Our Sisters’ Keeper


“Men are to blame for women’s behavior. The Feminine Imperative only has as much power as men have allowed it to have. Hypergamy (open or otherwise) wouldn’t be the unrestrained social juggernaut it’s become without men’s complicity or accomplice.”

This quote is a go-to rationalization I read a lot from women just coming to terms with their first taste of the Red Pill. Unfortunately it’s also become a common refrain among certain sets in the manosphere; this rationale is usually particular to the moral absolutist strains of the manosphere.

When I read it from women it’s kind of ironic considering it usually comes from women who share in the same moral absolutism, who were “so different when they were in college”, but they’ve had their Epiphany and “got right with God.” They often cling to the Strong Independent® identity for themselves, but turn over a rock and show them the visceral, observable, ugly truth of unfettered Hypergamy and then, then it’s men’s partial or total responsibility for fostering women’s conditions.

It becomes men’s fault for not having the fortitude and presence of mind to correct them when they needed it – never mind the lifetime of Blue Pill conditioning that taught them judging women made them misogynistic assholes. I understand axiom that men and women get the men and women they deserve, but I wanted to explore this blame game dynamic a bit more.

From Validation Hunting & The Jenny Bahn Epiphany:

The Feminine Imperative relies on memes and conventions which shift the ownership of women’s personal liabilities for their sexual strategy to men.

When men are blamed for the negative consequences of women’s sexual strategy it helps to blunt the painful truths that Jenny Bahn is (to her credit) honestly confronting in her article at 30 years old and the SMV balance shifts towards enabling men’s capacity to effect their own sexual strategy.

As I was writing the Adaptations series it occurred to me that men on the ends of both the Alpha and Beta spectrum adapt their own sexual strategies in accord with the sexual marketplace and how that environment dictates the approach to what seems the most efficient.

As I stated in the last post, Hypergamy is nothing if not pragmatic, and efficient. However, men’s adapting to the “market” dictates of Hypergamy has to be equally efficient if that guy is to fulfill his own sexual imperative. Pragmatism doesn’t have time for how things should be. You make the best play with what’s in front of you.

Just to illustrate, for about 25 years or so, popular culture strongly pointed men towards a sexual strategy that could be defined as Beta Game. Play nice, respect a woman by default, be supportive of her self-image and ambitions to the sacrifice of your own, don’t judge her and do your utmost to identify with the feminine, was the call to action that, deductively, should make a man more attractive to a woman.

Furthermore, the intrasexual combat amongst men for sexual qualification was (at least ostensibly) focused on out-supporting, out-sympathizing, out-emoting and out-identifying with the feminine more so than other men. To set oneself apart from “other guys” the seemingly most strategic tact was to accept what women said they wanted from men. To pragmatically effect this men gladly joined the chorus of ridiculing conventional masculinity; denouncing and resisting the very element that would in fact have set them apart from the nebulous “other guys“.

So while this is an illustration of men’s deductive pragmatism in their adapting to the SMP, it’s also an illustration of how that adaptation can work against men’s best interests. Between the 80s, 90s and into the early 2000s this adaptation involved men following women’s lead to systematically turn conventional, positive masculinity into ridiculous or gay-associations of “macho-ness”. Later, defining the very idea of masculinity would progress from ambiguousness to women being the sole authority of what masculinity should mean to a man.

Women and Moral Agency

For as long as I’ve read and commented on Christo-Manosphere blogs a common thread has cropped up again and again; the debate as to whether women have the same moral agency or the same accountability for it as men. I’ve always found it fascinating because for all my dealing in cold harsh observable facts I’ve never paused to consider that women might have some excusable reason for their ethically challenged behavior. In my own estimate Hypergamy isn’t inherently bad or good – it just depends on whether you find yourself on the sharp end of it.

My point here isn’t to reheat that debate, but rather to see how it feeds into the rationale that men are in some way responsible for what contemporary women have become, and how they’ll progress if men don’t assume some responsibility for women’s behaviors.

Hypergamy is pragmatic, but it’s also inherently duplicitous. It’s unjust and unforgivable to a guy who doesn’t measure up to his burden of performance. When you consider the War Brides dynamic it’s downright reprehensible, but we have to also consider the pragmatism in that dynamic. From a male perspective we want to apply masculine concepts of honor and justice to women’s action – and in the past there was a high price to pay for infractions of it – but are we presuming our concept of justice is one that’s universally common to that of women?

Much in the same way we were Blue Pill conditioned to presume that our idealistic concept of love was mutually shared by women I would propose that men’s concepts of justice, honor, and (from an intrasexual perspective) respect are dissimilar from those of women.

