Dangerous Times – Part 3

In writing and editing this series for the last few weeks a lot has happened in the Future is Female movement. I’m not a big fan of awards shows for obvious reasons; they have all gone from being a celebration and acknowledgement of creativity and performance in entertainment to being little more than a stage upon which political and social protests are aired by pampered celebrities. However, the recent Golden Globes anti-male / anti-masculinity screed by Oprah Winfrey initiated the next step in what can only be described as socially accepted misandry. I have no doubt that the (now annual) Women’s March planned for January 20th will see this anti-male, female supremacism go far beyond what it did in 2017 and echo Oprah’s open hatred for men and an unapologetic call for the removal of men and the criminalization of any semblance of conventional masculinity.

The original intent of this series was to raise awareness of the dangerous inherent in our coming intersexual social relations. And in the time I’ve been considering this I had to finally take a birds eye view of where we’ve come from and where we’re likely to end up with regard to the social direction I see the sexes headed today. For the final installment of this series there are a couple of articles I’m going to reference that got me thinking recently. The first was an article on Quillette by William Buckner titled Romanticizing the Hunter Gatherer. I’m using this as a starting point today because I think this piece speaks to some common misperceptions of our evolutionary past as hunter gatherer, tribalist beings.

When it comes to evolutionary psychology (evo psych) and biology (evo bio) there is always a tendency to want to focus certain speculations on particular ideological bents. In fact, there is a current push to typify all science as being inspired by male-primary sexism and a motion to reform the sciences by requiring them to basically concur with what ever serves the Feminine Imperative’s most flattering interests. Another popular idea amongst egalitarian equalists is the speculation (really romanticization) of our hunter gatherer ancestors being natural egalitarian equalists themselves. Equalists love to presume that human beings’ natural state is one of collective cooperation and gender equality, but according to new studies there’s no evidence to support these ideas (emphasis mine):

But what about egalitarianism? In a 2004 study, Michael Gurven marshals an impressive amount of cross-cultural data and notes that hunters tend to keep more of their kill for themselves and their families than they share with others.12 While there is undeniably a great deal of sharing across hunter-gatherer societies, common notions of generalized equality are greatly overstated. Even in circumstances where hunters give away more of their meat than they end up receiving from others in return, good hunters tend to be accorded high status, and rewarded with more opportunities to reproduce everywhere the relationship has been studied.

[…] In the realm of reproductive success, hunter-gatherers are even more unequal than modern industrialized populations, exhibiting what is called “greater reproductive skew,” with males having significantly larger variance in reproductive success than females.15 Among the Ache of Paraguay, males have over 4 times the variance in reproductive success that females do, which is one of the highest ratios recorded. This means some males end up having lots of children with different women, while a significant number of males end up having none at all. This is reflected in the fact that polygynous marriage is practiced in the majority of hunter-gatherer societies for which there are data. Across these societies, the average age at marriage for females is only 13.8, while the average age at marriage for males is 20.7.16 Rather than defending what would be considered child marriage in contemporary Western societies, anthropologists often omit mentioning this information entirely.

Much of this article confirms a majority of what the Red Pill has been observing and considering for a long time now. The Pareto Principle being the highlight in this last part here; 20% of men reproducing with 80% of women. I’ll also draw your attention to the studies that suggest that only one man for every 17 women reproduced as little as 8,000 years ago (after the advent of agriculture). The Quillette article is a fascinating read, particularly from a Red Pill perspective, and I’d encourage you to read it. The operative point in this is that this research confirms that, despite the feel-good belief that human beings are naturally monogamous and naturally egalitarian, our hunter gatherer ancestors were largely polygamous.

The second article I’m going to reference is The Link Between Polygamy and War from the Economist last month. This is a very in-depth research that breaks down the connection between modern polygamous social orders and their tendency for political unrest and unstable societies. The Economist is a paywalled site, but again it’s well worth the read. This is a very thorough detailing of how men in these countries are systematically disqualified from reproduction in polygynous social and religious societies due to their lack of resources. Only wealthy men are permitted a wife (the only sanctioned way a man can have sex) and if a man can afford more it is a sign of his prestige that he can take as many as he has the resources for.

Men in South Sudan typically marry as often as their wealth — often measured in cattle — will allow. Perhaps 40 percent of marriages are polygamous. “In [our] culture, the more family you have, the more people respect you,” says William, a young IT specialist in search of his second wife. Few South Sudanese see the connection between these matrimonial customs and the country’s horrific civil war. If you ask them the reason for the violence, locals will blame tribalism, greedy politicians, weak institutions and perhaps the oil wealth which gives warlords something to fight over. All true, but not the whole story. Wherever it is widely practiced, polygamy (specifically polygyny, the taking of multiple wives) destabilizes society, largely because it is a form of inequality which creates an urgent distress in the hearts, and loins, of young men. If a rich man has a Lamborghini, that does not mean that a poor man has to walk, for the supply of cars is not fixed. By contrast, every time a rich man takes an extra wife, another poor man must remain single. If the richest and most powerful 10 percent of men have, say, four wives each, the bottom 30 percent of men cannot marry. Young men will take desperate measures to avoid this state.

