Past Indiscretions


Now that the 21 Convention, 2018, is in the history books it’s time to get back to actually exploring intersexual dynamics rather that talking about exploring them. My speech this year was about the state of the Manosphere and what we can expect from an ever expanding, ever more power-ravenous, Gynocracy in the MeToo era. It’s never been a more dangerous time to be a man who reveals the truths about intersexual dynamics than now. Even if you do so from the most objective perspective you run the risk of censure at best, personal destruction at worst.

One thing I am very thankful of the convention for is the depth and breadth of not just the speakers, but the attendees. Last year I came back with so many new concepts to explore it finished out my year of blog essays. This year the attendance was twice as big and I’ve got a wealth of new material to dig into courtesy of the stories and personal situations men would relate to me. I’ll be doing a more complete breakdown of the convention around the time the video of my talk drops on 21 University. Anthony Johnson has fast tracked this video as well as the Red Man Group Live discussions (there were 3) we did on the bonus 5th day for anyone who stuck around for it.

One of the stories I had a guy hit me with was his making me aware of the black market that’s opened up in the sale of positive pregnancy tests online. There are forums (not even on the dark web) dedicated to convincing “commitment-phobic” men that their girlfriends are pregnant in order to lock them down either in marriage or an LTR. That blackmarket (if you can call it that) also led me to investigating the phenomenon of women covering for their girlfriends’ infidelity or pretending to be an alibi in order to allay any suspicions their Beta boyfriends might have about it. This then led me to another truth about the nature of women:

The Sisterhood will always show solidarity for, provide cover for, or aid and abet a woman trying to optimize Hypergamy,…unless that woman is in direct intrasexual competition with her for the same optimization.

Right now I’m sure there are guys thinking, “Rollo, we know that women can get really brutal when it comes to competing with each other.” And yes that is true; “slut shaming” is almost entirely reserved for women’s intrasexual combat, and there are many other ways women disqualify other women from the sexual marketplace if they feel threatened by that woman’s direct competition. But women evolved to be collectivist and cooperative in our hunter/gatherer past, and this has given rise to a globalized Sisterhood wherein women buy into the narrative of their own victimhood and most understand their gynocentric position of power simultaneously. If there is a prime directive to the social order it’s that all women everywhere are entitled to the best available opportunities to optimize Hypergamy.

Women will almost universally run cover for their sisters’ infidelity, and especially so if they are anonymous and there is little risk attached to their involvement. The rationalization is always the same too; it’s men’s responsibility to “Man Up” and marry a sister and thus subterfuge is justified, or, a woman deserves a shot at hot short term sexual opportunities if that woman is paired with a Beta partner. Either scenario is consolidation of Hypergamy.

Men are never afforded the same luxury of being able to vet women or to abandon one for his own reasons. I constantly get questions from guys asking how to vet a woman for marriage, but the fact that I would be audacious enough to offer advice on this is enough to set most women off. How dare I think that any woman might not be suitable for a long term commitment? To the Sisterhood, that vetting is only ever valid when it comes from another woman, why? Because to women only women should ever have control over Hypergamy and sexual selection. And in a feminine-primary social order a man telling another man that he should pass on a woman for commitment is conflated with misogyny.

Case in point, this story is of a guy who discovers his girlfriend used to be a Sugar Baby and had sex with older men for money in her sexual past. He has plans to break it off with her, but naturally every woman and every Blue Pill simp in the thread thinks he throwing the baby out with the bathwater. This situation isn’t all that uncommon. In fact, with the rise of the internet and a permanent social media digital footprint, combined with Open Hypergamy, it’s become necessary for women to legitimize every woman’s sexual past for fear that their own might disqualify her for a man’s commitment.

So the Sisterhood will cover for infidelity, aid in fraud and deception, keep Beta men ignorant of a woman’s duplicity and support single motherhood if it means that woman can lock down an optimal ideal of Hypergamy or parental investment from a man.

In an age when a woman’s sexual past is part of her digital footprint, a new social convention is needed to absolve her from any preconditions a man may have in vetting her out of his long term investment in her. Solution: Shame men for “judging” her by that sexual history. Men must be shamed as “insecure in their masculinity” if they might ever use a woman’s Party Years against her in a court of marriage. Likewise, women will fall back on the old tropes of traditionalist sexual repression to amp up the victimhood should a man ‘have a problem’ with women’s maturing sexual natures.

A similar situation occurred with the guy in Saving the Best who discovered that his sexually unadventurous wife had some video tapes of herself in amateur porn gangbangs when she “used to be so wild back in college.” His response was Great, I married a slut who fucks me like a prude. This of course sent the Sisterhood apoplectic and he was the one who had the “problem” for committing to and marrying a woman with that kind of past. That he had no knowledge of the videos prior to it made no difference; how dare he judge a woman’s past indiscretions? And then it became and indictment of womankind rather than an indictment of a woman. Men are not allowed to have concerns about a woman’s sexual past when it comes to matters of commitment because it implies a measure of control over Hypergamy.

