, the binary reflex response for some was to presume I meant that some kind of scolding or shaming was due on the part of men. And, of course, the images of men and husbands talking down to women like errant children was the predictable impression.

I think it needs to be said that correcting women needn’t be some in-her-face directly overt affair. It may be as simple as deciding for oneself what a man deems unacceptable behavior from women and voting with their dicks and their wallets. As Red Pill awareness spreads and men become more sensitive to seeing the truths inherent of today’s women there should also come a new pragmatism in men’s dealing with women. Correcting women will always be far more effective when it’s indirect. As I said, women will not learn so long as there is a feminine-primary social infrastructure that absolves them of any accountability. And if a man so much as offers his take on why a woman is in the shape she is or he’s bold enough to tell a woman how to avoid the pitfalls she’s likely to fall into he’s accused of misogyny and being a “monster” for daring to attempt to correct her.

In fact, this correction will likely be something Red Pill men won’t even consider as ‘correction’; it will simply make sense not to bother with women whose character has been molded by feminist influences or whose egos have exceed all sensibility in contrast with her sexual market value. And it will be women who actually inspire this new pragmatism of correcting women.

As open, overt, Hypergamy is more widely embraced by women, as the duplicity of their sexual strategy becomes something women triumphantly use in popular media and culture the more unignorable, that hubris, that raw deal, becomes evident to even the most Blue Pill of men. Mix in a degree of real, unilateral control for men – such as Vasalgel or its like would – and you put women into an uncomfortable and unfamiliar need to actually have to develop some sort of ‘value-added‘ to their characters.

I remember laughing at a Leykis 101 rule where Tom said something like if a woman you’re on a date with insists on looking at her phone or takes a call or is texting you should casually excuse yourself and leave her there to pick up the tab.

I used to think that was harsh, but I understand the sentiment that makes it necessary today. Women can’t learn what men wont teach them. Now, I get that women have Beta chumps on speed-dial ready to console them right after you do something similar, but it’s that drastic experience that’s needed to send a message. If you were Alpha enough to make an impression on her she’ll understand she fucked up. I’ve always advised men that if they know they’re heading for a breakup they need to be the initiators of it. It’s far better to leave her with the impression that the Frame was always in your terms.

I wish I could say that women will eventually learn from their mistakes, but women’s innate nature of solipsism combined with a social order that never holds them accountable and constantly reinforces their ‘correctness‘ in spite of it keeps them perpetually indignant to any insight a man might offer to them. One more reason a woman should only ever be a complement to a man’s life, never the focus of it.

When you combine women’s opportunistic concept of love with a society that never holds them accountable for the ramifications of it, no matter who it impacts, you get generations of women who are simply not worth anything to men beyond sex.

What we’re experiencing is the end result of a blank-slate egalitarian social order; you reduce human interaction to the lowest acceptable transaction. It will be interesting to see how something like Vasalgel will shift this condition by putting the choice of birth in the control of men. I get that Betas will always be available to breed, but women aren’t hardwired to be aroused/attracted to Betas. The onus of shifting their behavior in order to optimize Hypergamy will be on women if they want to consolidate on it with a better-than-deserved man with a higher SMV that her.

Women need the correction of men. How this correction is implemented is really what’s at issue. Being the apex male in a woman’s life as a means to initiating this correction is the first step. Dread can cause a women to self-correct of her own volition, but Dread is only effective if a man has real appreciable value to a woman.

Women will actually need to correct themselves to access the men aware of their Game, who demonstrate higher SMV, and have that guy actually be interested in her for more than a fuck – a fuck he wont need to worry about getting her pregnant with. Women have reduced themselves to sexual commodities and the only means to improving that state is to put a real, actionable, degree of control into the hands of men. At present, men have nothing to barter with beyond their own SMV and their hard won resources.

All that said, men must be prepared to walk at the first signs that he isn’t a woman’s first priority. The correction comes from a woman learning the value of a man the hard way. Demonstrate, do not explicate. You correct a woman by fucking her best friend. You correct a woman by putting all her shit out on the curb when she cheats on you. You correct a woman by being a man so valuable to here that she wants to comply with your rules. You correct a woman by being so valuable to her Dread is an ambient passive dynamic for her. You correct a woman by being aware of Alpha and Beta tells and acting according to the message her medium is telling you.

Women are never expected to shoulder consequences of their actions and as such they have no incentive for introspection or correction. There’s a social infrastructure that’s been established and revised for centuries that expressly excuses women from the consequences of their behaviors and ideologies. Women need correction, but they only learn it from the ramifications of their actions when men enforce it by their non-participation, non-cooperation with women’s ‘correctness’ or by women’s loss.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

I just read U.S.S. referenced @ Rugby11 third comment response to this post. Lowndes life work perfectly exemplifies women’s frivolous destructive compulsion to dominate men and all social realms with their imperative. She writes ostensibly to “help men” improve their chances of sticking their penises into women and “understand women better”. However, her book is really a partial primer for women on how to execute the Sandberg plan. She insults the entire male gender. Her feigned intent is obfuscation for her real intent. Her real intent includes (among her other lies) framing two falsehoods as truth in the minds… Read more »

7 years ago


Here ya go…

comment image

You are an internet hero. Good luck with real life.