The article goes on to link the unemployment of young men to their resorting to criminal (and often open war) means to take the wealth necessary for them to procure a wife. This then leads to violent and social unrest. When we look at militant Islamic organizations one of the first, and probably most convincing, rewards young fighters are offered is the guarantee of a wife – even if she is the spoils of war. Much of what prompted the Arab Spring uprisings has been attributed to the unemployment rates in these countries and the consequent result that those young men cannot ‘legitimately’ afford to marry or have a family. They literally have nothing to lose and a wife (sexual release) and a family to gain.

When one man can monopolize 20 wives and thereby force his rivals from the gene pool we have a similar condition to that of our hunter gatherer ancestors. Only in this instance polygamy (really polygyny) is a socially mandated, socially approved convention.

One persistent debate I read in the manosphere is the contention that human society, achievement, stability, etc. is the result of post-agrarian monogamy. Usually this debate crops up between the more traditionalist faction of the sphere and the more brutally pragmatic of Red Pill aware men. I understand the premise from the traditional perspective; there is every evidence that the conventional family structure has been the lynchpin of social progress. I agree with this assessment, but from an evolutionary perspective human beings are not innately monogamous. Our conventional monogamy and family structure, and the resulting progress is really in spite of ourselves. The evidence is there in our genomic records. Our success as a culture was due to controlling the feral aspects of both men and women’s natural sexual strategies via social conventions, religion and personal conviction. And the result of this control is a social contract that is based on monogamy.

That said, there is no denying that monogamous societies make for the most stable societies – or at least they have up to this point in history. Even the Economist article highlights this fact. Monogamy reduces reproductive stress on Beta men – or at least until recently. One reason we have Disney myths of soul mates so prevalent in the past generations is as social a social reinforcement for monogamy. The social convention of idealistic love being a mutually accepted concept between the sexes is also a social reinforcement for monogamy. These were conventions that held men in an idealized state of monogamy. Even the worst Beta still had a hope to reproduce if the mythology was such that “there’s someone for everyone.”

But again, all of this idealization of monogamy is really in spite of ourselves. Left to our own means and our unfettered sexual strategies men will be ruthlessly polygynous and women will resort to ruthless Hypergamy.

The New Polygamy Polyandry

You can probably see where I’m going with this now. Since the time of the Sexual Revolution (and unilaterally female-controlled hormonal birth control) we have seen a systematic degradation of this monogamous social order in favor of a female-primary social order. This social order is predicated on women’s complete control over the reproductive fate of society. Whereas before there were social checks and balances in conventional monogamy, these have been replaced with the unrestrained, unquestioned imperatives of women’s sexual strategy – Hypergamy. In just 5 short decades men have ceded any claim to not only our own sexual strategy and interests, but to any right to paternity.

When we look at how social trends have shifted with regard to women’s sexual selection process we can see the end game more clearly. We’ve gone from ’No Means No’ to ‘Yes Means Yes’ , to itemized permission documentation of every sex act, and now to “enthusiastic consent”. Women’s end game is not unlike our original state of polygamy in that only the most desirable Alpha men will be allowed breeding rights to women – with the social contract being all women are entitled to Alpha Fucks. Enthusiastic consent is a ‘thing’ because on some level of consciousness women loathe the idea of transactional sex with Beta men. And as women’s provisioning and security needs are already met by the state and men’s own direct or indirect resource transfer, there is no longer any desire for “sex they’re really not that into.”

If not for ubiquitous, free online porn and soft prostitution (Sugaring, Tinder, Seeking Arrangements) western culture might find itself in a similar situation to the polygamous countries described by the Economist.

I think it’s important for Red Pill aware men to consider that as women consolidate more and more power via social conventions that only apply to men (MeToo, Times Up, etc.) the end game is one of polyandry for women. This cartoon was a funny one because it accurately describes women’s sexual selection process, but it’s unfunny because it also belies women’s idealized state – one in which men are either draft animals or breeding stock. 

I had quite a few men ask me where I think we’re headed with regards to intersexual social dynamics and I would say that what I’m ultimately seeing is an erasure of conventional monogamy replaced with a Hypergamous polygamy in which women will have uncontested control over reproduction. I see a lot of similarities occurring with men who drop out of life, and either neglect or refuse to build their lives around supporting a family or entertaining a wife. The guys I talk to very much want to get married and have kids, but the downsides are so unimaginably dangerous for men it seems hopeless to them. The old monogamous social contracts no longer exist, but men are still being held responsible for not putting themselves on the line to take risks that only apply to them.

So, not unlike the young unemployed men in the Arab Spring, today’s drop out guy has very little hope for a monogamous future with a woman. But this hopeless circumstance is being instituted by western women, not a religious dogma. Un restrained Hypergamy leads us back to our feral, tribalist polygamy, simply because women have no use for Beta men. Sex with Betas is (or soon will be) considered rape and without porn or some other sexual sedation Betas would likely resort to violence to solve that problem.

