The Future Shock

When something big in the news goes down I’ve learned from experience not to be too quick to write anything about it until the hype dies down and more information comes out. My long-time readers know what I’m talking about. In the early days of this blog I could get caught up in a story about how a guy got Zeroed Out and committed suicide or killed his family and himself, and people would run me up the flagpole for jumping to conclusions. That those conclusions were, in fact, accurate was irrelevant to critics. It was all about ‘hasty generalizations‘ and confirmation biases at the time of writing.

This new Corona Virus pandemic is something different though. There are a lot of people very eager to jump to those hasty generalizations in this global crisis – and pointing out their panic only makes them feel more justified in panicking. At the time of this writing we’re seeing a globalized response to a globalized virus. For all or our new order information, technology, access and connectivity the same old order human nature remain the same. Odd that the people who’ve criticized me for being too mechanistic about our evolved nature are the same people who are in a righteous panic caused by the nature I’ve been told we’re supposed to be evolved above now.

But today, instead of a localized panic, we get a global panic. Instead of localized disinformation, we have globalized disinformation.

“In the social media age, people have forgotten that it’s not remotely normal to be able to see hundreds of millions of people’s opinions & actions, let alone engage with them.

We’re living in the biggest experiment in human history and have little idea of the long term consequences.”


Ironically, Zuby tweeted this quote about a week before the Corona Virus really became what it is now (late March, 2020). At the time I though it captured what was going on in our Global Sexual Marketplace so I saved the quote, but it’s true about a lot of new order areas of our modern globalized lives. And that includes global pandemics too.

I wrote about old order versus new order thinking a few months ago. This essay, The New Age of Enlightenment, is actually an excerpt from my upcoming fourth book in the Rational Male series and is a theme I carry through much of it. At the time of my writing it I had come to much of the same thinking as Zuby had here: it’s time we re-envision what a rapidly advancing global society looks like. My take began in the global sexual marketplace, but it’s expanded to many other areas of life. It’s a challenge to humanity to be sure. Reassessing what was old order wisdom worth preserving and abandoning what was simply inaccurate (or deliberately distorted) in the age of new order information and communication is something most people are unprepared for. Most people are too comfortable in the lives they built for themselves based on the foundation of old order ideals.

The Virus pandemic is proving this to us in real time and online 24 hours a day now. Faced with the rapid, systemic shutdown of every major economy on the planet, the global community now reverts to its very human, very predictable nature. The response to real, existential crisis is what defines the person, and what defines their ego-invested belief-sets – except everything is intensified.

Here’s what I’m seeing happen.

Believers’ Confirmation

Doomsday preppers rejoice. Christians, Catholics, [insert Millenarian Dominionist religion] all love and hate this crisis simultaneously. It both proves God’s love and God’s wrath in the same breath. And as I’ve expounded upon in the fourth book, there’s simply no arguing with people who have no questions. Don’t take this as a flame on believers – I get why they find comfort in it – it’s a simple observation of how crisis situations bring out what truly motivates people in a way we only rarely see.

Even the woo woo magical thinkers find a common confirmation of their spiritual-but-not-religious beliefs. They all told you so. They all knew it was coming. The tea leaves and energy ‘vibrations’ have all been off for months. If only we’d sent enough positive Juju out into the universe the Law of Attraction would have prevented all this! Likewise, they’re all equally unprepared for it. A reaffirmed faith (however they define it) will see them through. And maybe that’s a good attitude to have when panic and fear are the hot new commodities to sell on the worldwide stage (I’ll get to that in a moment).

Uncertainty is difficult for people, but there’s a lot of comfort in finding confirmation of beliefs in crisis and tragedy. And that belief doesn’t necessarily have to be religious. Political wonks are equally zealots now. This pandemic will define presidencies and, going forward, will likely determine the platforms of future world leaders for some time.

Never let a good crisis go to waste” – especially in an age when the majority of the worlds’ people literally cannot escape seeing it in real time. For the political ideologist, on either side of the spectrum, how this pandemic is being handled by officials, and the prophecies of inevitable economic ruin, is just as belief-affirming as religious confirmations.

For the Left, this is the event they’ve always waited for to bring down a president who’s been effectively invincible since the Primaries of 2015. To use their own words, they can “finally get the motherfucker.” That it took a global pandemic is irrelevant. For the Right, it’s an illustration of how life will look under the fantasy Socialist tyranny they see in the Left. The wholesale closing of abortion clinics is an added bonus. In our own sphere, for MGTOW it’s the sweet humbling of women’s egos as, from all appearances, women turn to a new appreciation of conventionally masculine men and ape the mannerisms of traditional femininity – for now. For the Trad-Con sunhat ladies this feminist pivot is, again, reaffirming. Gone, almost overnight, are the bleating of social justice warriors with all discussions of socially constructed gender norms. Noticeable in its absence is all talk of Women’s History Month (March) and the need for reparations in gender inequities. Hell, in Finland the all-female, all-feminist, government is glaringly impotent from all accounts I’ve read.

