The Instinctual Process

I want to thank you if you’ve made it through the first part of this series and you stuck with it. In some respects I can see why it might be odd that I’m covering cognitive processes, however, these are really the foundational premises for so many other Red Pill intersexual dynamics, as well as interpersonal and even social dynamics between humans that they deserve some sort of fleshing out. Again, I want to stress that these cognitive processing models are ideas I’m coming to and not settled science. However, they are based on both classic interpretations combined with the benefit of what we know about the biological, evolutionary and anthropological aspects of the cognitive processes today.

If you made the connection to Freud’s components of personality models – the Id, Ego and Super Ego – in the last post you at least grasp something of the initial theory I’m building on here. Useful as they are, Freud’s models lacked anything like an understanding of how the human mind works or how it evolved to the degree we take for granted today. Freud made his best guess at these processes from an inner psyche perspective. He formed his theories from what he deduced was operating inside our heads. My belief is that his (and others’) cognitive process models evolved and developed in response to interpreting our environment and the stimuli that our senses translated to them in our formative evolutionary past. Really, all of these interpretive processes, Instinct, Emotion and Reason, are the result of our experiential lives and the many benefits they provided us in surviving and reproducing.

All of that is not to discount the internal psyche and how these processes define who we are. Freud’s model proposed the Id, Ego and Superego are components of personality, what I’m proposing is that these components are the result of evolved cognitive processes – Instinct, Emotion and Reason – that served to create these inner models which later became those components of personality. I should say that I’m not entirely sold on these Freudian components, but I can see how cognitive processes would’ve led to developing them. I propose that these components of personality, Freud’s or other’s, are the products of these interpretive processes.

The Ego is a result of the Rational (Reason) process, while the Superego is a summation of the Emotional process. Since I don’t want to veer off into the psychology lesson in all this I’ll leave this proposition for another essay, but I do want to make a distinction here; What I’m proposing in this series is that our evolved interpretive processes are the means by which we interpret our reality, which in turn shapes who we are individually, socially and sexually.

Base Instincts

Stripped down, the Id is a result of the Instinctual process and largely resides in our unconscious or preconscious experience. Instinct is reflexive, and the behaviors it prompts are directly related to our basic survival and reproductive needs. Instinct operates outside our consciousness because of the inability of the human brain to focus on the endless sources of stimulus we experience in life. As good as we’d like to think we are with multi-tasking our interpretive cognition can only process so much; the rest is pushed into our subconscious periphery and hindbrain subroutines. This is the auto-pilot part of our instinctual cognition.

Since we largely see our Rational and Emotional processes (not to mention our social consciousness) as “higher order” processes, we tend to downplay the importance of Instinct. Our Instinctive process evolved to sustain our physical survival and reproductive imperatives in as pragmatic and practical a way as would be expedient. In most respects Instinctual interpretation and cognition is, by necessity, based on immediacy. By comparison, Emotion and Reason are slower forms of cognition, and, in the case of Reason, requires a period of learning, development and internalization. As such, there is no complication of conscience or morality, nor time for rational or emotional reflection when instinctual awareness and action is necessary. All the things we call sin or immoral, unethical or duplicitous, are manifested by our Instinctual process. But so too are ennobling aspects like self-sacrifice, violence-in-protection, mate guarding and parental investment. Hypergamy is also a behavioral and psychological dynamic that is deeply rooted in the Instinctual process.

Because of all that instinct often carries a negative preconception, at least by modern standards. And thus the Id becomes the part of the human psyche inseparably connected to the instinctual process. The desire for immediate gratification, the direct, unmitigated satisfaction of our most basic needs, and the hedonistic pursuit of pleasure; all of these we associate with the Id. However, all of these basic gratifications are directed towards elements of our evolved, instinctual needs for survival and insurances of thriving in the future. Much of what we think of as impulsivity is connected to the immediate aspect of instinct, but even this often serves some latent biological or survival purpose.

Gendered Differences

In psychology 101 we’re taught to think of the Id as our ‘childish’ selves. How many times have we read in the manosphere about how men can better relate with women via Amused Mastery or relating to them like a bratty younger sister? This process, this PUA technique, is a subconscious appeal to women’s Id via the Instinctual process. When I proposed that women want a man who Just Gets It a huge part of that dynamic relies on a man appealing to a woman’s Instinctual cognition. This is exactly why demonstrating an intent serves so much better than explicating an intent. Actions speak louder than words because actions always speak clearly to our Instinctual processing. Yet one more reason I, and most of my Red Pill contemporaries, advocate for the Medium being the Message – behavior almost always appeals to instinct.