What to Do

Anonymous Reader hit me with this comment:

Distilled to it’s essence this is how women in uncontested control of men and masculinity will view men: according to their basest Hypergamous needs and in the context of complete solipsistic self-interests.

Something more like an ant colony or beehive than a civilization of humans. A society of women owners, a handful of males allowed to breed and a whole lot of neutered workers.

I’ve used the Sadie Hawkins’ World analogy for some time now, but this is what the new order of Fempowerment has created for men and women going forward. As much as it goes against every evolved instinct for women, it will be women who must pursue and make the effort to initiate sex and intimacy with men. There will likely be some pushback from more traditional/conventional women who truly desire men to pursue them – nothing is more flattering for a woman’s ego – but the social environment will be such that the risk of personal destruction will become so high, and the juice not being worth the risk of the squeeze will be so low, that even the top tier men in the SMP will be incentivized to allow women to make the first move.

Essentially what MeToo, Enthusiastic Consent and Fempowerment is establishing is an even higher standard of what constitutes an ideal Alpha. It is a tightening of the market of sorts. Women are reluctant (and then resentful) to settle for a less-than the best Hypergamy with a suboptimal male as it is now, but add to this the condition that only the most ideal of Alphas represents the only legitimate sexual experience

Some Solutions:

  1. Play the Game better: Learn Game so thoroughly that you can use the corrupted system to your best advantage. The bar is set so low for men today that even marginal self-improvement, Red Pill awareness and Game savvy can set a man apart from the overwhelming majority of Beta, feminized symps. In essence men can make themselves into commodities women will compete for. There is a danger in this though; women who want to consolidate on the Alpha who wont commit open themselves up to false accusations in reprisal.
  2. MGTOW: As there are varying degrees of MGTOW I can’t say that the most isolationist of MGTOWs response is really a solution. Distilled down, MGTOW is an abdication of meta-Frame to women. However, not all MGTOWs are cut from the same cloth. Many will explain that MGTOW is just men not using women as a benchmark for their ego validation, and my response is, great, I think any Red Pill aware man ought to do the same. Taking womankind off the pedestal and replacing them with your own Mental Point of Origin is key in any man’s unplugging. That said, isolation may not be the best approach to dealing with the Future is Female crowd.
  3. Transactional sex: Reducing intersexual relations to Tinder hook ups, Sugar Baby/Daddy contractual agreements, or ‘Seeking Arrangements’ will preclude a transactional understanding and imply specific positive consent. This still has its dangerous though. Even a Tinder hook up can go bad for a guy if a woman still has regrets at a later date. However, at least from a social standpoint a woman seeking a sexual encounter can be thought of as being proceptive about the experience and not a victim of coercion.

I’d encourage more solutions in the comments. I’m sure a lot of this series seems overly reactionary or disheartening for men who are looking for a return to that stabilizing monogamy. There is an element in the manosphere today who are looking for their Red Pill Trad-Con woman who will police the worst of herself in order to return to the golden era of monogamy. I have my reservations about the real motives of the few women who subscribe to this story, but the issues isn’t about what they will do, but rather what they can do in a feminine-primary social order that allows them to renege on their convictions without consequence.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago

@Rollo Agreed – the level of honest signals required to even entertain commitment (without immediately being cockerelled) is all-time high so I guess meta-alpha is a better concept than a beta/alpha balance. And so therefore telling betas to even think about retaining beta traits is unwise (shadow side time…) Perhaps if we’re gonna ‘control’ women by influencing their hypergamous radars (they seem to need to be controlled so they don’t tear everything down – including the future of little boys – and so that there’s a chance of actually building something rather than ONS) this requires being devious, non-apologetic and… Read more »

6 years ago

If anyone’s interested to debate…

Do you think lots of independent ‘wild cat’ RP savvy men is a superior strategy to dealing with the FI? (Non-localized, not easily target-able Ender’s Game style).

Or a strategy of open non-apologetic alliance? (Which seems to be what say, founding fathers of the US done).

I’m thinking of the next generation of men, as well as the current, when I ask this question. Cheers.

6 years ago

All these women are chasing a few alphas, how do all the women compete with each other for these men except through being provocatively dressed and being promiscuous … What else are they have to offer?

The simple fact that sexual attraction alone isn’t enough to compete with other women has been self-evident for most women throughout history.

In these days, however…

6 years ago

New male birth control options are sorely needed. This alone would help the power imbalance greatly. Tools to capture and preserve female consent. Probably some kind of app or apps. The captured consent must survive a solid legal challenge, i.e. a false rape allegation, to truly prove it’s worth. We are becoming a post-privacy society, we may as well take whatever advantages can be had in becoming so. Marriage must be reformed or abandoned. Men must have options to protect their wealth and custody of their children. My only thoughts here are that men must fight. Primarily in the courts.… Read more »

6 years ago

Wwkkd, “Perhaps if we’re gonna ‘control’ women by influencing their hypergamous radars (they seem to need to be controlled so they don’t tear everything down – including the future of little boys – and so that there’s a chance of actually building something rather than ONS) this requires being devious, non-apologetic and openly competitive, so that other men ally and women easily (subconsciously) fall into the frame (think of the openly worn Muslim neck-beard and attire/hijab… these guys don’t hide).” Control, devious, neck beard… All this compels her, unwillingly stuffs her into man’s frame. Not really falling don’t you think?… Read more »

6 years ago

“Marriage must be reformed or abandoned.“

Are those my only two choices?

