The Lesson of Hugo


Up until just today, other than a few tweets over the last two weeks, the heavy hitters of the manosphere seemed content to simply let Hugo Schwyzer self-immolate. Who can blame them, right? Vox had a quick hit just detailing the revelations of Hugo’s reputation / legitimacy death spiral. Advocatus Diaboli then did the manosphere the favor of highlighting Hugo’s post, post internet exit and twitter meltdown (which may still be ongoing, I’m not sure).

Needless to say Hugo endeared a lot of manosphere spite, but now, in light of all his self-righteous self-destruction and subsequent admissions of complete guilt and culpability in his career spanning, psuedo-feminist scam, we can finally dissect the corpse of Hugo’s grand production. Hugo was almost too easy a foil, too easy a mark for the manosphere. I forget who I read drop this quote, but Game recognizes Game, and for all of Hugo’s purported investment in feminist flag waving, a lot of guys in the ‘sphere saw his Game for what it was.

I’ll have to admit, when I first read the Real Porn Wiki Leaks of Hugo’s professional death throes I was ready to pile on. I need to thank Nick Krauser for talking me off the edge and killing a post I briefly published, ready to join the Hugo scrum, but as he commented, it was ‘off brand’ for me. That’s the temptation of going off half-cocked, most times there’s usually something deeper in the story than just the salacious parts. Sometimes a story needs to mature before you can grasp the significance of it, and Hugo didn’t disappoint.

There’s a lot of angles to Hugo’s destruction. In one sense he actually shared many of the experiences and frustration most men find their way to the manosphere to resolve. He was a Beta, but he was a Beta dedicated to the blue-pill – in fact he was so ego-invested  he built his entire life around the feminine Matrix to the point that his career and livelihood depended upon it. However Hugo wasn’t one of the blue-pill careerists like the Dr. Phills and Dr. Drews, he sold himself as the next stage in feminized man’s evolution – Hugo was the feminized man.

At least this was the pathology he’d convinced himself of.


If you’ve ever known a pathological liar, the primary characteristic of their psyche is an ability to convince themselves of the veracity of their own lies. “Repeat a lie enough and it becomes true”,  Joseph Goebbels was inferring this in a social sense, but it’s also true on a personal, psychological level. Repeat the fantasy, replay the mental imaginings, review the desired, conditioned ,belief often enough, and the lie becomes the truth for you. This is the essence of pathology. The pathological personality literally creates its own reality and expects others (or coerces others) to fill the roles he defines for them to fit his narrative. Sometimes this isn’t such a bad thing; think of Steve Jobs defining his own reality, but more often it means the absolute destruction of that person’s identity when actual reality crushes their imagined reality.

Hugo repeated a lie often enough for himself to believe it, a handful of minor league academics to believe it, and broad swathes of the femosphere to believe it. Of course there’ll be the element that will say they knew it all along and he was always a charlatan, but Hugo’s reach into the mainstream, repeating his lie, was a message they could at least tolerate for their cause if not endorse wholesale. Thus, Hugo got a pass – he became the male representative of fem-culture and the happily willing tool of the feminine imperative.

I did promote others but I secretly wanted to be THE male feminist. 12:41 PM – 9 Aug 13 @hugoschwyzer

There’ll be no mercy for Hugo on this or any other manosphere blog. If there’s any consolation for Hugo it’s in his slitting his own net-persona’s throat and thus denying those in the manosphere the satisfaction of roasting him themselves. Even in his self-loathing twitter posts he still expects attention (like a woman) and consoling like a Beta child clutching at the femosphere’s apron strings.

The End Result

However, after all his singular sense of feminized purpose, Hugo got exactly what he wanted; he became, and in his personal destruction still is, the male feminist. He became the male representative of the gynosphere, the go-to guy, the man you sought out if you wanted to better identify with the feminine purpose. Hugo became, and is, the model of the man the feminine imperative would ultimately have any man become – a man so thoroughly invested in the likeness it created for him that it would grant him exclusive access to its most powerful media voice (Jezebel, BlogHer, Xojane, The Atlantic). It’s their game, and Hugo was the only man the feminine imperative was comfortable in legitimizing; he was one of the select few men to be allowed to be take seriously.

Whenever you see one of these pathetic parodies of a man self-identifying as a ‘male feminist’ and holding some hand-scribbled placard with the words, “I need feminism because,…” understand that Hugo Schwyzer is the man the feminine imperative would ultimately have them become. The man at the end of that process, after 47 years of identifying with the feminine, after an utterly destroyed career based on obsessively denigrating his own gender, the end result is what Hugo is today.

