Why We Fight

“Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor.” – Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers

In the almost nine years of of this blog I have only hit upon violence on a couple of occasions. I’ve only been in a physical altercation a handful of times in my life. And by that I mean real fights; the kind of violence that requires you to physically harm another person. I’ve been in lots of sparring fights and martial arts tournaments, mostly when I was in my 20s and 30s. While I’ve been hurt and caused hurt to my opponents, I can appreciate that there is a qualified difference between competitive sport fighting and real violence. The one mutual interest my younger brother and I had when we were growing up was beating the shit out of each other. By the time I got to high school I was no stranger to taking a fist to the chops or various headlocks and “wrassling” holds.

Most of the times I’ve been in real fights were in high school. It’s interesting just how Darwinistic our teenage years really are –we’re just too immature to appreciate it then. Unless you grow up in a sheltered family, learning about sex and violence is usually part of our adolescent experiences. After high school I got into a few fights when I was playing gigs in the late 80s-90s Hollywood scene. Depending on where we played and who we happened to piss off, those kind of fights were something you had to keep in the back of your head as being a possibility. Usually you had friends or bandmates who had your back, but not always.

Of those scuffles most of them were versus a drunk guy who presumed he could kick my ass, or my bandmate’s ass, because, well, we weren’t exactly the most physically imposing guys to be honest. And a lot of those fights were initiated in one of two ways; the guy was fed up with guys like us because the women (usually in some sexy outfit) preferred to fuck guys like us – or, the fight was provoked by a woman and the guys fighting were coming to blows over who’d fucked whose girlfriend. Often enough it was the girl herself who’d later admit she “made a mistake” and one or the other found out.

All of that was back in the late 80s and early 90s. Things have definitely changed with respect to how violence is initiated, normalized and respected (or delegitimized) today, but the basis of that violence will never change. Violence is part of human nature. We do ourselves no favors in denying this simple fact. I can remember in 2001-02 when I did casino promotions for this new ‘sport’ called King of the Cage. It was the forerunner for today’s MMA fighting, but back then it wasn’t as socially acceptable as it is now. I believe Nevada was one of the only states that could legally host such an event. The outcry then was that it was an underground ‘bloodsport’ and legitimizing it as a true sport was the first step towards degenerate social savagery. Or something like that. People used to be appalled by it.

Now MMA fighting is something I’ve seen some Evangelical Christian churches use as a draw to get their men to attend a ‘masculine revival’ weekend. Warriors for Jesus with a ‘saved’ MMA fighter speaking about using his sport as a ministry. I think there’s a primal, evolved side of men’s nature that makes violence attractive. And like love and respect, violence is another aspect of the human experience where men and women’s approach and understanding is innately different.

Boys and men are innately drawn to competition, combat and violence. We make ‘guns’ out of our fingers. We craft weapons from scraps we find in the garage to defeat our ‘foes’. We love our plastic army men and G.I. Joes, our cowboys & indians, and we play ‘war’ with our friends. Our video games from the first coin operated arcades to our immersive virtual reality consoles are about combat and strategy. Even sports have been called a “proxy for war”. Team sports are a facsimile of tribal competition. Human males’ physiology, by and large, evolved for combat and physical stresses. I realize that might be hard to believe by today’s standard of masculinity, but the evidence is there.

The male Burden of Performance began with a need for testing that performance against our primal environments and some very real opponents. I have read some interesting research that suggests human beings are innately risk averse. Most humans would rather avoid conflict than voluntarily engage in a fight that they could very well lose, if not die from. The logic is that humans’ success as a species is at least partly due to our evolved sense of caution for life and limb. If you cooperate and play it safe it’s likely your risk-averse genes would propagate into future generations.

Of course the flip side to this can summed up in an old Latin proverb,…

Fortune Favors the Bold

There’s also research that shows men experience a spike in testosterone levels after defeating a rival in combat, and/or killing their opponent. This doesn’t even have to be actual violence; some studies show men experience a similar spike when their sports teams win a significant game. So, while in some instances avoiding conflict and backing down from a dangerous engagement has survival benefits, risk taking and enacting one’s will by force also has some reproductive benefits. 

For as much as they rail to the contrary, women do have an affinity for violent men. Women get turned on by men with a capacity for violence. Modern psychology attempts to pathologize this arousal prompted by dangerous men (hybristophilia), but, by order of degree, women evolved to select for men with at least the perceived capacity to do harm to another man. I would speculate that this attraction stems from women’s evolved need to seek security and protection from men, and sympathetically, men evolved an innate protectionist aspect to our own evolved firmware. Competing with rival men for sexual access, sometimes violently, is part of our ancestral programming. As we developed into a more ‘civilized’ species that competition shifted to contests of performance between men, but the old violent firmware is still part of humans’ starting package.

Let’s You and Him Fight

On Twitter and a few past livestreams, I’ve pointed out that women today have developed a false sense of security with respect to the potential of real violence. This is equally a result of the masculinization of women as it is our accommodating the Feminine Imperative in mainstream cultures. In the age of social media, as the globalization of women’s entitlements have spread, so too has women’s entitlement to personal safety. 

One very real downside to the Fempowerment narrative is that it has convinced women that the fantasy of the “strong female” is something they can aspire to personally. This is what I’ve called the Warrior Princess fallacy: Over the course of generations our feminine-primary social order has convinced women that they can realize the same warrior role as men. Via storytelling in various media the ideal that physical differences in men and women are relative, and women can be “just as tough and dangerous as men” is pervasive. This is a dangerous precedent, and one that is a direct result of old order beliefs in, and popularization of, Blank Slate equals. 

