Spare the Rod,…


Two weeks ago in A Woman’s Prerogative I explored the possible social changes that a male-controlled birth control might mean to our feminine-centric social order. I think it’s important to bear in mind that the primary reason something like Vasalgel would be in any way controversial is because we’re considering it from a social state where women are already allowed a unilateral control of birth, and by extension a virtually unilateral control over their Hypergamous choices. More importantly though is the fact the both women’s hormonal birth control and (prospectively) men’s Vasalgel birth control are both concealed forms of contraception. In other words there is always a certain degree of trust or an acknowledgement that a woman will faithfully take her pill, while a man’s word that he is or isn’t on Vasalgel would be the card he plays close to his chest.

I don’t want the discussion to be lost on the mechanics or the semantics of how Vasalgel would or wouldn’t change the intersexual landscape in this post. Rather, I think it’s important to keep in mind just how one-sided the process of Hypergamy is for women today. In all of the post-sexual revolution generations we simply take for granted things like sperm banks, safe and legal abortion, and unilaterally female-controlled birth control that is for all intents a trust-contract for men.

I use the term feminine-primary social order quite a bit in my essays. What I mean in this respect is that we tend to take women’s imperatives as the correct ones in virtually all arenas of westernized societies, and women’s benefits, real or imagined, will always come before any man’s imperatives are considered, if at all. The more we progress socially the more the feminine base of control becomes more evident. Case in point, we don’t really consider the gravity of women’s power in a concealed form of birth control in which women are the only arbiters and only they know the truth of until something like Vasalgel is invented to give men a similar degree of control.

All social mandates revolve around satisfying the insecurities and doubts inspired by women’s Hypergamy, or allaying fears and justifying the fears of having to live with the consequences that result from it.

I coined the term feminine-primary social order because there comes a lot of confusion with other terms like Gynocracy or Matriarchy, also not to be confused with Matrilinear. It’s important to delineate these ideas because Matriarchy implies a direct and overt form of social control while Gynocracy is a self-perpetuating form of indirect or covert social control enforced with the aid of both sexes but neither acknowledging the feminine-primary focus. Men aid in Gynocracy willingly because men (the majority Beta) see a deference to women as an expectation and a benefit to their own sexual strategy.

A feminine-primary social order is a manifestation of a Gynocentric pre-understanding on the part of both sexes, but neither sex considers, overtly, the power imbalance because common understanding is that women are always the victims of male oppression. This is a self-perpetuating status that will never be appeased because in so doing women lose a default form of power.

It’s ironic how, in an egalitarian perspective, women are supposed to be independent, rational free-agents right up until the consequences of their actions begin to impact their lives. Then it’s either men’s fault for their state, men are held accountable for those decisions and behaviors, or they are expected to forgive those consequences and solve the problems women created for themselves.

Self Improvement

One reason I don’t think Vasalgel will be legalized for mass consumption (or will eventually meet stiff legislative resistance) is because it puts a measure of Hypergamous control in the hands of men. We’ve already seen attempts to make ‘sex by deception’ equitable with rape. And we’ve already seen the legislation that makes even approaching a woman on the street equitable with a hate crime. My guess is that not disclosing a guy is on Vasalgel or he’s had a vasectomy could easily be construed as such too.

But what’s really at issue is the presumption of control a woman ought to have over men in this respect. There is no reason a woman would ever consider improving herself to be a more acceptable candidate for an LTR when it is all supply and no demand for her.

I touched on this dynamic in Sexy:

Show Up Naked, Bring Beer

Another great irony of our age is that we still cling to the idea that it’s women who are the best seducers of humanity. In the same misdirection that women would like to believe that they are the more romantic gender, so too would they like to believe they are the most effective seducers. Both of these are far from the truth. It’s Men with the greatest art that have gone down in history as the greatest seducers of the genders. So much more is required of Men to be effective seducers than women.

In this age female seduction amounts to show up naked, bring beer.

Men are stimulated primarily by the physical, but there’s a lot more a woman can do to be seductive. Quite honestly I think seduction is a lost art for women. Very few women know how to be sexy, much less seductive. Even fewer ever feel a need to be seductive. This is due to an environment that, for the past 50 years, has simplified sexual exchange for women to the point that all she need do is stay somewhat fit and wear a thong occasionally. So many men have become so acclimated to just these visual prompts as sexual cues that women don’t really need to learn seduction. There is no greater reward for being sexy or seductive beyond what she’s already capable of prompting in a man, so seduction practices aren’t reinforced for her.

Now add to this the feminine priority westernized culture has placed on women’s sexuality. Any woman feeling a need to be seductive for a man is cast in the role of putting his sexual value above her own. Remember, according to Cosmo and Oprah it is he who needs to be sensitive to her needs. Her sexuality is a GIFT he qualifies for, not something she should ever feel a need to sell to him by means of seduction.