6 years ago

@EhIntellect – replied to you in Part 2, here’s a copy — Thanks. Okay I like integrated. That’s the right word. A neck beard is like a tattoo – it’s openly masculine (women don’t grow beards) and a statement as it’s a Muslim (relatively patriarchal) grooming style. Talking about tattoos, that’s a devious move that can ‘control’ a woman’s hypergamous radar. Probably control is the wrong word – maybe direct is a better one. I think Entrepreneur’s in Cars is doing a good job of building non-trench warfare, cool open content, as is Molyneux. If you truly study a movie… Read more »

6 years ago

RP trade = the positioning of resources back into the hands of men.

6 years ago

Muslims don’t grow beards as a ” grooming style “.

6 years ago

“. . . marketing that resonates at a truly enlightened frequency ”

Would you like some quantum flux speaker cables with that?

6 years ago

Oh just to add, I’ve been thinking more and more lately the reason why RP men don’t seek to trade nearly as often as you’d think, considering how women are monopolizing resources as quickly as humanly possible.

I believe capitalist trade is against male nature.

If the welfare hungry, immigration-encouraging, Roman woman is female nature, perhaps the hoarding dragon is male nature. (And I don’t mean that cynically, just objectively speaking).

6 years ago

kfg – hehe I stole that difference between marketing and propaganda from Dr Robert Lustig (the “bitter truth about sugar” endocrinologist). Propaganda relies on lies to persuade; marketing on non dis-information. One is dopaminergic. The other serotinergic.

6 years ago

@Blax just something I’ve noticed in London – maybe it’s a false association on my part

6 years ago

Muslim beards, Amish beards…go along to get along, I guess.

I always end up looking like Thor Heyerdahl after Kontiki. No thx.

6 years ago

” . . . difference between marketing and propaganda . . .”

Marketing is a propagandist term of art.

“I believe capitalist trade is against male nature.”

If I have flint and you have steel we both freeze in the dark. I could raid you for your steel, but I might be the one who gets hurt. How about I trade you a pound of flint for a pound steel and we can get back to our border dispute after we’ve both warmed up. It’ll make a better epic poem that way.

6 years ago

Muslims, Jewish men and early Christian males were commanded not to cut the hair on their faces. Hence beards. I’m too lazy to find the exact passages in the respective religious books though, but I read it 40 years ago. ( not in church btw ).

6 years ago

The bible also says stuff about make up, and men laying down with men, and women laying with women, lol. That’s why I guffaw at modern ” Christian ” churches. I dig Jesus, not his fanboys.

6 years ago


Disagree on your definition of art. True art is a real thing in my opinion, as a writer. And so is propaganda I believe.

And any evolutionary psychologist will tell you blood-related male chimps wipe out non-related groups of male chimps. I have no idea how far this extends when it comes to men, but remember the West has a huge safety net of tradition and capitalism hasn’t been the norm for long.

6 years ago

* definition of marketing. I’ve refused many copywriting jobs because of the lack of integrity of clients when it comes to truth.

6 years ago

“I’m too lazy to find the exact passages in the respective religious books though . . .”

Moses on the mountain. About 5 minutes of face time with God after the first 10. There are 600 and something of the things.

6 years ago


“Going Rambo seems like giving up on young men, who btw will have energy and which you can perhaps tap into once you get older.”

I get your point, though you’re unnecessarily amplifying your adverbs. My offline policy is this for young charges: Before you get me involved ask three others for the answer. Online I’m laxer but round here, as in real life, force begets force.

Guys must be taught to calibrate their behavior. The on/offline congruency helps when it matters most.

6 years ago

“Disagree on your definition of art.”

“Term of art” is a term of art for “jargon.” And just to make it explicitly clear, “marketing” is a term of art for . . . propaganda.

” . . . capitalism . . .”

You keep using words . . .

6 years ago


Now we’ve introduced each other, what’s your story? Writer, what else?

6 years ago


I understand your point on amplified adverbs, yes I tend to speak in hyperbole or imagistically.

I’m not sure exactly what you mean by potential mentees calibrating their behaviors on/offline.

Though it seems earlier you’re saying you’ll take note of young charges who show determination/spirit/have a track record of self-reliance, like any success necessitates. If that’s what you meant – agreed. No free meals. Only pure, fair, non anti-male capitalism. And specifically, RP alliances.

