Spare the Rod,…


Two weeks ago in A Woman’s Prerogative I explored the possible social changes that a male-controlled birth control might mean to our feminine-centric social order. I think it’s important to bear in mind that the primary reason something like Vasalgel would be in any way controversial is because we’re considering it from a social state where women are already allowed a unilateral control of birth, and by extension a virtually unilateral control over their Hypergamous choices. More importantly though is the fact the both women’s hormonal birth control and (prospectively) men’s Vasalgel birth control are both concealed forms of contraception. In other words there is always a certain degree of trust or an acknowledgement that a woman will faithfully take her pill, while a man’s word that he is or isn’t on Vasalgel would be the card he plays close to his chest.

I don’t want the discussion to be lost on the mechanics or the semantics of how Vasalgel would or wouldn’t change the intersexual landscape in this post. Rather, I think it’s important to keep in mind just how one-sided the process of Hypergamy is for women today. In all of the post-sexual revolution generations we simply take for granted things like sperm banks, safe and legal abortion, and unilaterally female-controlled birth control that is for all intents a trust-contract for men.

I use the term feminine-primary social order quite a bit in my essays. What I mean in this respect is that we tend to take women’s imperatives as the correct ones in virtually all arenas of westernized societies, and women’s benefits, real or imagined, will always come before any man’s imperatives are considered, if at all. The more we progress socially the more the feminine base of control becomes more evident. Case in point, we don’t really consider the gravity of women’s power in a concealed form of birth control in which women are the only arbiters and only they know the truth of until something like Vasalgel is invented to give men a similar degree of control.

All social mandates revolve around satisfying the insecurities and doubts inspired by women’s Hypergamy, or allaying fears and justifying the fears of having to live with the consequences that result from it.

I coined the term feminine-primary social order because there comes a lot of confusion with other terms like Gynocracy or Matriarchy, also not to be confused with Matrilinear. It’s important to delineate these ideas because Matriarchy implies a direct and overt form of social control while Gynocracy is a self-perpetuating form of indirect or covert social control enforced with the aid of both sexes but neither acknowledging the feminine-primary focus. Men aid in Gynocracy willingly because men (the majority Beta) see a deference to women as an expectation and a benefit to their own sexual strategy.

A feminine-primary social order is a manifestation of a Gynocentric pre-understanding on the part of both sexes, but neither sex considers, overtly, the power imbalance because common understanding is that women are always the victims of male oppression. This is a self-perpetuating status that will never be appeased because in so doing women lose a default form of power.

It’s ironic how, in an egalitarian perspective, women are supposed to be independent, rational free-agents right up until the consequences of their actions begin to impact their lives. Then it’s either men’s fault for their state, men are held accountable for those decisions and behaviors, or they are expected to forgive those consequences and solve the problems women created for themselves.

Self Improvement

One reason I don’t think Vasalgel will be legalized for mass consumption (or will eventually meet stiff legislative resistance) is because it puts a measure of Hypergamous control in the hands of men. We’ve already seen attempts to make ‘sex by deception’ equitable with rape. And we’ve already seen the legislation that makes even approaching a woman on the street equitable with a hate crime. My guess is that not disclosing a guy is on Vasalgel or he’s had a vasectomy could easily be construed as such too.

But what’s really at issue is the presumption of control a woman ought to have over men in this respect. There is no reason a woman would ever consider improving herself to be a more acceptable candidate for an LTR when it is all supply and no demand for her.

I touched on this dynamic in Sexy:

Show Up Naked, Bring Beer

Another great irony of our age is that we still cling to the idea that it’s women who are the best seducers of humanity. In the same misdirection that women would like to believe that they are the more romantic gender, so too would they like to believe they are the most effective seducers. Both of these are far from the truth. It’s Men with the greatest art that have gone down in history as the greatest seducers of the genders. So much more is required of Men to be effective seducers than women.

In this age female seduction amounts to show up naked, bring beer.

Men are stimulated primarily by the physical, but there’s a lot more a woman can do to be seductive. Quite honestly I think seduction is a lost art for women. Very few women know how to be sexy, much less seductive. Even fewer ever feel a need to be seductive. This is due to an environment that, for the past 50 years, has simplified sexual exchange for women to the point that all she need do is stay somewhat fit and wear a thong occasionally. So many men have become so acclimated to just these visual prompts as sexual cues that women don’t really need to learn seduction. There is no greater reward for being sexy or seductive beyond what she’s already capable of prompting in a man, so seduction practices aren’t reinforced for her.

Now add to this the feminine priority westernized culture has placed on women’s sexuality. Any woman feeling a need to be seductive for a man is cast in the role of putting his sexual value above her own. Remember, according to Cosmo and Oprah it is he who needs to be sensitive to her needs. Her sexuality is a GIFT he qualifies for, not something she should ever feel a need to sell to him by means of seduction.

Women don’t need to seduce men anymore. The feminine-priority dynamic has put a default value on women’s sexuality. Those hot enough to simply wear something revealing never need seduction, and those not hot enough can’t sell it anyway. And the girls who’re in between – the one’s who’d benefit most – are discouraged from learning seduction since it’s denigrating to women who should already be on a pedestal to begin with.

Ever since the sexual revolution there’s been less and less motivation for women to develop seduction skills. If anything there’s a resentment for ever having needed them in the past. I’d argue that feminine seduction skills have been replaced with emotional and psychological manipulations (see BPD) in order to make men comply with their imperatives as a result of having abandoned those seduction behaviors.