For women, whatever actions serve Hypergamy are justifiable actions.

All that needs to be sorted out is reconciling those action with the concept of justice held by men. In the intersexual arena, what best serves men’s imperatives is justice. Up until the sexual revolution the balance between the sexes’ concepts of justice was mitigated by mutual compromise – each had something to lose and something to gain by considering the other sex’s imperatives.

For roughly the past 70 years this balance between the two concepts has listed heavily to the feminine. Our age has been defined by women’s unilateral and ubiquitous control of Hypergamy, and as such it is women’s sexual imperatives that is biologically and sociologically setting the course for future generations.

Along with that unprecedented control comes the prioritizing of women’s concept of justice above that of men’s. We can see this evidenced in every law, social convention or social justice movement that entitles women to rights and privileges that free them of any accountability for the negative consequence their Hypergamously based behavior would hold them to in a concept of justice that men would have.

I would also argue that women’s inherent solipsism reinforces this separation of concepts of justice between the sexes.

Rivelino had a good take on this on Twitter:

1 The woman is always the victim

2 Nothing is her fault

3 She is not responsible for her actions

4 A man is to blame

To which I’ll add a 5th: Any fault is always a ‘strength’.

The problem I see in assigning the blame of women’s behavior to men’s lack of control is that, presently, men have no real control nor does men’s concept of justice align with that of women. There’s a manosphere idiom that says women are the gatekeepers of sex while men are the gatekeepers of commitment. I’m not sure I completely agree with that.

That’s not to be defeatist, or an endorsement of a MGTOW course of action, but it is to say that if a man has neither the sex appeal to be a short term sexual prospect nor the provisioning appeal to be a long term investment, women feel entirely justified in acting in the best interests of Hypergamy and controlling his capacity for commitment as well.

And yes, that’s pretty fucked up if you, again, find yourself on the sharp end of it. Men’s adapting to the intersexual conditions set by women isn’t some deterministic prospect, but the idea that the mass majority of men would be responsible for the state women find themselves in is ludicrous. There will always be men willing to accept the sexual dictates of women because it serves their breeding imperatives. It’s good for him personally and it’s good for the species.

There will never be some global Lysistrata where men organize in solidarity, promising not to fuck another woman until they comply with demands that would place the Masculine Imperative above that of the feminine’s. Our own biology guarantees it.

Personal Responsibility

On a final note here, whenever I delve into the ethical implications of Red Pill awareness I invariably run into the personal responsibility equation. I do my best to make as coldly rational an observation of dynamics I see and allow my readers to make their own judgements. However, those observation are never intended to excuse the behaviors men and women find themselves prone to acting out.

There is always a want on the part of either sex to see their concept of justice enacted on those who would act against it. Thus you get honor killing in the Muslim world, and you have men’s access to the DNA testing of children they suspect aren’t their own denied in the “best interest of the child.”

So are men to blame for the conditions they find their women in? Are we our sisters’ keepers, hamstrung by our own culpability to actually help them be better women? Or do they bear the responsibility to conform to our perspective of justice and police the worst impulses of a Hypergamy most are only peripherally aware of?


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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Sun Wukong, God of Sluts
Sun Wukong, God of Sluts
8 years ago


Seeing as Sun Wukong is a god from Chinese mythology, I can work with that. Far be it from me to hide from my destiny…

8 years ago

I like sluts, but don’t most men want good girls? Eh, I think if you look at it historically, it’s a mixed bag. Men like sluts for sex without strings, and they like more chaste women to raise kids with. Prostitution has been around forever, and that’s basically purchasing time with sluts. Mistresses for the elite have been around forever as well — basically also sluts who used sex to get access to power and money, only a few steps away from being hookers for most of history really. Men do like sluts and more chaste women for different reasons… Read more »

8 years ago

@The Tingler “Sixty years ago, women pretended to be more virtuous than they really were because that’s what men wanted, and it made them unhappy. Today, women pretend to be sluttier than they really are because that’s what men want, and it makes them unhappy.” Pretending? It’s in women’s and men’s nature to follow their biological imperatives. They are a constant regardless of socio-political conditions. From Rollo: “the Beta needs to make the Alpha seem common, while making himself seem unique. In order to effectively disqualify an Alpha, the Beta has to display his empathy for the feminine, and she… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Novaseeker So you’re saying a woman’s moral agency is actually hostile to man’s moral agency. Much like a women’s sexual strategy is hostile to a men’s. This is why when the Allies liberated Europe the female collaborators had their heads shaved, and were effectively cast out of polite society and their children ostracized. It was the morally correct action for the men to take, just like the ladies breeding with the occupiers. I think you’ve just explained the morality of oppressing women legally/socially for the benefit of civilization. In that case, say the evil 1950s, women had limited options,… Read more »

