Dangers of the Blue Pill

This clip arrived in my Twitter stream a couple of days ago and I was going to dismiss it until I read through some of the comments about this guy on the ensuing Twitter thread. I’m going to give you my take on what I think is really going on here and then I’ll contrast this with how other viewers interpreted this incident. I was about to pass on this until the conversation really made this an interesting social experiment.

I have seen things like this before. Remember, for the better part of my ‘real job’ career I’ve been around a lot of people who are socializing and drinking. I watch guys pick up women, I watch women pick up guys, and I’ve seen a lot of couples argue in public. One thing that these couples all have in common (or at least 90% of them) is the guy trying his damnedest to get his girlfriend/wife to ‘come around to him’. As you may guess, the majority of these men were Betas who ‘just didn’t get it‘ and were appealing to their woman’s reason in order to resolve whatever it is that was making her turn off to him.

Again, most of these guys were oblivious to the fact that their trying to reason with her was only emphasizing the fact that he just didn’t get it, and that she was paired off with a guy who needed to be told how to get it.

The guy with the capacity to call a woman’s bluff with a confidence that implies she is to be worthy of him rather than the other way around is the Man to be competed for. Essentially the ‘chick speak’, ‘chick advice’ phenomenon is a shit test writ large on a social scale. And even your own mother and sisters are in on it, expecting you to ‘get it’; to get the message and see the challenge for what it really is, without overtly telling you.

She want’s you to ‘get it’ on your own, without having to be told how. That initiative and the experience needed to have had developed it makes you a Man worth competing for. Women despise a man who needs to be told to be dominant. Overtly relating this to a guy entirely defeats his credibility as a genuinely dominant male. The guy she wants to fuck is dominant because that’s ‘the way he is’ instead of who she had to tell him to be.

Observing the process will change it. This is the root function of every shit test ever devised by a woman. If masculinity has to be explained to a man, he’s not the man for her.

I have been this guy before. I’m not happy to admit that, but in my 20s, during the time I was with the BPD girl she made a habit of airing out her insane jealousy, insecurities and general relationship disorders as publicly as possible. When this becomes a way of life for a guy it changes you and particularly when it’s part of a woman’s personal neurosis. At that point in my life I had fallen very Beta (almost Omega by Vox’s standards) and I made all of the same mistakes I see guys in this predicament make when I’m working. I also know better than to try to correct these guys, because, like myself, they can get really hostile towards you or themselves when you point out the obvious to them.

So, a couple of caveats here; I don’t know for sure what’s transpired before or after this incident, and I have no idea if the guy is imbalanced (I’m being polite). It could be him, it could be her, likely it’s both, but I do know the patterns and I can see that the guy will resort to self-injury to make a point. This is a classic expression of Blue Pill Beta frustration with a girl.

The girl could be blameless and he’s just a nerdy Blue Pill Beta reacting to his frustration in not understanding how to resolve whatever it is that set him off with her. I’ve watched a lot of guys in the ‘Gamer’ social set who fall into this type. They buy into the “open communication is the key to everything” ideal that the Blue Pill told them women want, so when that ‘open communication’ is actually the reason for his problems he gets frustrated. Women are supposed to be reasonable, co-equal egalitarian agents in a relationship and when his appeals to that reason are ineffective, what’s left for the kid?

Again, this is me speculating. What we do know is his reaction. Imagine if this guy had actually broken the window and cut himself (and maybe a few bystanders) to ribbons. I mention this because it’s the reaction I’d expect from the Blue Pill mind that makes a guy believe that killing or hurting himself will in someway emphasize the seriousness with which he wants to resolve the issue he believes is crucial to his happiness with a woman. This is one of the main reasons I’ve always said kill the Beta before it kills you. There’s a very real danger that a Beta mindset will lead to you or someone else’s injury or death.

I’m actually inclined to think that the incident was his own doing though. She seems indifferent to him even after the head bang, but likely that might be due to embarrassment. She’s certainly frustrated with his attempts to get her to “listen to him”.

I’ve mentioned this before, but as women have become more self-assured about their own personal safety they feel more secure in provoking physical altercations. I understand that women love to say that they feel threatened by men all the time, or they have to always think about their personal safety no matter where they are, but I really don’t see this in real life – certainly not at my own promos. In fact it’s quite the opposite. I have seen women on many occasions (both drunk and sober) deliberately instigate confrontations that never needed to be started. All of them did so from a feeling of invulnerability because they know that no man would dare to actually assault her while she could wail on him with impunity. I think this is a new social trend with women today. They understand that if the guy she was hitting actually hit back there would be half a dozen men in the room who would beat his ass for raising a fist, much less his voice, to her. Women know the power that an opportunity to defend a woman has over men; it’s a confirmation of the old social contract that women still expect men to adhere to.

