Paternity, Promiscuity & “Poly”

Nature is cold and ruthless when it comes to reproduction, human reproduction is no exception. Rollo’s essay carries with it some pretty heavy implications. As has been pointed out before, monogamy is a male institution masquerading as a female institution, it ensures some level of paternity and stable bonds and expectations in order to arrive at a semblance of order among males in a community, it’s a tradeoff for order/security/reduced violence among males while at the same time providing sex at a limited scale to a majority of males, it’s a check/taming of nature invented by man that most likely allowed for the rise of civilization. This area yet again is not really about women but about a male structure to reduce intra/extra tribal violence.

We are witnessing the wholesale destruction of monogamy and indirectly the family unit. You can see the beginnings of the violence with the mass shootings by kids without a dad among whites. We see the black community in certain sectors/areas of the U.S begin to disintegrate as a stable social unit now that the family unit is absent. This is not a race issue as the black community in certain areas of the U.S remains solid/stable(the American South is one example), so it is not a race question, it’s a question of pressure brought to bear on certain sectors/areas. Any race is vulnerable to this, the Hispanic community is beginning to face headwinds among the current 18-30 generation, the number of single moms in the community is pretty high, I suspect the numbers in time will exceed that of the black community. This however doesn’t negate that the current inner city black community is the canary in the coal mine, and a picture of a possible future.


I thought these were some really good comments to start today’s essay off with as you’ll read in a moment. I’m going to try something a bit different in this post. There’s a lot to digest in what i’ve been working on lately with respect to evolved and social aspects of men’s innate drive for paternity. So rather than come out with a tightly packed essay on these individual topics I’m going to just throw out some of the concepts I’m working on at the moment. This will be a rare insight into how my writing process works, but I hope these topics will fuel further discussion in the comments and elsewhere.

As I stated in last week’s essay I’ve been reading my way through Tim Birkhead’s book Promiscuity. If you want to know what’s inspiring these ideas this is (still) it. I don’t want to call this book a ‘slog’, but I’m having to take my time with it in order to really digest it in a Red Pill sense. Any of my readers know that I’ve done a lot of work on Hypergamy to the point that I get criticized for being overly focused on women’s sexual strategy. I’m going to change this today and focus on men’s sexual strategies and how they fluidly adapt to women’s strategies.

The rise and acceptance of single motherhood over the past 50 years is a Reproductive Strategy

In The New Polyandry I proposed that with the rise of women’s independence from men, and the social unfettering of their sexual strategy (Hypergamy), women have shifted the prevailing social norms from socially enforced monogamy to a female-initiated form of polyandry. In a social environment where Alpha Fucks/Beta Bucks is openly embraced, what follows is the breakdown of women’s old strategy of looking for men who best embody the both genetic and provisioning qualities and focusing primarily on one or the other in separate men depending on her state of need. A state of Open Hypergamy can only result from a social shift from enforced monogamy to female-primary polyandry.

Our feminine-primary social order then (Blue Pill) conditions men, via social reward and punishment, to fulfill these roles to be serviceable to women at various stages of their reproductive and life needs. I’ve joked that today women see men as either breeding stock or draft animals, but there’s truth to this. And men fulfill these roles in an effort to effect their own reproductive strategies that they’ve been socialized and acculturated to believe are in their best interests.

In the wake of the Sexual Revolution western cultures have removed all social stigmas that used to surround single motherhood – and even elective single motherhood. This is the necessary result of transitioning from male-primary monogamy to a female-primary polyandry and social support mechanisms designed to maintain it. Men are only now learning how to maneuver and adapt their own sexual strategies to this transition.

However, in order to accept their roles in this female-primary sexual marketplace they must sublimate their evolved drive to ensure their own paternity.

Open Cuckoldry is a Beta Male Sexual Strategy

In a socio-sexual state of Sandbergian Open Hypergamy the next logical step is convincing men to repress their innate need to know paternity and teach them that cuckoldry (and in particular, self-initiated cuckoldry) is in their reproductive interests. I’ve written about this in Open Cuckoldry. The definition of cuckoldry is tightly controlled to only mean “a woman deceiving a man to believe the children she’s born are his when they are in fact the progeny of another man.” When defined this way “cuckoldry” is perceived to be rare – though even this is changing with the advent of home DNA tests like 23 and Me. However, the latent purpose of cuckoldry is to effect women’s sexual strategy in securing the best genetic material (and validational sex) from one man while procuring the best provisioning and parental investment (and transactional sex) from another man. Socially accepted Cuckoldry is how this is effected in a feminine-primary social order.

In fact, cuckoldry is only socially acceptable when it happens in a gynocentric social framework. In just 60 years cuckoldry has become an accepted reproductive strategy for both men and women. By shifting the social norms to encourage men to sublimate their innate drive to know paternity we prioritize women’s sexual strategy above mens’. By reinforcing women’s ‘cuckolding’ men via socially acceptable means we encourage men to see adopting women’s sexual strategy as their own.

We convince men that this is a “lifestyle choice” when in fact it is social engineering that selects his genetic interests out.

  • Single Mothers —> Stepfathers
  • Female Promiscuity —> Polyandry
  • Open Cuckoldry —> “Poly” Lifestyles

To better come to terms with this shift in contemporary intrasexual strategies I propose that “cuckoldry” be defined as ” The state in which a man, either by deception or being socially convinced, assumes the parental investment responsibilities of a child he did not biologically sire”. Men adopting children due to impotency, and doing so of their own volition might not meet this definition because their choice is considered first in the decision and not as a result of seeing their choosing to be a foster father as an extension of their sexual strategy.