Women don’t need to seduce men anymore. The feminine-priority dynamic has put a default value on women’s sexuality. Those hot enough to simply wear something revealing never need seduction, and those not hot enough can’t sell it anyway. And the girls who’re in between – the one’s who’d benefit most – are discouraged from learning seduction since it’s denigrating to women who should already be on a pedestal to begin with.

Ever since the sexual revolution there’s been less and less motivation for women to develop seduction skills. If anything there’s a resentment for ever having needed them in the past. I’d argue that feminine seduction skills have been replaced with emotional and psychological manipulations (see BPD) in order to make men comply with their imperatives as a result of having abandoned those seduction behaviors.

It’s Men who are learning seduction skills now. How many men do you suppose have read the Art of Seduction by Robert Greene in comparison to women? It’s men who’ve created a global community dedicated to seduction techniques. Perhaps this is the best evidence of the gender reversal the community discusses so often? Women’s sexuality has been elevated to such a degree that it’s men who find it necessary to collectively study seduction.

In the manosphere men are constantly working at self-improvement. For most, self-improvement is their only imperative. Not a day goes by that I don’t read some Red Pill guy talking about how he’s changed his life for the better with his new found Red Pill awareness. Of course, it’ll be argued that this is for our own benefit apart from what women would like as the better of him. Be that what it is, that improvement still raises his SMV and still improves his prospects even its a ‘peripheral’ reward to him.

At present there is no need for women to be anything more than arousing and sexually available. There are no ‘femospheres’ dedicated to women’s self-improvement that parallel that of men’s. Even “Red Pill Women’s” forums would be hard pressed to explain how they planned to improve their selves.

Women no longer have any real incentive to dedicate themselves to self-improvement, to seduction or to embracing femininity for a prospective man. This harkens back to my post Crisis of Motive, why do you do what you do? However, what motivation does even an average woman (HB5-6) have to learn to cook, clean or make a home today? Even when women do, it’s never for men. The criticism is always not wanting to be a man’s mother and this is an interesting feminist oxymoron – literally any act of domesticity is construed not just as servitude on the part of a woman, but the necessity of it on the part of a man, or for men, reinforces the idea that men are all innately children in need of mommy’s services.

Correcting Women

In the last post I mentioned a need for ‘correction’ on the part of women. Naturally, the binary reflex response for some was to presume I meant that some kind of scolding or shaming was due on the part of men. And, of course, the images of men and husbands talking down to women like errant children was the predictable impression.

I think it needs to be said that correcting women needn’t be some in-her-face directly overt affair. It may be as simple as deciding for oneself what a man deems unacceptable behavior from women and voting with their dicks and their wallets. As Red Pill awareness spreads and men become more sensitive to seeing the truths inherent of today’s women there should also come a new pragmatism in men’s dealing with women. Correcting women will always be far more effective when it’s indirect. As I said, women will not learn so long as there is a feminine-primary social infrastructure that absolves them of any accountability. And if a man so much as offers his take on why a woman is in the shape she is or he’s bold enough to tell a woman how to avoid the pitfalls she’s likely to fall into he’s accused of misogyny and being a “monster” for daring to attempt to correct her.

In fact, this correction will likely be something Red Pill men won’t even consider as ‘correction’; it will simply make sense not to bother with women whose character has been molded by feminist influences or whose egos have exceed all sensibility in contrast with her sexual market value. And it will be women who actually inspire this new pragmatism of correcting women.

As open, overt, Hypergamy is more widely embraced by women, as the duplicity of their sexual strategy becomes something women triumphantly use in popular media and culture the more unignorable, that hubris, that raw deal, becomes evident to even the most Blue Pill of men. Mix in a degree of real, unilateral control for men – such as Vasalgel or its like would – and you put women into an uncomfortable and unfamiliar need to actually have to develop some sort of ‘value-added‘ to their characters.

I remember laughing at a Leykis 101 rule where Tom said something like if a woman you’re on a date with insists on looking at her phone or takes a call or is texting you should casually excuse yourself and leave her there to pick up the tab.

I used to think that was harsh, but I understand the sentiment that makes it necessary today. Women can’t learn what men wont teach them. Now, I get that women have Beta chumps on speed-dial ready to console them right after you do something similar, but it’s that drastic experience that’s needed to send a message. If you were Alpha enough to make an impression on her she’ll understand she fucked up. I’ve always advised men that if they know they’re heading for a breakup they need to be the initiators of it. It’s far better to leave her with the impression that the Frame was always in your terms.

I wish I could say that women will eventually learn from their mistakes, but women’s innate nature of solipsism combined with a social order that never holds them accountable and constantly reinforces their ‘correctness‘ in spite of it keeps them perpetually indignant to any insight a man might offer to them. One more reason a woman should only ever be a complement to a man’s life, never the focus of it.

