Losing My Religion


In the interests of full disclosure, I’ll admit I’ve had this post in my drafts folder for some time now. As always, standard caveats apply with regard to my policy on posts about religion, politics, and socioeconomics. I don’t delve into the particulars of these subjects, but I will dissect how they coincide with intersexual dynamics.

It’s no secret that I’ve been a regular follower of Dalrock’s blog for over five years now. Along with Dal I also consider Donalgraeme and a few other bloggers in the ‘Christo-Manosphere’ Red Pill colleagues if not friends. I’ve always held Dalrock as a sort of Red Pill brother since both our blogs came up around the same time. I’ve quoted and credited him in both my books.

I do so because there was a time I considered pursuing a path in my writing that would follow the same Red Pill critique of religion, (Christianity for Dal) at least in some occasional sense. After reading Dalrock’s very insightful early posts I decided against it. Dal has earned the respect of the manosphere for his Red Pill lens of contemporary Christianity for good reason – he’s a consummate statistician and researcher, and he’s what I’d call “embedded” well within modern (I presume mostly evangelical) church culture. He does it better than I could hope to do that part of the manosphere justice.

I never go into any detail about my own faith for a couple of reasons, the first being it’s only peripherally relevant in my writing. Secondly, it’s always been my position that the Red Pill needs to remain fundamentally areligious and apolitical. That said, I am familiar enough with ‘Churchian’ culture and the psycho-social side of mainstream religion to understand it through my own Red Pill lens.

When I analyze Red Pill principles within social contexts I always have a hard time with religion. It grates on me because I’m of the opinion that one’s religious leanings, one’s interaction with existence and life, one’s consideration of the spiritual, ought to be something personal and private if it’s in anyway genuine. As such, and for some, it can be a source of real vulnerability and exploitation which is really nothing new to anyone. It’s one thing to be even agnostic and trapped in a Blue Pill world, but it’s quite another to have been raised to adulthood in a religious context and coming to terms with having some very deep ego-investments shattered by a new Red Pill awareness.

If you ask anyone steeped in the Blue Pill conditioning of the Feminine Imperative about how this exploitation operates in an intersexual context you’ll likely get the standard answer that religion is largely a “social construct designed to maintain the Patriarchy.” And I have no doubt that in a Judeo-Christian sense this was likely the case for millennia. I won’t dig into how much of this had the latent purpose of controlling for Hypergamy in this post, but in the generations since the sexual revolution and the rise of feminine social primacy this maintaining the Patriarchy is a failing distraction on the part of the Feminine Imperative.

Creating Religion in the Image of the Feminine Imperative

For the past five generations, there has been a concerted re-engineering of religion (and not just limited to Christianity) to better suit the ends of the Feminine Imperative. Just as men are sold the idealism of the old set of books while living within the social context that confounds them, religion has been coopted by the feminine. The old books religion has either been replaced wholesale by a feminine-interpreted, feminine-directed religion that places women as its highest authority, or it’s been restructured and rewritten to serve the same feminine-primary objectives.

For going on six years now, Dalrock has masterfully documented and rightly criticized these shifts in Christianity. Although I’m focusing on western Christiainty here, this re-engineering of modern religion is not limited to just Christianity. A Red Pill perspective reveals a lot of uncomfortable truths, one of these is how well the Feminine Imperative has succeeded in supplanting any and all masculine influence in religion.

I expect there will be female critics who’ll cite that, in most of church culture, it’s still predominantly men who control churches and religious organizations, but in the era of feminine social primacy, it’s not who executes the control, but whose beliefs control the executors. Pair this with the commodification of religion and we can see the spheres of true feminine control and feminine-primary purpose.


After almost six years of following the religious aspects of the Red Pill, I think it’s high time men acknowledge that modern Christian culture simply does not have men’s best interests as part of its doctrine anymore. Christianity, in particular, is by women, for women – if not directly executed by women, though even that is changing.

Church culture is now openly hostile towards any expression of conventional masculinity that doesn’t directly benefit women and actively conditions men to be serviceable, gender-loathing Betas. The feminist narrative of “toxic masculinity” has entirely replaced any semblance of what traditional masculinity or manhood once was to the church. Any hint of a masculinity not entirely beholden to a now feminine-primary purpose is not only feared, but shamed with feminine-interpreted aspersions of faith.

I recently read a study that our current generation is the least religious in history and I think as far as men are concerned much of that disdain for religion is attributable to a church culture that constantly and openly ridicules and debases any male-specific endeavors or anything characteristic of conventional masculinity. It’s no secret in today’s church franchisement that reaching out to, and retaining the interests of, men is at its most difficult.

Again, this is attributable to a generation of feminized men being raised into a church culture, and eventual church leadership, that has been taught to prioritize and identify with the feminine and reinforced with articles of faith now defined by the Feminine Imperative. The modern church has trouble reaching men because the church no longer has a grasp of what it means to be ‘men’.

To be clear, that’s not an indictment of the genuine faith itself, but rather a fairly measured observation of the way a feminine-primary church culture has shaped that faith. In the future, any man with a marginal capacity for critical thought will avoid the contemporary Christian church and religion for the obvious misandry it espouses; the only religious men you will find will be those raised into a life of religiously motivated Beta servitude – or those dragged to the feminine-directed church by wives who hold authoritative ‘headship’ in their relationships.

And even in what some consider to be pro-masculine or “macho” churches, we still find the Paper Alpha leaders preach from a mindset that defers wholesale to the feminine’s “Godly perfection” as they attempt to AMOG other male member to greater devotion to qualifying for, and identifying with, the feminine influence that pervades their church.

Religious men will be synonymous with a Beta mindset.

It’s gotten to a point where it’s better to look after your self-interests and repent of the sin later than commit to an institution that openly seeks to indenture you. I realize that might be anathema to the more determined religious man, but just understand that this is the pragmatic, deductive future that the contemporary, western-feminized church is presenting to men. The social contract of marriage from a religious perspective has shifted into the ultimate leap of faith for men. They literally risk everything in marriage – child custody, sexual access, any expectation of true, male authority or respect, long-term financial prospects, etc. – but this leap of faith comes with a metaphysical price tag.

Men declining to participate in faith-based marriage decline an aspect of a faith reset to serve women; women who are held as a higher order of sinless being than men by this new church. For the agnostic or areligious man, discarding a Blue Pill social conditioning for a Red Pill awareness is a difficult task, but for men raised to believe that their only doctrinally approved path to sex with a woman is abstinence until marriage, that man’s only hope is to accept his fate and stay the Beta a feminized church has conditioned him to be.

