Dangerous Times – Part 1

We live in a very dangerous age for men. The Blue Pill is even more of a liability today than it was in times past, because we live in an era that encourages men going all-in in their life’s investment in that conditioning.

Welcome to the #MeToo era. What we’re experiencing in our social environment today is a sea change in intersexual dynamics. The underlying fundamentals haven’t changed; our evolved natures and the latent purposes that are driven by them haven’t shifted, but the social dynamics and sexual acculturation that serve as checks and balances on them has drastically shifted, and in a very short time. While you could make an argument for an idealized free love era that took place right after the Sexual Revolution, now we find ourselves in a time that is so calculating in its design on intersexual social dynamics that it makes the late 60s seem romantically naive.

Back in October of 2014 I wrote a post called Yes Means Fear. This essay was a response to the, at that time new, Yes Means Yes sexual consent legislature that was being instituted on California university campuses. Dalrock had written similar essays regarding this latest form of sexual consent aptly titled The Sexual Revolution’s Arab Spring and Making the World Safe for Promiscuous Women. It may take you a while to review these posts, but please read these and skim the comments to get a gist of the conversations we had going on just three years ago.

One of these comments was the inimitable Deti:

At the end of the day, college women (soon all women) will be able to use the “lack of consent” law/policy as a weapon against undesirable men to do the following:

1. Weed out and eliminate unattractive men by chilling their conduct

2. Making even the most innocuous sexual conduct (i.e. approaching, asking for dates) so dangerous that the only men who will engage in the SMP are attractive men with proven successful sexual track records who will never get reported for doing anything “untoward”; thus ensuring that only attractive men will approach them for dates and sex

3. Giving women more power over the SMP so even unattractive women can use and select men for alpha fux; then have the sole ability to pursue and select men for beta bux when they see fit.

Open hypergamy. It will be “we women are going to do this, and if you want sex, you’ll do it our way, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.”

Deti posted this comment on October 15th, 2014. The inter-blog debate then (at places like the now defunct Hooking Up Smart) was that Yes Means Yes was solely meant as a firm response to the supposed on-campus rape /sex assault panic that was being circulated in the mainstream media at the time. From the Red Pill perspective, we saw what potential this legislation represented to what would later become a societal scale institution.

Of course, they called us reactionaries, called us ‘rape apologists’ for simply pointing out all the ways this legislation would be expanded to a societal scale. They said we were exaggerating when we illustrated that, even for long-married couples, there would need to be a check list of approved acts of intimacy for each and every act performed, and men would need some form of hard evidence to prove that consent had indeed been granted.

The new California college/university sexual assault policy requires the following:

“An affirmative consent standard in the determination of whether consent was given by both parties to sexual activity. “Affirmative consent” means affirmative, conscious, and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity. It is the responsibility of each person involved in the sexual activity to ensure that he or she has the affirmative consent of the other or others to engage in the sexual activity. Lack of protest or resistance does not mean consent, nor does silence mean consent. Affirmative consent must be ongoing throughout a sexual activity and can be revoked at any time. The existence of a dating relationship between the persons involved, or the fact of past sexual relations between them, should never by itself be assumed to be an indicator of consent.”

There was sex, which is clearly “sexual activity.” The question then becomes whether there was “affirmative consent”. In order for there not be consent, the woman would have had to show affirmative conscious and voluntary agreement to engage in sex with the man. It is the man’s responsibility to make sure he had that consent. She had to manifest, verbally or nonverbally, consent to it.

Silence doesn’t mean consent. Her not resisting or saying “no, please stop” doesn’t constitute “affirmative consent”. So really, the only way to make sure that consent is present is for the man to continue asking her throughout the encounter: “Is this OK? Can I keep doing this? Is this thrust OK with you? Is THIS thrust OK? Can I thrust again? How about this one? Can I keep going? Do you want me to stop?”

If that did NOT happen, if the man did not get EXPRESS, VERBAL statements that he could continue, then yes, there was sexual assault.

The way this plays out in situations like this is that verbal consent is REQUIRED. She cannot manifest “ongoing” “affirmative consent” any other way. That’s because of the way the law is written. Lack of protest is not consent. Lack of resistance is not consent. Silence is not consent. Thus, a wife, just lying there, starfishing it, giving duty sex to her husband, is putting him in jeopardy, because she is not manifesting “ongoing” “affirmative consent”.

All of that they said was ridiculous. Women would never be so petty as to make a man ask permission for, nor hold him accountable for, sex that she wanted to have with him. Furthermore, this ruling was only meant to curb campus assault; any extrapolating to a larger societal norm, we were told, was just us Red Pill men and their insecurities about the intentions of women and sex. If we’d Just Get It we’ll have no problems.

We were told it was limited to penis-in-vagina sex only. We were told it was just in cases of “drunken sex”. All of these proved false. This law was intended to govern, regulate and control every single sexual interaction between a man and a woman. This law is intended to require a man to get express consent at every single step of the process, from initial touch to banging. This law is intended to chill all male sexual conduct. This law by its very terms requires express consent for every sexual act, starting with kino.

The goal of feminism is to remove all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality – Heartiste

A World of Fear

When I wrote Yes Means Fear (also 3 years ago) it was initially in response to an article by Ezra Klein, Yes Means Yes is a terrible law, and I support it completely. This reads through as bad as any gender related article on Vox, but Klein’s salient point was summed up in one sentence.

To work, “Yes Means Yes” needs to create a world where men are afraid.

