The Lie of Equality

Reader KFG dropped this insight in last week’s post and I thought it was very relevant to something I’ve been contemplating for a while now:

As a general principle genetic fitness is always relative to the environment. A spread of genetic traits makes a species more robust, because it will have individuals better suited for survival in a greater range of environments.

There’s more than one breed of working dog because no one is “better.” Each has its specific strengths, paid for with corresponding weaknesses. A terrier is to small to hunt wolves, but you’re not going to stuff a wolfhound down a badger hole.

This was a great analogy. It’s also one of the primary reasons I believe the egalitarian equalist narrative is a deliberate lie with the hoped-for purpose of empowering people who cannot compete, or believe they have some plenary exclusion from competing in various aspects of life. One of the primary selling points of egalitarian equalism for men is the idea that they can be excluded from the Burden of Performance.

There is no such thing as ‘equality’ because life doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

The tests that a chaotic world throws at human beings is never equal or balanced in measure to our strengths to pass them. Equality, in the terms that egalitarian equalists are comfortable in defining it, implies that that every individual is equally matched in both value and utility within a totality of random challenges. Aside from this being patently false, it also demerits both strengths and weaknesses when that individual succeeds or fails at a particular challenge as a result of their individual character.

This is ironic in the sense that it provides easy, repeatable, excuses for a person’s successes or failures. If someone wins, well, we’re all equal so that person’s strengths which led to the success can be passed off as a result of assumed or circumstantial ‘privileges’ that made them better suited to their challenges – rarely is their hard work recognized, and even then, it’s colored by the overcoming of a presumed-unequal adversity that grants them ‘privilege’. If they fail, again, we’re all equal, so the failure is proof of a deficit, or a handicap, or a presumed repression of an equal person in a state of baseline equal challenge.

Individual Exceptionalism

One of the longest perpetuated cop outs (I should say paradoxes) that equalists cling to is the notion that People are People; that everyone is a unique individual (snowflake) and as such there is really no universally predictable method of testing character or knowing how a particular sex will respond to various challenges. It’s all random chance according to the individual’s socially constructed character and their capacity to be a ‘more evolved’, higher-thinking being.

On the surface this all-are-individuals notion may seem the antithesis of the ‘equality’ narrative that equalists cling to, but it is part of a cognitive dissonance all equalists struggle with. This approach is a means to standardizing individuality, so no scientific evidence that might find patterns of an evolved ‘nature’ of a person – or in our Red Pill case, a sex – can be predicted. It’s the hopeful cancellation of reams of empirical evidence that show how influential our biologies and inborn predispositions are. This ‘higher order’ individualism is always touted so the equailist mindset can claim that the exception to the rule disqualifies the overwhelmingly obvious general rule itself.

“We’re all exceptions to the rule.” – Carl Jung

“…and when we’re all special, no one will be.” – Syndrome

This fallacy is where we get the NA*ALT (not all ____ are like that) absolution of the most unflattering parts of human nature. Not All Women Are Like That is standard feminine-primary boilerplate for women and sympathizing men (White Knights) who’d rather we all ignore the aspects of female nature that shine a bad light on what are easily observable truths about their behavior and the motives behind them. The social convention relies on the idea that if there is even one individual contradiction to the generalization (always deemed an ‘overgeneralization’) then the whole idea must be wrong.

Of course, this individual exceptionality rule only applies to the concepts in which equalists have invested their egos in. When a generality proves an equalist’s ego-investment, that’s when it becomes an ‘endemic’ universal truth to their mindset. A binary over-exaggeration of this effect is the reflexive response for concepts that challenge their ego-investments. Thus, we see any and all of the (perceptually) negative aspects of masculinity (actually the totality of masculinity) painted as evidence of the endemic of ‘toxic’ masculinity as a whole. The individualist exceptionality in this instance is always ridiculed as ‘insecurity’ on the part of men even considering it.

The exceptionalism of the individual is always paired with some high-order consciousness, and/or the idea that anything that proves their ego-investment is “more evolved” – despite any evidence that proves the contrary – is proof of that this individual is a being who represents some evolutionary step forward. If you agree and support feminine-primacy it is ‘proof‘ that you are more ‘evolved’ than other men. Thus, the ‘more evolved’ status becomes a form of reward to the individual who aligns with the ideology. Conversely, the avoidance of being perceived as ‘unevolved’ serves as a form of negative reinforcement.

This is kind of ironic when you consider that the same equalist mindset that relies on the individualist exception is the same mindset that insists that everyone is the same; equal value, equal potential, equal purpose and equal ability. Again, the irony is that everything that would be used to establish the ‘unique snowflake’ ideology (so long as it contradicts innate strengths and weaknesses of an opposing ideology) is conveniently ignored in favor of blank-slate egalitarianism. There is a degree of wanting to avoid determinism (particularly biological determinism) for the individual in this blank-slate concept, but it also provides the equalist with a degree of feel-good affirmation that the individual is a product of social constructivism. So, we get the idea that gender is a social construct and, furthermore, that blank-slate individual is ‘more evolved’ to the point of redefining gender for themselves altogether. Even when that ‘individual’ is only 4 years old and hasn’t the capacity for abstract thought enough to make a determination.