In the idealized fantasy society of equalism, masculinized Amazon Warrior Princesses can give as good as they get from any man. But in the real world, men evolved for physical performance, competition and combat; women evolved to endure the rigors of childbearing and nurturing. And as the introduction of transgendered biological males into biologically female sports divisions is proving, the realities of our physical differences is unavoidable.

However, the idea that women are always entitled to physical protection in the new order presents some interesting dichotomies. Women mix an entitlement to personal safety with an expectation of clichéd female bravado. Remember, this all happens in the context of women’s innate solipsism; add a bit of alcohol and the social posturing of a group of women all vying for attention on a Friday night and you begin to see the volatile potential. Today’s women have grown accustomed to initiating or escalating inherently unsafe circumstances for themselves – to say nothing of the men they’ll involve.

Women have a limbic understanding that, for the most part, they can be violent with relative impunity. If a male ever strikes a female, even in self-defense, she can be assured that a mob of random males, following their evolved protectionist directive, will spontaneously form to beat the shit out of the guy. In today’s Blue Pill engineered society, even the most passive male waits for an opportunity to prove his quality to womankind by becoming ‘justifiably’ violent in defense of a woman. It’s what most men are conditioned for for most of their lives.

“Sorry babe, I don’t know what came over me. I just can’t abide by any man assaulting a woman!”

The old, vestigial, evolved response of violence is something our male hindbrains know will trigger ‘gina tingles in women. The primal ideal of the nobleman with the capacity to unleash justifiable fisticuffs is Blue Pill conditioned psychological red meat. That the woman provoked or escalated an unsafe situation isn’t even an afterthought – the guy raised a hand to a woman, opportunities to prove a legitimate capacity for violence are rare for low SMV men.

As such, women presume safety. Women will raise hell about feeling unsafe around men. They’ll bleat about fantasies of enforcing a ‘male curfew’ (only for undesirable Betas of course) out of safety concerns. We’ll hire security staff to walk a woman across a dark parking lot and install emergency call boxes on college campuses. But in social situations (particularly when drinking) will escalate inherently unsafe situations knowing that men will play by the old order rules.

There is an old PUA maxim that picked up on women’s penchant to provoke men to violence. It was called the Lets You and Him Fight dynamic. Whether women are aware of this and deliberately provoking a fight between men, or, their subconscious motivates the conflict is a debate that’s been around for a while. But the LYHF dynamic is a shit test women will use in assessing a man’s Alpha status. Women need indignation as it is, but in this dynamic is a woman’s hindbrain wants a visceral response from a man.

I first became aware of the LYHF shit test when a friend had told me how annoyed he was by his girlfriend starting fights with guys that she expected him to finish. She would honk the car horn from the passenger seat if someone had even slightly cut them off in traffic. Even flip off other drivers if the opportunity presented itself. She would start fights with other women which would provoke their boyfriends to step in on their behalf and he was tacitly expected to kick their ass to defend her provoking them. “What are you a pussy? Go beat his ass!”

I’ve tackled the subject of shit tests numerous times on this blog so I won’t belabor them here, but this test plays upon some very deep, evolved, intersexual and intersocial dynamics. On some level of consciousness a woman wants to know her man can get violent. Most Blue Pill men find that suggestion appalling. We’re supposed to be “above all of that”, right? For the most part I’m sure the majority of men would rather not be put into a position of taking a fist to the face. As such we build social conventions and rationales around not engaging physically in a real sense. So, to consider a woman might desire a man with a predilection for violence prompts them to qualify that woman for his own safety.

Intrasexual Competition

“Any group is weaker than a man alone unless they are perfectly trained to work together.” – Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers

When a group (tribe) of primates reaches a certain number of members the potential for ‘hostile takeover’ by lesser males becomes almost a certainty. Beta male primates form coalitions to overthrow an existing Alpha leader. Most dominant Alphas instinctively cull this coalition building to ensure their position. A smackdown, abuse, punishment for anything that looks like a challenge to his position from lesser male troop members is something Alphas do to infrequently teaming up on him. Partially this is a display of dominance (social proof reinforces it), but it is also a curbing function.

Eventually the Alpha becomes weaker and less effective at enforcing his dominance, and the Betas grow in number until such time that they can band together and depose him. Then the cycle repeats with the most dominant male among them assuming the Alpha role. He gets access to the most fertile females, kills off his rivals’ offspring (which prompts the females into estrus) and reproduces for as long as he’s able to remain in that position.

And yes, I’m aware of the theory that pro-social Alphas that build loyalty-exchanges among other males, and display a willingness to share resources with females, tend to make for better ‘leaders’ within a tribe. What most of that research conveniently leaves out is the element of envy and jealousy that develops (even among primates) in the Beta male population until the sentiment reaches a point of challenge. Even the good-guy, prosocial Alpha has to watch his back.

As you might guess, many of these behaviors are paralleled in humans. Alpha displays of violence, even if by proxy, are ‘sexy’, but mostly we manifest male prowess in social displays. Athletics, resource acquisition, peacocking, conspicuous consumption, really any costly signaling of high sexual market value. To compete with these Alpha displays, lesser males must either: 

  • Increase their own value, and learn to display it effectively, 
  • Find ways to convince other men, (coalition building) and reproductively viable women, that those displays are worthless, while propping up his own displays as more valuable.

