Zeroed Out

Last week I introduced a new concept in what most men can expect at some point in their lives. This is the idea of being Zeroed Out – basically men having most of a lifetime of status, financial equity, reputation, professional & educational growth, emotional investment and other metrics of men’s life equity being erased. I wanted to detail this a bit more here now as I think much of this concept gets easily misconstrued for men.

I think it ought to be part of any Red Pill aware man’s understanding that at many points in our lives we will be confronted with the prospects of having to rebuild ourselves. Failure, rejection and disappointment will happen for you, that’s just part of a man’s life, and it’s easy to rattle off platitudes about how many times you get back up being the measure of a man. But what I’m saying is there will be times when total reconstruction of your life will be a necessity.

You will be zeroed out at some point, and how you handle this is a much different situation than any temporary setback. This zeroing out is made all the more difficult when you confront the fact that what you believed to be so valuable, the equity you were told was what others would measure you by, was all part of your Blue Pill conditioning. At that point you need to understand that there is most definitely a hope for a better remake of yourself based on truths that were learned in the hardest way.

As I mentioned last week, it’s really easy to think of this as male victimhood or that a guy is complaining about his lot in life. Empathy, especially amongst men, has always been in short supply. I’ve learned the hard way never to bring up how sick I am, how bad my job is or how little sleep I got the night before in the company of 3 or more men – because I guarantee you that one has cancer, the other works in raw sewage and the last one’s an incurable insomniac. As men, our masculinity has classically been about how well we accept and adapt to adversity, so like I said, just mentioning a guy would be Zeroed Out at some stage in his life sounds like I’m saying “menz gots it so tough”. We’re supposed to take it on the chin and come back for more.

Guys will even get competitive with each other about how hard they’ve had it and how well they adapted to a bad situation. Others just don’t want to hear about another guy’s misfortunes, and others still will just say that men are living their lives wrong if a he bases his sense of self on the opinions of others – and women in particular.

The first two are simple to address. Men are in a general state of competition with each other even if this is only ever recognized as something going on in the social background. It doesn’t necessarily have to be vicious competition; even friendly rivalries are still rivalries.

It stands to reason that men will certainly be sympathetic with one another depending on circumstance, but that competitive nature is still something winners and losers instinctually understand. Out-group men will understand this state much more distinctly than in-group men (kin affiliation is an evolved survival adaptation), but even within that in-group there will still exist male dominance hierarchies. How those hierarchies are established is contextual to societal and environmental influences, but that they exist at all is often something our feminine-primary social order would like men to sweep under the carpet for themselves.

Qualifying Value

Competition is one thing, however, the idea that a man might base his life’s expectations, and his metric of success or failure, on external qualifiers is something I’d like to explore here. Social influences, family influences and men’s (often conditioned) subconscious understanding of how he can best effect intimacy and reproduction with women according to what he perceives are their expectations of him is a point of contention. If men feel Zeroed Out at various points in life, is that ‘zeroing’ just the effect of a man having built his personal integrity and equity on a foundation of Blue Pill sand?

MGTOWs are invited to correct me here, but as I understand it, this is a primary tenet of men going their own way – a rejection of women’s qualifying men’s personal worth based on their Hypergamous standards. I get that, but I would argue that there’s more to a man’s sense of self-worth than any qualifier womankind might place on him.

It’s no secret that Red Pill aware men need to understand the Game that they’re a part of and should indeed reestimate their personal worth based on this cutting away of oneself from their prior Blue Pill deceptions. This is why I believe every man who unplugs himself from his old ideals is, by order of degree, going his own way, but where he decides to go with it and how he decides to create value in himself according his new understanding is what’s at issue. Even in creating and building a new sense of self-worth there is still the potential of men becoming subject to losing that value irrespective of how he believes it should be measured.

I can imagine that whether or not a divorced man is ‘woke’ and living by his own terms, losing custody of and influence in the lives of his children can be something of a zeroing out for him. There are aspects of what we hold as our own personal worth that can be zeroed out no matter by what metric we think we should be evaluating it by. As I’ve always said, a woman should only ever be a complement to a man’s life, never the focus of it, but regardless, we still have intrinsic value that can be erased and it doesn’t alter the fact that women, family, career peers, etc. will be affected by it.

That said, it’s just an easy cop out to just say “Well, what you thought should be valued by others really isn’t, and because you thought it was, when you lose it you lose everything.”

III. You shall make your mission, not your woman, your priority

Forget all those romantic cliches of the leading man proclaiming his undying love for the woman who completes him. Despite whatever protestations to the contrary, women do not want to be “The One” or the center of a man’s existence. They in fact want to subordinate themselves to a worthy man’s life purpose, to help him achieve that purpose with their feminine support, and to follow the path he lays out. You must respect a woman’s integrity and not lie to her that she is “your everything”. She is not your everything, and if she is, she will soon not be anymore.

