Past Indiscretions


Now that the 21 Convention, 2018, is in the history books it’s time to get back to actually exploring intersexual dynamics rather that talking about exploring them. My speech this year was about the state of the Manosphere and what we can expect from an ever expanding, ever more power-ravenous, Gynocracy in the MeToo era. It’s never been a more dangerous time to be a man who reveals the truths about intersexual dynamics than now. Even if you do so from the most objective perspective you run the risk of censure at best, personal destruction at worst.

One thing I am very thankful of the convention for is the depth and breadth of not just the speakers, but the attendees. Last year I came back with so many new concepts to explore it finished out my year of blog essays. This year the attendance was twice as big and I’ve got a wealth of new material to dig into courtesy of the stories and personal situations men would relate to me. I’ll be doing a more complete breakdown of the convention around the time the video of my talk drops on 21 University. Anthony Johnson has fast tracked this video as well as the Red Man Group Live discussions (there were 3) we did on the bonus 5th day for anyone who stuck around for it.

One of the stories I had a guy hit me with was his making me aware of the black market that’s opened up in the sale of positive pregnancy tests online. There are forums (not even on the dark web) dedicated to convincing “commitment-phobic” men that their girlfriends are pregnant in order to lock them down either in marriage or an LTR. That blackmarket (if you can call it that) also led me to investigating the phenomenon of women covering for their girlfriends’ infidelity or pretending to be an alibi in order to allay any suspicions their Beta boyfriends might have about it. This then led me to another truth about the nature of women:

The Sisterhood will always show solidarity for, provide cover for, or aid and abet a woman trying to optimize Hypergamy,…unless that woman is in direct intrasexual competition with her for the same optimization.

Right now I’m sure there are guys thinking, “Rollo, we know that women can get really brutal when it comes to competing with each other.” And yes that is true; “slut shaming” is almost entirely reserved for women’s intrasexual combat, and there are many other ways women disqualify other women from the sexual marketplace if they feel threatened by that woman’s direct competition. But women evolved to be collectivist and cooperative in our hunter/gatherer past, and this has given rise to a globalized Sisterhood wherein women buy into the narrative of their own victimhood and most understand their gynocentric position of power simultaneously. If there is a prime directive to the social order it’s that all women everywhere are entitled to the best available opportunities to optimize Hypergamy.

Women will almost universally run cover for their sisters’ infidelity, and especially so if they are anonymous and there is little risk attached to their involvement. The rationalization is always the same too; it’s men’s responsibility to “Man Up” and marry a sister and thus subterfuge is justified, or, a woman deserves a shot at hot short term sexual opportunities if that woman is paired with a Beta partner. Either scenario is consolidation of Hypergamy.

Men are never afforded the same luxury of being able to vet women or to abandon one for his own reasons. I constantly get questions from guys asking how to vet a woman for marriage, but the fact that I would be audacious enough to offer advice on this is enough to set most women off. How dare I think that any woman might not be suitable for a long term commitment? To the Sisterhood, that vetting is only ever valid when it comes from another woman, why? Because to women only women should ever have control over Hypergamy and sexual selection. And in a feminine-primary social order a man telling another man that he should pass on a woman for commitment is conflated with misogyny.

Case in point, this story is of a guy who discovers his girlfriend used to be a Sugar Baby and had sex with older men for money in her sexual past. He has plans to break it off with her, but naturally every woman and every Blue Pill simp in the thread thinks he throwing the baby out with the bathwater. This situation isn’t all that uncommon. In fact, with the rise of the internet and a permanent social media digital footprint, combined with Open Hypergamy, it’s become necessary for women to legitimize every woman’s sexual past for fear that their own might disqualify her for a man’s commitment.

So the Sisterhood will cover for infidelity, aid in fraud and deception, keep Beta men ignorant of a woman’s duplicity and support single motherhood if it means that woman can lock down an optimal ideal of Hypergamy or parental investment from a man.

In an age when a woman’s sexual past is part of her digital footprint, a new social convention is needed to absolve her from any preconditions a man may have in vetting her out of his long term investment in her. Solution: Shame men for “judging” her by that sexual history. Men must be shamed as “insecure in their masculinity” if they might ever use a woman’s Party Years against her in a court of marriage. Likewise, women will fall back on the old tropes of traditionalist sexual repression to amp up the victimhood should a man ‘have a problem’ with women’s maturing sexual natures.

A similar situation occurred with the guy in Saving the Best who discovered that his sexually unadventurous wife had some video tapes of herself in amateur porn gangbangs when she “used to be so wild back in college.” His response was Great, I married a slut who fucks me like a prude. This of course sent the Sisterhood apoplectic and he was the one who had the “problem” for committing to and marrying a woman with that kind of past. That he had no knowledge of the videos prior to it made no difference; how dare he judge a woman’s past indiscretions? And then it became and indictment of womankind rather than an indictment of a woman. Men are not allowed to have concerns about a woman’s sexual past when it comes to matters of commitment because it implies a measure of control over Hypergamy.

