The Future Shock

When something big in the news goes down I’ve learned from experience not to be too quick to write anything about it until the hype dies down and more information comes out. My long-time readers know what I’m talking about. In the early days of this blog I could get caught up in a story about how a guy got Zeroed Out and committed suicide or killed his family and himself, and people would run me up the flagpole for jumping to conclusions. That those conclusions were, in fact, accurate was irrelevant to critics. It was all about ‘hasty generalizations‘ and confirmation biases at the time of writing.

This new Corona Virus pandemic is something different though. There are a lot of people very eager to jump to those hasty generalizations in this global crisis – and pointing out their panic only makes them feel more justified in panicking. At the time of this writing we’re seeing a globalized response to a globalized virus. For all or our new order information, technology, access and connectivity the same old order human nature remain the same. Odd that the people who’ve criticized me for being too mechanistic about our evolved nature are the same people who are in a righteous panic caused by the nature I’ve been told we’re supposed to be evolved above now.

But today, instead of a localized panic, we get a global panic. Instead of localized disinformation, we have globalized disinformation.

“In the social media age, people have forgotten that it’s not remotely normal to be able to see hundreds of millions of people’s opinions & actions, let alone engage with them.

We’re living in the biggest experiment in human history and have little idea of the long term consequences.”


Ironically, Zuby tweeted this quote about a week before the Corona Virus really became what it is now (late March, 2020). At the time I though it captured what was going on in our Global Sexual Marketplace so I saved the quote, but it’s true about a lot of new order areas of our modern globalized lives. And that includes global pandemics too.

I wrote about old order versus new order thinking a few months ago. This essay, The New Age of Enlightenment, is actually an excerpt from my upcoming fourth book in the Rational Male series and is a theme I carry through much of it. At the time of my writing it I had come to much of the same thinking as Zuby had here: it’s time we re-envision what a rapidly advancing global society looks like. My take began in the global sexual marketplace, but it’s expanded to many other areas of life. It’s a challenge to humanity to be sure. Reassessing what was old order wisdom worth preserving and abandoning what was simply inaccurate (or deliberately distorted) in the age of new order information and communication is something most people are unprepared for. Most people are too comfortable in the lives they built for themselves based on the foundation of old order ideals.

The Virus pandemic is proving this to us in real time and online 24 hours a day now. Faced with the rapid, systemic shutdown of every major economy on the planet, the global community now reverts to its very human, very predictable nature. The response to real, existential crisis is what defines the person, and what defines their ego-invested belief-sets – except everything is intensified.

Here’s what I’m seeing happen.

Believers’ Confirmation

Doomsday preppers rejoice. Christians, Catholics, [insert Millenarian Dominionist religion] all love and hate this crisis simultaneously. It both proves God’s love and God’s wrath in the same breath. And as I’ve expounded upon in the fourth book, there’s simply no arguing with people who have no questions. Don’t take this as a flame on believers – I get why they find comfort in it – it’s a simple observation of how crisis situations bring out what truly motivates people in a way we only rarely see.

Even the woo woo magical thinkers find a common confirmation of their spiritual-but-not-religious beliefs. They all told you so. They all knew it was coming. The tea leaves and energy ‘vibrations’ have all been off for months. If only we’d sent enough positive Juju out into the universe the Law of Attraction would have prevented all this! Likewise, they’re all equally unprepared for it. A reaffirmed faith (however they define it) will see them through. And maybe that’s a good attitude to have when panic and fear are the hot new commodities to sell on the worldwide stage (I’ll get to that in a moment).

Uncertainty is difficult for people, but there’s a lot of comfort in finding confirmation of beliefs in crisis and tragedy. And that belief doesn’t necessarily have to be religious. Political wonks are equally zealots now. This pandemic will define presidencies and, going forward, will likely determine the platforms of future world leaders for some time.

Never let a good crisis go to waste” – especially in an age when the majority of the worlds’ people literally cannot escape seeing it in real time. For the political ideologist, on either side of the spectrum, how this pandemic is being handled by officials, and the prophecies of inevitable economic ruin, is just as belief-affirming as religious confirmations.

For the Left, this is the event they’ve always waited for to bring down a president who’s been effectively invincible since the Primaries of 2015. To use their own words, they can “finally get the motherfucker.” That it took a global pandemic is irrelevant. For the Right, it’s an illustration of how life will look under the fantasy Socialist tyranny they see in the Left. The wholesale closing of abortion clinics is an added bonus. In our own sphere, for MGTOW it’s the sweet humbling of women’s egos as, from all appearances, women turn to a new appreciation of conventionally masculine men and ape the mannerisms of traditional femininity – for now. For the Trad-Con sunhat ladies this feminist pivot is, again, reaffirming. Gone, almost overnight, are the bleating of social justice warriors with all discussions of socially constructed gender norms. Noticeable in its absence is all talk of Women’s History Month (March) and the need for reparations in gender inequities. Hell, in Finland the all-female, all-feminist, government is glaringly impotent from all accounts I’ve read.

Most of this is what I’d expect from the average global citizen in the face of a world changing, relatively lethal, pandemic. However, it’s the new order Outrage Brokers and Success Porn Hustlahs scrambling to place their bets on the next 9 months who are truly a wonder to behold now.

