Women’s Existential Fear

One of the primary perspectives of the Red Pill as a praxeology in understanding intersexual dynamics is evolutionary psychology. Even the ‘Classic Era‘ pickup artists referenced evo-psych, often without realizing it, in explaining various aspects of Game. Mystery Method itself was fundamentally rooted in the understanding of women’s (and men’s) evolutionary ‘circuitry’ as a basis for developing modern Game techniques. These were the first forays into women’s evolved mental firmware as a means to understanding the mating game we experience today – and how to use it to our best advantage as men.

However, that was really just the starting point. The Red Pill is much more dynamic than Game applications. As I’ve developed in other essays (and talks), the fundamentals of how the sexes relate with one another follow our biological realities, but also the environmental and social realities of our ancestral past. We’re still using the same circuitry in this era that our ancestors did in the past, only the context has changed. Today I want to explore the influences the legacy of this ancestry places on men and women, and also attempt to answer some questions as to why men and women fear certain aspects of the other’s evolved nature.

In my last article I made a distinction between our ancestral, localized, sexual marketplace versus the globalized SMP we find ourselves in today. This is a good starting point. In our hunter-gatherer beginnings our potential mates either came from within our tribal groups, or, when our tribe managed to overwhelm another tribe, we took war brides to breed with. This is what defined our localized SMP in the past. In fact I’d argue that a deficit in ‘marriageable’ females from within a local tribe was actually a prime motivator for going to war with an outside tribe. This is an important distinction because a lot of those same motivational dynamics are reflected today’s global SMP, and how modern intersexual dynamics have evolved.

A Need for Control

A lot of the need for social control we see coming from women and feminism today is part of an ancestral, evolved desire on the part of women to seek security in a chaotic world. Ever since the advent of unilaterally female-controlled contraception, the Sexual Revolution, and the rise of the Gynocracy, an unprecedented power over the birthing process of the human race has been transferred to only one of the two sexes necessary to perpetuate our species.

“Abortion is Eugenics” (or dysgenics) is a saying I’ve been seeing on Twitter recently. Since the Sexual Revolution we’ve not just ’empowered’ women, but men have systematically ceded any claim to our own paternity while at the same time presumed that women should, by default, be trusted with knowing what’s best for the human birthing process and raising new generations. But it’s not just abortion that is eugenics, it’s also Hypergamy and the dozens of other aspects of intersexual dynamics that western societies just presumes women should know best how to proceed with. We took the women of the Baby Boom generation at their collective word that they’d be more merciful rulers than men if we just gave them the option to be sexual with us. We foolishly believed women would police the worst aspects of their own sexual strategy after we willingly ceded power in exchange for sexual access.

Last month a reader sent me a link to a story about how Ireland had just ceded more of its own authority over their country’s reproductive fate to women by legalizing abortion. The very Catholic island of Celts has made Hypergamy its ruling motive after many years of feminist pressure. Irish women celebrated the decision to allow them to kill their unwanted children. In fact many Catholic countries all over South America are in various stages of legalizing abortion. But the sentiment about abortion in this decade is no longer one of it being a necessary evil as it was in the time of Roe vs. Wade. Today it’s cause for overt celebration among women and men alike.

Before I get run up the flagpole by critics here, my opposition to abortion does not (primarily) stem from moral reasons, it stems from objectively following the power dynamics involved and the latent purpose for abortion. Abortion is eugenics; it is the ceding of any claim to influencing paternity that men may have had for the past 100,000 years of human evolution.

So, why will women fight tooth and nail for the ‘right’ to free and safe abortion over the course of multiple generations? Why is the right to end her (and the father’s) child’s life in utero such an imperative for women?

Ask women and the feminist boilerplate answer is always “My body, my choice!“, but why is it so important to cut men entirely out of the reproductive process? What is the motivation for legally disenfranchising men from even 1% of a say in a child that is at least half his genetic legacy? This is also one of the greatest of offenses to women; that a man might have some control over women’s bodies. “Hands off my uterus!” that too is another rallying cry, but why is it such an abhorrent thought that men might have some influence in who gets born and who doesn’t?

Existential Fears & The Hypergamous Filter

There are certain fears that human beings are born with. Our evolved mental firmware is highly attuned to our own survival. That may seem simple, but we’re born with certain instinctual reservations about our environments. Snakes, spider, animals with sharp pointy natural weapons are critters we don’t have to be taught to stay away from. That fear, that caution, is part of our onboard system when we leave the womb. The same is generally true of heights and tight confined places. We also have a very defined natural instinct for revulsion. There’s actually an entire area of evo-psych study devoted to the human revulsion response. Part of our innate firmware makes us disgusted by feces, dead carcasses and putrefaction. If it’s unsanitary and might make us sick or diseased ourselves we’re repelled by it – unless we’re conditioned not to be.

The above are some pretty basic existential fears most people have. We have evolved inbuilt firmware that does its best to keep us alive, but there are other, more complex fears and accompanying revulsions that look out for our wellbeing too. The one I want to focus on here is what the Red Pill refers to as the Hypergamous Filter. That’s kind of a loose way of saying women have innate revulsions and distrusts of men who would otherwise like nothing better than the experience of having sex with them.

From our ancestral past right up until the Sexual Revolution in the mid-1960s a woman having sex was fraught with dangerous consequences. For about 100,000 years evolution wrote a breeding subroutine into the hindbrains of every human female – always doubt a man’s quality.

