Just Shut the Hell Up

Hello, I’m author Rollo Tomassi.

As one of the 3 ‘R’s of the manosphere, it’s important for me to encourage more men to unplug from the Matrix that is our present feminine-primary social order, but equally important is encouraging more women to sometimes just shut the hell up.

It’s not that men don’t value your thoughts (unsolicited, they often prove our points), it’s just that we don’t value all of them.

The world doesn’t need your opinion on everything. For example, what men should do with their provisioning and catering their lives by ‘Manning Up’ to fit your overblown sense of entitlement after you’ve exhausted your prime fertility window on the Bad Boys and criminals in your 20s. Hush!

Your contrived cries of sexism over the sexiness of who the next popular video game protagonist should be. Zip it!

Whether or not the color of your foundation is called “Sunset Earth” or “Neutral Beige”. Shut Up!

So as a public service I’ve made the following list of things men no longer need to hear women’s opinions on. Please take a moment away from Instagram to jot these down:

  • 50 Shades of Grey
  • Yoga pants
  • The thoroughly disproven 77¢ on the dollar ‘Wage Gap’ lie
  • Giggling about ‘Dad Bods’ being “sexy”
  • Your confusion about where all the good men have gone
  • Fat Acceptance
  • Red Pill Truths
  • ‘Designer cupcakes’ and hand-baked dog treats being examples of ‘female entrepreneurship’
  • Christian patriarchy in an age of feminine assimilation of religion
  • Any sentence that begins with, “As a woman I,…”
  • Pleas for men’s aid in advancing your feminist ideals at the United Nations after claiming not to ‘need’ men
  • Any form of flavored martinis (or boxed wine)
  • 50 Shades of Grey (again)
  • Whether or not your feminine responsibility to engage in traditional Holiday ‘cheer’ is un-feminist
  • And the complete lack of ethics in all forms of journalism

If you can control yourselves and hold back from further expressing your opinions on any of these topics we’ll let you keep weighing in (uh, heh) on important topics like blow job techniques and pole dancing classes for housewives in shape enough to pull it off.

But that’s a huge, big “if”.

Thanks, so much.

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Published by Rollo Tomassi

Author of The Rational Male and The Rational Male, Preventive Medicine

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8 years ago

I thought it was thanks for cher’ing

8 years ago

@ YaReally Personally I avoid the dance floor entirely lol I’m old and white, I know I don’t belong on that shit. You don’t wanna learn to dance, that’s fine. But don’t say this rationalization bullshit. It’s like some MGTOW saying, “I’m only 5’6″ tall. Girls won’t even see me, so I’m not gonna go out sarging.” I’m a lot older and whiter than you are, er, also white, and I dance lead-follow dances better than almost any black, Asian, or Hispanic I see out. I’m also autistic. Claiming that you can’t dance because you’re white or old is lame.… Read more »

Culum Struan
Culum Struan
8 years ago

– I think YaReally was being a bit tongue in cheek. Just saying that he doesn’t enjoy dancing much and doesn’t want to learn cos he gets results without it..not that it can’t be learnt.

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
8 years ago

None of you productive, sexually-active men are going to add “cat-calling” to that list?

8 years ago

@ Culum I agree with what you wrote. However, I think that YaReally’s invested in the basic racial assumptions as well and was doing a half-assed rationalization. The best lead-follow dancers in the world are generally white. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Ballroom_Dance_Champions http://www.ucwdcworlds.com/ (country dancing) “I can’t dance because I’m white” is a silly trope. Learning to dance for a man means learning how to lead and dance leadership transfers partly to leadership in other areas of life. Dancing helps to build a man’s inner frame, among myriad other benefits. I do risky moves out on the dance floor and this willingness to risk… Read more »

Yollo Comanche
Yollo Comanche
8 years ago

@Dark Triad Man

Go! Go! GO!!!!

8 years ago

The best is:

Any sentence that begins with, “As a woman I,…”

LOL. AWALTIAN. Hear that all the time. That and, “Speaking, as someone of color” (says the White Hispanic, White Female, or upper class A/A, who went to the best schools)

8 years ago

@theasdgamer “I think that YaReally’s invested in the basic racial assumptions as well and was doing a half-assed rationalization” lol I’m just fucking around dude. I know a bunch of white guys who dance in various styles and get laid from it. But I don’t like to dance, don’t want to dance, don’t intend to learn how to dance, don’t need to dance, and my line is a good shit-test pass for when girls ask me why I’m not dancing lol @Culum “(Blueprint and SHIFT – PIMP I’ll probably finish before then)” Shit’ll make you a beast lol I’ll probably… Read more »

A Visitor
A Visitor
8 years ago

To think she’s on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Homeland Security, and drumroll, the Special Committee on Aging. I weep for our Republic’s national security on those first two. Re aging committee, I didn’t know being a gomer = special committee. Even though this was satire, no serious sitting member at the Federal level should do this. Since she started it, allow me to retort: my religion requires me to tell dumb cunts like yourself that abortion is murder. Sadly, you have three children. May their turn out better than you. I used to have a modicum of respect for… Read more »

8 years ago

Cuntslingergregi –

” that shut the fuck up vid by the nog is a little too real
white woman are being raped in the 30k a year range by blacks
and nobody really doing shit about it
so she saying she doesn’t want to do something and they tell her to shut the fuck up and do it anyway is way to close to real life popping off the screen that is what really happens”

Please, go the fuck back to CH with this shit. Asshole.

