The Creep – Part 3

One of the parts of our evolved, human mental firmware is a need to see order in the chaotic. Pattern recognition in humans seems likely to have been a selected-for trait that aided in our survival in the past. Thus, we look for consistencies that help us predict what will likely come to be or to help us plan for eventualities. As such we had a need to categorize things in our environments as well as in other people (members of our tribe vs. the members of a competing tribe for instance). Naturally, we apply this need for familiarity and recognition to other people which is how stereotypes emerged. I feel the term ‘creep’ is one such categorization, but this is really a proxy term for a type of person that conveys a certain feeling we get from them.

There is an instinctual, animal-level recognition we get from other people’s behavior, looks, smells, subcoms, voice intonations, etc. Pattern recognition has been a survival adaptation in human being’s for sometime because it saved our conscious mind from having to perform rote memorization of each of these aspects and forming a definite identity for each and every individual we meet. It saves our brains from having to consciously process large amounts of data without being overwhelmed.

From People are People:

Human beings have an amazing capacity to multi-task, but a real trained focus on multiple sources of stimuli was problematic for us in our evolutionary past. Too much constant stimuli leads to sensory overload and a breakdown in functionality, which then proves fatal if we’re distracted from reacting to a lethal threat. Thus, we evolved psychological mechanisms to push less (though still) important information to the peripheries of our conscious awareness, to afford us a mental acuity on information of more importance.

One of my personal, foundational theories about psychology is that people are intimately aware of their own conditions.

This is a good starting point in clarifying why we feel a need to typify others. Humans are creatures of habit with an insatiable need to see familiarity in other people’s actions. So when that predictable behavior changes even marginally, our instinctual perceptions fire off all kinds of warnings. I’m starting off with this today because the last part of the creep story is about men setting off this trigger in women.

I’ve written on several occasions about how women constantly complain about how the stereotypical ‘Nice’ guy can turn into a ‘creep’ when it turns out that all the guy was being nice for was part of his Beta Game of identifying with her in order to get to intimacy. There’s a lot going on in a situation like this, but fundamentally it represents a situation where a woman’s Hypergamous filters are fooled (or not) by a guy misrepresenting himself as one asset to her Hypergamous understanding of him and then his revealing and confirming for her that he expects her to believe he’s something else.

I’ve also written before that nothing is more flattering for a woman to believe that she’s figured out a man by using her mythological feminine intuition. However, there is a flip side to this ego-compliment to women, and that’s when her ‘intuitive’ assessment of a man’s SMV status compared to her (self-perceived) own proves to be false. Nothing is more offensive to a woman than for her to have made an assessment of a guy based on her mythical intuition and then to have it prove inaccurate.

The reason this is so offensive is because women’s Hypergamous optimization with any man is largely dependent on her intuition. Hypergamy and women’s long -term breeding strategy depends on assessing men’s SMV and their utility to her accurately. This is often compounded by women being sold on the infallibility of their feminine intuition – courtesy of a feminine-primary social order – and grossly exaggerated self-perceptions of their own SMV, and the caliber of men they ‘know’ they must deserve. But as with most things human there is also a learned / trained aspect of pattern recognition. Much of this learned side for women is often distorted by our female-important society.

Hypergamy cannot afford to incorrectly assess a man’s status and value. There is only a finite window of optimization while a woman is in her peak desirability in life. So it should come as little surprise that if a man misrepresents himself as something other than what he is – either deliberately or by misunderstanding – women feel an offense on the limbic level. It’s an offense that confirms she’s wasted her very precious time with a Hypergamous dead end. And, needless to say, Game is a form of deliberately tricking a woman’s Hypergamous filtering – at least in the PUA sense, if not an authentic sense – thus, Game is so vehemently disparaged in women and their identifying sympathizers.

When a woman typifies a guy as a creep what she’s responding to is the fallibility of her intuition, but also his efforts to misrepresent himself as something he’s not to her filtering mechanism. I should also add here that concepts like preselection and social proof are extensions of this filtering process. Only in this case it’s women’s collective, social filtering that’s aiding in an individual woman’s selection and optimization process. As such, that collective of women (the Sisterhood Über Alles) needs a type of man to be the representative of the ‘deceiver of Hypergamy’ – enter the Creep.

I’m actually kind of glad I held out for three posts in this series; it allowed for that many more sexual misconduct allegations to come forward in what’s being called a masculine moral panic today. And as I predicted in Male Control, the feminine social narrative has shifted from a type of masculinity being “toxic” to masculinity itself is toxic.


This is a quote from a recent article in Esquire. Yes, Esquire, a magazine that used to be an exclusive male space dedicated to men’s higher aspirations and betterment is now a vehicle for this new narrative of male shaming, and gender loathing. That’s to be expected these days – GQ is a similar platform for the Feminine Imperative’s messaging – but what I found interesting in this article was some of the examples of ‘creepiness’ women believe is rampant in American workplace culture. I had thought that with the rise of HR departments’ directives to police male behavior (at the risk of future unemployability) the issues she mentions would be something men would fear – I guess not.

A coworker knew I had a date the night before, so he asked me how it went. He said, “So, did he get lucky?”