When you combine women’s opportunistic concept of love with a society that never holds them accountable for the ramifications of it, no matter who it impacts, you get generations of women who are simply not worth anything to men beyond sex.

What we’re experiencing is the end result of a blank-slate egalitarian social order; you reduce human interaction to the lowest acceptable transaction. It will be interesting to see how something like Vasalgel will shift this condition by putting the choice of birth in the control of men. I get that Betas will always be available to breed, but women aren’t hardwired to be aroused/attracted to Betas. The onus of shifting their behavior in order to optimize Hypergamy will be on women if they want to consolidate on it with a better-than-deserved man with a higher SMV that her.

Women need the correction of men. How this correction is implemented is really what’s at issue. Being the apex male in a woman’s life as a means to initiating this correction is the first step. Dread can cause a women to self-correct of her own volition, but Dread is only effective if a man has real appreciable value to a woman.

Women will actually need to correct themselves to access the men aware of their Game, who demonstrate higher SMV, and have that guy actually be interested in her for more than a fuck – a fuck he wont need to worry about getting her pregnant with. Women have reduced themselves to sexual commodities and the only means to improving that state is to put a real, actionable, degree of control into the hands of men. At present, men have nothing to barter with beyond their own SMV and their hard won resources.

All that said, men must be prepared to walk at the first signs that he isn’t a woman’s first priority. The correction comes from a woman learning the value of a man the hard way. Demonstrate, do not explicate. You correct a woman by fucking her best friend. You correct a woman by putting all her shit out on the curb when she cheats on you. You correct a woman by being a man so valuable to here that she wants to comply with your rules. You correct a woman by being so valuable to her Dread is an ambient passive dynamic for her. You correct a woman by being aware of Alpha and Beta tells and acting according to the message her medium is telling you.

Women are never expected to shoulder consequences of their actions and as such they have no incentive for introspection or correction. There’s a social infrastructure that’s been established and revised for centuries that expressly excuses women from the consequences of their behaviors and ideologies. Women need correction, but they only learn it from the ramifications of their actions when men enforce it by their non-participation, non-cooperation with women’s ‘correctness’ or by women’s loss.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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7 years ago

I’ve always tried to punch above my weight in real power and gaming women. I’m not braggart-ing.


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

This is either completely missing or deliberately ignoring the point, however . . . my main accusation against Boomers as a group is they will not shut up about themselves where have little justification to speak.

In other words, “The boomers will not shut up about themselves”.

Glad we agree.

7 years ago

I enjoyed both Sun’s gif & his comment that he was leaving. Ta-dum

7 years ago


The boomers will not shut up about themselves”.

Apparently, some folks wanna be boomers so much that they extend the boomer range from ’55 all the way to ’62. Boomer-envy

Don’t stop me, I’m on a roll.

7 years ago

The handle “nitpicunt” brings to mind labia majora infested with creepy-crawlies.

7 years ago

And the Boomers make the same accusation of the Greatest:

7 years ago

@ AR

” Don’t spend much time around tenured college professors, I take it?”

Lol. Nope. Titles mean little to me. I’ve known a few great college profs, but I’ve also known great fry cooks and window washers.

It’s the “babbling” part that’s avoidable.

7 years ago

comment image

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Apparently, some folks wanna be boomers so much that they extend the boomer range from ’55 all the way to ’62. Boomer-envy Uh, “baby boom” started with the end of WW II. So that would be 1945 to the 60’s. GW Bush and Bill Clinton’s cohort. Shucks, the Generation Police sometimes even extend it to ’64. Yeah, 1945 – 1964 is 19 years so ok that could be called “a generation”. But there’s big differences along that time line. BIg, big differences. The leading edge, born in ’45 – ’47 came into a world where children had been scarce. Disneyland… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Lol. Nope. Titles mean little to me. I’ve known a few great college profs, but I’ve also known great fry cooks and window washers.

Likewise. But work sometimes puts me in the same room or auditorium with what some men might call “Tenured radicals”. They do tend to babble sometimes, especially at the reception on the third glass of cheap Chardonnay.

It’s the “babbling” part that’s avoidable.

“Avoidable” is not the same as “don’t exist”.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

And the Boomers make the same accusation of the Greatest:


7 years ago

“So that would be 1945 . . .”

He was referring to ’55 as being the end of the Boomer period, which, as you note, has now been extended to ’64.

BIG difference between those who remember where they were when they heard that Kennedy had been shot and those who weren’t even born yet.

A notable difference between those who remember having to change all the flags because they didn’t have enough stars and those who don’t.

7 years ago


What goes around, comes around. Xers don’t sound much different than Boomers did in the 60s and 70s. Post millennials are already pretty disgusted with Xers. Got kids in high school now who weren’t born yet on 9/11/01. They think all this shit is normal and correct. The mumbles are starting that Xers should just die already.