8 years ago
Reply to  Blaximus

Women can complain or take it all I’m leaving with the remnants of a past that will never come back. http://eremita.di.uminho.pt/gutenberg/1/2/5/1257/1257-pdf.pdf “A rogue does not laugh in the same way that an honest man does; a hypocrite does not shed the tears of a man of good faith. All falsehood is a mask; and however well made the mask may be, with a little attention we may always succeed in distinguishing it from the true face.” Alexandre Dumas, The Three Musketeers @Yareally Cold approach is what helps the most at a rugby gathering and I find that to be immensely… Read more »

8 years ago

“A rogue does not laugh in the same way that an honest man does . . .”

What gets me into trouble is that I am an honest rogue.

Jack Russell Terrorist
Jack Russell Terrorist
8 years ago

She would make a good villain character(Boss enemy) in a video game. Any game designers on here?

8 years ago

Looking back, the only occassion when a Woman’s opinon truly mattered in my life was when I needed help in deciphering the intentions of ‘other’ neurotic Women. Other than that, I really can’t recall an instance where a female perspective has helped me in any positive way.

It’s a bit of shock for me to realise what a bloody chump I’ve been my whole life.

8 years ago

I have to stand in awe of Rollo’s genius. Instead of an article on “mansplaing” he instead flips the script and demonstrates how the foolish notion of “mansplaing” is just the usual nonsensical projection of what I call “typical female bullshit.”  Of course we should be grateful to the Senator for providing the epitomizing example. It wouldn’t be nearly so effective without her lending the gravitas of her title to the task. Here’s another example of a broad who needs to STFU: http://goldengatexpress.org/2015/11/16/man-caves-perpetuate-patriarchy-2/ More of the usual FI BS but in the same style as Claire’s ineffectual attempt at humor.… Read more »

The Awakened One
The Awakened One
8 years ago
Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

@Sun Wukong “Looks like I’ll be in Toronto next month for work. It’s nice to get a break from Dallas, but Canada in December? Lawdy…” Fuck man, I LOVE Canada in the wintertime. I’m gonna be around Montreal (in the mountains) for a chunk of December, the biting cold and the fierceness of it all brings out the fighter in me. I live to laugh wildly at the icy winds. But maybe that’s just me being weird lol, I DO have a name/avatar based on Finnish mythology and whatnot. Hell, half of the reason I write my books is to… Read more »

8 years ago

I found an interesting article about “MacDonald’s Sex”. Unsatisfying sex which becomes routine and boring.


8 years ago

Women are the greatest source of informations when man knows what to look for. We juts have to put aside our male ego. Man think that woman wants “confident, strong” man. Why do we think that way? Because women told us so, or we have read it in some “wise” 500 pages psychology book. Our old provider needs to believe this, so that he has some “noble” manly goal he can pursue. Of course it is very beneficial for women to have STRONG, CONFIDENT slave that protect her. Put aside our male ego, our goals and aspirationas when we want… Read more »

8 years ago

@Sun – Toronto is a town teeming with young, hipster hotties looking to get plowed. It’s also a very international city with new transplants from all around the world in the majority. Even better, Canada’s mandatory Betaization indoctrination means they barely even meet an alpha man. It’s also an out of town gig for you with a hotel – perfect set up for short term pre-selection. I say you should clean up with some Canadian hotties. I have an intuition about how you are holding yourself back currently and it makes me think that you need to stretch yourself so… Read more »

8 years ago

Man think that woman wants “confident, strong” man. Why do we think that way? Because women told us so Not this. We know that women like confident men because we observed that women fuck men like this. Athletes. “Ultimate Lotharios” like Wilt Chamberlain. Wilt didn’t act womanly, but he fucked tens of thousands of women. Wilt had status and confidence. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Another “Ultimate Lothario”. Was he womanly? Yul Brynner. Not womanly. Gregg you’re full of shit. Women are attracted to men who don’t pedestalize pussy. Those men can be masculine, confident, and strong or effeminate, bitchy and weak, but… Read more »

8 years ago

@Gregg: The majority of psychopaths are the the most emotionally stable people you will ever meet. Pathologically stable. You will be judged on your performance by every sentient being in the known universe who is aware of your existence. Get used to it. Do you know who told you to be non-judgemental? Women. The most unstable of women. Do you know who doesn’t want to be judged? People who are trying to get away with something. Usually something pretty nasty. The correct way to deal with such people is to judge the shit out of them. Slavery is a mindset.… Read more »

Dark Triad Man
8 years ago
Reply to  kfg

@kfg = “Slavery is a mindset. Psychopaths make very poor slaves.”