The Hypergamous Filter has many ways of determining quality. Last week I mentioned that women universally use a man’s height as a physical qualification for arousal/attraction. That’s one obvious criteria; check the height box, move on. I have mentioned in other essays that Hypergamy is always based on doubt – doubt that a man is the best she can do – but also the doubt as to whether that guy will stick around and stay committed to parental investment.

This Hypergamous doubt is an existential fear for women.

“What if he’s faking it?”
“What if he really isn’t who he claims to be?”
“Will he stick around after sex?”
“What if I get pregnant with his child?”

These questions, these doubts, do not stem from a woman’s Rational Interpretive Process, they are deeply rooted in her Instinctual Process.

These questions are asked beneath a woman’s cognition, and as such they comprise part of an unconscious Hypergamous filtering process that is linked to both the revulsion instinct and genuine sexual desire. This is a risk aversion instinct that has very real, life-threatening, implications to it. This is a self-preservation skepticism on the limbic level and it is the primary existential fear a woman has. And women will do anything to alleviate it. Women will do anything to ensure they have failsafes against the life-threatening consequences of having that Hypergamous filter deceived.

Why is there a ceaseless effort to criminalize PUAs approaching women on the street? Because it implies a deception of a Beta male impersonating an Alpha male for the purposes of sex. This is a crime against the Existential Fear.

The Existential Fear in women is that their innate Hypergamous Filter, their Feminine Intuition, might be fooled, and by being fooled she may either die or have her reproductive potential compromised for her lifetime by bearing and raising the child of man who is a suboptimal Hypergamous choice for her – a man who exerted his will over her Hypergamous choosing filters.

In our ancestral past, pregnancy, and/or parental investment, could be a death sentence if a woman’s Hypergamous Filter wasn’t supremely sensitive and obsessively refined. The Hypergamous Filter also evolved as a contingency against men’s biological imperative – unlimited access to unlimited sexuality.

That’s not to say pair bonding wasn’t a feature of our ancestral past, it was also a foundational aspect of mating, but it is to say that a man’s investment cost was much lower than a woman’s when it came to reproduction. That’s simple biology defining a sexual strategy for men. Pair bonding would usually last as long as it took for that child to reach survival autonomy (4-7 years). And that’s not accounting for men’s proclivity to seek extra-pair mating opportunities while pair bonded. I’ll explore this in the next essay.

Fast Times in the 21st Century

Now lets fast forward the Existential Fear and the Hypergamous Filter up to the last 60 years or so. One of the most socially destabilizing inventions of the 20th century was affording women the option to invest herself, or not, in the choices she made about her own sexuality. Unilaterally female-controlled birth control was effectively the greatest Hypergamous failsafe ever invented. It released women from the responsibility of a bad Hypergamous decision. But what it didn’t do is erase that filtering process from women’s psyches. We take it for granted, but HBC (hormonal birth control) unfettered Hypergamy for the first time in human history. And as a result men ceded more and more of their paternal interests in the human reproductive process over to women in exchange for the promise of pregnancy-free sexual access. Ostensibly, unlimited access to unlimited sexuality. Needless to say this also exacerbated women’s sexual strategy to tactically filter out unwanted males and emphasize sex with chosen males.

But the greatest sexual bargain of the 20th-21st century catastrophically backfired on men because, for all the boons of HBC, it couldn’t rewrite 100,000 years of evolved Hypergamy. And, if anything, it exacerbated women’s desire for failsafe’s against the Existential Fear of having her Hypergamous Filter fooled by deceptive men.

The social and political power men ceded to women in the wake of the Sexual Revolution has been used for one unitary purpose by women – to ensure against the Existential Fear. Why is abortion now something to be celebrated rather than mournfully accepted as necessary evil of this century? Because it alleviates the Existential Fear of bearing and raising the product of a bad Hypergamous choice.

Why did no fault divorce morph into the misandrous divorce industry we have today? It alleviates the Existential Fear. A one-sided divorce industry ensures security, support and resources that would’ve otherwise been her undoing in times before the pill. Why are the stigmas of single motherhood that existed just 60 years ago now replaced with rewarding women for their choice to become single mothers? It alleviates the Existential Fear.

When women were afforded unprecedented power and influence their first order of business was directed at changing laws to alleviate the Existential Fear. Virtually every social change, every political change, every egoistic “you go gurl” self-entitlement since the Sexual Revolution that women have initiated has had one latent purpose – alleviating the Existential Fear.

And finally, why is it that Red Pill awareness, practicing Game, a united Manosphere, and yes, even MGTOW, are perceived as an existential threat to the Feminine Imperative?

Because it all threatens to upset the security that women believe they’re entitled to in creating failsafes for women’s Existential Fear. Exposing the machinations of the Blue Pill and teaching men to unplug from a system that makes them a utility in a female-correct social order is an intolerable threat to women’s security from the Existential Fear, but it is also a new challenge the power base that security is built upon.

This is part one of a blog series.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Not Born This Morning
Not Born This Morning
5 years ago

@Blax “Pro tip : avoid myopic concentration in order to gain a more accurate picture of history as a whole.” “Pro”? What is “Pro”? What authority defines “Pro”? Myopic? “Accurate” how is this achieved without concentration, focus on details, on “dots”. At what point on the continuum, or circle, of myopic focus and whole awareness are we “supposed” to set up our observations? Is the whole not a sum of parts? Does focus on one part necessitate or manifest ignorance of the whole? Does the examination of one detail by default exclude admission of the whole? Who defines what history… Read more »

5 years ago
5 years ago




Easy now….easy now…..back away from the keyboard and ProTip: Double up your Abilify.