Sun Wukong, God of Sluts
Sun Wukong, God of Sluts
8 years ago

A lot of the blame game is also implying that there’s a “problem” to begin with to blame anyone for. If you’re on the losing end of the modern hook up culture, there’s a massive problem. It’s a real shit show for the BB provider roped in to a game of Cap’n Save A Ho with a single mom ready to bail at her first whiff of Alpha. If you’re on the winning end, the upper 20% where NSA ass is more available than ever, there’s no problem at all. It’s a pussy bonanza like never before. Seeing as no… Read more »

8 years ago

Women can do whatever they want because, as Ms. Massey explained, “dick is abundant.”

This is misleading. Beta d1ck is abundant. Alpha d1ck is not.

It’s men that are at risk of failing to breed, not women. It’s always been that way.

Uh, no. Once upon a time, women frequently died when attempting to deliver their first child, which child often died. Men got a new wife and tried again.

Sun Wukong, God of Sluts
Sun Wukong, God of Sluts
8 years ago

For the record, the weekend field report I dropped was a mess of failures, brought me a bad hangover, an overpriced cab ride, and blue balls.

Strangely enough though, spending time just being the lecherous rogue was kind of fun despite the failures. At the very least I got a good story or two out of it; the other two developers on my team howled with laughter and fist-bumped me over the episode with the married chick. I suppose that’s the best example I can give of learning to enjoy it.

8 years ago

So you’re saying a woman’s moral agency is actually hostile to man’s moral agency. Much like a women’s sexual strategy is hostile to a men’s. I would say that it’s more the case that, as women do not (can not normally without extraordinary effort) love men unconditionally, women cannot interiorly comprehend/comply with a moral code that is external/masculine in nature, because it contradicts their prime directive. This does put them at odds with men, but the reason relates to the underlying biology and the interior wiring created by that, which is rather different in men and women. Something like Kant’s… Read more »

Divided Line
8 years ago

On the question of justice. One possible definition of justice is that it is simply power wielded with reason. To be a bit more rigorous here, justice = power + reason. Or you could say that injustice = power – reason. Power itself, regardless of what form it takes, is neither reasonable nor unreasonable, neither just or unjust. It just is. It’s like a hammer. If I build a house with the hammer, we might say it’s good. If I plant it in some old lady’s skull just for fun we might say it’s bad. It’s not the hammer that… Read more »

Divided Line
8 years ago

“This is misleading. Beta d1ck is abundant. Alpha d1ck is not.” Yeah, I know. That’s implicit in the post you’re responding to. “‘It’s men that are at risk of failing to breed, not women. It’s always been that way.’ Uh, no. Once upon a time, women frequently died when attempting to deliver their first child, which child often died. Men got a new wife and tried again.” Uh yes, that’s why our species is descended from twice as many females as males. Women retain sexual value by default, men’s is entirely conditional if men can mate many times a day… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Divided Line — Indeed, gender feminists like Carol Gilligan several decades ago were making the case that women reason differently morally. She rather self-servingly characterized the female way of moral thinking to be communitarian, relationship-oriented and contextual, instead of simply admitting that it was arbitrary. Following on that, it was very soon after that women lawyers and law professors (and law students, as I saw when I was in LS in the early 90s) started making the case that there should be two sets of laws — because men and women have different conceptions of justice, in other words,… Read more »

Kyfho Myoba
Kyfho Myoba
8 years ago

@ A Definite Beta Guy

I would add that governments/states do not exist except in the imaginations of people. Government is not a noun, it’s a verb. It’s what some people do to other people. It’s a behavior, not a thing. There is no “thing” one could point to and say, “That is a state.” They simply don’t exist.

What would/could you point to when you say, “That is a state”? Some people dressed a certain way? Some buildings?

The emperor has no clothes. Think about it.

8 years ago

Source for half men procreating is Dr. Baumeister (I can’t link right now)

40% of men in history dies having reproduced, 80% of women died having reproduced.

Which means 6 out of 10 men did not. I wonder if that correlates today?

8 years ago

Buddy of mine that faced down false rape charges would argue that the state is very real.

Sure, the cops, and prosecutors, and judge and such are just people, but they were enforcing the laws of the state.