The placing of chains on a psychopath is an invitation for him to become your enemy, a word that I do not use lightly and with full recognition of the karmic impact of that use.

Chains are evil.

Chains are an imposition of sadism and are to be regarded as a provoked declaration of war.



8 years ago

@DarkTriadMan – Yeah, been trying to take you and your stuff seriously but I’m having a hard time. Here’s an insight for you. You seem to believe that all these social developments can be pushed back by men being “honest” in the world, lol. Tell me, please, where is that working? Name one social circumstance where men are pushing back the FI and the social justice/Marxist cultural revolution with “truth”? Here’s a newsflash for you and the rest here laboring in mentally masturbatory fantasyworlds about how you can push back the tides of social change via “truth” and other such… Read more »

Dark Triad Man
8 years ago
Reply to  scribblerg

@scribblerg – A few comments in response. I believe you mistake my meaning. The power of truth is only used where it reaches a receptive audience. Where men are concerned and especially where men who are struggling with the pain and resentment and sacrifice and ugliness of the feminist dominated world are concerned, the truth is a powerful and necessary antidote. It is called “the red pill” and it is not replaceable. Truth is not expected to stop or even slow the advance of the feminist ideology, the collectivist dominance of the age or the returning dark world that they… Read more »

8 years ago

@Gregg – So are we slaves to food as well? Is anything we desire our master? Of course not – stop being fucking ridiculous. Can a man not put his desire into proper perspective but still embrace it? I want to fuck women, yeah, and I also want to eat steak and climb mountains. It pleases me. As for your sophomoric comments about women not reacting to “confidence” all I can say is you must be a very insecure man. Social dominance (confidence) demonstrates high social value to women and status which drives their short and long term mate selection.… Read more »

8 years ago

@Gregg What’s with the men are slaves theme? Sounds like a logical fallacy (straw man argument) that you continually keep harping on. What makes you think “lothario” is the kind of man some of us want to be? (although I’m not sure if you are advocating being one or not.) A lothario is an unscrupulous seducer of woman. Unscrupulous means having or showing no moral principles; not honest or fair. We still do not want to confess hard, dark truth about women and about ourselves. We still talk about this burden of performance, confidence, strenght, emh..POSITIVE masculinity. We still discuss… Read more »

8 years ago

@ Sun Wukong, ScribblerG

Vulpine had posted the New Kid in Town, rebirth of Vulpine on SoSuave forums.


8 years ago

I seem to recall that ScribblerG was also impressed by Vulpine’s posts on The Castle Then everything becomes clear: you didn’t know what you wanted to be, you didn’t know what you wanted to do, you just didn’t know what the options were. All while, you had just been following other established paths, and you found yourself to be running around in a circle, you had been “chasing your tail”. Instead of worrying about your wasted life, you began to see it as exploring your options and finding out what you might enjoy. You begin to see past failures as… Read more »

8 years ago


Toronto entertainment district for all after work activities, including dinner (do not eat at chain restaurants)

Toronto girls do the AFBB split as fast as any, do not wear a suit, and be a Texas guy looking for work in Canada.

8 years ago

@gregg @theasdgamer “What are the traits of men, women are madly enslaved to? Is it confidence, is it strenght? NOPE. It is unpredictability, unstability, emotional COLDNESS, psychopathy!” “We know that women like confident men because we observed that women fuck men like this. Athletes.” And here we come to two different results because gregg isn’t entirely inaccurate that a lot of fucked up damaged dudes are catnip for girls (and not just damaged fucked up girls, hi madonna/whore complex) but asdgamer is also right. Whenever we get two different results we have to drill deeper to find the commonality. It… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@gregg – what you say resonates with me. I am for the egalitarian, (equal fundamental existential worth of individuals), as the best conviction to center one’s life around, and for most of life, it seems to provide the most benefits, in many, obvious and very deep ways. Except within the realm of sexual attraction and sexual expression, which isn’t so much anti-egalitarian, as not having anything at all to do with it. I’m starting to wonder whether my problems with not fully understanding women haven’t been more about this dynamic of the egalitarian (if this is the conviction you prescribe… Read more »

8 years ago

Claire McCaskill is a strong, independent woman. She is filthy rich. And she “earned” it the old fashioned way — on her back.