I’m reasonably sure Ezra was aware of the larger scope – larger than just California college campuses – that his giddy Beta love of a world where men would be afraid to so much as approach a woman would lead to. But now we find ourselves here in his idealized sexual marketplace founded on men fearing to interact with women at the risk of losing everything. At the risk of being Zeroed Out. Today, just three years later, we’re experiencing the #metoo moral panic based exactly in the fear Ezra said would serve us so well. Ezra must be proud that the gold rush hysteria of sexual misconduct allegations any and every woman (who ‘might’ have ever felt an accidental hip brush 50 years ago) feels entitled to is the result of this cleansing fear he loved so much. Unless he’s defending allegations himself of course.

If you go before the college board and say that the woman accusing you of assault simply doesn’t remember that she said yes because she was so drunk, then you’ve already lost.

Gone is the college board now in favor of the popular court of social justice – the court that condemns a man for even the suspicion of an allegation of sexual misconduct. Gone too is part of women’s remembering the pretense of a sexual encounter. Whether a woman was drunk and doesn’t remember the details, or if she conveniently recalls them 40-50 years after the fact is immaterial. The operative point is that we always believe any and every allegation of rape or misconduct a woman brings forward.

Articles of Belief

Shortly after I wrote Yes Means Fear I wrote Hysteria, an essay intended to address the disgraceful (now thoroughly proven) UVA fraternity rape hoax story written by Sabrina Erdley and published by a complicit Rolling Stone Magazine. Just daring to question the validity of so outrageous a rape account was heresy to women back then. Bear in mind this took place after the Yes Means Yes consent ruling in California. At this time, just to question the story of a woman’s rape account was enough to earn you the title of ‘rape apologist’. But moreover, we were popularly expected to repeat this mantra and always accept a woman’s account as infallibly true:

“No matter what Jackie said, we should automatically believe rape claims.” http://t.co/3HFlXR7jme True insanity pic.twitter.com/AFXIyn32FS

This was the sentiment (now deleted) tweeted by Zerlina Maxwell on December 6th, 2014. Since then this meme that anything a woman had to say about sexual assault must be believed by default has snowballed into a default belief that anything a woman alleges against a man must also be believed. Whereas a male college student might stand in front of his kangaroo court at a university, now men must stand in front of the kangaroo court of public opinion where a woman’s word outweighs all pretense of due process. That college kid is now the average man who must prove his innocence because if a woman alleges it due process is reversed.

What we’ve witnessed in just 3 years is the systematic removal of a man’s right to habeas corpus with regard to women’s allegations.

And I expect that this removal will extend to much more than just women’s believability in regard to sexual misconduct. Imagine a culture where it’s expected that anything a woman accuses her ex of is to be believed in divorce proceedings.

We’re now seeing exactly what myself, Deti, Dalrock and countless other Red Pill bloggers and commenters predicted would happen, but it’s also so much more that what we could see coming. In just 3 years Yes Means Yes moved off the campus and into mainstream culture; a culture predicated on female social primacy. In a feminine-primary social order even “affirmative consent” isn’t enough – “enthusiastic consent” must now be established and maintained. That “enthusiastic consent” is a new ambiguously defined terminology, and part of the larger narrative meant to further confuse and instill fear in men.

Last week Novaseeker, once again, had a terrific comment that illustrates what consent has come to today.

Yep, that’s the newest goalpost move.

We went from No means No (which meant that if she doesn’t say no, it’s on … which pretty much is the basic human mating script) to “affirmative consent” (“may I kiss you now” … “may I lick your breast now?”, etc., per the “rules” required before any physical contact *and* at “each stage of escalation”). Very few people actually follow affirmative consent, as we know, but it’s the rule at most colleges and universities. It isn’t the legal rule for rape, in terms of determining what was “consensual”, currently, but the FI is working on that, believe me.

Now, we have the goalposts moving even further along, from “affirmative consent” to “enthusiastic consent” — which means that if her consent is even verbally expressed, but isn’t clearly enthusiastic, then it isn’t “reliable as consent” because it could be the result of “pressure”, and if the consent “was real, it would be expressed enthusiastically, because when people really are consenting to sex, they’re always enthusiastic about it”. So essentially the standard they are pushing now (and which is getting rolled out on campuses right now) is that if the girl isn’t jumping your bones and begging for your cock, it’s rape/assault. Of course, again, not the legal standard, but that doesn’t matter that much — as we can all see what is happening right now is that the legal standard is being marginalized, because people can be destroyed in our media saturated environment without any involvement of the legal system at all, and the standards that apply in that extra-legal environment are the ones that the FI wants to apply, whether the legal system applies them or not.

There are a few ways to look at this, but one obvious one is that this is a way for the FI to tighten the screws on betas. Very little sex that betas have, if any, is “enthusiastic consent sex”. Everyone knows this. Under this standard, basically all sex with betas is rape. That’s the intention.

And thus we come full circle to the latent purpose of legislating Hypergamy that I’ve continually repeated in many essays. It is Roissy’s maxim of feminism: The end goal of feminism is to remove all constraints on female sexuality while maximally restricting male sexuality.

Recently I found myself in a Twitter war on a story by CBS Los Angeles asking whether it was still OK for men to hug women. I used the cartoon I posted in The Creep 2 to illustrate my bigger point:

And of course the feminist tropes (from men and women) and the point & sputter ad hominem attacks flowed from there. However, this rage is precisely what I would expect from women who are now coming into a default expectation (entitlement) of all men to ‘Just Get It‘.

