Children and Cornfields

Does anyone remember the episode of the Twilight Zone called “It’s a Good Life“? I rewatched this for this article and I’ve got to stay it still holds up and it’s just as creepy as when I watched it as a kid.

Six-year-old Anthony Fremont looks like any other little boy, but looks can be deceiving: he is a monster, a mutant with godlike mental powers, including mind-reading. Years before, he isolated his town of Peaksville, Ohio. Everybody is under his rule, even his parents. Since he’s begun isolating the town, supplies of common household items, such as bar soap, have been dwindling. He has blocked television signals, caused cars to not work, and, due to his controlling everything, he does not attend school.

The children and adults, including his own parents, tiptoe nervously around him, constantly telling him how everything he does is “good,” since displeasing him can get them wished away into a mystical “cornfield”, an unknown place, from which there is no return. At one point, a dog is heard barking angrily. Anthony thinks the dog is “bad” and doesn’t “like [him] at all,” and wishes it into the cornfield. His father and mother are horrified, but they dare not show it.

One night, due to the townsfolk having always done what he wants, he treats them to one hour of TV. Although they do not like what he shows, they tell Anthony that it was far better than what used to be on TV.

Finally, at Dan Hollins’ birthday party, he gets two presents from his wife: a bottle of brandy and a Perry Como record. As Dan is eager to listen to the record, he is reminded by everyone that Anthony does not like singing. Getting slightly drunk from the brandy, complaining about not listening to the record, and no one singing “Happy Birthday” to him, Dan cannot take the strain anymore and confronts Anthony, calling him a monster and a murderer. While Anthony’s anger grows, Dan yells for someone to attack Anthony from behind and end his reign of terror. Aunt Amy (who isn’t able to sing anymore because of Anthony) tentatively reaches for a fireplace poker, but no one has the courage to act. Anthony cries out to Dan, “You’re a bad man! You’re a very bad man! And you keep thinking bad thoughts about me!” Dan is transformed into a jack-in-the-box (ending his life), causing his wife to break down. The adults are horrified at what Anthony had done, and his father begs him to wish it into the cornfield, which he does.

Because of Amy’s earlier complaints about the heat, Anthony causes snow to begin falling outside. His father observes that the snow will kill off at least half the crops, and he is about to confront Anthony about this, but his wife and the other adults look on with worried smiles on their faces. The father then smiles and tells Anthony in a horror-tinged voice, “…But it’s good you’re making it snow. A real good thing. And tomorrow… tomorrow’s gonna be a… real ‘good’ day!”

I didn’t really understand the significance of this episode until recently. In a sense I guess I can attribute it to a more defined Red Pill Lens but the femosphere events and a few articles brought to my attention this last week reminded me of this Twilight Zone story. I’ll get to why in a bit.

The first event was the highly publicized not guilty verdict in the Jian Gomeshi rape (hoax) trial. Mike Cernovich had a quick hit post about the details here. I’ve written about the particulars of why women’s insecurity about optimizing Hypergamy drives them to insane lengths to control for it before, but my focus this time with Gomeshi wasn’t so much about the women’s lying, or the ambiguity of what constitutes rape or sexual harassment. When the Rolling Stone/UVA fraternity rape hoax was finally revealed for what it was I wrote Hysteria :

Transferring information about a man’s preselected approval amongst a collective of women is one such override. However, it’s very important for men living in a feminine-primary social order to understand that social proof is not just limited to preselection of men as potential partners.

This social proof dynamic extends to the perceptions of women in a collective peer group, as well as men for whom they have no sexual interest in, but serve their material interests nonetheless.

The current cultural atmosphere of male suspicion and autonomous rape-threat assessment of men is another variation of this perceptual, hysterical, collective belief dynamic. Women want to believe in the presumption that every man outside of their preselected, collective approved, hypergamous ideal  is a potential rape threat. In other words, a man who might, by force or coercion, assume control of her hypergamous sexual selection.

The narrative, the perception, is all that matters.

[…]women become so ego-invested in the certainty of their collective perceptions that, even in light of contrary evidence, the only acknowledged verification of that perception is how it makes them feel.

This contradiction of a collective feminine hysteria is what many luminaries of the Feminine Imperative are now being forced to confront. It’s important to remember during this UVa / Rolling Stone rape debacle that women, and more than a few enabling male sympathizers, wanted to believe this travesty was true in spite of the vaudevillian outlandishments and still refuse to accept that it isn’t.


The overwhelming zeitgeist consensus in this case was that the women concerned in Gomeshi’s rape trial were to be believed irrespective of facts that exonerated him. And so strong was this sentiment that suggesting the suspension of the most fundamental aspects of law was the first recourse to be considered – that consideration is to change the presumption of guilt where it affects the accusations of men by women.