It’s Men who are learning seduction skills now. How many men do you suppose have read the Art of Seduction by Robert Greene in comparison to women? It’s men who’ve created a global community dedicated to seduction techniques. Perhaps this is the best evidence of the gender reversal the community discusses so often? Women’s sexuality has been elevated to such a degree that it’s men who find it necessary to collectively study seduction.

In the manosphere men are constantly working at self-improvement. For most, self-improvement is their only imperative. Not a day goes by that I don’t read some Red Pill guy talking about how he’s changed his life for the better with his new found Red Pill awareness. Of course, it’ll be argued that this is for our own benefit apart from what women would like as the better of him. Be that what it is, that improvement still raises his SMV and still improves his prospects even its a ‘peripheral’ reward to him.

At present there is no need for women to be anything more than arousing and sexually available. There are no ‘femospheres’ dedicated to women’s self-improvement that parallel that of men’s. Even “Red Pill Women’s” forums would be hard pressed to explain how they planned to improve their selves.

Women no longer have any real incentive to dedicate themselves to self-improvement, to seduction or to embracing femininity for a prospective man. This harkens back to my post Crisis of Motive, why do you do what you do? However, what motivation does even an average woman (HB5-6) have to learn to cook, clean or make a home today? Even when women do, it’s never for men. The criticism is always not wanting to be a man’s mother and this is an interesting feminist oxymoron – literally any act of domesticity is construed not just as servitude on the part of a woman, but the necessity of it on the part of a man, or for men, reinforces the idea that men are all innately children in need of mommy’s services.

Correcting Women

In the last post I mentioned a need for ‘correction’ on the part of women. Naturally, the binary reflex response for some was to presume I meant that some kind of scolding or shaming was due on the part of men. And, of course, the images of men and husbands talking down to women like errant children was the predictable impression.

I think it needs to be said that correcting women needn’t be some in-her-face directly overt affair. It may be as simple as deciding for oneself what a man deems unacceptable behavior from women and voting with their dicks and their wallets. As Red Pill awareness spreads and men become more sensitive to seeing the truths inherent of today’s women there should also come a new pragmatism in men’s dealing with women. Correcting women will always be far more effective when it’s indirect. As I said, women will not learn so long as there is a feminine-primary social infrastructure that absolves them of any accountability. And if a man so much as offers his take on why a woman is in the shape she is or he’s bold enough to tell a woman how to avoid the pitfalls she’s likely to fall into he’s accused of misogyny and being a “monster” for daring to attempt to correct her.

In fact, this correction will likely be something Red Pill men won’t even consider as ‘correction’; it will simply make sense not to bother with women whose character has been molded by feminist influences or whose egos have exceed all sensibility in contrast with her sexual market value. And it will be women who actually inspire this new pragmatism of correcting women.

As open, overt, Hypergamy is more widely embraced by women, as the duplicity of their sexual strategy becomes something women triumphantly use in popular media and culture the more unignorable, that hubris, that raw deal, becomes evident to even the most Blue Pill of men. Mix in a degree of real, unilateral control for men – such as Vasalgel or its like would – and you put women into an uncomfortable and unfamiliar need to actually have to develop some sort of ‘value-added‘ to their characters.

I remember laughing at a Leykis 101 rule where Tom said something like if a woman you’re on a date with insists on looking at her phone or takes a call or is texting you should casually excuse yourself and leave her there to pick up the tab.

I used to think that was harsh, but I understand the sentiment that makes it necessary today. Women can’t learn what men wont teach them. Now, I get that women have Beta chumps on speed-dial ready to console them right after you do something similar, but it’s that drastic experience that’s needed to send a message. If you were Alpha enough to make an impression on her she’ll understand she fucked up. I’ve always advised men that if they know they’re heading for a breakup they need to be the initiators of it. It’s far better to leave her with the impression that the Frame was always in your terms.

I wish I could say that women will eventually learn from their mistakes, but women’s innate nature of solipsism combined with a social order that never holds them accountable and constantly reinforces their ‘correctness‘ in spite of it keeps them perpetually indignant to any insight a man might offer to them. One more reason a woman should only ever be a complement to a man’s life, never the focus of it.

When you combine women’s opportunistic concept of love with a society that never holds them accountable for the ramifications of it, no matter who it impacts, you get generations of women who are simply not worth anything to men beyond sex.

What we’re experiencing is the end result of a blank-slate egalitarian social order; you reduce human interaction to the lowest acceptable transaction. It will be interesting to see how something like Vasalgel will shift this condition by putting the choice of birth in the control of men. I get that Betas will always be available to breed, but women aren’t hardwired to be aroused/attracted to Betas. The onus of shifting their behavior in order to optimize Hypergamy will be on women if they want to consolidate on it with a better-than-deserved man with a higher SMV that her.

Women need the correction of men. How this correction is implemented is really what’s at issue. Being the apex male in a woman’s life as a means to initiating this correction is the first step. Dread can cause a women to self-correct of her own volition, but Dread is only effective if a man has real appreciable value to a woman.

Women will actually need to correct themselves to access the men aware of their Game, who demonstrate higher SMV, and have that guy actually be interested in her for more than a fuck – a fuck he wont need to worry about getting her pregnant with. Women have reduced themselves to sexual commodities and the only means to improving that state is to put a real, actionable, degree of control into the hands of men. At present, men have nothing to barter with beyond their own SMV and their hard won resources.

