Evolving Hypergamy


Novaseeker had an excellent breakdown of how Hypergamy has developed and is radically altering a long established social order in favor of one centered on the female sexual strategy. This was timely for a post I was working on, so rather than allow it to be buried in the last thread I thought I’d riff on it a bit here:

So in my head, I tried to think of what the best response to hidden estrus would be from a male perspective, and the only thing I could think of was essentially hiding male horniness, I used the word stoicism. The only way to balance the effects of hidden estrus is for all men to simply appear to not want what a women are offering, to appear uninvested, uninterested, etc.., because this again gives the perception of a lack of abundance to the women and re-balances things. Eventually such behavior would become selected for to some degree, and male emotions would become less prominent.

I agree with what you are saying, although I think it’s important to bear in mind that the expression of female sexuality historically was quite restricted, once we were at a level of more complex social organization beyond the rather small. Things did vary by community and culture somewhat, but once things reached that level of social advance, in most places a woman’s family/kin had a huge control over the expression of her sexuality, with the parents (largely the father) and to a lesser extent her male brothers exerting substantial restrictive pressure on the expression of her sexuality.

I should note here that while there is a definite social structure built around various strategies of mate guarding, these social mores and familial repression of women’s Hypergamous impulses does, in fact, stem from evolved, behavioral adaptations.

Kin Affiliation Across the Ovulatory Cycle : Females Avoid Fathers When Fertile Consider that girls will make subconscious efforts to avoid their fathers during the proliferative phase of their ovulatory cycle. Also, consider girls enter puberty at an earlier age when their fathers are not present in the family. Both of these are examples of phenomena that have a physical manifestation and a latent evolutionary purpose, but socially we build moral/social frameworks around buffering for (or sometimes accommodating) them.

Likewise, there are social controls that span all cultures that have the same purpose of buffering against the predations and mechanics of women’s Hypergamous natures. The most stringent of these might be repressing of women’s sexuality, but the latent purpose is still the same; controlling for paternity assurances.

There was, of course, cheating of the system that took place in terms of women bucking the system covertly, but most women were not sexual free agents in most places most of the time historically, and so were not acting on their estrus, concealed or otherwise at these later points in history. It does seem like something which likely occurred prior to the time we developed significant social organization (which is unclear when it precisely happened, but likely happened gradually quite some time before the development of large-scale agriculture), and is inherited from that earlier time, while the later social structures mostly, or at least in many cases, served to rather severely hem in the expression of female sexuality and free sexual choice to a large degree.

The Feminine Imperative that exists today still uses these historically extreme controls as a baseline for provoking an emotional response among women (and feminized men) today. In spite of the realities of Open Hypergamy and Open Cuckoldry, and paired with the fact that we live in the most sexually permissive society the world has largely known to this point, there is still a necessity to sell a narrative of sexual repression in order to perpetuate a social condition of ‘victimization’ among women and thus perpetuate a status of concern and primary importance.

So I guess my perspective is not that what you are suggesting is incorrect, in terms of the deeper evolutionary inheritance, but that the response of men to this eventually evolved, socially, into the use of social/legal/moral structures that acted as a counterweight to the inter-sexual issues raised by concealed estrus, and that, being social animals, this was itself also a powerfully selected thing (tribes that did not adopt similar restrictive measures did not generally survive except in relatively isolated areas where they were not exposed to the same degree of competition with patriarchal tribes and their sexually restrictive cultures). I suspect it dawned on the males in some tribal groups that the gains to be had from a kind of system of “one girl for (almost) every guy (who isn’t killed in war, or banished or enslaved)” when it came to women, in terms of reducing sex-related conflict among men, became more important when the scale/size of social organization grew beyond the small and moved to a larger, more complex scale, where different structures were needed to ensure cooperation and alleviate conflict which could undermine that cooperation and the scale made possible by it. So in other words, the strategy that men adopted had to do with the needs of the social order and the need for greater cooperation and less conflict once the scale grew to the point where close kinship among the males could no longer feasibly serve as a conflict-reducer effectively.

This was done, of course, at the direct expense of the female sexual strategy, and females have been scratching and clawing against that result in various ways ever since that time, but really have only recently had the success of overturning pretty much all aspects of that restrictive system (while retaining selective elements of it in form, mostly, as it serves their own interests) with the collaboration of most men, by the way, in the process (for various reasons, many of which Rollo has detailed in various posts on this blog). The resulting system is therefore new, and requires men to adapt, which is what we are about doing here, of course. The idea is to have a system which is of a large scale and complexity, socially, and which requires high levels of cooperation in order to function, while at the same time removing the last vestiges of of the “one girl for (almost) every guy” sexual system and replacing it with the freest, most open and adversarial system of sexual competition among males that our species has likely seen since long before the time we evolved into socially-based human groups.