Outrage Brokers in the Apocalypse

Amongst all of this pandemic gnashing of teeth we get the inevitable grifters. If we’re honest, we knew most of these guys were leeches when times were good. Certainly not all of them, but the temptation of quitting an old order day job for the promise of a new order monthly direct deposit from Google for playing ‘life coach’ on a webcam was a dream come true for most. Now their true natures rise to the surface as they see the chuckwagon of the gig economy pulling away. And just like rats going through an Extinction Burst they frantically try every new angle that they might profit from.

These are the war profiteers of this new order era, but the pitch is the same as it was in the past – stoke fear, sell security.

It almost seems quaint that I brought up this exact formula as discussion topic on Rule Zero just 2 weeks ago. We were illustrating how the term Red Pill (and now MGTOW) has been coopted as a branding opportunity by “coaches” and “relationship experts” with very little experience beyond what they can glean from others in the sphere. The main point was this: it’s far easier to get views and build subscriber bases in next to no time when your material is all red meat outrage for ‘underserved’ Average Frustrated Chumps. Toss out a few “red pills”, paint a few of them black, and commiserate with the average 80-percenter guy’s reality with women, gynocentrism and then play on the same indignation porn that the mainstream has been selling to women for 3 decades now. All sizzle, no steak. Is it any wonder that critics think the Red Pill is populated with nihilistic, homicidal Incels?

But that’s the formula. It just took men longer to perfect it for a fresh generation of male consumers. Indignation might be an innate female need, but the past 3 generations of men have developed a taste for it as well. It’s what happens when boys are raised as defective girls.

It’s important to see this crisis through the emotional lens that the past 4 generations of men and women have been taught to prioritize. For over 50 years now we’ve been conditioned to see the female, emotions-first, experience as the correct interpretation of every facet of a globalizing society. This pandemic is no exception.

Because of their emotions-first nature fear is easy to sell to women. Women’s innate need for security is what made them the primary consumer in western societies, but now we have at least 2 generations of men who were educated to be defective women. ThoseVillage-educated emotions-first men are susceptible to the same sales formulas now. Feels before Reals isn’t just for women, and this pandemic crisis is proving it in spades.

The savvy hucksters know this. The not so savvy ones will attempt to go back to whatever cubicle job they think still exists for them before they quit their day jobs. But the career Outrage Brokers are already profiteering from that formula; feed the fear, sell security.

You know the names. Watch them. You’ll need to remember their nature when things shake out.

Zeroed Out

What even the best Red Pill rage-bait “entrepreneur” knows is that the vast majority of his/her soon-to-be-former supporters will be Zeroed Out in the coming months. There is no going back to what we thought of as normal. Even if we recover back to a comfortable normalcy fairly quickly this experience changes things. The game has changed, all games have changed, and the uncertainty of the basics will replace the leisure of having the personal concerns we used to entertain before the virus hit.

A lot of good men will be Zeroed Out in the wake of this crisis.

I think it ought to be part of any Red Pill aware man’s understanding that at many points in our lives we will be confronted with the prospects of having to rebuild ourselves. Failure, rejection and disappointment will happen for you, that’s just part of a man’s life, and it’s easy to rattle off platitudes about how many times you get back up being the measure of a man. But what I’m saying is there will be times when total reconstruction of your life will be a necessity.

You will be zeroed out at some point, and how you handle this is a much different situation than any temporary setback. This zeroing out is made all the more difficult when you confront the fact that what you believed to be so valuable, the equity you were told was what others would measure you by, was all part of your Blue Pill conditioning. At that point you need to understand that there is most definitely a hope for a better remake of yourself based on truths that were learned in the hardest way.

The red meat is still there. The chemical rush that comes from indignation-without-solution will always satisfy in the short term, but now it will be a reminder of what people had a luxury to pursue before all this shit went down. Grifters and Outrage Brokers know this. Zealots and Shamans know this. Black Pills, God-Pills, MGTOW and every Red Pill rebrand knows this. And the old order thinkers who were comfortable and self-righteous in the certainty of a condition that couldn’t ever end for them will all say they saw this coming while they shit their pants looking for a way to sustain themselves. The red meat is all that’s left for them, and they’ll climb over themselves to be the source of it.

I’m not throwing all this out there to freak anyone out. Freaking out is the reflexive response I’ve been seeing for 2 weeks now. It’s more infectious than the actual virus. I’m simply trying to put this crisis into rational, masculine perspective. That requires observation.

Yes, women are going to revert to their survival instincts; observe it, catalog it, use it to confirm what the Red Pill has been proposing for 20 years now.

Yes, lesser men will panic and expect you to panic along with them. Their imaginings and superstitions are a source of dopamine for them. Learn from their real nature.

Yes, the Outrage Brokers will all feed you fear and sell you product to allay that fear. They’ll all have a nootropic pill to cure Covid soon. Make a note of who they are.

And yes, you will likely be Zeroed Out in some manner in the coming year. Take comfort in knowing you’re definitely not alone. You, me, everyone will need to rebuild ourselves to some degree soon. Start analyzing you strengths, pay attention to what’s going on around you. You must be agile like never before. Many different aspects of Red Pill awareness will be confirmed for you, a lot probably have been already, learn from these confirmations. This is the Future Shock. Now is not the time to flounder in despair. Look for the opportunities.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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4 years ago

comment image

is not a fish.