One of the questions I’m always asked by guys is, how do I know when a woman is in whichever phase of her ovulation? Usually this is prompted by some reasoned want to be able to know when to turn up the Alpha around their girlfriend’s proliferative phase and ease off when she’s in her luteal (down cycle) phase. When you look at this in terms of cognitive processes, a man’s Reasoning process wants to deductively solve a problem that is rooted in the Instinctual process. It certainly makes sense, like a lot of other problems, to use our smarts to solve that reproductive problem. The real problem is that the use of Reason is what defeats the Instinctual cognition. There are actually many subconscious, instinctual mechanisms men have evolved to determine a great deal of information about women reproductive states, but our Reason and what goes into influencing it, tends to make us discount what out Instinctive process is telling us.

Most guys get frustrated with Game at some stage of their learning (Reason) it. The most common complaint is “I can never hope to remember all of this shit perfectly all the time. I can’t calibrate the way I need to, or, this is all an act, when can I let my hair down and just relax with a girl?” Another common question/presumption guys hit me with is how I manage to continually Game my wife. The answer I almost universally give is that I don’t, in fact, consciously Game my wife. Rather, my success in our marriage and really all of my relationships with all the women in my life is the result of having internalized what I’ve learned from Red Pill awareness and made it who I am. I’ve taken what I’ve learned and internalized it to the point that Game became my instinctual response to women’s instinctual process.

Game is not an act for me, it’s an instinct. If you were to put a guitar in my hands today I could play it with a good degree of proficiency. I can play by ear and instinctually I anticipate where notes and chord progressions go if I’m trying to play a song I’ve never played before because I’ve been playing guitar for the better part of my life. However, there was a point in time where all of that was foreign to me. I could play by rote memorization, but playing music wasn’t instinctual. Playing an instrument wasn’t part of who I was at that point in time.

The same is true for internalizing Game. It is entirely possible for your Rational process to inform your Instinctual process as well as your Emotional processes. This interplay can work for all our cognitive processes, but as I’m focusing on instinct today I want to stress again that Rational and Emotional processes can alter the, largely subconscious, Instinctual process. I have pretty good pitch as a result of being a musician for so long. If you asked me to play a particular note or chord I would instinctively do so. What I wouldn’t do is hunt around the fretboard counting frets and string to come to it. This is the best illustration I can give you with regards to internalizing other things.

Martial arts is another good example. There are certain innate, instinctual reactions we have when we’re confronted with conflict or protecting ourselves. When something flies at our faces we flinch. When we hear a sudden loud noise we startle. These are inborn parts of our firmware that evolved in us for very good reasons. What martial arts training does is forces us to sublimate those natural instincts and replace them with more efficient instinctual responses. Again, this is the Rational process rewriting the instinctual process via internalization.

Art has always been something I’ve had an innate ability for. I have do doubt that many of our natural cognitive ‘gifts’ are in some way gene expressions. So when we see a ‘natural’ at something our rational/emotional minds tend to think of it as something almost supernatural. However, I had to learn to play music because I was determined to express myself creatively in that fashion as well, and that took perseverance and internalization of skills. I think the same can be said for guys we think are ‘naturals’ with regard to Game and women. They may have an instinctual affinity for Game. They may be blessed with good genetics. But Game can be learned and internalized down to the Instinctual level.

All of that said, there are still fundamental parts of our mental firmware that are ‘pre-loaded’ into us at birth. Shit tests, Hypergamy, mate guarding behaviors, ovulatory shift behaviors, and many more are in-loaded in women and every bit as Instinctual as breathing or eating or self-preservation. Just as there are physical gender differences in our brains and bodies, so too are their differences in men and women’s Instinctual processes. The easiest one for us to consider is in sexual imperatives. I’ve noted in many essays that only women are Hypergamous. Men and women’s sexual strategies are reflective of their differing physical and mental make up, but those strategies are also different (and often contradicting) as a result of the Instinctual process unique to men and women as well.

One of the more powerful instincts men have is our sexual impulse and as a consequence it’s one that we are taught to control the most. Hypergamy is also a product of women’s Instinctual process, however, since about 60 years ago, prosocial control over Hypergamy has become something individual to a woman. Men’s self-control over their sexual nature is something that’s been part of our upbringing for millennia, women today are just now being expected to self-police their own sexual impulsivity.

These innate gender differences in instinct are a very difficult aspect of human nature for both egalitarian equalists and traditional moralists to accept. Equalists chomp at the bit with respect to their ego-investments in blank-slate idealism. Even the idea of a gendered difference in human nature, much less a human “nature” at all (a concept most deny) conflicts with the social constructivism that forms most of their ideology. Moralists tend to think that acknowledging (much less embracing) our instinctual selves is endorsing the worst of it, or it’s some kind of license to shirk the personal responsibilities for it. And, for both equalist and moralist, accepting our instinctual natures seems deterministic in a way that conflicts with their sense of existential control.