To be an egalitarian equalist is to accept the cognitive dissonance that the individual trumps the general truth and yet simultaneously accept that the individual is just the blank-slate template of anyone else, thus negating the idea of the individual. It takes great stretches of belief to adhere to egalitarian if-then logic.

I apologize for getting into some heady stuff right out the gate here, but I think it’s vitally important that Red Pill aware men realize the self-conflicting flaw in the ideologies of post-modern equalism. Our feminine-primary social order is rife with it. They will disqualify the generalities of Red Pill awareness with individualist exceptionalism and in the next breath disqualify that premise with their investments in blank-slate egalitarianism.

This is easiest to see in Blue Pill conditioned men and women still plugged in to the Matrix, but I also see the same self-conflicting rationales among Red Pill aware men using the same process to justify personal ideology or their inability to de-pedestalize women on whole. There’s a common thread amongst well-meaning Red Pill men to want to defend the individual natures of women who align with the Blue Pill ego-investments they still cling to. All women are like that so long as those women are granola-eating, furry-armpit feminists – ‘Red Pill Women’ then become the individual (snowflake) exceptions to the otherwise general rule because they fit a different, idealized, profile.

The Inequality of Equality

I’ve stated this in many prior threads, but, I do not believe in “equality”.

I don’t believe in equality because I can objectively see that reality, our respective environments, our personal circumstances, etc. are all inherently unequal. Everyday we encounter circumstances in life which we are eminently unequalled for in our ability to address them. Likewise, there are circumstances we can easily overcome without so much as an afterthought. Whether these challenges demand or test our physical, mental, material or even spiritual capacities, the condition is the same – reality is inherently chaotic, unfair and challenging by order of degree. To presume that all individuals have equal value in light of the nature of reality is, itself, an unequal presumption. To expect sameness in the degree of competency or incompetency to meet any given challenge reality throws at us is a form of inequality. And it’s just this inequality that equalists ironically exploit.

As KFG was stating, “each dog has it’s strengths for a given task”. One dog is not as valuable as another depending on what determines a positive outcome. What equalism attempts do to – what it has the ludicrous audacity to presume – is to alter reality to fit the needs of the individual in order to make all individuals equally valuable agents. This is the ‘participation trophy’ mentality, but it is also a glaring disregard for existential reality. Which, again, contradicts the idea of individual exceptionalism; reality must be made to be equal to accommodate the existence of the equally valuable individual.

To say you don’t believe in equality is only outrageous because it offends the predominant social narrative of today. It seemingly denies the inherent value of the individual, but what is conveniently never addressed is how an environment, condition and state defines what is functionally valued for any given instance. Like the dog bred to hunt ferrets out of their warrens is not the functional equal of a dog bred to run down prey at 45 MPH. The value of the individual is only relevant to the function demanded of it.

The default misunderstanding (actually deliberate) most equalists believe is that functional worth is personal worth. I addressed this in Separating Values:

When you attempt to quantify any aspect of human ‘value’ you can expect to have your interpretations of  it to be offensive to various people on the up or down side of that estimate. There is simply no escaping personal bias and the offense that comes from having one’s self-worth attacked, or even confirmed for them.

The first criticism I’ve come to expect is usually some variation about how evaluating a person’s SMV is “dehumanizing”, people are people, and have intrinsic worth beyond just the sexual. To which I’ll emphatically agree, however, this dismissal only conveniently sidesteps the realities of the sexual marketplace.

Again, sexual market value is not personal value. Personal value, your value as a human being however one subjectively defines that, is a definite component to sexual market value, but separating the two requires an often uncomfortable amount of self-analysis. And, as in Ms. Korth’s experience here, this often results in denial of very real circumstances, as well as a necessary, ego-preserving, cognitive dissonance from that reality.

Denial of sexual market valuation is a psychological insurance against women losing their controlling, sexual agency in their hypergamous choices.

This is where the appeal to emotion begins for the equalist mindset. It seems dehumanizing to even consider an individuals functional value. Human’s capacity to learn and train and practice to become proficient or excel in various functions is truly a marvel of our evolution. Brain plasticity being what it is, makes our potential for learning and overcoming our environments what separates us from other animals. We all have the potential to be more than we are in functional value, and this is the root of the emotional appeal of equalists. It’s seems so negative to presume we aren’t functional equals because we have the capacity and potential to become more functionally valuable. The appeal is one of optimism.

What this appeal ignores is the functional value of an individual in the now; the two dogs bred for different purposes. What this appeal also ignores is the ever-changing nature of reality and the challenges it presents to an individual in the now and how this defines value. What equalism cannot do is separate functional value from potential value.

Adopting a mindset that accepts complementarity between the sexes and between individuals, one that celebrates and utilizes innate strengths and talents, yet also embraces the weaknesses and compensates for them is a far healthier one that presuming baseline equivalency. Understanding the efficacy of applying strengths to weaknesses cooperatively while acknowledging we all aren’t the same damn dog will be a key to dissolving the fantasy of egalitarian equalism and create a more balanced and healthier relations between the sexes. Embracing the fact that condition, environment, reality and the challenges they pose defines our usefulness is far better than to assume any single individual could ever be a self-contained, self-sufficient island unto themselves – that is what equalism would have us believe.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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6 years ago

Ok I looked it up,a premodernist uses the outhouse and grunts,a modernest uses a flush toilet while reading a magazine and the post modernist doesn’t even fart or may be wearing a diaper also no longer understands english.