All that said, men must be prepared to walk at the first signs that he isn’t a woman’s first priority. The correction comes from a woman learning the value of a man the hard way. Demonstrate, do not explicate. You correct a woman by fucking her best friend. You correct a woman by putting all her shit out on the curb when she cheats on you. You correct a woman by being a man so valuable to here that she wants to comply with your rules. You correct a woman by being so valuable to her Dread is an ambient passive dynamic for her. You correct a woman by being aware of Alpha and Beta tells and acting according to the message her medium is telling you.

Women are never expected to shoulder consequences of their actions and as such they have no incentive for introspection or correction. There’s a social infrastructure that’s been established and revised for centuries that expressly excuses women from the consequences of their behaviors and ideologies. Women need correction, but they only learn it from the ramifications of their actions when men enforce it by their non-participation, non-cooperation with women’s ‘correctness’ or by women’s loss.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Major Styles
7 years ago

Good points regarding the need to correct a woman. Some men become frustrated when the “good girl” they found pulls a shit test, and they lose faith in the snowflake image they created of her. They never realize that all women, to different degrees, need to be corrected.

7 years ago

“All social mandates revolve around satisfying the insecurities and doubts inspired by women’s Hypergamy, or allaying fears and justifying the fears of having to live with the consequences that result from it.”

You know the more I observe the more I love women. For who they are not who I want them to be.


[…] Spare the Rod,… […]

7 years ago

She agrees as well

Not all but a good deal.

7 years ago

Vasalgel is a great thing for men who have absolutely no interest in reproduction. The rest of us must at some point find a woman we think we can trust, or at least hold frame over, and shoot some live sperm into her. Once she has your seed, the same rules apply as before.

7 years ago

The need to correct a woman. Just to share a few insights with the hard cases I have posted about. Case 1: Crazy ex who I hard nexted 18 months ago and who has made every possible effort to get my attention. I had forgotten about her until very recently I went to a festival with a friend of mine. She began openly flirting with my friend until I set him straight that this was all part of her plan to get my attention and that she would never be interested in him if she hadn’t seen us together. How… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Rollo Good stuff – ” In the last post I mentioned a need for ‘correction’ on the part of women. Naturally, the binary reflex response for some was to presume I meant that some kind of scolding or shaming was due on the part of men. And, of course, the images of men and husbands talking down to women like errant children was the predictable impression. I think it needs to be said that correcting women needn’t be some in-her-face directly overt affair. It may be as simple as deciding for oneself what a man deems unacceptable behavior from… Read more »

Is This Thing On?
Is This Thing On?
7 years ago

When I first stumbled onto red pill content it seemed like I couldn’t go more than two days without reading something about Briffault’s Law. There is absolutely no excuse for that not being a two way street, at least for any given individual with red pill awareness.

7 years ago

I think it needs to be said that correcting women needn’t be some in-her-face directly overt affair.

When my wife tried to prevent me from doing my duty, I corrected her.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago

The FUNNY part will be when the purple-pill cashed up CUCKS get their razors installed, only to blast a woman full of dead sperm, and the bitch become distant as she realizes he gave himself more time than her UTERUS thought he deserved. Now THAT will knock Humpty Dumpty off the wall forever, I reckon. That will be a REAL Red Pill epiphany. “here is absolutely no excuse for that not being a two way street, at least for any given individual with red pill awareness.” Considering the stupidity and worthlessness of the average hoser, I think we should stick… Read more »

Fred Flange, Weeknd Drndl
Fred Flange, Weeknd Drndl
7 years ago

Well now that I’m clear that by correction you mean example – demonstration -that is the way through. And my little essay in the last thread says it is you who is to be the one who demonstrates by your newly cultivated strength and poise – I think that’s the same basic idea. Yep it’s the only way. Strut your value,be prepared to walk if your acquaintance ignores or disrespects, there are 3 billion others to hit on at the next bar Vasalgel will make it if it’s clinically safe and thy ffind a better way to administer it! A… Read more »

7 years ago

As always, Rollo, great points.

I think one element you didn’t touch on is that women are and will increasingly vote for a welfare + police state as men eschew relationships and women. If a woman can’t acquire an adequate man for a relationship, women as a voting bloc will acquire the resources of all of them though wealth transfer.

(Probably, you’ve touched on this point before in some earlier blog post and I don’t remember.)

7 years ago

Great post. Very timely. Just had a situation with a plate I wanted long term. She had a guy over found the condoms. Asked her about it. Had a chill conversation. She told me it’s just sex and that she cares about me likes me more than anyone etc…. But again medium is the message. I was set to stay the night made some moves on her and got a “no.” Suffice to say I was done when I realized she had a double standard going. She didn’t get it. i gave her clear instructions, firm detached, ‘let me know… Read more »

Joe K
Joe K
7 years ago

“All that said, men must be prepared to walk at the first signs that he isn’t a woman’s first priority. The correction comes from a woman learning the value of a man the hard way. Demonstrate, do not explicate… Women are never expected to shoulder consequences of their actions and as such they have no incentive for introspection or correction. There’s a social infrastructure that’s been established and revised for centuries that expressly excuses women from the consequences of their behaviors and ideologies. Women need correction, but they only learn it from the ramifications of their actions when men enforce… Read more »

Saracen III
Saracen III
7 years ago

“…found the condoms. Asked her about it.”

She wanted you to find them. She was looking for a low-key exit.

