Evolving Hypergamy


Novaseeker had an excellent breakdown of how Hypergamy has developed and is radically altering a long established social order in favor of one centered on the female sexual strategy. This was timely for a post I was working on, so rather than allow it to be buried in the last thread I thought I’d riff on it a bit here:

So in my head, I tried to think of what the best response to hidden estrus would be from a male perspective, and the only thing I could think of was essentially hiding male horniness, I used the word stoicism. The only way to balance the effects of hidden estrus is for all men to simply appear to not want what a women are offering, to appear uninvested, uninterested, etc.., because this again gives the perception of a lack of abundance to the women and re-balances things. Eventually such behavior would become selected for to some degree, and male emotions would become less prominent.

I agree with what you are saying, although I think it’s important to bear in mind that the expression of female sexuality historically was quite restricted, once we were at a level of more complex social organization beyond the rather small. Things did vary by community and culture somewhat, but once things reached that level of social advance, in most places a woman’s family/kin had a huge control over the expression of her sexuality, with the parents (largely the father) and to a lesser extent her male brothers exerting substantial restrictive pressure on the expression of her sexuality.

I should note here that while there is a definite social structure built around various strategies of mate guarding, these social mores and familial repression of women’s Hypergamous impulses does, in fact, stem from evolved, behavioral adaptations.

Kin Affiliation Across the Ovulatory Cycle : Females Avoid Fathers When Fertile Consider that girls will make subconscious efforts to avoid their fathers during the proliferative phase of their ovulatory cycle. Also, consider girls enter puberty at an earlier age when their fathers are not present in the family. Both of these are examples of phenomena that have a physical manifestation and a latent evolutionary purpose, but socially we build moral/social frameworks around buffering for (or sometimes accommodating) them.

Likewise, there are social controls that span all cultures that have the same purpose of buffering against the predations and mechanics of women’s Hypergamous natures. The most stringent of these might be repressing of women’s sexuality, but the latent purpose is still the same; controlling for paternity assurances.

There was, of course, cheating of the system that took place in terms of women bucking the system covertly, but most women were not sexual free agents in most places most of the time historically, and so were not acting on their estrus, concealed or otherwise at these later points in history. It does seem like something which likely occurred prior to the time we developed significant social organization (which is unclear when it precisely happened, but likely happened gradually quite some time before the development of large-scale agriculture), and is inherited from that earlier time, while the later social structures mostly, or at least in many cases, served to rather severely hem in the expression of female sexuality and free sexual choice to a large degree.

The Feminine Imperative that exists today still uses these historically extreme controls as a baseline for provoking an emotional response among women (and feminized men) today. In spite of the realities of Open Hypergamy and Open Cuckoldry, and paired with the fact that we live in the most sexually permissive society the world has largely known to this point, there is still a necessity to sell a narrative of sexual repression in order to perpetuate a social condition of ‘victimization’ among women and thus perpetuate a status of concern and primary importance.

So I guess my perspective is not that what you are suggesting is incorrect, in terms of the deeper evolutionary inheritance, but that the response of men to this eventually evolved, socially, into the use of social/legal/moral structures that acted as a counterweight to the inter-sexual issues raised by concealed estrus, and that, being social animals, this was itself also a powerfully selected thing (tribes that did not adopt similar restrictive measures did not generally survive except in relatively isolated areas where they were not exposed to the same degree of competition with patriarchal tribes and their sexually restrictive cultures). I suspect it dawned on the males in some tribal groups that the gains to be had from a kind of system of “one girl for (almost) every guy (who isn’t killed in war, or banished or enslaved)” when it came to women, in terms of reducing sex-related conflict among men, became more important when the scale/size of social organization grew beyond the small and moved to a larger, more complex scale, where different structures were needed to ensure cooperation and alleviate conflict which could undermine that cooperation and the scale made possible by it. So in other words, the strategy that men adopted had to do with the needs of the social order and the need for greater cooperation and less conflict once the scale grew to the point where close kinship among the males could no longer feasibly serve as a conflict-reducer effectively.

This was done, of course, at the direct expense of the female sexual strategy, and females have been scratching and clawing against that result in various ways ever since that time, but really have only recently had the success of overturning pretty much all aspects of that restrictive system (while retaining selective elements of it in form, mostly, as it serves their own interests) with the collaboration of most men, by the way, in the process (for various reasons, many of which Rollo has detailed in various posts on this blog). The resulting system is therefore new, and requires men to adapt, which is what we are about doing here, of course. The idea is to have a system which is of a large scale and complexity, socially, and which requires high levels of cooperation in order to function, while at the same time removing the last vestiges of of the “one girl for (almost) every guy” sexual system and replacing it with the freest, most open and adversarial system of sexual competition among males that our species has likely seen since long before the time we evolved into socially-based human groups.