Don’t ask about her romantic life. Don’t refer to her sex life. Don’t ask about the quality of the sex she’s having. Don’t comment that she seems like she needs to get laid. Don’t tell her to lock down a guy before she gets too old and decrepit. Don’t reassure her that with tits like hers, she’ll find a guy some day. Don’t relay details of your own marriage and past in order to comment on hers. Don’t make knowing eyes when she mentions she’s going on date number three. Don’t tell her how to behave on a date. Don’t tell her what guys like on a date. Don’t tell her to wear a low-cut shirt on a date. Don’t make any reference to getting lucky, like, ever.

What guy does any of this? How does he know when a female coworker had a date to begin with? There’s a lot that goes along with how a woman comes to a list of Don’ts, but I think this list represents a good illustration of the creep dynamic. The primary concern she has in all of these Don’ts can all be distilled down to a guy beneath her Hypergamous attraction floor presuming a familiar intimacy with her. I find it very hard to believe any of these Don’ts would be actual occurrences, but I’m looking at them through a Red Pill Lens – yes, it’s entirely likely that Blue Pill creeps would in fact resort to some of these comments.

Essentially the entire article is an effort in berating the Beta men women really want nothing to do with.


Women want lesser men to be afraid to approach, compliment and engage with them, but the message is wrapped in generalities to imply all men do these things. This message has the potential to throw the Alphas out with the bathwater, so I would predict there’ll be a few related articles that will of course shame men for not ‘manning up’ and approaching women like a “real man” should.

Dangerous Times

All that said, I can easily imagine Beta men, confused about sexual zoning, engaging in exactly the behaviors described here. It is a very dangerous time to be a Blue Pill Beta today. In fact, I’d argue it’s never been more potentially hazardous for guy ignorant of Game and the nature of intersexual dynamics. I find it very ironic that the men who actually understand the potential for some real life-damaging accusations in the workplace or any other off-limits social context, who take the open door, have-a-witness, policy for working with women are being shamed for it by women. This is the environment they created, but they created it in response to a want for absolute control of their Hypergamous choices.

A “creep” can pretty much be anyone a woman (or women) want that guy to be – even guys who were previously attractive with whom they had consensual sex with. That Alpha they didn’t mind oversharing their sex life information with can be the “creep” if he decides to break things off with her. Again, this comes back to unfettered control of women’s Hypergamous choices as well as absolving them of any regrets they may have had that resulted from them.

Edelweiss had an excellent comment in last week’s thread:

From my perspective, the guys most often labeled a “creep” are those with poor social awareness and/or men who those women see as offering no real value to them.

Now in my mid 40’s, I can see things that would never have registered for a 20yr old version of me. I often think “how did I miss this before?”. My focus now is almost entirely on body language. A woman can consistently lie with what she says, but she (anyone really) can’t consistently lie with their body language. Any guy not well versed in reading the various signs of interest, or a lack of, needs to spend some time studying the basics. It seems simple now.

One of the major mistakes I see guys make, is escalating too quickly. Touching, and sexualizing around a woman who isn’t into you, or is unsure of your value, is a great way to be labeled a creep. How many times have you seen a guy double down on an approach that isn’t working, and consequently become known as a “creeper”? A good number of men get into “pursuit” mode, and completely fuck up their chances by being overzealous.

I’ve got to repeat this, it’s never been a more dangerous time for men unaware of Red Pill intersexual dynamics and even basic Game principles. Blue Pill Beta men have been conditioned and acculturated to default to a Beta Game that is the perfect storm for so volatile a time. These guys literally have no idea that what their interacting with women is doing is setting them up for. Simple compliments and treating women with a default respect is becoming a liability for men with poor social awareness, but this is exactly the type of men our social order has developed for the past 4 generations. These Beta ‘creeps’ who should just know better than to try to approach the ‘average’ woman are the result of decades of raising and acculturating boys to hate their masculine nature and confuse their good intentions with some form of Game women might appreciate.

Pook once had a great quote back on the SoSuave Forum. He said,

How do I judge a woman’s character? I see how she treats people who can do nothing for her.
This test has never failed me.

At this point in time I think we are seeing how women treat the men who can do nothing for them.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago

(Do I need to leave a comment under each new OP to be notified of new comments via email?)


[…] The Creep – Part 3 […]

6 years ago

Spot on. I have never once heard of a woman referred to as a ‘creep.’ Like many a term in the lexicon of pocketbook pathology (ADHD, ‘The Spectrum,’ Narcissism, BPD, Madonna-Whore complex etc.), it seems to say much more about the cadre that apply it.

6 years ago

“That Alpha they didn’t mind oversharing their sex life information with can be the “creep” if he decides to break things off with her. ” Back in the 90s, I attended my alma mater college at a time that produced many outstanding athletes, who competed for national titles in football and basketball. Several players were friends, some I knew from competing in high school ball with. In a business meeting last year with one of them, who went on to play many years in Europe and is now a successful investor, philanthropist and budding coach, we were discussing running through… Read more »

6 years ago

Rollo, women also find men creepy who aren’t interested in those particular women if he ignores them and doesn’t tease them or otherwise be playful and friendly towards them.