5 years ago


My point stands.

5 years ago

@Eh: Thanks for asking (really), but I try to stay as anonymus as possible on sites like this. And anyway, my story is not a success story yet, but it will be hopefully.

In short I focus on living healthier (yes, I lift!), and picking up new skills (with women, with work, with life…)

I count those days success which I spend with work, learning, doing sport, healthy socializing, or sex. The days I’ve spent in front of a videogame or the TV are considered a failure. Not all day a success, but I’m getting there.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
5 years ago

Wait, I just got to the right chapter. We aren’t dying because we’re jealous cunts. We’re dying because we don’t live by the values that keep a civilization together. We gave up on meaning and purpose.

5 years ago

Sent here from Rollo’s Twitter feed:

“So, be like . . .”

. . . Steve, who threw his saddlebags, bedroll, fly rod and squirrel rifle onto the back of his bike, rode off into the mountains and lived happily ever after.

5 years ago

“The slope of the sides is the angle of repose and the bases are all evenly divisible by pi. It isn’t hard though to show how this could happen with no deep knowledge of either. I could set a two year old to measuring precise x*pi distances, with x limited only by how high the two year old could count integers.” But could a 2-year-old create an 8-sided pyramid that looks like 4- sides unless your airborne and is only visible to the eye at dawn and dusk on the spring and autumn equinoxes? Not to mention the precision cutting… Read more »

5 years ago

@SJF I see from your posts above that you are an insulin-dependent diabetic. This brings to mind an important consideration that I haven’t seen addressed in the manosphere – specifically how the presence of a chronic health condition in a man can effect a woman’s hypergamous screening of them, as well as her ontological insecurities and existential fears as Rollo has described. Having type 1 juvenile diabetes myself, I have experienced the interplay between overt management of one’s health condition and a woman’s hypergamous doubt automatically kicking into overdrive. When one need’s to actively manage a health condition during an… Read more »

5 years ago

“I find it amazing that the Giza pyramids stood the test of time and are still standing.”

They are certainly evidence that the Egyptians nearly 5000 years ago were very skilled at cutting, transporting and stacking up stones, as well as at observing the skies.

We are closer in time to Cleopatra than she was to the building of the pyramids, by hundreds of years. As the old saying goes, “Man fears time. Time fears the pyramids.”

5 years ago

Elysium Very nice to hear from you. You raise good points and it is tied into the original post here on hypergamous doubt and women’s existential fear. “How does one approach the fine art of managing a chronic health condition while preventing the very possession and recognition of said condition from tripping a woman’s hypergamous filters and initiating an unholy shit-test array?” Just take it out of the equation. Be Like a Boss. (Not boss her, just be expert and masterful and handle your shit.) As a Type I, the trick is to not have yourself live in instinctual fear.… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Given women’s solipsism, selfishness, powers of ratinonalization, etc. any society that gets a real resource glut going will either hand it all to women with the results we see, or will put hard limits on “stuff” that any given family can control, thereby keeping women as a group more in line. That science fiction scenario would not be any kind of democracy for a start, not in the modern sense. Maybe sorta kinda in an ancient Greek sense. Or maybe Heinlein had an idea in Beyond This Horizon (“An armed society is a polite society”) that he didn’t fully flesh… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago


5 years ago

Lol. Broadcast News, red pill awareness and the curse of the smart guy (H/T to Rian Stone…), and Rollo’s twitter feed.


M Simon
5 years ago

Is the whole not a sum of parts?

Well. No. When you have enough parts you get “emergent behavior” not predicted by summing parts. At least not in advance. And then you have the problem of multi dimensional sums. We only know how to sum in a few dimensions.

And then their is our friend Heisenberg. And the corresponding cat problem.

M Simon
5 years ago

Every civilization declines because it runs out of easy stuff to exploit. When empires are no longer profitable they cease to exist.

The Collapse of Complex Societies by Joseph Tainter – pdf. The good stuff starts in Chapter 4.

https://youtu.be/GzuviYRse3E – about 3 minutes

5 years ago

SJF Thanks for sharing your experience & insight. What you say about instinctual fear and the amplified emotions that exist in a state of metabolic dysregulation are spot on. I’ve spent a lot of time considering the relationship between emotion and metabolism & how best to gain mastery over it in the face of unpredictable glucose swings. Hypos in particular seem to stir up a powerful and instinctual apprehension and urgency. Very discomfiting and makes the maintenance of frame and perceptions of mastery a more complicated process. What are your thoughts about the cost-benefit analysis of maintaining relatively low glycohemoglobin… Read more »

5 years ago

“What are your thoughts about the cost-benefit analysis of maintaining relatively low glycohemoglobin concentrations with the greater likelihood of experiencing severe hypoglycemic symptoms?” Speak of the devil. (It’s 3:30 AM.) The verbal loud alarm just went off and I’m @ 44 mg/dl after super hard weightlifting this last afternoon. The best benefit is best to go flat-line or sideways with the blood sugar at an average of 135 or in range of 80- 180 rather than a roller coaster with super lows. This dictates not being a martyr to trying to stay super low. I’ve been there, done that. Better… Read more »

5 years ago

“I’ve spent a lot of time considering the relationship between emotion and metabolism & how best to gain mastery over it in the face of unpredictable glucose swings. Hypos in particular seem to stir up a powerful and instinctual apprehension and urgency. Very discomfiting and makes the maintenance of frame and perceptions of mastery a more complicated process.” Oh, my gods. You are taking me back 25 years ago to the genesis of my problem going on vacations with my wife, that I recently spoke of being inexpert at. Not a leader at all. Back in the day, we only… Read more »

5 years ago

“Existential fear” is meta distillation at its finest.
Easily shot to my top 5 of TRM.