Long term provisioning is a very serious problem for women’s subconscious Hypergamy. As it stands today a woman’s Epiphany Phase represents the culmination of Hypergamy. It’s vitally important that a woman never be judged for her sexual past if she’s to ever ‘stick the landing’ so to speak. If she follows the Sandbergian plan of Hypergamy she can’t afford to have men judge her for prioritizing Alpha Fucks, short term breeding, in her peak sexual market value years if she’s going to lock down a (hopefully still ignorant) Beta in Waiting. She must stick the landing and cash out of the sexual marketplace just at the right moment, between the ages of 29-31.

During her Epiphany Phase a woman needs to be absolved the ‘indiscretions’ of her Party Years. I’m putting indiscretions in scare quotes because those behaviors are really part of a long term breeding and life strategy. They are anything but indiscretions, they are part of the design.

However, most men have a natural revulsion to women who’ve been with a lot of men. It’s takes a great deal of social conditioning – a lifetime of Blue Pill conditioning – to prepare a man to believe it’s his duty as a man to look past what his instinct is trying to warn him about parentally investing in a woman for whom his paternity might be in doubt. I wrote about this in the War on Paternity, but there is a part of men’s evolved mental firmware that is instinctually suspicious of the certainty of paternity. Our hindbrains want to warn us of bad prospects for a certain paternity with a woman.


You’ll notice here that a higher partner count for men is less deleterious than it is for women. I’ll address this fact in a followup to this essay, but for now let’s focus on the effects a higher N-count has for women. Our instinct, it seems, is correct when it warns us that a woman isn’t suitable for a man’s parental investment.

Women with a higher number of sexual partners have more difficulty developing solid attachments, a higher incidence of infidelity and higher rates of divorce. Primarily I see this as being due to the Alpha Widow potential (more lovers, more chance one makes a lasting Alpha impression) and the subconscious comparisons to a past lover. This is a workable theory as to why men adapted for a revulsion (or at least a hesitation) of high N-count women.

This instinctual reservation is a survival adaptation based in men’s need for certainty in paternity. Investment costs and a loss of reproductive opportunity is so high for men in a state of paired monogamy that certainty of paternity became an evolved mental subroutine for men. Men’s biological imperative is to spread seed. This is why we can become aroused on a moment’s stimulation, why we can mentally compartmentalize sex from intimacy, and why we generally err on the side of over-estimating sexual interest in women.

Long term monogamous investment in rearing a child costs a man more than just him following his biological imperative. As such, a certainty of paternity became a key element in that tradeoff for parental investment in a woman. So when women shame a man for even thinking that her sexual past might be indicative of future returns it is literally a woman’s attempt at getting a man to ignore 100,000 years of an evolution that led his ancestors to have him. You don’t just wish away 100,000 years of successful breeding adaptations because it’s impolite for a man to question a woman’s past or the convenience with which she disregards it at a time when her own sexual strategy might benefit most.

This tradeoff exists in direct oppositional conflict with women’s Hypergamy, and in the context of her very limited sexual market value (fertility) peak. Women between 29 and 31 are on the downside of their sexual marketability with respect to locking down a high value man for long term parental investment. While some women can maintain their sexual value longer than others, the decay is undeniably on the downturn with respect to her intrasexual competition and her reproductive viability. She’s gone through her best fertility years focusing most on the visceral side of the Hypergamous equation (short term Alpha seed) and / or investing herself in low ROI monogamy.

In the Epiphany Phase she (and the Sisterhood) knows she can’t afford suitable Beta provisioning men to have revelations about her sexual past affect her viability for long term security.

Hypergamy is in conflict with the male need for certainty of paternity.

As such, the Sisterhood (and its male ‘allies’) unites against any reservations, or shames men for being ‘judgmental’ of her sexual past. This is how Hypergamy fights with men’s paternity imperative. Ultimately it’s a battle of his resources (sunk cost investment) versus her capacity to optimize Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks. For more information on this conflict see The Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies.

Thus, social conventions must be created to prioritize Hypergamy above Paternity. So, being a Step-Dad makes a man a “hero”. Paternity is legally defined by the mother / wife, and gynocentric legal and medical doctrines restrict doctors from revealing who the real father of a child is to the “dad”. There was a time when being an unwed mother was something society shunned. It was a time when both men and women agreed on a man’s priority of his own paternity. If a young woman became pregnant out of marriage, or if a woman slept with a soldier of an invading army, she was shunned and publicly excoriated. That’s the degree of importance the social order of the time placed on paternity. Now, the Village shames men for ever expecting a child would be his own or that he’d be justified in his concern about a woman’s past.

Now the Village conflates men’s instinctual desire to know paternity (to even put a value on it) with a social construct. It’s not that he’s naturally concerned about paternity, it’s that he learned to be concerned as part of his toxic masculinity social educations.

Finally, I should also add that part of this social convention meant to repress the paternity imperative is about absolving women of the liabilities of a promiscuous past. As I mentioned, men’s reservations inhibit women’s Hypergamous strategies. So men are shamed by women for those reservations, but they are also shamed by Beta male sympathizers (symps). This piling on with the women only aids in the deconstruction of their ow sexual imperatives, but male ‘allies’ used this shame as an extension of their Beta Game in the hopes of identifying themselves better with the feminine (as they were conditioned to). They see the identifying with women’s imperatives as a means to their own reproduction.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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5 years ago

So what are you going to do about it?