Calling it a fish is incorrect.

Having done a shitload of research on zinc in particular, it pains me to see anyone blithely refer to it as ” a vitamin “. Doing so doesn’t communicate anything factual, hence my problem.


Don’t accept shoddy shit because it stains all of the information, if you are really trying to learn something.

4 years ago

“Reporters’ job isn’t to teach. If they can’t explain on a high school level….”

This is a part of what’s wrong with our society. Mental laziness. If you’re in highschool, maybe things should be explained on that level. After that, use your brain for more than a place holder.

4 years ago

“Reporters’ job isn’t to teach.”

Some shit happened today to some people, or chairs, or whatever it was they were. I don’t give a crap. You guys work it out for yourselves.

4 years ago


I’ve done a little research on zinc as well.

toxic levels of zinc are when you go above 50g of zinc ion…zinc is 65.38 g/mole…so when you look at different zinc salts, you have to figure how much of the particular salt you want to take based on molecular weight of zinc relative to the salt. For zinc picolinate, the mw is 309.6 g/mole*. This means that you have to take 50g zinc x 309.6 g zinc picolinate x 1/65.38 g zinc to get 50 g of zinc.

4 years ago

Whatever asd.

I’m glad you ( recently ) did ( some ) research on zinc.
comment image

4 years ago

Two things can be true simultaneously…

First, tens of thousands of people have died of covid.

Second, authorities are attempting to pad the figures to justify continuing a lockdown.

Caught in a Lie, Wolf Administration Scrambles to Cover its Tracks on False Covid19 Death Figures

Found the link in gateway pundit.

I wonder why people distrust official figures of covid deaths.

4 years ago

I wonder why people distrust official figures of covid deaths.
comment image

It’s a conspiracy.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

“Reporters’ job isn’t to teach.”

Some shit happened today to some people, or chairs, or whatever it was they were. I don’t give a crap. You guys work it out for yourselves.

You totally stole that! You stole that from Velveeta and Formica!

4 years ago



not bog.

But this is all a conspiracy to lock people in their houses and…er….um….crash the economy back to the stoneage?

What do your blogs say the reason is?

4 years ago

You make a lot of assumptions, Blax. lol But, whatever, it’s Ok by me. As long as it keeps you happy. I’ve been taking zinc supps. for years. Back to that the article about some sort of NY study you referenced. There were several problems with the article. “hydroxychloroquine or a placebo pill — vitamin C” In the context of covid, vitamin C isn’t a placebo…it’s part of treatment because of free iron in the blood. Usually iron is bound in the heme ring of erythrocytes, but there’s a theory that the virus is replacing iron in the heme group.… Read more »

4 years ago

RH and Lupus isn’t covid.

I mean, you could give hydro to folks with broken bones, but it won’t unbreak them. If those people have rh of malaria or lupus, they will probably improve greatly, but the bones will still be broken.


4 years ago

“You stole that from Velveeta and Formica!”

OK, I had to look up where that came from. I guess I should get around to watching that one of these days.

4 years ago

It is true that lupus and RH are not the same as covid. But RH and Lupus are autoimmune diseases. And the worst outcomes of covid come from an exaggerated immune response. (there are questions as to why elderly are more susceptible for this reason…typically elderly have a reduced immune response. To my knowledge this question hasn’t been answered yet) I’m a believer in “what works”. If it works, I don’t necessarily need to know the exact mechanism (other than cost/gains side effects). When I see/hear about physicians stocking up on plaquenil or taking it prophylactically, I start to suspect… Read more »

4 years ago

@ KFG “OK, I had to look up where that came from. I guess I should get around to watching that one of these days.” The movie Idiocracy had the best premise ever. The actual slog through the movie was slapstick boring. And the movie was pretty underground because it pretty much mocked everybody in the world including prominent retail institutions. The movie studio 20th Century Fox totally disowned it when it came out, which was pretty much because they wanted to shy away from it’s cautionary tale about low-intelligence dysgenics. Which Pareto Principle wise was bound to offend 80%… Read more »

4 years ago


Yeah, I’ve seen a number of clips, but AR hit me with one I had missed until now.

4 years ago

“RH and Lupus isn’t covid.” Thanks for that, Mr. I-missed-the-point. HC is safe when used in a 5 day regimen in 200mg bid for just about everybody, in my opinion as a non-physician. That was the point. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has treated 1450 covid patients with his treatment and he says that only two of his patients died. Provisional, anecdotal evidence. There’s no evidence that his treatment isn’t better than a placebo when administered before cytokine storm. After the cytokine storm occurs, patients have to be vented. It’s very, very important to get Dr. Zelenko’s treatment early. He practices at… Read more »

4 years ago

23 – April – News Talk 103.7FM – The Pennsylvania Department of Health slashed the state’s COVID-19 death toll on Thursday by 201, saying probable deaths it had previously included in the count were eliminated after further investigation.

4 years ago

Blax, why didn’t you search and look for confirmation or refutation of that link I posted? Something wrong with your critical thinking skills?