8 years ago

“I am for the egalitarian, (equal fundamental existential worth of individuals) . . .”

Hypergamy doesn’t care what you are for.

8 years ago

” . . . a lot of fucked up damaged dudes are catnip for girls . . .”


8 years ago

“I judge that Islam will overtake them before they do.”

The weak are simply an invitation to the strong. Ask any Briton – if you can find one.

8 years ago

@Triaditudinal Man – Why must the West live? Because you want it to? Because it serves you? Nah. The west was an idea and that idea is now gone. What’s left is the collapsing husk of a once great society. How it plays out is impossible to predict. So many whirling forces, so many changes, so much decay socially and politically and economically, so much regression, so much nationalism and religious and ideological fervor – it’s like a stewpot of explosives. What I do know is this. We have a lot of people on all “sides” who have had it… Read more »

Dark Triad Man
8 years ago
Reply to  scribblerg

@scribblerg – “The west was an idea and that idea is now gone. What’s left is the collapsing husk of a once great society.”


Did you want to live forever?

All empires fall. All civilizations collapse.

We will either survive and meet again on the other side, or we will not.

In the meantime, happy hunting. The collapse is a fertile hunting ground, and there are always fortunes made in the darkness.



8 years ago

@ YaReally It’s not just emotions. Broad run each other through the emotional wringer all the time and don’t do lesbo sex. Masculinity has to be pinged as well. Confidence, status, strength, and/or violence will do. Men who pedestalize pussy dessicate vaginas. ZFG is the lube of lust…the cupidity of cunts…the vitality of vulvas. Yeah, you don’t have to be Mr. Igotitalltogetha to slay poon. Thanks for the encouragement to have fun and play with girls’ emotions. I’ve been having a lot more fun going out and messing with girls’ emotions. Did a post about one episode which delighted me:… Read more »

Tam the Bam
Tam the Bam
8 years ago

“The weak are simply an invitation to the strong. Ask any Briton – if you can find one.” Still plenty of us knocking about, even in our native islands. It’s just that we’re not inclined to moan a lot, but we are rather partial to a bit of aggro. Appeasement never works with overt declarations of hostility, terrorists and invaders. Withdraw, consolidate and strike from the hills. Contain and starve. This current set of muppets is remarkably unsuited to our climate, social arrangements .. and notoriously long-term historical overview. What’s keeping us schtum at the minute is the obscenely overwhelming… Read more »

8 years ago

I think more men should bite back at women particularly this low SMV monster we see in this video!!!

We see a totally different side to women when confronted with marginal dread, this video obviously insults men! Any man with too little testosterone to bite back at this needs to think twice!!

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@kfg “Hypergamy doesn’t care what you are for.” I know and I wouldn’t expect it to, or for any particular woman to necessarily care all that much if at all about my convictions, but I care about carefully choosing my personal convictions nevertheless, and I do think some women do have a better appreciation for the egalitarian as compared to other women, as defined as – not the duplicitous politically correct stand-in fake model (as prescribed by the so called “shitlibs” as they would label such sentiment over at CH), but instead an appreciation for the egalitarian-genuine-article (as I have… Read more »

8 years ago

“I notice that many here do not hold this more balanced view . . .”

Natural law does not care about your view of balance; it generates balance by opposing forces, not by aligning them.

Dark Triad Man
8 years ago
Reply to  kfg

@kfg – “Natural law does not care about your view of balance; it generates balance by opposing forces, not by aligning them.” You are completely correct. It is important for every man to understand the fundamental and inescapable importance of what you just wrote. You will never balance the world or balance cultures or communities or dialogues. You will only ever be a part of them. Do not strive to balance. Strive to be a clear voice. The scheme of totality will take care of its own balance without your worry. It has done so for eons before your birth… Read more »

8 years ago

I guess if I’m going to cite Yeats, I should provide the entire poem. THE SECOND COMING Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely the Second Coming is at hand. The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi Troubles… Read more »

Dark Triad Man
8 years ago
Reply to  scribblerg

@scribblerg – Yeats was a man who understood.

I won’t post Arnold’s full poem so as not to distract. But those who wish to read “Dover Beach” can google it themselves.

Well posted. Thank you.