6 years ago

“I’m not sure exactly what you mean by potential mentees calibrating their behaviors on/offline.” TRM lures men by offering a systematic generally applicable approach to sex. Very attractive. Once men hang out they’re often baffled that the directest path to light has very little to do with the mechanics of the intersexual dynamic. Bait and switch, and guys get pissed. The mirror is reflected inward, they abhor what they see. Why explain it if you can watch it yourself? Acta non Verba and all. I’d prefer you to hang out, experience it. It happens within a day or two of… Read more »

6 years ago

@kfg In my experience, marketing isn’t the same thing as propaganda (one is disinformation, the other an understanding of emotional/factual truth). I’m really speaking from the perspective of copywriting – I’m not sure if the terms fall together elsewhere. I’ve not personally seen them conflated. Though of course, marketing is a form of art. I’ll admit the capitalism theory is bare-thread in terms of how much I’ve researched it. Just spit-balling for feedback. I don’t mind criticism and usually seek it. @EhIntellect All-around creative. Was going to go into medicine at one point, so pretty informed on science. Studied history.… Read more »

6 years ago

“No free meals.”

It’s more subtle, friend. This isn’t transactionary.

6 years ago

“Would be interesting to hear about yourself too and you kfg – you all seem shrewd.”

Fooled you, chump.

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

I nominate eh as the official TRM onboarding director

6 years ago

@EhIntellect Got it. That last part about watching after every post I don’t quite understand. Are you saying you prefer to be a bystander as playing pundit to this stuff will add little to the outcome? As an artist I think art specifically has unbelievable impact on culture. I can’t imagine how any RP artist couldn’t see the value in relentless true art (not propaganda). It seems to me that this culture war is being fought through art (the religion of love, blue pill assumptions, etc). A RP response imo isn’t a trivial thing. It’s a colossal Disney-like effort to… Read more »

6 years ago

“Fooled you, chump.”

hehe, well at least it’s a Friday I suppose.

6 years ago

“In my experience, marketing isn’t the same thing as propaganda . . .” Primo: Why do elephants paint their toenails different colors? Secundo: I don’t know. Why? Primo: So they can hide in M&M packages. Have you ever seen an elephant hiding in an M&M package? Secundo: No. Primo: See how well they hide? “Would be interesting to hear about yourself . . .” The contextually relevant would be that my step-father decided that being an English professor was all well and good, but he liked to eat, so he went into advertising. He ended up running Special Promotions (“alternative”… Read more »

6 years ago


Great marketing = serotonin
Propaganda = magic elephants
Cynics of the former = vicarious writers and nihilists

Chump No More
Chump No More
6 years ago

“And remember, women feel absolutely no conflict about either AF or BB sides of Hypergamy: https://therationalmale.com/2014/09/01/the-myth-of-the-good-guy/” @Rollo, Strangely, of all your posts, “The Myth of the ‘Good’ Guy” remains as having been the most epiphanal for me. There is no Alpha with a side of Beta… when are you guys going to get this through your thick skulls? “There is only the Man who improves his circumstance for his own benefit, and then, by association and merit, the benefit of those whom he loves and befriends.” Providing ‘relationship comfort’ to those who you deem worthy and giving them space to… Read more »

6 years ago

@wwkkd: “Propaganda = magic elephants”

Use these two words in a sentence: “Protest” and “Discrimination.”

Question: Have you ever written copy that might be classified as “Public Relations”?

6 years ago


This: ” . . .resonates at a truly enlightened frequency ”

is pure magic elephant.

6 years ago

Makes 20 year old girls feel all serotoniny and shit though.

6 years ago

Of course. Neurochemistry and enlightenment are silly – nothing to do with art… That’s right.

6 years ago

“Are you saying you prefer to be a bystander as playing pundit to this stuff will add little to the outcome?”

Hell, no man. Comment like crazy. Remain congruent or not.

Telling you about it is like porn vs fucking a meat human woman.

6 years ago

Enter Upton Sinclair, stage left.

6 years ago

I’m sure many BP men on the edge of suicide before finding the RP will agree with you. That’s the spirit man.

6 years ago

Continuously well met kfg. Unworthy.

6 years ago

“There is no Alpha with a side of Beta… when are you guys going to get this through your thick skulls?” (Note the following link is a safe site but has a lot of cookies. If you want to click on it use incognito mode in your browser.) http://peakdevelopment.com/mindset-determines-behavior/ The difficulty is that, since most mindsets are unconscious and accessed so quickly, they can be difficult to recognize. Our brains move through the cognitive process in a split second: observing data, adding meaning, and choosing an action. When we’re thinking so quickly, we often don’t realize that our mindset doesn’t… Read more »

6 years ago

“But I can’t see any serious RP production companies or producers creating these products any time soon…”

I’ve not watched but I’d heard Breaking Bad is RP. Hollywood is withering. RP guys tend to read anyways.

6 years ago


I’m officially old, you’re worn me out.

6 years ago



6 years ago

take a knee

6 years ago


A lot of your improvement suggestions are top down. Why?

6 years ago

Right. Rowling was a top dog before she made her mills.

M Simon
6 years ago

I’ve insisted since my first few sexual experiences that women make the decision. They are way more enthusiastic when they decide vs being wooed. . I started back in the 60s – so the social domination of women wasn’t so strong. It was not a decision based on culture. It was based on experience.