6 years ago

@Markos & Orbit, it will never happened that these individuals will do genuine work. Because if you are an indvidual that values outcomes you wouldnt be protesting in the first place. Now some of these individuals may genuinely belief that they are doing a good thing, however how much money have they themselves invested in helping black kids, I am sure they could afford to help out one or two. No they have become rich people that whine about social issues and that someone else should do something about it… @stuffinbox “Morals are a social construction, social constructions attempt to… Read more »

6 years ago

More evidence that Jordan Peterson “understands” Red Pill, but doesn’t care about breaking out of purple pill. The more I learn and the more I never was an Alpha to Begin With, the more I can use Red Pill and Game to Game with Married Red Pill Game. I don’t think Jordan Peterson’s ideas can be dismissed with: He’s not strictly Red Pill. Even if he is Blue or Purple, he still has a clue to your system. You have your system. Bottom line: it doesn’t matter. You do you, but you learn from the intellectuals like Rollo… Read more »

Markos Beers
Markos Beers
6 years ago


“@Markos & Orbit, it will never happened that these individuals will do genuine work. Because if you are an indvidual that values outcomes you wouldnt be protesting in the first place.”

They just may. Who knows. I’m not in a place to trash them. I just see the potential they have, a natural charisma that only they could use…

And people, particularly men, can change. We have, haven’t we? (Some more than others, of course, mileage varies and all that)

6 years ago

@ Albert & O.B.I.T. I haven’t bothered to track which players are protesting (since I’ve never been a football geek), but I know many players volunteer through the NFL and on their own time. What the intersection of “Protesters” and “Volunteers” is I wouldn’t care to speculate. On the other hand… My uncle likes to say of our Senator, Lindsey Grahamnesty, “He’s never leaving Washington to come back to Seneca. The restaurants in Washington are a lot better.” (He says this every time I talk to him, it seems like.) I think the same principle applies to most NFL players.… Read more »

6 years ago

@stuff Ok I looked it up,a premodernist uses the outhouse and grunts,a modernest uses a flush toilet while reading a magazine and the post modernist doesn’t even fart or may be wearing a diaper also no longer understands english. This is a joke and distorts what each really says. Here’s a more accurate take: Modernist says that sociology is just as reliable as physics and just as worthy of credibility. They are both sciences, after all. Postmodernist says, that if that is the case, then you should also call astrology and phrenology “science,” since astrology and phrenology can also pass… Read more »

6 years ago


“What then is truth? A mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, and anthropomorphisms — in short, a sum of human relations, which have been enhanced, transposed, and embellished poetically and rhetorically, and which after long use seem firm, canonical, and obligatory to a people: truths are illusions about which one has forgotten that is what they are; metaphors which are worn out and without sensuous power; coins which have lost their pictures and now matter only as metal, no longer as coins.” (Nietzsche translated by Kaufmann 1966:46-7)”

Sounds like something a disconnected guy like Nietsche would write.

Markos Beers
Markos Beers
6 years ago

Btw, Peterson helped me connect my own dots regarding women more than red-pill did. As did Jung, for once you start getting into archetypes, one realizes how different they are between men and women, and how it’s been like that since forever. And it was through my own study of Jung that helped me realize that Ive been trying to retro-actively save my mother through my relationships…. its not just societal “blue pill” conditioning. Sometimes it’s even more basic and earlier than that. But it was Blaximus’ immortal “they’re just girls” that has delivered me from the myth that we… Read more »

6 years ago

“Here’s a more accurate take:”

I like mine better.

6 years ago


“they’re just girls”…Blax may have purloined that aphorism from HABD…not sure who came up with it first, tho

I coined my own similar maxim, “Pussy is just pussy,” and wrote four posts on that topic.

6 years ago


to each his own

6 years ago

“Pussy is just pussy,” Lulz

Thoundth better with a lithp

6 years ago

Rest well brothers from a strange land…

6 years ago

I’m simultaneously still back in Year Six, where Blax had a memorable line about getting past “the magical mystery of pussy.” Best TRM line I’ve seen is still Fleezer’s “This dick isn’t going to suck itself.”

6 years ago
6 years ago

@ sunnybutt Your point is why I choose to leave the discussion. ASD has a narrative that he will not deviate from, even when directly questioned about it. He still sticks with his black on black crime ( something he knows about only from reading ) and ignores the crux of the issue, state violence by law enforcement against unarmed men, black men. At times like this his mental deficiency is glaringly obvious. Empathy revoked. Fuck that dumb asshole. And I mean that shit from the heart. People talk by uses guesses. It’s frustrating as hell and why I like… Read more »

6 years ago

Oh i forgot one last thought to ponder for those that lie to do so: then weekend was a display of men coming together for a display of unity. Something that is sorely needed in this FI saturated nation. And the biggest sour grapes appears to come from other males.

Blue? Super beta? What is that? Lol.

6 years ago

@Oscar C Good point. I stand corrected. Women who feel like making love rather than fucking deserve that consideration. But some girls, in fact most girls, I cant help but just fuck. By the way, those phone messages posted up there are from other girls in the spam box for one reason or another. I dont mind their pussy once in a while. To be honest I dont like them so much. Some of them I dont think I am going back to fucking no matter what. The kiss-me girl is not in the spambox. But her best friend ditched… Read more »

6 years ago

About the kneelers: I didnt know Americans feel about the stars and stripes now the way they felt about the union jack then, an object of loath and derision. If that is be the case, we are in for very strange times indeed.

