False Positives

A consistent criticism I’ve received over the years is that the Red Pill is so negative. Why cant the Manosphere just sweeten up? Its truth is definable and self-evident, but why can’t Rollo adjust the ‘tone’? I’ve lived and written through several waves of newcomers to the ‘sphere and in each generation the same want for a ‘kinder, gentler’ Red Pill is always there. The idea is that if you just changed the delivery of the truth it would somehow make it more palatable to a wider audience.

Who’s It For?

I want reiterate here that it’s never been my goal to write for an audience. Whether it’s writing on this blog, my books or when I’m discussing things on various podcasts my only imperative is to convey the information I think is relevant to the topic of intersexual dynamics. My obligation is to picking apart and considering as close as I can get to an objective truth. And I don’t do this by way of some sense of duty to objectivism – it’s just the way that’s always seemed most efficient to me to come to a usable truth. It’s pragmatism on my part, not dedication.

Yes, I know, true objectivism is impossible for human beings. Yes, I also know that even biases we’re unaware of will subconsciously influence our rationality. Spare me the classicist intellectualism, I’ve been at this long enough to have considered all that. But the fact that objectivism is never perfect doesn’t mean we should strive for our best attempt at it – nor replace it with moralism.

I don’t write for an audience. I write about what I see going on around me and I connect dots. Writers today, of all medias, will tell you to “give your readers what they want” if you want to be successful. Writing about uncomfortable truths that rattle people’s cages is counterintuitive to the write-for-success mindset. If you want to sell books, if you want to monetize blogs, if you want to get more channel subscribers you gotta give the folks what they want, right? That’s how most churches work today; cater the message to the congregation if you want the tithe checks to stay consistent.

And always write to appeal to emotions too. People don’t enjoy thinking, but boy do they ever love feeling something – particularly in an age when female emotiveness is the order of the day.

When I began writing regularly it was in a forum environment. We hashed out many ideas and weren’t afraid to get ugly. It was a necessary part of the process. There was no pretense of appealing to an audience for money, traffic or readership. The sole focus was debating the truth about a dynamic. That debate was always a hot kitchen, but the results were something greater than the process.

As a result my essays carried over a lot of the heat from the SoSuave days kitchen. I wasn’t writing to impress readers or increase traffic to the blog it was just to document and codify the objective truths I came to. There is no monetization and the comment threads have never been moderated (besides spam and trolls). Almost 8 years later my charter is still about the same objective debate.

The drawback to this commitment to objective truth is that it rarely appeals to emotionalism. No, it’s not the ‘tone‘ or the feel of the information being related that’s so off-putting – it’s the information itself, and how it makes one feel, that determines whether it’s perceived as positive or negative.

Feels Before Reals

Most people who are still plugged into the proverbial Matrix are living in a world that prioritizes feels before reals. The purpose of consuming really anything is to judge it by how it makes us feel; and especially so in an era defined by the female experience. Emotion always comes before reason in women’s natural, unlearned, interpretive processes. This is also extended to men who’ve been conditioned to prioritize emotions before reason. And this is exacerbated by their need to be better feelers, better emoters, than those other ‘typical’ guys if they want an emotional woman to ever bear their children at some point.

Anything that prioritizes reason before emotion will always run the risk of being perceived as negative. Even if the sum of the information is positive, the fact that you had to come to the truth by way of reason rather than emotion will make it negative.

If you used your head instead of your heart to figure something out, in Girl-World, at best it’s bad form. At worst, you’re a negative pessimists or a cynic.

Usually those designations are reserved for the men who make a habit of using reason to the exception of emotion to relate an objective truth that’s unflattering to the feminine. Again, it’s the information, not the tone, that’s offensive to the emotions-first prioritization. To the Blue Pill mind, any strong idea that conflicts with this prioritization is an affront to the personal investments they’ve made in ideas that it challenges.

So, understand, I’m not a negative person by nature. I’m an artist. Few people know that my 2nd degree is a BFA. I draw, I paint, I play four instruments, I used to do Shakespearean stage acting – I’ve even done children’s theater.

I fully embrace the emotional as a necessary part of the human experience – Hell, half of Red Pill awareness is acknowledging and confronting emotions. I’m certainly not a cynic or a pessimist. Anyone thinking so usually hasn’t read my work. I’m very much an optimist when it comes to creating a New Hope for men in a Red Pill paradigm. I don’t just stop at clinical realism and leave men hanging. I don’t subscribe to the ennui of the “Black Pill” – I’m certainly not absolutist or a determinist.