Most of this is what I’d expect from the average global citizen in the face of a world changing, relatively lethal, pandemic. However, it’s the new order Outrage Brokers and Success Porn Hustlahs scrambling to place their bets on the next 9 months who are truly a wonder to behold now.

Outrage Brokers in the Apocalypse

Amongst all of this pandemic gnashing of teeth we get the inevitable grifters. If we’re honest, we knew most of these guys were leeches when times were good. Certainly not all of them, but the temptation of quitting an old order day job for the promise of a new order monthly direct deposit from Google for playing ‘life coach’ on a webcam was a dream come true for most. Now their true natures rise to the surface as they see the chuckwagon of the gig economy pulling away. And just like rats going through an Extinction Burst they frantically try every new angle that they might profit from.

These are the war profiteers of this new order era, but the pitch is the same as it was in the past – stoke fear, sell security.

It almost seems quaint that I brought up this exact formula as discussion topic on Rule Zero just 2 weeks ago. We were illustrating how the term Red Pill (and now MGTOW) has been coopted as a branding opportunity by “coaches” and “relationship experts” with very little experience beyond what they can glean from others in the sphere. The main point was this: it’s far easier to get views and build subscriber bases in next to no time when your material is all red meat outrage for ‘underserved’ Average Frustrated Chumps. Toss out a few “red pills”, paint a few of them black, and commiserate with the average 80-percenter guy’s reality with women, gynocentrism and then play on the same indignation porn that the mainstream has been selling to women for 3 decades now. All sizzle, no steak. Is it any wonder that critics think the Red Pill is populated with nihilistic, homicidal Incels?

But that’s the formula. It just took men longer to perfect it for a fresh generation of male consumers. Indignation might be an innate female need, but the past 3 generations of men have developed a taste for it as well. It’s what happens when boys are raised as defective girls.

It’s important to see this crisis through the emotional lens that the past 4 generations of men and women have been taught to prioritize. For over 50 years now we’ve been conditioned to see the female, emotions-first, experience as the correct interpretation of every facet of a globalizing society. This pandemic is no exception.

Because of their emotions-first nature fear is easy to sell to women. Women’s innate need for security is what made them the primary consumer in western societies, but now we have at least 2 generations of men who were educated to be defective women. ThoseVillage-educated emotions-first men are susceptible to the same sales formulas now. Feels before Reals isn’t just for women, and this pandemic crisis is proving it in spades.

The savvy hucksters know this. The not so savvy ones will attempt to go back to whatever cubicle job they think still exists for them before they quit their day jobs. But the career Outrage Brokers are already profiteering from that formula; feed the fear, sell security.

You know the names. Watch them. You’ll need to remember their nature when things shake out.

Zeroed Out

What even the best Red Pill rage-bait “entrepreneur” knows is that the vast majority of his/her soon-to-be-former supporters will be Zeroed Out in the coming months. There is no going back to what we thought of as normal. Even if we recover back to a comfortable normalcy fairly quickly this experience changes things. The game has changed, all games have changed, and the uncertainty of the basics will replace the leisure of having the personal concerns we used to entertain before the virus hit.

A lot of good men will be Zeroed Out in the wake of this crisis.

I think it ought to be part of any Red Pill aware man’s understanding that at many points in our lives we will be confronted with the prospects of having to rebuild ourselves. Failure, rejection and disappointment will happen for you, that’s just part of a man’s life, and it’s easy to rattle off platitudes about how many times you get back up being the measure of a man. But what I’m saying is there will be times when total reconstruction of your life will be a necessity.

You will be zeroed out at some point, and how you handle this is a much different situation than any temporary setback. This zeroing out is made all the more difficult when you confront the fact that what you believed to be so valuable, the equity you were told was what others would measure you by, was all part of your Blue Pill conditioning. At that point you need to understand that there is most definitely a hope for a better remake of yourself based on truths that were learned in the hardest way.

The red meat is still there. The chemical rush that comes from indignation-without-solution will always satisfy in the short term, but now it will be a reminder of what people had a luxury to pursue before all this shit went down. Grifters and Outrage Brokers know this. Zealots and Shamans know this. Black Pills, God-Pills, MGTOW and every Red Pill rebrand knows this. And the old order thinkers who were comfortable and self-righteous in the certainty of a condition that couldn’t ever end for them will all say they saw this coming while they shit their pants looking for a way to sustain themselves. The red meat is all that’s left for them, and they’ll climb over themselves to be the source of it.

I’m not throwing all this out there to freak anyone out. Freaking out is the reflexive response I’ve been seeing for 2 weeks now. It’s more infectious than the actual virus. I’m simply trying to put this crisis into rational, masculine perspective. That requires observation.