Well, the good news for both is that understanding men and women’s Instinctually processed natures is something our other two processes (for better or worse) have an influence over. There’s a common refrain from equalists today that presumes we’ve “evolved beyond” our base instincts (if they acknowledge them at all). From moralists we’ve always been ‘higher minded’ and above our instincts, that is if we accept some ideological ‘truth’. The root of both of these presumptions can be traced to the Emotional and Rational processes influencing our Instinctive process.

I’m of the opinion that very few of us are actually ruled by our instincts, but they are always the favorite scapegoat for ideologues. As a Red Pill aware man I think it’s important to have an objective understanding of how the Instinctive process operates in ourselves and women. Denying or disqualifying the importance of instinct and why it evolved is usually one of the biggest blindspots for a Blue Pill conditioned mind.

In the next part of this series I’ll explore the Emotional process and how it’s become the preeminent social-defining experience for us.


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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Not Born This Morning
6 years ago

“Wild Man” are you an inferior man because you constantly name call yourself “Wild Man”?

This is not the forum where a domesticated castrated soy boy who got kicked to the curb by a female can get away with referring to himself as “Wild Man”?

Wild Man
Wild Man
6 years ago

NBTM – you said – “Just shut the fuck up and take the red pill” I did, as long as you agree that: “Redpill outlook perhaps can therefore be seen as ….. ‘a prescription for integrating the Id/Superego functions with the Reality function – the Ego function’.” Look – I’m pretty sure Rollo will have to address this issue in this series (because the series is about Instinct, Emotion and Reason, and though these concepts about cognitive attributes only very roughly map onto the Id, Superego, and Ego concepts about personality attributes, as Rollo outlined in the article at top… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
6 years ago

“This is not the forum where a domesticated castrated soy boy who got kicked to the curb by a female can get away with referring to himself as “Wild Man” Look – you really don’t know the first thing about my life. So you have sunk to the name-calling routine as well. Well same comment as directed to Eh above applies to you then. I dunno – for you in particular, for some reason (maybe because you are piling on without addressing one fucking thing I have said – unlike Eh – he has engaged somewhat, I’ll give him that,… Read more »

6 years ago

Lol. Daaammmmnnnnnn……

comment image

6 years ago

” I really would like the opportunity to fuck you over. I can’t do anything about that, but I guess I want you to know that. I would like to make you crap your pants and then have you down on the floor rubbing your face in that. We are both close to the same age right? We both know I would fuck you up bad if you said shit like that to me to my real face. You ain’t gonna keep up with me buddy. I’ve got miles of physical fortitude you do not possess. And I’m a strong… Read more »

6 years ago

“According to Christian tradition the seven deadly sins are: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth, and wrath. ” Each of these is attributable to instinct gone astray,each of these is forgivable in the christian sense. We are quite funny, (people that is) in thinking that we have mastered instinct and then a large potion of the population goes to church to get forgiveness for one or more of these sins over and over every sunday for the most part unaware that they are instincts that all have and the ones that suffer the most don’t recognize the cause.… Read more »

6 years ago

Imagine feeling guilty for getting a hard on “Lust”

6 years ago


I never bought into ” lust ” in the Jimmy Carter sense.

Haven’t read the descriptor as being just thinking about sex/women. Boner optional.

” sins ” are active. Thinking doesn’t count until you act. I’m going on ” religious ” philosophies that pre-date nicean approved Christianity though, but most of the religious stuff I have read pretty mush lines up minus the western interpretations.

There’s a pacifying, shaming and control aspect to traditional, current practice that just doesn’t make ” logical sense ” by comparison of the whole.

6 years ago

The wrath of Wildman is a blown out herd instinct,about the need to fit in coupled with the alpha reproductive instinct to dominate. Act this out in a virtual situation and it becomes comical.

6 years ago

Jesus is stated to have visited the Temple in Jerusalem, where the courtyard is described as being filled with livestock, merchants, and the tables of the money changers, who changed the standard Greek and Roman money for Jewish and Tyrian money.[1] Jerusalem was packed with Jews who had come for Passover, perhaps numbering 300,000 to 400,000 pilgrims.[5][6] And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. And he told those who sold the pigeons, “Take these things… Read more »

6 years ago

I think Carter was subscribing to the christian view of adultery “Mathew 5:28”. that christian men will amog each other with in a police fashion.