I would say “the state” is the will of the people to follow it’s laws. The will is strong right now in the USA.

Gurney Halleck
Gurney Halleck
8 years ago


top notch comments.

8 years ago

Bigger picture, Rollo. Men are always the protectors of any nation. This nation, the United States, was originally a white Northern European nation — we made it great. It was our job (that of my grandparents’ generation and the one before it) to protect the nation from foreign invaders. Unfortunately, the men from 1865 until 1970 failed to do their jobs, and a foreign invader took over our government, and the foreign invader now controls our government, law, media, access to information, access to a career, and even the printing of money. The foreign invader is loyal only to their… Read more »

8 years ago

@Kyfho – “I would add that schools/universities do not exist except in the imaginations of people. Education is not a noun, it’s a verb. It’s what some people do to other people. It’s a behavior, not a thing. There is no “thing” one could point to and say, “That is education.” It simply doesn’t exist. What would/could you point to when you say, “That is education”? Some people dressed a certain way? Some buildings? The emperor has no clothes. Think about it.” If one is being kind, he can refer to the above as a “distinction without a difference”. Objectivism… Read more »

8 years ago

” . . . male power is in labor utility, the most important form of it being violence.” Let a few more chippy joggers get eaten by panthers, then ask again if men are obsolete. One of my later realizations was that women today actually have no idea what it is that men do, or why. The men who guard them from predation while they sleep are invisible to them and they think that panthers, coyotes and bears (Oh, my!) are a “problem” that has been “solved.” And when the vegan chick has nothing to eat because she successfully ended… Read more »

Mr T
Mr T
8 years ago

Divided line.
I always like what you have to say.
When you quoted :
“sperm is cheap and eggs are not.”

I think the sperm of the alpha BODY/mind is as valuable as eggs, just wait for 3 more years and women would pay big bucks.

Mr T
Mr T
8 years ago
8 years ago

@Anonymous – There you go again, “it’s the Joooooos”, lol. “I don’t pretend to know all the answers” – yes you do, but “pretend” is the perfect word to describe approach to understanding the world. I wonder, do you even know any Jews? Do you know why they are so successful in our society? Has it occurred to you that they actually grabbed onto education as central to their culture thousands of years ago? That they have a sense of unity and purpose to their lives utterly lacking in most of our watered down, atomized culture? Consider the state of… Read more »

8 years ago

@ anonymous – enjoyed your post. What/who are the Eskimos?

8 years ago

Divided Line, try again. Historically, women had tremendous risk of failing to breed. Even when eggs are expensive, you still could have a higher percentage of men breeding than women. It just means that a high percentage of women would have children by several men. There was a time when sons were valuable–more so than daughters. Sons were needed for farming. Daughters were just more mouths to feed. Not valuable for their eggs. The mother was valuable because she could produce sons. this is why she’s the one screening messages on okcupid and you’re the one writing them. I disagree.… Read more »

8 years ago

In animal breeding, sperm is expensive and eggs essentially have no market value.

Mr T
Mr T
8 years ago

“Women are gatekeepers to sex and men are gatekeepers to commitment.”

I agree with Rollo for rejecting the bull above.
I had many one nightstands and non of them wanted to see me after that because they told me I was a Playa not for commitment.

8 years ago

Rollo, what of the high percentage of women who don’t report having ONS’s (based on CDC stats)?

8 years ago

What of 50% of first time marriages succeeding and only 15% of wives report having had an affair? I’m sure there’s some underreporting, but it seems that quite a high percentage of wives actually have committed. I’d guess at least 35%.

Mr T
Mr T
8 years ago

A one night stand woman told me she would never date me because she fucked me after 3 hours of meeting me and she can never have a “relationship” with me!.

I hope she is “haaapy” with a beta provider who sure gave her “commitment”.

Mr T
Mr T
8 years ago
8 years ago

It looks like only 17% of women having casual sex have had ONS’s.


I think it’s safe to say that less than 100% of women have had casual sex.

I don’t see YaReally or Krauser reporting having lots of ONS’s.

8 years ago

Rollo, what used to be marriages are now LTRs primarily. I see quite a lot of LTRs in my social circle. A few marriages as well from time to time. There’s maybe one woman having ONS’s. A few having casual sex with regular partners. I see a lot of women looking for commitment.

Mr T
Mr T
8 years ago

Don’t believe the statistics, just put on the lie detector and you will find 90% of women had one night stand fuck , the other 1% had one dawn stand fuck.