5 years ago

Anybody seen Bigfoot?

5 years ago

No lounge will have a dartboard…

5 years ago


Nah man, it’s an ‘ age ‘ thing. Only young single guys know where the young girls are – in clubs.

Young girls are wild and elusive. If you’re not chasing and pedestalizing them as an older man, you could never understand. It’s all very different and complicated, and if you didn’t bang a 20 year old hottie last week, you don’t know how things have changed even since then.

No. There are specific places where you ‘ find ‘ women. If you’re over 35, you’re out of the loop.

Wild and elusive I tell ya!!!

5 years ago

Any man that can’t get a very big chick in a few Houston the streets of NYC might think about cutting off his dick and going the Jenner route.

5 years ago

Lmao above should reAd ” very hot chick “. Don’t get a very big chick…..😁

5 years ago


As was the case when I answered Blax’s question, yes I know they’re there as well. But that wasn’t the point of me asking the question. The point was already conveyed to kfg.

I know about a dartboard not being at lounges and it sux! Would be great though if one did.


Still no Bigfoot sightings. We’re on the lookout though, constantly LMAO.

5 years ago

Wtf??? ‘ hours ‘ not ‘ Houston ‘……jeeezus

5 years ago

No BLAX I didn’t ask “young single guys” the question. I asked single guys 40 and older. So ur warping that bigtime.

And another thing you’re warping is I don’t only care to pickup 19-25 young girls. I actually don’t care about age. The only thing I care about is if I find them attractive. Period. The original question was age-centric for the reasons already described to kfg.

5 years ago

No BLAX I didn’t ask “young single guys” the question. I asked single guys 40 and older. So ur warping that bigtime.

And another thing you’re warping is that I don’t only care to pickup 19-25 young girls. I actually don’t care about age. The only thing I care about is if I find them attractive. Period. The point of the age range I specified in the original question was already described to kfg.

5 years ago

Got it.

5 years ago


These explorers are frightened by the prospect of running into a real live 20yo standing next to them in the subway or on an elevator.

They seek a secret magic space where they can go and not have to utilize any skill or have any value and risklessly take her home to bed…

Autism meter pegging 9.5 on this one…

5 years ago

No BLAX I didn’t ask “young single guys” the question. I asked single guys 40 and older. So ur warping that bigtime.

Another thing you’re warping is that I only care to pickup 19-25 young girls. I actually don’t care about age. The only thing I care about is if I find them attractive. Period. The point of the age range I specified in the original question was already described to kfg.

5 years ago

Like shooting a caged lion at the zoo.

5 years ago


Understood. I just get a little >25 hb9 burnout from time to time.

5 years ago

This part here speaking volumes in particular

“Having your main squeeze at home to fall back on at the end of the day while attempting to pick up other girls is a completely different mindset than being single.”

Do you understand what a scarcity mindset is Lendhi? What an abundance mindset is?

How the difference between the two might bear on your success?

5 years ago

7’s are all the rage, but they ain’t 9’s.

But everybody likes heels and short skirts and tight pants and makeup and hair done and eyelashes glued on and odd drawn in eyebrows. Hallmarks of a ‘ 9’.😁

5 years ago

Sorry for the triple repost, WordPress was slow displaying the first one on my end before…

I get it @Sentient you’re pissed because I demo’d you out on my original question when I dared to say I didn’t wanna hear your opinion on the question. And I gave you the exact reasons why I didn’t wanna hear your opinion on the question. It’s okay I know your feelings are deeply hurt by it. (;

5 years ago

“Lendhispeaks . . . Are you retarded?” I made that one of my lesser guesses. Assuming he isn’t retarded, but the question taken at face value is, that left making some rhetorical point. The number of rhetorical points that aren’t retarded in the context of the question is limited. The most obvious one is hinting at keyboard jockeying. ” . . . ‘ hours ‘ not ‘ Houston ‘ . . .” I was sitting on Houston Street playing some Irish tunes on fiddle and she came up to me. I prefer making money outside of lounges instead of spending… Read more »

5 years ago

Funny I thought all the 9s were 7s… Least as far as the photos where going.

5 years ago


You know I don’t care about your autistic “rules” or preferences? Should be obvious by my ignoring this kind of feeble entreaty to start with.

If you where a normal guy, you’d be interested on finding places to go to that had the target demo and TRYING them for yourself. Regardless of who told you.


5 years ago

Despite the continued name calling I’ll respond to the last part of this:

Finding new places to try out from single guys, who are actually laying girls at said places, is a nice byproduct of what I asked. Certainly not the main reason but it’s good too.

5 years ago

@kfg NYC based as well?