I’ve covered most of the male adaptiveness that Nova mentions here in the Adaptation series of posts. For the short version, however, it’s important to note that even the sexual restrictiveness of women in prior eras were themselves adaptations meant to buffer against women’s conflicting sexual strategy. As I stated in the Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies, for one sex’s strategy to succeed the other must either be compromised or abandoned. Prior sexual restrictiveness was a repression meant to force women to abandon and later (in monogamy) compromise their own Hypergamy (Alpha Fucks/Beta Bucks).

It remains to be seen how feasible this is, longer term, because it is still so new. And the adaptation required by men is substantial, because the change is gargantuan from anything we have experienced in thousands upon thousands of years, in terms of sexual system and related mores. I think relatively few will adapt, and the majority of men will fail at the system, in terms of actually getting what they want. I don’t mean most guys will be incel all their lives, but that their relationships with women will be extremely skewed to the women’s terms, through a combination of outright duping, indoctrination into wishful thinking, and a steady move towards ever more libertine sexual morality for women as a part of the further expression of the Feminine Imperative.

And that comes back to the concealed estrus issue, because the social solution that men in certain groups came up with a long, long time ago (substantial restrictions on female sexual expression) is now pretty much completely removed in this culture, meaning that it is playing a bigger role in human inter-sexual relations than it has been permitted to play in a long time. In fact, the development of reproductive technologies and the related legal regime supporting their free use has augmented the ability of women to utilize this aspect of themselves to tilt the field in their favor, well beyond what nature provided them, in terms of controlling who among the men gets to breed. Again, most men will not be able to adapt quickly enough and will be in lopsided relationships as a result. Other men, like us, are able to adapt and thrive under the new system as individuals, knowing full well we can’t really overthrow something like the sea change in sexual system that we have seen occur, even if we thought that was wise, which it may very well not be. Every man, once he comes to this realization, therefore has a choice to make, really, and a fairly stark one. Most guys have no chance, however, because they are totally subsumed by the feminine primary and never come to a realization of things as they are, and just what the heck happened in the culture, sexually, over the last 100 years or so.

Although my last post may have been on the melodramatic side, the exaggeration is still founded on the same dynamic Nova is getting at here. Since the time of the sexual revolution there has been a complete social abdication on the part of men to have any say in exercising, much less advocating for, prioritizing their own interests in the sexual strategies equation.

It’s gotten to the point that even men’s initiating an approach at the most marginal form of intimacy runs the risk of not just rejection, but legal and social punishments for even taking it upon himself. The onus of sexual selection, as per every legal mandate, is unilaterally placed upon the part of women. The latent purpose of this is to prioritize women’s sexuality and women’s sexual strategy (Hypergamy) above men’s – all while clinging to the pretense of the sexual repressions that they believe still characterize the condition of women.

If you ever wonder at the declining marriage rates, the delaying of marriage until well past women’s prime fertility years, male suicide rates being four times that of women or the rise of men who’ve contented themselves in being single for their lives look no further than this reprioritization of women’s Hypergamy as the socially predominant sexual strategy.


I would say that attempts at overt male control of covert female sexuality oftentimes amount to window dressing that only serve to help convince the men of their paternity, even when they’ve no reason to be assured of it. Only in cultures like those established by strict Islamic doctrine/Sharia Law can paternity be (mostly) assured by social forces. Outside of that, women can oftentimes have free reign at getting away with good old-fashioned cuckoldry.


In a social order founded on Hypergamy, that dynamic demands that men’s utterly abdicate their sexual and biological imperatives to women. This means any paternity assurances, or even the idea that they should matter to a man, must be surrendered to the point that they are literally conditioned and bred out of the consciousnesses of men.


I’m hitting upon this in the hopes of prompting some discussion about the aspects of Hypergamy Novaseeker mentions here, but also because I will be discussing much of this with Alan Roger Currie this coming Thursday night on his podcast.

We’ll be talking at 10pm EST/7pm PST and this will be a live call-in format, so if you’d like to participate I’d encourage you to do so. While my appearance is not necessarily an endorsement of Mode One or anything else Currie is selling, I respect him as a thoughtful interviewer and he’s been asking me to appear for some time now.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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8 years ago
8 years ago

Wild Man
April 1st, 2016 at 1:26 pm

That’s the best you can do for an April Fools joke?