Once again, just as in the UVA rape hoax, we see a feminine-primary collective social consciousness moved by a need to believe in order to maintain a collective ego-investment in that social order’s correctness. And all of that in spite of all controverting, unignorable evidence. However, the feminine conditioned reflex for feminine defined ‘justice’ in this regard has been taken a step further – an accusation of rape or sexual assault is as good as a conviction.

I can’t be too sympathetic for Gomeshi. He built his reputation on being a social justice warrior and a self-evincing ‘male feminist, but just like another notable male feminist, Hugo Schwyzer, he’s had to learn the hard way that feminist Game comes with a substantial risk.

However the salient point I took away from his trial wasn’t that women are duplicitous or a feminized society being too ready to unquestioningly presume the veracity of another woman’s rape claims. Neither was it unexpected that a need to believe that presumed guilt would come up. What struck me was the push for control, for absolute unilateral arbitrative power to condemn a man for the accusation of sexual misconduct.

What struck me was that the Feminine Imperative should seek to nakedly place itself above a rule of law that is otherwise founded on a logical, rational process of checks and balances (or at least intends to do so).

As the protests and debate swirled around Gomeshi I was also made aware of a review of a new book Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape

An economics major taking a gender studies class is getting dressed in her college dorm room for a night out, cheerfully discussing sexual stereotyping in advertising with Orenstein — while at the same time grabbing a miniskirt and a bottle of vodka, the better to achieve her evening goal: to “get really drunk and make out with someone.” “You look hot,” her friend tells her — and the student, apparently registering the oddness of the scene, turns to Orenstein. “In my gender class I’m all, ‘That damned patriarchy,’ ” she says. “But . . . what’s the point of a night if you aren’t getting attention from guys?” Her ambition, she explains, “is to be just slutty enough, where you’re not a prude but you’re not a whore. . . . Finding that balance is every college girl’s dream, you know what I mean?”

Author Peggy Orenstien serves up the same reheated feminist alarmism for her young daughter that Hannah Rosin did 8 years ago. However, Orenstien escalates the narrative much in the same vein that the feminist reaction to Gomeshi has. She defines it for us:

For guys, she says, there is fun and pleasure; for girls (at least the straight ones), too little physical joy, too much regret and a general sense that the boys are in charge. Fully half the girls in Orenstein’s book say they’ve been coerced into sex, and many had been raped — among them, by the way, that econ major, who was so confused that when her assailant dropped her off the next morning, she told him, “Thanks, I had fun.” The sexual playing field Orenstein describes is so tilted no girl could win.

Orenstein presumes the control of a girl with a handle of vodka and dressed ‘just slutty enough’ rest entirely with the boys she’s making out with and more. They are ‘assailants’ by definition – a definition that depends on the Hypergamous whims of the woman involved.

I drew parallels between these stories because they are indicative of a trend I predicted a couple years ago – in a social order that prioritizes Hypergamy as the intersexual priority, men who wont cooperate with it must be legislated into complying with it. But as it develops now this doesn’t go far enough; men must be preemptively convicted of the crime of sexual misconduct before the they are ever judged worthy of a woman’s sexual interests. In other words, men are ‘assailants’ for the very attempt of presenting themselves for the intimate approval of women.

Monday’s Price of Nice post and the femosphere response to men’s want to be Nice in order to ingratiate themselves in the hopes that they might endear a woman to him highlights this even further. Men being ‘nice’ are by definition ‘assailants’.

But it’s not enough to discourage men’s niceties, they must be taught to fear the attempt of initiating anything looking like intimacy. They must fear being whisked away to the cornfield for not thinking the right way about the women they would hope to find favor with.

Commenter SJF had a poignant comment this week:

Infantile as they are, women are ill-equipped to handle power, and that which is born out of the insecurity that a man may do her wrong, turns into an exploitative, predatory misuse of power that fuels grandiose narcissism, and thus masculinizes her. The aforementioned relationships between the different aspects of the female psyche do not explain in it in its entirety, but nonetheless, should accurately depict its root and core.

Which brings us back to our six year old Anthony Fremont in the Twilight Zone episode. On a social scale we are rapidly approaching a time where coddling the childish impulsivity of women will dictate not just the rule of law for men, but will define the nature of men’s dealing with women on a fear based level. In fact we’re already beginning to see this in the workplace.

Taken to its intended and illogical extreme, given unilateral God-like arbitration of men in every aspect of society, politics, religion, academia, etc., women and their imperatives would define intersexual relations much in the same way as Anthony does with the ‘adults’ he controls.