In the age of social media and mass communication Beta males are constantly reminded of their lesser positions. There’s no respite. Even the most well-meaning, prosocial Alpha’s presence is a reminder of Beta male inadequacies. High school bullies and ‘Jocks vs. Nerds’ is a constant theme across human cultures because the evolved human male experience is always one of competition and a Burden of Performance. To be male is to compete, and as such there will be winners and losers.

Deposing, or disqualifying, an Alpha – much in the same way primates do – is also a constant theme in human cultures. Beta males enacting ‘justice’ on an ‘evil’ Alpha or an Alpha proxy has always been a teenage fantasy for boys. Spiderman, Captain America, the wimp who incredibly transforms into a powerful Alpha himself will prove to the world how that Alpha power should be ethically used. The geek who gets the girl because she magically sees his superior quality that aligns with the terms he’s establishing as valuable is also a fantasy. All of these cast the Alpha as ‘oppressor’.

“O, it is excellent to have a giant’s strength, but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant.” – Shakespeare, Measure for Measure

Why is using strength, displaying value and exercising will an act of ’tyranny’? Why is restraint of power a moral imperative? How did we come to disqualifying value displays? I’ve seen a few talks by Jordan Peterson where he promotes the idea that a real man is a dangerous one who possesses the capacity for violence and oppression, but has the strength of will not to use it. This then begs the question, how does anyone know a man even possesses this capacity if he’s not to display it? Concealing strength is awesome, but it is, by definition, indistinguishable from weakness. No one knows if you’re a black belt or a white belt until you get in the ring and fight. However, the moral consensus is that it’s unacceptable for men to display value.

This then is the global, social coalition that was formed by the majority of lesser men. To continually disqualify the merits of superior men is individually taxing and makes lesser men look worse for doing so. But build a social order around men self-policing their displays of value; then you have higher value men doing the heavy lifting for lesser men. You may be powerful, but the social mores of the time (created to serve the majority of lesser men) will tell you to conceal it. In fact, they’ll build social conventions to convince the whole of men that displaying vulnerability, not strength, is a display of value.

Most of what I’m digging at here is old order thinking. Socially enforced monogamy has primarily served the greatest number of Beta men. And while it’s definitely been a stabilizing factor for civilization, I can’t ignore that the social expectation of monogamy is also the result of society-wide coalition building among lesser men to ensure that greater men wouldn’t out-breed them. Most male-specific social conventions are designed to control men’s innate directives. Their latent purpose is to teach rules that limit displays and usage of strength.

And in the new order we see this old order intersexual competition struggle to keep pace with a global sexual marketplace that centers on women’s innate mating strategies reseting context of intersexual dynamics. Open Hypergamy incentivizes men’s overt displays of higher value – and now on a worldwide scale. In response, men form online coalitions to disqualify those displays in an attempt to devalue the strengths of men they couldn’t hope to compete with in the old order. Meanwhile, women in the global sexual marketplace continue to reward men who display genuine value according to their mating strategy’s needs. 

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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David Roberts
4 years ago

That’s some amazing insight. Wow!

Thomas P Seager
4 years ago

Frans de Waal measured stress in male primate troops. He found that the Alpha experienced the same stress levels as the lowest males in the social hierarchy, but for different a little bit different reasons. The Alpha must always being watching his back.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

It’s easy enough to look dangerous if you are confident, have experience fighting, and lift heavy. Looking the part and keeping your cool gets you most of the way.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

I dunno why but somehow I just remembered the opening to Way of the Gun.
From back when Sarah Silverman was young and demure.

Oh, yeah, almost forgot: Not Safe For Work.


4 years ago

Despite this innate need for violence you’ll still see fighters embrace after beating the crap out of each other.

Megan Cyloneight
4 years ago

Starship Troopers is the (un)official story/movie of the Propertarians. Violence (and threats of violence) dictate culture even down to fundamental linguistics. The “Village” campaigns endlessly for a cessation of violence towards all people (excluding white men) or else be subject to “enforcement” by the State.

4 years ago

Prove it.
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Ron Liebermann
Ron Liebermann
4 years ago

I’m glad that the author of this article referenced “Starship Troopers”. This story is interesting because the book is completely different from the movie. Technically, that’s not supposed to happen. In the book, there is support for a military style government. It was the idea that male soldiers, with their worldly experience, were uniquely qualified to make tough decisions. For that, Heinlein was labeled a Fascist. In the movie, the argument was made that there should be no distinction between men and women. So it was essentially a communist argument. The exact opposite. So the question is this: Does a… Read more »

4 years ago

fortune favors the bold, but there are other reasons


Vae victis… The crowd was very much not behind the the kid, until the kid won the fight. ShazaM! Status Elevated.

[and his flinch set this up… go figure.]

4 years ago

Here you go.


WK in action. Guy tries to leave, girl causes drama, guy gets sucker punched by WK.

4 years ago



The coolest thing about all of that bullshit you said is that when ” violence ” breaks out, pussy fart panty waists like you will be wasted in short order.

And the world will be better off.

You desperately need a history lesson. Particularly in the last century ( but feel free to go back a millennia ).