This is the third commandment from Roissy’s 16 Commandments of Poon. It has relevance here because it’s illustrative of how a majority of men think about prioritizing what metric to build their personal equity on. As Red Pill aware men it’s too easy to get upset at plugged in men who are blind to some of the simplest Red Pill principles. It’s easy to lose sight of the fact that most men are still Blue Pill and will fight you just for suggesting they might be wrong about the reality they find themselves in. They need that comfort even if they fail to see it will potentially be their undoing.

More importantly, we need to remember that the suicide rates I quoted in last week’s essay are based on men who built their own personal value on what their Blue Pill conditioning embedded into their psyches for a lifetime. That’s what we’re up against, and until more men come to unplugging this sad fact will continue. This is the gravity we’re faced with as Red Pill aware men trying to help other guys unplug. It’s not just about how a guy can get himself laid better; it might be about saving his life.

As I was saying in the last post, my brother in-law killed himself because he was convinced for a lifetime that by sacrificing every ambition and ‘doing the right thing’ he would be appreciated for it all. The Blue Pill quite literally killed him. He was convinced that he couldn’t live without his ONEitis of whom he’d made the “center of his existence”. Remove that center and he ceased to exist. Tragically though, his was only one story that mirrored countless more men’s. We live in a very dangerous age for men. The Blue Pill is even more of a liability today than it was in times past, because we live in an era that encourages men going all-in in their life’s investment in that conditioning.

Seeing that men build their sense of self-worth on this false ideology is obvious. And yes, we should make ourselves our own Mental Point of Origin, but more important is realizing that our lives depend on Killing the Beta and discarding the idealistic hope that our personal equity ought to be measured by a Blue Pill metric. One reason I take umbrage with Purple Pill hack ‘life coaches’ is because this is the dangerous value system they can never let go of and encourage other men to readopt.

Men will find themselves Zeroed Out at various stages of their lives, but if those guys are still mired in a belief set that the Blue Pill has convinced him is the only legitimate way of valuing himself he’s positioned to become another suicide statistic. And the real tragedy is that its this false evaluation that will lead most men to it – all the while he hears ‘atta boys’ and positivity thinking mantras from others who really don’t know what else to say.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago

Underneath it all, for men, there is no metric for “cutting losses and moving on”. Quite the opposite “do whatever it takes to make it work!”

Reality is, at that point she has left the relationship some time ago, the make it work advice is jello to wall nailing. If the Red Pill can teach Blue Pill to “cut losses and move on” then some actual good has been accomplished.

6 years ago

[…] Zeroed Out […]

James R Rector (@Israfulll)

I recently “Zeroed out”. Hit the reset button after 17years of marriage ending in divorce. The Red pill broke my blue pill miasma (which vile conditioning had me seriously contemplating suicide) and pulled me from the brink. My life is now anew and future bright thanks to the Red Pill.

6 years ago

It’s been my experience a lot of women leave a marriage a long time before they physically go, generally after shes made an emotional transfer to another man and he’s taken the bait. Nailing jello to the wall is a good description. Many of the metrics women consider in a successful man are what society thinks as well, so it’s hard to mentally get around that without getting to the “Fuck it, enough!” stage, a stage many men never get to and pine for years over their lost marriage. For middle class or lower men over 50 this is particularly… Read more »

6 years ago

IF – Kipling

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

The whole poem is well worth reading.

6 years ago

Evolutionary psychology defines sex mates, friends and trading partners as basis for finding one’s self worth. All of this are in the flux and recalibration is name of the game. However there is also thing called self audience – self value judgment independent of surrounding society. So one can lean heavily on self audience minimizing sex mates share. MGTOW is denial of any value of woman to men’s life except maybe for recreational one. In MGTOW ideally there is even no shred of doubt regarding men’s self value, no less that any random bitch would have any say in it… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

“…empathy, especially amongst men, has always been in short supply…” must disagree, I personally have only ever really gotten much empathy from men, hardly (if) ever from a woman; I contend empathy is a masculine trait and sympathy feminine; a woman’s solipsism prevents true empathy but sympathy still offers a motivation to nurture w/out the burden of truly ‘feeling’ another’s emotions; I myself have too much, but that’s not relevant here except that I know I can more fully express my empathy with my son than I could ever do with some other male, especially a stranger or mere acquaintance… Read more »

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
6 years ago

I’m just comment on mgtow as I understand it. I don’t think they consider themselves rejecting women’s qualifying criteria, but rejecting the notion that men and women need each other socially. I saw a tv show on pbs about car restorers and car enthusiast. One of the persons that they interviewed and follow around mentioned that he doesn’t see any women worth trying to get along with and they don’t seem to want to get along with him so that suits him just fine. And that’s part of it. He found all the enjoyment he felt he needed in searching… Read more »