8 years ago

Thinking that a woman won’t fuck a guy she just met is a form of pedestalization. There are factors that play into whether or not any particular female will give up the drawers, and how fast she will do so, but aside from those limiting factors, in todays society, I’d feel safe in saying that a majority of women will ONS. Rollo’s overheard convo has been exactly what I’ve overheard from women countless times. N counts may be of some import, but you will never, ever truly know how many dicks she’s had. And most won’t tell under penalty of… Read more »

8 years ago

In animal husbandry, sperm is expensive because 99 and 44/100 percent of it ends up labelled “cat food.”

If you want to eradicate the fuzzy wuzzies from your spinach patch, kill the eggs.

8 years ago

A committed woman will mateguard herself. All are hypergamous. There is no “Quality Woman”. As Blax wrote, degrees matter.

Some not-insignificant percentage of women do commit.

If a woman is busy chasing you, she probably won’t be busy chasing another man.

8 years ago

What you see is not everything that is happening. Women are excellent at hiding their tracks when it comes to sexual things they do not want their “social circle” to know of. They have evolved to be that way for obvious reasons. They will do things like come home from their session with their lover (after showering there) and have sex with hub to put him off the trail that she is disinterested or involved with someone else and so on. They’re good at hiding cheating. Very, very good. And spectacular at lying about it. They had to be —… Read more »

8 years ago

“If all the girls who attended the Yale prom were laid end to end, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised.” -Dorothy Parker

8 years ago

“It was very soon after that women lawyers and law professors…started making the case that there should be two sets of laws.”

“It is coming.”

Holy shit, that puts a lot of things into perspective.

8 years ago

“Most guys can surely attest to their failed attempts to secure commitment from women.” From personal observations nothing pisses a woman off more than a commitment type guy showing interest when they’re in their alpha fucks stage. Even my perspective of alpha fucks has changed, far from being the top 20% they’re just men who are down to fuck without any emotional neediness. A breathing dildo. Women in their Sandbergian stage just want a good rogering without the icky beta neediness and believe it or not these types of men are quite rare. After all men are the true romantics.… Read more »

Sun Wukong, God of Sluts
Sun Wukong, God of Sluts
8 years ago

If a woman is busy chasing you, she probably won’t be busy chasing another man.

She doesn’t have to. She’s got a stable of second choices on the back burner just in case you don’t work out in the end.

8 years ago

@ Sun

Liking the new name there. I lol’d. Made my night.

8 years ago

TresSugar/Self magazine casual sex survey. Keep in mind sample bias.


8 years ago

She doesn’t have to. She’s got a stable of second choices on the back burner just in case you don’t work out in the end.

So, you need your own stable. Options.

8 years ago

Survey – and they are still holding back, even anonymously, trust that.

Harder to climax in No Strings sex? Okay, I buy that if the man is being loving…trying to kiss them tenderly…being a gentle and considerate lover and what-not. Pound and ground and pull their hair. CLIMAX 90% of the time.

8 years ago

God of Sluts –

Nothing worse than being a backburner mothafuka.

Mr T
Mr T
8 years ago

The fuck of death is when a woman size you up after you fucked her in a lovey dovey way, she instantly places you in her plan B list. The bad news You will never ever be considered as an alpha tingle. The good news she’ll call you one day. Is there a parallel between a man who wants his woman to be his slut alone ,forever ! and a woman who wants a tingle man for one night only? I really believe women do NOT want to marry tingle men ,they just want to fuck them, but will marry… Read more »

8 years ago

@Johnycomelately – From personal observations nothing pisses a woman off more than a commitment type guy showing interest when they’re in their alpha fucks stage. Yup. A tale of frame slippage. I was sexing my neighbors niece when I was 18. She was spending a summer, in from Chicago. Church going gurl. We were sneak fucking all summer long. I’d sneak her into my basement and screw her on a folding cot. Until it broke. After about 3 weeks of trying to break her back, I asked one of my older friends to get me a hotel room and I’d… Read more »

8 years ago

@Mr T

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSXRp-JvyGM?feature=player_detailpage&w=640&h=360%5D

Women are afraid of the tingle man as an LTR because she would go a little crazy. It would take too much work on the part of most women, to deal with Mr Tingles. Jealousy? check.

8 years ago

Blaximus, I find that biting stimulates the most–especially on the inner thighs and behind the knees. Inner elbows, too. Women can get wet just thinking about me–or so they say.

Cosign the pounding. The harder you go, the more they like it. And grip their shoulders tightly and constrain their legs with yours. Use your limbs as the bonds.

Mrs. Gamer says that I’m better than a vibrator.