6 years ago

More on the attorneys I referenced above, Maisto and Gomez. Keep in mind, they were retained for this rate AFTER the “Jackie” bubble burst. Attacking the masculine institutionally can cull a pretty penny from colleges for low SMV careerist feminists

6 years ago

“I’ve also written before that nothing is more flattering for a woman to believe that she’s figured out a man by using her mythological feminine intuition. However, there is a flip side to this ego-compliment to women, and that’s when her ‘intuitive’ assessment of a man’s SMV status compared to her (self-perceived) own proves to be false. Nothing is more offensive to a woman than for her to have made an assessment of a guy based on her mythical intuition and then to have it prove inaccurate.” “How do I judge a woman’s character? I see how she treats people… Read more »

6 years ago

It is really time for men to start helping each other. Never have the stakes been higher. Get married she takes half your stuff. Go to college get kicked out and labeled a sexual predator. Work with a woman lose your career. On a rumor! I have friends now who won’t go within ten feet of a woman in their careers. Doctor friends who won’t treat women. The system has gone off the rails. I have had game, I am aware, I have red pill. But I am now ready to start warning these beta men who could destroy themselves.… Read more »

6 years ago

Women want lesser men to be afraid to approach, compliment and engage with them, but the message is wrapped in generalities to imply all men do these things. This heightens the need for guys to learn game so they can understand an IOI and then make their intentions clear either in how they conduct themselves, what they say and what they do in their lives. One of the best approaches I’ve started using is the disqualifier: “I’d invite you for drinks tonite but I have to go, so let’s do this tomorrow/whenever”. This immediately signals interest and disinterest and displays… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

The reference experiences of more and more young men will range from mildly pleasant to very unpleasant. Making it more and more difficult for a beta man to learn Game and become more Alpha will shift the 80/20 to 90/10, punishing the betas even more in the process. Women will continue to be their own Betas, whining about how there’s no good men blah blah because they don’t do cause and effect very well.

Men with Game will continue to be fine, but they will become more scarce.

6 years ago

Anyone who’s has made great strides on the journey of self- improvement will know the devastating truth of Pook’s quote.

It obviously applies to both genders but is much more pronounced in women. It is the source of Red Pill regret and frustration “Yeah they all love me NOW, now that I don’t need them!”

Ego is a necessity for the creep accuser. Women aren’t creeps because men are flattered by almost all (if not all) positive female attention. Similarly with non-Western women. In both cases it would be “Ahh, bless em. They’re trying” and not yuck.

Jack Level
6 years ago

Much love. “Game is a form of deliberately tricking a woman’s Hypergamous filtering.” No. Proper game is a form of optimizing communication to harmonize with hypergamous filtering, to attract pussy through the best delivery of strengths. Deliberate tricks are hollow game, which only work on the dumbest/drunkest of women. “All that said, I can easily imagine Beta men, confused about sexual zoning, engaging in exactly the behaviors described here. It is a very dangerous time to be a Blue Pill Beta today. In fact, I’d argue it’s never been more potentially hazardous for guy ignorant of Game and the nature… Read more »

6 years ago

“Doctor friends who won’t treat women.” That’s absurd. And creepy on the doctor’s part. Like the doctor can’t even face his shadow self in the eye? It’s a normal part of command presence on the part of the doctor to have a chaperone (medical assistant or nurse). There is no such thing as being afraid to treat woman. Unless he is weaker than hell and can’t face what comes around then next corner. If a doctor can’t face what is around the next corner, patient wise, he has no business being a doctor. At all. Wrong profession for him. And… Read more »

6 years ago

Boldness is attractive. Neediness is creepy.
” A total lockdown of male sexuality, extreme left wing and extreme right wing coming together, anti-porn, anti-prostitution, and anti-age gap. I blame women much less for following their nature, than the Alpha bluepills who handed over the keys.”
Poor eddie… No ungood deed…

6 years ago

Brilliant stuff. One of the better articles in the manosphere this year.

6 years ago

Creepiness is founded in scarcity. Scarcity leads to oneitisand that desperation manifests itself in creepy behaviour….

Covert attempts to secure a date instead of overtly stating intentions.

Seeking closure after a break up is creepy.

Asking why or demanding a greater explanation.

Repeated attempts to contact a girl beyond a perfunctory “hey what up?”

The Solitary Silver FoX
The Solitary Silver FoX
6 years ago

Gentlemen, i’m so glad i’m 51 now & not 15. I never really came into my own as a player until ‘Saturn Returns’ at 27, and from then on til now still there was lots of fun to be had with a plethora of willing and available attractive women. I’m not your typical dominant Alpha as such, but my game (not that i realised it was “game” at the time) was teasing the fuck out of girls i fancied (i’m naturally very quick witted), using plenty of kino when i knew the vibe was right, and having a ball. In… Read more »

6 years ago

The Solitary Silver FoX
“Girls just want to have fun. Never forget that. And they talk amongst themselves, so make sure you always fuck them well! It’s your best advertisement for future pussy…”

(best advertisement for future pussy…)

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
6 years ago

“Rollo, women also find men creepy who aren’t interested in those particular women if he ignores them and doesn’t tease them or otherwise be playful and friendly towards them.” More likely to be called a jerk. Just not attracted to her and don’t be a jerk about turning her down, you’ll still be a jerk for not seeing how great a catch she is. After all, if a girl likes you, you’re supposed to honored by it. A socially awkward guy who blows it can escape the creep label if he gets the message that there won’t be any more… Read more »

6 years ago

I wonder how much of that Esquire article is tongue-in-cheek or just plain trolling.