That’s an important distinction; having the choice to adopt versus adopting a single mother’s children as a means to his own reproduction. Many men who involve themselves with single mothers initially do so as a means to reproducing with her himself; ergo, a sexual strategy.

Wifing up a single mother and adopting the children sired by another man is a Beta male sexual strategy that has developed in the wake of feminine-social primacy. The cost of his own reproduction, assuming this occurs is, is an exchange of his reproductive efforts and resources invested in another man’s genetic legacy – a choice that was made for him, via a woman’s sexual strategy, before he ever entered the picture. As reproductive stresses continue to escalate in modern (western) societies, more Beta men will see (subconsciously) accepting their own cuckolding as a necessary state if they are to reproduce at all. With 43% of children being born out of wedlock today it’s easy to see that an ever increasing number of men will chose to exchange their innate drive for paternity for reproductive access.

“Poly” Lifestyles are being socially reinforced to facilitate women’s sexual strategies

Men’s drive for paternity is more difficult to sublimate in Alpha men than Beta men. In Promiscuity Tim Birkhead details the innate drives male animals have with respect to ensuring their own paternity:

The issue of paternity is at the core of much of men’s behavior – and for good evolutionary reasons. In our primeval past men who invested in children which were not their own would, on average, have left fewer descendants than those who reared only their own genetic offspring. As a consequence men were, and continue to be, preoccupied with paternity and this has shaped not only many male behaviors but, perhaps surprisingly, some female behaviors as well. The most obvious way in which men’s preoccupation with paternity manifests itself is in jealousy – watching a partner and keeping her away from potential competitors.

Promiscuity, Tim Birkhead pg. 33-34

In my counseling I have had to deal with the constant of jealousy in every man I’ve talked to about a breakup or divorce.

“Rollo, why can’t I get the thought of her fucking another guy out of my head? The thought makes me physically sick.”

There is a physical aspect to jealousy for men and particularly so for deeply pair-bonded Beta men whose sexual strategy it is to invest more fully into one partner due to a scarcity mentality (see strategic pluralism theory). When I talked about men committing suicide in Zeroed Out I should’ve stressed the importance that mate guarding and jealousy play in a man’s physical condition when he’s had his ‘soulmate’ leave him for another man.

There are two latent purposes in men evolving a capacity for this physical distress – fomenting parental investment and ensuring paternity via mate guarding. Why is it that men take so much longer to get over a woman than women for men? For women the War Brides theory explains this neatly, but for men the long physical disconnection comes from our innate drive to ensure paternity and the confirmation of mate loss to a rival male. This is the degree of preoccupation with paternity Birkhead describes above – it is so existentially important men evolved physical manifestation for it.

Now, if you can stomach the new age sophistry and rationalizations of Dr. Geoff Miller for a “Poly” lifestyle you might want to watch a bit of this video to grasp the next concept I’m developing here:

I’ve included this here because it’s a prime illustration of the cognitive dissonance necessary today to justify a Beta male’s acceptance of his own cuckoldry and laundering it to convince himself that it’s actually in his own best interests. After all the confirmation of the importance of, and preoccupation with, male paternity, (and the sometimes violent fallout that results from it) it seems counterintuitive for a man to convince himself that sharing his woman is at all a good idea.

Have a look at the collage of images I’ve used for today’s header picture. This is a collection of relatively recent articles promoting the idea that “poly”, if not outright cuckoldry, is a positive, progressive trend. Why is poly in its various forms so important to us socially? The free love generation and 70’s swingers didn’t have anything like the impetus we see now. We have more than enough research showing that women’s capacity to pair bond with men in the long term decreases with every new sex partner. We know that (Beta) men can feel a natural, physical jealousy at just the thought of their pair bonded mate copulating with another man. Even Dr. Fleischman admits she struggles with “feelings of jealousy” in their “poly marriage”. But here we have the promotion of the idea that cuckoldry actually makes a man ‘more secure in his masculinity’. Why?

Why pretend to monogamy while openly practicing open cuckoldry? Why not simply stay single, practice non-exclusivity and honestly spin plates?

Because unfettered Hypergamy is the preeminent sexual strategy in this era. And men have adapted their sexual strategies to be contingent on it.

I believe what were observing in all this is men adapting to the changes women have installed in the global sexual marketplace according to feminine social primacy. In Strategic Pluralism Theory, lower SMV men are by necessity predisposed to investing their reproductive efforts in a single woman (K selection) rather than applying himself to spreading those effort to various women (r selection). Across the animal kingdom female sexual monogamy is the exception rather than the rule.

Monogamy can occur either because a female chooses to remain faithful to one male, or as a consequence of a particular lifestyle.

Promiscuity, Tim Birkhead pg. 43

In today’s global sexual marketplace Beta men are socially rewarded for abandoning their sexual strategy and to abandon their innate need to ascertain paternity. This is done by promoting social and status rewards for compliance with the objective roles women need men to play in their sexual strategy. We saw exactly this last Fathers Day. Step-fathers, the dutiful cuckolds, were celebrated while biological fathers are largely vilified. Single mothers who assume the role of “father” are likewise celebrated.