6 years ago

@blax, You make very a passionate case and speak of empathy. However, just out of curiosity, what’s your empathy with the cops that are hesititating to police black comunities, for fear of being labbled racists. Here in the UK, things like Rotherham are the flipside of the systemic racism narrative and that hurts communities too. In which way the pendulum swings, (systematic sexism) vs. (Culture problem) has implications for how the situation is perceived. Furthermore, isn’t not policing neighbourhoods (causing rampant crime) not akin to percived racial discrimination in terms of how damaging it is for the community? @stuffinbox Look… Read more »

6 years ago


You might type as much as SJF.

Oscar C.
6 years ago

@SJF Thanks for the ‘Denial of Death’ reference, I found out about it several months ago and I think it is a tremendous book. I particularly identify with this: an individual’s “immortality project” (or “causa sui project”), which is essentially a symbolic belief-system that ensures oneself is believed superior to physical reality. By successfully living under the terms of the immortality project, people feel they can become heroic and, henceforth, part of something eternal For people like me, who have been political from a very early age, realizing this can be quite a shock. I recall being 10 y.o. or… Read more »

6 years ago

@Albert If you enjoy reading tripe like Nietzschie,you need to sift back through the last two years of comments and then get back to me on how Asd and Blax should use more words to come to a conclusion. Nietzschie is in the text book for an example of pure philosophy this definitely doesn’t make him truth by any stretch of the imagination. Look at where he came from how he was raised and what he accomplished in life and how it ended not what he says. He is a shining example of a philosopher with no philosophy,the purest form.… Read more »

6 years ago

Blax is running a gaslighting op…you only have to go to read the socialist rag “The Nation” to see what’s going on…they have TWO articles about the NFL protest

In the past, socialists have said that they planned to destroy the status of the pro football heros of white men to attack the morale of white men. This whole thing is long planned. Chess, not checkers. The left is of course using this to gain donations to one of their members–BLM.

The Red Pill and 48 Laws of Power has helped me to see this.

6 years ago


I never claimed that Feyerabend was correct about all his stuff–merely that he was correct in his criticism of modernism.

6 years ago


I can’t even fathom how uber-patriotic I would be had I been born in the USA…

You’re young and have been propagandized with globalism from a very early age.

6 years ago

@albert I never claimed that police shootings of blacks weren’t affected by racism. There were recent murders of several white men in Kansas City and the black killer was caught. He had posted all kinds of racist stuff on social media. The attempted murders of whites going to church by a black man happened recently, too. Black racism against whites isn’t pushed like Taking the Knee was pushed. Because there’s no money in pushing it. I merely looked at the facts and followed the money. I don’t have a big emotional investment in racism either way. Obviously, Blax does and… Read more »

6 years ago

@albert The big problem with a relativistic view of things is that it offers no solution to problems like you pose. It, in fact, argues against trying to solve problems as every point of view is considered equally legitimate. Postmodernism is useless for solving problems. Imagine that you and a bank differ about your account balance. Postmodernism says that there is no way to solve the problem because both views are equally legitimate. Reason is thrown out the window. Larry Laudan followed on Feyerabend’s work and pushed the conclusion that the word “science” has lost its inherent meaning (indubitably, as… Read more »

6 years ago

“The big problem with a relativistic view of things is that it offers no solution to problems like you pose. It, in fact, argues against trying to solve problems as every point of view is considered equally legitimate. Postmodernism is useless for solving problems.”


6 years ago
dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

a reminder of what the entertainment industry is really all about:

the industry only has enough empathy and compassion to buttress their bottom line

that’s just business, no problem from me; but let’s at least have the balls to call it that instead of trying to ennoble bottom line business basics with some sort of morality dressing; but that too, is just business, so again, it’s up to the individual to keep his eyes open and on the prize…. not get too caught up in the rabble thrashings around you, they’re just a distraction, and it’s intentional

6 years ago


Agreed,once the marketing industry learned to take advantage of a captive entertained audience the entertainment industry learned to take advantage of the marketeers. An advantageous situation for all excepting the audience.

6 years ago

Patriots (USA football team) charging $4.50 for tap-water is ridiculous. Yes I know they keep inventory not by the volume of liquid, but by the cups, but they could have offered a discount price at least.

Maybe all of the kneeling “Patriots” were trying to find water somewhere or beg for our forgiveness?

6 years ago

Blax, I just see things through an eye for media, PR and messaging. Even something that’s justified in some way can be counterproductive. Let’s agree we want to address systemic injustice — but that’s too broad and general as a call to action. So let’s take policing. If the NFL is doing so much already and wants to do more, have the players call a Tuesday news conference — led by maybe Mike Webster and ‘Spoon. Explain all these things the NFL is already doing in its 32 cities, and how the players are committed to tripling down on these… Read more »

6 years ago

comment image

and so it goes…

6 years ago

folks that don’t get Trump fail to realize he is trolling his critics and generally getting out ahead of the narrative, which people that get Trump get, increasing their support for him. Virtuous cycle yet…

6 years ago

Bottled water was $5.00 and beer was $9.50 at the MLB game last week. I didn’t read any message into that fact. These bended knee football players are just dramatizing their value here. Nothing new there. Pretty much the same as “I have the pussy so I make the rules”….Football players have the stage so they will play for drama points. Catonese vs. dog language. Old tired white guys subcomms vs. old tired black guys subcomms. “Racism matters” vs.”respect the National Anthem and salute the flag of the United States of America”. (different languages speaking.) We all know who is… Read more »

6 years ago

Trump maybe could ease up on this now. But I’d also advise the teams that are still winless after Week III to address inequality ON the field.