And once he gets to marriage and his approved expression of his sexuality, the “Christian” man finds that the feminized church, even the male elders, expect endless qualifications to women and his wife’s unceasing appeasement in exchange for that approved sex. It’s a tail-chasing that holds men to the old books social order expectations while absolving women of all accountability and expecting him to also make concessions for a new (feminized) social order that’s ensaturated the church.

SeventiesJason from Dalrock’s blog:

And then we have “Christian marriage” divorce rates which are only a few paltry percentage points lower than the secular world……..men like Chandler will blame “men” for not leading, not being ‘holy’ enough, not bold n’ biblical enough, not going to bed exhausted every night….and a pile of other excuses for why she “had no choice” but to end the marriage.

We have a whole cottage industry of ‘christian counseling’ and self-help books, usually written for and by women. We have conferences, TV channels, broadcast networks, podcasts, radio stations, outreach, plenty of churches in this country……..the Internet. A ton of resources. Books……every pastor great and small today is “working on” or has written a book.

How on earth did the early church survive under the penalty of death? Persecution. Seclusion, and outright shunning? How did it grow? How did it survive?

We are told over and over by pastors that “God has an amazing plan for your life!” and then to sell men in the world this ‘churchian’ ploy that you are somehow not as holy, balanced, ready, equipped, or mature to handle this amazing plan….ah, but your wife to be is! The unspoken consolation prize is “but…..hey, you get to have sex….and that’s the only thing men need or think about and want!”

That seems to be given begrudgingly today (in my men’s group…..goodness, so many of the married guys complain that their wives never want sex)

How did the early church turn the world upside down? All God did was send a few men, and they made it happen. We have so many tools today…..and we’re “helpless” and we tend to think a “building program” will help everything and if we let the men fix things on the property they will feel “useful”

For over five generations now, the modern church has become a Beta farm existing only to produce the same masculinity-confused men that the secular world has perfected today. In our idealism I think too many (even well-meaning Red Pill) men believe that the church is some insulation against the worst of the Feminine Imperative when it is in fact an institution that produces the same men we hope to free from the Matrix.

Dean Abbot had an excellent post about this dynamic in his critique of another post by Mark Braivo:

In spite of what you might hear in the media about how terrible and retrograde evangelicals are, the entire movement, even the “conservative” end is thoroughly feminized.

The central Christian teaching that ALL people are sinners gets glossed over. Instead, the notion that men are somehow worse by nature than women is everywhere, sometimes stated overtly, often in the subtext.

At the same time, women are elevated to a position of moral and spiritual superiority. Women’s sin is often excused in light of a man’s failings. I remember hearing a very well known evangelical leader tell a story about how his wife freaked out and started smashing all their dishes. What was his point? That she did this because he had been neglecting her. See, she is not an adult beholden to practice self-control, but rather an innocent, sweet victim driven to outlandish behavior by his shortcomings.

“Toxic masculinity”, any masculinity inconvenient to a feminine-correct purpose, is a sin both actively and retroactively in today’s church.

With every successive generation of Beta pastors that are produced by this farm you get more and more men whose only experience of that religion is one of servile deference to a faith that’s been fundamentally altered to the utility of women and feminine-primacy. Women love to complain that it’s largely men who do the preaching and decision making in church, but what they ignore is that these men are the developed implements of the Feminine Imperative.

I will wager that in the next 10 years Christianity will be unrecognizable from its prior tenets of well defined conventional masculinity and the faith itself will expressly be centered on deference to the feminine.

Culture Informs Faith

I’ve had several critics tell me that the problem with the modern church is really one of its culture and should be considered apart from the ‘genuine’ faith, however it is church culture that ultimately informs and restructures doctrine and articles of faith. When that culture is informed by the Feminine Imperative, open Christian feminists, and a feminine influence posing as doctrinally sound egalitarianism, this fundamentally recreates an old order religion in the image of a new order, female-primary, imperative.

This and endless variations of the feminization of religion across every denomination and sect is why contemporary religion is openly hostile to any semblance of conventional masculinity. Church is no place for a single man and is just a formality for the man married to a religious woman at this point in time. All considerations of faith aside, I cannot fathom an adult man with any self-respect finding anything attractive about the modern church. Either there is nothing for him there or he is despised and denigrated, openly in a faith altering way or discreetly in resentment, or in pandering ridicule of his juvenilized maleness.

I don’t type this without a sincere sense of what’s been lost, particularly for men genuinely seeking existential answers for himself. My observations here will undoubtedly be thought of as some attack on a genuine faith, but my issue here isn’t with religion per se, but rather the thoroughness with which the Feminine Imperative has either subverted wholesale or covertly influenced really all modern religion.

Yes, I realize that faith is something personal that should be set apart from churchy social influence, but the culture is a manifestation of the doctrine and collective belief system. That culture ultimately modifies and informs the faith itself, thus with every successive generation that social influence becomes an article of the faith for the next.

Better to laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, especially when the ‘saints’ are the priestesses of the Feminine Imperative.

The Red Pill lens in today’s church is a scary prospect.

Another commenter, The Question, had a good comment about this:

You’re absolutely right about the state of the Church in the West.

What makes it so dangerous for a Blue Pill man is that it is ground-zero for girls entering the epiphany phase. The single men who remain in the church are the ones will be pressured to fulfill their role in that strategy and will be treated with hostility if they don’t. I personally anticipate a renewed church “man up” campaign somewhere in the near future as the next wave of twenty-somethings near 30 and beyond.

I’d say the only reason to go is to meet cute single young women and that’s if the church actually has them and its theology isn’t wholly intolerable. College town churches like mine have quite a few young single ladies which is why I go.

I will admit, putting aside conscience and morality, the modern (‘Relevant’) church would be a veritable untapped gold mine for a PUA savvy of christian culture. Churchianity’s already got the perfect social architecture installed for pick up. Christian women aching for sexy Alpha dominance in a sea of preconditioned christian Beta “good guys”, high intrasexual competition anxiety for both sexes, instant reconciliation and sin forgiveness for women, hell, you can even talk a woman into an abortion without her having any accountability for killing her child at this point. What’s not for a PUA to like? Feminine-primary churchianity has been waiting for christian-savvy players for years now.

Men with a well defined Red Pill lens, having the sensitivity to understand the subcommunications of what’s going on around them in church, should be rightly horrified.

This is one reason Men like Dalrock are vilified by Christian women who understand he’s wise to what’s transpiring in the church – the Feminine Imperative has taken the Lord’s name in vain by presuming to promote its agenda and socially engineer generations of men to support it by claiming it’s God’s will.

