The Instinctual Process

I want to thank you if you’ve made it through the first part of this series and you stuck with it. In some respects I can see why it might be odd that I’m covering cognitive processes, however, these are really the foundational premises for so many other Red Pill intersexual dynamics, as well as interpersonal and even social dynamics between humans that they deserve some sort of fleshing out. Again, I want to stress that these cognitive processing models are ideas I’m coming to and not settled science. However, they are based on both classic interpretations combined with the benefit of what we know about the biological, evolutionary and anthropological aspects of the cognitive processes today.

If you made the connection to Freud’s components of personality models – the Id, Ego and Super Ego – in the last post you at least grasp something of the initial theory I’m building on here. Useful as they are, Freud’s models lacked anything like an understanding of how the human mind works or how it evolved to the degree we take for granted today. Freud made his best guess at these processes from an inner psyche perspective. He formed his theories from what he deduced was operating inside our heads. My belief is that his (and others’) cognitive process models evolved and developed in response to interpreting our environment and the stimuli that our senses translated to them in our formative evolutionary past. Really, all of these interpretive processes, Instinct, Emotion and Reason, are the result of our experiential lives and the many benefits they provided us in surviving and reproducing.

All of that is not to discount the internal psyche and how these processes define who we are. Freud’s model proposed the Id, Ego and Superego are components of personality, what I’m proposing is that these components are the result of evolved cognitive processes – Instinct, Emotion and Reason – that served to create these inner models which later became those components of personality. I should say that I’m not entirely sold on these Freudian components, but I can see how cognitive processes would’ve led to developing them. I propose that these components of personality, Freud’s or other’s, are the products of these interpretive processes.

The Ego is a result of the Rational (Reason) process, while the Superego is a summation of the Emotional process. Since I don’t want to veer off into the psychology lesson in all this I’ll leave this proposition for another essay, but I do want to make a distinction here; What I’m proposing in this series is that our evolved interpretive processes are the means by which we interpret our reality, which in turn shapes who we are individually, socially and sexually.

Base Instincts

Stripped down, the Id is a result of the Instinctual process and largely resides in our unconscious or preconscious experience. Instinct is reflexive, and the behaviors it prompts are directly related to our basic survival and reproductive needs. Instinct operates outside our consciousness because of the inability of the human brain to focus on the endless sources of stimulus we experience in life. As good as we’d like to think we are with multi-tasking our interpretive cognition can only process so much; the rest is pushed into our subconscious periphery and hindbrain subroutines. This is the auto-pilot part of our instinctual cognition.

Since we largely see our Rational and Emotional processes (not to mention our social consciousness) as “higher order” processes, we tend to downplay the importance of Instinct. Our Instinctive process evolved to sustain our physical survival and reproductive imperatives in as pragmatic and practical a way as would be expedient. In most respects Instinctual interpretation and cognition is, by necessity, based on immediacy. By comparison, Emotion and Reason are slower forms of cognition, and, in the case of Reason, requires a period of learning, development and internalization. As such, there is no complication of conscience or morality, nor time for rational or emotional reflection when instinctual awareness and action is necessary. All the things we call sin or immoral, unethical or duplicitous, are manifested by our Instinctual process. But so too are ennobling aspects like self-sacrifice, violence-in-protection, mate guarding and parental investment. Hypergamy is also a behavioral and psychological dynamic that is deeply rooted in the Instinctual process.

Because of all that instinct often carries a negative preconception, at least by modern standards. And thus the Id becomes the part of the human psyche inseparably connected to the instinctual process. The desire for immediate gratification, the direct, unmitigated satisfaction of our most basic needs, and the hedonistic pursuit of pleasure; all of these we associate with the Id. However, all of these basic gratifications are directed towards elements of our evolved, instinctual needs for survival and insurances of thriving in the future. Much of what we think of as impulsivity is connected to the immediate aspect of instinct, but even this often serves some latent biological or survival purpose.

Gendered Differences

In psychology 101 we’re taught to think of the Id as our ‘childish’ selves. How many times have we read in the manosphere about how men can better relate with women via Amused Mastery or relating to them like a bratty younger sister? This process, this PUA technique, is a subconscious appeal to women’s Id via the Instinctual process. When I proposed that women want a man who Just Gets It a huge part of that dynamic relies on a man appealing to a woman’s Instinctual cognition. This is exactly why demonstrating an intent serves so much better than explicating an intent. Actions speak louder than words because actions always speak clearly to our Instinctual processing. Yet one more reason I, and most of my Red Pill contemporaries, advocate for the Medium being the Message – behavior almost always appeals to instinct.

