Evolving Hypergamy


Novaseeker had an excellent breakdown of how Hypergamy has developed and is radically altering a long established social order in favor of one centered on the female sexual strategy. This was timely for a post I was working on, so rather than allow it to be buried in the last thread I thought I’d riff on it a bit here:

So in my head, I tried to think of what the best response to hidden estrus would be from a male perspective, and the only thing I could think of was essentially hiding male horniness, I used the word stoicism. The only way to balance the effects of hidden estrus is for all men to simply appear to not want what a women are offering, to appear uninvested, uninterested, etc.., because this again gives the perception of a lack of abundance to the women and re-balances things. Eventually such behavior would become selected for to some degree, and male emotions would become less prominent.

I agree with what you are saying, although I think it’s important to bear in mind that the expression of female sexuality historically was quite restricted, once we were at a level of more complex social organization beyond the rather small. Things did vary by community and culture somewhat, but once things reached that level of social advance, in most places a woman’s family/kin had a huge control over the expression of her sexuality, with the parents (largely the father) and to a lesser extent her male brothers exerting substantial restrictive pressure on the expression of her sexuality.

I should note here that while there is a definite social structure built around various strategies of mate guarding, these social mores and familial repression of women’s Hypergamous impulses does, in fact, stem from evolved, behavioral adaptations.

Kin Affiliation Across the Ovulatory Cycle : Females Avoid Fathers When Fertile Consider that girls will make subconscious efforts to avoid their fathers during the proliferative phase of their ovulatory cycle. Also, consider girls enter puberty at an earlier age when their fathers are not present in the family. Both of these are examples of phenomena that have a physical manifestation and a latent evolutionary purpose, but socially we build moral/social frameworks around buffering for (or sometimes accommodating) them.

Likewise, there are social controls that span all cultures that have the same purpose of buffering against the predations and mechanics of women’s Hypergamous natures. The most stringent of these might be repressing of women’s sexuality, but the latent purpose is still the same; controlling for paternity assurances.

There was, of course, cheating of the system that took place in terms of women bucking the system covertly, but most women were not sexual free agents in most places most of the time historically, and so were not acting on their estrus, concealed or otherwise at these later points in history. It does seem like something which likely occurred prior to the time we developed significant social organization (which is unclear when it precisely happened, but likely happened gradually quite some time before the development of large-scale agriculture), and is inherited from that earlier time, while the later social structures mostly, or at least in many cases, served to rather severely hem in the expression of female sexuality and free sexual choice to a large degree.

The Feminine Imperative that exists today still uses these historically extreme controls as a baseline for provoking an emotional response among women (and feminized men) today. In spite of the realities of Open Hypergamy and Open Cuckoldry, and paired with the fact that we live in the most sexually permissive society the world has largely known to this point, there is still a necessity to sell a narrative of sexual repression in order to perpetuate a social condition of ‘victimization’ among women and thus perpetuate a status of concern and primary importance.

So I guess my perspective is not that what you are suggesting is incorrect, in terms of the deeper evolutionary inheritance, but that the response of men to this eventually evolved, socially, into the use of social/legal/moral structures that acted as a counterweight to the inter-sexual issues raised by concealed estrus, and that, being social animals, this was itself also a powerfully selected thing (tribes that did not adopt similar restrictive measures did not generally survive except in relatively isolated areas where they were not exposed to the same degree of competition with patriarchal tribes and their sexually restrictive cultures). I suspect it dawned on the males in some tribal groups that the gains to be had from a kind of system of “one girl for (almost) every guy (who isn’t killed in war, or banished or enslaved)” when it came to women, in terms of reducing sex-related conflict among men, became more important when the scale/size of social organization grew beyond the small and moved to a larger, more complex scale, where different structures were needed to ensure cooperation and alleviate conflict which could undermine that cooperation and the scale made possible by it. So in other words, the strategy that men adopted had to do with the needs of the social order and the need for greater cooperation and less conflict once the scale grew to the point where close kinship among the males could no longer feasibly serve as a conflict-reducer effectively.

This was done, of course, at the direct expense of the female sexual strategy, and females have been scratching and clawing against that result in various ways ever since that time, but really have only recently had the success of overturning pretty much all aspects of that restrictive system (while retaining selective elements of it in form, mostly, as it serves their own interests) with the collaboration of most men, by the way, in the process (for various reasons, many of which Rollo has detailed in various posts on this blog). The resulting system is therefore new, and requires men to adapt, which is what we are about doing here, of course. The idea is to have a system which is of a large scale and complexity, socially, and which requires high levels of cooperation in order to function, while at the same time removing the last vestiges of of the “one girl for (almost) every guy” sexual system and replacing it with the freest, most open and adversarial system of sexual competition among males that our species has likely seen since long before the time we evolved into socially-based human groups.