Only in this instance it is Blue Pill, Beta men who should know better than to approach a woman below their (self-perceived) sexual market value. Those men, the lesser men that her social media overinflated sense of SMV has convinced her are beneath her attraction floor should ‘just get it’ that they shouldn’t be flirtatious or even too friendly with her or risk the punishment of an allegation that might be his zeroing out. The Beta man who doesn’t ‘get it’ is an insult to her self-worth and deserving of an optimized Hypergamy.

In the next post I’ll be exploring the ramifications of the “enthusiastic consent” concept and how even consensual-but-unwanted sex and “duty sex” will be the next chapter in marital rape. I’ll also be detailing the the “Cat Persons” story that’s been making the rounds this week.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago

@ mersonia “Women are not interested in SMV” Would you care to expand on that? Do you subscribe to the Ester Villar view that women are only interested in other women and what they think? Because I’m confused as to why having high SMV would not be of interest to women ( even just as trophy to show off to their friends) . I think it’s a hell of a statement to drop without further explanation. Genuinely interested in your take on SMV and what women are interested in but I’m guessing it might also be “emotions” and if so… Read more »

Oscar C.
6 years ago

@asd I am doing a combination of both, machines and free weights. A buddy made a routine for me. I am just starting but it feels good. Fully tailorable. I was never much into sports because soccer reigns supreme here and I suck at it. America is better in the sense that you have got a more balanced sports scene (baseball, football, basketball…) @Eh You are probably right about something being defective, but I can just not pinpoint it. I would say it has probably to do with my risk aversion and fear of betrayal… which could be what animates… Read more »

6 years ago

@Oscar just out of curiosity, whats your understanding of the JQ, the century long prosecution and perpetual success of this particular minority? I find lot of people mentioning this aspect, often come from a position of animosity and jealously and hence their judgment is often clouded. I don’t sense that from you, hence why I asked. My own take on it, is a combination of nature (high average IQ and a few other factors) and nurture (the first testament is pretty hardcore, eye for an eye morality and strong in group bias etc.). This combination with prosecution breeds an evolutionary… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
6 years ago

I’m not listing the specific allergy since it is not common and so is too personal to put on the internet. The knowledge gained from this is I have a food allergy I could only have found through a food panel blood test. So for guys who are feeling unwell, it is worth it to take that test to see if they have a food allergy. That’s why I put up that list: Testosterone, Thyroid, and Food Panel blood tests will have a good chance of finding something amiss. My specific allergy doesn’t matter as far as helping other guys… Read more »

6 years ago


Re male SMV, how do you determine it?

What are the criteria? What is the scale?

If you are looking at male SMV on an HB type numerical ranking scale (whatever you are using to rank), you are already missing the boat.

6 years ago

Hank is speshul.

6 years ago

But being honest, I have never felt an overwhelming desire to throw a girl on a table and drill her there, or choke her, or much less bind her to a bedpost. I find it just silly, unnecessary when she can do a handjob while I fondle her. Again, the most passionate emotions I recall have had to do with politics, with ideas, etc. I always saw girls on the same level as food, some basic drive you have but nothing else. That approach is helpful to guys like me who do like to throw a girl on the table,… Read more »

6 years ago

Women care about a man’s SMV. But they know it can easily change from time to time and they have the War Brides capability. They know it can be ephemeral. That is why they don’t care. Because they are in the moment and they know it when they see it. And they go with the flow. They know that tomorrow may be different.

Guys can sit around and want to have a higher SMV in the future. But a man only has the SMV he has actualized. His potential SMV is infinite.


6 years ago

Male SMV, pernicious concept… leads to much confusion about what women respond to. And always requires so much work!? I get it though, dog minds are hard to break.

What is Blax’s SMV? 56YO middle class married black father? What was Kant’s? YaReally’s? How do you put a number on it?

Oscar C.
6 years ago

@Albert From what I read, I reached similar conclusions to those you point out. An intelligent minority that sticks together and hits way over its weight. I doubt that they are behind everything happening to the West. For instance, I find mass immigration to be more about depressing wages than a conscious anti-white agenda. [You can read an old but still fantastic Steve Sailer article about it, ‘Libertarianism in One Country’ http://www.vdare.com/articles/libertarianism-in-one-country ]. I have also read some other more mainstream but still controversial types like Shlomo Sand, who for instance claims that the ‘Jewish people’ is a bit of… Read more »

6 years ago

@ sentient. @ sjf No I don’t correlate male SMV with the female Hb scale. I was merely surprised at mersonias statements that ” women aren’t interested in your SMV as that’s obviously incorrect. Male SMV has multiple components but unlike female SMV/HB rating it’s not based almost exclusively on looks. Male SMV includes; Social dominance and popularity, ( confidence and charismatic alpha traits) Exciting lifestyle that she would like to be part of ( reason to step into your frame ). Looks including physique. A strong physique shows discipline and is a health marker suggesting good genetics, it also… Read more »

6 years ago

Playdon’tpay I see SMV as the total measure of the individual — their value to themselves and others. So women CAN improve their SMV with wit, intelligence, attitude and professional accomplishments along with just the basics you list. The problem for women is that HB — which I interpret as looks and appearance — is such a crucial factor in computing their SMV and it almost always starts drooping from the 30s onward. Another problem is that many women are too shallow or entitled to work on their SMV HB is a factor in male SMV roo but not quite… Read more »

6 years ago

I see SMV as the total measure of the individual — their value to themselves and others. So women CAN improve their SMV with wit, intelligence, attitude and professional accomplishments along with just the basics you list. Their SMV, really? A woman’s professional accomplishments increases her sexual market value? That isn’t the case as far as I can tell. Does a man find a woman sexier and more attractive sexually because she is a lawyer or a doctor rather than a secretary or schoolteacher? My experience says “no” — it’s all about how hot she is, in terms of SMV.… Read more »