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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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8 years ago

@Scribblerg Remember when you were a young pretty boy,and wished you had that salt and pepper hair crows feet chiseled features and that air of self confidence? All of this came with a price,and is still attractive to the ladies. As a fellow 50s guy I have the confidence,money,physical health,good looks,knowledge of giving pleasure,security all kinds of attractive qualities but I’m to serious because I know the consequences of action and inaction.It’s hard to be the party guy having paid for the party,it seems I am to serious for the younger I have these girls poking fun at me… Read more »

8 years ago
8 years ago

“I got paternal like listening to my own daughter,having no fun ”

Yeah this is a risk as an older guy. But girls could really care less about wisdom, knowledge and life lessons at the pick up stage… they are all 5 years old inside and all chasing good feelz. Just focus on the good feelz. Angst, despair, insecurtity, impotence and beta rage are unattractive at ALL ages.

Someone said girls just wanna have fun after all… focus on having fun.

Go deep only after you have literally gone deep!

8 years ago

@stuffinbox- Remember that young gals ( and men too, for that matter ) don’t have many reasons to be ” serious “. Us older men can’t deal with them on a serious level initially. That ( may ) come(s) later. Younger chicks that vibe on our ” maturity ” are just that, ” vibing ” on it. They don’t necessarily want to discuss anything mature on any particularly deep level, they just want to bask in ” us ” for the most part. Save deep conversation for more mature audiences. Occasionally you may run across a young woman who is… Read more »

8 years ago


Ha Haaa, you beat me to it. Great minds and all that.

And btw, that Kate vid is one of my all time faves. Teach me how to Dougie indeed…. bouncey bounce.

8 years ago

Blax – yeah man… my go to vid to remind myself what is in their heart all the time… you be Michelangelo and expose it! Reminds me how much girls are fun, keep your frame and enjoy them…

8 years ago

True I have had some young gals that knew how,but nothing compared to the 30 to 40yo range in the sack experience..
Comon girls getting laid doesn’t mean you just lay there.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@Blax Surprisingly a 19 year old virgin turned out to be my best sex, but it was down to her enthusiasm at discovering sex was not an awful, demeaning act unlike what angry feminists and Churchians had told her during her life. Most women though I’ve not been able to tell their age or N by how they fucked. They don’t learn at all. They have a vagina. What kind of effort should they have to make at… well… anything so long as they have one, right? That being said, the only other one that came close to the young… Read more »

8 years ago

@Rollo, that’s a bit of a stretch 😛 I aint coercing my bf to do nothing. As for Elon Musk, he’s an extremely successful genius who can buy everyone’s houses here and not have a dent in his bank account. That makes him an alpha by default. Now, he could have sex with aaany 10/10 gold digger he likes, but instead he fell in love. @Scribb Meh, the whole story is really weird. What struck me most is how little importance sex is given by either person involved. I mean, who the fuck even thinks like ”oh, gosh, he’s blocking… Read more »

8 years ago

That chick who married herself got ripped off. Wait for the divorce proceedings, this time you know she’ll initiate and the prenup will be invalidated.

8 years ago

As for Elon Musk, he’s an extremely successful genius…

lol, you gotta unzip before you lick, lady.

8 years ago

@Sun ” The rest are pretty much a blur sex-wise; women really don’t make much effort to learn these days so most of them don’t stand out. Makes sense though as they all pretty much fail at Girl Game as well. The stand outs are very rare indeed.” Cosign absolutely. Society makes such a HUGE deal over Vaginas, that women feel that just possessing one is enough, and they understand that many guys are chasing them to death over the vag, but they use it as another tool to try and subjugate males instead of trying to become competent lovers.… Read more »

8 years ago

@blax “These girls are riding the carousel but not gaining competence in being well versed in pleasure. Giving or receiving.” eh….. if they’re into it and the guy and sexually attracted, they usually are very eager to learn. many girls have only had beta dick, esp if they are in their early 20’s or w/e. i know that blows the minds of manosphere ‘every girl 18+ is getting 10 alpha cocks shoved down their throats every weekend’ alarmists….but it’s not that uncommon. met several hbs who had never slept with anyone before like 6+ dates and full commitment….or like their… Read more »

8 years ago

@ YaReally

The real test is: can you get her to go from throwing beer bottles at you to fucking you?

That was supposed to be hush hush. Oops. lol

Insanity attention-whored: Vanity also compels me to mention, I still turn a few heads.

Where’s that Bruce Lee “skeptical” gif?

8 years ago

“I still turn a few heads.”

Train wrecks always do.

Shiv twisted masterfully.

8 years ago

IB: having looked at your blog I can say: read your adopted faith tradition deeper: man was made to work. Specifically man’s work is to husband creation. Woman was made to help man and also be plowed and seeded. Your previous comments are indeed FI induced rom-com nonsense.

