The Lie of Equality

Reader KFG dropped this insight in last week’s post and I thought it was very relevant to something I’ve been contemplating for a while now:

As a general principle genetic fitness is always relative to the environment. A spread of genetic traits makes a species more robust, because it will have individuals better suited for survival in a greater range of environments.

There’s more than one breed of working dog because no one is “better.” Each has its specific strengths, paid for with corresponding weaknesses. A terrier is to small to hunt wolves, but you’re not going to stuff a wolfhound down a badger hole.

This was a great analogy. It’s also one of the primary reasons I believe the egalitarian equalist narrative is a deliberate lie with the hoped-for purpose of empowering people who cannot compete, or believe they have some plenary exclusion from competing in various aspects of life. One of the primary selling points of egalitarian equalism for men is the idea that they can be excluded from the Burden of Performance.

There is no such thing as ‘equality’ because life doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

The tests that a chaotic world throws at human beings is never equal or balanced in measure to our strengths to pass them. Equality, in the terms that egalitarian equalists are comfortable in defining it, implies that that every individual is equally matched in both value and utility within a totality of random challenges. Aside from this being patently false, it also demerits both strengths and weaknesses when that individual succeeds or fails at a particular challenge as a result of their individual character.

This is ironic in the sense that it provides easy, repeatable, excuses for a person’s successes or failures. If someone wins, well, we’re all equal so that person’s strengths which led to the success can be passed off as a result of assumed or circumstantial ‘privileges’ that made them better suited to their challenges – rarely is their hard work recognized, and even then, it’s colored by the overcoming of a presumed-unequal adversity that grants them ‘privilege’. If they fail, again, we’re all equal, so the failure is proof of a deficit, or a handicap, or a presumed repression of an equal person in a state of baseline equal challenge.

Individual Exceptionalism

One of the longest perpetuated cop outs (I should say paradoxes) that equalists cling to is the notion that People are People; that everyone is a unique individual (snowflake) and as such there is really no universally predictable method of testing character or knowing how a particular sex will respond to various challenges. It’s all random chance according to the individual’s socially constructed character and their capacity to be a ‘more evolved’, higher-thinking being.

On the surface this all-are-individuals notion may seem the antithesis of the ‘equality’ narrative that equalists cling to, but it is part of a cognitive dissonance all equalists struggle with. This approach is a means to standardizing individuality, so no scientific evidence that might find patterns of an evolved ‘nature’ of a person – or in our Red Pill case, a sex – can be predicted. It’s the hopeful cancellation of reams of empirical evidence that show how influential our biologies and inborn predispositions are. This ‘higher order’ individualism is always touted so the equailist mindset can claim that the exception to the rule disqualifies the overwhelmingly obvious general rule itself.

“We’re all exceptions to the rule.” – Carl Jung

“…and when we’re all special, no one will be.” – Syndrome

This fallacy is where we get the NA*ALT (not all ____ are like that) absolution of the most unflattering parts of human nature. Not All Women Are Like That is standard feminine-primary boilerplate for women and sympathizing men (White Knights) who’d rather we all ignore the aspects of female nature that shine a bad light on what are easily observable truths about their behavior and the motives behind them. The social convention relies on the idea that if there is even one individual contradiction to the generalization (always deemed an ‘overgeneralization’) then the whole idea must be wrong.

Of course, this individual exceptionality rule only applies to the concepts in which equalists have invested their egos in. When a generality proves an equalist’s ego-investment, that’s when it becomes an ‘endemic’ universal truth to their mindset. A binary over-exaggeration of this effect is the reflexive response for concepts that challenge their ego-investments. Thus, we see any and all of the (perceptually) negative aspects of masculinity (actually the totality of masculinity) painted as evidence of the endemic of ‘toxic’ masculinity as a whole. The individualist exceptionality in this instance is always ridiculed as ‘insecurity’ on the part of men even considering it.

The exceptionalism of the individual is always paired with some high-order consciousness, and/or the idea that anything that proves their ego-investment is “more evolved” – despite any evidence that proves the contrary – is proof of that this individual is a being who represents some evolutionary step forward. If you agree and support feminine-primacy it is ‘proof‘ that you are more ‘evolved’ than other men. Thus, the ‘more evolved’ status becomes a form of reward to the individual who aligns with the ideology. Conversely, the avoidance of being perceived as ‘unevolved’ serves as a form of negative reinforcement.

This is kind of ironic when you consider that the same equalist mindset that relies on the individualist exception is the same mindset that insists that everyone is the same; equal value, equal potential, equal purpose and equal ability. Again, the irony is that everything that would be used to establish the ‘unique snowflake’ ideology (so long as it contradicts innate strengths and weaknesses of an opposing ideology) is conveniently ignored in favor of blank-slate egalitarianism. There is a degree of wanting to avoid determinism (particularly biological determinism) for the individual in this blank-slate concept, but it also provides the equalist with a degree of feel-good affirmation that the individual is a product of social constructivism. So, we get the idea that gender is a social construct and, furthermore, that blank-slate individual is ‘more evolved’ to the point of redefining gender for themselves altogether. Even when that ‘individual’ is only 4 years old and hasn’t the capacity for abstract thought enough to make a determination.