6 years ago

@ Dr. Zipper Happy to be back. You know, that 4 month legal colonoscopy really tested my meddle. I was so stupid fighting a fictional battle in my head and didn’t know where it would end. Things are a lot easier if I’d given Caesar what’s Caesar’s. Life’s not supposed to hard work. Fucking women is supposed to be fun. I’ve known the latter my whole life, I’m coming around fast on the former and this life’s never been better for it. Zipper, we started posting about the same time and missed hanging out, but at the time didn’t know… Read more »

6 years ago

You’re right, just “being” a lawyer or doctor or whatever is not impressive or positive — I said “accomplishments,” not just your title or income or just resume-style BS. Two different schoolteachers or doctors can net very different results, and yes, being very good and engaged at what you do can be sexy. Don’t we see that with men?

I just see the HB at the hotness, and the SMV as the context provided by the person as a whole. In most situations we see the HB first and then peel back the layers to rate the SMV.

6 years ago

Those who have not profited from experience see a lot of different “isms”…feminism, communism, socialism, white nationalism, capitalism, libertarianism, classic liberalism, conservatism, and think that they are totally different. In reality, they all are divided into The Left and The Right. The current political landscape is a footnote to the old socialists who wrote that they wanted to destroy the bastions of evil so that man’s inherent goodness would be liberated…they saw those bastions of evil as social institutions…The Roman Catholic Church and Protestant denominations, business, the family, and monarchy. The socialist attack on the family led to socialists embracing… Read more »

6 years ago

@ Oscar,

“women are perceived as experiences rather than beings.”

That’s you making up shit again, dress it up fancy and try to pass it off. Lipstick on a pig.

“considering RP ideals and how they never love us anyways (something that I suspected all along).”

They love us differently, but is is love. You don’t know what you don’t know til you know, you know?

6 years ago

Why is that so common? The whole ” women can’t love ” thing?

Rollo has stated that women can’t love a man the way he thinks he should be loved, and for years I’ve read commenters confidently state that women are incapable of love.

6 years ago

A man’s SMV is also dependent on how sexual he is.

I have a friend who’s a decent looking guy but is constantly banging well below his SMV: MILF’s and older women in their 40’s.

I’m early 50’s and banging girls exclusively in their 20’s with some rare exceptions.

Who’s SMV is higher? He’s quite comfortable with what he has…I’m not into settling for something that I don’t want.

So is my SMV higher? I’d say relatively yes but there’s no “number” like an IQ score.

6 years ago

“Some people talk or MMV, or “marriage market value”, but noone here is plugging marriage”

OMGs do. Soft sell. There’s value there, as elsewhere.

6 years ago

“Why is that so common? The whole ” women can’t love ” thing?”

That mindset indicts women for a guy’s fear of hard personal work and failure to just get it.

Rollos definition applies to BP troubled guys thinking women will love them as they love, to their chagrin.

6 years ago


OMGs aren’t plugging marriage for men who haven’t developed themselves enough to be successful at it. It’s nuanced.

6 years ago

@asd Preaching to the choir here. “It’s nuanced.” Hence the limitations of this forum, accurately displaying the benefits of marriage. It’s easy for me to empathize with men here and elsewhere, who’ve been burned and I care deeply about them as my life too is, in real time, affected by their pain, their dissolving relationships. I don’t want my marriage to fail and am doing what I can to keep it RP vibrant, it’d be easier in a marriage positive culture, but that is what it is. MRP is easier and fun and not without its labors, huge risks loom.… Read more »

6 years ago

Just catching up…
A warm body and touching is what I look forward to after she comes to from that brutal and hard fucking I gave her.

6 years ago

Don’t we see that with men?

Sure, but men and women are different, very different, in what attracts one to the other. There aren’t many men who are attracted sexually by a woman’s accomplishments, whether resume or other. It may make them a more interesting person, but it doesn’t impact whether they are sexy or not — at least for most men. If it does for you, good for you, but it isn’t generally the case.

6 years ago


“There aren’t many men who are attracted sexually by a woman’s accomplishments, whether resume or other.”

Who dates a woman, justifies the attraction on her accomplishments? Oh yeah, BP guys, poor saps.

It’s obvious so much so it’s parody.


6 years ago

Male SMV to me is just the initial cost of entry. As per Sentint’s hint, having Game with lower SMV is way better than the opposite. As always, Game is everything. Male SMV may get the relationship to ‘coast’ more long term as you ease the throttle on Game. But, if long term is not your thing, then male SMV makes it easier to get your foot in the door – you show up on her radar sooner.

6 years ago

I’m talking about wit and intelligence as factors that add to someone’s SMV, along with ability, sense of purpose, upbeat attitude and so on. If a woman happens to be accomplished or successful, maybe those qualities played a part in her success. They can be sexy, or at least intriguing. Or maybe she’s hell on wheels. I’m certainly not talking about “justifying” attraction, to myself or anyone else. I’m 63 so I don’t have to justify anything to anyone, which helps make it a nice age to be. If Carol Burnett happens to be my ideal woman, so be it.… Read more »

Mr. Roboto
Mr. Roboto
6 years ago

I’ve told him I will have scheduled sex with him….lol

Oscar C.
6 years ago


Making up what shit exactly? I say it like I see it, unfiltered. When people talk about “notches” I am sure there is a lot of consideration for women as beings there…

So they love you… until they don’t. Right. Not interested in that kind of “love”. Maybe this is cowardly. I don’t care.