Lol. And here, I thought I was trying to help you figure things out.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

HABD, Scray “it’s become a feedback loop…i constantly get ‘surprise’ reactions when i push back on the snark (and not in a butthurt way…lol)…but that only really makes sense, if the girls really are only interacting with 5% or so of men pushing back like that…lol…” Yeah, I was trying to get at this in a comment earlier. Girls these days are snarky as shit. Some of them really are bitches, some aren’t. It’s just their way of protecting status, having fun, and filtering. You just have to learn how to play with it and have fun. It can actually… Read more »

8 years ago

@Forge A and C?

8 years ago

Who’s on first?

8 years ago

No whats on first who’s on second.

8 years ago

Ok dopamine speaking: “unless you wanna go the psychopath way” I do have an alter ego in Walter White-like fashion. Even a casual acquaintance picked up on that in the bar last night. I wear it on my sleeve. “Shit test man-on-man?, come’on buddy, I ain’t trying to make no one’s dick hard here, somebody disrespect me……” You don’t hang around a gang of men very often do you? What you don’t understand about this and your reflexive honor in this regard is just plain ignorance. “This kubler-ross shit you constantly reference – I accept myself just fine..” Acceptance is… Read more »

8 years ago

“OK, you did engage me in the first place, but I’m cool with just chillin on this issue with you and agreeing to disagree.”

I agree with what you said. It seems like you’re hung up on the label. How you label it is up to you. It doesn’t change the reality of the situation.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago
8 years ago


” I do have an alter ego in Walter White-like fashion. Even a casual acquaintance picked up on that in the bar last night. I wear it on my sleeve.”


I’m not sure if you’re serious or not, but it’s interesting to me that it used to be that most males had 2 sides. That isn’t the case anymore.

8 years ago

Games… Ugh. Like, i get it. I’m on the verge but it’s just so damn hard sometimes. I get called a player. Im closing like 20%. I’m forward and i can read signs of attraction but it’s just, like, not worth the effort most of the time. Logically i know there’s an endless steam of holes to put my dick in but why? Why do i even care? Cuz i love fucking. It feels good. But i want more. I wanna have someone to have a goddamn conversation with. Been bouncing between 3-4 different chicks for months but it just… Read more »

8 years ago


What’s your mission?

8 years ago

Sing along;where oh where are you tonight?why did you leave me hear all alone?I searched the world over and thought I found true love.You met another and pfft you were gone.

8 years ago

Someone spelled lei incorrectly.

8 years ago

Get out of my way i am an English teacher I can help!

8 years ago

@kfg I don’t even know anymore. I’ve got 3 kids so most of the time its them. I’ve been performing a trade for almost 20 years. Masterfully, unconscious competence. Have been expanding into related areas of expertise but I’ve always worked for someone else. I should probably start my own business but i have no idea how really. I’ve taken up shooting as a hobby. Its very enjoyable and helps clear my mind. Been thinking of competing. I go out and socialize often but it’s almost always under alcoholic influence. (I know…crutch) been studying game for a few years now.… Read more »

8 years ago

@Wild Man I can agree and sympathize with your observation that many in the red pill sphere are content to rest with the “women just belong in the kitchen” mentality without really providing much in the way of argumentation for those who want to explore the argument, instead resorting to shaming tactics. With that being said, it’s clear that you are ego invested in the responses of the other commenters here. I assume that this is what SJF is getting at with his KR stuff (not familiar with it myself). I say this not out of any intention to demean… Read more »

8 years ago

I meant to say quotes, not wires

8 years ago

@stuffinbox Lol not far off. I blew up my marriage. Looking back, i should have just started cheating. I’d probably be a little happier because i was the BOSS in that relationship. But being very steeped in my religious upbringing there was too much dissonance for me. I guess not enough to stop me from divorcing her though lol. The LTR on the other hand… I fell for hook, line and sinker. Single mom, Strong independant and bpd. Alcoholic. Fucked me all up. I never completely lost my dominance but enough that she did end up in the bed of… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Wild Person
@Andy – there are implications for not getting this man/woman thing right, both personally, and also downstream wrt to the quality of gender relations. I

True. Perhaps this is the reason you are so frustrated?

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

I’m not sure if you’re serious or not, but it’s interesting to me that it used to be that most males had 2 sides. That isn’t the case anymore.

Truth. Even if Side 2 was kept hidden 99.9% of the time, as my father did, it was still there.

Then there’s this…

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Someone spelled lei incorrectly.