Standing ovation. With so many fine articles, this might just be your

5 years ago

A mom’s takedown of Aunt Becky the cheater…


Check it out now as the narrative shift is about to take place, “mom’s had to do it because patriarchy”.

5 years ago

In other news…

Robert Francis “Beta” O’Rourke steps to the batter’s box…

Will cat ladies swoon over the good looking boy they never had or stay on the GoGrrrrl train?

5 years ago

SJF, Fantastic post👏
And yes, occasional feedback from Unkle Rollo would be great. “Steer the ship aright”. Agreed.

As RP becomes more popular, there will be more crab buckets in the comments section, Vichy males, women and the like.
I despise male infighting. When it happens in RP comment sections, I always get a mental picture of a male feminist reeing.
As men, we need to pick each other up, not tear down. Solidarity is our strength.
RMG sets a gold standard for guys who can agree to disagree and rib each other without being contentious.

5 years ago

Of the various circumstances a diabetic may find themselves in, that is one where fundamental humanity dictates compassion, especially from one’s SO. SJF has you well covered here, but just to re-emphasize — compassion is not what to expect here. Especially from one’s female SO. Your weakness is a threat to her — a real, visceral, wrenching, involuntary threat to her. She may not even like that she feels threatened by it, and she may be irritated at herself that she does, but she still does. The key to her not feeling threatened by your weakness is you not showing… Read more »

5 years ago

Lol. I’ve never watched even 1 episode of Full House, so I only know who Lori Laughlin is in a cursory way. The article is funny because the description of ” moms ” doing all manner of Herculean tasks while holding down a job is anachronistic for today. It’s a rare woman that is capable of multitasking in the manner laid out by the author. The idea is that all women should be automatically and unquestionably given credit for the actions of the few and far between. No mention of the father as master provider while all of the ”… Read more »

5 years ago

“Red Mand Group sets a gold standard for guys who can agree to disagree and rib each other without being contentious.”

Yes, a collaborative alliance in Red Pill, rather than a collusive alliance.

Well said Novaseeker. Thanks. I can’t articulate that well. But that is the feeling I always had operating in the last 28 years in regards to what I show my wife. Exactly.

5 years ago


I despise male infighting. When it happens in RP comment sections, I always get a mental picture of a male feminist reeing.
As men, we need to pick each other up, not tear down. Solidarity is our strength.

Well you can’t change biology. There is ‘infighting” in your words, or competition in other words UNTIL a hierarchy is established. and then in due course THAT hierarchy is challenged.

Don’t be so soft…

5 years ago


I’ll bring the tea, you bring the crumpets.

5 years ago


I suspect her defense will amount to this
comment image

5 years ago


And please use inside voices… lol

5 years ago

Eugenics – the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. Developed largely by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, it fell into disfavor only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis. Dysgenic – exerting a detrimental effect on later generations through the inheritance of undesirable characteristics. Abortion could be one or the other, depending on who is getting aborted. Would be great to see data on the relative genetic fitness of the fathers and whether lower fitness men have their fetuses aborted more. Given… Read more »

5 years ago

My statement will not pass.

5 years ago

@Elysium Keep in mind that girls pursuing medicine rather than nursing are a tough nut to crack. Ask me how I know women physicians (professionally). I’m not making a judgement about your girl. Except that she might be in character. There was a content provider on ROKs a while ago. My buddy and I get to chuckling about his game and writing skills. A commercial airline pilot by trade. Natural alpha by birth. Reveler by manosphere. I’m not a big fan of women doctors, especially on the light side of medicine. ‘Cause solipsism. In my experience they are more interested… Read more »

5 years ago

@ Novaseeker & SJF Your comments certainly reflect my experience with this. My approach to it is a little more aggressive in the sense that I don’t accept BS from women who don’t display compassion when low blood sugar becomes an issue. When this sort of thing arises I always pull back and they generally chase & this repeats until it gets old. As a single guy this isn’t a big deal as long as I’m not overly bonded to the woman in question. I can understand it being much more high-stakes with MRP game. With some women it appears… Read more »

5 years ago

The female nursing/MD differential is one I have also seen in action and agree with you absolutely. Nurses have their own dynamics but LBS is never an issue. Yes the doctors, particularly would-be’s, are in it to win it and have no time for our pathetic LBS… which means we have no time for their BS. Again really tough from a MRP perspective, would like to hear some more anecdotes on your experiences. Great to hear from you

5 years ago

I’m not so sure hypergamy is fear-based, as Rollo describes. The hypergamy I observe up close and personal seems more about short term fun and an inability to delay gratification. They don’t even understand what greater cause they might serve anymore cuz we’ve destroyed all traditional values that might have put restraints upon them and also asked more restraint from them personally. Particularly for those pre-wall. Not only more personal restraint, also more appreciation for the philosophical nuances of evolutionary theory. When women choose to abort because of existential fear relating to the fitness of their mate’s genes, they are… Read more »

5 years ago

“The women I fuck seem to really enjoy getting high value sperm…”

Scrib’s crusty bedside gym sock or atop the arse of his most recent HB9+++ bang, either way, they ain’t “getting” no high quality sperm.

Scrib mostly enjoys homosexual sex with himself.

Fruitcake with nuts.