Long term provisioning is a very serious problem for women’s subconscious Hypergamy. As it stands today a woman’s Epiphany Phase represents the culmination of Hypergamy. It’s vitally important that a woman never be judged for her sexual past if she’s to ever ‘stick the landing’ so to speak. If she follows the Sandbergian plan of Hypergamy she can’t afford to have men judge her for prioritizing Alpha Fucks, short term breeding, in her peak sexual market value years if she’s going to lock down a (hopefully still ignorant) Beta in Waiting. She must stick the landing and cash out of the sexual marketplace just at the right moment, between the ages of 29-31.

During her Epiphany Phase a woman needs to be absolved the ‘indiscretions’ of her Party Years. I’m putting indiscretions in scare quotes because those behaviors are really part of a long term breeding and life strategy. They are anything but indiscretions, they are part of the design.

However, most men have a natural revulsion to women who’ve been with a lot of men. It’s takes a great deal of social conditioning – a lifetime of Blue Pill conditioning – to prepare a man to believe it’s his duty as a man to look past what his instinct is trying to warn him about parentally investing in a woman for whom his paternity might be in doubt. I wrote about this in the War on Paternity, but there is a part of men’s evolved mental firmware that is instinctually suspicious of the certainty of paternity. Our hindbrains want to warn us of bad prospects for a certain paternity with a woman.


You’ll notice here that a higher partner count for men is less deleterious than it is for women. I’ll address this fact in a followup to this essay, but for now let’s focus on the effects a higher N-count has for women. Our instinct, it seems, is correct when it warns us that a woman isn’t suitable for a man’s parental investment.

Women with a higher number of sexual partners have more difficulty developing solid attachments, a higher incidence of infidelity and higher rates of divorce. Primarily I see this as being due to the Alpha Widow potential (more lovers, more chance one makes a lasting Alpha impression) and the subconscious comparisons to a past lover. This is a workable theory as to why men adapted for a revulsion (or at least a hesitation) of high N-count women.

This instinctual reservation is a survival adaptation based in men’s need for certainty in paternity. Investment costs and a loss of reproductive opportunity is so high for men in a state of paired monogamy that certainty of paternity became an evolved mental subroutine for men. Men’s biological imperative is to spread seed. This is why we can become aroused on a moment’s stimulation, why we can mentally compartmentalize sex from intimacy, and why we generally err on the side of over-estimating sexual interest in women.

Long term monogamous investment in rearing a child costs a man more than just him following his biological imperative. As such, a certainty of paternity became a key element in that tradeoff for parental investment in a woman. So when women shame a man for even thinking that her sexual past might be indicative of future returns it is literally a woman’s attempt at getting a man to ignore 100,000 years of an evolution that led his ancestors to have him. You don’t just wish away 100,000 years of successful breeding adaptations because it’s impolite for a man to question a woman’s past or the convenience with which she disregards it at a time when her own sexual strategy might benefit most.

This tradeoff exists in direct oppositional conflict with women’s Hypergamy, and in the context of her very limited sexual market value (fertility) peak. Women between 29 and 31 are on the downside of their sexual marketability with respect to locking down a high value man for long term parental investment. While some women can maintain their sexual value longer than others, the decay is undeniably on the downturn with respect to her intrasexual competition and her reproductive viability. She’s gone through her best fertility years focusing most on the visceral side of the Hypergamous equation (short term Alpha seed) and / or investing herself in low ROI monogamy.

In the Epiphany Phase she (and the Sisterhood) knows she can’t afford suitable Beta provisioning men to have revelations about her sexual past affect her viability for long term security.

Hypergamy is in conflict with the male need for certainty of paternity.

As such, the Sisterhood (and its male ‘allies’) unites against any reservations, or shames men for being ‘judgmental’ of her sexual past. This is how Hypergamy fights with men’s paternity imperative. Ultimately it’s a battle of his resources (sunk cost investment) versus her capacity to optimize Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks. For more information on this conflict see The Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies.

Thus, social conventions must be created to prioritize Hypergamy above Paternity. So, being a Step-Dad makes a man a “hero”. Paternity is legally defined by the mother / wife, and gynocentric legal and medical doctrines restrict doctors from revealing who the real father of a child is to the “dad”. There was a time when being an unwed mother was something society shunned. It was a time when both men and women agreed on a man’s priority of his own paternity. If a young woman became pregnant out of marriage, or if a woman slept with a soldier of an invading army, she was shunned and publicly excoriated. That’s the degree of importance the social order of the time placed on paternity. Now, the Village shames men for ever expecting a child would be his own or that he’d be justified in his concern about a woman’s past.

Now the Village conflates men’s instinctual desire to know paternity (to even put a value on it) with a social construct. It’s not that he’s naturally concerned about paternity, it’s that he learned to be concerned as part of his toxic masculinity social educations.