Yes, women are going to revert to their survival instincts; observe it, catalog it, use it to confirm what the Red Pill has been proposing for 20 years now.

Yes, lesser men will panic and expect you to panic along with them. Their imaginings and superstitions are a source of dopamine for them. Learn from their real nature.

Yes, the Outrage Brokers will all feed you fear and sell you product to allay that fear. They’ll all have a nootropic pill to cure Covid soon. Make a note of who they are.

And yes, you will likely be Zeroed Out in some manner in the coming year. Take comfort in knowing you’re definitely not alone. You, me, everyone will need to rebuild ourselves to some degree soon. Start analyzing you strengths, pay attention to what’s going on around you. You must be agile like never before. Many different aspects of Red Pill awareness will be confirmed for you, a lot probably have been already, learn from these confirmations. This is the Future Shock. Now is not the time to flounder in despair. Look for the opportunities.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

“You’re not supposed to do it forever. You do it till you find a woman that does what you want. THEN you LOVE that woman and keep your shit up. Problem is men are lemmings and women are encouraged to respond with Vitriolic anger at the mere suggestion that a relationship requires a commitment. To which most men then get a bitchfit and go “Well if ya aint gonna do what I like, then Imma discard ya!! Hur Hur Hur!!” The reason it’s never verbalized as such is Twofold. 1. The original plan was to bring back Feudalism by suggesting… Read more »

4 years ago

I have also read that HC has several modes of action against covid.

I posted the rest of my reply over on my site. That seemed like a more appropriate context.


[…] has been suggested by SJF over at The Rational Male (search for “ASD I thought the virus”) that HC increases NH3 somehow. HC has three […]

4 years ago

A story about ” Doing The Best He Can “. I know a guy named Rodney. He had a Denali suv that had a leaking head gasket. Rodney had never encountered this scenario before. Every 2 days the vehicle would overheat when the water leaked out of the radiator die the the leaky head gasket. So Rodney would refill the radiator with water and keep driving. He didn’t know much about cars but he did know that empty radiators were a bad thing. He asked me what he should do. I told him ” fix the head gasket “. He… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

Yollo, that is romantic fantasy. Just when a man gets what he wants, or a woman figures out how to apease him then they are no longer satisfied. This is a paradox of relationships. He can never stop spinning plates in some form even if just to keep his choice interested. See ” women want men that other women want” and we are all up for the challenge.

4 years ago


Correction: New York and New Jersey received 1.7 million people in 2 months, not flights.

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

“From the article “….trump derangement crowd…” .

Uh huh I see”

If the shoe fits wear it !

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago
4 years ago

“Cuomo says the virus in New York appears to have come from Italy.” No sh1t, Sherlock. Context. Mindset. Sherman set the dial on the time machine to Feb. 2020. Fauci was saying “no problemo”. Fauci was believed. The media trusted and still trusts Fauci. Because the media are a bunch of drive by fakk ups. Who are easily led by “experts.” Who ooh and ahh over academics. Stupid sheeple. And, unfortunately, people tend to believe the media. People weren’t ready for a total ban of all flights. Not with 15 infections. Not that it would have made a whole helluva… Read more »

4 years ago

@asd I don’t follow US politics day to day, but the basic rule of business is that if you are the CEO, you are responsible, period. That is his job. Good leaders surround themselves with people more clever then they are. Trump has the power to replace Fauci or any advising expert at any time. He does not, and that is his responsibility. He had a once in a lifetime opportunity to step up as a leader. Normally during crisis the acting government always gets more supported, as – again, normally – a country should unite against external enemy. Look… Read more »

4 years ago

I don’t follow US politics day to day, but the basic rule of business is that if you are the CEO, you are responsible, period

Politics is a different business…

4 years ago

HF The problem is, this nation has been becoming more and more divided. Some people like and thrive off of that division for selfish reasons. Yes, the buck always stops with the man/people charge, period. Crazy shit like adult men saying that media is to blame while at the same time touting media they like that aligns with their idealism and world view is media that ” does it’s homework “. My opinion has always been that we as a nation could become too stupid to survive. It’s A possibility. Rome, Greece, Egypt, Khan….history. Nobody’s special, no matter how they… Read more »

4 years ago

@Sentient The requirements for being a good leader are not different. I know that in politics the goal is not to be a good leader, but to be reelected, and in that sense taking responsibility is not the good move. But even in that sense he doesn’t play the game very well. If the democrats could field an at least semi-acceptable candidate Trump would have no chance. He is extremely lucky to have Biden. I do think he will destroy him in a one-on-one debate and that could save his mismanagement of the current situation. @kfg: It seems the Harvard… Read more »

4 years ago

Good leaders surround themselves with people more clever then they are.