Read the Fempowerment narratives of any ‘Christian women’s ministry speaker’, they will defend the sisterhood above any tenets of faith. They’ll tolerate blasphemy of the faith, but never the Feminine Imperative. They’ll rationalize abortion as a man’s sin, but never accept accountability for it and any man to attempt to rebuke them (for anything really) is counter-shamed for male chauvinist judgementalism. And being judgemental of any woman is the most mortal of sins a man can make in the new church

In the feminine-primary church, the Holy Spirit is the Feminine Imperative, what she says is an article of faith. Men who become aware of this via the Red Pill are a danger to it.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Father Thyme
Father Thyme
7 years ago

@jsolbakken “You’re correct,” is faint praise meant to deflect from what Jesus actually taught: primitive “Bolshevism,” as Mises noted. “Common property.” (Acts 4:32) Jesus wasn’t merely a foreshadowing of Henry David Thoreau. If you and your wife pledged money to Robert Tilton, and he slaughtered you after you attempted to renege, should we consider your double murder justified because the preacher claims you “lied to the Holy Spirit?” I wouldn’t, because I’d know why he killed you. “money” Acts 5:2 “Money” Acts 5:3 “MONEY” Acts 5:4 “great fear” (the necessary element of coercion) Acts 5:11 Those dots are easy to… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Father Thyme

I think it’s more like I praised you with faint damns. The lesson of Ananias & Sapphira is, don’t lie to the Holy Spirit, the consequences could be fatal. And yes, I believe that the God who gave life has the right to take it back when He sees fit. Our lives belong to Him and it’s foolish to think that the God who spoke the universe into existence answers to us. It’s the other way around, baby. IF you disagree you are of course free to find out how that works out for you in the long run. I… Read more »

7 years ago

” Rollo, I hate to do this on your blog comments, especially as it has been so long since posting here but the door has been opened by Rhett and it’s time to call Islam what it is; and evil, Satanic religion. Or do you Rhett, think that since Mohammed(PB&J) is considered the “Perfect Man” by Muslims eg “Al-Insan al-Kamil” it was ok for Mohammed(PB&J) to rape 9 year old Aisha?” This is the reason that I am trying very hard not to comment on the OP. I figured there will be a whole lot of this asinine, dumb shit… Read more »

7 years ago

I further submit that most church men, whatever that is, don’t live like christ, or by his teachings. You wouldn’t know Jesus if he was asleep on your fucking couch.

You are MEN following the ways of other MEN.

Ok. That’s it for me. I’m not going to get in the way of the comments any more. But for 50 damn years, I have been sick of the Christ fan club.

And Jesus probably cosigns that sentiment.


7 years ago

the comments to this post are a wonderful mess

gcm: “what is “learned” at Roissy that the Christian man could discover merely by using the Bible as the exclusive guide to secure a Christian woman?”

oy, do we really have to go through this again so soon

lol and now we have the token pagan recruitment drive, complements of father thyme – how about you and the mohammedan go try to sell each other your bullshit

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Deep Strength had a short thread on feminization not long ago. This link was posted


I wonder, how many church going men lift? How many church leaders lift?

How many preachers lift?

Father Thyme
Father Thyme
7 years ago

Globalism is based on the precepts of Christianity that Westerners have learned from their earliest years. (1) “Red and yellow, Black and white, They are precious, In His sight,” goes the Sunday School song. Church is teaching racial/cultural equality from age 3. (2) Jesus’ Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) was extremely Globalist. “All nations.” (3) Including accepting blacks as your equal brothers. (Acts 13:1) Angela Merkel is a Christian Democrat and the daughter of a Lutheran pastor. She bases her policy on Christian equalism, that all “souls” are equal before God (or society,) even if she doesn’t believe the magical explanations… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Father Thyme

Neuroscience ain’t proved shit about the soul or the spark of the divine. And instead of Globalism being Christian doctrine, it’s more like the Tower of Babel rebellion and a heresy, didn’t you know?

7 years ago

Aaaannnddddd here comes the racial bullshit. It’s actually late.

Do me a favor ( or not ) , look at a fucking map sometimes.

Does intelligence actually go so far as to revert into supreme ignorance?

Something else that turns me of to organize, man-made, bullshit called religion, especially in the west.

Lol, fuck your dumb, ignorant, hateful shit.

I hope you struggle and wrestle trying to gain ” understanding ” until they throw fucking dirt on top of you and you become worm food.

7 years ago

“I wonder, how many church going men lift? How many church leaders lift?
How many preachers lift?”

I wonder, who cares and how is that relevant?

7 years ago
Reply to  anon

I think lifting in particular and physical fitness in general is about refusing to be a soft fat lazy doughy slob. So, yeah, it is related to acquitting your self as a Christian man.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Blaximus, don’t take it personal. Those kind, like Thyme, just want to rile people up. Meh. Rollo’s basic post is sound. Some of my friends are churchgoing men and to listen to them talk about their wifes & how they constantly defer to them is just depressing after a while – middle aged betas, fat betas at that. None of them lift. Some of them probably can’t get up 2 flights of stairs without pausing for breath. One of them has a CPAP, he’s so fat. High carb diet of “healthy” grains, you bet. His wife’s on metformin, prediabetic. Sigh.… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Anon Reader Thank God ( no pun ) you’re here to shoot a burst of Lysol in a room filling with farts. Full disclosure – I have belief in a higher power, for lack of a better term. I’ve read and studied the bible on my own. Then I made the awful mistake of trying to study in ” groups ‘. Never again. I attended church ( southern Baps ) 3 days a week in the summers spent in the south growing up. As soon as I got old enough to refuse, I did so. Inside the church is… Read more »

Father Thyme
Father Thyme
7 years ago

Funny how an idea, even one also published by the “racists” at Harper Collins and The Guardian (UKKK), will trigger the “rational male” these days. “The idea that all humans are equal is a revamped version of the monotheist conviction that all souls are equal before God.” p. 231 –Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. (Harper Collins, 2015) As John Gray also notes, liberal humanist values are merely a “hollowed-out version of a theistic myth.” –What scares the new atheists (The Guardian, 3 March 2015) Or maybe you just need to get out and read a little more. The globalist… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Father Thyme

When guys like Jefferson spoke of “equality,” they meant to refer to the idea that hereditary nobility was good thing to abolish. It’s just another Marxist heresy to say that everyone deserves to have equal rewards in the world. In India I would preach “equality” in terms of abolishing the hereditary caste system. “Let not the birth of a man or a woman determine what opportunities they are allowed to pursue,” I would say. I would not say, “Untouchables are obviously just as good as anyone else and deserve to have quotas to make sure they enjoy equal outcomes.”