To be an egalitarian equalist is to accept the cognitive dissonance that the individual trumps the general truth and yet simultaneously accept that the individual is just the blank-slate template of anyone else, thus negating the idea of the individual. It takes great stretches of belief to adhere to egalitarian if-then logic.

I apologize for getting into some heady stuff right out the gate here, but I think it’s vitally important that Red Pill aware men realize the self-conflicting flaw in the ideologies of post-modern equalism. Our feminine-primary social order is rife with it. They will disqualify the generalities of Red Pill awareness with individualist exceptionalism and in the next breath disqualify that premise with their investments in blank-slate egalitarianism.

This is easiest to see in Blue Pill conditioned men and women still plugged in to the Matrix, but I also see the same self-conflicting rationales among Red Pill aware men using the same process to justify personal ideology or their inability to de-pedestalize women on whole. There’s a common thread amongst well-meaning Red Pill men to want to defend the individual natures of women who align with the Blue Pill ego-investments they still cling to. All women are like that so long as those women are granola-eating, furry-armpit feminists – ‘Red Pill Women’ then become the individual (snowflake) exceptions to the otherwise general rule because they fit a different, idealized, profile.

The Inequality of Equality

I’ve stated this in many prior threads, but, I do not believe in “equality”.

I don’t believe in equality because I can objectively see that reality, our respective environments, our personal circumstances, etc. are all inherently unequal. Everyday we encounter circumstances in life which we are eminently unequalled for in our ability to address them. Likewise, there are circumstances we can easily overcome without so much as an afterthought. Whether these challenges demand or test our physical, mental, material or even spiritual capacities, the condition is the same – reality is inherently chaotic, unfair and challenging by order of degree. To presume that all individuals have equal value in light of the nature of reality is, itself, an unequal presumption. To expect sameness in the degree of competency or incompetency to meet any given challenge reality throws at us is a form of inequality. And it’s just this inequality that equalists ironically exploit.

As KFG was stating, “each dog has it’s strengths for a given task”. One dog is not as valuable as another depending on what determines a positive outcome. What equalism attempts do to – what it has the ludicrous audacity to presume – is to alter reality to fit the needs of the individual in order to make all individuals equally valuable agents. This is the ‘participation trophy’ mentality, but it is also a glaring disregard for existential reality. Which, again, contradicts the idea of individual exceptionalism; reality must be made to be equal to accommodate the existence of the equally valuable individual.

To say you don’t believe in equality is only outrageous because it offends the predominant social narrative of today. It seemingly denies the inherent value of the individual, but what is conveniently never addressed is how an environment, condition and state defines what is functionally valued for any given instance. Like the dog bred to hunt ferrets out of their warrens is not the functional equal of a dog bred to run down prey at 45 MPH. The value of the individual is only relevant to the function demanded of it.

The default misunderstanding (actually deliberate) most equalists believe is that functional worth is personal worth. I addressed this in Separating Values:

When you attempt to quantify any aspect of human ‘value’ you can expect to have your interpretations of  it to be offensive to various people on the up or down side of that estimate. There is simply no escaping personal bias and the offense that comes from having one’s self-worth attacked, or even confirmed for them.

The first criticism I’ve come to expect is usually some variation about how evaluating a person’s SMV is “dehumanizing”, people are people, and have intrinsic worth beyond just the sexual. To which I’ll emphatically agree, however, this dismissal only conveniently sidesteps the realities of the sexual marketplace.

Again, sexual market value is not personal value. Personal value, your value as a human being however one subjectively defines that, is a definite component to sexual market value, but separating the two requires an often uncomfortable amount of self-analysis. And, as in Ms. Korth’s experience here, this often results in denial of very real circumstances, as well as a necessary, ego-preserving, cognitive dissonance from that reality.

Denial of sexual market valuation is a psychological insurance against women losing their controlling, sexual agency in their hypergamous choices.

This is where the appeal to emotion begins for the equalist mindset. It seems dehumanizing to even consider an individuals functional value. Human’s capacity to learn and train and practice to become proficient or excel in various functions is truly a marvel of our evolution. Brain plasticity being what it is, makes our potential for learning and overcoming our environments what separates us from other animals. We all have the potential to be more than we are in functional value, and this is the root of the emotional appeal of equalists. It’s seems so negative to presume we aren’t functional equals because we have the capacity and potential to become more functionally valuable. The appeal is one of optimism.

What this appeal ignores is the functional value of an individual in the now; the two dogs bred for different purposes. What this appeal also ignores is the ever-changing nature of reality and the challenges it presents to an individual in the now and how this defines value. What equalism cannot do is separate functional value from potential value.

Adopting a mindset that accepts complementarity between the sexes and between individuals, one that celebrates and utilizes innate strengths and talents, yet also embraces the weaknesses and compensates for them is a far healthier one that presuming baseline equivalency. Understanding the efficacy of applying strengths to weaknesses cooperatively while acknowledging we all aren’t the same damn dog will be a key to dissolving the fantasy of egalitarian equalism and create a more balanced and healthier relations between the sexes. Embracing the fact that condition, environment, reality and the challenges they pose defines our usefulness is far better than to assume any single individual could ever be a self-contained, self-sufficient island unto themselves – that is what equalism would have us believe.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Markos Beers
Markos Beers
6 years ago

Albert, I wouldn’t link vaccine efficacy with the others you cite.