But (Beta) men adapt themselves to the role that they believe will best serve their reproductive interests. Thus, we have a chorus of men police their thoughts and the thoughts of other men to affirm their beliefs in that strategy.

We have men write sanctimonious, self-affirming essays about how they believe they are more “secure in their masculinity” for allowing, encouraging, the women’s they’re ostensibly bonded with to have sex with other men. Then they wait for their male peers to pat them on the back for ‘evolving above their biology’ and their naturally jealous impulses.

This is not seeing the forest for the tree though. What is the larger function of all of this? Why is the ‘progressive’ take on self-affirming cuckoldry one that Beta men are supposed to find rewarding?

Because it’s necessary to perpetuate the unilateral control over the human reproductive process men ceded to women after the Sexual Revolution.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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4 years ago

“What is the larger function of all of this? Because it’s necessary to perpetuate the unilateral control over the human reproductive process men ceded to women after the Sexual Revolution.” Rollo you are wrong here. Men did not cede unilateral control to women, certain socially ALPHA men did ( “elites” finance/govt/). And why ? well as far as they were concerned, they were ALPHA yet could not enjoy the full sexual benefits of ALPHA status in a preSexRev society. Once technology allowed for it, they decided to “liberate” women. The pill and other tech allowed ALPHA men to liberate women… Read more »

4 years ago

Single-motherhood is a class issue. Middle-class and rich families are much more stable than working-class families, this has been well-documented. Cuckoldry and poly are just the new fetishes of the rich and conflating them with the class issue of single-motherhood is a mistake. I think you’re overreaching. The rich who are mainly the ones participating the cuckoldry fetish are not going to suffer from the effects of single-motherhood at all.

john smith
john smith
4 years ago

The reproductive strategies of humans, lower primates, lions, spiders, or any other sexually reproducing animal species is a fun and entertaining topic of discussion of the symptom but ignores the bottom of the rabbit hole. These discussions posit that the exhibited behaviors are so deeply rooted that they are largely unconscious. But this does not explain how the conscious mind of man (or men) became adapted to the unconscious strategy and perpetuates it at all costs. The answer, as Occam’s Razor suggest, is simple. The behaviors are NOT the conscious or unconscious reproductive strategy of a male or a female.… Read more »

Ace Francis
Ace Francis
4 years ago

I think men who subscribe to this cuckcold lifestyle– in any way shape or form–ARE a bunch of BETA CUCKS, who fuck it up the rest of us. Shame on THEM, ultimately.

Once smartphones became UNIVERSALLY popular by 2013– I inadvertently gave up on exclusive relationships without knowing it. W

Women are NOW only tricks for kids to me at 45. Nowadays I am ONLY checking in once a month when I’m high on drugs and horny from stimulants

4 years ago

@Rollo: very timely topic, and illustrated very well with the collage etc. It is particularly insidious. As you point out, this poly lifestyle is being presented as good for the male. This “Poly” idea is terrible for the majority of the males, which can not easily get sex on demand from a new partner. It isn’t easy if they are single and it will probably be harder if they are in a poly relation, as the new partner knows she won’t be getting the full provisioning out of that male. It is good for the few top males (which get… Read more »

4 years ago

I also find it funny because a top male spinning plates can also pull off something that is similarly fair on the surface but winds up benefiting only / mostly him.

If the man is good enough, he can tell the woman they are non-exclusive and she will still have sex only with him (even if presented with some opportunities), while he will go and bang other women (with him generating those opportunities).

YaReally used to mention this effect (he called this situation an oLTR).

PauloJSVaz (@paulojsvaz)

Rollo, don’t be a patsy: the elephant in the room is Cultural Marxism/Frankfurt School. «Fleischman was raised both Jewish and Catholic»

Peitho Ocean
4 years ago

“I propose that “cuckoldry” be defined as ” The state in which a man, either by deception or being socially convinced, assumes the parental investment responsibilities of a child he did not biologically sire”. ”

What about cuckoldry via taxation and welfare? Today even women can be cucks!

4 years ago

@ al Wow, your comment made me think. Whenever I see on Rollo’s Twitter feed ‘This is what a gender war looks like’ I always assume it’s men versus women, but what if it’s not? What if it’s Alpha versus Beta? (Or ‘Men With Sexual Options’ versus ‘Men Without’?) I was at art college in my early twenties, and it was very much a gynocracy. The balance of males and females was pretty even, but the sex followed the polygamous model almost verbatim—the top dozen or so guys got all the sex and the rest of us either had to… Read more »

4 years ago

As I continue on this journey of unplugging, I still can’t fathom that I was capable of the mental gymnastics needed for the large amounts of cognative dissonance needed to filter out all these attacks on our evolved masculine nature.

If Alpha is a place holder term then all males are capable of such. It starts with mental point of orgin. Your muscle mass will (hopefully) increase, your speech more free and brass. Your mating protocols more efficient.

4 years ago

Cartoonist “And the ‘Alphas’? Hmm. I reckon they would have ignored the rules and carried on shagging multiple women, albeit in secret. I mean, they liked being the top dogs. And they didn’t give a shit, not about us and not about the women either. Standards of behaviour and moral codes were for losers. ” Enter The Platinum Rule… Moral codes and behavioral standards are just fine… When they are yours, you believe in them and are willing to brook the consequences. “He looked me in the eye and said, ‘You have as much right to call yourself a Man… Read more »

4 years ago



4 years ago

“What about cuckoldry via taxation and welfare? Today even women can be cucks!”