As a reference check on that whole “just die already thing,” Boomers are still waiting for Kissinger, a Greatest, to die.

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

@STRONGTEK @AR Your journal of positive experiences is an excellent idea. It’s better than the usual “affirmations” approach, because anyone keeping a journal like that is training himself to remember positive things. It’s got to help reduce any tendency to dwell on negativity, to ruminate on bad experiences. Congrats on starting that on your own. cosign… and +1… great work… when you have 3 or 4 weeks worth of that journal completed, go through it and see how many ‘positive experiences’ involve your ‘gf’… then take some action… good luck! ———— @Roused It’s no longer my eyes that hurt but… Read more »

7 years ago

@ kfg ” What goes around, comes around. Xers don’t sound much different than Boomers did in the 60s and 70s. Post millennials are already pretty disgusted with Xers. <b<Got kids in high school now who weren’t born yet on 9/11/01. They think all this shit is normal and correct. The mumbles are starting that Xers should just die already.” Perfect point. I remember when the Trade center was built and opened. I remember going to WTC via path train, as I did every week, after the first bombing in 1993. I remember coming home from work the morning of… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago

hah! = bah!… (as in humbug…)…lol…

7 years ago

vanished post?

C’mon wordpress….


7 years ago

Regarding “Man the fuck up son…” and the deck being stacked against men, the fact remains anyone who wants to improve can and the good news is there is a ton of information, tactics, strategies and material available….all free. When I was your age I got my information from a library. Now there’s a ton of stuff you can get just by clicking a link. Here’s another great link on Body Language from Mystery. When you see how effortlessly he rattles off a routine or the basics of A1 and A2 you realize that it’s possible to learn game and… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

He was referring to ’55 as being the end of the Boomer period, which, as you note, has now been extended to ’64. 1945 – 1955 or so makes sense. But that would offend the Generation Police. Last month I stood and listened to a couple of mid-30’s men talking at a social event, the older one was maybe 37. It was interesting to hear “We aren’t Gen X or Millennials, we’re a different group!”. One did have a point that he graduated from college at a time when there was still a lot of optimism culturally as compared to… Read more »

7 years ago

@walawala “Lately I realize that my own game has gotten a bit…sloppy. I’m turning down or not pursuing opportunities. I’m not sure if I’m nervous, not feeling it or becoming more selective. It means my success rate is higher from the girls I do game. But I don’t know what I’ve missed out on by NOT gaming. Sometimes my game is sloppy. If I don’t get strong IOI’s, I don’t go for the number. It just seems a waste of time pursuing a “maybe girl”.” Normal Plateau-ing. I do it all the time the last three years during which I… Read more »

7 years ago


For real you thought this?

The girls he pointed out he banged were 4’s and 5’s…older…divorces etc. If you looked at them you would NEVER think they’d be into banging.

Generally any girl out at a bar or club is DTF…

7 years ago

From a reviewer of Robert Greene’s book Mastery: 409 of 435 people found the following review helpful 5.0 out of 5 stars Honor Your Life, October 14, 2003 By Carmen Matthews This review is from: Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment Are you one of those people who allows your goal or goals to dominate your life? And once your goals are achieved, do you think of your achievements as, “no big deal?” While the author describes 5 keys to long-term success and fulfillment,as: 1. Instruction; 2. Practice; 3. Surrender; 4. Intentionality; and, 5. The Edge –… Read more »

7 years ago

On the topic of the OP, a couple of sixties songs come to mind to illustrate the woman actually craving discipline (note who the songwriters were): Johnny Get Angry by Joanie Sommers Johnny, I said we were through Just to see what you would do You stood there and hung your head Made me wish that I were dead [Chorus:] Oh, Johnny get angry, Johnny get mad Give me the biggest lecture I ever had I want a brave man, I want a cave man Johnny, show me that you care, really care for me Every time you danced with… Read more »

7 years ago

Dwight ” DeezNutz ” Eisenhower.

No point. Just wanted to see that in type.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago
7 years ago


Generally any girl out at a bar or club is DTF…

If she’s not with her mate, as in a GNO or solo or with an orbiter(s).

7 years ago


Girls are so misogynistic!!!!

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Part of speculation is to know your market.

Could be we’ve passed peak Strolling Bones.

7 years ago

@ AR

Good article.

” The OECD report, called Society at a Glance 2016, looks at how youth across member states are faring in terms of several social indicators, such as employment, poverty, marriage and health. It found that 15 percent of youth in the OECD – about 40 million young people – were not in employment, education or training in 2015.

Without job and income security, the authors warn, young adults could postpone reaching traditional markers of adulthood. Poor economic prospects could begin to affect health, fertility, crime and even “social cohesion.