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@Colbert Your video is (at least partially) faked. But it still shows a lot of PUA stuff. So first there is the nerdy guy. Look at his subcoms. His weird ass smile. He’s kinda hunched over. His walk is nervous. He approaches her awkwardly, and he’s very fidgety. He’s constantly bouncing about. His tonality is seeking rapport — where it ennnnds in an uuuppward inflection like a valley girrrlll. His conversation is boring, logical, factual. Later he comes back as the thug. Firstly, he’s got glasses. Glasses are a way to “fake” good eye contact. It makes you harder to… Read more »

7 years ago

“You are telling me to grow up and then you go off on me for calling a guy “old” and how that is hurtful and you shouldn’t say hurtful things lol. ”

Seriously. They’ve got nothing but tough love for you, but fucking SJF? I mean come on… That guy isn’t going out of his comfort zone sitting in his fucking tree stand and riding his tractor. I haven’t heard a peep about him.

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@andy I don’t mind tough love at all. Its just these guys are ignoring reality. Its like with those cold numbers from girls that flaked…I wanted to text them in order to a) work MORE and get MORE practice and b) work on a issue I had with flaking — I saw flaking was my weakness, so I sought to fix it. Scray and walawala have been able to get a day2 with cold numbers, so I was like shit, I can practice to be able to do that as well. And sentient tells me to not do that. Just… Read more »

7 years ago

“And sentient tells me to not do that. Just delete the numbers. lol”

He told you that for a reason. Can you figure out why?

“Scray and walawala have been able to get a day2 with cold numbers, so I was like shit, I can practice to be able to do that as well.”

Hint: No, you weren’t like that. Had you been like that I doubt Sentient would have even noticed the issue.

7 years ago

@Andy (I’m at work and I composed this earlier. And didn’t really read the posts after 6:00 AM Pacific time) “Getting laid is one thing, having power in life is another.” I ain’t pageant material and I’m not running in a TRM popularity contest. Imaging that being said to Blaximus when he was 18 years old by one of his uncles or grandfather. Guys in a tribe tell other guys things they need to hear for the betterment of the tribe. The tribe here being the Masculine Imperative. I’m talking about masculine agency for Hank. I’d say the same for… Read more »

7 years ago

Hank – don’t be so ghey… “And sentient tells me to not do that. Just delete the numbers. lol” My natural buddy and I do a phone cleanse every year where we kill all our numbers with no warning to the girls (he deletes his but I just put Zs in front of mine so they’re on the bottom of my list so I know who’s txting me if they text one day). Whichever girls text us after that get to come back into the fold but it basically makes it so we can’t chase anything that hasn’t panned out… Read more »

7 years ago

“Focus on what is being said guy to guy. Not on me. ”

Yeah, god forbid the spotlight shine on your lack of action.

7 years ago

“The younger guys like yareally or scray or forge or whoever will give specific advice. like . . .”

. . . just delete those numbers?

7 years ago


Simmer down Andy.

SJF is right. There’s a bigger picture here. There’s wider understanding to be had. Because you can find no relevance does not mitigate the message. That speaks more about you than it does about him.

Disagreement is one thing. Attempts at ridicule is another.

Just say ” I don’t understand what your point is..”.

Pro Tip- If you find yourself saying this often, guess who’s actually having a problem?

7 years ago

“His professional skills and job and working on his personal development at 28 years old is more important than chasing pussy.” Horrible, HORRIBLE advice. Just absolutely atrocious. The opposite of Sentient’s advice. Learning game or “chasing pussy” as you call it IS personal development. How can you have been here for this long and not figured that out? Don’t project your own ego investments onto other people. You need to get out and push your comfort zones. And that doesn’t mean butchering your own deer. “Disagreement is one thing. Attempts at ridicule is another.” @Blax Ridicule? Okay, so me pushing… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Blax My thought is that SJF is right, but his advice isn’t applicable to hank because he’s incel and at the bottom of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. This is a very important consideration that is easy to overlook if you’ve never been incel. I was there for YEARS, and it’s a living hell. It was basically impossible for me to fully focus on ANYTHING other than my despair about thinking I was going to be incel forever, never having had sex with a girl or done even anything beyond accidentally brushing arms with them and being 20 years old.… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Andy

@ Softek

I don’t disagree at all that Hank has a much different priority as of RIGHT NOW.

I also understand that men should be encouraged to continue their overall masculine development.

That’s never horrible advice.

I’ve never had Hank’s or Softek’s experience, but I am able to learn and gain understanding from what they write here. For me that understanding is valuable.