And then at the end: “If a woman wants to fuck you, she will tell you.” Huh? Will she now? Hahahaaaa…

There are few things in this world as silly as the FI. What women are doing is as silly as putting wings on a regular car and driving it as fast as it will go till it takes off. Then what?

6 years ago

I think the next thing the Fi will target as part of their want for total optimisation of hypergamy will be age gap pairings.

They will find a way to try and eradicate this affront to their “rights” .

6 years ago

@Rollo: this “Creep” mechanism of the FI, is basically a punishment for betas that fail. It is very damning for guys that are newly Red Pill / Game aware but are at the stage of conscious incompetence (those at unconscious incompetence are even more screwed of course). Those that progressed past a certain level of competence and calibration are fairly safe. I wonder to which extent this latest “raising the stakes” is a response to manosphere efforts to disseminate RP/ Game knowledge. Raising of the stakes was going to happen regardless under a social order that is primarily of the… Read more »

6 years ago

Solitary Silver Fox

“When it’s comes to women, you’ve either got it or you haven’t”

Are you aware the manosphere is largely predicated on the hidden fact that this is utter bollocks?

6 years ago

“I wonder to which extent this latest “raising the stakes” is a response to manosphere efforts to disseminate RP/ Game knowledge. Raising of the stakes was going to happen regardless under a social order that is primarily of the FI… But the FI is aware of the “manosphere” and that may have sped up. By raising the punishment for failure, it effectively stifles practice and the FI can “lock” some more betas in their place – even those that know RP.”

6 years ago

Ya, being Beta and sexually aggressive is more dangerous than ever. Let’s turn this stuff around for once. Who’s fault is this? Women don’t make betas socially retarded. And be clear, this is not about looks, any guy can get familiar and friendly with a woman if he doesn’t act like a jackwad. The real problem is that the beta is transfixed with the value women have in his own mind, and how poorly he sees himself. He cannot get out of his self-loathing, terrified little bubble and brings all that BS to interactions with women. Ya wanna know why… Read more »

6 years ago

@Waterboy – Turning down women for sex is dangerous. I’ve had a couple get physical with me and several get downright hysterical. I remember turning down a young hottie I worked with at one point, I never stick my dick in crazy and she looked like she might become a clinger so I bailed at the last moment. She made her move and started kissing me and I pushed her back. Nothing had been overt, but I’d just shown her to her sweet room in Philippe Stark designed hotel in NYC – she’d never been to NYC before, let alone… Read more »

6 years ago

Weak comments.
In case y’all have forgotten, civilization is ran by us morlocks for the Eloi until it’s feeding time. How many minions do you think the State has at its disposal to impose this mythical separation of attractive versus unattractive? 165 million agents? Think again. The attention to petty legalities in this country never ceases to amaze me. ‘Says you and what army’ is how the rest of the world responds to a shit test of this magnitude

6 years ago

Lol. Time Machine references.

Talk about ” weak “.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago


Women don’t make betas socially retarded.

Single mothers do.
You can NASMALT all you want. Babymommas, frivorcees, etc. do exactly that.

6 years ago

Pook’s advice is well taken, but I have seen women similarly advised to evaluate men through this lens as well, so maybe it’s just a good general judge of character regardless of gender. Browbeating a clerk, receptionist or waitstaff is a red flag. A similar quesrion is how does someone treat workplace underlings? Are they sweet-talking you while yelling through their new iPhone at some poor drone still stuck at the office? Some female execs have treated me royally on a project basis but I felt kind of sorry for their regular staff. I actually think you learn a lot… Read more »

Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books For Cucks)
6 years ago

“Single mothers do. You can NASMALT all you want. Babymommas, frivorcees, etc. do exactly that.“ So do dads-acting-like-moms who try to be best friends to their kids, don’t sharpen them up, preach the SNAG (sensitive new age guy) gospel. I see them. Like dead people. You won’t have to wait long to see the results of the antidotes being administered to cure masculine toxicity. Deti once reported how in 80’s college he was told that any unwanted approach to a woman could be deemed assault and an expulsion offense. That’s being taught in high schools now and for years now… Read more »


[…] via The Creep – Part 3 — The Rational Male […]

6 years ago

Speaking of appreciative, this is a good weekend to thank Rollo and participants for TRM. Last year at this time I had no inkling, no clue, just some vague ideas on 62 years of dealing with women (and with myself). Just a couple of semesters at Rollo U has already done wonders for mind and body.

And now back to my regularly scheduled irrelevant comments …

6 years ago

I agree with Blax — Time Machine never did it for me. But there IS an early-60s flick with a compelling look at creepy. Ever see Seconds?

