Planned Obsolescence


The mainstream loves a salacious story about the sexual misconducts of men. With the recent Ashley Madison data leak the narrative was one of blaming and shaming the overwhelming majority of men who signed up for an account to cheat in their spouses. This has resulted in more than one suicide. A topic of the Man in Demand Q&A session I fielded was how the Red Pill lens isn’t limited to just scoffing at the Blue Pill in popular media, but that it also gives men a sensitivity and awareness to better understand the motivations for social narratives like this.

Red Pill aware men understand that if there is an opportunity to cast blame or doubt on a man over his sexual impulse, or the consequences for allowing it to lead to behavior that conflicts with a feminine-primary social order, shaming will always be the go-to, socially acceptable strategy. Sex will always be a clichéd thumbscrew to gauge men’s personal resolve, and this is a built-in failsafe of control for the Blue Pill’s conditioning of men.

Red Pill men understand the motivating incentives for this “cheating” and that in a westernizing culture, 50%+ of marriages are clinically and practically sexless, it’s not hard to understand the want for a man to find some temporary sexual release in infidelity, porn or delusions of emotional infidelity. It’s also easy to understand how the paradox of commitment would drive such men to suicide.

This is simply one data point of many in a larger Red Pill awareness that indicates some very uncomfortable truths women need to confront; whether single or married, men will actively seek a practical solution to their sexlessness. And it is just this sexual problem solving that will ultimately challenge women’s unilateral, social and personal power over their own Hypergamy. On a limbic level women and the imperative are aware of this challenge. Thus, it’s controlled for by investing in conditioning men to feel guilt or shaming for ever embracing their masculine sexual nature. It’s a threat.

Keep this fact in mind as I explore today’s topic. Women and feminine-primary culture have done an amazing job at commodifying women’s singular, primary agency with men – their physicality and sexual availability. It’s de rigueur in the manosphere to write articles about women reducing themselves to being next to valueless to men beyond their sexual attributes. I’ve written in the past about women’s commodifying love and sex, however recently women are being forced to face the realities of making their sexuality a commodity.

What women, both prominent and insignificant, are coming to realize is that the ultimate plan of feminism (destroying the evolved, complementary family structure of parenting) is really a planned obsolescence for womankind. As I was coming to this realization I found it rather ironic that only 5 years ago we had the likes of Hannah Rosin profiting from the idea that men were (or were becoming) obsolete. Five years later it appears the fear now is that it’s women who will become obsolete in the most literal, commodified sense. That fear is beginning to show.

In the Future Sexbots will Drink Feminist Tears

If you follow me on twitter or you’re even peripherally aware of MSM gender sensationalism in a Red Pill context you’ll know that the topic du jour this week is the coming, realistic, availability of robotic sex partners and the efforts being made to legislate against their development by ‘concerned’ women. Heartiste and many other manosphere writers naturally picked up on this. I particularly enjoyed Milo Yiannopoulos’ piece Sexbots: Why Women Should Worry.

But male sexual appetites are easily satisfied, despite what women will tell you. Blow jobs really aren’t that difficult, and in any case most blokes are fine with a pizza and a wank. For many men, sex is a nice bonus, but it’s not essential. When you introduce a low-cost alternative to women that comes without all the nagging, insecurity and expense, frankly men are going to leap in headfirst.

One of the primary and evolved differences in men and women’s neural firmware is that men are natural and intrinsic problem solvers. I’ve pointed it out in many an essay; men are wired to solve problems with a rudimentary, deductive logic process. It’s one of the reasons we get ourselves into such horribly misled predicaments with women; we expect a binary, A to B to C level of reason with women (reinforced by equalist ideology) and deductively try to solve a sex and intimacy problem with them.

Improvisation and innovation are what we do to live better; one reason men naturally view women as sex objects is literally due to wiring in our brains that predispose us to using tools. So it’s really not much of a stretch to see how men will use this inventiveness to solve a need for sex. And in an intersexual social environment that’s predicated on the commodification of sex, well, you can see how the advancement of sexual substitutes and virtual sexual experiences would be driven by supply and demand.

It’s science fiction at this stage, but the ball is rolling and this is causing the Feminine Imperative to confront uncomfortable possibilities with just the proposition of having a sexual monopoly disrupted be the innovations of men.

Do Robots Dream of Electric Sin?

As might be expected, Dalrock took a shot at this story from a Christian moralistic angle – would sex with a convincing facsimile of a woman qualify as sinning?

InnocentBystanderBoston had a good comment in that thread:

Aside from the purely moral question, there is another risk regarding sexbots. Our economy is built on the expectation that men will be motivated by marriage to produce in excess of their own needs. As we continue to degrade marriage, sexbots will be there to fill the gaps.

…with unilateral divorce law and the accompanying cash and prizes awarded to the female courtesy of judges immersed in the feminist imperative, I think s-xbots pretty much end marriage. If marriage isn’t completely destroyed forever with version 2.0, the s-xbot will most certainly destroy it. And why? The s-xbot will always give you s-x on demand. It will stay at home, faithful to you. It will not spend your money and ruin your credit rating. It will not get a judge to sign a restraining order against you. It can’t divorce you and take cash and prizes. It will never age maintaining its peak SMV forever (if you believe in Rollo’s charts.) So that will pretty much be it for feminism. Without the surplus wealth created by men to subsidize the parasitic nature of feminist centric Marriage 2.0, there can be no feminism. Women are net wealth consumers. Without husbands, there lives will ONLY be in decline. The feminist imperative can NOT allow these s-xbots to be made.

On a rudimentary level feminism has always recognized that women’s only real agency with men is sex. We can see this in the feminine-centric commodification of sex, and we can see this truth in (third wave) feminism’s embrace of sex positivity – but again, only within the confines of a feminine-centric and unilaterally feminine controlled context for that sex to happen in.