6 years ago

The NFL wins every game. NASCAR wins every race. The government wins every election cycle. Black men’s lives don’t matter neither do white mens lives matter. You are the expendable sex. Hypergamy doesn’t care if you get gunned down in the street or work yourself to death. You are replaceable. Your government doesn’t care if your gunned down or work self to death their is another one of you coming across the border or being born to replace you.

6 years ago


Yeah, Trump wins this one and the NFL and leftists lose.

6 years ago

Black lives do matter, but BLM as feminist lead political movement doesn’t matter to me. Colin was manipulated by his BLM woman into following her frame and political beliefs to his detriment. He is a blue pill as it gets on a grand and visible scale. The issue with BLM is that they are hiding their socialism behind a veil of fighting racism. I can fight racism without being a socialist/femi-nazi or pro-black. The whole issue with all of these teams taking the knee now is just a reaction to Trumps charge to the owners to fire players. These players… Read more »

6 years ago


And if they’d really man up, the players might admit that the anthem protests are muddying their message, not relaying it effectively.

By design. The aim is to demoralize white men, earn donations from guilty white liberals, and divide America.

6 years ago

Colin was manipulated by his BLM woman

Didn’t realize that was his connection, but it fits perfectly.

The issue with BLM is that they are hiding their socialism behind a veil of fighting racism.

If you replace “the Feminine Imperative” with “Socialism,” you get to the same endpoint in The Red Pill.

6 years ago

… Repeating your comments from Heartiste huh?

6 years ago

Although the feminine imperative you end up with many, many more men in the gutters. Feminism is socialism with the sharp end pointing directly at men.

6 years ago


I didn’t know you cared…

6 years ago


“But I’d also advise the teams that are still winless after Week III to address inequality ON the field.”

lol. Threadwinnner

6 years ago


On “The Nation”, you can find “The Fragile, Toxic Masculinity of Donald Trump.”

6 years ago

@asd the point of people interpreting SAME reality DIFFERENTLY based on their underlying biological proclivities still stands though

one of the better examples is this, read the reactions of the liberals its very telling. This dynamic is not just restricted to a blue/red pill dichotomy it applies to all of our interactions with reality

6 years ago

““I’ve never had an audience be so articulate about something so immediately after the performance,” Salvatore says of the cathartic discussions. “For me, watching people watch it was so informative. People across the board were surprised that their expectations about what they were going to experience were upended.” that’s what happens when you are directly confronted by unexpected evidence that does not fit your belief structure, shock, confusion, anger, rage, etc. This applies beyond a red/blue pill dynamic, Rollo’s description above about the different perceptions of ‘equality’ falls along the same dynamic. Using the language of ‘truth’ for two competing… Read more »

6 years ago

@stuffinbox the reason why people don’t like Nietzsche is because what he is saying is not flattering for our human ego. However, doesn’t mean he’s wrong, furthermore once you gone through a blue/pill transitioning you have no logical argument to essentialise one version of (MUH!) truth over another, as you already experienced that your personal grasp on reality was completely ‘mistaken’. Essentialising, that your new value structure now is ‘true’ is just solopsism to make your self feel better. It’s like saying Chinese poetry is worthless, just because you don’t understand Chinese. The trick is how to incorporate this realization… Read more »

6 years ago

sorry wrong link

6 years ago

the link was to the entire playlist….

I meant this video “Jordan Peterson: Avoid this deadly trap…”

6 years ago
Markos Beers
Markos Beers
6 years ago

““The big problem with a relativistic view of things is that it offers no solution to problems like you pose. It, in fact, argues against trying to solve problems as every point of view is considered equally legitimate. Postmodernism is useless for solving problems.” Word” Yes ASD and stuffinbox. I agree. Not all viewpoints are of equal value. That’s the point. Societies must decide on their narrative to be successful. This is why consensus is so powerful. It is also why postmodernism is so dangerous, as it undermines everything into nothingness, which is easy pickings for malevolent dominant men to… Read more »

6 years ago

Modernism was fine as long as it was tempered with humility. When it overreached into Rationalism, it ran into trouble. Rationalists believed that everything could be reduced to Science. When the Postmoderns showed that the word “science” had no usefulness other than rhetorical, the Rationalists’ plan fell apart.

6 years ago

Modernism and the rationalist denies female irrationality

6 years ago

Postmodernism is a tool, it depends how you use it. Only bad craftsman blame their tools.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago


What’s Postmodernism used for?