Maybe. Maybe not.

8 years ago


That tune always cheers me up.Don’t know if you are disillusioned or just woke up to some bad smelling coffee.
The answer doesn’t lie in a woman’s comfort,the women need your comfort,how much you have to give varies on your internals.
Fuck it man just try to get used to having some fun.


The chicks that swallow have bigger smiles,The selenium may be the cause.They should all swallow if they want to be happy!

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@Forge @scray “Girls these days are snarky as shit. Some of them really are bitches, some aren’t. It’s just their way of protecting status, having fun, and filtering.” don’t forget that snark is an ego-defense and anger-based emotion…lol… it’s a combination of anger/frustration and resignation…that presents as ‘self amusement’ (bc what else is the girl going to do?…be sad?…lol)… girls really do hate all the beta guys out there…lol…(guys that ‘just don’t get it’…but ALMOST do…and ESPECIALLY the chad thundercocks with no game…lol…bc he’s the guy they EXPECT and WANT to have game…lol) and the really bitchy girls really aren’t…they… Read more »

8 years ago


Yes, fun. Been workin on that and my internals. 6 mo out from breakup, i know this will get better.


Reflecting more on the question. I don’t have a mission. I will work on this.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

…the book “when I say no, I feel guilty”…

A woman told me about that book years ago. I asked her to loan it to me. At first she said “no”, then she changed her mind. Maybe she felt guilty…

8 years ago


Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

PlatinumJ to kfg Reflecting more on the question. I don’t have a mission. I will work on this. One way, but not the only way: from time to time I ask myself “Why am I doing this?”. Sometimes the answer isn’t clear, then it’s time to think about things. Not to say there isn’t gravel to be shoveled, and I’m the only one who can or will do it, so … shovel and be done. That’s one thing men do. But larger picture – why am I doing this? Am I keeping my word to someone, to myself, am I… Read more »

8 years ago

Eat something sweet.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


so, just get in there and game like a wing chun master…lol

As an advanced wing chun student, let me say that our Game actually sucks. We’re just good at punching people in the head.

8 years ago


I see the disillusionment as a good thing, overall. Yes it sucked but if it hadnt happened I’d still be what… Illusioned?
Fuck that. All i see now, i see through the red. And no it’s not very fun. That’s the challenge. Enjoying life now that i see things the way they really are.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago


Almost like something from a foreign country, isn’t it?

On the practical side, those weepy dudes are the men standing around in the bar looking at the girlies while Scray or YaReally or some other man approaches…

8 years ago

@Platinum – Ennui is a sticky substance…KFG is spot on, find a mission. And if you can’t, then I suggest you may have to look at your emotions/psychology. Is there lingering grief about the marriage? Self-image damage from the BPD – that shit will fuck a man’s head up. Why do I say that? In a calm, self-oriented state, having a mission sounds like fun, not a burden. And one can just pick which ever one he wants, it doesn’t seem so serious or meaningful. It’s only life after all. Re: Good Kid Em – Her begging made me belly… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


hose weepy dudes are the men standing around in the bar looking at the girlies

To be fair, they occasionally take a break to order a manly drink.

8 years ago

AR- Feminist spent a couple of generations telling men to be sensitive and to get in touch with their feminine sides. Well, I’m a man. I have no feminine side. They encourage and shamed men into crying and find themselves turned off by the very behavior they demanded. Nothing new here though, as women have no idea what they actually want, and any male would be wise to not give much weight to a women’s spoken opinions regarding men and masculinity. What I will say also, is that I do believe that men have undergone a massive pussification. Not only… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

PlatinumJ I’ve been performing a trade for almost 20 years. Masterfully, unconscious competence. Have been expanding into related areas of expertise but I’ve always worked for someone else. I should probably start my own business but i have no idea how really. Depends on the trade. One of the real-deal, in-the-bank millionaires I know is a plumber. Started in the 80’s with his own truck, apparently was always very careful with the accounts (probably a good bookkeeper), is in the process of selling his business now. Bought one heck of a big house for cash. You don’t really need to… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Seriously, if one of these chickadees would actually say, “Here’s why I don’t think hypergamy makes sense.” Or “No, our current society isn’t deeply shaped by female imperatives and the needs of female sexual agency at the expense of males and male sexual agency and here’s why”, I’d probably shit myself.

If a cat started to bark, what would you do?

8 years ago
8 years ago
Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@AR, scrib

If a cat started to bark, what would you do?