5 years ago

“Finding new places to try out from single guys . . .” Leave the house. The other day I met one on the sidewalk right in front of my house while I was weeding the flowerbed. Girls are everywhere these days. You can’t even get away from them by joining the Boy Scouts or the Merchant Marines anymore. Try everywhere there’s a girl, like at the the South Pole: “NYC based as well?” Born in Manhattan and still have family there, but I’m upstate, as in north of Albany, not upstate as in north of 95th Street. Used to… Read more »

5 years ago

Washington Square Park Tuesday

5 years ago

“you can’t even get away from them by joining the Boy Scouts”
Reminds me of the newly-created all-girls boy scout troop. Jeeze, you can’t make this shit up…

Although I agree lendhi may be severally retarded, I kinda understand his line of questioning. It resonates with my own thought but of course I know the answer. The real issue is I myself need to open whatever is in front of me, regardless of gender. But there’s a difference in knowing and doing.

5 years ago

“But there’s a difference in knowing and doing.”

Change will lead to insight far more often than insight will lead to change.
–Milton H. Erickson

@Disgruntled Earthling

I have an open-ended question for you: What have you been doing lately (and what do you plan to do in the near future) to put more people in front of you?

And I use people to mean both girls and men.

5 years ago

@SJF – Not much actually. I’m more social than I used to be at work. Our company is divided between propeller-heads and sales. The two don’t mix but the sales guys are way more social and appealing to me these days – a mix of driven middle-eastern and Italian. I’ve been wondering how to get closer to them on a social level. I hope my new situation in the city will open things up more. I’ve been going out eating alone since my kitchen is still mostly in boxes and trying to see the mingling opportunities there. But the world… Read more »

5 years ago

It is severely biased in a self hindering way,to ask where to hunt white tail. And I’m not talking to you SJF cuz your freezer is already full so yur not desperate or starving.

Maybe if you @lendi said, cuz theres one less girl there I would get that.

Still it’s like asking where to fish,fly fishermen please don’t answer,I only want bottom feeders that eat pink power bait from Berkely. Nevermind that they have a fish fry every week!

5 years ago

“I agree lendhi may be severally retarded . . .”

I’ll continue to assume, for now, that he isn’t actually retarded, at least not in the general sense.

” . . . I kinda understand his line of questioning.”

But his line of questioning was completely artless:

Primus: (points at land mine) Hey, step on this and see what happens.
Secudus: Do you take me for a retard, or are you just retarded?
Primus: It’s such a simple thing to do, but I knew you couldn’t.
Secundus: You’re making it harder to assume you’re not retarded.

5 years ago

We aren’t judgemental here, unless you’re guilty of wrongthink, you hypermasculine 12 year boy, you:

5 years ago

Speech and and culture

USA vs Europe or with it

Have you though of using meetup for your interest and getting out to activity’s you enjoy doing and get to meet people and have conversations? Maybe a listserve for fishing for example? I just found a list serve for a running group up in Colorado.

5 years ago

I have an educated guess about why lendhi and young “PUAs” think that we OMGs don’t know when girls are just wanting attention v. when they are seriously turned on, for example. I think that when we OMGs speak, the young skeptics put us in the “married” bag along with all the OMGs who aren’t having sex with their wives whom these young skeptics know in real life. So there’s a conflation and resulting confusion because projection from what these YSGs have experienced in their lives. (Blax, it’s tough for YSGs to get this kind of experience because we OMGs… Read more »

5 years ago

You can’t even get away from them by joining the Boy Scouts or the Merchant Marines anymore.

I tried moving to Siberia and living like a hermit. Guess who lived next door?

5 years ago

Hi lendhisspeaks, It no big deal but your original question exposes your fruadulence. Let’s go the ancients: “…grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console…” Interpretation: It is always better to be in a position to explain, understand, console than needing it given to you. Take your original question. You’re asking for advice as you are incompetent in some manner. Essentially your question is: Where the girls at? But to ask that exposes your rank stupidity soooooo… preemptively swipe at OMG who have ZERO skin in your weak assed game. Though hacking on others… Read more »

5 years ago

I find it rather interesting how a simple question I asked of a certain demographic can draw up so much backlash and incorrect judgement. For starters, the most outspoken initial critic of what I asked was Sentient who, ironically, is the one I quoted (via palmasailor’s recollection) when he said “the biggest problem is getting yourself in their proximity.” And oddly enough Sentient has repeatedly slammed me for bringing this actual question up (not to his demo of course) and trying to get specifics on it from people. Color me amused. For me this started with the quite interesting initial… Read more »

5 years ago

So what you are asking Lenhi is that you want to know where to meet 19 to 25 year old girls that won’t reject your sexual advances, right? That you can get laid with right easy. You sure had a round-about way of asking that and then go all passive/agressive. Disqualifying certain commenters from commenting by stereotyping is a lazy fucker strategy. You’re so wrapped around your wireless keyboard that you aren’t listening. (shit, you could Google Search for how to meet young girls, you lazy fucker, but that would involve work: About 471,000,000 results (0.52 seconds) ). Sentient gave… Read more »

5 years ago

Oh, and some of us aren’t offended. It’s typical behavior. We don’t attach importance to it.

And just like women used to come in this male space and get push-back for wrong or stupid or lame comments. There are lessons to be learned by everyone else, even if you don’t get your answer from the appropriate sources.