I’ve covered most of the male adaptiveness that Nova mentions here in the Adaptation series of posts. For the short version, however, it’s important to note that even the sexual restrictiveness of women in prior eras were themselves adaptations meant to buffer against women’s conflicting sexual strategy. As I stated in the Cardinal Rule of Sexual Strategies, for one sex’s strategy to succeed the other must either be compromised or abandoned. Prior sexual restrictiveness was a repression meant to force women to abandon and later (in monogamy) compromise their own Hypergamy (Alpha Fucks/Beta Bucks).

It remains to be seen how feasible this is, longer term, because it is still so new. And the adaptation required by men is substantial, because the change is gargantuan from anything we have experienced in thousands upon thousands of years, in terms of sexual system and related mores. I think relatively few will adapt, and the majority of men will fail at the system, in terms of actually getting what they want. I don’t mean most guys will be incel all their lives, but that their relationships with women will be extremely skewed to the women’s terms, through a combination of outright duping, indoctrination into wishful thinking, and a steady move towards ever more libertine sexual morality for women as a part of the further expression of the Feminine Imperative.

And that comes back to the concealed estrus issue, because the social solution that men in certain groups came up with a long, long time ago (substantial restrictions on female sexual expression) is now pretty much completely removed in this culture, meaning that it is playing a bigger role in human inter-sexual relations than it has been permitted to play in a long time. In fact, the development of reproductive technologies and the related legal regime supporting their free use has augmented the ability of women to utilize this aspect of themselves to tilt the field in their favor, well beyond what nature provided them, in terms of controlling who among the men gets to breed. Again, most men will not be able to adapt quickly enough and will be in lopsided relationships as a result. Other men, like us, are able to adapt and thrive under the new system as individuals, knowing full well we can’t really overthrow something like the sea change in sexual system that we have seen occur, even if we thought that was wise, which it may very well not be. Every man, once he comes to this realization, therefore has a choice to make, really, and a fairly stark one. Most guys have no chance, however, because they are totally subsumed by the feminine primary and never come to a realization of things as they are, and just what the heck happened in the culture, sexually, over the last 100 years or so.

Although my last post may have been on the melodramatic side, the exaggeration is still founded on the same dynamic Nova is getting at here. Since the time of the sexual revolution there has been a complete social abdication on the part of men to have any say in exercising, much less advocating for, prioritizing their own interests in the sexual strategies equation.

It’s gotten to the point that even men’s initiating an approach at the most marginal form of intimacy runs the risk of not just rejection, but legal and social punishments for even taking it upon himself. The onus of sexual selection, as per every legal mandate, is unilaterally placed upon the part of women. The latent purpose of this is to prioritize women’s sexuality and women’s sexual strategy (Hypergamy) above men’s – all while clinging to the pretense of the sexual repressions that they believe still characterize the condition of women.

If you ever wonder at the declining marriage rates, the delaying of marriage until well past women’s prime fertility years, male suicide rates being four times that of women or the rise of men who’ve contented themselves in being single for their lives look no further than this reprioritization of women’s Hypergamy as the socially predominant sexual strategy.


I would say that attempts at overt male control of covert female sexuality oftentimes amount to window dressing that only serve to help convince the men of their paternity, even when they’ve no reason to be assured of it. Only in cultures like those established by strict Islamic doctrine/Sharia Law can paternity be (mostly) assured by social forces. Outside of that, women can oftentimes have free reign at getting away with good old-fashioned cuckoldry.


In a social order founded on Hypergamy, that dynamic demands that men’s utterly abdicate their sexual and biological imperatives to women. This means any paternity assurances, or even the idea that they should matter to a man, must be surrendered to the point that they are literally conditioned and bred out of the consciousnesses of men.


I’m hitting upon this in the hopes of prompting some discussion about the aspects of Hypergamy Novaseeker mentions here, but also because I will be discussing much of this with Alan Roger Currie this coming Thursday night on his podcast.