Have you seen what has happened to people once they start working for Trump?
As an outsider, he didn’t have 5000 of his closest friends and associates to place into power the minute he took office (unlike others). He hired the folks he thought would be best for the job.
Their lives are ruined, purposefully.
By people whose motivations are not what is best for the country, but best for themselves.
Hard to get clever people to continue to sign up for that.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Guys, what do you think of this comment I found on youtube?

For a a start, it’s almost unreadable just due to the wall-of-text format.
Second, no evidence of actually understanding reality i.e. The Glasses / Red Pill.

If that comment was in Field Reports I guess I might make a reply. But it’s in comments on YT, apparently under one of Rollo’s vids, so not worth the time to correct all the errors in that forum.

Why did you bring it here?

4 years ago

There’s an awful lot of truth in what Liz said. Facts. But some people were absolutely not qualified, but it’s the President right to hire whoever he wants, and take the criticism. I watched a large segment of the population doggedly attack a president for eight years, and I think that’s unpatriotic as fuck, so no, I’m not at all for attacking the current guy. It solves nothing. Goose/gander shouldn’t apply, but it’s par for the course nowadays. ” us” against ” them “, rearranging chairs on titanics deck. I’m all.for.critisism. I’m against attacks. HF I’m a bit of a… Read more »

4 years ago

American patriotism is displayed by support of the Constitution and thus the offices it creates. The Constitution and thus the country it defines is explicitly set up to doggedly criticize individuals who hold an office. The country was created with division and embraces that division. That’s why we have states with full governments which can operate entirely independently of the federal government. The idea of Continuation of Government at the federal level is a corruption of the system which is designed to continue at the state and county levels in time of crisis. Cui bono? What makes the current division… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

He was banging a green activist

I wonder, do vegans swallow?

Am I the only one that thinks she convinced him to shut down the world on the basis of some lunatic activism ?

Yeah, you probably are.

Got to enjoy the spectacle of Dr. Shutdown getting caught breaking his own rules to get some nookie on the side. But I doubt she was the driver of ye olde shutdown.

4 years ago

Kfg I agree. Most Americans don’t really know what the constitution states. I know approximately 75-80 % most times, but it’s a lot to remember in detail insofar as what all of the amendments state by article/number. I think many people are only acquainted with amendments 1, 2 ( especially 2 ) and 4. If we don’t know at least most of what’s in the constitution, we can’t have any realistic understanding of what the nation is or what it’s supposed to be. And you might hear a president say that he has total authority or some shit like that.😎… Read more »

4 years ago

Blax It’s pretty normal to come home from a hunt 60,000 years ago and find that you didn’t die, and you might have come home with food, and your tribe is doing well. It is a normal human experience to want to feel well. To feel good about one’s local community not being infected and dying is a pretty normal thing to feel and to say. It’s pretty normal for one individual to be glad not to have morbid cancer, debilitating disease or any pathology. Which has nothing to do with higher level having empathy, compassion and concern for other… Read more »

4 years ago


You’re flying at 30,000 feet and there are clouds at 22,000 feet.

4 years ago

@kfg “What makes the current division in politics different and a problem is that the division is over the Constitution itself, the very existence of the country as an entity.” This is why you see democrats like Turley and Dershowitz and Taibbi siding with people who have my views against their fellow democrats who are tending towards authoritarianism. I hold a lot of the same views as classical liberals. It totally feels weird having those three guys as co-belligerents. There’s a constitutional scholar at Harvard arguing against liberty. So it looks like the left is seriously undermining the constitution. If… Read more »

4 years ago

SJF I know I’m speaking/writing in English, and I think I’m presenting clear thought,.So something else just be causing the disconnect between us. I don’t shake my fist in rage or whatever. Not my style. Game and my upbringing inform everything. Large groups, as you say, only ever served to sharpen my ability to read people’s intentions and motives. The larger and more diverse the group, the better honed the ability became. You think/believe/ feel small tribe like isolated groups are best. They aren’t actually, but I understand your point and reasoning. Tiny know!edge base s produce tiny know!edge.s This… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

@HF @Blaximus

For the record, under Trumps leadership, thank God! The United States of America is ranked in 13th place for deaths per million population.

1st.San Marino 1208 dpm
2nd.Belgium 720 dpm
3rd. Andora 595 dpm
4th . Spain 553 dpm
5th . Italy 491 dpm
6th . UK 443 dpm
7th . France 395 dpm
8th . Sint Maarten 327 dpm
9th . Netherlands 304 dpm
10th . Sweden 291 dpm
11th . Ireland 278 dpm
12th .Isle of Man 270 dpm
13th . USA 224 dpm

4 years ago

“I hold a lot of the same views as classical liberals.” The view of classical liberalism is that the “left” stands for secular republicanism. i.e. that America is inherently “leftist.” “So it looks like the left is seriously undermining the constitution.” So, going by what I can infer you mean here by “left” (which is neither left nor liberal) the “left” has no intent to undermine the constitution. They intend to toss it in the fire by any means necessary and replace it with their own autocratic rule. Many of them, if not most, really hope that “by any means… Read more »

4 years ago


Left, liberal, people have their own definitions.