5 years ago

@SJF “So what you are asking Lenhi is that you want to know where to meet 19 to 25 year old girls that won’t reject your sexual advances, right? That you can get laid with right easy.” NO. Not at all. I’ll repeat myself if someone wants me to but I’ve addressed this in my above responses. “Can’t you stay on task? Can’t other guys test your mettle to see if you are worth their while, without getting butthurt and closing down discussion, or only hearing the answers you want to hear (you know, the easy ones)?” I haven’t name… Read more »

5 years ago

“There are lessons to be learned by everyone else, even if you don’t get your answer from the appropriate sources.”

Just gonna copy and paste what I previously wrote:

I have read, enjoyed and learn from many of the comments the OMG’s have made on this site. The fact that I excluded them from this very specific question should not cause such an uproar though. It speaks more about the offended parties than myself. Hell I excluded Rollo from my original question too and I’m on his site reading his stuff and have his books!

5 years ago

You don’t have to repeat yourself,it is a matter of public record. You can rephrase the question to say what you mean,but it looks as if abundance is out of the answers desired. “The parenthesis are mine to add clarity to the statement this far down the thread. My question is for the older single guys (@scribblerg specifically but others jump in as well) where exactly are you meeting 19-25 year old females? Spare me any of the you just go through life and meet them rhetoric if that’s where you’re gonna take it. I’m looking for specifics here. Like… Read more »

5 years ago

“My simple question was/is direct . . .”

You are dissembling, again. If your question were simple and direct it would not still be misinterpreted by most here as “where do I go to meet girls.”

There was/is an ulterior motive behind it which was fairly obvious to me and which you have confirmed multiple times at this point.

Thank you for the offer, but I do not wish to play your little Mean Girls game and step on the land mine.

5 years ago

…. Fantasy huh?😁

5 years ago

@kfg I believe you said I excluded you from the original question so that would make you married correct? So either way there is/was no land mine for you, or anyone else for that matter. So my simple question wasn’t so simple apparently, okay now we’re onto something. Lemme see if I can rephrase it in a more clear, concise fashion, BUT my same demo restrictions still apply, which I’m sure is the source of most of the angst I’m receiving anyway. @scribbleberg I’ve read a lot of your comments, and since you’re a single guy above 40, I find… Read more »

5 years ago

I think @lendhispeaks doubts that the 40 year old+ single guys are as successful with the 19-25 year old demographic as they portray themselves to be. I’ve previously made the claim that 50 is the male wall. Very spot on analysis on @theasdgamer: “A girl can be truly “turned on” and not sleep with you for a number of reasons. So with you being married and loyal to your wife you just see the “turned on” part and project where it would/could have gone. And in reality part of the time it could have led nowhere and some of the… Read more »

5 years ago

“I believe you said I excluded you from the original question so that would make you married correct?”

OK, maybe you are retarded.

“Lemme see if I can rephrase it . . .”

And back peddling.

” . . . my same demo restrictions still apply, which I’m sure is the source of most of the angst I’m receiving anyway.”

That’ll happen when you artlessly try to pull one.

“. . . I never hear where you’ve actually met the girls you hookup with . . .”


5 years ago

“My question is for the older single guys where exactly are you meeting 19-25 year old females?” Well, I cheat so it probably doesn’t count. I’m 59 passing for 45 and have laid 4 19-22 yo’s from seeking arrangements. This is the one place I’ve seen where the girls don’t panic talking to an older guy. Again, I cheat. Although there’s a 27yo on tinder I’m chatting – she wants to come over Monday night for pizza. We’ll see where that leads. And there was that 19yo sb student that ended up living with me for a year. She’s now… Read more »

5 years ago

Spot on @j on all of your points.


Since you’re married how exactly would I be laying landmines for you to step in? The question wasn’t directed to you. And I further said I wasn’t actually laying landmines for anyone.

I’ll keep going on this thread but it feels like I’m going in circles with some of you now. Don’t wanna be accused of “closing down the discussion” though so I’m open to continuing it if it goes that path.

5 years ago

“Since you’re married . . .” Definitely retarded. “Spot on @j on all of your points . . . And I further said I wasn’t actually laying landmines for anyone . . . ” Which might be why you take us for the sort of retards who can’t put those two together and spot the lie. ” . . . it feels like I’m going in circles with some of you now.” That’ll happen with people who been to the rodeo before and know that the only way to win is not to play. Protip for young guys: When you… Read more »

5 years ago

Wait, what good ARE old people if we can’t offer unwanted advice?

So don’t forget about farm markets, street fairs, food festivals, any nice-weather crowd where women can mill around hunting and gathering.

Dog parks — even if you don’t have a dog.

5 years ago

I’ve told him multiple times that attraction =/ P in V, cause there are still many things that can go wrong. And I supposedly don’t know this because? The point isn’t whether sex will happen (I plan to NEVER do married women) but whether there’s only a desire for social as opposed to sexual attention. And of course I can recognize that there are different degrees of being lit up. This girl was about at a 7 out of 10. Not grabbing my cock, but not at all concerned about dancing close to me (basically just hugging me) for several… Read more »

5 years ago

When you think you’ve come up with a clever new game, us old guys have seen it before. Lots.