4 years ago

Oh, hey, I can stream it for free. All I have to do is learn Hungarian first.

4 years ago

This nurse is relaying info from one of her nurse friends who is working in New York City in an ICU treating covid patients. Patients are dying unnecessarily. Doctor’s video removed from youtube (Cameron Kyle-Sidell). (He was fired after posting the video about patients not being managed properly.) Very alarming! The nurse who traveled to NYC to help was used to ICU covid patients being treated very differently where she was from. Patients got well where she was from. Not at the hospital in NYC where she’s working. It’s very sad. Malpractice. NYC has to have some of the… Read more »

4 years ago

It’s okay asd.

Keep reading second hand information.

Oh, you hate NYC and don’t give a shit so stop with all the ” in NYC.. ” shit already.

And don’t inject any disinfectant either.

4 years ago

If we are picking over words: reading up Wikipedia or maybe the second page of Google is not research.

Saying that is actually close to straight up lying. The “googled up” expression is much more accurate for above activity.

4 years ago

” . . . reading up Wikipedia or maybe the second page of Google is not research.” Which is why my use of it was sarcastic, suggesting the low quality of “research” necessary to get it right. In point of fact, would have sufficed. Contrary to the truism, sometimes the first hit on Google, which turns out to be to the Wikipedia page, is all that is needed to prevent making a silly error of fact. The truism is only true for those who understand the strengths and weaknesses of both Wikipedia and the truism. You don’t have to… Read more »

4 years ago

I’m aware that you craft your posts in a way for them to have the maximum effect, and as such you were not my target audience. As someone who has to do actual research</> time to time it triggers me when people use this in a context like “I’ve researched COVID treatments”. No, unless you work in a lab or as a practicing doctor/chemist you researched shit about COVID. You’ve just read some random article on random blogs. (Before you point out, yes for a meta-analysis you don’t need to be in a lab/hospital, but that has some other requirements… Read more »

4 years ago

Italics can’t handle COVID it seems.

4 years ago

Mark that down as another COVID related death.

4 years ago

@HF “has some other requirements besides being good with google/Wikipedia)” Critical thinking skills, perhaps? If you are halfway good at learning about a subject, put a lot of effort into a learning project, and have honed critical thinking skills, you can sometimes do better at figuring new stuff out than academic hacks who only know “peer-reviewed double-blind clinical study” thinking. Thinking, like medicine, is an art as well as a science. I am in contact with Dr. Vladimir Zelenko on FB. You know, the doc who suggested the zinc / hydroxychloroquine / zpak regimen? I made a few suggestions about… Read more »

4 years ago

😂😂 Critical thinking… 😂😂😆😆😆 Still trying to push hydro and zinc….still 😂😂😂 Even Fox has quit. Critical thinking doesn’t include doggedly pushing a singular concept. Forever. And dismissing all else. Telling yourself that’s critical thinking is crazy as fuck. You’ve been wrong many times here before, but you just grab the ” next thing ” and run with that. You cannot learn, grow, and improve like that. You only reinforce your own beliefs and ideals. Which is fine for you generally, it’s your life and you live it however you want , but grown nature men can be honest with… Read more »

4 years ago

Blax, nobody here with at least two neurons agrees with you about zinc / HC being ineffective. Certainly not any physicians. But keep up your dancing and posturing, it’s entertaining. Kind of funny how you bellyache and whine about people dying in NY!!!! Yet when an actual effective remedy is suggested, you laugh at it. I have to tell you, that shows just so much sense. When a doc who doesn’t know you and gets tons of comments actually replies positively to you about a comment about a medical topic you made, that is significant. Especially when he replies almost… Read more »

4 years ago

Nah, I dislike the fact that you are disingenuous. You give no real fucks and it’s all an exercise in your head driven by other motivations, and you think nobody can see it. Sure people will ” agree ” with you, especially when they have the sAme motivations, but 90% of commentors don’t respond to your endless zinc shit. But you keep going day after day after day, singularly driven. People are dying. You seem incapable of empathy or understanding. No problem, that’s you and your brain. Zinc doesn’t stop viruses….unless it’s combined with an anti viral😁 Some doctors are… Read more »

4 years ago

I’m not sure how anyone can speak with a great degree of confidence on best covid19 treatments. They come out with new information all the time (yes, if you’re confined at home like I am each day feels like a week but in actual time this hasn’t been around long at all). Something that is being used currently throughout the world as a treatment…. well, there’s probably a reason for that. Doesn’t mean I’d bet the farm on it, but it does mean there might be something to it. I thought the above link was pretty informative for those… Read more »

4 years ago

All I’ve been saying from the start is that hydro isn’t a miracle cure for everyone, and adding in wild conspiracy theories concerning it makes the whole thing ridiculous. Antibiotics are proven effective at killing bacteria in a majority of people. Hydro has no such track record with viruses. Period. Can it help some people? Probably. Is it worth trying in severely ill peo people? I’d say so. I mean, it I’d listened to conventional medical wisdom I would have lost my prostate 2 decades ago and had 2 discs in my back removed and fused already, so I get… Read more »

4 years ago

Yes, Dr. Zelenko does research. It could be ok, I don’t know enough about medicines to judge it (and I don’t care enough to dig into it.) I see though, that he treated a couple of hundred people with very mild symptoms, and as far as I know he didn’t follow up the cases. It is entirely possible that when some of their’s symptoms got more severe they actually went into the hospital instead of the local village doctor. But let’s assume, that really all of those people was allright. So what does this research mean? That people from upper-middle class… Read more »

4 years ago

Well, I could have just said the same as Blax, but he is typing faster.