8 years ago

Emily babbled: As for Elon Musk, he’s an extremely successful genius who can buy everyone’s houses here and not have a dent in his bank account. That makes him an alpha by default. Now, he could have sex with aaany 10/10 gold digger he likes, but instead he fell in love.

“As for Elon Musk, he’s an extremely successful genius who can buy everyone’s houses here and not have a dent in his bank account. Now, he could have sex with aaany whore he likes, but instead he fell in love. That makes him a beta by default.”


Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


Your previous comments are indeed FI induced rom-com nonsense.

Or as we typically refer to it around here: IB’s usual.

Seriously, she can’t not shit post. Some things never change.

8 years ago

Re: The Rape Thing. My opinions fall more in line with scrib’s descriptions of what constitutes rape. By today’s standards, I’ve raped many, many women. Thank God I’m not 19-25 years old trying to navigate this shitstorm of sexual relationships today. I’ve had sex with women when they’ve said ” no ” multiple times. Hell, I’ve had a girl saying ” no ” as she pulled me into bed on top of her. I’ve torn women’s clothing completely off prior to sex. The only complaint I’ve ever gotten was a) those were expensive panties mister!!! b) that was one of… Read more »

8 years ago

so the goal is to bring shock the hottie’s reality so that she feels the need to impress you sexually.

or just better target selection among hotties i guess

You have inspired a new Gamer maxim: “Qualify early, qualify often.”

8 years ago

Cosign enthusiasm – skillfulness can quickly be taught to such a one.

8 years ago

How do you guys have the nerve to call Bill Gates and Elon Musk betas? Just because they aren’t out still dealing with mid life crises by chasing 18 year olds? Like, how delusional are you guys..

8 years ago

Em – By all mean, shoot for being like Inanity, great choice. As for your insipid example, first things first, she’s not a heroine, just a woman. And yes, at a certain point if you kidnap or are imprisoning a woman and her only path to release is having sex with you, it probably adds up to rape under some laws, and not others. Morally, it’s very wrong. But here’s the thing, Em. I come from an entirely different POV on all this. I think rape is only slightly worse, and in some cases not as bad as say getting… Read more »

8 years ago

@emilyy96 Bill Gates is a very smart guy, wrote his own code unlike Steve Jobs. He was basically a nerd who wrote much of his own first operating system himself. Much of his life he was just like me, the only difference is he hit the idea of making something that was needed before someone else did. The difference between him and me is literally just time and space, outside of that he’s been just as blue pill beta most of his life as I have. You wouldn’t know this because you have a vagina, which means you are incapable… Read more »

8 years ago

Fyi, note the characteristics of the selfie. Face not visible, exactly the kind a girl will send to a random guy, not to a BF. I wonder how many guys she’s sent that to?

8 years ago

I sent that pic to my friend (a girl) about workout progress. I didn’t know how to use G+ and didnt realize it was public
Please remove it, Rollo.

[Ah ah ah! No posts for you until you read those links young lady. There will be a comprehension test later.]

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


The internet never forgets. You should have thought of that before posting that picture or starting shit with men here.

comment image

8 years ago

It’s too late Emily, my dog just humped off to it. He’ll never regard your insightful comments the same way again.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

If millenials rewrote Newton’s Third Law, it would call for reactions to their actions only when they found it favorable. Physics, of course, would ignore them and continue to do what it do.

8 years ago

Em – So you hid your face in the pic for your girlfriend? Right, okay. Gotcha. You were warned a long time ago. Fyi, I did this mostly because of how you talked about LeeLee, calling her sexual mores and values into question. I guess I do have a bit of the White Knight in me but what can I say, I’m a sucker for a legitimately nice woman and can’t stand frauds like you.

Let’s eliminate all your denials now though. Here’s your Badoo profile pic. You know, the hookup site?

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


He’ll never regard your insightful comments the same way again.

Not to mention the damage to your pants leg if you don’t break out the club soda here pretty quick, bro.

8 years ago

While we are at it, here’s the one of you and that boy from Campania that you fucked. You know, the guy who the older man White Supremacist you were flirting with on line asked you about? Who tacitly admitted fucking but claimed you would never date because he’s so short? Good enough for fucking but not a boyfriend? Alpha fux much, sweetie?

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


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8 years ago

@ScribblerG ” @TheOldOligarch – Ah, I get it. A couple of thoughts, and it would be great if SJF can weigh in as he’s really dived deeply into this and his INTJism makes for a great didactic style while i’m more informal. That said. – You sound kind of depressed. – Read The Biology of Desire. While your ostensible problem isn’t addiction, in fact we are all addicts to positive feedbacks and dopamine etc. We groove in behavior and habits that give us these payoffs but in many cases, these actually aren’t so good for us. This book will help… Read more »

8 years ago


That photo is a real eye opener; Cheesebox house I wouldn’t live in.