Finally, I should also add that part of this social convention meant to repress the paternity imperative is about absolving women of the liabilities of a promiscuous past. As I mentioned, men’s reservations inhibit women’s Hypergamous strategies. So men are shamed by women for those reservations, but they are also shamed by Beta male sympathizers (symps). This piling on with the women only aids in the deconstruction of their ow sexual imperatives, but male ‘allies’ used this shame as an extension of their Beta Game in the hopes of identifying themselves better with the feminine (as they were conditioned to). They see the identifying with women’s imperatives as a means to their own reproduction.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Ben Dover
Ben Dover
5 years ago

Epic post and excellent refresher of previous material. Keep up the great thinking and writing, Rollo. Looking forward to book #4.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

Mate, let me reiterate. I do not give a fuck

Then why bring it up in the first place? Too much time on your hands?

5 years ago

… club don’t open until 10.

5 years ago

bot is bad at reading comprehension.

5 years ago

Today’s karen contribution:
a) herp
b) derp
c) wargarble
d) all of the above

5 years ago

They always send out the bots when it’s time to vote.

This is what is meant by stirring the pot.

” Governing a country is like boiling a fish”

This I take as the more you stir either one the more it falls apart.

5 years ago

Bot is abusing Nietzsche.

5 years ago

My little sister is 5′ 1″,she is my youngest sister. My oldest sister is 5″ 3″ she is smaller than me but three years older. My little sister is only 1 year older. Neither of them know who nietzche is.

Bot’s abuse everybody as if they are owned by the po po to weed out violence.

5 years ago

bot needs to put on its specs…”oldest” not “OLDER”

5 years ago

I don’t feel like looking it up to see what ” research ” has to say on the subject, but from what I’ve observed over the years, If a woman is fit before and after childbirth ( doesn’t become a landwhale ), they usually retain their looks for a pretty good while ( …not talking about single moms either ). 30-35 might be a wall for some, but not all. Actually, as long as a woman keeps having kids, her body tends to retain its youth…something about the pregnancy hormones puts off aging…My daughter’s sister-in-law is older than my daughter,… Read more »

5 years ago

hundreds of lines input to get one line of attention…lol…Pyrrhus wants to have a word with you

5 years ago

“Then why bring it up in the first place?” I shared the link to support the fact, that no, women’s “expiration date” is not @35, which I see Rollo tweeted eariler today ( IF they take care of their themselves. Diet, genetics, little to no drugs and alcohol use and all that ….while their out getting their AF fix on. The true wall for all women is when they hit their “biological menopause” wall, which as you noted, can begin in women as early as 50. That’s when they’re completely screwed if they suddenly change their mind and want to… Read more »

5 years ago

“Not easy to stop laughing…”
Aren’t you late for a date to fellate Satan’s thorny cock or some such?

5 years ago

Karen-troll aren’t you late for a date to fellate…
Satan’s thorny C0ck or somesuch?

5 years ago

I just scrolled down on that twitter link and surprise surprise:

somebody WILL man up and marry that sloot. Thank god for the Red Pill.

5 years ago

j and Jafyk You don’t have to take at face value what are usually just female rationalisation hamsters. Is it that she didn’t want to have kids or she couldn’t find alpha seed and said …fuck it…it’s either alpha or none? lol Personal lifestyle choices ok but still doesn’t mean it’s without consequences for intersexual dynamics especially if it’s a particular social trend. If more women want to die childless then an equal number of men will die childless too as a result. None of us would be here to write on this blog if our parents had the same… Read more »

5 years ago

Having data and knowing what the hell it means are two very different things.

5 years ago

Tell me if I’m wrong,a blue pill woman operates under the new set of books iresponsibly taking every advantage for instant gratification.
While a red pill woman operates more under the old set of books,responsibly taking care of business and keeping her hypergamy in check.

This is not all inclusive of course but quite the opposite of red and blue pill males.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago


You’re wrong.

5 years ago

” . . . a red pill woman operates more under the old set of books,responsibly taking care of business and keeping her hypergamy in check . . .”

. . . in a Blue Pill Trad-Con’s dreams.

The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
5 years ago

It’s quite simple, gentlemen. Don’t get married and don’t breed. It’s a bad deal for men and in this day and age, why would anyone give up their freedom and finances for a nagging wife and ungrateful kids? Best to keep what’s yours and hit SE Asia as often as you can afford, for some good time, NSA R & R. Remember gents, the golden rule of the 3 f’s: if it flies, floats or fucks, rent it…

The Silver FoX
The Silver FoX
5 years ago

Riding to the MotoGP with the boys tomorrow which i’m really looking forward to. Heaps of guys been riding down my road over the past week on the same mission. That is a simple true rebellion in this pussified day & age. My black Kwaka super-sports bike gives me a better ride than any woman, and without any of the backchat and nonsense. Valentino Rossi is still racing, and he’s nearly 40! Keep it real, gentlemen. Get a bike, get out into the country with a few mates, and ride those machines hard… Check out Rossi’s Ranch vid. What a… Read more »

5 years ago

Realistic options for sex at 51 are either:

Much younger women
Other men’s wives or girlfriends

I’m pushing 60 (but can pass for 42) and much younger women are now my choice, hoes or not.
Nothing beats a 19yo sb other than a 19yo doing it for free. I have yet to find that unicorn…

5 years ago

@AR “You’re wrong.” Nah your lazy.A blue pill male can be unplugged by training and experience. A red pill man can train his woman to red pill ways with consistent effort.
It is easier to quit and be a victim,if you can get yor gonads to cooperate.