I’ve also seen women start altercations with other women in the same confidence that her man will fight the other woman’s man if the two of them get into a fight. They do so by appealing to their man’s Alphaness (or lack thereof) and having her back no matter what – even when she’s being stupid, catty or drunk. It’s kind of a new play on the ‘Lets you and him fight’ social convention, but if cooler heads prevail and one or both men pull their women away from the other they just look like pussies or less than men. Again, this is one more way women can socially reserve their bestowing or confirming manhood on a man.

Is any of this happening here? Likely no, but it’s important to remember these things in context with incidents like this. That’s important, because a few of the female readers of this Twitter thread seemed to think that, rather than his kid being a potentially terminal Beta, he had the potential to be an abuser. In fact this was their first impression. I guess I can sort of see this from a woman’s perspective, but I really think the Sisterhood Über Alles kicks in when women see something like this. Always take the woman’s side first.

I think women see this through the girl’s eyes. They understand what she’s going through in having the guy try to ‘logic’ her into understanding. They understand the girl’s frustration at just having to deal with this Beta.


I’ve probably done a really bad job at this, but my intent here is not to beat this guy up over this whole thing. When I first watched this clip I thought, “Yep, been there, done that”, and like this guy I was in my 20s when I did. It seems like this is something men must learn for themselves as part of their unplugging. I think one thing that makes unplugging more difficult today is that the stakes are so much higher when a guy just ‘doesn’t get it’. There are guys who never get past any of these Blue Pill trials because they make bad decisions that seemed logical or profound at the time and they have to live with the consequences for failing that Blue Pill trial.

I would bet that this guy is still with this girl today. Even with this going slightly viral I doubt he’s learned anything from the experience and I’m sure he’s still trying to figure out how to make this pudgy little HB 3 happy. His head bang against a window (which he had no idea was plexiglass) is really a manifestation of his own self-loathing. He wont hit her, he’ll hurt himself to make his point. This is what guys like this have been taught, to express his emotions, but in this instance that emotion is angst and frustration.

It’s easy to think that guys like this are too far gone. It’s easy for guys who’ve been Red Pill aware for a long time to dismiss Beta behaviors that they were also subject to, but have been so far removed from now that they think shit like this doesn’t happen.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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[…] Dangers of the Blue Pill […]

6 years ago

White people….

JT McMahon
JT McMahon
6 years ago

Tell you, maan —

Case to me made that HB3 is as tall as it gets. For any of ’em. 😎

6 years ago

Rollo, if you haven’t seen the opening scene for The Way of the Gun – check it out here. After reading your article, Sarah Silverman’s hysterical performance came to mind. Enjoy…

JT McMahon
JT McMahon
6 years ago

Oh maan, Halp.
Was settin’ here chucklin’.

Worried about me. 😁

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

I told this guy Drew to STOP FILMING ME when I’m having a private confidential heart to heart with my sweetie pie in front of hundreds of people who can listen and learn how to express their innermost feelings by my example.

The worst thing is it put a permanent dent in my hipster ski cap. Need to write my dad to send me money for a new one when he writes the next support check.

I’m suing the store for installing a shatterproof window.

How do you like my new look since I shaved off the beard?

6 years ago

That creature was screaming or moaning or something at the start…

Not in a good way.

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

Funny how we first met…

She made an impression because she knew the meaning of the word “defenestrate”.

I was smitten.

6 years ago

All he can reasonably do is leave the chick.

If that chunk was in fear, he’d be in a whole lot more trouble. Broads communicate, and if she was so afraid of him, her network would detect the change in her behavior. (Much like they will strongarm a girl who’s visibly into some random guy.)

Willing to bet that she’s the one gas lighting him, but no one would believe his story

6 years ago

It’s from St Patrick’s Day so there’s probably booze involved and it may be a stretch to infer much of value from these particular specimens. Or else this guy is very sick and needs help or the next storefront isn’t going to be shatterprooof. Rollo makes good points on where bp frustration can lead, but I don’t like the cellphone society that spawned this mini-documentary

6 years ago

I think “defenestrate” is out the window, not through the window!