8 years ago

@Sun – It’s like a James O’Keefe expose. First you expose one pic, wait for the lie that’s supposedly plausible, and then bury them with more which show the dishonesty.

8 years ago

A friend god rest his soul married high school oneitis made millions.Was divorced by high school oneitis lost millions.Earned millions more remarried same oneitis was divorced again lost millions.This guy had 140+ IQ made more money fell in love w/ new oneitis followed her to Cal.
she kept the upper hand in marriage and squandered millions on stupid business decisions,he let her totaly pedestalized the woman.
He finally drank himself to death the guy just had to stop his thoughts as they didn’t match his reality.An alpha among men and a beta around women.

8 years ago

Aw Emily, it seems you truly are a woman… you tried to pretend you weren’t vain about your looks and got called out on it. There’s no reason to be ashamed about that as I doubt most guys on here would judge you too negatively for some internet pics. And, truth be told, men expect vanity from women. Here’s some free advice for you: You really should try not lying. It’s real easy, you just think before you speak, and recognize your own areas of ignorance before stating bullshit. Try it out for a while, who knows, you might actually… Read more »

8 years ago

@SJF – Very good.. But you miss another element. The reason I became a dopamine addict was because of the abject misery I felt for most of my childhood. I began seeking pleasure as a teen via drinking at first and then weed, and then a bunch of other drugs – then I met my wife and switched to her. I also got off on work for a while, but each of them stopped delivering after a while. I was in an AA Meeting (fyi, stopped drinking/drugs when I was 33 after a 3 yr post divorce tear) a few… Read more »

8 years ago

Hey who took down the dog pics?He was only showing a little tung.

8 years ago

Rollo – The pic on the post is just too sweet, I have to share it for those guys who don’t click through.
comment image

8 years ago

Evangelassed again.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

Lol wow, I was just about to toss a funny little quip Emily’s way but

comment image

8 years ago

Keep in mind a dynamic going on here with two of the women posters. It is called concern trolling. They come her with fake concern over what men are doing and saying here on TRM: Concern troll A person who posts on a blog thread, in the guise of “concern,” to disrupt dialogue or undermine morale by pointing out that posters and/or the site may be getting themselves in trouble, usually with an authority or power. They point out problems that don’t really exist. The intent is to derail, stifle, control, the dialogue. It is viewed as insincere and condescending.… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

Oh god, I hope culture influences future biology. I want future women to wonder why their boobs are so big they have to exercise often to keep a strong enough core to walk straight.

Frankly, there’s enough girls walking around who look like this that I think we men can declare a tentative victory in our aeons-old mission to grow more boob.

8 years ago

@stuff When The Commenter Understanding No Truths first panicked and tried to explain away her pics using the Ignorance of How The Internet Works defense, I actually felt bad for her and tried to explain how shit on the web is accessible to any and everyone, and that there is no ” private “. The paternal thing started kicking in. I had a couple of goddaughters post up bikini pics and they spread like wildfire, and they begged me to ” fix ” it. No can do. Lesson learned the hard way. But Commenter Understanding No Truths killed my paternalistic… Read more »

8 years ago

Ah, thanks for the reminder why I dislike Redpillschool. That guy bans just about anyone for any reason, and then justifies it later by saying, “You guys don’t know how hard it is to keep blue pill trolls away.”

red-pill subreddit: “Structured and sanitized red-pill discussion for your protection.”

8 years ago


March 29th, 2016 at 2:39 pm
“How do you guys have the nerve to call Bill Gates and Elon Musk betas? Just because they aren’t out still dealing with mid life crises by chasing 18 year olds? Like, how delusional are you guys..”

Elon Musk dumped his wife, in 2008, to marry a 22-year-old virgin. Him being 36 of age at the time and his first wife also. Look up Rollo’s (in)famous SMV-graph to understand the significance.

8 years ago

“IB: Harlequin Books called and want their trite bodice-ripping protagonist back. Be a good girl and return to your perch.” That was really funny. For the record, I am never trite. “If you don’t start to get this and change your behavior, you will end up like Insanity.” LOL! I won the husband lottery, marriage just gets better and better, sex is so unbelievable it’s a downright Divine experience, and I am relatively content in all things. Conversely life itself can suck sometimes, but overall, it’s a real blessing being IB. I pray that all women could be so blessed.… Read more »

8 years ago

I had the paternal feelzees for Em months ago and she killed it right away.
Even though I have a daughter the same age and attitudes,this 96s a mean one.
The titty bar chick just reminded me of my daughters and I lost attraction.
With Emily there never was any attraction and still isn’t.
You did see the dog pics?
That was some funny shit right there I dont care who you are.