4 years ago

“Btw, did your daughter ever get licensed yet?”

It’s been almost a decade. But there’s so much you don’t understand.

But you are into feewings. I understand. You virtue signal and bs out the ying yang. Hey, if it makes you happy, I’m all for it.

When you want to help, let’s talk. I’m tired of dealing with gum-flappers.

4 years ago

“It’s been almost a decade. But there’s so much you don’t understand.” Then explain it to me. Use small words. “But you are into feewings. I understand. You virtue signal and bs out the ying yang. Hey, if it makes you happy, I’m all for it.” Not into virtue signaling. That’s your ( standardized ) interpretation. This ain’t about feelings on my part either. Do you have difficulty with ” feeling ” and ” emotion ” or ” facial expressions ” by chance? As for Daughter Gamer, I only ask because you keep bringing her up like she’s a world… Read more »

4 years ago

“I see though, that he treated a couple of hundred people with very mild symptoms, and as far as I know he didn’t follow up the cases.” So you’re accusing Zelenko of being unethical? Because it would be unethical of a doctor to not follow up his own patients. Zelenko has claimed that he followed up his patients. If he didn’t, it would be all over the news. But crickets. The criticisms of Zelenko are that he didn’t wait for peer-reviewed double blind studies to come out before publishing his protocol. Zelenko says that he is involved in a metadata… Read more »

4 years ago

@blax As for Daughter Gamer, I only ask because you keep bringing her up like she’s a world renown authority on all things medical….without being an authority on how to get licensed. So what’s with the whole ” decade ” thing? I don’t know anybody that took that long to get licensed, and I watched a few from highschool to med school to internship. What’s the hold up? Why is it you can’t understand what I write? I told you that DG is licensed and has been licensed for almost a decade. I’m not claiming world-renowned authority for DG. You… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

No one can say anything definitive about covid treatments at this point.

False. You should know better. In fact, I bet you do know better.
Don’t let your annoyance at spergatron deprive you of reasoning power.

4 years ago


4 years ago

@KFG I don’t actually know who exactly in real life a Terry Crews is. Because I don’t follow too much fictional made up stuff. A follow on parody of Idiocracy. But I did see this on how to solve the economic conundrum of the current pandemic: President Camacho promises to end poverty and inequality in USA by printing money and giving a million dollars to each person- since (paraphrasing it) “people don’t need jobs, they need money” President Camacho speaks to the people of the United States about health care and jobs… and it all leads back to money. Originally… Read more »

4 years ago

@Blax There are good things to come out of New York that have benefited the rest of the nation. Zelenko’s protocol and his publishing of it. Kyle-Sidell informing the nation that covid isn’t what we have been told it is–the disease isn’t simply ARDS. It moves from standard flu presentation to hypoxia to ARDS. And other NY docs giving info like covid causing infection of the heart and brain and causing strokes. So, good things have come out of New York. Important things. Helpful things. New York isn’t Pittsburgh. Or Miami. Or LA. Or Memphis. The scale of what happened… Read more »

4 years ago

Google: nursing homes across entire nation – last 50 years.

Nobody takes ” care ” at nursing homes broadly. The virus just put a huge exclamation point on it.

America has taken to treating it’s elderly like shit.

Nobody can take care of the elderly like family. Unfortunately that’s not as economically viable as it used to be. And the culture shifted away from family to a bullshit false rugged individual mode.

The trend is to die alone with strangers now.

But wealthiest country in the history of the world.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Here is a small truth:

In Italy, virtually nobody who takes hydroxychloroquine for lupus or rheumatoid arthritis got COVID. The anti malarial appears to be a prophylaxis for SARS. Administering it to people who are already sick won’t work.

Analogy: Tamiflu if taken in the first 48 hours or so of regular flu will shorten the disease duration by at least one day. This is common knowledge among pilots and those who travel a lot for business.

4 years ago

“Kyle-Siddell did not return calls from He told Medscape on April 6 he stepped down from working in the intensive care unit at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn because he didn’t want to follow the hospital’s ventilator protocol.

‘I could not morally, in a patient-doctor relationship, continue the current protocols which, again, are the protocols of the top hospitals in the country.”

“Top” hospitals, lol. Death factories.

4 years ago

“In Italy, virtually nobody who takes hydroxychloroquine for lupus or rheumatoid arthritis got COVID. The anti malarial appears to be a prophylaxis for SARS. Administering it to people who are already sick won’t work.”

I call bullsh1t.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

On the other hand, injecting estrogen into men just because women infected with COVID-19 have a lower death rate doesn’t make any sense at all. Well, no sense in terms of saving lives, it makes a lot of sense in a gynocentric, misandric culture.