4 years ago

@Ron Lieberman: GTFOH with the racist crap. You’ve clearly never lived in africa if you think black people are violent everywhere. The most violence you are likely to see in any major africa city is mob justice, which few people oppose and is about as redpill as you can get (keeping troublemakers in check). Who does the overwhelming majority of mass shootings in the world? Which countries have been in war most often in history? How often do you hear about war in africa? When was the last time africans invaded another country? Incel shooters are pretty much guaranteed to… Read more »

4 years ago

In my gym there are a very large number of females into Karate (more so than boxing). I get the physical fitness aspect of martial arts, as it’s great cardio, and obviously there is the self-defense benefit. Some of these ladies are into fighting too and there motivation I don’t understand as much. Most of them seem to share in common lots of tats and a femi-machoness. There boyfriends tend to also be in martial arts at a similar or higher level. From an RP perspective these women are following the warrior princess narrative but hypergamy is also manifesting itself… Read more »

4 years ago

“Which countries have been in war most often in history?”

Egypt, China, Persia, Vietnam, Siam, Burma. For geographic reasons Japan has perhaps had the most civil wars and Poland the most purely defensive.

India, Jesus, there’s simply no accounting for the nations and wars.

Basically stay out of Asia if you don’t want to get caught up in shit.

4 years ago

@Rollo: “” For as much as they rail to the contrary, women do have an affinity for violent men. Women get turned on by men with a capacity for violence.”” I don’t agree both from an evolutionary psy standpoint and from personal experience. Women don’t have an affinity for hot-heads, overly emotional men, men who lose their cool for no reason, jealous men. Equating violent men with strong men is wrong. Women favour men who can think their way through things. Hitting someone could land you in jail or cost you thousands in legal fees even if it’s in self-defense.… Read more »

4 years ago

“i like the old times… when a guy would fight with the guy i cheated with, but now, these young guys don’t care about showing how much they like you.”

this is something i overheard one day at a family gathering.

i hope young men today don’t resort to violence over women seeking attention or women with feral vaginas. they just need to walk off… both of them.

John O.
John O.
4 years ago


“Which countries have been in war most often in history?”

Try another question – Which country has fought with more countries in history?


4 years ago

Authority cannot exist without at a minimum an ability to do violence. Violence doesn’t have anything to do with being a hot head or jealous. Where are you guys growing up? Most chicks do not get tingles for outright punks. This ain’t conjecture. I understand a lot of dudes can barely defend themselves in the world, but facts are facts no matter how afraid one is that he might get hammered. Girls aren’t attracted to a man’s ability to ” think “. initially. That’s dog thinking. They don’t see you and admire your brain from across the room. Long term… Read more »

4 years ago

John O

Even more interesting, what countries have amassed the highest body counts?

4 years ago

Interesting thing about the British Empire is that, unlike the Egyptians, Persians and Romans, the British basically came to it by chance and against their will. They are a nation of shopkeepers who just wanted to keep shops, but found themselves having to defend them by force of arms.

In no small part because it was the Iberians who actually set out to conquer the world.

John O.
John O.
4 years ago


“Even more interesting, what countries have amassed the highest body counts?”

That is an interesting question and probably impossible to answer.

But for the US, since independence, there are some statistics available –


Michael Davis
Michael Davis
4 years ago

Spot on. In the old order (and this is, I think, what Dr. Peterson was referring to), there were acceptable outlets for masculine displays. There was a reason that it became a cliche for the captain of the football team to marry the head cheerleader. Sports actually WERE a way to display physical, tactical, and strategic prowess. Also, men could join the military or become a cop or a firefighter (there’s also a reason that it became a cultural cliche to have calendars with shirtless firefighters). All of these things involved the need for physical strength and were linked to… Read more »

4 years ago

Another interesting thing about the British Empire is that it tended to reduce body counts wherever it went.

It makes for more efficient and profitable operations of the shops.

4 years ago

Wala I don’t agree both from an evolutionary psy standpoint and from personal experience. Let’s discuss both, the evo-bio argument and your personal experience. What evo-bio basis for this stance? Do you know any guys who’ve beat the shit out of someone with their girl around? I’ve been around that a few times. Chicks definitely dig it, you know about TINGLES and EMOTIONAL SPIKES so you should agree. Women don’t have an affinity for hot-heads, overly emotional men, men who lose their cool for no reason, jealous men. “no reason” is a reason for them to not like it. But… Read more »

4 years ago

@Sentient: “”Do you know any guys who’ve beat the shit out of someone with their girl around? I’ve been around that a few times. Chicks definitely dig it, you know about TINGLES and EMOTIONAL SPIKES so you should agree.”” Yes and what I noticed was how the girls suddenly felt embarrassed and would then side, try to protect or otherwise freak out on their bf. But I should qualify this…that reaction was one of pity for the guy being beaten IF their BF was bigger and IF the smackdown was perceived to be undeserved. Do chicks dig it when their… Read more »

John O.
John O.
4 years ago


“Another interesting thing about the British Empire is that it tended to reduce body counts wherever it went.”

Native Americans would probably agree with you – if we use the phrase “British Empire” (essentially the English at this stage) to mean the activities of English colonists and their heirs and descendants.

The Irish and the Scots (highland clearances) might also agree.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Even more interesting, what countries have amassed the highest body counts?

On a percentage basis or raw numbers? Does killing your own people count?

Of course this whole line of banter usually devolves quickly into autistic rants, so maybe it’s not worth pursuing.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Thomas P Seager
Frans de Waal measured stress in male primate troops.