5 years ago

“T1diabetes isn’t a defect but an anachronistic adaptation to extremely cold-weather climates and paleolithic dietary norms, which for the modern ethos of sedentarism in the land of milk and honey causes issues. ”

Word! Since my prehensile tail fell off I’ve had to climb trees with a ladder. It doesn’t get caught in the door behind be neither anymore too.

Darwin rocks!

5 years ago

Can some of y’all genetics experts define this ” fitness ” that keeps getting referred to? Have you been out and seen actual people mulling around these days? So please, expand on this vague descriptor. Let’s put much of this pseudo intellectual buffering to bed. Time for a nap. Women are not complicated, nor are they all scientists studying DNA and gene expression. Stop with this silly shit already.😂 It’s very basic. It’s very simple. Put the sliderules and beakers away, and get out of the 1800’s. Maybe a good bloodletting will help? ” fitness ” is individual at it’s… Read more »

5 years ago

“Have you been out and seen actual people mulling around these days?”

Word! Have you been to your local labor and delivery ward lately? Hooboy! You ain’t gotta be sexy to fuck.

5 years ago

Eh Maaannn, I have yet to see an example of a tall, handsome eugenics promoter.😁 that’s highly suspect right there. Men/people are.fucking, and some have children. Pushing the notion that all men shouldn’t ever settle for a non supermodel is very bad advice. Sometimes a woman just will not fuck you. I’ve had a few barely sexy 5’s outright reject any advance multiple times. It happens because sometimes sexual chemistry just isn’t there. It’s not genetic. Funny, but not genetic. There is no ” beautiful people ” thing in reality, and guys should be wary of following others ideas and… Read more »

5 years ago

Re: Eh and Blax doing their best to put me in my place, lol. @Blax – Genetic fitness is the reproductive success of a genotype, usually measured as the number of offspring produced by an individual that survive to reproductive age relative to the average for the population. Women seek to optimize their choices via signals they perceive which indicate higher genetic fitness. Aspects of physical appearance are part of it. SJF does a nice job here of actually explicating how his fundamental unfitness as a type 1 diabetic is a huge signal to women and a “turnoff”. But hey,… Read more »

5 years ago

How’d you get fired again ?

Jesus Christ, what’s this, the 10th time? 12th?

Where does one go after ” gaggle “???

5 years ago

For posterity again, cats are not dogs. She’s not doing things they way you think she’s doing them. That’s a miscalculation of dog-think. How do you bang endless lines in hb8-9’s and haven’t figured any of this out?

5 years ago

Re: ” put you in your place “, 😂 stop flattering yourself Glenn. You are extremely adept at putting yourself in your place. Re: time spent commenting. I do.what I want. I can comment sitting at my desk while doing multiple other things. I happen to get paid to be online much of the day. I like trm. No brainer. At my age ( and you’re ) I’m not a cog in a machine. Too old for that. A perk of being good at what I do, and not having a dozen jobs on my resume and having to constantly… Read more »

5 years ago

“doing their best to put me in my place….”

ScribblerG grinds himself to paste. He tortures definitions to fit shoddy upstream philosophy. “I’m killing it” in hundreds and hundreds of words said only by those looking for external validation.

I can bear skimming his comments for the sake of his impending impact.

Go fuck yourselves? Said only by frustrated masochists.

5 years ago

“unfortunately I will probably be in a maternity ward in a couple of months ”

@ Blax

Why is that unfortunate?

5 years ago

trigger warning: dickish joke It happens because sometimes sexual chemistry just isn’t there. It’s not genetic. …and that leeeaves…training! Lol, chemistry or lack thereof may in fact be due in part to genetics (think “smell”, as in “smell due to some physiological quirk”). Kind of like why some foods make us nauseous. Scribbs’ vitriol has dropped off somewhat, which is a good thing because it shows that he is making progress against those toxic programs from his childhood that were planted in his mind. idgaf about any dominance games between scribs and the peanut gallery <==== Jesus Christ, what’s this,… Read more »

5 years ago

One more thing about ScribblerG.

He’s an excellent example of manosphere virtue signaling. Blax alluded to it…ScribblerG exotifies things beyond their usefulness then claims masculine enlightenment. For example, guns have usefulness the least of which is preening about them here.

There’s nothing wrong with having preferences and I would never deny somebody the joy from their particular chosen diversion. When the diversion becomes a source of pride it’s just a matter of time before it’s real value becomes clear and lamentably so.

Owning shit does not make a person worthwhile. Hell, my kids understood that in grade school.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Anything advocating a return to the past should be met with skepticism. The past led us to where we are today. Why would we want to recreate the past and have the present become our future? An unwanted pregnancy is exactly that, unwanted. Why should a woman give birth to such a child? Ireland was long overdue legislative change. Irish women would fly over to England to have abortions. Everyone was aware of the practice, but most turned a blind eye to it. All Ireland did was remove the hypocrisy and allow women to stay in Ireland and have the… Read more »

5 years ago

Penis inside vagina can result in pregnancy. There shouldn’t be such a thing as ” children he didn’t intend to have “. Irresponsible. Doesn’t basic biology cover this? Sperm meets egg?

…. 2 to tango. Men shouldn’t be as irresponsible as a woman.can be, the cry foul.

Know.quite a few guys that were ” saddled ” with kids they didn’t want. Zfg. As furio in the sopranos once famously said, ” no bitcha to me “. I have 2 kids, no surprises. It wasn’t difficult.