However, I also have a commitment and an obligation to objective truth in everything I write. Trust me, there are times I wish I could use my wife and my marriage as a ‘proof of concept’ example of how a Red Pill aware guy can make a relationship work today. But the objective truth would make me look like a charlatan if I tried to convince a man that marriage was at all a good idea in its present state.

That’s tough for me. I have had to hold back from posting pictures of my beautiful wife and daughter to prove something to truly negative naysayers. Ladies, you want me to write something positive about women? I love my wife dearly. She’s been a net benefit to my life for all of 23 years now. My daughter is a model. She’s feminine to a fault and she’s smart and ambitious. I would die for her, gladly.

But I never use my personal life as an example in my work for their protection, but also because I don’t want to lead men astray by in anyway implying that what I have is possible for them. And I’ve had men tell me that, “I want what you have.”

But I don’t make value calls. I consider information, I try to interpret it, and I present it in such a way that it’s useful to men where they’re at. I want to give you tools to use to build your own life, not mine.

Truth & Hustle

Admire the Hustle. We read this a lot in the Manosphere among the guys who fancy themselves entrepreneurs. I think one reason critics think the Red Pill is negative is because all they see is the Hustle. The Hustle has a way of becoming the whole point of anything.

I’m an abortion doctor, but I make six figures and I’m the best at what I do. No one will out-work me. Admire the Hustle baby.

When the selling is more important the the product itself, then you have problems. When the truth is less important than the Hustle inevitably our truth becomes the Hustle. There needs to be a balance and that’s getting harder and harder to find now.

We’re at a moment in the Manosphere where the truth is starting to get lost in the Hustle. I’m accused of it, or I’m accused of associating with ‘too much Hustle’. Well-meaning colleagues with too much perception and not enough information are feeling that salesmen care more about the sale than the product.

I hear you.

Let me finish here by reiterating that my obligation to objective truth will always be my motivation for doing anything I put my name on. It always has been. However, I have worked for amazing companies who sold things that people loved and enjoyed only to watch them crumble and die because the sales team assumed control of the ‘product’. The selling became more important than what was being sold.

My books, my blog, my appearances, every aspect of The Rational Male is my art. I craft each essay. It’s what I care about most. I will never allow the truth to be compromised by the Hustle. The Hustle is important, particularly when it’s about disseminating the truth, but it is secondary to the truth – even to the exception of the Hustle. Sometimes the truth doesn’t sell.

This Is Important

We are rapidly entering a time when our ideas will be vilified. Very soon the objective, life-saving, praxeology that is the Red Pill will be used as a label, as a synonym, for negative ideologies that never had anything to do with the Red Pill. And people who are all about the Hustle will gladly abandon the truth they’re selling now if it means the public opinion of it would compromise their Hustle. It’ll be less about what we’re discussing than how influential and how many followers the person we’re discussing it with has.

Others, those who were appropriating the ‘brand’, will throw the Red Pill under the bus to save their own necks. The coming storm is going to test the resolve of people who are all about the Hustle and all about the Red Pill. I know where my obligations lie, they’ve never changed.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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4 years ago

@youngmaster “right now my main concern is replacing the car and obtaining a job/career that doesn’t pay shit. I have a dual BS in biology and environmental science, but due to various life circumstances my CV isn’t the greatest. Therefore, DHV would be a large hurdle for anything other than outright deception” She doesn’t care about your Curriculum Vitae, broski. Or the fact that you have a shit career (you’re tryna be her beta provider lol?). she wants to be emotionally stimulated. Emotional stimulation is one of the three keys of Gunwitch’s Seduction MMA: “Just describe how you feel when… Read more »

4 years ago

“Yes, and at the very least have avoided the DUI, but the incident is still illustrative.”

Oh yeah, sure as shit was. I was almost home, FFS….but turned around to look for her!

Anyhow, avoid it or not it only matters in so far as $8K cash and my life was taking a different course anyways. Can’t live in the past and you’re welcome for the illustration, you ingrates!


4 years ago

The art of normal conversation has died.


Next up: Breathing awareness.

4 years ago

Lol, that’s R.I.P. Of course

4 years ago

J: you misunderstand. It isn’t about what she wants or responds to. I said all that not from a standpoint of “I need all this in order to properly attract a girl,” the point is that these are life issues that are higher priority and need to be dealt with first before I take running game off the back burner. You think I’m going to be running game without a car of my own? Fuck no, I want my freedom and I’m going to get it. You think I want to run game while temporarily stuck in a shitty living… Read more »

4 years ago

If women are/remain a priority in life, failure is in the future. Important shit will get overlooked.

Good mindset youngmaster.

4 years ago

“The art of normal conversation has died”

You think the best seducers out there are going in, not knowing in advance, what topics they want to cover, what frames they want to make sure they set, and how to go about doing so in a smooth efficient manner?