6 years ago

There is another aspect to this – IF your mission is one that is socially approved, the kind that your wife could put on her FaceShit page and her ‘friends’ would give her a thumbs up, it’s not that hard to get her to buy in to that and follow you. You have the suburban life, the corporate job, the new cars, the kids in karate class. On the other hand, if you want to do something even a little bit unique or special with your life, I can guaran-damn-tee you that your wife won’t be eagerly following that mission… Read more »

6 years ago

” On the other hand, if you want to do something even a little bit unique or special with your life, I can guaran-damn-tee you that your wife won’t be eagerly following that mission no matter how much Game you apply. “ I 100% disagree with this statement/manner of thinking. Who’s frame is it? Wasn’t this established well before any vows were exchanged? And then there’s this – ” There is another aspect to this – IF your mission is one that is socially approved, the kind that your wife could put on her FaceShit page and her ‘friends’ would… Read more »

6 years ago

Oh yeah,

All the Married Red Pill dudes, almost all of them lead very proscribed lives – lift bro, frame bro sure – but try to lead a real & authentic life, one that requires true effort and sacrifice – women see no value in that.

Because, it’s all about her.

6 years ago

… damn gif fail. Again.

6 years ago

Rollo – you are becoming a master at finding creepy art.

6 years ago
6 years ago

I was surprised by that one, although I should know better by now.

comment image

I heard about it, and some dude at NPR . when I was trying to find out if any more bombs went off in NYC today.

At this rate, the unemployment rate is going to start to rise soon.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

Desire cannot be negotiated. Pretty sure I learned that here, and I use the concept more than any other to gain the attention of men that are still blue pill. This idea often resonates with them due to personal experience with trying all manner of things to get some woman to want him in the way he hopes to be wanted. If you explain it even a little, they usually see how they tried that and it doesn’t work. It never works. Of course they tried it, because they’ve tried to negotiate everything in life. I once lived exactly the… Read more »

6 years ago

I just got divorced at 65 (her choice), and she took half of my hard earned savings. She saved nothing because she knew she could get at mine. Then I got laid off from work, so no chance to recover lost ground financially. For me, I’m living the bad dream of losing my lifetime of status, financial equity, professional growth, emotional investment. All erased. I have to say, it sucks. I used to believe in blue pill. But blue pill is a crock. I believed if I played by the rules, I would get my reward. A happy retirement with… Read more »

6 years ago

when I was trying to find out if any more bombs went off in NYC today.

Blax —

Turns out there were some other bombs, heh ….

6 years ago

Rollo, please comment on New Yorker’s “Cat Person” controversy.
This fictional story about awkward sex resonated with millennial women. Women are claiming “me too”, and blaming the patriarchy for their emotional labor trying to please men on dates.

The story is about a woman’s internal dialogue. Clearly the male character doesn’t “get it” and turns her off by being too needy and clingy. After her rejection, he confirms her misgivings by sending a butthurt text calling her a “whore”. But really, it’s all about her feelings.

Ajax Parallax
Ajax Parallax
6 years ago

Any recent bombs you say?

Popular daytime TV show
Culinary empire

Zeroed out. (Well, not quite but definitely reduced)

It’s now reached the point where an accuser didn’t like the way he “hugged” her from behind decades ago.

6 years ago

I’m running into something new…maybe some of you guys in LTRs can tell me what’s going on. I invited people to a party at my place. Of course, Mrs. Gamer will be there. Some of the girls like me and I wonder how being around Mrs. Gamer will affect them. Maybe some of you all have had a similar experience.

6 years ago

Cat Person- that was incredibly interesting. The story confirmed much of RP theory, but most woman reading that, and the one writing it, attributes a totally different meaning to it.

The internet commentary on this one will push the goal posts, imo. I agree – it would make for a great Rollo post.

I’m on it

6 years ago

How do you think it will affect Mrs Gamer, and does it matter?
I’ll be curious to hear how it goes.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Just an aside: used to be there a “pattern of (something)” was required to be more than just “he said / she said”, but now our witch-sniffers are satisfied with “she said”, no corroboration required. It’s the previous Administration’s 51% rule for Universities running loose; “believe the women no matter what!”.

It’s still all late hits on Betas. But at some point we’ll get into completely made up accusations. If we are not there already…

6 years ago

“I sat on the phone today selling asset after asset to meet her court ordered settlement. If I didn’t sign the agreement, if I didn’t cough up the money, she would happily take me to court and grind me for everything she could get, and get me to pay for her grinding. I knew the courts would gladly oblige her. ” brutal (how many blow jobs in the last year of the marriage? last ten? what was your cost per bj over the total marriage? I bet it was quite a bit more than a gorgeous 18 year old hooker… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago


You fucking psycho. I love it.