7 years ago

“At present there is no need for women to be anything more than arousing and sexually available. There are no ‘femospheres’ dedicated to women’s self-improvement that parallel that of men’s. Even “Red Pill Women’s” forums would be hard pressed to explain how they planned to improve their selves.” This is very interesting because I have a completely different “take”. Men take their cues from women and women take their cues from men too. Face it, If stilettos repulsed men women wouldn’t wear them. When the girls working the peep show go on strike they wear flip flops and nursing shoes.… Read more »

7 years ago

@ joe k Great analysis and that’s exactly how I see ” demonstrate don’t explicate” education of women playing out 90% plus of the time. You literally will need to be her “lifetime alpha” for her to attach enough gravitas to your departure/withdrawal of attention etc for her to “learn” anything! Being your average Alpha will simply not carry enough weight to make her want to learn from the experience. And with the sexual marketplace as it is , the sad fact is she doesn’t even need to. Time and the wall will be her harshest masters and by then… Read more »

7 years ago

I also disagree that “self improvement” isn’t a feature for “female red pill” sites. They discuss it a great deal. Granted, the context is usually more along the lines of humble-bragging and out humble-bragging. But that’s more a feature than a bug.

7 years ago

@ joe k Another thought I’ve had about needing to be her “lifetime alpha” to make enough of an impact to impart a lesson into her conciousness is that she will probably only learn this lesson for HIM! Alpha widow syndrome is real, from the movie highlander “There can be only ONE !”. The impact her lifetime alpha makes on a woman is not to be underestimated! It’s the ultimate force in the sexual marketplace and is so potent that it’s a waste of time trying to compete with it once it’s established you are dealing with an alpha widow.… Read more »

7 years ago

“But just about every single cover of every women’s magazine includes details on how to improve one’s SMV (from makeup to diet).”


7 years ago

@Rollo: the “fucking her best friend” example may be a bit too much, but it is hilarious. With best friends like these who needs enemies.

Anyway, my interpretation is that the bottom line for any man isn’t just “be valuable”, but also “know your value and demonstrate it”. The “demonstrate” part can be in corrections as advised in this post.

7 years ago

A feminine-primary social order is a manifestation of a Gynocentric pre-understanding on the part of both sexes, but neither sex considers, overtly, the power imbalance because common understanding is that women are always the victims of male oppression. This is a self-perpetuating status that will never be appeased because in so doing women lose a default form of power.

The cost of victimhood is negligible compared to the cost of self-improvement-to-the-point-of-seductiveness. Who says women are not savvy consumers?

7 years ago

This correction article comes at the right time for me – OSG here in the beginnings of a potential pLTR originating online. She mentioned wanting commitment at the beginning and I was explicitly in a non-commitment mode and told her. So she’s on the lookout for a better guy and staying online. I want her to get offline and commit to me without explicitly ordering her to do so and offering the same. I want her behavior to change first without me promising her anything – sort of “When I see you committing to me I’ll think about it”. How… Read more »

7 years ago

@ DisgruntledEarthling; read this line again and let it sink in, bro:
“All that said, men must be prepared to walk at the first signs that he isn’t a woman’s first priority.”

A Wise Man
7 years ago

Great piece, Rollo. Not to over simplify things, but ZFG (Zero Fucks Given) is the core of the message here. This of course is not to be confused with nihilism, but rather it is what should be considered enlightened self interest. Or what you refer to as making one’s self their mental point of origin. If a man can achieve this state, 70-90% of his behavior will be spontaneous perfection. The remainder can be taken care of with tight game and self improvement. And like a fine wine, this man will grow to become more wise, interesting, and attractive. I’ve… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  A Wise Man

Never read this before “BRIFFAULT’S LAW: The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place. There are a few corollaries I would add: Past benefit provided by the male does not provide for continued or future association. Any agreement where the male provides a current benefit in return for a promise of future association is null and void as soon as the male has provided the benefit (see corollary 1) A promise of future benefit has limited influence on… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
7 years ago

Life time Alpha = strong father

Fred Flange and his Rhythm Method
Fred Flange and his Rhythm Method
7 years ago

Wow what the fuck did I type up there? That’s what I get for busting up my ankle, taking a painkiller (no I’m not sharing with the rest of the class), then doing a reply while it’s kicking in. Might as well have said POTRZEBIE

Anyway, Blax said it better and more sober.

No I won’t do any fake trolling. Idea seemed good at 1 a.m., though.

7 years ago

@Carl “All that said, men must be prepared to walk at the first signs that he isn’t a woman’s first priority.” Yup got that. I don’t think that’s the issue (yet). I don’t think a plate usually comes into the relationship in that state. She will hopefully change into that state as she discovers your value (?). I’m trying to get her into that state. I may have let her think it was alright to keep looking by using YaReally’s attitude of not being judgemental about her previous/current activities (she was a bit of a wild one after her divorce)… Read more »

7 years ago

Women need the correction of men. How this correction is implemented is really what’s at issue. Being the apex male in a woman’s life as a means to initiating this correction is the first step. How the correction is implemented… so many many ways. But always from your frame… DisgruntledEarthling – sort of “When I see you committing to me I’ll think about it”. How can I play this out without being confrontational? You have the right idea, just state it and then watch… keep visible plate spinning on the table to goad her in the right direction… and be… Read more »

7 years ago

One way to correct the FI overstepping is to join with Father’s Rights Movements or similar groups against parental alienation.

I’m sure even a misandrist like Vanir would agree with equal parenting rights.

7 years ago

@joe K

My take on this is that you simply shouldn’t care if she changes or not. The focus here should be on your mental sanity. Only that.
Girl flakes on a date? I don’t even respond to that.
She comes up with bs excuses to justify anything wrong she did? C ya.

