Riff on This

A week ago I had a reader send me a link to this helpful list of “mother-may-I’s” and feminine-primary etiquette by Nicole Silverberg. Presently I’ve got a very in-depth essay in the works about exactly this shifting of the ‘toxic’ masculinity narrative to one that presumes all forms of masculinity are inherently toxic. However, as a prelude I guess, I think it’s impossible for the manosphere and Red Pill writers to ignore the debacle that was the Harvey Weinstein admissions of chronic sexual harassment with the up and coming starlets who (along with a long list of ‘male feminist’ celebrities) didn’t feel emboldened enough to not keep Harvey’s dirty little not-so-secret until now. This, as I predicted, was then repurposed by the Feminine Imperative to be presumptive proof that all men are prospective sexual harassers with the #metoo viral hashtag.

As I mentioned in Male Control, in the wake of the Las Vegas mass shooting the Feminine Imperative took this as an opportunity to change lanes with regard to its gestalt perspective of masculinity. In previous eras, as with this one, the reflexive response to a shooting of this nature is to blame it on the accessibility of firearms in the US. That’s to be expected, but what follows this always-impotent reactions is usually some deep, ostensibly soul-searching, introspective as to the motives of the shooter. And in this the imperative always comes to the ‘angry male’ narrative.

The presumption we’re expected to come to is that it is men’s toxically masculine socialization that makes them all potentially violent. Overwhelmingly it becomes an argument about traditional masculinity and raising boys into men in a laughably clichéd, laughably anachronistic way that is always founded in social constructivism. Yes, the allusions to testosterone being the most volatile chemical on earth gets bandied about, but usually the proponents of the Feminine Imperative rely on the ridiculous lie that boys are being raised in some hyper-masculine tribal order that tells them to “toughen up” and “don’t cry, boys don’t cry”.

However, not to get ahead of myself, in this new shift it’s no longer “toxic” masculinity, it’s masculinity that is toxic. It ought to be interesting to see how the Village eels its way around men’s biological nature to get to some suitably social constructivist rationale for this shift. The difference now is that just being a man makes one a potentially violent criminal – or a potential sexual harasser.

What Weinstein and dozens of other accusation of (usually ‘male feminist’) men following in his wake has reinforced is that masculinity makes us inherently evil. So evil, in fact, that men must be reeducated by the Feminine Imperative to ensure that one’s fellow man (a prospective harasser/rapist/gunslinger) is acting in accordance with the dictates of the Great Masculine Scare of 2017.

The list below, which I intend to riff on, is one of many recent attempts of feminist writers to enlist the aid of sympathetic female-allies men (yes, the ones they say they implicitly distrust) to help police social discourse and intersexual interactions. There are lots of other ‘helpful lists’ like this, and before I dig in I’ll declare that this is a tongue in cheek response to what is really a very serious shift in the popular narrative about perspectives on masculinity.

  • Talk to your friend who is “kind of a creep” at work.

And what exactly would Nicole have us say to our creepy ‘friend’? What is it that makes a guy ‘creepy’? Rarely is ‘creepy’ ever concretely defined by women, but I’d define it as a guy who’s so socially unintelligent and sexually destitute that he’d unwittingly bet his personal life on the very low prospect of a woman responding positively to his ‘creepy’ approaches of her. I could likely write an entire essay about this ‘creepy’ dynamic (likely will), but what ‘creepy’ distills down to is a woman’s Hypergamous-level revulsion of a man believing he may be someone she would eventually have sex with. Creepy is an insult to Hypergamy.

  • Don’t talk over women.

Ah, the old mansplaining chestnut, only this is its newer cousin, men over-modulating women. Men and women communicate differently. We are different creatures and we have our own preferred forms of communication. Women place far more import on context (feeling) in conversation. Yes, this demand is presumptuous in that it presumes anything a woman would say is more important than men’s need to get to the damn point efficiently (we prioritize content/information in conversation). However, a lot of this gripe is about women’s wanting to prioritize their own communication style above that of men’s.