Ajax Parallax
Ajax Parallax
6 years ago

@fleezer, damn, F yeah, baby. Pyrrhic victory all the way down. Nice. Wow, I just learned a new phrase from that Cat Person commentary article – *enthusiastic consent* One woman went as far as to say that bad sex with a man (meaning regrettable sex that you aren’t really into) isn’t technically rape but it comes close. So, tell me, of the fellow men in here who have had sex with at least a dozen or more women, did they all express their overt *enthusiastic consent*? So, tell me, that book women were all gnashing their teeth over and giddy… Read more »

Ajax Parallax
Ajax Parallax
6 years ago

Oh, and this just in:

Marshall Faulk, Donovan McNabb and Keith Evans, NFL Network analysts, have all been relieved of their jobs tonight after new sexual assault allegations.

6 years ago

Mostly MGTOW here. MGTOW is mostly a freeform community, cafeteria style. I’ll take a little of this, I’ll skip that, etc. For me, going my own way in part has to do with not ‘living up to’ female demands, but mostly, it’s the legal risk. I got game. Admittedly, I still don’t know how to compete with the validation machine in her pocket, but if I can get her to put it down, I can still work it. Mostly, for me, it’s the legal risk. It’s like back in the 90s, when political correctness first raised its ugly head and… Read more »

The Solitary Silver FoX
The Solitary Silver FoX
6 years ago

Gentlemen, it seems very fucked up for y’all over there in the US of A. It doesn’t seem as bad down under from my vantage point, though i’m not really playing the game too much anymore, or at least, as enthusiastically as i used to. Fortunately i never married and never had kids, whilst my younger bro’s second “wife” is preggaz with his fourth, and he’s nearly 50?! Fucking crazy if you ask me. Personally i don’t know what all the fuss is about when it comes to breeding and passing one’s progeny on and so forth? Really, gentlemen? Climate… Read more »

6 years ago

The last post was great. This one could do with another round of edits or two I think… Rollo shout consider hiring an editor to give him feedback and sharpen his copy – difficult post to read. I think there was also probably a mistake in this line:

“…we still have intrinsic value that can be erased and it doesn’t alter the fact that women, family, career peers, etc. will be affected by it.”

The hell does that mean??? There was also an error in an earlier paragraphs with an extra ‘a’.

6 years ago

Lol autocorrect – *should (not shout)

6 years ago

Actually, think I get that line – we are either of utility to people or a burden. Just didn’t think the article was cohesive (more, scattered overall). It seems that the balance of RP is not becoming isolated or nihilistic. The challenge I have is building male communities that don’t let the competitive drive tear itself apart. I recently borrowed £100 from a friend in order to deepen our bond i.e. men bond through transactions. It’s difficult distancing from close BP friends, but they kill your aspirations through subtle effeminate influence of low expectations. Good RP friends will invest in… Read more »

6 years ago

@batfish55 use JustinWayne’s approach – video recording glasses. Document enough evidence that you can trick her in court into saying something to which you have tantamount evidence to the contrary. Get a few hours worth of video and ask specific questions.

6 years ago

If you’re Zeroed-Out, using Jordan Peterson’s self-authoring is critical, so you know where you are when group pressure heats up on your ass. If you’re artistic write music. I’ve literally made an album analysing my past and steering my future/present.

6 years ago

I’m technically at a really low point right now, but its also filled with potential for prosperity a few months from now. Writing out (and analyses like this) keeps my eye fixed through the cloud and mist and storm.

6 years ago

Another form of getting zeroed out is getting CUCKED. The moment you start catching feelings you’re exposing yourself. To add on to this, guys that are into game need to becarful not to fall in love with girls falling in love with your game. Even though you are ahead of most men you can see the blue pill conditioning creeping up on you by getting attached because she is, it will slowly eat away at you. “Despite whatever protestations to the contrary, women do not want to be “The One” or the center of a man’s existence. They in fact… Read more »

6 years ago

@wwkkd Yea…but can’t you see there’s already a problem if those sorts of steps are necessary in today’s society?

Besides, I’d be fired and ostracized loooong before anything even went to court.

6 years ago

Wow, I just learned a new phrase from that Cat Person commentary article – *enthusiastic consent* Yep, that’s the newest goalpost move. We went from No means No (which meant that if she doesn’t say no, it’s on … which pretty much is the basic human mating script) to “affirmative consent” (“may I kiss you now” … “may I lick your breast now?”, etc., per the “rules” required before any physical contact *and* at “each stage of escalation”). Very few people actually follow affirmative consent, as we know, but it’s the rule at most colleges and universities. It isn’t the… Read more »

6 years ago

@ nova

” basically all sex with Betas is rape, that’s the intention”.

It does look like that’s where we are headed, sucks to be a beta in the SMP.