6 years ago

@Playdontplay “Women are not interested in SMV” first of all….don’t quote me and change my quote babe I said quote on quote “Women don’t care about SMV.” I’m sure if you go up to a woman and explain SMV she would be rather interested……….. “Would you care to expand on that?” Not really. “Do you subscribe to the Ester Villar view that women are only interested in other women and what they think?” Never heard of this ester ho……..but pretty much its alot of vanity and projection…..the whole reason why you get value for making other girls laugh etc…..social circle……hypergamy….getting… Read more »

6 years ago

“Guys can sit around and want to have a higher SMV in the future. But a man only has the SMV he has actualized. His potential SMV is infinite.

Yes but girls don’t care about the smv shit guys do. girls only care for tingles lol

6 years ago

@Hank No ones going to go find you hank you can post the allergy…since we all care and have been waiting to see you get better and quite a few individuals are willing to give their time and thoughts to help you…. + its not like you have much a life to ruin. @Sentient “If you are looking at male SMV on an HB type numerical ranking scale (whatever you are using to rank), you are already missing the boat.” This is actual gold never thought about it like that. @playdontplay “I was merely surprised at mersonias statements that ”… Read more »

6 years ago

That piece on emotion makes a lot of sense but one odd line jumped out at me: “A woman is disgusted with herself for experiencing an orgasm.” Not sure I buy that. Wouldn’t the O supply even more heaving emotion for her inner romance novel? Maybe if the situation itself is disgusting to her in some way …

6 years ago

If a guy is predictable, that’s old…boring…that’s why I say that sometimes you have to create drama in a relationship when she thinks she has you figured out…unpredictability creates mystery…drama produces emotions…emotions produce tingles Today I was home when Mrs. Gamer came home…I was just sitting in the living room…it was a little dark…never done that before…Mrs. Gamer called for me, wondering if I was home…my truck was at the shop…I ignored her…after several minutes, I said something loud…Mrs. Gamer came to see what was going on…she was annoyed when she discovered that I was home and she had to… Read more »

Oscar C.
6 years ago

I really like your stories, asd 🙂

6 years ago

@ mersonia Appreciate the response, just need to ask why any attractive woman would give a low SMV man the chance to take her on that emotional rollercoaster ride if she can’t see immediate value in him because of his low SMV? Yes babe! I really am that spupidthat I would like your take on this. I don’t know much all I know is that most men take women too seriously, I’ve said it before but I see women as for entertainment purposes only, just playthings for my amusement and to satisfy my sexual needs. I think that if you… Read more »

6 years ago

Oscar, You’re not speaking truth, that’s why you’re dissonant. Your having a mini tantrum. Stop it. You’re frustration is born of not accepting what you know to be true. Girls aren’t machinating against men, but you projecting your disfx on them makes your lot worse. You reinforce false stereotypes of women to justify your shortcomings. Notch counts are argument bait, we argue them because we’re wasting work time generally. No one with a steady sex stream cares about N count be it 5 or 50. That’s why porn messes guys up as it changes their perceptions of what actual sex… Read more »

6 years ago

Thanks, Oscar. SJF has lots of stuff that will help you if you put it into practice.

I got a joke book and have been learning to tell jokes, for my own amusement. Adding something new to my repertoire. Adding new stuff is easier than removing old stuff. Wisdom from SJF.

Ajax Parallax
Ajax Parallax
6 years ago

@Novaseeker wrote “But SMV is generally limited to how hot she is, period. Even a bitchy attitude doesn’t detract very much at all from a woman’s *sexual* value, because her sexual value to men is based almost entirely on how hot she is.” @O.B.I.T. wrote “I just see the HB at the hotness, and the SMV as the context provided by the person as a whole. In most situations we see the HB first and then peel back the layers to rate the SMV.” Actually, it’s one in the same. SMV is not a secondary feature. I have to align… Read more »

The Solitary Silver FoX
The Solitary Silver FoX
6 years ago

@ EhIntellect I appreciate your considered responses to my posts. I do actually care about other men and often subtly work on unplugging, or shining some Red Pill light on guys who need it. I am fortunate to be surrounded with real men in my main circle, brothers who have taught me much and accepted me into the fold. It feels good to be part of the gang, so to speak, as a valued masculine man. And being Alpha is certainly not about being loud and obvious. You just have to step up when living in the country. No-one else… Read more »

6 years ago

“Don’t flatter yourself. But also don’t self-denigrate yourself.

That’s toxic shit.”

Really important to internalize and mold into with the Burden of performance…

6 years ago

@Ajax Thanks, you’ve laid it out carefully and get some of what I’m trying to get across. You’re saying that female SMV is based on objective physical features (HB), while the male SMV includes a whole range of non-physical qualities as well as HB. So when sizing up a woman those non-physical traits do not affect her SMV but are pushed off into some other chart in the footnotes or the appendix. I say HB does account for a large part of a female’s SMV but that the personality aspects can serve as bonus points or warning asterisks, for men… Read more »

6 years ago

A World of Fear

“enthusiastic consent”

Just Get It‘

6 years ago
6 years ago

The greatest impact this use of fear has is gas lighting. Even rational men like Tucker Carlson are unable to pierce through the subterfuge of crazy feminists like Cathy Areu.

Note in that link: Cathy even says “women are better” and “we’re just the smarter gender” and “boys can’t be boys” in their interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gs8aqNnoC80

This is BPD FOG (fear, obligation, guilt) amplified and ubiquitous like background noise in media, news and music. Yet men in mainstream conservative can’t admit these are a different creature to men, due to hypergamy.