  • If you are asked to be on a panel/team and see that it’s all men, say something. Maybe even refuse the spot!

So, refuse a lucrative position on a work team project with the potential for advancement, greater status and maybe a higher state in the male dominance hierarchy (that attracts all the women who insist on never settling for a less than ‘equal’ pairing) all to appease what passes for women’s moral imperatives? If it ever were all men on the panel in today’s work culture I’d be thanking my cubicle Gods that we’d all get something done and have time to go home to see my wife and kids that evening.

  • When you see another guy talk over a woman, say: “Hey, she was saying something.”

This is the “lets you and him fight” social convention women are all too happy to use when there is absolutely no contingent consequence to themselves. This suggestion already appeals to Blue Pill White Knights who believe that their AMOGing at work will go appreciated and maybe get them laid for championing women at work. Ironically, it’s the ‘creepy’ Betas we’re supposed to say “something” to who are most likely to employ this if they thought it would get them in good standing with women.

On a serious note, all this convention reveals is the solipsistic self-assured certainty that anything a woman might say is, by default, worthy of undivided attention.

  • Learn to read a fucking room.

Most Red Pill aware men already know how to read socially. What this is is an appeal to Betas to know when to shut the fuck up socially.

  • Don’t call women “crazy” in a professional setting.

I would suggest not calling anyone ‘crazy’ in a professional setting, but again the intentional ambiguity of not defining what constitutes ‘professional’ is why this is disingenuous. Can I call a woman crazy if the project team is having drinks after 5 on a Friday?

  • Don’t use your “feminism” as a way to get women to trust you. Show us in your day-to-day life, not in your self-congratulatory social media.

The reason this is chaffing for Nicole is that most of the male-feminist / female-allies are usually facing sexual harassment lawsuits within months of publicly declaring they are male feminists. I get that this is just Nicole venting, but that need to vent comes from knowing that the only reason men say (or even show in their daily lives) they are feminists is because it’s a deductive form of Beta Game.

  • Don’t touch women you don’t know, and honestly, ask yourself why you feel the need to touch women in general.

Good advice, don’t touch women you don’t know; you are giving a woman the keys to your castle by doing so. In today’s workplace women are constantly looking for even a hint of impropriety they can take to HR for the next harassment suit. Better still, refuse to work in situation where just the impression of her advancement depends on your hard work and behavior around her.

Nicole, the Beta need for physical contact is a desperation born from dealing with women who think he’s creepy.

  • Do you feel that any woman on earth owes you something? She doesn’t. Even if you’re like, “Hm, but what about basic respect?” ask yourself if you’ve shown her the same.

There is a constant presupposition on the part of fempowered women to believe that men feel entitled to anything from. The real truth is that it is women who feel entitled to virtually everything in their solipsistic experience – this very extensive list is a prime example of what women believe they are owed from men.  In 2017 no man ever concerns himself with notions of being owed anything (even basic respect) from women. But what confuses men is women constant (Hypergamously incentivized) implications of a transactional nature. If you don’t want men to feel like they are owed your time, concern, respect or attention then don’t present a transactional pretense to your interactions with them.

  • Don’t send pictures of your penis unless she just asked for them.

Never send a woman dick pics, especially if she asks for them. Never send a woman dick pics, even to your wife. In 2017 this is a red herring for women who are planning to file for sexual harassment.

  • If a woman says no to a date, don’t ask her again.

Agreed. Next her, and move on. That said, no guy asks a girl for a date today. They hook up on Tinder or bump into each other at the club. It’s so quaint Nicole still thinks dating works like it did on Happy Days.

  • If a woman has not given an enthusiastic “yes” to sex, back the hell off.

Guys learn this part real easy, what they don’t learn, and what women deliberately keep ambiguous, is that even after “enthusiastic consent” is officially declared, he can still be charged with rape for touching her boobs (or anything else for that matter) the wrong way. Again, control the narrative, control the definition of the language and control what the consequences are and you can control the frame.