I’ve covered most of the male adaptiveness that Nova mentions here in the Adaptation series of posts. For the short version, however, it’s important to note that even the sexual restrictiveness of women in prior eras were themselves adaptations meant to buffer against women’s conflicting sexual strategy. As I stated in the Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies, for one sex’s strategy to succeed the other must either be compromised or abandoned. Prior sexual restrictiveness was a repression meant to force women to abandon and later (in monogamy) compromise their own Hypergamy (Alpha Fucks/Beta Bucks).

It remains to be seen how feasible this is, longer term, because it is still so new. And the adaptation required by men is substantial, because the change is gargantuan from anything we have experienced in thousands upon thousands of years, in terms of sexual system and related mores. I think relatively few will adapt, and the majority of men will fail at the system, in terms of actually getting what they want. I don’t mean most guys will be incel all their lives, but that their relationships with women will be extremely skewed to the women’s terms, through a combination of outright duping, indoctrination into wishful thinking, and a steady move towards ever more libertine sexual morality for women as a part of the further expression of the Feminine Imperative.

And that comes back to the concealed estrus issue, because the social solution that men in certain groups came up with a long, long time ago (substantial restrictions on female sexual expression) is now pretty much completely removed in this culture, meaning that it is playing a bigger role in human inter-sexual relations than it has been permitted to play in a long time. In fact, the development of reproductive technologies and the related legal regime supporting their free use has augmented the ability of women to utilize this aspect of themselves to tilt the field in their favor, well beyond what nature provided them, in terms of controlling who among the men gets to breed. Again, most men will not be able to adapt quickly enough and will be in lopsided relationships as a result. Other men, like us, are able to adapt and thrive under the new system as individuals, knowing full well we can’t really overthrow something like the sea change in sexual system that we have seen occur, even if we thought that was wise, which it may very well not be. Every man, once he comes to this realization, therefore has a choice to make, really, and a fairly stark one. Most guys have no chance, however, because they are totally subsumed by the feminine primary and never come to a realization of things as they are, and just what the heck happened in the culture, sexually, over the last 100 years or so.

Although my last post may have been on the melodramatic side, the exaggeration is still founded on the same dynamic Nova is getting at here. Since the time of the sexual revolution there has been a complete social abdication on the part of men to have any say in exercising, much less advocating for, prioritizing their own interests in the sexual strategies equation.

It’s gotten to the point that even men’s initiating an approach at the most marginal form of intimacy runs the risk of not just rejection, but legal and social punishments for even taking it upon himself. The onus of sexual selection, as per every legal mandate, is unilaterally placed upon the part of women. The latent purpose of this is to prioritize women’s sexuality and women’s sexual strategy (Hypergamy) above men’s – all while clinging to the pretense of the sexual repressions that they believe still characterize the condition of women.

If you ever wonder at the declining marriage rates, the delaying of marriage until well past women’s prime fertility years, male suicide rates being four times that of women or the rise of men who’ve contented themselves in being single for their lives look no further than this reprioritization of women’s Hypergamy as the socially predominant sexual strategy.


I would say that attempts at overt male control of covert female sexuality oftentimes amount to window dressing that only serve to help convince the men of their paternity, even when they’ve no reason to be assured of it. Only in cultures like those established by strict Islamic doctrine/Sharia Law can paternity be (mostly) assured by social forces. Outside of that, women can oftentimes have free reign at getting away with good old-fashioned cuckoldry.


In a social order founded on Hypergamy, that dynamic demands that men’s utterly abdicate their sexual and biological imperatives to women. This means any paternity assurances, or even the idea that they should matter to a man, must be surrendered to the point that they are literally conditioned and bred out of the consciousnesses of men.


I’m hitting upon this in the hopes of prompting some discussion about the aspects of Hypergamy Novaseeker mentions here, but also because I will be discussing much of this with Alan Roger Currie this coming Thursday night on his podcast.

We’ll be talking at 10pm EST/7pm PST and this will be a live call-in format, so if you’d like to participate I’d encourage you to do so. While my appearance is not necessarily an endorsement of Mode One or anything else Currie is selling, I respect him as a thoughtful interviewer and he’s been asking me to appear for some time now.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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8 years ago

@Karen March 31st, 2016 at 9:13 pm What were my words? “Brainwashed and not terribly self aware.” No reason to get upset. You didn’t say “brainwashed and not terribly self aware” in the comment I was responding to. That was a different comment. No, you said this: March 31st, 2016 at 8:32 pm However, it seems sort of odd (to me) that laboring in a steel mill (a la The Deer Hunter) and then marching off to SE Asia and a war zone is something the “rational” male would derive pleasure from. I could be wrong though…Walken’s plea to be… Read more »

8 years ago

>The Forger paints a picture of a disaffected male and puts my quote under it…

Is that you? I could recommend a dermatologist…but it would likely be futile.