Now all this does not mean giving up sending signals. The signals are the most important thing. Feynman explained how it works in one of his books. It starts with the mentality of she can be replaced. An abundance mentality.

6 years ago


It starts with the mentality of she can be replaced. An abundance mentality.

Did your first girl teach you that? Mother Gamer taught me to play the field, which gives you an abundance mentality & preselection. Not sure how the topic arose.

6 years ago

If you seek enlightenment, find the toilet and drop a loogie. The relief will give you a dopamine rush, which is where the neurochemistry comes in. Then look down and enjoy your artistic endeavor.

6 years ago

“I’m sure many BP men on the edge of suicide before finding the RP will agree with you. That’s the spirit man.”

I’m slow. Explain.

6 years ago

I think that more important than propagating RP wisdom covertly and discretely, is men unabashedly, openly, and assertively speaking their mind, with zero concern for people’s feelings. This is Alpha. I think the articulation should take the form of old-school chauvinism, not new-age RP logic. If some woman or group of people will call me a misogynist, I’d rather give it to them full force. It’s not about tearing them down or expressing bitterness, or even complaining about the way things are. It is simply speaking the truth, having a sense of humor, like calling zimbabwe a shithole.. yes, why… Read more »

6 years ago

The solution:
Shame feminists and exhaust their energy.

Put feminists into hamster wheel mode where they can’t fight their way out of a paper bag.

People are feminists because it increases their in-group social status. Destroy their social status through effective in-group shaming and we win.

Feminists are outspoken because it increases their in-group social status. Emotionally exhaust them and we win.

6 years ago

“As an artist I think art specifically has unbelievable impact on culture.”


IMO cart before horse.

Lasting art reflects human nature and beauty. Beauty in that Venus is beautiful and mattress girl isn’t.

6 years ago

@MAMA agree with you..

Tough Love.. is really almost always the answer to any human problem.

6 years ago

“Here’s the deal lady,…”

Hi Tuff,

I guess, at an inconsequential hen clutch.

The concept of “just getting it” discourages overt dog talk. How would you square those?

6 years ago

“Destroy their social status through effective in-group shaming and we win.”

YES. The Trump/Eminem in the 90s type of artist (rapper, singer, etc). Next level shit. That’s def a part of it. Re-frame virtue.

6 years ago

But mostly Tuff’s approach. Fun, indifference, concrete standards.

6 years ago

“IMO cart before horse.”

That’s cos you’re an old man.

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

minor irritant…. *not* coddling is not tough love, it’s just love

coddling is not love at all

6 years ago


Your bio omitted your age, city size, sexual history. It’ll give me perspective.

6 years ago

Remember, there’s a distinct difference between unabashed alpha manliness, lol, and angry, I’ll informed shouting of ignorance without any regard. I support all men’s right to say whatever they want to say at any time, anyplace. Conversely, I don’t want to hear any complaints when words lead to consequences, physical or otherwise, from other men. You can’t remove consequence and actually believe angry misguided bullshit magically becomes unabashed truthiness. This is how women act. This is how weaker men become subjugated. This is how bullies of every stripe succeed. A man should never be accorded any manner of status for… Read more »

6 years ago
6 years ago

8 punch combinations however, are priceless. He he heeee

M Simon
6 years ago

January 12, 2018 at 10:38 am

My first girl got me started. She disliked obsequious men. And told me.

6 years ago

You wanna know what’s alpha?

Try forgetting about ingroup/outgroup status bullshit, and actually having strong, unshakable core BELIEFS that benefit you. Mental point and all that.

Learn to stand on your own two feet as a man first and foremost, without societal crutches.

Lol, I’m out!!!

6 years ago

“Your bio omitted your age, city size, sexual history. It’ll give me perspective.”

Plenty of guys share their history on this blog. Question for you (I won’t read your reply):

What slithers?

6 years ago

Thx, thought so. Peace.

6 years ago

“I’ve not watched but I’d heard Breaking Bad is RP.” Sadly, it didn’t take Red Pill to a logical conclusion. Too bad, too. The anti-hero Walter White could have been a great vehicle for The Red Pill. (Beta Herb to a Badass in four short years) He embraced his dark side/shadow self in epic fashion. But he did it for two reasons: 1. To deny his own mortality from lung cancer. 2. To provide selflessly for his wife and children. And they didn’t appreciate his Alpha, nor realize he was doing it for them. His wife Skyler never ditched the… Read more »

6 years ago

“They’ll use internet porn to sate their sexual desires.” the first dick i ever saw slide in and out of a vagina was my own first saw a picture of a pussy in 4th grade maybe. club international or something non playboy on the school bus. friends in super progressive households had playboy. maybe some centerfolds up on the wall if the mom was super lib. just bush and tits stuff. only video I saw was fake lesbian softcore kind of stuff. stolen/borrowed from friends parents. we were mostly interested in viewing the nude female body. more than cinemax but… Read more »