We’ll be talking at 10pm EST/7pm PST and this will be a live call-in format, so if you’d like to participate I’d encourage you to do so. While my appearance is not necessarily an endorsement of Mode One or anything else Currie is selling, I respect him as a thoughtful interviewer and he’s been asking me to appear for some time now.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago


The point of my comment was actually that it didn’t make all that much difference except with 1 girl outta 6.

It’s not a bad plan to keep it in the back of your head in an LTR, but otherwise….eh.

Girls get turned on just fine whenever.

8 years ago

😌…And here’s another…

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

“And I have postulated that the true, underlying purpose of perfume is to mask this, to keep estrus hidden.”

Interesting. If so, it doesn’t work all that well.

It’s not the smell, it’s the effect that whatever their smell is has on my mood. Perfume is like trying to fool a breathalyzer with a tic-tac.

8 years ago

>Much to do about nothing.

The Bard spins in his grave…

>Back to the cornfield with both of you.

Arguably your most potent dispatch of the day…though the verb and the object are hopelessly (and unnaturally) reversed.

8 years ago

“The Bard spins in his grave…”

Everyone needs a hobby.

8 years ago

Trolling: What else are you supposed to do with an English Lit degree?

8 years ago

Et list shea goted me pionnt dinet shhhhe.

8 years ago

The Sheriff says:

>Trolling: What else are you supposed to do with an English Lit degree?

It is always soooooo much fun when they try to fight back…the observation of persistent impotence is a joyless endeavor…

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@SJF But when you are on the margin, minor details matter. tiny details matter to everybody interacting with girls…those subcomms/calibration cues are subtle… Should a man bank on these marginal returns? No. But you need to squeeze all of your marginal knowledge and skill when you are punching above your weight. = FI in play…bc of the idea of ‘classes’… You need all the help you can get. And understanding the article that Wild Man cited is just a simple tool. It gives you a slight margin. knowledge is power, but you still have to do the practicum…lol… Even if… Read more »

8 years ago

Stuffy says:

>Et list shea goted me pionnt dinet shhhhe.

The use of Google translator needs to be limited in the same way that calculators are limited to school children when being instructed on the rudiments of arithmetic…

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

So I’m advocating for more guys that aren’t two standard deviations left or right of the mean advancing their sexual strategy.

So maybe I miss-spoke. Forget marginalized (that does sound like Mr. MacChoad). How bout those not above or below two standard deviations.

those guys on the left hand tail 3SD+ out are NOT out of luck with game (even the Rose guy…)…even THEY can pull it around if they put in the work…and, of course, the naturals 3SD+ up only seem to have problems when they settle down, so game can help them too…lol…

good luck!

8 years ago

” . . . calculators are limited to school children when being instructed on the rudiments of arithmetic…” Which, pedagogically, is exactly backwards. The use of calculators should be banned in mathematics training until the junior year of undergraduate studies, and even then only in cases where both conceptual understanding and physical skill have been demonstrated. Although I suppose there is always a place for midwit number crunchers. During the Manhattan Project, lacking access to an electronic computer, Feynman hired a bunch of secretarial students, outfitted them with mechanical IBM calculators and arranged them in a matrix simulating and advanced… Read more »

having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago


This has been discussed in various places, and some people suggest it is part of the divorce rate: Suzy Carousel rider is on the pill when she approaches the Wall, marries BetaBux. Then a couple of years later she decides it’s sprog time so she goes off the pill, and suddenly BetaBux becomes actually repulsive to her. Well, hurry up and make babee anyway, but he still is somewhat repulsive.

i have actually experienced this in an extended family situ, so it does seem accurate…

good luck!

8 years ago

I used to be a big ShoeOnHead fan…


8 years ago

She’s no fun, she fell right over.

8 years ago

“I used to be a big ShoeOnHead fan…”

And Armoured Skeptic as well. Women ruin everything.

8 years ago

No, Rollo, don’t. It’s really instructional to watch her anti-feminist videos and then see her commentary here. For all who don’t know, her Youtube channel is ShoeOnHead and she’s really good – but that is no matter. If you don’t have a Y chromosome, the hamster is in charge.


having a bad day
having a bad day
8 years ago

@Forge @HABD The point of my comment was actually that it didn’t make all that much difference except with 1 girl outta 6. It’s not a bad plan to keep it in the back of your head in an LTR, but otherwise….eh. Girls get turned on just fine whenever. ya, i got that, even though it might not have come through in my comment… and the rest of it didn’t make it though either…bc the point of MY comment was that you have a built-in social circle with at LEAST 12 cute girls therein…not anywhere close to being where you… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

No woman will ever truly be “anti-feminist”. That’s like saying she’s against her own self interests.