8 years ago

“Junior” writes: {you can’t make this sh*t up}

>”essentially ANYTHING else you choose to do with your time is of greater value to your personal growth than responding to women commenting here.”

Your brothers unanimously dissent…I would try to help you…but there is that threshold…,that so called bright line distinction between salvageable & hopeless that you clearly breached ages ago.

8 years ago

Just finished listening to the radio show. Great as usual, and good stuff to listen to before bed.

8 years ago

>Well, an irrational male is what I would qualify as a dumb person. Irrational & dumb are two different things…separate & distinct. Irrational is a state of mind characterized by conduct that society…when taking so called contemporary standards into view…would deem well outside the ambit of the ill defined norm. Attempting suicide would generally be deemed “irrational” in most cultures across the board, for example. Dumb evinces a low intellectual capacity…most non human mammals would be deemed “dumb” compared to the least intellectually able human…but we certainly do not see animals offing themselves at the rate humans do. Though, in… Read more »

8 years ago

@Karen I wrote: “Should resources be despoiled to the point where nothing remains for our potential posterity?” I did not pose that question; I answered it…my post reflects this. Oh, I see, how silly of me. Let me restate your answer then. I’m quite sure you want to see your writing again. However, the question of balance is a legitimate one. Should resources be despoiled to the point where nothing remains for our potential posterity? I don’t think so…as Bud Fox says, “How many yachts can you water ski behind?” There is the common sense element…as a man can only… Read more »

8 years ago


Irrational & dumb are two different things

Yes, more needless wordiness. Nice that you provided an example of the fallacy of trivial objections as a bonus.

8 years ago

>You should be more careful to recognize that your life experience differs from other people

Now that’s for goddamn sure…

“Mr. Hart…here is a dime…go and call your mother…tell her there is serious doubt about your becoming a lawyer…”

“Kingsfield, you are a son of a bitch…”

“Mr. Hart…that is the most intelligent thing you have said today…you may take your seat.”

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

A game point re: social circle game: If you escalate with a girl in your social circles with some degree of plausible deniability as to what’s going on, and don’t seal the deal, then that degree of escalation with you becomes merely platonic in the future. It’s a good way to shoot yourself in the foot if you’re going for social circle game. Just a background observation I’ve made. My job includes physical contact w people, sometimes strongly, and the first time I pull that on a girl who’s attracted she’ll respond mightily (though she’ll try to hide it of… Read more »

8 years ago

>”which is the differences in perspective given to the sexes based entirely on how they’re treated from childhood through adulthood. You’re not addressing the difference in experience base between the sexes before you make your claims or attempt to understand anything written here.” Chinzwieu sums it up succinctly: In the contemporary West, “a young male is generally raised to worship women…while a young girl is generally raised to worship herself. When the two meet, can there be any doubt as to who will rule over who.” As the old commercial would sing…”When you say Bud you said it all…you said… Read more »

8 years ago

@Forge the Sky

…if you’re going for social circle game.

People do this? Seems like potential disaster, even if you’re good at it.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

Fuck you insomnia, I have work tomorrow

8 years ago


Chinzwieu sums it up succinctly: In the contemporary West, “a young male is generally raised to worship women…while a young girl is generally raised to worship herself. When the two meet, can there be any doubt as to who will rule over who.”

It does sound like you read for comprehension. Good for you. Now, about that brown shirt you’re wearing….

8 years ago

For those who missed it the first time:

In the contemporary West, “a young male is generally raised to worship women…while a young girl is generally raised to worship herself. When the two meet, can there be any doubt as to who will rule over who?”

That’s up there with that Samuel Johnson quote and Wilde’s assertion in “A Woman of No Importance”…

{Assumes that those two are too well known to merit reprinting}

8 years ago

>It does sound like you read for comprehension.

It is a great responsibility I have. Knowing everything.

8 years ago

“Wilde’s assertion in “A Woman of No Importance”…”

Clever people never listen.

8 years ago

It was actually:

“The tyranny of Women is really the worst tyranny of them all…for it is the tyranny of the weak over the strong…and it is the only tyranny that endures forever.”

OMG that makes me soooooooooooooooooo hot!