  • If a woman is really drunk, she cannot consent to you and she also cannot consent to your buddy who seems to be trying something. Your buddy is your responsibility, so say something and intervene.

Funny how we never see public service announcements stating that women still need consent from drunk men to have sex; but my buddy is not my responsibility, just like driving a drunk woman too hammered to drive home isn’t my responsibility. Good intentions get you put in jail today. If a woman is really drunk is she now ‘owed’ my assistance?

  • If you do the right thing, don’t expect praise or payment or a pat on the back or even a “thank you from that woman”. Congratulations, you were baseline decent.

Oh, trust me, every Red Pill aware reader I’ve ever had has come to realize that women fundamentally lack the capacity to appreciate anything a man does for her.

  • Involve women in your creative projects, then let them have equal part in them.

Why would a woman deserve being included in any creative project I endeavor in just by virtue of being a woman? Why still would I allow her to have an equal part in a creative project I envisioned? Is it because they are owed that honor for being female?

  • Don’t punish women for witnessing your vulnerability.

But wait, I thought ‘vulnerability was sexy‘? Weakness is strength right?

Okay, sorry, I can’t possibly subject my readers to more of this inane list. You get the picture. My point is that lists like this only serve to highlight the new gender landscape that’s been brewing for years now. We now live in the “future is female” years and this is what we can expect from the Feminine Imperative that’s now comfortable in in asserting its true agenda of disempowering, disenfranchising and eradicating men and masculinity from popular discourse.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago
6 years ago

Callous on Scroll Wheel October 31, 2017 at 1:58 pm Rugby, please stop posting walls of videos. Callous, Careful there. Rugby is a member of a tribe in a male only space. He had a poor childhood and I wish him a good life. Rollo has met him in real life and considers guys like him to be part of what Rollo’s “problem is” and why Rollo cares to save guys like Rugby from the grasp of desperation. Rugby can count on more than one hand how many of his buddies committed suicide. Recently. A sad tragedy of the Masculine… Read more »

6 years ago

@SJF On giving Rugby a leeway. We all have sad stories and past but that doesn’t give him the right to be oblivious and socially incompetent as to not realizing why posting that many videos is fucking annoying. Those of reading this on mobile have to scroll and scroll just to read the next comment. If it were my site I’d probably suspend on ban him. @ Rugby My advice to you is start your own website and then get a collection of various related videos like you’re posting here. If anything here touches on a particular area of your… Read more »

6 years ago

I do have to agree that that Stages of manipulation by women is a great read.

6 years ago

FYI the OP that started the whole #metoo thing was not gender specific. The gender thing got tacked on afterwards and the whole thing was appropriated by women.

6 years ago

@Jafyk: “oblivious and socially incompetent” deserves a hearty LOL–rugby11 is quite the guy beyond his remarkable ability to curate media. Perhaps subscribing to the comments RSS would better fit your preference.

Further, on the FR pages, dr zipper posted a link to a “comment ripper” utility you may find fits your needs; with incentive he may be convinced to come up with an Andriod or iOS version.

6 years ago

Personally, I loves me some rugby. ( no hono )

6 years ago

RE: Rose McGowan “Brave – Buy on Amazon”

Always the case… have a product to promote? Best get with some outrage that gains media coverage – divorce, marry, scandal, etc. matters not. Just get that name out there… Weisntein Company may be getting some distribution points yet… LOL So much more the case when post wall…

6 years ago

The cult of personality ( cue living colour ).

We don’t have nationally recognized royalty here in the U.S., .so we pay inordinate attention to regular folks that pretend for a living.

And a lot of them aren’t even all that regular.

6 years ago

This is ridiculous. Sad but true, I see it more and more in my everyday life.