Alpha farms and Alpha sperm banks are looking more and more likely going forward, or full on economic and societal collapse followed by a reset looking like the other outcome.

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
6 years ago

This 30 years later thing makes me realize that alphas aren’t any safer than betas these days. What pisses a woman off more than not getting the alpha she thinks she deserves? If you acquire any amount of fame in your life, you better hope none of your past pump-n-dumps recognize you. All it takes is one accusation these days, and it is pretty hard to game a woman you haven’t even seen in decades. Alpha widows now have all the means required to exact vengeance on that long lost alpha.

6 years ago

“Alpha widows now have all the means required to exact vengeance on that long lost alpha.” Or a Beta widow who discarded the beta into the “friendzone” in her prime, but the beta went on to be Rich and Famous with a trophy wife, while SHE is a post wall single mother living on welfare. How dare the beta fool her divine Hypergamous intuition. He was supposed to live like a loser, how dare he go out and make a success of himself …. and SHE was his first love … how could he forget her and marry another pretty… Read more »

6 years ago

@mitch, @ajax More commentary inspired by “Cat Person”:

ELLA DAWSON “I haven’t had much bad sex since that water polo doofus because it dramatically raised my standards”

ALEXANDRA “Sadly, many of us take charge and stop acquiescing to bad sex only to start again as we age, gain weight, and/or suffer depression or self-doubt. A lesson not only for the twenty-year-old but the fifty-year-old.”

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
6 years ago

Roy Moore gives me a bit of hope. Not because I know anything about him, just that he didn’t immediately roll over when the accusations came. Interestingly, he has a large number of women supporting him. Thankfully he isn’t in a position where someone can just fire him because “believe all women”. He’d be gone by now if the GOP had anything to say about it.

6 years ago

The “male feminist” virus primarily affects men on the left side of the political spectrum. The men on the Right do not capitulate under pressure. Look at Trump, he apologised for the tape and brushed it off as “locker room talk”, which it was. And he outright denied the countless “allegations” and in the absence of any recorded evidence he is innocent until proven guilty.
What message does it send when someone like Al “Frankenstein” resigns saying “it is the right thing to do”? – that he is admitting he is guilty.

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
6 years ago

That Ella Dawson article isn’t completely evil. At least she owns it when she gives consent she later regrets. I think we all agree that starfish sex sucks. Women should reserve sex for the times they are absolutely dying for it. Men should also get up and leave the minute they see the starfish.

If you want to see real crazy, read the first comment after the article.

6 years ago


I saw the water polo guy comment yesterday. Lol. Textbook. These women do *not* realize what they are saying. I find it fascinating how willfully in denial women are about male sexuality. Cat Person and related commentary is going to be seminal. should be required reading for RP men. BP men will read it and either it will help them wake up, or it will contribute to their own degradation.

6 years ago

Actually, women probably are more in denial about their *own* sexuality more than they are about men’s.

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
6 years ago

I think she is very aware of what she wants. She just isn’t aware of the consequences.

6 years ago

@ Dr. Zipper

Good stuff. Empathy vs sympathy.

Beyond childhood, I’m the better parent, for my daughter too. Men empathize more. Women parent with self preservational emotion draped in reason, the law reinforces this.

The kids lose when dad is rended into a walking wallet, the system takes its self preservational cut first.

It’s tempting to dump vitriol on women as they play the game effortlessly, calculatingly, naturally. IMO, women, BP men are useful fools, here.

6 years ago

“As men, our masculinity has classically been about how well we accept and adapt to adversity, so like I said, just mentioning a guy would be Zeroed Out at some stage in his life sounds like I’m saying “menz gots it so tough”. We’re supposed to take it on the chin and come back for more.” “This is the gravity we’re faced with as Red Pill aware men trying to help other guys unplug. It’s not just about how a guy can get himself laid better; it might be about saving his life.” Saving a life has always… Read more »

6 years ago

“Actually, women probably are more in denial about their *own* sexuality more than they are about men’s.”
“I think she is very aware of what she wants. She just isn’t aware of the consequences”

Women feel. They’re naturally clever rationalizing their feelings but beyond that they’re hapless when real work must be done. It’s a feature not to think what benefits her or not. The pro: Easier, effective that way.The con: It leaves room for manipulation, from men the legal system.

Watch what they do.

6 years ago

Interestingly, he has a large number of women supporting him.

Also pastors and that’s good to see.