8 years ago

I am repeating that because I see the same pattern over and over. Guys becoming something they believe would attract women, without givng a single fucking thought of what women respond to. In the past we were told that we had to protect and provide….to become softer. And women loooove soft men! So we did. Now we are told that we have to be confident, strong, masculine…you name it, because this time, ehm..women love strong guys. So men are trying to do it. @yareally “The biggest thing no one will talk about because it sets guys on a bad path… Read more »

8 years ago

@gregg “I thought that this blog was about naked truth and not comfortable lies.” To be honest I’m not sure why you’re getting pushback. I don’t LIKE giving the message to newbies that you can be completely fucked up and still slay hot girls, but it’s true. It’s like no one here has hung out with a Natural who’s pretty much a piece of shit in most aspects of his life but is still fucking hot girls and having them pay his rent and buy him shit etc. They’re not that uncommon out there lol It’s not something to aspire… Read more »

8 years ago

(plus most guys who don’t HAVE some of that other stuff handled (health, money, etc) don’t feel ENTITLED to approach and create emotional impact on hot girls, like even if they approach they feel like “I don’t deserve her, she wouldn’t want me”, so getting guys to handle their shit a bit helps build that “confidence with women” entitlement that allows them to do this stuff. but if you COULD like, jump into a guy’s brain and deactivate the wiring that says “if you don’t have a 6-pack and money you should feel inadequate and unworthy” that social conditioning has… Read more »

8 years ago

“To be honest I’m not sure why you’re getting pushback.”

Because this, “you can be completely fucked up and still slay hot girls,” is not what I’m pushing back at.

8 years ago

@gregg @doubtersOfGreggLol 7:25 into this vid Tyler talks about how you don’t need a balanced life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opUT4lSM2dc&t=7m25s Alex talking about it in-depth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=028W7vthkuo Dirty dark “secret” of pickup lol (if you ignore these videos and the mentions of this concept where it’s not really a secret, that is) Like I say, it can have a lot of consequences down the road to go this route 100%, but it’s how shit works. This is why I keep stressing for guys to just go out. Because all the keyboard philosophizing and planning and reading and watching and lifting and businessing(? lol) etc… Read more »

8 years ago

“Because this, “you can be completely fucked up and still slay hot girls,” is not what I’m pushing back at.”

lol I might be off on a random tangent then, I kind of only half-understand what he was trying to say and have no idea what he’s talking about with the slave stuff.

8 years ago

@gregg is correct that men can be slaves to the wrong solutions Often we see “lift” and versions of “stoic” as solutions, when these are not sexual success factors. Clearly being free from passion and unemotional is counterproductive, and if women needed a rock they would get a ring. Lifting can’t hurt, except for the time investment, but women are not flooding gyms trying to catch a lifter. However you can be the irrational male and be attractive, but that would necessitate changing Rollo’s brand. Speaking of which, I was wondering if Rollo was doing a three day shoot of… Read more »

8 years ago

Following up on what Rollo brought over from the blog post on Evo Psych, there is this very nice documentary from Scandinavia https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/1vuho8/the_documentary_that_made_scandinavians_cut_all/ I think anyone interested in the topic of gender equality would do well to see the first episode (but the other episodes are also very interesting), where, among other things, they look at the would-be “Scandinavia Equality Paradox” that in more “equal” societies (like in Scandinavia) there is a clearer gender divide on women not going for “male jobs” (like STEM) and men not going for “female jobs” (people-oriented jobs, the example in the documentary is nursing).… Read more »

keyser Soze
keyser Soze
8 years ago
Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@kfg ; @Dark Triad Man “Natural law does not care about your view of balance; it generates balance by opposing forces, not by aligning them.” I agree, and Dark Triad, I agree with your take on it – “Strive to be a clear voice”. But for the sake of what I defined as Aspect 1 of human activity (the non-sexual realms), balance, or equanimity, is highly valuable – personally, for seeking those to surround oneself with, and for the ordering of a civilization. As human beings we believe we have agency. It is hard to reconcile Agency with Natural Law… Read more »

8 years ago

“As human beings we believe we have agency. It is hard to reconcile Agency with Natural Law (defined as you have insinuated). The power of Agency cannot be wholly defined within deterministic arguments.” There is such a thing as a tightly bounded infinity. In fact, there are infinitely many of them. Flap your arms and fly south for the winter, while using the compass built into your brain to navigate. Survive a 100 year drought by dehydrating yourself and reviving by the addition of water when the drought ends. Hibernate your fat away, and without losing any muscle mass. See… Read more »

8 years ago


It is pretty clever to embed the question into walls of text devoid of a single question mark. To be precise it is like you are answering while skirting the question.

8 years ago

” Natural Law will resolve it one way of the other, is true from some super-metaphysical perspective . . .”

This is a remarkable inversion of not only my position, but your own at the same time.

“To refuse to answer is to refuse agency.”

I have a supply of ammo. If you do not, my agency trumps yours.

8 years ago

@ YaReally

To be honest I’m not sure why you’re getting pushback.

Because he’s a fucking imbecile. You preach cold approach. How can you cold approach without confidence? Duh. Do women appreciate confidence? Is showing confidence a DHV?

Lol. Where’s the other YaReally?