The increasingly more accepted Yes Means Yes legalistic checklist that underwrites sexual relations (for what feminists know will always be defined by ambiguous circumstances) is a glaring example of this litigious overreach in an effort to lock down unilateral control of Hypergamy for women. This is the degree of paranoia that the doubt of Hypergamous insecurity inspires in those women less capable of intrasexual competition with their sisters to secure it.

When granted the social facilities to do so, women will always base their personal choices, their personal ideologies, their social order and their legislative doctrines around relieving themselves of Hypergamous doubt and insecurities. In truth, women’s evolved socio-sexual filtering ensures that there is no practical relief from this. There is no 100% assuredness of Hypergamous choice; Hypergamy doubts optimization even after the best of choices, but if given the power, women will build a social order around an attempt to mutually allay that doubt, allay that sexual competition anxiety, and all at men’s expense and disempowerment.

Becoming Obsolete

If you ever need an example of the duplicity with which the Feminine Imperative really aligns itself with equalism, look no further than how that “equality” is expressed with preferring pro-feminine solutions to social problems.

There is a fundamental fear women experience in just the prospect of not having 100% control over their sexual selection, sexual strategy and ultimately optimization of their Hypergamy. Anything that challenges women’s unilateral control of their Hypergamous power – such as prostitution, male hormonal birth control, female viagra, DNA testing for paternity and now sexbots – must be ruthlessly and preemptively legislated against if feminine social primacy is to be maintained. Even the idea of sexbots destroying women’s monopoly on sex, however fantastical, must be eliminated before it becomes a threat.

Kathleen Richardson, a professor at De Montfort University in England, serves as an excellent example of this axiom:

“Sex robots seem to be a growing focus in the robotics industry and the models that they draw on — how they will look, what roles they would play — are very disturbing indeed,” she told the BBC.

She believes that they reinforce traditional stereotypes of women and the view that a relationship need be nothing more than physical.

“We think that the creation of such robots will contribute to detrimental relationships between men and women, adults and children, men and men and women and women,” she said.

I would agree that it is detrimental in these terms, but the fear of losing feminine primacy is evident in just the prospect of sexbots.

The squid ink here is the concern for reinforcing “traditional stereotypes” of women for the almost unanimously male demographic who’d buy a sexual substitute (notice there is no call for creating morbidly obese variants of sexbots). The real fear is that men prefer that stereotype and it would force women to confront the truth that if they don’t accommodate men’s physical and psychological preferences (conventional femininity) they will progressively devalue women’s sexual agency over them by opting for the sexbot.

And that is a very pressing threat to women’s control over Hypergamy.

What were witnessing here is the acknowledgement that shaming men for their inventiveness in resolving their sexual needs isn’t working. Thus the social and legislative power the Feminine Imperative wields has to be invoked. Naturally there will be “think of the children” appeals and the admonishments of dehumanization on the part of men, but the binary truth is that women’s prime commodity (sex) could be reduced to making women obsolete.

The following is an exchange between Vitriol and YaReally from the last post.

“However, the biggest secret they all want to hide is that using money, whether doing something like you described or paying for pussy outright, is the most efficient way to get laid. If your main goal is to get laid as much as possible, does it matter whether you followed some arbitrary rules that some guy posted on the internet along the way? ”

lol brb taking a helicopter to the top of Mount Everest because it’s more efficient than those dumbasses who actually CLIMB it. It DOES matter to men who’s goal isn’t “to get laid as much as possible” but is “to get laid by girls who are legitimately into me, as much as possible”. To each their own.

If we accept the Pareto Principle as a rough guideline, 80% of men are Betas who simply don’t care to, or accept that they don’t have the capacity to, concern themselves with learning how to “get laid with girls who are genuinely into them.” They’ll create every manner of rationale to convince themselves that the girl who solves his sexual thirst is genuinely into him, or he’ll opt for the most available, most feasible, means to resolve that sexual deprivation. The ubiquitousness of free, easily accessible, streaming hi-def pornography is a testament to this dynamic.

Whether the reality of convincing sexbots is ever achieved isn’t really relevant in this equation, the fear of losing primary control of Hypergamy is what’s at stake. We see this fear manifested in criminalizing prostitution and the shame of men seeking sexual release via pornography and Ashley Madison accounts.

Recently I was asked about my take on the legal pushback on the part of women to regulate or outright ban the FDA approval of the female form of Viagra. From the socially acceptable perspective the fear is that the drug might be used as another (more effective) date rape drug. From a Red Pill perspective the fear is, once again, rooted in women’s fear of men circumventing women’s sexual strategy by chemically influencing their arousal process.

It’s one thing to forcibly rape a woman and thereby take control of her Hypergamous choice, but it quite another to prompt her into engaging in sex she is influenced to by some extrinsic means. As such, women’s sexual selection and Hypergamous optimization is effectively mitigated if not removed from the sexual equation by an invention of men. So once again we see the nervous efforts of the Feminine Imperative to ban any prospective attempts by men to exercise even a marginal control over Hypergamy.

Women have access to safe and legal abortion (a Hypergamous control), but a drug that might influence their libido and thus lead them to sexual choices they might no otherwise control and make, even the idea of that innovation needs regulation. Remove women from the sexual selection and arousal process and you make their only value – the value westernized women have systematically established for themselves – effectively obsolete.