Aging, balding suburban dead bedroom beta-bux exec makes something of a deal with the devil and is remade into Rock Hudson, complete with glamorous painting career and California beach house. But even so he can’t shake the betatude, and things do not go well. Hudson is remarkably needy to the point of creepy. Always been my favorite but now I have a little more idea why

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
6 years ago

Been said that women aren’t referred to as creeps, and I agree. Men habitually use the term weird. But men will get a creep vibe when they feel it from other men. Such as your common gender loathing journalist. I’ve never made any connection of the wolf in Lil Red Riding Hood to be a symbol of male id/sexual desire for women. But this guy does. Regarding Survivor clip, everybody knows about it, but because of topic it did stand out a little more how her voice changed when she asked if they could go sit next to their… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Ferd Flange
You won’t have to wait long to see the results of the antidotes being administered to cure masculine toxicity.

Already have seen it and discussed it here & elsewhere. See first ocomment of mine in the thread.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Water Cannon Boy Been said that women aren’t referred to as creeps, and I agree. Men habitually use the term weird. Once upon a time I knew via my social circle a woman who had powerful crushes. When she wanted a man she’d start with the usual “coincidence meeting”, then sometimes moved up to the “can you help me [some easy thing]” [*] but in a couple of cases that I recall it got more intense. “Break into his apartment through the bathroom window, take off clothes and get in bed to wait for him to get home” level intense.… Read more »

6 years ago

“Pook once had a great quote back on the SoSuave Forum. He said,

How do I judge a woman’s character? I see how she treats people who can do nothing for her.
This test has never failed me.”

“A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.” ~ Mahatma Ghandi

Ironically, Ghandi was speaking of women, the underclass. Men are now underclass, defective likewise expected to sustain heavy cultural lifting, Double bind hell.

Women are not to be trusted with the reins of power.

6 years ago…-a060222629

For Pitt, it’s creepy. For Beta shlubs, it’s social proof, wet dream.

6 years ago

lol @ “help”…plausible deniability…a woman at a hike was talking about some work she needed done at home…I mentioned that I had a lot of work to do because Mrs. Gamer and I were throwing a party the next day. Girls are always pawing at me…waitresses at my chest…Mrs. Gamer at my dick…a married woman in my Sunday School grabbed my knee this a.m. A woman at the party wanted a warm goodbye hug. Women tend to want to shake hands with me. Reference experiences. Par for the course and No Big Deal. The knee grab did wake me up,… Read more »

6 years ago

This is more than about getting your dick sucked, this about an entire strategy for achieving social value in society. “I did what I was told and it didn’t work out – wahhhhhhh”. ……………………………….I bet they complain when winter comes around every year too. Sigh.

@scribbler, spot on.

6 years ago

@Roused – A lot of talk about female agency here, what about male agency? Where are we culpable? Look again at that Survivor clip up the thread – complete duplicity by women, out in the open. Their inability to do anything but serve themselves in the moment and use men as needed. What will it take for men to wake up? In the face of it, they still just fold up. I do think the social conditioning really grinds on men and reduces our self-esteem. Real freedom comes once you stop being miserly with yourself, first and foremost. Society wants… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Think about what would be possible in a shit storm if a bunch of trad-con men banded together.


There’d be a huge competition to see who could White Knight the hardest for the sluttiest thot combined with pre-emptive surrender to whatever.

Trad-cons are a big part of the problem, because as soon as any feminist screeches “FOR the WOMEN!” tradcons roll on their backs and pee themselves like the overage puppies they are.

Trad-cons…For The Fail.

6 years ago


This is the clip that holds the key…

“when the boys said they didn’t want us by their fire anymore, we just.. had to figure out for ourselves what we were gonna do”

Once guys push back, on women in their own sphere, change will come. House by house, block by block.

PS – Would Bang.

6 years ago

scribblerg Are you an ex-beta cringing at your former behaviour or natural who can’t empathise? I’m not even sure AF/BB is more contemptuous than your post? You’re right that it’s not women’s fault they aren’t attracted to betas but to say they have no hand in creating them would be to ignore feminism and all its consequences. Having been on both sides of the fence I can say alphas have by far the easier life. The alpha in my opinion lacks “qualities” the beta tends to have in abundance (to his great detriment of course). It takes no guts to… Read more »

6 years ago

@Tom – I’m a former natural of sorts, but very blue pilled in my own way until my awakening 5 years ago. @Anon – You are the guy saying single moms breed beta males – when in fact beta males have always existed. As for your aspersions at tradcons, you missed the point in your eagerness to appear intelligent. The power of men who embrace traditional values banding together in large numbers would be something to contend with. I understand, your peripatetic analysis says this is impossible. I’m trying to imagine how I could give a shit less what the… Read more »

6 years ago

Creepy is the single mother you met and screwed that night and then she texts you the morning after along the lines of: are you at work? call me now. i want to hear your voice. i miss you. babe when are you coming back? You know you dont want that woman in your life except for the brief hours you pass through town and share a drink (or not) and just get a good pov of her ass and pussy lips engulfing your you-know-what. The moment you realise that she is going in for, “I want a piece of… Read more »