Clearly the answer to that question is “record it and post it on YouTube”.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Blaximus Try as I might to not be all “ get off my lawn “ as I get older, but this development is extremely troubling. All this talk of bullies and alternative ways of dealing with them and fucking conflict resolution…gimmee a damn break. I grew up with the occasional bully too and he wasn’t handled with verbal conflict resolution. When I was in junior high, fights on school property were verboten. Some coach or assistant principal would bring the Board of Education down on that stuff. But anything off property, even in the dirt lot across the street, wasn’t… Read more »

8 years ago


Nothing pisses me off more than being suckered,like you better not hit me and I find out about it.
Still you have to improvise when things don’t work out,all through the LTR the blue pill guy says if it wasn’t for this bitch I would do that.
What was she holding you back from? do it.
Joke em if they can’t take a fuck.

8 years ago

AR ” A couple of times I’ve accidentally encountered a group of men in some coffee joint that pretty much looked gay, only to find out that they were a Bible study group where a couple of them had wedding bands on. I’ve met married 20-something preachers with a kid or two, and frankly if I encountered them in a downtown bar I’d swear they were gay. High voice, hands backwards on hips like a woman, giggly laugh, uptalking..the list goes on. ” DAMNIT!!!! Usually Sun is the one that makes me spray coffee on my monitor, but you got… Read more »

8 years ago

AR ” But y’know, 40% of marriages are blown up, usually by the woman. So that’s the percentage of men likely raised by their mothers without a father in the picture. It’s not like the long term effects of divorce are a secret.” PREACH!!! I’ve said it here before, so I’ll be redundant. Single moms are one of the largest blights on current society. And I’m speaking collectively here. Some single moms do a decent job of course. I was speaking to some family members who are in different branches of law enforcement and the corrections system, and overwhelmingly we… Read more »

8 years ago

@AR from time to time I ask myself “Why am I doing this?” I do this all the time now. If the answer isn’t “because i want to” i stop. @scrib “It’s only life after all.” Lol’d Had to look up ennui. Spot on. Definitely some internal issues as well. @stuffinbox “What was she holding you back from? do it.” More like what did i not do because i didnt want to rock the boat and/or cuz i was afraid to lose her. Had alot to do with seeing her as an equal in the beginning, she was 28(epiphany phase)… Read more »

8 years ago

AR ” Yeah. Again, this is why PUA’s over 30, over 40, can trip attraction triggers so easily. I saw some dudes the other night – black leather, serious badass looking, but their body language and their voices told me it was just LARPing. ” I’ve only recently learned about ” LARPing “. I missed all of the video/gaming thing. By the time that stuff showed up I was grown with a family, lol. It’s funny to me that Larping is so fairly widespread. I still seem to have so much to learn because so much is changing ( not… Read more »

8 years ago

To whom it may concern,

The Princess Bride is now on Netflix

8 years ago

” The Princess Bride is now on Netflix ”

… I though she was on the BluePill reddit

8 years ago

“Cult Of Personality” Look in my eyes, what do you see? The cult of personality I know your anger, I know your dreams I’ve been everything you want to be I’m the cult of personality Like Mussolini and Kennedy I’m the cult of personality The cult of personality The cult of personality Neon lights, Nobel Prize When a mirror speaks, the reflection lies You won’t have to follow me Only you can set me free I sell the things you need to be I’m the smiling face on your TV I’m the cult of personality I exploit you, still you… Read more »

8 years ago

Lol. You know what I want to hear from that princess?

“I don’t know everything, and I don’t know what I don’t know.” I think every man here would admit to that.

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago


As an advanced wing chun student, let me say that our Game actually sucks. We’re just good at punching people in the head.

it was more of a metaphor, really…lol…slip those shit tests and stay in the set…up close and personal…lol…

don’t believe in yourself…believe in me bc i believe in you…lol

good luck!

8 years ago

@ Andy


Know what I want to hear from that princess?


8 years ago

Goooooood point.

8 years ago

@yareally @scray
As an aside to my feelings of ennui, I’d like to point out that these guys are 1000% right about externals vs internal mindsets. Last time i went out i purposely wore shit clothes and gave no fucks, went out 100% for fun and had a great night. Saw lots of ioi’s and got a snl/new plate.