7 years ago

@ AR Jesus Lawd Have Mercy. I’ve seen all of these folks 30 damn years ago- ” Desert Trip has been billed as a once-in-lifetime chance to see stars such as Paul McCartney, The Who, Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters and Neil Young all in one place. ” Lol on these vultures. Anyone can watch the live Who concert from Glastonbury for free ( or the price of your cable provider…). Rodger Waters is only slightly interesting without the REST of Pink Floyd. Paul McCartney has a hard time singing for more than 10 minutes now. Neil Young….pass. I saw something… Read more »

7 years ago

Ooohhhhh, ohhh ohhh sweet fries of miiiinnnnneeeee……

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Blaximus, used to be any college degree was good for a job. Now it’s only some degrees and a lot of them will involve internships. The apprentice system is coming back. We might as well follow the Europeans and create a 6-year degree & be done with it. Imagine being the parent of a 20-something with a degree in, eh, Equestrian / Equine Studies and $50K in debt, when they show up at home because no got job. Watcha gonna do when they come to you? (No I did not make that degree up. Yes I know someone whose daughter… Read more »

7 years ago

“You either evolve or you don’t. I don’t like old people on a rock n’ roll stage. I think they look pathetic, me included . . . Anyone who’s 71 years old would look ridiculous singing rock.” — Grace Slick

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@habd @scray @sentient @playdontpay if i had thought you were wasting time with that texting cold numbers shit, i would have told you what i thought, but i understood what you were doing and that you were not using it as a buffer… and i ALWAYS recommend TRYING shit to see happens…lol… thats just it. It would be different if I STOPPED going out to work on texting. But I was doing txting in ADDITION to going out. It was me doing MORE WORK in order to learn more. I literally spent about 5 minutes on it, it worked a… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Lol on these vultures.

“The Who” – eh, shouldn’t that be The Wh or T Wh since there’s only 2 of them left?

Should be called the “Guys with a lotta bills to pay” tour?

7 years ago

@ AR


That’s fucked up. True, probably, but fucked up.

7 years ago

You have to do the hard work to feel the pump… and then you will know what it feels like…

7 years ago

@SJF Yes, that idea of “autopilot” maybe means I’m less “anxious” and therefore less outcome dependent. I can have an interaction and if I’m not getting solid IOI’s, I don’t feel like pressing on. I have fucked up a few times, not getting a “yes girl’s” number or waiting too long and she leaves the venue. “I’ll find you before I leave….” She leaves first. Girls may be keen but few will throw themselves at you. Also, when I meet girls who are so-so (HB6 in my criteria) I figure myeh….I can do better. Plus with 3 -4 girls on… Read more »

OmegaSaurus Rex
OmegaSaurus Rex
7 years ago

“You either evolve or you don’t. I don’t like old people on a rock n’ roll stage. I think they look pathetic, me included . . . Anyone who’s 71 years old would look ridiculous singing rock”.
Unless your name was Ian Fraser Kilmister and you made it to 71.

7 years ago

This story deserves a post of its own. Man shames fat woman on dating site. Woman takes revenge and exposes him. Goes viral. Because…men are evil.

7 years ago

@ Walawa,

Caveman/Apocalypse Game – now that’s some funny shit. Regarding the Scottish dude in the article – he needs a caveman/apocalypse lawyer.

7 years ago

“Being old doesn’t mean you know who you are. In fact, insinuating that being old would have anything to do with knowing who you are would make me think you have no idea who you are.”

Spot on dude. Age has nothing to do with knowing who you are. Each of us is fucked up on the inside in some way, in various degrees. The lucky and/or hard-working ones managed to get clear of this and grow. The timetable for this is entirely individual.

7 years ago


You’re right, all other things being equal, experience is shit.

7 years ago

Wala I felt a weird pang of jealousy for my friend…more a kind of competitive anxiety. Weird. Not weird at all… it’s an ego investment, validation feedback cycle. This is the same thing that causes this : I do feel anxiety over the possibility of rejection and now only pursue girls who give IOI’s instead of ploughing ahead like I used to do a few years back. and this: If I don’t get strong IOI’s, I don’t go for the number. Your ego is hooked on interest and getting IOI’s and as a buffer to preserve its view of you,… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Neuroplasticity tells me that experience is practice.
Practice makes permanent, more or less.

What we practice makes a difference. That’s what we become.

7 years ago

“This story deserves a post of its own. Man shames fat woman on dating site. Woman takes revenge and exposes him. Goes viral. Because…men are evil.”

That is just asking for trouble. Don’t ask for trouble.