Magnus Clarke
Magnus Clarke
6 years ago

@jafyk I will do my best to answer your question you put to me and Rollo, not entirely sure I understand it but here goes. Your statement / question: “Guys learn this part real easy, what they don’t learn, and what women deliberately keep ambiguous, is that even after “enthusiastic consent” is officially declared, he can still be charged with rape for touching her boobs (or anything else for that matter) the wrong way. Again, control the narrative, control the definition of the language and control what the consequences are and you can control the frame.” “Again, control the narrative,… Read more »

6 years ago

Magnus Clarke
“Harassment” is another infinitely flexible term now in wide use that fits what you’re saying

6 years ago

Seems the term “brave” has taken a new meaning: “Wait for twenty years after an unpleasant encounter with an unpleasant man, let 20 other people get victimized because of your silence then come out with the truth while the beastly man is reeling on the ground to recapture some headlines you cannot get any other way anymore.” Brave has now been co-opted by the FI. Compare to WW1 soldiers suffering 90% casualties while seeing their friends blown to bits to gain a trench that will be retaken by multiple counter-offensives, being harassed by artillery, mortar shells, machine-gun, bayonets and rifles… Read more »

6 years ago

Great point.
Or as Ambrose Bierce might put it
BRAVE adj. — Taking post-wall revenge for a perceived pre-wall slight. Often performed en masse, as in a swarm of hornets

6 years ago

Good to see you Scrib; alive and well too! God bless.

Thanks for posting that video.

6 years ago


Love to see that as an Op Ed in the NYBeta Times…

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

marq/sent – c’mon, doncha know…

“Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat.” – HC

it takes a lot of bravery to have to go and find another man to take care of you

it takes a lot of bravery to live in a society in which there are fewer men to keep it afloat for you

it takes bravery to care for the basket cases (literally) and never-the-same-again expendables back from the front line

bravery is a point of view, like getting killed in combat

6 years ago

I see all comments here in bold…is it the same for other guys?

6 years ago

Never mind, it got better.

6 years ago

@SJF …sigh……….. “Callous, Careful there. Rugby is a member of a tribe in a male only space. He had a poor childhood and I wish him a good life. Rollo has met him in real life and considers guys like him to be part of what Rollo’s “problem is” and why Rollo cares to save guys like Rugby from the grasp of desperation. Rugby can count on more than one hand how many of his buddies committed suicide. Recently. A sad tragedy of the Masculine Imperative.” He’ll deal with it……………lol “Guys like Rugby were abused in real life. And are… Read more »

6 years ago
6 years ago

What the hell…. Tyrese has lost what was left of his fucking mind. Crying selfie making bitch.

Dudes and social media, I swear – lol.

That shit’s uncomfortable to watch, not because of the subject matter, but because this guy is doing it wrong. Lawyer the fuck up. Spend some of the fast and furious cash…. most guys can’t do that and don’t have resources to fight.

Get this guy some Kleenex and a new attorney.

6 years ago
6 years ago

@ Sentient

Lol, I heard this shit on my way to work today. Olivia Munn says Ratner ” touched himself “? So, was he harassing himself?

6 years ago


Tyrese… So much for “black don’t crack” I guess…

Ratner – seems a lot of these doods spend time on self love, potted plant love etc… Not an Alpha move broskis.

6 years ago

@marquisdestade “Compare to WW1 soldiers suffering 90% casualties while seeing their friends blown to bits…” That reminds me of how women have abused the concept of PTSD. The theory of PTSD was developed after seeing the trauma of some WW1 and 2 soldiers who had been under constant artillery fire, seen their buddies die, etc. Now we have some women claiming they have PTSD for far more trivial things. I mean if you were violently raped, sure. But when I read Joss Whedon’s ex-wife claim her ex’s cheatin’ ways had given her “complex PTSD”, that seems like a abuse of… Read more »

6 years ago
6 years ago


Yeah, suspicious ambulatory masturbation pattern emerging…

comment image

6 years ago

kfg – lol

There was so much I loved about being on set — taking John Malkovich’s lunch orders and falling more deeply in love every time he spoke to me or said my name; bonding with the crew as we worked 16-hour days; hearing Arthur Miller say my first two names because they sounded like a word game, and that amused him; dancing the polka with Charles Durning, who made every room he entered a happier place. And yes, I loved the attention from Dustin Hoffman. Until I didn’t.

Spot the Alpha!