The trick, really, is to make it look like a normal conversation…..blurring the encounter from meet to sex as one “it just happened” thing with no sudden jarring moments of ‘oh my god he’s trying to fuck me.’

4 years ago

Youngmaster candidly says “You think I want to run game while temporarily stuck in a shitty living situation?” j says “Then she will most likely ask me the question in return (if you haven’t noticed, people tend to do that….so ask girls questions, you want to be asked) I tell her, I stay in airbnbs. I have this one really crazy story from about a year ago about this one stay. do you want to hear it? (girls want their emotions stimulated, so she will most likely say yes…especially if she’s digging your vibe) ok lets go over there (compliance).… Read more »

4 years ago

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4 years ago

@Youngmaster I concur that you show lots of promise going forward with inter-sexual dynamics and Game. You ask questions and it’s good you reveal your circumstances in order to learn. Keep in mind that my Frame of reference is married red pill game. I don’t do PUA because I don’t need or want to, but could if otherwise. I’m married and have adult children. Five years ago I started learning how to recover from Beta and as such studied Game and Red Pill. I’m having a wonderful Married Red Pill life these days. My wife holds up well, is attractive… Read more »

4 years ago

@ J

One of the reasons that I dig you so much ( no homo) is that you can be absolutely 100% clueless some times.

It’s kinda endearing.

Seducer, conversationalist, don’t plan what they are going to say/talk about. Pua’s do the planning thing. The concepts are not equal. This goes back to my earlier statement re: student/master.

4 years ago

SJF: I got into ISD redpill material through Rollo. Learning the background, framework and concepts of redpill, how all the puzzle pieces fit together, how everything makes sense, all the interconnections and explanations, those are where I started. I’m not done, not by a long shot, but I just want to assuage your apparent concerns that I’m looking for cheat codes or trying to bypass the foundation of redpill. I’m not. I started in the basement of the tower, I’m simply asking for the directions to get to the top floor, and I plan on walking up the stairs once… Read more »

4 years ago

“Anyway, yes, I can go with the flow, but the difficulty in doing so isn’t that it’s inherently hard, it’s that I’m an honest person and I don’t like doing that when I think the topic is braindead shit. I can still relate however I can, but being the life of the party when the party conversations are about dull superficialities is harder for me because of that. I have no doubt game will patch this hole in the fabric of my social interaction.” Now you are talking. And DEERing. I used to do that shit all the time. (Defend,… Read more »

4 years ago

You misinterpreted what I meant about honesty, I’m not talking about that in relation to women or getting laid. What I mean is that I’m an honest guy and it can be difficult for me to lie about my emotions or what I’m thinking; it’s very easy for me to lie with some things (fabricating stories) and it’s hard for me to lie about others (what I genuinely think about something). So when I’m standing with six random people at a party and it’s some simplistic subject I don’t care about, it’s difficult for me to be the focus in… Read more »

4 years ago

Protip: Small talk isn’t about what small talk is about.

4 years ago

@Youngmaster Welcome aboard. Great stuff. You’re on your way. SJF wrote: “You don’t get extra credit in the lay department for being honest. ” If you’re Tom Brady you can be honest. If not, minimize your weaknesses, accentuate your strengths. We all have both. Sometimes we subconsciously or purposely confuse the two and sabotage our prospects. That, my man, is the definition of denial. Cops don’t hand out awards for being obedient and women will not hand out pussy for being a guy. You need to be an authentic”that guy”. Which is easy enough if you allow yourself to be.… Read more »

4 years ago


“The concepts are not equal.”

Exactly, one works. Guess which one?

I literally hear that same PUA drivel every week when out. If this guy hears it that means every woman has too, twice.

There is zero originality within and that dooms these dudes to up the amplitude and frequency of their efforts which comes off more desperate.

4 years ago

Youngmaster Sure work on your issues, but do so while also talking up girls…Avoid the tyranny of the Or… do this AND that… You only get better talking with girls by doing so. Don’t fall into the Culum Struan trap (what up C!) of being GAME ON/GAME OFF… Girls are everywhere, Game is everywhere… waiting X months until you have that “perfect” window is a waste of X months… And hey you may surprise yourself and thereby shatter “limiting beliefs”… J Emotional stimulation is one of the three keys of Gunwitch’s Seduction MMA And Mystery identified this as a core… Read more »

4 years ago

All the theatrics around The Red Pill is noise, including events and self proclaimed life coaches who can help you get your life in order. To me it is at least. I do think there are people out there who want other men to hold their hand but it is impossible. So you are throwing cash away. All the knowledge is in your books, on The Red Pill reddit, etc.