8 years ago

@Roused: (Objecting to my suggestion we bring back fault based divorces- especially in the case of a sexually withdrawing wife (or husband) with a presumption of no alimony and custody with the non-at fault parent): “I don’t think laws are going to make panties wet.” Agreed. You cannot NEGOTIATE desire and that is not what I suggest. However, you can FORCE and DEMAND compliance. You can even force and demand desire- in fact, one must ALWAYS FORCE desire. This is the essence of “game.” That is the reason for “War Brides.” Her panties getting wet would be a side effect… Read more »

8 years ago

“Woman is generally so bad that the difference between a good and a bad woman scarcely exists.”Tolstoy
That hamster wheel vid.gets me rolling every time.

8 years ago


No, Rollo, don’t. It’s really instructional to watch her anti-feminist videos and then see her commentary here. For all who don’t know, her Youtube channel is ShoeOnHead and she’s really good – but that is no matter. If you don’t have a Y chromosome, the hamster is in charge.

Wait, what? Karen is “ShoeOnHead” ?

8 years ago

@sentient “It’s all good. The science is your friend.” http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/comm/haselton/unify_uploads/files/Gildersleeve,%20Haselton,%20&%20Fales%202014%20meta%20of%20mate%20prefs.pdf it’s remarkable that Ya says ‘whatever the effect, it’s not that significant in field’ and if you LOOK at the paper….all the effect sizes (when they are stat significant) are small. like the largest ones are .3. that’s not even enough for a woman to go from 50th-tile beta schlub top 20% alpha stud wrt a particular trait…. and traits like dominance had NEAR ZERO effect size (.04) and this is a BIG meta-analysis now, am I saying that that’s the final word? of course not. and i’m sure there… Read more »

8 years ago

@Rollo, ban her again. We need our, cough, Safe Spaces.

8 years ago

@Rollo, in her case, I’ve seen many girls like her who think wit and sarcasm count as higher IQ points. Funny? Yes. Witty? Yes. But not nearly as intelligent as they think they are.

8 years ago

“Funny? Yes. Witty? Yes.”

This one seems to think that a display of “education” in and of itself comprises humour and wit.

She really isn’t any fun. There’s no there there. Just an IB with enhanced vernacular.

8 years ago

@Rollo: “It’s just fortune cookie thesaurus spam.”

She thinks she’s funny, but she’s wasting all her fertile years on shallow stand up comedy, all the while ignoring the truth of what Blax wrote …TIME IS UNDEFEATED.

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


Were she half as clever as she thinks, she wouldn’t have time to troll. She’d be out doing something productive.

8 years ago

KFC wrote:

>She really isn’t any fun

That you chastise me as “no fun” only confirms how much fun I actually am…since, as in all interactions, there is the giver…and the taker. You are very much the metaphorical victim of my satire…in other words, each time I laugh, you cry.

8 years ago

@Sun Wukong

Were she half as clever as she thinks, she wouldn’t have time to troll. She’d be out doing something productive.

Never underestimate human laziness from a life experience lacking in pressure to perform.

8 years ago

Re: ShoeOnKaren – I’m seeing the same phenomena again. Calling her stupid when she’s not. I don’t think Emily or Karen are stupid, I think they are both fairly smart. But they both lack a Y chromosome and cannot avoid the hamster. Karen so perfectly demonstrates hamsterlation that it’s too ripe an opportunity to pass up. Karen is indeed a bit of a wordsmith, so it’s even riper. Add in her great takedowns of feminism on her YouTube channel, and it gets positively delicious. The contrast is epic and so neatly demonstrates how a woman can live with ridiculous contradictions.… Read more »

8 years ago

@Jeremy: “Never underestimate human laziness from a life experience lacking in pressure to perform.”

Repeatedly hitting the refresh button to gauge her audience’s reactions and give her incrementally smaller dopamine hits takes a lot of energy though, right up there with hamsters having to constantly lick the water nipple for nourishment.

8 years ago

It seems many women are largely unaware that they are actually ovulating at that time In my experience with women, this changes for many of them as they get a little bit older. The typical 21 yo hottie has no clue about her estrus and just acts on her feelz. Many women, by the time they are 30 or 35, and have been through countless cycles, know full well when they are in estrus because they have by then noticed that they are markedly hornier at certain times of the month. Many women do clue into it. When that happens,… Read more »

8 years ago

RT wrote:

>It’s just fortune cookie thesaurus spam. ShoeOnHead thinks she’s the online version of Sarah Silverman, only funny to self-amused self.