Aaaaand we tried it before with the generation before us, with similar results, lol.

5 years ago

If an ‘ omg ‘ does bang the bottom out of a young chick, it does zero good to talk about it here, especially in any detail.

5 years ago

Lendhisspeaks and j,

Keep ono keeping on stepping on yall’s own dicks.i don’t relish it. I’ve done it too.

Double down or reject the crooked path.

Choice is yours. Judgment happens either way, yo.

5 years ago

“. . . I never hear where you’ve actually met the girls you hookup with . . .” Q.E.D. @kfg Since you’re married There you go with stereotyping again. He’s not married and he doesn’t talk about the young girls you want. Period. That does not mean he doesn’t hook up with them. (he said he did three years ago, here, said so once.) You actually should not dismiss successful men with lots of reference experience and wisdom. I think @lendhispeaks doubts that the 40 year old+ single guys are as successful with the 19-25 year old demographic as they… Read more »

5 years ago

And if you single guys wonder about my calibration skills, consider that the hit rate of girls who want to go to my truck is 67% and the others end up chasing me. Yeah, I don’t rush into things. I’m always vetting for sweetness, femininity, and discretion. I have tests I run.

5 years ago

@DisgruntledEarthling Appreciate the honesty of your answer, some good stuff in there. @j I didn’t realize being in my mid 40’s made me a YSG like yourself. I kinda considered myself an OSG but we must be dealing with a buncha 70 years olds here (; @kfg “I didn’t answer the question because you told me to take my answer and stuff it, so, I stuffed it.” So if I implied to you to stuff it, cuz I never actually said that, then what exactly were you referring to if ur not married? Cuz that’s how I took it. You… Read more »

5 years ago

“I’m pretty sure @j is currently consistently getting laid more than anyone else in this thread. “ You could be wrong about that. Perhaps with young girls, but he’s not actually giving you advice for your cause, and your question.(you’d think he would’ve answered your question better: “Where do 40+ men meet @25+ minus girls. But Scoring with those girls is actually a whole ‘nother issue). But, then again, J’s bragging is also exceedingly irrelevant to your desires. Ask J. how you can bang young women, Lendhi, and he will stumble on the answer. He might be able to flesh… Read more »

5 years ago

@SJF All good points. @j seems authentic to me so I’ll take him at face value unless proven otherwise. His answers based on younger women (but once again I am not ONLY targeting younger women!) seemed good to me as well because although I am mid 40’s I appear to be 28-32. I never lie about my age but the younger demo just takes me as that age and I don’t dissuade them. The only time I get questioned, and demanded to show my ID!, is if I reveal my actual age. I’ll admit this though, it does become a… Read more »

5 years ago

Woman here. With centrist sympathies. I find this is very interesting, but I feel flawed, theory. Interesting because I like the integration of evolutionary theory aspects into the idea, flawed because it’s an Anecdote -> Generalization. (Similar to the Men will sleep with anyone if given an opportunity. Or all men have the potential to be violent criminals. You know, those generalizations we women like to toute in our weaker moments.) Aside: Personally I am surprised that paternity tests are not regularly conducted post-birth nowadays given that it is available. I don’t fault a man for wanting to be sure… Read more »

5 years ago

“So if I implied to you to stuff it, cuz I never actually said that . . .” You didn’t imply it. You declared it. Read your own comment. “If you take what I said at face value though you’ll be more in the vicinity of my original intention which had no maliciousness in it.” “The point of it u ask…you want the long or short version?! Here’s the short (and only) version: If I’m going to take even a shred of what I come across here as believable the answer to my question should be simple. If you fit… Read more »

5 years ago

“I don’t understand now why men do not do this regularly, or even broach the subject? Is this out of some trust is romantic fantasy?”

You might have to hand in your woman card.

Men do not do this because women flip out at the mere mention of it, to the point where they have made the issue legally moot, and even criminal, wherever and whenever they can.

5 years ago

You only sleep with your wife right?

Gee, how do I answer this? Of course! What else did you think I would say on social media?

5 years ago

Or just register with
They’ll send the test…but it will require two to assure paternity. Fifty bucks on sale for each result (if memory serves).

5 years ago

” . . . it will require two to assure paternity.”

That’s the way paternity generally works.

One of the two is presumably a minor, probably under 13. Good luck with that.

5 years ago

“That’s the way paternity generally works.”

To clarify: The Walmart one looks like it all comes in one box. By contrast, ancestry dot com would require a separate test for each individual.
It’s extremely easy to do this. We’ve done it for three children (my permission was not needed). Simple cheek swab. The purpose on our case was not to assure paternity, just curiosity about lineage. But it worked the same way.

5 years ago

Lendhi, How about a do over? How about asking straight up how a 40 year old can get release from constraint in The Game. With the premise that a Man should never seek a completion in Life and that Life is Hard. So if it is a Game, ‘spose well might as well…play it good… and with enthusiasm and fun. Why not just ask how you can meet and fuck attractive girls? and for bonus points 19 to 25 year old hot babes. Do you see what is going on here? You got the YaReally virus: things should/ought to be… Read more »

5 years ago

Just looking back at the site (, it was a saliva tube, not a cheek swab I’d forgotten it’s been years. I do know it was very easy, and I’ve known several other families to do it as well. 100 dollars right now, sometimes it’s half off.