While this may be true for top earning individuals, as a Sisterhood women draw so heavily on the “public” funds that their net contribution is zilch.

4 years ago

So many of them got their hearts seriously broken in this environment and were sick of it

I suspect they go their dose of a rollercoaster of ‘feels’ so they actually got what they wanted/needed. The women in your ‘enforced’ monogamy would have been bored and unhappy. Cats are not dogs!
BTW – I felt exactly the same way in university. It was pretty dry sex-wise

wahoo Mcdaniels
4 years ago

It’s the rise of the “Man Police -Police Men” They will talk the old alphas down to surveillance to make themselves look better, never realizing it is a team effort. Doubling down on stupid these guys are all in on a sexual strategy that gets them starfish sex,dressed like a clown and all the overtime they can handle. While she calls him at work to make sure that is where he is making sure he is the best beta. When he is used up she will throw him away so fast all he will see is his sinking ship of… Read more »

4 years ago

@Rollo: I’d also add there is a strong influence via mainstreaming of gay subculture wherein sexual fidelity/activity is distinctly differentiated from “love” and now marriage. Likewise, that mainstreaming purported tolerance as “being more evolved”.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that . . . is 26.

“I’m not a black-fingernailed cuckold — not that there’s anything wrong with that!”

4 years ago

Why do most men become fathers?

Is it really because they are trying to ensure their lineage? Is that truly the driver?

Or is it an afterthought?

4 years ago

( insert Tom cruise Jack Nicholson scene ” you can’t handle the truth ” from a few good men.😁)

4 years ago

elites plan 50-60 years in advance. this goes on since early 1900s I guess… decades. First, the sexual revolution. They knew that constant ejaculation to porn lowers man sexual energy ergo his total energy. This led to oversexualization of society- women more promiscuous , men more and more weak. Young boys exposed to 4K porn for free, dozen times per day. When they are 20-30yo they are so weak and non-masculine that women see there are no real men (alphas) so they go for career. Perfect plan. Now what we see, is making women – men and men (or boys)… Read more »

DR Smith
DR Smith
4 years ago

Hmmm….I’d like to comment to the guys whom write the articles about how “evolved” they are for letting their wives have multiple partners. But the strange things is, like a lot of women whom write nonsense on the internet, they block comments. Gee, wonder why that is – what are such strong, modern men afraid of, anyway? Another commonality to a lot of those articles – the women have a much more ‘success’ in the ploy relationship than the guys have when it comes to securing dates. Again, no real surprise, and fits Rollo’s definition of cuckoldry very well I… Read more »

4 years ago

Forget about ” elites ” ( vague ) and Martians for a second. The perpetually isn’t being driven by a group of elders sitting off in the distance rubbing their hands together in delight. This is defeatist thought. Yes, much of this fuckery began with the sexual revolution, but what is fueling the current environment? What’s coloring the perceptions? Putting reading aside, when was the last time anyone heard of saw polyamory up close with their own two eyes? Seriously? Documentary and video interviews not withstanding. I agree that the super saturation of easily available pornography is destroying men, especially… Read more »

4 years ago

Lol. Smartphones have become portable training devices. ” watch your favorite content anywhere 24/7 …. “.

Content 24/7.

DR Smith
DR Smith
4 years ago

@WomenAgainstMisandry Really – Cuckoldry and poly are just the new fetishes of the rich and conflating them with the class issue of single-motherhood is a mistake? Seriously?? Guess I should tell both my older brothers to quit asking me for money all the time, as the must be rolling in piles of Benjamin’s”…since both are cuckolds as I type (one married a woman whom has children by two other fathers, and he supports them; my older brother brother has been divorced for some time, but supports three kids, one of which everyone in our family believe is not his…but his… Read more »

4 years ago

YT: 24 million channels — and nothing on.

the red quest
4 years ago

It’s possible to do poly from the superior or inferior position: This essay is all about doing it from the inferior position, but guys doing it from the superior position want to maintain chicks in their soft harem while continuing to fuck around. Smart guys today are NEVER going to take care of a child without the DNA test. Players know that most chicks won’t stick around long-term in an uncommitted relationship, and telling her to be “poly” is a way of keeping her as a lover / friend with benefits while also preserving the player lifestyle. There are… Read more »

4 years ago

Truth: anytime I head ” lifestyle “, my spidey senses start tingling.

4 years ago

Cuck fetish is fringe. Poly (I don’t mean plate spinning/soft harem I mean what the poly people describe as poly) is also fringe, and mostly low SMV fringe at that. The real action here is in pre-cucked betas (i.e., guys with single mothers). That’s obviously a rising trend, and it’s one that women will be able to enforce easily enough against betas because what are the betas doing to do about it anyway? Betas by definition lack relationship power — women define the terms of a relationship with a beta completely, not the beta. It’s possible that the current cuck… Read more »

4 years ago

Thanks, Rollo, I was hoping you’d get a chance to see this Rebel Wisdom vid. I gave “red pill” comments on Youtube when the vid first came out and our analysis coincides. Rebel Wisdom has been attempting to address the EP angle of intersexual dynamics on their platform at my (and others) hints.Unfortunately, Rebel Wisdom went to this polyamorous couple for their information. I’m a fan of RW but I sensed a Trojan horse right away. The woman was obviously the dominant partner and the male was obviously a beta male cuck under her spell. I wasn’t sure RW fans… Read more »

4 years ago

“Why pretend to monogamy while openly practicing open cuckoldry? Why not simply stay single, practice non-exclusivity and honestly spin plates?”