8 years ago



The Tingler
8 years ago

I think it’s time to take this sociobiological critique of the mating market of yours into more cultural specifics. Rollo talks in principles, and they’re all legit, but let’s see how they play out in culture, music, etc. For instance, istm that much of what we’re witnessing in terms of the rapid transformation of men’s attitudes really began with our generation, Generation X. Rollo’s an ex-musician from the late 80s/early 90s, it’d be interesting to discuss the role played by the beta male takeover of popular white music/culture in the early 90s, starting with the most beta alpha of all… Read more »

Sun Wukong, God of Sluts
Sun Wukong, God of Sluts
8 years ago


Hehe, don’t think I’ll be keeping it, but it was amusing for this thread.

8 years ago

@Sun Wukong 16th law of power Use absence to increase respect and honor Sounds like she’s due for a little absence. This is something that takes a lot of internal work to be strong enough to navigate. Tempus’ question is a good one. There’s a school of thought about ultimatums…makes you looks strong. The problem is it’s a zero sum game. If you want something, you give away all your cards and walk away….then what? The next time you approach her, you’ve indicated you have no backbone. Ultimatums always end up giving the woman the signal the have more power… Read more »

Mr T
Mr T
8 years ago

I think insanity is playing hard to get.

8 years ago

“So are men to blame for the conditions they find their women in? Are we our sisters’ keepers……?” No we are not. Social conventions and physical constraints kept women in check. Hypergamy was always there. It was an evolutionary survival mechanism that has become a maladaptation because it is no longer constrained. In the patriarchal past, men had more ‘power’ and they generally used it to protect and provide for their families. Women gained ‘power’ and have generally used it to destroy the institutions of marriage and family. Nobody forced them to be selfish and shortsighted. Assigning blame is usually… Read more »

8 years ago

She’s hard to take. Seems fair.

Softek, Arbiter of Pussy
Softek, Arbiter of Pussy
8 years ago

@ Sun I see, I see… @ Tingler Interesting observations. I’m right with you on all that. Huge music fan myself. Since becoming RP aware, I’ve become even more acutely aware of what’s going on with the lyrics in songs. One of my favorite pastimes lately is making fun of songs playing in stores/restaurants. I’ll just look over at my friend when a song comes on and go “What the fuck?” Or something along the lines of, “I haven’t heard sounds like that since my dog got hit by a car.” John Mayer: “Your Body Is A Wonderland.” You might… Read more »

The Tingler
8 years ago


If a woman doesn’t sleep with you on the first date because she thinks you’re relationship material, should you be offended?

8 years ago

@ The Tingler

Which came first the music of the misery?

Fortunately for me my own tastes have always been ten to fifteen years behind. So I spent the 90s listening to a lot of 70s Punk and 80s New Wave, lots of jazz.

I find today the worst offenders in your beta-music model all of course Country and Western. Jeez what a bunch of dickless manginas. All hat and no cattle as they say here out west.

Mr T
Mr T
8 years ago

@The Tingler
“If a woman doesn’t sleep with you on the first date because she thinks you’re relationship material, should you be offended?”

And your name is : The Tingler!?

8 years ago

But Sweet Baby James started it all LOL! I fondled my first one-itis all the way to his concert in a carload of sluts then slept through the show….

Mr T
Mr T
8 years ago

A rich Saudi oil sheik comes to Vagas and picks up a prostitute where he takes her to his hotel room. He asks her if he gives her $1000 will she shows him her boobs? And she does. He asks her if he gives her another $1000 , will she shows him her pussy? And she does. Then he asks her how much would it cost for a blow job? She looks at him and says : my blow job rate is 30 bucks.

The Tingler
8 years ago

@Softek One unintended consequence of eating the red pill is that it’s made me completely reevaluate all the beta music that I’ve listened to over the years. A lot of it makes me cringe when I listen to it now, and even the stuff I still like I’m conflicted about. As for John Mayer… @Badpainter Did I go to high school with you? Because my friends and I did the exact same thing. While everybody else was into Nirvana and Pearl Jam, I was getting down to the Sex Pistols and early PiL. Then once Limp Bizkit was all the… Read more »

The Tingler
8 years ago

*That* picture says ten thousand words.

8 years ago

“I thought country music was the last bastion of white machismo?”

I got a feelin’ called the blues, oh Lord,
since my baby said good-bye.
And I don’t know what I’ll do,
I just sit alone and cry.
I’ve grown so used to her somehow,
but I’m nobody’s sugar daddy now,
and I’m lonesome.
I’ve got the lovesick blues,
for me and my gal.