In reality self censoring is better than “public sin”, what is even more fun is telling them to stfu.
Just because nobody saw you doesn’t mean no harm was done,when the baby comes out black we will know whose it is.Lol

6 years ago
6 years ago

” Just because nobody saw you doesn’t mean no harm was done,when the baby comes out black we will know whose it is.Lol”

I never touched her. = )

6 years ago

We’re all psychopaths on this bus.

6 years ago

When instinct mixes it up with organized religion.

6 years ago

” First Self Righteous Church ”

He he heeee.

6 years ago


…. last video from me.


Just Beers
Just Beers
6 years ago

is it alpha to help out other men in awakening to the Red Pill? Instinctual?

6 years ago

All instinct basically boils down to survival,there seems to be a trend in calling the emotions that arise in a threatening situation, instincts. I don’t agree with all of these interpretations.
This one is good.

6 years ago

“is it alpha to help out other men in awakening to the Red Pill? Instinctual?”

For an alpha male in a leadership role it is instinctive to teach and empower the men in his charge. Look at it as the higher your mens testosterone, the more power , the higher your own level of confidence.

6 years ago

Wildman, here is the crux of the issue as far as I can tell. “NBTM – you said – “Just shut the fuck up and take the red pill” I did, as long as you agree that:…..” No, as long as you place some condition on someone else as a condition of YOU swallowing anything, then you have not understood a word that Rollo has written in his books, his blogs, nor have you understood the (mostly) constructive advice graciously provided for you by the commenters here. One last bit of advice. OWN YOUR SHIT. Stop telling us why we… Read more »

6 years ago

@ Just Beers

“is it alpha to help out other men in awakening to the Red Pill? Instinctual?”

Why do you ask?

It depends if the man resonates with you and wants to be Red Pill. It depends on whether that man wants what you are selling. Human relationships are often made of exchanges. Great male to male exchanges lead to great male to female exchanges.

Depends on your Mastery of your instincts.

6 years ago

Be better

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

If I had more time I”d write a shorter comment. FIRST: ARGH! There’s no point to using Freudian terms to discuss anything. It often devolves to definition games, and frankly we know a whole lot more just in the manosphere about women than Sigmund, his daughter and all his followers jammed together. We know about brain structures such as the amygdala and the anterior cingular cortext and we have good ideas what they do. So dragging old 19th century terms such as “id” around makes as much sense as using “phlogystin” to analyze a jet engine or “the aether” to… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Blaximus “. In my case, I trust my instincts over the rational and the logical. Ration and logic play a role, but depending on what’s going on, they usually will take a backseat to instinct. Instinct has literally saved my life on.a few occasions where if I’d depended on problem solving, I wouldn’t be here to type this. Your instincts can be honed, tested and modified. Disagreeing with this, because what you’re writing about is not really instinctive. A hunch is not an instinct, it’s something trained. Could be a machine, an animal, an interpersonal situation, a rock – it’s… Read more »

Just Beers
Just Beers
6 years ago

Hey, SJF, thanks for all of your helpful comments over the years I asked about alpha, instinct, helping other men awaken, etc., just to help streamline the back and forth on the thread. Not that anyone has to listen to me. Last thread you and a friend put together a list of masculine red-pill self-improvement that was great. I think it bears reposting: “Unimportance (prediction avoidance) + heart-mind alignment + intent + outcome independence + mastery + excess energy + struggle + acceptance of performance burden = clarity and consequence. That’s why every other day or so I’m in some… Read more »

Just Beers
Just Beers
6 years ago

Anonymous Reader

Re: instinct, intuition (from incorporated training/experience) and problem-solving

Agree with you mostly. All this is pretty clear from the sports world. Also childhood development study can easily set anyone here straight on what is what.

There is a time and place for everything. Anyone confused on this matter need only see the havoc wrought by retained reflexes. Some instincts vital as infants must be dropped to fully develop.

6 years ago

The Starbucks fuckers who got their 15 minutes of fame made Sargon of Akkad’s This Week in Stupid (22/04/2018) This was the situation that I cut and pasted about in the last essay’s comment pages that made Blaximus lose his shit.

Let’s not discuss the Black Imperative. It might make Blaximus mad, and we wouldn’t want that. Carry on beating up on Wildman, who just lost his son. Where is SFC Ton when we need him. Red Pill? Men? I wonder.

Just Beers
Just Beers
6 years ago

Oh and Female “intuition” is usually just instinct and wishful/fearful thinking. It’s mostly limbic nonsense.

6 years ago

As I think of them, instincts are hard-wired behavior, distinct from learned, automatic behavior. Eproms v. Eeproms…learned, automatic behavior needs to be reinforced to prevent behavioral loss

6 years ago

“is it alpha to help out other men in awakening to the Red Pill? Instinctual?”