One of the questions I’m always asked by guys is, how do I know when a woman is in whichever phase of her ovulation? Usually this is prompted by some reasoned want to be able to know when to turn up the Alpha around their girlfriend’s proliferative phase and ease off when she’s in her luteal (down cycle) phase. When you look at this in terms of cognitive processes, a man’s Reasoning process wants to deductively solve a problem that is rooted in the Instinctual process. It certainly makes sense, like a lot of other problems, to use our smarts to solve that reproductive problem. The real problem is that the use of Reason is what defeats the Instinctual cognition. There are actually many subconscious, instinctual mechanisms men have evolved to determine a great deal of information about women reproductive states, but our Reason and what goes into influencing it, tends to make us discount what out Instinctive process is telling us.

Most guys get frustrated with Game at some stage of their learning (Reason) it. The most common complaint is “I can never hope to remember all of this shit perfectly all the time. I can’t calibrate the way I need to, or, this is all an act, when can I let my hair down and just relax with a girl?” Another common question/presumption guys hit me with is how I manage to continually Game my wife. The answer I almost universally give is that I don’t, in fact, consciously Game my wife. Rather, my success in our marriage and really all of my relationships with all the women in my life is the result of having internalized what I’ve learned from Red Pill awareness and made it who I am. I’ve taken what I’ve learned and internalized it to the point that Game became my instinctual response to women’s instinctual process.

Game is not an act for me, it’s an instinct. If you were to put a guitar in my hands today I could play it with a good degree of proficiency. I can play by ear and instinctually I anticipate where notes and chord progressions go if I’m trying to play a song I’ve never played before because I’ve been playing guitar for the better part of my life. However, there was a point in time where all of that was foreign to me. I could play by rote memorization, but playing music wasn’t instinctual. Playing an instrument wasn’t part of who I was at that point in time.

The same is true for internalizing Game. It is entirely possible for your Rational process to inform your Instinctual process as well as your Emotional processes. This interplay can work for all our cognitive processes, but as I’m focusing on instinct today I want to stress again that Rational and Emotional processes can alter the, largely subconscious, Instinctual process. I have pretty good pitch as a result of being a musician for so long. If you asked me to play a particular note or chord I would instinctively do so. What I wouldn’t do is hunt around the fretboard counting frets and string to come to it. This is the best illustration I can give you with regards to internalizing other things.

Martial arts is another good example. There are certain innate, instinctual reactions we have when we’re confronted with conflict or protecting ourselves. When something flies at our faces we flinch. When we hear a sudden loud noise we startle. These are inborn parts of our firmware that evolved in us for very good reasons. What martial arts training does is forces us to sublimate those natural instincts and replace them with more efficient instinctual responses. Again, this is the Rational process rewriting the instinctual process via internalization.

Art has always been something I’ve had an innate ability for. I have do doubt that many of our natural cognitive ‘gifts’ are in some way gene expressions. So when we see a ‘natural’ at something our rational/emotional minds tend to think of it as something almost supernatural. However, I had to learn to play music because I was determined to express myself creatively in that fashion as well, and that took perseverance and internalization of skills. I think the same can be said for guys we think are ‘naturals’ with regard to Game and women. They may have an instinctual affinity for Game. They may be blessed with good genetics. But Game can be learned and internalized down to the Instinctual level.

All of that said, there are still fundamental parts of our mental firmware that are ‘pre-loaded’ into us at birth. Shit tests, Hypergamy, mate guarding behaviors, ovulatory shift behaviors, and many more are in-loaded in women and every bit as Instinctual as breathing or eating or self-preservation. Just as there are physical gender differences in our brains and bodies, so too are their differences in men and women’s Instinctual processes. The easiest one for us to consider is in sexual imperatives. I’ve noted in many essays that only women are Hypergamous. Men and women’s sexual strategies are reflective of their differing physical and mental make up, but those strategies are also different (and often contradicting) as a result of the Instinctual process unique to men and women as well.

One of the more powerful instincts men have is our sexual impulse and as a consequence it’s one that we are taught to control the most. Hypergamy is also a product of women’s Instinctual process, however, since about 60 years ago, prosocial control over Hypergamy has become something individual to a woman. Men’s self-control over their sexual nature is something that’s been part of our upbringing for millennia, women today are just now being expected to self-police their own sexual impulsivity.