For every guy who’s convinced himself of ‘correctness’  of gender equalism, much less feminine-primacy, understand that Hugo’s example is the logical extreme of repressing your gender-purpose in favor of the feminine. For every blue-pill guy on the cusp of taking the red pill and accepting the harsh truths it demands in dispelling your blissful ignorance, understand that if you don’t, the face you’ll see in the future’s mirror will be Hugo’s.

I don’t have any sympathy for Hugo, nor do I have any pity for him. He’s only a year older than myself, so I imagine that he and I share a similar cultural upbringing and life experience. Obviously we differ in experience when it comes to waking up to the Matrix, but here’s a man who, not unlike myself, also had his run-ins with a BPD woman (if not more than one). Hugo, like most men, wanted to get laid, maybe worse than most men, so he built up a Game around identifying with them, only he took this identification to such an extreme that he became a woman, he embodied their expectations, but still retained the liabilities of being a man. Hugo is a living paradox and his destruction viscerally illustrates that even feminists won’t tolerate a perfected feminized man. They don’t want what they want.

For all of Hugo’s blue-pill, male feminism, he was still a man and prone to the desires men innately have.

How many blue-pill men have sought out the manosphere because their similar delusions simply never bore fruit with women, or they were burned by them? At some point Hugo was not all that unlike most guys seeking answers in the manosphere, but at some point he made his decision to remain firmly implanted in his blue-pill existence and cope with his maleness the best way he knew how – an extreme, life investment in what would become the identity crisis he’s experiencing today. Hugo is what is waiting for any man who thinks they can become a better fe-male – they become Gollum, corrupted parodies of their original form, but still accountable to their real nature.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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10 years ago

Well Hugo had facial hair and everything, so was he REALLY a male feminist? 🙂

But I do find it amazing to observe the depths to which the world today can influence him (or any man like him) to suppress his most basic physical trait and BECOME what he actually desires. Nature’s got some corrections to do!

10 years ago

The ultimate irony would be if he does a complete reversal and aims to become THE male MRA/PUA/manospherian.

Sort of like the reformed sinner-cum-preacher trope.

10 years ago

That’s a humorous possibility but it’s safe to say Hugo’s persona non grata in these parts, forever.

The Other Jim
The Other Jim
10 years ago

“Sort of like the reformed sinner-cum-preacher trope.” Hugo Schwyzer as Elmer Gantry? That seems a good analogue to Hugo. I highly recommend the book and the movie with Burt Lancaster. Perhaps a viewing of ‘Nightmare Alley’ with Tyrone Power as a conman in a traveling carnival would make more sense of Hugo Schwyzer. I wonder if all of these mental breakdowns by Hugo are one part attention seeking, one part sub-conscious cry for help as they seemed a deliberate act to self-sabotage his life. Perhaps the male ‘psyche’, (or what passes for a conscious) of Hugo just couldn’t stand the… Read more »

10 years ago

They all believed him, they were deceived. Since the beginning of written communication, men have informed us about women being easily deceived. I find this an epic chain of truth. Even during her historic ascendance to power, Eve remains in her curse (the same as she ever was) deceived.

10 years ago

Think that story is about woman choosing evil, and man foolishly following her. Could Adam betray Eve by pretending to bite the apple? Feminists can’t be deceived, since they play the dirtiest.

Matthew King
Matthew King
10 years ago

Much better response than Roissy’s petty little touchdown dance, which demonstrated how similar Roissy and Schwyzer are — more than it showed the “victor” to be superior, like he thought he was doing. Though it would be illustrative to see your initial, twerpy reaction, which you wisely pulled. Krauser is a good egg. He is calibrated while the rest of you get emotionally involved in the theatrics of a cause more than its substance, like drama queens. Are you starting to realize that it is your job to manage and direct the instant frenzies rather than contribute to them? Riots… Read more »

10 years ago

Hugo is what is waiting for any man who thinks they can become a better fe-male – they become Gollum, corrupted parodies of their original form, but still accountable to their real nature.

Brilliantly put.

10 years ago

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.” ~Richard Feynman

10 years ago

For your consideration as “the male feminist” the next Hugo:

“October 6, 2011 at 2:45 pm #
I, for one, welcome our radical feminist overlords.

Or is that ‘overladies’?”


10 years ago

Queen – nobody cares what you think.