6 years ago
Reply to  Yollo Comanche

The method can be used for a loads of different purposes, for example discourse analysis is at the heart of postmodern ideas. It can be used in loads of different contexts: Tourism management Marketing research Nursing Humam Geography Pedagogy Just because activist types like gender studies major use postmodern methods, does not mean that the tools can only be used for gender activism. Blaming postmodernism inverts the causality. Discourse analysis is a powerful tool, when used by ill intentions people they can cause great harm. It’s like rollo’s post on ‘children with dynamite’, since such… Read more »

Markos Beers
Markos Beers
6 years ago

Albert, what guides us to not misuse a tool? How do we determine the “relative” value of a tool? I would say the most valuable tool is one that gets us the best result, tested over time. Tools themselves can also be refined or ultimately discarded if they prove to be inefficient or detrimental for the task at hand. Any good craftsman knows that. Yet we need to know what we’re working with. We’re not working with ether. We are working with societal structures. So we have the wood (society) and the hewing tools. The wood is the male-dominance hierarchy,… Read more »

Markos Beers
Markos Beers
6 years ago

Newly Aloof

Thanks for that video discussing Antifa.

Want to add that we all need to take a hard and clear look at capitalist systems. They certainly honor dominance hierarchies. It’s the main reason they’ve been so successful. The problem is they can magnify malevolent dominance if not modified in some way. They can run amok. This is not news to the intelligent individuals on this thread…

6 years ago

The method can be used for a loads of different purposes, for example discourse analysis is at the heart of postmodern ideas. It can be used in loads of different contexts: [I wasn’t allowed to post so many links, so if you wanna go and see just delete the spaces] Tourism management http://w ce/article/pii/S026151770500066X Marketing research http://jou m/doi/abs/10.1177/1470593108093556 Nursing https://ww med/19543120 Humam Geography http s:// cle/view/60462 Pedagogy http://onli m/doi/10.1598/RRQ.39.1.4/full Just because activist types like gender studies major use postmodern methods, does not mean that the tools can only be used for gender activism. Blaming postmodernism inverts… Read more »

Markos Beers
Markos Beers
6 years ago

Are you feigning obtuseness to make an irrelevant point?

We here are not talking about the tool used in any other way save the context of the original post.

And the original point was one of value, and also of ethics (moral value). Post-modernist thought is used in this instance to topple dominance hierarchies.

Please note the topic and stick to it.

6 years ago

@Markos Remember, Albert is quite young…keep your expectations appropriate to his age. You’re correct that he sometimes goes far afield, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. It shows ingenuity, a spirit of discovery, and a tendency towards creativity. It can get frustrating in conversations, tho. Almost everything in Philosophy and the Humanities is used to support the FI and socialism, so it’s not surprising that postmodernism is as well. I’ve noticed that lesbians frequently respond positively to sexualization and dominance displays just like any other girl. I wonder if lesbianism isn’t a response to a societal problem that men… Read more »

6 years ago

@Markos I am not off topic, but you seem to be conflating the motif of the practitioner with the utility of the tools that are being used. Indecently, Foucault saw his use of discourse analysis as a tool to free people from the shaming language used in his day: “This approach led him to regard ‘‘theory’’ as a toolbox of more or less useful instruments, each conceptual tool designed as a means of working on specific problems and furthering certain inquiries, rather than as an intellectual end in itself or as a building-block for a grand theoretical edifice.” (p. 366)… Read more »

6 years ago

@asd indecently I think the denial of human nature coming out of the social sciences and humanities has more to do with lowering standards of entry requirements and the female domination of of these disciplines, rather than at the hands of the tools that are being used. See below [links to references can be found at the original essay, link at the end] “EXAMPLE OF THE DYING HUMANITIES The downfall of the humanities is a historical development that did not start yesterday, and there are many contingencies that can be pointed out. For example, one aspect that has to be… Read more »

6 years ago

@Albert As I sat on the front porch of the cabin I built in the cool mountain mist watching the last of this seasons crop of hummingbirds loading up at the feeder for the trip south,it occurred to me it isn’t that I don’t like Nieszchie rather pity him. Having come from a similar background and doing the opposite thing with my life,was the result of coming to the same conclusions at a much younger age. by far the best thing I got from the Lutheran indoctrination was learning the memorization process required for confirmation. The changing of ones mind… Read more »

6 years ago

@stuffinbox I tip my head to you sir, we may disagree on nomenclature but the sentiment in your last post is something I can wholeheartedly get behind! It made think of Socrates: ‘Let him who would move the world first move himself’ Marcus Aurelius said something similar: ‘If it’s not right don’t do it, if it’s not true don’t say it’ Same goes for Nietsche: ‘Become who you are’ All these sentiments express the underlying idea that (personal) truth is performative on how you chose to live your life. I also concur that Nietzsche had a pitiful existence, contracting syphilis,… Read more »

6 years ago

@Stuffinbox The changing of ones mind and person requires action,we cannot think ourselves out of theology and the world requires constant change and action. An open mind is key to plasticity,yet one must maintain some form of morals for self preservation. I posted this before regarding returning to self rather than changing to conform to an outward looking Frame. Red Pill is all about enlightened self interest and your Frame and Your MPoO.: From the Forward of Reality Transurfing: The individual is capable of shaping their own reality as long as they observe certain rules. The mind tries unsuccessfully… Read more »

6 years ago

So yeah, i might want to learn how to farm in the future. Seems it could come in hand…

Farming was certainly a part of my redemption.

But: It’s fucking hard. But I have no qualms with that. (And no one ever said The Red Pill was not hard.)