6 years ago

Wtf did I just watch??????

6 years ago

Hmm sounds like she has heard enough of his spoiled rotten BS and is reverting to overt communication in public. He in turn has to make a bigger scene , he is more dramatic than she is, so he puts his hands up , they hit the pane first and flex it about 90% of the way then his padded hat crown absorbs the rest of the 10% head hit, just for show really. my first guess is he has been doing this since 2 yo. If my daughter ends up with a guy like this I would hope she… Read more »

6 years ago

Oh ya , and the uy needs to get suspenders and she needs to get rid of the baggy yoga pants shees.

Major Styles
6 years ago

I like the direction you took with the article. I had some horrific beta moments in my 20s…how else do we learn?

6 years ago

Burden of performance

6 years ago

My life flashed before my eyes. Nownimagine that same scenario but Family Guy holds his frame…gives her a look of amused mastery and delivers some wry rejoinder: “Meow meow meow…” One thing guys don’t understand is that when someone is upset or angry their amygdala… the part of the brain the controls emotions —-takes over . It’s called an amygdala hijack. It takes 90 seconds to release. When you interrupt it only accelerates the emotion and delays the conclusion of that surge. Try it. Next time someone is blowing up just stay silent. Don’t react. Watch how that acts as… Read more »

6 years ago

Ps: Rugby thanks for the post. You’re doing great dude. Now pause and wait for the thread to establish itself and comment on something that moves you…without videos.

6 years ago

What?! I don’t blame that girl for walking away. I am surprised she didn’t RUN away instead. She doesn’t have to listen to him. When she screams like that, the time for the guy to walk away is long overdue.

JT McMahon
JT McMahon
6 years ago

“It seems like this is something men must learn for themselves as part of their unplugging . . . There are guys who never get past any of these Blue Pill trials because they make bad decisions that seemed logical or profound at the time and they have to live with the consequences . . .” See, this is the tragedy. He has a destination, a plan, and has learned everything there is to know on the map to get there — except it is the wrong map; and he doesn’t have the experience to even question if there are… Read more »

6 years ago

Worst thing to me was him running after her and putting his arm around her immediately after like “all is forgiven, I’m so sorry”

6 years ago

I think it is the protocol here to comment in the latest thread isn’t it? So I’ll continue the previous discussion about my wife’s business trips here. I’m just catching up. It’s funny, right after several men told me on the last thread that my wife’s work trips were a warning sign even if she wasn’t actually cheating – and that there was a good chance she already was – I had a strange text message conversation with her yesterday. She texted to say she’d unexpectedly been offered a new opportunity (she told me the details and that she spoke… Read more »

6 years ago

One moment at time.

“Perhaps we have our own wall we have to hit really hard – being zeroed out –”
I think this is how someone really has it sink in. Even without being married or with a women if it get’s to that point which for some it has… Well you re build yourself use what Robdert green writes about. Re create yourself

All of us are sex objects are the right point in someones story.

6 years ago

> my first guess is he has been doing this since 2 yo. I would say he did this more often as child, but in adulthood learned to tone it down and only does it under extreme frustration and anger. His parents should have nipped it in the bud somehow, but the conditioning is there now. I know the goal of becoming more alpha is to become unflappably calm and confident at all times, so you can just laugh off whatever it was she said that caused his frustration. But there’s going to be occasions when your emotions get the… Read more »

6 years ago

“Worst thing to me was him running after her and putting his arm around her immediately after like “all is forgiven, I’m so sorry”

LOL I half expected to see some RSD guy jump out with a mic saying thats how you do it boys.

This head bang temper tantrum was rewarded by his “parents” and has been internalized as part of his game. This was a natural move, pre rehearsed time and time over again. At least the chick seems to have a sense of direction , probably going the wrong way though.

6 years ago


Shine it on man, may as well find a really fun thing to go do with the chillins. I meen way cool fun so she will be so left out the kids will be talking about it the rest of their lives fun, then don’t even tell her you are going .