6 years ago

@The Solitary Silver FoX “I know this because this is what has happened to me over the past decade, though i’m still really just an Alpha clown, but i am an authentic Alpha clown. All men should live authentically in every moment, if they truly want to be free and happy…” If your living authentically does the label matter? Alpha, even “alpha clown” is just a label and what that label does is can never define you. You are a human being and if you are a leader, you define the label for yourself. In my experience women respond to… Read more »

6 years ago

@Novaseeker and others, re: (female) SMV being objective: I don’t agree at all. It is clearly subjective to us guys, even though we mostly agree whether most women are hot or not we have our own preferences. Also, I think us men (regardless if BP or RP) do care about other aspects beyond the hotness of the woman’s body to count for SMV. Many here complain about a lack of Femininity in behaviour as a turn-off (however you define that). I also think that if a girl is really dumb that would be a turn-off for many men, even if… Read more »

6 years ago

“Many here complain about a lack of Femininity in behaviour as a turn-off ” Ay, big factor for me, lack of femininity will knock her down 5points from initial attraction. Trouble is this can also be fluid as she can shift and act more feminine raising her value, almost as if I have no memory of her former masculine stance. Of course when I was a younger man “muh dick’ did more of the thinking in SMV and i would ignore whatever i could overcome. Experience teaches us what juice is worth squeezing and what isn’t. So SMV changes in… Read more »

6 years ago

As for male SMV from her view, manipulable ALPHA is top shelf. manipulable beta is invisible.
She will become more feminine as required for purposes of manipulation in her own juice squeeze ratio.

6 years ago

@Albert Interesting stuff about being falsely accused of being high functioning autistic. A lot of your social interactions will be labeled that way if you lack demonstrable empathy and others perceive you as not caring about them. A tell is not being interested in others. And as it relates to the first video you presented and how you describe yourself as Alpha socially: Imagine 50,000 years ago in a small tribe. I bet the most Alpha male didn’t come back from the tribe and seek out the emotions of all the women in the tribe and ask how they felt.… Read more »

Ajax Parallax
Ajax Parallax
6 years ago

The minute a man’s brain starts to consciously shift away from noticing women’s sexual fitness indicators to elevating her non-physical, non-sexual features (i.e. wow, she’s smart, a VP, witty – I like being with her), he is moving from SMV into RMV. Relationship Market Value.

SMV is unconscious
RMV is conscious

6 years ago

“The minute a man’s brain starts to consciously shift away from noticing women’s sexual fitness indicators to elevating her non-physical, non-sexual features (i.e. wow, she’s smart, a VP, witty – I like being with her), he is moving from SMV into RMV. Relationship Market Value.” For the most part yes. There may be some underlying evo bio psych factors in that a stupid woman would be more likely to be deseased,a diseased woman less likely to reproduce,thereby men that were attracted to this type of woman wouldn’t reproduce. A feminine woman more likely to reproduce. To a RP aware man… Read more »

6 years ago

@SJF personally one of my realisations where when I took a personality test and looked at the classifications of my “mental illness”. Now a long time ago I went to psychiatrists, I was diagnosed with “bipolar”, the manic aspects of bipolar are described as follows: “the the more extreme, a person in a full blown manic state can experience psychosis; a break with reality, a state in which thinking is affected along with mood.[12] They may feel unstoppable, or as if they have been “chosen” and are on a “special mission”, or have other grandiose or delusional ideas.[17]” ht tps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bipolar_disorder… Read more »

6 years ago

“Now in our egocentric culture it’s so easy to rationalise away others achievements, in order to protect our own egos.”

This mindset ^ can be as socially limiting as autism.

6 years ago

SSFox “You just have to step up when living in the country. No-one else is going to cut your firewood or do all the manual jobs that are a constant of such remote living. These jobs keep you hard, focused and efficient. But the play is also very masculine, working on and riding bikes, on the dirt and the road, for example” I like this talk. You reinforce masculine roles from where you live and your perspective is valued. I’m in the city. Guess what SSFox? For a decade I cut 6 full cords of hard wood yearly in my… Read more »

6 years ago

Julian Assange has a warrant for his arrest in Sweden for rape. Rape! RAYPE! What did his crime consist of? He was having sex – consensual sex – maybe even enthusiastic consent – with a Swedish girl when the condom failed (broke, came off) and because he didn’t immediately stop, she feelze raped.

Here’s the story (possibly a bit sanitized, but that’s wikipedia for you; I seem to recall any issues arose only after the two women had had a chat).


Though I think there were in the end, ahem, certain political interests behind what happened.

6 years ago

Here’s a broken english comment from Sailer’s regarding rape in Sweden. (Number 71.) http://www.unz.com/isteve/and-then-they-came-for-director-bryan-singer/#comment-2105246 A survey of almost all convictions for sexual crimes 2012-2017 shows that: … • Men with overseas descent commit 84% of first degree rape. Swedes come first in fourth place, after Afghans, Iraqis and Somalis. • Two out of three serious rapes are committed by asylum seekers or men who have been granted residence permits. • National groups with the highest factor (probability) commit gross rape are Algerian, Afghan, Tunisian, Moroccans and Palestinian Territories. • 95.6% of assault violence is committed by men of foreign descent.… Read more »

6 years ago

As I see it, women sense my power, and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake…but I do deny them my essence (beta bucks).