So until other pua’s show up and offer up something, it’s not terrible that others offer up different perspective.

7 years ago

@Rollo: “So, why is it that we’re not supposed to take this study seriously? Considering that women are fertile just six days per menstrual cycle and men are fertile every single day, that the burden of avoiding unwanted pregnancy falls to us, regardless of the burden that might have on our health and wellbeing, is nothing short of sexism. After all, there are certainly effective alternatives to hormonal contraceptives . . . not to mention, of course, vasectomy and the promise of Vasalgel, a contraceptive injection for men.” Perhaps a shot fired at the beginning of a salvo entitled… Read more »

7 years ago

The point isn’t to complain about being incel. But just to point out the reality that talking about higher tiers on Maslow’s Hierarchy is not applicable to people who don’t even have the lower tiers solid yet. Other men can benefit from all that advice. Just not hank because he isn’t there yet and by virtue of not having his basic needs met CAN’T process this advice, and it will be worthless to him until he is higher up on the Hierarchy pyramid. Moving on: Sentient is right about the girls hank is gaming fucking other guys. They are getting… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Blax We might get pissed off at each other from time to time. I used to hate scrib, for example, and now it’s like old home week when we talk on Skype. We’re all on the same team….I just remember that all the fighting/arguing here is chickenshit. We’re men among men. Men at different phases in life, and different mental points of origin….but still a community of men. It’ll happen. People continuing to come back to TRM and being regulars here is what’s important. Getting pissed off and mud slinging is gonna happen once in a while. That’s all… Read more »

7 years ago

My words: “Guys in a tribe tell other guys things they need to hear for the betterment of the tribe. The tribe here being the Masculine Imperative. I’m talking about masculine agency for Hank. I’d say the same for Softek. His professional skills and job and working on his personal development at 28 years old is more important than chasing pussy.” Sorry for the confusion, I was actually throwing sentences together and jumped to meaning the “His” as the 28 year old Softek’s personal development is job #1. I do actually think that Hank should get laid ASAP. And I’m… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago

@hank I tend to give a girl that bails a “cooling off” period with her number in my phone. Basically in Android I put those chicks in a contact group that I don’t show in my contacts. Their name will show up if they contact me, but I won’t see them to contact them unless I make an effort to do so. Since I’m still relatively new to pick up I’ve not been doing this long but my plan is to hit them up a few weeks/months later. If they don’t respond or I don’t get an immediately favorable result,… Read more »

7 years ago


These girls you cold-approach…do you ever get them to talk about themselves?

7 years ago

@ SJF It’s been easier to focus on my career now that I’m not incel and freaking out about the idea of never having sex. Self-actualization can only happen when the lower tiers of the pyramid are solid. However, I’m in a dark place that would imply I need to fuck other women ASAP. A dark place sugarcoated in pet names and “deference” to me that’s only in proportion to how convinced she is that her training of me to be a Beta is working. She has been training me via emotional abuse to not look at other women in… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

SJB on Vasalgel – they will take both sides sooner or later. I was in a used bookstore a couple of years back and ran across a 1970’s “women’s health” book called Our Bodies, Our Selves. Looking through it I found the section on contraception, and it was contradictory: “Well, we women have to take care of this because the men certainly won’t ” then a more or less realistic discussion of hormones vs. IUD vs. diaphragm, then something like “A male pill would be a great idea except that men wouldn’t take it but even if they did we… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Rollo, I think the divide between women will be age dependent. Girls riding the carousel will be all yay! Vasalgel For The Win! because they don’t have to worry about a late period, or so they will think. Girls jumping off the carousel will not be happy if their comfort Beta is ‘gelled up, because babyrabies must not be denied. Cougars will like it. Married women with a child or two that would like an … option … for sperm to make a second or third? Not so much. Control needs clearly vary over time for women. Girlies at the… Read more »

7 years ago

One important point: Even if you’re stuck in one area, ALWAYS be doing something to improve yourself in other areas. Guys in prison can’t Game women but they can get jacked. I’ve also found doing this can give you some Frame by default. Girlfriend nagging you to hang out? Sorry, I have shit to do. Can’t see you today. Improving yourself, whether it’s your body or professional skill sets, is practicing being your own mental point of origin and putting yourself first by default. Men should be doing things to improve themselves *every single day.* I also HIGHLY recommend keeping… Read more »

7 years ago

@ rugby11

That book looks interesting. I think eye contact is my biggest issue:

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Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Your journal of positive experiences is an excellent idea. It’s better than the usual “affirmations” approach, because anyone keeping a journal like that is training himself to remember positive things. It’s got to help reduce any tendency to dwell on negativity, to ruminate on bad experiences.

Congrats on starting that on your own.

7 years ago

Come on guys, give hank a break!
He is an impressive dude, how many virgins do you know who actually cold approach BY DAY, girls they don’t really like, write field reports and gets better?!
Dude is the poster child for game and improvement!