6 years ago

Sentient, Good time for this Camille Paglia quote: If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts The other day I saw this self-loathing mangina I think on MSNBC talk about how horrible the world is because men ran it, and women should be in the all the positions of power. LOL. It boggles my mind how utterly oblivious and ignorant basically all women and alot of men are to the fact that literally EVERYTHING that makes modern civilization possible was invented by, built by, maintained by, replaced by MEN. The plumbing and… Read more »

6 years ago

@blaximus – In all respects we men are treated like the unseen cogs that keep civilization going. It was rather fitting that the FI would move towards criminalizing all men, after all it’s the final move it can make. And yes, as weak sheep the woo to me squad comes out. Weak. I believe a critical FB post can get you beheaded and left hung from the legs under a highway overpass in most parts of Mexico. Weakness begets more weakness.

6 years ago

This is a lot of assumptions, some reasonable, forming a framework for a worldview that is completely pseudoscientific and unsound. Evolutionary Psychology for one is a field, which at this time, is not on very solid ground. The best results we can get involve comparative analysis with our living primate relatives, cross cultural ethnographic studies, and then comparing this to behavioural genetics, neuroscience, and psychology. So though evolutionary thinking on the human condition can be quite interesting, and is full of open questions, questions which require a methodological revolution and a lot of hard work within the scientific community to… Read more »

6 years ago

@”Morpheus” (rolls eyes) Nobody denies that.. in fact that is exactly what feminism is challenging. Men have done the things you listed (including countless genocides, wars, slavery, forced prostitution, spreading religious ideology, kingdoms, or empires, which were built on some form of horrible ideology, etc), and have actively kept women out of academia and the social elite. It is not because women cannot do great science and engineering, manufacturing, and inventions, they can, recent history shows plenty of cases. Women would easily be able to maintain society without the help of men, sexual dimorphism in our species is negligible, and… Read more »

6 years ago

@EhIntellect Men are not the underdog in society as a whole. Women still face hurdles they must surpass before they are treated equal to men in society. That said women as a whole class aren’t by any means on the lowest rung of our society. But that is due to a long struggle over the past century. Oppression works in complex ways, and unless discussing our own oppression, we are talking statistical averages. Statistically patriarchal society holds women back, we still live in a patriarchal society, and patriarchy is a human universal. Women statistically have it worse than men. But… Read more »

6 years ago

The Survivor clips are priceless. Remind me of why I have no tolerance for TV anymore.

And of course there’s experiencing this in real life. Fun, the women who just can’t do it themselves and only need the men in their life for the purpose of doing it for them…but yeah equal rights and all that shit, right?!

The supplicating white knights are our biggest challenge boys…

6 years ago

Sexual dimorphism in humans is neglible
(next sentence)
Women are less violent which is a good thing

The Solitary Silver FoX
The Solitary Silver FoX
6 years ago

Meanwhile, back Down Under…

The Solitary Silver FoX
The Solitary Silver FoX
6 years ago

Just recently broke up from a brief but intense relationship with a narcissistic Serbian hottie, ex-model back in the day. Anyways, i hadn’t seen her for a few weeks since she threw me out after a fight that could have gotten physical, (She had previous form, so i took the ‘discretion is the best part of valour’ philosophy & bailed.) until we were both at the same music festival last weekend. She was there as a punter & i was paid to be there playing a set of my own electronic music. It felt good to have more status than… Read more »

6 years ago

@smh29 Lawl. Why don’t you try that schtick elsewhere? Most of us, having grown up with anything but oppressed women, and having raised children and observed how unoppressed (and 180 degrees opposite) girls and young women are currently, don’t buy your crap. Every issue women face has to do with wanting to have children, because they want them more, are the ones who get pregnant, and are the ones who *want* to care more when the kids are young. Those desires, and the results that flow from them (job choices, wage “gap”, “second shift”, blah blah) directly flow from women’s… Read more »

6 years ago

@Tom —

I’m not even sure AF/BB is more contemptuous than your post?

Lol, calm down. You have to learn how to read scrib. That’s just how he is, lol. Take the good stuff from his posts and ignore the contempt, at least that’s my approach.

6 years ago

Women statistically have it worse than men.

You’re so right. Women die younger than men. Women commit suicide more often than men. Men earn more undergrad degrees than women. Women are more often incel than men.

Oh, wait…

6 years ago

@smh29 “Statistically patriarchal society holds women back” Back from what? A bill of goods that feminism fails to deliver? Astronomically high antidepression, amxirty rates? Mine isn’t a fight against women or anyone. It’s a fight for men, boys against lies about their worth and options. It is now unwise OTJ to say men are better at anything, men are to man up and shut up and reject what their hearts tell them is true. Oh, allowing men to be unapologetic men isn’t ISIS style Sharia either. Stop exaggerating and oversimplifying. I’m not implying you’re unread. I’m saying there’s more going… Read more »

6 years ago


Mine isn’t a fight against women or anyone. It’s a fight for men, boys against lies about their worth and options.


Solitary Silver Fox

Then i swaggered off, over my petty little bitch hurt…

Nice!!!! [PS – I hear you on the PS sex thing… at 50. Sometimes less is more… lol]


women should be in the all the positions of power.