6 years ago

Well in other news…. The [D”s] will be losing the slave grip on the black population pretty soon.

6 years ago

“People use the term grooming to describe what sexual predators do with children so they can reap the benefits, but what if they groom us so other men can reap the benefits? Did the older guys in high school pave the way . . .” [emphasis mine]

Spot the neurotic.

Note: She was of consenting age.

having a bad day
having a bad day
6 years ago

@kfg Sentient

from that The Hollywood Report article…

Hunter is an L.A.-based writer. She’s currently working on a memoir, Anyone Who Comes Close: A Year of Tinder, Divorce, and Love in the Age of the Internet.

right on cue…lol…

good luck!

6 years ago

PTSD comment very timely in view of the week’s most viral video — the NY state woman going nuts and claiming PTSD when being pulled over for speeding

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

If Weinstein can be jacked up for some cash, #MeToo will really take off for the stratosphere.
Because nothing says “Me, Too!” like free money.

6 years ago

Poor Tyrese. The other day it was Bradd Pitt on chils abuse false accusations, noe Tyrese. How does this end for men in the west? Guys keep shelling out their livelihoods for months on end to whores who are not held accountable for the money they recieve and this is what we call civilization? I understand Tyrese’s tears. How is a man supposed to relate with women in the west? Are all these women whores or what? How did the law become so fucked up? Fuck it. You guys should just leave to some other place and let those whores… Read more »

6 years ago

lol There are mutiple men living out their cars working 2 minimum wage jobs to pay their child support and their not crying about it. Tyrese is a bitch( I think blax said it 2 not gonna scrollup)

“Red Pill is useless with those demons of women”

The problem is men/has been men not women. Women can’t ruin anything unless you allow them.

The real reason alot of people dont like the manosphere is that (some) guys try to twist and turn to make women the enemy out of nothing.

6 years ago


“The real reason alot of people dont like the manosphere is that (some) guys try to twist and turn to make women the enemy out of nothing.”

aka “why can’t cats act like dogs!!?”

6 years ago


More lols…

“Allred outlined a proposal for the company to start a fund for Weinstein’s alleged victims, since in many cases, the reported attacks are not within the statute of limitations. “It’s easy to weep crocodile tears for Harvey’s victims. Action and concrete steps are needed,” she said.”

Come on guys… Man Up!!! And pay those thots….

6 years ago

This is getting more and more ridiculous by the day.

…. makes me wanna go jerk off in a plant until I feel better. ( Maybe there’s something to it… )

6 years ago

Now is a good time to be poor,not famous,a small target is less likely to get meetoo,d.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

make money, hide money, make money hide money.

6 years ago

Thanks Gloria, I’m sure the victims of Hurricane Harvey are really worried about the victims of Roamin’ Hands Harvey

6 years ago

Not just Hollyweird… “[S]he said, he took out a personal ad in the Washington City Paper aimed at her. It read: “Saw you at the Army-Navy Building. Loved hearing your life story and your ideas. Hope you get this message. Let me know.” She recounted that a week later, he emailed her to ask why she hadn’t responded to his ad. The woman said she was unaware of it and had to search for it. “What was especially creepy about it was that he put it in the wrong place in the paper,” she said in an interview. Instead of… Read more »

6 years ago

Shitty Media Men A partial scorecard… 72 names! “The wave of sexual harassment and assault allegations against powerful men in the media and entertainment industries in the wake of allegations against Harvey Weinstein shows no signs of abating. Those who have been suspended, resigned, fired or shunned since Weinstein’s dismissal on Oct. 8 include Roy Price at Amazon Studios, Nickelodeon animator Chris Savino, Vox Media editorial director Lockhart Steele, Screen Junkies creator Andy Signore, CBS Diversity Comedy Showcase director Rick Najera as well as political author and NBC News analyst Mark Halperin, fashion photographer Terry Richardson, NPR executive Michael Oreskes,… Read more »

6 years ago

The striking thing is how projects affecting so many jobs are being immediately canceled based just on this wave of accusations

6 years ago

May be Tyrese should be doing his sniffling in private, but still.I think men who have had their children die will weep even if they do it in secret. A permanent restriction is akin to having your child die. Being brought up by one he knows to be a heartless hag of a bitch he knows the kid is not safe. Having watched the “I was abused by daddy rap” coachingto get rid of the fathern Tyrese knows that now the real abuse will be on the menu for that kid 24-7n to crank out a mirror image of the… Read more »

6 years ago


6 years ago


if a tree falls and no one hears it does it make a sound

If a man cries alone did he really cry?