Yeah, exactly! Why not? I don’t get why everybody thinks hypergamy was a bad thing. Let the betas be monogamous provider-dads if they want to… Let them marry and get kids and all this stuff… I don’t. I love sluts! Hypergamy works FOR me. So, what’s the problem?

4 years ago

@paulojsvaz Religions, the ones still true to the Bible, don’t tolerate cuckoldry at all. I wrote about this here: Interestingly, the Bible allows a Man to take more than one wife. The Bible is aware of the biological differences between men and women, and the effects of multiple partners on men vs women. Being raised a certain religion in modern society is not any indication that person was taught to avoid cuckoldry, since these days the liberal branches of all religions have been corrupted by outside ideologies. Most religious upbringings outside of very conservative communities might as well feminist… Read more »

4 years ago

“We are witnessing the wholesale destruction of monogamy and indirectly the family unit.” Are you sure about that? How do we measure monogamy rates? Maybe true that monogamy is on the decline, but “destruction” is hyperbole. “The share of children living in a two-parent household is at the lowest point in more than half a century: 69% are in this type of family arrangement today, compared with 73% in 2000 and 87% in 1960.” “You can see the beginnings of the violence with the mass shootings by kids without a dad among whites.” Insignificant and may be due to… Read more »

4 years ago


4 years ago Jeremy Piven on getting #metoo ‘d. I absolutely loved him on Entourage.

4 years ago

“And there’s evidence that monogamy is more common among the UMC . . .”

It’s good to be the King.

4 years ago

@Red Quest – I tell my young hotties that I’m poly, they HAVE to think it’s cool, lol.

4 years ago

If we could only get the provider selected, submissive guys to put it in writing that they’d pay for the children their women bear with the men they desire-fuck. They all want me bareback, none want monogamy, and most would let me cum inside them. I’m smart like that, and manage to not get women pregnant unintentionally by not giving into that impulse, usually hehe. But if I new some other guy would pay? Like it was law or contractually guaranteed? Dang, I’d blast inside them all.

4 years ago

Too many boys here think with their feelz instead of their brains.

4 years ago

@Ex-Cartoonist – I see, you’ve been an angry pussy and a loser for a long time. How’s that worked out for you? Ya, the “alpha” guys – and let’s stop there. I realize why this alpha/beta thing has gotten so incorrectly ingrained in our language. It’s cuz betas use it to be dismissive of men WHO BEAT THEM IN THE TOURNAMENT THAT IS MATE SELECTION. You even side with some insane cunt who slashed some guy’s painting – she fully knowing when she fucked him that he was a player. That makes you an epic pussy, yet you say it… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Novaseeker Pre-cucking, on the other hand, is a huge trend right now, and betas are powerless in its face. They will capitulate — thirst, they have no choice (in their own minds at least). The thirst is real, and plenty of social forces are pushing on Beta men to “manUP and marry that slutty single mommy”, specifically including the oh-so-Traditional churches. “Better to have a piece of her than all of nothing” is the thirst feeling (it isn’t reasoning), and it goes along with that “You don’t own her, it’s just Your Turn” muttering that shows up in various places… Read more »

4 years ago

“manage to not get women pregnant unintentionally by not giving into that impulse, usually hehe. But if I new some other guy would pay? Like it was law or contractually guaranteed? Dang, I’d blast inside them all”.


Alphas do what they want and then deal with the consequences of their actions later.

girl who doesn’t use birth control: “Did you cum in me?”
j: “ya”
girl: “damn it j now I’ve gotta buy plan b”
End scene.

I’ve honestly lost count of how many girls I’ve filled with my semen tbh.

4 years ago


Those bylines are kinda small. Which article is Jack Murphy’s?

4 years ago


Start saving and get to know a few child support lawyers now.

Clock’s ticking.

Consequences. 18-21 years.

4 years ago


J’s gonna get locked up for non payment, and then…

J: did you cum in me?

Julio: ya.

Hakeem: ya, me too.

Judge: I’m not done fucking you yet……

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
4 years ago

Just saw 21’s YouTube hit pieces on Rollo. Buncha catty bitchmade backstabbing from over there. Made me think I should swing through here and see how y’all fellas are doing. The fuck’s up, gentlemen?

4 years ago

@Rollo, cool to be in one of your blogposts man, respect for you. I’ve always been decent at discerning patterns in systems and from there making/testing the connections, it’s not 100% but it gives me an idea of where to look, it has served me well. A 55 year old woman struck up a conversation with me the earlier this week as I was reading a book at Starbucks, the mall was full of young women that day, most dressed in very provocative clothes everywhere you looked the sexuality of young women was on display. In the parking lot I… Read more »

4 years ago

@Sun Wukong:

We be chill and shit. Nice to see ya drop by.

4 years ago

@Sun Wukong

Hey, nice to see you typing here.

Things are going great with me. Thanks for your efforts in the old days with the round table discussions that you hosted. That was a superb launching pad for me and I got tremendous value out of your efforts.

What’s up with you?

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

Hey Wukong, how’s the rocket?