I refer to this strawman as the “Eeeeek!!! Spider!!! Conundrum” ™

6 years ago

Statistically patriarchal society holds women back

…from being men.

Oh, wait, biology holds women back, never mind.

6 years ago

correction: “Astronomically high antidepression medication, anxiety rates?”

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

Slightly OT as I’m sure Prince Harry has not worn the creep label, but in trying to check the weather reports I was deluged with news that he is engaged to a woman named Meghan Markle, who turns out to be a famous actress among other things. This is all strongly confirmatory of the comments here that loads of cash, world wide fame and influence, coupled with passably good looks is not sufficient to save a blue pill man from his natural fate; if he never learns the lessons offered at TRM. A Prince of England is to marry a… Read more »

6 years ago

Lost Patrol

A Prince of England is to marry a 36 year old divorcee (he is 33), actress, and UN Ambassador for women; who may well use him like a rented mule in her feminist causes.

Harry is alpha compared to… William. Otherwise he presents as a lost boy with daddy and mommy issues… oh yeah and that whole primogeniture thingy.

6 years ago


Yer funny.

6 years ago

She’s post-wall, already divorced … Harry just doesn’t seem to be leveraging his princely advantages here

6 years ago

Wonder if smh29 happens to know the Babble-on Sister bot from the Creep II comment string

6 years ago

This Prince Harry shit is all over the damn news this morning I only want to know what the traffic is like.

6 years ago

Here’s an example of what men are facing in #metoo world. A brief and supposedly objective news report just mentioned that Roy Moore faces allegations of “sexual assault and pedophilia.” This makes it sound like he’s overpowering women in dark alleys and trading sex films of 2-year-olds. He gets smeared above and beyond the actual allegations, true or not.

The growing elasticity of terms from “unwanted advances” and “harassment” on up to “rape” casts a wide net

6 years ago

Have been waiting for someone to comment on the prince harry marriage to Meghan markle thing! He’s 33 a fucking prince! And although a ginger his SMV is astronomical. Compared to his brother he is comparatively Alpha, I’ve read that during his military career as an apache helicopter pilot he did actually see genuine active service and was known for standing up agains bullying in the services. Having seen him in interviews etc I’d say he’s a natural that hasn’t reached his potential due to his blue pill conditioning, so he has slipped into white night territory unfortunately. His bride… Read more »

6 years ago

ASD is probably in shambles from a prince marrying a black girl lol

6 years ago

A brief and supposedly objective news report just mentioned that Roy Moore faces allegations of “sexual assault and pedophilia.” This makes it sound like he’s overpowering women in dark alleys and trading sex films of 2-year-olds. He gets smeared above and beyond the actual allegations, true or not. OBIT — Well, I thought one of the accusers said that he forced her head down into his lap in the car, but relented when she resisted. That’s sexual assault, if it happened. Pedophilia per se isn’t a crime, it’s the acts with the underaged that are crimes, but a lot of… Read more »

6 years ago

If I were a prince I would never take any other man’s seconds. Yeah. And especially for a wife! Wow. But his mother was known for Merc600 rear seat romps with a North African boy. I dont think Europe’s royalty is anything close to what it used to be.


6 years ago


Harry is beta. Service to a Crown that doesn’t rule is the definition of beta servitude… Charles, William waiting in line behind their Mom… lol Apron strings in Buckingham? No doubt.

I don’t know when the last Alpha Lion of Albion was on the Throne… George V, maybe, maybe…

Cult of Diana… Who my Daddy? etc. etc. etc. He is as much a prince as a GS Managing Director… and as alpha.

6 years ago

Let’s have some fun with SMHcunt. @SMHcunt – Provide examples of matriarchal societies in history and how they performed so much better than those that are patriarchal. Oh wait – that analysis has been done already, retard. In fact, the entire faux history of female power, including complete mythologies about pre-history where matriarchies were common has been completely debunked. Gloria Steinem used to rail on about such nonsense. Here’s a great book review by a Leftist utterly debunking all that horseshit. Or you could try this academic paper, The Myth of Matriarchy Sadly, if you study this critically… Read more »

6 years ago

Jesus, I don’t miss it ’round here, I’ll be gone shortly. Now we’ve got @NovaBSer weighing in with incorrect information: 1. Pedophilia is about having sexual relations with a prepubescent child. It’s a medical term, and is pathological. 2. Ephebophilia is having sexually mature teens as the primary object of your desires. It’s not considered pathological and is not considered pedophilia under the law or by any medical authority. It’s considered more like an impulse control problem, against a social more that we have. It’s entirely different from pedophilia. Accusing Moore of pedophilia is nonsense and slanderous. And it’s also… Read more »

6 years ago

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Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

“Men are not the underdog in society as a whole. Women still face hurdles they must surpass before they are treated equal to men in society.”

Apex fallacy…..

6 years ago

Lol. Wtf? Lol ( again )

6 years ago

Sentient — is this a quiz like Sesame Street’s “One of these things is not like the others”?