Since coming to the ” sphere ” it’s been amazing and fascinating reading along as folks rail against the ” left ” for everything under the sun. It’s constant and unwavering and almost unbelievable at times.

It’s like the unseen/seen hands of evil everywhere doing all manner of badness.

Lol, a guy standing at a bus stop can casually be described as a liberal lefty, just by how he stands.

Us vs them.

All the time.

4 years ago

… there were some experiments done about that phenomenon. I need to revisit the footage.

4 years ago

Blax You are speaking and writing in Blaximese. And yes you are and have always definitely presented clear thought. I’ve never seen a non-clear thought come out of your type-writer fingers. You get an A+ for clear masculine thought. And good thought, no less. We are most always disconnected. We are black and white. With no racial pejorative. At all. Trust me. “I don’t shake my fist in rage or whatever.” Yes you do. You have your container ideas and I have mine. They are called frame of reference. We are different. You have rage about my unicornland, which is… Read more »

4 years ago

Many of them, if not most, really hope that “by any means necessary” means a river of blood.

And it ain’t their blood they are thinking about.

4 years ago

Ahhh Blax. Bless his heart. And his reactionary progressivism.

4 years ago

Actually Trump is waaaaay closer to your views Blax than you give him credit for.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

I watched a large segment of the population doggedly attack a president for eight years,

It’s true, Reagan had some determined haters. Not just John Hinckley.

4 years ago

SJF We been doing this for years now.😁 I actually like doing this with you. Doing it with Asd makes my skull ache. Fwiw, I’ve had more success with young men than not. It’s about 70% positive outcomes vs 30% cant/won’t see it. It really is no different than what guys that come here have to do, with understanding ” how it works and why, and the mechanisms driving things, and how they are ingrained “. The guys have to painfully drop almost everything they think they know, the things that have been taught to them that foster failure and… Read more »

4 years ago

Sentient Lol, you are correct about the trump and I. I understand him because at points in my youth I though somewhat like him. I used to depend on talking< i/> my way into and out of things. I had to push away from that. It has an expiration date. I do not hate Donald trump. I just don’t respect him as a man, and that’s my personal opinion based on observation. My opinion of him hasn’t hindered him at all, lol. Donald has quite a level of ” thug ” in him, but it’s not true thuggishness, but it’s… Read more »

4 years ago

“So I asked him ” what do men in authority respect? ” , he answered ” money, power and violence “.”

4 years ago

Great Stuff Blaximus.

I love you, man.

Thank you for your your sentiments.

4 years ago

“So, going by what I can infer you mean here by “left” (which is neither left nor liberal) the “left” has no intent to undermine the constitution. They intend to toss it in the fire by any means necessary and replace it with their own autocratic rule. Many of them, if not most, really hope that “by any means necessary” means a river of blood.” Indeed. The protests against lockdown are a hopeful sign that men will fight against the theft of their liberty. And the protests seem to be somewhat organized. And the men are carrying weapons at some… Read more »

4 years ago

So law and order are subjective now.

Got it.

First law and order was paramount ( i!legals, drugs, crime – things there are laws against ). But now it’s a liberty free for all.

Why now?

What’s changed?

Your homework assignment,nor you choose to accept it : Google Black Panthers, Rona!d Reagan, long guns, capitol.

Then Google the law change that happened afterwards for extra credit

History son.

4 years ago


The video you posted, the guy playing guitar was a dear friend of mine named Hiram Bullock.

Good to be reminded of him.

4 years ago

Shit. I just noticed towards the end of the video another friend on the drums, Omar Hakim.

I don’t believe old folks should dwell in the past too much, but man the 80s and 90s were a hell of a lot of fun.

Except for the near bankruptcy and divorce thing.

4 years ago

Blax, I saw something that made me laugh and think of you…

“Earlier this week, Atlantic magazine – fast becoming the favored media outlet for self-styled intellectual elites of the Aspen Institute type”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

So law and order are subjective now.

Who are you arguing with in this comment? Anyone in particular?

4 years ago

Blax, what is your point? Do you think that those Michigan rednecks were breaking some sort of law? (By the way, I was actually in the Michigan Capitol building several months ago just touring. A funny coincidence.)

4 years ago

No gun no respect. That’s why I always got the gun

4 years ago

Figures Asd wouldn’t get the point.

I’m not going to explain or teach history to you without getting paid.

4 years ago

Oh, I have a “dad” story which is also a game story. Daughter Gamer was going to do a phone interview with a medical group which had trained her during her fellowship. Some of the docs in the group had been fans of hers, but they had left the group. The remaining docs weren’t fans, but they were desperate for someone to help with the load, so they made a half-hearted move. Low interest in DG. Her reputation with the group was low. Game needed. Because DG didn’t project the image of a confident professional physician. Too chatty and easy… Read more »

4 years ago

If youtube takes down a video, you might be able to find it at .