8 years ago

a Natural who’s pretty much a piece of shit in most aspects of his life but is still fucking hot girls and having them pay his rent and buy him shit etc. My first lay gave me a place to stay and brought me food from the cafeteria when I was a student in summer school and had no bucks. I’m not arguing that you have to be Mr. Igotitalltogetha to get laid. But you don’t need confidence? Puhleaze. I got my first lay because I had the confidence to tell the broad that I wanted to fuck her. No… Read more »

8 years ago

“Do we see it as this agency around gender as primarily complimentary but still commensurate, or primarily complimentary but non-commensurate. ”

Non-commensurate. I think it was in the Plate Theory posts, the thought is: In any relationship, the person that needs the other person the least is the one with the most power. Obviously to satisfy her hypergamy the person with the power needs to be you. Somewhere Rollo said that a rough guide is that there should be a 3/2 her/you division of labor. She wants to know that you could just ditch her for another girl.

8 years ago

@ Wildman

A woman’s forebrain may advocate for egalitarianism, but her hindbrain hates it.

8 years ago

@The ASD Gamer: A woman’s fore brain advocating egalitarianism is her hindbrain seeking power.

8 years ago

@ Rollo

Charlie wasn’t my example. I’m not arguing that you have to be respectable to get laid. Really, you don’t have to have confidence if you want to use hookers.

Confidence or some masculine quality is needed to stoke female attraction, though.

8 years ago

@ kfg

The ASD Gamer: A woman’s fore brain advocating egalitarianism is her hindbrain seeking power.

Lol, or maybe it’s socialists trying to get support from women to increase the power of the Apex Alpha which is the socialists.

Seriously, the amygdala isn’t very rational. If a man believes in egalitarianism and attempts to seduce a woman according to the principles of egalitarianism, he will fail miserably. The woman’s hindbrain will hate him.

8 years ago

“Do women appreciate confidence? Is showing confidence a DHV? Lol. Where’s the other YaReally?”

Like I said: “Confidence with women is the vital one (as in confidence to approach them and run all this shit on them and expect it to go well) but other types of confidence (business, climbing mount everest, gym gains, etc) really aren’t necessary to just get laid.”

Fred Flange, head explode time
Fred Flange, head explode time
8 years ago

Pertinent to the discussion on complementarity: the Brookings Institute says men should try to be women and be happy marrying down and being stewardesses and kitchen bitches doing choreplay. Dressing like Pajama Boy is optional. Prof. Reeves posits that millions of years of biological instincts and evo-psych can be overcome in a few easy lessons through doubleplusgood-think (TM): http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/15/opinion/sunday/mens-lib.html?partner=rssnyt&emc=rss&_r=0 Like all such articles, the paradigm is women have no agency and don’t have to do anything, it’s men who for the good of gen-kind must shape up and man up. If they object they’re just chauvinistic crybabies. One commenter even… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Rollo and others – yes I agree with the redpill advice as to how to manage a woman’s hindbrain, and to manage my own, but I am otherwise saying something so utterly simple that maybe my meaning it is eluding everyone. – Men and women are different but equal. If you want to argue about the unequalness of certain attributes, that is obviously there (no argument), but due to the complimentarianism, from at least a birdseye perspective, it balances out. Like Dark Triad Man said: “The scheme of totality will take care of its own balance without your worry. It… Read more »

8 years ago


my wife is complimentary and vastly superior to me in getting pregnant and having babies

8 years ago

“Why does this make me bluepill?”

Because you place your metaphysics ahead of your physics.

“If I am mistaken about how this (2) perspective best plays out for those that adopt it, I would like to hear where I am mistaken.”

It’s babies all the way down.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@redlight – you got it. (she is probably also marginally superior to you in other small ways as well). This is not hard stuff. It is so obvious.

@kfg – So you do (2) and value any woman you are with as lower value than yourself, due to her inferior nature? Or do you (1)?

8 years ago


sorry, I should have used the past tense there, since she already had our kids, and now getting pregnant again would be vastly inferior, much like I expect YaReally does not value pregnancy at this time

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

Emotionally healthy women (which would indicate they are not shitlibs) do not think men are complimentary but superior (from the birdseye perspective, which is the vantage they seem to go to).

I think you got this a bit wrong. They think men are complimentary but only if they’re superior to her. That’s what Hypergamy is: a desire for a man who is her superior to complement her. No one wants to be lead by their equals or inferiors, after all.