6 years ago

@TheMarquis Now I realise I’m probably just extra sensitive to this kind of thing after the discussion a few days ago. There’s a 99% chance that nothing is going on and she just wants to focus on her work. Wife cheating or not, your fundamental issue is that something/someone else is of a higher priority for her. That’s the most honest feedback she can give you about your alpha status in this relationship. Compliance tests don’t lie. Women get their asses ripped and choke on huge cocks daily, put themselves at risk for abusive boyfriends etc, so treat it as… Read more »

6 years ago

Marquis She replied saying “I think I need to do this job solo”. Then a few minutes later, before I replied, she said “Or I could go solo for the couple of days and you guys could join me on the third day and we could have a long weekend”. Is she a safe cracker? Mob assassin? lol You can go down two roads here – big picture. You can confirm what is going on (check her phone, surveillance, etc.) or you can ghost her and go do your thing with your kids, continue to do you. The elemental question… Read more »

6 years ago


Would it be cold hearted to take out an ad for a vacation nanny for these days? Then interview and hire the foxiest nanny book in close proximity and go party with the kids and nanny,double dread game.

6 years ago

“I have seen women on many occasions (both drunk and sober) deliberately instigate confrontations that never needed to be started. All of them did so from a feeling of invulnerability because they know that no man would dare….” @ Blax This is what I was alluding to re: bullying. What you define as bullying isn’t what the feminist fueled empowerment set defines it as. Yes, the individual is ultimately responsible for his lot in life, and unchecked aggressions are problematic. Though if a guy is brained by the law as the Duluth Model requires so, that’s not bullying. Sitting in… Read more »

6 years ago

A man has essentially one option if she’s out of hand: short term abandonment.

Long term he’s a pack mule for the family law syndicate.

6 years ago

I know the goal of becoming more alpha is to become unflappably calm and confident at all times, so you can just laugh off whatever it was she said that caused his frustration. But there’s going to be occasions when your emotions get the better of you

Anger will be less of a problem when you figure out what your triggers are and learn how girls try to trigger you (usually with an ambush). So, you learn the warning signs.

Personlig coach
6 years ago


6 years ago
6 years ago


lol. some great images at that site…

6 years ago

@ Sentient

Not nice. Can’t unsee that.

6 years ago

I’m sure the IT guys at work will ban RM now

6 years ago

Lol, this looks like an illustration to one of Rollo’s posts:


6 years ago

It’s blurred Disgruntled… Pervs!

Agent P
Agent P
6 years ago

@Marquis The “is she cheating?” list I mentioned a thread back: I wrote down variables that could score points. High score, high likelihood of cheating. Lets see what I have here: Decline is sex at home even with multiple hard initiations Particularly notable around holidays, Xmas and NewYears in particular Physically cold or distant to husband during ovulatory period Moderately available during her period but only for affection not sex Cold and distant to partner but animated with friends and coworkers She says “she has grown up and changed her ways after her wild youth” She won’t discuss her partners… Read more »

6 years ago

“There are guys who never get past any of these Blue Pill trials because they make bad decisions that seemed logical or profound at the time and they have to live with the consequences for failing that Blue Pill trial.” lack of early guidance = a seed that shows high probability of growing into a fucking unmanagable mess. gardening is important. lots of people can’t keep anything alive, let alone produce bountiful harvests. flowers do indeed impress girls… just not the ones beta boy buys at the bodega “Before you can act you must choose. Before you can choose you… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
6 years ago

When I was with a BPD in my younger days, the one public reaction I had that actually put control firmly in my hands was the one time I realized she’d just horribly insulted me in front of a gaggle of her friends. I silently turned and walked the fuck off all the way to my dorm. She came sprinting after me once she realized what had happened. Had I known to ignore her attempt at shaming afterwards and instead said only “You gonna apologize?” with a hard NEXT if she said no, I might not have found myself needing… Read more »

Derek Shaw
Derek Shaw
6 years ago

Old joke:

“Attention, gentlemen! Those who rule over your wives, please step to the left. Those who submit to their wives, please step to the right.”
“Dude, what are you doing on the left? Do you really rule over your wife?”
“No, I don’t. But she told me to go to the left.”

6 years ago

You guys are right. In one sense it doesn’t really matter if she’s cheating or not – this is structurally not a good thing, both in terms of the “working so much” warning signs and the fact that I’m not the priority I should be for her. She doesn’t really tick most of the boxes Agent P posted though. The odd one maybe, but I’m comfortable saying no to the vast majority of them. The sex is crappy, but it’s always been crappy – aside from some exceptions – so that’s not a change. Hahaha at boulderhead’s suggestion.I’d love to… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  TheMarquis

@TheMarquis: You’re sounding a lot like it’s “cheaper to keep her”.
Continue your self improvement, but start preparing for exit.
“Sex has always been crappy” 😏😏😏 Alarm bells are ringing mate!