7 years ago

What we practice makes a difference. That’s what we become. Which goes back to KFG’s example of “learning” to continue to make mistakes by practicing wrong… And what makes the difference between doing “work” and doing the “hard work”, i.e. the correct work, the right work the right way… and why going out and doing 100 opens and that’s it isn’t the way to learn really good game… No matter how time consuming it is and how much it feels like “hard” work… Arnold isn’t going to the gym and walking around drinking water and bs’ing with guys and going… Read more »

7 years ago

“That is just asking for trouble. Don’t ask for trouble.”
Yeah, I just ignore the messages from older land-whales on POW. They don’t insist.

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

got the job

7 years ago

“got the job”


hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago


Yeah I know what you are saying about the ahhhhnold thing.

I never said I couldn’t work harder — of course I can work harder than I have been. But my issue with guys like you is that you come across like I am not doing any work at all. And there is a big difference between working regularly (though not going full steam maximum overdrive push until you vomit level) and not working at all and just making excuses not to go out.

7 years ago

Hank a) good luck with the job. Good work. b) Go hard now, today. Arnold didn’t have to be Mr. Universe… he was working out, he was working hard after all… he looked good. People told him he looked good and clapped him on the back for his effort. But it wasn’t enough for him. and Mr Universe at 20 wasn’t enough for him… he had to be Mr Olympia… but even that wasn’t enough for him.. he had to do it 7 times in a row… but even that wasn’t enough for him, he had to be a movie… Read more »

7 years ago

“got the job”

Hot puppies!

7 years ago

@ Hank

Congrats on the job man!!!! Good news.

7 years ago


First time seeing this video, haven’t finished yet but 1:26 – 8:50 lmao. Man I love this shit

7 years ago

It used to be that society did the chastisement. Now individual men have to do it and risk the social system going after them shaming, character assasinating, harsh rebuttals etc. I agree that sometimes all a man can do is just ignore the bitch. It works.

Via Vitae
Via Vitae
7 years ago


Congratulations on the job! A big win like that will come through in your subcomms. Good chance you could get laid this weekend too.

having a bad day
having a bad day
7 years ago


props on the job… one more successful step on your path…

good luck!

7 years ago

@ hank

Congratulations on the job man. Keep up the momentum.

7 years ago

Sentient I’m getting much better at this so am not going for the 5’s and 6’s that sometimes throw themselves at me.

But then i’m being more cautious and attributing this to an abundance mentality—“nah, why waste my time on a maybe girl?”

There is also an extreme fear of appearing “beta”—more conscious of how I walk, how I sit, how I dress.

It’s a double-edged sword—I appear more alpha but by fretting about it, i’m being more beta….

Good set of learnings to build on.

7 years ago

“But then i’m being more cautious and attributing this to an abundance mentality—“nah, why waste my time on a maybe girl?”” I fuck only Janice at work. Why go after anything else? I have abundance. Jk I get what you’re saying how it can seem like an abundance mindset…why put in the effort, you already got three plates… It’s different though, not approaching isn’t the same as not putting up with shit from a girl. Like “what would you do if she texted you while you had VS models blowing you” yea I wouldn’t approach either lol but it’s applying… Read more »

7 years ago

@ cheupez ” It used to be that society did the chastisement. Now individual men have to do it and risk the social system going after them shaming, character assasinating, harsh rebuttals etc. I agree that sometimes all a man can do is just ignore the bitch. It works.” Imo, men have been convinced that they are no longer part of society. We talk as if we are outside of and excluded from society. Individual men do have to do the individual work, and that work starts with the women you know in your life. Every year at my job… Read more »

7 years ago


Just be alpha 24/7 bro…..

7 years ago

@ Sentient

this pic right here is how I feel every day..

comment image?w=490

but a reminder never hurts.

comment image

7 years ago
Culum Struan
Culum Struan
7 years ago

I’m still catching up with the end of the last thread (FFS) but I saw this last page, so:

1. Congratulations Hank!

2. Hank – I don’t think (from the little I’ve seen of the exchange) that Sentient is suggesting you’re not working hard enough. He’s suggesting perhaps that you are not working hard enough – more that you need to concentrate on different aspects.

7 years ago

@ Hank,

Congrats! I know how important that was for you. Hope all goes well.

7 years ago

Blax a) Lions are really amazing… I’d really forgotten till searching those pics. Just crazy. But I know what you mean… b) all is not yet lost! This shit will be like turning a battleship. It will take a generation or two to at least make this situation much more palatable. But for individual men, they should feel relief ( at least mentally ) in very short order. I’m fascinated by my one and only son… he is just 13 but has amazing instincts… I attribute this to his having 4 sisters, as I’ve not yet overtly taught him much… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago

What the hell are you, the ThunderCats now?