Science indeed is in for a reckoning. The flu vaccine has already been found wanting, the relatively recent swine flu was a complete hoax, the rest of the usual vaccines seem to have never been put under strict gold-standard double-blind studies. Lots of correlation while sanitation and hygiene were rapidly improving almost simultaneously.

This is all besides the fact that immune response is multifactorial (layers of mucus, epithelial cells, etc) all of which are by-passed by direct injection into the blood stream… more fear-mongering than science.

Markos Beers
Markos Beers
6 years ago

… and most/all those jumping up and down about climate change are themselves complete consumption junkies.

If austerity-measures on energy use became the law, I bet you would instantly find more climate change deniers than ever before, especially amongst the “fairer” sex. Their collective need for safety and security (something that I think is underplayed on this blog) is voracious and without rational limit, manifesting in overcompensation in the form of consumption.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Albert the health, fitness or the survivability of an idea is contingent upon the harmonious integration of all these levels of the analysis into each other, the number of which may be impossible to compute. How long does an idea have to survive to meet your criteria? Need it have any predictive utility, or can it just be “an idea” like the hollow earth? As such, an idea has to be tested in the crucible of the internet, if it can make there than there has to be something to that idea. As a Nigerian Prince I have one question… Read more »

6 years ago

@anonymous “How long does an idea have to survive to meet your criteria? Need it have any predictive utility, or can it just be “an idea” like the hollow earth?” There is no endstate, just refinement. Thesis + antithesis –> synthesis and repeat. Just like falsification, however without falling victim to the Duhem-Quine problem. Differences in predictive capability IS what is used to decide if something is true. If the TRP wouldn’t get people laid do you think we would have this disscusion here? This site would be one among the million others of the internet with 0 traffic. “As… Read more »

6 years ago
6 years ago

” . . . climate denial . . .”

Name one person who denies climate.

“So far my best personal marker to consitentily identify crazy that I have found, is when people start talking about triangles, circles and other geometric figures.”

Euclid was whack and this shit is of the Devil:

6 years ago

” Name one person who denies climate.”


6 years ago

@Albert The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results,this happens when someone believes something that isn’t true. By this definition denying all things as being true would make one a contradiction. Using the net as a fact finder can be tricky for the inexperienced theorist,having no personal reference he is left at the mercy of strangers. The interesting thing is when commenters let down their guard we can get a sense of their experience and sift the wheat from the chaff. Yet even with a general consensus nothing becomes truth until it is… Read more »

Alpha Jedi
6 years ago

Life is unfair for everyone…which makes is pretty fair

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

“How long does an idea have to survive to meet your criteria? Need it have any predictive utility, or can it just be “an idea” like the hollow earth?” Albert There is no endstate, just refinement. Thesis + antithesis –> synthesis and repeat. Just like falsification, however without falling victim to the Duhem-Quine problem. Where does phlogistin fit in? Differences in predictive capability IS what is used to decide if something is true. You just contradicted yourself. “As a Nigerian Prince I have one question for you: Want to Make Money Fast?” Albert Don’t you know man, it’s the jucie… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

” . . . climate denial . . .”

Name one person who denies climate.

I’m feeling nostalgic, so I’ll point out that It Is September.

6 years ago

@anonymous “Where does phlogistin fit in?” “Differences in predictive capability IS what is used to decide if something is true. You just contradicted yourself.” How? I think you are confused by me and you using different definition of what ‘true’ means “You’re the one basically asserting if it’s on the Internet long enough it must be TROO, so…” Nope, your reading into my words, here is Nassem Taleb making the same point “Like I said, we are rapidly approaching a state of epistemological anarchy. Define your terms.” Epistemological anarchy – all of societies institution that uphold the vertical… Read more »

6 years ago

@Albert: “I meant . . .”

I know what you meant, but you expressed your meaning sloppily. The particular form of the sloppiness is revelatory of your own thoughts beyond what you have sought to express. As is the fact that you use the grammar and syntax of philosophical rigor to express such sloppy thoughts.

6 years ago

@Albert I agree with JP in most cases,and have come to the same conclusions. It would seem as some are emulating his debate style,this could be a peculiarity of academia, that I am totally unfamiliar with. He is a hero of modern time making the ultimate sacrifice,of time and personal freedom. It appears as if this path he is on has stretched his faculties to the limits. Poor guy should take a sabbatical, and reconnect with the process of day to day living. It is plain as day to me that this thing he is fighting is destroying his life,the… Read more »

6 years ago

@kfg, you are entitled to think of my motives, my mental health, my thought patterns of what you want. In the the context of what I was talking about it was pretty clear what that I didn’t mean Euclid. So yeah… thanks for playing devils advocate. @ stuffinbox based daddy undoubtedly has opened a lot of peoples eyes. However, he is just a human being, like the rest of us, which includes errors in judgment and deeply held assumptions one is not consciously aware. At the rate he’s currently going he will burn himself out sooner or later… “Bottom line… Read more »

6 years ago


AR can indeed act very gamma. Best not to engage him when he starts doing that. So much of what he knows just ain’t so, especially about philosophy of science. In philosophy of science, AR is at the level of someone studying introductory chemistry.

I like the postmodern critiques of modernism, e.g., by Feyerabend and Kuhn.