It made me lower my mental hurdles. To make high hurdles psychically (of or relating to the human soul or mind) lower.

Markos Beers
Markos Beers
6 years ago

ASD thanks for the heads up

SJF did you happen to get the transurfing workbook? If so, how do you like it?

Re farming: I have this pipe dream that the entire world would go straight up permaculture. Yet, you summed it up pretty good. It’s not easy.

6 years ago

@SFJ you could regard game as an ‘aesthetic hedonistic ideal’ that is subedivded into outer game, inner game and game routines. Becoming good in them is a reward in an of itself. However, if you are an asshole this will enflate your ego rather than teach you humility. If you are a farmer and become good at the aestehical ideal of farming, you can’t be an asshole, as a farmer who mistreats his animals, is iresponsbilie and boastful with his expenditures will not make a good farmer. That’s usually why I tend to get along well with people who… Read more »

6 years ago

Academia is truly femniszed, even STEM. All STEM is not equal. Distributive fallacy. Physics has very few women on faculties. 10% at my local uni. I checked the tenured math faculty, and women are 20% there. (One lecturer was blond and had a dutch surname and was pretty…reminds me of my first girl) In chemistry, women were about 20% as well. In biology, women were about 25%. Maybe you are talking about culture as opposed to sexual makeup? Nursing is a major component of STEM and women dominate the population of nursing. Women are about half of physicians, dentists, and… Read more »

6 years ago

@asd”All STEM is not equal. Distributive fallacy” I meant more in terms of disciplinary structre of what values are important. For example within the HR departments that recruit them, as well as wider academic reserach ecosystem and culture that STEM nest in. For example look at these phenomena within STEM Tim Hunt thing, shirtgate and my personal favorite at the moment: https://w__ htt__ __ps:// Especially I liked the comment: (A Random Guy) 2 days ago Independent Man, STEM is lost. I’m a PhD student studying bioinformatics and immunology and we have safe spaces for people. People who supposedly… Read more »

6 years ago

I’m sure IT is heavily feminized.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
6 years ago

@Albert “you could regard game as an ‘aesthetic hedonistic ideal’ that is subedivded into outer game, inner game and game routines. Becoming good in them is a reward in an of itself.” I disagree. Becoming good at game is a reward that itself has benefits and drawbacks. Worst of which are the implications the rewards and drawbacks point to. It’s no absolute good in and of itself to realize game works(and that the Red Pill is true) and have to give up your outdated notions of how women and men both present themselves to you. You end up having to… Read more »

6 years ago

@Albert September 28, 2017 at 5:49 am “aesthetic hedonistic ideal” You spelled ascetic wrong. And that linked essay, while sounding fancy with words is just a piece of academic mental masturbation drivel. And it’s virtue signaling at best. And if you don’t think one can be an asshole farmer, you probably haven’t been out of the ivory tower and into a rural area lately. @Markos “SJF did you happen to get the transurfing workbook? If so, how do you like it?” No I don’t know anything about the workbook. Nor do I really see a need for it. What happened… Read more »

6 years ago

@Yollo Comanche “Another thing. I clicked those links to articles you gave me, and only 1 wasn’t behind a paywall. You aren’t an entrepreneur, are you? No I am not, I said I am currently a PhD student “as you can emote to them in relation to having had endured hardship.Great DHV” I congratulate for giving a historic account of what “game” has developed into, but it did started out with in the first wave of PUA’s, now we can think of this nomenclature what we want. My point was simply that the efficacy of the toolset that is “game”… Read more »

6 years ago


Who would have ever thought 40 years ago that it would take miles and miles and miles of explanation to understand Game.

Take a simple concept and over explain and analyze it until it becomes very difficult to grasp the technical, bastardized version.

6 years ago

@Blaximus, we are playing a “intellectual game” here as well, hence the insults sometimes.

We need to “proof” each others version of reality in order to be allowed to enter into the war of ideas that happens on this site and many others of the Agora that is the internet.

It is only a bastardized version if the ego is blemished. Like i said a bad craftsman blames his tools.

6 years ago

Well okay then. Carry On.

6 years ago

@guy “full equality will never be realized but we can do our best to come as close as possible” yupp, the best thing is to focus on the process instead of staring yourself blind on the ends. The ends NEVER justify the means. Throughout history, different human ecosystems (cultures) have arisen, developed and fallen. For our human sensibilities to understand external shock to these ecosystems is intuitively easy to grasp as we all have endured hardships by the hand of other people, and that’s what the postmodern focus on power reveals. However, what is much harder to comprehend for people… Read more »

6 years ago


full equality will never be realized but we can do our best to come as close as possible

Castrating men is probably the route that will do this.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

full equality will never be realized

True. This enrages feminists, though, leading them to double down on misandry.

but we can do our best to come as close as possible


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

Take a simple concept and over explain and analyze it until it becomes very difficult to grasp the technical, bastardized version.

Overthinking is just another kind of buffering.