He is allowed to vent a little on here, be a bit supportive lol

I’m rooting for you hank, can’t wait for you to go game in nightclubs full of hot chicks!!

7 years ago

“As for me and my “lack of action”. That’s laugh out loud funny right there.”

SJF, Some of your own advice:

“You know, Enjoy Your Friend’s Criticism…..”

7 years ago

@Andy Leave ol SFJ alone……. for god sakes you know hes going to respond with 3 pages of quotes that have no relevance to your situation and just validate himself. While attempting to use shaming language to belittle all the younger people here because ” once you reach mastery in X” you’ll understand. BUT REMEMBER ITS NOT FOR THE “FAINT OF HEART” @HANK YOU WANT TO GET THE GIRLS BUT YOUR DOING IT WRONG INSTEAD OF WORKING ON YOUR GAME AND COLD APPROACHING YOU SHOULD INSTEAD FOCUS ON MASCULINE IMPROVEMENT GO GET A TRACTOR AND RIDE THAT PONY TILL THE… Read more »

7 years ago

Just watched this (in background, missed some) but it’s very good. It gets into how ego intrudes and getting in your head messes you up, even if you are a master. I could relate to this so much when it comes to say music or tech sales, I have so much skill sometimes I get arrogant and caught up in my ego. But every time, when I return to basics and fundamentals and doing, i perform so much better.


Enjoy. The scenes with the street drummer are quite telling.

7 years ago

@ mersonia

” The message is useless but..”

… then scroll on bro.

7 years ago

Rollo: “@anon, bear in mind that even RP women’s forums don’t even brush the surface of the degree of seriousness with which men seek to improve themselves. Just by virtue of being men and our Burden of Performance there is no comparison and I would argue that even in the RPW forums you will still find the typical indignation and entitlement of women, only colored in a Red Pill theme.” I’m not going to argue with you there. Most RPW forums (this is a generalization, but roughly true) seem to fall into three main categories, and all revolve around self-validation… Read more »

7 years ago

@Hank – I never give you advice cuz it seems you get great feedback on your FRs from the big time PUAs here. But I have to tell you, something about them just seems off to me. I guess it’s in part because you are incel, I simply cannot relate to your state of mind with women. My only inkling is this – AND I COULD BE WRONG. I don’t get a hint of intent to fuck when you share your FRs. You are building great technique but I just don’t get the vibe that you are on 11 wrt… Read more »

7 years ago

I avoided commenting on Hank’s comments because I believe that Hank is doing exactly what he has to do re: chicks. I still read Hank’s fr’s, all of them, but I no longer try to comment on them because Hank has pretty specific comments that I can’t offer help on, and that are best left to pua’s here to answer. All I can offer my man Hank is encouragement. A few commenters want to continue the OMG hate that has been fomenting here over the past few articles. Lol at you guys. I ” get ” it, really I do,… Read more »

7 years ago

Wow, yet another food fight here. I have some advice for everyone here who deigns to “help” others. You have to coach from where the person you are coaching is at, not where you are. Softek brings up a great point about Hank being an incel and what that’s like as he can relate. I know Sentient and SJF mean well, but I wonder if the coaching can be put in better terms so he doesn’t feel so attacked? Just a thought. I’m a world class asshole myself so I can identify the problem, but I’m not confused about where… Read more »

7 years ago

@Scribblerg @Hank “. I don’t get a hint of intent to fuck when you share your FRs. You are building great technique but I just don’t get the vibe that you are on 11 wrt fucking them. ” I honestly felt the same way…. Just imagining it by reading the fr’s I feel like there’s prob zero sexual tension. So going back that’s why I Think Sentient and Scrays drop the comedy advice and just be serious and push was great advice for hank. Dude has a lot of potential Working on Kino would benefit him greatly though ya disagrees… Read more »

7 years ago

Of course he doesn’t have sexual intent in his interactions… He’s practicing on mostly 5s (not his fault he’s fishing in the gowanus canal) He can practice kino, laser eyes, cutting space until the sun comes up but if he’s not actually sexually attracted to them, well… Intent is the only thing you can’t fake, and its ONE of the reason game works better on hotter girls, they pick up in the intent. This isn’t to say it’s a waste to practice on the B team, you cans still see how different girls respond to things for experience. I flirt… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

@ sfer – That book (USS) is interesting and she does point out a few feminine sexual signal body language tells. But….do not be fooled… it is purposefully written by a woman who is interested in making men denigrate themselves in their own minds and believe they must qualify for a woman’s affections in ways that are not masculine. Her qualification requirements are carefully designed to drive any man into “betahood”. @ DisgruntledEarthling “The student outshines the master….” Women are incapable of being students of their male masters. They are not male and do not possess the innate characteristics to… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@klem Come on guys, give hank a break! LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! @asdgamer Yeah, I get them to talk about themselves. At first I will usually talk, 90/10 an all, but i switch it back on to them. With my stalker bit, I flip it on them and then ask them if they’ve had issues with stalkers. I do cold reads on where they are from and what they are like. With the asian girl I instadated I got her to talk A LOT about herself and where she was from…though it took a while to get her to warm up… Read more »

7 years ago

@Mersonia, Othergrain and Hank – I can relate. Due to my sexual history, I simply am uninterested in 5-6s or less. I’ve rarely fucked any woman less than a 7, and then only very drunk. I’m not attracted to them so I don’t bring the sexual intent.