@kfg “. . . in a Blue Pill Trad-Con’s dreams.”

And then you woke up,red pill women and men don’t just happen in a soft and easy Mama’s boy’s world.

5 years ago

“It’s quite simple, gentlemen. Don’t get married and don’t breed. It’s a bad deal for men and in this day and age, why would anyone give up their freedom and finances for a nagging wife and ungrateful kids?” No presumptions made there. Fox, it’s that type of tunnel vision that put you where you are now. You have freedom from marriage, kids, nagging, ungratefulness. Yet you’re here lamenting your lot one week then validating your lot by impugning others’. ProTip: “don’t breed” is code for “I’m butthurt about my limitations and collapsing prospects.” And this comment is not about marriage,… Read more »

5 years ago

“I’d consider it but it wouldn’t be within the traditional western monogamous relationship structure..”

If I go in for round two it will be on my terms all the way. She would need to be 36 years younger than me,which means dealing with all her changes again. That is the trade off for a cook and gate operator- mother of my children. Still going on the first round.

5 years ago

Nagging wife? Ungrateful kids? Wtf? Again, some men aren’t cut out to be fathers, but millions will give it a shot anyway and then he shocked and angered that it magically all went to shit. I.don’t think it’s a good look for a man to suddenly realize when he’s in his 30’s that he wants to have kids. Some will.shine, many won’t and it’s that lack of poor planning and direction that spawns these ungrateful offspring. Same with a nagging wife. You chose her, you hopefully better her, whose fault is this disaster? Own it. I once made a shitty… Read more »

5 years ago

Red Pill women are essentially broken as women. They are the women who actually make good CEOs, but lousy wives. Because they are essentially husbands. It is often said in the manosphere that women are naturally Red Pill, but this is not correct. Women run three sets of books. One for themselves (partial Red Pill, hence the impression that they are naturally Red Pill), one for others (Blue Pill) and one that they go by (the rest of the Red Pill) but are unaware of (and so they are not actually Red Pill). No matter how unpleasant it may be… Read more »

5 years ago

I’ve taken a UMC girl,from disney land regular with a pool in the yard and orbiters out the wazoo, to deep conversion,

She will hold the elks ears while I cut off the head LOL she has to look away from the wobble. she makes pepper steak cuz I like it, with home made chutney. She will can everything I bring home and keep the wood stove loaded all winter.

I don’t want to train another but I know how I get when alone.

5 years ago

“Red Pill women are essentially broken as women. They are the women who actually make good CEOs, but lousy wives. Because they are essentially husbands.”

This sounds to me like “The Matrix plugged in hard” essentially blue pill. She is beyond hope of reconstruction,FUBARed. She has overcome her nature to fit in the Blue pill paradigm.

5 years ago

“Yet you’re here lamenting your lot one week then validating your lot by impugning others’.” …to acquiesce in doing something unpleasant with a show of grace because one must do it in any case… Make the best of what you have. Don’t be negative about the feminine. The feminine is fun. If you can find a girl. (We don’t hate women, we love them when they are love-able and feminine…). Make women great feminine and love-able again…. Most older guys I know that are single have difficulty in finding a girl. I recently met new guys 56 and 62 y.o.… Read more »

5 years ago

“In the current environment a single mom on welfare is maximizing her natural sexual strategy, and Maximizing your Natural Sexual Strategy is as good a thumbnail definition of Red Pill as any and better than most.”

It would appear that way at first glance,until I consider the current environment is Blue pill,thereby limiting her options from the start. Not a natural strategy rather the best option for the mistaken reproduction path.

5 years ago

“This sounds to me like “The Matrix plugged in hard” essentially blue pill.” You are wrong. “She is beyond hope of reconstruction,FUBARed.” You are right. “She has overcome her nature to fit in the Blue pill paradigm.” You are backwards. That is what a traditional wife does. Her nature is AF/BB. Why are harem guards eunuchs? It isn’t because the men aren’t trusted. It’s because the women aren’t trusted. It is the true understanding of her sexual strategy (taking the Red Pill) that FUBARs her. You are thinking like a man. Women.Do.Not.Think.Like.Men. If a woman starts to actually think like… Read more »

5 years ago

” . . . the current environment is Blue pill . . .”

The Blue Pill set of books is written by women to maximize their sexual strategy.

5 years ago

“In the current environment a single mom on welfare is maximizing her natural sexual strategy, and Maximizing your Natural Sexual Strategy is as good a thumbnail definition of Red Pill as any and better than most. Men must fully realize the nature of The Game (be Red Pill) to maximize their natural sexual strategy, but women must not. Their stealth game is so deep they even have to hide from themselves.” The same goes for girls married to red pill guys for 28 1/2 years. I’ve had new acquaintances, turning into friends that ask me if my wife knows about… Read more »

5 years ago

“Men must fully realize the nature of The Game (be Red Pill) to maximize their natural sexual strategy, but women must not. Their stealth game is so deep they even have to hide from themselves”

Interesting post. So “red-pill” women are just defective women that couldn’t keep it hidden or are just too aware of themselves, because they are somewhat masculine?