6 years ago

@theasdgamer cheers man, he does have a point though. Proper communication and expression is important, as otherwise a lot gets lost in translation. At least that’s what my PhD supervisors have been telling me for the past three years, when they ripped on my writing… Anyway, philosophy of science moves a lot slower in their consensus building than for example the hard sciences. However, there is progress and currently people in this field are talking about ‘post-postmodern’ approaches. Here are two good articles that summarize these sentiments (if you can’t access the link here is an uploaded PDF,… Read more »

6 years ago


Hello to you, too.

he does have a point though. Proper communication and expression is important, as otherwise a lot gets lost in translation.

But people need to learn to read charitably…we all sin at communicating perfectly.

Just because philosophy has moved to a new fad doesn’t mean that critiques of the previous fad are passe. Critiques are almost always timeless. Philosophical theories are faddish and give jobs to philosophers who rip those theories to shreds.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Free clue right back, you don’t appear to fully grasp the concepts you are appearing to defend/criticise.

Ironic end to more word salad.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Spergy ASD
AR can indeed act very gamma.

More irony.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Proper communication and expression is important, as otherwise a lot gets lost in translation. At least that’s what my PhD supervisors have been telling me for the past three years, when they ripped on my writing…

They have not ripped nearly enough. Turgid, ambiguous and ill-defined is no way to go through life.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Rollo in the OP quoted thus: “We’re all exceptions to the rule.” – Carl Jung Jung, Freud and Frankl arguably are the three prominent Jewish psychologists of the first half of the 20th century. Freud and Jung were obviously working out personal issues as well as using a small sample set; Freud basically theorized about upper class Jewish Viennese then generalized. Both Freud and Jung offer ways to shift blame; “mother complex”, “collective unconscious” and so forth. Frankl is the least well known, the only one to survive a Nazi concentration camp, and the clearest writer of the three. Clearest… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Rollo near the end of the OP Understanding the efficacy of applying strengths to weaknesses cooperatively while acknowledging we all aren’t the same damn dog will be a key to dissolving the fantasy of egalitarian equalism and create a more balanced and healthier relations between the sexes. This is the basis of effective leadership. Sun Tzu’s famous dicta on “know yourself, know your enemy” means knowing the capability of the forces available. Knowing what women can do, what they are likely to do, and what they can’t do or won’t do means a man can have reasonable expectations for women… Read more »

6 years ago

@ AR

Spergy ASD

Your social skills need work…autists may or may not be “spergy”…and calling someone on the spectrum “spergy” as an insult doesn’t enhance your value among men…it lowers your value.

Just a thought.

6 years ago

@Anonymous, don’t worry I am well aware of my weaknesses, hence I am working on them.

However, just out of curiosity what are you trying to achieve by those shaming tactics? Do you get off on them, does it feel cathartic or is a way to deal with your own insecurities?

I couldn’t really care less what you think, but it’s interesting how you are the one accusing someone to be ‘pompous’ but are the first one to hurl insults when you seem to be out of your depth intellectually.

6 years ago

In the sexual market place men are considered less valuable than the men. Rollo once said women are natural plate theorists (platers). But every time I “ghost” plates and my spam box starts filling with messages like;
“hey it is so and so…”
“hey is it possible…”
“please call me thank you…”
“stop acting as if we have never been together…”
“you not responding to my texts…”
then I start wondering whether the theory that men are disposable really holds water any more. I think feminism is slowly making women the disposable sex.

6 years ago

*less valuable than women

6 years ago

Funny that Anonymous Reader should mention acta non verba just as I’m forming a related thought here regarding action not words — also known as don’t talk about it, do it. What I want to do is run the NFL protest issue through a Rational Male lens, let’s see if I’ve learned anything from months of grueling Best Of study. (Full disclosure, I hate what they’re doing for other reasons, but let’s focus on issues of masculinity — and the NFL could be seen as a proxy for some of today’s male issues) To me action not words means do… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

obit – these guys live in a bubble, and though there is great variety in their backgrounds, likely from high school thru college and then the nfl they’ve a life in which their ball skills are exalted and honored to the point where our society looks to them as heroic; so of course let’s stick a mic under their concussed heads listen to their thoughts(?) on other topics unrelated to playing with a ball same shit with other entertainers, like actors and singer/dancers; who could be better to know political and social truths than some attention whoring fucktard who is… Read more »

6 years ago

@palmasailor I think there is something else going on in the sexual market place. As women ride the CC, they are becoming increasingly aware of the perception men have of them as damaged goods. The other day I hooked up with a woman and I needed to get out some lube ready before action and she protested, “you do not even kiss me…” implying we should use play to get her juices flowing. I dont like getting too personal with cumbags since I know they have a cumulative mile and a half of dick up the hole. Where I come… Read more »

6 years ago

About the kneelers: It is depressing that men of a nation cant stand for their flag when their brothers have been getting wasted daily in Afghanistan, Iraq, and various other shitholes fighting behind it. People have many avenues for making a protest gesture: but sitting during YOUR OWN national anthem/flag is just lame.