These innate gender differences in instinct are a very difficult aspect of human nature for both egalitarian equalists and traditional moralists to accept. Equalists chomp at the bit with respect to their ego-investments in blank-slate idealism. Even the idea of a gendered difference in human nature, much less a human “nature” at all (a concept most deny) conflicts with the social constructivism that forms most of their ideology. Moralists tend to think that acknowledging (much less embracing) our instinctual selves is endorsing the worst of it, or it’s some kind of license to shirk the personal responsibilities for it. And, for both equalist and moralist, accepting our instinctual natures seems deterministic in a way that conflicts with their sense of existential control.

Well, the good news for both is that understanding men and women’s Instinctually processed natures is something our other two processes (for better or worse) have an influence over. There’s a common refrain from equalists today that presumes we’ve “evolved beyond” our base instincts (if they acknowledge them at all). From moralists we’ve always been ‘higher minded’ and above our instincts, that is if we accept some ideological ‘truth’. The root of both of these presumptions can be traced to the Emotional and Rational processes influencing our Instinctive process.

I’m of the opinion that very few of us are actually ruled by our instincts, but they are always the favorite scapegoat for ideologues. As a Red Pill aware man I think it’s important to have an objective understanding of how the Instinctive process operates in ourselves and women. Denying or disqualifying the importance of instinct and why it evolved is usually one of the biggest blindspots for a Blue Pill conditioned mind.

In the next part of this series I’ll explore the Emotional process and how it’s become the preeminent social-defining experience for us.


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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago

Blax replies right on cue, lol… How’s this, Blax? ——————————- Repubs are fascists 1. rampant nationalism = MAGA 2. Disdain for human rights = repubs are anti-Dreamers, anti-gays, anti-women 3. Identification of Enemies as a Unifying Cause = repubs don’t like socialists or “undocumented workers” 4. Supremacy of the Military = repubs are pro-military 5. Rampant sexism = repubs are anti-feminists 6. controlled mass media = newsmax is republican 7. obsession with national security = repubs support adventurist wars 8. religion and govt. intertwined = repubs campaign among evangelicals 9. corporate power protected = lower corporate income tax 10. labor… Read more »

6 years ago

This appears to be a different person newyaloof not newly…

6 years ago

I will circle back around to Labels again. Shit by any other name still stinks. The antidote is not to ever become an ideological slave, to the point you become blinded. Man is imperfect, as are hi ideologies, at the end of the day. Antidote = Read this at age 11 or so, and it stuck fast. Rollo struck GOLD with me in describing Mental Point of Origin and Frame. Stuck fast too. If I believe that a wealthy nation should assist the poor, it never makes me a liberal socialist, as the Devil’s of ” help ” are in… Read more »

6 years ago

That list of “Fascism characteristics” has been making the rounds for years. Think I first saw it in 2003 or thereabouts. The listed criteria don’t even apply to all fascist states, nor do they apply to only fascist ones. Characteristics of Communism under Lenin: 1. Propaganda used. 2. Control of Mass Communications. 3. Strong Police force 4. Control of armament. 5. Control of Economy Huh, looks like we might be a communist-leaning country. I could come up with a list of selective criteria for a thriving democracy, or for a communist state, or for a socialist one, or some perfect… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

The elusive antidote……..

6 years ago

If I believe that a wealthy nation should assist the poor, it never makes me a liberal socialist,

Lol, Blax, supporting redistribution of wealth by any other name….

…I’m all for the government encouraging private generosity, but I’m not for public “generosity” at the point of a gun

6 years ago

Fascist are fascist. Sex, Race, Religion, Political affiliation, sexual ” orientation “… none of that makes any difference. It’s how one becomes a sucker ripe for a con. Definition of fascism 1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control ·early instances of army fascism and brutality… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Blax, are you really, really, really worried about Rampant Sexism as a warning sign of anything?

6 years ago


Bro, again, you are making my point for me –

” Lol, Blax, supporting redistribution of wealth by any other name….”

What (( I )) said was –

” If I believe that a wealthy nation should assist the poor, it never makes me a liberal socialist, as the Devil’s of ” help ” are in the details. But defining people by a few words or phrases leads to an assload of misidentifications. “

Wild Man
Wild Man
6 years ago

1. rampant nationalism = MAGA Civic Nationalism, the kind Trump says he supports, at least rhetorically, is the antidote to the psychopathic variety of globalism we are all being sold though. 2. Disdain for human rights = repubs are anti-Dreamers, anti-gays, anti-women American citizenry is the best method for delivery of rights within America 3. Identification of Enemies as a Unifying Cause = repubs don’t like socialists or “undocumented workers” American citizenry is the best method for delivery of rights within America 4. Supremacy of the Military = repubs are pro-military American citizenry is the best method for delivery of… Read more »

6 years ago


I define ” sexism ” to include Feminism, or any ideology that attacks and demonizes people strictly by sex.