How did he do that? I’m searching but so far not finding the method he used. I assume some form of behavior, because ain’t nobody testing blood on a gang of baboons or chimps.

4 years ago


I’ll stipulate if you are the aggressor and you are being called a “little bitch” by your own crew…


well that is a turn off…


4 years ago

Smallpox kills quicker than syphilis, but syphilis kills nonetheless. In any case these are deaths of happenstance rather than intent. If you travel to a foreign land you are likely to get sick from it. Their pathogens are foreign to you as well.

Where I live the Native Americans were expunged after the Revolution – because they fought on the side of the British. They felt that under British law they were treated decently and were afraid that under American law they would not be. There may have been something of a self-fulfilling prophecy in that.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Sentient to walawala
Do you know any guys who’ve beat the shit out of someone with their girl around?

That’s a strong display of dominance, and speaks directly to the female hindbrain. Lesser displays of dominance such as angry words, shouting etc. when properly directed also work.

Men who come from sociial/cultural backgrounds where self-control is not just taught but enforced tend to get confused by this. When losing your temper is regarded as a childish thing, yet letting a bit of the “madman” out gets girls or even wives to perk up, cognitive dissonance is just moments away.

4 years ago

If a guy sticks out his jaw and offers you a shot… walk away.. just…


walk. away.

[funny thing is, the winner still had to go back and flip the burgers and ribs… lol]

4 years ago


he DID NOT bring the potato salad…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Sentient, I thought the Cambodian Midget Fighting League was a hoax?

4 years ago

“O, it is excellent to have a giant’s strength, but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant.” – Shakespeare, Measure for Measure Funny thing about that, the subreddit r/bjj for grappling and brasilian jiu jitsu is full of soy boys complaining about bigger guys using strength when sparring lol.There are threads where they shame them ( big guys ) and complain about them ( they are not the majority, but still significant % ) Where bjj was started by savages in Rio fighting in street fights on the beach by the Gracies, nowadays its nerdy soy boys complaining… Read more »

John O.
John O.
4 years ago

@Anonymous Reader

“Of course this whole line of banter usually devolves quickly into autistic rants, so maybe it’s not worth pursuing.”

You’re probably right. I’ve seen people come to metaphorical blows on youtube about who is the best band.

Never underestimate human capacity to argue over very little at all.

A simple difference of opinion…that’s why we fight.

Just Beers
Just Beers
4 years ago

Wow, some weird responses. I enjoyed the article. Hard to get everything in re: violence, historically, culturally, etc., tho. But this touched upon some good stuff. Thanks Rollo. Has anyone read Tribe by Junger? Recommended. For the guy who’s says black people are the most violent etc., whatever, read Hillbilly Elegy, and the essay the Thomas Sowell wrote about “rednecks.” The insight is this: the ways and forms of violence change according to culture and class. Violence is ever present, physical, social, economic, and otherwise. Women too, of course, demonstrate violence all the time. As is usually the case, tho,… Read more »

4 years ago


I think if more women joined legit martial arts , they’d know that they can’t fight with men.

Or just show them this video.


I tell my daughters don’t raise their hands to guys. It can leave a mark. Possibly unrecoverable.

4 years ago


Slap KO, hahah, I love it.

Look at this


They think just cuz they are taller than the guy the can beat him lol , how easy it was for him to take them down 😀

4 years ago

https://www.reddit.com/r/fightporn/comments/f7kso9/machete_baseball_bat_wrestling_moves_and_ice/ 😂 I’ve actually seen quite a few skirmishes where a guy picked up and body slammed another dude. Maybe it’s a jersey thing? That’s one reason that as I get older I try to avoid fights/arguments with young guys that look strong enough to lift me off the ground. Occasionally my nephews used to sneak up on me and gently, lol, body slam me. Life requires more thought at 58 and 190 pounds than it did at even 48 and 240. As and older more.brittle fart, I have to get them in close enough for a body blow combination,… Read more »

4 years ago

I was a wimp in high school and the few fights I was involved with usually resulted in blood on both sides. I went to Vietnam and learned what real violence was all about. I was in a weight room in the early 70’s after I started college and a couple of jocks tried to beef with me. I was still physically unimposing but had some interesting scars and some tattoos (this was way before tattoos were cool). I distinctly remember going very cold and planning how I would kill, not hurt, but kill, these two boys. I picked up… Read more »

4 years ago

I’ve been involved in one fight during the same time. A 350# guy was pushing a couple of bouncers all over the bar and they ended up where I was. I just braced the bouncers and the guy quit. Once a very tall guy looked at me like he wanted to hit me. I smiled at him and looked him over to figure out my optimum fighting distance and stepping distance and for any obvious signs of weakness. But he just looked mean at me, lol. I’m still not afraid to run from a fight. I’ve got nothing to prove… Read more »

4 years ago


Yeah what’s with all the body slamming?


Be careful. Use proper technique…

[But really it’s a stupid move IRL]

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Yeah what’s with all the body slamming?

Obvious TV watching is obvious.

4 years ago

Now I cannot stop watching these fight vids.

4 years ago

Hmmmm. Idk, there are a dozen mma training facilities in my city, and they are doing bang up business and always packed.

And the thing about this is, guys learn and then teach/practice what they learned on guys in the neighborhood. A good body slam takes practice.

I have 2 nephews that are amateur mma fighters, and they practice all day every day. Even on their sisters, lol. So these chicks understand how a body slam works from getting thrown all over the furniture in the house.