*Bitchy smirk*

8 years ago


Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@jeremy Ya, it’s probably the most common form of game really. This is how most people get married even, when you think of it. Five years ago it would have made no sense to me. I had a fairly small, insular social circle. Common for introverts like 25yo me and, I suspect, you. Now I ‘get’ it more. People who get laid a lot tend to have large, loose, fluid social circles. Most of them aren’t close friends, just ‘oh ya that’s Brent’s friend, she’s here for a semester, she’s cool.’ So you have the benefit of social proof in… Read more »

8 years ago

Rollo: Evolving Hypergamy – Discuss.
The Discussion: Isaac Newton was a shoe. He was also a good family friend.
Rollo: Errr… OK.

8 years ago

Game. Set. Match.

A triumphant Karen declares victory over “The Rational Male(s)”.

I don’t think I will ever stop laughing.

Au Revoir.

8 years ago

Where did all this pigeon shit come from and who knocked over all the pieces?

8 years ago

Sentient had a great dream the other day. In that dream there was a captain and the captain did not save the ho. Scrib begs to differ.

Red Pill
Red Pill
8 years ago

Male suicide rates have pretty much always been higher than female suicide rates, just sayin. Females generally lack the resolve for suicide

But good article!

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

“Where did all this pigeon shit come from and who knocked over all the pieces?”

It wuz pandalerium! Best I ken tell, looked summat like dis:


(Alright I kinda just wanted to post a pic of a tardigrade cause they’re badass)

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
8 years ago

“Male suicide rates have pretty much always been higher than female suicide rates, just sayin. Females generally lack the resolve for suicide”
Rates have been higher, but women have higher rate of attempts.
Men tend to choose more violent, therefore effective ways to do it.
Women tend to do things like take pills, then get found and taken to hospital.

Seen those tardigrades on tv but never knew what they were or were called. Now I know. Thanks.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Blax – you said: “I am speaking of the minimization of the masculine and the forced ascension of the feminine. In a nutshell though, I’m talking about what young men face when trying to date today’s younger females out in the world. The odd attitudes that abound. The feeling of superiority and entitlement that’s sometimes taken to extremes.” Alright Blax – I actually was taking your comment out of your intended context then. Sorry about that. I agree that when it comes to the attraction game, this respect-for-accomplishment thing can easily get skewed, for all the reasons explicated by redpill,… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Karen – I don’t really buy this self-sacrifice crap about men’s plight. If a guy wants to frame it that way for himself, well, he is welcome to his own delusion if that works for him, but it is pretty much a delusion. So – your insinuation that men are too dumb to see it any other way – no – but sometimes it just might be a defense mechanism to stop himself from breaking heads wrt to the jam he may find himself in, until such time things can get sorted out more amicably. What’s not clear – are… Read more »

8 years ago

@Karen; your time as the token female troll is wearing thin. You were amusing, but now trying to hard to sell yourself.

8 years ago

Good job on the Alan Currie interview! My brother is a big fan of both of y’all. Passed out around 1130 but will finish it today.

8 years ago

@YaReally, to answer your question, I simply don’t care. Trolling is about entertainment and getting a reaction, not facts. I addressed other people while shiving her. Result? She predictably responded to me as I expected she would. This is all entertainment. For me, yesterday was a slow day at work, so although I usually ignore women commenters (or leave a single comment at times), I decided to roll with the troll. Commenting to them doesn’t equal butthurt, but in the end you are right in that if Rollo doesn’t want to ban them, we should ban them by simply not… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
8 years ago

@hank holiday and @scribblerg – good field reports guys. These things don’t have to be big massive epic nights where you’re tearing it up for 4 hours..it’s more about getting out there regularly and getting into social interactions and training your brain and you both did that great. hank – As Forge says you don’t actively have to neg much (if at all), except in a specific context – usually particularly hot (or perceived by themselves as such) girls who think they are above you. As long as things are going well, there’s no reason to do it. Personally I… Read more »

8 years ago

@Culum and HABD – Roger on the self-amusing. I found what I was doing to be amusing last night. I actually made some outrageous comments and yelled lines up at the female comedian, but it all worked cuz i was enjoying it for my own purposes. It was very interesting to look at the night purely from putting myself in the right headspace. Also, lack of outcome dependence is great. I could see how I was seeking at first and managed to just turn that off and observe. I’m so lucky in a way that being social with people just… Read more »

8 years ago

“that outside of the attraction game, women are in fact interested in accomplishment for themselves, and do achieve results around that interest, then we are not in disagreement then.” @WildMan Here’s my issue with you. You clearly still align your values with blue pill society. Being a “productive” lawyer has no value to me. Being a “productive” member of society has no value to me. Most people hate their jobs, productive or not. What would have value to me is if that person is living their life in alignment with their own personal passions and goals. If a woman is… Read more »

8 years ago

Game. Set. Match.