7 years ago

Had to go back and find the part 2 of the Mystery clip in the park… This is one of my favorites because of his NLP vibe… The phrase “You never know” is so useful in sets… I like to use it as “you never know what the night has in store” or “You never know what will happen” or “you never know who you will run into” very early in sets.. and loop back to it… But my favorite part – Culum – is when he catches the half of a half second look in her eye, and… Read more »

7 years ago

@Yollo Comanche:

Don’t be jealous of our cool logo.

7 years ago

@Rollo “I remember laughing at a Leykis 101 rule where Tom said something like if a woman you’re on a date with insists on looking at her phone or takes a call or is texting you should casually excuse yourself and leave her there to pick up the tab. I used to think that was harsh, but I understand the sentiment that makes it necessary today. Women can’t learn what men wont teach them.” lol it’s not a “drastic experience” to them in 2016, and no message will be sent…the only message that will be sent is the message they… Read more »

7 years ago

@scray @hank “so like….Sentient telling you to delete the numbers ISN’T bad. he’s trying to reinforce an ABUNDANCE mentality with you. not only that, but he’s trying to get you to focus more of your efforts on that initial interaction. IF you KNEW that your ONLY SHOT was to HOOK HER at the initial meet, MAYBE you’d do better. ” Right, and I totally GET that. And I’m sure Hank gets that too. This is the same as the marriage thing where the OMGs are like “DON’T EVER THINK IT CAN EVER FAIL OR YOU’VE ALREADY LOST”. We GET what… Read more »

7 years ago

I would embed am image of Grumpy Cat if I knew how…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

YaReally, Texting on a date isn’t “rude” to this generation and future generations. Texting is a normal part of their life. Went out last night in a college zone. Bar #1 was 20-something oriented bar with several 30-somethings scattered around. Lotsa video – football, baseball playoffs. The over 30 earnest sensible-haircut girls next to me at the bar alternated between talking, looking at their phones, and observing “The Cardinals sure suck this year”. Bar #2 was a more upscale place with lots of wood paneling, wood bar, etc. and of course lots of screens of football and baseball. 20-something man… Read more »

7 years ago

@ YaReally As I just mentioned on “For Better Or Worse,” social media is an ingrained part of our culture now, and women cannot be expected to stop using it. In my own firsthand experience I’ve seen this with the girl I’ve been seeing. I deleted my Facebook, but she didn’t delete hers. Just a quick glance at her computer the other day revealed messages from at least 15 different guys, most of which she’s having some kind of conversation with. She doesn’t even hide it from me. She’s shameless about it. When I’ve pressed her about it and told… Read more »

7 years ago

I also don’t want to be catastrophizing here, but what Ya’s saying is true. It doesn’t mean things are hopeless. But modern adaptations men have to make might include using social media, just as women do, to pursue their own sexual imperative. Women don’t give a shit, and think nothing, of having dozens of orbiters online. They don’t even THINK of them as orbiters (hello solipsism hamster). However, if you’re relatively serious with a girl, she will probably suddenly care if she notices that, on YOUR Facebook page, or YOUR instagram, you’re posting pics of yourself and getting a lot… Read more »

7 years ago


Please give me a fucking break here… You do not even have agency over your own life, and you are whining about how unsmitten women are acting and extrapolate that to all of them?

Don’t you see that the countervailing force in your life and all relationships is what men do and what they will do?

Absent their doing ANYTHING… What the fuck to they expect from women?


Fred Flange and his Rhythm Method
Fred Flange and his Rhythm Method
7 years ago

Small nuance to Rt. Rev. Really’s screed on gaming <25 yr olds as of the 4th FQ of 2016: Sadly I think he's right to use his "billionaire" concept as a default mindset IF YOU'RE GAMING THAT AGE RANGE in clubs or college-friendly bars. Not all women have gigantor social circles, and lots of standaround people (ahem) will check their phones for no reason just to look like they're busy in demand when they're just looking at their wallpaper screen. But if she's redonkulously into her phone you can surmise she won't be into you. So it seems the lesson… Read more »

7 years ago


If you have interest in The Platinum Rule and the Alpha Triad (dynamic, passionate and authentic) i suggest you watch The Affair, the Showtime series. Especially Season 2 Episode 10.

7 years ago

tl;dr This affects me directly because the girl I’ve been seeing and the girl I was working on (23 years old) both are on social media, and it’s frustrating to see the influence it has. At least back in the day when you were alone with a girl you were really ALONE with her, unless the phone rang. Much easier to resist a landline phone call than your cell phone blowing up with texts and inbox messages every 5 minutes. However, I’ll admit I’m whining here. Ultimately it comes down to: how are men going to deal with this? It… Read more »

7 years ago

The plan?

The plan is to be “doing something”… Acta non verba ad infinitum…

Do you even Latin bro?

Can you even?