These RP women are also just herd creatures too following in the steps of male RP leadership- doesn’t that count for something?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

boulderhead Tell me if I’m wrong,a blue pill woman operates under the new set of books responsibly taking every advantage for instant gratification. While a red pill woman operates more under the old set of books,responsibly taking care of business and keeping her hypergamy in check. This is not all inclusive of course but quite the opposite of red and blue pill males. You’re wrong. boulderhead @AR “You’re wrong.” Nah your lazy.A blue pill male can be unplugged by training and experience. A red pill man can train his woman to red pill ways with consistent effort. It is easier… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
5 years ago

kfg Red Pill is full knowledge of sexual strategy. Women’s sexual strategy is hiding sexual strategy. So revealing it to her makes it get all FUBAR. When she knows what she is doing and exactly why she is doing it, she can’t do it anymore. Because “covert” means “covert”. Not “Overt but sorta covert”, not “covert but sorta overt”. Covert estrus is covert. When some girl describes a sexual escapade as “it just ha-ppened” she’s just: A. Lying to everyone, including herself B. Rewriting her history in the moment to absolve herself C. Carrying out her sexual strategy (likely AF-BB… Read more »

5 years ago

“She doesn’t become a housewife, she becomes a man with tits.” I hate when that happens. “Be ready for those blue pill friends to discuss it with their wives who will google it and be horrified and then tell your wife…” Lol. There is a benefit to being relatively insular in hanging out with friends. I use the Law #10 of the 48 laws of power to exclude overtly blue pill guys from my social circle. My buddies that aren’t Red Pilled are at least not resistant to it, and are neutrally aligned, not struggling with Blue Pill. My social… Read more »

5 years ago

palma it’s just them going with whatever is the flow at that point which doesn’t include you. If you get on the right foot they flake on someone else to be with you. Yup… Burden man… always there… Now play this dynamic through the full Mystery Method… a) she met a guy out who was fairly amusing, made her laugh a few times and he suggested a drink sometime. b) she met a guy out who came in like he owned the place, with a throng of people and girls with him, held court all night, entertained a group, got… Read more »

5 years ago

“Interesting post. So “red-pill” women are just defective women that couldn’t keep it hidden or are just too aware of themselves, because they are somewhat masculine?”

Close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades, although I would ditch the scare quotes. I’m using those for women like Cassie Jaye who are “Red Pill” as part of their deceptive strategy and not actually Red Pill.

5 years ago

@ Rollo

I had a comment not get through the WordPress filter just now, I figure.

I had a neat comment about negativity yesterday that didn’t get through yesterday, but I figured it was poor cell reception at my farm. It had to do with red pill disgruntled negativity.

5 years ago


Lately about 20% of my comments just vanish. It’s not a reception issue.

5 years ago

“After all, their families, social group, peer group and women have given them a methodology, and that methodology was not in the best interest of the man. However, Hanlon’s razor dictates that one should not attribute to malice that which can be attributed to incompetence. Many beta men do not know any better and the women in a man’s family are frequently focused on creating a great husband for their future daughter in law, rather than creating a Chad.”
Gold for black labels essay

5 years ago

“Lately about 20% of my comments just vanish. It’s not a reception issue.”

Got it.

Oh, and I was also trying to respond and comment on SJB’s cite of Robert Greene’s The Laws of Human Nature Book yesterday.

For the intellectually inclined or students of human nature, it starts out phenomenally insightful (introduction and first chapter was awesome) and is likely to be as great as the writer ever has written. Really good stuff.

5 years ago

I’ll third the disappearing comments trick.

5 years ago

Rollo, many years ago I asked you for the differences between AWALT behavior and NAWALT behavior and was hoping for some specific examples. At the time you demurred to links in your previous writings. You have most certainly never identified the AWALTS in any previous piece like you did in this one! You really came through with some new Tomossi Laws of AWALT: 1. The Sisterhood will always show solidarity for, provide cover for, or aid and abet a woman trying to optimize Hypergamy,…unless that woman is in direct intrasexual competition with her for the same optimization. 2. All Women… Read more »

5 years ago

@Sentient – I’m all in for PussyBlind. It’s interesting how my musical leanings are evolving. I seem to want to play more and more hard, distorted metalish sounds. I’m not quite “shredding” but it’s all become much harder. More masculine, less emo…I do have a really chill vibe actually, i’m tempted to put some rough cuts I loaded up to Soundcloud here of them but…

More to come in next comment.