The medium is the message.

You remove your attention and move on. Next play.
Her brief existence in your life doesn’t merit all that introspection about her behavior and possible future relationships.

Amused mastery + no fucks given are your best friends, my man.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Rollo I think it’s important to keep in mind just how one-sided the process of Hypergamy is for women today. In all of the post-sexual revolution generations we simply take for granted things like sperm banks, safe and legal abortion, and unilaterally female-controlled birth control that is for all intents a trust-contract for men. About 15 years back I wound up talking to an older woman, a distant relation, who still disapproved of single women having access to sperm banks. She insisted that when sperm banks first were set up in the 60’s they were only for married couples where… Read more »

7 years ago

– Bad intervention, next time you let the guy know this but tell him to fuck her and then laugh at her after…But of course he takes a quick vid while making out to get her consent on record. This is how one “corrects” a woman.

7 years ago

I think the idea of “correcting” women can be misconstrued and hence is not a concept I can get behind using that word. I think, Rollo, you should reconsider using it too. Being the psychological wreck I am, I have tried just about every mode of therapy on offer for guys like me with abuse and other horrific shit in my childhood. I did a lot of work around co-dependency and relationships as all this stuff gets wired up wrong as a kid when you live in a survival situation growing up. The key is setting boundaries and sticking with… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Sentient Man oh man, am I ever resonating with the ” barking at the kids” scenario. Also familiar with the inexplicable random cleaning thing. Lmao. Just a couple of days ago, I too was watching something on television ( I watch about 3 hours a week. Mostly news, weather and a few ESPN shows and car stuff on Velocity ). Something set wifey off. I think it had something to do with clutter in the dining room. The barking started small at first, then went semi nuclear. It was distracting. Without yelling, but loud enough to be clearly heard,… Read more »

7 years ago

Blax “Wifey wanted to make that drive during rush hour traffic, to bring me the food I wanted.” Demonstration of what hand looks like. The kicker is, most guys will just see the strong part of this (i.e.e the training and correction) and not work out that your wife actually needs to feel that she wants to do this stuff…. That she is not being forced to, but part of her will be unfulfilled if she doesn’t have the desire to… It’s the barometer for her as well… One of the worst things I did in my marriage was not… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Wedding video. Anyone want to discuss? Looking at subcomms.

7 years ago

— Begin Gynocentric/Spineless White Knight Response What!? You don’t like ‘affirmative consent’!? You don’t like a law that states that if you can’t prove ‘enthusiastic and ongoing consent’ at ‘every stage of the sexual encounter’, you’re guilty of rape/assault!? That’s just your patriarchal male privilege showing! Women haters! All women should be believed! Women’s accusation means your social, legal, physical and financial doom! You had better darn be scared, misogynist! Cry man-baby, cry! We bath in male tears! Stop your man-splaining and stop trying to intimidate me with your man-spreading! Muh feelings! So what if you need a video tape,… Read more »

Trent Lane
Trent Lane
7 years ago

lol @ picture and title. The Vanirs are going to love this. Great article, on point as always. ” Being the apex male in a woman’s life as a means to initiating this correction is the first step” “I think it needs to be said that correcting women needn’t be some in-her-face directly overt affair.” “All that said, men must be prepared to walk at the first signs that he isn’t a woman’s first priority.” Agree 100% but this is where our past discussions are overlapping. Because we have figured it out so far: Work on yourself and become the… Read more »

7 years ago

Example of a well executed form of the “takeaway”… You can be physically present yet still remove yourself completely… c’mon now…

Just a look at another girl – with ZFG – then a look back discerningly at your girl – with no comment – then look ahead… Hamster food for a week…

7 years ago

Anon Reader:

That couple is getting divorced. See here:

7 years ago

VASAGEL IS NOT CONCEALED UNFORTUNATELY…. NO SEMEN COMES OUT WHEN YOU EJACULATE SO CONNIVING WHORES WILL KNOW IF YOU ARE ON IT. I had originally thought it stopped the sperm from entering the seminal fluid but it actually blocks the entire passage and the fluid is simply reabsorbed. This is why it is called the “clean sheets” option.

7 years ago

I see their marriage lasted about 2 1/2 years. Oh well.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

deti, do you like to tell people weeks before Christmas what’s in their presents, too? Walk around Easter egg hunts pointing them out to kids?

Spoiling mah fun, dammit!

I know where the spermatic cord is, and what the prostate does, frankly I’m not sure you’re clear on the anatomy.

7 years ago

Andy Capp – executing the takeaway… Lot’s of wisdom in the old Capp strip…

7 years ago

“Legal Marriage = Removes your ability to walk. Ergo: Remove legal marriage.
Children = Remove your ability to walk. Ergo?”

In a live-in LTR type thing you don’t have to “walk.” Just letting her know she crossed a line and withdrawing attention seems to work fairly well. Like Sentient’s story.

A pLTR would add a bit more ‘ooomph’ to any corrections. That’s only one aspect of all this shit though.

7 years ago

“It may be as simple as deciding for oneself what a man deems unacceptable behavior from women and voting with their dicks and their wallets.” And voting with their utility and service too? One setting of normal, every day life that I find very interesting to observe human behavior is the on-boarding of airplanes. It’s amazing. There’s always something interesting going on, if you’re observant. The solipsistic horseblinders that so many people (men and women) tend to put on while getting themselves situated, while a long line of irritated, impatient strangers behind them stand and wait, is just fascinating. Brian… Read more »

7 years ago

Sorry about that Anon Reader. Thought you might not have been aware. Anyway, it’s all there — her hesitance, her unconscious sneering/disdain for Josh, her Day which is All About Her. It is clear she didn’t love or want him. And 2 and a half years later, it’s all over.