4 years ago


I’m sorry that when you were picking up girls (1970-2000) the majority of girls weren’t on birth control. So your outdated view that some random chick is gonna hit me up for child support isn’t gonna happen.

Newsflash: young girls(18-25) (especially thoses that you find clubs on weekends) dont want kids. You’d know this if you were fucking girls instead of interviewing girls.

4 years ago

Luv ya J. You know that. But… 😂 son, there’s nothing, and I mean nothing, you could ever explain to me about chicks of any age, from any era. It’s cute when you try tho, but your still a rookie. Nothing wrong With that. I was a rookie once too. When I was 13… Get to know some chicks. If you understand Game, you’d be surprised what you can learn. Or you can hope that every girl is on bc 😂 and isn’t thinking about getting pregnant – until she does. If you knew enough chicks you’d understand that any… Read more »

4 years ago

Frame. Where for art thou?

4 years ago

Before I go, anybody want to clue this young know it all rookie about when birth control became wide spread?

Evidently he thinks it’s a recent invention only being used by current year 18-25 year olds.

4 years ago

@Blax No disrespect to J, but he doesn’t fully understand the female mind yet, he is playing with a loaded gun with one in the chamber, once a semi-street aware girl identifies you as a high value she has the potential to get pregnant quick, BC be dammed. Be very careful about who you blast in, there is a young guy I counsel, he was banging a young service worker/girl from the office, he is very arrogant about his conquest how he was in control , etc. On the side the girl was being counseled by another older divorced service… Read more »

4 years ago

Foxguy Lol. While J is playfully ( I think ) shading me for ” interviewing ” girls, what he’s missing is that I’ve heard girls planning to trap dudes for years. Literally saying they were going to get pregnant by dude X. He’s getting the bulk of his info from guys in pua forums and blogs, hence he thinks I’m outdated because everything is different now. If he really understood the consequences that the courts would lay on him, he’d rethink his recklessness. Plus, if you value yourself, you won’t go squirting your seed into random snl’s. Why do that?… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
4 years ago

@kfg I’d expect nothing less from you, sir. @Yollo it’s become one of the local legends in Austin over the past year and a half. More than a couple sport bike owners have found out a guy on a muscle bike could leave them in the twisties. Looking really hard at getting the new one when they drop the non-TFC version, but $29k for the TFC wasn’t something I could swing right this second. @SJF Got zeroed out, unfortunately. Six months after moving to Austin the job laid me off, so I took a few months to try and build… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

Hey guys, just quick stop by to check out the comments @j – noticed the Blax discussion and couldn’t resist saying something. @j says: “Alphas do what they want and then deal with the consequences of their actions later.” Yes. And what Blax is essentially saying (and me) is that you don’t understand the full consequences of your actions or the risk that you are taking. It’s a lot higher than you think it is – or to be precise, a lot more serious. Let me put it another way. In the financial markets, both Nassim Taleb and Warren Buffett… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

and double PS to @j – that’s without even addressing the STD risks. I’m not like @theasdgamer who seems to think that touching a woman without wearing gloves can give you an STD. And I’m not a saint either, I’ve gone BB a couple of times with chicks and SNLs, particularly when I was too turned on to care (although it was stupid). But consistently going bare with chicks you meet at clubs and have SNLs with, with your lay rate? The risk in any one individual encounter is pretty low, but if you do it consistently – it is… Read more »

4 years ago


“As of 2014, 15.6% of U.S. women aged 15–44 reported being on the birth control pill, making it the most widely used contraceptive method among women of that age range”

Even controlling for relationship that’s not a great number.

Also be advised that a girl actually has to remember to TAKE her pill…

But hey this post is about paternity and promiscuity and polyandry… So

Just feel the love 🌈🎠🎊🐱

4 years ago

J you may want to learn the Rifleman’s Creed. Substitute Dick for Rifle…

4 years ago


“I sincerely hope you are getting tested regularly.”

Well ex post facto confirmation is no party…

I believe J has chlamydia. He phrased it “he gave some girl chlamydia ” which I found humorous since it omitted the obvi. which is some other girl gave it to him…

4 years ago
4 years ago

“Before I go, anybody want to clue this young know it all rookie about when birth control became wide spread?” around ’72-3…the first girl I laid was on birth control…she said…I too was a young skullfullamush at one time… …if a girl really, really likes you, she will want your kid…go through your trash looking for used condoms to wipe on her pussy… …if a girl really, really likes your cash, she will go through your trash looking for used condoms to wipe on her pussy… …but no, there’s no pattern there…and girls always tell you their game…and Oswald shot… Read more »

4 years ago

“Alphas do what they want and then deal with the consequences of their actions later.” Girls understand the expression, to which I also adhere: Victory through overwhelming Beta power. Sometimes the juice ain’t worth the squeeze. Shrewd alphas can evaluate risk/reward better than naive alphas. If the risk is what others think about you and all you get is some social flak from betas, no big deal. If the risk is family court taking your shit, you better cover your assets. Ask me about the handsy, drunk broad from last night trying to get PDA from me, lol. No fucking… Read more »

4 years ago

“I’m not like @theasdgamer who seems to think that touching a woman without wearing gloves can give you an STD. “ Hey, asshole, stop putting words in my mouth. That’s pussy shit. “What that means is that it is an investor’s first priority to avoid being ruined – no amount of potential profit is worth the risk of being ruined, even if it is a low risk – otherwise you can make profits for 10 years, and then one bad trade could wipe you out.” What that means is that it is an investor’s first priority to avoid being ruined… Read more »

4 years ago

Purple pill, it would appear from the other thread, is alive and well.