That’s not a judgement call. Women tend to conflate their personal, intrinsic value with their sexual market value. However, in the SMP that is predicated upon women’s only value to men being sexual (not as life mates, mothers, or personal worth), the monopoly of sexual leverage becomes toothless.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] By Rollo Tomassi […]

8 years ago

Thanks for the citation. I think we’re actually on the same page about the issues of men finding the most efficient way to get sex because we’re logical, rational problem solvers. That quote from Milo’s article is great: “But male sexual appetites are easily satisfied, despite what women will tell you. Blow jobs really aren’t that difficult, and in any case most blokes are fine with a pizza and a wank. For many men, sex is a nice bonus, but it’s not essential. When you introduce a low-cost alternative to women that comes without all the nagging, insecurity and expense,… Read more »

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
8 years ago

So where can I get one of these robots? 🙂

8 years ago

Lots of social conventions and narratives crashing at once. I blame the internet.

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
8 years ago

In all seriousness though, it is ironic that the FI is responsible for the comoditization of sex. Anything comoditified is always reduced in value. Where did they think it would lead?

8 years ago

Count me in the contrarian camp re: sexbots. Sure , they’ll be available and offer men everything a woman can without the financial and emotional overhead. It won’t matter. Why?Because the Feminine Imperative is now Society’s Imperative. The default social code men are raised to obey is the FI full stop. Whether a male child is raised in a Emasculated Dad/ Empowered Mom family or a single mom household he is taught to obey the FI on pain of almost his own life. These are the ” 90%” of today; males ignorant of their own SMV and their own options… Read more »

The Judge
The Judge
8 years ago

It is a fascinating subject and too much is at stake for this to be allowed to happen. The impact on society (sexually, economically and culturally) will be absolutely profound. At first, men who use sexbots will be shamed mercilessly in the media. But that won’t work – after all, we live in a society where porn consumption is the norm. Everyone’s a wanker these days. So I expect, thanks to some bogus rationale, sexbots will be made illegal. Maybe sexbot manufacturers will be accused of making child versions, thus encouraging paedophilia. Ultimately, though, technology will win, as it always… Read more »

8 years ago

@ SD: If that happens what you are describing, then we men doesn’t deserve better !! Even though we all know how the matrix works, i still don’t understand ( refuse to understand) how such “powerful” creatures like full grown men, can behave so pathetic, disorganized and weak. It’s really a miracle to me. I hope that sexbots will be on markets soon. Not because i like to fuck a robot pussy, but because i hope that a huge amount of “beta” men aren’t available any longer then. Especially these words follwing are very important: ” It will not spend… Read more »

8 years ago

Good post Rollo. Its given me an idea for a post I hope I have time to write.

8 years ago

@ Vitriol “Thanks for the citation. I think we’re actually on the same page about the issues of men finding the most efficient way to get sex because we’re logical, rational problem solvers.” I don’t mean to rain on your parade Vitriol, but I will anyway. I’m not comprehending who (esp. not Rollo) is on the same page about buying/negotiating desire as a personal sexual strategy. You brought that up in the last thread/essay, and admittedly it is not what the point of this original post/essay is about. But don’t you see that some men do want women for their… Read more »

8 years ago

For all its being overblown, I really doubt this will significantly change things, will this really be that much better than a silicon sleeve ? Maybe the guys who use realdolls will go for it, but its just a toaster at the end of the day. A toaster with Cortana like abilities to talk ?


The thing that I really wonder about is japans herbivores, if its going to go big anywhere it will be among this population, will they even eschew sex with droids?

8 years ago

@SJF “I don’t mean to rain on your parade Vitriol, but I will anyway. I’m not comprehending who (esp. not Rollo) is on the same page about buying/negotiating desire as a personal sexual strategy.” I never said he agreed with me about that. I was only agreeing with the fact that something like sexbots are an example of men using their rational brains to take much of the bullshit and randomness out of getting sex. “But don’t you see that some men do want women for their value as life mates, mothers (who nurture his children to be their best),… Read more »

8 years ago

@SD, I agree with you that the FI will keep on keeping on. That being said, the more fearful the FI becomes, the more they will attempt to implement levels of control over men’s sexual agency. As this occurs, men will begin to wake up in groves and considering the manosphere is already in existence and growing day by day, all men will have a safe haven to come to and learn about the issues that concern us in our modern society. As this happens, more men will find ways to drop out of relations with women and find alternatives.… Read more »

8 years ago

@The Judge

Hang on a minute there! If sexbots cause men to show less interest in real women, then why would a minor sexbot encourage men to seek out real minors (though I have absolutely no idea how one could realistically satisfy that desire outside of Incest) – surely it would satisfy any desire in that direction (which in any event is merely an extention of the normal male desire for youth and fertility).

The Judge
The Judge
8 years ago


Absolutely. But that could be the twisted logic used to ban sexbots. The greatest taboo in modern society is paedophilia. Sexbots becoming mainstream would be seen as a disaster. Therefore the ultimate slur/scare tactic would be employed to stop them.

8 years ago

The thing that would concern me about the sexbots is their ability to wreck our economy. Imagine the market systems revolving around them(like gamer culture). Men are biologically driven to produce resources for wives, children, ect… The future will be men working & investing in new cybernetic upgrades for their sexbots. This will be the gamer culture on steroids, but it’s effects could be worse because gamers still date or get married and have families. It could create a drastic macro-economic shift to the likes of which we have never seen before. Men like a lot of Beta gamers won’t… Read more »

8 years ago

Rollo, On a rudimentary level feminism has always recognized that women’s only real agency with men is sex

Important point, this. Traditional women never have accepted this narrative and provide:

1) care for the sick and elderly
2) childcare
3) cooking from scratch
4) housekeeping
5) sewing/mending/washing clothes
6) beautifying the home
7) and yes, sex and companionship

Men should rethink modernity (and children or marriage within it). It’s a bad deal.

8 years ago

@Is This Thing On?
>So where can I get one of these robots? 🙂

Soon you’ll be able to buy em over the internet, just like Lars- LOL

In the US the RealDoll people have a project underway.

and the Japanese AI geeks have got prototypes with way better AI and features animation- but they don’t haven’t added the sex functions RealDoll is so good for.