Though efforts to inveigh against The Feminine Gender are unbridled in this venue…with some going so far as to assert that We are bereft of Our Senses….the plain fact of the matter is that masculine delusion is a reality…just as male reality is a delusion. Examples are manifold.

8 years ago


Repeatedly hitting the refresh button…

Hey, give us engineers some credit, we’re working on the ability to put the internet inside your head so you can refresh with simply mental commands rather than moving your layers of fat a few millimeters across a pad… coming soon…

8 years ago

Scribbler wrote:

>Calling her stupid when she’s not.

Did you know that before you ever spoke even one word in my defense…I was going to comment on how I believed *you* to be perhaps the most intelligent male in this forum…I kid you not.

You possess some genuine insight.

8 years ago

Evolution is shooting itself in the foot? Something is not right. The poorer tend to have a higher birthrate than the rich too. So what is the human race selecting for? What are the women selecting for? No, it’s because most women are stuck — they cannot secure an alpha for marriage/child rearing, and they do not like sex with non-alphas (at least not nearly as much as sex with alphas). But if they want kids, they have to either have alpha spawn and get a beta to clean up and marry them after (a rising strategy, really, as we… Read more »

8 years ago


…how I believed *you* to be perhaps the most intelligent male in this forum…I kid you not.
You possess some genuine insight.

What tantalizing validation. I’m sure scribbler just got an erection, well done.

8 years ago
8 years ago

Sunny wrote:

>Were she half as clever as she thinks, she wouldn’t have time to troll. She’d be out doing something productive.

Since you know not who I am…or anything about Me…I would caution you about making inferences absent any genuine substantiation. In the words of Poirot, “Consider what was actually seen.”

I have posted on this board for a total of fewer than 3 full days…which seems to be a far shorter span than yourself. Thus, if that is the evidence you are utilizing to imply indolence…it is you who stand convicted, not I.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

She’s ShoeOnHead? Lol, I was going with ‘Matt King with a gender change.’

But ‘a series of half-baked abstract concepts flimsily held together by mascara, outdated thesaurus pages, and tears’ works too.

You possess some genuine insight.


8 years ago

Aloof in perpetuity says:


That’s profound. De Profundis type profound. Of course, there is the caveat…

Someone once inquired of me on the Nature of Immortality…I answered than *no one* is immortal…at least not yet…as Time is still In Progress and The Clock has not yet expired…

My *personal* experience with the subject is that *everyone* gets old…everyone but me, of course.


8 years ago

It must be weird to watch me flip back and forth between my old social conditioning and my Red Pill awareness and self-orientation. I know it’s weird to go through, lol. Re: Shoe & Emily – Men here should realize most of all what it’s like to be a hot, early 20s woman in 2016. If a man walked around and got that much validation nonstop, he wouldn’t have a care in the world. He’d laugh and snark and jab at us without a moment’s hesitation or introspection. The world has already told them that they are the winners in… Read more »

8 years ago

@Novaseeker: My experience is congruent with what you describe—younger women are not aware of their cycle and its manifestations. It seems to take 18 or so years of observation on their part to get a clue.

8 years ago

The Forgery Says:

>It’s A Trap!!!!

Ok Kevin….

8 years ago

@Rollo: please adopt this song as your official women-banning song:

8 years ago

@scribbler ” Men here should realize most of all what it’s like to be a hot, early 20s woman in 2016. If a man walked around and got that much validation nonstop, he wouldn’t have a care in the world. ” just a hot women < 40, really. the proof is in the pudding. how many posts and words are being typed and typed and typed and typed and comments 'addressed.' all the while while these dudes are professing how hardcore TRP they are…. but it's ok. the first step is to just admit what you're dealing with and the… Read more »

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

” In the meantime, social factors have a hugely larger impact in terms of localized changes within a relevant timeframe, as humans emerged to be highly social creatures.” Right, evolution is the rough-tune knob. Social environment is the fine-tune. Epigenetics, and environmental outliers like food quality and toxicity, are the medium-tune. For example, I can’t find the reference currently, but there was some island civilization that had wild yams as a staple in their diet. Phytoestrogens in the yams decreased women’s fertility dramatically. As a result, the islanders were one of the few known civilizations to not make the connection… Read more »