6 years ago

@SJF Notice how ASDgamer doesn’t appear to really care about the other women on the dance floor (no offense ASD)–he cares about himself and his Game. Actually, I do care about some women…girls who are sweet…sweetness is a spiritual quality, I think…I’m tying in here to what Blax wrote about women he prefers. I seek girls who are sweet and men who are loyal and true for my friends. Last night I was spending a little time chatting up a girl who is feminine and very sweet…in a lot of ways, she reminds me of my ex-gf from college…towards the… Read more »

6 years ago

Sailer. He hasn’t died of a hate attack yet?😀

Those blogs tickle the shit out of me. Sailer could make a post about growing fuxking petunias and the comments would still be rife with ” Jew ” ” black ” immigrants ” ” African/middle eastern ” etc.

It’s as fascinating as it is ridiculous.

6 years ago

@boulderhead Let’s go away from the label autism for a second and look at another common ‘illness’ , namely dyslexia. Now hypothetical speaking what is the difference between me dealing with someone let’s say who hasn’t learned how to write properly (A) or someone who has dyslexia (B)? Functionally for the me dealing with the individual I can’t tell the difference, as in both cases the individual can’t read. (Guess how you test if someone is dyslexic) However, there is a big difference institutionally, in if it is contingency A) than its the fault of the teacher, however if it’s… Read more »

6 years ago

Analysis based on a few thousand court cases, also available for download. Brush up on your Swedish first though, Blaxiums.

6 years ago

“As I see it, women sense my power, and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake…but I do deny them my essence (beta bucks).” always thought gen. ripper pounded the pussy, but didn’t ever ejaculate (essentially incel – his essence was his seed), hence his purity of essence insanity. he was the omega (in the end he is responsible for triggering the doomsday machine so he is the killer of billions) who poisoned himself with his own essence moral: get the essence out of you and into as many hbs as possible or you’ll blow up… Read more »

6 years ago

COol, but I don’t live in Sweden nor am I Swedish, so I lack an fascination with what’s going on in Sweden. I concerned with what’s going on right here.

6 years ago

No problem, Sweden was being discussed above, and it read like you were dismissing the info speciously.

6 years ago

“always thought gen. ripper pounded the pussy, but didn’t ever ejaculate … moral: get the essence out of you and into as many hbs as possible or you’ll blow up the world”

Yes, I was kidding … a bit … Though it might still be better to deny them the other essence (beta bucks).

6 years ago

A couple of pages back, someone was wondering about Schwarzenegger. Someone else recited his banging the maid and having a son by her. But there’s more: back around 2003 or so, during his first year as governor, several women stepped forward to say they had been harassed by him. Big brouhaha at the time, the allegations went back a couple of decades but he survived it well enough to get reelected. Though I suspect it helped to get him to tone down his agenda. Can probably find some stories about it in the LA Times archive. I have spergy tendencies,… Read more »

6 years ago

The “goalposts” have moved even further than enthusiastic consent. Hypergamy’s regret asymmetry plays a strong role in women coming forward even after hot monkey sex with highly attractive or otherwise desirable men. Remember, women regret 44% of casual encounters compared to men at 14%. This has played itself out in cases such as college athletes wearing out a coed who knows she won’t be wifed up or knocked up. Thus, she bears (literally) neither the residual benefit of a baby from good stock nor the paycheck that comes with it, nor is she consolidated with. For the latter, think Matt… Read more »

6 years ago

Albert “Now think about ADHD, dyslexia, autism, Aspergers and all the other psychological labels that are constantly being invented to pathologise lack in (boys) social development. Its obviously the fault of the boys for falling behind (that’s the argument from a female head of school I was dating who ‘studied’ boys lack in educational achievement). It can’t possibly have anything to do with an overwhelmingly female teaching force that is inept in teaching boys…” Iv’e seen this, and experienced it. failed algebra twice with the same WAC teacher, then next year with male teacher was top of class in geometry.… Read more »

6 years ago

“What the new phenomenon is establishing is that women can claim or jettison their own sexual agency depending on how they feel after the fact, especially, as in some cases, the intervening years as the Wall approaches have been unkind to women.”

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The natural balance between the sexes is broke, given the upper hand she will always take it. After having an affair with the Queen, how does one follow through so many years later? Serious question

6 years ago

“Although the mental health professions are effective in ameliorating personal distress, treatment can sometimes have negative consequences. The authors explore causal mechanisms for iatrogenic symptoms in therapy by discussing the processes by which clients may be socialized into therapy and the potential impact that psychiatric labels and language may have in influencing clients’ self-perceptions.” ht tps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/12125301/ In plain English, if you tell someone they are stupid (have aspergers, autism, ADHD, dyslexia etc.) long enough they end up believing it. The whole ‘it’s the menz fault’ is such a convient rationalisation pattern for both men AND women. For women it protects… Read more »

6 years ago

@RA More interest, no closes. I’ve wondered what would happen if I were to steal a quick kiss during a dance, but in today’s accusatory environment, I’m not sure I want to go there. Everything goes in dance bars. Kisses are NBD. Even if a girl complains to the staff, they will tell her to just avoid the guy and maybe tell the guy to avoid the girl. But the safe way to kiss is to tease her with “near kisses” until she gets really aggressive in trying to kiss you. Accusations are mostly happening in Hollywood. To be safe… Read more »

6 years ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_Person http://www.elle.com/culture/books/a14406222/men-respond-cat-person-kristen-roupenian/ “The mental gymnastics a young woman might go through in order to acquiesce not only to men, but also to herself. … There is a lot of ambiguity around Robert until the very end: Is he manipulative, or just awkward? … Men who relate to his awkwardness might think that women are being unfair in their assessment of him, but every time a woman goes out with a man she barely knows, she has to weigh these risks. Sure, there’s a good chance this guy is harmless, but what if he isn’t?” There is a good chance he… Read more »

6 years ago

I get the impression some tradcons are supporting enthusiastic consent because they think it will discourage pre-marital sex and encourage marriage. Problem is, the feminists framing these laws recognize no special privilege for marriage with regards to consent. A husband has, in theory, the exact same responsibility to establish enthusiastic consent as a one night stand. I think Rollo will mention this in the next article.