5 years ago

Sentient bjtucker “I despise male infighting. When it happens in RP comment sections, I always get a mental picture of a male feminist reeing. As men, we need to pick each other up, not tear down. Solidarity is our strength.” Well you can’t change biology. There is ‘infighting” in your words, or competition in other words UNTIL a hierarchy is established. and then in due course THAT hierarchy is challenged. Excellent comment Sentient. I fully subscribe to male tribal bantering in a hierarchical fashion. I like arguing, judging and being judged. In order to establish that meritocracy/hierarchy in a tribe.… Read more »

5 years ago

@Elysium T1diabetes isn’t a defect but an anachronistic adaptation to extremely cold-weather climates and paleolithic dietary norms, which for the modern ethos of sedentarism in the land of milk and honey causes issues. With the advent of insulin diabetes has become more akin to driving Stick vs. Automatic. Certainly not like driving a defective car. In fact being diabetic is in many ways advantageous since it forces one to become intimately attuned to their metabolic realities, as per diabetic burden of performance. This doesn’t make us martyrs, maybe more like mutants. When you take a sober look at modern diabetics… Read more »

5 years ago

Anything advocating a return to the past should be met with skepticism.

Yeah, because the situation now is soooo wonderful. So, you make a wrong turn and don’t retrace your path to get on the right path? What kind of sense is that?

An unwanted pregnancy is exactly that, unwanted.

Yeah, because your wants are of utmost importance, you Entitled Princess ™. I’ll stick with justice.

Maybe I don’t want you around, so, by your logic, I have the right to wack you. Don’t be stupid.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

You see, the new crop of trainers and training being done is driven by the shooting tactics military folks learned and developed fighting in the Afghanistan and Iraq era.

A little learning is a dangerous thing — Alexander Pope

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Blaximus Penis inside vagina can result in pregnancy. There shouldn’t be such a thing as ” children he didn’t intend to have “. Irresponsible. Doesn’t basic biology cover this? Sperm meets egg? Lol. You getting old, soft in the head? C’mon. Why does the NBA tell players “Always wrap it up, and always flush the condom yourself, eh? Sperm inside vagina can result in pregnancy. Doesn’t have to be put there by a penis. A girlish finger will do the job, too. Some other man’s penis will do the job as well…as we all know. Have some ginko and vinpocetin,… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Anything advocating a return to the past should be met with skepticism.

Where does Rollo do that? Point to the exact text in the essay. Should be easy-peasey for you … if it is there.

5 years ago

“Where does Rollo do that?”

He doesn’t.

Ollie, what is your agenda? What would you like to see different? And differently said?

I’ma skeptic of what you are searching for.

Taking a child away from a man and flushing that person down the drain because unilateral no reason given (hind-brain has it for the win) choice?

5 years ago

The overwhelming majority of men aren’t professional athletes being trapped by women. Brain circulating just fine, thanks.😁 Men do stupid shit because horny/dick hard/ dumbasses. I was cautioned from a very young age, even before I’d had sex, by men. The continuous message was ” don’t knock any random female up “. I never played in the NBA, but I was told to wrap it up. So yeah, color me anachronistic…again. But I’ve witnessed the change in attitudes first hand, and the fuckery that followed. Right here in this very site, I’ve read men revelling in intervaginal ejaculation like it’s… Read more »

5 years ago

Oh, and the other thing I was taught was that ” children don’t ask to be here “. It’s rather fucked up to have kids without self examination as to whether you or ” her ” are up to task. Every really messed up kid I ever knew had parents that should have never had kids. This was the whole point of my endless roundabout with Yareally when he wanted to figure out how to have kids and still run wild in the club banging chicks. It’s easier to just stay single and without child – ” mommy where’s daddy?… Read more »

5 years ago

“An unwanted pregnancy is exactly that, unwanted.”

By whom?

Look, you idiot. Life is about two things and only these two: creation and personal limitlessness. Foil either or both is no big deal to me. I throw you on the mounting shitheap of inconsequence, the same heap ScribblerG prefers to crow atop.

Again you do you. The law yet stands.

Buffer on Ollie…

5 years ago

@All – Note that none of the self-anointed “leaders” of this comment section actually took on what I said in my comment about me not seeing female hypergamy as fear-based. Zero engagement with my actual critique, which was substantive and well-formed. Gosh, I thought the purpose of commenting on a post was analysis and dialog about the ideas presented. But nope, apparently this is a fucking coffee klatch. Note how meager the participation is, you guys are destroying the dialog here with your LARPing. @Eh – Why are you so angry at me? Why do I trigger you so hard?… Read more »

5 years ago

Good Morning.

ExCartoonist is cool in my book with a lot of potential and good intent.

ScribblerG has had his day and now is static within his crab pot of one. ScribblerG posting as a pressured-speech metaphor of purposelessness….well….gives him purpose.

Clever how he decieves himself. Just watch and be amazed…..

5 years ago

” Zero engagement with my actual critique” For someone who appears to be quite intelligent that comment comes off as really stupid. Dude, for nearly three years I’ve found your comments interesting and read most of them, but you’re coming off as a total dick and everybody is laughing at you. You just haven’t realized it yet. Being an asshole is fine at times, same with the AMOG thing. It’s your default mode and you are stuck with a broken switch. What you utterly fail to realize is that your delivery is absolutely fucking shit. A lot of guys aren’t… Read more »

5 years ago

When I think I’ve seen Peak Soy, whoomp! der it is….

Fresh obvi. Bearded soy latte dude gets out of the passenger side of the car, walks around to the drivers side to let out his little troglodyte 4×4 dimensioned girl.