8 years ago

@scribblerg …He’d laugh and snark and jab at us without a moment’s hesitation or introspection. The world has already told them that they are the winners in the social hierarchy. Which makes a certain someone look like the biggest attention whore the world has ever seen that they would take whatever stance was necessary to get attention in one forum, and then take a quite difference stance to get yet more attention in a forum of opposing views. It’s quite stunning really. It makes those without phallus in the western world look like literal black holes, where no energy escapes,… Read more »

8 years ago

Mr Scribbleberg penned: >It must be weird to watch me flip back and forth between my old social conditioning and my Red Pill awareness and self-orientation. I know it’s weird to go through, lol. Re: Shoe & Emily – Men here should realize most of all what it’s like to be a hot, early 20s woman in 2016. If a man walked around and got that much validation nonstop, he wouldn’t have a care in the world. He’d laugh and snark and jab at us without a moment’s hesitation or introspection. The world has already told them that they are… Read more »

8 years ago

Jeremy writes:

>It’s quite stunning really. It makes those without phallus in the western world look like literal black holes, where no energy escapes, especially not light since they want it all pointed at them anyway.

That claim is acerbic, biting, pungent, vituperative…and not entirely w/o an element of truth & merit.

Reminds me of the sunset view of Stalin: “He knew full well that he was the most evil man who ever lived…but this did not bother him in the slightest…as he felt he was fulfilling the will of history.”

8 years ago

comment image
Neo:”Why do my eyes hurt?”
Morpheus: “Because you coat them with whale vomit.”

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

“all the while while these dudes are professing how hardcore TRP they are….”

Eh, I tend to take a position with this similar to YaReally’s position on talking about game vs. looks. I’ll engage a comment a chick makes if I think doing so can clarify or illustrate something for the lurkers/commentariat. Or if I think of something funny.

Ain’t nothing personal. No chick’s gonna blow me through a screen, or learn anything, so who cares past that.

This is why God invented ‘Tits or GTFO.’

8 years ago

The ‘sunset view of Stalin’ quote did give me an erection…Indeed, the world is exactly how it is.

8 years ago

Insanity whined, Come on, you have a blog here in which men endlessly rejoice in their ability to get abundant and frequent sex from a variety of partners, offering nothing in exchange to the women they engage with…

The men offered sex. Feelz. You are insane, lol.

8 years ago

It makes one sad. Now that his is the 21st century, sex is supposed to be a balm of sorts in most marriages anyway. It aint. Sex and pregnancy are not connected any more, not in the sense it used to be a long time ago. No way the modern woman is going to be downloading a new baby after every two years all through her reproductive life. Except that when it comes to marriage, the girls choose to hook up with unattractive porn addicts that they can rub their naked butts against all night long and feel no tingle… Read more »

8 years ago

It’s ghey when men talk about how smart certain women are. Those women may be clever, but they are fucking shallow. And they are unable to look at things outside of themselves, so they cannot be objective. Not worth interacting with, for the most part, except as foils. Liz and LeeLee are the most objective, yet even they had their moments of solipsism.

8 years ago

I like clever girls–and nice girls even better. Not the rest.

8 years ago

@Blax – This is our Karen. 245,000 subscriber mostly anti-radfem channel.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA7VCvY0V4c&w=420&h=315%5D

Not our average troll.

She makes me laugh very hard and is pretty quick. Just sayin’…

Busy day here, gotta jet.

8 years ago
8 years ago

Oh my fucking god…….

8 years ago

For example, I can’t find the reference currently, but there was some island civilization that had wild yams as a staple in their diet. Phytoestrogens in the yams decreased women’s fertility dramatically. As a result, the islanders were one of the few known civilizations to not make the connection between sex and pregnancy, and extreme sexual licentiousness resulted. They basically used sex as a social balm, like bonobos. Very much the case today, as well. We have severed the connection, or at least made it fully “opt-in”. The result is girls like the one described in the new book by… Read more »

8 years ago

Except that part where humans marry. The bonobos are smarter, they do not.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago


ya see her trolling the Neomasculine guys on twitter? Lol, dudes couldn’t take a joke.

8 years ago

comment image

There is no need to take everyone who comments here seriously. Sometimes those who have income-generating channels need new content.

8 years ago

So she’s fun (as in self-amusement). But she didn’t get the memo that she is supposed to add value to her target (the audience).

She won’t last without adding value. (That is not a prompt to last. It is a prompt to add value.)