Ah well this is natural. Most commonly over the history of the sphere, guys come along, take something that makes some sense to them, work it until it doesn’t, then rework it and leave, and critique everything they learned beforehand. It seems to be the way of men.

4 years ago

“As of 2014, 15.6% of U.S. women aged 15–44 reported being on the birth control pill, making it the most widely used contraceptive method among women of that age range”” “I believe J has chlamydia” Had. and so have other players i talk to. it comes with the territory. “you don’t understand the full consequences of your actions or the risk that you are taking” that she gets pregnant? lol. yeah i think i know the risk i’m taking. but like….you don’t think players have ever had private discussions (evil shit yo!) on how to make a girl get… Read more »

4 years ago

Okay, real talk – You sound insanely silly j. Like your ” idea ” of a player is formed by a bunch of nin-player dudes over the internet play acting at what they think a player is. Again, hijacking old terminology that was around before you were born and redefining everything with a stupid false bravado. Only a moron thinks getting any kind of std comes with any territory, unless that territory is based on raw dogging hookers in Tijuana. Your chart – ” using some form of bc “. How many are in the pill? Condoms, spermicide, uterine devices,… Read more »

4 years ago

“Only a moron thinks getting any kind of std comes with any territory, unless that territory is based on raw dogging hookers in Tijuana.”


shit, Blax, you’re stealing a page from my book

4 years ago

“hijacking old terminology that was around before you were born and redefining everything with a stupid false bravado”. Player (n) – A male who is skilled at manipulating (“playing”) others, and especially at seducing women by pretending to care about them, when in reality they are only interested in sex. Possibly derived from the phrases “play him for a fool”, or “play him like a violin”. The term was popularized by hip-hop culture, but was commonly recognized among urban American blacks by the 1970s. A certain class of low-rent, slack-jawed fuckups has decided that backstabbing and misogyny are totally radical,… Read more »

4 years ago

“Possibly derived from the phrases “play him for a fool”, or “play him like a violin”.”

Or even, ooooooooooh, I don’t know, “play the game.”

4 years ago

Just one quick thing to say: this j character is wobbly as hell, a menace to himself. Dude you’ve got everything backwards. Listen to what these guys are telling you.

4 years ago

Yeah, I’m suspicious. Too much ” internet “.

And his penchant for explaining black terminology to an actual black man, using….wait for it….the internet.

AIight, done.😑

Look up ” poser “. More recent, but still before you were born.

Damn,😂 you haven’t been here but a minute.. No wonder you think you’re redefining everything ( with help from multiple clueless incel forums )

4 years ago

“And his penchant for explaining black terminology to an actual black man”

“No wonder you think you’re redefining everything”

Do you (or anyone else on this blog) have a better definition of what constitutes a “player” than the one I presented? If yes I’d like to hear it.

“Look up ” poser””

having a bad day
having a bad day
4 years ago

@j since I assume you’re sarging tonight… here’s a quick thought on raw dogging … if you ping a girl AF enough to get her hindbrain to SNL you, her hindbrain has an expectation of ‘baby’… bc of those superior AF ‘sexy son’ genetics… the only way you avoid child support is by depending on her forebrain/ personality to ignore her hindbrain/hamster whispering to her… there’s a reason for the ‘plan b ‘ pill as her preferred method… it’s easier for her hindbrain to help her ‘choose’ to take it…or not…lol… basically the same thing for ‘the pill’… only the… Read more »

4 years ago


“There was this assumption that women followed their feelings with pretty much zero thought or exercising of free will.”

“Feelings” is not the word you are looking for there 😉

4 years ago

You’re right, TT, old chap!

Consequences of a British upbringing…

4 years ago

@j. On chlamydia 8 years ago I was banging a nurse who disappeared for a few months Suddenly she texted me to say she had chlamydia and was obligated to tell her partners…(plural) about this. She said she told her bf and me. Given that it has a short incubation period anything more than 2 weeks would mean unless you were pissing razor blades you likely didn’t have it. But I went to a specialist to check. Suddenly my willy was in pain, my balls were sore. Doctor asks me when I banged her. Then he says you may have… Read more »

4 years ago

The Last 6 years I’ve been banging all my regular plates/ girlfriends BB. All these girls have been substantially younger than me so in their fertility window. No babies 👶How have I managed this amazing feat? Backstory……. About 6 years ago I was out with a 23 year old hb7 I’d pulled at a bar in my city ( Liverpool uk) . I’d met her the previous week she was on a hen weekend. She came back to my apartment and stayed all weekend meeting up with her friends for the return journey home, so the following week I’m on… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
4 years ago


Thanks man. Good to see you keep plowing right along despite the e-drama.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

@j my man – your response doesn’t change my point. Your response is basically “I have a plan for risk mitigation/damage control”. Let’s say you have a 1% chance of getting a chick pregnant unintentionally (probably higher with young, fertile chicks, but we’ll say 1% for now). Let’s be generous and say your damage control strategy reduces your risk by 50%, so that it is now 0.5% (ie, 1% of chicks you sleep with get pregnant, but you manage to convince half of them to abort). But even a 0.5% chance of complete ruin is way too high with your… Read more »

4 years ago


You write like no one else has had it…

Listen up. Great, man you got your “playa badge”… Certified!