7 years ago

YaReall, I see this behavior in my 21-year-old daughter. The minute I say something controversial, she’s dissing me on Twitter, and getting validation from her posse. “You gotta understand how tight the bubble has been wrapped. Society has created the perfect delusional bubble for them to live in where the man is always wrong and they’re always right (until they hit wall-age and even then it’s a battle for them to really feel the “drastic experience” and learn a lesson). The INSTANT you do something unsual, she pings her friends to see what to think about it, and they will… Read more »

7 years ago

LSCS – do you pay for her cell service?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Fred Flanging it TOH bailing might be indicated if she takes an actual call and it’s suddenly a Big Deal and she won’t get off for more than a couple minutes. Remember NO ONE that age uses their phone to talk except when it’s too complicated to txt or they’re trying to locate each other. Truth. I have experience. Co-ordinating people of diferent ages on a few projects has taught me to use different channels for different groups. People over 40 to 45 typically respond to email fairly well, a voice call is the backup. You can even call those… Read more »

7 years ago

@ya But hank has given no real indication that he’s holding back and aiming for a phone number or ejecting his sets thinking he’s going to close on the Day 2 instead. I wasn’t saying he was or anything, I was just explaining Sentient’s thought process. It’s like you guys are giving him shit for “holding back” a part of his skillset that LITERALLY DOESN’T EXIST YET and probably won’t exist until he’s fucked a handful of girls that he’s actually attracted to. He KNOWS his only shot is to hook her at the initial meet, but before he learned… Read more »

7 years ago

@sentient via this you forgot the dbols they used to pop like candy back in the day. tangent; use as needed ha i kid, I’m not even anti-steroid because I mean…at best you’ll put on no-cost 10 lbs of bloofy muscle if you don’t have everything else dialed in. I’m natty so far and tbh, people should really read Ahnold’s stuff. The MENTAL part of working out is HUGE. Most people never get much further than compound-lift skill level, which is why their arms and delts and backs and quads never blow the fuck up. You a) have to really… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  scray

Good read

7 years ago

“Acta non verba ad infinitum…”

. . . et ultra!

“It simply means men have to adapt.”

Otto Lilienthal’s last words were not, “Can’t fly, must run faster.”

7 years ago

Sentiet – No, her mother covers that. And she posts similarly when her mother does or says something annoying. Equal opportunity targets.

7 years ago

“You build 25 pounds of muscle and just combine that with 6-8% bodyfat, you automatically will have like a top 1% body at the pool. Most of the ‘look’ sex appeal just comes from low bodyfat and V-taper”

So much this…. Most people notice through baggy clothes and what not also even if you try to hide it..


[…] posted this in last week’s comment […]

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago


Nice! Now the real work begins, muahaha

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
7 years ago

Also, since we apparently have spirit cats now:

7 years ago

@ AR “tl;dr based on a tiny sliver of field observation, only way “get up and leave” is going to have an effect on a woman under 25 is if the man has sky high SMV compared to her, like male 8 or 9 walking out on a 4 or 5 who won’t leave her phone alone. The loss of attention from the IRL man is compensated for by the continuous digital attention from others via text / social media.” 2 things could happen if a man were to get up and leave. 1) If men were to do this… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago

@Blax No, Blax, I think you’re right. People are smart enough to ostracize you, smart enough to shun you for not conforming to what they expect from you, but you remain the master of your own destiny. But that’s not clucking to the Ego-centric beat; Men get attention by being tasty lambs to be killed and eaten by society, women get attention by being tasty fuck toys to be exploited by society. But I think we do this to ourselves. Blax, are you able to confidently show examples to people about how your way is better in real time? Because… Read more »

7 years ago

I posted this on a future post of Rollo’s, but I’m reading backwards and it occurs to me it’s relevant here too. Western women can also be “corrected” by Western men looking to women from former USSR countries for spouses. Women in these countries very explicitly want men to be “men”, and decent, reliable men are in very high demand. So, go where you are wanted gentlemen. Because you are definitely wanted there.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Blaximus Men leave women who won’t get off their phone. 1) If men were to do this in mass, it might just modify the behavior. If this became a ” thing ” or a movement. Not gonna happen. 2) At least the man will remove himself from the situation. True. Is that congruent with what he wants, or not? Look, let’s be clear on this: YaReally observed something about girls under 25 and their phones. I went out Thursday night near a college campus and observed girls from maybe 22 up to the mid 30’s and saw a lot of… Read more »

7 years ago

Texting on a date isn’t “rude” to this generation and future generations. Texting is a normal part of their life.

Makes me want to take out my phone in the middle of chatting with a 20-something broad.

7 years ago

But why have men become so accepting of whatever behavior women decide to display?

Because men buy the bullshit that eggs have higher value than sperm…shows how stupid some men are. Sperm from a race-winning alpha stallion has much higher value than sperm from an average stallion. Sperm from alphas has much higher value than sperm from betas.

The value scale:

alphas > women > betas

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