6 years ago

@ cheupez

Ok, let me try it from this angle then : Nobody gives one shit about a man’s tears except a few other men. Wailing on camera is a massive waste of time because the only people that will feign caring are chicks looking for a drama fix. They will never lift one pinky to police the sisterhood they belong to.

So, Tyrese needs to dry his eyes and be thankful he’s not

comment image

@ 110,000 per month.

Lost Patrol
Lost Patrol
6 years ago

They need reparations…
If Hillary was in power, they’d get them.

HRC platform:
1. The FI x 10
2. Payback against men because – Bill

Hillary Clinton’s election night party will take place under a giant glass ceiling in Manhattan 


6 years ago

Crying alone is for the catharsis I guess. I dont know at what point men in the west are going to revolt. $110,000 monthly to a whoring bitch. Is it generosity, good heart, being docile, being too rich, or what? If it is being docile, how docile does one have to be to allow such a long shaft up his ass?

6 years ago

I hope men will wake up one day and destroy that fuckup of a legal system. Men who are kind enough to marry used up whores only to get slapped with a life sentence penalty in court. aaarrgh.

6 years ago

@ cheupez ” Crying alone is for the catharsis I guess. I dont know at what point men in the west are going to revolt. $110,000 monthly to a whoring bitch. Is it generosity, good heart, being docile, being too rich, or what? If it is being docile, how docile does one have to be to allow such a long shaft up his ass? ” Men aren’t revolting because this kind of fuckery is not the norm yet. It’s not even prevalent, but the potential is massive. No revolt. A majority of men will never experience this shit, but the… Read more »

6 years ago

Stats 2009-16 suggest marriage rate is holding surprisingly steady at just under 7 per 1,000 US population. (So 14 people out of 1000 are getting hitched each year I guess). BUT — go back to 1990 and there’s been a steady drop from nearly 10 per 1,000

6 years ago

Well from 10 to 7 per 1000 is a very big drop, 30 percent — it’s just that the drop was between 1990 and 2009 and the US marriage rate seems to have oddly leveled off since then. British article I’m looking at shows huge drop between 1971 and record low marriages in 2009 but a slight uptick there since then. So its similar to US — an odd leveling off of the drop since 2009.

6 years ago

Well, well. OK. My heart goes out to Tyrese. Not all men are going through the meat grinder, but enough to raise eye brows. Sigh.

6 years ago

RE: Drsmith, Blaximus, Scribblerg, NFL kneelers Let’s recap once more what happened. The President said that he would like to see players who do not stand for the national anthem fired from their jobs. The lying media played the angles of race, the league is 77% black males, and free speech. The NFL, King Football, overplayed its hand—like Hillary. How can they lose. They have the narrative and the media will surely take the side of the athletes against our evil President. The President is a racist bigot who picks on…rich, spoiled athletes. Ooops! The average citizen and football fan… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

I really hope NFL survives. So many nerds need to get stuffed in lockers. Who’s gonna do it? Golf players?

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

I was joking btw. Just get rid of all the cancerous schmuks with their kneeling and infinite immigration sympathy.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Let’s recap once more what happened.

Nah. Let’s review the Original Posting instead. Now we see Gloria Allread demanding ca$h and prize$ from Weinstein in a fund for “victims”, i.e. Free Money, so #MoneyForMeToo would be a good Twitter hashtag.

Or let’s consider the ongoing decline in T levels. Or something else.
Plenty of places to argue about the emotional issue of the NFL. Other places.