8 years ago

Rollo, Totally random thought here. But has anyone characterized the work-ethic between the sexes when there are no performance requirements? I would bet that the need to perform is actually inbred into males, to the point that males are more likely to simply take up something valuable to do when they have nothing, whereas women likely default to making themselves feel better about who/what they are. I would bet that the best way to do such a study would be to study the activity differences between male prison populations and female prison populations. I’d bet anything that male prisoners are… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@kfg – , your other comments, you are misinterpreting agency. Agency is the power to willfully decide non-deterministically. @Rollo – I disagree with the likes of Sam Harris on freewill. It has been a while since I studied him, but if I recall correctly he argues for a deterministic fee will and is extremely convoluted in his approach and via that approach butchers the concept. His arguments about prior brain events of so-called free-will events, is foolish (see Noam Chomsky for refutation of that argument). @Rollo – the way I see it, free-will is a real abstraction, in the sense… Read more »

8 years ago

“So you do (2) and value any woman you are with as lower value than yourself, due to her inferior nature?”

No. The very idea that she is inferior is contradictory to complementarity. Which part of “babies” did you not understand?

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Rollo – I have some psychological reasons for adopting the egalitarian view. I had an existential meltdown when I was 12 and nearly went insane. As a way out my terrible quandary, I ended up carefully weighing out evidence for the egalitarian view with the solipsistic view, that my mind was demanding I consider. The evidence for the egalitarian is not as strong as you would think, but that is how I ultimately pulled myself away from the brink of insanity (or perhaps left unresolved that may have morphed into psychopathy), by forcing myself to undertake an existential philosophical audit.… Read more »

8 years ago

Who are the other “R”s in the manosphere?

8 years ago

@wild person

Rollo … The evidence for the egalitarian is not as strong as you would think

who is on what side here?

8 years ago

@Wild Man: And so your ego clings to that view, because it holds it equal to sanity, even though it may not be true. There are views other than those of your false dichotomy. The simplest of these is; what is, is. But that still does not excuse women from responsibility around moral agency, in my books , , ,” And I can’t recall anybody ’round these parts suggesting that it does. What is suggested is that women will not be the agent of enforcement. The bank robber does not typically incarcerate himself. Catch him if you can. “. .… Read more »

8 years ago

Funny how the “you go girl” woot-woot empowerment script turns into rank bigotry and patriarchy when you flip the sexes. No bigot ever likes to think that they’re bigoted…

8 years ago

Who are the other “R”s in the manosphere?

Romanticisation, Realisation & Responsibility

wait, that’s wrong, it’s

Rollo, Roissy, Roosh

8 years ago


That’s a bit of an inside joke, but the other “R”s are Roissy and Roosh:


Roosh pulled a sudden but inevitable betrayal, throwing nearly all of the manosphere under the bus, and when they responded with, “Hey! That’s not cricket,” accused them of turning on him.

Because God is on his side, or . . . something.

8 years ago

Jeremy – “Totally random thought here. But has anyone characterized the work-ethic between the sexes when there are no performance requirements? I would bet that the need to perform is actually inbred into males, to the point that males are more likely to simply take up something valuable to do when they have nothing, whereas women likely default to making themselves feel better about who/what they are.” I have anecdotal observations and some thoughts on this. My observation of the Stay At Home Dad backs this up. Assume the performance requirements are easily met such that they exist only by… Read more »

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago


He’s super cereal about his ego investment in his views. That’s convincing, right?

8 years ago

“They all seemed around month five to feel a tremendous external pressure to get a job. Any job.”

And this is where their error occurred. If the net financial gain is going to be zero, any activity where you can at least break even will do. Might as well pick one that actually scratches your personal itch. An actual mission.

“Within 18 months of finding work all were separated and headed to divorce.”


Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Rollo – so do you believe everything you do is pre-determined? How do you define yourself? What should you do? The existential meltdown I suffered (for 2 long months) was around the egalitarian vs. the solipsistic. The complementarity concept isn’t really within the existential realm (and if you mean it that way then it is there as a colleague of the egalitarian). It really boils down to – do you think everybody is just as real as you are or not? That is the simple question. Working out the answer is not so simple as some may think. You can… Read more »

8 years ago

” – do you think everybody is just as real as you are or not?” In conflating materialism with egalitarianism you escaped solipsism through . . . solipsism. You’re snapped in a trap and it won’t let go. The game warden’s comin’ you can see him down the road. You got a fish on the line, two in your hand, for the next few minutes you’ll be a busy man. In trying to penetrate your pseudo-academic verbiage I thought you were confused. I was wrong. You are just as messed up as you were when you were 12, but you… Read more »

8 years ago

Some of the commenting among your guests here does smack of the solipsistic. I am not wrong to point that out.

you are wrong to point it out like a pussy. quote people, and say what you think.

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@kfg – Yes, Nietzsche’s concept of the Übermensch, is what the egalitarian man aspires to, but without the will to dominate anyone but himself (and even for himself it isn’t dominating, it is a very high degree of self-respect, a desire to know all of himself, and humility, in clearly seeing the limitations).

Sun Wukong
Sun Wukong
8 years ago

@Wild Man

so do you believe everything you do is pre-determined? How do you define yourself? What should you do?