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
6 years ago

“Women feel” This is why MGTOW has to be part of the solution. Until women feeling lonely outweighs women feeling victimized, none of this will change. Any man who isn’t at least within striking distance of being in the top 20% should be MGTOW, both for his own good as well as the good of other men. Not that I think this is going to happen. Too much Blue Pill in the world. When a man first discovers the red pill, MGTOW should be his default position until he figures the game out. He can decide what game he wants… Read more »

Chump No More
Chump No More
6 years ago

“So WHAT your Mission is, plays a big part in all this too. All the Married Red Pill dudes, almost all of them lead very proscribed lives – lift bro, frame bro sure – but try to lead a real & authentic life, one that requires true effort and sacrifice – women see no value in that.” Passion for your Mission (authenticity) isn’t just a big part, it is *the* part. My wife often tells me that my passion and prioritization for what I do was why she was initially drawn to me and why she continues to follow now.… Read more »

6 years ago

“This is why MGTOW has to be part of the solution”

IDK, friend. As feelings change, her feelings can be actively led to your benefit (and her too).

I should be more explicit.

Women are not the enemy. We’re pawns until we choose not to be.

Chump No More
Chump No More
6 years ago

@fleezer nails it…
“men should not fear the inevitable zeroing outs of their lives. they should look forward to them as turning points and launch pads. great things can happen when a man has nothing to lose”

A RP aware man looks at a zero-ing out like any other event in his life… an opportunity.

6 years ago “Of course, again, not the legal standard, but that doesn’t matter that much — as we can all see what is happening right now is that the legal standard is being marginalized, because people can be destroyed in our media saturated environment without any involvement of the legal system at all, and the standards that apply in that extra-legal environment are the ones that the FI wants to apply, whether the legal system applies them or not. There are a few ways to look at this, but one obvious one is that this is a way for the FI… Read more »

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
6 years ago

“IDK, friend. As feelings change, her feelings can be actively led to your benefit (and her too). I should be more explicit. Women are not the enemy. We’re pawns until we choose not to be.” Are we not saying the same thing? MGTOW is the first step in choosing not to be a pawn. It isn’t very realistic to expect the average blue pill beta to read the rational male over a weekend and instantly transform himself into Chad Thundercock. It takes time to unwind the lies and rebuild from the ground up. While that process is taking place, he… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago I was going to give this link as a goof… how to put civilization back together after the shtf; then I realized it’s also a compendium of men’s efforts and achievements to getting women’s asses out of flea-ridden caves and into the salon chair to discuss their oppression while getting their hair done it’s the longest running example of soft power ever known… the greatest con ever is the trope of helpless women at the mercy of the patriarchy; the truth is that men and women need each other and any imbalance is a negative; on the whole, it… Read more »

6 years ago

Watching Colin Cowherd on Fox Sports as I type this, because he just said something that jumped out at me. He’s talking about having ” bad days ” in the context of the dolphins beating the patriots last night. He says ” everyone has bad days ” then he lists some of his bad days/experiences. He says when bad things happen, he always asks himself the next day ” what’s really changed? “. Then, he said this. ” I always ask myself 4 things to give myself perspective – 1) does my wife still love me? 2) are my kids… Read more »

6 years ago

@ITTO Ah, I see. I agree if he’s needs to disconnect first. I find ithat unnecessary though. If anything men are adaptable and quickly so. Anyways Chad Thundercock or BP Beta aren’t our only options. There’s a lot of life, including women, to be lived in between. True, we’re probably talking two sides of the same coin. Men getting better, choosing what suits them. MGTOW, by its title alone, seems drastic, but there’s a season for that too. Not for most guys. They’re Alpha up away from reconstruction, can improve their lot, LTR, whatever else, keeping his strengths, ridding himself… Read more »

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
6 years ago

Unlike the prominent MGTOW in the sphere, I don’t view it as a stable state. I view it as a necessary transition state, both on an individual level and as a society. Things are out of balance. Balance needs to be restored.

6 years ago

Also in the UK, school boys are now the new target of the FI.

While I do not condone sexual assault, calling this an “epidemic” is sinister and it is clear that the agenda behind all this propaganda is emasculation of boys at a very young age.

6 years ago

“This means no more “liking” every post from every girl he is orbiting”

I know a chick who is sort of cute. Very pretty face, nice rack. Single mom with twins. The other day she posted a blatant “fishing for likes” selfie on Instagram. Makeup done, cleavage exposed. A few likes but nothing astronomical. The lone comment being a “gorgeous” from the biggest beta schlub I have seen. I don’t think that went as well as she had hoped. LOL

6 years ago

“Things are out of balance. Balance needs to be restored.”

6 years ago

“calling this an “epidemic” is sinister”

It’s a negotiation tactic to exaggerate the severity of the position as any future loss or factual corrections are hedged by the initial emotional gain.

If anything those who manipulate red line a serendipitous moment. Epidemic, rape, sexual abuse and many other trigger words are experiencing tachyphylaxis socailly.

It’s a one way ratchet.