4 years ago

I think, Rollo, you are seriously understating the Alpha’s own role in creating this moral imperative for restraint or the need for this restraint in creating civilization in the first place. If nothing is left for the lesser males they have no choice but to team up to depose/overthrow the Alpha. Restraint of power is to prevent more violence so the Alpha might retain his place or simply ending up King of The Ashes. The Alpha also has a motivation in creating or enforcing this restraint of not seeing his offspring killed. This restraint may have been created at the… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
4 years ago

I, for one, am finding it incredibly entertaining as TERFs are beginning to openly display their self-contradictions in response to trans athletes. It’s as though all the dominant ones are MtF trans and not the other way around for some reason. What could that possibly be? 🤔

4 years ago

It’s so weird there are men over a certain intelligence and sensibility “bar” who still think about women, and have an interest in them.

Before the Internet, when each man (less a few exceptions) didn’t experience the behaviour and “thinking ways” of many women, it wasn’t weird. But with experienced females (if only through short exchanges online) numbering in the dozens/hundreds/thousands, it’s very, very weird.

4 years ago


“It’s so weird there are men over a certain intelligence and sensibility “bar” who still think about women, and have an interest in them.” — Anon+

4 years ago

The framing here of some men as “lesser” is, well…problematic. It gives into the feminine-primary frame. I’m not denying that some men are more desirable than others. But taking this as the most important variable on which to rank men ends up with gladiators fighting each other for the affection of queens—and women suck at ruling. While I’m not dumb enough to say that “all men are equal,” I will say that Michael Jordan was a better basketball player than Babe Ruth, and a worse baseball player. Why do we have to rank men? Women do because they have to… Read more »

4 years ago

@Just Beers Yes. Sebastian Junger’s book Tribes was all about cooperation in small tribes working for the same thing. Junger’s book explores what we can learn from tribal societies about loyalty, belonging, and the eternal human quest for meaning And the concept of working together pre-dated civilizations and large groups–large groups of people rather than small groups of people. And that makes all the difference in the world. Jack Donovan’s The Way of Men also dealt with the same themes. Belonging and cooperation against out group tribes. Simply stated as: in-group altruism and out-group malice. A concept that brings sanity… Read more »

4 years ago

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Why do lions rank lions?

4 years ago

“Why do we have to rank men? ” Because we are men. It is men who form hierarchies and collaborate within and between them. No alpha stands alone. Most of “his” work is done by his seconds. It is the discomfort with hierarchy that is feminine, a feature of the Women’s Circle. Ergo, it is the man who expresses discomfort with hierarchy who is giving in to the feminine-primacy. It mostly happens when boys are raised with an absence of masculine presence, like in kindergarten where the feminine is strictly enforced these days, right at the age when boys need… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Blaximus Hmmmm. Idk, there are a dozen mma training facilities in my city, and they are doing bang up business and always packed. And the thing about this is, guys learn and then teach/practice what they learned on guys in the neighborhood. A good body slam takes practice. What’s it for? I get that a body slam looks cool on cable TV WWE, and can look cool in MMA, but what’s it for in real life? There’s easier ways to put a man on the ground. Even I know that. Body slamming someone to the concrete is looking for any… Read more »

Brazilian reader
Brazilian reader
4 years ago

I really want an article about this gender war.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

What kfg said.
It is normal for boys and men to form hierarchies. That’s how stuff gets done.

4 years ago


“I really want an article about this gender war.”

What gender war are you referring to?

Are you new here and have you read much Rollo?



4 years ago

“Why do we have to rank men? Women do because they have to make a choice, and men have to for specific endeavors, but why do we have to treat these things like they matter outside their sphere?”

They don’t matter outside their sphere.

They do matter within your sphere.

A distinction with a huge difference.

It is your job to ignore why it matters outside your sphere.

4 years ago

Thanks Kfg.

You answered the ” rank” question in 100 words less than I was going to, in a tldr tirade.😁

4 years ago

😑 Sjf I know you are a giant fan of Jack Donovan and the whole ” outgroup malice ” thing, but I don’t get the promotion of ” malice “. Having malice towards others simply because they don’t belong to what you’d consider your group or tribe smacks of being irrationally fearful – only having a perception of strength in numbers as opposed to having strength as a man. One man. So basically are you.advocating for a love of your small group and suspicion of everyone outside of it? In a nation of 300+ million people? I don’t get it.… Read more »

4 years ago

@Sentient…. Dude! I’m trying to have breakfast here. The Downs Syndrome kid giving it to his homies…noooooooooo But on the issue of arguing with women…DON’T. I’ve now been a lot more successful at avoiding this through gaming them early. When they get used to your agree and amplifying, constant teasing and turnaways….it’s a stark contrast to the gameless losers who feel they need to discuss why they forgot the chocolate icecream and decided instead on popsicles. Reminds me of an old joke which you may feel free to use if this ever happens: Old woman walks into an ice cream… Read more »

4 years ago

@seriouslypleasedropit You stated a comment. How about you state your Frame and tell us who you are (in general terms) and what you believe in and where you are in life. For the sake of discussion. The thing is: narratives are a thing that was described as driving forces in large societies. Jordan Peterson, before he became a vegetable, raged against narratives of what Vadim Zeland of Transurfing Reality book fame, out of Russia, talked about in great detail. Dealing with that shit. Peterson raged against: “Peterson’s critiques of political correctness range over issues such as postmodernism, postmodern feminism, so… Read more »