Bout to go do it again or have fun tryin 😉

8 years ago

@AR @Blax I was raised by a single mother and the community at large,had uncles,grandfather,and all the war vet neighbors for male influence. Some of the vets would put their boys out for cock fights. Shit my mom got me in more fights just from following her stupid advice on how to handle assholes and bullies.My little brother turned out to be the pussy as they could use me as a bad example and nobody in his rank would fuck with him for fear of me. Most of the tough guys I know were from dysfunctional families,or single moms.A lot… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Blaximus I was speaking to some family members who are in different branches of law enforcement and the corrections system, and overwhelmingly we all attribute the insane amount of shooting incidences in the inner cities to boys/men raised by single moms ( sorry CH, but it’s true…lol ). Reminds me, I once met a churchgoing man who worked with inmates, inside prison, most of them white or Hispanic. How many were from babymommas, divorced familes, etc. single mothers? Oh, only about 90%. If there was a disease, say, NeoZika, that did to children / young people what divorce does, there… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Among my family and friends there was a saying – ” Don’t let your alligator mouth get your hummingbird ass in trouble “.

Hah! The version I heard: “Battleship mouth … rowboat ass” was from a former Marine, but I’m sure the Navy man in my family would have agreed.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

“Cult Of Personality”

Once saw Living Color open for the Strolling Bones. Heck of a show from start to finish for both bands.

Still can’t believe MTV put that video up on their channel. It’s crimethink!

8 years ago

Walk softly and carry a big stick.

8 years ago

@ Stuff My generation was the last to be raised with corporal punishment in the school system. Only the most hardcore problem kids remained a problem, and then they were removed to a ” special school ” more suited to their needs. Once in elementary school, I was in the principals office for fighting ( the bullies I spoke of earlier…). The principal made us an offer – ” since you knuckleheads love to fight so much, you can put on the gloves, 3 rounds to get it out of your systems, then I call in your parents, or I… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


don’t believe in yourself…believe in me bc i believe in you…lol

comment image

8 years ago

@ Blaximus I am 55yo we are the same generation,for us it was swats or suspension your choice some teachers had a paddle some would send you to the dean,all the paddles were made in the woodshop.The shop teacher had his own custom 3′ with holes drilled for less wind resistance. As for fighting,not allowed this action resulted in a move to another district. If you didn’t fight,you were shit the bus stop on the corner was the ring everyone would show to see the blood and then walk home. If none got of at the first stop you knew… Read more »

8 years ago

AR- Shameless name dropping ahead…. I was around at the formation of the group. Once upon a time I was a member of the BRC ( Black Rock Coalition ). I was at Right Track studios in NYC for a lot of the recording sessions. Vernon Reid played on Mick Jaggers Primitive Cool album. Jagger heard demos from Living Colour and decided to help get exposure by producing their album. By that time the group was practically disbanded. Muzz Skilings had taken the Fireman’s exam and passed, and Corey Glover was in the Philippines filming with the movie Platoon. Once… Read more »

8 years ago

“dudes dressed like construction workers ( Boots, Dickies heavy pants, huge plaid/work shirts ) and they don’t even have jobs” ~ that’s just what seems to be a logical extension of game… dressing the part is included in game for men – right? As a musician, being on stage all night, I’ve seen girls completely change their appearance in the bar bathroom so that they look completely different when they come out from when they went in. Back packs and large purses bring the ‘adaptations’… Or swapping clothes with girl friends and each helping the other with hair and make… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Stuff

” The shop teacher had his own custom 3′ with holes drilled for less wind resistance..”



This right here!!! It’s soooo true.

8 years ago

Blaximus writes: >”They actually sound like women as they talk about their “ safety “ and avoiding trouble and danger. And violence??? Totally unacceptable under any circumstances. These are DUDES saying these things. Hard to believe for me. Try as I might to not be all “ get off my lawn “ as I get older, but this development is extremely troubling. All this talk of bullies and alternative ways of dealing with them and fucking conflict resolution…gimmee a damn break. I grew up with the occasional bully too and he wasn’t handled with verbal conflict resolution. Society is setting… Read more »

8 years ago

i have been mentoring in the trades for over 30yrs,things have gotten to where I have to teach them about life while teaching a trade.
And it is to much for most,I have been asked how do I do this every day.

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@Blaximus Once in elementary school, I was in the principals office for fighting ( the bullies I spoke of earlier…). The principal made us an offer – ” since you knuckleheads love to fight so much, you can put on the gloves, 3 rounds to get it out of your systems, then I call in your parents, or I will suspend you for a week.”. We put on the gloves. 3 minutes in we were begging to stop. i had that old school experience, too (in 4th grade)…lol…i used to LOVE to fight (i started early in kindergarten…lol… and spent… Read more »

8 years ago

“and i think the regression to the mean”…
Most likely a mixture of low level agriculture and barbarism,descending into nomadic hunter gatherer. With a side of extremely wealthy and slavery while supplies last.