Yep It's Me
Yep It's Me
10 years ago

“For every blue-pill guy on the cusp of taking the red pill and accepting the harsh truths it demands in dispelling your blissful ignorance” First of all, since I don’t read any of the tripe on those other sites, I have (or had) no idea that Hugo Schwyzer even existed – so any commentary I might have about his situation is moot. But the sentence that resonated with me was the one quoted above. I’ve read a few articles on the subject (here and on other sites) of how, even when the truth is provided and is believed with the… Read more »

Peregrine John
Peregrine John
10 years ago

This whole affair (and some of the commentary) reminds me of Steve Taylor’s song, Smug, particularly the line about being “politically Koreshed.” Seems about right. He’s toast.

10 years ago

Hugo has become the Great Healer and Uniter; both feminists and MRAs alike despise him in equal measure. What fun!

10 years ago

After all the write-ups on alpha vs. beta, I’m still not comfortable with how we talk about this in the manosphere as if it’s all or nothing. To simply say “[Hugo] was a Beta” oversimplifies things. He clearly had some sort of “Game” as you noted (and I think more than typical beta game). He had status and authority as a prof, which enabled him to bang students. He had his schtick which made him a semi-celebrity with fem-types. He was kind of the best at what he did (though that’s not saying much). He was an inveterate liar, a… Read more »

10 years ago

None of us should get too cocky over the self-immolation of Hugo. Just look at his picture, then look at the picture of all the male writers over at Salon. There will be a new Hugo to take his place soon.

The fact that his punishment is teaching post-secondary Western Civ to young students doesn’t seem like a victory to me.

Yep It's Me
Yep It's Me
10 years ago

Personally, I don’t appreciate any Man’s downfall, regardless of his “status” on the Greek alphabet scale. A great truth my Dad told me in my teenage years was “it’s easier to pull a Man down than it is to pull him up” – and I would say, it’s also very easy to kick someone once their down, than to just reach down and offer him the assistance to stand back up. We all have something, somewhere in our make-up that is our Achilles’s heel or “feet of clay” – as I told my son yesterday, we are all about two… Read more »

Intellectual Bro
Intellectual Bro
10 years ago

Rollo, Before reading your blog, I had no idea what “Ego investment” was or why it was important or applicable to me. Thanks. What I am in pursuit of, and maybe we all are, is The Truth. For me personally, I seek the truth of the best way to live as a man in relation to woman, so I can live out that truth and just be happy with my life as I progress into marriage eventually (yes, marriage) and create a family and legacy. Hugo’s recent breakdown has shown that, at his core, his blue-pill world view conflicts with… Read more »

10 years ago

Most men nowadays are Gollums, tbh. That pusssssyyyyy. It calls to ussss.

10 years ago

“as I told my son yesterday, we are all about two fuckups away from being at the bottom of the pile.”

I thank God for people like you: while you’re teaching your kids how close to failure they always are, I’m teaching my kids that they’re unstoppable winners.

I predict absolutely zero competition from Team Fuck-Up Avoidance, USA. Much obliged.

Yep It's Me
Yep It's Me
10 years ago

@ Micheal – you’re welcome. I want my son to live life on the edge, challenging himself, taking the fear out of failure – to embrace his human nature, not fear it. With big risks, come the possibility of big rewards (or big failures). I love watching things like the X Games – because those athletes are pushing the edge, and yes, they probably closer than 2 steps away from in many cases, death. Knowing your limitations, know the limitations of those around you – who and what you can truly depend on – those are the things I’m teaching… Read more »

10 years ago

I’m still having trouble trying to figure out whyfor all the hate when a visible mangina takes the final plunge and commits seppuku. I can only tentatively conclude that it is a form of public schadenfreude with accompanying backslapping.

I suppose that it’s taken the heat off Mark Minter and Geisha Kate for the moment.

10 years ago

No one can show me that Hugo is in jeopardy of

1. losing his paycheck
2. losing (paid) speaking engagements that he was otherwise gonna
have (Jaclyn Friedman & Amanda Marcotte don’t share THOSE with
3. losing his reserved parking spot anywhere

A guy who’s a Professor of “social science” at Pasadena Community College never really does have his feet held to the fire, job-performance-wise; in fact, all publicity is good publicity

Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming
10 years ago

I’ve been surfing in and out of the Mano and Femo-spheres for a while and haven’t seen much by or about Hugo. Although I do recall an article I may have half read by him on Good Men Project. I do recall some Femosphere sites taking umbrege with him writing about “womens issues” when he attempted to murder a woman some years ago. I don’t think Manosphere found about that until recently. Hugo himself about the whole thing just last week or so on his blog. His story is one of several years mental illness, multiple suicide attempts, checking in… Read more »

10 years ago

Good post. Compassion is strength.