Self-declared victory, how could we expect anything less? Kind of like when a child wipes a chessboard clean and says he/she wins. How very millennial.

8 years ago

“Kind of like when a child wipes a chessboard clean and says he/she wins. ”

And you’re the other kid that cries about it.

8 years ago

NO GIRLS ALLOWED!! I think one of the biggest issues men are having is that we play women’s games instead of just making up our own. We should simply build our own cool treehouse and tell women that they are not allowed in it. Of course we are still going to need sex, so we only allow the girls into our treehouse if they play by our rules. When pua talk about alpha frame, it comes from you being the center of your own universe. If Sally doesn’t follow the rules, she can’t hang out with the cool kids. All… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


I still can’t understand why you’re giving her validation by engaging her. She’s a troll. Much like every other troll since the beginning of time, she has achieved her goal if people engage her on her terms.

8 years ago

@Sun Wukong

She won’t leave regardless. Doesn’t matter what you or I do. She’ll continue to spout bad quotations, half-truths, and plausibly deniable claims of female superiority. Again, it doesn’t matter what you or I do, she’s decided she’s going to stay and try to generate self-amusement/profitable-content. When a child you have no power over begins bothering you, what is the best course of action?

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago
8 years ago


You’re focused on what I’m doing, because it’s annoying to see someone continue to feed a troll. I don’t blame you. Again, I have no power over the troll. Even if I did nothing, the troll would continue to get people to respond to her randomly over a presumably lengthy period of time.

8 years ago

@Sun, Jeremy, interesting thought … allowing female trolls turns us into reactionary betas by default. Even if I decide to scroll past their comments, that scrolling is a reaction, one I wouldn’t have to take if they simply weren’t here. Whether I decide to engage or ignore, that decision is an instigated response.

8 years ago

Off topic and sorry for barging in, but this is gold:

8 years ago


LOL that beta bf though

8 years ago

The Jimmy Kimmel video above I posted shows many interesting things:
1. Implicit indoctrination of children: they are stating for young kinds that is a fact that women gets paid less for the same job, which is debatable
2. Young children speak the truth, while older children have been already indoctrinated enough that they already internalized the feminine imperative agenda
3. The reaction of the public when something favourable to female agenda is said.

8 years ago

@LT: Golden. The young girl who answered “that’s what I think” will change to “that’s what I feel” upon puberty

8 years ago


“When a child you have no power over begins bothering you, what is the best course of action?”

You IGNORE them. It’s really very simple. Works well with my daughter when she gets sassy and petulant.

If a feral cat comes around your house and it finds food it will return. If you leave food out for it and it knows that it will for sure come back. She is feral and you’re feeding her.

Stop feeding her.

8 years ago


You IGNORE them.

There’s a quicker way.

8 years ago

@ScribblerG Congrats on the positive mindset last night. Keep it up. ” It was very interesting to look at the night purely from putting myself in the right headspace. Also, lack of outcome dependence is great. I could see how I was seeking at first and managed to just turn that off and observe. I’m so lucky in a way that being social with people just comes naturally to me, I don’t have to “try”, it just occurs to me to be that way. I actually see last night as a “big” night for me in terms of mindset.”</i. I… Read more »

8 years ago

Who handles trolls the best? The people who engage them, the people who belittle them, or the people who ignore them?

(Liz sent me a titty pic on my blog, heh.)

8 years ago

Oh, yeah, no pussy passes given just because a broad can’t get around her solipsism in order to rate her intel. Solipsism factors into intel. And another thing…broads like Liz and LeeLee view men with more inherent value than the others that troll here…and somehow YaReally doesn’t see that…and scrib and some others…wonder why? Is there some Blue Pill program running in the minds of these men that buys into the Magic Vag Pedestalization? Oh, I’m here at the library blogging and some broad sitting across from me keeps checking me out, lol. Wonder if she’s gonna ask me to… Read more »

8 years ago

@Sun: “Amazing how appropriate this is:” As Wolfgang Pauli noted about Karen’s style of posting, “Das ist nicht nur nicht richtig, es ist nicht einmal falsch!” How I might have expressed the same sentiment in my own style, “It might have been nice if she’d had the basic decency to have said something that was at least wrong.” The former is simply quoting somebody else’s wit in order to generate an illusion of being witty. The latter riff’s off the original, adding at least a modicum of actual wit of my own, or at least a soupçon of human intelligence… Read more »

8 years ago

Dick from the Internet was back this last Sunday:


Self policing dick is not easy

8 years ago

Whatever floats your boat. I would rather read the insightful comments, field reports and humor from the guys that is directed to Rollo’s primary audience. I find that personally much more rewarding than feeding trolls or even reading responses to them. Work happened to be slightly slower this week so I had more time to post here but in general my time is more valuable than bantering back and forth with attention seeking cats. Emily provided some good examples of solipsism and Rollo pointed that stuff out several times. I guess it depends on your mental point of origin. Is… Read more »

Water Cannon Boy
Water Cannon Boy
8 years ago

LT, further off topic. Was told this yesterday.
Deer crossing lady on youtube

8 years ago

tried to post comment it is lost

8 years ago

@Andy “@WildMan Here’s my issue with you. You clearly still align your values with blue pill society. Being a “productive” lawyer has no value to me. Being a “productive” member of society has no value to me. Most people hate their jobs, productive or not. What would have value to me is if that person is living their life in alignment with their own personal passions and goals. Most just want the validation of society’s “accomplishment”, and continuing validation about how great they are. I don’t know, but on an individual level a man has to be “better” /stronger/more self-actualized,… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@Forge good insights…now, all you have to do is make a plan and work your way through those 12 girls…lol…(we expect FRs, too…lol) If you escalate with a girl in your social circles with some degree of plausible deniability as to what’s going on, and don’t seal the deal, then that degree of escalation with you becomes merely platonic in the future. It’s a good way to shoot yourself in the foot if you’re going for social circle game. true…but it’s not JUST social circle (that’s just A ‘reason’ for not escalating…), it’s all girls…think about how that applies to… Read more »

8 years ago

Asd: “Who handles trolls the best? The people who engage them, the people who belittle them, or the people who ignore them?” Roused: “I guess it depends on your mental point of origin.” Yes, those people who keep their Frame about themselves. Rollo Tomassi: “Gentlemen, you will establish frame in any monogamous relationship blog comments section you have. You will enter her reality or she will enter yours. One important fact to consider is to understand that frame is NOT power. The act of controlling the frame may be an exercise in power for some, but let me be clear… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

Imagine what your impression of a man or woman would be if you met them in person and they spoke to you using the same self important, King James English and “spiritual-but-not-religious” rhetoric that Karen or Wild Man consistently use in the comments here.

I’d be bored and probably look for someone else to talk to.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Andy – thanks for the comment. You said: “Women with power rarely want to lead, or to improve society or a company, or the responsibility that comes with it. Especially when they seem so eager to deny who they truly are to get there. Most just want the validation of society’s “accomplishment”, and continuing validation about how great they are”. Yeah – it most often seems to me that way too. Taking the lead usually is not the first response, among women, and many women are uncomfortable slated in that role. And if forced into that role (maybe even by… Read more »

8 years ago

@Wild Man

Perhaps you should swallow the red pill instead of just lick it at times.



8 years ago

@scribb@all “But she is being a wiseass and clearly finds something very objectionable about TRP and the men here that she doesn’t bother to actually communicate.” eh, the forays all have one basic subcomm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2aU2HUliVc Chad Thundercock the star QB will walk past or up to a group of nerds and a) say some shit that isn’t true and b) laugh in their faces when the nerds try to argue with him. he doesn’t have to care about whatever it is they’re talking about. why? b/c THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING if you’re the real deal and into TRP… Read more »

8 years ago

Was the latest feminist imperative troll using guy game?
I don’t have the in-field experience that nearly all the posters have, so I would like to know what is your impression of chicks doing guy game and how that contrast with girl game?

8 years ago

“Everybody starts to have some affection for this woman (that is different than the respect they would feel for a man who is a skilled leader). It is weird – she leads because she doesn’t lead – in fact if you ask her – she would say – “well I am not a leader at all”. Andy – there a very few women who rise to this kind of social prominence – but – yet there it is – how do you explain this?”


Are you a chick? I’m really starting to think so.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Andy – this thing about insinuations around my manliness is fucking disrespectful, and you aren’t the first to try to shit on me that way.

That all you got? Fuck you pussy.

8 years ago

if you’re the real deal and into TRP and all of this bullshit, then ok, you will act a certain way in the presence of women, right? so when push comes to shove and that entire mess of ‘philosophy’ and conversation goes out the window to actions that scream ‘hyper reactive to vagina,’ well…… In my mind, whenever a chick troll chimes in, I picture her as a cackling jester holding marionette strings, “Dance, puppets, dance!” Then I picture these tiny puppets with over sized heads jumping around exclaiming “Emilookatme, I’m too alpha to take notice of your posts!” “inanitybytes69,… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago


“It reminds me of my first tardigrade, Ralph.”

Really? Naming a tardigrade ‘Ralph’ is like naming a dog ‘Spot.’