Agent P
Agent P
6 years ago

@Marquis “I have a feeling that any affairs started when I was a Drunk Captain will no longer be an issue.” Her affairs or yours? If she is having affairs, game over, pack up now, cut bait, move on. If she has had multiple affairs its all but unrecoverable IMO. If she has / had affairs and you “should have known that’s what was going on.”, she will have zero respect for you for not standing up for yourself, the relationship etc.. If she had multiple affairs and you did not know what was going on, she has zero respect… Read more »

6 years ago

TRM is like a video game cheat code. no matter where you are in the game, you can push pause, travel to Rollo’s camp and quickly and easily upgrade all your equipment, up your hit points, consult with dark arts wizards and then just push pause again to resume your game without anyone knowing you’re not playing fair

and if you’re the kind of guy who doesn’t like to cheat, even when nobody’s looking… this one doesn’t count

6 years ago

“I would gather evidence to protect myself from any potential divorce rape…”

Protect yourself from divorce rape? Um…you’re going to get raped it’s a matter of degree. Best case you leave pride intact, kids lives mangled, pocket change and regenerate Phoenix-like. Worst case you leave in a box.

6 years ago

Poor kid – life is hard enough without bashing your own head in; he must ghost her even if she is his sister. I have seen women on many occasions (both drunk and sober) deliberately instigate confrontations that never needed to be started. All of them did so from a feeling of invulnerability because they know that no man would dare to actually assault her while she could wail on him with impunity. I think this is a new social trend with women today. Agree with your trend spotting here. The trend will not end well – with a whimper… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
6 years ago

First impression…

He is like a little bird that flew into a window. Like the bird, he thinks he sees a clear path, but it’s not a path at all. It is an impenetrable barrier. His perception is an illusion. He is a masochist, willing or not, as he beats himself against his own delusion. He psychologically pounds himself against the blue pill paradigm while simultaneously ramming himself against the glass. The plus pill is a glass prison.

Not Born This Morning
6 years ago

The blue pill is a glass prison.

….damned auto spell….

6 years ago

“I have no intention of breaking up the family.”

Sounds like a plan. No way she would do it.

status confirmed
status confirmed
6 years ago

Fleezer is right- TRM is like a cheat code. There’s no shortage of things I’ve picked up on here, that I’ve seen work in the past, but I didn’t understand how and why they worked. Chief among them Agree & Amplify. Good God, that’s like a pacifier in a toddler’s mouth. From fussing and bitching to smiling and cooing in seconds. Regarding that video, I wish I could help the guy understand she does not care how he feels. About anything. Like Rollo says, she’ll love you for WHAT you are, not WHO you are. Are you the kind of… Read more »

6 years ago

@TheMarquis “There’s a 99 percent chance that nothing’s going on.” With an answer like that, every math teacher I ever had would say, “Show your work” @Agent P Great list — suddenly keeping the car clean would be a highly suspicious move for my little packrat. Every cheatin’ woman is somehow going to get that list and clip it to keep it in her purse … What NOT To Do @Fleezer “TRM is like a video game cheat code” It can also be seen as an intersexual Daily Racing Form, with irrefutable past performances on the fillies and mares. (And… Read more »

6 years ago

” . . . interview and hire the foxiest nanny book in close proximity and go party with the kids and nanny . . .”

15:32 – 17:02

6 years ago

… And I still can’t get over that video, was seeing it in my mind again as soon as I woke up this morning. The first time I was wondering if she had some sci-fi-super-hero kinetic power to lift up his bulk and toss it around like that. But no, it was him. Hope this guy wakes up and steps away from the table for a while, to get himself together.

Agent P
Agent P
6 years ago

Re affairs: Denial on the part of the cheated partner can do most of the heavy lifting in an affair scenario. Many partners engage in motivated reasoning that prevents them from having to deal with an odious possibility. Thus the cheating partner can get away with a lot and even afford to be sloppy about a few details if the other partner simply doesn’t want to believe the idea that her husband is jamming it in the booth babe at the convention. More so, Sue doesn’t want to deal with the consequences of Bob sticking it to the booth girl,… Read more »

6 years ago

can somebody post a direct link to that video in Rollo’s original post?