They’re coming boys …

Then look for Jennifer Lopez to produce a movie on how pathetic & mentally disturbed sexbot using males are …

8 years ago

The suicide thing of men not killing the Beta before it kills you is disturbing. I had a friend blow his brains out with a 12 gauge when his wife left him. His identity was destroyed and the divorce rape that followed was brutal. I had another friend who drank himself to death with the help of some pills. I literally found him in the floor passed out & had to give him CPR until the paramedics arrived. Oh, and his son found him, called me for help, and it was a complete nightmare. It’s sad how men go into… Read more »

8 years ago

Rollo wrote: “” If we accept the Pareto Principle as a rough guideline, 80% of men are Betas who simply don’t care to, or accept that they don’t have the capacity to, concern themselves with learning how to “get laid with girls who are genuinely into them.” They’ll create every manner of rationale to convince themselves that the girl who solves his sexual thirst is genuinely into him, or he’ll opt for the most available, most feasible, means to resolve that sexual deprivation. The ubiquitousness of free, easily accessible, streaming hi-def pornography is a testament to this dynamic.”” This for… Read more »

8 years ago


I agree. Hollywood will be putting out the shaming propaganda, and as always, it will coordinated with the Government indoctrination of the youth. Yeah boys marry these washed up women “Man up” don’t do the robots Jimmy. Throw the hot dog down the hallway Jimmy and live a nice cuckolded life with the girls

8 years ago

I couldn’t agree more with you. Game is more of a way of getting the best out of life’s options. Since I’ve improved myself, the hook ups are easier, and the times I’ve been in relationships, I’ve gotten the most out of the women.
I personally feel that game helps more in LTRs. Especially if you wish to be married and have a healthy environment for your health & the health of the kids.

8 years ago

Notice that the media focused on how many men and how few women were on AshleyMadison, but ignored the opposite ratio of men/women which were on the other hacked site EstablishedGentlemen, which is designed to hook women up with rich guys.

8 years ago

And there we have it, western woman have lowered the bar enough where most men won’t bother with them.

8 years ago

“I’ve pointed it out in many an essay; men are wired to solve problems with a rudimentary, deductive logic process.” This and the recent solipsism talk reminded me of a really old post from early Tyler (pre The Game). From Page 49 of the Tyler Digest: “QUICK REVIEW (this stuff is to the best of my recollection, and its been a longtime since I read ‘The Sexual Key’.. this is the main USEFUL part of it): As explained in “The Sexual Key”, men like LINEAR progress, women like INTERNAL progress. MEN: Goal -> Goal -> Accomplishment “I got the… Read more »

8 years ago

“we aware men should actually preserve marriage wherever possible. ”

Your Blue Pill bottle is showing!

8 years ago

Also scroll down in that sexbots article to the comment section and read the “Missie Anthrogynyvous” comments for an epic hamster in a blender spin. I bet Rollo could write a dozen articles on all the solipsism (trying to shame men saying the bot will be just a sex object which stings for her but doesn’t bother us at all because she can’t relate to how men think and projects that we must be bothered by the same “he’d be my servant and I’d just turn him off as soon as he yapped too much” thing that she’s clearly bothered)… Read more »

8 years ago

“It’s sad how men go into the woman’s frame and just get absolutely destroyed by it. Never step into her frame.”

Well, sure. The problem is the nice deputy will help you step into her frame. And if you don’t, he’s going to stop being nice.

8 years ago

My first thought was great! Less competition for pussy. But maybe that would not be the case since most men don’t play the game anyway?

Would there still be as many beta orbiters?

Would there be more lesbians?

More male prostitutes?

Bachelor tax?

High prices on sperm? More artificial insemination?

Sexbots in public? Dudes taking them on dates?

Strange times.

8 years ago


My point exactly.

8 years ago

@blurkel What we are up against isn’t marriage, divorce, or any one institution. Those institutions are merely tools for legislated Hypergamy.That is the real enemy. Marrige no longer viable? The FI motivated government will cut straight to the point.Dont want to get married young man? That’s OK. You’ll be paying 60% income taxes until you man up and get a wife. Send check or proof of marriage license to 1 IRS Way, Washington DC……. As commenter “None” points out, if you decide to dodge your social obligation to support women and the FI accordingly a nice deputy will encourage you… Read more »

8 years ago

Wouldn’t the feminine-primary social order go deliriously ape shit if there was an honest dislike button? And woe betide a man would use it.

Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@Minesweeper For all its being overblown, I really doubt this will significantly change things, will this really be that much better than a silicon sleeve? Rollo mentioned (and much of the ‘sphere has gone to great pains to point out) that third wave feminism’s “sex positivity” took women’s sexual agency and made it their only appeal to men. No cooking, no cleaning, no supporting, no staying home with the kids, no being a good homemaker; those activities are all looked down on and shamed between women. While they will argue to the contrary, modern women who come with none of… Read more »

8 years ago

Cherry 2000 (1987)

I have waited thirty years for this…hopefully soon 😉


[…] the idea of sex robots, and blogged about it most favorably. Tomassi has written about the “Planned Obsolescence” of women. What can I say, it’s a Brave New World and Stepford Wives R […]

8 years ago

>>>>> A lot of our economy is Beta driven. When you go out as a single man who is very Red Pill aware, you can see the Betas wooing their dates when you scan the scene. If sexbots exist, then you can kiss that shit goodbye!!!

so, what exactly is the loss….. New versions of Windows come out much less frequently? Less start-up businesses for “artisanal” cookies and pastries?? Lesser numbers of Kardashians?

Which portions of your nearest super-mega-mall are you scared will disappear, and why do you think that such, will hurt you?

8 years ago

I am willing to bet that should the technology advance far enough for female “sex” robots to be produced and be affordable for most men that there will be a concerted effort on behalf of the societal Feminine Imperative to have these robots banned/made illegal.
In a future remake of Bladerunner, the Deckard character will be hunting sexbots.