Lol. She just sat there and waited for him…

It Will take four hours of lax Today to erase this menory… smh

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago


Fresh obvi. Bearded soy latte dude gets out of the passenger side of the car, walks around to the drivers side to let out his little troglodyte 4×4 dimensioned girl.

It’s her car, so she drives. He’s a “gentleman”, not like those retarded Chads, so of course “let me help you with that door, m’lady”. It all makes sense in the 20-something soyworld-bubble.

We have not reached peak feminism.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

At some future date something will change and he won’t be enough for her hypergamy anymore. She’ll still be driving. He’ll still be clueless.

5 years ago

@SJF “Taking a child away from a man and flushing that person down the drain” A fetus is not a child and a man isn’t carrying a potential baby to term with all the inherent risks associated with the undertaking. My agenda in as far as I have one would be aligned with most, in preventing the dilution of the red pill. Although I would also see the message and any topics arising from it, strengthened. Strengthened to the point of unassailability. I don’t want the likes of me being able to come along and poke holes in a thesis.… Read more »

5 years ago

Slightly off topic…
Dawn Wall – the movie just released on Netflix. More crack for retired climbers…
Interesting back-story about Tom Caldwell, the main climber. Had a fairy-tail relationship with a climber girl of his dreams. Traveled the world with her in various climbing and other adventures. Married her. Built a house in the valley. She promptly branch-swings eight years later.
Wonder what happened there. Wonder how oblivious he was about RP (answer: totally)

Much respect for him as a climber…
comment image

5 years ago

From the Heavens, it’s babies, all the way down.

5 years ago

Been thinking about Rollo’s post and wondering whether women’s existential fear goes even deeper than he suggests. Years ago, when I was still married, I had a dream in which our infant son was killed in an accident. I woke up to a little boy very much alive (and still is!) but I was brooding on it for a while. The dream brought up huge fears and I wanted to know what it was telling me about myself. I had no intention of sharing this process with my then-wife, but she sensed something was going on and she kept wanting… Read more »

5 years ago

“The dream brought up huge fears . . .” The huge fears brought up the dream. The dream made it so that you couldn’t turn your head away from them and pretend they weren’t there. What your wife wanted was that you hadn’t had the dream, that you “just got” that your life was your son’s bond, your very existence the promise covertly. What she was upset about was having to ask you to make the promise overtly, that the thought to do so should even have had to cross her mind. There was a time when even men might… Read more »

5 years ago

Ollie says: A fetus is not a child and a man isn’t carrying a potential baby to term….

Ok. Why stop at the fetus is not a child? A newborn isn’t much more a person than a fetus.

The deal with your erred logic is you torture the word fetus into something that makes it easier to kill. Get your grammar down before logic.

Tiergartenstrasse 4. Google it. These dudes had the same logic.

5 years ago

Ex-Cartoonist Do you understand this continual paradigm talked about dogs are different than cats? Men are logical and speak to other men with straight-forward logical discussion. Females are emotional and use their feelings to gauge the discussion. Existential fear drives their behavior. Your comment brought up a recent passage I was reading in BluePillProfessor’s book and is related to the dialogue with Elysium: It has to do with MRP and generation of attraction triggers in an increasingly difficult to do milieu which is modern society. The ten of which is: Get in shape Be more confident Provide physical protection Be… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

excartoonist has the best comment of the day: Eventually, she challenged me with “Do you respect me so little that you think I can’t handle it?” which pissed me off, so I told her. Shit test – failed. Because you were brainwashed with that equalism-equalist Feminist cowshit that “women and men are just alike except women can haz baybees”, so you took her at her word and figured she could handle it like a man. Been there, done that, taken the shit. Because when you finally tell a woman something she doesn’t really need to hear, there’s that moment when… Read more »

5 years ago

@ kfg

I agree with your statement that unconscious fears would have brought up the dream. That’s often how it works. But I’m not sure what you mean by “…that your life was your son’s bond, your very existence the promise covertly”.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Blaximus The overwhelming majority of men aren’t professional athletes being trapped by women. So what? You wrote a dumb thing, contradicted by basic biology. Deal with it. Brain circulating just fine, thanks.😁 Fact not necessarily in evidence. This rabbit trail, for example. Men do stupid shit because horny/dick hard/ dumbasses. Yeah. So? I was cautioned from a very young age, even before I’d had sex, by men. The continuous message was ” don’t knock any random female up “. I never played in the NBA, but I was told to wrap it up. So yeah, color me anachronistic…again. And if… Read more »

5 years ago

“The huge fears brought up the dream. The dream made it so that you couldn’t turn your head away from them and pretend they weren’t there.” This is a huge concept, and praxeologically helpful in Red Pill. Blue pill is the avoidance of fears via buffers, red pill embraces what is really going on here. At times in my Red Pill Reconstruction, I embraced my dreams. And often had night sweats embracing those REM sleep dreams. To get it all out in the fucking open. Last year, I was seeing a functional medicine doctor in an optimization therapy program. He… Read more »

5 years ago


From your wife’s perspective of how you should simply “be,” and thus make her feel:

Wrong: I have doubts that I can protect my son from all harm. Nay, more than that, I know that it is, in fact, impossible to protect my son from all harm. I can prove it to you if I have to. This makes me afraid.

Right: You have threatened the life of my child. I will find you, and I will kill you.