4 years ago


Boyz are gonna scream at this but I would argue that for success with women [at all] as an older man you need it together to a reasonable degree
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Come now Palma… I’ve no doubt you could be penniless and dressed as a hobo and do just fine…

Remember “Fuck You”, from either end, is a winning position…

4 years ago

Been Jamming to this all morning

4 years ago

If you want to learn the art of conversation, you have to practice it–a lot–without worrying about fucking. If you want to add creativity and the ability to segue to your conversational repertoire, spend time doing improv.

Improv isn’t the same as having a bunch of prepared routines that you segue into. Not like extemporaneous speaking, which is what PUAs do.

PUAs are junior birdmen compared with people with real social skills.

4 years ago

@eh “Exactly, one works. Guess which one?” You mean “works” as in gets the desired outcome one is seeking? well…. “I literally hear that same PUA drivel every week when out. If this guy hears it that means every woman has too, twice”. lol I actually believe you. 95% of PUAs are shit tbh. As I mentioned 2 days ago, the number #1 PUA forum (sedfast) is closing at the end of the month. The guys on sedfast voted reddit over facebook as their new destination, while the guys in my facebook group (the 5%) are looking to start a… Read more »

4 years ago

Where’s the best cosplay forum?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Heartiste is down. Possibly permanently.

heartiste.wordpress.com is no longer available.
This blog has been archived or suspended in accordance with our Terms of Service.

The title of yesterday’s article on RooshV losing access to WePay

Corporate Conspiracy To Silence And Impoverish Political Dissidents

File backup and alternative hosting have been potentially needed for a while, now itz here.

4 years ago

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4 years ago


4 years ago

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For Roissy!

4 years ago
4 years ago

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Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago



Words of text. Just like badges on the mounted patrol.

4 years ago

Sorry AR. You know I’m no fan of Roosh or Heartiste. Fuck ’em both. Not a popular opinion here, I know, but to me and plenty of others, they were seen the same way the most hardcore feminist would be seen here. You’d feel the same if heartiste blamed white men for all kinds of shit, along with the chorus of commenters over the many years. The ‘ old ‘ roissy went away a long time ago. The bullshit racist heartiste gets no sympathy or fucks from me. I wouldn’t have taken him down, but it’s not a bad thing… Read more »

4 years ago

This is bad. This is really bad.

Rollo —

Likely he has the whole thing exported after what happened with the “girls” around 10 years or so ago.

But really, it just underscores the importance of finding blog hosts who are either impervious to SJW influences or offshore in countries where SJWs have no influence to speak of, and certainly not over such things (Hungary, Poland, Russia, etc.). This day was long coming. His site won’t be the last.

4 years ago

You are next Rollo.

4 years ago

” . . . Rollo won’t ban me like they did.”

Been there, but it won’t be necessary to ban you if they ban Rollo. See Voltaire.

4 years ago

FidoNet is still running.

4 years ago

WordPress has banned Heartiste. The blog didn’t close. WordPress pulled the plug on him.

Yep, that’s clear enough I think, although it’s good that you’re confirming it.

He needs to find a new blog host, and you need to have a backup plan, in the very unlikely event you don’t already (I’m fairly sure you do), if you are relying on another third party host that is based in the West.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
4 years ago

This day was long coming. His site won’t be the last.

Exactly. Ranging shots. Easy targets first.
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4 years ago

Anything is possible, but no one can say that Rollo ever wrote anything ever that insulated violence or celebrated violent acts, nor did Rollo ever write anything racially tinged or outright racist. That stuff hardly ever goes on in the comments either. Imo, considering the content at heartiste, he had a phenomenal run. He wasn’t smart enough to see the writing on the wall. Maybe trump can bring him back….😂 Heartiste wasn’t something that red pill advocates should want out there in light of the negativity generated by the press when they see some violent act and find out that… Read more »

4 years ago


no one can say that Rollo ever wrote anything ever that insulated violence or celebrated violent acts

Not enough lolz around for this… You should know better…

Saying “no” to a woman is a violent oppressive act…

4 years ago

I can say I’m not surprised. Over the last few months there has been a material rise in the “infiltrator” shill… always posting a number of key word “solutions”…

Hey Palma… when you coming to the US?

4 years ago

Rollo: if possible, I’d make sure you can somehow archive your posts from here to somewhere else insulated. They don’t need any excuse, really. Blax: you’re stupidly naive if you genuinely have the mindset of “if you don’t give TPTB ammo to use against you, they can’t/won’t touch you.” Just because Rollo hasn’t ever posted anything outright problematic doesn’t mean he won’t be targeted. He will be, inevitably, if he reaches beyond a certain mass. Those who control the finances of the nations, the informations, the channels through which information travels, they don’t give a fuck if they have reasonable… Read more »

4 years ago


Lol. I know you know what I’m saying.