Mark Minter, Hugo, are all self-dramatizing sideshows: they took extreme positions to get attention.

The rest of us, Rollo included, are just living in the world, getting things done and walking the middle path.

Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming
10 years ago

“A guy who’s a Professor of “social science” at Pasadena Community College never really does have his feet held to the fire, job-performance-wise; in fact, all publicity is good publicity”

Tell me about it! He’s teaching something called “Western Civ”.

Reporter to Gandhi: What do you think of Western Civilization?

Gandhi: I think it would be a good idea.

Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming
10 years ago

“I forget who I read drop this quote, but Game recognizes Game, and for all of Hugo’s purported investment in feminist flag waving, a lot of guys in the ‘sphere saw his Game for what it was.”

They were at least two years late. Most Feminists had him pegged from the get-go.

10 years ago

I grew up in the ’60’s and 70’s with a feminist psychology professor mom and her circle of butch cronies (most single), of which only a few men were “privileged” enough to enter. You got it, the few were “Hugo-ish.” Women pretending to be men, men pretending to be women – major wtf to a kid. By highschool it was obvious to me that these “guys” were getting a lot of pussy from these butch bitches.
Hugo’s plight – no surprise here!

10 years ago

@ Michael Hope you are saving a lot of $ for the menatl health treatment at least one of your children will require. A schizo/psychotic break will happen, especially if there is any genetic predisposition to any type of personality disorder. The 1st time one does fail, watch out! I just hope no one gets hurt. You bash “Yep . . .” for teaching failure; your kids will not be able to deal with it; bad things for them are inevitable as they hit their early 20s. They are also at great risk for underachieving, as they will not attempt… Read more »

Yep It's Me
Yep It's Me
10 years ago

Well, as I said, I want my kids to “be all they can be”, but I’m not perfect and there is the potential (and great fear of mine) is that my kids will fail (because there is not guarantee of success, because there are always unseen circumstances) – and I will never tell another man how to raise their kids. But I will tell say, I believe in the concept of living life more like a “missile guidance” system. Research, Plan, Act, Correct, Adjust Course. No one is perfect (and I have found that out over and over personally), and… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
10 years ago

Most Feminists had him pegged from the get-go.

Hmm…no, I believe that privilege was reserved for just a few, and none from the get-go.

10 years ago

HUS is back up with comments . Looks like the comment section will be a total snooze-fest now with the delete and ban hammer being wielded already.

Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming
10 years ago

There were a number of feminists who knew about Hugo’s past. Particularly his murder attempt, so yeah, they had him pegged (heh) from the get-go.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
10 years ago

There were a number of feminists who knew about Hugo’s past.

Name them, and point to their writings.

Here, I’ll name some who did not want to know anything about Hugo’s past:

the entire editorial staff of Atlantic, the feminists who run the Good Mangina Project, A. Marcotte, and shall I go on?

The only feminists who had Hugo pegged were in the LA basin, as his article earlier this year strongly suggests…

Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming
10 years ago

“Name them, and point to their writings. ” Can’t. It was years ago I saw it. I just remember that when he started to write for various websites , there were always comments like “Why are you allowing a man who attempted to murder a woman to write for you” and “I will no longer read this publication.” etc. Sometimes I’d click on the name of the poster and it would take me to a blog ranting against Hugo. I seem to recall RadFemHub had quite a lot about him. I’m not an equalist. My travels around the world showed… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
10 years ago

So in fact, Monarch Programming, you can’t actually produce any feminists who saw Hugo for what he was. Thanks for making my point even more clear, and for supporting the larger point made in the OP. Hugo is the feminised man par excellence, an example of what feminism wished and still wishes to do to all men. Only now, when he’s become an obvious embarrassment to The Cause, are feminists jettisoning him. And all of his supplication, his emotional drama scenes, etc. cannot save him from the contempt of the feminists. Because, ultimately, of hypergamy…because feminism is founded upon false… Read more »

Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming
10 years ago

“Susan Walsh is an aging, menopausal 2nd stage feminist who now wants to have grandchildren, but who also wants younger women to be able to ride the cock carousel & nevertheless fall into the arms of a Beta when ready to do so (just as she did).” And it worked! LOL. As it usually does. Susan is trying to stay relevant in a culture that worships youth and ignores the elderly. She is also trying to relive her past vicariously through her commenters. “She doesn’t know much of anything about anything, and is incapable of retaining any knowledge that conflicts… Read more »

Rollo Tomassi
10 years ago

Before you get too upset with 13-16 y.o. boys texting dick shots to girls, Google “self-shots”, “self shooters” or “Selfies” and tell me why they might think it’s a good idea.