It’s male masculine kinship tribal behavior from and for those in the tribe that have merit. I learned to help other red pill men by reference experiences and training. Initially, I learned by experience and instincts how to get a mentor and how to be a good mentee. And be able to play either role depending on who comes along.

Wild Man
Wild Man
6 years ago

AR – Your ideas around instinct – yes – I think to some degree it does have to be about hierarchical brain (and overall nervous system) wiring, like you say. And some things are just so kneejerk, like pulling hand away from a heat source before it gets burned too badly, for instance. This is all really very mysterious. I was trying to link some ideas together by way of suggesting that: Instinct = Id function (which to me is better described as the ‘drive for self-preservation’, an absolute necessity and vital prerequisite for each and every individualized lifeform). That… Read more »

6 years ago

Sometimes it’s better to just get outside and do shit. Walk away from the keyboard and go for a walk. Grab a coffee and flirt with the cute barista. Hit the gym and while exercising enjoy the eye candy. Split some wood and makes stacks for next Autumn’s chill. Not worry about Freud and do some fucking. Less KJ and buffering. I already sent three emails to some RP buds this morning and am now here. Hell, I’m feeling like I need to get away from the keyboard and it’s only 9:30am. Too much clicky clack and not enough of… Read more »

6 years ago


6 years ago

@ just beers From Ghosting post: “I’ve personally known guys who’ve read my body of work, came to a Red Pill awareness, and then immediately wanted to explain it all to their friends only to find themselves ostracized from their regular social group because their sudden change diametrically conflicts with what they’ve been conditioned to expect from him. It’s very frustrating for guys who want to excitedly, sometimes proudly, talk about the particulars of their new awareness and how it’s changed them for the better.“ There’s a opening post in the last 2 years that discusses the pros con and… Read more »

6 years ago

sorry EhIntellect.. I’ve dissociative personality disorder.

6 years ago

Yes. I was the one.

6 years ago

I’ve 2 personality… I had childhood trauma… That had split me into 2 pieces. One part of me is socially correct, other one is what i actually am… I was caught red handed doing incest when I was 5. Dry humping u can say…Again in 8, I had humping experience with a neighbour gal… I was always ahead of my peers of my time.. But every time getting caught compelled me making a false image of myself.

6 years ago

I think boys should split from their parents from a very early age like 6 y.o.

6 years ago

I think boys should split from their parents from a very early age like 6 y.o.

6 years ago

So they grow up themselves. Religion played with me when I was kid. Now feminism playing with male kids. If we all could go back to the hunter gatherer world!

6 years ago

You’re right. Gals only look for looks before 23.. ONLY LOOKS you can get gals.

Chump No More
Chump No More
6 years ago

@marelius I don’t believe a man is truly RP aware until he is capable of the introspection required to identify the buffers and ego investments that prevent him from fully integrating the RP paradigm. Without awareness and introspection, there can be no internalization. I’m aware of my remaining investments that are ‘dug in’. There’s still work to do, but the path is clear. @Wild Man is incapable of that level of introspection. As a result, he will be forever choking. He can’t cough it up because he can’t un-see the parts that are palatable to him, but he can’t swallow… Read more »

6 years ago

It’s worth pointing out that the original “incel” killer Elliott Rodgers was most likely homosexual.
It’s pretty obvious if you read his bizarre screed about a men only paradise, with his glowing admiration for men and their beauty, with much less attention paid to women.

Naturally, the media ignored this angle because they wanted to portray him as related to the pick up artist community to attack PUA

6 years ago


Okay, let’s not get carried away. Whoever coined the term ” incel “, how did that specific label arise, and where did it originate? Cogent question.

A killer is a killer is a killer. How many men would qualify for the label of ” incel ” don’t commit murder, especially random murders?

No. Rodgers was a mentally deranged sociopathic murderous young man.

6 years ago

If you really think about it, blaming pua for Rodgers actions is a lot like blaming flight schools for 911.

6 years ago

Now that Rollo has blogged about the instinctional process, I want to hear about the extinctional process. 😉

6 years ago

When life has zero consequence, death has zero consequence.

These young men have been convinced there’s no way out beyond homicide/suicide endgames.