6 years ago

Re: football. I like y’all, but you are following the simple and stupid false narrative. Not ain’t about anything but the stated reason. You cannot simultaneously argue that free people MUST do anything that’s not codified in fucking law. All of the crazy emotionality is really fucked. As far as I know we have a constitution that says the govt can’t fuck with your speech – that especially includes the head of the govt calling for your dismissal from a private institution. This is not a dictatorship just yet. The protesters are ” fine people” lol at the fucking obviousness… Read more »

6 years ago

Cheupez you hit on my point — the kneeling IS just a gesture, like a pink Poosay hat. Sure they’re dissing the flag and letting down the country, but the point in TRM context is that they’re also letting down their fellow men by peacocking an empty gesture instead of taking some positive tangible action. Hell, they’ve got a five-month off-season, even longer if you’re on the Browns or Dolphins (And how’s that for working “peacocking” into a non-PUA context). In sharp contrast just recently we saw guys — men — on their little boats coming out to rescue hurricane… Read more »

6 years ago

Please, don’t turn blue so fast. Stay red. Be informed. Hold your emotions in check.

This countries founding started in protest. I’m sure the English sounded like many of the detractors sound today.

6 years ago

I’m trying to say that the players have turned blue — complaining instead of acting, instead of actually organizing something to lead by example. The age-old debate is, Are sports stars role models? Take your pick, either side. But now you’ll see little kids taking a knee instead of studying

Rollo has probably covered this topic: is being a role model part of being a man (in a public context, not just your own family or workplace)

6 years ago


Saw someone write this today. “Players have a right to take a knee, and fans have a right to walk.” (both will and we’ll see how this plays out)

And saw the market ticker article that takes the opposite stance of yours:

Regardless, both sides are free to choose how to act and react to the world around them, and that’s good.

6 years ago

Obit, serious question, how much attention have you paid to this issue over the past 2 years?

Your statement is showing the answer to be zero. So how are you forming these opinions? Based on what?

6 years ago

Quite a bit; you can debate without implying I live in a vacuum. I’m probably more of a sports fan than most TRM readers. And the football protest movement started at my very own alma mater — hey, we were threatening to actually boycott a scheduled game, not just take a knee, a year before empty protests became de rigeur in the NFL! I also followed Ferguson pretty closely, which was where this stuff got much of its impetus. I’m only trying to look at all this in a TRM context. And to me it just looks like the players… Read more »

6 years ago

I don’t think most of the people that have such strong opinions even know why then kneeling and arm linking even happened yesterday. Why did billionaire NFL owners and players and front office personnel come down on the field in the first place? Why did Tom Brady, who said he doesn’t know what the original protests were even about, kneel yesterday IN UNISON with his team? And why did billionaires that are friends with and heavy contributes to our prez disagree with him so strongly? Peacocking? To me, this boils down to whether you support the constitutional rights of all… Read more »

6 years ago

@Blax, when I unplugged a few years back, another part of my unplugging was literally to unplug the fuckin television, sports included. I only watch the weather channel 5 minutes each day and that’s it.

Anybody else experience this when they unplugged? No way would I wear a jersey with some other man’s name on it now. And now I don’t want to spend 4 hours sitting on my ass watching a game, even if that would allow bonding with my male friends. I consider “fandom” beta as fuck now.

6 years ago

They’re locking arms because “team” is justifiably a powerful concept and because a lot of money and prestige is on the line for a league that has suddenly run into a lot of recent PR troubles after being on top of the entertainment heap. And I suppose it’s yet another tiresome pro-Trump/anti-Trump proxy issue

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

blax – “You cannot simultaneously argue that free people MUST do anything that’s not codified in fucking law.” :: not sure if you’re saying anyone here is arguing that (cuz I can’t find anything after a re-read) or maybe those outside of this site; I’m guessing it’s the Trump part of the situation and in that case, I’d agree; all sides are looking for easy wins for virtue but actually *doing* something about it w/out all the accolades for the appearance of doing something isn’t getting much attention but why even listen to some fucking dipshit ball players over regular… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

yep, PR, obit, PR; each side only cares about their image and how it might impact their bottom line, nothing else

6 years ago

#sigh# okay I get it.

Obit – trump inserted himself without provocation on Friday. This particular version of ” the knee ” was in direct response to our president calling on owners to FIRE players who kneel.

No proxy needed.

Red pill. It’s right there and not a mystery.

And calling people son’s usually gets a response from men.bat least, that’s how it’s supposed to be in a non FI dominated world.

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

newly, my screen-watching experience is now just whatever I can find online and actively wanting to see; not a total colonic, but far better than passively swallowing the boobtoob excretions I feel the same way about any sort of branding on my stuff…. clothes, cars, anything; I will not be a walking billboard unless I’ve worked out some sort of arrangement beforehand; I will not actively display any affiliations publicly these are cries for attention and attaboys for being in the right cliques; the herd needs validation for its actions because by definition, a member of the herd is not… Read more »

6 years ago

Above is supposed to read s.o.b’s. Btw.

6 years ago

You got it zipper, taking the knee is about politically-correct virtue-whoring.

6 years ago

Lol. I’d expect nothing less than a super high level of ignorance on the subject from you ASD. And you didn’t disappoint.

6 years ago

At least the people you’re talking about are not LC or poor this time, so that’s refreshing.

6 years ago

Political correctness is beginning to equal ” toxic masculinity ” in the way it’s used.

6 years ago

We have a new Gamma!

6 years ago

I don’t think you’re gamma…..

6 years ago

Myopic? Yeah.