Scribblerg — Thanks for greatly expanding on my objection to “pedophilia” and by extension other terms metoo women and the compliant media are throwing around. I’m not trying to “defend” Moore, only point out how other men might become vulnerable to this kind of smear.

Nove — I’m not so sure that age-gap relationships would be a target. Don’t women often gain a motherlode of hypergamou$ benefits in these pairings — when the older guy is affluent and high status?

6 years ago

“a motherlode of hypergamou$ benefits in these pairings — when the older guy is affluent and high status?”

comment image

Just remember to get it in writing ladies!!!

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Scribblerg @Anon – You are the guy saying single moms breed beta males – when in fact beta males have always existed. The second fact does not negate the first. As for your aspersions at tradcons, you missed the point in your eagerness to appear intelligent. My observations regarding tradcons are accurate and based upon personal interaction with them in real life, interaction with them online, and obsevation of their actions vs. words. Your projection is boring. The power of men who embrace traditional values banding together in large numbers would be something to contend with. The Amish and Mennonites… Read more »

6 years ago

Apparently prince harry got down on one knee to propose to his post wall divorcee bride, whilst they were roasting a chicken.

I think she’s probably been spit roasted before.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago


Dearie, as feminist robots go you are not very good. Perhaps you should consider trolling for flames in a different way, or trolling on other sites. All you will get here is laughed at / snarled at.

6 years ago

Spit roasted… No! I mean a former “Deal or No Deal” model…??? I’m sure she read some Ophelia in her audition.

But hey the other girls are so excited for her!

6 years ago

Yeah. This is so deplorable. I wonder what the queen is thinking.

6 years ago

“I wonder what the queen is thinking.”

There are now three living generations ahead of Harry. Even as backup he doesn’t really count for much at this point. Even if Meghan manages to squeeze out a quasi-noble rugrat or two they won’t be princes.

Still, standards are obviously slipping.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Jesus, I don’t miss it ’round here, I’ll be gone shortly.

Considering how you keep getting your ass handed to you ’round her, maybe that’s best.

Put it this way – nobody is going to court based on this info. Not civil, and of course not criminal as the statute of limitations ran out decades ago, but also because most of the evidence simply is too questionable.

Restating the obvious that has already been posted here is stupid and even retarded.

Don’t go full retard, Scrib. Not a good look.

6 years ago

@Sentient, did you see that mid-sentence subcom correction the baseball wife did when she said, “I got a baseball player; she got a prince” line? It’s like she realized that she was putting her husband down, then changed her tune, but her subcoms knew she fucked up.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

The age gap is already an issue. The girls under 30 are just fine with older men. Once they hit 30 – 32 themselves in the Epiphany phase they switch to fussing about men spending attention on all those childish bitches under 30; don’t those 35 year old men know that a real, mature woman of 32 is what they need? Double down on that for every year added her age and every man added to her N. The 39 year old girl gets all jealous of the 32 year old, “Oh, always the younger ones!”, etc. etc. and etc.… Read more »

6 years ago

Just watched the engagement interview. She is incredibly polished in her responses, definitely been coached on what to say and her actress training obviously helps.

Wonder what the story is behind the divorce?

6 years ago

@Anon – What an emotional and intellectual child you are. Word parsing ain’t arguing, and drawing distinctions without a difference is a waste of time. Try to get over your anger at women and your sense of victimization, that kind of stuff looks bad on a man and also makes you come off like such a ponce. What – nobody told you that? Nah, come on, you’ve been a cunt on the internet for years now, I’m surely not the first to see through your weak shit. Idea for you. Why don’t you and Nova get together and suck each… Read more »

6 years ago

@smh29: the only right women are denied is the right to be called sexy while sporting a beard.

But fear not, now that you have been made aware of it, I can see you starting a “Movember is sexist” campaign to change all that iniquity.

And i’ll be nice enough to throw you a slogan:

“Got stache ladies? Down with the patriarchy, up with pilosity.”

No need to thank me.

6 years ago

Today on the rational male comment discussion.

Sperg Wars the battle begins

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Scribblerg @Anon – What an emotional and intellectual child you are. You’re going to burn out the lamp on your projector using it so often. Word parsing ain’t arguing, and drawing distinctions without a difference is a waste of time. Then why are you doing it? Why aren’t you actually arguing like an adult. For example, you could explain what you mean by “traditional conservative” and explicate on what a society run by them would look like. Or you could defend tradcons by pointing to all their many victories over feminism in the last 20 – 50 years…. You could… Read more »

6 years ago

Hypergamy is such a bitch. It doesn’t care if she fucks up. That’s her problem.

6 years ago

All the women are wishing you will still pay them somehow afterwards even when they are cumming all over their butts.

6 years ago

I’d be much more impressed if it was Rashida Jones

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Returning to the Traditional Conservatives that Scribblerg brought up, the Amish and Mennonites would arguably fit just about anyone’s definition. Clearly defined sex roles, women marry in their late teens to early 20’s, families have more than two children – I do not know what the Amish TFR is but it’s probably at least 3 children / woman / lifespan if not more. So why don’t they have any real effect on US culture? Because they don’t want to get involved. Both groups come from Germany / Central Europe originally as emigrants seeking to get away from war. Both groups… Read more »

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