Constrained Locus: Women always assume that whatever they cannot do or failed to plan for, a man will do it or take care of it.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago


No, the gel works to block passage in the nuts. NOT the uretha. So the mix still comes out, just no sperm. She’d have to be a fucking secret agent to know for sure.

When it goes public, the game will still be on, only their best reads will still have margin for error built right in.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Just for that, Deti, a different wedding. From the 70’s.

7 years ago

tell Francis Collins who is the director of the National Institute of Health (largest medical research grant supplier in the world) that it is time for a male birth control option after 60 years. BE POLITE AND NOT OVERLY RED PILL OTHERWISE YOU ARE HURTING NOT HELPING. If your a butt hurt beta in the anger phase DO NOT SEND AN EMAIL.

7 years ago

Yolo, where did you get your information from? I got my information directly from foundation that developed Vasagel. Vasagel blocks ALL ejaculation fluid according to this page. I had originally thought it just prevented the sperm from mixing in with the seminal fluid but this states the entire ejaculate is blocked.

7 years ago

no I have no idea about anatomy… I’m just a Physician Assistant that has dissected a dozen+ human cadavers during UG and PA school.

Where is your source? The manosphere lol?

7 years ago

I stand corrected…. The Parsemus Foundation changed course and are now blocking just the sperm rather then the seminal fluid. They should probably update their website as that is a pretty big difference. I am glad I was wrong. I originally donated to this 3+ years ago during my first real paycheck after school and it was blocking all seminal fluid back then. I could not be happier to be wrong about an issue.

Fred Flange and his Rhythm Method
Fred Flange and his Rhythm Method
7 years ago

Vasagel stops sperm from getting into the seminal fluid, which comes from the prostate. Now if you’ve had a prostatectomy (I,e, the prostate is ripped out a la Sin City), or just recovering from a prostate biopsy for a time, there is no seminal fluid. The prostate is above the testicles and inside your lower abdomen below the bladder. Though speaking for my own self, there has never been an occasion in my history where I’ve been asked about seminal fluid or its absence as a topic of discussion. YMMV I guess.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

david no I have no idea about anatomy… I’m just a Physician Assistant that has dissected a dozen+ human cadavers during UG and PA school. Or you’re just a misinformed individual who doesn’t know what he’s writing about. Maybe you’re a PA, and maybe not. For example, your reference talks about a pill, but Vasalgel is a form of reversible vasectomy. Wikipedia is not always a good source but sometimes is still ok. Seems accurate on this anyway. Plus if you looked around the Parsemus foundation website or used a search tool you would find the word “VASALGEL” which… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago

@Anonymous Reader

He already knows. There’s no need to daddy-smack him. I take it as a wake-up call to always double-check shit.

7 years ago

The ultimate double standard. “we can control our birth rights, you cannot.” Vasagel being illegal is a blatant offense towards the well being of men.

7 years ago

I don’t know about you guys, but I simply cannot wait upon release of the Vasalgel procedure. Imagine the kind of top rank, 5-star creative marketing teams that Parsemus will assemble and the creative campaigns they could be devised and executed to generate demand and sell the crap out of this solution to men (and to women?!). Wonderful ideas immediately spring to life from Parsemus’s infographic alone: The commercials could be pure comedy gold if only they would allow even the most modest drop of red pill flavoring. But…we probably shouldn’t hold our breath though. Birth control has its social… Read more »

7 years ago

“You mean valuable skills like manners, cooking, cleaning, maintaining a home, raising children and being pleasant company for the husband?”

I have it on good authority it means makeup.

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

No slave responds to anything more positively than reward and punishment. For the master to be effective, the rewards must be those which the slave desires and the punishments must be the denial of those rewards. Punishment can never be in the form of an attack against the slave. Such actions, and even the inclination of any are based in fear, reveal insecurity, lack of control, lack of mastery. Attacking the slave is pointless, counterproductive in fact, because damaging or destroying the slave makes her less usable, less compliant or useless. No master does battle with his subjects, he utilizes… Read more »

Not Born This Morning
7 years ago

A cautionary note about rewards… it is better to under-reward slightly than over-reward in the slightest.

7 years ago

I have it on good authority it means makeup.
Fallacy of omission. The sexual marketplace is where adornment matters more. Not so the marriage marketplace.

7 years ago

Rollo: ““At present there is no need for women to be anything more than arousing and sexually available.There are no ‘femospheres’ dedicated to women’s self-improvement that parallel that of men’s.

anon: ” . . . just about every single cover of every women’s magazine includes details on how to improve one’s SMV (from makeup to diet).”

Fallacy of Omission Indeed.

I’m sorry, but Rollo threw a wild jab and you did him the favor of leaning in to it. If you do not see it, the omission is in your ability to do so.

Saracen III
Saracen III
7 years ago

“Brad, are you on the V?”
“None of your business, honey bun.”