8 years ago

@ dwellerman ” Start with construction worker beer drinking at 5, change into business man suit and tie at 8 and changing venues at the same time. Then, if the previous two incarnations didn’t get some satisfaction, change onto the ‘don’t give a fuck alpha guy’ at 10 and show up at the local live music joint… then if that’s not working out get risky and impersonate an authority figure at midnight offering assistance and white knight chivalry to the drunk girl who needs an escort to where ever she’s going… oh wait that last part is actually illegal isn’t… Read more »

8 years ago

I wrote: >but eschewing it has not returned us to Eden, either. Of course, once Jehovah’s Christ returns, everything will be All Right…because they will “beat their plowshares into whatever…and man will not learn war anymore.” So what do we read into this…”man will not learn war anymore”? No more conflict! Yay!!! Only there’s a problem. No more conflict also means No More Will…because the absence of conflict can only manifest if a collective absence of will is concurrently present (at least on the dimensional plane conventional wisdom has afforded humanity insight into to date…in fairness to Jehovah…that potentially Unrevealed… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Dwellerman
That would be some funny shit everybody changing identity,then using the same strategy,a guy could get rejected by the same girl three times a night and not realize it and she may wonder why these different guys are using the same line.

8 years ago

@HABD ” i had that old school experience, too (in 4th grade)…lol…i used to LOVE to fight (i started early in kindergarten…lol… and spent a lot of time in the office for various other infractions too…lol)…but i was never a bully (or picked on)…i used to get into it protecting the other kids (i always seemed to end up fighting older kids…lol)…except that i LOVED the gloves/boxing thing (it’s a good thing i never lived around a boxing gym or i’d probably have brain damage…lol)…i took on the whole school and couldn’t get enough…lol…’surprisingly’ (lol) i never had any trouble… Read more »

8 years ago

I wrote:

>Time will tell…

Which side to choose?

“In The Bible We lose…We are destined to lose, Dad”, saith Keanu

“Well consider the source, Son”, saith Big Al

Hard Questions…

8 years ago

comment image

8 years ago

I wrote:

>Which side to choose?

“In The Bible We lose…We are destined to lose, Dad”, saith Keanu

“Well consider the source, Son”, saith Big Al

Hard Questions…


Or maybe James Franciscus (Brent) knew The Way in 1970…when interrogated about The Apes by the guys underneath Queensboro (now that’s just *too* apt) Plaza…he defiantly and confidently replied, “I’ll help no one. Go ahead…annihilate each other.” Of course, his (and everyone else’s end) was Not Good.

8 years ago

I used to have some sayings back then,who are you trying to convince me or you and i may be cheap but not free you will know i was there.
While it is good for females to avoid conflict,as can be seen in the war brides post the world isn’t a Sunday school picnic,some male protection is needed.The biology is there but has been detuned for a slow start and bad mileage.

8 years ago

It just dawned on me the comment section is down to two maybe three old school bouncers and a young lady on a friday night.

8 years ago

>Or maybe James Franciscus (Brent) knew The Way in 1970…when interrogated about The Apes by the guys underneath Queensboro (now that’s just *too* apt) Plaza…he defiantly and confidently replied, “I’ll help no one. Go ahead…annihilate each other.” Of course, his (and everyone else’s end) was Not Good. > Perhaps we can deem Brent’s behavior as a metaphor for MGTOW…though, he did ultimately *act* in concert with Taylor to destroy the bloodthirsty telepath…breaking the his sadistic spell which he (the telepath) had euphemistically rationalized as “we are a peaceful people…we don’t kill our enemies…we get our enemies to kill each other”,… Read more »

8 years ago

,,,minus 1 more


8 years ago

> and a young lady on a friday night.

I am a loser. It is another name for winner.


Roy Hobbs
Roy Hobbs
8 years ago

So Reverend Blax @ http://therationalmale.com/2016/03/29/evolving-hypergamy/comment-page-6/#comment-150212 sparked some thought… “I do believe that men have undergone a massive pussification. Not only are many now tear jerkers, but they are being trained to be non-competitive and soft. In the past decade I have been overrun by grown assed men who are scared shitless of practically everything. They actually sound like women as they talk about their “ safety “ and avoiding trouble and danger. And violence??? Totally unacceptable under any circumstances.” 100% agreed on the pussification. I’ve experienced these or their equivalents regularly over the last 20 years. It is literally the… Read more »

hank holiday
hank holiday
8 years ago

@forge @culum It wasn’t like I had some quota in my head of “Oh I’ve got to neg this bitch 5 times”. Its just that I have noticed that part of my personality with girls is like being their big brother. I just fall into that teasing/insulting/just-fucking-with-her vibe around girls, especially ones I really like. So I was just asking about insulting girls because I do that all the time and have had great reults from it. What I’m picking up though from Forge though is that a neg — a backhanded compliment so we’re all clear here — is… Read more »