6 years ago

Other signs of possible cheating:

–is on a real fitness/weight loss kick, and this is out of character for her

–anything that suddenly becomes out of character for her

–sudden and regular long absences from the house/relationship

–grooming habits have changed, particularly maintenance of pubic hair

–new lingerie you’ve not seen before

6 years ago

–interest in a musical artist, TV show, genre, or thing that she’s never shown interest in before and is out of character for her

6 years ago


Your wife is almost certainly cheating on you. You appear to be in denial about this. Because you are in denial, you will not accept anything short of 100% certainty.

Let her go on the ‘business trip’ alone. Hire a PI in the city she is staying in. Then you will know for sure.

I hope I am wrong. Best of luck.

6 years ago

On the positive side, this clip is a good learning tool for mistakes he makes.

6 years ago

“kill the Beta before it kills you.”


6 years ago

Hire a PI in the city she is staying in. Then you will know for sure.

Or let her overhear you speaking with a PI on the phone. Dread. If she asks, it’s to help a buddy who suspects his wife is cheating on him.

Agent P
Agent P
6 years ago

“Or let her overhear you speaking with a PI on the phone. Dread. If she asks, it’s to help a buddy who suspects his wife is cheating on him.” Careful, counterintelligence op’s can get tricky. Secondary goal is to stop the behavior if it is the case, primary goal is to get an accurate picture of reality. Personally I would play dumb for as long as is required until you have all the information you need to be sure one way or the other. Tip your hand early and the cockroaches just head for the dark corners and go quiet… Read more »

6 years ago

“…primary goal is to get an accurate picture of reality. Personally I would play dumb for as long as is required until you have all the information you need to be sure one way or the other. Tip your hand early and the cockroaches just head for the dark corners and go quiet and you have a much harder time building a picture of what is happening.” Yep. Keep it simple, decide what to do when you get all the info in hand. Now then… IF you get 100% confirmation that she is cheating, DO NOT CONFRONT HER IMMEDIATELY! DO.NOT.… Read more »

Yo Really
Yo Really
6 years ago

Anyone know where YaReally went? CH and RM had insightful comments from the dude, we need that sort knowledge back in the manosphere.
Come back Ya

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
6 years ago

Hahaha did you miss the flame war in late 2016 that drove him away? It’s on his Archive if you’ve not seen it.

I’d like it if he came back too but it’s not happening. Everything you realistically need to know is on his Archive so it’s up to us now to use it and move forward. Plus there are still a lot of other guys here to be your Tribe as SJF would say.

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
6 years ago

PS – how on earth is it dread for Marquis to contact a PI and let her overhear?? Dread means she has to be scared of losing you to another woman not scared you’ll find her secret and kick her out

6 years ago

Old Gerry schooled me in 35 years ago: it is the mans fault,no matter what she does he is responsible. I let this sink in.

Totally her overhearing you spying on her gives her more power to grind your head in the dirt. Plus if you don’t trust her it is your fault. Go figure.

6 years ago

I still like the one about her spending the rest of her life with her side squeeze, Locked in a conex with a water bed, like a prison,little food window,they have to fuck in order to eats.

Lester Freeman
Lester Freeman
6 years ago

Yareallyarchive.com has the transcript. YaReally got chased off this site by the same mob of idiots who dominate the discussion to this day. There are no good PUAs left in the entire manosphere; 99% of blogs are actually game denialists (ie they literally don’t think cold-approach works, like Roosh for example). PUA has been systematically suppressed as a solution for young men by Nazis and socially conservative traditionalists for Many years at this point. It’s funny, if you go back and read through his archive you can see YaReally debunking anti-PUA myths that are now commonly accepted and prevalent in… Read more »

Fnu Mnu Lnu
6 years ago

wanna know what the dangers of the blue pill really are?

the boy who used to be my son, has taken his wife’s maiden name and added it to his.

mr hers-his.

what a fucking loser!

6 years ago


PUA has been systematically suppressed as a solution for young men by Nazis and socially conservative traditionalists for Many years at this point.

What a crock of shit… If you ever read Yareally you know he was old school Mystery Method at heart.

Here faggot – https://www.amazon.com/Mystery-Method-Beautiful-Women-Into/dp/0312360118

6 years ago


Hahaha did you miss the flame war in late 2016 that drove him away?

Flames? Not hardly. He simply could not handle being called out on things he had no experience in. His ego drove him away.

6 years ago

Fnu Mnu Lnu

the boy who used to be my son, has taken his wife’s maiden name and added it to his.