Sigh. I took you to be a creative man.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Wild Person
I have never been able to accept anything carte blanche – it has to resonate with my own cognitive capacities – in other words I trust my own powers of discernment more-so than trusting the word of others.

So if external reality doesn’t match your own personal truth, you discard external reality, is that right?

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@SFJ – the Illimitable Man links – hey IM doesn’t want to enter into a convo wrt to sorting out some of the nuances of his position (I’ve tried) – so right now I be putting him in the category of:

“thee who dares cross this line is a ______ (pick some descriptor synonymous with “blasphemer”) except I’m too pussy to say so”.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@AR – “So if external reality doesn’t match your own personal truth, you discard external reality, is that right?”

No – maybe you should read what I said again (like – the rest of that passage).

8 years ago

“Naming a tardigrade ‘Ralph’ is like naming a dog ‘Spot.’ ”

Hey, cut me some slack, in my day a pre-teen keeping a tardigrade as a pet was pretty out there all by itself.

8 years ago

@Wild Man: ” . . . maybe you should read what I said again . . .”

As I recall, it was “belief.”

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@YaReally those shoe exchanges with aurini and roosh were painful to read…lol…i must have missed that the first time around bc i didn’t know who she was…lol…she seems cool enough, though…lol… (and is karen really shoe?…and if so, so what…lol…trolling is trolling…lol…but i think it matters to guys here bc shoe is attractive, so that would impact their view of ‘karen’…lol…) my take on this whole thing with the karen/shoe/trolls/etc thing, is that most men here really don’t understand just how many social media steroids girls’ solipsism has been juiced with over the last few years (especially younger girls, but… Read more »

8 years ago


lol, okay. Not ONCE in my comment to you did I say ALL women… You can reread it if you want. I was very careful not to. Are you seriously going to use NAWALT as an argument? Ugh.

Why do you care about this mythical, statistically insignificant, leader/woman? hmmmmm? Why?

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

Hey SJF – that quoted Skeeter Thompson commentary on Jean Paul Sartre that you provided – nice. That does resonate with me.

8 years ago


“Why do you care about this mythical, statistically insignificant, leader/woman? hmmmmm? Why?”

8 years ago

@YaReally, it’s April Fool’s Day. Surely you know of some cool openers, right?

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Andy – is NAWALT/AWALT relevant to what we are discussing? I suppose you are insinuating as such by framing my description of a feminine leadership style as “mythical”. So …. like i said ….. I see the evidence all around me ……. and I also said …. very few women rise to this level of social prominence. So I was insinuating that the qualities that allow for the select few women to rise to that level, are qualities I see all around me. I did not explicate on that further in the specific comment directed to you….. so OK …..… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Wild Person
@SFJ – the Illimitable Man links – hey IM doesn’t want to enter into a convo wrt to sorting out some of the nuances of his position (I’ve tried)

How much did you offer to pay him for that service?

8 years ago

@Wild man

It ought to. And the fact that it resonates with you merely reflects that you are in one of the first four K-R stages WRT personal agency. Hell and other people=grief.

Notwithstanding the fact that it is the exact same thing Andy is trying to get you to see clearly.

8 years ago

@All – And it’s @KFG for the win. “Karen was boring because her comments were crafted to ensure that she not only wasn’t incorrect, but not even wrong. She left little opening to actually engage, in order that she could eventually spring her little “punchline” by playing the pigeon.” I always give people a chance, especially if they appear to have promise. Some will rally to the chance, most will not. She also didn’t speak of us “stinking up her attic” as InanitySucks did, or be completely fraudulent and nasty as Emily revealed herself to be. But in any event,… Read more »

8 years ago

“So the question remains – how do you explain that there are women that rise to this level of social prominence (and this is in no way just a mythical construct – you can actually see a mini-version of this within healthy family dynamic for instance)?”

What do you want me to explain? There’s a lot of people in this world. Why do you care so much about this person’s existence?

8 years ago

@Scribble, try the “TheSoundYouNeed” YouTube playlists. Gets one pumped up before going out.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@SJF – man I thought maybe you were finally getting me. Wrt to this quote: “He meant that Hell is an internal condition brought on by our relations with others. The existentialist statement as Satire framed it is that we are individually responsible for what we make of ourselves. In his majestic and beautiful Being and Nothingness, Satire posits a condition of perpetual appearance (a coming-into-being) which is governed by the nearly infinite choices life requires us to make as we pass through it. Nothing is more difficult than choices we must make regarding our relations with others – but… Read more »

8 years ago

How does anyone know that Karen is really ShoeOnHead? Regardless, there is no way to ever describe female sophism as well as she does through her own comments.