Chlamydia is nothing. Until it isn’t chlamydia and it’s something else.

You weren’t around but in the 80s guys started dying from “something else”.

Yeah it was all queers at first. But somehow that shit spread…?

And that’s when shit got real.

You got your wake up call. You can sleep through it. Up to you.

4 years ago

“You weren’t around but in the 80s guys started dying from “something else”.” Before Scott Joplin became popular enough that he could make money off the royalties from sheet music sales he had to take gigs wherever he could find them. This was often in brothels, where he was sometimes paid “in trade.” It eventually killed him. Before 1945 they were dying from yet something else. The time in which sex was not a common vector for an uncurable and terminal disease was really only about 40 years, but that appears to have been long enough for people to forget… Read more »

4 years ago

For anyone who is familiar with the work of Dr. Kevin MacDonald on group evolutionary strategy, it will be obvious, and come as no surprise, to which ethnic group Dr.s Miller and Fleischman belong. In the promotion of unrestrained hypergamy, and other decivilizing behaviors, within our cultures, there is more at play than just sexual strategy competition. The same ethnic group is at the heart of the open-borders movement, legalized drugs, gambling, pornography, etc. Well documented, not discussed. They are always looking for cracks in the foundation that can be used to accelerate the collapse.

4 years ago


Yeah, human nature’s got nothing to do with it at all.

4 years ago

McDonald has come up here before. Here we examine the roots of intersexual dynamics which not only precede contemporary politics, but precede homo sapiens.

Any group or groups influencing the course of current intersexual dynamics are not creating, but leveraging. As such you cannot understand how they are exerting such influence unless you too understand those roots first.

4 years ago

” leveraging “. Perfect.

4 years ago

” . . . legalized drugs . . .” You must be young. I am old enough to remember “Your friend Benny” being sold over the counter at truck stops and the debate over whether or not drugs should be broadly criminalized and my mother was old enough to remember the first broad criminalization of a “drug” (actually just a plant). And I note that the whole thing was very much an American driven phenomenon, not a globally accepted one. What got Lance Armstrong stripped of his titles, in 1965 was not only not in violation of law, it wasn’t… Read more »

4 years ago

Even I can recall when exogenous testosterone became a schedule III controlled substance. This means that in most serious gyms ( not planet fitness) are gathering places for drug dealers. There was a time when cocaine and heroin could be acquired by any adult, usually without a prescription. Hell, before 1903 coca cola had some cocaine in it. Now it has something worse – high fructose corn syrup. Reading the political fervor around the time when most drugs became ” illegal ” is eye opening . A plant is a controlled substance? I think corn is more dangerous than marijuana.… Read more »

4 years ago

I’ve asked a similar question once before, but I’m still wondering:

How does a man going under the Nom de Net of “Woden’s Thane” come to be promoting the morality of Disciple of Christ Carry Nation anyway?

4 years ago

The media may be cheerleading poly like crazy — along with every other non-traditional “lifestyle” — but poly has gone tediously mainstream if even the sober-minded Scott Alexander of Slate Star Codex can note he’s feeling down because he just lost his “main” in his poly group. Polyglot? Polynomial?

So I guess we must distinguish between “poly” where your wife goes off and bangs strangers vs. “poly” where it’s all a friendly sitcom group like Big Bang Theory but with more permutations.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

It’s all cucked anyway OBIT.

The women that want authority can only have the illusion of it when backed up by the cucks that ostracize sexual detractors.

It’s just a hen house otherwise.

4 years ago

When you review the Rebel Wisdom video you’ll find that this particular Evo Psych couple are libertarian, anti-social constructionism, and fully EP aware. Let’s face it, they’re definitely more Evo Psych aware than us, and perhaps more than Rollo, as well. Is it conceivable that Rollo is promoting his own standard? The man in the Rebel Wisdom vid is not definitely cucked in any meaningful sense as near the 52 minute mark this couple has multiple females to a single male arrangement. We’ve seen the dangers of polygamy in the past but how is this polyamorous arrangement like past arrangements… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


Men aren’t a monolith either.

4 years ago

The endless march towards pre-existing primate like behaviors continues. This is not the fault of women by the, women just are but rather by and large men who wish women were something different. Yes western civilization is changing , no it’s not in the favor of men.

Know yourself, define your goals and move towards them all the while learning along the way.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago

I highly doubt that, fox.

4 years ago

some Sunday evening entertainment for ya’ll. Last night I raw dogged the girl who promptly broke up with me after she discovered I had infected her with an std. On a different post, I teased sharing this text conversation between us mainly for entertainment purposes (ego as well). But I also feel there’s also some game nuggets for lurkers to take away from this. And for guys who currently hold the limiting belief that once you infect a girl. She’ll be too scared to ever go back to having casual unprotected sex….Let alone doing so with the guy who infected… Read more »

4 years ago

J, you just showed that there are a lot of fools out there…quelle surprise!

4 years ago

I recently saw a feminist posting on facebook with the statement smash the patriarchy. I was half-amused to troll her and say it’s already gone or going away. Sadly this female is 30, childless, and no partner in her life. You reap what you sow. She is stuck on the old ways of marriage (patriarchy) in a poly-world where matriarchal family structures may be the new norm.

4 years ago

if you can successfully play with someone’s emotions, you can make even the most “rational” person commit foolish deeds.

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