6 years ago

Some pretty key things missing from the list: suspension of civil liberties, complete media control by the government, martial law, summary executions… Yep, that’s the definition of fascism. Here is the fascist doctrine (translated from Italian….I hope this link still works) “Anti-individualistic, the fascist conception is for the State; and it is for the individual in how much it coincides with the State, conscience and universal will of the man in its historical existence. It is against classical liberalism, which rose from the need to react to absolutism and has exhausted its historical function from when the State has… Read more »

6 years ago

Blax, sure, that list from Timothy is true today and it was also true in Paul’s day–probably even more so back then because Roman culture was obsessed with the phallus and slaves were often used for sex…human life was cheap and people were cruel…the govt. executed criminals by crucifixion…gladiatorial combat was entertainment for the masses… …but about fascism…manafort’s home was invaded in the early a.m. by fbi thugs sent by “progressives”…Trump sent thugs into Obama’s house and threw Obama in prison…oh, wait…we’re still waiting for Trump to show himself to be a dictatorial leader… …foolish single women voted for HRC…I… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

By the way, Benito Mussolini was named for a President of Mexico, was a Socialist from childhood on and a member of the Socialist International up until 1914, breaking with world Socialism over the issue of World War 1.0. His program of Socialism was sold to the people of Italy as a way to bind all the fragments of society together for the common good – workers, peasants, landowners, factory owners, even the church. The symbol of his party? The Fasces, from ancient Rome. That’s Benito Mussolini, founder and leader of the Fascist party of Italy. Take a Commie and… Read more »

6 years ago

No governmental media control just yet, but a sinister collusion..

between corporate, media and political parties.

Wild Man
Wild Man
6 years ago

Blax – your Marcus Aurelius and Bruce Lee quotes – you are in fact agreeing with me. Your other comments in that same post – are you insinuating that your are not agreeing?

Also your comment – “Rollo struck GOLD with me in describing Mental Point of Origin and Frame”. Rollo’s descriptions of these concepts are too imprecise.

6 years ago

WASHINGTON) — Acting Consumer Financial Protection Bureau director Mick Mulvaney is under fire for remarks he delivered to a group of bankers Tuesday regarding access he granted to lobbyists as a congressman.

“We had a hierarchy in my office, in Congress,” Mulvaney said during the American Bankers Association’s Government Relations Summit. “If you were a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn’t talk to you. If you were a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you.”

comment image

6 years ago

lol @ Blax

6 years ago

” Rollo’s descriptions of these concepts are too imprecise.”

Nah, they are spot on. Rollo can give you a sandwich, but don’t expect for him to chew it for you too.

JT McMahon
JT McMahon
6 years ago

Meanwhile, in the LOL department –

Fine example of the instinctual/emotional process, modified by a (evo-bio-psycho inherently de-rated) solipsistic (yet entitled!) cortical input (8 minute tape has cc) 😁

So devastated we don’t have eight years of this kind of nonsense as POTUS to deal with

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Blaximus I define ” sexism ” to include Feminism, or any ideology that attacks and demonizes people strictly by sex. That’s fine and dandy, but the people who came up with that list you posted do not agree with you at all. They’d likely call you “sexist” and some other things. That suggests ye olde list has some logical flaws. Like list “10 SIGNS OF WITCHES IN YOUR BASEMENT” or something else just as dumb. All this reminds me of the left-libertarians screeching “Bush = Hitler!” back in 2002. I had a long, drawn out debate with a couple of… Read more »

6 years ago


From my perspective, from where I’m sittin’, I’d disagree.

6 years ago

well, Blax, you live in the state that’s the armpit of the nation…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Cripes, I had to scroll back a full page to find anything worth replying to. Chump No More Women wanted men to be just like them… be careful what you ask for. Aaaaactually, women wanted two things: * To be Just Like Men * To be Dominated By Manly Men In other words, they wanted fried ice. Now they complain it’s too cold. Somewhere here or elsewhere recently I pointed out that girls now routinely try to qualify themselves to men by reciting stuff that they want in a man. Soooo some 29.999 year old girl in a social situation… Read more »

6 years ago

YaReally archive is back!

6 years ago

comment image

6 years ago

NYT reports on a Chinese HR solution for incel coders:

“Ms. Shen is a “programmer motivator,” as they are known in China. Part psychologist, part cheerleader, the women are hired to chat up and calm stressed-out coders. The jobs are proliferating in a society that largely adheres to gender stereotypes and believes that male programmers are “zhai,” or nerds who have no social lives.”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Hey, I knew a girl computer science student named Shen. Back about 10 years ago.
Small world!