8 years ago

This is funny:


Calling a big guy “Tiny,” is not, which is the level she’s been operating at here. It’s boring.

Perhaps being Amphetamine Girl is simply a visual art.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Be careful about short term selection in terms of a generation or two. There aren’t enough mutations and related pressures for it to play out in that timeframe.

Hmm…epigentics….hmmm…short time horizon, poor impulse control…hmm

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

I suspect somebody’s “anti-feminism” will last exactly as long as the profits from it do.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Novaseeker No, it’s because most women are stuck — they cannot secure an alpha for marriage/child rearing, and they do not like sex with non-alphas (at least not nearly as much as sex with alphas). But if they want kids, they have to either have alpha spawn and get a beta to clean up and marry them after (a rising strategy, really, as we see with all the “man up and marry the sluts” talk), marry the beta and cuck him (risky, but it still happens, on a blended level, about 10% of the time) or marry the beta and… Read more »

Agent P
Agent P
8 years ago

Admit it, you like SOH because she’s clever but more so because she’s a cute spinner. We know your weakness.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

It must be weird to watch me flip back and forth between my old social conditioning and my Red Pill awareness and self-orientation. I know it’s weird to go through, lol.

Not all that weird, it’s not like you are the only man who does that, y’know.

8 years ago

@ Sun

I suspect that no fucks will be given.

This chick appears capable enough of making a point in videos, but then we’re subjected to cryptic bullshit from her trollerific posting here.

8 years ago

Karen is full of herself and still looks anorexic,not much there.My guess relatively intelligent as she can recognize intelligence and by the look of her hands she has managed to avoid any work.
She is repulsive so there is probably no worry of any reproduction.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Novaseeker Very much the case today, as well. We have severed the connection, or at least made it fully “opt-in”. The result is girls like the one described in the new book by Orenstein as giving the cute boys blowjobs as a form of social currency more than anything else. We’re becoming bonobos. And, of course, bonobos are feminine primary, matriarchal. Possibly a mix of bonobo with more rhesus monkey. I read sometime back that the rhesus monkey females run in troops with their young, while mature males exist in solitary on the perimiter of the territory. A female in… Read more »

8 years ago

I refuse to recalibrate my definition of ” intelligent “.

8 years ago

@AR — True, I do have perspective bias, no doubt. I do think that the older generation, say women in their 35-55 range, are also becoming social media obsessed. It wasn’t imprinted on them at a young age, so that is definitely different, but I know quite a few women in that age range who are glued to their phones, and a woman glued to her phone is, nine times out of ten, on social media. I also agree that we will probably see more betas “man up” to being openly cucked by their wives, and that the meme floated… Read more »

8 years ago

@ stuff Lol. C’mon man. She looks like one of my goddaughters. She ain’t ugly, but there’s nothing to get excited over. Many chicks her age are full of themselves. Most of my goddaughters included. Society panders to them constantly. I have to remind them that it’s not all about ” them “, but there are a million voices saying otherwise. AR is on point- ” Rollo’s shown how open hypergamy is shaping up, how it’s being wormed into the culture as a norm: woman is married, she just has little “experiences” on the side from time to time. Maybe… Read more »

8 years ago

She ain’t ugly, but there’s nothing to get excited over.

Yeah I don’t get it either. She’s not unattractive, but she’s nothing special either, really. There are two women I’m looking out now outside my office who are more attractive than she is, one in her late 20s and the other in her mid 40s. Pfft.

8 years ago


I get that very man has basically his own tastes, but I’m routinely confused by what a lot of guys find extra attractive.

I think my goddaughter, who resembles shoehead..or whatever the hell, is gorgeous, but I’m biased as all get out. I would’ve never put a pic of her up and exclaimed that she is beautiful.

Plus, I watched her grow up from Pampers.

I still don’t get the whole ” Emily beauty ” thing.

I take personality into account always. I stopped being blinded by looks 40 years ago.

8 years ago

” . . . marry her and help her raise the alpha spawn in the hope of getting to knock her up for the second child?”

That is basically the old Keltic tradition, the source of The Right of Kings.
And the betas were proud as punch to be known to be raising the child of the king. It brought them considerable social status.

And although they won a few really spectacular battles, in the end patriarchal Rome kicked their asses. They had little discipline and no long term planning ability.