But….I have been experimenting. Like I picture fucking the woman while I’m looking at her. Picture her blowing you or writhing in passion, it’s kind of weird how well that works, like I have moments when I realize my sexual palette is kind of limited.

7 years ago

@Hank – As you say, I don’t see you in action. But intent is a bit different than attraction and I think a lot of what you were describing was attraction rather than intent. But then again, I’m not crushing it either so I mostly focus on my game these days. Which ain’t so great…

7 years ago

@ Hank, I didn’t put much thought into it, but you’re right, there WAS a lot of PUA stuff in that vid – lol. I remember noticing him saying “I won’t judge you” and thinking that was pretty smooth PUAish. So anyway, nice breakdown of that. I guess the point that I was making was a continuation reference to the post I made about those PUA guys who only focus on PUA – like the ones discussed in the previous thread in the Daily Beast article that were basically just raping those women. They were focused ONLY on PUA and… Read more »

7 years ago


Well, with the old phones, you can send:



/ /\ \

7 years ago

@Hank The reason my reviving of cold leads works is because the targets are girls I’ve gamed and who respond…and because I just ping text them: “Hey, i’m djing Thursday, join me…” They ALWAYS respond…they just happen to be busy or working. But when they are not they will come out. What I haven’t been successful at is converting that to a Day 2…yet. But when i’m going to be out then it’s a safe platform for both of us and I DHV them. With flakes…like the girl who just didn’t show up…I drop them completely and if they do… Read more »

7 years ago

– What a great example of a woman qualifying, thanks for that.

7 years ago

“@ DisgruntledEarthling “The student outshines the master….”

Women are incapable of being students of their male masters.”

Agreed – but the comment was directed at the Steve Via/ Uncle Frank video 🙂

Saw Frank twice but Steve is a heck of a guitarist

7 years ago

Timely…demonstrate don’t explicate.
One of the best iron rules…

By the way Rollo, saw your tweet about the beta dude who was announcing his heart break on the tube… Wow!….

7 years ago

ROLLO i posted on your blog last week first time ever posting on a blog something about that Vanir (@vanir 85 ) pissed me off brought me out of the shadows. The whole idea of equality and fairness just pissed me off. I know the same as you do about him. Between his ears is a jug and you can’t get anything out except what’s been poured in. Fairness Equality social justice bohemian utopia bull shit. That’s not the real world. The real world is dog eat dog. Let’s say your in a turny wsop or a local game. You… Read more »

7 years ago


Holy shit.

Learn to fight and buy ammo…. I guess.

7 years ago

Blaximus man I got respect for you and softek and Andy sentent Not born this morning all of you regular commenters. Don’t make sport of me. You guys cover so much there is no reason for lurkers to say much. Now Hank that different thinking about starting a go fund me account get this boy some hookers shit ROLLO He a good guy he dumbs his post down to where the common man can understand them. You got to realize the average man is not that swift. That illimitable men problem he speaks over the head of the masses of… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago

comment image

7 years ago


RSDMadison on flaking

7 years ago

@ mr holiday The definition of insanity is repeating the same actions yet expecting different results. I’m guessing the real reason you are incel is that there is something off about YOU! Your actions, body language/ persona is coming off as incongruent and so your “game” isn’t yielding results. If I was in your position I would take a step back and focus on development of your masculinity as you are clearly lacking something if you are still incel after all this day gaming. I think the best path would be to take up a combat sport such as MMA… Read more »

7 years ago

@ HH Tldr version. If girls are not buying what you are selling ” change the product” or change the pitch! As you seem to have a handle on game I suspect the problem is the product ie You! Stop blaming your location Stop blaming the quality of the girls. These burls are getting action in this location and so by default so are the guys they are fucking, it just ain’t you. Stop hampstering that “I know I’ll kill it when I move to X location” and put in the work needed to improve the product that you are… Read more »

7 years ago

@Hank, Culum Here is Mystery….I forgot how good this guy is. Look at how effortlessly he runs through the routines….