4 years ago

” Labeling sets up an expectation of life that is often so compelling we can no longer see things as they really are. The expectation often gives us a false sense of familiarity toward something that is really new and unprecedented. We are in relationship with our expectations and not with life itself. … a label is an attempt to assert control and manage uncertainty. It may allow us the security and comfort of a mental closure and encourage us not to think about things again. But life is known only by those who have found a way to be… Read more »

4 years ago

Hey Blax “I don’t get it.” Of course you don’t. Because you are missing the point of the whole deal. It’s not about out-group malice. That is the whole fucking point: It is Moral Law Evil. And always will be. It’s all about In-Group Altruism. You know that and will do that. Your corporation job, your wife, your daughters, your buddies, your extended family, your former lovers. That is where it is at. Out-group malice is drawing a line and having standards. Out groups don’t fuck with you. Why would they, our why would you let them? You don’t and… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Blaximus quoting ” Labeling sets up an expectation of life that is often so compelling we can no longer see things as they really are. The expectation often gives us a false sense of familiarity toward something that is really new and unprecedented. We are in relationship with our expectations and not with life itself. Well, ok. That rabbit trail has no real end, there’s no “done” to it. Eventually all communication ceases because “labels bad!’ means no common points of reference. Been there, done that. On the other hand, if I need a gallon of primer to get a… Read more »

4 years ago



Drumbeats continue beating.

Zeus – you know what to do…


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Funny thing about that, the subreddit r/bjj for grappling and brasilian jiu jitsu is full of soy boys complaining about bigger guys using strength when sparring lol.

Some men just have to take a fighting form and make it into a game. The divide between the serious and the gamesmen is just a piece of life. This is how we wind up with “martial” arts that are more like ballroom dance. It’s inherent in the nature of human relations.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

I’ve now been a lot more successful at avoiding this through gaming them early.

Great news. Huge improvement from back when. Congrats.

When they get used to your agree and amplifying, constant teasing and turnaways….it’s a stark contrast to the gameless losers who feel they need to discuss why they forgot the chocolate icecream and decided instead on popsicles.

Always Be Gaming. Life is more entertaining that way.

4 years ago

SJF C’mon man. We’ve been going back and forth here for more than half a decade. I’ve never called you racist ( and would not), and you can count on one hand the times I’ve called anyone here, present or past that word. I didn’t even call Ron Lieberman that after his ” blacks violent ” shit he wrote.😂 It’s easier to correct what he said than it is to ” correct ” a grown ass man who’s entitled to his opinion. Re: prosecutors. I don’t dislike nor mistrust prosecutors. I’m making the effort to understand what many of them… Read more »

4 years ago

Irony, Anonymous Reader You want real paint to paint with (and shouldn’t eat lead paint). Yet you cite the end of Candide. That’s satire. Which is opinion. And not real. “A feature of satire is strong irony or sarcasm—”in satire, irony is militant”—but parody, burlesque, exaggeration, juxtaposition, comparison, analogy, and double entendre are all frequently used in satirical speech and writing. This “militant” irony or sarcasm often professes to approve of (or at least accept as natural) the very things the satirist wishes to question.” Good luck with that. And you guys should stop making things up. And realize you… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago


comment image

4 years ago

“Re: prosecutors. I don’t dislike nor mistrust prosecutors. I’m making the effort to understand what many of them think, and to bounce ideas around to stop ” stacking charges ” and throwing felonies just because they can and felony convictions ” look ” good.” Well I just binge watched “Suits” and it wasn’t at all pretty in regards to prosecutors. And I’m not a fan of them. Nor did I like “the system” six years ago when my son fucked up. (He’s in great shape now. And he just bought a cool car.) “Lol, as long as we’ve chatted online… Read more »

4 years ago

Lol. Does anyone disagree that the red pill and the manosphere satirizes healthy inter-sexual manophere relationships. Which by my book should be a goal. Not a shit-show? Including regular sex in a long term relationship. Without contempt, stonewalling, criticism or defensiveness? And why don’t you guys go and critique a girl that posted about six youtube videos on her take on Rollo’s book. And which Rollo might collaborate with in a video blog. Long story short (she speaks too much, beating around her bush): wild child woman, got lucky and married an adorable Alpha, non blue husband. She’s solipsistic to… Read more »

4 years ago

In group preference does not imply out group malice.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Men fight to resolve conflicts. What makes a “conflict” worth fighting over varies from place to place, time to time, man to man and varies in a man’s life over time and place. But it’s one way to resolve a conflict. Forming hierarchies can create conflict, not just who should lead but who should do what, who gives orders, who takes orders from whom, and so forth. Physical fighting is one way to sort this out and it’s still a method used in various places and subcultures. In a hierarchy different privileges are seen at different levels. Women want as… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Rollo Women have a limbic understanding that, for the most part, they can be violent with relative impunity. If a male ever strikes a female, even in self-defense, she can be assured that a mob of random males, following their evolved protectionist directive, will spontaneously form to beat the shit out of the guy. In today’s Blue Pill engineered society, even the most passive male waits for an opportunity to prove his quality to womankind by becoming ‘justifiably’ violent in defense of a woman. It’s what most men are conditioned for for most of their lives. This is restricted to… Read more »

4 years ago

“In group preference does not imply out group malice.” Heh. My sentiments exactly. In civilized society, of which I am an afficianato of, and of which my declarative above is to embrace a job in which I love my patients and medical assistants and receptionists and owners of the practice? Heh. I love the patients. The Hippocratic Oath is bullshit. The SJF oath is do what is in the best interest of the patient. OoH, And god forbid we go all M. Scott. Peck and do what is in the best interest of the girl we are fucking for 30… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Kill da beta posted this in “About”


Reynolds was relieved to get to the end of a dark chapter in his life after his relationship with Del Busso turned sour when it was revealed that the 30-year-old had faked several pregnancies and fabricated other tragic life events as a way to ask Reynolds for money.