6 years ago

Statistics are weak on the number of people shot by police. Three per day I’ve read, but who really knows since police depts. aren’t required to furnish statistics about that. Blacks are shot about 2.5 times the rate of whites. Blacks commit 50% of the murders and are much more likely to kill whites than whites are to kill blacks. But black murderers prefer to kill their own. And blacks are more likely than whites to be murder victims. Blacks kill many times more blacks than (black and white) police kill blacks. Taking the knee during the anthem was… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Your social skills need work…a

More irony.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

However, just out of curiosity what are you trying to achieve by those shaming tactics?

What are you trying to achieve with your word salad besides trolling?

6 years ago

When the Rosenbergs were accused of treason, did Jews arise and protest against their arrest? Did Jews in Hollywood agitate for their release? Hell, no! Jews wanted those scumbags executed.

Some idiot with a long rap sheet goes barreling through town at high speeds and is chased by police and the idiot is a public menace and gets shot. Boo hoo. But then Black Lives Matter agitates and you get black NFL millionaires taking the knee. It’s all about agitation to raise funds for BLM.

“Politically-correct virtue-whoring” is still spot on.

6 years ago

By the way, I was alone in my family thinking that there wasn’t enough evidence to convict O.J. Simpson of murder. His flight to avoid arrest was quite reasonable if he thought he was being framed. And he wasn’t being a public menace barreling through town at high speed.

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

fer chrissakes, asd and I in (near) alignment, crazy world lol

all kinds of issues to pick from if they’re so goddamn concerned about society, but what got those nfl’ers fired up? the thought of them getting fired! lol

6 years ago

I’m not a fan of the police, either…many of them will plant evidence and commit perjury if they think they need to to obtain a conviction.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

O.B.I.T. What I want to do is run the NFL protest issue through a Rational Male lens, It’s all about emotions on the part of the NFL players, now we will see emotions on the other side. NFL viewers on cable are down year over year, we’ll see if this latest emotional situation drives them up or further down. Friends who still watch NFL are more frustrated by bad ref calls, PC advertisements, too many advertisements, dumb girls on the sideline trying to look smart, Pink month, etc. but they are now also unhappy with the players; “snowflakes” is a… Read more »

6 years ago

If black lives matter, why isn’t more being done to stop killings of blacks in urban areas…we all know that it’s gang related…why aren’t the black NFL millionaires taking the knee about urban violence? That might actually get them killed since gangs pay urban politicians for protection.

No political advantage in doing that. It’s only politically correct to criticize the killings of blacks by cops.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

drzipper all kinds of issues to pick from if they’re so goddamn concerned about society, but what got those nfl’ers fired up? Trump AMOG’d them bigly, a major emotional spike resulted. Now some of the fans are burning their NFL stuff on camera, putting that up on YouTube – a different emotional spike. Who’s next? I don’t know. The “free speech” dog won’t hunt. NFL has fined players for wearing the wrong brand of headphones. Remember the 09/11 memorial cleats that players were forbidden to wear? Remember last year when Dallas players were prevented from memorializing the 4 Dallas cops… Read more »

6 years ago

How good/bad are these players who are ‘taking a stand’? Over here on the other side of the pond we have this Third rate football clubs ‘virtue signalling’. However, in this case it’s a conscious marketing decision as this club is in financial trouble @Anonymous, I told you my reasoning. You are the one that is ascribing motif. However, you still haven’t answered my question, what does it feel like insulting people in the internet? Do you feel more manily? I am really curious @chepuaz “I think feminism is slowly making women the disposable sex” It’s poetic irony… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

damn, asd beat me to it…. where’s that free speech when they want to wear nikes instead of adidas? or wear something on their jersey not officially sanctioned (bought and paid for)?

they try to sell it as free speech ’cause being portrayed as the victim works better, the truth is a harder sell and why do that if there’s an easier, more effective way to get virtue cred?

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

sorry, I meant AR beat me to it

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

@Anonymous, I told you my reasoning.

Word salad is not reasoning. Turgid, poorly defined word salad is still not reasoning.
Turgid, poorly defined word salad with SJW moronica like “climate denier” on top is still not reasoning. Logorrhea, even when full of polysyllables, isn’t reason.

Stop horking up those hairballs of emotion if you are really trying to engage in dialectic.

6 years ago

@Anonymous, ok I am starting to troll you a bit now. However, it is truly telling that you keep coming with the insults.

I think you have more in common with SJW’s than you realise, I wasn’t the one who started to attack the person not the argument

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

offtopic…. when I was living in SoCal many years ago, horking had a different meaning, more like gluttonous consumption, usually of weed; also a hyperbolic way of saying “don’t bogart that joint, fuckhead” or “you smoked the whole bongload, fuckhead”

6 years ago

@Rollo psychologically that would make sense, as your first reaction when faced with conflicting evidence is to double down on your initial position.