8 years ago

Karen if you want to watch a flick to discuss here go to the war brides post.

hank holiday
hank holiday
8 years ago

Oh man, and the married girl is in her late 30’s earliest, late 40’s oldest, so she’s right at that stage where she’d want to sleep around. A last hurrah before her SMV decays completely. Don’t have Rollo’s chart in front of me so I don’t remember what that stage is, but holy shit things make even more sense now. Lol

8 years ago

Roy Hobbes wrote:

>“I do believe”

Don’t you have a baseball game to get to?

As for your post, T.L.D.R

8 years ago

@ Roy
They snuk in while we were working and did this.The damage is done,the mess will be large.There is no going back.

8 years ago

I wrote: >As for your post, T.L.D.R Momentarily intrigued, I *did* take a minute or so to read “The Natural’s” dispatch. My conclusion is that he is a frustrated and enraged middle aged white guy…not entirely lacking a working brain…who sees the world he once knew evaporating before his very eyes. He hates Women; but the hatred is not so much hatred of Women per se; but rather hatred of the augmentation of feminine power…which (and this most important part is *always* omitted) diminishes his power. We always wondered about *why* racists opposed first the abolition of slavery…and later, the… Read more »

8 years ago

@Roy Hobbes The answer to your angst is not to look for a top down approach. This is the bitter taste of the red pill and hard mode. A bottoms up approach is what is recommended. It is you getting red pill awareness and you getting game. No one is going to swoop down from the sky and save you from the fact that hell is other people and that your societal realm is in real decline. Enjoy the decline by being better and not letting others steal your energy. So suck it up. Adapt and learn this red pill… Read more »

8 years ago

@PlatinumJ “Endless line of holes to stick dick in…” Exactly. It sucks at first. The feeling will disappear, then it will come back again, then disappear, then back again…ad nauseum. They told us the princess has a sweet voice. She sings for the prince. She rubs his back, then she stares lovingly into his eyes and says the deepest things… Bullshit. She might. Still fucking boring the next day. We chose the red pill. Fantasy world called the matrix and is beyond anyone who has chosen the red pill. In the end it is better to know and embrace reality… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

On the way back from the bar tonight stopping by a gas station to grab an OJ and some trail mix: “Hey! I remember you from [the bar I just left] on St. Pat’s!” “Huh?” I had walked past her and it took me a moment to realize she was talking to me. “I remember that jacket!” Had a bit of small talk. Chick had way too much make up on, which is probably why I forgot about her and definitely was why I wrote her off tonight. Apparently my sense of style has gotten good enough that people remember… Read more »

8 years ago

Sonny says:

>That’s a first for me.

OMG that’s soooo great! Within 5 years, you might graduate to holding hands!!!


8 years ago

Che Guevera says:

>They told us the princess has a sweet voice. She sings for the prince. She rubs his back, then she stares lovingly into his eyes and says the deepest things…


>She might. Still fucking boring the next day.

If you are waiting for a lap dance…you will be waiting a while, boy.

8 years ago

I wrote: >OMG that’s soooo great! Within 5 years, you might graduate to holding hands!!! >*Barfs* I’m breaking one of My Iron Rules of Life here…but rules are made to be broken…at least Mine are…by Me. *Never explain…your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway.* (I, of course, have plenty of the latter…and not many of the former…though I am a believer in the theory that “friends are just enemies who are being nice to you at the moment”) My insult of Sunny was merely a paying back of old scores…a review of the… Read more »

8 years ago


I give it an HB6, and that’s being generous…

8 years ago

The Princess Wrote: >Perhaps we can deem Brent’s behavior as a metaphor for MGTOW…though, he did ultimately *act* in concert with Taylor to destroy the bloodthirsty telepath…breaking the his sadistic spell which he (the telepath) had euphemistically rationalized as “we are a peaceful people…we don’t kill our enemies…we get our enemies to kill each other”, while trying to get Taylor and Brent to destroy one another. Yeah, right. Tell me another one. There have been few times at the theatre that my heart has ever leapt with more joy than when the spell was momentarily broken…affording our heroic duo the… Read more »

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