Of course we can trust the NY Times to push it. I think Rollo noticed this one in his Twit timeline the other day.

4 years ago


How many hours a day do you spend searching out those negative stories?

Or is it stuff that’s included in all of those wacky blogs you evidently read every day?

This entire covid time, you have only linked negative stories and blog shit while ignoring hundreds of positive stories.

You do that about everything, come to think of it.

Here’s some negative for you ( it’s the least I can do since you’ve been a pillar of understanding )

Ahh, remember last month?

What’s the latest count? Your reading tell you that?

4 years ago

well, at least he got off hydro for a time.

4 years ago

ulterior motives suck ass.

Corona iis everybody’s fault.

the stupid doctors.

the stupid hospitals.

the stupid blue states.

the Chinese.


but your real concern was exposed in a comment to kfg a while ago, because you were comfortable and candid.


You can forget about getting that wish now.

4 years ago

You asked for positive, Blax…I guess talking about things that NY docs have done to help the rest of the country isn’t positive somehow… “UPDATE: Dr. Zelenko Has Now Treated 699 Coronavirus Patients with 100% SUCCESS RATE — Using Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc and Z-Pak” And I’m positive you will hate the link, lol. It just doesn’t conform to your inner narrative. You know, reality has a way of intruding on our blue pill narratives. Zelenko’s regimen isn’t needed when you only have mild symptoms and aren’t hypoxic. It won’t arrest cytokine storm, so something to inhibit IL-6 is needed at… Read more »

4 years ago

Well, @Blax, you talk about “positive” but you link 3 negative hit pieces which all have serious problems. I had already read all except the Columbia article. If you want to compare fault, you have to look at the most comprehensive timeline to see what happened when… Has Trump screwed up? Probably by not firing Fauci, who is extremely popular because the American people are unaware of how much of a fakkup he is–both repubs and dems like him–80% approval. Trump would pay a severe price if he fired Fauxi. Blame it on the fake news media that covers… Read more »

4 years ago

Lol @Blax…

just lol @ your reliance on the mediabias site. The worst bathwater spewer around. I had forgotten about them. They are actually worse than Alex Jones.

Weak minds worry about the “trustworthiness” of a news source. You say a lot about yourself with your link. :/

You know, the NYT and WP both pushed several hoaxes for three years. Doesn’t mean I don’t find some articles in both those sources that are informative.

Seriously… :/

4 years ago

Lol @Blax ‘s screenshot article. Get serious. 🙂

4 years ago
4 years ago

In other off topic news:

Icy Dock have done NVMe hot swap bays. Neat! Now all we have to do is to get Asrock to make to make up some of their nifty embedded boards with the PCIe slots flipped ’round to face front and Fractal Design to make an enclosure for it.

4 years ago

Avoid the next article if you want to stay safe in your echo chamber..Harsanyi aims both right and left…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Icy Dock have done NVMe hot swap bays.

Wait, what?
comment image

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Houston, Texas club copes with the situation.

It’s a full service restaurant with all customers masked up and maintaining social distancing.
The strippers are also wearing masks and maintaining social distancing.

4 years ago

There’s a Ph.D. dietician who questions the zinc / HC mechanism. He claims that the zinc gets trapped in the lysozome. If that were true, then zinc would be used for normal cell function and couldn’t bind the RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP). Zinc couldn’t stop viral replication. HC binds to ACE2 receptors, just like the SARS-2 virus. Once bound to an ACE2 receptor, HC can transport zinc into the cell. But zinc’s not loose in the cytosol at that point–it’s in something called an “endosome”. Typically, endosomes merge with lysozomes after they mature and their contents at that point… Read more »

4 years ago

Dozens of people taking hydroxychloroquine and other treatments for chronic rheumatologic diseases have become infected with Covid-19, according to an analysis of emerging data that is a sign the drugs may not protect people from the new coronavirus. More than five dozen people with chronic ailments like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis were taking medications such as hydroxychloroquine before being diagnosed with the coronavirus, according to data compiled by the Global Rheumatology Alliance, a coalition of rheumatologists, researchers and patients, and published in a medical journal Thursday. Meanwhile, about 190 patients with the chronic diseases who were taking hydroxychloroquine reported in… Read more »

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

“The acidic pH range is pH <1 t o 6.9. the alkaline (base) ph range is pH 7.1 t o 14. Strong acids are pH 1 to 3. Strong alkalies (bases) are pH 12 to 14. pH stands for “potential of hydrogen.” It refers to the concentration and activity of hydrogen ions in a substance in aqueous solution (water). Acids ionize in water to give H + (hydrogen) ions. Alkalies (bases) produce OH – (hydroxyl group) ions in water. An ion is an atom that has lost or gained one or more electrons and has acquired an electric charge. Cement… Read more »

4 years ago

@Blax, from your post: “More than five dozen people with chronic ailments like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis were taking medications such as hydroxychloroquine before being diagnosed with the coronavirus, according to data compiled by the Global Rheumatology Alliance, a coalition of rheumatologists, researchers and patients, and published in a medical journal Thursday. Global? Is this canvassing the entire world of patients taking HC? And only five dozen people contracted covid? I’d say that was amazing results. I found something similar from Italy. “To assess the possible correlations between chronic patients and Covid19, SIR interrogated 1,200 rheumatologists throughout Italy to collect… Read more »

4 years ago

No, my page is the same.