6 years ago

Blaximus: Take a simple concept and over explain and analyze it until it becomes very difficult to grasp the technical, bastardized version. AR: Overthinking is just another kind of buffering. I described that ‘overthinking as buffering’ before by quoting Deida’s second of three stages. (Only in many more words) and a richer description of a process men go through in their masculine style search for Freedom It is important to see why and how this overthinking is a buffer stemming from inner desire and inner intention and how to proceed past that buffer into outward intention and masculine Action:… Read more »

6 years ago

I didn’t read all that stuff Albert was talking about in regards to truth and Jordan Peterson and all, but that last link in regards to Deida’s Third stage masculine style search has a lot of similarities to Peterson’s “Truth”, Rollo’s enlightened self interest bottoms up approach, and also Alan Watt’s energy of the Universe and Reality Transurfing’s force of life. Without looking, without trying, a spontaneous force of life begins to become obvious. It is the same mysterious force that beats his heart, moves his thoughts and illuminates his dreams at night. Since he has felt the futility of… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  SJF

@SFC I am not buffering, I try to understand the connection between the superego, the ego and the it mapping it onto how it relates to civlisations rising and falling. The Christians ideas of God the holy father, Jesus the son and the holy spirit, conceptulise around a similar trichotomy.Within a scientific context that’s Theory, method and rhetoric when crafting and argument. In my PhD on scienctific knowledge production i subdivided the ‘scientific method’ into a theoretical deconstruction, analytical criticism and rhetorical construction. These discplinary divisions forces the indvidual to sort out competing knowledge claims and demands to reference their… Read more »

6 years ago

@Albert The Christians ideas of God the holy father, Jesus the son and the holy spirit, conceptulise around a similar trichotomy as do a tripod stool and a motorcycle with a sidecar…whether the Christians invented the Trinity, is, of course, controversial…they would say that the Trinity was revealed to them…it is not controversial that Freud invented his psychological trichotomy there was no male shaming directed at you your points are seldom clear…caused by too much academic philosophical influence, I suspect…just speak directly without offering much support…aim to be laconic…people will raise questions if needed and you can then offer support… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  theasdgamer

@asd “your points are seldom clear…caused by too much academic philosophical influence” Is that because: A) I have trouble in my writing, B) because the reader is lacking the experiences that I talk about to be able to emote C) does not understand the nomenclature that I am using D) does not like the insights and what it reveals about their own shadow, or E) thinks I am a crazy because or want to troll them because A, B, C and D are not fullfiled? What if it’s all of them? Furthermore, what if I tell you, that walking up… Read more »

6 years ago

‘but we can do our best to come as close as possible to equality Why?’ Having equal opportunity is as close to equality as you can come. That is not the same as equal outcomes, which we will never come close to. Those with strong feminist and/or feminine primary conditioning are not willing to fully let go of blank slate equalism. The closer you get to equality the greater the burden of performance females have to carry. As shown by the unhappiness index in females increasing over decades do they really want what they have also been socially conditioned to… Read more »

6 years ago

Still, the guy dry humping (daggerin) the college girl on the dance floor; the last thing on his mind is 20something links about game. I think there is the game on paper, analysed, defined, disected to smithereens; it has a very clasroom/clinical flavour. It is important for rendering the inquisitive, curious, rational part of the psyche at ease. But taken to extreme depth, it is of limited value in actual game. No matter how many links one goes through, the number of possible scenarios that could arise during game is infinite. Game on the go flows when the analytical self… Read more »

6 years ago

“She said that she is afraid of people who are very comfortable in social situations because she feels that they may pick up on her inadequacy in social situations and make fun of her.”

So – she’s a girl.

6 years ago

comment image

6 years ago

comment image

6 years ago

” Ozymandias “.

( lol ).

6 years ago

For anyone who ever wondered…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
6 years ago

In my PhD on scienctific knowledge production i subdivided the ‘scientific method’ into a theoretical deconstruction, analytical criticism and rhetorical construction.

That answers one question. Useful to know.
Second question: Is English your native language?

6 years ago

@Albert damn Ivory Tower Hall I like your intellectual talk. I happen to have a intellectual bent. But we are talking Bonded Red Pill here. So a top down Ideological approach to Red Pill and Game (which is the topic at Hand) doesn’t actually resonate. I’ve watched a couple Jordan Peterson videos and I learned (and I’m learned to begin with) that IQ (and by extension, intellectualism) has nothing to do with correlating with Wisdom. (And by the way I’ve paid my dues there. I’m wise. An inscrutable mastermind if you really need to know.) So this top down, Ideological,… Read more »

6 years ago

@Anonymous “Second question: Is English your native language?” It’s my “third” language and I am crap in writing in all of them… @Blax I am well aware that to quote Ozymandias is bit of a cliché, especially with Alien Convent and all (I actually liked that movie). However, did you know that Shelly wrote it in competition with his friend Horace Smith? Smith’s poem on the same subject is less know, it goes as follows: Ozymandias. In Egypt’s sandy silence, all alone, Stands a gigantic Leg, which far off throws The only shadow that the Desart knows:— “I am great… Read more »

dr zipper
dr zipper
6 years ago

“I keep trying, keep encoraging (encouraging) men to see other men as human beings and not as competition, the enemy, the other, xenopobe, racist, misogynist, cucks, SJW, loser, whimp… you get the idea” :: what planet did you say you’re from? “This is the only way that I have found that I can have a conversation about these things WITHOUT waging the ‘moral superiority finger’ and shaming men into compliance.” :: sounds like you’ve convinced yourself that you know how others perceive you; by definition, nobody knows their own blindspots “Human beings have a great propensity towards good an evil.”… Read more »

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