7 years ago

Mystery (33:46) – “it’s always your fault. You didn’t get the girl – you suck. Sack up and learn from it. and tomorrow you’ll recover again. You deserve to sleep alone. You’re like “damn I don’t deserve it”, yeah, your game is not ready.” Just note that Mystery is 45YO, with a kid, OMG territory. And he doesn’t sugar coat things, or build false narratives, or hide behind buffers and excuses and defensiveness. He advocates doing the work and getting better or failing. Hmmmm…. (great great session you found Wala – pay particular attention to HIS BODY LANGUAGE as he… Read more »

7 years ago

“Man the fuck up son! That is all.”

7 years ago

Mystery – “attraction = S & R value (survival and replication)”

“Top 5 attraction triggers – Preselection, Leader of Men, Protector of Loved Ones, Willingness to Emote, Successful Risk Taker”

“Of these Preselection is 80%, because it presumes the other four”

I’ll note that these are not comedy routines per se, but traditional masculine virtues and traits…

7 years ago

“Man the fuck up son!” Interesting how that statement can be interpreted. When coming from a woman and aimed at a man, it means “Serve the Feminine Imperative!” When a man tells it to himself it means “Have Strength, Courage, Mastery and Honor (among men) as your core masculine tactical virtues.” When coming in a social context it means “be Preselected, be a Leader of Men, be a Protector of Loved Ones, have Willingness to Emote, and be a Successful Risk Taker”. In the manosphere it means have really good red pill awareness and game along with a side helping… Read more »

7 years ago

“Every boy is cursed. Every boy will be tried and measured against others and he soon perceives or understands instinictively — he soon knows that the way of men is the way of competition and strife. The way to manhood is through the gauntlet, and there is no end to it. Manhood is not a destination but a title to be defended. The idea that a man should be “secure in his masculinity” is a bourgeois fantasy invented by therapists and repeated by women. Every King, every chief, every world record holder and every silverback gorilla looks over his shoulder.… Read more »

7 years ago

Mystery – cosign +1.

I’ve learned that suggesting that young males ” man up ” is now equated with the FI/ feminuts. Guys get offended and question your motives.

Hence, I’m careful with that particular phrase.

I used to hear that term quite often while growing up, and I took it as instruction and motivation.

Maybe the video of Mystery will lend more credence?

I also cosign his thoughts about ” women in your life shaping you “. I’m not sore how that message will be received and interpreted though.

Thanks Sentient.

7 years ago

Someone will be around soon to say this is all LARPing and feelz of course… and they can go fuck themselves… “If you are a man, know that the moment you were born the universe had it in for you. The deck was stacked. The deal was raw. Your expendability was programmed into your wet code before you gained self-awareness. The worldscape of genes can rebuild with the seed of one man should catastrophe strike, but each woman lost is a lethal blow to the repopulation project. In sober moments free of maudlin introspection, you will understand there is… Read more »

7 years ago

A Spartan teaching:

If your sword is shorter than the enemy’s, take a step closer.

7 years ago

Great comments SJF, Blax, KFG… Oh the irony that a fuzzy hatted nail polish and mascara wearer is the standard bearer for the MI message these days… at least he did not have fish nets on…

7 years ago

All, Just saw the post in the BPD post from Hugh. about the same time my friend emailed me the link to a video with the lyrics copied. I’m not going into the fucked up details right now. Am at work and too much going on. But given the ABSOLUTELY CRAZY FUCKED UP SHIT I experienced over the weekend I decided to post this. My besty who keeps telling me to get the fuck away from her sent this to me just a minute ago. He said watch the video until the very end because it’s how things will… Read more »

7 years ago

Okay, I can spare two more minutes to post what SJF just sent me via email. I’ve got two men in my life helping so I don’t fuck up any more and end up dead or in jail. Thanks guys, love you Jimmy and SJF. Dudes are lifesavers. Things spiraled so far out of control so quickly my head was spinning and I was living a nightmare. It’s no longer my eyes that hurt but my arm where she bit me and my legs where her high heels jabbed into my skin. “XVI. Never be afraid to lose her You… Read more »

7 years ago

“Love yourself before you love her.”

Be your own mental point of origin. If you are afraid of losing a woman, she is your mental point of origin.

“It’s no longer my eyes that hurt but my arm where she bit me and my legs where her high heels jabbed into my skin.”

So, you are not going to lose her, you are going to be your own mental point of origin and reject her.

Beginning . . . right . . . NOW!

7 years ago

“Man the fuck up” is fine and a good mindset when it comes to taking action.

One thing I hear from OMGs that I don’t think has any place being said here (or anywhere) is “not all guys can pull that off.”

7 years ago

I’m aware of the fact that short, pithy statements by some of us and a C&P of Roissy’s 16th Commandment of Poon can lead to being read as boring by some of the younger guys (….show me game tips to score pussy man…..). The motivation to post this allegedly boring shit is because this kind of stuff is actually a placeholder for a raw, exciting, live on the edge, break down a barrier, transcend new heights, breakthrough to freedom (release from constraint) that some of us have gone through in doing the work as men over the last 35 years.… Read more »

Random Angeleno
Random Angeleno
7 years ago

I’ve been incel, did not lose my virginity until I was in my early 20’s while it seemed like everyone around me was getting some. I recall being super, super obsessed and frustrated over it and I can say those guys who got some easily enough at that age just have no mental reference what it’s like for those who were or still are incels. I see that some here have admitted as much. Of course the problem was me, but it happens that when someone is as deep in his own head as I was, it’s damn difficult to… Read more »

7 years ago

Being old doesn’t mean you know who you are. In fact, insinuating that being old would have anything to do with knowing who you are would make me think you have no idea who you are.