While that is repulsive, and should trigger you as a father, shoving your shortcomings in your face and all, don’t write him off. Reserve some hope that he will come back, and if he does, resolve to make amends, for both your sake.

Keep a fat calf on standby.

6 years ago


Dread means she has to be scared of losing you to another woman not scared you’ll find her secret and kick her out

You need to read Blue Pill Professor. Both are dread tactics. Threatening divorce is a dread tactic. In a sense, there is another woman lurking in the background (in her mind) when you threaten divorce.

6 years ago

YaReally didn’t get chased off this site in the great debates of 2016. He took his ball and left. Because of lack of Super Powers (And possibly because of In-Authenticity.) It is a fair bet that he took up a job at Real Social Dynamics for some coin. ” PUA has been systematically suppressed as a solution for young men by Nazis and socially conservative traditionalists for Many years at this point.” No shit Sherlock. Suppressed by by the FI and feminism. Do you live under a fucking rock? The greatest trick the devil ever pulled is to not be… Read more »

Yo Really
Yo Really
6 years ago

Ya bro, not really interested in a battle of philosophies but Ive read YaReally archive and not sure there is better content to read in conjuntion with old CH and Rollos stuff.
Haven’t seen anyone take the mechanics of RP or PUA or whatever and pull it together like YR did.
Dude should come back as majority of comments dont add jack shit to the debate.

6 years ago

What fucking pisses me off is that this cucked society is constructed in such a way that boys are never raised to become men that “get it” in the first fucking place. Men are being cucked from birth. It’s like all of women have this breeding program conspiracy in the works, and they are willing to sacrifice their own sons to it. This was tried on me as a boy, but I was such an ADHD psycho that it didn’t work and I was able to push through to be my self centered asshole self. So many of my buddies… Read more »

6 years ago

Lol . yeah more mechanics and debates!!!!!!!! And more jack shit in the comments!!!!!

Dilly fuxking dilly!!!!!

6 years ago

…. Maybe I’ll link to a dozen purple pill videos when I post up.😂

Yo Really
Yo Really
6 years ago

Nothing wrong with debating the mechanics of your religion, whether PUA, RP, etc people like that shit, gets them excited

But breaking shit down like Ya did, linking vids of a skinny ginger fuck doing some awesome game and talking through the shit step by step. Or the skinny Indian dudes or whatever it was always more than words, so actionable shit for dudes to try for themselves. If hes working for RSD now, who gives a fuck.

Come back and inject some nuances into the mix

6 years ago

Hey Lester, I was going to respond in detail to your gibberish, but I offer a hail and hearty stfu your way instead. Go to a pua centric site if there’s nothing here to your delicate single minded sensibilities.

Game. Lmao. What do you evenmknow about it son? What did you watch and read to learn?

6 years ago

Ya left. Get over it.

6 years ago

Don’t recall Ya ever commenting on the OP,he would generally just pop in and jack the thread with some repetative “proof” of some point of thinking,mostly philosophy of batchelordom.

6 years ago

Haven’t seen anyone take the mechanics of RP or PUA or whatever and pull it together like YR did. Dude should come back as majority of comments don’t add jack shit to the debate. Liar Liar pants on fire. The holy one, YaReally, didn’t give a flying fuck about Red Pill. He used this venue to pontificate beyond his field of expertise while still plying his expertise in good fashion. The mechanics of both are pulled together just fine here. Unless you want to not integrate Red Pill with Game and are a why can’t I get laid pussy. State… Read more »

6 years ago

“YaReally on September 28, 2016 at 6:16 pm It’s hilarious that we all accept the concepts Rollo has written about and that have been thoroughly field-tested: – hypergamy doesn’t care about anything except her getting the highest value guy her hindbrain believes she has access to – not pedestalizing her helps keeps attraction – demonstrating being attractive to other women helps keep attraction – dread helps keep attraction – attraction cannot be negotiated – women love conditionally – legal marriage contracts don’t increase or guarantee prolonged attraction – society is letting women run wild and eat pray love culture is… Read more »

6 years ago

Although the review of the movie is ultimately positive, I still want to shake her until her brain cells bang into each other hard enough to make a spark or two:


Another children’s story that is a retelling of an old heroic saga is Rikki-Tiki-Tavi. It’s Beowulf, striped of the sexy bits and readable aloud in half an hour. Read it to your young sons. It’s important.