Susan is all commercial now. She killed her comments just long enough to avoid too much backlash for her past bullshit that might conflict with anything she said on her HuffPo Live appearance. She’s a site traffic whore for her advertisers.

Why Vox still considers her a manosphere blogger now is beyond me.

Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming
10 years ago

“Before you get too upset with 13-16 y.o. boys texting dick shots to girls, Google “self-shots”, “self shooters” or “Selfies” and tell me why they might think it’s a good idea.” Have you read the actual piece Rollo? Its about boys who are texting penis shots and “I want my d*ck in your mouth” to girls that have NOT texting them any thing of the sort, NOT to girls who have sent them “selfies”. If a girl sends an unsolicited “selfie” to a boy or a “I want your tongue in my c*nt” or “I want to put my finger… Read more »

10 years ago

Why Vox still considers her a manosphere blogger now is beyond me. She’s not an androsphere blogger per se. That’s neither her focus nor her target audience. But based on the number of her commenters who have subsequently moved on to sites like yours, mine, and even their own, I see her blog as serving a useful introductory purpose. Whether that will still be the case after her restructuring, we will have to wait and see. I know from experience that very few women can handle straight Game blogs, but civilization requires their participation as much as it requires that… Read more »

10 years ago

” based on the number of her commenters who have subsequently moved on to sites like yours, mine, and even their own” How many of her regular commenters – i.e. people who didn’t comment on other sites before showing up at HUS -, male or female, actually moved on to androsphere sites? How many thoughtful, useful commenters did HUS spawn? I cannot even name one. “but civilization requires their participation” Yes – in the form of delivering babies and then looking after them while they’re young. Women’s participation in discussions amongst men about the SMP – or any other issue… Read more »

Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming
10 years ago

“The main objective of Walsh, the one purpose that all her arguments and complaints boil down to, is that young, upper-class, college-educated white women should be able to follow the mating strategy that she followed in the 80s. ”

Who do you suggest *should* stop sovereign adult individuals from engaging in mutually consentual sex?

Gin Martini
Gin Martini
10 years ago

Monarch Programming is Plain Jane. Without HUS to troll, you’re next, Rollo.

The Other Jim
The Other Jim
10 years ago

Ruh-roh!!! Apparently, Hugo has tried to kill himself again on this past week; “Hugo Schwyzer, the controversial pornography professor who took a leave from Pasadena City College to recover from mental illness, has once again been hospitalized after attempting suicide. He said the attempt was “serious,” in an email to The Daily Caller News Foundation….” Well, that’s it. Hugo has become ‘Brad’ from ‘Bachelor Party’… “…Adding to the confusion is Rick’s friend, Brad who has become despondent over his wife breaking up with him. At various points during the movie, he riotously botches every suicide he attempts. He even… Read more »

Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming
10 years ago

I’m empathetic toward the mentally ill and those with suicide ideation but come on, who contacts news outlets after attempting suicide?

10 years ago

Hey, this is what I said was coming… like an out of control avalanche. Rollo, you’re not the cause of it, not by a long shot. If anything, properly taken, you are an antidote. However, you are now a leader, and so you DO play a role in the final outcome. What role will that be? Time will tell. We all must live in this world. It’s my hope, friend, that you take the constructive path, rather than the poolside. You are in a powerful positiion to affect positive change… please make use of it. Or, we can all be… Read more »

A Definite Beta Guy
10 years ago

“She doesn’t actually attack the foundations of feminist dogma and never did.” Why would she? She is largely a feminist that agrees with the basic tenets of gender equality, just like most people in American society. That’s a pointless battle to fight. Her role is one of expediting Thermidor and putting the Feminist Robespierres on the chopping block. A lot of her female commenters were hard-core Jezzies before coming to something more moderate. Even if a girl goes “blah blah blah women should be allowed to have casual sex,” it’s an improvement if she herself does not actually do it,… Read more »

Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming
10 years ago

“But WHAT ABOUT YOUR KIDS? Dude, pick a side, please.”

Who cares? Kids have never been the most important thing to American parents. The most important thing to American parents is their “fweeeeeeeeeedom” and “rugged indiwidualiiiiisssssm”.

That’s why so many single parents prefer to surf the net, date strangers and get laid then spend quality time with their children.

10 years ago

Hey, Monarch Programming,

I get you. Peace.

For the rest, research “Monarch Programing.”