6 years ago

“But when I read Joss Whedon’s ex-wife claim her ex’s cheatin’ ways had given her “complex PTSD”, that seems like a abuse of the concept to me.”

Parking at Wal-Mart, er I mean Costco, on a Saturday regularly gives me what is known by medicine as ‘tragically complex PTSD’.

6 years ago

If Weinstein can be jacked up for some cash, #MeToo will really take off for the stratosphere

We’ll find out, next year, #MeToo was the 4th quarter growth industry. Talking heads will applaud those industrious women; realists will note women still prefer grievance jobs to STEM.

6 years ago

Bias blinds the fuck outta some people.


6 years ago

And Ratner might have much deeper pockets than Weinstein

6 years ago

man, that chick in the picture is one annoying you-know-what. I would walk out on her, mid conversation

6 years ago

@Rhasa you know her?

6 years ago

@Rollo I found the following site of an organization fighting to eliminate no fault divorce: https://divorcereform.us/why-is-americas-divorce-rate-highest-in-world/ quotes from the site: “Divorce is where two adults take everything that matters to a child – the child’s home, family, security, and sense of being loved and protected – and they smash it all up, leave it in ruins on the floor, then walk out and leave the child to clean up the mess. –Michael Reagan Ironically, his father, as Governor of California, signed America’s first No Fault Divorce Law four decades ago. It swept the country in the early 1970’s. Divorces had… Read more »

6 years ago


Just copy the full path into the window, make sure it ends in an image file name .jpg, .gif, .png etc.


comment image

is this with the proper path..


6 years ago

palmasailor,Blaximus,Jafyk,SJF Back in Utah for my friends wedding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_OnJbe5a94 The reason i posted the video’s was because the very industry that is upset was warned first by the people they praise. My intent wasn’t to annoy anyone with having to scroll listen to the smother’s brother’s talk about the stuff Rollo has here on the blog even back to the 60’s. The reason i post the link’s is because i am usually the last to know when someone i care about is gone. I went to a party 1 week ago and brought up the red pill to a man… Read more »

6 years ago

Morning in the Moutian’s of the gods
Sapien’s and companion’s

Looking For Zion
Looking For Zion
6 years ago

We are in the midst of the fall of our empire. Like all fallen empires before us, the expenditure of resources and force without is matched by a decay of society within. Cognitive dissonance, self deception and denial, and magical thinking, are part and parcel of a collapsing empire state. The fallout of the Weinstein scandal is that not only Hollywood, but all walks of life, are the new Coliseums of our time, where allegations of sexual harassment, misconduct, assault, and rape – unsupported by evidence – are becoming the equivalent of Rome’s gladiator fights and chariot races. The steady… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago
Tam the Bam
Tam the Bam
6 years ago

The fusillade of accusations of sexual misconduct leveled against Men-Not-Quite-In-Power over here in Ruritania has been deafening in the wake in the Weinstein mass gut-puke by clapped-out actors etc. Westminster itself is staggering under the assault, ongoing.Ministers of the Crown sacked right off, or suspended, stepping down. The motive, apart from regulation bitterbitch behaviour seems to be a frenzied round of inter- and intra-party warfare over something else, which isn’t being shown to us proles. “Me too, meeeee tooooo!!!” the offstage harpies shriek, “I was abused/accidentally brushed against by Mr X, or Mr Y or Mr Z Never-Madeit, 20 years… Read more »

Markos Beers
Markos Beers
6 years ago

@ Blaximus

“Bias blinds the fuck outta some people.”

It sure does. Let us all not start playing holier than thou. AHumansALT

6 years ago

Tam the bam
“Power without responsibility – the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages.”

Markos Beers
Markos Beers
6 years ago

It really is so bizarre, how the world has gotten. And it really stems from Apex Fallacy, this time in both directions. The HV women who are 7s 8s and some 9s will be approached more often and perhaps not like it, while the very HV men may occasionally use their power position to get pussy. When we’re talking about percentage of the population, it’s almost nothing.