6 years ago

@Ronin I feel your pain. Like you I went through divorce later in the game. I married later, thinking I was ready, what a fool I was. My son is 19 and moved back in with me a few months ago. I made a lot of sacrifices but got him through a great tech school and he is about to embark on a nice career. I was 46 at the time of divorce, 57 now. The zeroing out is rough at this stage of the game. As you said, less time to recover financially. You say you won’t hold any… Read more »

6 years ago

” basically all sex with Betas is rape, that’s the intention”.

It does look like that’s where we are headed, sucks to be a beta in the SMP.

Which is going to be really unfortunate for everyone, because betas are the guys who make society function. When enough of them check out the country becomes weak and brittle. A man doesn’t fight for a society in which the social contract contains only obligations – he’ll unfold the lawn chair, crack open a beer, and watch everything collapse.

6 years ago

Mark, “I am schooling my son on red pill concepts to help protect him.” RP isn’t just playing not to lose, we play to win, too. Is he receptive? I’ve found young guys are. Your investment here will pay off in spades. Some of my fun and funniest times are watching my sons personalize RP. It a natural part of their life now. They don’t fear rejection, know LJBF avoidant tactics, remian mysterious, see the real natures of women and work with that. I really didn’t have to teach much, just countenance RP dating. That’s all it takes, I’ve found.… Read more »

6 years ago

Incubus Rising
Things are really going to go downhill when metoo filters down to elementary school so the education bureaucrats and child-psych people get their mitts on it.

“Epidemic” by the way is media-speak for “any possible trend we don’t like” — bearing in mind that “trend” is media-speak for “Anything we can find more than one instance of.” That British story doesn’t even rise to their own flimsy standard.

6 years ago

Much to say about ‘Zeroed out’. Used in a blog post, it does not carry nearly the weight or magnitude of the real thing. I come from a place having lost nearlly all life-equity from a 20 year stint as a married family man, 3 years ago. I’ll leave the background story there since I’ve already elucidated much of it. Man problems after a 5 year marriage, trying to get laid in your 20’s, overcoming your weaknesses or shortcomings.. all those things… Child’s play, compared to waking up at 43, having been settled into a successful BP life, expecting it… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

tuffLuv… tuff read, but I am one of those who empathize; your words absolutely nailed many many things better than I’ve seen elsewhere, thanks the thing with empathy… one has to have actually had the same feeling/experience before it can be empathized; only those who’ve walked the same path can know; you’ll never get empathy from anyone (male or female) if they’ve not endured losing most if not everything they value; you might get sympathy or a sense of understanding that ‘something bad’ happened to you — and that’s not a bad thing — it’s just not exactly the same… Read more »

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

@kraMMark Fuckin’ A right I’m bitter. Naturally a man would be. But it’s not worth hanging on to for the rest of your life. That would only mean that she still has a grip on you, like the blue pill beta having his world made or broken by what some chick does or thinks. It’s handing her an unearned victory and will ultimately hold you back. You said your recovery is well underway and your son is poised for success. Seal the deal by moving on from her in every way. Don’t let her live inside your head and taint… Read more »

6 years ago

Co-sign the observation of creepy art. Regarding it, specifically the posture: fuck that.

6 years ago

Rollo: A good post. The concept covers one of the most important things a man needs to learn, i.e. that just about every one of us will get zeroed out at some point. It can be anything. It can be loss of a job or house. Bankruptcy. Loss of wife through death or divorce. Loss of kid to death or drug abuse or family strife. Or it can be what brings a lot of men to the Red Pill – the destruction of all your pretty lies in one fell swoop. Everything you thought was true, wasn’t true. Everything you… Read more »

6 years ago

@sailor To each his own of course, but you must have a much more exciting life than I. Being checked out from the modern narrative, and the isolated nature of my job.. I can only be inside my own head for so long. Yes, I have many male friends but they are dispersed widely and often busy with their own lives. So yeah, for me, I don’t even mind listening to miss-talk-a-lot, my current gf. She’s smart, successful, and well spoken. It’s something I do enjoy. There’s no lack of the good stuff, and we are only together 2-3 times… Read more »

6 years ago

“Maybe this post is more harmful than it is helpful to others.”

Oh fuck no. You’re one of my heroes,TuffLuv. Just awesome.

6 years ago

@eh Well that means a lot, thank you. Spewing this stuff on this site is part of my healing.. but if it serves others in any way, that just makes it much more rewarding. Keep in mind that I gained a ton of strength from this site during my downfall.. From Rollo, and from many of you commenters. Too many of us remain silent while our own lives are good. Like myself, in the example I gave of the divorcees I met during my marriage. Not just here, not just with regards to women, but in many different forums of… Read more »

6 years ago


yep you’re right. That’s exactly what it is. I’ve certainly resisted the temptation to bring her closer, to have her at my disposal 24-7, to do the ‘next-level’ thing.. So I guess we’re on the same page. She is a leisure activity for me, and I am as well for her. It works, and the drama is minimal.