6 years ago

@Eh This isn’t really the approach I’d suggest for capturing the woman of your dreams.. just a ZFG attitude to take in generic social situations, or anytime you’re surrounded by a mix new age progressives (the lost), and some intelligent people (the one’s who will chuckle and enable your shenanigans). The goal is to get the feminist/commie/whinger to want to leave, while the group remains with you because you’re unapologetically real. The situation I find myself in as an older guy, is one where I’m surrounded by a bunch of young men and women… my sons, nephews and nieces, and… Read more »

6 years ago

“but the social environment will be such that the risk of personal destruction will become so high, and the juice not being worth the risk of the squeeze will be so low, that even the top tier men in the SMP will be incentivized to allow women to make the first move.” “rex don’t want to be fed. he wants to hunt” you can’t incentivize behavior that goes against an animal’s reason for existing. not long term anyways. even with all the cash and prizes available to the female, she simply will NOT stop searching for and fucking alpha rex… Read more »

6 years ago

adding one more thing.. when you are saying fuck bitches, they crazy.. you should passively be putting out the signal that you know she has had her past moments of fitting into that box as well. You’re not naive.. She’s a good girl now, but you know better than to think she’s always been an angel. She has to know you feel that way about ALL women, but that you are making an exception for her at the moment (calling her your gf) because she is displaying class, and femininity, being honest and she has not given you one reason… Read more »

6 years ago

Peaky Blinders is completely red-pilled. But not set in today’s time, rather around 1909.
Still, I’m surprised it got made in the spirit of those times and not watered down by today’s standards

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

“What slithers?”

worst kfg impression ever

6 years ago

It is interesting to be the age I am, near 60, and watch it all play out. I came from a religious background and believed the blue pill reality deeply. I married and watched myself gradually become invisible, watched myself become undesirable, a clown a joke. I believed the hard work would mean respect and I don’t know, some level of reward. It was empty, I had nothing. It truly almost killed me. Somehow, somehow I found my way, and now look back with incredible regrets, but with considerable support from sites like this I know I can move on.… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

glad you’re here, ST, you’ve likely much to contribute

all the best to your friend, hopefully you can safely toss him a lifeline

6 years ago

My symp men friends are just painful to watch them these days. They are some hurting souls. I don’t know what to do for them, I just don’t. This awareness is sort of an all at one time kind of feeling, it just opens like the clouds clear from your eyes. A true oh my god moment, but you cannot sit in front of your married, sympy friend and point it out. And these women, THESE are the men they go after. It is so sad to watch.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
6 years ago


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: the “beta uprising” will be nothing more than betas doubling down on empathizing with women. Whether directly by supporting #metoo and increasingly tight laws they hope will crack down on alphas being alphas, or indirectly by sorting themselves voluntarily out of the dating pool and making the process of finding alpha even easier… they will simply double down on supporting women.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
6 years ago

Oh and the church has long been a cucked single mommy support system designed to crank out emasculated soy boy sons and more single mommies those sons are told to man up and wife up. Hearing about your friend at a religious college is absolutely no surprise; combined cucked religion with the ultra left modern college system… really what other result could one expect?

6 years ago


you have no idea how well I understand. Given my history, and watching old friends I have know for 20, 30, 40 years. There is a process of actually letting go. Blue pill is like alcoholism, it destroys your life.

6 years ago

“Today I hear that some woman at his college has complained about him, harassment. He has to face review. He may lose his tenure, if not job.” lol. good. this is the kind of fucker who would have had me thrown out for getting numbers in class. just like this fat ass motherfucker loser prof who gave a good summer internship to some moron skirt over me simply because of skirt. I hope he’s losing his fucking job too for trying to backdoor his way to pussy using his “authority” “Whether directly by supporting #metoo and increasingly tight laws they… Read more »

6 years ago

No way he did anything wrong, just no way. No way she is telling the truth, no way. I’ve known him for forty years, he’s a good guy. Great guy. It’s fascinating to watch guys turn on each other as well……over these women who want to destroy those who SUPPORT them.

6 years ago

I’ve had a motto when it comes to monogamy. “Women aren’t against cheating. They’re against getting cheated ON.” If there is any doubt feral hypergamy is women’s natural state, just look at the notch count of philanderous prominent athletes or entertainers. As they represent the best genetic stock, it matters not to women that they are betrothed or married. Unlike the average good looking guy, women cannot claim “plausible deniability” as to the marital state of these men; the gossip rags and sites they frequent feature these men all the time. There’s even an app (“Baller Alert”) to inform women… Read more »

6 years ago

It drives me crazy. Everyone believes these women 100% of the time.