Heartiste is finally gone, and I hope he never ever comes back. Farrakhan was deplatformed a while ago because reasons. Freedom of speech, just watch what you say?😂

Anyway, I know roissy is ‘ respected ‘( because he didn’t attack white males and only attacked the ‘ other ) so I’m in the minority in my ambivalence. It’s cool.

His ass is still gone though.

4 years ago


O.k. I’m not gonna keep opining about heartiste because my view is different and not shared, but I’m neither stupid not naive.

Sure, anybody can ‘ get it ‘. I have a lifetime of experience with tptb randomly targeting people. It’s just escalating. Welcome to the party, I saved you a seat.

My best is particularly with heartiste. Full stop. When Roosh goes I will be equally elated. As I said, fuck ‘ em.

It’s personal I guess.

Aight, nothing more from me on the subject of motherfuckers I found offensive.

4 years ago

“Hey Palma… when you coming to the US?”

Sentient X Palma.

Should be an interesting field report…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Sorry AR. You know I’m no fan of Roosh or Heartiste. Fuck ’em both.

Lol! Butthurt much? I never got banned anyplace but have decided “this place isn’t worth my time” more than once.

Stop staring at those trees labeled “Roosh” and “Heartiste”, widen out your view. There’s a forest of trees, and it’s being cut down. Tree by tree, it’s being cut down.

Facebook zeroed out Laura Loomer and Louis Farrakhan either this week or last week. I don’t care for either one of them, but I can see a hand writing on the wall.

4 years ago

Fuck the trade unionists. They were assholes anyway.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Novaseeker He needs to find a new blog host, and you need to have a backup plan, in the very unlikely event you don’t already (I’m fairly sure you do), if you are relying on another third party host that is based in the West. My crystal ball is fuzzy and cloudy. Yet I see a possible future in which various Anglosphere and European bloggers slowly migrate to hosting services in East Asian countries such as Singapore, but more so to Eastern Europe generally, some even to Russia. Because those hosts don’t care about SillyCon Valley Trigglypuff-style SJW fits. Then… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago


You’d feel the same if heartiste blamed white men for all kinds of shit, along with the chorus of commenters over the many years.

Butthurt much?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Which city is best on the Roosh tour?

Either Seattle or San Francisco. Be sure to watch your step in the latter.

Although the way things are going, probably the earlier in his tour the better, since it may all fall apart before he gets to the West coast.

4 years ago

It ain’t about ‘ butthurt ‘ else the entire Manosphere is ‘ butthurt ‘ as well.

And, he’s still gone.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Fuck the trade unionists. They were assholes anyway.

Ditto for those Minshevik bastards.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

It ain’t about ‘ butthurt ‘ else the entire Manosphere is ‘ butthurt ‘ as well.

Lol! Nah.

Because the entire Manosphere didn’t get banned by Heartiste or RooshV. Just some men.

Other men looked at, for example, RoK and said, “That’s a lot of ignorance. Not worth my time”. By the way, I said that about Just4Guys after a few months myself. Too many egos trying to AMOG each other, no learning taking place.

Lol! Butthurt much?

And, he’s still gone.

So’s Farrakhan at least in Facebook terms. See a trend forming?

4 years ago

@Youngmaster – I think @J has given you some stellar advice. @J – Great stuff. I’m downloading the Saul book. I’m feeling the stirrings of spring and need to sharpen up my game again. As for MM, I do agree with sexualizing early and often. That’s a change – he wasn’t tying to fuck a generation of girls raised on porn, lol. That’s what I think it is, not “Eat,Pray, Do Anal”. I also think this is the first generation raised as “digital natives”. They’ve come of age with texting and pix and facetime and kik and tinder etc. It… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Re: Heartiste. Like I give a fuck if those racist, real-fascist pieces of shit get to run their site on WordPress or not.

Paging George Orwell…

“Real-fascist” – lol.

4 years ago

Yes, damn those big bad racist meanies who say upsetting things that challenge your opinions and go against the grain of accepted socially controlled discourse, that automagically invalidates anything and everything else they have to say. I’m so glad the thought police came along and purged them, so long as the executioners are putting people I don’t like on the chopping block, everything is A-okay!

Jesus fuck, for real?

4 years ago

Challenge opinion??? Now that’s willful ignorance. Heartiste didn’t ” challenge opinions “. Buuutttt…. If you don’t know straight up racism when you see it, or purposely choose to be blind or act like it’s something else, that’s your choice. If he’d said white men in the northwest are all women raping, sub human criminals – you wouldn’t call that ” challenging opinions “. But whatever. Okay dumb if you’d like. No skin off my nose and that motherfucker is still shut the fuck down.😂 Done. Carry on eulogizing that sewer site. Petition WordPress to bring him back if it really… Read more »

4 years ago


“It’s personal I guess.”