4 years ago

Internment camps in Ventura County… surely you jest…don’t call me Shirley… “Ventura County officials in California announced plans to remove infected residents with the Wuhan virus from their homes and place them in quarantine centers.” Oh, but that’s just for covid patients. Health official: We have Mr. Gamer’s name on the list. Go get him. Sheriff: Mr. Gamer, come with me. Gamer: Where? Sheriff: You are being quarantined for covid. Gamer: I don’t have covid. Sheriff: County Health says you do. Come with me peacefully if you don’t want to be cuffed. Gamer goes peacefully and is transported to a… Read more »

4 years ago

I’m still looking for all of those fema camps that were supposedly built after hurricane Katrina.


4 years ago
4 years ago

comment image

4 years ago


News today that Flynn was exonerated. For being trapped about lying.

Then Chris Christy’s deputies also. On legal grounds by the Supreme Court.

Seems the shutdown by the Christy deputies was a dick move.

I don’t know what that was all about.

What do you know and say about the highway shut-down back then?

4 years ago

The mayor of fort lee refused or reneged on supporting Christie politically/for election. Christie’s subordinates thought it would be peachy to shut down a majority of the lanes across the George Washington bridge before morning rush hour completely unannounced and without cause. The resulting traffic jam snarled traffic throughout the city of fort Lee all day and into the evening hours. Hardly anything could move, including police and emergency services. Text messages and phone conversations between the actors that arranged this nonsense were part of the evidence. There was no evidence that Krispy…er….Christie ordered or had any knowledge that the… Read more »

4 years ago

Btw, over 100 million cars cross the gwb every year.

Ordering lanes closed for no reason is much more than a prank or a mistake.

4 years ago

“Btw, Christie is a evil, mean son of a bitch” He also was quite unattractive, including the Covid un-haircut on Fox Laura Ingraham. With fat oil glands on the face. (sebaceous hyperplasia in technical terms) Sad looking guy, doing the best he can with little in terms of looks. Same as it ever was. Like I said, Dick Political Move, got exonerated on technical terms. Not a federal self-money-grab by the deputies, technicality. And not a federal case. A local N.J. issue. Sad. Local politics. But pales–less impressive or important, as old news, compared to current news, the pandemic. A… Read more »

4 years ago

News: Mueller prosecutor Van Grack resigns from the Flynn case…in Judge Sullivan’s court. Maybe it was a protest? Van Grack resigned from two other cases in Sullivan’s court. Still think it’s a protest? (Maybe it was risky to Van Grack’s freedom to appear before an angry judge.)

Other news…

Dr. Birx at a presser was asked about covid counting and answered candidly…skip to 45 secs

What does this mean for us and shutdown? Who is really at risk from covid? What was the plan? What would an end to shutdown mean for Birx and Fauci?

4 years ago

Every human is ” at risk “.

… It’s a virus.

What kind of question….. Nevermind.

4 years ago

Blax, you don’t understand medical stuff. I get that. So I’ll give you a FREE (you fakking lazy @$$ moneygrubber, lol) lesson. Virus types vary in virulence. (I alliterated all over myself.) The flu is much less virulent than covid. The spread of flu is far less than covid. In terms of spread, covid will infect probably five times as many Americans as the flu did. Maybe 70-80%, half of whom won’t even show symptoms. And the spread will concentrate more in the east coast megalopolis because of subways–even when looking at the concentration as a percent of the local… Read more »

4 years ago

Continuing my previous comment, people with comorbidities like diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease are more at risk from covid than healthy people. People with comorbidities are more likely to die from covid than healthy people. Men are more likely to die from covid than are women. Old people are more likely to die from covid than young people. And nursing home residents because they are old, sick people.

So the risk from covid varies.

4 years ago

“Blax, you don’t understand medical stuff…”

I probably know more ” medical stuff ” than your daughter.

You have no idea.

4 years ago

Every single human can catch the virus.

Every single human will drown if they are submerged in water for an hour.

Concentration matters, yes.

Doesn’t mean you’re ” safe “.

Lots of people believe that.

Hence, lockdown.

4 years ago

“I probably know more ” medical stuff ” than your daughter.”

Lol, sure.

“Doesn’t mean you’re ” safe “.

Lots of people believe that.”

Almost a song…”There’s 50 ways to kill a brother…”

You die in a wreck, Beck

Go down with the flu, Lou

Swim and you drown, Brown

Just listen to meeeeee

Gotta wonder if we want a lot of men eating bullets over lockdown.

There may be a resurgence of blues…

“Breadlines and Suicides”

“Let Me Out”

“Sneakin’ Out the Back Way”

“The Covid Nineteen Blues”

“I’m Stuck At Home with No Booze”

4 years ago

Yup. It’s a big, funny joke.