Yet if you have one population only able to see the top 10-20% of the other, this is going to happen.

6 years ago



The Weinstein Chronicles… Pictorial.

Quite a list.

6 years ago


Imgur or similar image hosting site

6 years ago

If there is anything men are similar to women is in this creep thing. I think women are usually thinking creep or saying. what is more telling in all this is the creep think. if a woman thinks you are a creep and does not say it then she is feeling it in sincerity. to say it means she either genuinely feels endangered or it is just an insult leveled to someone (usually of higher status) in an insecure attempt at regaining some mileage of sorts in revamping her own reputation or status that she percieves as waning. If you… Read more »

6 years ago

That’s a winner post!

6 years ago

She’s “thinky” and has a thing for Christopher Hitchens, so as the Racing Form would put it there are some things to like

6 years ago

palmasailor Not mine a buddy of mine’s… https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/24/marlene-schiappa-french-minister-sexual-harassment-fines Gave Rollo’s book as a present… Sent him both other books 2 yrs ago… Yeah yesterday was a mix bag of life and i wasn’t a front runner in total support. I love him and want him to be happy but i can’t demand my views be the way of another’s life. After dealing with constant suicide i’ve been happy to just explore the outdoor’s with him which is what ive just came back from. Dropping RP though’s along the way. I want him to be happy but that come’s first from… Read more »

6 years ago

Blue pill buddy (Future what the hell man where have you been why didn’t you do anything?)
“At a fucking wedding?

I mean shit man..”
(Red pill Rugby family)

Are you married by the way?

6 years ago
6 years ago

I went to the first wedding in my last ten years two weeks ago. But is was pretty decently blue pill and in the brides best interest as a widower of ten years. Fun times. Otherwise, a song came up in my night time I Pod playlst after fucking the wife. Shit my Ipod inherited from on of my kids, that it won’t work unless connected to a battery supply, Secondarily. Asfter having been out in real fucking life hanging out with a red pill buddy and deer hunting with a crossbow and laying my embracing of life on the… Read more »

6 years ago

Haven’t been to weddings but a few of the younger crowd at the office have gotten married recently. One skinny 30ish guy married a 35+ landwhale and another 30ish wanna-be fatso guy married another landwhale. Oh, and another fatso married something, but he keeps her well hidden so can’t tell if she’s a landwhale but she is a single mother with 2 kids so there’s that.

The BPers are marrying up around here

6 years ago

I was (twice) … Did you find the red pill after the first one?

6 years ago

comment image

6 years ago

Look, a lady who feels different now that her 9 year old son has been accused, smh. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/9-old-son-sent-principal-220306971.html?.tsrc=daily_mail&uh_test=1_08

6 years ago

That marriage graph rugby posted is actually very interesting. Nothing like seeing things graphed out for impact. The one thing about women that has stood out to me over the past 2 decades, is just how many women I’ve noticed being out completely alone. Especially late at night. It just strikes me as odd I guess, because I’m of a different time where chicks weren’t encouraged to just wander around solo. I didn’t allow ( and still don’t ) my daughters to just be ” out ” all by themselves consistently at all hours. So it seems to me that… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Blaximus She asked if she could come inside because she was afraid, and I said to her ” now you’re afraid? I don’t let strangers into my home at 2 in the morning. Wait right here, the police are on their way “. I chuckled at “now you’re afraid?”. But it was a good decision because of the possibility of some false accusation. Alone for the bulk of life is the new normal. So… Family??? Lol, not unless you can respect everyone’s rights as individuals. Sovereign individuality, particularly for women and children. I asked a 20-something girl who has here… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Jafyk Look, a lady who feels different now that her 9 year old son has been accused, Every time. That’s how it works just about every time. A few years back there was an article making the rounds by some 2nd stage feminist who was just shocked to find out that her darling son had been falsely accused of “sexual assault” and was likely to be convicted, because of the changed standards of “rape” – that she herself had helped to push through in her state legislature. Women don’t understand cause and effect all that well. It’s really unusual to… Read more »

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