8 years ago

” . . . the Deckard character will be hunting sexbots.”

Pris was a “pleasure model.”

If it pissed you off, you're sensitive about it
If it pissed you off, you're sensitive about it
8 years ago

Please, all of you, buy sexbots so that we can finally relax and just have a couple of drinks at the bar with our girlfriends without fending off a hundred desperate pick up negs. Maybe some day you’ll be able to program them to love and admire you unconditionally like you’re mom did and then you’ll actually piss off.

8 years ago

@Sun Wukong, no what I meant was is a sexhotbot really that better for a guy right now than a fleshlight or whatever ? The silicon sleeves are available, and fulfil a need, can a sexbot be better than that ? The sexbot will obviously have silicon washable bits, but can a machine really give a better experience than yourself or another female who can understand all the nuances etc ? A sexbot is just a silicon doll+AI?+the silicon sleeve. I just cannot connect with that at all being better than what is on the market now. Maybe you need… Read more »

8 years ago

I think sex bots will likely be in the 21st century what the flying car was in the 20th. That aside, if sex bots ever become viable for the average man I see little but upside. Imagine if the average schlub can buy ongoing, private, legal access to sex on demand. Imagine the timed freed to pursue passions not related to women. Imagine the reduction in stress. Imagine the great mass of men going about their lives surrounded by women, and not distracted by them because they don’t need women to fulfill their one particular, universal need. Oh, some will… Read more »

8 years ago

For those of you who think it will be a one time payment…just think again…you rent the operating system and it degrades over time…..a great fucking bot turns sour and dry but you can re-up her OS for a price so she ‘loves’ you again. Why would we do it any other way? This is the genius of capitalism. So glad I’m an old fucker. The women who fall within my target range are mostly running on the old set of books. I’ll die before they are all gone. @Rollo; love the issues brought up here. I’ve been behaving like… Read more »

Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@Minesweeper I think you and I are picturing a different thing. You’re picturing a silicon sleeve attached to a series of joints and motors you can tell are joints and motors. I’m picturing what’s essentially a cyborg body with AI instead of a human brain, so it moves, looks, talks, and is for all intents and purposes a physical replacement of a human female. It just lacks the shitty attitude and the hypergamy. It’s a ways off, but it’s in the realm of reality. The first few generations will not be much different from what we have now (I’d argue… Read more »

Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@bp I think sex bots will likely be in the 21st century what the flying car was in the 20th. I don’t. It’s probably a couple generations off, but the simple fact is that all the prerequisite technologies (robotics, AI, materials, biotech) are advancing at incredible rates regardless. Honestly all that has to happen is for there to be demand for the product. Seeing as “sex” is pretty much a universal demand among men, and with the sexless marriage epidemic and disenfranchisement affects the vast majority of them, I can only see demand for it climbing with the population. Flying… Read more »

8 years ago

The 2015 film, Ex Machina from which the image at the top of the page depicts is well worth a view.

8 years ago

“The long triangular grooves on the car had been formed within the death of an unknown creature, its vanished identity abstracted in terms of the geometry of this vehicle. How much more mysterious would be our own deaths, and those of the famous and powerful?” ― J.G. Ballard, Crash @Badpainter “Men would still enjoy female companionship, but free of sexual tension and frustration. Men would freed of ridiculous material expectations. Freed of the emotional maintenance costs, and time demands that come with trying to combine companionship, and sex.” @Rollo Tommasi “If we accept the Pareto Principle as a rough… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Sun Wukong The problem I see with sex bots are power supply/cost, and material durability. The second one especially. Silicone, and most elastic polymers break down over time, become stiff, brittle, and crack. They stain easily, and are sensitive to solvents and cleaning agents like bleach. Exposure to UV is bad, dyes break down with exposure to lightand change color, repeated contact with other polymers can cause damage. A fleshlight doesn’t suffer the same wear and tear as a animatronic robot which has particular problems where the soft materials are subject to repeated stresses at the joints and so… Read more »

Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@Badpainter I didn’t they wouldn’t have maintenance, but also keep in mind materials research is part of what I mentioned. Additionally, human skin isn’t all that durable. In fact, it dies and replaces itself on a very regular basis, each cell living only a few years before it becomes part of the dust in your house. It wouldn’t be impossible for someone to devise a nano machine system (already a similar idea proposed for human blood cells and immune systems) that routinely performs maintenance during *ahem* “downtime” to the skin as well. I really think they’re all very solvable problems… Read more »

bo jangles
bo jangles
8 years ago

Porn is sexbot 1.0. That has already shifted the war of the sexes greatly. How many men aren’t chasing women, because they’ve already been satiated? I suspect the satiation is onesided, because women can’t get that same sexual gratification..they need the relationship or at least game to get them excited. I feel like I’ve been blessed with timing for being born, women seem to be sluttier than ever and at the same time more willing to date older men. Younger men beaten into submission by popular culture..leaves few of us men to give women the tingles. I went to my… Read more »

Sun Wukong
8 years ago

Of course, the other possibility is a human clone with the necessary telemere regeneration systems (to negate aging) and a computerized AI brain instead of a human one in the head. That would be even further down the road and ethically dubious to some, but not an unrealistic idea within the next century I wager.

Sun Wukong
8 years ago

Pardon me, skin cells have a lifetime that can be measured in weeks. Even worse than I recalled. SJF would probably be horrified by that mistake, hehe…

8 years ago
Reply to  Sun Wukong

@Bo jingles
“Younger men beaten into submission by popular culture..leaves few of us men to give women the tingles. ”

Not so much anymore least with the redpill.

Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius
8 years ago

Imho VR will be a more readily available option before sexbots become a reality. You can combine VR with a “basic” sexbot to create a fully immersive experience. Yes, even VR is still in the developing stage, but it’s already quite good. I’d expect it to become more realistic & immersive within the next 10-20 years (given the incredibly fast development of computers, smartphones etc. I don’t think that’s an all too optimistic guess). I suppose I belong to the 80% of beta males. I’ve swallowed the red pill, but I don’t see why I should increase my SMV to… Read more »

8 years ago

Guys will go one of two ways with this sexbot stuff, just as they have with porn. Some will get their thrills virtually and rarely if ever avail themselves of the real thing. Others will enjoy the new virtual thrills for a while, but it will lose its novelty and they will eventually come back around to seeking real live women. The latter group of guys will come to the conclusion that nothing can really take the place of the real thing. Change of subject: I think the Red Pill is gradually becoming more second nature to me. I’m looking… Read more »

Desdinova Superstar
8 years ago

Poor women. They’re not going to be seen as sex objects anymore because we’ll have robots for that. Wait, why are they upset? Perhaps they actually LIKE the fact that men are sexual creatures.

8 years ago

@Karl It will shift a lot of the economy because men would use more resources on the robots, so they will not be spending money on the service end of the economy. Women who would normally marry a Beta & have kids will either be single or have IVF with a bastard in a bjorn. Imagine everywhere is a ghetto image. No man around, & reproduction without fathers present creates a lot of trashy hethens roaming the streets. It would slowly turn us into the hood. The removal of fathers whether they are Alphas or Betas, is very destructive economically.… Read more »

8 years ago

Here’s a picture of Dr Kathleen Robinson: Chalk this up as another example of the ugly feminist. And if you haven’t yet been completely convinced of the sheer utter wankery of feminist academia, these choice examples from the blurb of her presentation at an upcoming Robot Performance Festival (yes) in Prague coming up: “This paper will bring together two fields of research, the rise of companion robots with a gendered theory of attachment.” (WTF – these are specific fields of research?) This piece of academic masturbation gets to the heart of it: “I want to propose that the rise… Read more »

8 years ago

This post reveals one very interesting fact, that male sexual behaviour is in general (alphas exempted) reactive to female hypergamic designs. Sexbots aren’t a victorious male thrust, it is an imposed defeated retreat, a retreat from sexual validity, pride and self esteem. A 1/4 of men don’t reproduce anyway, so no one will miss ‘creepers’ voluntarily removing themselves from the sexual marketplace. One shouldn’t underestimate the capacity of remarrying men to monopolise the marriage market and skew sex ratios. A man remarrying a single woman effectively means one man knocks out two women from the marketplace (unless of course marrying… Read more »

Grey Beard
Grey Beard
8 years ago

Agreed that feminism will fear and fight sexbots. Agreed that sexbots will hurt the feminine agenda by decreasing the opportunity to consolidate on beta bucks. But it’s just check, not checkmate. I still think the feminist counter move to sexbots is the guaranteed wage, i.e. federal unemployment benefits, sans time limit, large enough for a single mom to afford a mcmansion, a car payment and a(nother) boob job. It will probably be written to cater to single moms, in deniable ways that can still be spun as equalist. Clearly sexbots empower betas to withhold the gravy train from epiphany girls… Read more »

8 years ago

My mind has been going non-stop thinking of ways one could market these damn things in the USA. At first, discretion would be key. Anonymous forums, reviews, websites, shipping. Discrete seminars in vegas…lol. Customization, or pre-made packages. Race, size, eye color, hair color. Want a blond asian with big tits? What about fetishes? Huge bubble asses? Non-human? Zombie chicks? Aliens? Two vaginas? A slew of accessories. Youtube videos on how to do makeup and hair. Clothing. Lingerie. Shoes. Leather. Cleaners. Maintenance kits. Perfume. Tattoos. Pussy scented lube? Matching classic sex toys, like dildos? Could they be marketed as a marital… Read more »

8 years ago

I have visions of marketing videos showing, in a classy fashion, how a man can have a real woman in his life and never have to face rejection or judgment.

Believe me, it will be a beta that gets wealthy off of these things. A beta will know how to market them to other betas.


…yes, even you can find love.

“You only live once, no need to spend that limited time alone”

“Don’t live in regret”

“You deserve a love of your own”

8 years ago

The trick for marketing will be to consider them real and never back down from that view.

They aren’t “bots” or “toys” or anything else that diminishes their value to the man that NEEDS it.

Proper pronouns. She, her, them. NEVER “it” Even call them by a real name if possible.

You NEED her, you DESERVE her, and SHE is REAL.

I might have to seriously consider this market.

8 years ago

@yaReally. I love your reversion theory. I completely agree. BTW, with your help my understanding of Game has EXPLODED this weekend. Watching those RSD guys just makes it so clear… All game is internal. A woman’s forebrain does not control her actions. Her limbic system does. You don’t to the face, you talk to the hindbrain. And you only need to say three things to her limbic system. 1. I want you. 2. I know I can have you. 3. I don’t give a shit if you deny me because I’ll just fuck the next chick. Seriously. They might as… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Andy

How are you holding up?

Dumb Pollock
Dumb Pollock
8 years ago

Screw the feminists. I will just hire a womb and buy some eggs and hire a nanny to raise my kids. I don’t need a wife for reproduction or sex.

8 years ago

In cities where young men outnumber young women, changes are needed. Unbalanced couples are everywhere: fit, good-looking, well-paid young men with short, chubby female trolls. It’s very disturbing.

8 years ago

Does this mean we Will eventually see sexbot 2.0 for sale “as is” sitting atop a used tire at some yard sale as we drive by?

8 years ago

“Does this mean we Will eventually see sexbot 2.0 for sale “as is” sitting atop a used tire at some yard sale as we drive by?”