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Open mic nite at the coffee joint near the campus. Sincere dude with half a beard and a guitar strumming about how he fell in luv with a girl, but she’s in luv with th’ world…but he’s all right ’cause his heart’s still beating…

So much blue pill. Sigh. Men are the true romantics.

6 years ago

Acoustic guitars can be a big part of the problem

6 years ago

Upstream talk re: incels and luck.

By definition luck cannot be exploited; trial and error can lead to errors. Optionality is about getting the upper half of luck.

It’s not about finance only, yo!

6 years ago
6 years ago

I was splitting firewood all day today. And I was listening to a classic rock FM station. Almost all songs always were Blue Pill. Except for maybe Grunge or Alternative Rock.

I heard some doozies from Don Henley.

Just like Actors are mostly Liberals, Blue Pill lyrics always sold. To the least common denominator.

6 years ago

Go Blutarski!
But CLASSICAL acoustic guitar, just to be clear, is one of civilization’s great gifts

6 years ago

BP rhythm get me laid. The lyrics are irrelevant. Girls don’t care ’bout that.

6 years ago

Sing “Faithfully” by Journey, both verses and stick “I have the joy of rediscovering you”…BP as hell. Women don’t give a rats ass as long as you sing it with feelz. No joke. Add confidence on stage and a pirates smile…you be laid like tile.

6 years ago

sjf I yelled when this came on the radio on my way to work. I used all 600 watts and tried to break the windows. Bp song? [youtube A restless eye across a weary room A glazed look and I was on the road to ruin The music played and played as we whirled without end No hint, no word her honour to defend I will, I will she sighed to my request And then she tossed her mane while my resolve was put to the test Then drowned in desire, our souls on fire I lead the way… Read more »

6 years ago

How ’bout dis one? [youtube I’ve been down I’ve been cryin’ in the dead of night I’ve been tryin’, i’ve been tryin’ To find the time to make it right It’s gonna be a long cold winter Long cold winter without your love I’ve been walkin’ I’ve been freezin’ Freezin’ from a love i left behind I’ve been searchin’, i’ve been searchin’ Can’t find my peace of mind It’s gonna be a long cold winter Long cold winter without your love I’ve been down ooo, i’ve been down yea Baby baby baby ooo i’m freezin’ I’m freezin’, i’m freezin’,… Read more »

6 years ago

… uh… didn’t realize that fan made vid was so pornographic in spots.

6 years ago

“Bp song?”

I’m not so sure…

I think it’s a reflection of EhIntellect’s life.

I think it’s an OMG’s life turning to Red Pill song:

6 years ago

Whitesnake could be the official TRM house band …

You talk too much, never saying what’s on your mind,
It’s written on your face, I lead the world you hide behind.
I know what you want, I can see what you’re looking for,
I know what you want from me,
An’ I’m gonna give you more.
I’m gonna slide it in right to the top,
Slide it in, I ain’t never gonna stop….

6 years ago

Like ER? I wonder how many “incels” are just wimpy about being in the closet?

Yep. ER may not have actually been gay, but he pinged gay (and if he wasn’t actually gay that may have had something to do with his woman issues).

6 years ago

Eh *Flashback* …lol As a young 15 year old in highschool, we used to have a yearly ” Battle of the Bands ” type event where other High School bands would come to our school after being challenged. It normally took place across the last 2 periods of the day, and the student body would be dying in anticipation of hearing some good, loud music ( No MTV back then ). This particular year, a student had transferred in from Cali. He was a seriously good young guitarist. I’d no longer be the best guitarist in the school, lol. In… Read more »

6 years ago

“I’m just happy Joe Walsh is still alive after snorting half of Bolivia up his nose. Yeah, well I heard “Life’s Been Good” last week on the boombox at The Farm. And also linked that to EhIntellect’s life, which has been good. (Although I might be violating the HIPPA Privacy Act in commenting as such.) They say I’m crazy but I have a have a good time I’m just looking for clues at the scene of the crime Life’s been good to me so far My Maseratti does one-eighty-five I lost my license, now I don’t drive I have a… Read more »

6 years ago

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God bless him.