4 years ago

Tearful Nurse Blows Whistle on New York Hospitals ‘Murdering’ COVID Patients With ‘Complete Medical Mismanagement’

very sad

4 years ago


…. You believe.

Bet you don’t believe that

This is a lie though?

Lol. Gatewaypundit is a ridiculous far right conspiracy save trump site.

If you believe in your God ( not just pay bullshit li p service…) What would ” Jesus ” say?

It’s rhetorical, as I really have no fucks to give.😁

4 years ago

Last one from a random person, with 2nd hand new York information.

4 years ago

O.k., Not a chick…

Like I said, there are hundreds of ” videos “. It’s disingenuous to always only pick the horrible negative ones, usually from a hateful website.

4 years ago

@Blax, you don’t like positive news unless it fits your narrative. But you always post negative sh1t about Trump Seriously, you have a problem. Inner city hospitals suck. We have one of those where I live, too. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that the inner city hospital in Memphis has a low covid mortality rate. You want to blame Trump for all the covid deaths. But that doesn’t align with reality. Kind of sad and pathetic. I’m not even a Trump supporter at this point. I think I’ll go fishing in Nov. But I still can see clearly through… Read more »

4 years ago

😂 So you abandoned trump like millions of other ” supporters “? I don’t blame trump for anything but being the same old Donald trump he’s always been. He never changes. I told you that before he was even elected. He’s done exactly what I’d expect he would do. Remember, he was new and shiny to you, not to me. He’s incapable of disappointing me because I’ve always watched him underperform and fail and fuck shit up while walking away. He’s got a strong 40 year track record.😂 But this is a virus. Not political. Not about hate. It kills… Read more »

4 years ago

It is a shame (and somewhat absurd) that every.single.thing. has to be political. That said I intend to show up at the ballots in November and not vote for the person who seems to belong in a nursing home among the type of residents who talk to imaginary friends and drool on the table. But that’s just me. I don’t know enough to comment on New York city medicine but suspect the healthcare providers aren’t actively trying to kill anyone. I’ve worked under resource crunches before with too few staff for the number of patients. It’s a nightmare and they… Read more »

4 years ago

About the ICU doc on the vid… I’ve worked in a hospital–even in an ICU. I understand about stress during flu season. This covid epidemic is somewhat similar to flu season in the stress it puts on hospital staff and resources. And over the years I have had to spend many, many hours listening to Mrs. Gamer complaining about nurses in the hospital and praising nurses. She has praised doctors and called other doctors “butchers”. They aren’t all heroes. When one of the heroes gets sick, then things can go to h311. The bums working in a hospital end up… Read more »

4 years ago

Thanks Liz fwiw. My daughter is currently in nursing school as she wants to follow the path of her grandmother ( my mom ) and her aunts and cousins. We have an inordinate amount of nurses and a couple of doctors in my family and there’s a lot of discussion about what’s happening on the ground in different parts of the country. People I know and talk to all say the same things – that being in hospitals with high numbers of covid patients is like a real time war zone that no one has any experience with. Friends in… Read more »

4 years ago

“He never changes.”

I disagree. He used to be more articulate. It makes me wonder what the cause of the change is.

4 years ago

“He’s under pressure.”

My first order guesstimation is a reduction in patience quotient, but I’m not talking a difference between 2015 and now, I’m talking a difference between 1980 to sometime before his candidacy. I never watched his TV show so I can’t factor that in.

4 years ago

Kfg That’s a point I’ve been making since before he was elected. The majority of people don’t know him over a 40 year span. He’s the ” you’re fired!!! ” guy in their minds, and he’s a successful business genius and multi – billionaire…who’s failed at the mAjority of his business ventures, and multiple bankruptcies, couldn’t carry his home state, has been virtually ridiculed in said home state for decades…. But outside of the tri states, he was a reality show star. I could post 30-40 years of interviews with him, but there’s no point. I don’t doubt he’s under… Read more »

4 years ago

What should Trump have done recently that he failed to do that caused me to drop support for him? Fast track a metadata study on Zelenko’s protocol. Figure out if it works or doesn’t–fast! Light a fire under Fauci’s @$$ by saying at a news event that Fauci will have an answer in two weeks. If Fauci doesn’t have the answer after two weeks, perfect excuse to replace him. Move Fauci to the back of news conferences and decision making. Fauci’s an academic and a bureaucrat and shouldn’t be allowed within 60 feet of public policy. Social distance Fauci. Bring… Read more »

4 years ago

So, you believed that the president was capable of making any of those things you suggested happen? I too wanted him to do more than deny, then react after the fact, saying ” nobody knew “, which was ( another) outright lie. Like I said, I’d hoped he’d take advantage of this crisis to do a lot of meaningful things, but he stayed the same guy. He’s incapable. It’s not his fault actually. This is the hardest thing he’s ever done…poorly, but it has long ranging consequences. If his daddy were still alive maybe he could guide him or at… Read more »