5 years ago
Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Blaximus Oh, and the other thing I was taught was that ” children don’t ask to be here “. It’s rather fucked up to have kids without self examination as to whether you or ” her ” are up to task. Hard to believe there are things in the world I’ve seen that you haven’t. But… When girls get baby-rabies, they will get pregnant. Single or married. They’ll find a way to get sperm that is “alpha enough” onto their cervix. I’ve seen unmarried women go out and get a “sperm donor” to knock them up, never marry, have only… Read more »

5 years ago

@ SJF That is a defeatist mindset. Every time you stand upon it as though you have accepted some kind of grim but absolute reality you are reinforcing it for yourself. Your logs on the fire metaphor is apt in terms of management, but does that make the fire defective? Someone engaging that method must go out, axe the trees, chop the wood, collect the piles, and manage the flame. This is a much more involved method, it requires patience and diligence, physical strength and the ability to overcome obstacles. One can even achieve a perfectly well-regulated thermal environment for… Read more »

5 years ago

ExCartoonist ex says: ‘But it won’t be a lie if you promise! The truth is what you MAKE it!’ then ExCartoonist buffers: “Thing was: she did understand intellectually” Nah, she doesn’t understand intellectually and you aren’t clear either. First, stop torturing words. Let me lay this down….. “understand intellectually” Understanding is not knowledge. Intellect is not wisdom. If I can change your knowledge of the word understanding into something intuitive from something created what else do you think I could change about your thinking? We know the word blue to describe blue things….why? And is there any reason we shouldn’t… Read more »

5 years ago

Elysium “Your logs on the fire metaphor is apt in terms of management, but does that make the fire defective?” Fire has it’s use. People are useful only in a Human Resources sense. No, the fire qua fire isn’t defective though people are not pure nature, in the evo-bio sense, thus you aptly wrote: “Every life that is abandoned due to socially inspired screening and the ease of abortion is one that lost their fighting chance, and every person that views their burden as a defect displays weakness….” Nice. SJF writes nothing of abandoning life. I see that all human… Read more »

David Eagen
David Eagen
5 years ago

Dominance hiararchies are very important especially when someone new comes along.

It is great there are teachers who know their students. Even when the student is having a bad day and knows that the hierarchy is being established but later takes things out of context, the teacher is there helping the student.

5 years ago

@Elysium I dare suggest that all of these extra things a person must do to achieve a well-regulated internal environment without the convenience of a thermostat actually make them a stronger, healthier person assuming they don’t fold under the socially imposed notion they are defective. I don’t disagree with your masculine mindset. But we are talking about different things. I like your stoic mindset about doing your best and thinking your best about the situation. Your take is that its no big deal. You are not defective without islet cells in your pancreas. That’s good. But it is a mindset.… Read more »

5 years ago

A newborn isn’t much more a person than a fetus.

“Late Middle English: from Latin fetus ‘pregnancy, childbirth, offspring’.”


“fetus” = “baby in the womb”

And Ollie isn’t much more of a person than a newborn is. Not much of a stretch for wacking him to be considered retroactive abortion using Ollie’s own logic.

The point is–what goes around comes around. Something for Ollie to think about.

5 years ago

EhIntellect stated:

It’s a big failure of men to equilibrate equate a woman’s capacity to know their emotions to a man’s ability to understand what is actually going on.

Red Pill truths.

5 years ago

Behold; I tell you The Truth; Christianity can survive almost anything; except a room full of people laughing at how fucking stupid it is.

5 years ago

AR 😁 Let’s use your ” brakes on a model a T ” thing for a sec ( I can fix brakes and anything else on a model T btw….not that I’d want to ). Combustion engines ( air pumps ) all work on a singular principle ( aealt – all engines are like that ). Whether it’s a model T or an Agera. Fuel, air, spark. Without these old.fashioned basics, combustion engines do not run, or run properly. Knowing this isn’t necessarily ” back in muh day ” stuff because it is factually true and timeless. Sure, buggati is… Read more »

Prof. Woland
Prof. Woland
5 years ago

It will be very interesting to see what happens when a reliable male fertility control ‘pill’ is finally developed. I don’t think it will have the same impact as the female BCP but my guess is that it will re-alter the balance of power in a couple of significant ways. The first is that a male BCP will be leveraged by hypergamy. It won’t be as ubiquitous as the female BCP, but it will used by men who have something to lose; i.e. Men with fame, money, children, and families. This in turn will up the ante on women because… Read more »

5 years ago

Women have ” power ” because men cede ” power “. Anatomically they are exactly the same as they’ve been for thousands of years. They didn’t suddenly get stronger. Even talking of ” having something to lose ” or somehow looking for anything outside of yourself to save you from all them Badass women out there is a mental ceding of manhood and asking for some form of mercy. Male birth control, huh? Really? Every time I hear that I’m disappointed. It’s a man saying ” I give up. It’s too hard. But I still wanna…. Somebody help me. “.… Read more »

5 years ago

…. T levels must be in negative territory by now.

5 years ago

Rollo, drop the Men’s Existential Fear op. Can’t wait to read it.

G’ night.

5 years ago

@Sentient Re “Peak soy” this “doing nice things for her” —which should be the title of a Post here—means guys ruin it for other guys. It reminds me of the story a US sailor told me about Canadian sailors. He said they ruined it for the rest of the navies because they always paid full price for everything without haggling. Since I now only bang millennials I do notice something interesting. Many don’t expect me to do shit like that. One plate stopped trying to get me to do those little “hold this” shit tests saying “You’re from a different… Read more »

5 years ago

Behold; I tell you The Truth; Christianity can survive almost anything; except a room full of people laughing at how fucking stupid it is.

Somehow Christianity has survived human torching, crucifixion, and other forms of persecution…do you think that your soyboy sniggering from the peanut gallery will bring it down?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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