* wipes single tear from eye *

6 years ago

C’mon Blax, Cinderella can do better than that:

Put your money in a big house
Get yourself a pretty wife
She’ll collect your life insurance
When she connects you with a knife

6 years ago

Lol O.B.I.T I purposely stayed away from Save Me. To obvious. Like this one too – [youtube Told you i had to leave, i had my reasons I said that it hurt to stay, the way that i’m feelin’ It’s not love That left you standin’ It’s not love That left you cold It’s not love Misunderstandin’ Only a mistake There’s nothing left to take Why, baby, why did you make me let you go And leave you so lonely Why, baby, why did you have to hold on You know it’s not love anymore Gave you your last… Read more »

6 years ago

I like Dokken but they could get very blue pill. This one’s not bad for old guys — Levin can play lights out

6 years ago


Not to sound all ” Get off my lawn “, but there’s a void of real rock out there today, so Teh Old dudes leep coming out of retirement/retirement homes to make music.

Deep Purple, Judas Priest, Yes,Fleetwood Mac, Scorpions, Neil Young, Ted Nugent, Guns and Roses, Marylyn Manson, Alice Cooper, System of a Down, Tool, Ozzy…. all mounting tours in 2018.

Just pray that the Stones stay wherever the hell they are. No more.

6 years ago

Last video and I’m out. Promise.

My fave Dokken tune =


6 years ago

ahhhh, too bad we gotta get old(er).

6 years ago

I’m ten years younger after ingesting The Red Pill five years ago. And time is flying by.

Go figure.

6 years ago

Yes it’s fun and revealing to sift through the canon of rock and metal to see in a new light which songs show MPO and ZFG, and which singers — to use Blax’ memorable line — sound mesmerized by pussy.

6 years ago


6 years ago

An ode to Incel’s
This wouldn’t pass in 2018 Not that it did back than.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

BP gitbox

Ah feels more better, now.

6 years ago

Wild Man (and others who have made your mistake, to argue),

no real debate (geared towards exploring more views/finding out more truths and details) is possible here, ’cause it’s full of “alphas” — with the typical “alpha” disposition to

1) teaming-up herd-like
2) ego-investment in whatever they feel like affirming at the moment: it is of course, a battle to win or lose, and never about the debated subject
3) Name calling, ad hominems, and “we win you lose” noise. But that’s included in 1) already.

6 years ago

“I define ” sexism ” to include Feminism, or any ideology that attacks and demonizes people strictly by sex.” Well… all natural drives that are better pretended not to be there are given an -ism suffix and shamed out of public discourse. That’s what happens with things everyone cares about and knows they are there: they get pretended, with the utmost urgency, as non-existent. Women are more subject to herd instinct and authorities because majority is usually more often right on average than minority, and authority is a person supported by majority. Also it is possible to mention a higher… Read more »

6 years ago

Somewhere here or elsewhere recently I pointed out that girls now routinely try to qualify themselves to men by reciting stuff that they want in a man. Projection. I think Rollo discussed this a while back. Ever since, I’ve been seeing this all around me Black bears will eat you if you try to play dead. I’ve been chased by 2 black bears – one (young smaller fella) chased me right to my front door. The other was a fully-grown male. I was out a kilometer from my house in a clear-cut hydroline cut. Saw him galloping towards me on… Read more »

6 years ago

“Ms. Shen is a “programmer motivator,”

I’ve been wondering if her duties include blowjobs under the desk.

6 years ago

I was listening to a classic rock FM station. Almost all songs always were Blue Pill. Except for maybe Grunge or Alternative Rock.

Try Gangsta Rap from the 90’s. Spotify has a good playlist. Great workout music once you get over the culture-shock

6 years ago

Just pray that the Stones stay wherever the hell they are.

Nope, they’ve announced another tour this fall (?)

6 years ago

There are a lot of black bears where I live (enclosed area, with about four times the number nature can sustain but we’re not allowed to hunt them).
At any rate, I’ve seen most when I’m out jogging. I was given some misinformation that bears don’t see well (they do), and if you just make yourself large and make noise they will fear you and leave. I’m sure I looked like a jackass…but I can confirm this tactic does work.

6 years ago

My Sugar-Baby experiment is soon-to-be-over. It was nice. We started last March and she lived with me since September. 28 years in a BP LTR and picking up RP a few years ago I was banging 40+yos until I said ‘fuck it’, I’m gonna get what I want. A nice 19yo sexy skinny girl. The key problem with a guy my age (59) wanting young strange is Proximity (as Sentinent mentioned a little while ago). These girls just don’t run in my crowd. On SA they’re actually the ones messaging me which is pretty funny. My goals with this girl… Read more »

6 years ago

Yeah I live right adjacent to a largish national park so no hunting there either. Lot’s of bears and the occasional lone wolf.

6 years ago

My throwback fave, vocals all over the place., RP to boot!