[…] Over the last week in this corner of the blogosphere, a number of articles have surfaced that have drawn my steely eye to this topic. Rollo posted an article with the title, Losing my religion: […]

7 years ago

@ Father Thyme

Nah, everyone ain’t equal at all. For example, I’m much, much better than you at being a man, and I don’t need to read anything to know that much.

So keep on reading. See if you can read yourself into manhood. What you are now, is not manly, or godly or…anything really.

The good news is, God does indeed love the idiot, so you have that going for you.

I’m not God.


Go fuck yourself asswipe.

7 years ago

It’s funny… Concerning a man’s headship and so forth… Just watched the movie duel, with Woody Harrelson, Alice Braga, – So basically Woody is the head of a cult, he kills the protagonist’s father in a ritual fight (which is hi I guess men used to settle things) ‘Beat It’ style. So kid grows up and eventually ends up facing Woody’s character…. Anyway, at some point in the movie where he has to set off on this journey, the wife (braga) hot Latina thing, starts to whine and gripe, shooting off “if you leave I might not be back when… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  kobayashii1681

*”I might not be here when you return”
Movie is called ‘The Duel’.

7 years ago
Reply to  kobayashii1681

Apologise do the typos brothers…fucking autocorrect!!😅

Gunner Q
7 years ago

OP: “Either there is nothing for him there or he is despised and denigrated, openly in a faith altering way or discreetly in resentment, or in pandering ridicule of his juvenilized maleness.” Or even worse, the Cult of Nice. They’ll welcome you, say they’re glad you’re around and all, but once you try to actually be a participant in Church instead of a pew-warmer they start up the rent-seeking and endless qualifications. Men instinctively understand the necessity of putting in some dues to get a seat at the table and the Nice Priests take full advantage with neither the intention… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Gunner Q

Agreed. I’ve always said my ” church ” is wherever I happen to be.

7 years ago

People can be fit without being obsessed with lifting. But yeah, alpha is a state of mind, and even if a priest doesn’t lift regularly, it does not mean he is feminized or beta. On the contrary, if he is actually following a life of VOLUNTARY celibacy, then he is not letting women or anything else dictate his life.

Point is, your comment proves nothing.

7 years ago

Who demanded voluntary celibacy of men? And why am I supposed to revile a man for his celibacy? And is it possible to not let women or anything else dictate one’s life without being celibate? And finally, with all of those words in the Bible, why is man, particularly western man, obsessed with the sexual only? And finally, who will the Vikings get as a backup quarterback? Will they get Mark Sanchez, the mighty butt fumbler, if the Broncos release him? Why do teams keep hiring Sanchez? Is it because of some kind of divine intervention? If it is, why… Read more »

7 years ago

“Hypergamy dosnt care”

One question that i think is essential to the red pill
“What kind of women am i capable of finding?

7 years ago

For who and What she really is.
Sure of self and standards.
“Because i am a man.”

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

“I wonder, how many church going men lift? How many church leaders lift?
How many preachers lift?”

I wonder, who cares and how is that relevant?

Any man who cares about his health, and it’s relevant to levels of T.
Supposedly preachers have lower T than the average man.

Would you like to ask why T levels in men are relevant?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago


And finally, who will the Vikings get as a backup quarterback?

Well, the 49’rs might be on the edge of having a spare QB…
No controversy there, right?

7 years ago

@ Anon Well, Colin won’t STAND to get traded….he he he…see what I did? Speaking of lifting and T, Colin ( because I’m too lazy to look up the spelling of his last name ) looks like he’s been actively avoiding the gym. He’s looking soft and smooth and smaller. If last year is any indication, no team will be beating a path to his door, along with other reasons. Desperate times. My QB, Romo – aka spaghetti back , is the only one that has what appears to be a viable backup. But backups need backups. Somewhere, Brett Farve… Read more »

7 years ago

For anyone over 40 who is male. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHC9Lk_n6rs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzPedLPxwY8 Faith and Self How the Spartans Became the Spartans By STEVEN PRESSFIELD | Published: MARCH 7, 2011 Chapter 12 How the Spartans Became the Spartans All warrior cultures start with a great man. In ancient Sparta, that man was Lycurgus. He took the city from a normal society and made it into a warrior culture. So that no individual would have grounds to feel superior to another, Lycurgus divided the country into 9000 equal plots of land. To each family he gave one plot. Further, he decreed that the men no… Read more »

7 years ago

Gaining his religion: Wes: Ecclesiastes is a book that any talented but aging PUA will understand. I succeeded, I did it all, but what did that bring me? Vanity all is vanity Roosh: Yeah it was like a punch in the gut. Wes: My father knew that before me. I learned it before you. But an older guy telling you that is ignored. You’re not going to know until you find out yourself. And look back and see not only that the old guys knew it. But it’s in the Bible. All I can think was “how stupid am I… Read more »

Looking for Zion
Looking for Zion
7 years ago

The Adam and Eve story is a metaphor for Alpha vs. Beta. The Serpent was Alpha, he gave Eve the tingles and convinced her to eat from the tree. Adam, the supplicating beta, let her lead him and disobeyed God by eating the fruit she gave him.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago


Got one song for whiners like that:

7 years ago

Roosh isn’t really genuine about anything. A while ago he was playing the muslim card after having experienced ‘islamophobia’ (he didnt) in Canada.

jesus h. christ
jesus h. christ
7 years ago

@Blaximus “But for 50 damn years, I have been sick of the Christ fan club.” HEY!!! what’s wrong with having a fan club…lol. sure, they’re a little sanctimonious (well, okay some of them are really over the top on that shit, but it’s not like ((I)) get to pick who’s in the club… that’s against the rules. (free will in play, etc.)) but they try… mostly…lol “And Jesus probably cosigns that sentiment.” yes…yes I do…lol @AR “Rollo’s basic post is sound. ” ya, I love that guy (no homo…lol). he really does have some great observational skillz. and my church… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Seriously? Vegan QB? I don’t usually do this but…LOL!
How blue pill is that?

You know, if Kaepernick gets cut by the 49r’s and not picked up ASAP I betcha that girlfriend DJ DIab changes her mind about marrying him this year, too.

7 years ago

Ultimately the FI is acid, capable of corroding anything, any religion, any ideology. And Christianity is particularly vulnerable, due to its dogmatic emphasis on female chastity, moral purity and so on.