6 years ago

“Oh and the church has long been a cucked single mommy support system designed to crank out emasculated soy boy sons and more single mommies those sons are told to man up and wife up.” It seems women will tend to bring their sons up to be nice beta guys who treat women like “princesses” and put them pedestals. They do want the best for their sons I think. Its just women tend to fool themselves into thinking they want nice beta guys. All the times they got pumped and dumped by bad boys? They got tricked. They were abused.… Read more »

6 years ago

“I’ve known him for forty years, he’s a good guy. Great guy.” but you don’t know his game. or you don’t want to admit it’s beta/sneaky as fuck game “It’s fascinating to watch guys turn on each other as well……over these women who want to destroy those who SUPPORT them.” this is why they get no respect from anybody. they will sell out their friends for a piece of pussy. I kinda like that they slave away in cubicles and get abused by everybody. why? I used to think their bad attitude/anger was caused by the bad treatment they received… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
6 years ago

@fleezer My only restriction I place on who’s women I won’t fuck are men I regard as friends. To me, trust is the only difference between friends and acquaintances. As a matter of fact had one friend’s girlfriend try to hook up with me on New Year’s after he headed to bed. I’ve not discussed it with him yet (situation is complicated), but I will later this month. Other than that yeah I don’t give a fuck if they’ve got a man. Society does not have my back in commitment, giving me no incentive to care outside of my circle… Read more »

The Solitary Silver FoX
The Solitary Silver FoX
6 years ago

If this female quest as Rollo is describing here is in fact the goal of the FI, then it is laughable at best. Women, being totally illogical, can’t even do the math. Most of them these days aren’t worth fucking let alone marrying and breeding with, so how in the hell can they expect that 100 goes into 20/30? There will always be the average women (80/90%) pairing up with the average (Beta) male (70/80%). Alpha/desirable men (20/30%) will just not breed with these average women. They can’t force us to, so the majority of undesirable average women will still… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
6 years ago

@palmasailor I’d wager it’s both. These were both women who clearly did see me as the alpha, pretty obvious in their behavior. Crawl over broken glass to get to me that sort of shit. They wanted the provisioning, absolutely. The kid coming from my genes clearly appealed to them too. Hell one begged to just have the kid and tried to convince me she didn’t want my support at all. May even have been telling the truth from what I could tell. Still wasn’t worth the risk, not to mention I have more respect than that for any kids I’d… Read more »

Chump No More
Chump No More
6 years ago

“The ‘men’ you’re speaking of are facilitating all this shit and to a large extent responsible for it.”

I don’t entirely agree. Plugged-in men cheer lead the FI like a fish does not know it swims in water and because beta-game is all they know.

The men who truly facilitate the FI know exactly what they’re doing and they do so because it makes them fucking rich. Slavery is alive and well… it adjusts to the times by changing venue.

status confirmed
status confirmed
6 years ago

“Women aren’t against cheating. They’re against getting cheated ON.” Married women hitting on me in my late 20’s and early 30’s saved me from getting married. I didn’t understand why women were so eager to cheat, but I knew I could easily find myself on the wrong side of the equation. (This was long before I found the Red Pill.) Thankfully, for me, an ounce of caution was worth a pound of cure. I never had to go through a divorce. Similarly, no matter how alpha you are, and how strong your game, an ounce of caution may save your… Read more »

6 years ago

“This is why alphas can get colossal sentences for misdemeanours ” and this is why all men should do everything they can on the front end to stay the fuck out of the courtroom another thing about growing up a bit outside the law; when you’re a kid whose got 20K is his backback going to a drug deal, you have no one to protect you but yourself. this builds self reliance because there is literally no one to call if something goes wrong. this means that making sure nothing goes wrong is something a guy thinks about before he… Read more »

6 years ago

“Thinking about this, they’d do the same to women.” the beta lock-down. “now that I’ve successfully wooed you, I shall lock us inside this cookie cutter mccastle and retire to my comfy recliner” my wife is like that 5’8″ girl upthread. 120 lbs. hot as fuck. the normal beta response would be to hide her away for my secret unlimited pleasure, which is exactly what drives them to cheat cheat cheat because they smell your fear of loss the one mate-guarding is the one with no power I circulate my hot piece out in the world. a lot. she looks… Read more »

The Solitary Silver FoX
The Solitary Silver FoX
6 years ago

@ Palma “As recently as last night I was out at a meetup and most of the men were talking to each other and most of the women were alone or talking to each other nursing wine glasses twitching with frustration.” Says it all, really. Just play with them or ignore them, gentlemen. Down tools, maintain aloof frame, give them a taste of real equality (ever seen a woman try and dig a hole with a shovel?), openly mock feminism, and watch them eventually come running back ’cause that itch for good Alpha cock will never go away and can’t… Read more »

6 years ago

“I had no idea white guys just like me would cut their own balls off in a sick attempt to drain them”

lol ….never been suprised at white guys cutting off their balls lol

Artisanal Toad
6 years ago

@CSI We are talking about solutions. Polygamy really is a bad idea. You’re entitled to your opinion, but I have to ask: Got any facts to back that up? In societies which allow it, it tends to be restricted by tradition, but even restricted polygamy leads to a shortage of young women. You are wrong and evidently unaware that the historical accounts of polygyny in China and Japan, as well as the early (poly) Mormons in Utah all dispute your assertion. In all cases the birth rate of girls was significantly higher than boys, which I will demonstrate in a… Read more »

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