Of course, that’s how that whole “Blaximus” monicker got started…

Luv ya big guy, but you share as much “in group preference” as other in groupies.

4 years ago


“But you won’t do that.”

As AR says, hard times coming for those deemed “dissenters”… They control the meaning of that term. So keep yo haid on a swivel…

Protest? Sure… Log those IPs, let the doxing begin… You know what follows that…?

4 years ago

Update everyone…Heartiste has been deplatformed. The website is down due to violation of terms and services blah blah blah you know the drill…

4 years ago

*Buuutttt…. If you don’t know straight up racism when you see it” That’s the point. Straight up racism is irrelevant to whether he’s correct about or very good at something entirely separate. I can divorce the two. You cannot. That’s the point, you’re an emotional defensive person who can’t assess an independent thought from someone who has an opinion that triggers you. If he’d said white men in the northwest are all women raping, sub human criminals – you wouldn’t call that ” challenging opinions “. If some calculus professor said that, I’d take issue with his arrival at such… Read more »

4 years ago

Call it what you will. Defend it however you like. CAll me emotional …I guess to shut me up. Equivocate until the cows come home.

Heartiste is still done. Your point is made of helium. His vanishing is about 5 years too late, but POOF!!! He’s all gone now.

I’m good with that. No further explanation necessary.😃😂 feel free to start up your own cesspool, with brilliant insights.

Trains ran on time and all that.

4 years ago

I shouldn’t be surprised at all the racist defending, but I am just a little. Just remember as you complain about women, the laws and society treating you ‘ unfairly ‘ some how that all of that shit began with ” talk “. You have no idea how it can get, and you’ll excuse bullshit as long as it ain’t happening to you directly. But this is old hat. Just remember this the next time you link to a video or articles” expressing opinions ” that degrade you as a man in some fashion. Fearing the words turning into actions.… Read more »

4 years ago

I completely agree with this, among all other, post. I recently started a weight loss and fitness program ( lost 70 lbs so far ) and if I had read and followed popular advice I would have not lost anything; or lost and gained back. The TRUTH is that becoming fit is difficult and should be. Often a complete change in lifestyle is needed ( I quit alcohol, changed diet and re-prioritized what was important to me ). However, the most popular writing on this venture makes it seem easy. Stating this truth would be a terribly unpopular notion and,… Read more »

4 years ago

@Blaximus: You have no idea how it can get, and you’ll excuse bullshit as long as it ain’t happening to you directly. Hahaha, do you have no self awareness? You don’t see how saying this made you an outright hypocrite in the span of two posts? Someone you don’t like got deplatformed and you’re fine with it because you think they’re racist, which is exactly you excusing bullshit because it isn’t happening to you directly and it’s against someone you despise. Amazing that I call you out for this yet you have the idiocy to make the above quote. Incredible.… Read more »

4 years ago

@Blax: it makes me sad that you are pretty much celebrating this kind of censorship. Reminds me of when you “threatened” to doxx YaReally.

Rollo’s stance of letting people comment without censorship is the best approach.

4 years ago

@Palma, Sentient: I hate long flights, but I’d very seriously consider visiting the U.S. to meet up with some of the commenters here. Likewise if any of you are coming to Europe at some stage (21 Con in Poland or otherwise) I’d like to try to set something up. Several of you have contributed greatly to my growth as a man.

4 years ago

“This is bad. This is really bad.

Yup, I’m not surprised though. This was the danger of conflating and interjecting “Red Pill” with alt-right politics, WN, and other racial politics instead of keeping the focus 100% on intersexual dynamics. And also what happens when the commentariat becomes overrun with lunatics and extremists

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

By the way, Amazon can do a system software update on any Kindle that is connected to the internet. Ten years ago in response to a copyright complaint, Amazon deleted illegal copies of a book from Kindles worldwide. https://betanews.com/2009/07/17/media-goes-crazy-over-amazon-deleting-1984-from-kindle-but-99-cent-ebook-was-illegal-copy/ It was George Orwell’s 1984, ironically. I’m not going down the rabbit trail from back then, I’m just pointing out that any Kindle connected to the internet, either via 802.11 WiFi or 3G cellullar link – if it’s on Whispernet, then Amazon can look inside. Kindles mount just like any other device, and the contents can be backed up onto any… Read more »

4 years ago

@Blax all well and good except…if suddenly YOU found yourself deplatformed or banned without reason.