7 years ago

(Sorry can’t remember which poster. It was a discussion of purple pill) “More cannon fodder for neurotic men to grow and develop their neuroses. Which ultimately, and ironically, will have the effect of making women into even bigger idols.” Which will have the effect of making women into even bigger people, literally. Literally fatter, bigger people as their birthright of cultural pedestalization becomes even more entrenched. Their motivation to even move at all in physical exertion, even a bare modicum, will be gone. Why should they? They’ve been snapping orders at grown men since age 5. Guys will be even… Read more »

7 years ago

Church is as good a place as any to observe the modern social dynamics,with an added touch of holier than thou oneupsmanship. Church is also a great place for sinners. The modern christian church would be great if it wasn’t for all the godamn christians. Perfect for the serial monogamist,the romance addict,the open cucking,hypergamous slut,that not only can be forgiven on a weekly basis,but also needs this forgiveness often before leaving the sanctuary. At some point we all become aware of the effects our actions have on the world around us.The choices we make after reaching this awareness are the… Read more »

7 years ago

“Ultimately the FI is acid, capable of corroding anything, any religion, any ideology. And Christianity is particularly vulnerable, due to its dogmatic emphasis on female chastity, moral purity and so on.” I’ve learned recently that the FI interpretation of Christianity is similar to Islamic talaq. One need only say, “I’m devout” three times to be devout. Regardless of behavior. She remains devout unless and until she pronounces “I’m not devout” three times. It’s also group-centric. There’s no fear God is actually watching, the religious conviction is totally dependent on the social environment. Kind of like the joke about taking one… Read more »

Forge the Sky
7 years ago

This comment section is all like “And unto the LORD thou must cast thy eyes; for lo, great and terrible shall be the day when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is God. And great and just shall be the retribution unto those who hath led His sheep into the ways of lust and fornication….” and I’m just like “Yo guys, so I was banging this girl yesterday who had this HUGE tramp stamp and I don’t want to get the herp but she fine do, wat do shud I bang her again?”

7 years ago

Very funny HABD…

7 years ago

“Roosh isn’t really genuine about anything.”

As compared to…?
(I’m not arguing, just observing that level of hypocrisy is pretty standard for women in social media and often even in self described “Christian” forums)

7 years ago

I’m not arguing, just observing that level of hypocrisy is pretty standard for women in social media and often even in self described “Christian” forums

I should’ve added…
….to the sound of applause and social validation. It’s apparently perfectly acceptable to behave egregiously and unChristian as long as you say the right things upon inquiry.

7 years ago

@Anon Whats the joke about taking a Mormon fishing? @Rollo “As you might expect, InsanityBytes was compelled to respond to this in her predictably, willfully ignorant way. https://luptaanticapitalista.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/the-god-delusion-by-richard-dawkins.pdf “I suspect – well, I am sure – that there are lots of people out there who have been brought up in some religion or other, are unhappy in it, don’t believe it, or are worried about the evils that are done in its name; people who feel vague yearnings to leave their parents’ religion and wish they could, but just don’t realize that leaving is an option. If you are one… Read more »

Forge the Sky
7 years ago

I come from a Dutch reformed heritage. The denomination has the distinction of once having a schism over whether to use pipe organs or pianos during service. So anyways, one time a ship stopped at a remote island to take on water. To their astonishment they found a dutchman living there, having long ago been the sole survivor of a shipwreck. After speaking with him a while, the ship’s captain noticed a few rudimentary structures the man had build upon the island. “What is that building there?” He asked the Dutchman, gesturing towards a small, tidy structure. “That’s my house,”… Read more »

7 years ago

“Yo guys, so I was banging this girl yesterday who had this HUGE tramp stamp and I don’t want to get the herp but she fine do, wat do shud I bang her again?”

By all means yes,just be sure to wear a confirmed condom and before you kiss her anywhere be sure to rinse out that spot thoroughly with some communion wine,this can be found in the rectory.

7 years ago


Why do you take two mormons fishing with you?
If you only take one he will drink all your beer.

This will work until someone rewrites it with a mormon scripture writing pencil [the one with an eraser].

7 years ago

stuffinbox The Mormon Patriarch The old Mormon patriarch lay dying in his bed. In death’s agony, he suddenly smelled the aroma of his favorite chocolate chip cookies wafting up the stairs. He gathered his remaining strength, girded up his loins, lengthened his stride and lifted himself from the bed. Leaning against the wall, he slowly made his way out of the bedroom, and with even greater effort forced himself down the stairs, gripping the railing with both hands. With labored breath, he leaned against the door-frame, gazing into the kitchen. Were it not for death’s agony, he would have thought… Read more »

7 years ago

LMMFAO. First laugh of the day.

7 years ago

So, Keep is suffering with a nasty case of veganism that he caught from his gf.

It is visually instructive of what happens when men allow themselves to be led by women. He looks weak, confused and sad. Unnatural.

He needs an intervention. Get that man strippers and steaks, ASAP!!!!!!!

As far as a religious conversion…. meh.

What would better serve him would be an RP conversion.

But on his current course, he’s hurtling towards irrelevancy. Too bad. He used to be fairly impressive on the field.

The gf has bigger plans though.

Forge the Sky
7 years ago


Hah, that’s a woman’s way of telling you she prefers missionary. I probably couldn’t resist reading it off to her just to break the mood.

My old gf has a vertical scar on her back from a surgical operation. She was considering getting a cross tattooed on it, until I explained to her how that might impact her, uh, preferred mechanics.

I may not be religious currently, but ejaculating onto a crucifix is a bit much even for me.

7 years ago

Kaep. Lol at spellcheck.

Forge the Sky
7 years ago


Fine, I’ll see if I can get a priest to sing Magnus Dei over a box of Trojans.

7 years ago

@ Rugby11

Good one although these days any old patriarch will do for a general smackdown.Damn cookie blocked again.

7 years ago

“Whats the joke about taking a Mormon fishing?”

Why do you always take 2 Mormons with you when you go fishing?
If you only take one, he’ll drink all your beer.

7 years ago

Let me know how that works out for you,I’m keeping track and can use all the help I can get.I am thinking now that you can order trojans online and have them giftwraped for a more inconspicuous look.

7 years ago

I was doing my morning meditation,when m guardian angel came by to see how I was doing. Well I said it is a little cloudy and looks like rain,and I have these wishy washy blue pill customers,and all these feminists are to hard to deal with,so my angle says gotta go.

Angel stopped back in a minute ago and said I talked to god for you about these matters and he said if you don’t like the day he gave you or the people you can just fuck off and die.

7 years ago

So yes, because religion is driven by men, it is subject to all of the shit men are subject to. Guys think that they must surrender to the church, instead of surrendering to God. Then it becomes a dick/cross fighting contest. Lol.