6 years ago

never knew about this incel stuff. i knew about ER, but that’s about it until Scrib posted that link a post directed at us from the incel site: “As you’re happy, we are miserable.” nonsense generalization. false. “As you go home to your wives/husbands, we return to an empty space.” assumption: wives/husbands automatically spend time together and that just because one has a partner means no more “empty space”. false. “As you go to sleep beside the person you love, we go to sleep alone, with a rope nearby; tempting us.” assumption: just beause we lie next to someone at… Read more »

6 years ago

@ASD: “Now that Rollo has blogged about the instinctional process, I want to hear about the extinctional process. ”

Rollo talks a lot about it actually …. it is called “Marriage” 🙂

Wild Man
Wild Man
6 years ago

“So, what does he do? He comes here, to the hottest of kitchens, desperately looking for a shred of acceptance and validation… and fails at that too.” CNM – you got that part wrong though. And getting that part wrong is probably what leads you to make up that fantasy you made up about me. I’m not looking for acceptance and validation. How can you not get this after all I have said? – I don’t agree with much of what passes for redpill truth among the commentariat here. Isn’t that obvious that that is my perspective? I think you… Read more »

6 years ago

@fleezer: “incels have no fucking case. dismissed.”

Great comment!!

6 years ago

What’s that sound???

It’s fleezer knocking it out of the fucking park.

6 years ago


They know they don’t. They are a product of a fixed pie grievance feminist culture.

“If that guy/race/sex/class is happy, it’s taking from my happiness to get there.

Feminists and women have no idea what the unintended consequences are (the downside) to their unrestrained hypergamy (the upside).

What does the feminized culture care? It’s men doing the heavy lifting.

These feminists are all about what they’re gaining, not considering some black swan event. What they’ve done requires constant micromanagement too complicated to start worrying about some incels….these guys aren’t a threat…they can’t even leave the basement…right?


6 years ago

incel: “Reminder normalfags don’t want to admit their lives are the result of luck because it means they would have to sympathize with those who weren’t as lucky. It would also mean they would have to admit they didn’t accomplish anything” as a normalfag, I readily admit how ridiculously lucky i am and that in no way requires me to by sympathetic of others as a normalfag, I’m okay with having zero accomplishments listed under my name it’s funny how when I look back, I see literally zero accomplishments anyways. what do i see? a bunch of shit that had… Read more »

6 years ago

@EH: “When life has zero consequence, death has zero consequence.”

I beg to differ. for people like Rodger Elliot, when life has zero consequence, death has a meaning. What is that meaning? Could be anything – seeking revenge from “Chads” and “Staceys”, hoping their violent act will leave behind a legacy that will force society to change, etc, etc …..

6 years ago

Guys like that don’t need a case to strike out. Those people are dead the same.

6 years ago

Consequence means those people Elliot et al killed have no meaning beyond the self loathing projected outwards.

It’s an extreme cry of frustration inflammed by a meaningless (in this case incel) culture into violent action.

To what point? Are they getting laid?


At that point nothing matters anymore and like the heath Ledger’s Joker these guys just want to watch the world burn.

6 years ago

@chump No More

We’ll said.

Rollo had fleshed out those thoughts in Don’t Hate The Beta.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

Life isn’t luck when you habitually capitalize on opportunities.

It just seems that way when, as a social species, being at the right place and the right time is required.

If they would try to learn game they’d get some “luck” themselves.

6 years ago

Incels have complained about system injustuce. From Dark Knight review: 4. How do you fight back against a system without justice? You can create enough chaos to destroy the system. You can become a criminal. Or you can make every decision arbitrarily, based on the flip of a coin. Possibly one of the most disturbing and heart-wrenching messages of Dark Knight is that, in a world without justice, there is no way to fight the system without falling into corruption, apathy, or worse. We see Gotham City’s three pathways to power quite starkly in Dark Knight. The mob chooses to… Read more »

6 years ago

One of the best values out there is that if you can accept masculine criticism from your died-in-wool Red Pill buddies?

They can see and tip you off to your blind spots. Those buffers and ego investments that hold you back.

6 years ago

Rollo, please, stop, you are embarrassing yourself. It is obvious you are not well-read. Freud argued humans are not rational because sex is not rational. Read “Civilization and Its Discontents.” The Ego is the “I” and not a “rational” process but a struggle between the id (the “it”) and the super-ego (the “above-I”). Example: “I” want to fuck my beautiful neighbor but she is married with children and my “above-I” has placed ethical restraints on me. Furthermore, you are confusing “instincts” and “drives” with the adaptive unconscious. “Game is not an act for me, it’s an instinct”–that’s because you learned… Read more »

6 years ago


So our ancestors were Jokers!