10 years ago

Filthy, nasty shit.

10 years ago

She’s not an androsphere blogger per se. That’s neither her focus nor her target audience. But based on the number of her commenters who have subsequently moved on to sites like yours, mine, and even their own, I see her blog as serving a useful introductory purpose. Vox, I can only assume then that you have not checked out the last 3-4 posts along with the comment sections. To whatever degree HUS once served a useful introductory purpose to Red Pill concepts (and arguably that has been a pretty weak introduction the last 12 months or so) there certainly isn’t… Read more »

10 years ago


I’ve meaning to ask, can you add us to your blogroll? Thanks in advance


10 years ago

A lot of her female commenters were hard-core Jezzies before coming to something more moderate. ADBG, not trying to call you out here in a negative way, but can you give me a name or two. I’m pondering, and I can’t think of a single female commenter who arrived at HUS a Jezzie type and after participating awhile turned more moderate. I can think of a couple Jezzie types that stayed Jezzie types. I guess I’m just skeptical that at the end of the day, HUS really had much impact in making any readers/commenters more understanding/empathetic to the male POV/perspective.… Read more »

10 years ago

78 is a big number. I have to say I’m a bit surprised. I was sure she banned probably 10-20 men, but 78? And I’m pretty sure there are very few, if any, women among them.

Rollo Tomassi
10 years ago
Reply to  Höllenhund

Still waiting on my censorship email. Maybe I’m actually welcome to comment there? Heh,..

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
10 years ago

Rollo, perhaps Giggles sent your censorship notice via snail mail to the Las Vegas address…

Leo G
Leo G
10 years ago

Rollo, is this where Hugo leads too?

“You may not recall the old days when feminists explained that it took a real man to get in touch with his feminine side, or better, that only a man who was completely secure in his masculinity would walk around in dress.

It was a dumb idea then. It’s dumb idea now. Like it or not, Bronyhood fulfills its wish.”

You HAVE got to read the whole article – WOW!

10 years ago

Believe me, I get how easy it is to become despondent about the trends we face—I get it. However, you have built up considerable cache with the public—much more than MOST MSM sources. YOU and the MS have become mega-trends in their own right (as opposed to years ago, when the MS was a backwater). A wonderful achievement—good for you. And yes, I understand why you have maintained your poolside demeanor over the years—in the face of oblivion, it can be easier to simply step away and watch it all fall down. (Matt King, grating as many of you think… Read more »

Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming
10 years ago

Susan was born for the lime light. She has the looks, personality, smarts and know-how to make it big. She’s a Wharton Business School grad after all who has done quite well for herself. And she regularly referred to her love for acting in local plays, which she continues to do.

This was a woman who was destined for the mainstream spot light.

A star is born.

Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming
10 years ago

Yep a star is born, alright!

I just mosied on over to HUS and here’s what Susan has to say in her latest entry entitled “What Hook Up Culture?”

“Check out this excellent new segment at HuffPost Live:

(Full disclosure: I’m a panelist on the show 😛 It wasn’t just one and done, they wanted to see me again 🙂 )”

10 years ago

I want to have sympathy for Hugo just in a “be the better man” way, but I really feel like he did a lot of damage for the beta males who are already shit on by society. Women tend to belittle men’s problems because they picture the jacked alpha CEO business-bro and think “that guy has all this privilege” and ya, that guy does. But the beta male who’s completely invisible to everyone, especially women, is beat down relentlessly and Hugo’s articles helped fuel that shit. I’d say Hugo’s disappointing meltdown to feminists is probably the exact same feeling a… Read more »

Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming
10 years ago

Susan explains why the bans, why the emails. She says the “red pill” was killing her blog. Remember fellas, this was a blog created years ago by woman, for women. If woman are not participating, what is the point? It makes sense. Read below; Bastiat Blogger Susan, congrats on the media appearances! I also wanted to ask you how you felt about hearing from the “unrestricted male” side of the SMP petting zoo and how I could continue to comment here without causing issues. I was concerned that I had been banned! susanawalsh @BB You sneaky f*cker, you snuck around… Read more »

10 years ago

“Also I would like to live inside avd’s head for like, 10 minutes. Lol”

You ever see the movie “The Cell”?

Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming
10 years ago

YaReally, ” Women tend to belittle men’s problems because they picture the jacked alpha CEO business-bro and think “that guy has all this privilege” and ya, that guy does. But the beta male who’s completely invisible to everyone, especially women, is beat down relentlessly and Hugo’s articles helped fuel that shit.” – What do you mean by “beat down relentlessly”? I agree that many people think of a certain stereotype, or archetype if you will, when they think of the “privileged male” in general or the “privileged white male” in particular, what may be referred to as “the patriarchy”. It… Read more »

10 years ago

“Susan explains why the bans,” Case in point. We’re WINNING. You guys have demolished this broad’s blog! Attack right now. This is the window. I’m telling you. The enemy WILL regroup in time, if we let them. The enemy is terribly weakened at present by its multitude of scandals, of which even the mainstream beta’s have become frightfully aware. Even the beta’s in my life initiate conversation about this shit now, without my prompting. Ignore the cretins who want to hold you in this unhealthy place. They want to hold you there because that is the only place where they… Read more »

10 years ago

“She considers herself “ugly” but lets face it, she looks similar to MOST women in this country; ordinarly, plain, invisible. ” Here’s my issue with the lady in the video She is not in shape and doesn’t even try to style herself. If I was a woman, I would act as I was a professional model and learn everything I can about nutrition, beauty and style and make my job in my life to this. As a man, I watch what I eat and play attention to my style and it’s no where near as important. This lady could be… Read more »

10 years ago

Look at Furious Ferret! That’s some word up, right there! See Ferret, we agree on some things. Seriously, a well articluated analysis. Good job.

A Definite Beta Guy
10 years ago

Hey Morpheus. No worries about calling or not calling out. Hell you could do it if you like :p Emily specifically mentioned she was a Jezzie. I believe Hope mentioned she held similar beliefs, and I think Ana said she used to troll those boards, but don’t quote me on that. MOST of the women that arrive to Susan’s woman site, at least the ones that comment, are not relationship worthy, not sympathetic to men, full-stop. Always exceptions. Since I’ve started commenting there, I haven’t seen any “transitions,” tbh. I am going by the comments of the women themselves. A… Read more »

10 years ago

Also, regarding the recent posts. Men and Women think differently and Blue Pill Men and Blue Pill Women think differently from Red Pill Men and Red Pill women. Blue Pill Men, and I should know because I was one, will look at those recent posts and think: Dating as Extreme Sport: Girls are starting to make a bigger effort! That means I don’t have to do as much, and in fact shouldn’t, because if she wanted to talk to me, she would show it. *nod* Invasion of the Penis: Wow! Girls have to deal with so much crap. I am… Read more »

10 years ago

“Ugliness: We all feel ugly sometimes. It’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with being ugly. Don’t use that as an excuse, go out and enjoy this beautiful world God gave us” “to feel pretty and project confidence” This is plain flat out wrong. Almost all the ugly women are fat and don’t do a damn thing to improve their appearance. If she can’t adequately get the women to go off the SAD diet and get them to adjust their style to femininity then it’s all moot. All you have to do to be attractive in the US is run faster than… Read more »

10 years ago

I agree with you, she needs to get them of the SAD and get them off the negative feels.

That is the point of that post. Again, don’t know if it will work or not. However, that was the point of THAT post. Susan acknowledges SMV and HUS 2.0 will likely have some sort of make-up primer or some girly stuff like that at some point.

Just look at her in the video, she’s definitely not going to tell girls that they SHOULDN’T put effort into their appearance.

10 years ago

Props to you guys (esp Ferret). I was going to respond to that comment but you guys explained it great. This is why I call betas invisible to feminists railing about privilege. Unless a girl is literally disfigured, she just has to eat healthy, do some extremely minor exercise, learn to dress herself up, and she can land a BILLIONAIRE. Without doing a day of work in her life, she can earn billions just because she ate a chicken breast instead of a McChicken. When a woman says she can’t get laid, that usually means “I can’t get laid by… Read more »

Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming
10 years ago

avd, “Case in point. We’re WINNING. You guys have demolished this broad’s blog! Attack right now. This is the window. I’m telling you.” – No. Simply no. Her blog has not been “demolished” but rather quite the opposite. It is now receiving the mainstream attention Susan always hoped for it. She created the blog years ago as a satellite to her “focus groups” that she was holding in her home with young women in her daughter’s social circle. At some point, and I don’t know how, a few extreme and vocal “Manospherians” found it and starting screaming like banshees all… Read more »

Rollo Tomassi
10 years ago

Once again, from the top, Aunt Giggles has been, and continues to be a site traffic whore. Her concern is for the new commercialization of her blog. She knew damn well her HuffPo fluff interview was going to mean more traffic from the uninitiated so she conveniently killed her commenting, and then just as conveniently reinstated them (with full echo-chamber control) a week after the HuffPo Live video went up. She couldn’t afford to have her new advertisers catch wind of anything even resembling dissent and she couldn’t afford to have any of that new traffic go fishing around on… Read more »