5 years ago

Where to begin? Okay, I’m gonna try some bullets. @SJF is spot on. Girls are fun. Seems only a handful of men here have figured that out. @KFG – Is Karen a bot? I know she uses some quote/cite mining for her intentionally oblique references. If she’s real, she’s just here for the tingles. Many women like her today, sad for them mostly as the only way they can experience a rush is by shit testing nonstop and waiting for an actual man to laugh at her. Problem is if you’ve been doing this since your late teen years, and… Read more »

5 years ago

Wow, my longer comment didn’t post. Hope it’s in review or something. It was a beaut…

5 years ago

@ Palmasailor Re: unfinished business I’m not surprised you’d say such. You’ve been through a lot and realized your potential, and experience the actual in your son. There’s no such thing as too much of a good thing, your son is and example of that. Debating everything under the sun short of our desire for permanence is a lot easier than examining our conscience, realizing we could have done, can and should do more and better. I am with you and riffing here so bear with me. There’s nothing I can do about my failures short of changing course, however… Read more »

5 years ago

When some girl describes a sexual escapade as “it just ha-ppened” she’s just: A. Lying to everyone, including herself B. Rewriting her history in the moment to absolve herself C. Carrying out her sexual strategy (likely AF-BB with some AF on the side). It seems that we are supposed to pick one of the above. I vote for: D. None of the above If a woman is unaware of her sexual strategy, then how can she be lying to anyone? Part of a woman’s strategy (covert, even from herself!) is to rewrite her history. Of course, she is carrying out… Read more »

5 years ago

Disgruntled negativity Yeah that’s my BP side coming out again. I’m in the process of moving off the farm and into the city. Doing this alone (well, with movers too). It’s tiring me out so I’ll have to re-coup later. That proximity thing is key and is my missing ingredient. Sentient’s comment about being the man in the center of attention within a group is spot on as usual. But that man is not me and I currently don’t see a path to him. I’m a typical cube-farm hitech worker and basically was a stay-at-home father/builder/renovator/hobbyist. Dare I say an… Read more »

5 years ago

@Ehintellect – Tip of the hat, what a beautiful observation. So glad for you. We all need to work through our “dark midnight of the soul” on our own, ultimately. If this is just “riffing” I say keep it up.

5 years ago


How does an introvert turn into a Mystery?

How does one get to Carnegie Hall?

Is being a Mystery the key to success – the only path?

No. But if you want choice, frequency and consistency… ya know?

You can also live a DPA life, following The Platinum Rule and then capitalize on those opportunities as they present themselves…

choices… burden… evermore

5 years ago

so PussyBlind has a bassist and a guitar player… Can we audition some vocals? Need a drummer and another guitar. Need a five member band

5 years ago

How does an introvert turn into a Mystery?

Action. Act like an extrovert until you don’t have to try to be extroverted. Etc.

5 years ago

@ Scrib: Thank you.

“How does an introvert turn into a Mystery?”

Introverts aren’t antisocial, rather they understand, examine the world primarily from within their heads.

Ergo, introverts can perform as on stage superstars, look like extroverts.

Introvert strength: They are comfortable examining the world logically, rationally in their heads.

Introvert weakness: They retreat into their heads, circuitous and increasingly complex in thought, thought that might be as more erroneous and more dangerous as their sense-able external physical environment.

5 years ago

A little introvert diddy: Why would I think such things Crazy thoughts have quick wings Gaining momentum fast One minute I am fine The next I’ve lost my mind To a fake fantasy And none of these Thoughts are real So why is it that I feel So cut up and so bad I need to take control Coz my mind is on a roll And it isn’t listening to me Save me ah ah save me ah ah Save me ah wooh [thinking and thinking] Save me ah ah save me ah ah Save me ah wooh [thinking and… Read more »

5 years ago

@Disgruntled Earthling “I’m a typical cube-farm hitech worker and basically was a stay-at-home father/builder/renovator/hobbyist. Dare I say an Introvert? How does an introvert turn into a Mystery? Is being a Mystery the key to success – the only path?” Good question. I’m glad you asked. I have reference experiences in this idea. Mystery may well have been and is an Introvert. The way he got where he was a times was through the process of developing Mastery desire, practice, learning and collaboration with others (mentors or equals). The process of Mastery was described in Robert Greene’s Mastery and in Daniel… Read more »

5 years ago

If you want to be more extraverted, you could always do like George Costanza in the Seinfeld episode The Opposite: George remarks to Jerry in Monk’s Café that every decision that he has ever made has been wrong, and that his life is the exact opposite of what it should be. Jerry convinces him that “if every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right”. George experiments with doing the complete opposite of what he would do normally. EXTRAVERT • Outer world is the “real world” • Gets energy through engaging with environment •… Read more »

Chump No More
Chump No More
5 years ago

@EhIntellect, Keep on riffing man… good stuff! “I’m of the opinion that there’s no future per se, just successive moments, building on each other. All I can do is do the right thing in the moment and let the future take care of it self. ” And here we have a core characteristic of the post-modern, collectivist, victims… complete incapability to live in the now and allow life to just unfold. This ‘losing of faith’ is what drives them in their insane quest to ‘fix people’. It’s their failed belief of having no individual agency and the ultimate distraction from… Read more »

5 years ago

@Disgruntled – Great and honest commentary. Don’t discount the SB thing, at bats with young hotties are hard to come by and like you said, it’s a good way to develop yourself. I’ve dabbled with pros here and there. Don’t make it a habit though cuz you have to fight your way out of provider selection. As for who you’ve been in the past in your life, I have simple question for you: How’s that working out for you? If you are content being who you’ve been, keep at it. But if not, consider that the idea that some people… Read more »

5 years ago

While SJF is sharing some gold, I also have to challenge a bit. Example: I’m what most people think of as an extrovert but I actually gain energy from being alone. The much simpler explanation is that I have an anxiety disorder and socialization raises my anxiety, whereas being alone does not. Just be very careful about these assumptions about who you are and who you are not, please.