7 years ago

@Andy When my son was 18 y.o. and got into a lot of trouble, as a father I had kinship altruism and inspired him to understand that life in the USA (and as a Male) is a Game. I got behind him, had his back. I devoted resources to get him out of the trouble. I redirected his energy. I advised him: “You will get played if you aren’t self sufficient and have resources and skills.” “You will get shit on if you are not up to playing the game.” “It is up to you, you won’t have this support… Read more »

7 years ago

Andy “One thing I hear from OMGs that I don’t think has any place being said here (or anywhere) is “not all guys can pull that off” well i think that is something you are feeling, not explicitly hearing, as in point to a specific statement as such. It’s true all the same however, just a biological truth that not all men will reproduce. Not all will be wealthy, healthy or wise. There is a wide distribution of talent and ability and good fortune. We are not equal. There is no equalism in nature. Improvement, however is something we… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Blaximus I’ve learned that suggesting that young males ” man up ” is now equated with the FI/ feminuts. Guys get offended and question your motives. The message is basically “Man up and do what I tell you” from someone with zero authority. Some fat pedestalizer tells young men to “man up” and kowtow to women…maybe he looks a lot like this? In churchgoing circles it’s often part of a larger message, to marry one of the beautiful, beautiful, beautiful former carousel riders who has hit her epiphany phase and is looking for Beta Bux. But now she’s sooo… Read more »

7 years ago

“Being old doesn’t mean you know who you are.” I think this is where KFG might say Q.E.D. Especially if an aged guy can’t have spent the time to actually read: Alan Watts book about the taboo about knowing who you are, Vadim Zeelands book(s) “Reality Transurfing” or Deida’s books and actually feel good about yourself. More clearly these books are about understanding your place in nature and developing a proper balanced mindset (Acceptance of grief if you will) in order to proceed with agency. Do you actually think Rollo, Blaximus, Sentient, KFG, or myself don’t actually know who we… Read more »

7 years ago

“well i think that is something you are feeling, not explicitly hearing, as in point to a specific statement as such.”

Blax says it all the time. Rollo said it right here:

Why would it matter? It NEVER matters. Especially here. Better to try and fail than never try.

“Improvement, however is something we can all still do despite this reality.”

Exactly, so why even say anything.

7 years ago

You clearly don’t want any help, and your OMG friends don’t seem to be interested in helping. I’m tired of being the only asshole that gives a shit about you…

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago

Christ there’s been a lot of catty arguing like bitches in here lately. Like being in a fucking hen house. Buncha butthurt needs to heal up in here before productive discussion can resume. I recommend a lotta anal cream.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Andy Being old doesn’t mean you know who you are. Especially if one spent his whole life being something for everyone else, and never anything for himself. Anyone besides me ever meet a man like this? It’s a sad thing. Another version is a man who decided when he was 30 that he knew himself and knew everything there is to know about anything worth knowing. All well and good until the externalities change beyond recognition, then that man can become reallly dogmatic and rigid. Yeah, I know men like this, too, men doubling and tripling down on an ideology… Read more »

7 years ago

“Exactly, so why even say anything.” Two issues: 1. I do not come here to tell pretty lies. Do you come here to find them? 2. Setting inappropriate goals is one of the leading causes of quitting. That goes for the quest of helping men improve, as well as men improving. Try it often enough and the realization that you are engaged in triage will force itself on you. Some men, either because they can’t be helped, or because they won’t be helped, are the walking dead, and there’s little anyone can do about it. A good many men would… Read more »

Random Angeleno
Random Angeleno
7 years ago

@Rollo, yes that was me before I lost my virginity. Then I was a MG and an ODG, now I’m just another OSG pushing my flight envelope.

7 years ago

“That many don’t is a problem and might even not be an accident.”

I’ll be so bold as to assert the positive claim.

But then I would also assert the positive claim that much of the cattiness against Boomers is of the same source. The generations are being deliberately divided.