4 years ago

comment image

4 years ago

Jay Cutler….


4 years ago

“Yup. It’s a big, funny joke.”

Peculiar thing about humor–laughter helps your immune system. Laughter decreases stress and increases endorphins. All good for the immune system and mental health.

Reader’s Digest was correct. Laughter is the best medicine. Good music is a close second.

4 years ago

“Who says I need a ticket to come here?”

You are unacceptable and unwanted here because of your posting behavior.

So good luck with that.

And go troll somewhere else.

4 years ago


Little Richard.

4 years ago

And a tiger couldn’t take Roy out, but it looks like a virus has.

4 years ago

“A second chance doesn’t mean you’re in the clear. In many ways, it is the more difficult thing. Because a second chance means that you have to try harder. You must rise to the challenge without the blind optimism of ignorance.” –Ling Ma

You know better. And you have more responsibility.


“Sometimes goodbye is a second chance” –Shinedown

4 years ago

“I got sleepy seeing your quotes. TL;DR.” So what you are saying is that you are young, lazy and want short cuts. “Ask anything about Intersexual Dynamics, folks.” No, you go to Field Reports and tell us about yourself. Including your parents, uncles, other adult males and your best friends as role models and you getting to where you are now. And your inter-sexual experiences. And your status in life. What have you accomplished in life? Or is there not much to tell? Or else no free drama or instructions for you. And you can stop being a passive-aggressive dick… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

R.I.P. Little Richard

Ditto Sweet Pea Atkinson

He had a solo career but a lot of people will remember him from Was (not Was)

4 years ago


You read some odd shit. Every story…not biased at all.

You are a sucker. A likeable sucker, but a sucker nonetheless.

But thanks. Your links make me laugh and I share them with everybody I can. ( even if they say ” stop sending me this retarded bullshit…”)

4 years ago

@Blax Yeah, I always assume bias. But somehow I guess you live in Never Never Landia where some sources are unbiased? [shrug] I always assume that I have to do due diligence and separate the baby from the bathwater. I was doing that today over at gateway pundit where I was reaming Hoft for not getting corroboration about a claim. It was good for him and he needed to hear it. At least Hoft takes feedback. Like most of the right wing media. Breitbart. TheConservativeTreehouse. RedState. The drive by media, not so much. But you go ahead and read your… Read more »

4 years ago

I’ve been with this blog for some time now. Why Blax and asdgamer always busy in fighting? Blax is a black guy who married a Korean, asdgamer is an Autistic white guy who married a Filipino, especially Blax lies that he had many sexual experience then why both he and his friend married Asian? Why Blax tells to use hands to satisfy women? I’m guesssing Blax is an autistic too because like attracts like. This blog is full of fake faces, I’m outta here.

4 years ago


I’m not a geneticist but I know my wife isn’t Korean.

I’m also pretty sure I’m not autistic, but honestly, I’ve never been tested.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

I’ve been with this blog for some time now. Why Blax and asdgamer always busy in fighting?

Everyone needs a hobby.

3 years ago

Now that we can see that Future Shock is mostly concocted for political reasons and covid wasn’t much of an issue outside of the northeast megalopolis…but it might come back in the fall/winter… I still have a question and I hope that a doctor will answer it. Deep dive coming… Lancet had an article bashing HC use in hospitals. The authors used data (which may be bogus, but we’ll assume not for the sake of discussion) which went as far back as Dec. 2019. Now covid is a novel disease. This means that clinicians were learning about covid and learning… Read more »

3 years ago

@ASD You are mostly on track there. Advotus Diaboli had what you said and a bit more. There is definitely political gas-lighting going on. Read his essay: It is most definitely the case that HCQ has shown benefits in the first 4-5 days of infection. Because it slows down the viral load by limiting the ability of the virus to replicate in the host cells. And yes, the drug has little to no efficacy in people who are already far into the second phase of illness–giving it to people with severe respiratory and those on ventilators is close to… Read more »

3 years ago

@SJF Cosign your comment. “In late March, Indonesia’s Death Toll was starting to spiral out of control, w/ a mortality rate close to 10%. Indonesia decided to go all in on Hydroxychloroquine. Effectively lowering it’s Mortality Rate to 6.2%. Today the WHO told them to STOP using it.” Turkey likewise experienced a drop in hospitalizations after using HC in ambulatory clinics for covid patients. If HC works, you should see a big difference in mortality rates between red and blue states because of the TRUMP EFFECT. In fact, you see red states having the LOWEST mortality rates and blue… Read more »

3 years ago

“Now why did Faux-i insist that HC be given only to patients who were hospitalized when it is commonly known that antivirals should be given early to be effective?” Because an abundance of caution in making recommendations. And guess what? likely to prevent a run on drug (like a run on the bank), where every not-so-dumb physician in the United States would write a prescription for themselves and their family members. To stockpile in case they came down with an early case. Thus taking it out of the mouths of hospitalized sick patients that might need it urgently. To flatten… Read more »