6 years ago

“A husband has, in theory, the exact same responsibility to establish enthusiastic consent as a one night stand. I think Rollo will mention this in the next article.”



6 years ago

KL You can’t be serious! Against my better judgment I read the “cat lady story”. It should be named diary of a Sandbergian slut, or misguided sexual adventures of an egalitarian princess. This must be an essay for a creative writing class, while written from a third person perspective it contains enough realistic feelings to be authentic. The star is neither a lady with an N# of +7 nor a cat person with 1 cat at home with the folks. The author needs to try again. The way it reads both partys are victims of the androgynous lie of equality.… Read more »

6 years ago

December 23, 2017 at 8:19 am

Shit. You’re the bipolar academic that was in a manic phase last September? And then went off moose hunting?

You fooled me into commenting about autism traits. You sounded so normal coming back on line.

Disregard what I said.

6 years ago

@SJF haha, I didn’t fool you 🙂 I pointed out that normality, labels and concepts are not as static as we like to pretend they are. Still the same point from September really, difference is this time the conversation just didn’t start out from a point of disagreement, hence the perception of ‘normality’. All human beings have a tendency to essentialise away points of disagreement, it protects our ego investments, in fact the whole #metoo thing is this shit on steroids. As it creates a self-referential framework, that reinforces a women’s perception about reality (I.e. her take on reality is… Read more »

6 years ago

I am now in my early fifties, living in the UK. What is spoken of here is at present not too visible, but the clues are clearly there, heading toward what the US is currently going through. I never got married due to the attitude of the women I dated or had relationships with. I can only say, I have always been a red pill man, seeing the blue pill man from a distance, often wondering “I don’t get that at all”. I have been extremely lucky. I think due to my fathers attitude towards women of “not taking any… Read more »

6 years ago

In my lifelong experience, ” the state ” has always been a threat lurking just under the surface like a shark. You learn to deal with it without becoming angry or frustrated. In general, people have way too much deference, fear or what some term as ” respect ” for the state/system/rule of law. Bedrock of society and all that, even when it’s unfair, unjust and authoritarian. The very first step in finding a way to work around ” systemic malfeasance ” is being able to correctly identify the mechanisms without bias or feelings of victimhood. You’re not special, and… Read more »

6 years ago

All human beings have a tendency to essentialise away points of disagreement, it protects our ego investments, in fact the whole #metoo thing is this shit on steroids.

Not this. #metoo is a blatant power grab by feminists/socialists. The endgame is for California-style academic regulations against rape to be encoded into federal law. Basically, the only evidence required to convict a man of rape is a woman’s accusation.

Of course, women who were whores will see #metoo as protecting their egos…”I really wasn’t a whore”

6 years ago

Of course, women who were whores will see #metoo as protecting their egos…”I really wasn’t a whore”


Tony Kelly’s “Hollywood Calling”

comment image

Title unknown. Both circa 2011.

6 years ago

comment image

Whoring or acting, Harry?

6 years ago

For the War Brides file… Or Fashy Game. ” Kuhn-Fricker wrote that her daughter told her over the summer that the boyfriend was very good at history and that her daughter asked, “Did you know that Jews are partly to blame for WWII?” Janet Kuhn, Kuhn-Fricker’s mother, said that her daughter told her she believed the boyfriend was trying to indoctrinate the girl with white-supremacist ideas. Kuhn and friends said the girl spent hours on the phone with the boyfriend, often just listening to him talk. The pair began dating in June. Friends described it as a passionate relationship that… Read more »

6 years ago

Maybe we’re seeing some things we’ve never seen before due to overpopulation and all the insane dysgenic behaviors that arise. And if overpopulation isn’t really here yet, our instincts would certainly think it is due to the internet. We now have access to millions of other lives. What that would do to peoples’ sense of overpopulation is something I’m not qualified to talk about. So men are ‘culled’ while obesity has culled about 75% of the women anyway. In half a generation, even Latinas and Af-Am females will be fully indoctrinated and not want a kid either. I honestly think… Read more »

6 years ago

Overpopulation is a stubborn myth. It’s a problem of resources/world banking systems. Some ” countries ” have issues with large population vs resources and politics/religion. But there’s still lots of room on this orb that can be developed and life sustaining at a very high level.

Interconnectedness is a problem though, that hasn’t been around 30 years ago. Too much connectedness only serves as a massive distraction, serving little useful purpose. At least not in the way used by the masses.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

Whoring or acting, Harry?

The evidence is rapidly accumulating as to who will be in charge…


6 years ago

Women love powerful men, how these men got to the position of power or what they are doing with this power is irrelevant. https://youtu.be/lzkSyya3EKs This is true of the micro level patterns as well as macro level patterns. Now throw in talk of security, empathy and all the other things that tingle female sensibilities and what you get is: “hours on the phone with the boyfriend, often just listening to him talk.” Left, right, center, president, dictator, chancellor etc. All irrelevant, the only thing that matters is that you are at the top or manifest traits that can get you… Read more »

6 years ago

Albert talking about shit he doesn’t understand again.

6 years ago

Mersonia looking down on men who need his help and mentoring instead of actually contributing positively again!

Attention and validation are the coin of the realm in girl world.

Are you a girl mersonia?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x

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