Yay! Conflation of determinism and fatalism!

8 years ago

Jeremy’s question @5:26 got me re-reading the last five chapers of Jack Donovan’s “Way of Men” which speaks to the hard coding of men’s hind brains. This excerpt echoes what Rollo just explained: “Later in the Epic of Gilgamesh, after Gilgamesh killed the Bull of Heaven and overthrew the monstrous Humbaba, his comrade Enkidu died. Gilgamesh was distraught, and he searched for a way to cheat his own death. He met a young girl who made wine, and she told him that there was no way for him to avoid death. She told him to fill his belly with good… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Rollo – Thanks for the comments. I basically agree with you here (that we operate beyond the realm of predetermination – life itself is an emergent property). I agree the future may be wide open for humanity, and through ongoing adaptation and improvisation I think we are just going to become fucking much cooler if we keep our wits about us. A small point of clarification with respect to your depiction of my views – my ideal isn’t for a feminine-primary social order, but for a truly individual-primary egalitarian social order, and yes, right now that is more or less… Read more »

8 years ago

Egalitarian equalism is just giving the Feminine Imperative an inch. And then they’ll take a mile.

Complementarianism (and the Feminine embracing an equilibrium with the Masculine) is the way Humanity was designed. Anything else is just a kick in the balls to men.

8 years ago

@DarkTriadMan The placing of chains on a psychopath is an invitation for him to become your enemy, a word that I do not use lightly and with full recognition of the karmic impact of that use. Chains are evil. Chains are an imposition of sadism and are to be regarded as a provoked declaration of war. Yep. (paraphrasing Deida:) A man’s basic motivation is to be released from constraint and experience the freedom on the other side. The essential masculine ecstasy is the moment of release from constraint. War, which is motivated by the desire for freedom, is a quintessential… Read more »

8 years ago

” – my ideal isn’t for a feminine-primary social order, but for a truly individual-primary egalitarian social order . . .” Perfectly well understood, although that is not a metaphysical. It’s a desire to impose metaphysics upon physics, ironically, removing you from the class of egalitarian men as you have defined them above. All egalitarians end up being totalitarians under the mask, because . . . ” . . . women would have to . . .” . . . cease being women. In fact, mankind would have to cease being mankind. It would have to be engineered into something… Read more »

8 years ago

“War pretty much resonates with the core of masculine men.”

Col. Jeff Cooper, soldier, the godfather of modern combat pistol technique, the author the firearms safety rules and an academic historian spent twenty years contemplating the question, “Why is there war?”

The answer he finally came up with is: “Men like to fight.”

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@ kfg – man are you a tough nut to crack. Women are cunts but then again more than just cunts. Men are brutes but then again more than just brutes. What aspects of each of these dynamics is better to focus more attention on – really (without ignoring the importance of the cunt aspect and the brute aspect)? kfg – as a man, I really want to fuck everything that moves, I want to dominate, I want to kill those that refuse my domination, I want to make myself as a god. But that isn’t all that I am.… Read more »

8 years ago

“as a man, I really want to fuck everything that moves”

I cannot empathize.

” I want to dominate”

I cannot empathize.

“I want to kill those that refuse my domination”

I cannot empathize.

I want to make myself as a god.

I cannot empathize.

“We are just so much better off together than at each others throats.”

In individual cases I can agree, but I strongly suspect that as a species we are better off together at each other’s throats. It is only through force that things move.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago

The Choir: So suppose you have a shovel and a sword…. Wild Man: What is the existential value of a shovel versus that of a sword? The Choir: ….One is a shovel. One is a sword. What’s this ‘existential value?’ What does it matter? Wild Man: What’s the point of having both a shovel and a sword if they are not equivalent in value? I see no point in having both if we cannot deem them both equal. The Choir: So, um. Suppose some motherfucker is running towards you screaming he’s gonna use your skin as a cape. It matters… Read more »

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@kfg – you can’t empathize? I have a deep exuberant aggression (feels fucking fantastically good). That is the source of my power as a man. I have put that in the service of the egalitarian. That was the right thing to do. I thank the incomprehensible powers I managed to find a way to do it. I’m not going to change my conviction. If I do – I will go to hell on earth. I know what that is. It is wrong. I will never do it (unless I truly have no choice)

Wild Man
Wild Man
8 years ago

@Forge the Sky – Humans are what is of value. Nothing else really. Without humans I am all alone. Same goes for you. That makes us brothers. There is nothing else. Everything I do is for humans. Everything you do is for humans. Nothing else. If you think otherwise you are fooling yourself.

Forge the Sky
Forge the Sky
8 years ago


Interesting idea. There is this:


Not quite what you’re looking for, hardly scientific and the participants do have some motivations lol. But they have roughly equal motivations and circumstances.

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