Isolating children from those older speeds up the rate of the memory hole.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Andy One thing I hear from OMGs that I don’t think has any place being said here (or anywhere) is “not all guys can pull that off.” Well, it depends on how it’s said. In flat text with zero vocal intonations it’s ambiguous. I got to see Thell Reed shoot a couple of times, and I’ve had the privilege of standing right near Jerry Miculek while he shot revolver and carbine. Both those men are (were, in Reed’s case) exceptional shooters. Almost no one can pull of what they did and what Miculek is still doing. Jerry’s vision is way… Read more »

7 years ago

@hank I mean, honestly it’s tough here. Now, I’m just going to be real with you and tell you what I DO in these situs, RIGHT NOW. but, you have to understand WHY sentient is telling you what he’s telling you. if you notice, me and sentient prob get along re: life/politics/etc. like maybe ZERO % of the time lol, but when it comes to game stuff we pretty much agree like 100% of the time with caveats. afaik this is the same sort of disconnect that he and Ya have too. so that should tell you how we’re all… Read more »

7 years ago

Being old doesn’t mean you know who you are.”

True. But most younger guys can’t tell the difference. They’re too busy trying to disqualify you die to age.

7 years ago

that’s DUE to age….

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

But then I would also assert the positive claim that much of the cattiness against Boomers is of the same source. Well, that depends. “Much” as in “the majority”? You might want to spend some time listening to the children of the Boomers. And by “listen” I do not mean “sit while they talk while preparing counters to everything they say”, they get enough of that from their parents, who tend to be Boomers or older Xr’s. I mean “listen” in the “two ears open, one mouth closed, brain engaged” sense. They do have just a few legitimate gripes. Really.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

that’s DUE to age….

They say that one of the first things to go is memory. Forgetting how to spell and stuff like that. Probably why autocorrect is so common.


Now, that won’t be a problem for Millennials. Far as I can tell most of them can’t spell now. They got nothing to lose on that score. Otto Korrect is their friend…

7 years ago

Corrections: Andy, I don’t need any help. The actual goal of a man is to be self directed. I help myself. OMG’s are actually interested in mentoring. Not wanting a mentor or to hang with red pill guys is a symptom. Not actually identifying features in guys that have become successful and latching on to their wisdom is a lost art. Our goals may not align, and we may not resonate, but our processes as men are similar. Too many guys actually listened to the Matrix-speak and don’t actually want to swallow the red pill. They want red pill and… Read more »

7 years ago
Fred Flange and his Rhythm Method
Fred Flange and his Rhythm Method
7 years ago

Boomers?! Oy gevalt! I resemble that remark. Yes too many of us cunts love to hear themselves talk, and won’t STFU we’re so wise and advanced and superior. Of course, we were told that by all the FartSmellers, I mean Smart Fellers when they got all “revolootionary”. Then they spent the last 40 years telling themselves that, and anyone else who cared not to listen. What I find cosmically amusing is the significant number of so-called stoner hippies who woke up, groaned they had a hangover, and decided to go all Churchian or Wall Street or Moral Majority or TeaBag… Read more »

7 years ago

On the ” not all guys can pull that off ” thing, I honestly don’t see where this is even slightly controversial. It has always been a fact. Competition will have a winner, and a loser. The losing is temporary and by degree, depending on mindset and will and ability. The lack of competition only breeds loss in the end. ” I could never do that ” denotes a guy that won’t be able to ” pull that off “. ” It’s way to hard..” denotes a guy that won’t be able to ” pull that off “. ” I… Read more »

7 years ago

Scray “learning to build your value in as many ways as possible is always worth it.” This is it right here… and one of the easiest ways to build value quick with a girl is to NOT give her what she is expecting WHEN she is expecting it. Just that simple thing, will dramatically amplify attraction. 90% of my game is ONS game because of travel, so this is tested, amp amp amp amp attraction then a smidge of comfort. If you don’t pull she will OFFER you her number unprompted (never ask!)… I’m like fuck the numbers – we… Read more »

7 years ago

“In part, due to the fact that the boomers will not shut up about themselves.”

This is either completely missing or deliberately ignoring the point, however . . . my main accusation against Boomers as a group is they will not shut up about themselves where have little justification to speak.

i.e., they like to claim credit for things they did not do.

Which can backfire on them when they get blamed for things that were actually done by Greatest and Silents. The Boomers were there, but just kids along for a party, not the actual event shapers.

7 years ago

@Anonymous Reader October 5th, 2016 at 12:39 pm I’ve always tried to punch above my weight in real power and gaming women. I’m not braggart-ing. I’m more successful IRL than I should have been based on my personality and skills dealing with my strengths and weaknesses. I was at a deficit but aimed high. I’m an enthusiast about red pill and game. I like challenge. And succeeded in being challenged. And making hurdles be lower. We here boomers are engaged in red pill. I think I’m a boomer. Time wise 1962. Ignore the boring stories at your own peril. Or… Read more »

7 years ago

The correct wording would actually be “show up naked OR bring beer”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

I am not personally acquainted with many babbling old fools.

Don’t spend much time around tenured college professors, I take it?

7 years ago


and they can go fuck themselves…

Play nice, now…at least let them use porn and vaj-gloves.

7 years ago

Being old doesn’t mean you know where you are…damn, meant to post this at the chateau

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