Regardless of your politics there’s still be guys here who would defend your right to say you thing…whatever that thing is.

4 years ago

If I don’t like a site, I don’t read it.
I’m kind of wondering….why now?
Heartiste has been Heartiste for many years (a forum I don’t read, and don’t value at all).
Think the last post was about “twatter”.
Most of the older topics can be found in the cache, but not that one.

4 years ago
Reply to  anon

I’m kind of wondering….why now? Well…I think it is pretty much impossible to establish an exact reason down to the exact day, but the momentum for stuff like this has been building for awhile, and it takes just a single incident like this (which just recently occurred) to get on the radar screen of a decision maker who can make it happen: https://thinkprogress.org/no-coincidence-california-synagogue-shooter-john-earnest-posted-about-the-red-pill-movement-aa46b31c01ad/ “It’s no coincidence the synagogue shooter posted about the ‘red pill movement’ John Earnest spent time on 8chan and mentioned the ‘red pill movement.’ Misogynist and racist communities are often deeply connected. According to a 2017 Data… Read more »

4 years ago

” . . . probably not 5.25″ floppies but maybe kfg knows about that…” Some larger books won’t fit on single sided. The applianceification of computer devices can hide what they really are. I have a light bulb that has the computing power of a PII. The Kindle is the functional equivalent of a top tier, end of development PIII. It runs Linux. Amazon is root and you ain’t. The publishers own the books and you don’t. All you have is the limited right to make a copy. You own the media the copy resides on. I keep my Kindle… Read more »

4 years ago

Wala I’m all for free speech and all that. I was.banned from both heartiste and roosh. You wanna know what I did to get banned! I didn’t spam or rant and rave. I simply responded to inaccurate racist stuff posted in op’s. That’s it. I didn’t curse of type in all caps. It was a long time ago, but I think when heartiste banged me, I responded to his assertion that blacks destroy every single place where they live or something. I responded with the names of about 20 cities or so, that don’t get ” press ” that are… Read more »

4 years ago

A one line quip got me banned there. His site, it’s like going to someone’s house. No free speech in the house, you can get thrown out. When that happens…go to a different (better) place. I raise an eyebrow though, when the neighborhood watchmen start shutting down homes. A blogger once posted my e mail address publicly (in response to some Christmas card rant about Trump….I just posted cards from presidents of Christmases past to show “Merry Christmas” was a thing in the Whitehouse long, long before Trump). I had to send WordPress about 15 e mails a day for… Read more »

4 years ago

“Rollo doesn’t moderate, and anyone that isn’t a bot or.spamm is allowed to agree or disagree and make their point and engage in debate.”

It might be worth defending him.

4 years ago

First, thank you Rollo for creating this content and for explaining the ugly truths. I discovered the Red Pill after being torn down by the actions of women. Roll explained everything I was experiencing, the good and the bad. It may seem negative because we followed the playbook we were sold by society and the reality was far different. It’s interesting to see the Matrix in real-time now and seeing women behave from their own imperatives and firmware. I cycle back to the “anger” phase when I observe female actions that Rollo has explained. Is he negative? No, just explaining… Read more »

4 years ago

@Blaximus[……..It was a long time ago, but I think when heartiste banged me, I responded….]

Oh Blax I’m left speechless….;-)

4 years ago


Lol. Spellchecker uses me for its own amusement from time to time.

4 years ago

Can’t speak about RooshV forum but CH banning someone was very very rare in my experience. I can only think of one – Thwack. More likely it was moderation issues having nothing to do with content per we. Disagreement to the OP was red meat there. The moderation got progressively worse over the last three years and NO ONE had any idea if and when a comment would pop out. Moderation is what drove guys here to post FRs. You wouldn’t kbow if the post would get through or when and same for responses. I’m sure the site was under… Read more »

4 years ago

Okay we will leave at as a spell checker gremlin 🙂

4 years ago

The Sixteen Commandments Of Poon I. Never say ‘I Love You’ first II. Make her jealous III. You shall make your mission, not your woman, your priority IV. Don’t play by her rules V. Adhere to the golden ratio VI. Keep her guessing VII. Always keep two in the kitty VIII. Say you’re sorry only when absolutely necessary IX. Connect with her emotions X. Ignore her beauty XI.  Be irrationally self-confident XII.  Maximize your strengths, minimize your weaknesses XIII. Err on the side of too much boldness, rather than too little XIV. Fuck her good XV. Maintain your state control XVI.  Never be… Read more »

4 years ago

Can’t speak about RooshV forum but CH banning someone was very very rare in my experience.

How would you know it was rare?
CH wasn’t obligated to announce every time he banned someone.
Happened to me (years back) and I barely posted there at all.