5 years ago

@SJF “How about a do over? How about asking straight up how a 40 year old can get release from constraint in The Game. With the premise that a Man should never seek a completion in Life and that Life is Hard. So if it is a Game, ‘spose well might as well…play it good… and with enthusiasm and fun. Why not just ask how you can meet and fuck attractive girls? and for bonus points 19 to 25 year old hot babes. Do you see what is going on here? You got the YaReally virus: things should/ought to be… Read more »

5 years ago

Autism meter hit 11…

Virgin meter 7.5 and trending…

5 years ago

“The main thrust of it is to actually hear the specifics of real life meetings/pickups from older, yes single guys :), to determine if there is anyone here doing what I am working at doing at my age and with my single status.” And you are hearing crickets, right? Better fire up your Scribbler shadow self/dark side. And go all in. And treat yourself to your apex fallacy. Or not. Or be damn good attractive (not just looks) and go all in. Apex guys are apex guys for a reason. You are sending off signals, subcomms, through your keyboard. Just… Read more »

5 years ago

Lotta good points there SJF but you continue to have this hangup about me only being interested in 19-25 year old femmes. That was the age I took from the earlier part of the thread, go back and read it. I’ll say it again now: I don’t care about age when it comes to females, I simply care if I’m attracted to them. The other hangup you seem to have is in thinking I’m looking for some quick shortcut to success. I am looking for other people to share their successful strategies, but even with that there are no real… Read more »

5 years ago

“sweetness, femininity, and discretion”
Very subtle and important
Your comments are an fire man
pt 2
pt 3

5 years ago

Behold; I tell you the Truth…Beauty and Honesty cannot co-exist within a Single Incarnate Being; and if they attempt to do so; the co-mingling will invariably corrupt the Latter; transforming it into Whoredom. ___Hamlet / Act 3; Scene 1 Twenty centuries afore; Christ was sent to Earth in a masculine body for very specific reasons. As a male; His fidelity to Truth would be less tempted; for no one seeks to pour out riches upon men simply for their physical appearance. However, the Beauty of the Female is constantly a magnet for temptation; both from Others and within Herself. Remember… Read more »

5 years ago

Lendhi If I told you to go into a boxing ring against a heavyweight opponent, and instructed you to pivot and turn him ‘ right ‘, because I’d had great success in putting him in his back… But you were a novice looking for tips, how do you think that would play out?how I think I get what your initial thought was, and why you were being specific, but you make the mistake of a much younger man by making incorrect assumptions. Frinstance, I have a group of guys I go out with occasionally. We’re all ‘ old ‘ and… Read more »

5 years ago

Here’s a can of peaches, a can opener, and a 400 page manual you have to read before opening the can.

5 years ago

You know one thing that helps in getting ones needs meet is knowing that to much change leads to a shut down and a retreat (Old habit’s) experience. Trusting what is going on (Its part of PUA) but letting it flow without force. I enjoy dancing as my top habit of Joy Bachata Zouk Blues Tango West coast swing. They first help approach a girl than i can touch her and engage with touch where i lead her. My flaws and aspiration’s are tied directly into the burden of performance. I’m an 1,000 smart phones without ever realizing it Performing… Read more »

5 years ago

@SJF And hit up bar sluts that are DTF. If that is your objective. This is where I have a problem with your OMG attitude. It’s not a matter of Madonna/Whore as implied by your statement (that’s what I read into it). Why not entertain the possibility of meeting a ‘nice’ 19-25yo rather than an age-appropriate ‘nice’ 45 yo? The discussion shouldn’t be limited to the appreciation of what’s in front of you or a young barslut if you want something young (and firm). For example, about 5 months ago a met a 42ish yo pretty blond/blue-eyed woman. Thin-ish, in… Read more »

5 years ago

Repeat after me, if a man can’t locate and talk to a woman, he shall have no sex…
You get better at talking to and getting women, by talking to and getting women. It’s crazy right?

The simple truth. And honestly, I wish I had realized that way earlier in life.

The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
5 years ago

@ j “I’ve previously made the claim that 50 is the male wall…” Man, i hate to admit it, but my experience since turning 50 pretty much confirms your claim (unless you are rich or have high SMV…). I know plenty here will argue the point ( i just don’t buy 50+ average looking men are pulling young hot chicks in their early 20’s. I used to do it up to my 40’s, but it certainly ain’t happening now), but the last 12 months i have noticed that women i would have pulled in the past just aren’t biting anymore.… Read more »

The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
5 years ago

Actually, I pulled hot, young women right into my mid-40’s. When i turned 40, my new g/f was 22, and she picked me up! Anyways, fucked if i know why all of this has suddenly changed since i turned 50?? I hope it is just a slump. The more i’ve over-analysed things since getting involved with this forum, the worse things have become. Hence, i don’t drop in as often here now or get too involved anymore. Some people seem to spend way too much time & energy here, but good luck to y’all. There are some good men here,… Read more »

5 years ago

Fox, I’m sure you always build up your Preselection, amirite?