10 years ago

@Monarch Programming “I don’t think either of you paid attention to what that young woman in the “ugly” video was saying. She isn’t looking for advice on how to look better or looking for sympathy or looking for anyone to tell her, “no, you’re not really ugly”. She was offering up a different way to think about life and looks. ” I did pay attention to the video. She said “I think ugliness only becomes a problem when you let it get in the way of your life … I can’t say that I have never let that happen but… Read more »

10 years ago

Hey, YaReally, I don’t like you, not at all. And I’m sure that you don’t like me. But I must say that I’ve grown a certain affection for you, truly. I fall for your schtick, I really do. I think you’re worthless, but goddamned if I don’t love your schitck. Yes, really, I DON’T like you, but, at the same time, I do like you. Quite the conubrum, I simultaneously like and dislike you at the same time. It’s difficult, to say the least. But look, I WANT to like you. You crack me up, dog. You really are a… Read more »

Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming
10 years ago

FF, you and others, not only here but on Susan’s blog as well, are saying that girl is not “ugly” just “lazy” and if she put in some effort she could look attractive. I disagree. The raw material that she is working with, her eyes, nose and lips, are not attractive and putting makeup on them is not going to make them so. I’m an artist and I have a keen eye for natural beauty and this girl simply does not have it. Could she look better? Sure. We all could. But she is not going to look attractive. And… Read more »

10 years ago

“FF, you and others, not only here but on Susan’s blog as well, are saying that girl is not “ugly” just “lazy” and if she put in some effort she could look attractive. I disagree. The raw material that she is working with, her eyes, nose and lips, are not attractive and putting makeup on them is not going to make them so. I’m an artist and I have a keen eye for natural beauty and this girl simply does not have it. ” Guys don’t judge girls like that. If you puts just a little bit of effort she… Read more »

Monarch Programming
Monarch Programming
10 years ago

“Most men want from chick: 1) Isn’t fat 2) Isn’t a bitch 3) Actively puts in effort in making herself hot” She may not be fat and she certainly doesn’t come across as bitchy, but she cannot make herself “hot”. The raw material just isn’t there. And so it is for many women. Though I will agree with you that they can put in effort to look their relative best. “Most men throughout history have not looked like pretty boys” It has nothing to do with pretty boys. There are a few core universals of attractiveness and some people just… Read more »

Gin Martini
Gin Martini
10 years ago

FF: ” The only women that can’t get sex with an decently attractive man is an obese one.” Heh. My friend’s sister in law is obese, 45, and recent posted a secretly-taken snapshot of a young college boy who was a ski-jet instructor online, with creepy remarks like “I would destroy this hot, hot kid in bed”. Maybe she can’t, but she can sure get away with publicly creepy behavior. She does this all the time. She is also the same person who cornered me for an hour or two and described to me how she is sexually harassed in… Read more »

10 years ago

Ouch. I don’t really get where you’re coming from on the commenter “Monarch Programming”. It’s clearly a “she” and she makes valid points. I don’t understand your hate, on this particular issue. Wish I did.

10 years ago

“Monarch Programming” is Plain Jane, a notorious and rabid feminist troll in the Manosphere and a former regular at HUS, unsurprisingly.

10 years ago

Okay, then, I didn’t know that.

Anonymous Yahoo Programming Troll
Anonymous Yahoo Programming Troll
10 years ago

From Checked Out at FX’s blog (he’s a Manospherian no-fault divorce lawyer by the way who himself does not get to be with his kids as much as he wants and even he is saying this); “As I have said from time to time, all of my bitching about women really applies only to HB8s and above who are bimbos or selfish or evil. They have the easiest life of any mammal on the history of the world at this moment, but are unappreciative of it. I would *not* want to be a short, fat, ugly, average woman in this… Read more »

10 years ago

Thanks Rollo for the add.


[…] CR has an interview with Hugo Schwyzer. Related: CH’s disgust with Hugo really shows through. Related; Rollo on Hugo. […]

10 years ago

[…] attracts like’ mentality that’s characteristic of a solid insaturation in blank slate equalism. Hugo Schwyzer left a vacuum, Kimmel is just stepping into it. Be more ‘like’ a woman and they’ll appreciate […]


[…] warrior and a self-evincing ‘male feminist, but just like another notable male feminist, Hugo Schwyzer, he’s had to learn the hard way that feminist Game comes with a substantial […]

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