The ego tries to protect itself from facing traumatic harm. Now the more inteligent the person the better the rationalisation that can be concocted (it’s the juice, its the Nazis, it’s the chucks, it’s the SJW’s, its the feminists, [insert favourite other])

Oscar C.
6 years ago

@Anonymous Reader I have been seeing a lot of that Viktor Frankl fella thrown around. Will try to find the original book and read for myself, since recently I find myself wondering about “meaning” a lot. However, and regarding the concentration camp scene: as harsh as it might sound, I just can not understand this fear of death I see everywhere. Recently talking to a friend he confessed that he avoids large cities… for fear of terrorist attacks!! (and he is muscular and alpha-ish in the relationship game, so don’t picture him as a garden variety weakling). For a while… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Rollo I find the more dogmatic a guy is in the ‘sphere the more likely he’s either a Purple Pill coach with revenue to lose, or he’s mixed his conviction into his RP mix. The whole “is” vs. “ought” issue is often an unexamined issue. I guess you could include it in the “mixed his conviction into his RP”. Some very stubbornly dogmatic men in the ‘sphere can’t get their mind around “is” vs. “ought’. Since RP / Glasses is properly a praxology there can’t be a whole lot of dogma beyond fundamentals such as “dogs are not cats”. But… Read more »

6 years ago

“When the Rosenbergs were accused of treason, did Jews arise and protest against their arrest? Did Jews in Hollywood agitate for their release? Hell, no! Jews wanted those scumbags executed.

lol …………… l ol

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Oscar C. I have been seeing a lot of that Viktor Frankl fella thrown around. Will try to find the original book and read for myself, since recently I find myself wondering about “meaning” a lot. You should read it. However, and regarding the concentration camp scene: as harsh as it might sound, I just can not understand this fear of death I see everywhere. Recently talking to a friend he confessed that he avoids large cities… for fear of terrorist attacks!! (and he is muscular and alpha-ish in the relationship game, so don’t picture him as a garden variety… Read more »

6 years ago

@Oscar Just like Victor Frankle’s Man’s search for meaning is founded upon the belief that it is the striving to find a meaning in one’s life that is the primary, most powerful motivating and driving force in humans, Ernest Becker’s The Denial of Death describes a primary powerful motivating driving force (and Major Buffer) is inventing systems to help deny human mortality. The basic premise of The Denial of Death is that human civilization is ultimately an elaborate, symbolic defense mechanism against the knowledge of our mortality, which in turn acts as the emotional and intellectual response to… Read more »

6 years ago

“To me, this boils down to whether you support the constitutional rights of all American citizens, or do you want to dictate” Blax you are cracking me up on this topic. As AR notes…. nfl players are paid by companies, called teams. And the shareholders and management can insist on a code of conduct as one of many conditions to get that chedda. There is a very different standard in the private workplace concerning free speech and expression. Want to test it? Start wearing a swastika button at work… Or have an NFL player start giving fashy salutes… See what… Read more »

6 years ago

“now it’s time for kfg to tell us about his crank-generator-powered TV that he rarely watches.”

The trick is to wrap a string around the crank, run it through a pulley, tie a brick to the end and toss it out the window.

The TV, not the brick. A brick might be useful.

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

and the string and pulley, don’t make us weight, what’s it for? let me tackle that one,….a-cord-ing to you, the string must help reel in the punch-line

unless you’re just pulleying my leg

6 years ago

Real quick then I’m gonna leave it all alone because this is a losing conversation. Logic, empathy and common sense just goes flying out of the window. Been that way all my life and will continue long after I’m dead, which is why I support protest in the first place. ASD last thing I’m going to say to you because your mind is set in granite and reason cannot penetrate it. You’re not alone though, so good for you. No empathy or understanding for fellow men. Fact proven by your comments. I regard you as such. Now, if I say… Read more »

6 years ago

@Dr. Zipper: ” . . . what’s it for?”

Gravitational potential energy drive. A “grandfather clock” that generates electricity instead of telling time.

6 years ago

You have the right to say whatever you want and deal with the consequences that come with it. If you walk around your job saying how much you hate it and tell the customers your boss is a bitch and should die in a ditch…. You have the right to say it and also deal with the consequence of likely being fired. If you walk down the street and see a guy who looks like hes going to kill someone and say Your a **** ****** *** ***** **** *** <-(obscene expletive gesture) and he pulls out a knife and… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

kfg – you’re not gonna sidestep my dorkiness that easily, what you’re referring to would be a ‘kinetic energy drive’ with the potential to generate humor; apparently that potential is yet to be realized

I’m sure you know why

6 years ago

Who is the pimp in the virtue-whoring? Black Lives Matter

Who are the whores? NFL player millionaires

Who are the tricks? guilty white liberals

6 years ago

“The men will deal with serious issues like men.”

I hear an echo, not a chorus. You’re. All. Alone.

The men are with me. Total AMOG fail.

6 years ago

“No empathy or understanding for fellow men. Fact proven by your comments. ”

Lol, mom didn’t raise no fools. You’re attempt at pimp mind-control failed.

6 years ago


And the shareholders and management can insist on a code of conduct as one of many conditions to get that chedda.

I have to disagree…management can ONLY go after employees who post harmful comments about the company. Anything else the company cannot control.

/sarcasm off

Blax is a hoot on this topic…it’s like he hasn’t read “Mau-mauing the flak catchers.”

This is so obviously a shake down. BLM have learned from Sharpton and Jackson.

6 years ago

May as well weigh in,likke DZ don’t care much for the entertainment industry as a whole,like Newly Tv has too many fem propaganda shows and nobody likes my comments it interrupts their entertainment,like Blax Trump is the pres of the free world and should give a shit about some chump ass ball players. The players are so far removed from reality they don’t have a clue the collateral damage they could cause. And bricks are quite useful.

Albert you are unclear as to your stance and appear to be on a fishing expedition.

Markos Beers
Markos Beers
6 years ago

Albert, I don’t agree with your take on JP’s asides. He is often using other’s insights to support his own opinion. I don’t see that as a logical fallacy.