5 years ago

j ain’t getting laid on the regular. Guys laid on the regular DGAF and are too post-orgasm chill from day to day to argue pithy shit pedantically.

Note what j writes about emotionally, the stuff he personally anguishes and can’t move on from. That’s the IRT j.

5 years ago

@The Silver Fox The “male wall” might be just one factor in the combination of things. I am 36 and initially voluntarily dropped out of sexual market to focus on personal issues without knowing how long it will last and after a 12 months dry spell I can tell that is a downward spiral of self-doubt regarding your relation to women. The monk mode is a really tough one. Married men like Rollo and others here I am not sure they understand well that whatever stability and focus they have on their “mission” is due to having a woman beside… Read more »

5 years ago

“j.ain’t getting laid on the regular. Guys laid on the regular DGAF and are too post-orgasm chill from day to day to argue pithy shit pedantically”

lol. Then back that logic, y’all ain’t getting laid regularly either. (I personally don’t. Once a week. Sometimes twice with different chick).

5 years ago

@TheSilverfox “It’s quite simple, gentlemen. Don’t get married and don’t breed. It’s a bad deal for men and in this day and age, why would anyone give up their freedom and finances for a nagging wife and ungrateful kids? Best to keep what’s yours and hit SE Asia as often as you can afford, for some good time, NSA R & R. Remember gents, the golden rule of the 3 f’s: if it flies, floats or fucks, rent it…” Agree with all in one sense. But then how do you feel about the fact that you are being outbred by… Read more »

5 years ago

Oh boy… I’ve learned via J that autism can be learned. I’m finding out now that retardism can also be learned… Silver Fox Really? i’m Dynamic, Passionate & Authentic as Sentient bangs on about Well i’d question the Authentic part, but regardless… despite your living in the middle of nowhere you’ve demonstrated over the last year on several occasions that women were attracted to you. Which you proceed to royally fuck up with your needy beta game… So we see that the Alpha Triad traits – demonstrations of what is Alpha, and Alpha being universally attractive to women – is….… Read more »

5 years ago

“Or are we not allowed to talk about that?”

heartiste is a good place for that if you like that sort of discussion

5 years ago


Dilly Dilly!

Repeat after me, if a man can’t locate and talk to a woman, he shall have no sex. None of the men I know even know what pua is. Never heard of it. But I’d bet my left nut that if they had a kind to explain shit, they could, and I’d also get that like with 80% of guys that try to learn pickup, most of explaining wouldn’t really help.

5 years ago

@ j

Two questions:

How many sex encounters have you had in the past month?

Did you have sex yesterday?

5 years ago

Disgruntled Earthling SJF: “Did I mention earlier that two older charming men I just met are really happy with women they just met. Their girlfriends are really charming and quite attractive. They are not 19 to 25. Maybe you should invest in a Pickup Artist course. And hit up bar sluts that are DTF. If that is your objective.” DE: “This is where I have a problem with your OMG attitude. It’s not a matter of Madonna/Whore as implied by your statement (that’s what I read into it). Why not entertain the possibility of meeting a ‘nice’ 19-25yo rather than… Read more »

5 years ago

YSG/OSG – ‘Well women over XX are flabby and wrinkled and ugly!!!”

Sentient – “Not all of ’em…”

SJF: “Not all of them”

And the ones that aren’t flabby and wrinkled are taken by quality men. Do you read the underlying message there? The underlying message is that you should have your mind be operating in a Pareto distribution world and actually read Rollo’s second book while you are doing that. Rollo wrote that book for men, not for women. It is descriptive of how women are at different timelines.

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
5 years ago

So the premise is there are women out there without “party years”? Interesting. Don’t marry any of them.

5 years ago

Believe it or not, there are quite a few chicks out there that didn’t have ‘ party years ‘ and never went near a cock carousel.

a lot of that talk is high speed buffering based on … I’m not really sure what. Where a man hunts will be determinative of the game he bags. You will not get an elk whilst in hip waders with a fly rod.

Not the elk’s fault.

5 years ago

“So the premise is there are women out there without “party years”? Interesting. Don’t marry any of them.”

That’s where the madonna/whore complex is residing. In Is Thing On?’s head.

5 years ago

comment image

5 years ago

Lol, yeah but it will take an exceptional fly rod to bring him down.

5 years ago

Chapter 4 of The Laws of Human Behavior: Determine the Strength of People’s Character The Law of Compulsive Behavior When choosing people to work and associate with, do not be mesmerized by their reputation or taken in by the surface image they try to project. Instead, train yourself to look deep within them and see their character. People’s character is formed in their earliest years and by their daily habits. It is what compels them to repeat certain actions in their lives and fall into negative patterns. Look closely at such patterns and remember that people never do something just… Read more »

5 years ago

I don’t think there are any girls in the millenial generation without “party years”. The n-count may vary but many have pornstar n-count. There is peer pressure among girls to have periodic rides on the carousel. The pressure is so big that they feel like losers if they don’t indulge into it. If they are locked in a LTR without being able to be out there optimising hypergamy.

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