And then of course there is The Hobbit, the Everyman version of Beowulf.

6 years ago

Good points j. hypergamy doesn’t care about anything except her getting the highest value guy her hindbrain believes she has access to But is hypergamy complicated by AF-BB mating strategy? There would be two types of hypergamy – seeking the highest value guy in terms of sexual attraction, and highest value guy in terms of resources. I suppose many women resolve this by publicly staying loyal (usually marriage) to whichever man can offer the most resources, while cuckolding him with whoever can offer the most tingles. Others only go with one man at a time, but somehow calculate which man… Read more »

6 years ago

We all sit around fluffing eachother’s dicks over how we have this red pill stuff all solved…but when I say “okay so let’s logically combine all those ironclad rules we know are true and make a system out of it, a pLTR where you automatically keep attraction up higher than a marriage because marriage stifles the shit on that list and being single increases it”, SUDDENLY EVERYONE LOSES THEIR FUCKING MINDS. Suddenly none of those rules apply anymore, suddenly none of that works, suddenly NAWALTS everywhere. lol I guess the red pill only applies when it’s nice and safe to… Read more »

JT McMahon
JT McMahon
6 years ago

Been thinking (dangerous, I know) If that kid’s Mental Point of Origin were himself, probably would never have gotten there, and even so the response would have been light-years different. If a man has a worthy purpose e.g. “save the world and humanity” – even if it absorbs him – that’s still externalized. He has to do what he does of pure self-interest – it gets him off – and if it happens to save the world, why that’s just dandy. Most of the “how to’s” are interpersonally centered e.g. how to fake it – how to look like an… Read more »

Yo Really
Yo Really
6 years ago

Like I said, don’t give a fuck what his religion was, all these concepts are intertwined.
He added some good content and should step back in to the ring.

Chil bro

6 years ago

@Yo Really

He did have some great content.

No point in beating a dead horse tho

Yo Really
Yo Really
6 years ago
Reply to  mersonia

No harm in asking

Bro you the same dude from Ya archives?

6 years ago

Some great Red Pilled advice from Tony Soprano when AJ was going Blue Pill like the original video.

What’s good about the videos is the acting is so spot on.


After that Blue Pill beta meltdown Tony gives his son AJ solid Red Pill advice:


“You broke up how long you gonna cry about…”

“She’s cute but come on! And another guy’s kid to boot!”

6 years ago

@JT Ya that head banger kid has learned how to act from women , either directly or via feminised men, Rollos 100% authority 0% responsibility encapsules much and is this chumps goal. Alpha natural can only happen in the natural uninterupted course of events. It is a combination of genetics , focus on imediate environment , physical skills , selfconfidence and the freedom to act at will. Coaches and teachers can take a group of children and rotate out leaders culling the distracted and physicaly weak , but in the natural unsupervised condition some may keep the lead be over… Read more »

6 years ago

I do not understand why so many men here seem to be convinced my wife is cheating. I’m not saying this as a kind of challenge – I genuinely don’t see it. The only important risk factor I can see is the sharp upswing in business trips, and even that has – as IRL pointed out – more to do with her demonstrating that I am not a priority for her, whether or not she’s cheating. Agent P and someone else posted a check list of risk factors and my wife doesn’t tick most of them. Sure, the sex is… Read more »

6 years ago


I don’t have all the facts but how’s this:

Guys here know all girls fuck and want to fuck, everyday, everyway, and girls that are notent are thinking about it and given the right ASD opportunity will take it.

Except yours….right?

6 years ago

Marquis I genuinely don’t see it. Many a tombstone reads similar… and you are not alone. This is COMMON… A younger married guy started sharing with our group about his wife’s job, she started travelling to “cool” cities with her boss… All very professional mind you, she was getting her shot, climbing the ladder, right? More stories about some “cool” restaurants her boss showed her in XYZ cities, you know, places we might want to check out when there… Nothing to think about right? Great opportunity for her to be on the boss’s good side, him showing interest in her… Read more »

6 years ago

I’m confused, but following along as best I can.

Marquis, 1 question as I wrapping my head around all of this – why have bad sex? Why ” always ” have bad sex?

My 2 cents = if a woman/wife isn’t making you her priority, it’s pretty much the same as cheating. The actual other man’s penis in her vagina/mouth and possibly her ass is only the icing on the cake. Mental cheating precedes the physical most of the time.

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