He has welcomed many to debate him. Few have taken him up on it. Because of this, we haven’t seen much of his debate skills yet.

In a recent Rogan podcast with Weinstein, he acquitted himself quite well on defending his viewpoints on the links between religious texts, ancient yet resilient stories, and truth.

6 years ago

@blax “The problem is murder of unarmed men by law enforcement. Not black on black crime. They are 2 different subjects. Cops aren’t supposed to act like murderers nor thugs.” Focusing on black on black crime is also an expression of emptahty. Focusing on the one issue does not mean that one condones the other issue. It’s a question of priorities. You are correct that cops arent supposed to act like ‘murdering thugs’, but the question is are they? Leave this this dynamic for a second and think of a companies priorities, should they focus on stopping people robbing the… Read more »

6 years ago
6 years ago


“Focusing on black on black crime is also an expression of emptahty.”

Nah, only if you show empathy in the politically-correct way is the emptyathy authentic. (misspelling intentional) And it’s ironic that I am called “myopic,” as if this is all about white people getting shot by cops. I couldn’t actually be objective and see what is actually going on. A shakedown.

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

the entertainment industry is like that hot hb9+ chick strutting around like she’s just cured cancer and her shit don’t stink…. we’ve been bamboozled into thinking it exists for more than just the one thing it IS good for

it’s put so high up on a fucking pedestal it blocks our vision and being so godly perfect it must have the easy answers we’ve been searching for; and as the new gospel sings us a lullaby we are distracted, placated and drained dry

6 years ago

@Albert Black Lives Matter, but only if those lives lost can be converted to cold, hard cash and given to Black political organizations like BLM. If those black lives were taken by black thugs in gang wars, those lives don’t matter to such as Blax. I used to try to do shit with kids in the projects, but I was told to quit because the parents were afraid for me. I didn’t have the street smarts and it was a fool’s errand. I learned from the kids how the gangs recruited in the schools very aggressively and used coercion on… Read more »

6 years ago

@stuffinabox “Albert you are unclear as to your stance and appear to be on a fishing expedition.” I stated in the beginning, ‘proper communication is at the highest level of moral development’ Now is the perception that I am engaging in ‘word salad’ contingent upon my inability to communicate, the inability to have a charitable interpretation or that what I am talking about is outside the experience sphere of the reader and we are talking past each other? How about it’s all of the above, so if I am fishing for anything it is how can I get best comunicate… Read more »

Markos Beers
Markos Beers
6 years ago

Regarding cops, I would like to see all quotas end (arrest, tickets, fines, etc.) The very nature of the quota system turns cops into predators looking for crimes, and everyday civilians into prey. It is no surprise that the lower socioeconomic classes get slammed with it. Police should keep the peace, not be revenue producers. It is the root of corruption and a big reason the cops are rightfully despised in many instances. Regarding the shooting and killing of fleeing men… Sad/funny/tragic.. most police wear shoes that are hard to run in. My friends at work call them “shooting shoes.”… Read more »

6 years ago

@Albert “How about it’s all of the above, so if I am fishing for anything it is how can I get best comunicate that reality is socially constructed AND at the same time as there is an obersavble reality that lays itself out in a predicatbel fashion. Both modernists and postmodernist have good points, but they usually talk past each other.” How does this work? Morals are a social construction, social constructions attempt to alter reality and succeed though rarely in the way intended,possibly because they tend to disregard observable reality as too harsh. don’t know or care about the… Read more »

6 years ago

There must be plenty of NFL players who would have credibility with cops and with residents of their cities. Why not spend some of that considerable charisma and off-season free time serving as a bridge — visiting jails, riding with the cops, speaking with community and youth groups, funding some get-together events …. oh God I’m drifting off just typing this kind of feelgood pablum, but the point is I would respect some actual genuine effort. My point in regard to the context of this website is that what the protesting players are doing instead is the whiny, bitchy beta… Read more »

Markos Beers
Markos Beers
6 years ago

ASD I taught in some lower quartile middles schools in SF over a decade ago, so I hear you. We needed security at a public middle school. It’s remarkable. Sadly, at times gangs would surreptitiously recruit these 12/13 yo kids while they were out at recess, or in PE class. I lasted 4 years. Of note: when a big and strong black man who left the ‘hood returned to teach or counsel these kids, they were gold, and rightfully so. I wish all those great athletes kneeling seriously consider going into struggling school systems at the end of their playing… Read more »

6 years ago


The first kids who became gang members were recruited in the projects, then those kids were used to recruit more kids. Gangs use a carrot/stick persuasive technique. The kids friends were gang members, so there was a social pull to join and a way to earn money, go to parties, and be cool. A gang is a fraternity/employer.

If you don’t join, your friends ostracize you. Then they beat you up. Every. Fucking. Day.

6 years ago

It is not surprising that Jordan Peterson understands Red Pill. But chooses otherwise. Or does he? He has agency. Just because he chooses, does not mean he is purple or blue pill. He is simply moving towards what exactly what he wants to do. And he doesn’t seem to be tilting his purpose and mission off-kilter. He is what he wants to be. I’m not evangelizing on a life-style. But I may be trying to say that it’s not a bad thing to do what you want to do and be who you are. Heheh, your soul has… Read more »

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