Depends on how much they are worth new. $5000+? Then yeah, people will buy used. Cheaper than that? Maybe not.

How many dicks has the last chick you were with had? How would a bot be any different? Shit, you’d probably be it’s second dick at worst.

With chicks, you’re probably their second dick today.

8 years ago

benfromtexas – “It will shift a lot of the economy because men would use more resources on the robots, so they will not be spending money on the service end of the economy.” It will create an entirely new creative industry, similar to video games. The upper end impacts on material science and engineering will be enormous. Economies of scale will allow for technical applications in a wide range of other fields. Imagine CNA bots that lack the ethical problems of actual humans. Where funoldguy sees pernicious capitalism I see the synergy of open source development models, 3D printing/rapid prototyping,… Read more »

Fred Flange the Unready
Fred Flange the Unready
8 years ago

I bring you another dispatch from the front line of today’s high-school social scene. My guarantee: don’t believe what I am about to say here. Check it yourself, esp. if you’re a parent of one of todayz teenz in a MC/UMC environ. Then be very afraid. Dating is dead. Among cis-gendered hetero teens that is. Remember how I reported last spring that teens now just go to dances, school functions and even prom as a group of friends? None of this “boy asks girl out” shit anymore. This is now true for what in olden times would be called “dating.”… Read more »

Fred Flange the UnEveready
Fred Flange the UnEveready
8 years ago

Back on topic: in order to outlaw sexbots and VR software, a whole lot more has to fall into place. The bleating of a few feminist professors won’t do it. First there has to be a consensus, both on the left and the right, that personal bodily integrity – personhood if you like – should be outlawed. In the US this will require a constitutional amendment or a Supreme Court ruling abolishing the concept, something I do not see even this conservative Supreme Court doing, but who knows… But let’s not be too dismissive. The tea leaves tell me that… Read more »

8 years ago

Re: Sexbots – I bet betas will demand robots that treat them like shit and make them beg for sex…

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@CaveClown Used? Nah. I’m thinking rentals will be all the rage. Stop by the girl shop, I’ll take that one please. Can I get her with a blonde wig? Very good sir, $75 for 24 hours, I’ll bring her out back. Can I interest you in our propriety SuperSweet(TM) personality upgrade for an extra $15? Actually, scratch that. Men want this to feel real. They’ll be an app for that. Like Uber. You log in, type in your specs and a time and place, then just show up and she’s standing at a street corner. ‘Hi, are you Jenny? It’s… Read more »

8 years ago

Not sure on the renting. Might cross the line on “creepiness”

Hmmm but now that you mention it, what about buying a bunch of these things and pimping them out?

Could open a sexbot escort service…

Sexbot brothel…

Sexbot brothel reality show…

8 years ago

Doesn’t hypergamy exist, theoretically at least, for the benefit of the human race? Isn’t hypergamy an (admittedly highly flawed, fairly easily manipulated) form of natural selection?

8 years ago

“How many dicks has the last chick you were with had? How would a bot be any different? ”

You can install a fresh vagina in the bot.

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
8 years ago

Bad Painter-“I think sex bots will likely be in the 21st century what the flying car was in the 20th. “ But oddly, it’s got some legitimately concerned like it isn’t going to be. I hadn’t heard about any legislation against it, so I googled it and this was the first listing. It mentions Jessica Valenti and has her claiming that sexbots would further objectify women. Now that’s a paradox. Something that would make men not need women, that would actually free them from the objectifying sexual attention that they want stopped, is objectifying. Didn’t think the conundrum of… Read more »

8 years ago

“Doesn’t hypergamy exist, theoretically at least, for the benefit of the human race? Isn’t hypergamy an (admittedly highly flawed, fairly easily manipulated) form of natural selection?”

In that line of thought…

Could you argue that creating sexbots and having more lesser (beta) men check out of the procreating process cause the “cream to rise to the top” and therefore is actually a win for hypergamy?

8 years ago

There won’t be a bachelor tax because it would disproportionately affect minorities who are less likely to marry.

8 years ago

“There won’t be a bachelor tax because it would disproportionately affect minorities who are less likely to marry.”

google “bachelor tax” and “childless tax”, we essentially already do have one.

I am reminded of this as I get divorced and am switching my W-2 from “married, 2” to “single, 1”

I am paying more, much much more.

It’s a failure in most places, true. Doesn’t mean they won’t do it.

The alternative is to pay people to mate, which is what Israel did if I recall correctly. That was a failure too.

8 years ago

A bachelor tax and a marriage deduction are the same thing wearing different clothes

8 years ago

The outright denial of complementary interdependence is why equalism is so wrong. I cannot see equalism going away as a disease just because men find technological solutions to what it is they lack. In order for equalism to die (specifically the notion that women are the equal of men, rather than their complement), women must be forced to actually choose either a life of sterility, or financial dependence on another. I have no idea what the final form of that reckoning will take. It could be pandemic, it could be social unrest, it could be another world war, it could… Read more »

8 years ago

One of the major problems women have, and more than even some red pill men have, is the conflation of sexual market value with their intrinsic personal value as a human being. Isn’t that true for men? I mean once you get to that point that you are so comfortable in your own skin that you don’t care what anyone thinks of you and you start saying whatever the fuck is on your mind and doing whatever you want because you fucking love yourself and nobody is going to change your mind about that, and people love you for it.… Read more »

8 years ago

There’s basically two related points going on that are exacerbating the process of men only seeing women as sexually commodities and acting accordingly: @Fred Flange: “And ultimately, technology will do a work around (reach-around) no matter what wacky wanky laws get passed or proposed. Just as pr0n made possible the spread of photography, then film, then home video, then digital video, then streaming. Lust will find a way.” Along with this: @Rollo: “Preparing oneself to be a better wife, mother, nuturer, help-mate, etc. only serves the the nefarious wants of men – exactly the opposite of what a SIW® ought… Read more »

8 years ago

“I think you and I are picturing a different thing. You’re picturing a silicon sleeve attached to a series of joints and motors you can tell are joints and motors. I’m picturing what’s essentially a cyborg body with AI instead of a human brain, so it moves, looks, talks, and is for all intents and purposes a physical replacement of a human female. It just lacks the shitty attitude and the hypergamy. It’s a ways off, but it’s in the realm of reality.” Yes, let’s be clear on what we are talking about. When we are talking sexbots capable of… Read more »

8 years ago

That’ll be the selling point, but women wont change like that, particularly in an equalist social environment that relies on feminine-specific entitlements.