8 years ago

@Jeremy Lol, I was just using reddit as an example of some of the dynamics of going on here from the women and how to watch out for what they are actually doing in what they are saying. I have only really recently started reading there (three months) so I don’t know a lot of the characters or practices there. I actually can’t figure out how or why to post on reddit redpill or married red pill reddit, but I have been getting a shit-ton of good mindset information there lately. And that is adding to my already really good… Read more »

8 years ago


March 29th, 2016 at 10:38 am

“Tomassi is correct, I did not miss the point at all. But to be utterly ravished, ruined, spent, destroyed by love, even it’s failures, really is what it is all about, that is what gives life it’s meaning, that is what we were created for.”

8 years ago

Too bad about Elon Musk. I was actually a fan because he created a decent electric automobile and was immediately snubbed by the ” auto dealers association ” because he tried to sell Teslas in malls and storefront rather than traditional dealerships. I’m a sucker for an underdog. And the Tesla is a marvelous auto. There are a few of them in the area where I work, and I’ve had one chase me at over 130 mph before I could put any kind of distance between us. But that doesn’t make him immune to betahood. There are men smarter and… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Rollo

Lol. Maybe if you wrap it in new lithium batteries…..

8 years ago

@scribblerg @all Jeffy just put up a vid on burnout in the game. Dude is 40 and has been doing pickup for 15 years. He looks ragged ’cause he’s at the end of the 5 day world summit (5 days of speaking to a huge audience and hitting up chaotic nightclubs etc): Also lol at 7:30 where he describes most guys’ game. That’s your competition out there. The bar is LOW. Last summit (scribbler pay attention to Julien’s part, and Jeffy’s parts): Also expect to see more of this in the coming years, things are going to get… Read more »

8 years ago

“LOL! I won the husband lottery, marriage just gets better and better, sex is so unbelievable it’s a downright Divine experience, and I am relatively content in all things. Conversely life itself can suck sometimes, but overall, it’s a real blessing being IB. I pray that all women could be so blessed.”

Pic or it’s not true

8 years ago

@IB – Which of course begs the question, why are you such a nasty cunt if you are so happy and your life is so grand? Just a thought. And don’t hide behind being a women as women who are civil and engaging here get treated well for the most part.

So please tell us, why do come here and act like a psychotic BPD bitch?

8 years ago

Is ” The Husband Lottery ” like Poweball?

8 years ago

…that’s ” Powerball “

8 years ago

@Rollo – My research service has the following: Wouldn’t be surprised if he had private emails like “elon@” for each one too. Or not. Looks like he tweets personally from that account, it’s not used frequently enough to be run by some PR flack. And while he certainly has an asst/admin who helps with email, it’s not unthinkable that a cold email would get through. Particularly with a good subject line. Okay, TRM, time to rise to the challenge to throw a lifeline to a man who certainly needs one. Jeremy, I understand if you pass. Let’s… Read more »

8 years ago

One. More. Time.

8 years ago

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Blax – that’s “powerBALLZ”…

8 years ago

Hypergamy would never accept a “husband lottery”, no way, no how. Nothing less than best possible optimization is allowable. Lotteries are throwing spit at a big wall and hoping you hit a moving bullseye because the wind caught it. Hypergamy is doing anything possible to control the wind, target, spit, distance, gravitational constant of the universe, even if those things mean that other people get screwed, just to give yourself the best possible situation.

There is no “husband lottery” save for what women try to convince themselves of.

8 years ago

Guys, IB is just being a girl, really. AWALT. When you read through her posts, it’s just like taking a ride down Red Pill Lane, just an older version than Emily, really. Doesn’t fit here, really, but I can see Rollo’s point about this being useful as a foil from time to time. I mean look at things like this: But to be utterly ravished, ruined, spent, destroyed by love, even it’s failures, really is what it is all about, that is what gives life it’s meaning, that is what we were created for. I know that most of you… Read more »

8 years ago

I am so amused by all of Blax’s shit. ROFL.

I appreciate Rollo dealing with Emily’s silly designation of guys with money as “alphas” just because they have money.

Gates is a marketing genius, for sure. He also sourced the original DOS code from another company (I forget which company). If Gary Kildahl hadn’t stiffed IBM and gone on his expensive airplane ride, we might be talking about Digital Research like we do Microsoft. And Bill Gates would be unknown.