More like a facepalm than a lol.

But while there are legitimate criticisms of churchianity, there is a lot of bullshit out there about how Christianity is driven by the FI.

Paul wrote that wives are supposed to SUBMIT to their husbands. How in the hell is that driven by the FI?

Bullshit criticisms dilute legitimate criticisms.

7 years ago

“The denomination has the distinction of once having a schism over whether to use pipe organs or pianos during service.”

Ah, the good old days, when pastors were watched by steel-eyed congregants who acted on their convictions. Now the sheep believe every lie they’re fed so quickly, they can’t even remember the previous lie.

If only we’d written the important stuff down somewhere…

“Bullshit criticisms dilute legitimate criticisms.”

What’s happening in the Church these days is legitimately bullshit. Every single church does the exact same evil; what should we expect an observer to believe?

7 years ago

“As compared to…?
(I’m not arguing, just observing that level of hypocrisy is pretty standard for women in social media and often even in self described “Christian” forums)”


7 years ago

That truly says it all.
Such a perfect version of the quintessential hypocrite you recognize yourself as the hypocrite I’m describing.

7 years ago
7 years ago

You shouldn’t say stuff like that about your mother.

7 years ago

“I further submit that most church men, whatever that is, don’t live like christ, or by his teachings. You wouldn’t know Jesus if he was asleep on your fucking couch. You are MEN following the ways of other MEN.” Blaximus’s comments above – I would say don’t just apply to Christians, many are like that, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and the rest. The work of the FI is well and truly underway and has been for decades in the Islamic world. Rhett mentioned a term called Mahr – a bride price, dowry: something that is given to the bride. It is… Read more »

7 years ago

Oh boy… you sure love drama don’t you…

You seem particularly irritated today though. Whats up? The soccer mom life getting dull? Upset that you’re hitting the wall?

7 years ago

I was raised old-school, Italian-American Catholic and can consign everything on this article.Waking up from was the first step toward me shedding Beta behaviors, but I absolutely had to do the former first. Realizing that I was programmed to be a self-effacing, fearful and passive person, stuffed to the gills with shame and loathing from the get-go, was just the first step toward taking control of my life. I’m not against religion; if it brings peace and a sense of place in the universe the I’m all for it. But I’m wholly against raising children in an environment of fear… Read more »

7 years ago

NeverAgain @ 10:07 am:
“Blaximus’s comments above – I would say don’t just apply to Christians, many are like that, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and the rest.”

Indeed, the entire world is converting to the religion of feminism. It freaks me out; humans do not naturally behave in such a uniform manner; but in hindsight, we shouldn’t be surprised that the only force capable of uniting humanity is pussy. The combination of technology and democracy has reduced all ideologies to the most basic, unfiltered expressions of the human id. Cue the apocalypse.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Meta comment. One thing I’ve learned from time at Dalrock’s, here, Badger’s back when it was active, and some other blogs that slip my mind: a lot of churchgoing men who really care about Christianity are rather delicate. Dainty, even. They’re all “IRON SHARPENS IRON!” between themselves, but when someone from outside their little group challenges them with logic they get all emotional, and often downright butthurt. All these manly men fold up like Mark Driscoll’s card table when someone pushes back against them. In my considered opinion, this is a direct result of the ongoing feminization of the churches.… Read more »

7 years ago

Boy, have you nailed it with the “Feelz” comment. There is a kind of person, certainly not only religious people, who cannot abide ambiguity and mystery and not having a clear and concise and perfect and all-encompassing answer to every possible question. A pastor once told me that “eschatology is simple.” When I tried to tell him that eschatology was anything but simple and that brilliant scholars have argued the finer points of it for thousands of years and have not provided definitive answers, we got in to an argument about it. Not about any particular eschatological theories or interpretations,… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
7 years ago

Roosh is nothing but a carnival barker hawking whatever his latest elixir is now. Too bad.

7 years ago

” . . . Aquinas . . .” The man who brought Aristotle, pagan though he had been, back home to the west. This is a problem for modern Western civilizationists. There is no denying that the the house of Western Civilization is called Christendom, but there is also no denying that the house was built on pagan foundations. Christianity had to come from Asia. It is fundamentally Asian communitarian thought that would never have occurred to a meritocratic European. In fact, much of “white” Europe hasn’t been Christian for as much as 1000 years. And never really gave up… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
7 years ago


If you could put a name and cause of that sort of mindset, what would they be?

7 years ago
Reply to  Yollo Comanche

It could boil down to some people being just plain closed minded stubborn and full of themselves, something not limited to any particular ideology or religion or point of view in my experience. It’s the reason why we sometimes get along with “enemies” better than with those we think ought to be our “friends.”

hank holiday
hank holiday
7 years ago

@yareally @forge @othergrain @pua Fleshed out those 4 DHVs I mentioned a few days ago. Just have the bullet points here. These are helpful since they are prepared material I can drop whenever I need to carry on the convo longer or DHV more. And they are especially helpful for me since I come from more of a debate/public speaking background. Its easier for me to get into things like cold reads or roleplays if I can stick them in between material like these ROB A MCDONALDS — (preselection, leader, risk-taker, humor) *play airsoft in half-built school *describe shootout —… Read more »

Forge the Sky
7 years ago


I don’t have the time or sobriety to give a full response atm, but a) WELL DONE; b) this too shall pass.

I’m rooting for ya.

7 years ago

Yup, seen this coming 20 years ago, and my wife didn’t believe me that the world of America had become feminized.

7 years ago

I’m curious of the age group here? Personally, I’m 65, married first time 37 years, she died after nine children. 33 grand children now. I kept breeding so social security could continue. instead of being aborted. or shipped over seas. Home churched and visited the Anabaptists / NO divorce christians of belief. hence those only get about 1/2 of 1% divorce rate and MEN are still MEN pretty much. But remember no one gets a woman that doesn’t OPEN for him, unless you are a criminal and force her. So in the end, it is the woman that chooses the… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Leo

People hate Trump because they hate the Real America, the America of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the 2nd Amendment and of limited delegated enumerated powers; they hate the America of the 9th and 10th Amendments where rights and powers are all reserved to the States and to the People. The Trump haters are often toofa king stupid to realize that they hate Trump because they hate America, but that’s what it boils down to, metaphysically.