BPD? Is there something in Cluster B that’s loonier?

Something loonier than BPD? .

4 years ago

Speaking of BPD. More and more is coming out about that. So the good thing is it becomes more transparent in the vetting. And we’ve heard a lot about that here. Rollo had a horrible experiment with a BPD chick because he was caught unaware of it’s trap when he was 24 to 28 y.o. I had a experience with a BPD chick when I was 23 y.o. but it was just a fling. And it was fun and full of sex. And it only lasted nine months. And it was good. She was not more than a HB. six.… Read more »

4 years ago

Deposing, or disqualifying, an Alpha – much in the same way primates do – is also a constant theme in human cultures. We can learn from stage theater. Keith Johnstone in Impro on the genre of tragedy: “Tragedy also works on the see-saw principle: its subject is the ousting of a high-status animal from the pack. Super-intelligent wolves might have invented this form of theatre, and the lupine Oedipus would play high status at all times. Even when he was being led into the wilderness he wouldn’t whine, and he’d keep his tail up. If he crumbled into low-status posture… Read more »

4 years ago

They just don’t get it. I had something like this happen: my ex was 8 months pregnant, a guy cuts us off in a crosswalk, we yell at him and spit on his car, he pulls around, gets out, does some posturing. My ex gets in his face, nose to nose, and screams at him, he pushes her. It’s on. He and I do a little pushing, a few punches and kicks. Routine stuff. I get my nose bloodied and maybe broken (who can tell with this ugly beak?), patrons come out of a store to break it up. We… Read more »

4 years ago

Very sad thread.


The question from a 17YO – what would you give yourself at 17?

The answers summarized – lift, grind, save…


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Completely OT
Kelly Slater and the son of the Schwab fortune plan to jazz up the Coachella valley with the biggest artificial wave machine in the world.


4 years ago

Blax, mma is better than nothing, but if you want to be an effective street fighter, you have to fight in the streets.

4 years ago

“Re: prosecutors. I don’t dislike nor mistrust prosecutors. I’m making the effort to understand what many of them think, and to bounce ideas around to stop ” stacking charges ” and throwing felonies just because they can and felony convictions ” look ” good.”

Prosecutors have nothing to lose if they lose a case. Real justice would require them to undergo the same penalty that the accused would receive if he lost if the prosecutors lost. That way everyone has skin in the game.

4 years ago

Blax, mma is better than nothing, but if you want to be an effective street fighter, you have to fight in the streets.

Thanks . I’ll keep that in mind .

4 years ago

How does the “gentler sex” handle sexual competition?


4 years ago

Lol, kind of.

I’m all for people experiencing consequences for their actions. Sometimes, people just need a good ass kicking.

But I must admit, in the video above, if I was there, I would have stepped in after the chick was on the ground semi conscious. I don’t believe one should kick and punch people in the head once they are down. You’ll fuck around and kill somebody in that defenseless position, and an ass kicking isn’t supposed to equal murder.

No WK. I’d step in for a man or a woman.

4 years ago

That’s a pretty normal reaction blax.

4 years ago

“I don’t believe one should kick and punch people in the head once they are down.”

I believe it is a felony – one that destroys any claim of self defense that might have been valid up to that point.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

“I don’t believe one should kick and punch people in the head once they are down.”

I believe it is a felony – one that destroys any claim of self defense that might have been valid up to that point.

Pretty much. Which gets back to my question about WWE / MMA style body slams in the street. What’s that for?

4 years ago

“Which gets back to my question about WWE / MMA style body slams in the street. What’s that for?” Self defense and ( hopefully ) ending the conflict. The streets aren’t WWE/MMA rings. But if a guy body slams a guy multiple times, he’s doing it wrong and he’s going too far. Conversely if you are the ” slamee”, maybe you should rethink your attitude. Imo, the objective in a street level conflict is to end it asap. Although I cannot not confirm it, I’m pretty certain that at least 2 combatants who attacked me received broken ribs. It happened… Read more »

4 years ago

What’s that for?

Breaking arms? Could be yours though…


4 years ago
4 years ago

Seriously tho, I think all boys should have mandatory fighting lessons taught by qualified professionals. It sounds counter-intuitive , but that would eliminate most of this crazy random street/bar/parking lot bullshit fighting. People don’t understand the damage that is possible, or how quickly a life can be taken.

4 years ago

and remember, de-escalate whenever possible.

4 years ago

Last one,

Remember, sometimes you won’t be able to de-escalate. You will have no control. And some dudes have no problem pumping multiple bullets into you.

Be safe.

( as you can )

4 years ago

Vidoes like these make me reconsider visiting US, lol. Too many guys are walking time bombs, the elliot roger type of guy, the middle aged guy who got fired and wants revenge, the crazy cop,etc.
America is scary man. Sure, knife crime is crazy lately in UK, but what you have in US… I think maybe only Brazil might be worse,lol.

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