6 years ago

Here’s a zeroed out case from a ruling issued by Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice

The husband owes his ex-wife $830,735.59

His total income right now is $1,283 a month in disability benefits. He has no car, no assets, and no furniture. He filed for bankruptcy in 2013, and lives with his parents in a small house.

The children are all adults and well educated. The ex-wife remarried and has a very comfortable lifestyle and has accumulated a considerable degree of wealth.

The ex-wife goes to court seeking to garnish her ex-husband disability benefits!

6 years ago


Recently I Was at a crossroads between a court fight or take the punishment running. I remembered what you’ve said re: your split: Do not enable the system, run through the flames and start over.

Your advice helped. I cut some losses, paid only one retainer fee, and have essentially enjoyed my life since.

6 years ago


Great story, thanks for sharing. It puts the meat on tje bones of Rollos essay, which doesn’t give much of a feel for what its actually like to be zeroed out. As I was reading I wondered if I knew you – sounded verbatim like a former boss of mine – (except hes only got 1 son). Tip o’ the hat for pulling through and coming out stronger.

“I will win motherfuckers. I will win.”

Lol. Soundss like you already have.

6 years ago

Excellent decision! .. imo

Good to hear man. It’s sad to say that is best case, but in the family courts, I believe it is.

6 years ago

@batfish55 “Yea…but can’t you see there’s already a problem if those sorts of steps are necessary in today’s society? Besides, I’d be fired and ostracized loooong before anything even went to court.” Like TuffLuv put so powerfully, a man without pussy is a man denying his biology. I’m not purchasing a sex robot. Even in London there are plenty of girls who are dtf. It wasn’t too long ago that I threw a chick with a thick muscle booty onto my bed and doggied her after she played the hard to get act. When a chick plays it coy, just… Read more »

6 years ago

I hear you loud and clear sailor.. I agree with you in principle.

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

funny, at this very moment I’m pondering my response to my ex’s last minute attempt to re-negotiate some of the terms of our settlement/decree it’s like a microcosm of our whole dynamic…. I had been too generous with our initial agreements and now, the poor l’il oppressed and abused attorney with tons of legal experience is finding it hard to make ends meet so somehow I should come up with more for her; I must be stupid to think that my generosity and easy terms would have greased the wheels to getting this shit over with… instead, it seems to… Read more »

6 years ago

In a sense we have the best if both worlds. Even when women played by the rules so to speak they still probably played ‘restricting and purifying my pussy’ manipulation games, saving their best sex for psychological influence or a chance cuckold encounter. Now a guy knows exactly how to get lusty sex plus there’s the option to choose a long term mate who sees him as alpha. Beats being a tied husband in the middle ages blindly being controlled by his crazy spouse. Evolutionarily this hypergamy shit is amoral … And arguably moral in terms of ensuring the Destiny… Read more »

6 years ago

But still never forget, a woman is lower than the belly of the ocean. Which means any one who wants a chance at quasi-commitment from a man about it has to undergo severe training without exception and prove herself capable of learning from mistakes.

This will also doubly save her time and money from getting this sort of mental leash experience, she subconsciously knows she needs, from erotica books.

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

@palm – USA

I can’t blame her, it’s worked so well for so long, who wouldn’t keep tapping the lever?

comment image

6 years ago

If you’ve been Zeroed-Out an invaluable tour guide accompaniment through the seven rungs of hell is Ether Vilar’s ‘The Manipulated Man’. It will add a surreal dark tragi-comedy theme-line to the experience that might even have you laughing out aloud during your commute to your cubicle cell.

6 years ago


ive always thought it would only take Darwin himself a year to become a moron if he were suddenly as arousing to women as a 10 is to men.

6 years ago

It’s simply a reality beyond drug addiction as society actually rewards your use of face paint, skin cloth and other tools of innocent double-think whore-ry.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago


“countenance RP dating”

What is this exactly?

6 years ago


Spinning plates, provide girls companionship, a little something only after sex, buying them rubbers, never supplicating, never asking, nexting, keeping a 2/3 line of communication, realizing they are the prize, no benefit negotiating with girls…you know, all the items BP dad’s wouldn’t suggest per se .It goes on and on.

6 years ago

When women rule the world, I’m going to check a bridge’s privilege before I bet my life on it:

6 years ago

Thanks for the comments @EhIntellect My son is receptive to RP so that’s good. He sees how his mom has traded up with each successive guy after me. I also try to help him not disrespect her too much, that women are wired to do that, and it’s our job to keep that stuff from happening. But point well taken that RP is not just for defense, it is also for winning. I like that. @palmasailor Early stages of anger, and I’m 10 years+ out of that marriage! But yes, just a year and a half ago I got out… Read more »

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