5 years ago

@Eh Intellect – Also, someone up thread said that “older guys have a hard time finding a girl” – change that. Most men have a hard time finding a girl. They are all looking for the top 20%. Older guys have advantages and disadvantages. But if you understand female mating strategies, you can hack them. It’s that simple. The biggest change is seeing yourself as high value. For older guys just gaming who’ve never been successful with hot women, you have no reference experiences. So you have go through all that rejection you should have gotten when you were younger… Read more »

5 years ago

Scribbs Hint for hotties? Relate to them. I tell them that I’ve dated beautiful women my whole life (pre-selection) and that most people don’t understand them. Depending on where we are at in our interactions, I may talk about how super hot girls just can’t trust men because so many pretend to want to be friends. Or how other girls are so jealous. Or how just because they are beautiful, people assume they don’t have problems. Yes! I have a nice routine built up around this. Me: You have PGS… Her: what? Me: Pretty Girl Syndrome… and then go into… Read more »

5 years ago

“and then go into all those points with a lot of NLP YES head nods “it suck right? All the people judging you all the time? Right? people have no idea what you really think and feel, just their own assumptions? Right?”

ya. very powerful shit

5 years ago

@Scrib Thanks – your comments and rants are always interesting to read. And I find you are highly nonjudgmental. That SB thing is certainly an education and an eye-opener. ” have simple question for you: How’s that working out for you? ” It’s not, obviously. But since blowing up my 28-year ltr about 4 years ago I’ve made great progress. That progress needs to continue. I’ve avoided the Cold Approach but I’ve been playing and replaying that scenario in my head for the past little while. And there’s always that after-thought of “idiot – I should have done this…” after… Read more »

5 years ago

So, a little more about me. And Myers-Briggs. It’s just a tool in the Red Pill Toolbox. I’ve built a strong foundation of information. I’ve been reading books since early childhood and have built an empire of knowledge. And I’m by far not a keyboard jockey (references upon request). Via Red Pill and the manosphere, and not just Red Pill Manosphere, but also a well-rounded discussion of stuff from originally the old nascent type of forums like Prodigy in the 90’s, Glocktalk forum including firearms but also general guy stuff in like 2002-2009 era, firearms shit in the last… Read more »

5 years ago

” . . . Rollo hates Myers Briggs because of the faggy, Blue Pill/Purple pill use and abuse of it by Astrology types . . .”

The Chick Crack astrology types are where it came from. It was never anything more than a Tarot card type thing dressed up in a psuedo scientific skin. The fact that it was ever taken seriously as psychology is the misuse of it.

I have found that Tarot cards have their uses in clinical psychology , but I don’t mistake them for psychology.

5 years ago

There is no psychological validity to it. That is the error of understanding its value. It doesn’t have validity. It’s a useful tool. Most people are clinical retards. Keep them away from it. It can only be a shiny object for them. That’s where chick crack resides. Shiny object. I have medical patients every fucking day that don’t subscribe to valid medical principles. They all have preferences. They all have biases. They have non-Flow States and they are all stressed out. They don’t have of framework of understanding. They all have blind spots. And ego investments. (here we go crude… Read more »

5 years ago


As a youth and ATMI Iv’e moments of genius. Then I’ve had moments of implosion.

Oh my man. Just out of reach over God’s fingers is terrifying.

To hate and love yourself is hell on Earth.

Something’s gotta give.

In blessed I’m not dead.

5 years ago

@EhIntellect – So that is your dance. Embrace it. Be it. Be the best fucking version of it ever. While I would disagree with SJF’s assessment of my psychology in the sense that I have delved quite deeply into it long before the Red Pill, he’s not wrong that I’m was victim of multiple ptsd qualifying physical traumas by age 8. That, coupled with an actually terroristic father and then the death of my mother, and then my dad and stepmom splitting when I was 15. And my dad was a drunk of sorts (alcoholism isn’t a disease) but also… Read more »

5 years ago

Hey Scribbs, Lighten up Frances. ,,,,, a quote from the movie Stripes starring Bill Murray. It was made by the platoon leader to a boot camp soldier who was speaking and acting paranoid about others picking on him, or approaching him in an undesired manner. It means, ” Okay, just stop and settle down. You’re over reacting.” ” SJF: Hint: You try way too fucking hard.” No shit, Sherlock. It works for me. And Guess what? I’m in a good place. (references available on request…) “A decimation of the victim mentality so many supposed “Red Pill” men have about female… Read more »

5 years ago

“Well, let’s try this out and see if it works.”</i.