8 years ago

@Wild Man I’m not trying to shit test you or impugn you. I’m merely illustrating your fallacious ideas (awareness) and ineffective ways (game). “@Andy – this thing about insinuations around my manliness is fucking disrespectful, and you aren’t the first to try to shit on me that way. That all you got? Fuck you pussy.” That ain’t no way to pass a shit test. Or get honor for your thoughts in a group of men (the commenters here). From “The Way of Men” re: esteem in a group of men: “If honor is to mean anything at all, it must… Read more »

8 years ago

@habd “i think this increasing solipsism is actually driving the push towards the 95/5 division, bc there are fewer and fewer men that can look past the snark to see the subcomms in play (and deal with it)…and as that pool of ‘alpha studs’ get smaller, girls increase the snark/bitch shields/’self amusement’ to filter for alpha faster…lol…(partly to find alpha faster but also to sooth their disappointment in the state of ‘men’ today…) it’s become a feedback loop…i constantly get ‘surprise’ reactions when i push back on the snark (and not in a butthurt way…lol)…but that only really makes sense,… Read more »

8 years ago

“….you don’t give a fuck about the actual state of my mind because you have already made up your own mind are indifferent about the state of my mind. “

Fixed it for you.

8 years ago

Karen’s comments remind me of this Deepak random quote generator.


8 years ago
8 years ago

There is an argument that I have with my wife;We disagree then I say I don’t argue with women,yes you do ,no I don’t,yes you do,no I don’t,yes you do,no I don’t,until we forget the dispute and start laughing as it didn’t matter anyhow.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Andy – you said: “What do you want me to explain? There’s a lot of people in this world. Why do you care so much about this person’s existence?” Andy – we started our exchange around whether the idea that women – “outside of the attraction game, are in fact interested in accomplishment for themselves, and do achieve results around that interest” – is worthy perspective or not. You insinuated this female accomplishment really doesn’t matter. I had made this statement in the first place by way of an exchange with Blaximus, in order to make my point that there… Read more »

8 years ago

You can blame the current mindset of youth on the education system,the entertainment industry,the community at large,the finger pointing of political leaders ad infinitum. the bottom line is the world doesn’t owe them anything and sooner or later they will have to join the circus in order to survive.

8 years ago

” You insinuated this female accomplishment really doesn’t matter.” I don’t value female accomplishment for the sake of accomplishment. If you do, why? “However, if said redpill pundit actually wants to insinuate that “men are not superior”, then this must play-out wrt to the definition of leadership. How can it not? So in that eventuality …. you must define leadership differently …. ” Whatever you want to call it man… Deep breaths. Everything is going to be O.K. “Time to get past this dumb shit here. We all know deep down the men and women are well matched wrt to… Read more »

8 years ago

Leadership requires a complete view of the project or adversary,that can only be seen after putting oneself aside momentarily.Some good leader qualities are,doesn’t complain downhill,listens to complaints and appears to take them seriously,decisive with no vacillation,goal orientation, serious demeanor,clear and concise direction and consistency.
Women for the most part are solipsistic,inconsistent,more concerned with the social aspects than the project challenge,complaining and dismissive.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@SFJ – you aren’t indifferent if you keep engaging. There really isn’t going to be any way for you to spin it that way buddy (unless you wanna go the psychopath way – but we all know that not true). You really are a very judgy fucker. I’m not the lowest common denominator at IM and he knows that. I don’t give a shit about your “The Way of Men” bro-crap you constantly hide behind. Shit test man-on-man?, come’on buddy, I ain’t trying to make no one’s dick hard here, somebody disrespect me…… I not gonna take that crap, despite… Read more »

8 years ago

“How does anyone know that Karen is really ShoeOnHead?”

An assertion was made. What more could you ask for?

8 years ago

@Wild Man Your premises are wrong. Superior/Inferior is not the same as Dominant/Submissive. Only an egalitarian equalist would say that men and women are well matched to complementary (*) strengths and weakness. Masculine and feminine attempt to reach and equilibrium and maintain polarity. Not match up equal. Equal is boring. com·ple·men·ta·ry adjective 1. combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the qualities of each other or another. synonyms: harmonious, compatible, corresponding, matching, twin; supportive, reciprocal, interdependent (*) Wild Man, you spelled that word wrong with an “i” Wildman–I would take that as a pedestalizing blue-pill Freudian slip)… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Andy – there are implications for not getting this man/woman thing right, both personally, and also downstream wrt to the quality of gender relations. If you don’t care wrt your circumstance, and your social environment, like I do, – OK, you did engage me in the first place, but I’m cool with just chillin on this issue with you and agreeing to disagree.

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