Hank Williams

8 years ago

Just in case you might want to revert your eyes from the unitard. . . . that’s fucked up.

/Users/andrew/Desktop/DrewPics/untitled folder/IMG_1200.MOV

Your welcome. Actually you should thank Candy.

8 years ago

sorry didn’t work. . .

The Tingler
8 years ago

And to think, I used to be a high school art fag, listening to the Cure and getting shoved into my locker by the rednecks at my school.

And then I grow up and I think, “Of course they shoved me into my locker, I was a mopey art fag wearing a ‘Boys Don’t Cry’ shirt for fuck’s sake. wtf was I thinking.”

And then tonight you show me every redneck’s idol, Hank Williams, singing about moping and crying.

Raging so hard right now.

8 years ago

Even MGTOW is effectively an admission of a lack of agency, they have to effectively separate themselves from women to gain a semblance of personal agency. Otherwise they simply cannot help themselves being suckers under the spell of pussy. No. The current social reality is one of atomization, fragmentation, small social circles and small families. This means that if you, as a single men, don’t make regular concentrated efforts to put yourself in the company of single and available women, you won’t come into meaningful contact with them. In other words, you can separate yourself from them through simple passivity.… Read more »

8 years ago

Porn plays a significant role here, too, now that it is available in high definition, in seemingly endless variety and with the privacy and portability of a cell phone. It isn’t the same as the real thing (not close), but for a lot of these guys it’s enough to sate them such that the edge of their sex drive is blunted, which further discourages them from taking the steps required to succeed with women in an open hypergamy environment. You’re ignoring the gorilla in the room, which seems to be a common trait even among red pill men. The main… Read more »

8 years ago

Why should alpha dick not be abundant too?

8 years ago

a PITA *to* interact with

8 years ago

What are men the gatekeepers of? It must be something. I don’t think it’s commitment. It isn’t provisioning, as women are capable of provisioning for themselves, (although possibly not for themselves, their children, and enough extra for taxes that go to the state, as men do). Which makes all the difference. You can provide a single woman with every imaginable economic opportunity, and she won’t use any of that for anything more than self-preservation. If she’s given the option of not reproducing at all or reproducing while consuming wealth created by herself, she’ll remain childless. She’ll bear children only if… Read more »

The Diplomat
The Diplomat
8 years ago

If this doesn’t confirm everything TRM, PUA, Heartiste, and Evo Psych has ever posited, nothing will. Women on Facebook are eating this shit up like free truffles at a Mary Kay party. Although it may or may not be a joke, I saw the palpable hypergamy happening in real time.


8 years ago

as a single *man*

The Diplomat
The Diplomat
8 years ago

Of course it’s a joke on Leavitt’s part, but it’s like EL James 50 Shades crack for the Single Mom brigade.

8 years ago

That song is a cuck anthem.

The Diplomat
The Diplomat
8 years ago

Read the comment section below this Facebook link and gaze into the bottomless abyss of infinite sadness and unfathomable desperation.


The Diplomat
The Diplomat
8 years ago

That link didn’t work. Try this one:


The Diplomat
The Diplomat
8 years ago

Nope. Facebook addresses won’t link to WordPress.

8 years ago

“She’ll bear children only if she’s entitled to direct male investment, guaranteed by law and society as a whole.”

Got to admit that certainly explains a lot.

8 years ago

Got to admit that certainly explains a lot. I’m pretty sure it does. There are two ways to guarantee direct male investment to reproduction. 1. Enable, train and compel men to turn into stable providers in the context of traditional marriage. This limits female sexual selection but also results in high fertility rates. 2. Make all attempts to extract child support from biological fathers. This isn’t as efficient, but it removes constraints from female sexual selection. When neither options are on the table, the fertility rate takes a dive and women start demanding legal and social change. A good example… Read more »

8 years ago

Johnycomelately July 15th, 2015 at 8:56 pm “Even my perspective of alpha fucks has changed, far from being the top 20% they’re just men who are down to fuck without any emotional neediness. A breathing dildo. Women in their Sandbergian stage just want a good rogering without the icky beta neediness and believe it or not these types of men are quite rare. After all men are the true romantics. A beta with feelings just places too many expectations and pressure on women.” This. It’s all simple instincts. If a man doesn’t want commitment, she will and do what she… Read more »

8 years ago

As a sex, men largely have very little say in determining the relationship dynamic.

I’ll admit I’m not the most experienced guy, but when you’re giving a chick multiple orgasms it almost seems like they zero control over falling head over heals in love with you. And then they get crazy.