There would have to be a critical mass of unhappy women informing (intentionally or unintentionally) the next generation to capitalize on their femininity and looks at 23 and get the fuck back into the kitchen. Oh, and don’t get divorced.

8 years ago

“Equalism has taught women that men should love and be aroused by what’s on their insides so never mind trying to be what any man would prefer her to be.”

Yeah, Whenever that Victoria Secret commercial with a bunch of fatties in underwear comes on TV I tell my wife “No amount of sexy underwear or shaming is going to make a fat woman attractive.”

She gets so pissed.

8 years ago

“If that sounds like the Blue Pill endgame you’re not too far off.”

And if that sounds like a plan for the extinction of the species due to inability to compete in the environment, you’re also not too far off.

8 years ago

“And since modern Christianity is all about interpretation, I’m sticking with the (widely held, like basically every churchian I’ve talked to) interpretation that Onanism is God’s take on masturbation as well.”

Born-again since 1998, and Onan died because he was greedy and wanted his brother’s inheritance and disobeyed a direct order from God in doing so.

Oh, and this is “Stepford Wives” come to life. And I love it.

8 years ago

IMO, If a woman was left to design her own robot exactly the way she wanted her reaction would be. “There’s something missing.”

But I see what you’re saying. Take a super alpha, and then override the attraction impulse to make her the “perfect 10.” Yeah we’d be useless.

8 years ago

lol, “I designed him. He’s Perfect!” Good point.

8 years ago

When they wake up one day to find a bear in their urban yard they will complain about what is missing, but fail to identify that something is missing at the same time. Solipsistic Cognitive Dissonance.

Of course the species won’t actually go extinct; what will happen is that the last human society to reject the FI will conquer and rule the world.

Violence is the ultimate arbiter of everything.

Anonymous REader
Anonymous REader
8 years ago

Rollo I’m leaning more towards the immersive Matrix like virtual reality option for men disconnecting from the world. Even still, I’m sure the feminine imperative will lobby against it or shame users for removing their interested stake in a feminine defined reality. Doomed to fail. The only way to shut down the VR option or the sexbot option completely would involve essentiall shutting down the net and somehow making home fab of anything impossible. Not gonna happen. Shaming? How do you shmae men who hafve already been shamed nearly to oblivion? That’s one of the real lessons of #gamergate, men… Read more »

8 years ago

Okay take that trailer, imagine that AI routine put into a perfected Fembot chassis that resembles Scarlett Johansson and imagine whether the average guy would choose to stick with real women. By the way, that’s the way I think this would play out. I agree that VR will come first because overall the tech will be cheaper to implement and use than perfected robotics. It is far easier to create, to draw as it were, a perfectly formed woman right now in a simulation, and I think the AI for it will be perfected in VR, not only with the… Read more »

8 years ago

“Imagine if I were to get myself, Roosh, Heartise and maybe Paul Elam to host a debate like this to discuss women’s coming obsolescence.”

Good idea, why not? I’d like Milo Yiannopoulos in it though.

From a RP perspective the feminist talk about the end of men was always a futile attempt at dread game. And a bluff you just have to call. Men doing the same could work though. I’d do it for the fun of the outrage alone..

The Burninator
The Burninator
8 years ago

A world where betas can have sex with “women” who in all ways, including looks, actions, words, seduction, response, all of them; passes for a 19 year old Jessica Alba (or whomever your fantasy chick is) are betas who are not going to be inclined to feed the narcissistic calls of women. Orbiters disappear nearly overnight. Today’s woman are locked psychologically into 24/7 validation. Imagine that disappearing in less than a year after the first top notch sexbot line hits the shelves. They snark on right now about “Well good, I won’t have to deal with you lesser beings, I… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Andy MO, If a woman was left to design her own robot exactly the way she wanted her reaction would be. “There’s something missing.” Rollo Women’s solipsism being what it is, I’m not so sure women would realize that something would be missing until well after the fact if at all. Eh? Andy’s right, of course they’d realize “something’s missing”. The order of fried ice would be either too hot, or too cold, or too solid, or too wet. Whatever they got delivered, it wouldn’t be what they really wanted in that instant, because whatever they wanted an instant ago… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Imagine if I were to get myself, Roosh, Heartise and maybe Paul Elam to host a debate like this to discuss women’s coming obsolescence.

I’d pay for a transcript.

8 years ago

Rollo – “Imagine if I were to get myself, Roosh, Heartise and maybe Paul Elam to host a debate like this to discuss women’s coming obsolescence.” The difference, despite the best efforts of the FI, is men don’t take those broads seriously. Yeah, men are lesser than before, but all men know that we are why women can eat, sleep indoors, and enjoy flush toilets. Would you and the others have a big debate about the necessity of women it would be for realz. The ladies know they starve, and freeze without men. The FI’s pretensions fail to qualitatively differentiate… Read more »

8 years ago

“Camille Paglia argued that we should shore up masculinity because we still need men to defend our turf, do the dirty work that keeps industrial societies going, and let us focus on being women”- Stephanie Coontz, Post Munk Debate Commentary.

Solipsism anybody? Even in the defense of men, it is all about women.

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