6 years ago

@DisgruntledEarthling One thing that isn’t working for me (which is why I’ve thrown her out) is my long-term game or the effort I can sustain. Maybe its an age thing but sometimes I just want to sit there and not have to interact or care about someone else. I get lazy and the girl starts acting up (drama, pouting, silent treatment). I just don’t have the energy sometimes to deal with that sort of thing. This. When I don’t conquer, lead, protect, create (or don’t appear to be doing that, e.g. she sees me with my laptop/phone), her level of… Read more »

6 years ago

Overdo caring for her dissatisfied state and… welcome to beta-ville.

Yeah thanks IRL. When she acts up I generally ignore her. She’ll make up for it when coming to bed in the evening usually.

I’m busying at home renovating and I don’t go out much (in fact, almost never), so my cocooning lifestyle doen’t help with the absence thing.

6 years ago

We have biological instincts, social instincts, and an inner voice that can sometimes emerge like an instinct. Biological instincts we’re born with. Social instincts we’re born with to some degree, and then we learn from our early life experiences. That inner voice is who you really are beyond identity, emotion, reason, judgement, idealism, fantasy… Learning to distinguish that true inner voice from the false socially conditioned and biological voices is what life is all about. Pretty much everyone has unconscious fears, and beliefs and desires that warp our views of reality and prevent us from seeing things as they really… Read more »

6 years ago

God bless him.

* wipes single tear from eye *

That’s a neat modded Strat he has there. Tele bridge, and some other non-standard (for Strat) pickups — interesting.

6 years ago

” . . . if you just make yourself large and make noise they will fear you and leave. I’m sure I looked like a jackass…but I can confirm this tactic does work.” Right up until it doesn’t. Back in the day, and in this case that means a mere 20 years ago, that was almost perfectly reliable (at least away from the proximity of a city dump), but . . . “. . . no hunting there . . .” . . . they are learning that we’ve become wussified and are adapting and there are a few reports… Read more »

6 years ago

“Right up until it doesn’t. Back in the day, and in this case that means a mere 20 years ago, that was almost perfectly reliable (at least away from the proximity of a city dump), but . . . “. . . no hunting there . . .” . . . they are learning that we’ve become wussified and are adapting and there are a few reports now of black bears actually stalking humans.” Yeah…after an “interaction” with a particularly large one, I finally looked it up online (the “bears don’t see well” assertion). The thing was near our mailbox… Read more »

6 years ago


Tell Mike that he needs to go kill a bear in your area…at night…and have a plan to dispose of the body…maybe have a hole dug first…otherwise you might end up on a bear’s dinner plate…

6 years ago

“Sometimes I just want to sit there and not have to interact or care about someone else.” “If you need some downtime, you better have fresh achievements” This is pure gold, very observant re LTRs, glad I tuned in this morning. Speaking of observant, I love kfg’s “I’m parody-level unobservant.” There can also be problems if you’re highly observant but interpret it all wrong. Or if you’re seeing things right but want to be wrong. “Make yourself large and make noise” — don’t know about bears but we hear this all the time about coyotes here. As far as domestic… Read more »

6 years ago

I think we have a new parody level unobservant…

6 years ago

Why instinct is long run better than learned…whatever…you choose…but trust your gut not your head: Consider two types of knowledge. The first type is not exactly “knowledge”; its ambiguous character prevents us from associating it with the strict definitions of knowledge. It is a way of doing things that we cannot really express in clear and direct language—it is sometimes called apophatic—but that we do nevertheless, and do well. The second type is more like what we call “knowledge”; it is what you acquire in school, can get grades for, can codify, what is explainable, academizable, rationalizable, formalizable, theoretizable, codifiable,… Read more »

6 years ago

I am Man From Mars observant, although that can induce acute attacks of Absent Minded Professor unobservant from time to time while I’m processing.

So being conventionally unobservant is not the root of my issues with Wild Man, which he failed to observe.

“There is no proof against the statement that the role such explainable knowledge plays in life is so minor that it is not even funny.”

If I had to know what my liver does and tell it what to do I’d be dead inside of an hour.

6 years ago

123…Mike Check… Oh Yeah, going all the balls right.

6 years ago


6 years ago

Rollo didn’t give me a choice… He only allows legit names … This could be you too Blax

6 years ago


6 years ago

Tipsy Man in the Bedroom with the wife.

Who is Escher anyway. Everytime I yell here, there is an Escher on my way. And this guy seems to be in love with him. Mersonia too.

Breaking News: Missing Monkey Found Shaved.

Advertisement: Stop Advertising materials.