3 years ago… Results of a South Korean study of moderate patients who were given 3 different treatments, one of which was HCQ + AZ. “Results: Ninety-seven moderate COVID-19 patients were managed with hydroxychloroquine (HQ) plus antibiotics (n = 22), lopinavir-ritonavir (Lop/R) plus antibiotics (n = 35), or conservative treatment (n = 40). Time to viral clearance, as signified by negative conversion on PCR, after initiation of treatment was significantly shorter with HQ plus antibiotics compared to Lop/R plus antibiotics (hazard ratio [HR], 0.49; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 0.28 to 0.87) or conservative treatments (HR, 0.44; 95% CI, 0.25 to 0.78).… Read more »

3 years ago

@SJF Flattening the curve could have been more easily and effectively accomplished by preventing hospitalization by treating HC early. But that would have diminished the panic and the opportunity for social engineering. And I offer an alternative hypothesis for taking anticoagulants–to prevent damage from microthrombi which seem to be a problem with covid. Fauci’s directives guaranteed that HC would be of little help if his directives were followed. Hospitalization was required, so patients were likely at least moderately ill…then they had to test positive, postponing treatment for a week because getting test results was dilatory at until mid March–bringing the… Read more »

3 years ago

ASD You are overthinking it. Fauci was on a rapidly shifting stage and he couldn’t employ specific tactics in regards to HCQ. . He had to integrate with a top down approach. What he said for the coronavirus task force was at odds with what he would think and do privately. . A report posted on Townhall dot com March 25th said: . “But, the Washington, D.C., parlor game of trying to sew dissension and chaos within a White House continued on a daily basis. . Yesterday, Fauci (who, we had been recently told, was muzzled yet again) went on… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by SJF
3 years ago

ASD . Basic science lesson. Based on stuff from the education way back when 35 years ago and interpretation, now. . I noticed your blog post on 5/6/20 or so. How does hydroxychloroquine ferry Zn++ into cells? . There are multiple levels at which HCQ and Zinc may be beneficial in the early treatment of Covid-19. . There are a lot of mixed messages going on not just in the political, the election campaigns, news media whores, and political propaganda. . There are also considerable biases in the medical community. . There is such a thing as mechanism of action… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by SJF
3 years ago

Well, the formatting and editing is fucked ASD I noticed your blog post on 5/6/20 or so. How does hydroxychloroquine ferry Zn++ into cells? . There are multiple levels at which HCQ and Zinc may be beneficial in the early treatment of Covid-19. . There are a lot of mixed messages going on not just in the political, the election campaigns, news media whores, and political propaganda. . There are also considerable biases in the medical community. . There is such a thing as mechanism of action that explains why something might work for some goal in the human body… Read more »

3 years ago

@SJF and any biochemists out there “HCG is a weak base.” I know that this is what the literature says, but I want to know how HC becomes a weak base. HC comes in pill form as hydroxychloroquine sulfate. A salt. Sulfate is SO4–. Sulfate is the anion. So HC must be the cation. HC++. As HC++, HC will not pass a cell membrane’s lipid bilayer, so there must be some sort of active transport to get HC into cells. And somehow HC is converted into a weak base in the process because we know that it acts that way… Read more »

3 years ago

ASD It doesn’t matter. You don’t have to understand the technical details. Once again parallels to a Red Pill life well lived. It’s not in picking out all the details. Although I know you need to keep your mind busy in the time of corona. And on a further note. Or a repeat note. I get lazy and don’t always continue taking “supplements”. My wife is a supplement taking queen and it seems to benefit her in function overall. She sees a functional medicine doctor, like our old buddy Forge The Sky’s father, and it seems to do her a… Read more »

3 years ago

@SJF and biochemists out there Let’s have a look at how HC- as a zinc ionophore works to inhibit viral replication. Mechanisms matter very much here if Zn++ is to inhibit viral replication. Zinc has to physically be near the viral RNA polymerase in order to prevent replication. We’re pretty sure it won’t get there by simple diffusion. So our unverified model needs some critical examination to see if it’s even plausible. Zn++ normally is brought into the cell by active transport. Into endosomes, which eventually fuse with lysozomes which digest everything, including any viral proteins or nucleic acids. Zn++… Read more »

3 years ago

Better late than never, I suppose…Dr. Risch of Yale, Infectious Disease doc, writes in support of HC…accepted for publication

preprint: hospital study…zinc significantly improves mortality rate 44% over HC alone…

3 years ago

Something kind of cool. I was involved in the takedown of the high profile bogus anti-HC study published in Lancet that was withdrawn.

HC / zinc still works to treat covid if taken within 5 days of symptom onset. Treating early is key.


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