7 years ago

Just had a look at Self, the premier women’s health, fitness and improvement magazine. Let’s see . . . The New Activists: Redefining Normal, One Selfie At A Time Ashley Graham’s* Guide To Taking The Perfect Selfie Yeah, we’re off to a good start. Looking at diet, they have an article on vegan recipies. Jeeezus. This one is actually one of the best I’ve seen in women’s magazine in a while, and it is horrifying in its content, its omissions and its implication: “Quinoa (which is actually a seed, not a grain). . .” Jeeezus^2 Reminds me of the… Read more »

7 years ago

*A plus size model.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Got other obligations. Just leave this here, for any … fans of the electric guitar.

It’s on topic.

7 years ago

the student outshine the master…

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

Getting caught up on some stuff @yareally Please don’t do a breakdown for this FR: it would greatly offend me and I would hate you forever. @rollo Even sexually fluid, previously heterosexual women who conveniently discover they’re lesbians later in life when no man will have them STILL prefer dominant masculine butch lesbians to assume the the role of the men they would’ve preferred to have in their lives: Dunno if it was linked here or where I saw it, but I watched an interview with Norah Vincent who wrote that Self Made Man book where she lived as… Read more »

7 years ago

I’d like to thank you assisting my complete unplugging from the feminine imperative. I’m a 46 year old father of three teen sons and an 8 year old daughter. My wife and I have been married 18 years but dated from college on since she was 19 (she’s 4 years my junior) and married her when she was 24. My life has been mostly purple pill as I’ve never fully conceded to the idea of egalitarian equalism and have been a natural risk taker bordering on narcissistic confidence. Coupled with above average looks and a righteous conservative lifestyle, I’ve found… Read more »

7 years ago


“So location is key to being successful.”

wrong… all those 4-5-6 girls you keep running into are getting some other guy’s dick. They are not celibate. You’ve just not been good enough.

Being successful is independent of location. Work on getting better in the meantime.

7 years ago

Rollo from the OP: “It’s ironic how, in an egalitarian perspective, women are supposed to be independent, rational free-agents right up until the consequences of their actions begin to impact their lives. Then it’s either men’s fault for their state, men are held accountable for those decisions and behaviors, or they are expected to forgive those consequences and solve the problems women created for themselves.” This original post was really quite unexpected and to me it seems that it can really bring on the whine box from men. And I see it has. I think is liberating for man rather… Read more »

7 years ago

Hank: “Anyway, that resonated with me and pissed me off to no end, lol, since my location is about as shitty as it can get lol. So I am trying to keep with the jobs applications.” Sentient: “Hank “So location is key to being successful.” wrong… all those 4-5-6 girls you keep running into are getting some other guy’s dick. They are not celibate. You’ve just not been good enough. Being successful is independent of location. Work on getting better in the meantime. Paradoxical to you, not to me and Sentient. At your age self improvement is the most important… Read more »

7 years ago

If I tried to give an example in this thread, my examples would be actually more mundane and boring than theirs. But they are working fine for me. And are in the same vein as them. SJF – to me hypergamy is gravely misunderstood… the beta mindset, the coming from scarcity mindset, infects appreciation of it… guys too willing to believe they will be replaced every time they leave the table to use the bathroom… silly. If you are fucking a girl, hypergamy is your friend because it is attuned towards YOU. Her first line of “belief” (could not write… Read more »

7 years ago

Hank ‘Paradoxical to you, not to me and Sentient. Your pursuit of your profession, your personal pursuit and your passion is more important than any girl you will get with in game. Remember that and proceed to make your professions and your pursuit more important than getting with a woman. Women will get with you when you are better. It is you not them. It is your purpose not theirs. It is you being attractive (Whatever that may be). But it is you not them that you should concentrate on. I think you are centered on them and is not… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@all I’ve just made an amazing discovery. Its the discovery of the century. The commenter Sentient is not human. He is in fact an early AI program. I used to think Sentient was simply an old geezer that could not accept that things were different from the way they were back in 1937. However, his constant inability to comprehend even basic arguments or remember simple statements proved this was not the case. This led me to the realization that he must be a computer program. One of the problems with early AI is its limited processing power. There is only… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

“hey starving african kids. don’t worry about trying to get food. Instead read this treatise by Zen master Zengi on gaining enlightenment through observing the trails of snails.”


7 years ago

@ Sentient The non-LTR game doesn’t understand mundane as in the same terms Rollo has written about before. Good LTR relationship game or Married Red Pill Game is paradoxical to the Nexting of Red Pill. Only pursue high value women for LTR and Next if not, but dont’ next with impunity or you might miss out. Get with a Great girl. With No One-itis. Because it is NO BIG DEAL to maintain, while executing no big deal Relationship Game. LTR’s do involve controlling women, but only because of your skill, their trust and them following you if you… Read more »

7 years ago

Kfg: “anon: ” . . . just about every single cover of every women’s magazine includes details on how to improve one’s SMV (from makeup to diet).” Fallacy of Omission Indeed. I’m sorry, but Rollo threw a wild jab and you did him the favor of leaning in to it. If you do not see it, the omission is in your ability to do so.” My quote above was a segue following this statement: “Yes, it’s a complicated equation because women judge EACH OTHER on their sexual market value also. And they used to judge each other a lot more… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Hank You are only a starving kid if you fancy yourself as such. We are not here to give a shit about you or judge you. But we damn well may try to get you to try more efficiently by having you enhance your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. We are not actually antagonistic to you in the Tribe. Don’t misuderstand your role in the short term is to get laid and your purpose in the long term is to have your profession (job) be decent and good. And get to another place. You are not being criticized by… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Sentient

“If you are fucking a girl, hypergamy is your friend because it is attuned towards YOU. Her first line of “belief” (could not write reason LOl) is that YOU are THE GUY because… YOU are fucking her. she wants to believe that YOU ARE THE GUY. She will first look to make sure you are the guy and only AFTER you fail these tests will her hypergamy expand its scope outward.”