Let's try some of this out and see if it doesn’t work with no biases going into the fray.

I read that in a book once….

5 years ago

“Talking to me about being “clinical”, lol, the psychiatric and psychological fields are filled with so much rank bullshit that calling it a science is a stretch. “ I had dual specialties. I did psychology rotations. I had girlfriends I was fucking soon after that. One was a BPD and another had a schizophrenic break (heh, not my fault, I dindu nuffin…) It turned my stomach to witness psychological pathology. I wasn’t attracted to the clinical specialty to practice it. I couldn’t stand the pathology of the patients. But I didn’t take nothing away from those reference experience and I… Read more »

5 years ago

someones mood ring is turning amber.

5 years ago

comment image

5 years ago

“Why the fuck would they expect us not to judge them on the metrics that matter to us? Because that’s inconvenient for them ? Suck it up buttercup you can’t change nature because it doesn’t fit your narrative.”

Been off here for a few weeks and have a lot of catchup. Noticed that comment from a few pages back.

That is dog language. Girls don’t speak that well, much less understand it. They are not wired for dog language and if you expect them to get it you will constantly be frustrated by it.

5 years ago

@ scrib and others I try to put my life in perspective, and it is up to me to enjoy it with peace of mind. The first step is letting go of the past as hard as that might be. I’m not judging or prescribing any course, though shit gets out of hand fast without forgiveness. War is not a product of political decisions. Nope. The League of Nations signed 4568 peace treaties between 1920 and 1939. 211 were signed in the 11 months prior to WW2. These treaties we’re not written in the heart of the signers. This isn’t… Read more »

5 years ago

It’s the weekend. Why so serious?

5 years ago

As @palmasailor referenced @Sentient saying a while back way up the thread “the biggest problem is getting yourself (an over 40’s male) in their (a 19-25 year old females) proximity.” The parenthesis are mine to add clarity to the statement this far down the thread. My question is for the older single guys (@scribblerg specifically but others jump in as well) where exactly are you meeting 19-25 year old females? Spare me any of the you just go through life and meet them rhetoric if that’s where you’re gonna take it. I’m looking for specifics here. Like a list of… Read more »

5 years ago
5 years ago


I like your confidence though why mention OMG?

No snark.

5 years ago


“Spare me any of the you just go through life and meet them rhetoric if that’s where you’re gonna take it.”

“where if you were single and actually tried following up on them would lead you nowhere.”


“I’m looking for specifics here”

Not over 40, but the top 5 would be:

– Art galeries
– High end lounges
– Happy hour at trendy bars
– Trendy restaurants w/bar area
– Museums

Although, I think Scribbs only fucks young girls from online dating apps. Which isn’t seduction nor pickup.

5 years ago

” I’m looking for specifics here. Like a list of where/how you met the last five 19-25 year olds you were with.”

Well first I”ve met most of them at the ……… OMG

Then there is always the………. don’t read this honey.

5 years ago


Live and learn.

Or don’t.

Guesses and shit are good too I suppose.

5 years ago

Serious curious question, so most of you guys ‘ looking ‘ for young chicks really not see any when you walk out of your front door?


5 years ago

@j am I remembering correctly from an earlier post that you’re in the NYC area as well?
If so I’d be interested in hearing some lounge suggestions. If you know any with a dartboard that would be ever better!

@Blax, serious answer to ur serious question, even though ur not the demo I was asking my original question to (;, Yes. But that isn’t the point though of why I asked what I asked. I already knew that.

5 years ago

@Blax And that’s Yes I do see them.

5 years ago

” . . . that isn’t the point though of why I asked what I asked.”

I didn’t answer the question because you told me to take my answer and stuff it, so, I stuffed it.

I do have a question of my own though which you have now raised yourself, so:

What was the point of it?

5 years ago

Well mothers never lie
And fathers live to tell
Now drink to us

5 years ago

Yes @kfg I do have a very specific demo I am targeting with the question.

The point of it u ask…you want the long or short version?!

Here’s the short (and only) version: If I’m going to take even a shred of what I come across here as believable the answer to my question should be simple. If you fit the demo it’s simple to answer it, you’d think. But it’s not, as we’re seeing. @j had a great answer, as expected, but he’s too young lol.

5 years ago

OK, that matches my best guess.

5 years ago


Lounges in NYC I’ve been to, that I think an older guy can pull HB7+ <25 year old chicks:

Le Bain – Meatpacking District
PhD – Meatpacking District
Mr. Purple – LES
W Hotel – Times Square
Freehold – Williamsburg

5 years ago

Do share the other list of lounges where you think younger guys can pull HB7+ <25 year old chicks too. I'll check out the recommendations from both lists. Tx.

5 years ago


Are you retarded?

Serious question.

Where do you think young girls are?

Where are there populations of 18 to 22 year olds? Can you think of any place like that?

Hint – colleges

Any coffeeshop, juice bar or yoga place will be full. Any outdoor space will be full. An easily identifiable stretch of bars and clubs proximate to campus will be full.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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