8 years ago

LOL! I won the husband lottery, marriage just gets better and better, sex is so unbelievable it’s a downright Divine experience, and I am relatively content in all things. Conversely life itself can suck sometimes, but overall, it’s a real blessing being IB. I pray that all women could be so blessed. Hamsterlation: Hubby got a promotion and there’s an extra cruise on next year where I can get done every which way but loose by the ship steward. When I’m not on the cruise being done by the steward, I have to rely on B.O.B. (my battery operated boyfriend)… Read more »

8 years ago

Speaking of workouts and old dudes….. Working with my boxing trainer and he burst my bubble. Hard. Trying to emulate the Floyd Mayweather style of defense. Floyd is a defensive magician. Into 2nd week of instruction and light sparring and finally not getting hit as often. Instructor is in his 40’s, former Armed Forces Light Heavyweight and ranked amateur. He asked me ” why do you want to do this??”. Paraphrasing – Me: I just want to see if I can do this. Him: But why? Me: Because…. I think I can do this. Him: BwaaaaHaaa Haaaaa Haaaa Haaaa Haaaaa…… Read more »

8 years ago

@Rollo Okay, how bout this. Mr Musk’s an alpha among men, but a beta among women. The type of man who rules the world but is ruled by his wife at home. Better? Think it’s important to make a distinction because I dont think someone who makes five figures (like some of your readers) has the right to say a billionaire is a beta. Maybe he is among women, but that billionaire is certainly more powerful than the so called alpha, even if said billionaire doesn’t have an ‘alpha’ mindset. I also don’t think it’s healthy to respect men like… Read more »

8 years ago

Re: Asd’s comment on DRI. As an old bastard myself, I was getting my start in the computer business when CP/M was around and when MS-DOS came out. There are lots of rumors but the actual lessons of DRI are cautionary. Kildall, the founder of DRI, the company that developed CP/M was a bad business person and very difficult to deal with. IBM approached him first fpr am operating system for its PC, but he decided that day to fly with one of his engineers to a customer site (in his own airplane) and leave the negotiation of a non-disclosure… Read more »

8 years ago

And yet you changed your profile pic again… to the blackout one

What does that say?

8 years ago


Good,you have far to good a mind to get it knocked loose.
Some of these guys have no choice.I watched a special a while back interviewing the guys that fought Cashes Clay,Ali he slowed down in the Spinks fight,lost the title didn’t have to but he went out fighting.
Brain damage is no joke.

8 years ago

@ stuff

I had the pleasure of meeting many ex heavyweight fighters, never Ali though. But I did get to spend a few hours with Joe Frazier at a wedding reception back in the mid 90’s. Most of us never see the actual damage boxers sustain, body and brain.

will say that Frazier HATED Ali at the time I met him. They almost killed each other and neither fighter was ever the same after they fought.

Nope. I don’t want Dain Bramage.

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

“But to be utterly ravished, ruined, spent, destroyed by love, even it’s failures, really is what it is all about, that is what gives life it’s meaning, that is what we were created for.”

Thanks Novaseeker.
My take on that is:
Insanitybytes is speaking the truth, this is what kind of love WOMEN need (to tingle and submit ) not men.

8 years ago

Having money doesn’t denote Alpha.

Building companies doesn’t denote Alpha.

Alpha is not ” done “.

8 years ago

Is this the comprehension test Rollo?

Okay.. I would say… the answer is…


A successful beta.

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

Or, Emily, is your bf beta or beta?

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

“But to be utterly ravished((bent over and spanking)), ruined((becoming alpha widow)), spent((fucking so many other men in search for another alpha)), destroyed by love((Mr bytes can never measure up to the past alpha)), even it’s failures(( couldn’t keep the alpha)), really is what it is all about((AF / BB)), that is what gives life it’s meaning((when you settle in and you realize being with a beta is not bad after all)), that is what we were created for.((a body with boobs and two holes))”

8 years ago

Ghomeshi’s lawyer on trial by blue pill society who’s mad she didn’t Listen & Believe without question:

Chick is a BOSS, dude tries to nail her to the cross from a million angles and she’s having none of it. Stronger frame than most dudes have. No wonder he hired her lol

8 years ago

Re: Emily. Sometimes the hamster runs so hard it loses control and fucks itself.

8 years ago

Right now, if Emily has read Rollo’s response, she’s trying desperately to cling to the notion that marrying a Bill Gates or an Elon Musk would still be marrying an “alpha”, even though she can’t reconcile the pure examples of wealthy, famous, successful individual men who have either trashed their careers through mental illness or killed themselves. If you listen closely, you can hear the wheels squeaking at near light speed attempting to reconcile preconceived notions of what she finds desirable, with the reality of masculinity. So, for those keeping score, Emily has said: 1) Bill Gates, wealthy, successful… must… Read more »

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

That Ghomeshi lawyer, what a woman. I think Hypergamy can be rational when high interest is involved.
Unlike other women (like Emily) who perform felltio with a beer bottle when she can never be like that smart lawyer.