6 years ago

“Incels have complained about system injustuce.” it seems they complain about systemic and natural, as they focus big on looks and height too natural injustice? how can nature/natural selection be unjust? now that I think about it, it’s really the only judge whose verdict I would acknowledge “Possibly one of the most disturbing and heart-wrenching messages of Dark Knight is that, in a world without justice, there is no way to fight the system without falling into corruption, apathy, or worse.” trying to find a way to make an opinion opener out of this “guess which villain i am” “i’ll… Read more »

6 years ago


Nothing new under the same sun…

6 years ago

“So our ancestors were Jokers!”

he was the villain in book 1, right? batman’s pure opposite

writers are lazy and mirror opposite was probably easiest

a good choice i’d say, as he’s probably the most memorable to the masses

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

@fleezer and others The incels look to be stuck in emotional mid-high, maybe 7th grade. Always rerunning a self pity party. This is what we get for the unlimited participation trophy / helicopter mommy / drugging / etc. feminizing of boys. INvoluntarily CELibate means they don’t take any agency or responsibility over themselves. Like children or women (I repeat myself) things just happen to them, nothing is ever their cause or fault. Thus the toddler-style screeching and acting out. “Look what YOU made me do!” is the unwritten caption to the vehicle killing in Canada. From the PUA side, this… Read more »

6 years ago

“Incels” are a joke, really. Yes, if they get so bottled up some of them may go “boom” every now and then but they’re mostly, apart from some of them who are simply mentally ill (and therefore present specific issues and challenges that will impact more than just their celibacy), just pathetic losers whose problems are entirely self-inflicted, and mostly have to do with their own toxic attitudes about themselves and others, and an almost overwhelming reluctance on their own part to engage in real self-improvement efforts.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Instinct: Many predator species have a chase instinct. Both dogs and bears have it: if some other animal runs from either, they will give chase. It is hard wired in: see critter run, chase now. No debate, no cognition. Dogs don’t shoose to chase cats, they Just Do It. That’s an instinct. It is the result of (choose your origin mode) and hardwired, like fish schooling in the sea. By the way, that’s why running from a bear is likely to be suicide, because the next instinct in the stack after “chase” is “tear up”. Little old black bears of… Read more »

6 years ago

““Incels” are a joke, really. Yes, if they get so bottled up some of them may go “boom” ”

Gather enough incels, you got yourself an army:

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

In fact, the basic rules for bear country demonstrate what instinct is – hardwired instructions to keep a species in existence. Don’t run from a bear – that’s what prey does, if you look like prey you will be eaten. Do make yourself look big and noisy – that’s the opposite of what prey does. You are less likely to be eaten. If the plan fails and a bear is playing foosball with you, protect your neck and head by curling up in a ball. You are less likely to be eaten but may get very injured. Do not ever… Read more »

6 years ago

“By the way, that’s why running from a bear is likely to be suicide, because the next instinct in the stack after “chase” is “tear up”.”

the bear stack?

fucking awesome.

i love this place. i already learned about a ton of new shit this week, and it’s only wednesday

and now i’m gonna go read about animal stacks, a term/idea i had never even thought of before AR mentioned it

what are the odds i learn about something that applies to fucking chicks easier, faster, better…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Gather enough incels, you got yourself an army:

Yeah, but all they would do is bitch at each other, like a pack of girls. Come to think of it, that describes a few political groups in the US.

Chump No More
Chump No More
6 years ago

@Novaseeker, Incels are far from a joke. They are social engineering run amok. They are the direct result of our western fem-centric society’s war on masculinity. Boys must be the taught traditional, positive masculinity of stoicism, discipline, and resilience to modulate the impulsivity, aggression, and risk-taking fueled by hormones. In their disastrous machinations to create the better beta, we have generations of men with no emotional restraint or masculine coping skills. Boys have been conditioned to believe they are nothing more than ‘broken girls’. The result? Men who live in the moment of their emotionality, with no perceived agency, raging… Read more »

6 years ago

In their disastrous machinations to create the better beta, we have generations of men with no emotional restraint or masculine coping skills.

Except very few of them actually are incel. Getting less sex and/or sex with less attractive women than they would like? Yes, that’s widespread. But incel, as in no sex at all ever, period? That’s a tiny group of people and, apart from the the mentally ill ones, is self-inflicted and pathetic. Even the masses of socially engineered soys are getting laid every now and then.

Chump No More
Chump No More
6 years ago

@Wild Man

Discourse requires an overlapping of realities. You are far too removed from the reality we experience daily. Up until now, I’ve read every post can find no common ground to engage.. As such, your psychobabble (excellent word choice, @Maerlius) is of such little value to my experience that you are not worth the effort. From the other responses to your bs, it’s an easy bet that I’m not alone in my assessment. Your juice just isn’t worth the squeeze.

My last sincere response. Engaging “Scroll past” mode…

Chump No More
Chump No More
6 years ago

“Except very few of them actually are incel.”

I don’t disagree. They are the outliers and the extremes are often the most ‘vocal’ and get the most attention. That said, ‘celibacy’ is just one symptom in a larger pathology. I would argue that enabling a perceived lack of agency is what’s ‘driving the bus’. Hopelessness begets chaos.