They fought on feelz.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

I also agree that we will probably see more betas “man up” to being openly cucked by their wives, and that the meme floated for this will be something like “a real man isn’t insecure, and is cool with his wife fucking other guys” or something like that. Hmm. Maybe not that overt, maybe just enough of a gauze of plausible deniability, the way men in France, Italy, Spain, etc. used to (still do?) have a mistress that everyone knows of, but no one talks of, because he keeps her just enough out of sight. Don’t rub the wife’s face… Read more »

8 years ago

” . . . two divorced people with children marrying . . .”

But The Brady Bunch it ain’t.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

I do think that the older generation, say women in their 35-55 range, are also becoming social media obsessed. It wasn’t imprinted on them at a young age, so that is definitely different, but I know quite a few women in that age range who are glued to their phones, and a woman glued to her phone is, nine times out of ten, on social media. Yabbut it’s worse with the younger ones. I’m around college students more than you are, and frankly a lot of the under 22 year olds are glued, totally glued, to the phone. Sure, middle… Read more »

8 years ago

@Agent P – And everyone else for that matter and @Blax – I wouldn’t look twice at the kind of women you like. I like petite spinners – and I’m not the only one. She doesn’t usually flaunt her figure in her vids, but the impression I get is low body fat and natural Dcups or at least a full C. Plenty of guys out there besides me who would find her hot all dolled up in a nightclub, or just a tee shirt… I’m actually pretty disappointed by you guys, or maybe my second unplugging is really changing my… Read more »

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago

On the bright side, Hypergamy and feminism are great for population control , which is great for cat population.
Russia (which some morons claim to be an alpha men culture) is a life example of shrinking population due to Russian women migration in search for money (by legs wide open ).

8 years ago

Not ugly,repulsive,reminds me of a chick that wont shut up even when giving head you can hear her mumble.

As for Bonobos and Chimps,the only way to alter the human gene in a short time span would be a cataclysmic event resulting in total isolation of a few.Leaving me to study history to predict the future of hypergamy and cuckoldry on this society.The Brit Celts were into open hypergamy,they were disorganized in battle,sacrificing men with no armor.Many of their men were openly homosexual and the women openly bred with the best men.

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

kfg That is basically the old Keltic tradition, the source of The Right of Kings. And the betas were proud as punch to be known to be raising the child of the king. It brought them considerable social status. Excellent point. Pastoralists / herders tend to have a gut level understanding of genetics that is superior to modern city dwellers. Tangent: I’ve also read of some Steppe nations (Ukrainian zone) that scorned virgins as “Don’t want a woman that wasn’t attractive to some other man”. I smell rationalization, but hmm. And although they won a few really spectacular battles, in… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

Scrib, you wouldn’t be putting on that White Knight armor, would you?

Agent P
Agent P
8 years ago

@scrib Easy there Tex, I too am a sucker for petite spinners with straight, long, thick, dark hair, SOH is right in my wheel house also. As are a vast majority of Asian chicks. I think I imprinted on that type when I was in early high school. I would take a petite chick with a small ass over a huge pair of knockers any day of the week. 5’2″ and 100 lbs, alright. That’s how I got stuck in line for an extra ten minutes last night at the grocery store chatting up the cashier making her giggle and… Read more »

Anonymous Reader
Anonymous Reader
8 years ago

kfg, I vaguely recall some Celtic / Keltic nations practiced human sacrifice – if true, it just occurred to me that’s one way to cull the beta males…

Meanwhile Rome put those same men into an auxilary unit of some sort…

8 years ago

@Anonymous and Nova – Just spectating on the continuing dialog you are carrying on, fascinating. Not much to disagree with or add but am reading every exchange carefully and learning. My only thought? I see a Tsunami of Betahood out there and it seems to be getting worse on every level. Young and old. TV, movies, commercials, music, all culture and popular culture.I think the funniest thing about the Manosphere and anti-feminists is that many of them seem to think we are winning, that the infinitesimally tiny number of us on the web who get this shit are the vanguard… Read more »

8 years ago

The Celts were absorbed by Rome,the Navajo were absorbed by the pioneers of America.As the larger modern world is turning to matriarchy who can absorb this?
We may see this run its course and implode.

8 years ago

“Meanwhile Rome put those same men into an auxilary unit of some sort…”

Another sort of human sacrifice, but one much more effective at building and maintaining an empire, or even merely a nation.

One of China’s big problems right now is an extreme surplus of men. Young men.

Things that make you go, “Hmmmmmmm.”

8 years ago

This small minority thanks you for saying that.Yes a large mass of feminized betas,probably will vote for HC.

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