Future Projects: Fucking damnation, redemption.

Currently Online FC,Yt Celebrity: Andrew Hales (LAHWF)

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

Does being observant make you smarter than the average bear?

6 years ago

I wonder sometimes, I’m doing conversation with English, Canadian, Washing Moneyed Countrymen. Just 4 years ago, I wondered how some of my smart countrymen could say anything in English. I couldn’t do a sentence unless I’d memorised it completely.
A year ago in the beginning of the year ’17 , I downloaded The Rational Male book as it was against the mainstream beliefs. I couldn’t read that first, the English was hard for me. I was reading Behaviorism in my Biology Book…

6 years ago

Observantly, Newyaloof already got the ell out of here.

I couldn’t read that first, the English was hard for me.

Yeah, English is tough…all those idioms and having twice the vocabulary of most languages, English being a hodgepodge of latin and Germanic languages….keep google handy…

Washing Moneyed Countrymen…not sure what this is….

I’m looking at vacationing in Canada for a roll in the ‘eh’ (‘hay’) and leaning towards retiring in Vienna…I considered Edinburg, but I’m a native English speaker (hat tip kfg)

6 years ago

“English being a hodgepodge of latin and Germanic languages…”

A “mugger” is a crocodile native to India. English is also liberally sprinkled with terms adopted from just about every place English speakers have gotten to, often in idiomatic form.

“Washing Moneyed Countrymen…not sure what this is….”

Try the idiom “laundered.”

6 years ago

All those old tunes that reek of BP are just a natural reaction to the AWALT realities on the ground, but back then the cat was not out of the bag on women and it seemed mystical.. Any surprise it resonated so deeply with the men of the world? It was the precursor to the RP online community.. a sharing of similar experiences. Back then, men were the main market for everything, and women went along for the ride.. That’s why chicks even idolized Led Zep, whose entire anthology is practically about how much women suck. Everyone was blissfully ignorant… Read more »

6 years ago

I know 4 language including English. English is the easiest.
I called you guys nerds at first. But then after looking closer, I saw you guys are old. Old men instinctively like to share stories, over analyse/ generalize that’s nothing new.
Just tell what you wanna tell, we don’t need your why… So Beta…

6 years ago

so skullfullofmushy, lol

6 years ago

If I had to know what my liver does and tell it what to do I’d be dead inside of an hour. Nassim Taleb in Eh’s quote from Antifragile was decrying naive rationalization. Here’s looking at you WildMan… If I don’t over-ride the current abilities of the islet cells of my pancreas with sophisticated explainable knowledge and insulin I’d be dead in a couple days. I’m a big fan of sophisticated rationalization with Mastery. That doesn’t preclude apophatic knowledge (whatever the hell that is) and even if the latters glass is 99% full. “Better to light a candle than curse… Read more »

6 years ago

See Blax spellchex for the win there: Cripple Ale.

6 years ago


Shut the fuck up. Is it fucking funny? I want all of you outta here right now…

6 years ago


Shut the fuck up. Is it fucking funny? I want all of you outta here right now…

6 years ago

Rollo will ban this troll in 3…2…1…

6 years ago


You watched the tiger video I posted recently? Male tiger refuses to take responsibility for his own kids… Why Rollos chasing my back? Kick the Rugby, I never learned a shit out of him.

6 years ago


Please tell Rollo to unban me. I don’t like to enter with a secret door. I’m just a kid. If you have kid in your house, you’ve to experience some drama.

6 years ago

“Interestingly many of them are remakes of old Chicago blues-men tunes..” Primus: What’s the difference between gospel and blues? Rev. Gary Davis: Gospel is about Jesus*, blues is about women. I lost one of my favorite recurring gigs. It was a for a youth group and the youth loved me and kept asking me to come back, but one of the mother’s got pissed off at me, because I sang a fair amount of old blues and it’s “disrespectful to women.” *Black gospel was, until it merged into the mainstream (which was Scots Presbyterian), actually about Moses. Tell old Pharaoh,… Read more »

6 years ago

Since issues such as depression and suicide do come up here at TRM I hope Rollo won’t mind a mention that Slate Star Codex has a potentially helpful look at Mental Health on a Budget. Low-cost prescriptions, therapy, books, supplements and other strategies — with some useful comments too. (The “rationalist” community seems to be more troubled than people at random, or maybe it’s just that the blogger is a psychiatrist)

6 years ago

“As I sit here sipping a Dragonmead brewery Belgian style cripple ale…”

Rub my nose in it why don’t ya?

6 years ago

Where is M Simon? He’s missing not for a while.

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