4 years ago

@Blax I think that the President relies heavily on Fauci, like the King of Rohan relied on Grima Wormtongue. Similar results. Sapped strength. Will some wizard arise to confront Fauci and return Trump to his strength? Fauci’s virus research project was nixed in the U.S. so he moved it to China and supported it with 3.7 million from NIH. Then covid-19 and Fauci is trying to cover is @$$. We didn’t find this out until the last two weeks. Of course Fauci was downplaying covid. CYA. NIH is connected to Gilead and the Gates Foundation. Fauci — Soros — Gates.… Read more »

4 years ago

It’s not fauci, and fauci isn’t President. I haven’t seen fauci do harm yet but the President is knowledge challenged on a variety of subjects. That’s how we got ” disinfect lungs… Strong light ” bullshit. He can’t discern useful information as leader from hyped up media . The President was ” hurt ” way before fauci or coronavirus, but in this case there are 70 thousand dead Americans and counting. He has absolutely no idea or plan about how to handle this, and he’d rather listen to rudy guilliani than virologist. Imo, any grown man that’s President, and doesn’t… Read more »

4 years ago

Trump trusts Fauci, to his downfall.

No he doesn’t. Fauci is just the latest actor in the role. That’s what all those #wheresfauci things were about. We’ve had Comey, Rosenstein, a half dozen chief of staff’s or so. Mooch. Sessions… Etc.

This won’t be his downfall. I predict another term unless the Dems axe Biden.

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

finger pointing doesn’t solve problems, Trump is the best man we’ve had since Eisenhower even with his faults.

4 years ago

Lol, I’m thinking the same thing. Running Hilary virtually handed Trump the presidency, even shocking Trump. Dragging Biden out of his crypt and forcing him to run will pretty much garner the same results. The wildcard? The economy. The REAL economy. Trump can’t wipe out the virus or make it behave, and firing people won’t change anything. What he can do is FOCUS. He does understand that the way things are heading, unemployment off the charts, food chain issues, people in food lines – are all things that are basically out of his control. He desperately wants the country ”… Read more »

4 years ago


the only way trump would be the best man is at a wedding.

4 years ago

…. he wasn’t even his father’s best son.

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

“…. he wasn’t even his father’s best son.”

And still the best president since Dwight, doesn’t say much for the fillers.

4 years ago

From the article “….trump derangement crowd…” .

Uh huh I see


4 years ago

@Blax “I haven’t seen fauci do harm yet” then you haven’t been paying attention…[insert gif of mouse with black glasses and white cane here] Jan. 21: “Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and President Donald Trump’s top adviser on matters related to the coronavirus, said in a January interview that the virus was “not a major threat” to the U.S. “Bottom line. We don’t have to worry about this one, right?” Newsmax anchor Greg Kelly asked Fauci on January 21. “Obviously, you need to take it seriously, and do the kinds of… Read more »

4 years ago

The level of discourse is shocking in this pandemic. It’s no different than when the shit hit the fan in the great disbanding of the alleged bonds in the manosphere in 2019. Guys talking to guys about guy stuff. And then shitting on each other for gods knows why. Reminds me of the Rodney King years. “Can’t we all just get along? Fraid not. People don’t work that way. I was steeped in medicine all my life. And my impression is that as a leader, Trump has been doing well in taking in the pandemic information, and guiding the United… Read more »

4 years ago

“He can’t discern useful information as leader from hyped up media . The President was ” hurt ” way before fauci or coronavirus, but in this case there are 70 thousand dead Americans and counting. He has absolutely no idea or plan about how to handle this, and he’d rather listen to rudy guilliani than virologist.” Trust a virologist to deal with an epidemic? XDXDXD Virologists study particular viruses in the lab and try out vaccines. They don’t deal with epidemics. Did you think that we were gonna avoid deaths somehow without a treatment or vaccine? And you blame Trump… Read more »

4 years ago

Ok, maybe someone here knows some sh1t about chemistry and biochemistry. I’ve been asking tough questions on Zelenko’s site. Supposedly hydroxychloroquine is an ionophore. There was a NIH study that indicated that chloroquine is an ionophore. Perhaps HC is as well. I want to see the chemistry. Hydroxychloroquine sulfate must be a salt. It has to dissociate to work. That means that HC is a +2 ion, right? So how does it bind to Zn++? Maybe if three sugars could donate three electrons, then HC++ would become HC-. That would require a catalyst–probably a protein. Where would this be done?… Read more »

4 years ago

ASD I thought the virus was playing 3D chess. And the HCQ was interfering with it’s methods. I thought back in March, the mechanism of HCQ was to neutralize the ability of the coronavirus to enter cells. In order to enter cells it had to bind to the ACE-2 receptor. And it did a spell bind on the cell to acidify proteins to facilitate it’s entry and then take over and replicate. What I heard said was that HCQ prevented that acidification process by flooding into the cytoplasm to donate NH3’s preventing that acidification. Neutralizing the H+’s. And also facilitating… Read more »

4 years ago

Since there aren’t enough right wing conspiracy theories…

…remdesevir…soros, gates, fauci, clintons…

I look forward to fact checking of the claims in the above article. If the fact checking doesn’t pass my muster, I will likely give the theory some credence.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

Hey, we’re still allowed to post dissenting opinions here, right?

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