So basically I’m asking the more experienced guys out there, are there a lot of chicks that’ll take those multiple O’s and still have zero attachment?

8 years ago

@ lh

Reminds me of the ‘cat string’ theory in The Game. Dangle the string, and the cat goes crazy — give it the string and it doesn’t want it anymore.

Sun Wukong, God of Sluts
Sun Wukong, God of Sluts
8 years ago


So basically I’m asking the more experienced guys out there, are there a lot of chicks that’ll take those multiple O’s and still have zero attachment?


8 years ago

Okay, so orgasms are cheap. Hah. You wouldn’t think so they way they talk…

Sun Wukong, God of Sluts
Sun Wukong, God of Sluts
8 years ago

You would think they want Betas and hate Alphas from how they talk too.

Pay attention to what she does, not what she says.

8 years ago

If a woman is married or engaged or in a LTR with strong finances, they will likely not want emotional attachment, but they will still want sexual access to alpha c0ck.

8 years ago

Chase Amante says he doesn’t give chicks multiples unless he wants a relationship because of the drama factor… Seems like there might be differing experiences.

Sun Wukong, God of Sluts
Sun Wukong, God of Sluts
8 years ago

I’ve given multiples to every chick I’ve had bail for another dude in the end, including my ex who was sure she couldn’t have them at all. It ain’t worth shit to them when they can have another cock the next day.

8 years ago

old joke:

Q. How can tell if a woman is having an orgasm?

A. Who cares?

8 years ago


Cock is plentiful for women, and even alpha cock is plentiful for women who are attractive/hot. That’s just the facts. The fundamental imbalance in desire is just something men have to work with — it’s natural and baked in. The only counterweight to it is exceptional social/legal/cultural/religious constraints — when those come off, the imbalance rules the roost, as we see today, meaning men need to adapt and become the cock that women want, if they want to get laid.

8 years ago

Just so you know I’m not blowing smoke…


Every girl I’ve given strong, hard multiple orgasms to in any kind of relationship capacity has fallen very quickly in love with me.

Also, my experience.

8 years ago

@JohnnyComealloveryourkeyboard & LH – Giggling at your characterization of “alpha fucks” as “breathing dildos”. No, we are just the guys who are attractive enough AND have dominance/social status and social intelligence that makes women want to fuck us without us begging. I have plenty of emotional neediness, I just know that for me pussy is plentiful. Or was when I was younger, as at 53 it’s much less frequent that I get interest from a young hottie, but still I only choose from women who are interested in me. This is the essence of alpha intersexual behavior – we are… Read more »

8 years ago

It’s only by actually having options that I’m able to not get locked into any one woman.

I don’t know how you can still have a beta mindset after the realization of faulty oneitis logic and knowing that women will never love unconditionally. I guess it would be tempting to think that I’m special, but I doubt it.

Fred Flange, a/k/a Capt. Oblivious
Fred Flange, a/k/a Capt. Oblivious
8 years ago

You can bust a blood vessel trying to parse alpha songs vs. beta songs in any genre, even hip hop. Country can be macho DGAF alpha (Jimmy Dean’s “Little Black Book”) or supplicating whiny beta onlooker whose twu wuv sleeps with “anyone you could get” (Roy Acuff’s “Losing You Might Be The Best Thing Yet”). Eminem straddles both worlds comcially in “Love Game”. The counterpoint to emo-punk or political punk are gems like the Anti-Nowhere League’s “So What” (covered by Metallica), a hysterical dis-fest inspired by two loudmouth yobs. All the above can be ewe-toobed. Long ago I kept a… Read more »

8 years ago

Rollo, I have an interesting anecdote my brother told me and a question (which I believe I haven’t seen in your posts) that you and the fellas here might like. ========= So, this guy from work, fairly successful, Game-aware from what I can tell, is in an LTR. The fun part is that he is messing with one of his female colleagues at work. So, one time, he takes out his side-girl-from-work blonde on Valentine’s Day (ahehe) to some club, only to run in on his LTR girlfriend. At some point, his girlfriend comes up to him and says “I’ll… Read more »

Mr T
Mr T
8 years ago

Being able to give women 10 orgazms means zero credit.
She just have to lean on the laundry machine to get orgazm.
She uses the orgazm scheme as a leverage.
For women having an orgazm is like taking a piss.
Giving her best orgazm or her best piss?
Women themselves don’t understand men’s obsession in women’s piss (I mean orgazm).

8 years ago

” . . . such a man will likely vassalize himself to a prostitute too, lol…”

And they actually marry those actual hos.

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