8 years ago

I’ve always suspected”they fundamentally don’t understand men” and thus their instincts ARE NOT easily fooled.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@Blax She is a very mean spirited girl, and worst of all she hides it in a guise of being religious I mentioned before we started recording Saturday that this is exactly who emily is. I’ve known a million cute chicks like her in my life. The kind of chicks that are truly awful people that then cynically hide behind religion as an after-the-fact dodge for all their bad behavior then continue to engage in it. So many whores like her wearing religion like a bullet proof vest against criticism. As many religious types might think I’m immoral for my… Read more »

8 years ago

No no, Jeremy, Robin Williams is also an alpha, by my definition. I was just playing w Rollo 🙂 By Rollo’s definition, he’s a beta. But I did read all his articles (I’m taking care of my daddy so I don’t have much else to do, or as Lee Lee would say ‘I’m STUCK at home’) and I wasn’t convinced to change my opinion. Not all women are the same. Had Elon Musk and Robin Williams married different women, they may have been more happy. And Elon Musk did but left her, so I guess Karma hit him hard. Anyway,… Read more »

8 years ago

@jeremy.. Have to disagree about Musk. I think he is a legit a genius, and despite what appears to be extreme blue pillism, his work has probably already changed the trajectory of humanity for the better. Looking at just his work effort/output and can-do attitude, it’s pure alpha. He really is an impressive dude. Reminds me of Dr. Manhattan in watchmen.. I’m not as impressed by bill gates tbh, comparing the two. Bill (like Steve jobs) appropriated a lot of his ideas from others (ms dos was an ibm clone, win 3.1 was a Xerox clone Etc) and windoze still… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
8 years ago

@Scribblerg – if you’ve not yet watched the RSD Jeffy video YaReally posted on this thread (about older guys and younger guys in Game) – it’s really worth watching.

Only 15 mins but he really hits some nuances about identity and depth that you don’t normally see in this discussion.

Bonus points for the story of the *sixty* plus guy who came for a bootcamp by Jeffy and went home with a 22 year old pilates instructor on the second night.

8 years ago

HEY EMILY. Thanks for posting my not-a-rape story over at “The Blue Pill” Reddit for all your friends. Love it. Let’s spread the word about not-rape.

8 years ago

@Ludiam0ndz I think he is a legit a genius, and despite what appears to be extreme blue pillism… Here’s the problem with that line of thinking… battery powered devices doesn’t help humanity. Slightly cheaper launch costs to low earth orbit doesn’t help humanity. If he’s a genius, why is he solving the wrong problems? Here’s humanity’s two biggest problem: 1) Increasingly expensive energy sources 2) Not enough space to live, no open frontier exists to go live away from all governments on your own. Elon tried to solve the first problem by building a battery powered car, and a totally… Read more »

8 years ago

“That’s my problem, if he’s really a genius, why does he solve the wrong problems, or problems that he should know no one can profit from (the home battery).” Perhaps for the same reason blue pill Betas persist in an ideology to realize their sexual strategy rather than Red Pill praxeology and Game (whether conscious i.e. PUA or unconscious Naturals)? Perhaps he was practical with Paypal and he came along with it at the right time and capitalized on it. Now he’s just an Idealog, an impractical idealist : theorist. A blind partisan advocate or adherent of a particular ideology.… Read more »

8 years ago

You know what, this is worth looking at for more than just Emily’s self disclosure: I write about an incident that neither fits the legal definition of rape or the definition of RAINN, the leading anti-sexual assault organization in the country (I wasn’t physically forced, I wasn’t in fear for my physical safety, I was ONLY AFRAID OF GETTING IN TROUBLE), and these blue pill people lose their minds. It just proves the whole point of this post and the reason I wrote the thing in the first place. “Rape culture” hysteria isn’t about actual women actually getting raped.… Read more »

8 years ago

Fellas, the Commenter Understanding No Truth spreading her brand of bullshit on that reddit is hilarious. Desperate for attention much?

8 years ago

@Blax, “Time is undefeated” I’m stealing that line for sure. Great line to use when a feminist is mouthing off.
As for boxing, try some iron palm training. that way, you don’t have to be as fast or young. Your punches will have much more impact and you will have to throw less of them. After about 6 months, you will feel how your hands can take much more force in the training and no longer feel uncomfortable. Nice trick pony to have in case you need it.

8 years ago

“women’s sex drive is weaker than men’s”

Sex drive isn’t a reflection of how much they enjoy sex.

If you have kids, you know that they might not have a strong desire to go out and do something, but once they’re out doing it it’s the best thing in the world.

Same is true with women and sex.

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