This is gold. Very important for men to realize and remember this.

7 years ago

@ hank

Have you had sex yet or are you still incel? Who was the last girl you ran Game on and how did it end?

7 years ago

Women expect men to be dominant, problem is, society gives men no room to express it. You can’t be economically dominant because women can make their own money. Me, for example, only know of one way to be dominant over a woman and that’s to use my god given physical strength. And I don’t say that as a good or bad thing, just pointing out something that is. You know, I was on YouTube and I came across a Domestic violence video. And in the comments section, many young women left many of the same comments of “I wanted to… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago

I love the tribe.

7 years ago

@anon “Face it, If stilettos repulsed men women wouldn’t wear them.” Well women don’t wear them anyway, 97 times out of a 100 so what an interesting comment that ends up being. I think it’s because men like stilettoes so bring on the Keds. “When the girls working the peep show go on strike they wear flip flops and nursing shoes.” Amazing that you have to pluck strippers, out of all types of women, to make your point about females also being under some pressure to accommodate opposite sex imperatives. Strippers make 2 grand a night and they’re willing to… Read more »

7 years ago

@ AR, theDeti

Interesting wedding AND DIVORCE vids. The second wedding video from the 70’s I found particularly interesting though. I have it on good authority that the man performing the ceremony in that second video was none other than our very own SJF – lol


Via Vitae
Via Vitae
7 years ago

But @Hank, sentient is right. I don’t know if it was you, but I have seen multiple examples of younger guys lamenting how they were disadvantaged by not being raised in environments where masculine behavior was valued. So, when some guy who knows and understands that environment is trying to help you to act less cringey, and more like a regular guy, why do you flip your shit? Nobody needs to be an alpha natural to tell that some other guy has issues. We know that every guys has some issues, but you advertise your issues a lot. Girls can… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Colleen for divorcing Josh,

………”being an asshole is neither good nor bad. It just is.”


7 years ago

The problem is that women have been socialized to believe that men are disposable and easily replaceable

Their belief is innate, not a result of any socialization. They have believed that in every era and every society.

7 years ago

@ Via Vitae, “PUA is one aspect of being a guy, but if you can’t master the other aspects, you will end up with nothing you’re chasing.” Focusing on the other aspects of positive masculinity and gaining traction in THOSE areas should help a guy to develop that ZFG vibe that women can smell a mile away when he learns, practices and uses his PUA skills. To my understanding, that ZFG attitude is one major difference between beta and alpha. It makes since then why women are attracted to the “bad boys” even though they may not have developed themselves… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Hollenhund,

“Their belief is innate, not a result of any socialization. They have believed that in every era and every society.”

I agree. It’s a hindbrain hypergamy thing. Hence the need for “the patch.” 🙂

7 years ago

This video shows the nerdy guy being all “in his own head” vs. the same guy acting like his true self as a ZFG thug hitting on the same girl minutes later – lol. Sorry, but I didn’t observe a lot of fancy PUA stuff in the second re-enactment. Just a ZFG attitude. Funny shit. I know which “character” I would rather be.


7 years ago

You mention a wall that signifies a point in a woman’s life beyond which it is getting harder for her to find and capture the male she desires. Guess what, it’s no longer there. I live in Turkey, which is considerably more conservative than Christian/western societies, and still, women are encouraged with this you-go-girll bs in a way to disown their mistakes in courtship. They have nothing to offer a man: no cooking, no domestic-chore handling, no good sex, no capability to raise and educate a child or to be a life-long partner to a man through hardships. I am… Read more »

7 years ago

“Amazing that you have to pluck strippers, out of all types of women, to make your point about females also being under some pressure to accommodate opposite sex imperatives.” A stripper is the extreme example to make the point about the SMV because in that occupation, it’s ALL SMV. So there is no intersection whatsoever between the SMV and MMV. What determines “value” for a woman in the SMV? Not “frame”. These forums spend a lot of time talking about frame and improving frame. Short version is basically, “be valuable or at least fake it until you are” But the… Read more »

7 years ago

@Via Vitae I don’t know if it was you, but I have seen multiple examples of younger guys lamenting how they were disadvantaged by not being raised in environments where masculine behavior was valued. I see this all the time. Men lamenting about how their mothers didn’t love them/mistreated them/etc. I had problems growing up, too, that hit my self-confidence very hard. Lack of social skills because of ASD and because I was two years younger than my classmates. Lack of sports ability relative to my classmates because I was two yours younger and because of ASD. Lots of insecurity… Read more »

7 years ago

“SJF – to me hypergamy is gravely misunderstood… the beta mindset, the coming from scarcity mindset, infects appreciation of it… guys too willing to believe they will be replaced every time they leave the table to use the bathroom… silly.”

This whole comment is one of the strongest, clearest comment I’ve read here in a long time. It is sponge-worthy.

7 years ago

To pre-emptively avoid excluded middle fallacy land I’ll add it’s true there is a certain “frame” for women. A stripper isn’t going to get as much money with a narcoleptic mime act, or if she openly scowls at the client. But the bar is low compared to the MMV.

7 years ago

“Getting laid is one thing, having power in life is another.”

That might be one of the most tone deaf comments I’ve ever read. Why don’t you go out solo and do some cold approach before you give Hank any more advice about manning up. Thanks.

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