6 years ago

@ novaseeker Considering 5% of women were unmarried pre 1960, your description of an incel is legit at that time as there were so few. Is everyone now and then enough? For some, apparently not. I’d say there are by percentages more today than ever, by design. Considering the occasional gamma types I’ve read in FR’s, those guys don’t get much if ever. It only takes a few to ruin a day. I’m not suggesting there’s an incel uprising afoot. As in home grown Muslim terrorism, the question isn’t if there’s something wrong here, but when do we care to… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

David Hogg looks pretty incel to me. Maybe he’s the real leader of the incels, who have been waiting for him to show up?

6 years ago

David Hogg? Gaydar pinging.

6 years ago

just pathetic losers whose problems are entirely self-inflicted, and mostly have to do with their own toxic attitudes about themselves and others, and an almost overwhelming reluctance on their own part to engage in real self-improvement efforts.

Old Man, Self improvement is never ever a part of our instin0ct.

6 years ago


6 years ago

I don’t like actually giving away my mental elements in the firm of verbal/logical fight. I’m done& out.
Rollo, ban me if you wish. I will find another way to school your familyAlphas😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😾😾😾😛😛😛p

6 years ago

Btw, EhIntellect
Which team your supporting this WC football’18? Your from Canada or USA or UK… IKR…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

David Hogg? Gaydar pinging.

Like ER? I wonder how many “incels” are just wimpy about being in the closet?

6 years ago

What is ER?

6 years ago

Women wanted men to be just like them Feminists (which includes many men who may actually be feminist leaders rather than the female feminists) wanted men to see themselves as broken women. Very likely, the feminists on display are female, but the feminists actually running things are probably male. Do we care which gender is screwing things up? Yeah, know your enemy. And feminists are merely socialists in drag. The family is destroyed by design. In the 1844 Manuscripts, and again a few years later in the Communist Manifesto, Marx, like Fourier before him, denounced bourgeois marriage as a form… Read more »

6 years ago


6 years ago

Thanks j … God! What I’m up to!

6 years ago

Feel sorry for that man… 2014— Hè çòùĺd ďò běțțěř… I’m the Alivę Elliot Rodger now…

Wild Man
Wild Man
6 years ago

CNM – your comment – “Up until now, I’ve read every post can find no common ground to engage” Well thanks for trying I guess. But no common ground by which to engage – you sure? Why not try this question on for contemplation, and for sorting out what is what with respect to some of the difference of opinion about core concepts used here, among the commentariat: Do you think that the following is a good way of framing what the bluepill/redpill discussion is about, at root, as discussed here (a framing that I disagree with)?: Superego = Beta/Golden… Read more »

6 years ago
Wild Man
Wild Man
6 years ago

Hahaha. Pretty funny Blax. Is that like ‘Karl Marx on LSD’? If so, yeah – boring. Not my thing (especially – the Karl Marx part – what a dildo that guy was).

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago


You changed prescription meds or something like that recently?
Just wondering.

Wild Man
Wild Man
6 years ago

Not boring (and your online namesake’s mentor?):

comment image&h=4200&w=2800&tbnid=gXdVx0hdk2kOhM:&tbnh=186&tbnw=124&usg=__IfVb5hxp4cjc9fWlyK-W2miu82g%3D&vet=10ahUKEwjs7svUqtbaAhUF7IMKHYCaAVkQ_B0I6wEwEw..i&docid=s03et4HUbrCDnM&itg=1&client=firefox-b&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjs7svUqtbaAhUF7IMKHYCaAVkQ_B0I6wEwEw#h=4200&imgdii=gXdVx0hdk2kOhM:&tbnh=186&tbnw=124&vet=10ahUKEwjs7svUqtbaAhUF7IMKHYCaAVkQ_B0I6wEwEw..i&w=2800

Wild Man
Wild Man
6 years ago

comment image

6 years ago

Marxism and socialism are important as far as the knowing what it is, and being able to recognize and counter. That’s it. The Cult of Personality stuff though, is useless.

Right now America is in much more danger from a different threat. More current and immediate.

Concentration on ” Marx did/said thus and so ” isn’t relevant as much as the reality on the ground currently that is gaining traction in popular American culture/society –

comment image

6 years ago


comment image

Wild Man
Wild Man
6 years ago

Blax – so what’s the antidote (to both communistic shite and fascist shite, as well as victim-celebration shite, and FI shite, and psychopathic shite) – pretty much all the social shite?

What did Maximus’ mentor – Marcus Aurelius represent (and I don’t mean as in ‘cult of personality’ – I mean by way what he stood for)? There’s your answer as to antidotes. Like I have been saying all along here – eh?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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