7 years ago

Holy shit. Time flies. I just got back to F. Roger Devlin’s book Sexual Utopia in Power. It seems to be an alternate universe to Rollo’s take on female evo-psych tendencies. He focuses on the shoot-yourself-in-the-foot tendencies of the “sexual revolution” and the shoot -yourself-in-the-foot tendencies of feminism, much like Ian Ironwood. If YaReally read his book, he would be vindicated in his assertion that there is no hope. No hope at all and we need to figure this shit out for young guys. I am a convert to YaReally’s assertions after reading further on this. No hope at all.… Read more »

7 years ago

2. FEMINISM AS MALE-ROLE-ENVY Let us now turn to our second point about women’s traditional status: namely, that it implied sexual complementarity and cooperation. This means that their status cannot be maintained once complementarity is displaced by a normative ideal of sexual equivalence and competition. The feminist movement has, of course, effected precisely such a displacement, thereby undermining the respect for women they claim to promote. I will now try to explain how that happened. First, a caveat: most critical discussions of feminism concentrate on refuting its doctrines, such as the ascription of feminine traits to upbringing rather than nature.… Read more »

7 years ago

Ouch. 3. MODERN NEGLECT OF THE ECONOMIC SIDE OF MARRIAGE Having examined briefly—in the first section—the two principal ways in which feminism has undermined the former position of esteem enjoyed by women in our civilization, let us proceed to consider how that position used to be maintained. The bedrock of the system, more fundamental than the ideal of chivalry, was the institution of marriage. The strictest possible fulfillment of the conditions of marriage by women is obviously necessary before men can be made to believe that women are ethereally pure, naturally monogamous beings selflessly devoted to the good of their… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Leo Welcome. FYI, 55 year old here. Don’t hate Trump, but he’s not a new thing to me. Been seeing and hearing him for over 30 years. The Donald has always been a master con man. He gets props for being wealthy ( got money and empire and contacts from his dad ) , but he is not a very intelligent man. Never has been. People tend to worship men who gather large amounts of Fiat currency, especially nowadays. The man is the consummate ego maniac. The public that supports him is mistaking ego and bluster for strength and… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Blaximus

Considering the zillions of dollars of national debt maybe we need someone experienced in going through bankruptcy.

7 years ago


Ouch, tough luck. Keep your head up man. fwiw I like reading your stuff. It’s inspiring. Keep doing what u can.

Ps have u thought about trying to fuck one of these 5s? Just to try it out? You might like it more than you think.

7 years ago

“Our elected reps are full of shit. Congress is mostly useless. Hillary Clinton is NOT the answer in any way. But neither is The Donald. I like Presidents that haven’t been in bankruptcy multiple times and think that bankruptcy is great.” There is no option to vote for not-the-trumphillary. You have only the choice of voting for a professional crook and con artist or just a professional con artist. If you believe that not voting is a way of voting against both, or you are mistaken. There are many times in life when there are no good choices and you… Read more »

7 years ago

“What should concern all Americans, is if he is elected, who will actually be running the country from behind the scenes? Who will be his closest advisors? Who will guide this simpleton?”

As compared to Hillary? What job has she ever held where she performed even adequately let alone admirably? Even as first lady, she was shite.

7 years ago

Hmm,i read this entry and felt it may be a good idea to comment. I don’t agree that Christianity feminizes men, that said i don’t think what i practice is normal modern Christianity mostly because i actually try base my beliefs on the bible. Being honest I am happy to be male it frees me from needing to worry about certain decisions to make or not. All said, i know exactly what you mean, I’ve family that preaches and it is very difficult to me to listen to this family members sermon without frothing at the mouth at some of… Read more »

7 years ago

holy shit not to derail but this is the funniest shit going down: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33RtAs4is1k Krauser was talking smack about this Deepak dude and put up a post about how his infield is fake. Deepak ain’t taking shit and has called Krauser out: he has the full unedited footage and he’ll show it to Krauser in front of a 3rd party and if there’s any hired actress discussion shit (according to Krauser the whole thing was OBVIOUSLY staged and Deepak is giving the girl instructions between cuts and shit), Deepak will delete his channel and all his vids and leave the… Read more »

7 years ago

I’d like to add that there are a LOT of non-religious men like me who were raised in Christian households, and the impact this has can be tremendous. Even for men who don’t identify with religion at all, and have nothing to do with church in adulthood, can still carry the church around in their heads. These programs are installed on a deep level. So in that sense, feminized Christianity has had a HUGE influence on my life, just by virtue of being raised with it. For a very long time, throughout my teens, I thought I had to MARRY… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Softek

Funny but my rational mind tells me there is a God but my emotions tell me I’d prefer to do as I please when I please the way I please and that I should just tell God to fuck off. My rational mind tells me that the Creator who spoke and made the universes and who also judges all things including me will do right, but my emotions tell me that God is a liar and I shall not surely die and I ain’t so bad in any case. Depends on your point of view on these metaphysical issues. It… Read more »

7 years ago

I grew up in a very catholic country (Spain), and I’ve always had this intuition of women being the real people in control of the Church. I don’t think religion has been a patriarchy enforcement tool, ever. I remember all my older female relatives attending allmost every day the Church, whereas my male relatives didn’t even want to step in on Sundays. They used to wait outside for their wives, smoking and laughing, or in the bar across the street. That’s what i recall from my memories. The priest always spoked about those things, you know…responsibility, duty, and so on…… Read more »

7 years ago

@ YaReally I started watching Californication. I’m only on episode 3. It’s an interesting experience, not the least interesting of which is my reaction(s) to it. Feeling like I’m watching something “dirty.” I realize how gay that sounds. But most of my life has been so puritanical, it really feels that way. Not to mention it’s one of the things the over the top possessive girl I’ve been seeing doesn’t want me to watch. (her behavior, by the way, also lines up very well with how I was raised through church: masturbation is wrong, porn is wrong, premarital sex is… Read more »

7 years ago

@hank “but I am changing up my “where are you from?” bit. Firstly, I am making it a statement so now its ”You’ve lived here your whole life, right?”” Good. Statements are always much better even if they’re wrong (sometimes it’s BETTER if they’re wrong). It makes them curious like “wait why does he think THAT about me?? Is there something about me that gives that impression?” Great for like, compliments or teasing…”You must go to College Name.” “What no I don’t” “Oh really? Weird, you just seem like the type…” “What do you mean?” “Don’t worry about it, so… Read more »

7 years ago

@ Javier “No wonder why my grandma was everyday on the Church. She had so much to thank for.” That made me laugh out loud. Ain’t that the truth. But that is a tragic story. Thanks for sharing that, I’m just used to seeing things from my neck of the woods, interesting to hear about other parts of the world. Feels a lot like “same shit, different day.” I asked one of my friends from Romania how everything with women was over there. He just looked at me and said, “The same. Same shit, different day. It’s the same.” Virgin… Read more »

7 years ago


September 3rd, 2016 at 7:33 am

You know, you do have the power to shut off those silly thoughts in your head.