4 years ago

On both sites, Roosh and heartiste, I got a message stating something like ” you are banned ” from commenting. No one I’d sent there ( ch ) was allowed to comment, I assume through moderation. I could see comments getting lost here and there, but not dozens of them . A couple of years ago, I spoke to a sizeable audience and encouraged them to go to these alt rightish sites to read what’s being said regularly and not to be ignorant of such things. Heartiste was in the list. None of the people that tried to comment there… Read more »

4 years ago

@Morpheus Chateau Heartiste actively embraced the “racist” white nationalist agenda and made itself a very easy target. I think his hyperbolic, inflammatory rhetoric also played a part. Probably, but that isn’t new. His rhetoric has always been inflammatory and hyperbolic — I mean since 2007. And it was never just about sexual dynamics. Back in the day when it was “roissyindc”, it was always a mix of PUA and other stuff … wider social commentary. That was his specific genius, together with his acerbic wit and rhetorical style. Slumlord called him “the Devil’s virtuoso” for a reason. Some of those… Read more »

4 years ago


Yup the Three Rs of the Manosphere have something in common…

Let’s hope it’s not being turned off…

Paran Roval
4 years ago

I respect the way you convey your message. I never had mentors in my life that were brutally honest with me. I wouldn’t want it any other way now. Thanks Rollo.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
4 years ago


Heartiste used you for his own amusement, huh?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Blaximus on CH If he’d said white men in the northwest are all women raping, sub human criminals – you wouldn’t call that ” challenging opinions “. Well, I’d call that “plagerizing from the NY Times, Atlantic and other mainstream media”, frankly. Blaximus I shouldn’t be surprised at all the racist defending, but I am just a little. I should’t be surprised at the defense of suppressing dissent, but I am just a little. Just remember as you complain about women, the laws and society treating you ‘ unfairly ‘ some how that all of that shit began with ”… Read more »

4 years ago

@Blax: As you may recall I’m in Europe and whether due to culture or whatever, I might even me more “left-leaning” than you are (and I’d say you are considered fairly left-leaning among the community here). I am aware that Roissy wasn’t writing at Heartiste for a while. I’m not sad about Heartiste per se, I didn’t usually read it, don’t even remember last time I did. Disclaimer: I found it hilarious several times (and that was already after the original Roissy left). But it was very abrasive and I disagreed with too much there particularly in more recent times… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Novaseeker The timing is still odd, though, because basically roissy has been the same hyperbolic, inflammatory rhetorician for over a decade. Comments have decayed, though. Last year I went digging back in time via the WordPress search tool, looking for that great, long comment by Keoni Galt. The one where he basically laid out the story of how he recovered from utter Betaization and saved his marriage. I wound up looking at comments from 5, 7 years ago. There’s no comparison to the last few years. Yeah, men got into arguments, a lot of stuff was said, but there was… Read more »

4 years ago

“I’m kind of scared to draw attention to myself by doing so.”

Then you are toast. Is it a matter of negotiation-compromise now? What else will do you avoid TPTB wrath? WordPress will never reveal their intentions until after TRM is offline.

Until then you live in fear. Or not. That’s up to you.

Apparently, covert threats are as good as overt threats. TRM hamster goes into high gear.

4 years ago

The three Rs saved my soul. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, I pray for us all.

4 years ago

Now feminists are trying to ban handshakes in the workplace because its unwanted physical contact and “creepy”. Where does this end?

For fucks sake.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
4 years ago

Now feminists are trying to ban handshakes in the workplace because its unwanted physical contact and “creepy”

A link would help, if you have one.

Of course we all know what that would be about: banning contact with Beta men.
Totally predictable.

4 years ago

Hey, can someone give me a heads up about what the beef is about Illimitable Man and The Red Pill?

I have no idea.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

@Sentient – Hey! I’m around sometimes. I don’t really have time to read the comments often but I try to read the main TRM posts at least. In the early stages of my year abroad doing full-time intense physical training in [activity] and getting hammered both physically and mentally by the coaches and training. Wanted to do it for a long time, but actually in it now. One of the hardest things I’ve ever done (certainly physically the hardest for someone whose entire life has been sedentary and staring at a screen till the age of 40, but also mentally).… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
4 years ago

As for the Heartiste thing – I think Rollo/AR/IAS have covered my views pretty well. Blax – I agree with your views about Heartiste (and Roosh, but less so – for all the unpleasant views he came across mostly as sad and pathetic looking for a reaction, especially after some of his older better content). But I only came to Heartiste after the old Roissy left and while I loved the archives, and the Game posts and I will always remember it for introducing me to the Red Pill and leading me to TRM, it slid seriously downhill in about… Read more »

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