The method is called: Keep Calm and Just do it.

Trent Lane
Trent Lane
7 years ago

Tales of the Red Pill #789 I know a guy for a couple of years now who fled from a poor, civil-war-ravaged country to the West about a decade ago. I met him through a line of work I was doing at the time and we bonded, a friendship evolved. I never asked for his story, sensing that it must have been ugly and traumatic. Parts of it came out in intimate moments over the years, I also helped him with some legal documents, and his past is as ugly and dark as one can imagine including war, torture, family… Read more »

7 years ago

@Softek “Feeling like I’m watching something “dirty.” I realize how gay that sounds. But most of my life has been so puritanical, it really feels that way.” lol that’s specifically WHY you should watch it. To normalize that people having sex and talking about sex and guys hitting on girls and girls wanting and enjoying sex and dumb funny serious sex stories happen in real life and that’s just the way shit is out there despite what people around you have tried to prevent you from seeing. When I started pickup I was coming out of full hermit mode, had… Read more »

7 years ago


Cognitive Dissonance is a term in psychology that describes the feeling of tension experienced by a person when they hold two conflicting beliefs. When this happens to a person they feel uncomfortable and they start trying to figure out a way to reconcile the beliefs so they don’t seem to conflict anymore and / or the discomfort is relieved. Dissonance is more likely to happen if the major idea is about who we are.


7 years ago
Reply to  SJF

People learn to live with Cognitive Dissonance because they refuse to be patient and seek Cognitive Resonance. Women get on the Hamster wheel or the Gerbil Cycle or whatever it is because they think they can spin away the dissonance without the mental discipline required for resonance. I think people, not just women, are impatient with mysteries and ignorance and not knowing the truth so they make shit up and by doing so prevent any chance of Cognitive Resonance of Truth occurring. I confess that I “believe” the Bible, but I only claim to understand the simple parts I believe… Read more »

7 years ago

@Softek Consider this: guys are attracted/turned on by sexy chicks showing their bodies. Your girl won’t let you watch that. Women are attracted/turned on by guys demonstrating high-value characteristics (dominance, leadership, confidence, assertiveness, etc). Does SHE refuse to watch shows/movies with strong alpha male characters in them? What would happen if you told her you don’t want her watching shows like Mad Men or Suits or anything, all she’s allowed to watch are shows starring Michael Cera. Would she laugh at the notion? ’cause ONE of you is allowed to get turned on by the media they consume while the… Read more »

7 years ago

@ jsolbulkhead

Go vote for whoever you like, but easy on the ” they hate America bullshit rhetoric “.

Bro, do you even America ¿

7 years ago
Reply to  Blaximus

OK, the fact that I live in San Fran Psycho, Bayarrhea, Kalifornia, and therefore experience a particularly virulent strain of anti-Americanism which around here is closely associated with anti-Trumpism, could be coloring my perceptions. But I’ll stand by my claims about the principles in question. The Trump Haters express anti-American thoughts and opinions and sentiments and I see a clear connection.

7 years ago

“This is why I say half of pickup is learning about YOURSELF, not the women. You don’t even really KNOW who you are, ’cause you’ve never let him out let alone embraced him. Too many chains and too many fears holding the real you back. The catch is: you CAN. Anytime you want. Starting right now. The chains and fears are all in your head.” Amen, Brother! Ed Lattimore: “Guys miss the point of red pill: to become capable and realize how to get the life you want. Too many complainers.” Metaphysics and Softek: The Book: On The Taboo Against… Read more »

7 years ago

@ 8:21 am

Great point. On of the biggest rookie mistakes in red pill and game is to forget about the purpose of women shit testing men. And not actually: 1. Realizing that they are being shit tested and 2. Responding appropriately to that test.

CEO Nikolic
7 years ago

The church doors swing open, and the pages of the bible blow out. As soon as Christianity stopped expanding and started trying to win back its old followers, it ran into the problem of its ideas being corrupted and warped beyond all reason. Women (suffragettes, early feminists) started marching in the streets in the late 1800s, but even before then, by a few decades, white-knight men were acting to enforce equality. Women were given marital property rights, where before these were the rights of men. And it only spiraled out of control. The decay of the church in England started… Read more »

CEO Nikolic
7 years ago

The decline of the church in society mirrors the general decay of ethics, which is a product of elite disavowal and disengagement from them.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Scrolling past all the political stuff. Roger Devlin is worth reading and re-reading.

jsolbakken, kriegerablog, it should be pretty obvious that Rollo is not bashing Christianity, he’s pointing out what the churches have turned into; matriarchies that turn boys and men into beta pack mules.

He’s down on Churchianity. Seems to me the biggest critics of Churchianity should be Christians, but that’s not always the case.

7 years ago

I love Rollo, and I also love Roosh and CH and other such guys. And I am not only a hater of Churchianity and Cuckianity, but I am also willing to be a harsh critic of those who claim to be Christians but who don’t have the stomach to criticize these vile heresies. I think what I’ve been trying to do here and other blogs is respond to specific misapprehensions about true Christianity and errors about what’s in the Bible. It’s not easy to do in a way that cannot be misunderstood so I appreciate it when a dialogue in… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
7 years ago

Softek I am pretty sure that SJF and I and others have reco’d Biology of Desire to you before, maybe not, either way you should get that book and read it. Neuroplasticity is a reality that philosophers have recognized in various ways for millennia.

Rewiring your brain takes work, just like building up muscle, it is worth it.
You’ve already started doing it, too.

Getting away from that manipulative woman would be a good start.

7 years ago

We need to take a look at history for this. Liberal war on Christianity is a never ending thing. They tried to completely destroy it in Russia. Leon Trocki, Stalin, and bolsheviks tried to destroy traditional values and moral with force and propaganda with their “newspapers” back in those days. Trocki wrote for Iskra (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iskra). After they killed the Tzar and his family in 1917, religion was something they tried to suffocate. When Stalin died and USSR collapse, Russians were back on Christianity like nothing happens. And that is why they choose a different approach in the US. They want… Read more »

7 years ago

” . . . who will actually be running the country from behind the scenes?” Why do you think Hillary, who is obviously The Chosen One, but who is also obviously a walking zombie, is a candidate? A vote for Hillary is an outright vote for shadow government. I have posted above that I have disliked Trump for decades (NYers got the taste of him early), but I did garner some grudging respect for the man from a few comments he made while going through his great collapse. It made it clear to me that he knows the game is… Read more »

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